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Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:10 am
by Veritas476
How hard do you all think it would be to introduce a new corporate entity into the Chaos Earth setting? One that could either oppose or work with NEMA.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:53 pm
by Shawn Merrow
I don't think it would be hard at all. As the world was in another Cold War you could have a large PMC that could cause problems.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:33 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
i think it would be fun. What were your thought behind them?

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:29 pm
by Veritas476
I don't know just yet. This was a curiosity question for the moment. If it takes root in my brain and won't go away I might do something with it.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:43 pm
by Johnathan
Allow me, if I may, to point at a certain other fictional corporate entity that has caused the fictional world it exists in continual, constant and on-going problems: The Umbrella Coporation.

SURE! The world is ending as we know it. What does a Mega-Corporation, like Umbrella, do? Consolidate your assets and resources! Hole up somewhere deep and heavily protected (Cause... Let's face it. They went there BEFORE their world was being ravaged by one virus or another...) and prepare to bring about YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER once everything has died down.

We all know that Mega-Corporations (Mega-Corps) exist in The Golden Age before the Great Cataclysm... and that they all were in some kind of arms race or another (I only use the phrase "arms race" because it's generic enough, in my opinion, to be utilized effectively for this discussion). So, that also stands to reason that each one of them had some kind of "Plan B" if poo ever hit the fan. Heck... some of them may have just had a bunch of people in a room coming up with all kinds of "What If" plans. It's just... I doubt any of them REALLY considered the, "Our World is going through an Apocalypse that isn't going to End in our lifetime..." plan.

However - Juicer Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Robotics, Cybernetics, Bionics, M.O.M. Technology... ALL existed during the Golden Age! Which means, chances are, these Mega-Corps have access to any and/or all of them! With the right kind of people and the right kind of access to the right kind of training... One of these Mega-Corps could last a VERY long time during the Chaos!

Case in Point - Here's A "Mega-Corp" I built, using the Mercenary Company Creation Rules, as a Guideline. THIS is kind of what sort of resources and capabilities a Mega-Corp during The Golden Age, would have...

Ramses Pharmacutical
Mega-Corporation - 55 points Still Available, with Government Contracts
A. Sponsorship - Government
B. Outfits - Unlimited Clothing - 50 Points
C. Equipment - Unlimited Equipment - 50 Points
D. Vehicles - Unlimited Vehicles - 50 Points
E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots - Maximum Firepower - 60 Points
F. Communications - Superior Communications - 40 Points
G. Internal Security - Impregnable - 60 Points
H. Permanent Bases - Company City - 60 Points
I. Intelligence Resources - Infiltration Network - 50 Points
J. Special Budget - Mega Bucks - 60 Points
K. General Alignment of Personnel - Evil - No Cost
L. Criminal Activity -
M. Reputation - Excellent Reputation - 25 Points
N. Salary - Outrageous Salary - 40 Points

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:48 pm
by Veritas476
Johnathan wrote:Allow me, if I may, to point at a certain other fictional corporate entity that has caused the fictional world it exists in continual, constant and on-going problems: The Umbrella Coporation.

SURE! The world is ending as we know it. What does a Mega-Corporation, like Umbrella, do? Consolidate your assets and resources! Hole up somewhere deep and heavily protected (Cause... Let's face it. They went there BEFORE their world was being ravaged by one virus or another...) and prepare to bring about YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER once everything has died down.

We all know that Mega-Corporations (Mega-Corps) exist in The Golden Age before the Great Cataclysm... and that they all were in some kind of arms race or another (I only use the phrase "arms race" because it's generic enough, in my opinion, to be utilized effectively for this discussion). So, that also stands to reason that each one of them had some kind of "Plan B" if poo ever hit the fan. Heck... some of them may have just had a bunch of people in a room coming up with all kinds of "What If" plans. It's just... I doubt any of them REALLY considered the, "Our World is going through an Apocalypse that isn't going to End in our lifetime..." plan.

However - Juicer Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Robotics, Cybernetics, Bionics, M.O.M. Technology... ALL existed during the Golden Age! Which means, chances are, these Mega-Corps have access to any and/or all of them! With the right kind of people and the right kind of access to the right kind of training... One of these Mega-Corps could last a VERY long time during the Chaos!

Umbrella Corp can go fly a.....n umbrella. :P As for the rest of what you said I do agree with what you've said regarding Mega-Corps. Though I wasn't necessarily thinking of an entity that large but now it could be.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:22 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
What about a armored transport company, we get your stuff there no matter what it takes moto. They could have a fleet of ships and aircraft. perhaps they salvaged what they were transporting to help save themselves. What if they had some island base, this way they did not have to follow certain laws of some nations. This way they could explain why they would have some military presence.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:09 pm
by Jason Richards
Lots of groups out there to build from or splinter from. ArmaTech, KLS, Cyberworks, Triax, etc. These companies owned lots of OTHER companies, and many were very shady. That's fertile ground for adventure, my friends.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:02 pm
by Josh Hilden
Jason Richards wrote:Lots of groups out there to build from or splinter from. ArmaTech, KLS, Cyberworks, Triax, etc. These companies owned lots of OTHER companies, and many were very shady. That's fertile ground for adventure, my friends.

