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Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:36 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Guy's notes: Definately interested in feedback in this area. Underpowered, overpowered, just right? Also, hopefully any firearm aficionados will be gentle with the creative liberties I took with theoritical caseless firearms and ammunition.

Hand Grenades
Fragmentation: 4D8 M.D. to a 20 foot (6 m) area.
High Explosive: 6D8 M.D. to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area.
Plasma: 5D8 M.D. to a 6 foot area (1.8 m) area.

Concussion Grenade: This explosive canister is not designed for mass destruction but to knock-down and stun victims. The materials of the canister are instantly melted in the blast instead of becoming deadly projectiles. When detonated the Concussive grenade erupts with a 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius causing 1D4 M.D. to everyone within. Individuals caught in the blast are likely (01-88%) to be knocked off their feet and stunned (01-65%).

If only knocked down, the victim of this attack will have ringing ears and a headache, but only loses one melee action/attack and initiative. If stunned, the victim is dazed, -10 to strike, parry, dodge, roll with impact or pull punch, is the last to attack (no initiative) and loses half his attacks/actions per melee round for 1D4 melee rounds! Speed is also reduced by half during this period.

Flashbang Grenade: This riot/anti-terrorist weapon is designed to disorient and confuse criminals who are holding hostages in confined places. The grenade makes a loud exploding boom and emits a bright flash followed by a shower of white-hot sparkles and some white smoke. The flash, burning sparks, and smoke should blind and startle any character without some type of environmental armor or protective goggles. The victims of a flashbang are -8 to strike, parry and dodge, -1 on initiative and lose one melee attack/action for the next 1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds). Even those in armor should be momentarily distracted for 1D4 seconds and lose initiative.

Goop Grenades: The goop grenade operates on the same principle as the Goop Gun (detailed below), but affects an area rather than a specific target. Any time a target is successfully struck by a goop grenade it suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to either its P.S. or P.P. (whichever is higher.) This penalty remains in place until the compound is either dissolved or scraped off. If the target is struck with enough pellets that the cumulative penalty is equal to or greater than the P.S. or P.P., it is immobilized and cannot take any actions until the compound is removed. Hardened compound dissolves naturally after 8 hours or can be removed using chemical solvents. After the goop hardens, it requires 30 M.D.C. of damage to remove. This can be done with carefully placed energy blasts, explosives, M.D. punches, chiseling and so forth, but whatever method is used, one must be careful not to injure the target underneath. Note: At GM’s discretion, exceptionally large (Rook, Land Dominators, etc.) or incredibly strong (P.S. 50+) targets may be immune to the effects of both goop guns and grenades.

Nanites Grenade: A closely guarded secret, nanite grenades have recently been used against the Machine with devastating results. Nanite explosives are loaded with millions of engineered nanites that are capable of breaking down metals of all kinds. Not only do these nanites "eat" metal opportunistically; they actively look for these in their environment and then destroy them.

Upon impact, the grenade explodes into a cloud, releasing thousands of nanites. Starting from the point of impact, the nanites begin to consume the metal surface. The nanites are especially effective against military-type alloys and can be absolutely destructive against robots and armored vehicles. Given enough time, the nanites will dissolve the metal to a mere sludge.

While nanite grenades are powerful, it takes almost an hour for them to achieve their full effect. Masters at hit-and-run tactics, Cadre troops will usually ambush N.E.X.U.S. forces, strike the target(s), and then disappear to give the nanites time to work. This tactic will be repeated for several hours, until the enemy is destroyed or is so incapacitated that they be easily dealt with.

The nanites are absolutely harmless to M.D. ceramics, plastics, concrete or biological flesh of any kind. However, they cause half damage to synthetic or artificial flesh or coverings.

The nanites eventually die out in about an hour and are rendered inert.

    Weight: The average nanite grenade weighs one pound.
    Mega-Damage: SPECIAL! The grenade causes 2D4 M.D. from the explosive release. However, the real damage comes from the nanites. The nanites attack and lessen the integrity of the metal, reducing its overall M.D.C. This overall reduction of M.D.C. occurs after one minute (4 melee rounds) of exposure to the nanites. The effects are noticeable as a fading of color or the appearance of dull blotches, followed by the metal becoming cracked, warped, and increasingly brittle. This has the following effect on the target:

      • Against body armor, light robots, or any target 600lbs or less, the nanites will reduce the overall M.D.C. at the point of impact by half.
      • Heavier robots or targets (up to 2 tons) will have their M.D.C. at point of impact reduced by 30%
      • Any target heavier than 2 tons will see an overall M.D.C. reduction of 10%.

