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The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 4:00 pm
by Kargan3033
The Techno Virus Plague

The Techno Virus is a virus of unknown origin that converts organic beings into mindless beings of living metal that seek to convert other organic beings into Techno Virus vectors that seek to spread the Techno Virus to other organic beings.

The virus is spread of Techno Virus vectors though the blood via slashing and stabbing attacks by the infected beings, once infected the infected being take their Hit Points and SDC and add them together and times it by 3 to get the total SDC of the Techno Virus Vector.

The Vectors have the following stats:

IQ:2D6 considered to be slightly above animal intelligence.
ME:4D6, immune to fear.
PS:3D6 which becomes super human strength
Spd:The infected's speed before infection x3
Number of attacks:4 per melee round.
Hand to Hand:Basic
+2 to parry and dodge
Karate Kick:2D4+strength bonus
+1 to strike and+1 on initiative
Critical strike on a roll of 19 or 20, double damage+strength bonus

Can from hands into blade like weapons that do 2D6 for a stabbing attack or 1D6 for a slashing attack and the victim mus make a save vs harmful drugs/toxins at -2 even if normally immune to disease/toxins with some beings being completely immune to infection and conversion into a Vector(will be explained later in this text)if the save is failed the victim will become a Vector in 1D4 melee rounds.

Vectors are immune to all poisons and diseases and do not fall into comas when damaged like normal living beings nor do they need to eat, drink or breath and are immune to pressure such as being deep underwater and are immune to crushing attacks.

The Vectors need to only rest for six hours every three days, also they do not heal like normal living beings but heal damage done by absorbing metals to heal lost SDC up to their maximum SDC.

Should a victim fail their save VS harmful drugs/toxins they can make a save VS psionics of 15 or better to retain their intelligence memories and personalities and to be able to act on their own accord, these beings lose all of their natural abilities/powers/magic/psionics but gain the abilities of Vectors, including the ability to spread the techno virus but anyone they infect will become normal Vectors unless they make their save VS psionics but the Vectors they create will not be under their control.

Mock Vectors can not procreate and lose all interest and desires for sexual relationships while retaining their normal sexual characteristics.

Normal Vectors will not attack these Mock Vectors unless the Mock Vectors attack them first or prevent them from infecting non Vectors.

One the most feared abilities of the Vectors is that they can take control of non sentient constructs such as computers, robots and power armor and the like and direct them to attack non Vectors, cyborgs are immune to this type of control but they can not attack for as long as they are maintaining control over the constructs and can control only one such construct for 1D6 melee rounds before they have to re-establish control of the same or different construct and the range of control for the construct is 500 feet but they can not use any of the constructs build in abilities or devices.

The Vectors only only use a construct for physical attacks only, such as a robot punching a non Vector or a car making a hit and run attack on a non Vector, the constructs in question will have the same number of physical attacks as the Vector controlling it.

Vectors do not attack animals or plants unless they attack the Vectors first and can not convert plants into Vectors but can convert non sentient and sentient animals into Vectors.

Vectors are also immune to mind control and non damaging magic and psionics as well as magic and psionics that deal damage to hit points directly magic and psionics that do physical damage such as a fireball spell or psi-sword will do normal damage to Vectors.

Animated undead such as skeletons and zombies and supernatural undeads such as vampires and the like can not be converted into Vectors, other supernatural beings such as demons, devils, entities and the like can not be converted into Vectors.

In addition to their normal senses Vectors can sense the PPE of other living beings out to a range of 500 feet, even though normal walls, sewers and the like within their sensing range.

Beings that have the powers of invulnerability are immune to the normal attacks of Vectors, beings with the powers of regeneration such as Healing Factor and Bio-Regeneration:Healing Factor gain a +3 to save VS the Techno Virus infection, those with Bio Regeneration:Super and Regeneration Ultima are immune to the Techno Virus infection, any magical psionic versions of these powers will grant their the bonuses or immunities of these powers for as long as they are active.

Those with the power of of non organic Alter Physical Structure are immune to the Techno Virus infection so long as they remain in their altered forms, meaning that some one with APS:Acid would be immune to the infection while they were in their acid from but would be vulnerable to the infection should they change back to their normal organic forms.

Those with the power of Control:Radiation are immune to the Techno Virus infections because of the radiation they normally generate, in fact Vectors are vulnerable to radiation and suffer double damage from radiation attacks and sources of high radiation.

Lastly there is no *Known* way to stop the Techno Virus infection when a person is infected with the virus(GMs be nice and let the players with the proper medical skills research a cure if you feel like being a nice GM)

Re: The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 2:52 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
This seems to fall into the category of a conversion because didn't Marvel Comics have a similar concept in the techno-virus and machine beings?

Re: The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 4:05 pm
by Warshield73
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This seems to fall into the category of a conversion because didn't Marvel Comics have a similar concept in the techno-virus and machine beings?

I think there have been enough versions of this kind of thing, both before and after Marvel, that it would fall outside the conversion rules. Especially since it really is just a tech version of zombie plague.

Also, and I am not positive about this, but I could swear that something like this already exists in PB. I'm not talking about the tech virus in Splicers but I thought I remember a zombie like nanite virus in one of the books.

Re: The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:19 pm
by RockJock
Juicer Uprising has a tech/juicer/zombie thing.

Re: The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:48 am
by Warshield73
RockJock wrote:Juicer Uprising has a tech/juicer/zombie thing.

No that's not it. I thought I remembered reading about a zombie like tech plague in one of the books, maybe a Rifter(?), but I can't find it in my notes so could have been something else.

Re: The Techno Virus Plauge

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:14 pm
by dreicunan
Warshield73 wrote:
RockJock wrote:Juicer Uprising has a tech/juicer/zombie thing.

No that's not it. I thought I remembered reading about a zombie like tech plague in one of the books, maybe a Rifter(?), but I can't find it in my notes so could have been something else.

Chaos Earth: Resurrection could well be what is on your mind.