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For those of you who do not know me, I posted 8 of these random item tables about a year ago in order for GM's to add a little bit of something different to there games, 7 more have been added in since then. I will be reposting all 15 again for those who might want to use them. :)


01: Claw Hammer — good condition, but handle broken
02: Plastic coat hanger — poor condition (partially melted)
03: Nylon Rope — good condition (20m coil)
04: Entrenching tool — fair condition, rusted
05: Bicycle reflector — good condition (red, yellow, white, or blue color)
06: Pencil — excellent condition, point broken
07: -8 Small bottle of insect repellent — fair condition
09: .22 cal. pistol — fair condition, 9 shot capacity
10: Home doughnut maker — poor condition
11: News magazine or comic book — very poor condition
12: Plastic bag of grass seed — fair condition
13: Screwdriver — fair condition
14: Ceramic salt shaker — good condition, full
15: Bicycle — fair condition, seat missing and tires flat
16: Stapler — poor condition, no staples
17: Plastic container — excellent condition, full of plant food
18: 2-12 aluminum arrows — fair condition, feathers gone
19: Book — good condition, reading primer
20: Pair of scissors — fair condition, screw rusted
21: Plastic box — excellent condition, contains a complete set of 60 Chinese checkers marbles
22: Crash helmet with visor — fair condition, strap missing
23: Board game — poor condition, pieces missing, cards torn, board stained
24: Book — fair condition, SF novel, cover and last page missing
25: Small shaker — good condition, full of red pepper
26: Hacksaw — good condition, blade has plastic guard
27: Small container — fair condition, contains herbs or spices (pick one at random)
28: Plastic box — fair condition, holds 50-100 screws of assorted types and sizes
29: Electric knife sharpener — good condition but cord missing
30: Case of 150 12 g. shotgun shells (deer slugs/ buck shot/ bird shot) — poor condition
31: Large metal shears — fair condition
32: Portable hand vacuum cleaner — condition appears excellent but motor is missing
33: Pair of water skis — perfect condition
34: Adjustable wrench — fair condition, adjusting screw corroded
35: Large plastic box — excellent condition, contains a hang glider kit
36: Small plastic bottle of colored liquid — good condition, contains colored dye
37: Magnifying glass — excellent condition, but several chips around edges
38: Small plastic box — perfect condition
39-40: Eight-track tape — fair condition, Black Sabath
41-42: Book — fair condition, dictionary
43: Smoke detector— poor condition, batteries missing
44-45: Plastic table knife — perfect condition
46: Book — good condition, western novel with cover missing
47-48: car hubcap — good condition, but dented
49: Plastic baseball — perfect condition
50-51: 1 -6 empty soft drink bottles — good condition
52: Book — fair condition, any one volume of an encyclopedia
53-54: license plate — poor condition
55: Plastic box — good condition, holds 50-100 assorted nails
56-57: Plastic garden hose — fair condition, 5-20m
58: Nylon fishing line — excellent condition, 50m length
50-60: Vinyl patching kit — good condition, 6 patches
61: Doorknob and shank — perfect condition
62-63: Garbage can — poor condition, badly rusted and hole ridden
64: Toy laser pistol — perfect condition, battery missing (buzzes and flashes when working)
65-67: Cosmetic item, women's — fair condition, mascara bottle
68-69: Metal cooking utensil — poor condition, tea kettle
70: Metal can — good condition, contains oil (penetrating/ lubricating/cooking)
71-72: Metal pipe — excellent condition (household water pipe 1-4m in length)
73: Plastic box — fair condition, designed to hold facial/toilet paper or napkins
74-75: Telephone, push button model — excellent condition
76: World globe — fair condition, badly outdated
77-78: Stainless steel spoon — good condition, handle bent
79: Pliers/wire cutters — fair condition
80-81: Set of colored pencils — poor condition, leads broken
82: Bottle — perfect condition, no label, contains vinegar
83-84: Plastic box — excellent condition, contains 50 different multi-colored children's blocks made of lightweight plastic
85: Bottle — good condition, no label, contains 100-proof Scotch whisky
86-87: Flashlight — fair condition, no batteries
88: Plastic box — fair condition, contains 50-100 assorted nuts, bolts, and washers
89-90: Toiletry article — fair condition, man's razor (no blades)
91: Screwdriver — good condition, Phillips head
92-93: Book — poor condition, telephone directory
94: Book — fair condition, gothic horror
95-96: Plastic dinnerware, 1-4 pieces — fair condition, partially melted
97: 1-100 rounds of .22 cal. rifle ammunition — good condition
98-99: Leather bag — fair condition, holds 3-18 plastic polyhedra objects (dice) in good condition
00: Book — good condition, small arms instruction manual
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Random Farm Generation

