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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:56 pm
by Aramanthus
LOL I really am working on it. I'm going to finish them this weekend.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:04 pm
by taalismn
Some old material, some new material:

Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation) Three Galaxies Expanded

The din of truly epic battle sounded throughout the ruined city, the scream and boom of weapons fire, the yells of warriors, the cracking and crashing of falling structure, overlaid by the inhuman shriek of an abomination told of a battle to thrill any true warrior’s heart, or bring fear at last to a true warrior’s heart.
Ansala Marrowripper ignored the call to battle outside; her Tribekin and Shemarkin would have to do without her services in fighting the monster outside. She stalked, senses alert and weapons ready, through the wreckage of the ruined city intent on making other contributions to the campaign, hunting other game.
The wire-on-glass shriek reverberated throughout the battlefield, reaching Ansala even blocks away, through the steel and concrete barriers of the city, as yet another rumble of collapsing buildings told of another devastated block. Again, she paid it no heed; her quarry had to be close, some place where it could be near enough to watch its giant minion at work and appreciate its rampage. She slipped under a tangle of ripped up beams and wires, and went totally still, focusing her attention on a pile of wrecked vehicles pushed and thrown to one side of the ruined parking garage like abandoned toys.
Artifical thunder rolled outside and the ground shook even more violently than before. Offhandedly she recognized the signs of orbitally-launched kinetic kill impactors striking. Looked like the Silvermoons were making their contribution to the battle raging outside; they tended to be hellishly accurate with long range weaponry. A loud ripping or sizzling sound soon after would be the sound of orbital laser fire. Yet still the sounds of the giant arachnid thrashing about resounded through the city, but its screams took on a different tone, of hateful pain.
Ansala took no notice of that; she had other things on her mind.
Ahead of her, shadows moved in the shifting rubble, taking on coherent shape...a long, spindly form, long limbs cradling the angular forms of weapons, bloated torso glowing with its own lurid internal light, distinctive hammerhead turning glaring eyes towards her.
She didn’t need any sort of metaperception to feel the hatred coming off the creature before her.
She could feel its hate, its hate of her form, its hate of her species, its hate of her generally and specifically. It hit her mind like a hammer, the hatred, the desire to see her and her kind completely exterminated.
Another being would have been stunned, shocked, and repulsed by all that focused, limitless, hatred.
Ansala was not another being, she was Skullcrusher.
She took that hatred, leaned into it, wrapped herself in it, wore it like a warm coat. The spiderid hated her, and in that hatred was the seed of fear, fear of her kind, fear of what she might do to it and its people. The spiderid was right to fear. Ansala could feel its psychic attack trigger something within her and she recognized it for what it was; the cold clarity and dark joy of BattleGhost rising within her, overwhelming the fascade of rational thought and civilization. She welcomed it with open mind as she slipped into its divine madness.
She smiled a hideous predatory toothsome smile at the creature. As much as it loathed her, she loathed it back.
“The feeling is mutual.”
And then the two newfound enemies were at each other.
She could feel its mental assault battering at her as surely as she felt its plasma weapon battering at her body, and paid them equally no heed. Telepathic stabs at her soul, telekinetic thrusts at her body, plasma bolts ablating her armor, she paid them no heed as she raced at the Star Hunter, Bonebreaker in one hand booming out shots, her Slicerblade shrieking its deathkeen in the other.
As she crashed into the Star Hunter’s telekinetic barrier, felt its psi-blade bite into her body, she saw and felt her own weapons blast chunks out of the creature’s crystalline body and carve deep into its innards. The world was screams now; the earth-shaking hypersonic shrieks of the citykiller outside, the ultrasonic snarls of her opponent impaled on her blade, her own warcries as her own body was torn up, the screaming of their weapons as they locked in mortal combat.

The extent of the operations of the Shemarrian Star Nation is as follows:

The Thundercloud Galaxy----Currently most of the SSN’s activities are based around the wide open vistas of the Thundercloud, where there’s space to grow and expand without constantly running across the other major powers. Currently, the Shemarrians are exploring/exploiting a region of the Oswoe Arm, spinward of Desslyth’s Splugorth enclaves, within easy striking distance of their Splugorth enemies, and within reach across the Annach Gulf of the CCW’s territories.

The Anvil Galaxy----The second largest concentration of Shemarrians is in the Anvil, where they have several dozen worlds on the rim regions of what was once the Golgan Republik. The SSN has made several important allies here, such as the Central Alliance, and the SSN is quite active in the region. The Shemarrians see in the uneasy state of affairs of the Splugorth Kingdom of Rynncryyl a possible opportunity to break the back of one of the Splugorth domains once and for all(though whether they are ready for its consequences and the insuing free for all over the resulting power vacuum remain to be seen).

The Corkscrew Galaxy----Limited involvement; the Shemarrian Star Nation has sent only a few taskforces into the Corkscrew, mainly disguised surveillance and intelligence-gathering ships and teams, mainly crewed by Ghostriders and Wayfinders. They have a combination business front/’embassy’, staffed by a decidedly eccentric lineup of personnel, on Phaseworld, at Center(it is the lack of an large concentration of their forces in the region that delays the SSN response to the Infernal attack on Center, forcing their adhoc ‘embassy’ to fend for itself during those critical days before outside reinforcements can get in).

Realms Inbetween---The Shemarrian Star Nation has dozens of small outposts scattered in the spaces between the Three Galaxies whereever they can establish sustainable and strategic colonies. The Hall of Light, the massive space station used as the regular meeting place of the Shemarrian Tribal Congress, is located in this region of space.

The CCW: The CCW knows of the Shemarrian Star Nation in only the more general terms; they’re apparently a race of cyborg amazons, they’re affiliated with several other races of cyborg amazons, they prowl the rim territories, and they’ve been known to come to the aide of planets being attacked by the likes of the Splugorth. Good for them. As long as they don’t make trouble or ask for handouts, the Star Nation is welcome to come trade with the CCW and apply for membership.
However, if the CCW ever learned that the core of the Star Nation was really made up of sentient robots, they might well change their tune and take a harsher view of this developing power out in the Fringe.
For their part the Shemarrians regard the CCW in fairly nuetral terms; as long as the CCW remains good to its citizens, opposes the Splugorth, and stays out of the SSN’s way, they’re good, and the SSN can amicably ignore them. The CCW could do more to resist such powers as the Splugorth, and the frequent indiscretions of its private citizens often make work and complications for the Shemarrians in the region, but the CCW remains a useful psuedo-ally(or unwitting accomplice), especially when it comes to repatriating ex-Splugorth slaves. The SSN regards the CCW as something of a big blundering bear; large, slow, and lumbering, very dangerous if provoked, but easily avoided.

