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Shadows of the South: Nashville (updated)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:08 pm
by Beelzebozo
Nashville's write-up for Nightbane still isn't finished, but I added the first parts of the places of interest and local Factions. No NPCs yet (aside from the ones done in other sections, like Sollen's Avatar).

Comment or die.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 2:10 pm
by Beelzebozo
Thanks for the comments. As for Phobos & Diemos, they'll get a full write-up and profile, along with most of the other folks mentioned - Nashville has some good NPCs. P&D can probably be found all over Lilith's territory and holdings - Skullweb is just one of the meeting points her ambassadors-at-large probably frequent. Same goes for Rollus (Behemoth's emmissary, although he has more responsibilities at home) and Malek (Magog's representative).

I finished with the last place of interest (Vandy) last night; a couple more factions to finish and I'll post the updated version. The most important Factions of the city are already done. After that, five or six NPCs, and then it's on to Birmingham and a race war between the Cult of Night & Underground Railroad (in the South, it's not really a coincidence they have that name....).

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:32 pm
by Beelzebozo
All right, the update is up. That finished Nashville except for the NPCs, which will be along sometime before too long. Hope y'all like the haunted Ryman. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:24 pm
by Beelzebozo
All right. The final version is up, complete with NPC stats. That's it for Nashville. Now on to other things...

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:01 pm
by acreRake
Holy carp. I'll need more time to look at everything. You never cease to please.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:14 am
by Beelzebozo
I didn't have any specific plans for it. I'll add it to the list of "other" cities that will get quick write-ups (so far, there are about a dozen).

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:40 pm
by Stormseed
I need to ask - what's the ETA for anything on Texas?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:30 pm
by Beelzebozo
Stormseed wrote:I need to ask - what's the ETA for anything on Texas?

Hmm...when someone asks for it? Which I guess you just did. }->

In all seriousness, I have Houston and Dallas on that list of "quick coverage" cities, and a few ideas for Lord Antiochus (the Nightlord who rules Texas and Oklahoma).

What I have so far:
Lord Antiochus is a powerful Nightlord, almost a Viceroy in his own right. He is an old ally of Lord Behemoth, one of the few besides Prince Rollus and the Ashmedai Vogo that Behemoth truly trusts. Like Sollen, he has a quasi-independent status, more because of his personal power than any need to have a semblance of neutrality (since Rivven, the Viceroy that borders Behemoth on the west, isn't truly powerful enough to be a threat).

I haven't quite decided on anything for the cities of Texas yet (although I have vague ideas for some others). The Alamo is probably seriously ghost-riddled, though.

Y'know, with people making requests like this, I may have to expand some other cities beyond the six I have planned (and considering SOTS has been on for seven years now, that means I'll finish it about the time I die).

Right now I'm working on research for Birmingham and Charleston, along with the Illuminati and Dead Air projects. Don't know exactly when anything will be coming next.