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Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:34 am
by Premier
Written by the Phenom, Guy Ledouche

Entry 2A:
Headquarters: West Skyline Gorge
Report of Incident-Point La Fiere Ambush
Report Originator-Sgt. Daniel Wehrle, 1st Amphibious Squadron
NOTE: Despite the clarity of the report, it must be noted that Sgt. Wehrle was recovering from extensive surgery and was still under intense drug and medical treatment at the time of this debriefing. His wounds were quite severe, and the following report was dictated by Sgt. Wehrle to the on-site Scribe Historian.

I'd been Captain Franklin‘s dorsal gunner for about four months. We had gotten a few of the new Leviathans about 6 months earlier and had been using them extensively since. They were great against the Machines; tough, fast moving, could carve up a Steel Trooper in a matter of seconds.
Earlier that month, we had been folded into Lt. Colonel Fagen‘s 1st Amphib Squadron and were operating at the time as an LRRP (Long Range Recon Patrol). That means we were basically heavily armed spies. Usually 15-17 Leviathans and crew, tasked with prowling around riverbeds and ocean floor, keeping tabs on other Houses, spying on N.E.X.U.S. forces and attacking any targets of opportunity that may present themselves.
My LRRP Company mostly worked the western part of the Skyline Gorge Coast. Our patrols were generally up the Ia Drang River Valley, following the western fork to pass the Machine-occupied Plateau City, then overland to the Oasis, then back east to the River, with a stop at the ruins of another small city. This way, we could keep watch on a Power Center, a few small retro-villages, and two cities.
I wasn‘t any more worried about this LRRP than any other. Captain Franklin is a great Outrider; one of the best ass kickers of both Man and Machine I‘ve seen. He‘s absolutely the best guy to have on your side in a fistfight or a firefight. Despite being barely over 5 feet tall, he‘s a brassy, aggressive guy who never gets rattled by anything and always had a pithy oath for all occasions. We'd been together through ten or twelve patrols by now--some of them terrifying--and were about as confident in each other as anyone who regularly goes up against overwhelming, deadly odds from time to time as part of their normal job descriptions.
We were finishing up our patrol, scooting along the river bottom. We were to stay submerged, head up the coastline, make one last pass about a mile from the Power Center, fire off a few shots, and leave. We often did this on patrols that had been rather slow. I imagine it was more irritating to the Machine than truly damaging, but it made us feel like we‘d actually accomplished something. That somewhere, that metal ***** was shaking a fist and cursing the day we were born. We knew they wouldn‘t follow us far out into the ocean, and everyone knows how much punishment a Leviathan can take. So, a quick ―in and out wasn‘t too dangerous. It‘s also a great way to scare the crap out of newbies!
About ½ mile from the shore defenses, a few hundred feet below the surface, we were about to let loose, when Captain Franklin stopped us dead in our tracks. Sonar started going off like crazy; something big was headed for us. Actually, it was several ―somethings, and all from the ocean. For whatever reason, N.E.X.U.S. has never taken a major interest in the deep water, so we all figured it was some kind of ocean predator. Big, yes. Nasty, probably, since it was headed straight for us. Something that 15 Leviathans couldn‘t handle? Doubtful. The Captain ordered us to spread out and be ready.
I don‘t know what they were, I‘ve never seen anything like them. They were huge, bigger even than Dracos I bet, nothing but teeth, claws and spikes. And there were a lot of them; they seemed to appear out of nowhere. They plowed straight into us, pushing us back and shredding a few of the other Leviathans. Troops started to emerge from them, some even seemed to be launched out of their backs!
I zeroed one and shot what I hoped was the leader in the chest. It went down and all hell broke loose around me as everyone opened up. Then, like all firefights, everything seemed dreamy, slow, fear is gone, action seemed distant, like a dream.
Oh yes, there's one---aim-fire!--get him? Don't know, but here's another one-bring the gun around-aim-fire!--aim at this jerking shape, fire! –Sh!t, our Leviathan is bleeding and taking on water, we‘re taking a beating -aim-fire! Picking my shots, I got another one, maybe two more.
A momentary lull and time jerked into fast motion again. We'd knocked over several of the human looking ones on the first burst, but I knew there was more. I also saw these armored things had split our group in half; some of us were being pushed up to the shore and into Machine defenses, the rest further out to sea.
Franklin ordered those that could to head for the shore. We were to hit the shore at full speed, hard and fast and try to punch through the N.E.X.U.S. defenses. It was suicide, but so was staying here to fight these things. With any luck, the Machine forces would attack these things as well, and we might be able to get away in the fracas. The few Leviathans left with us hauled ass for the shore. We hit the beach at full speed, bowling over a few Steel Troopers along the way.
I know they are Machines, but I honestly think we caught them with their pants down. It took the Machine defenses a full 15 seconds or more to react. Franklin and the other Outriders were dodging, weaving, jumping randomly, pushing the Leviathans as hard as they could. Doc, you ever been on a War Mount in full ―evasion mode? I don't know of many things more hair raising than when a real expert Outrider pushes their mount to full bore—we were shooting along the ground, leaping to right above treetop level, banking and twisting, all trying to avoid fire. Not for the faint of heart.
I looked back and sure enough, we were being pursued. The beach was swarming with….things. Some trailed tentacles, others looked almost like Scarecrows, but way too big and moved differently. And strong; stronger than any Crow or Armor I‘ve ever seen. These guys were tearing bots to pieces with nothing but bare hands! Behind them, their armored beasts were making their way to the shore, crushing anything in their path.
I opened up blindly, no fire discipline at all. I was just shooting wildly, at bots, at these jerking muscle heads, the armored creatures, anything I could see. It was chaos, weapon fire everywhere, explosions from every direction, bodies and pieces of bodies flying through the air. We were ripping it up, the Leviathan was shuddering from all the hits it was taking. The beach behind us looked like a hurricane had just rolled through. Waves from explosions rolled across us, it seemed to push the air out of our lungs.
I don‘t know how long it took us to make it through that, to push past the defenses and get clear of both the Machine and the other attackers. Its all a haze of constant moving, jerking, and firing. It felt like a year, at least. By that point, the Leviathan was little more than a walking corpse. It shuddered suddenly, then stopped dead in its tracks. That‘s when the realization hit me; somehow, Franklin and I had survived. I don‘t know what happened to anyone else, but we had made it.
We reluctantly abandoned the War Mount. It‘s strange, now that I think about it: I feel horrible about leaving it out there. I know it was dead, but it seems………..disrespectful to leave it. That beast carried us through Hell and back, and we left it rotting in the forest. Just doesn‘t seem right.
We immediately made for some tall elephant grass nearby. Air pick up was on its way, we just had to sit tight. The moment the Dracos picked us up, I collapsed. My nerve was completely shot, arms over my head, whimpering like a little girl. I didn‘t know how bad I was injured until we got back to base.
Those things? I don‘t know what they were. I‘ve been a Roughneck since I was 15, had my first firefight at 16. I thought I had seen pretty much anything bio-tech could whip up. But I‘ve never seen anything like those muscle bound Scarecrow things. They tore through us and the bots like we weren‘t even there. I mean, a whole squadron of Leviathans, wiped out. Just me and one other guy left. I wouldn‘t have guessed that.
With all due respect, can I get some sleep now?