    Additional Effects: These additional effects take longer but are devastating as the nanites invade the interior of the target through the cracks and fissures. These effects occur 1D4x5 minutes after the initial attack. If a specific target was not named in the attack, roll percentile die (or the GM may pick one):

      01-20% Main Weapon: The most powerful and/or important weapon of the target is rendered inoperable. Until full repairs are made, the weapon is completely useless.
      21-40% Sensor Array: Radar, targeting, and/or communications systems have been destroyed. Until fully repaired (usually not possible on the battlefield) the target will always be last for initiative, loses, two melee attacks/actions, and all combat bonuses are reduced by ½. Furthermore, special scanning features such as radar, sonar, motion detection, and computer targeting are offline, forcing the target to rely entirely on basic optics and touch, in effect rendering it partially blind.
      41-60% Appendage:
        • Human-shaped targets will experience system failure in a leg, arm, thruster, or other appendage. The plating has almost entirely dissolved and the environmental seal of the target has been broken. This exposes the pilot (if any) to external atmosphere and conditions. Any attacks targeted at this area will strike the pilot (if applicable) or count as Critical Strikes, inflicting double damage. Any special weapons, features, or abilities built into the limb are now destroyed.
        • On a vehicle or vehicular style target, this will mean a leg, tread, thruster, or similar has been destroyed.
        • On a bunker/building or similar, this will mean either a weapon turret, cannon, communications tower or sensor array is destroyed.
      61-80% Operating System: All systems are temporarily out and the target is effectively paralyzed and completely defenseless for 1D8 melee rounds (15 to 120 seconds).
      81-00% Two Secondary Weapons: The target has lost two secondary weapons. These could be vibro-blades, hand-held weapons, forearm weapons, etc.

Maximum Effective Range: For thrown grenades, the maximum range depends on the user’s strength; usually around 100ft. Launched grenades about 300ft.

Parachute Flares: This pyrotechnic device usually comes in a hand-held, throw-away launch tube. Three seconds after launching, it ignites into a bright, sparkling light that slowly drifts back down to earth. While in the air, the flare burns for 60 seconds and illuminates an area of roughly 150 feet (45.7 m) in diameter. Note: This is NOT a weapon, but if used as a weapon, the flare does 6D6 S.D.C. each melee round for one minute (four rounds). There is also a 50% chance of causing combustibles to catch fire.

Shimmer Grenade: Shimmer grenades are used as a deterrent and screen, preventing lasers from being fired in its area of effect. Composed of a dense layer of artificial crystals around an explosive central detonator core, shimmer grenades explode into a cloud of smoke and sparkling reflective particles. The smoke and particles redirect and diffuse laser light shot at or through the cloud. One grenade covers a roughly 20 foot radius. The cloud and particles remain for 1d3+6 rounds and in windy conditions for 1d3+1 rounds. Targets within the cloud are unaffected by lasers or similar light-based attacks. Normal visibility in the cloud is limited to roughly 5 feet. Targets within 5 feet have only half the usual bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge. Targets beyond 5 feet receive no bonuses (straight roll of the die) and have almost total concealment.

Smoke Grenades: This type of grenade releases a thick cloud of smoke that covers a 20 to 40 foot (6 to 12 m) radius. The smoke obscures vision in and through the cloud from those on the outside of it. Infrared cannot penetrate a smoke cloud or be used inside one. Those inside the cloud will be blinded and have trouble breathing. Those who are not protected by environmental suits or a gas mask and goggles will be -5 to strike, parry and dodge and -1 on initiative. Attackers firing into/through the cloud will be shooting wild.

Tear Gas Grenades: The gas will instantly affect all characters without protective masks or environmental body armor. The eyes burn, sting and water profusely, causing great discomfort and makes seeing clearly impossible. The gas also makes breathing difficult and irritates exposed skin. The effects last for 3D4 minutes. The 25 foot (7.6 m) cloud dissipates in about five minutes unless blown away by wind (dissipating more quickly in 1D4 minutes). The victims of tear gas are -10 to strike, parry and dodge, -3 on initiative and lose one melee attack/action for each of the next 1D6+1 melee rounds. Those in environmental armor are completely safe and not affected.


