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New Martial Arts

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:06 pm
by Tearstone
Katsujin-ryu Shotokan Karate
Style Type: Non-exclusive, Hard, External, Intermediate, Grappling/Striking/Weapon
Entrance Requirements: None
Skill Cost: 6 Years

This style from a military base in Japan was created by an ancient mercenary in the year 1797 AD. The mercenary created this style based on a quest of self-improvement. Finally, after much simplifying of other techniques, the mercenary managed to consummate this style. This style has a popular reputation for endurance and in competition injuring others, and focuses on both armed and unarmed combat, and self defense.

Training in this style improves the martial artists health and agility. This style integrates hand, foot, knee, and elbow strikes as well as weapon movements both armed and unarmed. This style concentrates on elbow locks, finger locks, automatic locks, wrist locks, and neck grapples. Weapons training in this style includes knives, Jitte, Naginata, Bo staff, Katana and Bokken or club/blunt weapons. Students are drilled in the practice of dodges and parries as well as breakfalls, power blocking, and disarms. In combat, devotees of this style immediately attack their opponent. Preferably when the enemy is off guard experts respond to handle opponents with solid parry or block then follow up with a lock and strike or kick to a vital or soft areas or joints. Advanced training in this style focuses on body hardening, martial art techniques, and special katas. Being a combat style, students are expected to harden their bodies, usually through full-contact sparring and full-contact drills as well as intensive physical training. Instructor training is very difficult indeed. Modern training still contains elements of older Japanese methodology of corporal punishment for incorrect technique or for not following instruction, which serves to reinforce body hardening, as well as being able to take impacts. Later training expert students train against multiple attackers as real-world fights are rarely one on one. Cultural skills of Ukio-E, Calligraphy, Go, and Bonsai are also taught in this style.

Katsujin-ryu is relatively well-known and taught in specific schools worldwide. The current head of this style is Sekiguchi Sensei who resides in Japan, but teaches every few months in Australia and the United States. Training in the US is usually conducted at the Texas Komei Dojo in Lubbock Texas. Master Walt Bushey is the United States primary instructor, ranked 5th Dan Black-belt (Grand Master), and presides over 3 other Dojo's; one in New Mexico, one in Colorado, and the other is currently being set up. This style can be taught to anyone, but is often taught to security personnel, police, corrections, and military members, especially S.W.A.T. Members of this style typically belong to the International Karate Association, and in Texas the Texas Budo Association.

Katsujin Texas Komei Dojo

Costume/Uniform: Street clothes or black Karate Gi - advanced students/instructors wear black hakama with uniform

Stance: Varies from a basic boxing stance to a deep front stance, to horse and cat stances, but the usual is a slightly modified boxing stance.
+2 to PE, +2 to PP, +10 to SDC

Attacks/Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll w/ Punch, Maintain Balance
Attack Moves: Leap
Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry
Advanced Defense: Combo Parry/lock, Break-fall, Power Block, Combo Parry/Strike, Disarm
Hand Attacks: Palm-strike, back-fist, punch, knife-hand
Basic Foot Attacks: Front/Snap kick, Kick, Roundhouse, Crescent, Axe, Tripping/Leg Hook
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick, Flying Reverse Spinning Kick
Special Attacks: Elbow, Knee, Death Blow, Combo Grab/kick
Holds/Locks: Elbow Lock, Finger Lock, Auto Lock, Wrist Lock, Neck Grapple
Weapon Kata: Knife, Paired, Jitte, Naginata, Bo, Katana/Bokken
Modifiers to attack: Critical Attack, Knockout, Crit from Behind

Martial Art Powers: 1 from Body Hardening, Martial Arts Techniques, or Special Katas
Automatically gets either Stone Ox or Kick Practice or Dam Sung Sing
Also automatically gets Iaijutsu
Languages: Japanese and English
Cultural Skills: Pick one. Ukio-E, Calligraphy, Bonsai, Go
Physical Skills: Fencing, Kickboxing (non martial art form), Athletics
Temple Skills: None

WPs: Knife, Paired, Jitte, Naginata (spear/polearm), Bo (staff), Katana (large sword)/Bokken (club/blunt)
Philosophy: None
Styles to be learned in shorter time: Chao Ta Kung Fu (1 year), Shi Ba Ban Wu Yi - 18 Weapons (3 years), T'ang Su Karate (3 years), Zanji Shinjinken Ryu (4 years), Tae Kwon Do (3 years), Kickboxing (2 years)

