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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:01 pm
by taalismn
This is kinda what I suspect the EShemarrian expedition to Japan looked like: 8) :D :P

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:28 am
by taalismn
Fringe Tribe: Clan Shinden

“Schizoid is what I’d call them; on one hand you have these ramrod-straight, hardcore types who epitomize the clean, spare, ideals of traditional art and demeanor, warrior-scholars who can cut deep with a well-crafted vibrokatana and a well-worded haiku. Then on the other hand you have these eye-blindingly bright neon-lit cyberpunked raver-types who look like they stepped out of an otaku or ecchi fanwork, who nevertheless can cut you to pieces while enthusiastically proclaiming about ‘love ad justice’. Then again, what can you expect of a tribe that started out as a bunch of cyborg Wayfinder scholars who crashlanded in otaku-paradise?”

The Wayfinder expeditions to Japan would have a profound effect on EShemar society in the wealth of technological data sent back to North America and distributed among the Tribes. Information on advanced robotics, stealth bionics, sonic weaponry, and the like improved the EShemar techbase substantially and enriched the new Nation considerably. Indeed, the very concept of the Yurei caste-class, that became adopted throughout the Tribes, had its origins in the Wayfinder expeditions.
So impressed and intrigued with what they saw in Japan were the Wayfinders that they left several members behind on extended/permanent assignment to continue studying the Japanese technology and gather more information on Asia in general. This initial group, consisting of a senior Tinker, several assistants, and a small retinue of bodyguard warriors, would later be bolstered with Trinity Modules. From their ever-shifting bases of operations, the Wayfinder group could investigate the various regions of Japan, observing, testing, sampling, and occasionally scavenging. It was in the course of traveling in the north, skirting the oni warren, that the investigations group added their first NeShemar; several young girls badly burned and mutilated when oni raiders obliterated their village. These first few cyborg-conversions were joined by others, including cyborg ronin, new customs were assimilated(or created) to facilitate the new additions to the group, and the Fringe Tribe was born.
Clan Shinden(‘Magnificent Lightning’) combines Shemarrian organization and matriarchal society(or at least the fairly freewheeling Wayfinder version of it) with elements of Japanese tradition and techo-otakuism. The Shemarrian design aesthetic has been colored by Japanese themes; samurai-style armor, katanas, and even glitzy, glamorous robot bodies to name a few, but the Shidenese also take to heart aspects of Japanese introspection, philosophy, and art. Depending on who one asks, the members of Clan Shinden come across as warrior-poets, shadow-philosophers, or glitzy techno-fangirls.
Clan Shinden has a few problems and restrictions in its operations; Japan is far smaller than North America, and as a result the tribe doesn’t have as much room to maneuver and hide itself in. Probably more people in Japan know about the fringe tribe than people of North America know about the Shemarrian Tribes of the East Coast. Adding to their problems is their almost explosive growth, thanks in part due to the many NeShemar recruits from the burgeoning cyberculture and cyborg-friendly societies of the Republic and Ichto. The swelling number of added NeShemar has taken some of the tribe’s ability to quickly maneuver and hide away, leading to the decision to split the tribe into several smaller units to keep from being pinned down.
Takamatsu is perhaps the most welcoming and accepting of the EShemar, and the original core Wayfinders find the island kingdom very much like Lazlo in North America. The Shemarrians can move about openly in Takamatsu, and have volunteered to help the Takamatsuans explore their dimensional portal-world(s). The citizens of Talamatsu regard Clan Shinden as a strange, but friendly, alien cult that seems to be picking up more Japanese customs than trying to impose alien ones on the Japanese natives.
As both a technological powerhouse and a well-organized nation-state based on pre-Rifts Golden Age organization and attitude, the Republic of Japan commands Clan Shinden’s attention. The Republic sees Clan Shinden as a minor alien presence, even though the Shindenese have made several forays and recruiting missions amongst the cyberpunks of the Republic. As something of a ‘flavor of the month’, the exotic and alien gynoids have caught the eye of many of the more youthful citizens of the Republic, who want to emulate many of their ways, if not become Shemarrian. This has worked for and against Clan Shinden; they can move more openly amongst the cyborgs and Shemar-imitators of the Republic, but are helpless to curb some of the wilder rumors and takes on their society without tipping their hand as to their presence and true purposes in the Republic. To the Republic of Japan, Clan Shinden is more of a crazy otaku-club, though if it ever became anything more, and a threat to the Republic and its citizens, they’d be quickly targeted by the RJSDF.
Clan Shinden keeps a particularly close eye on Ichto, source of so much tantalizing and fascinating robotics technology. For their part, Ichto has heard rumors of a tribe of d-bees possessing advanced robotic and bionic technology, and the stories are beginning to sound intriguing to the corporate-state’s executives. Ichto(and Otomo as well) would be incensed, however, to learn how badly the Shemarrians are ripping off the advanced proprietary technologies of Ichto, and distributing their secrets to the Shemarrian Nation. That would provide the corporation with a ready excuse to swoop down and ‘punish’ the d-bees, and incidentally grab their advanced technology for themselves.
Otomo is seen as a grubby, fractious, dangerous little nation, best avoided. H-Brand has little to offer the technologically-inclined EShemar. Clan Shinden rightly suspects the warlords of Otomo would love to get their hands on Shemarrian technology by any means possible, so the Shindenese give the region a wide berth.
The Empire, with its revived ancient culture and mystic arts, fascinates the scholarly Shindenese, even though the cyborg and robotic EShemar repulse the technophobic traditionalists. Even though Clan Shinden has helped the Empire fight the oni on numerous occasions, the aftermath of such battles typically leads to the Shemar then being shunned, or coldly warned to leave Imperial territory. The Empire regards the Clan as gaijin, and though individual samurai may, on the field, openly respect the contributions and bravery of the EShemar, the Empire officially refuses to acknowledge their existence, and their victories are recorded as accredited to others.
Both the oni and the Horune are considered to be the Shideneses’ local enemies(and bread and butter, when it comes to being hired for mercenary work). The clan’s Yurei have also made their share of local corporate and warlord enemies, leading to more than a few skirmishes with local enforcers, Yakuza, and ninjas.

Motif: A bolt of blue lightning against a red or black circle.
Sometimes simply a blue lightning bolt adorns Clan Shinden armor and garments.

a)Origins: Wayfinder splinter group, separated by distance(the Pacific Ocean).

b)Where First Encountered
Japan, Rifts Earth.

c)Tribe Size
Large; with 70,000 members, but the Clan is distributed in several smaller, more mobile, sub-tribes, the majority settled in Takamatsu, and the others scattered along the northern coasts near oni territory.

d)Tribe Organization
Traditional Matriarchy(currently led by an Elite Yurei).

e)Tribal Composition
Elites(primarily Yurei) make up some 35% of Clan Shinden, followed by NeShemar at 28%, Warriors at 11%, and the remaining 26% divided up fairly evenly amongst the remaining classes.
Ironically, many of the cyberhumanoid-conversion NeShemar take up training and Upgrades akin to Berserkers.

f) Highest Caste Class
Elites; primarily Yurei.

g) Gender Division
89% Female, 11% Male.

h) Home Environment
Terrestrial Environs(Japan).

i)Technology Level
Megadamage Age---Roughly equal to Rifts Earth canon and ARCHIE-3 canon Shemarrians. Megadamage weapons and equipment are readily available to the abilities of this tribe. The Shindenese use baseline Shemarrian equipment, levened by locally-acquired gear and technology, and Upgrade gifts from the North American Tribes.

j) Relations with Outsiders:
Friendly. The Shindenese work to avoid appearing as dangerous aliens to the locals, and frequently offer their services as mercenaries(in trade escort or defensive positions). They do keep their secrets, however, from more prying eyes.

k)Relations with Other ‘Shemarrians’
Open; Clan Shinden has played host to other Tribes’ members wanting to see for themselves what Japan has to offer. The Shindenese are often called upon to arrange quarters and local supply/information for visiting Tribal parties and follow-up expeditions to the western Pacific region. Thus relations have ranged from formal and cordial(as with the Skullcrusher combat trials party and the Lost Eclipse maritime expedition) to enthusiastic(as with the Ghost Rider group of nethackers wanting to test their skills against Golden Age-level corporate computer security networks).

l) Purpose
Pursuit of Knowledge---Some might call it corporate espionage, but the Shindenese are keeping an eye(and hands) on what the Japanese technopowers are coming out with next. The Japanese islands are also used as a base to gather information on the Asian mainland and western Pacific.

m) Preferred Mode of Combat
Sneak Attack---As the tribe that virtually created the Yurei caste, it comes as no great surprise that sneak attacks and commando-style raids are a favorite of the Shindenese. However, some of the NeShemar with their new bionic abilities, and some of the assimilated samurai, do tend to dramatics in combat; even some of the Elites are not immune to ‘sentai’ action.

n) Unique Attributes
Exceptional Combat Skills---Exposure to some rather exotic martial arts has led to the Shindenese acquiring some cool moves and righteous combat abilities. Clan Shinden members seem able to take FULL advantage of ALL the bonuses(including physical stats) of the martial arts styles of Asia, despite their bionic/robotic nature. The Wayfinders can’t explain why this is, just that it is.
The Shindenese also have their own unique gear and Warmounts, but these are mainly adaptations of locally-available weaponry and equipment, such as katana-, no-dachi-, and wakizashi-styled vibroblades replacing the original Shemarrian-pattern blades. They use baseline Warmounts, but their small production capability and unexpected growth in numbers means that they’ve had to make do with battlefield salvage and combat loot, adapting and modifying a number of vehicles and robots into Frankensteeds. The Shidenese have at least one Armatech AT-1063 Hi-Tora ‘Fire Tiger’ rebuilt as a Warmount(Clan Pantheron is allegedly already petitioning Clan Shinden for the design specs).

o) Prosperity
Self-Sufficient---The tribe is doing well for itself, with an ample supply of material for its projects, provided they are of modest ambition, replacement weaponry and warmounts for 50% of their number, a modest surplus, and enough disposable material for some small trading. In the case of the Shidenese, a good part of their income goes back out to acquire information and scavenged technology of interest, that is then studied and either the material or the specs passed on to the Shemarrian Nation. The Wayfinders are trying to figure out how to provide more regular support to their dedicated tribe of observers and spies.

p) Chart P: Origin Tribe
Wayfinders. Clan Shinden remains on very good terms with their mother Tribe, but organizationally have simply found it easier to operate as a separate tribe with their own traditions and customs.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:35 pm
by taalismn
*EcoS-K-70 Sistrus Warmount
(aka ‘Apker’, ‘Longshark’)

“Something of a patchwork monster, what with all those secondhand parts pasted on. The Shemarrians seem to like attending absolutely murderous garage sales.”

Though generally regarded as ‘lacking in fire’ by the mainstream Tribes for taking up residence within the cities of Greater New England, the splinter faction known as the Steel Gaians are not lacking for either courage or innovation. The latter especially since the tribe is made predominately of Tinkers, with access to the giant industrial complex that is Paladin Steel right next door. This means that the tribe’s Tinkers can easily acquire materials, subsystems, and even entire vehicles to work with and modify. Not surprisingly, the tribe dabbles a lot in creating frankensteeds from their massive spare parts bin.
The Sistrus started life as a Paladin Steel-made Rattlesnake APC, but is now nearly unrecognizable as such after being extensively modified by the Steel Gaians. Though the original APC had the option of being fitted with robot legs instead of wheels, the Steel Gaians have redesigned the legs to retain the wheels(actually rotary members around the long ‘bone’ of each outer/lower leg, the actual tires being stock steelbelts from PS’s HT-series heavy trucks), so the Sistrus can run OR roll, depending on ground conditions. It’s been suggested, given the similarity of this system to those observed on the Warmounts of another fringe tribe, Clan Motron, that the Steel Gaians have been trading with the Motrons, and sharing technologies.
The Sistrus is still recognizable as a Rattlesnake APC, however, and retains many of the old systems, such as the two small turrets just behind the head. Appliqué armor systems are the same as well. The Steel Gaians are one of the few Shemarrian tribes who regularly incorporate enclosed cockpits into their Warmounts; in the case of the Sistrus, the Warmount has two internal compartments, both of which have roof hatches, which can allow the passengers to stand up and fire out of the open top and sides of the Warmount if so desired, while still afforded partial cover. The rear compartment, however, is typically used to hold a missile launcher or weapons turret.
The Sistrus is no slouch in melee combat either. Besides being able to bite for effect, the Sistrus has six legs with which to kick. The foot claws can deliver a swift kick, or a disemboweling swipe, and can also be connected to the rotary system for the wheels, allowing the claws to spin with lethal speed. A common and favorite tactic for breaching fortifications is to drive up parallel to the target, then raise the middle leg to act as a giant drill.
Almost as an afterthought and joke, the Steel Gaians have added a metal-rattled tail appendage to the rear of the warmount. Besides being able to set off a clatter, the heavy appendage can sweep incautious infantry off their feet with a hard-hitting blow.
Despite its humble APC origins, the Sistrus is no mere ‘battle taxi’; it is a smart, cunning, pack-hunting predator that works well in groups and actively supports its rider-troops. Slower and less agile than a Monstrex, the Sistrus makes up for it in being more heavily armed. In the Steel Gaians’ battle formations, the smaller Monstrexes will often be deployed as fast scouts and flankers, while the van consists of Sistruses deployed and equipped for fire support and point defense.
The Sistrus is sometimes referred to in the Shemarrian Nation as the ‘poor woman’s Buthidid’, in reference to the Skullcrusher Tribe’s massive scorpion Warmount, but the Steel Gaians stand by their heartfelt belief that the Sistrus is its own benchmark. The Sistrus is currently found ONLY with the Steel Gaians, taking the place of new Monstrexes in the growing fringe tribe.