Ragdoll O.C.C.
Written & Created by Quantum07
Illustrated By Chazio ... -210788157

The Scarecrows, those creepy, strange, power-hungry creatures that serve their mysterious Librarian masters. They are feared for their strength, speed, and agility. They strike fear into even the most hardened soldier. They have remained unchanged by the librarians for years. Until now…

As the Kraken's assault the shorelines, no one noticed the strange figures crawling out of the Leviathans in the shadows. They did not fire a shot, merely disgorged their passengers. The first to meet them did not even see them as their bodies were literally ripped into two halves and thrown 20 feet (6m) from their origins. Later, some received a glimpse of the creatures. They looked like normal scarecrows, withered, desiccated humans, but there was something wrong. Their muscles seemed overly large, and tore through the skin at points. The movements were less smooth than a scarecrow's, and when they moved; they seemed to twitch and spasm forward. The slow, hypnotic movements delayed the watchers just long enough, and the creature launched itself forward, wrapping its limbs around the host armor's torso, and with a couple of wrenching motions, flung the upper half away. That was the first documented report of what we have come to know as the Ragdoll.

The Ragdoll is a Special Forces version of the Scarecrow. They have been bio-engineered and fed the elixir of life. This deadly combination makes a warrior with unparalleled strength. The elixir provides the supernatural strength, but the bioengineering provides the unique muscle twitching that makes the Ragdoll what it is. The uncoordinated movements, and the ripping muscles, actively increase the Ragdoll's strength for their favorite attack. The Ragdoll wraps its arms around a person, and the muscle spasm releases ALL the energy in the contracted muscles, usually resulting in dismemberment. The twitching muscles, which seem random, are subconsciously controlled, allowing them to dodge even energy blasts without a thought. One last bio-enhancement provided to the Ragdoll is the inclusion of an elixir storage pouch, allowing them to spend more time away from the house.

Alignment: Almost always evil or selfish
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high PS always helps these straightforward fighters
Attribute Bonuses: +3D6 PS, which becomes Supernatural, +2D6 PE, and life extended to 150 years
O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 attacks per melee round, +4 initiative, +8 automatic dodge, +4 vs poisons, toxins, and disease, +5 to saving throw vs Horror Factor
Base S.D.C.: Not Applicable; see Scarecrow’s Super-Endurance (see Splicers sourcebook).
Ragdoll O.C.C. Powers:
1.Muscle Spasms: Reduce P.P. by -1D4, and can perform a tearing attack. Once Ragdolls grapple an opponent, the Ragdoll can use attacks per melee to try to rip the opponents in half. Roll to strike to see if the torque for the attack is right, no bonuses. Each attack does 1D6X10 M.D., and on a natural 19-20 the target is ripped in half. Each attack does 1D6 M.D. to the Ragdoll himself as his muscles rip through his skin.
2. Supernatural Strength: Human strength becomes Supernatural P.S., even stronger than most Splicers (which is the equivalent to Robotic P.S.). The Ragdoll can carry up to 50 times his P.S. attribute in number in pounds, can lift up to 100 times his P.S., and inflicts Mega-Damage with his bare hands and feet in melee combat (See the Supernatural P.S. damage table for exact M.D. numbers (see Splicers sourcebook). Note: Minimum P.S. is 30, if lower, adjust P.S. to 30.
3. Super-Endurance: Becomes a Mega-Damage being with 1D6X10 +P.E. attribute number for M.D.C. Add 2D6 M.D.C. per level of experience, starting at level two. Supernatural endurance allow Ragdolls to fight and conduct strenuous exercises/activity 10 times longer before feeling the effects of exhaustion, and remains alert, operating at full efficiency for up to 5 days (120 hours) without sleep. Has a problem getting to sleep, but only requires 3 hours of sleep.
4.Super-Speed: Add 1D4X10 to speed, Ragdolls are slower than normal Scarecrows due to their awkward movement. Increased leg spasms allow the Ragdoll to leap 120 feet (36.6 m) up or across after a short run (half from a dead stop), and 60 feet (18 m) high without a short run.
5.Super-Healing: Ragdolls bio-regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per melee round and is +20% vs coma and death. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of physical pain will impair the Ragdoll until he is down to zero M.D.C. or less. At that point the Ragdoll will collapse into unconsciousness, but the Ragdoll will continue to regenerate and when back up to at least 3 M.D.C. above zero, the Ragdoll regains consciousness and is ready for action within 1D4 seconds (one melee action).
