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Non-Robotech armies for fodder or support

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:39 pm
by zor_prime1
I recently was digging through my old things and found some old die-cast military hardware (tanks, jets, helicopters, etc.) that I was collecting back in the late 80's called Mega Force from Kenner. While they didn't sell very well (I was buying them when they were going on sale). Looking at them I see that they are approximately to scale for RPG Tactics (maybe on the bigger side). I was thinking of several possibilities with these:
First, you could use them as part of the terrain or setting.
Second, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to design the stats for each of these for game play. So they could be used for non-Robotechnology support against the BattlePods and the like. Or, they could be some faction or country that are fighting and the RDF is called in to handle the situation.

Either way, I'm wishing I didn't let my kids play with them since they lost so many of them. But you can still buy some on e-bay.

Re: Non-Robotech armies for fodder or support

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:02 am
by Mike1975
See the Tired of Waiting thread....I have way to convert units over.