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:11 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Bastion Weapons
NOTE: What follows is a listing of the most common “standard issue” weapons. These are meant as examples and templates for reference. GM’s are welcome to substitute or add to with specialized weapons, larger calibers, etc. Handguns have 35 M.D.C. - Rifles have 80 M.D.C. – Rail Guns and other large weapons have 100 M.D.C., but are only damaged when an attacker is specifically targeting the weapon for the purpose of destroying it (rather than disarming an opponent).

Goop Gun: A unique nonlethal weapon favored by Grab Teams and law enforcement Troopers, the Goop Gun launches condensed balls of an incredibly sticky compound that can render all but the strongest target immobile. Goop Guns fire pellets of an inert compound that expand into a viscous, gelatinous substance that covers large portions of the target. This disgusting mess soon becomes more problematic as the compound quickly hardens. Within seconds, a single pellet no larger than a fingernail has expanded into a ball of goop and then hardened into an immobilizing layer.

Any time a target is successfully struck by a goop gun it suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to either its P.S. or P.P. (whichever is higher.) This penalty remains in place until the compound is either dissolved or scraped off. If the target is struck with enough pellets that the cumulative penalty is equal to or greater than the P.S. or P.P., it is immobilized and cannot take any actions until the compound is removed. Hardened compound dissolves naturally after 8 hours or can be removed using chemical solvents. After the gloop hardens, it requires 30 M.D.C. of damage to remove. This can be done with carefully placed energy blasts, explosives, M.D. punches, chiseling and so forth, but whatever method is used, one must be careful not to injure the target underneath. Note: At GM’s discretion, exceptionally large (Rook Towers, Land Dominators, etc.) or incredibly strong (P.S. 50+, Splicer P.S. 40+, Supernatural P.S. 30+) targets may be immune to the effects of both goop guns and grenades.

Weight: 15 lbs, including pellet canister.
Damage: Special, see description above.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 200ft.

Bastion energy weapons use the following standardized energy sources:
• Power Clip: 30 discharges
• Power Beltpack: 70 discharges
• Power Backpack: 150 discharges


Appearing to be a regular energy rifle, the “dazzle rifle” is a non-lethal weapon designed for subduing and disabling targets. When fired, the rifle emits an intense, brilliant light photon burst, affecting unshielded eyes with immediate flash burns and temporary blindness.
Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Damage: Special!! On a successful strike, the target must roll vs. non-lethal poison (16 or higher). If successful, the victim is only stunned for one round (loses initiative and one melee attack.) If the save is failed, the victim is blinded for 1D4 melee rounds and is -10 to strike, parry, and dodge. The chance of falling is 01-50% every 10 feet. Dazzle rifles have a fairly short range, 200ft.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 200ft.


Infra-Red (IR) lasers generate an intense beam of light in the far infra-red spectrum. While lower powered when compared with other laser weapons, IR lasers are invisible except when viewed with some sort of IR filter. Unlike lower wavelength of lights, IR lasers are unaffected by smoke, glitter, or laser resistant materials.

Weight: 2.5 lbs.
Damage: 2D6 M.D. per blast
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 1000ft.

Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Damage: 3D6 M.D. per single shot; triple pulse burst 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only or triple burst only, either count as one melee attack.
Range: 2,000ft.


A common weapon used against N.E.X.U.S. forces, maser weapons emit microwaves and EM waves across a broad spectrum. Unaffected by either smoke or glitter, masers discharge a powerful, narrow stream of microwaves at the target, causing extreme vibration and agitation of water molecules – literally frying the target with intense, highly-focused heat. Maser weapons of all kinds receive a +2 to strike and damage against metal targets (robots, power armor, etc.)

Weight: 3 lbs.
Damage: 3D8 M.D., plus there is a 01-45% chance of combustible materials bursting into flame. Metal targets will sparkle from the energy while communication and sensor systems may be temporarily disrupted (01-35% chance for each, see below for full details) for 1D4 minutes. Additionally, the shielding in most artificial armor, especially ceramic, plastic, or padded types, is not sufficient to shield against this type of attack and the wearer suffers 1D8 S.D.C./Hit Points damager per blast.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 800 ft.