Type: EcoS-K-70 Sistrus
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 2 passengers in the forward compartment. The rear compartment can hold 4 Shemarrian-sized passengers.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 350
Head 90
Head Gun Turrets(2) 40 each
Legs(6) each
Wheels(6) 80 each
Tail 90
Height: 8.5 ft. Standing up at maximum extension on its legs, can reach 13 ft.
Width: 18 ft at wheelbase, main body is 12.5 ft wide
Length: 48 ft(tail adds another 10 ft)
Weight: 19 tons
Cargo: Space inside the forward compartment for survival packs and sidearms. The rear compartment, if not holding passengers, can carry about 2 tons of cargo.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 65 MPH
(Climbing) Can climb with a rough skill of 60% and can negotiate 60-degree slopes.
(Leaping) Not possible
(Road Wheels) 100 MPH
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 8 MPH(maximum depth 800 ft), or do 22 MPH on the water using hydrojets.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Mag-Traction Systems---Clearly a knockoff of Paladin Steel systems; this system creates a virtual tread surface under the vehicle’s tires, giving greater control over wet or slippery surfaces, greater speed over soft terrain, and better handling at high speed. This system also allows for shorter braking distances, tighter turns at high speed, and even allow the vehicle to ride up on steep embankments if the surface is smooth enough.
Bonus:+10% to control rolls

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Sistrus have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Mine Resistant Hull---The slightly V-shaped underbody of the hull is designed to deflect damage from mines and other IEDs...Reduces damage from ground blasts by 1/4.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Two Light Turrets(2)---Retained from the original Rattlesnake APC. The Rattlesnake traditionally mounted two turrets, each with a 360-degree rotation, 60 degree elevation, and 30-degree depression.
a) Light Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

B) 20mm Autocannon
Range:(20mm)3,000 ft (1,500 ft for wood rounds)
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PS-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC per round (1d6x10 HP to vampires)
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airbursts are not possible with wooden rounds
(20mm PSX-2)(after 110 PA)
4d6 MD single rd
2d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: (20mmStandard
Payload: 300 rds per gun

c)Ion Cannons
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d)40mm AutoGrenade Launchers
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Identical to the WI-GL20; (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area single shot, 1d6x10 MD to blast area of 20 ft per 5 shot burst
(Armor Piercing)1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area single shot, 2d6x10 MD to blast area of 6 ft per 5 shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 200 rounds per turret

Range: 200 ft range
Damage: 3d6 MD per burst, plus does an additional 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees,
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 50 bursts

f) Monstrex Weapons Modules---Any of the ‘standard’ Monstrex-style weapons modules can be fitted into the turrets instead.

3)(Optional) Rear Compartment Weapons Module---In lieu of cargo or passengers, the rear compartment can be used to ‘plug in’ various weapons modules, such as missile launchers or gun-turrets. Having access to Paladin Steel’s industry, the Steel Gaians openly adopt many of the available weaponry produced by their neighbors. Because some fairly powerful weaponry can be mounted, this rear weapons module makes the Sistrus a potentially very deadly combatant in the field.
a) Vertical Missile Launch Cells---12 VLS cells
Range: Varies
Damage: Varies
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12
Payload: 6 long-range missiles OR 30 medium range missiles OR 60 short range missiles OR 120 mini-missiles.

b) 36-tube 40mm Mortar Launcher----Adaptation of the PS 40-mm ‘Chewer’ launcher system, this consists of electrically-fired tubes loaded in ‘Metalstorm’ inline fashion. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 6 miles
Damage:(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
(High Explosive) 1d4x10+3 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-36
Payload: Each barrel holds 5 40-mm projectiles for a total of 180 rds

c)30mm Ramjet Cannon-----PS’s copy of the venerable IH-10RJ Rapid Fire Auto Cannon, has 30-degree depression and 60-degree elevation. TWO can be mounted.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single rd, 2d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 2000 rd drum

d) PS-HSGC-AAM-11 20mm Six-Barrel Super Vulcan Cannon---A proven system with good range and damage, but a tendency to seize up under protracted firing. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage:(Proximity-fuzed High-Explosive) 4d4 MD single shot (2 ft blast radius)
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst(but -1 to strike)
6d6x10 MD for a 40 rd burst(takes THREE attacks and is -3 to strike targets smaller than 20 ft long)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
` Payload: 4,000 rd drum
Penalty: If more than 4 full 40-rd bursts are fired consecutively, there is a +10% cumulative chance per additional burst of the weapon overheating and seizing up....Takes 1d6 melees to purge the coolant system and unjam the mechanism. Firing multiple lower-volume bursts incurs NO penalty.

e)PS-862 AC 30mm Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(Paladin Steel knockoff of the TriaxTX-862FC), Can be mounted singly or in two-gun mounts.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst per single gun.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 800 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses: Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by gunner

f)Rapid-Fire 35 mm Cannon----This is an anti-aircraft-mounting, and is fed from two massive ammunition drums on either side of the cannon. Typically operated by a three-man gun crew(gunner and two loaders responsible for swapping out the ammo drums). Can be mounted singly or in two-gun mounts.
Range: 2.5 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to a 10 ft blast radius, 2d6x10 MD to a 30 ft blast radius per 10 rd burst.
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 4d6 MD single shot, 3d6x10+10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Each drum holds 215 rounds(430 total)

g) PS/FA-A9 2-pounder (40mm)Autocannon--- 1-2 cam be mounted.
Range:(High Velocity Round)5,000 yards(15,000 ft)
Maximum AA altitude w/ HV shells: 13,300 ft
(Low Velocity Round) 3,800 yards(11,400 ft)
Damage:(Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
(High Explosive) (HV) 1d4x10+3 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
(LV)1d4x10 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: 120 rounds per minute(or up to 30 rds per melee)
Payload: box magazine of 200 rounds

h) 60mm Mass Driver Cannon---The old 60mm Snapfire artillery weapon. ONE can be mounted.
Range:(Direct Fire Mode): 6000 ft
(Artillery Mode) 2 .5 miles
Damage:(Direct Fire Mode) 3d6x10 MD, no blast radius
(Artillery Mode) Everything within the 30 ft blast radius takes 2D6x10 M.D. and has a 75% chance of being knocked flat.
Rate of Fire:(Direct Fire Mode) EPCHH
(Artillery Mode) Three times per melee
Payload: 70 rds
Bonuses/Penalties: +1 strike in direct fire mode. -2 to strike in Artillery mode.

i)M-82D 81mm Mortar Cannon------a Paladin Steel copy of Free Quebec’s GBM-7-70M1 High Power Mortar, the same weapon as mounted on the QGBM-7-70 ‘Taurus’ Glitterboy. ONE can be mounted.
Range:(Direct-fire) 6,000 ft
(Indirect Fire) 2.2 miles
Damage:(High Explosive) 1d6x10 MD to a 20 ft blast radius
(Fragmentation)1d4x10 +5 MD to 25 ft blast area
(Armor-Piercing High Explosive) 2d4x10 MD to 6 ft blast area
Rate of Fire: Single shot, EGCHH.
Payload: 6 rounds, ready to fire, plus an additional 50 rounds can be carried in storage.

j) KTH-65 32mm Assault Rail Gun (Raven)----Designed with the needs of a heavy infantry squad in mind, Kera-Tech Industries developed the KTH-65 for long range combat in both atmosphere and in space. the KTH-65 can penetrate most any known armor with ease with a high-velocity burst. With the enhanced capability of variable rounds, numerous different combat roles can be filled by the KTH-65. The weapon is manufactured under license by Paladin Steel on the East Coast. TWO can be mounted.
Range: 1600m (1 mile) in atmosphere
Damage: Varies by shell type
Shell Types:
APFS-DU (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized, Depleted Uranium) - 5D6x10 MD, no blast radius
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) - 5D6 MD plus 5D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
HE (High Explosive) 1D6x10 to a 5 (16 ft) radius
HEG (High Explosive, Guided) - 2D6x10 to a 2m (7 ft) radius
Rate of Fire: Single shots, ECHH
Payload: 80 rds

k)PS-AWD-PC3 Plasma Cannon------Based on the Mechanoid Brute Plasma Cannon. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Unlimited

l) PS-AWD-MTL-1 Tri-Laser-----Based on the Mechanoid Brute Tri-Laser. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single blast
1d4x10 +6 MD double blast
1d6x10 +10 MD triple blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Unlimited

m)Tri-Laser(PSMBL-3E)---Adapted from the Glitterboy No. 7 of South America. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 8,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

n)Pulse Laser(PS-RFL-25), the so-called “Prosek’s Gift’ thanks to its being derived from a reverse-engineered Coalition weapon! ONE can be mounted.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

o) Slayer Quad-Laser Cannon(PS-RFL-40)---Four-barreled raid-fire laser cannon. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 3,000 ft(30,000 ft in space)
Damage: 2d10 MD single shot, 2d4x10 MD short burst (four shots, one from each barrel), 4d4x10 MD medium burst (eight shots, two from each barrel in sequence), 4d6x10 MD long burst (takes two attacks), or 6d6x10 MD full melee burst (takes four attacks).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

p) PS-HPBC-20 Particle Beam Cannon------Based on the KLS Mrk IV Glitterboy PB-20 Rapid Acceleration Particle Beam Cannon, complete to pairing with a coaxial small laser. ONE can be mounted.
Weight: 660 lbs
Range: (PBC) 11,000 ft(double in space)
(Laser) 2,000 feet (double in space)
Damage: (PBC) 4d6x 10 MD single blast
(Laser) 4d6 MD single blast
Rate of Fire: (both) ECHH
Payload: (PBC) Conditionally unlimited(Unlimited linked to nuclear power source) though smaller vehicles(such as the ‘Vader) have a battery capacitor with a limited number of shots(20 typically) with a recharge rate of one blast per minute.
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited

q)M-Ion Cannon----A PS copy of the Triax TX-8841 Ion Cannon(sans MRM launchers, though some buyers have them fitted for installation in large gun mounts). PS has also managed to adapt its ion-weapons modification technology to further augment the M-Ion weapon. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Options:*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel mod that turns the cannon into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 2,000 ft, but does 5d6 MD to a 30 ft wide area.
*Ion Booster Module---Another mod that boosts the range of the ion bolts, albeit with a small reduction in damage capability. Reduce damage to 1d4x10 MD, but boost range to 7,000 ft.

r) Variable Caliber Massdriver---A Steel Gaian knockoff/adaptation of Northern Gun’s NG-C58 Variable Projectile Cannon, improved with technology from Paladin Steel’s own Variable Caliber Artillery and ‘Flex-Gun’ lines. Northern Gun is NOT pleased with reports of this weapon and has accused Paladin Steel of openly and overtly collaborating with the Steel Gaians to steal the NG-C58 , despite the fact that the VCM uses magnetic force and vortices to push its projectiles, and not air pressure, allowing for greater power and range(Paladin Steel is allegedly also working on a more advanced model that uses directed gravity pulses). ONE can be mounted.
Range: Varies;
-120mm shells specifically designed for the gun have a range of 6,000 ft
-Other streamlined shells and objects like cannon balls, other caliber shells, poles, and air cylinders have a range of 4,000 ft.
-Non-aerodynamic projectiles like bricks, rocks, logs, and battlefield debris have a range of 800 ft.
-Small shrapnel like broken glass, nails, and metal shrapnel have a range of 500 ft and spreads out to cover a 25 ft area.
Damage: Varies;
-120mm shells specifically designed for the gun do the following:
High Explosive(HE): 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT): 2d6x10 Md to 10 ft blast radius
Armor Piercing(AP) 1d4x10 MD, no blast radius
APSD: 2d4x10 MD, no blast radius
-Other streamlined shells and objects like cannon balls, other caliber shells, poles, and air cylinders do 4d6x10 SDC if SDC materials, 6d6 MD if megadamage.
-Non-aerodynamic projectiles like bricks, rocks, logs, and battlefield debris do 2d4x10 SDC if SDC materials, 4d6 MD if megadamage(+10 MD if weighing over 150 lbs).
-Small shrapnel like broken glass, nails, and metal shrapnel do 1d4x10 SDC if SDC materials, 3d6 MD if megadamage shrapnel.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Typically 28 rounds/shots in an attached ammunition feed bin.

s)PS-MMLR-14 Mini-Missile Launcher ---One of Paladin Steel’s minor triumphs of reverse-engineering has been the knockoff of the Coalition’s CCT-M20 Missile Rifle,complete down to the light laser, but modified to take advantage of PS’s advancements in lighter weight composites and ceramics. Has the advantage of having a light laser for additional firepower. Can be mounted singly or in two-gun mounts.
Range:(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type(usually about 1 mile)
(Laser) 2,000 ft
Damage:(Mini-Missiles)Varies by Missile Type
(Laser) 2d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
(Laser) ECHH
Payload:(Mini-Missiles)20 per launcher(10 per launch tube)
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited attached to an external generator, or 20 shots per standard E-clip/30 per long E-clip as backup

t)PS-RL-210 Fragmentation Rocket Launcher( a copy of an imported Russian design). Note that PS has also been experimenting with an incendiary variant using a magnesium mixture. TWO launchers can be mounted.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum

u) PS-DL-110 Razor-Frizzer( a copy of an imported Russian design). The PS version uses ceramic and light alloy discs that, either by accident or deliberate design, give off a very audible high-pitched shrieking or buzzing noise when fired. TWO launchers can be mounted.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum

v) 45mm PS-HRG05 'Hellshot' Rail Cannons: An early attempt to equal the power of the infamous "Boom Gun" carried by the Glitterboy, these fearsome handheld weapons fire a much larger heavy metal kinetic energy penetrator with a massive punch. Unfortunately, the engineers were unable to equal the Boom Gun's long range or build the projectiles any smaller, limiting the payload. The Warmount can mount TWO with an improved autofeed system.
Range: 3,300 ft
Damage: 3D6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Single shot only; EGCHH
Payload: 35 shots per gun.

w) Pulse Laser Lances---Adapted from the Kittani Energy Lance; modest damage, but good range, and excellent accuracy(due to its light weight and integral laser sighting). These weapons are heavier than the original, due to different production methods(70 lbs), and are just now becoming available; PS is testing out the market and applications. Naturally, the Shemarrians like the idea of using Kittani technology on the Kittani. 1-4 Lances can be turret-mounted.
Range: 6,000 ft in hi-mode, 3,000 ft in lo-mode
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot in hi-mode, 6d6 MD per blast in lo-mode
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: +2 to strike

x)75mm Low Velocity Gun (Turret Mounted)
Using low-pressure propellant techniques, this cannon heaves a beer-can sized projectile at opponents with considerable punch. However, the 75mm can be used to fire a variety of rounds, from expanding foam-plastic "punching glove" non-lethal people-stoppers, to megadamage plasma shells. ONE can be mounted.
Primary Purpose: Anti-armor
Secondary Purpose: Antipersonnel
Range: 6000 m(roughly 18,000 ft)
"Bubblegum Round": Restraint Caster(AKA "Loogie"). This "safe" munition blasts out an expanding glob of adhesive resin and plastic fibers that entangle and immobilize targets. The "Loogie" suffers from atrocious range; it can only reach 150 ft before flopping to the ground. Covers an area of 5 ft, and is air permeable, so even if a perp is covered head to foot they can still breath.
Damage: 1d4 SDC bruising damage on impact, restrains with a PS of 30(characters without a robotic or supernatural PS of 30 or greater
are stuck until released. Even with r/s PS 30, takes 1d4 melees to bust out/be cut out).
Note: Police carry solvents that dissolve the "Loogie" within 1d4 melees.
(Black Market cost for the solvent is 500 credits per 3-use tube)