Unread post by Drakenred®™© »

..How successful is the farm
001 Rediculously successfull
002 Successfull,(can send the kids to Colledge without strain and retire at 55)
003 Successfull (Can send the kids to colledge and retire at 65)
004 Successfull (Can retire at 65 and give the kids the farm)
005 Successfull but more or less cant retire without sufering a major loss of income
006 Poor farm family, can keep up the farm and everything, (Waltons level)..
007 Poor farm family, Equipment is worn out and seemingly one bad crop from loosing it all
008 Shockingly poor farm family
009 Farm is not the primary source of income, Roll 1D8
010 Farm is subsided by other jobs, roll 1D8 (you wonder why he does not just throw in the towl and keep the job)
011 Farm is subsided by a "personal fund" that is more or less safe (roll on following table)
012 Farm is subsided if not outright owned and actualy controled by another source that can be cut off

000 001 Inheritance
000 002 Pension
000 003 Black market"
000 004 Freindly goverment
000 005 Hostile goverment"
000 006 Neutral Goverment
000 007 Corperation
000 008 Buisness
000 009 congloerate, Coop, Trust or cartell
000 010 Game winning
000 011 landlord
000 012 Stolen money.

How old is the farm?

001 1D4 months
002 1D4 Seasons
003 1D4 years
004 1D4 Decades
005 1D4 Generations
006 1D4 centuries

Type of farm(roll 1D10 times below, duplicates just mean they have proportionaly more of the land as indicated by duplicate rolls

001 Food crops
000 001 Mix Garden crops
000 002 Vegitable
000 003 Fruit
000 004 bulk starch/grain
000 005 Bulk Starch, roots
000 006 Greenhouse
000 007 Coolhouse(see notes)
000 008 underground (usualy mushroom)
000 009 Alien" foodtypes
000 010 Roll twice on this table
002 Trees/bushes/shubs(1D8)

000 001 Hardwood
000 002 Softwood
000 003 Fruit
000 004 Sugar
000 005 Rubber or simular compounds or resins
000 006 Oil
000 007 Bark products sutch as cork
000 008 Core wood Products (roll 1D4)

000 000 001 Used as Alternate fuel type
000 000 002 Food oil Extract
000 000 003 Wood treatment or simular
000 000 004 food source

003 Livestock, used for

000 001 Cattle, note that this is a primary product and the others are "benifits" from producing the primary proudcts (1D6)

000 000 001 Dairy
000 000 002 meat
000 000 003 Eggs/Veil
000 000 004 Leather
000 000 005 Other animal products(Bone, Ivory, Blood, Glands)
000 000 006 Fertilizer"

000 001 Mount
000 002 Draft animal
000 003 Pets
000 004 Trained work animal(Assistance, farm or industrial work animal, hunting)
000 005 Attack
000 006 Breeding

000 Size of animal:(species reference is for aproximate size) 1D10
000 001 Tiny (Squirel) size
000 002 Dog sized (1D4 to see it Small, medium large, or Mastiff sized)
000 003 poney sized
000 004 Normal horse sized,
000 005 Giant" horse sized,
000 006 Small to large Eliphant sized
000 007 Medium Dinasaut size
000 008 Large Dino size(Movie scale TRex)
000 009 Giant Dino Size (Apatosaurus)
000 010 Extremly Giant sized Dino (Argentinosaurus) or Larger

