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Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:58 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Hi all,

Kevin and I have been discussing maybe holding another Palladium Open House, possibly in 2018 or maybe in 2019, and we wanted to get your thoughts on this.

Due to the fact that you can somewhat heat a warehouse, but you can't cool one down (at least, not with our warehouse) we'd want to hold the POH as in years past, mid-to-late Spring before the heat hit.

This boils down to the following:

If we held it in 2018 (please note, this is only about 10 months away) then it would fall on either

April 19 - 22


May 3 - 6

(The last weekend in April is when University of Michigan will be holding its Spring Commencement, and there are no hotel rooms available).

If we hold it in 2019 however (with there being more time to prepare to attend) it would probably be the second to last or last weekend of April, since U of M ceremonies are scheduled for the first weekend of May in 2019.

So which would you prefer? Please let us know.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:34 pm
by Shawn Merrow
I voted 2019 in hope that I would have the money by then to attend.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:57 pm
by Sureshot
My suggestion is to hold off on any Open Houses. PB is behind on some of their projects. Those projects and books releases needs to be done first. Get the workload out of the way then relax imo.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:19 pm
by Reagren Wright
As much as I would love to attend and be at the Open House next year, I'm going to
agree with Sureshot. Let's wait until 2019 and focus on the log jam of manuscripts. I
also believe its important that Scott you focus a full year of getting Palladium at the
position you want to see the company function at, then as a reward we get to have
some fun and games with an Open House in 2019. So lets do some work first so we
can play later.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:15 am
by Soldier of Od
So difficult to choose! Feels like ages since the last one, but the others all make good points about getting 'real' work done before the luxury of an Open House. I guess leaving it until 2019 makes more sense, but if the concensus was 2018 I'd definitely come anyway!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:34 am
by Glistam
April of next year isn't too far away for me but I would come to the next open house whenever it is. I know it was a lot of behind the scenes work though, so with that in mind is it even doable by April?

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:46 am
by ffranceschi
Reagren Wright wrote:As much as I would love to attend and be at the Open House next year, I'm going to
agree with Sureshot. Let's wait until 2019 and focus on the log jam of manuscripts. I
also believe its important that Scott you focus a full year of getting Palladium at the
position you want to see the company function at, then as a reward we get to have
some fun and games with an Open House in 2019. So lets do some work first so we
can play later.



Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:12 am
by kaid
ffranceschi wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:As much as I would love to attend and be at the Open House next year, I'm going to
agree with Sureshot. Let's wait until 2019 and focus on the log jam of manuscripts. I
also believe its important that Scott you focus a full year of getting Palladium at the
position you want to see the company function at, then as a reward we get to have
some fun and games with an Open House in 2019. So lets do some work first so we
can play later.



I think this is probably wise. Given how much work it is to setup the the open house I would say take this year and next get the creative juices flowing and product shipping and then evaluate again for 2019.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:59 am
by Spinachcat
1) Definitely 2018 and the POH needs to be an annual event.

I will be blunt. The PB crew isn't getting any younger. There are only X more good years left and the value of X is based on luck and health, neither of which have been particularly favorable to PB.

2) PB has the emails for everyone who attended the previous POH events. They should be contacted and asked about the dates. The best data would come from those who have already proven they will spend the money. AKA, past customers are the most reliable future customers.

3) Scott, as biz mgr, you have the financials on the costs vs. profit of the POH itself. If the previous numbers make sense (and I've done the napkin math), then the effort becomes a no brainer. Especially as much of the effort can be done by volunteers.

4) There is no reason for the POH to interrupt book production to any significant effect, especially as the huge positive energy flow from the fans at the POH always has an inspiring effect both on the PB crew and the fans (aka, more sales based on reinvigorated interest).