Bushi Federation: the Bushi Federation has had limited contact with the SSN, largely owing to the Galactic Core and the Creche Clouds being between each other. However, the business of opposing the Splugorth HAS brought the SSN close to Bushi space, to fend off long range raids and slaving incursions by the Splugorth. Some of these attacks have claimed outposts of the Federation, but were fought off by the Shemarrians, allowing the worlds in question to be reclaimed by the Oni.
There have also been a few skirmishes between overly-zealous Federation border forces and Shemarrian scouts on the Federation’s frontier. The public stance of the Bushi Federation has been to downplay these incidents, and make no mention of the involvement of the gaijan---as indeed the majority of the politicos in the Federation see the Shemarrians. Privately, the military authorities of the Federation both fear and respect the mysterious cyborg warriors.
For their part, the Shemarrians regard the Bushi Federation as haughty and arrogant associates of the CCW. While some of the Shemarrian warriors would LOVE to test their skills against the Federation’s samurai, the consequences of open and escalating conflict with the Federation(and possibly, by extension, with the CCW) dictate that the Shemarrians avoid such fights. As long as the Federation doesn’t seek a fight with the SSN, the Shemarrians are content to leave them and their space alone, except in the event of another Splugorth incursion.

The TGE: The Transgalactic Empire has not yet had any real dealings with the Shemarrian Star Nation, aside from a few skirmishes in border areas. For now, the Star Nation is just another minor annoyance in the distance, a bunch of upstarts among many who have taken the Empire’s preoccupation with more important matters to be weakness and have taken license to trumpet their own misplaced self-importance. Once the Empire has dealt with more immediate concerns and the manifest destiny of conquest back on schedule, the Star Nation, and the many other annoyances will be ground under the unstoppable Imperial juggernaut.
For their part the SSN regards the TGE as being another big bully and slaver nation, as bad as the Splugorth, but lacking the personal history with the Shemarrians that drives their feud with the Splugs. The fact that the TGE is having troubles with the Free Worlds Council is indication to the SSN that the TGE can be broken with enough time in pressure. The SSN recognizes that they will eventually have to deal with the TGE at some point in the future, but for now the Shemarrians are concentrating on the Splugorth. If and when the TGE attempts to intrude on Shemarrian-claimed territories, or interests, and sends its own tentacles probing around their space, the SSN has no problems slicing them off. When the opportunity presents itself, the SSN will also quietly help the FWC, sending material aid to beleagured worlds, or helping smuggle refugees to safe havens out of the way of the imperial juggernaut.

The Free Worlds Council---The FWC would LOVE to have the Shemarrian Star Nation on their side, but they’d like to have a whole lot (and they do mean LOT) of independent star nations on their side. But unless the SSN steps forward and offers to join them, the FWC will ignore them to pursue their more pressing war with the TGE. For now, the SSN has no plans to openly assist the FWC, though they will protect their ships and help them by more covert means(like passing along any tidbits of information the Tribes or the NeRe’Mar come across, or helping smuggle refugees) when they can. For now, the Shemarrians are intent on pursuing their vendetta with the Splugorth.

United Worlds of Warlock: No formal contact as yet, but the Wayfinders are likely to formally introduce themselves at some point. The UWW and SSN aren’t likely to have much in common as political entities; the UWW is largely a defensive coalition, while the Shemarrian Star Nation is decidedly aggressive and expansionist. They are, however, likely to agree on cutting down the Splugorth and protecting the lesser worlds, and thus informal military agreements are to be expected between the two powers with regards to defying the Splugs and patroling the Rim. For their part, the mages of the UWW will be FASCINATED by psychic self-replicating sentient androids with life auras and the ability to use magic!
The Minion War is likely to cause a closer relationship between the two star nations as they come to blows against the Infernals.

The Altess: The Altess would be momentarily interested to meet these pretty new faces on the block, but would regard them as pretty much everybody else. If the SSN ever threatened the Dynasty, they would be bought off or have prices put on their heads like a hundred other hot sensations who tried to throw their weight around before they learned who was REALLY in charge. Just like always.
Of course, considering that the Altess depend heavily on robot-manned weapons and starships for a substantial portion of their security, and given the Ecotroz ability to infect/Awaken sufficiently sophisticated robot systems, the Altess might not be so complacent if they only knew...
Fortunately, the SSN currently has no interest in these Corewards high-pockets, though at some point they are likely to cross paths; a touring Altess yacht, or the SSN might save or interfere with some Altess-backed/owned colony or operation out on the Rim.

The Golgan Republik: Like the TGE the Republik regards the Shemarrians as another group of overly-ambitious and overly-aggressive meddlers who could be trouble down the road, but for now are too distant and too small to concern the Republik. That might change for the worse if the SNN ever made contact with the robots of Mekanik.
The Shemarrians have made no bones about routinely scavenging and copying any Golgan technology they come across. In the Anvil Galaxy there have been a handful of confrontations, all of them ending poorly for the Golgans.
In the Thundercloud, the animosity between the two nations is rather more pronounced between the much more aggressive colonial Golgans and the posture-ready Shemarrians. The firefights there have proven no more successful for the Golgans. The Shemarrians largely regard the Golgans as opportunistic annoyances, blustering tinpot despots whose own paranoia is making them more enemies than friends. This doesn’t prevent the SSN from coming to the aide of Golgan colonies and ships if they are attacked by the Splugorth, but that’s more out of a greater hatred of the Splugorth than any real affection for the Golgans.

The Central Alliance: The Shemarrian Star Nation has assisted the Central Alliance in part because it’s easy to fit in with the cyborgs. The Shemarrians’ bionic/robotic nature grants them immediate status among the cyberpunks. Thus, the Star Nation is on very cordial terms with Noldek’s regime. They’ve fought the Splugorth together on several occasions, and more joint military actions seem likely in the future. The Central Alliance could be regarded as the SSN’s first(and thus fare only) official alliance with a ‘big’ power in the Three Galaxies.
Not surprisngly, a good number of NeShemar come from the violent and impoverished worlds around the Central Alliance.
A number of SSN surveillance operations have been disguised as Central Alliance-flagged commercial vessels.

The Splugorth: The Shemarrian Star Nation has a long-standing grudge with the Splugorth, and they are constantly launching raids and attacks on Splugorth concerns. Even supposed ‘good’ Splugorth are subject to this animousity; Network Omni News reporters are treated with suspicion, if not outright attacked and roughed up(or worse) as ‘enemy spies’ on account of their network being owned by a Splugorth. The popular theory is that the Shemarrians are a former Splugorth slave-race that’s managed to get rid of their Splugorth overlord, and have now turned their anger on all Splugorth in general.
In the Anvil and Thundercloud Galaxies, the animosity between the Splugorth and the Shemarrian Star Nation has translated into open warfare, with ships of both sides taking a ‘shoot on sight’ attitude. Raids against Desslyth’s Splugorth enclaves are a fact of life, as are counterattacks on the Splugorths’ slaving expeditions.

Naruni Enterprises---The Naruni are NOT happy with the appearance of these upstarts. Worse yet, they seem to favor knockoffs of Naruni designs. All would be forgiven, though, if the Star Nation signed a few big armaments deals with NE and stayed forever after in Naruni’s pocket. Whatever gods they hold sacred help them if the Star Nation signs up with Hartigal.
The Shemarrians recognize NE’s game and are NOT playing it. They’re not above ripping off Naruni’s expertise, however, and they have their own Tinkers reverse-engineering and adapting any new Naruni technology they find worthwhile.