Listen to the Richards, the Richards is wise.


Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:16 pm
by Veritas476
Oh I listened. I just haven't decided what to do with this idea yet. Still playing around in other areas of the megaverse right now.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:42 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
What about using some of these megaversal corporations, say using the earth as a safari hunting ground. go in with specialized guides and hunter and what not.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:08 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Brimstone wrote:Despite the concept of a Faceless Corporate Entity, remember that the people behind these Businesses are very A-Type personalities. Using the Umbrella Corporation's Albert Wesker as a bench mark.. you can play them (the CEO's) as Power Hungry Megalomaniacs who see the Great Cataclysm as an opportunity to seize power and remake the World (or their little part in it) in their own image. "So the world is coming to an end, and you want to run home to your families? No... I tell you, this is the opportunity we have been waiting for, no Government Oversight, No Stock-Holders to coddle, No Environmental Tree Hugging (other then the pointed eared guy in the corner) Protesters picketing outside our gates, It's a Brand New World People, and we are going to seize this gift by the balls and rebuild this world around our Toothpaste!!" Crazy... Yes, but people will gravitate to the person who has the Strongest Vision (not necessarily the right one).

I have used the Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner, as a leading Genetics Research Company (while secretly working the with Government on Stem-Cell/Cloning technology), and have introduced the "Sims" from Rifts: Manhunter. Because of their Government Contracts Tyrell had/has a small privet army of ex-military who act as their security force. With the world in Chaos and no one breathing down their necks, they are using their Technology to quick-grow an armed force (6 months/weeks till the first 100 or so hit the deck, with Transferred intelligence from their recently lost employees (stole this idea from the Robotech Masters).

nice i forgot about the blade runner movie. thats a great movie to draw from for corporate and cities of the future.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:34 pm
by Tor
Do we know what time during the calendar that Naruni first landed?

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:24 am
by Neferkem
This has a certain conspiratorial air to it. I like it, it has a great deal of potential in terms of plot lines that could twist turn enough to make even the most experienced adrenaline junky cry uncle.
Such as did they engineer the the conflagration in South America?

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:51 am
by abe
what about wizards of the coast as a coporate entity?

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:12 pm
by abe
Rappanui wrote:Quite a funny enemy to have in Chaos earth.. but WOTC wouldn't have enough time to bring down forth their "magic gathering"army on anyone..

not even if they had REAL magic to work with?

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:36 pm
by Acid0philus
Cybernetworks, and the company that made the Chromium Guardsman... KLC, or something? I keep wanting to call it KLF, but that was a musical act of the 80's and 90's.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:18 pm
by taalismn
I have to consider that Paladin Steel, my own fictional post-Rifts megacorp, has had its origins stated as pre-Rifts, producing megadamage materials, superconductors, and 3-d printing/prototyping for other firms, as well as handling trash-to-energy contracts for the states of Vermont and New Hampshire. Would they qualify as a pre-Rifts megacorp? Probably not; they were more local than supra-national and no insidious agendas.

They COULD, however, been one of a number of companies OWNED, even covertly, by a larger technologies company or entrenched government-industrial complex concern. That might explain why, for example, during the Coming of the Rifts, facilities like theirs might have had security forces armed with megadamage weapons on premises(part of some ubercorps' attempt to take over high-tech facilities? Secure their...or other peoples'...assets during the crisis?).

Megacorps are a really fun excuse for having all manner of shady operatives hanging around, like pre-Rifts tech-ninjas, Russian cyberhumanoid enforcers, neural-intelligence hack-bots, and other high-end cyberpunk apex predators roving around. They can carrying out black ops, or cut off from their chain of command in the middle of a black op and are now forced to team up with other complete their original mission? Or these corporate scum become heroes?

I can't help that even wretched movies like The Divide can be used as inspiration for the doings of rotten evil megacorps operatives hunting survivors for some twisted agenda.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:58 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Wayland-Yutani owns one of the space stations.
I hear they're the actual reason for the Xyticix invasion and they were doing the research on bugs on Mars.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:50 pm
by taalismn
Shaper Corp. might not have been broken up as much as simply REORGANIZED...and even with their talent either behind bars or Project Paperclipped into other corporations, their hardcore believers may have been able to stay in touch and continue to work towards some dark agenda.

Re: Introducing a coporate entity

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:42 pm
by Tiree
From the mind of a friend of mine, I have ran with it to a different end point. But I have two Rival hotel chains being a prominent organization within my Rifts Game. Since they are in Rifts, the history of them being in Chaos Earth and a MegaCorp before is a logical conclusion.