Riot Rd: This munition is an expanding ball of sponge plastic, swelling up to roughly the size of a basketball. The Riot Round has better range than the Restraint Round, and is designed to deliver a bruising kinetic slap.
Range: 500 ft
Damage: 4d6 SDC plus 80% chance of knockdown(60% chance of stunning for 1d4 melees, -10 to initiative, strike/parry/dodge/roll, and half apms. Reduce percentiles for stun and penalties by half if wearing MDC armor)

Smoke Rd: Smoke in a 30 ft area
Foam Rd: Designed for firefighting. Covers a 15 ft area in fire-retardant foam.
High Explosive Rd: 8d6 MD to 10 ft area
Armor Piercing Round: 1d6x10 MD to 3 ft area
Plasma Rd: Does 1d8x10 MD to a 6 ft blast radius.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 30 rds

y)Sonic Cannon(PS-UHFSC-02)----PS copy of a Japanese weapon, only with the possibility of being modified for variable effect.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast, plus 3d6 MD to a 10 ft diameter area around the blast area(double damage and range underwater)
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Option: The sonic vibrations can also be used to set up a resonance in hard armor that can stun or disorient living beings. Humans(and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE all penalties). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Power Armor and EBA-wearers will be more susceptible to the effects of resonance, owing to their close proximity to the materials being affected. The effects are greatly diminished to occupants on a vehicle owing to the many interior structures that serve to dissipate and insulate the sound waves.

z)DPO-L9-165 165mm Demolition Gun-- A post-Rifts adaptation of the Royal Ordnance L9 165 mm demolitions gun, a weapon used by both the British and American armies(the latter mounting a similar weapon in the M728 engineering vehicle). The L9 throws a 165 mm 64-lb projectile, the HESH warhead packed with 40 lbs of plastique explosive being the type most commonly used. ONE can be mounted.
Range: 7,800 ft
Damage:(HESH) HESH rounds are designed to ‘pancake’ against a target, then detonate, punching a plate-like scab or spald of material off the interior side of the wall or armor plate, doing shrapnel and shock damage to the interior of the structure.
5d6x10+10 MD to an 18 ft blast radius, plus 2d4x10 SDC to anyone inside the armor(or 1d6x10 SDC to anyone within 15 ft of the other side of the wall). HALF that if used against composite ‘meshed’ armors designed to flex, rather than spald(most power armors are constructed to have a certain amount of ‘warp’ to their structure, but cheaper armors, like Chipwell and early Northern Gun designs, lack this protection).
More advanced modern armors, such as those used by the Coalition, Triax, and other very high tech nations(the Kittani, for instance), for their EBA, power armors, robots, some vehicles, and special purpose fortifications(such as high echelon command bunkers) are designed NOT to spald, due to multiple composite layers of megadamage fabric and netting.....for these armors, spalding/bleed-through damage may be reduced to 1/4, or may not apply at all(GMs, use your discretion). Normal blast damage still applies, though, as the outer layers of armor are blown off/vaporized.
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 20 rds
Penalties: -1 to strike moving targets

4)(Optional)Smoke Mortars(1-4)---Smoke grenade launchers can be added to the hull. In the alternative, they can be fitted to fire chemical or rifle grenades.
Range: 800 ft
Damage: None. Smoke cloud in a 20 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,or 3
Payload: 3 per launcher

5)(Optional) Tail Spikes/Blast Studs---Contact energy weapons that fire off an intense electrical/plasma blast on impact; adapted from Gargoyle weaponry.
Range: Melee
Damage: 3d6 MD per impact strike, 4d6 MD if a ‘morning star/wrecking ball’ tail is mounted instead.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. It has an effective IQ of 12.
Typically has the same basic programming as for the Monstrex.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Sistrus intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore(Demons & Monsters, Cattle & Animals, D-Bee, Faeries & Creatures of Magic) .
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Initiative +1 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +2)
Dodge +4 (+6 when running/rolling in excess of 75 MPH)
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +4
Roll +3
Pull Punch +4
Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
Restrained Nip 6d6 SDC
Bite 2d6 MD
Kick 3d6 MD
Claw 4d6 MD
Wheel Spinner Slash(extends the claws while rolling) 5d6 MD
Whirling Claw Strike/Drill 1d6x10 MD
Body Block/Ram 2d4 MD
Tail Lash 1d8 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Sistrus an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. The Sistrus is a patient, cunning predator that works well in groups, and regards its passengers/troops as part of its hunting ‘pack’.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).


*Mandible Jaws---This adds an extra set of sideways-opening pincer jaws, adding +2d6 MD to the Sistrus’s bite.

*Mine Detector-----A detection coil can be installed in the ram prow/nose, and uses a variety of magnetic, chemical, and ground sonar detection systems to sniff out mines and buried ordnance. 85% accuracy.

*Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance protruding from the front of the craft. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even nonmetallic mines, but takes twice as long).
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Active EM sources such as charged-up rail guns and the magnetic bottles of fusion powerplants can be detected at TWICE the normal range.
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting nonmetallic ordnance.

*Stealth Refit----An expensive conversion that accentuates the angular radar-deflecting shape of the main body, adds radar-absorbant paint, and adds special insulation and an exhaust/heatsink system to reduce the thermal signature.
Bonuses: Radar and thermal detection systems are -15% to detect the APC.

*Chameoline System---Special fiber optics in the hull can change the color scheme of the Rattlesnake between any one of ten different schemes(programmed in at the time of purchase), including basic camouflage schemes.

*Appliqué Armor---Additional armor plates can be hooked, welded, or epoxied on. For the sake of calculating movement penalties, three armor weight categories are used; Light, Medium, and Heavy, and several armor options are offered.
*Light----Adds 10-100 MDC main body, + 1-2 tons, without movement penalties

*Medium---Adds 110-200 MDC main body, +2-4 tons, but with a reduction in top speed of 15%

*Heavy----Adds 210-360 MDC main body, +4-6 tons, but with a reduction in top speed of 25%

*Laser Ablative Armor(Option)---PS laser-ablative ceramic, based on alien materials. Lasers do HALF damage. VFLs can NOT adjust to compensate. As an added bonus, Arkhon triphase weapons do 1/10 less damage.

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do HALF damage

*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.

*Jettisonable Armor(Option)---Special precut division channels, break points, and integral explosive bolts allow the vehicle crew to jettison the appliqué armor, shedding it, usually to restore mobility(in the case of medium- and heavy-armors), lose contaminated outer plates, or shed unwanted riders. Once jettisoned, the appliqué armor CANNOT be reattached without extensive reconstruction and refurbishment(if anything is left at all of the original material)....Essentially, one has to re-buy the appliqué and/or jettisonable armor option to regain its benefits.
OPTIONAL: The explosive bolts, at the GM’s discretion, can explode off with enough force to do 1d6 MD to an 15 ft radius around the vehicle, due to flying armor fragments.

*Flechette Packs----Located around the hull are special ‘reactive armor’ panels that can be also be triggered as antipersonnel grenades.This is one of several similar systems currently in service/under development by PS, and adopted by the Steel Gaians, who have found it particularly useful .
Range: 100 ft(50 ft underwater)
Damage: 5d6 MD to a cone swath roughly 50 ft long, by 10 ft wide.
Used as reactive armor against plasma and armor-piercing missiles, the computerized firing system acts as a PARRY, rolling to match or better the missile’s strike roll...a successful counter means that the missile damage is HALVED, while a failure means the tank takes full damage. Note: when dealing with volleys, one reactive armor pack can match TWO missiles in a volley, so in order to effectively counter a five missile volley, the tank must expend 3 reactive armor packs...two packs would roll twice to defeat their respective missiles, the third would only roll once. If the enemy missile launcher has a line of sight on the tank, they can target a spot on the hull which has no packs covering it (a called shot), in which case the remaining reactive armor is -4 to cover the gap.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or can be simultaneously fired in volleys of 1-10
Payload: Each side of the Sistrus can be fitted with 30 flechette packs each, while the front and back can each take 8.

*EcoS-K-70S---The EcoS-K-70S variant seems to anticipate PS’s ‘Anaconda’ ‘stretched’ version of the ‘Rattlesnake’ with its lengthened chassis and eight-wheel suspension, by effectively giving the Sistrus EIGHT limbs instead of six. The forward limbs, however, are fully articulated claw arms that give the Sistrus some basic manipulation abilities. The arms, normally folded up against the front of the Warmount, can extend to grasp objects, clear obstacles, pick up and pile rocks and other materials, or throw them at enemies. They also assist to climbing.
*Grasper/Claw Arms(2)---12 ft reach, 120 MDC each, Robotic PS of 35. +5% to Climbing skill, +1 parry, +1 APM. Does 1d4 MD on a restrained punch, 1d6 MD on a full strength punch, and 2d6 MD on a power punch(2 APMs). Can be fitted with a Mining Borg’s modular forearm tools.
*Enhanced IQ:---The EcoS-K-70S is slightly smarter than its kindred; effective high animal IQ of 14, and is arguably as intelligent as a well-trained chimpanzee.
*Programming/Skills---The EcoS-K-70S has the additional following in addition to standard Monstrex programming(and Ecotroz secondary skills):
-Camouflage- 20%(+5% per level of experience)
-Military Fortifications- 50%(+5% per level of experience)
-Salvage- 30%(+5% per level of experience)
-Excavation- 40%(+5% per level of experience)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:18 pm
by taalismn

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:29 pm
by kronos
I've missed some nice additions!
I've been busy but have a few ideas on some new things.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:55 pm
by taalismn
kronos wrote:I've missed some nice additions!
I've been busy but have a few ideas on some new things.

Likewise..My days just go by too fast.... :-(

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:02 am
by 89er
Outline for BarrierHog should be sent in the morning along with the mixmaw.

I'm also working on a Experimental Energy Expeller as tribute to one Harold Ramis. Three guesses for the name of the device.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:59 pm
by taalismn
89er wrote:Outline for BarrierHog should be sent in the morning along with the mixmaw.

I'm also working on a Experimental Energy Expeller as tribute to one Harold Ramis. Three guesses for the name of the device.

Gotta have some Wayfinders who idolize him. :D

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:45 pm
by taalismn
“Thoughts on the new applicant tribe?”
“Well, they...they may be small, but they have the right warrior ethos.”
“The patriarchal organization is definitely not common in a Shemarrian tribe.”
“And they’re certainly well-equipped.”
“Very secretive and sneaky.”
“They have a strong iconic theme going for them.”
“But frankly they scare me.”
“Me too.”
“You see the way the clan-head GLARED at us? That’s trouble.”
“And we don’t want DC to come after us. Wrong sort of attention.”
“Okay, so who gets to tell ‘Clan Bat’ that their application has been turned down?”

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:09 pm
by taalismn
Added the * EcoS-K-77 ‘Dobharg’(WIP) to the Codex Shemarrian. It's going to be BIG.
So many to finish up!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:53 pm
by DhAkael
Haven't had opportunity to play arround with the girls for a while in campaign (players are moving like mud, canceled game sessions, etc etc etc). I'll be inspired sometime...just not right now.
Besides, been on a major Warfarme kick recently. :oops:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:35 pm
by taalismn
....ew, just got my copy of Megaverse in Flames...I'm definitely writing up something about how it will affect the Shemarrian Tribes.
And, of course, more munchy Elite and Warmount goodness in the works :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:36 pm
by DhAkael
Still ahven't seen 'MegaVerse in Flambe' ... no copies in Toronto (and I refuse to rely on the PBooks shipping system).
SOOOOOO I'm told it's the next best thing since the last best thing Ev-AH.
I'll reserve judgement until I see it. I'm still having the CoakLition BURN during the course of the infernal & daemonic incursion.
As for the Shemarr? Well, they always did like a challenge.
Toaster, devil, demon *shrug* it's all just target practice and sword drill to the ladies.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:07 am
by taalismn
Well, there's a Hell Pit(big bad portal to one of the Infernal realms) in the middle of Dinosaur Swamp. The Horrorwoods will not be happy.

There's another infernal beachhead on Cuba. The Sapphire Cobras will not be pleased to see the sort of illegal immigrants that's going to spawn heading north.

The Wayfinders will be contending with the Calgary Hell Pit.

I'm already writing up a storm on the effects.

But the CS seems to be being groomed as heroic figures....massive character shields and their own follow-on book. But yeah, I'd appreciate seeing the CS taken down a peg, see some leadership changes(you still need CS military and industrial might in reserve against vampire and Splugorth incursions).

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:42 am
by Zer0 Kay
Saila, if you remember her from an early story. Had her nanites replicate suits for friends. One tore appart the remains of a GB, another was made from Naruni TK armor and a third is made from one of the demon PA, she got her hands on when she was defending phaseworld during the minion war incursion.
Each suit has the characteristics of the source material.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:21 pm
by taalismn
Zer0 Kay wrote:Saila, if you remember her from an early story. Had her nanites replicate suits for friends. One tore appart the remains of a GB, another was made from Naruni TK armor and a third is made from one of the demon PA, she got her hands on when she was defending phaseworld during the minion war incursion.
Each suit has the characteristics of the source material.

Considering that there's a company called Megaversal Armaments that sells armor to demonic beings, made from the bones and skin of sentient beings, duplicating the properties of demonic armor for use against demons is fair play.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:37 pm
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Saila, if you remember her from an early story. Had her nanites replicate suits for friends. One tore appart the remains of a GB, another was made from Naruni TK armor and a third is made from one of the demon PA, she got her hands on when she was defending phaseworld during the minion war incursion.
Each suit has the characteristics of the source material.

Considering that there's a company called Megaversal Armaments that sells armor to demonic beings, made from the bones and skin of sentient beings, duplicating the properties of demonic armor for use against demons is fair play.

lol, but in her case they're nanites with bodies made of x material.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:48 pm
by taalismn
Ah, mysterious 'x' material...what would we do without it? :P

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:09 pm
by DhAkael
Material X = Unphlebhandwavertoniumite ;)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:30 am
by Zer0 Kay
Lol no you sillies, x as in x=a given material so if you want to use Unphlebhandwavertoniumite you could but I think the property of that material is like HF but disbelief factor. When someone engages you with Unphlebhandwavertoniumite as the primary construction material of your nanite suit and weapons you end up with your opponent loosing init. as they facepalm.

x= chromium - suit is resistant to lasers
x= thermo kinetic armor - suit has tk properties... and I don't mean telekinetic
x= demon bone armor - ...
x= Unphlebhandwavertoniumite - DF causes face palming... and has a leopard print
x= Kevinhandwaviumdeusexmachinatanium- ... It doesn't matter the CS wins

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:47 pm
by taalismn
Lost Eclipse ‘Yaldasha’ Elite
(aka ‘Octohead’, ‘Winged CyberNaga’)

The monster hungrily licked its lips as it reached for the screaming human in the large carry-urn trapping it. Its minions had chosen a good host body for it to ride, after it had supped well on the victim’s fear, blood, and brains.
That was when sudden agony shot through its extended guts, and its scream of pain was nearly as great as the screams of fear from its victim. It yanked its smoking viscera back in confusion....what happened? who dared?!...then saw the dark shape settle on the other side of the pot lip, tentacles coiling over the edge, glowing eyes staring at the beastess of the house.
“Mine,” A cold voice whispered, “Do not touch.”
The monster couldn’t believe it! How had this intruder penetrated its sanctum?! How dare it claim another’s rightful prey?! How dare it touch this one’s august personage and HURT it?!?
With a scream that banished all thought of pain and went instead to inhuman outrage, the corpse-vampire flung itself at the interloper. Steely teeth flashed and eyes blazed as the newcomer leapt forth to meet the charge...