The Trensik Mercenaries: The Trensik and the Shemarrians have tangled on several occasions, and on an equal number of occasions have served on the same side opposing the same enemies. In both sets of circumstances the two warrior peoples have acquired a professional respect for each other. The Bloodrider Tribe sees potential in the Trensik, if only they would be a little less grim and stoic and have greater PASSION in combat, while the Skullcrushers respect and honor the Trensik determination to get the job done. If the two ever officially allied, they could become major players in the Thundercloud. Oddly, the Sapphire Cobras seem to have some inexplicable insight into the Trensik mentality; when the two peoples cross paths, the Cobras become mysteriously coy around the Trensik, inviting them into private surroundings or behaving in some fashion(whispering some comment to them, giving them some mysterious gift, whistling some short tune, etc.) that seems to make the Trensik visibly (but not aggressively) perturbed. The Sapphire Cobras have yet to share what it is that they (may)have on the Trensik with any of the other Tribes.

The Denlech: The Denlech and the Shemarrians could not be more diametrically opposed; the Denlech are anti-tech agrarianists who oppose over-dependence on advanced technology and started their movement out of a fear of out of control artificial intelligence, while the Shemarrians depend on advanced technology and industrialization for their very existence, are the products of an insane artifical intelligence, and seek greater spiritual understanding. That having been said, the Shemarrian Star Nation is sympathetic towards the Denlech cause and would readily step in to intervene on their behalf if asked. Not that they’d ever be thanked though; the Denlech would be MORTIFIED to learn all the facts of the Shemarrians’ true nature.

The Shing: The Shemarrians have had little contact with this race, but the fact that they’re giving the Golgans headaches has piqued the SSN’s interest. Both the Wayfinders and the Wolf’s Path have dispatched private scouting missions to find out more about the Shing and observe their conflict with the Golgans.

The Exiles: The Shemarrians and the Exiles have been pretty much at each others’ throats since they first met, either because of miscommunications, bad first impressions, or instant recognition of natural enemies. The Wayfinders and Darkwaters in particular have encountered the Exiles in deep space, much to their annoyance, often with both sides’ accusations of trespass and claim-jumping over some newly discovered resource or artifact. The Exiles would love to scrap the Shemarrians, the Shemarrians would love to quietly exile the Exiles to the far end of existence. Even in public spaceports and space lanes, the two peoples are at best coldly cordial to each other, if not openly hostile. The SSN regard the Exiles as nomadic bandits, cheats, and scoundrels, while the Exiles regard the Shemarrians as nomadic sanctimonious thieves, trespassers, and bullies. It would take dire circumstances for the two peoples to peacefully cooperate with them. Circumstances such as an encounter with....

The Star Hunters: During deep explorations of the Creche Clouds, the SSN stumbled across several of these feared cosmic boogiemen, minions of Dyval. It was instant hatred, and the SSN now has kill protocols in place in the event the Star Hunters are ever encountered again. Thus far, not realizing the ancient evil they have fought, the Shemarrians have not made public their encounters with the Star Hunters.

Dominators: As yet, the SSN has not yet had any contacts with the Dominators, but have heard enough to make sure they have contingency plans in event Dominator forces ever come across any Shemarrian worlds.

The Minion War: Beyond the fact that both sides of the Minion War are PURE EVIL, drawing the Shemarrians’ instant opposition, something -primal- about the Demons and Dyvals tickles something in the Ecotroz racial memory, drawing forth an instant hatred of the Infernals.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:49 am
by DhAkael
Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation) Three Galaxies Expanded

Just quick technical formatting question; this entry can just replace the previous version?
Trying to keep my archive tidy is all.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:14 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation) Three Galaxies Expanded

Just quick technical formatting question; this entry can just replace the previous version?
Trying to keep my archive tidy is all.

The originally posted material was part of a larger post, if I recall correctly, so replace with caution.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:40 pm
by DhAkael
*shrug* I'll just have the more recent material appended at bottom of file then ;)
Is no biggie :ok:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:58 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:*shrug* I'll just have the more recent material appended at bottom of file then ;)
Is no biggie :ok:

Thanks. And yeah, the Sapphire Cobras have figured out the Trensik are really nice people under the badass exterior....they're inviting the mercenaries to the security of Cobra temples so the big brutes have a place to safely recite poetry, play music, and cut loose...the gifts are musical intruments, 'smart paper' notebooks(if openned by unauthorized persons, the smart paper erases its contents), flower presses and the like, while the provocative things the Cobras are whispering are, what you might image; stuff like 'Care to come recite some love poetry?", "How about a private concert, just the two of us?", or "Heard this one?(whistles a Trensik tune)". The Trensik aren't violently upset by the provocations, but they haven't taken the Cobras up on the offers(yet); right now they're wondering who the hell gabbed... :shock:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:49 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:*shrug* I'll just have the more recent material appended at bottom of file then ;)
Is no biggie :ok:

Thanks. And yeah, the Sapphire Cobras have figured out the Trensik are really nice people under the badass exterior....they're inviting the mercenaries to the security of Cobra temples so the big brutes have a place to safely recite poetry, play music, and cut loose...the gifts are musical intruments, 'smart paper' notebooks(if openned by unauthorized persons, the smart paper erases its contents), flower presses and the like, while the provocative things the Cobras are whispering are, what you might image; stuff like 'Care to come recite some love poetry?", "How about a private concert, just the two of us?", or "Heard this one?(whistles a Trensik tune)". The Trensik aren't violently upset by the provocations, but they haven't taken the Cobras up on the offers(yet); right now they're wondering who the hell gabbed... :shock:

Illya Grass-sneaker; yurei operative. *Whistles innocently while trying to look unobtrusive* :angel: ;) :quiet:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:15 pm
by taalismn
EcoS-K-29 Buthidid

“Let the Splugorth send MORE minions to face us! We shall build a MOUNTAIN RANGE with their mounded dead, that others shall name and still be able to see a century from now!”
---Skullcrusher Buthidid Rider, during the assault on the Splugorth stronghold of Hemolus IX

“Nicknaming something like the Buthidid ‘Buthi’ is like a Kreeghor calling a Kartuhm-Terek ‘Tuhmmy’ or ‘Rekkie’; unsettling and disturbing. Clearly a gaijan affectation and a sign of addled and distracted minds. These things are death machines, deadly weapons, plain and simple, and the only fitting nicknames they deserve are things like ‘danger!’, ‘instant death!’ or ‘evacuate!’. More often than not, they’re called only by the last screams and curses of those who failed to heed martial wisdom and listen to the warnings.”
---Tontaki Ekodowa, General, Bushi Federation.

