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Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:56 pm
by Scorpion Leader
I don't know if this Idea has been thrown around already or not; But anyways Why Doesn't PB just take the Offical Material and the Best of the RIFTER Material (ie.Sonny Rice's Stuff for PFRPG) for some of the the Game Lines that have been Lacking some love, gather the Material Up Modify, Add to & Expand Upon and Edit to Produce Some Sourcebooks out of it??? Rifter has been around long enough and there has been plenty of Offical and Otherwise Material printed for the Various Game Lines that You could maybe get at least One Sourcebook out of the Best Material for Different Game Lines like Beyond the Super Natural and Palladium Fantasy. For BTS there is the Long Street Articles, The Scaring Crows, Brawling Joe, Various O.C.C.'s etc. to maybe finally have The Tomb Grotesque Source Book Printed with added Material from 1st ed. and material from and modified from other PB lines that fit the setting. For PFRPG there has been Some Offical Articles as of Late (ie.Timiro Update #63, Wolfen Faeries and Madness & Triumvirate Dragon Articles #73, Articles Like: Beneath the Surface #14 (Necro Knights are an Awesome New NPC Villian BTW!!!), Stilt City#17(Still Needs A Map Damn It !!!), City of Khemennu #77 & #78, Rules Clarifications in Questions and Anwsers, Cool New Magic and O.C.C. from various issues, and Erratta Material or Left on the Cutting Room Floor (ie. Eastern Territory Knightly Orders #15) that PB should be able to produce some type of PFRPG Adventure Atlas Sourcebook. Of course I still want to see a 2nd Edition Yin Sloth Jungles Book with all the O.C.C. revised and updated, A Land of the South Winds Book (again Rifter #17 Stilt City would be a Great Place to Start for this and maybe we'll finally get A Map of the City!!!), My personal Favorite that I want to see made is a Phi & Lopan Source Book! My Female Elven Pallidan (Family Background: Old Nobility) hales from Lopan so I need info! Need to Know more on The Elven Magi on Phi and Mosaic Magic, the Lopanic Games and Empress Jesslynn. So what do you think Should PB gather Material from Rifter and Make Some Cool Sourcebooks out of the Material that is Already There (just waiting to be compiled into One or More Offical Source Books) Rather than Having to Dig through Several Copies of the Rifter?

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:39 am
by Reagren Wright
"My personal Favorite that I want to see made is a Phi & Lopan Source Book! My Female Elven Pallidan (Family Background: Old Nobility) hales from Lopan so I need info! Need to Know more on The Elven Magi on Phi and Mosaic Magic, the Lopanic Games and Empress Jesslynn."

Your request will be address in the upcoming Lopan sourcebook, Phi will come later, when I cannot say.

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:55 am
by Myrrhibis
Reagren Wright wrote:"My personal Favorite that I want to see made is a Phi & Lopan Source Book! My Female Elven Pallidan (Family Background: Old Nobility) hales from Lopan so I need info! Need to Know more on The Elven Magi on Phi and Mosaic Magic, the Lopanic Games and Empress Jesslynn."

Your request will be address in the upcoming Lopan sourcebook, Phi will come later, when I cannot say.

Been hearing about Lopan coming for well over 5 years....
I think my elven character may be dead by the time it's printed.

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:22 pm
by zyanitevp
Myrrhibis wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:"My personal Favorite that I want to see made is a Phi & Lopan Source Book! My Female Elven Pallidan (Family Background: Old Nobility) hales from Lopan so I need info! Need to Know more on The Elven Magi on Phi and Mosaic Magic, the Lopanic Games and Empress Jesslynn."

Your request will be address in the upcoming Lopan sourcebook, Phi will come later, when I cannot say.

Been hearing about Lopan coming for well over 5 years....
I think my elven character matty be dead by the time it's printed.

Nothing new there- I learned long ago to not hold off on a book, but just go for it with the information you have. A God...Rebuilt started as a Rifts game, but we moved it to Fantasy when we realized Lemuria wasn't coming soon (it was released 2 years later).
I also am looking forward to Lopan and Phi....

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:10 am
by Spinachcat
Years ago, I posted an idea about an Omnibus being created from the best Rifter articles for each game line. AKA, a Nightbane Omnibus, Rifts Omnibus, etc. AKA, there are fans of one game line who might not ever by Rifters because they don't care about other game lines BUT they would buy a book of articles focused on their fav line.

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:02 am
by gaby
Ther tons of Great ideas in Rifter that Palladium books can use to be Part of New Soucebooks like One on Titmiro update on the Old info from Old Ones Plus all Info from Rifter 63,add Cool things like Of Bows & Arrows from Rifter 45.

The Lucky Psychic P.C.C from Rifter 53 and the Court of Tarot from Rifter 45 will be Great for a BtS.s Adventures book.

I Love to see a New 3 Galaxies part2 it will have New Adventures,New Occ,new Tattoos from Rifter 53 and other info from the crusaders 7 the Black crusade,the Space Pirate info and Ships from Rifter 66 and other things.

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:02 am
by gaby
Ther tons of Great ideas in Rifter that Palladium books can use to be Part of New Soucebooks like One on Titmiro update on the Old info from Old Ones Plus all Info from Rifter 63,add Cool things like Of Bows & Arrows from Rifter 45.

The Lucky Psychic P.C.C from Rifter 53 and the Court of Tarot from Rifter 45 will be Great for a BtS.s Adventures book.

I Love to see a 3 Galaxies part2 it will have New Adventures,New Occ,new Tattoos from Rifter 53 and other info from the crusaders and the Black crusade,the Space Pirate info and Ships from Rifter 66 and other things.

Re: Idea New Sourcebooks via Material from the Rifter!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:18 am
by Tiree
Spinachcat wrote:Years ago, I posted an idea about an Omnibus being created from the best Rifter articles for each game line. AKA, a Nightbane Omnibus, Rifts Omnibus, etc. AKA, there are fans of one game line who might not ever by Rifters because they don't care about other game lines BUT they would buy a book of articles focused on their fav line.

I'd buy a Rifts Official material one