The ‘Yaldasha’ is another monstrous Elite from the Tribe of Nightmares. The Yaldasha seems inspired by tales of Philippine or Malaysian vampires(‘manananggal’ o, ‘ab’, or Penanggalan); loathsome creatures that resemble the flying head and dangling viscera of a young woman, that attack victims and possess their newly dead bodies. In this case, the Shemarrian Elite resembles a regular Shemarrian Warrior or Warchief, albeit with even more elaborate headdress and dreadlocked hair.
However, the Nightmares have taken an idea from the R’Mar and done it better; the heavy headdress conceals small flight jets(copied from NEMA flying probes), the large cheekguards flip up to form wings, and the entire head can detach from the body to fly off on its own, to reconnoiter or escape. What looks like a spine and dangling organs is really a long articulated tail ending in a stinger. Among the long dreadlocks are several coiled cybertentacles that can be used to pull the head along the ground, or as manipulators and strangulation weapons. The head and spine also remind some observers of a traditional naga; a woman’s head atop a serpentine body, and the Yaldasha is sometimes known as ‘the winged naga’ or ‘cyber-naga’.
The body possesses its own backup AI, but not the dominant lifeforce(Ecotroz) or personality and memories of the Elite. By itself, it is more akin to a smart Warmount. The humanoid body can communicate, and even speak, but it rarely does so, and tends to speak laconically and tersely, akin to a labor robot, communicating basic concepts when necessary(or when ordered to, for dramatic effect). Unlike the regular Warchiefs, the Yaldasha CANNOT remove its armor to reveal a more normal looking humanoid body underneath; its body armor is incorporated directly into the gynoid. This also helps conceal the various sensors in its chest, shoulders, and back, that allow the Shemarrian body-frame to operate effectively without its head.
The Yaldasha will typically hide her dual nature until it can be revealed for dramatic effect, the two components breaking apart to overwhelm an opponent. The Yaldasha will also split from its humanoid body if destruction seems imminent, the body remaining to blunt the fatal attack and draw enemy fire, while the smaller head escapes.
If the head is destroyed while separate from the body, the body will attempt to return to the Tribe and report the situation, then upload the last recorded memory records of the head-persona to help create a new head AI.(eyewitness accounts of headless Yaldasha bodies making their way back to Shemarrian sanctuaries have already started campfire stories of ‘headless Shemarrian horsemen’). If the body cannot escape and reestablish contact with the Tribe, it will self-destruct. A Yaldasha head without a body can get a new body made to ‘ride’.
Yaldashas are also powerful psychics, and they wield these additional psionic powers to advantage in combat(though their humanoid body does not possess any of them). They are fond of inflicting pain and confusion on opponents, throwing them off-balance until the head section can dart in and deliver a critical or fatal strike. Blinding attacks, severing tendons, hamstringing, biting off ears, scalping, and removing fingers and noses are common Yaldasha attacks meant to inflict pain and fear. Meanwhile, if operational, the head will act as heavy artillery backup, keeping other opponents at bay as the head deals with a particular target, or hemming in that target to prevent its escape.
Yaldashas are found ONLY with the Lost Eclipse Tribe; their existence is not well-known outside the Tribe, but it is unlikely that other Tribes will have an interest in emulating the design configuration. Yaldasha are typically encountered in charge of recon parties of other lower caste-warriors and operatives, though the Yaldasha may hare off on her own for special missions.
The few times the Yaldasha have encountered their Southeast Asian inspirations have been occasion for the Shemarrians to let their sadistic sides truly run loose, as they ABHOR the supernatural predators and will seek to dominate and destroy them as proof of Shemarrian superiority.

The former ab-fodder’s scream stuttered off into a moan and she went slack in the black coils of the monster holding her, as the powerful sedatives injected into her took effect. Eyes glazed over and closed and the head rolled back as one nightmare ended and another Nightmare took over.
Gently the hovering Yaladasha lowered the unconscious girl to the floor, careful not to lay her in any of the scattered viscera of the girl’s would-be killer and the Elite’s late opponent sprayed across the floor. She uncoiled her tendrils and tail, but remained poised above her new charge/responsibility/prize.
Sounds at the doorway caught the attention of the cyber-naga, as a Male entered the room, weapon lowered but ready. His eyes assessed the situation before he delivered his report.
<<Resistance has ended, Nightmistress. The other abomination has been terminated. The castle is ours. MasterSlayer Rayzor is overseeing the mop-up and has begun the confiscation of enemy assets. I and three others are detached to your service in this. >> Curt and to the point.
<Excellent. Bring a restraint-sac for this prisoner and have her taken to the ship while I collect what other booty there is here. She is not to regain consciousness until in isolation aboard ship. Burn this room and its contents when we are finished here. >
The Yaladasha pulled away as the Male Shemarrian bent to the task of strapping the insensate human into a web-sac for transport. She turned to regard the shredded and burnt remains of her last nemesis, almost unrecognizable as having once been organized into a singular being, and grinned a toothsome predator’s smile.
< Who is the superior beast here? -I- am.>

Type: Shemar Elite
Class: Robot Gynoid
Crew: Advanced Neural Intelligence
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 20 each
Forearms(2) 106 each
Upper Arms(2) 120 each
Plasma Ejectors(2) 25 each
Legs(2) 130 each
Main Body 475
Head 190
Wings (2-4) 25 each
Antennae(3) 10 each
Tentacles(8 ) 10 each
Tail 50

Height: 9 feet
Width: 4 feet
Length: 2.5 feet
Weight: 1,000 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 42, PP. 24,.
Cargo: None; only what can be carried externally.
Running: 90 MPH
Jumping: 20 ft up/across, Running leap in excess of 40 MPH adds +10 ft to distance.
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack or other assistance
Underwater: Limited to running along the bottom at 15 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft.
Running: 30 MPH
Jumping: 5 ft up/across. A running leap(in excess of 15 MPH) or tail-assisted spring leap will add 3 ft.
Flying: 40 MPH, maximum altitude of 500 ft.
Underwater: Can swim at 40 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft
Market Cost: EXCLUSIVE to the (E)Shemarrian Tribes
Systems of Note:
Standard Shemarrian Robot Systems, plus:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive night vision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, and other standard Shemarrian systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of the individual.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---A modified bionic nanotech repair system that originated with the Ecotroz Shemar, but has also been adopted by the Ghost Riders. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 60 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.
Note: The separated Head has a very limited version of this system, lacks a functional ‘gullet’, and can only repair up to 60 MDC, and cannot assimilate additional material to recharge the system. It must link with the body to recharge its repair nanites.

*Body Sensors---The many plates, protrusions, and arabesques of the Yaldasha’s humanoid body conceal multiple sensor arrays. Thus, even with its head separated, the lower body can still function very effectively.

*Hair Tendrils(8 )---These resemble thick locks of hair, but are really prehensile tentacles, each about 4 ft long, w/ 10 MDC, PS of 15, and PP 20.

*Prehensile Tail---This resembles the disconnected spine of the flying head, and has 50 MDC, a PS of 28, and PP 20.

Weapons Systems:
1) Wrist Lasers and Claws---Standard Shemarrian vambrace weapons
Range: 2,000 ft for lasers, melee range for claws.
Damage: 3d6 MD per blast for the lasers, 4d6 MD swipe of stab with the claws.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Forearm Plasma Ejectors(2)---Same as for the Warchief. Point and shoot.
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Body Blades---Like the Warchief on which it is based, the Yaldasha’s body is studded with blades and sharpened armor edges, that it can use in melee combat. These are more numerous than the Warchief’s, but less damaging than the Wargoddess’s accouterment of combat cutlery.
Range: Melee. Can be detached and thrown.
Damage: 1d6 MD for shoulder blades, 1d4 MD for forearm and leg blades.
Payload: 1d4 per shoulder, 2d4 per each arm and leg.

4) Optional Use of Handheld Weapons---The body-half of the Yaldasha can pick up and use any weapon it is proficient with and use them without problems.

1) Eye Lasers(2)---The Yaldasha has a literally searing gaze.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per eye, 2d6 MD for both eyes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Tail Blade---The Yaldasha’s spine-tail ends in a wicked jagged silver-plated vibroblade.
Range: 4 ft reach
Damage: 1d6+1 MD

3) Tail Stinger/Body Needles(1/2)---Mounted next to, and behind, the tail blade, is a chemical injector needle array that be used to deliver various chemicals directly into the bloodstream of a target. In the alternative, twin drug reservoirs further up the body can deploy syringe-needles to inject directly.
Range: Melee
Damage: Varies by chemical injected
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Can carry 10 doses each of up to 4 separate chemicals

4) Bite---The head has extendable fangs and repositionable teeth for a strong bite.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 MD

5) Head-Blades(2-4)---The rigid ‘wings’ of the flying head are razor-sharp and can deliver a dismembering blow in passing.
Range: Melee.
Damage: 1d6 MD
Payload: 2-4

The Yaldasha has all the programming and combat statistics of the Shemarrian Warchief when both head and body are integrated, plus the following changes:

Body: (separate)
Climb 96%/86%
Camouflage 90%
Detect Ambush 50%
General Repair & Maintenance 80%
Gymnastics 80%
Intelligence 90%
Land Navigation 90%
Math: Basic 96%
Radio: Basic 98%
Sensory Equipment 98%
Surveillance 90%
Military Etiquette 96%
Pilot Jet Pack 94%
Pilot Automobile 98%
Pilot Motorcycle 96%
Pilot Helicopter 90%
Pilot Combat Helicopter 88%
Pilot Airplane 90%
Pilot Tanks & APCs 90%
Pilot Boats (Motor) 86%
Prowl 75%
Swimming 94%
Wilderness Survival 94%
Language/Literacy: Same as for the Shemarrian Warchief
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Knife
W.P. Sword
W.P. Hand Guns
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons

Head: (separate)
Warchief programming, plus:
W.P. Grenade
+4 secondary skills, plus an additional two at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Note that while the head has W.P.s, many of them are inapplicable because of the head section’s lack of suitable manipulators. It can, however, pick locks, set times, and do fine work with its hair tendrils and prehensile tail.

Psionic Abilities:(head) Object Read, Telemechanics, Telemechanical Possession, Telemechanic Mental Operation

In addition to the regular Ecotroz machine-related psionic abilities, the Yaldasha has the powers of a Psi-Shamaness:
ISP: 1d6x10+ME+1d6 per level of experience, and has the following psionic powers:
-Six Sensitive powers of choice at level one, plus an additional Sensitive or Healing power at levels 4, 8, and 12.
-At level 1, select either of the following from Super psionic powers:
Bio-manipulation or Empathic Projection.
-At levels 6 and 12, can select one additional Super psionic power of choice
-Unlike the baseline Ecotroz powers, these powers DO require ISP to function
-Saves as a Major Psionic

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 9 conjoined
Note: Bonuses are in addition to those possible from the Shemar’s elective training
The Yaldasha has all the programming and combat statistics of the Shemarrian Warchief when both head and body are integrated, plus several bonuses, so its stats are as follows:
Initiative +4
Dodge +9
Parry +9
Strike +7 (+5 w/ ranged weaponry, +7 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +4
Pull Punch +4
Disarm +3
Entangle +3
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20

When separated, the body and head have separate stats as follows:
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 8
Initiative + 2
Dodge +6
Parry +6
Strike +5 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry, +6 w/ Shemarrian Rail Guns)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +3
Disarm +4
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Controlled SDC Punch 2d6+30 SDC
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
NO Head Butt
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Claw Strike 4d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 1d4x10+4 MD
Kick 5d8 MD
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 1d8x10 MD
Karate/Power Kick(2 attacks) 1d6x10+12 MD
Body Block/Leaping Jump Attack 2d6 MD and 50% chance of knocking opponents up to 1,200 lbs in weight off their feet. Victims lose initiative and 2 APMs .

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 9
Initiative +3
Dodge +8
Parry +2
Automatic Dodge(takes no actions) +2
Strike +6 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry/eye lasers)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +3
Disarm +1
Entangle +3
Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Bite 1d6 MD
Body Block/Ram/Headbutt 3d6 SDC
Tail Lash 1d4 MD
Tail Stab 1d6+1 MD
Tail Strangle 1d4 MD
Tentacle Strangle/Garrote 4d6 SD/HP

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:49 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:Material X = Unphlebhandwavertoniumite ;)

I thought it was the Shaving Cream Molecule.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:28 am
by Zer0 Kay
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Material X = Unphlebhandwavertoniumite ;)

I thought it was the Shaving Cream Molecule.

No its the stuff that made the power puff girls... They are Shemarrians too.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:22 am
by taalismn

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:12 pm
by DhAkael


Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:22 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:


It works....

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:40 pm
by 89er
I have an interesting idea for a post megaverse in flames foreshadow. Hoyt offers one of the ARCHIE-3s of a Rifts Earth sanctuary to the 10k NEMA souls in cryo storage. The will be in the solar system, but past the asteroid belt in a contained city to adjust a cope with the future shock.

This would be before the winter solstice invasion, and I would write a small story about both mad minds overseeing the preserved onto a ship for launch.

Any thoughts?

PS: Nice elite, now some boytoy gets to live out his headless horsewoman fantasies.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:44 pm
by taalismn
89er wrote:I have an interesting idea for a post megaverse in flames foreshadow. Hoyt offers one of the ARCHIE-3s of a Rifts Earth sanctuary to the 10k NEMA souls in cryo storage. The will be in the solar system, but past the asteroid belt in a contained city to adjust a cope with the future shock.

This would be before the winter solstice invasion, and I would write a small story about both mad minds overseeing the preserved onto a ship for launch.

Any thoughts?

PS: Nice elite, now some boytoy gets to live out his headless horsewoman fantasies.