6.Superior Senses: The Ragdoll possesses the same incredible acute senses as the Scarecrows: Crystal clear sight and hearing, can clearly read a street sign about one mile (1.6 km) away and hear a whisper (a 10 decibel noise) up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away. Senses of touch and taste are slightly increased, about twice as good as a normal human. The sense of smell, however, is greatly enhanced, roughly equal to a dog’s (a thousand times more keen than a normal human). Ragdolls can track a scent that is two days (48 hours) old, provided it hasn’t rained in time, and recognize an odor from smelling a small sample.
Specific scent abilities:
1) Recognize and accurately identify general/common/known smells, including gases, food, and other distinctive odors.
Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience.
Base Skill: 60%+2% per level of experience
2) Identify specific odors, including the scent of specific individuals, items, or monsters.
Range: 25 feet (7.6 m) +10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Base Skill: 36% = 2% per level of experience (+10 % to recognize familiar or common scent, +15% to follow a blood scent).
3) Track by smell alone! Does not need to follow tracks or any other visible trail.
Range: Roll once for every 1000 feet (305 m) of the trail.
Base Skill: 30% +4% per level of experience. A failed roll mans the trial has been temporarily lost. Two successful rolls out of three means the trail has been rediscovered. After two failures the trail is permanently lost. Cannot track by smell through moving water.
7. Retractable Finger Talons (Optional): These set of razor sharp talons retract into protective sheaths within the thick muscled fingertips, leaving only a slight pointed edge that the casual observer is not likely to notice… until it’s too late. The talons are used to help secure struggling quarry/opponents for the muscle spasm assaults and aid the Ragdoll in climbing when necessary.
Maximum Damage
: +1D6 M.D. to normal punch damage, and 4D6+10 M.D. for Claw Strike/Slash Attack.
Bonus: +15% to Climbing Skill
8.Horror Factor: The Ragdoll has a natural Horror Factor of 11 at first level that increases by +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
9.Penalties: In addition to the desiccation, which reduces the P.B. by ½, and M.A. by -1D4, he cannot resist orders from his librarian. If the commands seem suicidal or against the Ragdoll’s alignment, he can attack to save at -6, he loses 1D6 MDC every year after his transformation from permanent damage of the muscle spasms. Can go up to two months before running out of elixir of life with a full storage pouch. Cannot detox, as afterwards the muscle spasms would destroy the character. He is -5 to strike with ranged weapons.
Common Skills: Standard
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Assassin +20% or Espionage +20%, Martial Artist, and 2 or choice at +5%
Elective Skills: select two additional skills from Espionage or Rogue, one physical, and one of choice at level one. Select one additional Elective Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. All new skills begin at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+10%).
Domestic: Any, except Begging and Wardrobe & Grooming
Espionage: Any (+10%), except Disguise and Impersonation.
Medical: None.
Military: Any (+5%), except Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal
and Demolitions Underwater.
Physical: Any, except Boxing.
Rogue: Any (+15% to Prowl), except Seduction.
Science: Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any.
Transportation: Any, except Host Armor Combat and War
Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any.
Any, except W.P. Paired Weapons, Modern Weapons
and Quick Draw.
Secondary Skills
: Five secondary skills at level one, and one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
MDC Living Body Armor: Never wears one, as it restricts the overly large muscles.
Standard Equipment:
Vest of office, hooded cloak, set of dress clothes, Face Wrap, tinted goggles, one light Bio-weapon, two MDC daggers, weapon for each WP, knapsack, backpack, saddlebag, water skin, two weeks emergency rations. The daggers and any other melee weapon have 1D4X10 Bio-E available for upgrades.
Money: 2D4X100 credits
Upside: You are the strongest there is. You can rip a human in half in a second, and can wrench open a host armor given time. You are the future face of the Librarians and will destroy your enemies swiftly.
Downside: You are a slave to your Librarian, and there is no way out. When he goes crazy, you have no choice but to go along with it or be crushed by your own spasm muscles.


