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Kevin's overview will be posted Wednesday

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:04 pm
by Kevin
Hey Everyone,

Monday was still wild and today we've been playing catch up. I spent several hours writing my Overview of the Open House (six pages and counting) but it's 8:00 pm Tuesday and I wanna go home.

I'll post my overview tomorrow.

The short version . . . AWESOME! SPECTACULAR! A blast! Made more money than we've ever made at a Gen Con. Fans wonderful. Gaming fantastic. Panel discussions fun. If you missed it . . . you missed something special.

Kevin Siembieda

Re: Kevin's overview will be posted Wednesday

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:10 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Kevin wrote:Hey Everyone,

Monday was still wild and today we've been playing catch up. I spent several hours writing my Overview of the Open House (six pages and counting) but it's 8:00 pm Tuesday and I wanna go home.

I'll post my overview tomorrow.

The short version . . . AWESOME! SPECTACULAR! A blast! Made more money than we've ever made at a Gen Con. Fans wonderful. Gaming fantastic. Panel discussions fun. If you missed it . . . you missed something special.

Kevin Siembieda

Maybe they can go to the next open house...?
Hint, hint...