Better design some powerful defenses on that spacestation, because the Arkhons and who knows what else are lurking in the outer system.
And some really good shrinks to deal with those 10K soldiers who find themselves offworld because Earth went hellhole.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:04 am
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
89er wrote:I have an interesting idea for a post megaverse in flames foreshadow. Hoyt offers one of the ARCHIE-3s of a Rifts Earth sanctuary to the 10k NEMA souls in cryo storage. The will be in the solar system, but past the asteroid belt in a contained city to adjust a cope with the future shock.

This would be before the winter solstice invasion, and I would write a small story about both mad minds overseeing the preserved onto a ship for launch.

Any thoughts?

PS: Nice elite, now some boytoy gets to live out his headless horsewoman fantasies.

Better design some powerful defenses on that spacestation, because the Arkhons and who knows what else are lurking in the outer system.
And some really good shrinks to deal with those 10K soldiers who find themselves offworld because Earth went hellhole.

Druuchii. (If you don't know the term... all the better that the lawyers will be confused) :D
Riathenor raiding bands.
Vaccuum Zombies.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:01 pm
by taalismn
Shemarrians and the Minion War(Rifts Earth)

“I have faced the horrors born of the Black Steel; you hold no terror for me, creature.”
----Anonymous Hawkmoon warrior, facing harpies in combat

“Oh, you’re no fun. No fun at all. Please die.”
---Anonymous Sapphire Cobra Naga strangling a Dyval Gorgon.

“I like your skull. I think I’ll crush it.”
---Anonymous Skullcrusher Warrior applying her Tribe name to a Shedim.

“I have tentacles too.”
---Anonymous Dark Waters Scylla, dispatching Aquatic demons off the coast of New Jersey.

“Yes, I polished my armor so you can see your own expression as you die.”
---Anonymous Silvermoon Warchief, carving up a Gallu Demon-Bull.

“Hah! You bleed! Bleed more for me! More!”
----Anonymous Blood Rider Berserker, doing a blade dance around a Succubus

“See, in my last life I was a chronically ill, bed-ridden academic who could only take solice in my studies, and only DREAM of having adventures like fighting evil and killing demons. But now I have a new life, and I’m killing a demon, you, and your evil fellows. Funny how dreams come true, isn’t it?”
----Brother Halkar PageBlade, Wayfinder, finishing off a Mare demon outside Calgary.

---Talos Legionnaire(Ghost Rider soldier) attacking Alu demons

“See, the forest doesn’t like you. Not at all.”
---Anonymous Horrorwoods Warrior after triggering a boobytrap impaling one of Hell Lord Pain’s Walking Death robots on a ‘grove’ of sharpened megasteel beams fired from the ground.

“Now ‘What would Alicia do?’ Ew! Ew! I know! She’d shove a gravitic grenade down your throat and watch you get pulled up your own @$$! I have a gravitic grenade!”
---Clan Alecian, putting theory into practice on a Fiend

<<“Switch to laser frequency even-twelve-nine. Spot and lock. Correct for windage. Incoming salvo has acquired the lock. Time on target, targets.”>>
---Anonymous Wolf’s Path Male scout and acting artillery spotter, after his pack has hacked in a fire support request to a nearby Coalition firebase and called in a missile barrage on a demon raiding party somewhere in the Magic Zone.

“Blasting charges work.”
---Anonymous R’Mar in a laconic report, after an ambush against a Demon war party in Appalachia

“Your schtick only works if I’m afraid of you. I’m not afraid of you. In fact, I find you pretty pathetic, pretty-boy. All posture and no substance. How pretty are you going to act after I cut your face off, eh, pretty-boy?”
----Anonymous Lost Eclipse warrior, taunting a Deevil.

While the Shemarrian Star Nation will already have some experience fighting the Infernals on Phase World and elsewhere in the Megaverse, the Minion War bursting upon Rifts Earth will be cause for great concern. Four Tribes in particular will find themselves close to the action;
-The Wayfinders---The Wayfinder territories in the NorthWest will find the increased threat from the Hell Pits of Calgary a source of great concern. The Hawkmoons wll send several expeditions flying to assist the Wayfinders in efforts to contain the Infernals, as well as to secure supply lines of demon-slaying weaponry produced by the Wayfinders and sent to the other Tribes The Wayfinders’ knowledge of demons and dyvaals will be invaluable to the Tribes in their part of the defense of Rifts Earth.

-The Wolf’s Path----The Magic Zone Hell Pit means increasing encounters between the westwardly-expanding Wolf’s Path and Infernals. Both the Hawkmoons and the Silvermoons will assist the Wolves in fighting the threat, the latter Tribe showing up in force once the Wolves and the Hawks have scouted out the enemy’s main formations and encampments.

-The Horrorwoods---Dinosaur Swamp is Horrorwoods Central as far as this Tribe is concerned; they will be less than pleased to discover Hell Lord Pain camping out in their territory. The Hell Lord’s invasion of the traditional enemy of the Shemarrians, the Splugorth, will give the gynoids pause, but Pain’s depredations of the residents of the Swamp and surrounding territories to feed his invasion force will force the Horrorwoods to step in and take action.
Contingents from the Blood Riders, Lost Eclipse, and even the reformed Skullcrushers will rush to assist the Horrorwoods. The result will be Hell Lord Pain’s Army of Pain being chewed on from both ends by the Shemarrians and by the Splugorth.

-The Sapphire Cobras---The jungles and wetlands of the Deep South may be divided by a sound from devil-infested Cuba, but entirely too many Infernal war parties are going to be crossing and coming up through the South for the normally fun-loving Sapphire Cobras to be happy about it.
The Dark Waters will launch an audacious long range expeditionary campaign to assist the Cobras, sending a flotilla of underwater warriors down the Eastern Seaboard, detaching a few units along the way to assist the Horrorwoods, and then send troops into Florida and Alabaman waters to interdict the forces of Lord Shard before they can assemble in force on the American mainland.

The Ghost Riders will rally their legions of drones and combat robots to the cause as well, though they will not be involved in one particular theatre of operations, but will send their forces as needed to whatever region needs them. Both Trollheims and Talos Legionnnaires will be activated and deployed, supported by Falcas and other automated warmachines not seen before. Their fearless hordes of soulless automatons will prove a particularly galling opponent for the Infernals to face. The Ghost Riders will be further egged to action when their Mad Haven allies, the mutants, suffer from the Demon Plagues sweeping through the region.

Fringe Tribes on Rifts Earth will also want to do their part, rallying to support their Tribal cousins/inspirations/mentors. Smaller groups like Clan Motron will throw themselves into running scouting and courier missions(and, in the case of Clan Motron, will find themselves front and center fighting Hell Lord Fury’s forces around Old Detroit), while the Steel Gaians will help their neighbors and send on what supplies and war material they can acquire/produce to their Tribal kin. Some of the less well-prepared Fringers will be wiped out in the conflict, while others will catch the attention of the Tribes for their bravery and fighting prowess, and gain much good will towards being recognized as a Tribe.
If an offworld fringe tribe like the Alecians or the Thousand Dragons learns of the severity of the threat to the megaverse in the battles on Rifts Earth, they may well send substantial contingents to the planet, along with war-groups from the Eleven Tribes of the Shemarrian Star Nation in support of their Tribe-kin. The infusion of these offworld forces may well tip the balance in favor of the people of Rifts Earth.

The R’Mar will also take part in the Minion War, as scouts for the Shemarrians.

The Neo-Goddess Aiva will do what she can to alleviate the suffering of victims of the Minion War and rally resistance in the wilderness where she can. Her own small band of followers may formally become a Fringe Tribe in their own right, dedicated to helping others and assisting the cause.

The Shemarrians are effectively immune to the Plagues(even those parasites attracted to PPE and psionics will find the lack of a living body supporting those traits too inhospitable to take hold).

Whatever remains of ARCHIE-3’s empire will see the diversion of attention from the EShemar hunters as something of a reprieve, and they’ll burrow deeper into hiding.

The Broken

“She’s gone on to a better place, I keep telling myself. It’s just that her body hasn’t gone with her, and likely not for centuries to come. That’s what’s so painful for us.”

When the Minion War came to Rifts Earth, it brought with it all the uncounted milleu of cruelty and evil practiced by the Infernals. Few quarters on Earth escaped their touch, few peoples did know at least one tragedy worked by the demonic invaders. The Shemarrians were no exception.
While the robotic and cyborg natures of the EShemar protected them from many of the Infernals’ attacks, it did not protect them from all of them. In some cases the Ecotroz essence at the heart of the Shemarrian Awakening was itself vulnerable to the soul-rending assaults of the Infernals. Those Shemarrians who fell to such attacks were considered fortunate if they were destroyed completely in the attacks, but an unfortunately number would see their essence-sparks extinguished, banished into the void, or, worse, devoured, leaving their still functional robot bodies behind.
While it may have seemed but a trivial matter to simply re-implant the robot body and engender a new EShemar, the effect was not a revival of the old persona but the emergence of a new persona, albeit one with access to the memories of the old AI. In some cases the re-Awakening just wouldn’t take. In any event the aftermath was heartbreaking for the victims’ friends and families, seeing the familiar face and body, but worn by a different soul. For many Shemarrians, the prospect of this was too much to bear, and they refused to attempt a reAwakening. These soul-less ‘walking dead’ physicalities became known as the Broken.
For those not reAwakened, the Ghost Rider Tribe appropriately offered refuge to the Broken amongst their ranks. Here, out of sight and out of mind in the secretative enclaves of the Ghost Riders, the Broken could continue to be of service to the Shemarrian Nation.
If the Minion War is still ongoing, and the need for combat units desperate, many of the Broken may be assigned to deliberate suicide missions; the Shemarrian bodies are still functional combat robots, and they will still be able to fight, and at keast draw enemy fire. Such a move seems heartless, but pre-Shemarrian Civil War Shemarrians would have thought nothing of such tactics, and many Awakened Shemarrians will consider such a move a fitting warrior’s send-off, to be destroyed in battle in service to the Tribes. The Blood Riders and Skullcrushers in particular will appreciate the gesture.

Penalties: The Broken suffer the loss of all EShemarrian psionic abilities, are -1 APM, -1 to Initiative, and lose 1d6 skills due to the loss of the psionic neural intelligence ‘wiring’. The Broken basically default to baseline programming.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:38 pm
by taalismn
‘Bloodsea’---Lost Eclipse-flagged ‘Merchantman’
(aka ‘Bludzee’)

“ARRRRRRR!!! You think ye’ be the monster pirates of the China Sea?! Meet the Nightmares, true Queens of these waters, and know ye face REAL monsters!”
---’Arrwon’---Awakened Lost Eclipse Orseme(ex-Coalition Skelebot), and midshipman aboard the Bloodsea.

The ‘Bloodsea’ is a ‘Victory Ship’-class freighter that was acquired from a West Coast shipyard thru third-party purchasers and transferred to the control of the Lost Eclipse Tribe. Though already extensively outfitted as a Q-ship or privateer, the vessel saw further modification at the hands of the Shemarrians, before embarking a decidedly monstrous crew of Awakened robots and twisted-psyche cyborgs.
Known to the Tribe as the ‘Bloodsea’, but going publicly under a number of other aliases, the modified freighter cruises the oceans of the world, allowing the Nightmares to spread their particular form of joy to far corners of the globe. It is both explorer and privateer for the Lost Eclipse. Though looking decidedly decrepit, the Bloodsea is a thoroughly modern warship under the false rust and salt-streaked and sun-bleached decking.
The Bloodsea has received a full set of modifications to make it into a pocket warship capable of thrashing even dedicated warships. Improved armor, a more powerful powerplant. long range sensors, and an EW suite have been added. Technowizardry modifications, including several PPE generators, give the vessel the ability to call up some extra-special effects and advanced defenses. All this comes at a severe cut in cargo capacity to allow for quarters for the taller-than-average Shemarrian crew and the special facilities aboard(such as stabling for Warmounts, and the Vatfather’s workshop), but the Bloodsea can still carry some cargo in keeping with its disguise.
The Bloodsea’s major shortcoming as a conventional watercraft continues to be its speed; fast for a freighter or even a modern frigate, but a crawl compared to most hovercraft, hydrofoils, ocean skimmers, and supernatural swimmers. The Bloodsea typically uses its complement of e-animals, such as cyber-raptors and Warmounts, to detect trouble or potential prey, then use magic and/or EW jamming to mask its approach(or retreat) before striking, using its motor launches and Warmounts to run down faster or spooked prey before moving in for the kill.
The Bloodsea is captained by a Lost Eclipse Warchief, Black-Kaptan Kursa, a veteran Lost Eclipse raider and Horune-slayer who takes great delight in pirating pirates of ANY stripe. Though primarily sponsored and run by the Lost Eclipse, the Bloodsea would be crewed, of necessity and opportunity, with representation from ALL the Tribes. Notable crewmembers include a Lost Eclipse Mystic(Sister MyndWynd), a Vatfather( Brother Abominexxx, who serves effectively as engineer, chief scientist, and researcher), a Yaldasha Elite(Nightmistress Okara), several DarkWaters Tinkers(running the ‘regular’ engineering), a Wayfinder technowizard handling the magic systems, ‘Snakebeard’(a Sapphire Cobra Male with a prominent beard intertwined with cybertendrils), a young Hawkmoon Warrior in charge of the ship’s complement of winged recon bird-bots, and over a dozen Awakened and modified(articulated jaws and glowing eyes are standard) ex-CS Skelebots dressed in ‘traditional’ pirate garb. The Ghost Riders even sent a representative along in the form of a Talos Legionnaire; a modified NG-NX12 Beach-Stormer marine power armor Oreseme with a sentient A.I.. Currently the ship also plays host to about several dozen Eccentrics from the various Tribes, but mainly from the DarkWaters and Horrorwoods along with their amphibious Warmounts.
The ship even plays host to several living(as in the sense of possessing organic bodies or components) crewmembers. Of note are Marc Grissard, a former Free Quebec FX-370C Leviathan cyborg soldier who was caught fraternizing with d-bees and decided to defect to the Shemarrians; a long cruise to the other side of the world away from Free Quebec bounty hunters sounded like a really good idea. Aerdeos Wind-breaker is a young Dragon-Ray who signed aboard somewhere off South America, being intrigued by the ship of robots and cyborgs; he’s made himself useful as a scout and mercenary soldier. Goyun Tresshalan is the glaring anomaly on the ship; he’s probably the only being on the vessel who isn’t naturally megadamage, or augmented with bionics; and the little Krack d-bee is decidedly ‘odd man’ out when it comes to strength or combat ability, but his gift for gab and negotiation makes the diminutive merchant the ship’s ambassador and trade officer when they ARE trading in foreign lands.
In keeping with the Nightmare ethos, even the most human-looking robots and cyborgs aboard the ship can use cyberdisguises and ‘morphing chassises to assume more monstrous appearances within seconds. Combined with various other shipboard features, this can prove a horrifying experience for outsiders encountering the vessel. More than a few boarders have found themselves suddenly facing a crew of what appear to be zombies and demons from the deep.
The Bloodsea can currently be found lurking around the coastline of Japan, after sailing about the Pacific, calling on ports along the Central and South American coast, crawling along the eastern coast of Australia, dodging the Lord of the Deep, and wending its way back to North America, up around the Aleutians, and down to Japan. They’ve spent several months coursing along the coastline, hunting Horune and pirates, and talking with Clan Shinden, gathering information. The crew of the Bloodsea are currently wondering if they should try to find the pre-Rifts Russian naval port of Vladivostok and go calling on the Chinese coastline for the fabled city of Hong Kong.
The exploits of the Bloodsea have been watched with great interest by the Shemarrian Nation, inspiring the ambitious creation of the first arguably kaiju-class superheavy Warmount, the EcoS-K-77 ‘Dobharg’.