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:54 am
by krispy
great character concept, great write up, great artwork


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:43 am
by kevarin
good job love the pic and the write up on this guy cant wait for the others to come out


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:42 pm
by Lord Z
The perspective on this illustration is what works for me. I also like the Gene Simmons hair on the Ragdoll. Is that a tattoo on the Ragdoll's right arm? Anyway, it is more than we were expecting for a free picture given as a rpize contest.

The description is particularly thorough without being overly long. I wasn't sure about these Ragdolls at first, but they are growing on me (no pun intended).


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:30 pm
by boxee
Well done my friend! Your talent is really showing through in this post. The art is as always great, grats madjaguar. Hope to see more from writer and artist soon.


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:19 pm
by Snake Eyes
:shock: huh???!!!!!! :shock:
i think Rag Doll is a wrong name that thing.
@Guy.....great story....
Fantastic art too


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:39 pm
by Noon
Always exactly 20 feet? I think that bit is kind of mixing up giving a background story with giving specific data. "The bodies were found split in half, often a half dozen yards from each other" or such probably gets there.


Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:57 pm
by 89er
Great art and background for the start.

Oh and =Ragdoll Wins, Fatality=


Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:08 am
by Quantum07
Thank you! This is the first thing I have ever written up. It has inspired me to make more Splicers stuff. Also, The art work is AMAZING!!! Well worth the wait!


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:43 pm
by Premier
Quantum07 wrote:Thank you! This is the first thing I have ever written up. It has inspired me to make more Splicers stuff. Also, The art work is AMAZING!!! Well worth the wait!

Congratulations Q-7!!!!

First write up did its job very well as it got you a solid win with a horrific contribution to the setting of an awesome RPG! Glad to hear your inspired to write more and we would love to see more quality work added to the Splicers realm. As to the Art, glad to be of service and happy that you participated. Always my goal to try & please the creators.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:46 pm
by Premier
89er wrote:Great art and background for the start.

Oh and =Ragdoll Wins, Fatality=

Thank You 89er!!! Certainly strong start out the gate and much more to come! As to the fatality, mann... I want to see how you all handle them in game play...???? Feedbacl is requested if anyone utilizes them anytime soon.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:50 pm
by Premier
Snake Eyes wrote::shock: huh???!!!!!! :shock:
i think Rag Doll is a wrong name that thing.
@Guy.....great story....
Fantastic art too

Yes indeed Guy Ledouche is doing a fantastic job and I am very pleased with the writing he is producing, just wait to see what else is to come. As to the name, on the battlefield I think it will get the point across quite well with the Ragdoll tag. Pretty much all is left is a bunch of carcasses and a Ragdoll that is putting its raggedy self back together with its super regeneration. Just imagine a mob of these things storming into your ranks...


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:53 pm
by Premier
boxee wrote:Well done my friend! Your talent is really showing through in this post. The art is as always great, grats madjaguar. Hope to see more from writer and artist soon.

Boxee, we appreciate your compliments and support! Quantum07 did an outstanding job I agree and its always a pleasure for me to see Splice Heads enjoying progress for the setting and supporting one another! Definitely more to come...


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:04 pm
by Premier
Lord Z wrote:The perspective on this illustration is what works for me. I also like the Gene Simmons hair on the Ragdoll. Is that a tattoo on the Ragdoll's right arm? Anyway, it is more than we were expecting for a free picture given as a rpize contest.

The description is particularly thorough without being overly long. I wasn't sure about these Ragdolls at first, but they are growing on me (no pun intended).

Lord Z, you have such an eye for details and pointing out the intricate work that makes my job so worth it! As to the tattoo, Its actually a Bio-Decal for the Violet Wave's Ragdoll Regime inspired by the Soothsayer Bio-Tatts. There may be a link later on in the future regarding the two biotechnologies. The decal is DNA/RNA bio coded into the Crow/Ragdoll conversion process so that it heals back the same way the skin normally does. So as you can see or reflect back on my previous questions, there was a reasoning for my curiosity with your Soothsayer bio tattoos. I just couldn't reveal my curiousity until now. :D

I think Ragdolls will become a growing term for many as the Violet Wave spreads and they are utilized in campaigns. Glad you liked the perspective. I chose that angle because it brings the players into the face and eyes of the Ragdolll and yet it still gives a good idea of what it looks like overall. Glad you like it!


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:07 pm
by Premier
kevarin wrote:good job love the pic and the write up on this guy cant wait for the others to come out

Thank You and we are churning out a great deal actually! I too enjoyed the write up and can't wait to see/read more of what's cooking in the Writer's pot. I am like a kid in a candy story and yet I can't share all of the goodies just... :badbad: yet.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:10 pm
by Premier
krispy wrote:great character concept, great write up, great artwork

Thank You Krispy! We appreciate it and are eager to hear what your encounters with Ragdolls are like. I agree Quantum07 & Guy Leoduche handled their BIZ!


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:25 pm
by Snake Eyes
Premier wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote: :shock: huh???!!!!!! :shock:
i think Rag Doll is a wrong name that thing.
@Guy.....great story....
Fantastic art too

Yes indeed Guy Ledouche is doing a fantastic job and I am very pleased with the writing he is producing, just wait to see what else is to come. As to the name, on the battlefield I think it will get the point across quite well with the Ragdoll tag. Pretty much all is left is a bunch of carcasses and a Ragdoll that is putting its raggedy self back together with its super regeneration. Just imagine a mob of these things storing ito your ranks...

Well, i have been re-inspired to write more Splicers stuff.......You may see something from me in a few days


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:32 am
by Quantum07
Ragdoll, because that is what you are in it's hands.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:25 am
by Guy_LeDouche
I thought the "Ragdoll" name was a stroke of genuis, for all the reasons listed above. But also for the way they are described to move: clumsy and disjointed. I imagine a regular Scarecrow to walk and move with a fluid, inhuman grace, whereas these guys just lurch forward. No grace, no ease, lumbering with all the agility of freshly poured concrete. Until they attack, that it is.

For wrestling fans, I imagined a group of these guys looking like a horde of blood thirsty Scott Steiners charging after you. Not a pretty picture.

For non wrestling fans, just Google a picture of this guy. You'll see.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:46 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Snake Eyes wrote::shock: huh???!!!!!! :shock:
i think Rag Doll is a wrong name that thing.
@Guy.....great story....
Fantastic art too

Thank you Snake Eyes. Just wait, this one is/was the shortest of the ones I've been cranking out. I'm wrapping up one now that I know Premier has gotten a kick out of, and I have two more on my plate.

Premier approached me a while ago about tackling this. I had to put it on the back burner for a while due to a job layoff situation, however, that's been corrected and so now I'm playing catch up.

I take full responsiblity for "Unleashed" being delayed; Premier had his stuff done. He's just been waiting on me to finish my part.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:05 pm
by Lord Z
The eye-witness account, btw, was a good narrative on its own. I feel that the purpose was to give players an in.troduction that the GM could read without giving away too much detail. Details about the Ragdolls and other creatures were certainly sparse. There was a lot of fun action, of course, but what I liked about the story were the technical aspects. There was a bit of foreshadowing at the beginning, some character development, and excellent pacing throughout. My only concern would be that the narrator doesn't sound like he is drugged as he is described as being.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:24 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
Lord Z wrote:The eye-witness account, btw, was a good narrative on its own. I feel that the purpose was to give players an in.troduction that the GM could read without giving away too much detail. Details about the Ragdolls and other creatures were certainly sparse. There was a lot of fun action, of course, but what I liked about the story were the technical aspects. There was a bit of foreshadowing at the beginning, some character development, and excellent pacing throughout. My only concern would be that the narrator doesn't sound like he is drugged as he is described as being.

Everyone's a critic. :badbad: Thanks Z. ;) All joking aside, thank you for the compliments. Hope you enjoy the ones to come. As for the "drugged", I actually put that in as a bit of a "disclaimer". I wanted this to be more casual than an actual combat report or official debriefing.


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:28 am
by Premier
Guy_LeDouche wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote::shock: huh???!!!!!! :shock:
i think Rag Doll is a wrong name that thing.
@Guy.....great story....
Fantastic art too

Thank you Snake Eyes. Just wait, this one is/was the shortest of the ones I've been cranking out. I'm wrapping up one now that I know Premier has gotten a kick out of, and I have two more on my plate.

Premier approached me a while ago about tackling this. I had to put it on the back burner for a while due to a job layoff situation, however, that's been corrected and so now I'm playing catch up.

I take full responsiblity for "Unleashed" being delayed; Premier had his stuff done. He's just been waiting on me to finish my part.

What Class Act! Guy You take the cake man, so much gentleman and creativity and skillset, are you human?
There is no way I can allow Guy to take the fall or ANY blame for the Unleashed delay. It was me.

For those who weren't aware I was in a car accident and I am dealing with a joke of an insurance company and a painful disc bulge in my cervical spine area that has reduced the amount of time I can draw or write or simply stay in a sitting upright posture for long periods of time. This along with physical therapy, going to a Chiropractor for adjustments, other projects that I can't reveal, etc., has reduced overall production time from what I had planned. Just next week my Fiancee goes to see the surgeon regarding her part of the car accident injury where she has a torn rotator cup. Its a frustrating ordeal, All because some idiot driving a stolen car was running from the police and slammed into the back of us while we were at a stoplight. :x :badbad: The guy hit us and kept going, but was caught a mile away. Now I am left fighting with my insurance company because Michigan protects insurance companies far better than the consumer, go figure. So the Insurance companiy is trying to the do the bare minimum versus what they are supossed to do and what we pay our premiums for. But dont let that hang issue this thread or sidetrack it, I just wanted to make sure no one blames Guy for anythng because The Guy is a workhorse of great production.

None the less, things are flowing nicely now. And I am looking forward to posting the next entry soon enough. Scott Steiner Pack?! Mannn... talk about a sight! :eek: Hey wait a minute they came from Michigan! Something crazy about this state I tell ya, :lol:


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:26 pm
by Snake Eyes
Man car wrecks are no fun......i was in one 20 years ago, further messed up an already bad back.

Anyway, good to see things coming along pretty well :ok:


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:59 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Premier wrote: What Class Act! Guy You take the cake man, so much gentleman and creativity and skillset, are you human?
There is no way I can allow Guy to take the fall or ANY blame for the Unleashed delay. It was me.

For those who weren't aware I was in a car accident and I am dealing with a joke of an insurance company and a painful disc bulge in my cervical spine area that has reduced the amount of time I can draw or write or simply stay in a sitting upright posture for long periods of time. This along with physical therapy, going to a Chiropractor for adjustments, other projects that I can't reveal, etc., has reduced overall production time from what I had planned. Just next week my Fiancee goes to see the surgeon regarding her part of the car accident injury where she has a torn rotator cup. Its a frustrating ordeal, All because some idiot driving a stolen car was running from the police and slammed into the back of us while we were at a stoplight. :x :badbad: The guy hit us and kept going, but was caught a mile away. Now I am left fighting with my insurance company because Michigan protects insurance companies far better than the consumer, go figure. So the Insurance companiy is trying to the do the bare minimum versus what they are supossed to do and what we pay our premiums for. But dont let that hang issue this thread or sidetrack it, I just wanted to make sure no one blames Guy for anythng because The Guy is a workhorse of great production.

None the less, things are flowing nicely now. And I am looking forward to posting the next entry soon enough. Scott Steiner Pack?! Mannn... talk about a sight! :eek: Hey wait a minute they came from Michigan! Something crazy about this state I tell ya, :lol:

Jeez, im glad you're ok. Hope you and then fiancee Recover quickly and without complications.


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:28 am
by 89er
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
Premier wrote: What Class Act! Guy You take the cake man, so much gentleman and creativity and skillset, are you human?
There is no way I can allow Guy to take the fall or ANY blame for the Unleashed delay. It was me.

For those who weren't aware I was in a car accident and I am dealing with a joke of an insurance company and a painful disc bulge in my cervical spine area that has reduced the amount of time I can draw or write or simply stay in a sitting upright posture for long periods of time. This along with physical therapy, going to a Chiropractor for adjustments, other projects that I can't reveal, etc., has reduced overall production time from what I had planned. Just next week my Fiancee goes to see the surgeon regarding her part of the car accident injury where she has a torn rotator cup. Its a frustrating ordeal, All because some idiot driving a stolen car was running from the police and slammed into the back of us while we were at a stoplight. :x :badbad: The guy hit us and kept going, but was caught a mile away. Now I am left fighting with my insurance company because Michigan protects insurance companies far better than the consumer, go figure. So the Insurance companiy is trying to the do the bare minimum versus what they are supossed to do and what we pay our premiums for. But dont let that hang issue this thread or sidetrack it, I just wanted to make sure no one blames Guy for anythng because The Guy is a workhorse of great production.

None the less, things are flowing nicely now. And I am looking forward to posting the next entry soon enough. Scott Steiner Pack?! Mannn... talk about a sight! :eek: Hey wait a minute they came from Michigan! Something crazy about this state I tell ya, :lol:

Jeez, im glad you're ok. Hope you and then fiancee Recover quickly and without complications.

Same here, take your time and speedy recovery to you both.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:07 pm
by Premier
Thanks Guys, I really appreciate the support & encouragement! I am good and cranking away on a boatload of artwork and assignments I currently have. I didn't want to sidetrack the thread, I just wanted everyone to know not to blame Guy Ledouche for anything in the slightest as it was me & this accident who held up the production. Guy has been an excellent Writer and Producer for this project and I can't wait to reveal more of his steller work very soon.

So how bout those Ragdolls? Anyone encounter any, hopefully a good mob (3D10) pinching a platoon in a sewer system perhaps? Certainly would be interesting to hear how a platoon ferrets out and flushes a nearby sewer system that is infested with Ragdolls who are keen on holding up for a upcoming invasion.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:49 pm
by Lord Z
Premier wrote:Thanks Gu...
So how bout those Ragdolls? Anyone encounter any, hopefully a good mob (3D10) pinching a platoon in a sewer system perhaps? Certainly would be interesting to hear how a platoon ferrets out and flushes a nearby sewer system that is infested with Ragdolls who are keen on holding up for a upcoming invasion.

I strongly suspect that new gaming materials take time to reach the gaming table. Even when players are excited and anxious to use it, it may be weeks or even years before it appears in a game. So no, I doubt any Ragdolls have struck yet.

I see the Librarians in most houses as acting similar to a mafia. The Librarians themselves as mob bosses, Scarecrows are underbosses and hitmen, and Ragdolls are the muscle. This model puts the Ragdolls into the story role of antagonists. That of course assumes that Ragdoll technology spreads beyond the Purple Wave where they will be initially seen. What role does everyone else see the Ragdolls taking in your campaigns?


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:54 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I, for one, will be using them, but my Splicers game is on hiatus right now.


Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:25 am
by Premier
Lord Z wrote:
Premier wrote:Thanks Gu...
So how bout those Ragdolls? Anyone encounter any, hopefully a good mob (3D10) pinching a platoon in a sewer system perhaps? Certainly would be interesting to hear how a platoon ferrets out and flushes a nearby sewer system that is infested with Ragdolls who are keen on holding up for a upcoming invasion.

I strongly suspect that new gaming materials take time to reach the gaming table. Even when players are excited and anxious to use it, it may be weeks or even years before it appears in a game. So no, I doubt any Ragdolls have struck yet.

I see the Librarians in most houses as acting similar to a mafia. The Librarians themselves as mob bosses, Scarecrows are underbosses and hitmen, and Ragdolls are the muscle. This model puts the Ragdolls into the story role of antagonists. That of course assumes that Ragdoll technology spreads beyond the Purple Wave where they will be initially seen. What role does everyone else see the Ragdolls taking in your campaigns?

Interesting approach with new material Lord Z,

My question to you and anyone who does handle very new material like this is, how do we know if the item is well received or what areas can be improved or enhanced if we don't get the in-game play experiences and feedback? Sure I can easily agree that certain things shouldn't be rudely or non-strategically thrust into campaigns, to avoid sidetracking or derailing a current mission, objective or storyarc, but how long really should new material be shelved or implemented ideally speaking? Because IMHO, a year or two later might be too long of a wait to let us know that the way we are doing a thing is not ideal or yeah, more things like this work well, because of XYZ...

As to how I view Ragdolls being implemented, I would say more so as a rising threat in the shadows. First its more akin to some new alien predator(s) roaming the territories. At first it was a freakish sighting or encounter, but now more encounters are being noted and their numbers are rising during these encounters. Eventually enough trouble & possible casualties/predations will warrant serious investigations.

As to the Librarians I agree I too, see them as sort of the mafia, though I still view the Crows as the muscle for now. Ninja styled muscle with a Jeepers Creepers edge to them. You know they are out there, but you aren't always certain what they are up to or who they are eyeing. I envision the Ragdolls coming in later on once the invasion really hits asunder and being instituted more so once they have showcased how the "Violet Wave" has effectively utilized them.


Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:27 am
by Premier
The Galactus Kid wrote:I, for one, will be using them, but my Splicers game is on hiatus right now.

DANG.... DANG.... DANG!!!!! Spare me this mockery of Justice! :lol: We want you back online with the Splice flowing. No, I understand though, can't wait to ur brother-in-law returns to Borris!


Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:04 pm
by The Galactus Kid
When the time comes, you will certainly know. I have SOOOOOO much awesome planned for the next chapter.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:59 am
by Premier
Any Ragdolls surfacing yet?


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:06 pm
by The Galactus Kid
They will be showing up in at least 4 weeks. By the end of the year, my players will be cursing the ragdolls.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:07 pm
by Premier
The Galactus Kid wrote:They will be showing up in at least 4 weeks. By the end of the year, my players will be cursing the ragdolls.

GK... You are sculpted of AWESOMENESS!!!


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:33 pm
by Quantum07
The Galactus Kid wrote:They will be showing up in at least 4 weeks. By the end of the year, my players will be cursing the ragdolls.

You probably know how excited that makes me!!! Having someone using your idea, makes me feel all warm inside. :lol:


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:17 pm
by Lord Z
Some of the other readers might not have noticed, but the concept of performing feats of strength with jerking muscle spasms is actually well grounded in medical science. There is a guy in Texas who bends steel frying pans and steel hammers with his bare hands. He is an average-sized guy, but he performs feats of strength for fun. Lab analysis revealed a powerful and very high frequency electrical charge in the nerves of his muscles while doing these things. His muscles are contracting many, many times per second and that energy is being channeled into the metal object resulting in both heat and warping.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:51 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
As myself and quantum are a doctor and a bio-chemist respectively, we knows this very well.