Weight: 10 lbs.
Damage: 5D8 M.D., plus there is a 01-65% chance of combustible materials bursting into flame. Metal targets will sparkle from the energy while communication and sensor systems may be temporarily disrupted (01-50% chance for each, see below for full details) for 1D4 minutes. Additionally, the shielding in most artificial armor, especially ceramic, plastic, or padded types, is not sufficient to shield against this type of attack and the wearer suffers 2D8 S.D.C./Hit Points damager per blast.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 1200 ft.

Effects of sensor disruption: The target loses initiative (if it had it), two melee attacks/actions, and loses all combat bonuses. Furthermore, special scanning features such as radar, sonar, motion detection, and computer targeting are offline, forcing the target to rely entirely on basic optics and touch. The target is essentially operating while partially blinded.
Effects of communications disruption: The target is temporarily on its own without any means of calling for reinforcements, getting new orders, returning to base camp or finding other members of its squad. Weapons, memory, and all other systems are okay. In the case of robots, the unit will continue to act on the last order (s) it received.

Disrupters are energy weapons unique to the Bastion. Disrupter weapons literally rupture the atomic bonds that hold the molecules in compounds together. The damage is incredible as even the toughest alloy is split like wet tissue paper. Unfortunately, as powerful as the weapons are, they are completely ineffective against pure metals or materials; a Disrupter will make short work of the strongest of alloys only to be rendered completely useless by even the thinnest sheet of pure lead, aluminum, or other unalloyed metal. Disrupter weapons cause no damage against force fields or similar immaterial barriers. Disrupter weapons inflict both S.D.C. and M.D.C., depending on the nature of the target.

Weight: 5 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 2D8 M.D.; double damage to most metallic materials except force/energy fields or pure materials.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 1200 feet

Weight: 14 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 5D8 M.D.; double damage to most metallic materials except force/energy fields or pure materials.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 2000 feet

Popular among the Grab Team and field researchers, sonic weapons were originally designed as a form of non-lethal weapon for use in high-risk areas where collateral damage might prove disastrous, such as nuclear power plants, weapon and ammunition depots and armories, etc.. Sonic weapons generate concentrated sound waves to produce strong vibrations through and within the target, causing disorientation, dizziness, nausea, and even physical damage. Most unaltered human targets can be incapacitated with a single discharge of a sonic weapon.

Sonic weapons have two settings, “Lethal” and “Non-Lethal”. In the “Lethal” setting, emissions of more violent sound waves (at shorter wavelengths) cause actual tissue and arterial disruption on impact, and the potential for damage to bones and internal organs is relatively high. S.D.C. weapons, sonic weapons have no damaging effect against mega-damage armor or structures. However, half the S.D.C. damage will penetrate M.D.C. body armor, Living Armor, and light M.D.C. vehicles to hit and hurt the person inside. One-quarter of the S.D.C. damage will penetrate and hit pilots in power armor, Host Armor, and small robots.

“Non-Lethal” uses intense sound frequencies to both upset the inner ear and cause sensory overload in the brain. This leads to dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance. Targets hit by these weapons require a save vs. non-lethal poison. A successful save means no affect. A failed save means penalties and side effects. Roll for each attack that successfully strikes. Helmets add +2 to saving throws while helmets with sonic insulation make the wear immune to the effects until the helmet is destroyed or removed. Targets with any type of enhanced hearing without protection suffer -4 to saving throw attempts. Multiple blasts increase the duration that penalties last, but the penalties themselves are not cumulative. NOTE: All sonic weapons do +10 damage when used underwater.

Weight: 3.5 lbs.
Lethal Setting: 2D6 S.D.C. plus penetration
Non-Lethal Setting: 1 point S.D.C. plus save or suffer -5 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1D4 melee rounds.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 150 feet

Weight: 7 lbs.
Lethal Setting: 3D6+2 S.D.C. plus penetration
Non-Lethal Setting: 1 point S.D.C. plus save or suffer -7 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1D6 melee rounds. Spd is reduced by 20%.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 175 feet

Fusion Rifle: A bulky but powerful weapon, the fusion rifle is a terror on the battlefield and a favored weapon among Cadre forces. Its devastating energy beam causes massive molecular disruption to the target. The wounds left by the fusion rifle have a distinctive melted or “caved in” look and take considerably longer to heal or repair.
Weight: 25 lbs.
Damage: 2D4x10 M.D. per blast. Damage from a fusion rifle can be repaired or regenerated, but with extreme difficulty. Damage from a fusion rifle takes three times as long to repair or regenerate.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Range: 2000ft.
Payload: Unlike other directed energy weapons, the Fusion Rifle requires a special energy cell to operate and cannot use the standard packs. A Fusion Rifle cell holds 16 blasts.


