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Giant Zentraedis in Macross II Palladium books

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:09 pm
by Skurge99
In Macross II, either Role Playing Game and Sourcebook One, accourding to the given rules, a zentran P.S. remains the same both micronized and full-sized. When talking about S.D.C. I'll get an example, quite an average one. There is no true base S.D.C. given to the zentran that are part of Marduk Forces, so if I give Body Building and Wrestling as physical skills for this zentran, aside of Running that is part of his O.C.C., his average resulting S.D.C. would be 28, plus 1,000 from giant size (accourding to the given rules) that would total S.D.C. 1,028. Is that right? Would 4D6x100 Hit Points from giant size be added to just a base of 22 or 23 Hit Points?

Re: Giant Zentraedis in Macross II Palladium books

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:55 pm
by guardiandashi
to be honest, I would go with: calculate the base sdc/hp, as if they were a "normal" human sized character then apply a "giant size" multiplier.
which if you look at the hit points, line under their bonuses is X100

I would say the 4d6 x100 hp replaces the "normal" 4d6 hp a human size char would have.

so in the example char, I would have them have 3800 sdc and say (if 22 hp, ) 2200 hp which sounds really impressive until you realize its actually only 38, and 22 MDC for a grand total of 60mdc or roughly equivalent to a suit of MDC body armor, and normal sdc weapons still hurt them just fine,

Re: Giant Zentraedis in Macross II Palladium books

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:44 pm
by Skurge99
guardiandashi wrote:to be honest, I would go with: calculate the base sdc/hp, as if they were a "normal" human sized character then apply a "giant size" multiplier.
which if you look at the hit points, line under their bonuses is X100

I would say the 4d6 x100 hp replaces the "normal" 4d6 hp a human size char would have.

so in the example char, I would have them have 3800 sdc and say (if 22 hp, ) 2200 hp which sounds really impressive until you realize its actually only 38, and 22 MDC for a grand total of 60mdc or roughly equivalent to a suit of MDC body armor, and normal sdc weapons still hurt them just fine,

Thanks for the quick answer, that solution was, more or less, found in Robotech 1st Edition, but in Macross II all that was incomplete and zentraedi from original Macross saga to Macross II are introduced as being slightly different (to say the least) so I found the incomplete rules quite discouraging in order to adhere to the appropiate "power level" that such a giant zentraedi should have. Also I wouls double normal P.S. and make it robot strength so M.D. would be the quantities marked for each degree of strength (something similar to the solution in Macross Sourcebook; the one after Shadow Cronicles.)