000 Type (1D10)
000 001 Rodent(or GM choice if you dont want a Squirel or rabit thats larger than a Argentinoraurus)
000 002 Feline
000 003 Canine
000 004 Bovien
000 005 Horse
000 006 Rhino-Eliphant
000 007 Reptile
000 008 Snake
000 009 Dino
000 010 Mythological

004 fish" or "seafood"
005 Herbs
006 Medicianal herbs (1D6)(note may be benificial or poisonous, GM call if NPC, GMs agreement if a players farm)

000 001 Not usefull if taken as directed
000 002 Symtom releif only
000 003 plants used by Biomancers or druids or (real)(alechemists)
000 004 Exotic usefull plants
000 005 Drugs and herbs from Paladium
000 006 Drugs and herbs from Rifts earth or other sources

007 Alien plants (Roll 1D6)
000 001 Source of proteen
000 002 source of starches
000 003 Source of Vitamins
000 004 Dietary source of minerals
000 005 1D4 of the above
000 006 Medicinal pants,

008 Decorative plants

Roll to see what farm food/herb/drug product(s) are (note you can roll more than once on this table to get interesting results

001 fit in with the pre rifts region (Kansas Wheat feilds for example or Texas Cattle)
002 fits in with a nearby region, but most will not even notice the diference
003 Mutant earth species(again most non farmers will probably not even notice...then again ...
004 From another time but from earth (Dino cattle, or other extinct species)
005 Evolved earth lifeforms from the future.
006 Alternate foods (Dandilions, Rosehips, and so on)
007 Dont seem to fit the local enviroment that your in but are from the same planet (Coffee in Missouri for example)
008 your sure this is from this planet?(but yes it is)
009 Human compatable but more or less normal seeming
010 Looks more or less normal/is human compatable but is not
011 Alien but human compatable(for example a tree that has fruit that when deep fried tasts and has the food value of deep fried steak)
012 Earth type plants/animals that are not normaly used by humans but by some non human species(for example Poision Ivy Salad, Deadly nightshade berry pie and so)
013 Alien, non human compatable
014 Plastic... looks and tastes and probably is almost entirely plastic. and with just as mutch food value as well.
015 Edible plastic, dont ask how or why but its perfectly healthy for you
016 Crystal, yum! Glass!
017 Crystal, yes you can eat it. Blame it on the Rifts. or Some demented Sufficently Advanced species who found out that we eat Rocks(salt and Calcium cloride)
018 Metal. well mother always said you needed more Iron in your diet....
019 Metal, yum, just like Billygoat used to eat....
020 just have them roll Vs Horror factor (3D6) then coin flip to see if its "food"

Coolhouses are a variation on greenhouses, in that they tend to mimic cooler climates or shorter/day-night cycles.

the farms current crops/Livestock may not be the historical heard/livestock, the time rolled up is more or less for the farm has existed not how old the current ownership is or how long hes been raising whatever., after all I suspect that a 400 year old Draft and Rideing Dino breeding farm is going to be too unbelivable if the guy running it has suposedy had it in the family since a century before the RIFTs, however finding out that "Gramps" tamed his First Alosaurus way back around oh 12 or 13 PA but the farms been in the family since some guy named Garfeild was president....is ok....
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OMG This got a Sticky! That Rawks Thanks Guys.

Remember If you want them In PDF send me a PM :D
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Drakenred wrote:
LDMcFear™ wrote:OMG This got a Sticky! That Rawks Thanks Guys.

Remember If you want them In PDF send me a PM :D
Dude, you already Rawk, you did not need to be stickied to the top of a board by a mod to prove it!

