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Palladium loses another dear friend

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:33 pm
by Kevin
Palladium loses another dear friend

It is with a sad heart that I report Palladium Books has lost another cherished friend to cancer. Phyllis Opolko passed away on Monday, March 4, 2013.

I knew Phyllis primarily on a business level. She was one of those super-managers who always seemed on top of everything, in control and able to do the work of three people. She was a mover and shaker at Diamond Comics/Alliance Games Distributors (our Number One Distributor) where she was Senior Marketing Manager. She also helped to coordinate the Diamond/Alliance Trade Show.

Everyone loved Phyllis. Wayne and I included. She was a big supporter of Palladium Books and always made certain that Palladium got its invitation to the Trade Show and made sure we were attending, as well as sending me reminders about contributing to door prizes, giveaways and the charity auction. Phyllis also called and emailed to check up on me and to see how Palladium was doing. That meant a lot to me, especially during the years after the Crisis of Treachery.

In short, Phyllis was a dynamo and a sweetheart. A joy to chat with and a wonder to work with. She will be very, very missed by her many co-workers and friends throughout the gaming industry as well as her husband and family.

Our prayers and sympathy to her family and friends. Take solace in your warm memories of this generous woman. She made the gaming industry and the world a better place. Phyllis Opolko shall occupy a special place in my heart, always.

With Love and Appreciation,
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

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