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:21 pm
by Guy_LeDouche

“Caseless firearms” is the catch all phrase for Bastion non-energy weapons. Caseless firearms are light, versatile, and extremely easy to operate and clean. The secret to their flexibility and effectiveness is in their unique ammunition: these particular firearms use specifically designed caseless rounds. Compact yet heavy, the bulk of the bullet is actually embedded within a thick block of solid propellant, cutting down on overall cartridge length. When fired, the propellant vaporizes completely, launching the bullet with tremendous force and speed. This unique telescoped bullet design allows for a greater magazine capacity as well as the use of larger than normal rounds relative to the size of the weapon.

Caseless ammunition offers several advantages over standard ammunition. A shorter cartridge cuts down on the distance the firearm's action must reciprocate to load a new round, which allows for higher cyclic rates and greater probability of multiple hits on a target at long range. Lack of a case also reduces the weight of the cartridge substantially; caseless ammunition generally weighs about one third as much as regular ammunition of the equivalent caliber. The lack of a casing means no ejection port is necessary. Without a casing to eject, the weapon is more accurate than traditional firearms and even the heaviest rounds have very little recoil.

The bullet itself is an equally unusual design. Though streamlined, the slug is large and fat, composed of a heavy, ultra-dense alloy casing surrounding a solid metal rod at the core. The entire assembly is finished off with an extremely powerful but small explosive located towards the rear. By design, the bullet is effective against both armored and unarmored targets. When striking a soft target, both the casing and rod fragment inside the wound, maximizing the damage caused. Against hard targets, the casing deforms, while the rod slides free and acts as an armor piercing round.

This combination of materials and construction allows a single round to fulfill a variety of roles: with the click of a button or simple voice command, the round can be used as a standard bullet. Another command or button sets the round to explode in mid-air, hitting enemies behind cover or exploding just past a window or door. Rounds can be set to explode on impact, after piercing a target, and even while in flight, creating a shotgun blast effect. The tremendous versatility of the ammunition allows a single user to effectively attack a wide variety of targets with the same weapon.

Another final ingenious feature of the caseless firearms is the same size round works for all weapons, from pistols to sniper rifles to machineguns. The added damage and range is accomplished by the barrels used in each weapon. Longer barrels contain a small charging cylinder: extra propellant is injected progressively as the round is propelled along, accelerating the bullet as it travels down to the end of the barrel. This allows models of the rifle with a very long barrel to fire at extremely high velocities increasing both range and damage.

Caseless firearms are the most common weapon non-energy weapon used by all Bastion forces. While not usually the best weapon for any particular job or assignment, they are exceptionally versatile overall and capable of being used in situations ranging from urban warfare, to covert operations to all-out battlefield combat. The benefit of being able to carry a variety of weapon systems and yet only a single ammunition source can also be very important to some operations teams. The weapons are lightweight, incredibly durable and extremely easy to maintain. NOTE: What follows is a listing of the most common “standard issue” weapons. These are meant as examples and templates for reference. GM’s are welcome to substitute or add to with specialized weapons, larger calibers, etc.

“Brigadier” Burst Fire Pistol
Weight: 3 lbs.
Mega-Damage: Standard round does 1D8 M.D., 3D8 M.D. for a three round burst.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or three round bursts, each counts as one melee attack.
Range: 1000 feet
Payload: Each clip holds 20 rounds
Bonuses: +2 to strike on a single shot, +1 on bursts