Too paraphrase Orwell, "All topics are equal but some topics are more equal than others."
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The Lord of Bones wrote:I have to give credit where credit is due by saying thanks for all of these tables! These are all really well done and will save me, and anyone else who uses them, several hours of game prep time.

Thanks folks!


Unread post by dbh1973 »

These random tables are fantastic!

The Fallout references are great, too! :lol:
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They will be posted at The NEXUS POINT soon.
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WorldofRifts wrote:They will be posted at The NEXUS POINT soon.

Yeah well evertime I submit to you I get a fat error message, lol :lol:
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LDMcFear™ wrote:
WorldofRifts wrote:They will be posted at The NEXUS POINT soon.

Yeah well evertime I submit to you I get a fat error message, lol :lol:

I got it.
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WorldofRifts wrote:
LDMcFear™ wrote:
WorldofRifts wrote:They will be posted at The NEXUS POINT soon.

Yeah well evertime I submit to you I get a fat error message, lol :lol:

I got it.

So they went through? cool :)
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Excellent random table!

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Drakenred wrote:
taalismn wrote:Another Random background color submission...

Exotic Plants
We have charts for random monsters, but why not for alien plants?

“Egad...What IS this stuff?! Some kind of godforsaken alien invader?! That’s the third time I’ve had to stop and replace a tire because of a patch of this crud!”
“Elephant Spike....mutant hybrid of old pre-Rifts genetic design....They crossbred elephant grass with thorny acacia to make a better living fence...the ‘crud’s’ adapted to living in the wild since...Read about it in Lazlo’s library...”
“Well, whatever it is, I don’t care to see another accursed frond of it!”
“I kinda like it myself....My family farm had hedgerows of it, and it kept the coyotes, bandits, and thunderbeetles out like a charm!”

“I’d like to say I earned my bionics fighting off some murder-crazed mob of bloodthirsty Simvan or saving some sweet thing from virginal sacrifice to a hell-spawned monster, but truth is I didn’t listen to my fieldcraft instructor and kicked an over- ripe bang-fruit on my wilderness survival trials. Ever seen one of those things? Looks like a big bright red citrus? Well, the lab boys think it was somebody’s bright idea to create a nitrogen-fixing living chemical factory that makes nitroglycerine and stores it in its fruit....Somebody’s sick idea of a joke if you ask me...because that little pulpy gremlin went off like its name suggests and spread fruit-pulp, seed, and most of my legs over half the county...”

“Com’on, Mike, just try a slice of it....if it’s poisonous, we’ll name it after you....”

The Rifts didn’t just yield a horde of monsters, a menagerie of new animals, and a catina’s worth of intelligent aliens, but an even greater cornucopia of biological wealth in plants and plant-like organisms. Some of these species came through the Rifts by accident...burred seed pods caught in the fur of beasts or passed through their digestive tracts, or even carried in the packing of a d-bee’s luggage. Others have been brought to Earth deliberately, by D-bee colonists seeking to terraform their new home in some small way to something more compatible to what they’re used to, or as ornamentals to make their new homesteads prettier. A few are native-grown mutant hybrids, the result of unlikely combinations of irradiated/magic-affected local plants crossbreeding with alien plants. A few are the result of Golden Age experiments in genetic engineering, their ancestors set free from the labs in the destruction accompanying the Coming of the Rifts. Some of these plants are little different from their feral cousins, perhaps displaying a bit more color or producing extra amounts of a naturally occuring(and commercially useful) chemical, while more extensively bio-engineered species might produce tasty steaks or fully-formed natural latex rubber boots for the picking. Others are just plain nuisance species, crowding out native species or adding suffering to allergy sufferers.

