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Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:43 am
by dragonfett
Ok, instead of focusing on the protaganist (the heroes, supposedly), let's focus on the antagonist (you know, the bad guys). Who would you like to see as the bad guy of the movie?

My vote would have to go to A.R.C.H.I.E. 3OZ.

Re: Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:39 pm
by Chronicle
We will need a villian that the "Players" will see form time to time. Someone like that, which would mean you would have to roll up a whole new villian or take an "NPC" from the books who isn't too high up on the ladder.

For the CS, some kind of Squad leader. For the Splugorth a Slaver would be great. For Archie, one of his Rare "children" AI, and the list can go on.

Make the huge boss guy someone main antagonist reports too ( IE Vader to the Emporer,) Especially if you want to plan a sequal.

So you have Dunscon being a main antagonist, but his leutenant is the person the group sees on a regular basis. Later on if ther eis a sequal you mix it up and make the story bigger then what it was.

Here is a good one. Have the group Confuse Archie as the major villian, while all this time the things Archie has been doing are set in motion not to dominate the locals, but raid the sploogs instead.

Re: Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:17 pm
by Wiserbud
Completely agree with you Chronicle!

Somone à la Suka San from the Rifts novels would be ideal.

Re: Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:48 pm
by Chronicle
The characters in the Rifts Novels are really well done. I think you will recognize them pretty well.

Re: Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:14 pm
by Lenwen
Chronicle wrote:Here is a good one. Have the group Confuse Archie as the major villian, while all this time the things Archie has been doing are set in motion not to dominate the locals, but raid the sploogs instead.

A movie of this caliber .. would need a HUGE .. twist like that .

But according to canon .. Archie is a bad guy an this situation has him looking like humanities Knight in shining armor .. haha

Re: Who should be the Big Bad Villian?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:34 pm
by Chronicle
The Cannon paints archie in a grey area, He wants to protect humanity just not interact with him, he is a parnoid Wild card in any game reguarding the Spluggorth. Hates the with a passion.