“Raider” Automatic Battle Rifle
Weight: 6.5 lbs.
Mega-Damage: Standard round does 1D8+3 M.D., 6D8 M.D. for a five round burst, or fully automatic. Fully automatic fire is -4 to strike and can be directed against a single target, inflicting 1D8x10 or sprayed to strike all targets. When sprayed, there is a 01-50% chance of hitting everyone in the line of the spraying attack who is not under cover. Generally, this can be as wide as a 180 degree arc before the shooter. Anybody within that arc is subject to the spray fire. Those who are hit take damage from one round.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or five round burst count as one attack. Fully automatic takes all actions/attacks.
Range: 2000ft.
Payload: Standard is a banana style magazine with 50 rounds. A drum-style magazine holds 150 rounds and adds 2 lbs. to the weight of the rifle. It takes three melee actions to change a drum in combat, but only one for a regular clip.
Bonuses: +2 to strike on a single shot, +1 on bursts

“Stampede” Machinegun: A heavy weapon with unbelievable rate of fire, the Stampede can fill the air with deadly rounds. Capable of firing only in bursts or fully automatic, what the Stampede lacks in accuracy it makes up for in its tremendous damage potential. All attacks except for “short bursts” suffer a -3 penalty
Weight: 15.5 lbs.
Mega-Damage: SPECIAL!! The Stampede is capable of firing only in bursts or fully automatic. Damage and effects are detailed below. For reference, the standard damage is 2D8 M.D.
    Short burst directed at one target: Approximately 6-10 rounds. Damage: 2D8x3 M.D. Counts as one melee attack.
    Short burst, spray: Approx. 8-12 rounds. Damage: 2D8 M.D. per individual struck. The attacker rolls once to strike; everybody (friend or foe) in the line of fire rolls to dodge.
    Long burst directed at one target: Approx. 20-50 rounds. Damage: 2D8x8 M.D. Counts as two melee attacks.
    Long burst, spray: Approx. 30-50 rounds. Damage: 2D8x2 M.D. per individual struck. The attacker rolls once to strike; everybody (friend or foe) in the line of fire rolls to dodge.
    Emptying the entire magazine at one target: All rounds fired and counts for all attacks for one full melee round. Damage: 50-99 rounds fired do 2D8x10 M.D., 100-190 rounds fired do 2D8x20 M.D., and 191-300 rounds fired do 2D8x30 M.D.
    Emptying the entire magazine in a spray: All rounds fired and counts for all attacks for one full melee round. A full magazine spray has a 01-60% chance of hitting everybody in the line of fire. Dodge is not possible, but victims can attempt to roll with punch to reduce damage. This is a devastating attack capable of wreaking enormous damage, especially to massed troops. Damage: 50-99 rounds fired does 2D8X2 M.D. to each individual hit. 100-190 rounds fires does 2D8x3 M.D. to each individual hit. 191-300 rounds fired do 2D8x5 M.D. to each individual hit. Note: Triple damage against giant, slow-moving or stationary targets the size of a tank or bigger since they are much easier to target and hit. Reduce the damage (i.e., the likelihood of hitting a target) by half if the machine-gunner is moving or if the target is fast-moving (over 40 mph/64 kph).

Rate of Fire: Bursts or sprays only.
Range: 2200ft.
Payload: 150 round box magazine or 300 round belt. It takes one full melee round to reload a belt-fed weapon but only three melee actions to reload with a box magazine.


Depending on the settings and situation, caseless ammunition provides a variety of bonuses or abilities. With a simple button push or vocal command the shooter can unleash a lethal diversity. Unless otherwise detailed below, the damage bonus listed is per attack, regardless of if the attack is single shot, burst, etc. For example, “Explosive” adds an additional 2D8 M.D., allowing the Raider pistol to now inflict 3D8 M.D. on a single shot and 5D8 M.D. on a burst.

