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Gearing Up for Open House May 5-6-7

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:20 pm
by Kevin
Hey Everybody,

We’re really gearing up for the Palladium Open House, now. We still have a bunch of cleaning and reorganizing to do, but things are shaping up nicely.

Let me try to cover some commonly asked questions.

1) Open House ticket reservation certificates have (finally) been mailed.

2) Wayne’s almost done with the game schedule. It should post soon.

3) The warehouse has been rearranged. Displays are being put into place, signs being made, and orders are being placed for snack food, soda pop, chairs, tables, etc. There is plenty of space and it's looking great.
It’s a lot of work, but we want this event to be EPIC!

4) Ironically, it has been the uncrating, sorting and pricing of the toys that has been incredibly time consuming. A 1000+ toys is . . . a heck of a lot!!! I mean 25 years of collecting really adds up. You toy collectors should have a field day. Wow.
Everything is priced to sell with some things being big bargains and others being fairly priced for the collector’s market.

5) Food on site. For those of you wondering, there will be pizza brought in from Cottage Inn for sale, snack foods (chips, popcorn, cakes, cookies, candy, etc.) and soft drinks (Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, bottled water, and so on). Plus there are all kinds of fast food places and restaurants all around the Palladium office (a half dozen within walking distance).

6) There will be plenty of photo opportunities with Palladium creators and props (a life sized Storm Trooper, Alien, Ninja Turtle, Glitter Boy) and other cool stuff. And yes, we will allow panel discussions to be audio recorded.

7) Plenty to buy. There will be a ton of toys, collectibles, artwork, prints, RPG books and stuff to buy and plenty of game events to enjoy.

Ticket sales are picking up as the actual event get's closer (ONLY FOUR weeks away!) , so don’t forget to order your tickets – SOON!

We have a growing contingent from California as well as gamers from throughout Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Eastern Canada, and countless other places.

Palladium Open House -- May (5) 6 & 7, 2006 -- Taylor, MI --
-- at Palladium's office/warehouse

That’s it for now.

Kevin Siembieda
One tired Publisher and Convention Organizer