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BTS supplement books

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:13 pm
by tmk2323
Ok then when are the tome grotesque and Beyond arcanium actually coming out???
It has been show they should have already been out.
I would like to BUY them but it seems they are not going to be released, or even printed.
Could any one give me the details on these two books?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:17 pm
by Guest
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Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:44 pm
by Beelzebozo
Check the other topic. Currently, my bet is that they won't see the light of day.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:05 pm
by count zero
Agreed. If they do come out at all (which I'm not betting on), it will most likely be sometime next year at the soonest. BTS just isn't a big priority.


That's a shame

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:59 pm
by tmk2323
Really BTS can be strong but, it needs to be backed up.
The second editon is really missing a lot by not having the magic or more monsters in it.
oh well hopefully they are at least printed.
I would buy them but where are they???????? :eek: :shock: :?

Re: That's a shame

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:01 pm
by Marrowlight
tmk2323 wrote:Really BTS can be strong but, it needs to be backed up.
The second editon is really missing a lot by not having the magic or more monsters in it.
oh well hopefully they are at least printed.
I would buy them but where are they???????? :eek: :shock: :?

Short answer? Everything in real life is distracting KS I imagine.

Re: That's a shame

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:29 am
by Beelzebozo
tmk2323 wrote:oh well hopefully they are at least printed.

They're not even written yet, much less sent to the printer. And as long as Big Kev is convinced that Rift$ is the way to "save" his know the rest.

Re: That's a shame

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:15 pm
by Marrowlight
Beelzebozo wrote:
tmk2323 wrote:oh well hopefully they are at least printed.

They're not even written yet, much less sent to the printer. And as long as Big Kev is convinced that Rift$ is the way to "save" his know the rest. hating on Rifts for the sake of, or do you honestly believe if BTS had 40 books to it, it would've done as well for Palladium as Rifts had done up until the recent troubles?

Re: That's a shame

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:57 pm
by Marrowlight
Sightblinder wrote:
Marrowlight wrote:
Beelzebozo wrote:
tmk2323 wrote:oh well hopefully they are at least printed.

They're not even written yet, much less sent to the printer. And as long as Big Kev is convinced that Rift$ is the way to "save" his know the rest. hating on Rifts for the sake of, or do you honestly believe if BTS had 40 books to it, it would've done as well for Palladium as Rifts had done up until the recent troubles?

Perhaps not quite as well as Rifts has, but if BOTH had seen support, then heck yeah...I mean CoC is still going, WW has most of their series going strong still, as does Eden Studios stuff....

No offense to BTS....but even with 40 books I don't think it could hold a candle to WW. And I don't really like White Wolf...but still, never really seen anything in either edition of BTS that makes me scream "dominant force of the RPG industry"

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:49 am
by Marrowlight
Horror games with something to latch on to do ok - WW and CoC both survive because they're pimping off of something else, not just their pure content. Palladium's horror game was always too human first, too meta plot light (that'll bring sentinel) to grab the attention those games had.

Hell I'm still shocked to see CoC around. It's a snuff film of an rpg and truth be told I know more people who've played Toon as a long term campaign than they have CoC.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:12 am
by Sentinel
Marrowlight wrote:
(that'll bring sentinel)

You crave my company: Admit it.

One of the strong points for me with BtS were the types of Player Characters and the monsters they fought. I liked the Palladium System, and was getting into N&SS at the same time.
The lack of meta-plot gave me more creative freedom to tailor the campaign to the tastes of me and my players.

I didn't care for the system of Mayfairs' Chill, and I didn't like the tone and tenor of V:TM from WW either.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:04 pm
by Marrowlight
Sentinel wrote:The lack of meta-plot gave me more creative freedom to tailor the campaign to the tastes of me and my players.

Hey guess what - whether it is there or not you have creative freedom. Just ignore it. ;)

You're a smart guy - I know you didn't need those 20 pages for a bunch of extra spells or gear you weren't going to use anyway. All in all it just would've been a 20 wasted pages for you. :P

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:56 pm
by Lazlo Kid
BTS can be a great game. But it needs a full time writer devoted to it for it be worked up to its potential. Right now, based on Palladium's financial woes, I don't see that happening. We'll have to be patient for the time being. (Trust me when I say that hurts me as much as any of you. BTS is my favorite PB game.)

In the meantime...maybe we can help each other out. Like maybe we can discuss possibilities of how the Arcanist could be converted to 2nd edition. Taking into consideration the ISP increase for psychics in the presence of the supernatural, and assuming it will work similarly for mystics, we may be able to figure something out.

We're smart and creative. We can do this.

Re: That's a shame

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:24 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Beelzebozo wrote:They're not even written yet

Incorrect, at least partially.