The Eco-S-K-29 Buthidid is another fearsome new Skullcrusher Warmount recently introduced as part of WarGoddess Nerys Night-Sunder’s latest efforts to restore pride to her Tribe. This heavily armored and heavily armed Warmount is meant to bolster the Skullcrushers’ ground forces with both its fearsome array of weapons and its stubborn battle-hunger, chewing away at the enemy.
Scorpion-like in configuration, the ‘Buthi’ serves like a tank, bringing massive firepower, in a heavily armored platform, to bear on the battlefield, albeit relatively slowly. The legs sport special expansion plates that allow them to provide cover for warriors clustered close to the Warmount, allowing it to serve as a most effective field fortification and defensive position. The Buthidid is a monster at all ranges; its heavy turret-mounted cannons can savage targets at long range, while close in, the mech-beast’s claws and mandibles make short work of anybody foolish enough to get within reach of the metal monster. Unusual for a Warmount, the Buthidid is one of the few that has provision for carrying its crew and passengers INSIDE itself, like a proper vehicle, providing added protection to its crew.
Like the Draxos, the Buthidid was blooded on the hellworld of Carnaphade, but was soon deployed offworld in assaults on Splugorth strongholds. It has quickly made a reputation for itself in these actions as a relentless force on the advance, and a tenacious and savage opponent in defense.
The Buthidid remains exclusive to the Skullcrushers. Though it is an extremely powerful unit, its deployment has been hampered by the complexity and expense of its production; a fully equipped and operational Buthidid takes up as much Assembler Forge time and resources to produce as four standard Monsterex warmounts. The Buthidid is also fairly slow, limiting its ability to rapidly deploy on the ground, while its size means that it cannot be easily transported aboard the same landing vehicles as smaller Warmounts. The enclosed cabin also takes some adjusting to by riders more used to riding atop their mounts, exposed to the elements. However, when available to a Skullcrusher force, the Buthidid is a major menace on the battlefield.
Type: EcoS-K-29 Buthidid
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, 1 gunner, and room for 8 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 900
Reinforced Crew Compartment 200
Head 390
Savager Jaw 280
Heavy Weapons Turret(1) 300
Claws(2) 300 each
Legs(6) 250 each
Tail Tendrils(2) 120 each
Height: 14 ft (can lower itself to 9 ft); turret adds another 5 ft.
Width: 12 ft (legs can extend out another 10 ft on either side for a total span of 30 ft)
Length: 45 ft
Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Small space inside for a few personal possessions and sidearms over each seat. A weapons rack and small (5 ftx 5ftx 8 ft) closet space is located in the back.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 80 MPH
(Leaping) Not really designed with leaping in mind, but it can still manage a 20 ft high/across standing jump. A running start in excess of 60 MPH adds another 5d6 yards/meters to the distance or 10 ft higher.
(Climbing) Good climber; Climbing skill of 75%
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to crawling along the bottom at 15 MPH, maximum depth 1,500 ft.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Mine Resistant Hull---The underside of the Buthidid’s main body is angled and curved to deflect the force of explosions underneath it out and to the sides, doing only HALF damage to the main body(legs still take full damage).

*Leg Panels---The sides of the legs sport folding panels that afford disembarked infantry some extra protection, offering the equivalent of partial cover(effectively Armor Rating 13) for anybody standing behind the open panels.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Buthidid have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 400 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Weapons Systems:
1) Heavy Weapons Turret---Mounted towards the rear of the Buthidid is a large heavily armored turret that can hold the following:
a) Heavy Laser Cannon---Copied from weapons salvaged off TGE Dark Slayer MBTs.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Note: Certain Elite units have reportedly had this weapons system modified with Silvermoon laser systems that have 25% more range and damage. What the Skullcrushers traded or did to get the Silvermoons to provide them with such weapons remains unknown.

b) Heavy Plasma Cannon---A heavy plasma projector that can fire in two modes, a direct strike narrow-focus streamer, or a bolt that expands on impact to do damage to a wider area.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage:(Direct Stream) 5d6x10 MD per blast
(Bolt) 3d6x10 MD to a 15 ft wide area.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Heavy Particle Beam Cannon---Not exceptional, but powerful nevertheless.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) 2x Disruptor Cannon----Copied from Golgan designs
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per single blast, 2d6x10 MD for both cannon firing simultaneously, plus 25% damage to everything in a 6 ft radius of the point of impact.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Heavy Rail Gun/Gravity Cannon---A modified copy of the 200m Fletchette Gun mounted on the CAF’s Phalanx MBT, this weapon serves as an enormous ‘shotgun’, spraying a conical area with armor-ablating and flesh-shredding projectiles.
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: Against large targets(10 ft tall/wide or larger) a single shot does 3d4x10 MD. Against human-sized targets, a shot does 1d4x10 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
+2 to shoot down missiles
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 200 rds

f) 2x Heavy Rapid-Fire 80mm Cannon--- These are rapid-fire massdriver cannon capable of delivering a variety of munition types over impressive ranges, fed from computer-inventoried drum magazines. The gunner simply selects the ammunition type desired, the magazine rotates to the appropriate cell, the round loaded, and the weapon fired. While the average Skullcrusher warrior prefers to fight enemies they can SEE, the wiser warriors appreciate the effect on an enemy, when death is raining from the sky on them and they cannot effectively strike back.
Range: (Direct Fire)25,000 ft (6 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 62,500 ft (14.5 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)----1d4x10 MD to 15 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 3d4x10 MD to 5 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 5d6 MD to 30 ft radius
Plasma----- 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 3d6x10 MD out to 6,600 ft, 2d4x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: 5 shots per melee
Payload: 80 rds per gun

g) 3x SkullShatter Cannons---The most feared weapons configuration on the Buthidid is the so-called ‘ShatterScorp’, THREE of the feared SkullShatter cannons firing at once! Fortress walls melt like sandcastles in front of the tidal wave of shot these cannons can pump out, dragons and Metlza wisely turn tail, and even demons have been known to pause in shock when these guns start roaring on the battlefield.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per round, 6d6x10 MD for a three shot burst, 1d6MDx100 for a six shot burst(!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 820 shot drum per gun

h) 4x 30mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst per SINGLE gun firing. All four guns going at maximum rate of fire simultaneously do a whopping 3d6x40 MD!
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 1,600 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses: Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by gunner

i) Mini-Missile Launcher---240 mini-missiles, volleys of 1-20

j) Short Range Missile Launcher---120 SRMs, volleys of 1-10

k) Medium Range Missile Launcher---60 MRMs, volleys of 1-10

l) Heavy Flame Thrower---A super heavy incendiary fluid sprayer, for those BIG burn jobs.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD for a short blast, 2d4x10 MD for a full melee spray
Continues to do 2d6 MD every melee round for 1d4 minutes.
Can cover a 20 ft square area in one blast, or an 80 ft area with a full melee spray.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 100 blasts

2) Acid Sprayers(2)---Mounted on either side of the head are two small nozzles for spraying caustic chemicals. Intended to assist in breaking through heavy armor, the acid sprayers have earned the Buthidid the moniker ‘the Dissolver’ among terrified enemy soldiers.
Range: 80 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD first round, and 2d4 MD per melee for 2d4 melees. Covers a 10 ft area.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 shots per sprayer before needing refill