These charts are actually less for producing intelligent plants or vegetable monsters and more for random exploration(for those Real Roleplayers who take Botany and Identify Plants & Fruits) or for ‘treasure’----paying off PCs with the discovery of some potential useful plant, a sprig of which might cure the illness of a deathly ill teammate or promise to be a real cash cow for the adventurers if they can learn how to harvest it or figure out how to sell its seed or cuttings(remember the Knights of the Dinner Table armor-piercing turnips in the Rifter?). They may also be fodder for low-key adventures and for adding more realism to travelling in the wild----One being’s fragrant scent is another’s allergen, and if the elven druid keeps picking and keeping flowers whose pollen makes the Grackle Tooth break out in painful itchy hives or go spacing out to lala-land, there could be trouble...Likewise, having one’s farm devoured by alien kudzu could cause bigger problems if the newly arrived tribe of aliens need the weed for sustenance....

I don’t pretend to be a botanist, so feel free to make suggestions....

01-20 Grass/Moss---Low-laying, forming dense ground-level mats
21-40 Shrub---The plant is low-lying and leafy
41-54 Tree---The plant typically has a single thick woody stem/trunk, branching out into a large foliage canopy(even if that canopy resembles a satellite TV antennae array or cluster of toy ballloons).
55-64 Fungoid----Organism relies less on any sort of photosynthetic process and instead survives by breaking down decaying materials.
65-77Lichen---Organism has BOTH traits of a fungus and a photosynthetic plant...may actually be a symbiotic organism, or use energy from one feeding process to power the other(like using solar energy to break down rock).
78-85 Motile, Vegetable---The plant possesses the ability to move(root tendrils, vine network, natural levitation, etc....) to burrow underground or move to avoid danger(forest fires, drought, etc.) or find more fertile soil to settle in.
86-89 Motile, Carnivorous---The plant is an animal-like mobile predator that actively hunts and kills its own food.
90-94 Jelloid---The organism resembles a giant stationary amoeba or jello mold, but is actually a plant.
95-00 Crystalline---The organism has a faceted, angular form and glassy appearance, and could easily be mistaken for a mineral formation.

01-39 Jungle---Grows best in hot, humid conditions
40-69 Temperate---Grows best in temperate conditions with plenty of moisture
70-84-Arid---Grows best in dry, hot, desert-like conditions
85-90 Tundra---Grows in cold, permafrost conditions
91-94 Water---Lives/propogates only in water(fresh or salt)
95-98 Contaminated---Only grows in badly polluted environs(toxic chemicals, radiation, etc.)
99-00 Anywhere----This organism can grow just about ANYWHERE(and may be more akin to a fungus, nanite colony, or mineral growth than anuthing else) on Earth, and may also grow in total vacuum, in total darkness, or deep underwater.

Size---How Big?
01-19 Groundhugger----May cover large surface areas, but the individual plant itself is very small...like groundhugging lichens.
20-49 Small---Typical of grasses and flowers....stand 2-5 ft tall
50-69 Fair-sized----The size of a large shrub or bush...5-7 tall, 8-15 ft wide.
70-79 Big----Size of a small tree 8-15 ft tall
80-94 Large---Forest tree sized; 20-50 ft tall
95-00 Giant----Typically stands upwards of 60 ft or more tall or in diameter, per individual stalk or plant...Redwoods and Seqouias are typical of this

Numbers---How is it found in relation to other plants of the same type?
01-14 Isolated---A single plant is typically found...no other plant of the same kind will be found for miles....
15-29 Solitary----Individual plants tend to be widely separated...requiring a ‘free zone’ of 10-50 yards around each plant.
30-49 Small---Small, close patches or thickets of 2-6 plants
50-69 Moderate---Fair sized collections of 10-25 plants
70-97 Large--Large patches or groves of 50 or more plants
98-00 Massive----Massive patches of hundreds, if not thousands, of individual plants, so densely packed that they may intertwine to form one larger organism(like grasses).

Possible Useful Qualities:

01-20 Nothing---As far as anyone’s been able to determine, the plant is not sturdy enough, edible, or possesses any qualities of commercial use(might make good low-grade firewood, or mulch, but not much else). The plant may be prolific, and a hardy survivor, but people haven’t found a use for it (yet).