1 - +2 to strike, +2 parry, +2 disarm, add 2 levels to weapon kata
2 - Crit from Behind, +2 to damage, +2 to dodge
3 - 1 Additional Martial Art power from prim cat, +2 roll/w punch, +2 Maintain Balance
4 - +1 attack, Crit Strike on 19-20
5 - KO/Stun on Nat 20, +2 damage, +2 to strike
6 - 1 additional martial art power from secondary set, +2 to parry
7 - KO/Stun on 19-20
8 - Death Blow on 20, +2 parry, +2 disarm
9 - +1 attack, +2 damage
10 - Crit Strike 18-20
11 - +2 Roll w/ punch, +2 maintain balance
12 - +1 martial art power form primary category, KO/Stun on 18-20, +2 strike
13 - +1 attack, +2 entangle w/ weapon,
14 - +2 dodge
15 - Crit on 17-20, KO on 17-20

Why study Katsujin-ryu Shotokan Karate?
A student of this style will become faster and more powerful, and he will be able to fully defend himself in many situations (though for lower level students multiple attackers could be a problem). Your average martial artist is also tough as nails, altogether intimidating. A very complete style, it offers attacks at every range of combat, and also teaches both weapon skills and good defensive moves. Overall it is a well balanced martial art that is aggressive enough to handle multiple attackers but defensive as well.

Re: New Martial Arts

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:12 pm
by Tearstone
The Way of the Punishing Hand

Style Type: Hard Internal/External Aggressive Grappling/Striking
Entrance Requirements: No Alignment Requirements.
Attribute Min Req: PP 10 ME 12
Skill Cost: 7 years

This style from a the San Francisco Bay area in the US was created by a skilled martial arts instructor in the year 1944 AD. The martial arts instructor created this style based on overcoming defeat. Finally, after much combining of other styles and techniques, the instructor managed to create the Punishing Hand. This style has a reputation for strategic thinking, and places and additional emphasis on both armed and unarmed combat.

Training in this style improves the experts charisma, strength, and dexterity. This style combines special striking techniques and integrates holds, locks, and snap-locks. Weapons training in this style includes general short and large sword, stick, staff, and knife techniques. Practitioners are instructed in the mastery of reflexive parries and dodging and the backward turn along with parries or dodges which combine with devastating strikes or crippling locks and holds. When facing an opponent, practitioners of this style will not rush into combat, but will wait for either an attack or an expected attack. Dancing/Spinning and general athletics practices are also taught in this style. In combat masters prefer to handle opponents by blocking their strike and striking back at the same time, or bringing them into a snap-lock, or using grasping hand chi Atemi wreak havoc on their opponent's fighting ability. Usually this leaves the opponent vulnerable to another joint attack, and the cycle continues, able to cause debilitating and often lasting damage to one's opponent. Advanced training in this style focuses on Atemi, Special Katas & Chi Katas, Martial Art Techniques. Grasping Hand Atemi is particularly stressed in this style, and Neural Atemi is often a favorite as well.

This style is relatively obscure and taught in specific schools and informally within the nation. The current head of this style is the children of the founder's principle student. This style can be taught to anyone. Members of this style also belong to the National Multi-Art Association.

Costume/Uniform: Street Clothes or Karate Gi – gi is black pants with red or white top
Stance: Feet a shoulder's width apart, left facing forward, right foot out 45 degrees, knees slightly bent. Left hand forward at chin level held loosely, right hand pulled back to the chest held open, ready to parry, grasp, or strike as needed. - Note: Stance is used when possible but is not necissary for fighting or to begin combat, students are taught combat can start from anywhere, at any time, from any position.
Chi Bonus: Double Existing Chi
+1 MA
+1 PS
+3 PP
+3D6 to SDC