Type: Formerly a PS-GPF-SS-V1 hull
Class: General Purpose Merchant Marine Freighter
Crew: 81, plus typically 50 troops
In a pinch, the Bloodsea can carry up to 350 troops in converted cargo holds. While bigger than the average human, Shemarrians require less in the way of life support and can lock themselves in place while enjoying ‘virtual’ entertainment.
Can carry an additional 50 passengers under normal circumstances/load configuration; depending on their circumstances, these can be specialist crewmembers, additional troops, prisoners(kept locked up in a cargo hold or bulkhead compartment(, or freed slaves(typically kept drugged in an internal compartment to keep from seeing any more of the Bloodsea’s secrets).
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body/Hull 2,600
Bridge 800
Crane/Gantries (3) 55 each
Heavy Gun Tubs(2) 200 each
Gun Tubs(6) 100 each
Point Defense Turret(1) 200
Short Range Missile Launchers(2) 150 each
Ventral Gun Turrets(4) 100 each
Hardsails(4) 100 each
Height: 37 ft(27 ft draft, 9 ft freeboard
Width: 62 ft
Length: 445 ft
Weight: 10,600 tons
Cargo: 3 holds(5,850 ton capacity)

Powerplant: Nuclear
Speed: 37 MPH
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Shemarrians, but cost approximately 48 million credits to outfit.
Radio: 500 mile range
Radar: 100 mile range
Sonar: 25 mile range
Water Tanks: 188 tons
Water Distillation System: 6,000 gallons/day
Refrigeration Space: 1,918 cubic feet
Firefighting Systems----The ship’s emergency firefighting system is designed so that any point on the ship could be reached with a 50-ft hose. CO2 smothering systems are installed in engine spaces.
2x12 inch Searchlights
4 Lifeboats(2 25-person, 2 31-person)---The Bloodsea carries motorlaunches that double as combat craft(200 MDC each, 45 MPH, and typically carries two light gun mounts plus crew/passenger small arms)
3 steel masts(30 ton, 10 ton, and 15 ton-handling capacity respectively), 12 cargo booms(5-30 ton handling capacity), 1 50-ton boom, 10 cargo winches.
*14 cargo winches

*Hard Sail System
A rather interesting option system offered to Liberty Ship buyers, and as a retrofit package to other ship owners, is the Hard Sail. This system is based on designs tested preRifts(most notably the oceanographer Jacques Cousteau on his vessel _Alcyone_). The Hard Sail is an updating of the old sail concept, replacing the traditional mast and rigging with a rectangular assembly of slats and adjustable surfaces, mounted on a turntable to face into or against the wind as needed. By selectively owning shutters and slats in the Hard Sail, the degree of wind resistance can be controlled. In a real crisis, the entire Hard Sail can be hinged/folded down and lashed to the deck.
Dubbed the “Venetian Blind” by many seafarers and “Idiot’s Sail” by more classic wind-rigged sailors, the Hard Sail is best used as a complement to an existing motorized vessel, deployed as primary propulsion when speed is not a factor, or to conserve fuel. The Shemarrians chose to mount a Hardsail system as a backup, and because it can be used while minimizing engine noises as might be emitted by a powered drive system, allowing for greater stealth.
A typical Hard Sail is 25-30 ft tall, 8-20 ft wide, and has 20 MDC, but the Bloodsea mounts improved megadamage fabric models with 100 MDC each.
Speed: The Hard Sail can typically push the ship at speeds of 12-16 MPH

*Reinforced Hull---The Bloodsea’s hull is reinforced for combat.

*Reinforced Bow---A reinforced bow, sometimes with a submerged ram or beak, designed for ramming or ice breaking, or running the ship up on beaches/reefs. Typically adds 300 MDC to the front of the ship. The Bloodsea can ram for 2d6x10 MD.

*Air Defense Radar Array-------An enhanced radar system that can track up to 96 targets and ID them at 100 miles range. ADRA requires a dedicated sensor operator and a mast-mounted array(80 MDC).

*Advanced Fire Control:---A ship-wide linkage system between long range sensors and weapons stations that allows for better coordination of fire and quicker target acquisition. Requires a dedicated operator(or two) to run the central tracking system(Easy enough for the Shemarrians to just ‘jack in), but gives a +2 to strike for linked weapons.

*EW Suite---The Bloodsea mounts a powerful naval ECM/ECCM suite, capable of jamming radar and radio communications. 85% effectiveness at jamming civilian communications bands, 75% military systems, 50 mile range, and signal encryption/descrambling, in order to cut through enemy jamming(+15% to EW skill rolls to defeat jamming). Enemy radar-guided weapons are -5 to strike the vessel. Of course, the active jamming will tell enemies that SOMEBODY is out there, just not exactly where.

TechnoWizardry Systems:
*PPE Generators(3)----(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
-Horror Factor/Fear---Cast over the entire ship to give it the illusion of being a supernatural monster. 10 PPE per application(owing to the vessel’s size) and lasts 15 minutes per activation.
-Aura of Death---Cast over the entire ship to enhance its horror factor. 18 PPE per application(owing to the vessel’s size) and lasts 15 minutes per activation.
- Summon Fog--- 60 mile range. 6 mile area, 6 hour duration, 70 PPE. Perfect for sneaking away or sneaking up.
- Summon & Control Storm---10 mile range, 6 hour duration, 150 PPE. Effective for disrupting water traffic, covering a retreat, or trapping enemy vessels(especially sailing vessels).
- Calm Waters---10 mile radius, 10 hour duration, 150 PPE. Often used to ride out storms.
-Water Seal---In addition to compartmentalization, the ships have been fitted with a magic damage control system. PPE Cost: 10 PPE per activation, covers a 16 ft square area, and lasts 8 hours.
-Smokescreen---Creates a thick obscuring bank of dark smoke that is equivalent to the Fire Elemental spell Cloud of Smoke....PPE Cost: 10 PPE per activation, covers a 1,000 ft square area, and lasts 10 minutes.
-Wall of Water---Can raise a barrier of water that can act as a shield against low trajectory shells and sea-skimming missiles, and can also be raised underwater as a torpedo defense. ....PPE Cost: 25 PPE per activation, 50 ft high/100 ft long, does 1d6x10 MD to anything running into it(plus reduce target speed by half), lasers and large missiles will be -5 to strike passing through the wall, and lasts 10 minutes, half damage/duration underwater.

*Ley Line Storm Protection System---Ley LIne Storms can be a real hazard to magic craft, so the Bloodsea has enchanted lightning rods and surge protectors, shielding the ships from damage by rampant PPE surges.

Weapons Systems:
The Bloodsea is outfitted as a pocket warship, as pirates and monsters have found out to their misfortune.
1) Heavy 135mm Massdrivers(2, one forward, one aft)---The Shemarrians LOVE big projectile guns, and the Bloodsea is no exception to this favoritism, sporting guns that would be worthy of a pre-Rifts heavy destroyer or light cruiser.
Range:(Direct Fire) 40,000 ft(8 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 100,000 ft (20 miles)
( Plasma Cluster-Direct Fire) 27,0 Ã00 ft (5.4 miles)
(Plasma Cluster-Indirect Fire) 67,500 ft (13.6 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 2d6x10 MD to 50 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 4d6x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation---2d4x10 MD to 50 ft radius
Plasma----- 1d6x 40 MD to 50 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 5d6x10 MD out to 20,000 ft, 3d4x10 MD out to maximum range
(Plasma Cluster)---11 submunitions---Does 1d4x100+10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius, 6d6 MD concussion damage to a 55 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Three per melee
Payload: Varies
135 mm HE/HEAT/APer/P/APFSDSDU shell weighs 62 lbs( 32 shots per ton)
135 mm Plasma Cluster shell weighs 92 lbs( 20 shots per ton)

2) Triple-Barrel Particle Beam Cannon---Stripped from scavenged Naut’Yll Deathbringer Combat Robots and mounted in one of the Bloodsea’s gun-tubs, mounted forward.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+6 MD single blast, 2d6x10+12 MD double blast, 3d6x10+20 MD triple blast.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3)Secondary Gun Tubs(6, two forward, two amidships, two aft)----All six gun positions mount twin-weapons; the front and back are fitted with 40mm projectile weapons with great range but ammunition dependency, while the amidships positions mount energy weapons with shorter range but infinite ammunition supply(as long as there’s power).
a)(Fore and Aft) 40mm Autocannon----A popular antiaircraft weapon, available in both single and two-gun mounts.
Range: 2.6 miles
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 5d6 MD single shot
(High Explosive Tracer) 4d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius. +1 to strike.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 444 rounds per gun.

b) (Amidships) Twin-Mount L-Ion Cannon
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast, 2d6x10+20 for dual bursts.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 200 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.

4) Point Defense Gatling Turret---Mounted and concealed amidships is a modified ‘Skullshatter’ gatling cannon mated to the mounting and fire control of a PS-OTO-CIWS Goalkeeper PDS.
. Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per round, 6d6x10 MD for a three shot burst, 1d6MDx100 for a six shot burst(!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH, or 8 attacks per melee in auto-mode.
Payload: 820 shot drum
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

5)Torpedo Tubes(2x3)---Concealed behind side panels in the hull are two triple-tube launchers.
Range: (Medium Range) 10 miles
Damage:(Medium Range)3d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-3
Payload: 3 per launcher. Additional torpedoes typically must be manually reloaded from stores.

6) Short Range Missile Launchers(2x6)---Two six-shot launcher boxes are concealed near the ‘stack’ and are used mainly for antiaircraft defense. They are manually reloaded from stores.

7) Ventral Gun Turrets(4) ----Retractable ion pulse blaster weapons turrets that sprout from the underside of the hull to fire on submerged targets.
Range: 2,000 ft(Underwater)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD quadruple blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Unlimited linked to nuclear power source

8 ) Crew Weapons---Of course, a Shemarrian with a railgun rifle and their +6/+7 to strike bonuses should be counted as a weapons system; when the below-decks troops come up to the deck and start sniping from the rails, their fire is sometimes even more effective than the turret-mounted weapons!

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:09 pm
by abtex
Does the ‘Bloodsea’ have any "Flower" escorts or scouts corvettes? As sister ship(s)... "I think that we are shooting at the wrong ships, cap'tin!! "

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:45 pm
by taalismn
abtex wrote:Does the ‘Bloodsea’ have any "Flower" escorts or scouts corvettes? As sister ship(s)... "I think that we are shooting at the wrong ships, cap'tin!! "

Nope, though I don't doubt the Ecotroz has infiltrated the GNEN's 'robofleet'.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:13 pm
by abtex
taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Does the ‘Bloodsea’ have any "Flower" escorts or scouts corvettes? As sister ship(s)... "I think that we are shooting at the wrong ships, cap'tin!! "

Nope, though I don't doubt the Ecotroz has infiltrated the GNEN's 'robofleet'.

You did a WW2 escort, I thought it was the 'Flower' class. (Cannot find it right now)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:49 am
by taalismn
abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Does the ‘Bloodsea’ have any "Flower" escorts or scouts corvettes? As sister ship(s)... "I think that we are shooting at the wrong ships, cap'tin!! "

Nope, though I don't doubt the Ecotroz has infiltrated the GNEN's 'robofleet'.

You did a WW2 escort, I thought it was the 'Flower' class. (Cannot find it right now)

I know, I remember, and it was crewed with 'Magnus'-bots. :D

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:44 pm
by taalismn
EcoS-K-61 Sherak
(aka ‘Catboard’, ‘Landsurfer’, ‘Tigerrug’, ‘Battle-slinky’)

“Pray, if you ever encounter Sheraks, that they have riders. Then you just might have a chance of surviving. If you don’t see a rider, you’re well and truly ####ed. Those things have a sadistic streak longer than a devil-unicorn’s.”

The ‘Sherak’ is another new Horrorwoods Warmount that came to them courtesy of the feline-obsessed Clan Pantheron. The EcoS-K-62 is based on the Dragoncat; a long, sleek, highly intelligent six-legged feloinoid predator. The head is wide, flat, and sleek, with two large triangular ears. A long tail trails behind, and can be used to swat opponents, or steer like a rudder in the water. Two upper arms sprout from the back and end in modular claws or weapons pods.
Sheraks are used by the Pantherons as scouts and raiders; their fast speed, low profile, and great agility make them good strike-and-fade cavalry mounts. Their low, sleek, appearance, running low to the ground, rider perched atop them, has earned them such nicknames as ‘catboard’, ‘landsurfer’, and ‘tigerrugger’. The ride is decidedly uncomfortable(even for robots!) though, as the rider is perched atop a narrow, undulating chassis(one cyborg passenger compared it to ‘riding a giant slinky’), and the rider has to be well-secured to the saddle during hard maneuvering such as leaping and climbing.
The major complaint about the Sherak is its light weight, low armor, and comparatively light firepower. Compared to its Monstrex cousins, however, the Sherak is more agile, stealthier, and has better firepower(at least until other tribes began copying the Pantherons’ use of modified rifle armaments as modular fitouts). The Sherak isn’t designed for standup/knockdown combat, and is fairly fragile compared to other Warmounts. Smart Sherak-riders keep out of tangling in close combat and try to stay always on the move.
Sheraks are used primarily by the Pantheron tribe, though the design has also apparently been adopted in small numbers by the Horrorwoods as well.

