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Do covers help you buy a Rifts book?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:41 pm
by Marcantony
I mean for instance I think Madhaven has the best Palladium cover Ive ever seen. So at the very least its going to make me pick the book up off the shelf to look inside.

With South America 2 I really didnt like the art so I was more reluctant at opening the book.

Do you find it sways you much?

I guess though this would be a better question to ask a more casual buyer.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:42 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
most palladium buyers are habitual. SA2's cover was fine for it's time. ... Madhaven's cover ... well .. depicts a madhaven. ... can't say the same for all of palladium's titles.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:45 pm
by Sureshot
It all depends on the covers art. More often than not if I like the cover art I tend to pick it up if I don't I do not get it.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:54 pm
by Reddenedone
Yes, even though I feel bad for admitting it. I never picked up Triax until this year because of the cover art, and the cover art alone. I never knew what was in it until reading on the boards. I also haven't picked up South America 2, or Mechanoids for the same reasons. But now, of course, I'd really like to have them for the content.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:03 pm
by rat_bastard
I never buy books based on the cover. the prettiest gaming book I own is by far the most useless collection of words I have ever purchased.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:10 pm
by rat_bastard
Sir Ysbadden wrote:
reddenedone wrote:Yes, even though I feel bad for admitting it. I never picked up Triax until this year because of the cover art, and the cover art alone. I never knew what was in it until reading on the boards. I also haven't picked up South America 2, or Mechanoids for the same reasons. But now, of course, I'd really like to have them for the content.

Simply by the example this makes i know people that would never play certain O.C.C's or R.C.C's simply because of the art asociated with it. By example the old pics of the Cyber knight always depict him with the mushroom helmet or the pic of the Rahu-man in the conversion book looks like a 4 armed liono from thunder cats which is an improvement from the pic in the PF animals and monsters book. The gigantic nose he has in that is just to much even for me.

Ok, I was turned off by the ugly ass cyber-knight in the original rifts bopok, but it has not stopped me from playing one.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:18 pm
by Kalinda
I don't think the cover art has ever made me buy/not buy an RPG book, either I'm collecting all the books for a given game, in which case the covers don't matter, or it's a game I'm interested in on it's merits.

There have been a couple of GURPS books that I didn't buy when they came out because all of the interior art was by the same person, and I hated that person's art style. (It was really, really bad, trust me.) I later bought the books used, as a way of completing my collection without giving SJ games any money for those particular books.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:19 pm
by Marrowlight
Cover art has definitely made me notice a book before.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:24 pm
by Kalinda
I'll admit that I did notice the cover art of Rifter 9 1/2...

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:29 pm
by Reddenedone
Kalinda wrote:I'll admit that I did notice the cover art of Rifter 9 1/2...

It'd be nice if they'd put that one in a coloring book, so we really can fill in our own cover....

Like, the Palladium Activity Book, with puzzles like:

Get the juicer to his drug supply!

The D-Bee cross-word!

Which of these Glitter Boys isn't like the others!

The Rogue Scholar Logic Problem! Find out which artifact each scholar found, and where they found it!

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:32 am
by cornholioprime
Marrowlight wrote:Cover art has definitely made me notice a book before.

I got started on Rifts™ when I was walking by the Games Books Section (often ignored by me except for the Dragonlance and Star Wars Novels set up under them), and this sexy Sorayama-style FemBot stared back at me from the front cover.

It was, of course the (Mindwerks) Angel of Death. SOLD!!!!

Even so, I might yet have broken free of the Palladium Charm (despite the fact the Books ar hella good reads all by themselves); but some time after seeing that first cover, I saw Cyber-Thor (Pantheons of the Megaverse) and all hope for me was lost forever.

:cry: Now I have almost every book in the Rifts collection -which to this very day I read and re-read CONSTANTLY!!! -and would've started working on collecting Heroes Unlimited, too. had I more money. :cry:

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:50 am
by Subjugator
No - I buy them all.


Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:28 am
by CyCo
If it had Rifts Australia II or III written on the cover, then yeah, it would influence me to buy it...

But then, if they were to come out, I'ld buy them, no matter what the cover art was like (unless they were not the product of BCL's manuscript).

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:20 am
by Hannibal
Covers don't really affect my purchasing, either, as I pretty much buy everything Rifts, although I do appreciate a great cover to give a book that extra umpfh when it's released to show that Palladium was really thoughtful about the product.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:50 am
by CyCo
Sir Ysbadden wrote:
If it had Rifts Australia II or III written on the cover, then yeah, it would influence me to buy it...

Me too i want those books more now than ever. It makes me mad that we may never see them. :x

But then, if they were to come out, I'ld buy them, no matter what the cover art was like (unless they were not the product of BCL's manuscript).

I am quite certain that it was suggested that you start working on these scripts your self by Galactus kid. So if you are gona wait to see the orrigional manuscripts to be printed then we may be waiting for eternity :-( :ugh: :-(

Yeah, I saw that. Problem is that I'm not a great writer, hell, I'm not even a good writer. Besides, I kinda had the same vision as Ben did.


Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:29 pm
by Subjugator
Sir Ysbadden wrote:
No - I buy them all.

Me too ive got allmost every thing there are a few out of print books i am eagerly awaiting the reprints of though. SB1!!!

If it had Rifts Australia II or III written on the cover, then yeah, it would influence me to buy it...

Me too i want those books more now than ever. It makes me mad that we may never see them. :x

But then, if they were to come out, I'ld buy them, no matter what the cover art was like (unless they were not the product of BCL's manuscript).

I am quite certain that it was suggested that you start working on these scripts your self by Galactus kid. So if you are gona wait to see the orrigional manuscripts to be printed then we may be waiting for eternity :-( :ugh: :-(

For the OOP books - have you considered eBay?

I am currently active in three auctions that include SB1. Yes, for some reason, I buy Palladium books obsessively. It's like Catcher in the Rye for the assassins (as mentioned in the movie Conspiracy Theory).


Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:40 am
by runebeo
As far as south america 2 is one of the best books out their. Cover cauld be better but inside are filled with quality stuff powerful weapons, cool armor 2 awesome psychic races Achilles Neo-Human and bloodriders. Now a bad cover is splicers but great inside too. Wore it almost out and spilt coffee on it.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:46 am
by Reddenedone
The worst part about it all is.... I don't think I asked for it when I ordered my grab bag.... In fact, I didn't ask for most of the dozen or so books I'm missing... Yes, I'm still hitting my head :frust: every single time I think about it. DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH

let us not even mention that I froggit to fill in the t-shirt I wanted... no more ordering super important product right before bed, because I was sooo worried I wouldn't get one otherwise. SHAME!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:51 pm
by Reddenedone
Sir Ysbadden wrote:
reddenedone wrote:The worst part about it all is.... I don't think I asked for it when I ordered my grab bag.... In fact, I didn't ask for most of the dozen or so books I'm missing... Yes, I'm still hitting my head :frust: every single time I think about it. DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH DOH

let us not even mention that I froggit to fill in the t-shirt I wanted... no more ordering super important product right before bed, because I was sooo worried I wouldn't get one otherwise. SHAME!

That sucks woman i hope they put it in any way good luck. :)


I doubt they are psychic. But that's ok if they don't. I'll just nab it at Christmas time, I hope.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:50 pm
by Reddenedone
Sir Ysbadden wrote:Sorry about that.

It's fine, I do have a rather androgynous name screen name.

Considering that my X took all my roll playing books, and for the last half decade I've been rebuilding from almost scratch (I was left with a very very poor conditioned Macross II and a duplicate copy of Russia). I'm not doing too bad. I've been getting the grab bag every year since I had a job of my own, and that will continue. Thank god I have a rifter subscription!!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:53 pm
by Marrowlight
reddenedone wrote:
Sir Ysbadden wrote:Sorry about that.

It's fine, I do have a rather androgynous name screen name.

Considering that my X took all my roll playing books, and for the last half decade I've been rebuilding from almost scratch (I was left with a very very poor conditioned Macross II and a duplicate copy of Russia). I'm not doing too bad. I've been getting the grab bag every year since I had a job of my own, and that will continue. Thank god I have a rifter subscription!!

Must've been an odd bit on the property division.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:56 pm
by Reddenedone
Marrowlight wrote:
reddenedone wrote:
Sir Ysbadden wrote:Sorry about that.

It's fine, I do have a rather androgynous name screen name.

Considering that my X took all my roll playing books, and for the last half decade I've been rebuilding from almost scratch (I was left with a very very poor conditioned Macross II and a duplicate copy of Russia). I'm not doing too bad. I've been getting the grab bag every year since I had a job of my own, and that will continue. Thank god I have a rifter subscription!!

Must've been an odd bit on the property division.

This time there was no property division... I paid for the majority of the books, but you know... that doesn't matter, we didn't live together so I couldn't force the issue anyway.

Oh yeah, some of the Robotech books I didn't buy because of the cover, but when Palladium had that big ol' robotech/macross sale years ago I bought up as much as I could (not very much mind you)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:06 pm
by Reddenedone
Sir Ysbadden wrote:
reddenedone wrote:
Marrowlight wrote:
reddenedone wrote:
Sir Ysbadden wrote:Sorry about that.

It's fine, I do have a rather androgynous name screen name.

Considering that my X took all my roll playing books, and for the last half decade I've been rebuilding from almost scratch (I was left with a very very poor conditioned Macross II and a duplicate copy of Russia). I'm not doing too bad. I've been getting the grab bag every year since I had a job of my own, and that will continue. Thank god I have a rifter subscription!!

Must've been an odd bit on the property division.

Robotech was my first Palladium love, but I didn't own the books back then, I was just a player.
This time there was no property division... I paid for the majority of the books, but you know... that doesn't matter, we didn't live together so I couldn't force the issue anyway.

Oh yeah, some of the Robotech books I didn't buy because of the cover, but when Palladium had that big ol' robotech/macross sale years ago I bought up as much as I could (not very much mind you)

I was never really a big fan of Robotech but in hind sight i wish i had bought all the books when i had the chance.