21-25----Ornamental----The plant looks really beautiful(may also smell good), and is likely to be of interest to gardeners and landscapers, not many other people. If an aromatic, its oils MAY be of commercial value to perfumers and beauticians.

26-28----Bioremediation---The plant is incredibly hardy, disease resistant, and can purge contaminated soil, water, and air of contaminants, including possibly even radioactives, without harm to itself, making it of value to ecologically-minded restorationists or community planners.

29-33----Bio-Mass---The plant is excellent for producing usable biomass, like mulch or wood alcohol, suitable for burning as fuel, like kudzu, or for simply fertilizing and enriching the soil for later plants.

34-37----Chemical Feedstock----The plant sequesters chemicals and substances that may not be immediately useful, but serve as precursors for other industrial processes. Examples include exuding crystals of mineral salts, sequestering nitrogen and nitrous compounds, turpentine, and leaching gums and saps(like latex and rubber).

38-42----Flammable---Properly harvested and processed, the plant makes decent firewood, producing good heat values with low mess

43----Explosive----Not merely good firewood, the plant burns extraordinarily well, and care should be taken lest it burn too fast or out of control. At the extreme end, examples of this category are essentially organically grown explosives or propellants.

44-50----Fiber----The plant produces strong fibers suitable for weaving or ropemaking(hemp, junte, cotten)

51-55----Hardwood---The plant produces wood material suitable for construction or artistic work, like black walnut or teak.

56-57----Megadamage Material---The plant produces wood or fiber of megadamage quality. This may require special tools to harvest or proccesses to acquire. Ironwood is a prime example.

58-60----Tasty---The plant’s food value may be negligible, but it tastes really good, and makes a good sidedish, drink, or seasoning....Truffles, parsley, cinnamon bark, pepper, and coffee are all good examples.

61-64----Nutritional----The plant is chock-full of good nutients, vitamins, and minerals....Makes for a good potential staple crop, like cassava, potatoes, and squash. High starch contents also make suitable fodder for fermentation and alcohol production.

65-66----Water Reservoir----Of particular interest in dry regions. This plant takes up water in large amounts and can be tapped to obtain usable drinking water. Cacti are an excellent example of this.

67-70----Medicinal Qualities----The plant has mildly medicinal qualities(usually pain relief), like aloe, willow, or Saint John’s Wort.

71-72----Potent Medicinal Qualities---The plant produces truly powerful disease-fighting substances, such as anti-cancer drugs or anti-virals

73----Healing Powers---The plant’s medicinal qualities border on the magical....Typically restores 1d6-3d6 SDC/hit points simply by eating a single fruit, chewing its bark, or drinking its sap.

74-76----High Sugar Content---Can be harvested and processed to produce sweeteners or fermented into alcohol like sugar beets or cane.

77-80----Mild Stimulant/Narcotic----The plant can be smoked, chewed, or drank to produce a mild relaxant effect, like tea, coca leaves, or tobacco. Not immediately addictive or dangerous, but long-term usage may lead to such problems.

81-83----Narcotic----Can be processed to produce a powerful narcotic drug; that can be used as an addictive recreational substance or as the base of painkiller drugs... pure base coca, marijuana, heroin poppies(morphine), are all good examples.

84-87----Psychoactive---The plant’s tissues produce a powerful drug that actually has certain mind-expanding qualities bordering on the Psionic...Non-Psychics will likely suffer mild out of body experiences and clairvoyant flashes, while Psychics may find their abilities amplified for the duration of the drug’s effectiveness. Peyote, prized by some Indians of the American SouthWest, is a mundane example of this.

88-91----Mild Poison----The plant produces a mild poison that can be used as a weapon(likely to produce mild effects like unconsciousness, dizziness, debilitating sickness, or painful rashes and itching for brief periods of time), and can also be used to produce natural insecticides and repellants.

92-94----Lethal Poison---Plant produces natural toxins akin to curare, and may even effect megadamage beings. In diluted form, the toxin may have medicinal qualities.