Attacks per Melee: 6
Escape Moves: Leap, roll w/ punch/fall/impact
Attack Moves: Backflip, Cartwheel, Roll, Leap, forward spin
Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, and Parry, Backward Turn
Advance Defense Moves: Combo Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry, Combo Parry/Hold, Combo Dodge-Kick (spinning hook kick)
Basic Hand Attacks: Backhand, Palm Strike, Punch, Knife-Hand
Advanced Hand Attacks: Double-fist punch, 1” Punch (Special! May only be used once per melee, and must be the first attack used that round; does 2D6 damage), Power Punch, Duo-Knuckle Strike, Chuk (Special! This sudden, violent thrust is supposed to bring the hand all the way in to some soft part of the opponent's body, where Chi is released, simultaneous with a painful pinch or grip. If the character has a least one point of Positive Chi, the Chuk does 2D6 damage.)
Basic Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Knee, Roundhouse, Crescent Kick, Thigh Kick (Special! A great self defense move plowed into the muscles of the thigh, this strike does 1D10 damage and causes the opponent to lose one attack and initiative unless he makes a saving throw vs. pain [14+]), Switch-Kick (by flicking the legs into a crossed stance and then exploding into a roundhouse, tremendous power is gained; does 2D6+2 damage, and may only be performed once per melee). Spinning Hook Kick (Special! A kick that involves bringing the back leg fully around the body, spinning on the front leg, and delivering a kick to the head with the heel of the foot. Does 2D6 damage straight to hit points on a strike of 15 or higher, not including bonuses, and if successful has a 20% chance of knocking the target out for 1D6 melees. 1d6 to SDC if the strike roll is lower than 15 or if done to a target other than the head. Almost always done after a punch or Crescent Kick and can only be performed once per melee.)
Jumping Foot Attacks: Flying Jump Kick, Leap Kick
Special Attacks: Auto Body Flip/Throw, Headbutt, Combination Grab/Head Bash, Snap-Lock
Holds/Locks: Auto-Lock, Wrist Lock
Weapon Katas: Jeong Gum (Large Sword), Short Sword, Blunt, Staff, knife (pick 3)
Modifiers to Attack: Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Behind, KO Strikes, Death Blow

Initial Martial Art Powers: Select 1 power from Atemi, Special Katas & Chi Katas, or Martial Art Techniques. Grasping Hand Atemi is also granted automatically, but can be traded for any other power from the listed categories, or for any skill program.
Languages: English
Cultural Skill: Dancing
Physical Skills: Athletics (general)
Temple Skills: None
Philosophy: None
WP: Sword, Short Sword, Staff, Blunt, Knife

Other Styles to learn in shorter amount of time: None

Level Advancement
1 - +2 to strike, Parry/dodge,
2 - +2 initiative
3 - +1 Attack, Crit on 19-20
4 - +5 to Chi, +2 damage
5 - +1 additional Atemi ability, Knockout/Stun on Nat 20
6 - +1 Attack, +2 to strike
7 - Crit on 18-20
9 - Double Existing Chi
10- +1 Attack, Crit Strike from Behind
11- +2 Damage
12- Knockout/Stun on Nat 19-20,
13- +1 Attack, Death Blow on Nat 20
14- Zanshin, +15 to Chi
15- Crit on 17-20, Knockout/Stun on Nat 18-20

Why study The Way of the Punishing Hand?
Powerful strikes and lethal grappling skills make this a good martial art. To join this style is to fully exploit the destructive power of the human body. By focusing on the development of internal powers, and forceful combat moves, this martial art is certainly effective in any attack. A well balanced martial art that is aggressive enough to handle multiple attackers but defensive as well.

Re: New Martial Arts

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:50 pm
by Mantisking
Tearstone wrote:Katsujin-ryu Shotokan Karate
This style from a military base in Japan was created by an ancient mercenary in the year 1797 AD. The mercenary created this style based on a quest of self-improvement. Finally, after much simplifying of other techniques, the mercenary managed to consummate this style. This style has a popular reputation for endurance and in competition injuring others, and focuses on both armed and unarmed combat, and self defense.

Katsujin Texas Komei Dojo

I know this is a real world style, but the name has me wondering. Especially the "created in Japan in 1797" part. Shotokan Karate was named after Gichin Funakoshi's pen name, and he wasn't born until 1868 in Okinawa. He didn't make it to Japan until 1922. So is the name a case of parallel development, or did the founder bolt other techniques onto Shotokan Karate proper and make up the origin whole cloth?

Or are you borrowing from the real world school and trying to make a neat origin for it?

Re: New Martial Arts

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:42 pm
by Tearstone
I was using the Martial Arts Style Generator from Kuseru to help come up with the origin. Master Bushey used to have the style lineage and origins listed on the website, but no longer seems to have it up there, so I kind of improvized.

Re: New Martial Arts

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:21 pm
by Mantisking
Tearstone wrote:I was using the Martial Arts Style Generator from Kuseru to help come up with the origin. Master Bushey used to have the style lineage and origins listed on the website, but no longer seems to have it up there, so I kind of improvized.