Type: EcoS-K-61 Sherak
Class: Robotic Warmount
Crew: None; robot intelligence, Awakened with an Ecotroz essence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 260
Head 90
Weapons Arms(2) 150 each
Legs(6) 180 each
Tail 180
Height: 7 ft at top of the back
Width: 7 ft
Length: 16 ft +14 ft of tail
Weight: 2,600 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 30
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 90 MPH
(Leaping) Can leap 35 ft up/across, while a running start at 60 MPH or more adds an additional 6d6 yards/meters across, and 15 ft higher.
(Climbing) The Sherak is an accomplished climber; can climb at a skill of 80%.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) The Sherak can swim quite well; 15 MPH paddling.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Sherak have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Kirillian Vision Optics---Similar to the Japanese SNARLsystem.

*Variable Optical Camouflage Suite---Based on reverse-engineered Naruni and other alien ‘invisibility’ systems, this highly sophisticated system option renders the Sherak effectively invisible to eyeball and sensor detection. A folding ‘smartfabric’ canopy can be erected around the rider to allow them to be camouflaged as well.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless.
This system is ineffective when the Sherak is in motion.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Armature Weapons(2)----The Sherak sports two upper arms that can end in slashing claws or in weapons pods. The latter are of particular note; rather than mount the common modular weapons systems introduced on the Monstrex and common throughout Shemarrian Nation designs, the Pantherons instead elected to adapt the common Shemarrian long arms to the hardpoints. The weapons tended to have better range and damage than the common-mount weapons modules, had equal MDC, and were often lighter in weight. Though slightly more expensive to produce per unit, the modified long arms allowed the heavy-industry-strapped fringe tribe to use their existing infantry weapon production capability to outfit both their own people and warmounts, without having to set up and maintain separate production capability for inferior Warmount accessory weapons. This simple move is being studied with great interest by other T/tribes, who have started to adopt it.

a) Grappling Claws---Four-clawed paw that can pick up, carry, and throw objects(but cannot use hand weapons), or extend vibro-claws to rip and tear. They can tear for 2d6 MD.

b) Scythe Claws---3d6 MD

c) Plasma Scythes---Copied from d-bee designs; can perform an un-powered strike of 2d6 MD, an energized plasma strike of 6d6 MD, or can fire a plasma blast out to 500 ft, that does 4d6 MD per blast.

d) Rail Gun Pod---Shemarrian ‘Short’ Rail-Gun. Rather heavy for the small weapons armatures, but the alternatives under consideration were knockoffs of heavier, and less effective Northern Gun weapons. Again, shopping home industry was the more viable option.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per round
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 round magazine

e) Pulse Laser Pod----Slightly modified E/She-LPP80 Laser Pulse Rifle
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD single shot, 4d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) Ion Blaster Pod---This is the only new energy weapon type developed for the Sherak. Good damage for relatively short range.
Range: 1,700 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+10 MD triple shot burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

g) Plasma Blaster Pod----Slightly modified E/She-PLR25 Plasma Rifle
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

h) Particle Beam Pod----Slightly modified E/She-PB20 Particle Beam Rifle
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

i) Mini-Missile Pod----6 shot mini-missile launcher

j) Assault Gun Pod----Slightly modified Shemarrian Assault Rifle
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 1 d6 MD single shot, 4d6 MD short burst( six rounds), 1d4x10 MD heavy burst(12 rounds).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 720 round drum(60 heavy bursts)

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Typically has the following in addition to normal Monstrex programming:
Camouflage 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Prowl 65%
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Sherak intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 9(2 of which are arm attacks, one of which is a tail attack)
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +7
Strike +2 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Pull Punch +5
Critical Strike on a natural 19-20
Bite 1d6 MD
Restrained Claw Strike 1d4 MD
Full Strength Claw Strike 2d6 MD
Power Claw Strike(2 attacks) 4d6 MD
Punch with Weapons Arms 2d4 MD
Pounce/Leap Attack(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tail Slash 2d6 MD

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Sherak an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Sheraks are aggressive, cunning predators with tigerish attitudes. They love the stalk and hunt, and may toy with targets they have already crippled. Though warm and affectionate with their riders and tribesmembers, they are hunters of just about everybody else, if only in practice.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:35 pm
by taalismn
The Sherak gets illo'ed.
The Codex gets updated(WIP for the Sherak removed)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:27 pm
by DhAkael
Okay, that would, even considdering fact it is much more fragile than standard monstrex, give anyone encountering it in a dark forrest nightmares.

If they survived long enough to HAVE nightmares afterwards.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:26 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:YIPE!
Okay, that would, even considdering fact it is much more fragile than standard monstrex, give anyone encountering it in a dark forrest nightmares.

If they survived long enough to HAVE nightmares afterwards.

Wait until you see the Dobhag...I'm tempted to jump ahead and do it next because it's so ...well...words do not describe properly... :demon:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:48 am
by abtex
taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Does the ‘Bloodsea’ have any "Flower" escorts or scouts corvettes? As sister ship(s)... "I think that we are shooting at the wrong ships, cap'tin!! "

Nope, though I don't doubt the Ecotroz has infiltrated the GNEN's 'robofleet'.

Ship's name and type is "‘Magnolia’-class ASW Corvette" not the 'Flower'.

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:28 pm
by taalismn
Some Quality Time with the Lost Eclipse

The prisoner is defiant, proudly so, sneeringly so, even.
“Go ahead, kill me. I’ll be back! My flesh is immortal!”
“Oh, we know all about your little immortality mechanism. In fact, it figures most prominently in what we’ve decided to do with you. We’re nanotechnologists too; we found those ‘restorer nanites’ easily enough when we scanned you and we figured out how they work. Now imagine what would happen if somebody hacked those nanites and turned them off?”
The prisoner suddenly begins to look a little less defiant.
“And THEN, imagine if we were to make a few alterations to you, like, say, removing that troublesome brain of yours and your loathsome personality and replacing it with a new brain with a much ....nicer...personality...then reset the nanites to recognize the new you as...well, you from then on.”
The prisoner is looking outright terrified.
“The original problem...the you right here, will be toast, but hey, your flesh will be immortal. Just in our service. Forever. Isn’t that nice?”
That’s when the screaming begins.

This Has Been Some (Ghoulish) Quality Time with the Lost Eclipse

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:37 pm
by taalismn
EcoS-K-76 Dredadon
(aka ‘Flamewing’, ‘Firemantis’, ‘Scythwing’, ‘Axehead’, ‘GloryTurkey’, ‘DreadDoDo’, ‘Firebird’)

“You’re really going up against those things? Let me tell you, boy, you go up against those scythwings, your future can go one of three ways; you get blasted to pieces, you get burned to ashes, or you get sliced into rat-bait. That’s a heckuva a return on the investment your parents made in you, and for what? The glory that you and your bunch of yahoos thought they could plunder a Blood Rider-protected settlement? You had any brains left to you, you’d saddle up with us and RIDE hard; and maybe, just maybe, we might just outrun those death-runners!”

The Dredadon is in many ways the Blood Riders’ scale-up of the Monst-Crane, a flightless avian-themed Warmount meant for cavalry operations. The greatest complaint about the Monst-Crane has been its light weight and lack of staying power in combat, deficiencies which the Dredadon seems intended to correct. Though the heavier EcoS-K-76 certainly seems to address the armor and armament issue, the heavier Dredadon does so at the expense of the fantastic ground speed of the Monst-Crane. Still, the Dredadon is a formidable combatant, especially in the close-order combat that the Blood Riders favor.
The Dredadon seems to have been prototyped on the frame of the Northern Gun NG-EXC-17 Ogre exploration robot, but everything else is wholly Shemarrian-designed. The legs have been reconfigured for faster running speeds, the cockpit has been replaced by a neck and head assembly, with an armored open saddle/cockpit atop the main body, and the arms replaced with entirely new assemblies.
The Dredadon, like the Incendar Battle-Cat, is designed for close combat. The arms have been replaced with great birdlike wing assemblies ending in large curved battle-scythes. These weapons are normally carried folded up close to the main body, but can instantly snap forward or to the sides like giant mantis claws. Besides being edged in lethal vibroblades, the giant scythes are perforated with plasma-expulsion vents. The head is crowned with a large heavy vibroblade of its own, running the length of the top of the head, and the feet fitted with sickle-blades. The Dredadon will attempt to speed into close quarters, in the thick of an enemy formation, where it can slash and burn in melee combat. However, the Bloodriders have not neglected the realities of modern warfare and have used the large roomy frame of the Ogre to provide the Dredadon with ranged weaponry as well. The EcoS-K-76 carries standard eye-lasers, but also has integrated missile launchers (a rarity amongst Shemarrian Warmount designs) concealed inside its body. Of course, the rider can blast away with her own weapons.
The large size, heavy weight, and relatively slow speed of the Dredadon has earned it a somewhat less-than-sterling opinion from other Tribes, who often refer to it by such names as ‘the Dodo’ or the ‘Glory Turkey’. The Bloodriders who developed it haven’t deployed many of them(compared to their Incendar), but still regard the Dredadon highly.
Besides the Bloodriders, the Horrorwoods have also been observed to deploy a few Dredadons.

Type: EcoS-K-76 Dredadon
Class: Robotic Warmount, Cavalry
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for 1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 570
Head 150
Wing-Scythes(2) 150 each
Legs(2) 330 each
Mini-Missile Launchers(2) 100 each
Tail Blades(36) 15 each
Thruster Jets(2) 90 each
Height: 33 ft
Width: 35 ft
Length: 40 ft
Weight: 45 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 45
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 110 MPH
(Leaping) 10 ft up/15 ft across. A thruster-assisted jump is 50 ft up/across. A running jump w/ thruster boost is 80 ft up/100 ft across.
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Limited to running along the bottom at 10 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft. DOESN’T like to get wet.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Dredadon have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 40 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Weapons Systems:
1)Eye Lasers(2) ---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Plasma Scythes(2) ----The ‘wings’ are actually powerful plasma blades that can spray a ‘firefeather storm’ incinerating wide swathes of area.
Range:(Blade) Melee
(Plasma Blast) 1,200 ft
Damage:(Blade) 3d6 MD un-powered, 6d6 MD powered
(Plasma Blast) 4d6 MD to 20 ft wide area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Mini-Missile Launchers(2) ---Mounted in pectoral installations are two mini-missile launchers with a generous supply of ammunition for sustained combat.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: 24 each launcher, 48 total

4) Flame Breath---- Incendiary sprayer, fed from a ‘gizzard’ in the main body. The Dredadon can set fire to large areas of ground(and enemy) with incendiary substances; the Dredadon will often use this attack to remove lesser opponents from conflict, or to pen in a target, concentrating on those in the center of the ‘pen of flames’ in more personal combat.
Range:(Direct-Stream Mode) 230 ft
Damage:(Direct-Stream Mode)
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 1d4x10 SDC
(Napalm) 1d6x10 SDC, plus does 5d6 SDC per melee for 1d4 minutes
(MD Fluid) 1d4 MD per blast, 1d4 MD per melee for 2d4 minutes
(Incendi-Gel)2d6 MD, 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 minutes
(WI Napalm-P) 3d6 MD per blast, 1d4x10+10 MD per concentrated burst(counts as two attacks). 2d6 MD per melee for 1d4 minutes.
Note: The flame-thrower can also be used to cover an area with fluid: up to 10 ft per attack used. Used with Super-Napalm, this does 1d4 MD, Incendi-Gel does 1d6 MD, and with Napalm-P, this does 2d6 MD.
Rate of Fire:(Direct-Stream Mode) Standard
Payload:(Direct-Stream Mode
(Gasoline/Alcohol) 50 blasts
(Napalm)150 blasts
(MD Fluid) 250 blasts
(Incendi-Gel) 250 blasts
(WI Napalm-P) 400 blasts per tank(much more concentrated than the regular gasoline/alcohol).

5) Razor-Tail---The Dredadon’s ‘razor tail’ is a turkey-like fan of overlapping molecularly-sharp blades. Anybody attempting to grapple the warmount from behind will run the risk of running up on 1d6 tail blades, each doing 1d6 MD damage. The blades can also be ejected like projectiles. Dredadons are also known to ‘rattle’ these plate-blades prior to combat, causing what one observer dubbed ‘cutlery-chatter’.
Range:(Blades) Melee
(Projectiles) 600 ft
Damage:(Blades) 1d6 MD per blade
(Projectiles)1d6+1 MD per blade
Rate of Fire:(Blades) Passive defense; the Dredadon can use APMs to swing its body to bring the tail to bear between it and opponents.
(Projectiles) Volleys of 1-6.
Payload: 36 tail blades
The tail blades are one of the few body parts that can be completely regenerated if destroyed/expended; a complete tail blade is re-grown at 4d6 MD per hour.
Ejected tail blades can be recovered and reused/reattached if they possess more than 50% of their MDC; otherwise they can be consumed by the Dredadon and recycled that way. Ground troops(EShemar and NeShemar) as well as affiliates have been known to use discarded Dredadon tail vanes as shields.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience.
Has the standard Monstrex base programming.
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Dredadon intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 5
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge +5
Automatic Dodge +2
Strike +5 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +3
Pull Punch +2
Parry +3
Critical Strike on Unmodified 19-20.
Bite 1d6 MD
Peck-Jab 2d6 MD
Head Butt/Slash 4d6 MD
Head Butt/Cleave(2 attacks) 1d8x10 MD
Wing Slash 3d6 MD un-powered, 6d6 MD powered
Wing Power Stab(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD un-powered, 1d8x10 MD powered.
Kick 4d6 MD
Power Kick 5d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 attacks) 1d6x10+10 MD
Stomp 4d4 MD against targets less than 15 ft tall
Body Block/Ram(2 attacks) 6d6 MD and 95% chance of knocking targets off their feet

Note: The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Dredadon an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Dredadons are relentless predators, akin to raptor dinosaurs in attitude. They will run down prey, for hours even, and take it apart. They hunt well in packs, and will instinctively coordinate attacks on large prey.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Susceptible to Exorcism and Banish spells, but are +6 to save against such spells, +1 at levels 4, 8, and 12 of experience, and becoming IMMUNE at level 14 and up. Such Banishment causes the ‘bot to revert to its default robot programming. (OPTION: Ecotroz may become IMMUNE to Exorcism and Banishment with experience, and NEW BUILT EShemar constructs are immune to this)

Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:48 pm
by DhAkael
NG 'Ogre' based war-steed *nod* I like it.
Need to see the possble illo to make final judegemnt call though ;)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:15 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:NG 'Ogre' based war-steed *nod* I like it.
Need to see the possble illo to make final judegemnt call though ;)

That will be up tomorrow, I promise. :bandit:
After that...well, the Drakar and the Dobharg are SERIOUS monsters....lot of new systemry having to be developed. :twisted:

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:31 pm
by taalismn

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:31 pm
by taalismn
EcoS-K-72 Galang Exo-Warmount
(aka ‘Tibicene’)

“Okay, I’m on a promontory overlooking the extee sign of activity yet in the central compound....looking for Delmar and his infil team to make final approach...ah, there he is! Closer than I figured he’d be! Damned better chameleonware than I thought....looks like he jumped the outer security without any problems...Now we’ll get a look-see what Vesparii Corp‘s got under wraps all the way out here.
Oh bugger...several, no, dozens of big crawlers coming up out of the ground all around him...Looks like Delmar’s walked right into the middle of Big-Ass Bug him completely surrounded...Several of them turning my way....Sorry, Del, you’re on your own, ol’chum...I’m getting out of here as fast as I can. I’ll let ‘em know you won’t be back for tea.”