95-97----Magical---The plant possesses an active magical quality---it may be a tappable reservoir of PPE, catalyze techno-organic processes, or the plant’s material may possess an active repellent/damaging effect on specific types of supernatural beings(double damage to lycanthropes, sends grig leapers leaping in terror, causes Winged Monster Men to temporaily lose their sight, etc....).

98-99---Roll Twice

00---- Roll 1d4 times

Other Characteristics(Optional)

01-10 Fecund---The plant is incredibly fertile and grows/reproduces at an incredible rate, It flowers/fruits frequently, and all that is needed to propogate the plant is a small sprig, shoot, or spore.

11-20 Long Lived/Slow Growing----The plant has a long lifespan, allowing it to remain alive and producing for a long time. Often, though, it has the Limited Fruiting quirk.

21-35 Limited Fruiting----The plant will flower/fruit/produce a usable effect only a limited number of times during its lifespan....It may take a LONG time (several years) to produce, or it may produce ONCE, then die, or transform to another form.

36-39 Parasitic---The plant survives by feeding off other plants or by aggressively choking off all competitive species. This could cause problems if it escapes controlled cultivation or has the property of being Fecund.

40-54 Passive Defensive Systems---The plant has evolved a passive self-defense mechanism to protect itself from predators, like thorns, thick bark, bad taste, horrible smell, or mild irritant poisons.

55-60 Active Defense Mechanisms---The plant has more active mechanisms like poisonous clouds of spores, lashing tendrils, spring-loaded flying thorns, and acidic sap.

61-65 Symbiotic Relationship----The plant requires a specific animal symbiote to prosper, in order to fertilize, protect, or propogate it. Without identifying the specific symbiont and successfully raising it or finding a suitable replacement, commercial cultivation of the plant is impossible.

66-75 Multiple Stage Evolution----In the course of its lifespan/development, the plant undergoes several radical phases of form/environment change....This may include motile stages, or even evolution into a sentient form. This could pose a challenge for cultivators.

76-85 Limited Fertility----The plant requires special processes to breed true and continue propogation...This is particularly true of artifically-created strains. Biotech firms sell seeds for new plant species that produce sterile plants(cannot produce viable seed on their own) in order to prevent the new species from going feral, and to protect their copyrighted investment(farmers must come back to them to buy new plant stock). The Coalition uses this method to protect their agriculture. Or the particular fruit may actually be a graft onto another plant(thus, requiring some care as to finding the correct seed/pollen). In this case, the plant is most likely an artifical creation(and maybe its creators are nearby), rather than a truly wild species.

86-90 High Mutation Rate---The plant has a high level of mutation, generation to generation. This can be either a bonus in that the plant is easily bred into a variety of strains for special purposes, or can be a nightmare, in that the plant’s desired qualities and values become lost or diminished with the next crop season.

91-97 Soil Exhaustive---The plant takes a serious toll on the soil, rapidly depleting it and requiring constant fertilization to keep propogation. Expensive artificial fertilizers or destructive slash-and-burn agriculture are common in the cultivation of such crops as tobacco.

99-00 Sentient----Unknown to everyone, the plant is actually borderline(possibly fully) sentient....GMs might want to look into reformatting the plant as an RCC/NPC monster, with new qualities(motile, psionic abilities, etc.) determining its reaction to other life forms.

Excellent! I like this one. I saved this one for future works and adventures! Taalismn, E-mail me sometime, so I know what name to attribute any creations made under this table to.

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Unread post by Display-Name-Alpha »

Drakenred... one of your random tables has a 101 for one of the random numbers.... who the [MODERATED] has a d101
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Cheesy One wrote:Drakenred... one of your random tables has a 101 for one of the random numbers.... who the [MODERATED] has a d101

You see thats the magic of it all :D
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Drakenred®™© wrote:
Cheesy One wrote:Drakenred... one of your random tables has a 101 for one of the random numbers.... who the [MODERATED] has a d101
Actualy, if you take all of the lists, combine them into a mega list, then remove each item as you roll it up. . . .

