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HU and Rifter 27 *SPOILER*

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:56 pm
by Reagren Wright
Did anyone read the HU story in Rifter 27? Not bad I must say.
Although I'm still trying to figure out exactly what Bastion did
after Angelica died? My one question to the author is did you create
these characters just for the story or where they actual RPG characters
for HU?

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:13 pm
by Rimmer
Not to be nit picky or rude, but next time could you let us know in the tread heading if there are going to be spoilers :? Please ? with big cherry on top.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:32 pm
by Reagren Wright
I think he was upset that we revealed to much of the story. Anyway
KG I hope to see more of your stories in the Rifter. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:37 pm
by Rimmer
Well me being the idiot i am today assumed from the title that you would be talking about new optional material for HU, didn't even stop to think about the fact it could be a story, my bad. The spoiler i was refering to was that someone named "Angelica" died, of course i have no idea of who Angelica is or was, because living in New Zealand means everything takes the slow boat via china to get here :D so haven't even got my copy of Rifter #27 yet. But maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.