3)Eye Lasers(8)---Arrayed on the forehead shield like spider’s eyes are six optical nodes for light laser cannon. In addition, the two shielded eyes under the armored plate are also equipped with integral lasers. The warmount can ‘fan’ these lasers to provide an anti-projectile ‘umbrella’ ahead of itself or to take down large numbers of infantry massed in front of it.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single laser blast, 18d6(or 1d6x18) MD for all six forehead lasers firing on the same target, 1d6x24 MD for all EIGHT lasers firing simultaneously(targets must be directly in front of the head for all the lower eye lasers to also be able to acquire target).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Grinder Jaws---In addition to a fearsomely betoothed upper and lower jaw, the Buthidid’s mouth has two wicked side jaws, with the combined effect of masticating anything caught between them into very fine pieces.
Range: Melee
Damage: (Restrained Bite) 1d6 MD
(Full Strength Bite) 1d6x10 MD
(Power Bite)(2 attacks) 3d6x10 MD

5) Pincer Claws(2)---The Buthidid, like its namesake, sports two powerful pincer claws able to tear through armor or remove an armored limb in one snip.
Range: Melee
(Restrained Punch) 2d6 MD
(Punch) 6d6 MD
(Power Punch) 7d6 MD

6) Prehensile Tails(2)---The Buthidid mounts two prehensile tentacle tails at the back, normally stowed under the fixed ‘fantail’, but able to sweep out, up, and out to the sides. The tentacle-tails end in wicked vibroblades for stabbing, but can also be swung to clothesline opponents.
Range: Melee, with 20 ft reach
Damage:(Stab) 4d6 MD
(Swipe) 2d6 MD
Bonus: Each tail has its own sensor, and is +3 to strike

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. Buthidids have strong-willed personalities akin to that of tigers; they can be stealthy, patient, predators willing to wait the order to pounce, but in battle they can go kill-crazy, pursuing enemies and requiring a strong hand from their riders to get them focused again on specific objectives. They will also readily devour fallen (megadamage) opponents and wreckage, even if they don’t need repair material to heal themselves, just for the pleasure of gorging themselves.
Typically has the same basic programming as for the Monstrex.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Buthidid’s intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +1 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +2)
Dodge +2
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Restrained Bite 1d6 MD
Full Strength Bite 1d6x10 MD
Power Bite(2 attacks) 3d6x10 MD
Restrained Punch 2d6 MD
Pincer Punch 6d6 MD
Pincer Power Punch 7d6 MD
Tail Stab 4d6 MD
Tail Swipe 2d6 MD
Kick 2d4 MD
Body Block/Tackle/Ram 5d6 MD, plus knockdown(same as for the Monstrex)

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Buthidid an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points, but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

The only reported variant of the Buthidid is a briefly-glimpsed Warmount in the personal guard of WarGoddess Nerys Night-Sunder. The black and gold chromed Buthidid is said to be plated in laser-resistant armor that reduces laser damage by HALF. Since the Silvermoons are the most likely source of such exotic armor, it remains a mystery what sort of arrangements went on to acquire such a gift from that Tribe, and whether or not the option will be offered to other Buthidid units.

Field modifications have included the fitting of heat-refractory armor to the legs and undersides of Buthidids during the assault on the hellworld Ignitus, to liberate the slaves working the Splugorth mines there amongst the open lava fields and firepits of the young planet. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage, but it is not known if the Buthidids involved in the assault retained their thick carbon-black armor afterwards or subsequently had the appliqué removed.

Some observers have claimed to have seen Buthidids mounted paired short-range ion blasters on each leg ‘knee’ joint(characteristics similar to the She-IP30 Ion Pistol; 1,000 ft range, 4d6 MD per single shot, 8d6 MD per dual blast, possible ‘fan’ mode that reduces range to 400 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area), with 90-degree elevation/depression on the mounts, allowing for a wide area fire zone around the Warmount. However, this additional weaponry remains unconfirmed, and may arise from misidentification of floodlights mounted on the leg knee joints.

Rumors also persist of Buthidids apparently fitted with forcefield generators; survivors of the Desslyth forces defending the Arando mine complexes described the marauding Buthidids as ‘sparkling’ when taking incoming fire as they charged the walled Splugorth compound. The Skullcrushers neither confirm nor deny that the Buthidids can be fitted with forcefield generators, so most tech anaylsts take that as a ‘yes’ that such modification is possible.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:43 pm
by DhAkael
Good lord... :eek: :?
The Skullcrushers have created something on the order of a MK XI Bolo! :nuke: :shock:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:41 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Good lord... :eek: :?
The Skullcrushers have created something on the order of a MK XI Bolo! :nuke: :shock:

Not quite; it only has 900 MDC, whereas a Murex Metztla has 5,000 MDC, a Volute Metztla 4,200, and the Kreewarr Carapace 5,600 MDC. Even the lowly 2 ton Murvolva Metztla has 1,000 MDC. The Shemarrians will either need numbers or lots of critical shots to tear down and shell those Splugorth allies in reasonable(defined as 'before the monster kills most of your party') time.
The Buthi's more like a Mrk III, or a light Deng Yavac unit.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:14 am
by DhAkael
Okay..true... but still.
Option for THREE Skull-shatter units in one turret?!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:06 am
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Okay..true... but still.
Option for THREE Skull-shatter units in one turret?!

Ya! Dakka is Good! More Dakka is Better! :bandit:
"We are Skullcrushers, hear us roar!"

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:44 pm
by Shark_Force
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Okay..true... but still.
Option for THREE Skull-shatter units in one turret?!

Ya! Dakka is Good! More Dakka is Better! :bandit:
"We are Skullcrushers, hear us roar!"

i can't hear you roar, i'm already deaf from so much dakka :P

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:26 pm
by taalismn
Shark_Force wrote:
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Okay..true... but still.
Option for THREE Skull-shatter units in one turret?!

Ya! Dakka is Good! More Dakka is Better! :bandit:
"We are Skullcrushers, hear us roar!"

i can't hear you roar, i'm already deaf from so much dakka :P

"Enuff dakka, dey can't hear'ya comin' up behind dem ta' slit dere throats."

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:01 am
by kronos
LOVE the EcoS-K-29 Buthidid, I want a dozen!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:31 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:LOVE the EcoS-K-29 Buthidid, I want a dozen!

Easy. **** off the Skullcrushers bad enough. They'll be in your driveway, then in your living room before you know it.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:42 am
by DhAkael

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:58 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:*bumpies*

Working on it. So many universes and minions I have to take care of. Can't leave amy of them thinking their creator doesn't love them.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:33 pm
by DhAkael
I'll try and contribute soon m'self, but at present I'm still at the begining of the Civil War in my campaign... don't wanna get toooooo far ahead o' m'self. :clown:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:26 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:I'll try and contribute soon m'self, but at present I'm still at the begining of the Civil War in my campaign... don't wanna get toooooo far ahead o' m'self. :clown:

Well, my travel budget allows for trips into the deep future. I'll bring you back some souvenirs. :wink:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:51 pm
by taalismn
Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation)Deceptos Eirye---Hawkmoon Outpost

“Careful when you’re pulling maintenance duty on the envelope node stations; that last step’s a dozy, and it’s several thousand miles down to anything solid. If you do fall off, open your wings and aim for one of the smaller floaters; it’s a nice glide what with the winds and dense atmosphere around here, but try not to get drawn into the clouds until you’ve had more experience flying; encounter a freak atmospheric subsidence and the downdrafts can suck you down faster than you can fall.”