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:15 pm
by Hotrod
I agree with Spinachat. An annual event would be good for the community, and I'd be willing to contribute time to help make it good for the company.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:04 pm
by Megan
I'll be there whenever, but I'd prefer 2019 to give Palladium more time to catch up on projects and have a less pressure atmosphere around it. Plus more time to plan means it will be that much more awesome, and I am willing to help in any capacity towards that end.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:16 pm
by Jsimons1975
April 2018 for me. I would also like one in 2019 as well.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:30 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. I voted for 2019. For the record though, I'm not sure I'll be able to attend even then. With that said, this is the reason for my thinking ...

1: The Palladium Open House (POH) can be a big event for Palladium, which involves planning and effort. They're a bit behind in books, and you're just getting started there. While the POH can be fun, for now I think it's best everyone gets situated. I imagine there will be some time for everyone to get into a rhythm and maintain it. Maybe 2018 will be enough time, maybe not. There's no reason to rush things.

2: The POH can be a big event for attendees as well. Airfare, hotel for several nights, and car rental (for some) can add up. While some live nearby or have enough disposable income to not worry about it, some attendees (myself included among them) need to save up for that kind of trip. Then some need to plan their vacation days in advance, especially when families are involved. This might be enough for some, but not for others. Again, I see no reason to rush things.

3: My wife and I went to the last POH as a me trip. The next trip is supposed to be hers, and she wants to go to Vegas for a Star Trek convention. We've been putting that off for a couple years now (due to expenses as well as a few other reasons, always excuses), and maybe next year we'll get to go. However, that would mean, that a POH2018 would be a no-go for me. We're also saving up to try and get a house, so not sure I'll be able to make a POH2019 either, but there's a chance and I'll take a chance over no chance any day.

So while 2018 might work for some, I believe that 2019 would work for a wider range of people (myself included ... maybe), as well as be better for Palladium. Those are just my opinions. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:46 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I votes in 2019 cause I don't know is I will be able to go next year.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:52 pm
by Jason Richards
My vote is for 2019. 10 months seems like a long time, but it really isn't. I think more than a year to plan is a must. Don't wanna rush it!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:33 pm
by DocTom
I love the Palladium open houses, and would go to one every year if they were offered.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:53 pm
by glitterboy2098
Shawn Merrow wrote:I voted 2019 in hope that I would have the money by then to attend.

same here. while i am confident i can overcome my short term financial issues in the coming months, my 10 month prospects don't look good for me being able to go to conventions (even ones that i live closer too now), but hopefully by 2019 i'll either have saved up enough or will be in a more stable place financially.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:00 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Why not both April 19 - 22, 2018 and in 2019! Make it a yearly event!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:21 am
by Jack Burton
Sorry to sound naive, but how much work is involved in an open house? I've never been to one, so I just don't know.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:01 am
by FatherMorpheus
Jack Burton wrote:Sorry to sound naive, but how much work is involved in an open house? I've never been to one, so I just don't know.

I know what it takes to put on a small gaming convention, but not the Palladium Open House. So I'll say, a good deal of work and let others comment.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:49 am
by Lord_Dalgard
I'm going against the naysayers and voting for 2018. Things will get done when they get done and not a second sooner. Open House won't change the production schedule/timeline in the least. I'd rather see a stronger community presence together again. I have plenty of books. I turn around from my computer and I have a full 4-shelf unit with every Palladium Book to date (well, not some of the ones in the past year; been busy).

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:10 am
by Bob_12
I went to the first Open House with good friends and I would love to go to this next one in 2018 too. I saw mid-Summer 2018!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:52 am
by Spinachcat
Jack Burton wrote:Sorry to sound naive, but how much work is involved in an open house? I've never been to one, so I just don't know.

There is significant (but not tremendous) work involved. Call it a medium sized project.

Fortunately, legwork from the previous POH can be duplicated since PB developed relationships with local hotels and the POH is hosted in their own warehouse. AKA, getting good deals on room rates, booking blocks of rooms, etc. So the PB crew knows the path from zero to POH.