:shock: That could take decades
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LDMcFear™ wrote:
Drakenred®™© wrote:
Cheesy One wrote:Drakenred... one of your random tables has a 101 for one of the random numbers.... who the [MODERATED] has a d101
Actualy, if you take all of the lists, combine them into a mega list, then remove each item as you roll it up. . . .

:shock: That could take decades

Or years!
Hystrix, the Post Killer, Destroyer of Threads

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Would you believe a couple of days?
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Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Would you believe a couple of days?

Bah! Math skillz are for... well people who like to use them, lol

Oh great ninja please tell us lesser creatures how you came to such a divine insite

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LDMcFear™ wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Would you believe a couple of days?

Bah! Math skillz are for... well people who like to use them, lol

Oh great ninja please tell us lesser creatures how you came to such a divine insite

Cut and paste.
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Your Welcome :)
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Unread post by Cinos »

LDMcFear, I think you may have done the world a favor with these lists... Reminds me of Fallout and all the crazy random encounters. Great job on making and ordering these, I hope to see more :)

Getting a mage to tell you where the hydra is...10,000 gold
Hiring a summoner... 40,000 gold
Hiring one hundred 10th level mercenaries... 98,567 gold
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Cinos wrote:LDMcFear, I think you may have done the world a favor with these lists... Reminds me of Fallout and all the crazy random encounters. Great job on making and ordering these, I hope to see more :)


More aye 8-) Hmmm never thought of making any more. Might have to take that into consideration.

Yeah Cinos Fallout was a great inspiration for some of these tables.
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OMG that's too funny. :eek:
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Drakenred®™© wrote:
LDMcFear™ wrote:OMG This got a Sticky! That Rawks Thanks Guys.

Remember If you want them In PDF send me a PM :D
Dude, you already Rawk, you did not need to be stickied to the top of a board by a mod to prove it!
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Midnght wrote:OMG that's too funny. :eek:

Hey Midnght I thought you dropped off the map, good to seeyou are still around. :ok:
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As much as I love these lists, I always forget to use them in my games.
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Shorty Lickens wrote:As much as I love these lists, I always forget to use them in my games.

Thank you for having the link to http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/ in your signature. I love the "Royalty Free Music" Section.

Very handy for both game and my projects.

~ N
Chicago Broadcast, 12 DEC 2098, M.P.: wrote:We are the People of Earth. Those Things are not of Earth. Our path is clear and simple. We belong here, they do not. I, for one, will do everything in my power to close the Gates so we can send those things back to whatever Hell they came from!! NOW, WHO IS WITH ME!!!

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You bumped after a year and 4 months just to say that?

Also, I didnt even notice the music section. I dont think it was there a year ago. I liked the Horror stuff. Would work well in Rifts.
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Random Item table is Awesome. What it needs now is some organization by category. Are they searching an office, garage, bathroom or some poor guys backpack (which could have anything?). I will post when I have time to rework it, that way it is more user friendly both for preplanning and on-the-fly GMing. I had a recent game where the players were searching a bad guy's apartment and one player wanted to go through "a few random boxes against the wall" when I realized I hadn't planned what was in the boxes because they were not relevant to the story. Off the top of my head it became his magazine collection of motorcycles, body building and erotica. But I found myself wishing I had something like this to refer to. Often I don't even roll, I'll just pick what fits best.

I also love the posts for Farming and Exotic plants. I run a Robotech Rifts Crossover game where agriculture, protoculture farming and genesis pits are all influential in the geopolitics, macro and local. This saves me tons of time for brain storming the weird stuff they may encounter...
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You bumped a six year old thread just to say that?!?

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Shorty Lickens wrote:You bumped a six year old thread just to say that?!?


Oh, is that taboo? I'm sorry.

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