Deceptos is a medium-sized Eirye established by the Hawkmoon in the Redo213 system, a system devoid of colonizable terrestrial planets, but host to a number of gas giants, including the white- and blue-clouded giant Olajan. Rather than build on one of the dozen of so moons of Olajan, Deceptos Eirye is located in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant, disguised as one of the giant organic balloon-forms of the native life.
The reason for the establishment and design of the eirye is Kajonus, five light years’ distance away and a major Splugorth-held world. Deceptos Eirye is a listening post for keeping tabs on Splugorth hyperwave communications and FTL spacecraft activity in the sector. The base can also serve as a forward staging area in the event/eventuallity of Shemarrian raids against Kajonus.
Deceptos is one of the few places where the Hawkmoons and Ghostriders regularly rub elbows and work side by side; the colony plays host to a small population of Ghostrider hackers and surveillance experts. The Deceptos Hawkmoons have learned to respect the privacy of the Ghostriders, while the Ghostriders have reciprocated by not shutting themselves off entirely from the local social scene, such as it is.
Tours of duty on Deceptos can last several years, owing to the care the Shemarrians have to take in visiting the listening station(starships approach the system at low-FTL ‘creep’ speeds, using the gravity wells of several desert systems and nebulae to mask their approach to the Redo system). No Shemarrians have been born as yet on the eirye(though the station has the ability and is undercapacity), so no ‘native’ Deceptoans exist as yet.
Solar System
Number of Stars: Binary(RedoP1/RedoP2)
Types of Stars: Blue Dwarf, Red Dwarf
Number of Planets: 5
-(1) Terrestrial---Mars-sized but completely airless. It MIGHT be a possible mining site, but for its close figure-8 orbit of the two primaries that has left the planet irradiated and scorched, with a mean surface temperature of 1,000 K.
-(2) Gas Giant(Gargantuan)---Olajan
-(3) Gas Giant(Tiny)
-(4) Gas Giant(Huge)
-(5) Gas Giant (Enormous)---Originally considered as the candidate for the location of the listening post, due to its slow wide orbit and location away from possible signal interference from the twin suns, #5 was ultimately turned down due to the more attractive disguise options afforded by Olajan’s native life, and the warmer ‘climate’ helping to mask waste heat from the station.

Planet--Redo2 Olajan
Type: Gas Giant
Diameter:(Gargantuan) 845,000 miles in diameter
Gravity: 3.8 gs at the level of the eirye
Temperature: Cool; cloudtop temperature is -160 degrees F.
Unusual/Special Features:
*Biosphere---Olajan supports a hydrogen-breathing ecology of floaters and fliers, none particularly intelligent and none exhibiting any signs of sentience.
Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane, Ammonia, Water Vapor

Deceptos Eiyre itself is disguised to appear as one of the native ‘floaters’---giant gas-grazing organisms that float and slowly paddle through Olajan’s upper atmosphere. The station is disguised under an enormous (8 mile long) multi-celled gas envelope that keeps the station aloft in the atmosphere(though it has back-up anti-gravity systems). The massive gas envelope has a series of accessways(four-lane highway scale) spiralling around it, connecting the various maintenance nodes, defense posts, sensor stations, and comm-grid connections mounted in the enevelope itself. The main station is mounted on the underside of the gas envelope, camouflaged from visual detection by the bulk of the gas bags overhead.
The Eirye has spawned several dozen smaller ‘floaters’---airship-sized aerostats that serve as satellite parts of a Very Large Array for listening, as well as weather stations and gas harvesting operations.
Besides possible detection by the Splugorth, the only other real concern of the Deceptoans is fending off the attentions of a half-dozen species of predatory and parasitic lifeforms that prey on the floaters. The smallest of these are crow-sized ‘aerial ticks’ that attempt to attach themselves to the floaters and draw fluids; they are easily dissuaded after a taste of the eirye’s plastic hull. The larger airliner-sized predators or ‘skarks’ are less easily persuaded to seek their meals elsewhere, and the Hawkmoons are on frequent aerial patrol to head these creatures off before they can damage the eirye’s facilities.
Size: Medium-sized space station(200,000 MDC). Current population is 18,000
Function: Military(listening post)
Power Systems: The Deceptos station actually taps into Olajan’s natural magnetic field to draw energy. This is complemented by fusion, wind, solar, and lightning collectors.
Deceptos’ defenses are not designed to be able to hold off a seige for any long period of time; this close to a major Splugorth world like Kajonus, the Shemarrians know that the Splugorth would be able to bring some truly impressive firepower and numbers to bear on a target in their backyard if necessary. Deceptos’ armaments are designed to hold off and confuse any Splugorth fleet long enough for the Shemarrians to be able to evacuate. Thus the eirye’s weaponry is a mix of medium- and long-range missile launchers, dozens of point defense cannons, 30 medium laser cannons, and multiple decoy/countermeasure launchers. The station also has six squadrons of aerospace fighters, and provision for hosting ten more.
At any one time, about a dozen light to medium-class warships/combat transports are docked to Deceptos Eirye, always enough to affect an evacuation of all onboard personnel.
In a true emergency(as in Splugorth at the gates), the eirye complex is designed to launch itself into orbit, using countermeasures and jamming to frustrate enemy taregting efforts and queer their sensors. The complex would then go to automated combat mode, keeping the enemy’s attention, before the station self-destructed in as messy a conflagration as possible to cover the escape of the Shemarrians.
In addition, the Shemarrians have mined the various moons of Olajan with stealthed ordnance, including large-scale decoy emitters and cruise missile launchers. In the event a Splugorth force were to come investigate the planet and refused to leave, the plan is to give the impression of a moon-based presence, sporting heavy guns and missile launchers, hopefully long enough for the REAL outpost personnel to either go stealthy or evacuate by other means.
Sensors: Superior Long Range. Can detect and track FTL drives as far away as 30 light years.
Communications: Stellar. Deceptos mounts a powerful directional communications system to carefully relay intel via ultra-high speed encrypted burst transmission back to Shemarrian space
Maintenance: Top Priority---When you’re hanging in midair at several hundred miles altitude over crushing pressures, and you’re reliant on functioning stealth systems not to be detected by angry aliens eager to kill you, things aboard your station get fixed FAST. Checking the gas envelopes and sensor systems for breakdowns is a full rime job.
Supplies: Largely self-sufficient; because of the need to keep detectable ship traffic to a minimum, Deceptos has its own micro/mini-facs able to reproduce all but the most exotic components. Water and chemicals are harvested from the surrounding atmosphere, and from discrete and careful mining of debris in Olajan orbit.
Internal Security Personnel: Every frakkin’ gynoid/cyborg/roboid on the base is a warrior! Even the Acolites can punch with megadamage strength.
Security Systems: Medium security; it would take a daring (and lucky) operative(or team of them) to be able to find and approach Deceptos Station, and infiltrate it, but the Shemarrians haven’t ruled out the possibility. Thus all airlocks are code-keyed, and the Shemarrians rigorously patrol the facility(in addition, this is considered to be training).
Medical Facilities: Equivalent of a Full Hospital for Shemarrians and cyborgs
Environmental Systems: Basic; the Shemarrians and NeShemarrians don’t need much in the way of life support(just enough to keep the more poisonous/corrosive compounds of hydrogen out, and they aren’t expecting (non-Shemarrian) guests to stop and stay, so not a lot of attention or effort goes to diversifying the environmental set-up.
Independent Business: None
Transients: None, though Deceptos has provision for supporting an additional 25,000 troops/personnel.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:34 am
by DhAkael
Almost missed this post.
Original. :ok:
"I know you are new here to Deceptos so...WATCH OUT FOR THAT... Sploog-slime! :nh: Why do those Skullcrushers never look before they stride?" *pops wings for rescue flight*