    POWDER SHOT: All explosive elements remain inert and the bullet shatters on impact with any hard surface. Powder shot is used in cases where collateral damage needs to be avoided, but active targets will still be engaged. Powder shot does normal damage to soft targets, but only 1 M.D. to hardened or armored targets.
    DRAGON’S BREATH: Consuming multiple rounds at once, all propellant gases and explosive chemicals are funneled out through the weapon’s barrel, turning the caseless weapon into a mini flamethrower. The blast is intense and short lived, and may cause as much damage to the weapon as the target. The weapon must have a burst fire setting to use Dragon’s Breath. A Dragon’s Breath attack uses 3 rounds of the magazine and produces a 3ft. wide, 10ft. long stream; anyone in the stream, friend or foe, takes 3D8 M.D. plus there is a 01-45% chance of combustible materials bursting into flame. Victims may make a Roll with Impact to reduce damage by half. After the blast, the attacker must make a percentage roll. On 01-25% (01-35% for pistols) the barrel is warped from the heat and must be replaced or repaired before the weapon can be used again.
    EXPLOSIVE: The bullet detonates immediately on impact. The explosion is fairly small with a blast radius of 1 foot. Damage is increased by 2D8 M.D.
    GLASER MODE: Deadly against soft targets, “Glaser Mode” causes the bullets to rupture into multiple buck shot-like pellets on impact. The explosive charge propels these fragments deep into the wound, causing massive tissue trauma. Glasers have very little penetration power against hard targets and tend to simply bounce off even light armor. Damage against soft targets is increased by 3D8 M.D. and the target must make a saving throw against shock: 15 or better. A failed saving throw means the target is slipping into shock and will begin acting confused and disoriented, impairing concentration and reactions. The target is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, attacks per melee are reduced by half, and skills suffer a -20% penalty. Against hard targets, Glasers inflict only 1/4 damage (rounded down) with no shock effects. NOTE: At GM’s discretion, large or exceptionally tough targets may be immune to the shock effect, though they will still suffer damage.
    HIGH EXPLOSIVE AIR BURST (HEAB) MODE: With the High Explosive Air Burst (HEAB) setting, the bullet or burst is pre-set to explode above or beside targets hidden from view. The blast and fragmentation is a perfect way to hit targets behind cover or other obstacles. An air burst can be set to detonate based on both proximity and distance, allowing an operator to clear a room or enclosed area by firing through a window, door, etc. and detonating inside. Regardless of the number of bullets fired, a HEAB attack requires 2 actions; one to set/gain distance with the weapons internal targeting computer, the other to actually fire. Damage is increased by 1D8 M.D., affecting a 6ft. blast radius.
    HIGH EXPLOSIVE ARMOR PIERCING (HEAP) MODE: The High Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP) setting is capable of piercing most known armors. On impact, the explosive charge detonates, transforming the metal rod in the core into a pencil-thin jet of superheated liquid metal traveling at tremendous speed. This intense metal jet penetrates almost any armor very effectively. While damage remains unchanged, HEAP rounds can cause devastating effects. Against robots, a HEAP round or burst scoring a Natural (unmodified) 18, 19 or 20 may inflict additional impairments and damage. The character rolls using the table presented under the “Tendril Injectors” on page 98 of the Splicers Main Book with a -15%. Against living targets in armor (including Living and Host Armors), a quarter of the damage (rounded down) passes through to strike the person inside the armor (inflicting the equivalent S.D.C./H.P. damage.)
    WIDE SHOT: Simulating a close range shotgun blast, the explosive charge detonates the entire bullet shortly after leaving the barrel, scattering fragments across a wide area. Wide shot inflicts a great deal of damage, but at a greatly reduced range. Damage is increased by 4D8 M.D. and hits all targets (friend or foe) in a 30 foot cone from the weapon. The attacker rolls to strike only once, with each target making separate dodge rolls.


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:10 pm
by 89er
Sweet new tech, certainly a great starting point.


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:55 pm
by Shark_Force
what exactly do glasers do to hard targets? normal damage? 1 damage, like a powder shot? half damage? something else entirely?


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:40 pm
by Guy_LeDouche

All Bastion armor and equipment is manufactured with advanced nanotechology and bonded at a molecular level. Surprisingly lightweight, they offer maximum protection, mobility, and an array of advanced features. Additionally, the suits are entirely self-contained environments for the wearer; a character is 100% safe from outside pathogens, including the nanoplague. There is little fear of a “leak” until the M.D.C. of the suit is reduced by 80%. Most characters will wear the containment suit underneath.
With the exception of the Basic Containment Suit, all of the suits listed below have the following properties:

    • Special insulating materials help to mask infrared and thermal emissions as well as interfering and diffusing radar and various targeting systems. The wearer only has a 01-35% of being detected by standard thermal or other detector systems. Even if noticed, the reading will seem unusual or unclear. Guided missiles are at -2 to strike, and even a volley of four or more missiles is -2 (roll once for entire volley). Laser aiming systems lose their targeting bonus when shooting at the wearer. These materials are destroyed when over half the M.D.C. of the armor has been depleted.
    • As long as the armor has 80% M.D.C., the wearer is impervious to heat, fire and cold(M.D.C. fire and cold do full damage) as well as radiation.
    • Kinetic energy dampening and cushioning system. Explosions, high impacts, falls, and projectile weapons (arrows, bullets, rail gun rounds, grenades, missiles, etc.) do ½ damage. Low speed kinetic impact from punches at Robotic and Supernatural Strengths do full damage. Lasers, ion, electricity, particle beams and similar weapons inflict regular damage.
    • Underwater depth tolerance of 2,000ft.
    • Characters are able to fully use any nanite modifications while wearing the armor.