----Voice recorder transcript of Vicenne ‘the Vulture’ Albonez, corporate mercenary, from his overwatch assignment of an attempted corp-ops raid on the facilities of Vesparii Corporation.

The Fringe Tribe known as Clan Vespa is not yet known for its Warmounts, the nascent tribe choosing to focus on its microrobotics and nanotechnology as its stock and trade, and establishing itself in the Shemarrian Star Nation before branching out to include Warmounts in their organization. Queen-Matriarch Kusunoki Masako isn’t a large robotic designer anyways, but recognizes their prominent role in the Shemarrian society she wishes to join, so she’s already approached Tribes like the Horrorwoods and Blood Riders to trade for existing insectoid warmount designs like the Shredwing and the Pyrolyte. She also has not discouraged her tribemembers from their own work, if they should chose to pursue it, on possible future Vespa warmount designs.
It was one of these personal research projects, carried out by a Swarmy-converted(and Shemarrian-liberated) exoskeleton design engineer using tentative plans for a heavy hazardous-environment work suit she was working on, that yielded the EcoS-K-72.
The EcoS-K-72 resembles a giant cicada nymph; a hunchbacked, six-legged, bug-eyed heavily-armored insect with large digging claws in front and undeveloped wingcases on its back. In the EcoS-K-72’s case, however, the bug eyes are lasers, the forelimbs can be fitted with tool arms and weapons modules, and the wing cases are accessory system pods.
The EcoS-K-72 is arguably more of a power armor(itself an anomaly among the animal-inclined Shemarrian tribes) than a traditional riding warmount, with the rider actually sitting inside the armored carapace. However, the fact that the Galang can operate as an autonomous AI even without a pilot in it moves it towards the classification of Warmount.
Because Clan Vespa was concentrating on Kusunoki Masako’s nanotechnology and insect microbots, the EcoS-K-72 was first manufactured by the Horrorwoods Tribe, who helped develop it, and was first deployed by them(Clan Vespa has been credited towards future tech-transfers between the two tribes). The power armor configuration and versatility of the design has endeared it to the more vulnerable(i.e., those not full conversion cyborgs) NeShemar of the Horrorwoods. The EcoS-K-72 has appeared in smaller numbers in the ranks of Clan Vespa, pending the establishment of a Warmount tradition in that tribe. While not all the winged Vespas like the close and uncomfortable confines of the EcoS-K-72, they do recognize the need on occasion for the extra armored protection. As armored spacesuits, they proved invaluable in outfitting Clan Vespa’s spacefleet on the farside of their origin Earth’s Moon and circum-terra orbit.

Type: EcoS-K-72 Galang
Class: Robotic Warmount/Exoskeleton
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot
(Note that the EcoS-K-72 is designed with smaller-statured human-based NeShemar in mind, rather than larger EShemar)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 400
Head 120
Wingpods(2) 50 each
Forelimbs(2) 100 each
Legs(4) 90 each
Height: 8 ft
Width: 6 ft
Length: 7 ft
Weight: 1,250 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside the pilot compartment for a few personal possessions and sidearms.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 40
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 50 MPH
(Leaping) Can make a standing leap of 20 ft up/across
(Climbing) Fair climber; base skill of 60%
(Tunneling) If leaving a passable tunnel behind it isn’t necessary, the Galang can burrow at 12 ft per melee through sand, 6 ft per melee through soft soils, 3 ft per melee through solid rock.
(Flying) Not possible without external propulsion pods(see below)
(Space) Not possible without external propulsion pods(see below)
(Underwater) Limited to crawling along the bottom at 5 MPH unless fitted with external propulsion pods(see below). Maximum depth of 2 miles.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Galangs have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 90 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

*Molecular Adhesion Pads---Allow the Warmount to anchor itself securely to various surfaces and even walk up walls.

Weapons Systems:
1) Eye Lasers(2) ---Standard robotic eye lasers, common in the Shemarrian arsenal.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, or 6d6 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Forelimb Hardpoints(2)---Each forelimb mounts a powerful curved vibroblade for digging and cutting metal(but also good for evisceration), while concealed behind it in the thick, heavily-armored forelimb is a concealed hardpoint compatible with any standard cyborg forearm weapon or mining ‘borg attachment.
Range: (Digger Blades)Melee
Damage:(Digger Blades) 3d6 MD

3) Wingcase Modules(2)---What look like undeveloped nymph wings on the back are really modular pods that be fitted with weapons, sensors, or special propulsion systems.
a) Monstrex Weapons Modules---Any of the ‘standard’ Monstrex-style weapons modules can be fitted.

b) Hornet Launcher--- Queen-Matriarch Kusunoki was beside herself with joy when she discovered the Shemarrians already had an insectile missile system in the form of their own copies of the Northern Gun NMX-18 Stinger Anti-Flyer Mine(see Rifts Merc Ops, pg. 97-98 ), with projectiles that are almost exactly identical to the robotic Stinger flyer-warheads released by that weapon. The Shemarrian projectiles, however, have slightly better range and endurance, and can be deployed against ground targets as well. The Clan Vespa Queen-Matriarch has decided that future Clan equipment should make use of the Shemarrian-model Stingers, starting with the EcoS-K-72.
Range: 5,000 ft
Damage: Each Hornet does 5d6 MD to a 30 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Bursts of 1-12 Hornets
Payload: 24 Hornet missiles in each pod

c) MicroMissile Launcher---A knockoff of a weapon the details of which were passed along to Clan Vespa; the microelectronic guidance systems of these 20mm missiles were well within Queen-Matriarch Kusunoki technological capabilities to reproduce.
Range: Varies by Micro-Missile Type;
(20mm Format) 8,000 ft for all types
Damage: Varies by Micro-Missile Type;
(20mm Format)
(Pattern-2a) 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Pattern-2b)6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
(Pattern-2c)(Incendiary)2d4 MD to 5 ft blast radius, does an additional 1d4 burn damage for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-25(all)
Payload: 25 shot launch box/cassette per hardpoint
(20mm Format)(All Patterns)(+3 to strike airborne targets, +1 to strike ground targets) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.

d) Flamethrower-----Barbecue time. 400 ft range, does 3d6 MD per burst, plus does an additional 2d6 MD per melee for 1d6 melees, 40 shots.

e) Chemical Sprayer----Usable for applying paint, tracer chemicals, pesticides, defoliants, and anti-personnel aerosols.
Range: 100 ft and can cover a 20 ft wide area per spray-blast.
Damage: Varies by chemical used
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Enough liquid for 50 blasts

f) Buzzer-Launcher---Another weapon passed along to Clan Vespa, the Buzzer-Launcher is a copy of an imported Russian design). The Vespa version uses ceramic and light alloy discs that, either by accident or deliberate design, give off a very audible high-pitched shrieking or buzzing noise when fired, and, thanks to Doctor Kusunoki’s expertise with microsystems, each disc has a sensor and guidance system, allowing for greater accuracy.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Bonus: +1 to strike
Payload: 2,000 rd drum

g) “Gum Gun”----This option takes up two forearm spaces and consists of a high-pressure sprayer/applicator and two storage bottles. The “Gum Gun” applies/squirts a super-strong epoxy adhesive that can be used to cement MDC materials together, or make temporary patches. Used in quantity, the epoxy can be used to build up an MDC barrier. As a weapon, the Gum Gun can be used to capture opponents with an entangle.
Each application covers about five square feet,. To completely cover a human-sized target, the attacker must roll a 12 or better on the strike roll, otherwise only a limb is glommed. Anyone caught in the goo must have a supernatural or robotic PS of 30 or better to break free; otherwise they are stuck until the goo is somehow removed.
The epoxy sets within seconds, and can be used underwater. However, the sprayed epoxy needs 1d4 hours to properly cure, at which point it attains its maximum strength. Once the two tanks are emptied, the twin bottles, which are sold and attached together as a pair, can be quickly exchanged for fresh ones in one melee action, like changing an e-clip. For larger jobs, the Galang can be fitted with a backpack tank holding additional chemicals.
Weight: 60 lbs for a single forearm sprayer, 200 lbs for the backpack tank.
Range: 100 ft
MDC : 25 for sprayer, 30 for tank.
Epoxy has 2d4 MDC per application, but hardens to 2d6 +1 MDC after curing for 1d4 hours
Damage: None
Payload: Backpack tank holds 100 applications

h) Net Launcher---Automatic grenade-launcher-style weapon that fires shells that explode out into expanding nets.
Range: 200 ft. Net covers a 6 ft area
Damage: Varies;
(Standard Net) Heavy high-tensile strength megadamage steel cable net; takes 2d4 melee actions/attacks to untangle self(half that for creatures with supernatural PS of 30 or higher) the meantime, the victim CANNOT strike or parry, is -2 to dodge, and reduce speed by 90%

(Slicer Net) As above, except that every melee the target spends struggling and trying to get out, they take 1d4 MD from the various hooks and razor-lines. In addition to usual penalties, takes an additional -2 to dodge from the pain. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

(Shock Net)As above, except that each melee entangled, the target takes electrical shock damage. At mild current levels, this can be annoying and distracting, but can also stun the victim...higher levels of voltage can toast the entrapped target and damage them severely, if not kill them outright....
2d6 SDC per melee/shock pulse, plus beings must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better) or be stunned /knocked out for 1d4 melees. Cyborgs have a 40% chance of having their systems overloaded and being immobilized for 1d4 melees, plus a 40% chance of electrical systems/accessories such as sensors or weapons knocked out for 1d4+2 melees. Power Armor fare somewhat better, having only a 10% chance of losing electrical systems or peripherals for 1d4 melees.

(Drug Net)As above, except that the net has microcapsules that break with any struggle, releasing a skin-contact/aerosol drug--Unless the victim has complete environmental protection(sealed off from contamination), they must roll each melee they are entangled against non-lethal toxin, or find themselves succumbing to chemical lethargy; cumulative -20% chance of falling unconscious(for 2d4 minutes), -1 to initiative, -2 Dodge, Strike, Parry, and Roll, -1 APM (in addition to entanglement penalties). This is RARELY issued to police forces if possible lethal drug allergies in suspects are a possibility.

(Thermite Net) A nasty variant, based on designs brought back from South America(See Rifts South America 2). Same as above, but bursts into flame, doing 4d6 MD for 1d6 melees. This is NEVER issued to police forces.

Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 nets

i) Hydrojets(takes up BOTH hardpoints)---Allows for powered swimming at 30 MPH at the surface, and 40 MPH underwater.

j) Space Maneuvering Thrusters(takes up BOTH hardpoints)---Allows for flying in space at 200 MPH, 15 hours of maneuvering.

k) Jet Thrusters/Wings(takes up BOTH hardpoints)---Allows slow, leisurely, flight at about 300 MPH, maximum altitude of 600 ft.

Clan Vespa have installed robotic AIs into the Galang exo, which is then possible to be infected with a low-level Ecotroz sentience(This is automatic with Horrorwoods-destined Galangs, but less common with Clan Vespa-employed Galangs, owing to the uncommon presence of EShemar among the Fringe Tribe’s ranks).
The Galang has an effective I.Q. of 10, and is about as smart as a very well-trained dog or a gifted and very patient monkey.
Galangs are primarily programmed for labor and defense. Typically has the following:
4 of choice, all at 94%
Math: Basic 98%
Radio Basic 94%
Read Sensory Instruments 94%
Basic Mechanics 90%
Basic Electronics 90%
Masonry 80%
Carpentry 85%
Excavation 85%
Mining 90%
Recycling 88%
Trap/Mine Detection 80%
General Repair & Maintenance 90%
Salvage 80%
Prowl 50%
Climbing 60%
Navigation: ALW 90%
Land Navigation 94%
Movement: Zero Gravity 90%
EVA 90%
Pilot Jetpack 90%

The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the Galang intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage( Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Mechanical(Automotive Mechanics), Military(Camouflage, Fortification, Trap Construction), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits, Track and Hunt Sea Animals).

Note: If worn and operated as power armor, use the appropriate training for Basic/Expert possessed by the wearer.
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 6
Initiative +2 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +3)
Dodge + 4
Strike +3 (+4 w/ ranged weaponry)
Parry +4
Roll +4
Pull Punch +4
Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20.
Bite 1d4 MD
Foreblades 3d6 MD
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 3d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 4d6 MD(7d6 MD with blades deployed)
Body Block/Tackle 1d8 MD
Kicks are not possible

Note: Though initially, Clan Vespa did not have access to the Ecotroz essences, and early Galangs produced directly by the tribe were purely robotic, until Awakened by Tribesmembers from outside Clan Vespa. Even now, only 10% of Clan Vespa Galangs possess Ecotroz essence-fragments, while 100% of Horrorwoods-employed Galangs are so ‘Awakened’). The Ecotroz intelligence fragment inhabiting the ‘bot gives the Galang an aura and behavior more befitting a sentient being than a robot. Galangs have docile, compliant, personalities, working diligently and uncomplainingly at assigned tasks, but if ordered/provoked to fight, they are fearless and relentless.

The Ecotroz fragment does occasionally need sleep/rest...though they only need 2 hours of rest/meditation per 24 hours...they can push this, going without for as many days as they have I.Q. points(most Warmounts, unless otherwise noted, have an effective IQ rating of 8 ), but will have to go dormant for 4d6 hours after such exertion.
Note also that the Ecotroz-possessed ‘bot can infect other bots with the Ecotroz viral-entity, by bite or sustained touch(takes 3 attacks).

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:58 am
by DhAkael
~Un-named Coalition Mobile Infantry soldier; P.A. 112

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:06 pm
by taalismn

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:45 pm
by 89er
Oh, so many wonderful new creatures to the Ecosystem.

Do you happen to need any warmounts to fill in any roles for the tribes? (The aquatics are quite slim...)

Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:40 am
by taalismn
89er wrote:Oh, so many wonderful new creatures to the Ecosystem.

Do you happen to need any warmounts to fill in any roles for the tribes? (The aquatics are quite slim...)

Right now I'm focusing on what I already have listed as WIPs in the Codex...and I have a DOOZY of an aquatic in the works. :D ;) :twisted: