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Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:27 am
by krispy
Q – When a Mock Z kills another Z does it feed on the Zs PPE (but not doubled) ?

The future of Zombies ……Zombie Evolution / Adaptation

As time passes fresh humans are becoming slim pickings. As the survivors consolidate themselves and move further away (I assume) from high Z concentrations. How will the millions of Zs react? Yes many will go dormant but maybe some will do something else

Page 38 of the MB covers ‘lost or severed limbs’, emphasizing that parts from other zombies can’t be attached to replace anything lost. (I find it cool that if you attach a decapitated head back on the body the zombie will reanimate)

I like the alternate material in #45 but instead of implementing it into the original game; I’ve got 2 games, original setting and alternate

This is a jigsaw type zombie for the original setting that I have coined ‘Frankies’ or simply ‘Frank’. But they are not created by Death Priests; they are a possible evolution/progression of the Zombies to a changing environment as time passes

There are 2 ways I envisioned Frankies originating.

1. Flesh Eaters. The exposure too many human DNA sequences has somehow had an effect on them. First they begin to prey on their fellow Zs, with the flesh eaten providing say 2 sdc per pound whilst also giving them an alternate PPE source in a pinch. They still hunger and prefer flesh and PPE from a living human. And as time passes they are also able to replace lost limbs from other Zs. their base sdc might increase, and their speed is increased to just below Fast Attack with +3 spd

2. Two or more Crawlers somehow becoming tied together (from say fence wiring) and over time when they feed on PPE and regenerate, they merge together creating a monstrous multi-headed Z in which you would have to destroy all heads for the Z to be dead

I imagine Thinkers becoming brain eaters, who also prey on their fellow Zs, mainly those who are dormant, so not to cause too much of a ruckus

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:31 am
by Severus Snape
I was under the impression that zeds do not have any PPE of their own. Meaning that when a mock zed kills a normal zed, there is no PPE to feed upon.

If that is wrong, please point out the page in the DR book that covers zeds having PPE.

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:37 am
by krispy
Severus Snape wrote:I was under the impression that zeds do not have any PPE of their own. Meaning that when a mock zed kills a normal zed, there is no PPE to feed upon.

If that is wrong, please point out the page in the DR book that covers zeds having PPE.

the MB gives each Z PPE e.g. Sloucher 1D4, Thinker 1D4+2 (just under their SDC location) and i was just curious if Z killed another Z would they feed on that PPE

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:41 pm
by krispy
I created a character for Splicers called a Harbinger (now Reaper Skinjob) and Dargo83 inspired me to convert this for the DR setting. Its still needs a bit of work but here you go

Name: Reaper Zombie (extremely rare aberration of the Flesh Eater)

The more I thought about it the more I saw the Flesh Eater as the core for this new zombie.

Unlike the Frankie which I see as an evolution/progression of the Flesh Eater or merged Crawlers ..... This type of Flesh Eating Zombie is extremely rare, say 30 in the whole world. And this is due to its origins.

Prior to the Wave this individual was someone with a genetic abnormality called Chimera in which the individual has 2 or more different DNA codes.

When the wave happened this person got sick and then died. The Wave did something to destabilize the DNA balance within the individual. They began their journey as a Flesh Eater but as the first few weeks unfolded, the exposure to numerous DNA codes from human and animal alike had a profound effect on the Zed. Instinctively the Zed went dormant and 3 days later, what emerges…is true dread…the Reaper


Extremely high predatory animal intelligence (im thinking a little bit above Thinkers)
They have grown in height by 6 + 2D6 inches
Clawed hands and feet: 4D6 + PS
They have grown powerful fangs: now a 3D6+6 bite and chance of infection
GM can choose if the Reaper also gains a few minor physical animals traits. e.g a more canine mouth, a thin layer of fur etc
Their base SDC (started from Flesh Eater) is increased by roughly 30% (see re-roll list below)

Hands: 1D8+6
Arms: 1D10+8
Feet: 1D8+6
Legs: 4D4+6
Lower jaw: 2D4+4
Neck: 2D4+13
Head: 1D12+22
MB: 4D6+40

Speed is now 2D4 + 18
PP is now 14 + 2D4

They have also developed a disturbing ability: Build ‘Flesh Armor’ – the reaper can tear apart another Zed and attach the flesh to itself
This amazing ability is achieved by numerous small tentacles that emerge from all over the Reaper which proceed to bond to the flesh from other Zeds, anchoring it to the Reaper
The amount of Flesh Armor that can be attached is equivalent to the amount of SDC of the region

So if the SDC of the Legs are 11, the Reaper can attach 11 SDC onto each leg

Resources are plentiful

If by chance you decapitate a Reaper the head can sprout numerous tentacles (yes, from the movie Thing) where it can either scurry along and reattach to its original body or latch onto another Zed where the tentacles gradually grow and consume the Zeds and the Reaper now has a new body

NB: if the Reaper has to steel a body from another Zed it proceeds by decapitating it first and bonding to the new body. the initial bonding takes an hour, so the Reaper is now ambulatory. it will then proceed to feed on another Zed for a bit more material, then the head tentacles begin to travel throughout the body of the Zed for the change. the Reaper will (if safe) go dormant for 3 days to complete the change and here you go a full bodied Reaper with all its natural abilities back

All Reapers will have an exceptionally large pack of Flesh Eaters (2D4+4) (some Frankies in there as well) that they hunt with.
The Reaper can command other Zeds but they only run with Flesh Eaters. Reapers normally stamp out a territory and will herd all the Fast Attack Zeds in the region to their territory
They cannot be commanded by Death Priests (this is a Zed they fear), nor can they be trained/partially domesticated

Possible story plot: the Reaper can sense when a living person has Chimera and they will be drawn to them because they too can become a Reaper. If someone is caught they are taken back to the ‘den’ where the Reaper will treat the individual like a play thing for a few days before killing them to start the transformation. No Flesh Eater will try to eat the individual but they will knock them over or pin them if they try to escape

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:45 pm
by krispy
thanks mate, it is much appreciated

it all stemmed from the paragraph where they say that a Mock will sometimes kill other Zeds to gain trust and when i remembered in the descriptors that all Zeds had PPE, albeit a small amount. i was curious as to what others had thought of that dynamic.

i can see your point regarding them burning what little they have stored up in a last ditch regen attempt

your second paragraph has some great ideas

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 am
by Illendaver
Reapers are freaking scary sounding.... course, zombies over-running the world isn't the happiest event I could think of in the first place...

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:43 pm
by krispy
Illendaver wrote:Reapers are freaking scary sounding.... course, zombies over-running the world isn't the happiest event I could think of in the first place...

thanks mate. i would of never thought of converting my Splicer idea over to DR if it wasnt for Dargo83

hope you have some fun with it

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:04 am
by dargo83
onw of my thoughts were to convert splicers over to DR hell yeah give some of the bio-enhacments like the bone blades, like the Nercomorphs from dead space 1&2.

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 am
by krispy
dargo83 wrote:onw of my thoughts were to convert splicers over to DR hell yeah give some of the bio-enhacments like the bone blades, like the Nercomorphs from dead space 1&2.

they would make for some nasty weapons

boneblades, acid nodules, stabbing tendrils the list goes on

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:54 am
by dargo83
yup thats my line of thought. like with the necromorphs they use bones for blades, intestines for tenticals, ect. have a crawler use the intestins of there meal to add a nasty surpise and as a way of getting around.

Re: Zombie vs Zombie & Evolving Zombies

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:16 am
by krispy
dargo83 wrote:yup thats my line of thought. like with the necromorphs they use bones for blades, intestines for tenticals, ect. have a crawler use the intestins of there meal to add a nasty surpise and as a way of getting around.

i could think of a few nasty Zeds with Splicer material

have you seen the new Zed and random abilities i posted in Darkanx thread??