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Lets play a game in GM world building. I'll start.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 2:32 pm
by Shorty Lickens
TOP DOWN THINKING, as seen in the Rifts Adventure guide by Siembieda. It can be enjoyable to start at the top of an epic story, and work your way down to the players. That way you have a general idea of this huge epic story, but without details so yo dont railroad them.

What kind of story can you guys come up with if I supply the seed? Go ahead and flesh out as much as you want, a complete story if you like (or campaign). Or a small chunk if thats all you feel like doing.


A fantastic Alien Intelligence (unknown type) wants to amass an epic fleet and army (millions of ships, billions of soldiers) with plans to invade one of the three galaxies, take over a great empire, and slowly spread forward.
At the the bottom end of this great conspiracy, the PC's have been hired to conduct soil surveys for a colony of farmers, on a newly scouted planet. They are a team of non-humans (some race common to the three galaxies) and probably all level 1 scholarly types.

What comes in between?

Re: Lets play a game in GM world building. I'll start.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:58 am
by Captain_Nibbz
Well here is my two cents:

The party discovers traces of a here-to-unknown chemical in the soil. If they go through the effort to identify the chemical (which should be in adventure in and of itself) they find that it is a rare fluid contamination the results when an area has been used for mass cloning and production of plants (the AI is producing plant soldiers because all they need is water, sunlight, and ambient PPE and they will sustain themselves. They can regrow lost limbs (even heads). Think plant-based trolls in all their terrible glory. You need a Speak with Plants spell to communicate with them though).