~ Josh

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:17 am
by Stattick
Obviously, the promised books in the BTS line need priority. But wouldn't it be cool if Palladium did realease some meta plot lines designed to go with BTS. Sorta an optional, take it or leave it type book(s)/line. So BTS would lay the ground work, and then the optional supplements would be metaplot heavy w/ enough new material to run the stuff in the book. There'd be a handful of OCC's and maybe a few new spells/psi, some new opponents, and perhaps some new equipt in each new supplement. Some supplements would be designed to go with others, while some would more freestanding - sure you need the BTS basebooks, but then you only need the material from maybe three other books.

For instance, Nightbane can be looked at as a semi-BTS line. Many people that buy Nightbane, also buy BTS. In this example, the Nightbane books would have been an optional supplement to BTS, with 4 books in the line. Of course, the "basebook" would have been alot shorter, because we wouldn't have needed rules on how to write up a human, the attribute chart, the insanity tables, etc.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:46 am
by demos606
felyxz wrote:I finally aquired my BTS and as I went thru it, I read over and over again that the sourcebooks are coming.

I love the different PCC classes and really want the new magic classes instead of just bringing over mage classes from other games (like the chaos mage in Chaos Earth)

Please at least do the Arcanum Sourcebook.

BTS-2 feels incomplete without the magic aspect.

Or at least do little segments in a Rifter.

BtS2 is incomplete without its magic aspect. Sadly, even with the ISP changes covered, there's simply not enough information available to adequately convert the original Arcanist to BtS2, or really to port anything from another system.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:02 pm
by demos606
See, I like magic as a corrupting agent in a BtS type setting. Knowing that most SN baddies should have at least some magic at their disposal makes its absence in the setting particularly hard hitting. Not having rules for things like demonic summonings, curses and a whole laundry list of other evil stuff that psionics simply can't provide seriously cripples the setting for a lot of GMs and players. Also consider that magic users can trigger increased ISP for psychics and the crippling effect becomes more telling.

Now, if you can play with just psionics and see it as a complete setting, more power to you and your group but you have to realize this places you in a small minority of the people looking at BtS2.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:57 am
by Fyrpower
Atramentus wrote:The books will come out! I've sacrificed enough people now that it's a certainty! If needs be the ritual is so strong that KevSim will rise from the grave even to complete the books, and I have minions in place to see that it gets printed (in that event).

I think the best way to get the books published would be to put conversion notes in for other games (i.e. Rifts) in a similar format to Palladium Dragons and Gods. That way Palladium will cash in on BTS products and keep both Rifts fans and BTS fans happy. I have been saying this for ages now but people keep getting the wrong end of the stick...I am a Rifts fan, if these two future supplements had Rifts conversion notes, I would buy it. Big hint and tip there.

acronyms galore!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:33 pm
by count zero
Sightblinder wrote:I just don't think that they'll come out...

It took nearly a decade for 2E to come out after it was advertised, I have no hope of the supplements for it coming any faster than that either, despite KS's words of encouragement....


And didn't KS say there'll be new books for PF in the near future (i.e. 2007 or so) as well? Do you think we'll see the BtS or PF books first? Assuming we see any books at all for either line in the next few years.


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:46 am
by runebeo
I pre-paid in april for both when its release date was may and july so they better come out soon or I won't support this line any more. I want to read them so bad but their so far behind now its frustrating. Maybe their being aged like a fine wine. I hope so.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:51 am
by runebeo
felyxz wrote:I finally aquired my BTS and as I went thru it, I read over and over again that the sourcebooks are coming.

I love the different PCC classes and really want the new magic classes instead of just bringing over mage classes from other games (like the chaos mage in Chaos Earth)

Please at least do the Arcanum Sourcebook.

BTS-2 feels incomplete without the magic aspect.

Or at least do little segments in a Rifter.

Yes yes it does feel like its incomplete without magic and the big baddies are needed.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:33 am
by Marcantony
SkyStreak wrote:
Sightblinder wrote:
SkyStreak wrote:The art is all ready for Tome Grotesque, and from what I have heard, KS has been working it on the back burner for a while. I'd be willing to bet that once he gets started on it, the book will poractically write itself.

Have faith.

Yeah, but he had BtS2E on the backburner and it took what? A decade...and even then, it got split into three parts and only 1/3 is done....hmm, you may be onto it should take what, like 3 years total to get this third of a setting done?

1/3 done? According to most people, the only thing that is needed to 'complete' the game is rules for magic which will appear in Beyond Arcannum (I don't fully agree with those people though).

Most people?

Know them all personally do you?

Id love to know what you based that on.