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preorder book timeline

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:44 pm
by drakinn
when are the preorder books for CE due to be released?

Re: preorder book timeline

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:05 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
The only one that I know has a chance of coming out this year is First Responders - scheduled as of now for a "summer" release.

Rifter #50 has a Chaos Earth psychics article by Jason Richards. I'm not 100% sure if it will be canon or not, but it's already shipping at least.

Re: preorder book timeline

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:51 pm
by Jason Richards
Chaos Earth psychics is canon, so far as I know. At the very least, it's the stopgap until Psychic Storm is written, which I'll start working on about four months from now at the earliest.

First Responders is, I'm told, heading to near front of the line after the Open House is done and all of that insanity subsides. Given the length of the book, I anticipate that this summer will probably bring it to shelves, unless Kevin decided to add a substantial amount of material to it.

For the record, I have nothing to do with Mission Book 1, so I can't speak to that.

I'd just hold off pre-ordering, honestly. Regarding my contributions to the line, if you check out my website, follow me on Facebook or Twitter, or just check back here a lot, I try to keep fans in the loop as best I can. You can also always drop me a line or post something here if you have questions.

Re: preorder book timeline

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:12 am
by drakinn
Thanks that would be nice

Re: preorder book timeline

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:14 pm
by Jason Richards
df, I'll do that at some point, either as a Rifter article or some sort of download. My current business approach is to tackle only one contract at a time, so I'm off working on Palladium material until my current Rifter contract has been fulfilled.

Not all of the classes directly translate. The Survivalist is well-represented by a similar class in First Responders, and most of the others have some place as adventurer-type classes, mostly appropriate for use some time after the initial Cataclysm when people have adapted to new roles.

Should be fun. If you want to see it sooner, everybody buy lots of copies of Rifter 50 and all of my other books, and email/write Kevin telling him how much you enjoy my work and want to see more of it soon. :)