The heavy lifting is wrangling GMs to run events, and then the literal heavy lifting of setting up the physical layout (tables, sales booth, etc) in the warehouse itself. Fortunately, the POH will be for 250-300 people, not 3000 like regional cons.

There's no reason why PB couldn't make 2018 happen. Especially if PB builds a team of volunteers to help.

As for people affording the POH, that's an individual issue. In the POH forum I have a sticky about how to make the POH cheaper.

The key factors are bringing friends to lower the overall cost, avoiding retail eating and saving on a weekly/monthly basis. AKA, if you need $1000 to attend the 2018 POH, you need to save $100 each month or $25 per week. Does that mean skipping a couple Kickstarters? Making sandwiches instead of buying lunches? Using the library instead of Amazon? Drinking water instead of soda?

There are a myriad of ways money can be saved. Or made. In college, I would grab extra shifts to afford cons and concerts. Decades later I can remember many of those concerts (INTO THE PIT!!!) and some of my convention games, but I do not remember any of the work shifts I did to afford those memories.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:11 am
by zerombr
yes please, I've always wanted to go!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:45 am
by Hendrik
Hi there,

first off: congratulations, Scott!!! Great to see you on board at Palladium.

Secondly, I am all for a new Open House, which probably does not come as a surprise. It will be awesome to see you guys again!

For the various reasons (prep time for myself and you guys, monetary considerations) stated before, I think 2019 is MUCH better. I would not be sure if I could attend in 2018 :-(

Kindest regards

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:54 am
by Uleepera
I'm hoping for 2018, would prefer may, would take april. And I'm with people who are hoping this becomes a more frequent event.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:00 am
by mbalent
You can plan on me attending regardless.

I had a great time in 2015.

Matt Balent

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:49 am
by pcdorney
I prefer 2019.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:21 am
by Everstar
After missing the last POH due to an illness, I am very exited to hear another is being considered for any year! For strictly selfish reasons, I would prefer 2019. It gives me more time to plan and save (and by then, my son will be able to help with the driving!)

As I remember from past POHs, a large number of "regulars" came from great distances, even foreign countries. While an annual POH sounds great to many, I feel it will lose some of the anticipation and feasibility to those travelling from far away. That being said, it is such an amazing experience, that an annual Saturday/Sunday "lock-in" game night might be an option PB should consider for those who can get there more frequently...

PB, I know what a tremendous undertaking a POH is, but with your fan base, I'm sure a call-to-help would have you turning away volunteers for anything you need done. You guys are not just another game publisher to us, you are the family we just don't get to see often enough.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:50 am
by rosco60559
Sorry not interested. Instead of worrying about another open house how about the fact pb hasn't released a book since November, and sorry I don't count rifters.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:17 pm
by The Dark Elf
I voted April 2018.

Firstly, Welcome Scott. Massive gratz and we all have the faith in you! GL. Kudos for Kevin in finally realising the business decision that needed to be made and a solid appointment.

On topic - Pls all vote for YOUR desires, not what you "think" or "believe" everyone else will want. It's a survey and the data will tell the popular outcome if honest.

My concerns are the same as most above with time limits for PBs and GMs to prep. Then as mentioned, there's Scotts bedding in period and books to release - all may pose issues for a 2018 POH
Other concerns include a lot changing over next 2 years. Folks say they will be able to come but their circumstances may change or more importantly PBs' circumstances may change (maybe better, maybe worse) and a POH isnt possible which means another let down.
then there is the gap between the last and the next which will be wider. Is this to be a potential annual event, or bi-annual or one off? that will always effect attendance.
Then I think that with a look to improve social media standing and presence an earlier POH would be beneficial. The hype, the photos, the videos and I myself would love to run a "celeb" filmed game with the artists/writers/staff (Ive paused a YT clip of the D&D PAX games to write this post! lol) which would be sooooo benficial, then theres the panel talks to go up etc.
All that needs to be benefitting NOW....