Basic Containment Suit: Assigned to any traveling to the surface, the basic containment suit is a sleek, snug-fitting body suit, normally worn underneath regular armor or clothing. The suit itself provides limited M.D.C. protection, weighs no more than an average set of clothing and allows full mobility. The containment suit protects the wearer from radiation, toxins, disease, and most importantly, the nanoplague. Provided the suit remains intact, the wearer will not become infected or spread (if already infected) the nanoplague.
Weight: 4 pounds
Mobility: Excellent, no penalties on skills or movement.
M.D.C. by location:
    Head, Arms, and Legs-20
    Main Body-40
Special Features: None

“Prowler” Combat Armor: Favored by trappers, Robot Hunters, and others who rely on stealth, the Prowler armor adds substantial protection without sacrificing mobility or stealth.
Weight: 10 pounds
Mobility: Excellent, -5% penalty on skills.
M.D.C. by location:
    Arms, and Legs-85
    Main Body-205

Special Features: Standard features for all Bastion armor plus the following:
    • The armor is made of a special sound-absorbing material, giving the wearer a +5% bonus to Prowl.
    • The Prowler is currently field testing a new camouflaging material, allowing it to change colors to match the general environment. The color changes takes approximately 30 seconds and the suit becomes the same color as the predominant one in the area (white in snow, green or brown in forested areas, etc.) Bonuses: +10% to camouflage/hide when motionless (or a -10% penalty to Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment) and +5% to Prowl. The material lasts for about a month or 40 M.D. points of damage, whichever comes first.

“Grunt” Medium Combat Armor: The standard armor of most Bastion troops, the Grunt offers excellent protection without sacrificing mobility. The “Grunt” armor comes equipped with a light, robotic exoskeleton, providing the wearer with Robotic Strength and enhanced speed with minimal physical exertion.
Weight: 50 pounds, but the exoskeleton makes it seem almost as light and mobile as the Prowler armor.
Mobility: Good, -10% penalty on applicable skills.
M.D.C. by location:
    Arms and Legs-115
    Main Body-300

Special Features: Standard features for all Bastion armor plus the following from the light exoskeleton.
    Physical Strength: Equal to a Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 28
    Speed: Doubles the wearer’s normal running Spd and the user tires at 30% usual rate of fatigue.
    Leaping: Increase the wearer’s usual ability/range by 20%.
    Bonuses: +1 to parry, dodge, and pull punch, one additional attack/action per melee.

“Tank” Heavy Combat Armor: Heavy, bulky and powerful, the “Tank” is meant for intense combat and superior protection. Outfitted with a heavy exoskeleton, the “Tank” allows a wearer to take and dish out tremendous punishment.

Weight: 100 pounds, but the exoskeleton makes it seem lighter and more mobile.
Mobility: Poor, -30% penalty on applicable skills.
M.D.C. by location:
    Arms and Legs-280
    Main Body-500

Special Features: Standard features for all Bastion armor plus the following from the heavy exoskeleton.
    Physical Strength: Equal to a Robotic P.S. of 50
    Speed: Running speed is increased to 50 mph and the user tires at 50% usual rate of fatigue.
    Leaping: 25 feet high or across from a standstill, double with a running start.
    Bonuses: +1 to parry, dodge, and pull punch, one additional attack/action per melee.


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:09 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Shark_Force wrote:what exactly do glasers do to hard targets? normal damage? 1 damage, like a powder shot? half damage? something else entirely?

Thanks Shark_Force. It slipped by me. I updated the description, but in answer to your question:

Against hard targets, Glasers inflict only 1/4 damage (rounded down) with no shock effects.

Thanks again!


Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:13 pm
by Aramanthus
Nice new Bastion weapons and equipment. Please keep them coming.