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:49 am
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Almost missed this post.
Original. :ok:
"I know you are new here to Deceptos so...WATCH OUT FOR THAT... Sploog-slime! :nh: Why do those Skullcrushers never look before they stride?" *pops wings for rescue flight*


Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:53 am
by Aramanthus
Very nice additions. I am working on the weapons. I had a bit of a slow down ddue to bow season. But I have it mostly written. I have decided to link the new weapons to the "Hawkmoon" clan.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:46 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Very nice additions. I am working on the weapons. I had a bit of a slow down ddue to bow season. But I have it mostly written. I have decided to link the new weapons to the "Hawkmoon" clan.

Looking forward to it. ;)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:22 pm
by DhAkael
*perches on branch and waits patiently*

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:46 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:*perches on branch and waits patiently*

That better be a strong branch or you got your anti-gravs on....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:24 pm
by 89er
I have thinking lately about Shemarrians having relationships with outsiders. I know that each tribe has different flows, but how does one, say a full conversion cyborg, go about romancing different members of different tribes?

"Alright, heads you go with the death obsessed artillery sirens, and tails you go with the plasma wreathed she-devils."

"Aw, can't I have both, sir?"

"Not after those NEXUS AIs ordered several restraining orders against you, now I'm thinking this assignment was a bad idea."

Lieutenant Todd Mullen to Hoyt "Metal Fever" Sparks.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:28 am
by DhAkael
89er wrote:I have thinking lately about Shemarrians having relationships with outsiders. I know that each tribe has different flows, but how does one, say a full conversion cyborg, go about romancing different members of different tribes?

Blood Riders = Show great passion and fearlesness.
Skull-Crushers = Ummmm... no. :? :shock:
Wolfs-Path = Go on a walkabout / hunt with one of 'em and TRY not to make too much noise.
Ghost Riders = Show 'em your kung-fu is strong (re; computer hacking skills), and be tolerant of their -ahem- eccentrcities.
Horrorwoods = Show great respect for life and the wilds, and don't be afraid to get down & dirty in the mud. :D
Silvermoons = Courage and honour in battle, followed by romantic moonlight poetry during a realaxing mutal polishing session :angel:
Darkwaters = Go out "skinny dipping" and diving for pearls / Horune salvage, or tag-team wrestle a giant squid and then enjoy a pleasent after-battle bottle of wine mixed with squid ink and arsenic (which adds that little hint of piquancy).
Hawkmoon = Same as any other respectful of your betters (re; females) and let the Shemarrian make the first move. Oh, and not being afraid of heights / flying is a plus.
Sapphire Cobras = Just let the rythem & the dance guide you, twine your body with one of the preistesses and [censored for public descency].
Wayfinders = You like books and reading and making things and exploring and magic and the unkown and...? [etc etc etc etc]

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:12 pm
by DhAkael

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:44 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
89er wrote:I have thinking lately about Shemarrians having relationships with outsiders. I know that each tribe has different flows, but how does one, say a full conversion cyborg, go about romancing different members of different tribes?

Blood Riders = Show great passion and fearlesness.
Skull-Crushers = Ummmm... no. :? :shock: ]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A few addendums:

But yeah, Wayfinders know all the private places in the library to make out, have memorized the Cyber-Sutra, and know more about your anatomy than you do.

Skullcrushers: Imagine what might appeal to a Goth with a heavy metal(artillery) fetish. Memorize lines like 'Love is a painful, hurtful addiction to ephemeral hope that can only maim a person', then imply that you're either a masochist or you don't mind repeated quick one-night stands with the same lover, because, well, 'we're all going to die anyway'. Present her with bouquets of ammunition on your dates. If you can play mumblety-peg with running chainsaws, that's another way to impress her.

Sapphire Cobras: Lose the fear of snakes, quick. And lose any inhibitions.

Darkwaters: Arrange your dates on dark, clear, moonless nights, or arrange cruises on the ocean.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:08 pm
by taalismn
Things You Could Say to Shemarrians that Would Definitely Get You Punched:

Hawkmoons: "What it is with you and pigeons, anyway?"
Ghost Riders: "You're a geek-chick? Man, what a troll..."
Skull Crushers: "Cut the Goth garbage and and the whole 'woe is me' thing already! It's getting old!"
Wayfinders: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you're a bookworm...boooorrrriiiiiinnggg...."
Silvermoons: "You know, all this touchy-feely poetry stuff bores me. Let's just skip to the sex..."
Blood Riders: "Haahahahhhah! Get aload of the girly pink armor..."
Dark Waters: "Damn, but you feel cold and clammy..."
Wolf's Path: "Here, doggy! Here, Lassie!"
Sapphire Cobras: "I'm ####ing sick and tired of all these ####ing snakes on this ####ing spaceship!"
Horrorwoods: "You know what would make this place better? A SHOPPING MALL"

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:50 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:Things You Could Say to Shemarrians that Would Definitely Get You Punched:

slight modification to that;
Things you could say to Shemarrians that would definately get you blasted into next Tuesday. :D

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:08 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Things You Could Say to Shemarrians that Would Definitely Get You Punched:

slight modification to that;
Things you could say to Shemarrians that would definately get you blasted into next Tuesday. :D

To Any Male Shemarrian: "Hey Baldy! Yah, you with the ugly tats!-"
To Any NeShemar: "So, you coin-operated or what?"
To Any Female Shemarrian/NeShemarrian: " This is the 'Turn On' nob for you, right?"

Annndddddd....Shemarrian Excuses for Killing You For Saying One of the Above:
-"Metal fatigue on my trigger safety."
-"He LOOKED like a Metzla in this dim light."
-"You cannot murder that which is already dead."
-"Not my fault he couldn't hear my warning to dodge a supersonic projectile!"
-"The Goddess told me he was the Shaper."
-"He committed suicide by jumping in front of my gun just as I was cleaning the bore by firing it."
-"Technically, stupidity killed him, not me. I just put the body out of its misery."
-"Honestly? I don't know. When I rebooted, he was already dead."
-"Meteor with the exact ballistic characteristics of a rail gun projectile. Came in on a low flat trajectory."
-"I was cleaning my vibrosword and it went off."
-"He was demonically possessed, and in a moment of lucidity and control, he begged me to put him out of his misery."

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:28 pm
by DhAkael
Slightly side topic; FINALLY got a copy of Rifts Sourcebook 1; revised, and well. Looks like BOTH the Maker & shaper and the Republicans are in for a good curb stompin'... That is if the Repubs are stupid enough to get in the way of the EShemarr Vs. The Toaster and his evil-iron-infected Russian-American right hand sociopath and his "loyal" and equally infected Amazonians.