Also, I know its a fair undertaking but with the minimal(?) overheads I cannot imagine that its not a profitable venture with all the stuff we buy at the POH!

So if you intend to attend pls vote. If not, pls refrain from diluting the stats. Either way I cannot wait to attend another POH - they rock!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:35 pm
by Incriptus
I voted for the first option, because it is the soonest!

I've been to all the open houses, and the great memories, great stories, and the great people I've met there mean the world to me.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:51 pm
by glitterboy2098
Honestly, even if I had the money for a 2018 one already... I'd rather they wait till 2019. They just brought in a business manager to help untangle things, and might be getting RTT wave 2 going. That right there is enough work to do in the next 10 months. I'd rather they focus on getting the company on firmer footing during that time, without adding the extra and potentially distracting effort of organizing a POH to it.
22 months gives them a year to square things away as a company before they even need to divert efforts.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:45 pm
by Michael Barakofsky
Personally I think an open house every 2 or 3 years starting in 2019 would be wonderful

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:40 am
by Semi-Retired Gamer
I've never been to one so the sooner, the better!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:10 am
by mikemmer
I have attended the past two open houses and have loved them both and would love to have them more often. But I know the logistics of getting everything arranged and organized. That being said I think 2019 is the way to go. I would love for it to be sooner but from an attendees side having at least a year to plan for the trip really helps. I travel for for and know that my April 2018 is most likely going to be spent in some foreign land for work.

Pushing the open house to 2019 will probably give us all a better experience because Palladium will have more time to prepare and won't be trying to squeeze it in with their production schedule, I'm looking at you RRT Wave Two.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:39 pm
2019 is my vote! We had to cancel going to the last one 2 years ago because it was way to close to my due date. Mistaya is the only baby that has not met Kevin as a baby. We have been wanting to make a trip out to visit but chaos has kept us from doing so. 2019 means more time to prepare and figure out how transportation will work.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:48 pm
by Alpha 11
I'm going for 2019. Can I make 2018, ya, but it would be tight. 2019 would just make things easier. Plus, I want to give Scott time to help get Palladium back on track. Palladium has several books that look like they are REALLY close to coming out, plus RTT wave 2. And with Scotts e-mails that have been sent out recently, gives me hope that things will be looking up. I want some good news, like books and Wave 2 coming out, to happen, so that things might go better for the OH.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:19 pm
by Uleepera
Is it possible to change a vote? I went for May 2018, just realized I should have done April due to scheduling.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:48 pm
by Razzinold
As much as I would love one in 2018, mostly because I have yet to experience an Open House. I know personally I would be in a better position to attend in 2019 and I think that PB would be in a better position to host one.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:22 pm
by The Galactus Kid
2018. I would take any date I could get.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:56 pm
by jaymz
Razzinold wrote:As much as I would love one in 2018, mostly because I have yet to experience an Open House. I know personally I would be in a better position to attend in 2019 and I think that PB would be in a better position to host one.

2019 road trip?

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:17 pm
by Scott Gibbons
Uleepera wrote:Is it possible to change a vote? I went for May 2018, just realized I should have done April due to scheduling.

The poll has now been made so that you can change your vote.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:27 pm
by Uleepera
Scott Gibbons wrote:
Uleepera wrote:Is it possible to change a vote? I went for May 2018, just realized I should have done April due to scheduling.

The poll has now been made so that you can change your vote.

Gracias senior!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:04 pm
by Jack Burton
I voted for May of 2018, but honestly, I'd fly out anytime if my schedule would permit. I'm very excited there's even talk about one since I've never been!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:20 am
by Reagren Wright
Much as I would like to change my vote, and even if it turns out we have the Open House in 2018
(you know I'll be there) I still rather see us wait until 2019. I'm in a good place with my job that
allows me the vacation time and the finances to pay for it. However, I still want us to spend a year
focused on everything we can to make Palladium stronger, to improve upon the things we are
lacking, and to get the pipeline moving. I want us to have the Kevin from the 1990s when we had
three or four book out a year, and not just Rifters. We will never get the numbers from that era,
that's just not feasible any more. We should be known as the company that puts out some great
new product and doesn't really on how great we were in the past, hoping people will come
back after being away for 5,10,or 20 years. The new stuff is brilliant and exciting, and yes there
are some other possibilities ahead, but we still need to be an rpg company whose product can
hang with the big boys. I recently looked at a list of top tabletop RPGs. Palladium's first book
ranks at #24. The next one ranks at #40. Between these are rpgs that don't exists anymore.
They're out of print or the companies closed decades ago. We can do better for our fans and for
future fans and for anyone looking to try something different and get away from the big boys
same old, same old. Lets look at every aspect of the company and we freelancers can look at
ourselves to see what can we do to make things better. Therefore, let's be the worker ant and get
to work and take care of the business end, later on we can be the grasshopper and have a great
party for 2019.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:59 pm
by zyanitevp
Reagren Wright wrote:Much as I would like to change my vote, and even if it turns out we have the Open House in 2018
(you know I'll be there) I still rather see us wait until 2019. I'm in a good place with my job that
allows me the vacation time and the finances to pay for it. However, I still want us to spend a year
focused on everything we can to make Palladium stronger, to improve upon the things we are
lacking, and to get the pipeline moving. I want us to have the Kevin from the 1990s when we had
three or four book out a year, and not just Rifters. We will never get the numbers from that era,
that's just not feasible any more. We should be known as the company that puts out some great
new product and doesn't really on how great we were in the past, hoping people will come
back after being away for 5,10,or 20 years. The new stuff is brilliant and exciting, and yes there
are some other possibilities ahead, but we still need to be an rpg company whose product can
hang with the big boys. I recently looked at a list of top tabletop RPGs. Palladium's first book
ranks at #24. The next one ranks at #40. Between these are rpgs that don't exists anymore.
They're out of print or the companies closed decades ago. We can do better for our fans and for
future fans and for anyone looking to try something different and get away from the big boys
same old, same old. Lets look at every aspect of the company and we freelancers can look at
ourselves to see what can we do to make things better. Therefore, let's be the worker ant and get
to work and take care of the business end, later on we can be the grasshopper and have a great
party for 2019.

As usual, Glen has taken the words right out of my mouth! I also will be there no matter when, but would rather have the extra time to help make Palladium stronger!!

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:43 pm
by Warshield73
Suggestion, has anyone thought of doing an open house in the fall when. Wait until it gets cool say October. That gives more than a year to get books out but we don't have to wait until 2019.

Also, for me and a few other people I know, it is a lot easier to get away for a weekend in the fall than in the spring.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:31 pm
by Alpha 11
Warshield73 wrote:Suggestion, has anyone thought of doing an open house in the fall when. Wait until it gets cool say October. That gives more than a year to get books out but we don't have to wait until 2019.

Also, for me and a few other people I know, it is a lot easier to get away for a weekend in the fall than in the spring.

I could compromise with that.

Re: Are you interested in a new Palladium Open House?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:25 pm
by Panomas II
My vote: Not Interested.

Since others have taken the liberty of explaining the why's and whatnots... (I will as well)

It's very basic. No matter how much I love Palladium Books; I cannot in good conscience spend any $ on their products or productions, until my friends who backed the RRT Kickstarter get what is (well past) due... I did not back the RRT (I thought it was not wise and unfortunately I was right), but as a customer I'm absolutely certain I've spent a hearty amount of $ towards this company. And I know many others (on this board) have spent loads over that.

Scott I wish you the best of luck. If by 2018 or 2019 (despite that RRT was supposed to deliver well before that) my friends receive what they are due... I will reconsider my position at that time.