Though y'know, just once I'd like to see a canonical POWER-block that wasn't either run by xenophobic omnicidal jinogistic yankee yahoos that'd make the KKK and the Daleks look sane, or demon worshipping baby-eaters with bad breath.

I guess that's why threads like THIS exist; where GM's and others can go "what IF..." and ignore canon, or warp it to fit into their OWN version of the game.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:35 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Slightly side topic; FINALLY got a copy of Rifts Sourcebook 1; revised, and well. Looks like BOTH the Maker & shaper and the Republicans are in for a good curb stompin'... That is if the Repubs are stupid enough to get in the way of the EShemarr Vs. The Toaster and his evil-iron-infected Russian-American right hand sociopath and his "loyal" and equally infected Amazonians.

Though y'know, just once I'd like to see a canonical POWER-block that wasn't either run by xenophobic omnicidal jinogistic yankee yahoos that'd make the KKK and the Daleks look sane, or demon worshipping baby-eaters with bad breath.

I guess that's why threads like THIS exist; where GM's and others can go "what IF..." and ignore canon, or warp it to fit into their OWN version of the game.

Viva La Revolucion! Occupy Rifts Earth!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:37 am
by DhAkael
*looks around for Aramat's contribution*


*Watches tumble weeds go past dusty, nearly empty armoury* :nh:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:58 am
by DhAkael
DhAkael wrote:*looks around for Aramat's contribution*


*Watches tumble weeds go past dusty, nearly empty armoury* :nh:

Still waiting Araman... still waiting. :badbad:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:58 pm
by taalismn
(Pushes aside snow, downed branches, power and phone lines littering neighborhood)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:11 pm
by abtex
Go away. We are waiting for taalismn to come back.
Thank you.

Wait, you're back. :oops:
Any thoughts on snow based Shemarrian bunnies?
Or more on ANTI-snow ones?

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:34 pm
by taalismn
abtex wrote:Any thoughts on snow based Shemarrian bunnies?
Or more on ANTI-snow ones?

A plasma-sheathed Blood Rider diving into a snowbank. :D

Well, if you can make snowballs of deuterium...stands to reason you can make anti-snow with anti-deterium... :D

Never invite Skullcrushers to a snowball fight...if they get off their death and depression kick, they might figure that it's a FIGHT, and that means it's worth doing with ARTILLERY....
Ton-rating barrages of basketball-sized iceballs are not conducive to the survival of the average down-jacketed winter weather enthusiast.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:29 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Any thoughts on snow based Shemarrian bunnies?
Or more on ANTI-snow ones?

A plasma-sheathed Blood Rider diving into a snowbank. :D

Well, if you can make snowballs of deuterium...stands to reason you can make anti-snow with anti-deterium... :D

Never invite Skullcrushers to a snowball fight...if they get off their death and depression kick, they might figure that it's a FIGHT, and that means it's worth doing with ARTILLERY....
Ton-rating barrages of basketball-sized iceballs are not conducive to the survival of the average down-jacketed winter weather enthusiast.

And don't even get me started on the Wolfs-Path Long-range preciesion sniper snow-ball launchers.
...or the Hawkmoon aerial carpet bombing with iceicles :D

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:23 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Any thoughts on snow based Shemarrian bunnies?
Or more on ANTI-snow ones?

A plasma-sheathed Blood Rider diving into a snowbank. :D

Well, if you can make snowballs of deuterium...stands to reason you can make anti-snow with anti-deterium... :D

Never invite Skullcrushers to a snowball fight...if they get off their death and depression kick, they might figure that it's a FIGHT, and that means it's worth doing with ARTILLERY....
Ton-rating barrages of basketball-sized iceballs are not conducive to the survival of the average down-jacketed winter weather enthusiast.

And don't even get me started on the Wolfs-Path Long-range preciesion sniper snow-ball launchers.
...or the Hawkmoon aerial carpet bombing with iceicles :D

Wayfinders: Magic Homing Pigeon Snowball anybody?
Blood Riders: Our hot blood keeps melting the snow before we can throw it!
Dark Waters: A comet's just a big dirty snowball, right?
Sapphire Cobras: Okay, snow just isn't a snake's natural element, unless you're moving really fast to keep warm. You move even faster to stay warm if you're nude, like those priestesses over there are...*SMASH* ...dropped your guard...
Silvermoons: They don't call it the silver white avalanche for nothing....
Horrorwoods: Wait until you're in the trees...the heavily snow laden trees...
Ghostriders: Wait until you're all tuckered out from snowball fighting, finished your hot chocolate, had a nice hot shower, and are JUST stepping out of aforementioned shower...then they hit yah...

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:08 pm
by DtMK
Given the various tech ARCHIE has access to thanks to the failed Mechanoid invasion, I wonder if we'll see other additions or optional upgrades to his arsenal of Shemarrians? I know he's incorporated the particle beam and plasma tech into rifles, but I wonder if he's worked on the antigravity propulsion for the Wasps to make flying Shemarrians or mounts, or even a miniature version of the force field from the Spider Fortress for his War Goddesses?

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:48 pm
by DhAkael
DtMK wrote:Given the various tech ARCHIE has access to thanks to the failed Mechanoid invasion, I wonder if we'll see other additions or optional upgrades to his arsenal of Shemarrians? I know he's incorporated the particle beam and plasma tech into rifles, but I wonder if he's worked on the antigravity propulsion for the Wasps to make flying Shemarrians or mounts, or even a miniature version of the force field from the Spider Fortress for his War Goddesses?

Stranger things have happend (like, say energy based life forms capable of self replicatiing and infecting A.I.'s :angel: ) so who knows; it is likely.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:28 pm
by taalismn
DtMK wrote:Given the various tech ARCHIE has access to thanks to the failed Mechanoid invasion, I wonder if we'll see other additions or optional upgrades to his arsenal of Shemarrians? I know he's incorporated the particle beam and plasma tech into rifles, but I wonder if he's worked on the antigravity propulsion for the Wasps to make flying Shemarrians or mounts, or even a miniature version of the force field from the Spider Fortress for his War Goddesses?

Indeed. We're kinda hoping that people will cook up such devices/adaptations, and post them up here(if they aren't preparing a Rifter article that is)...Not necessarily as part of the (Ecotroz) Shemarrian Civil War setting, but as part of the general 'Shemarrian-related fan creations' idea. ;) :D

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:56 pm
by DtMK
I may have to work on something, including possible optional upgrades for the War Goddesses like force field generators, antigravity propulsions or special mounts befitting of "The Ten".

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:01 pm
by taalismn
DtMK wrote:I may have to work on something, including possible optional upgrades for the War Goddesses like force field generators, antigravity propulsions or special mounts befitting of "The Ten".

Anything you can contribute, I'm sure the Ladies will appreciate. :ok:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:36 pm
by DtMK
Yes, and rip my head off because of my species and outdoor plumbing. :lol:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:25 pm
by taalismn
DtMK wrote:Yes, and rip my head off because of my species and outdoor plumbing. :lol:

Ritual of KNOW they got constantly updated firewall protection on that system to avoid contracting a virus. :D