Mystic Knight Merc Squad

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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »

The shots from the energy rifle hit Knights Two and Four dead center.

They hit the ground.

Knight Two:
"Radio Knight One.
I didn't see the shooter but they saw us and I saw their angle of attack.
If we were not Mystic Knights we'd be dead now.
Nothing better than being a Mystic Knight. Knight Four looks a little ruffled.
We know which way to go to follow to find the source shot.
I'll cast spells so we won't leave any trail or make any noise.
Then we both go invisible and look them."
Casting their spells.
Knight Two and Four survey the area.
Telepathy: I can't see them. We go in on foot.

A moment later

Knights Two and Four are standing 30 feet behind the sniper.
Knight Two (Telepathy): Rifle's CS issue. So are the boots. Ghillie suit is excellent. Try reading their surface thoughts.

They are here for the Atlantean girl.
Why is need to know along with a great many other things.
Orders to terminate.
Terminate anyone in her company and witnesses.
Destroy everything in her possession.
He's one of 7, counting the 2 for their exit ride.
Knight Four: (Telepathy) Hey. Use your Elecrtrokinesis thing to turn off his radio and let me have this one.
The two knights look at one another.
Knight Four: (telepathy): Please. Sir.
Knight Two turns off the snipers radio. (telepathy) "Done."
Prowling up on the sniper Knight Four puts hand cuffs on him. He moves to strike but a spell goes off blinding him Then Knight Four puts duct tape over his mouth as he tries to shout. Knight Two gets the sniper in a hold while Knight Four searches him for weapons and everything else.
While Knight Four cuffs his legs
Knight Two takes aim with the man's rifle and finds the other sniper.
Taking his time to aim and casting a spell to improve his accuracy he snipes his target in the head.
Knight Two (telepathy): One Sniper Down.
Knight Four (telepathy): Was that necessary?
Knight Two (telepathy): You have your ways, I have mine. You don't hear me complaining about taking one of the guys who shot us prisoner. At least my target died quick and as painless as shot to the head. What were you thinking you were going to do with him after his interrogation or whatever.
Knight Four (telepathy): He's mine.
Knight Two (telepathically): Nows not the time argue.
Finding another target he aims and fires
Knight Two (telepathically): 2 down. 1 prisoner. 4 at large. Did you want another duel, with this CS guy? Quickdraw?
Knight Four (telepathically): I don't like working for free. And we weren't paid to kill these guys.
Knight Two (telepathically): I didn't kill them without reason. They tried to kill us. They would have if we weren't Mystic knights. IF they had used a urinum bullet or even an ordinary round we'd BOTH be dead. Look, if you are going to fight him to the death do it. He's NOT going to willingly give you anything. So tie him to a tree or kill him. The other 4 are still out there aiming to kill the one we are assigned to protect. And if you can't or won't take my orders then you can leave with your prisoner now. Your prisoner. Your responsibility. Let him get away and he'll do everything in his power to i.d. and kill us.
Knight Four (telepathically): In that way he is the same as us.
Knight Two (telepathically): But NOT one of us. And he tried to kill us. Worst case he'll warn his buddies. Best case, he'll carry a grudge for the rest of his life.
Knight Four was silent.
Knight Two (Telepathically): Your a risk taker right?
Whispering to the CS sniper, "We have a little bet going. If you beat my battle buddy, fighting hand to hand. I give you my word. I'll let you go."
Knight Two uncuffs him and stands back 10 feet.
The momentary distraction wears off.
The CS sniper takes the initiative striking at Knight Four.
Knight Four parries then assuming a boxers pose swings with and upper-cut and (roll natural 20; CS sniper parries natural 1) Total Knock Out (TKO).
Knight Two, "Well that was disappointing. ONE punch. For a moment, just for a moment, I thought you were going to take a dive or this guy might have gotten a lucky punch."
Knight Two checks to see if he faking.
"You got me going for a while. I actually thought I was going to see a good hand to hand fight, to the death."Real test of your skills.
Putting the cuffs back on the CS sniper.
The snipers radio begins to chatter.
instructions to fall back to zone B.
Targets have been engaged.
"We wasted time playing your game. Let's move before are bodyguard assignment is too late."

With a spell of superhuman speed later.

Knight Two rolls a perfect sniper shot (natural 20).
He takes out the CS sniper who has injured and pinned down the blind warrior women.

Then he's shot by a CV-213 Robot Variable Laser Rifle
Following it he runs to the source to find a skel-bot.
A choking blast and dust cloud overcomes it.
Feeling it's location with his electrokinesis Knight Two blasts away at it until he can "feel" the electronics go off.
Then Knight Two notice he can feel a hover vehicle.
approaching the camouflaged ride in speed stealth he destroys the guard with his fists of fury.
Turns on the hover vehicle and somewhat secretly plants a bomb on board then gets off and hides.
The noise of the hover vehicle brings out two CS troopers. One gets on board it while the other stands gaurd.
Knight Two detonates the bomb.
The two are toast. One CS trooper flies through the air and bounces off the ground.

Knight Two (telepathically reaches out): 6 KIA. That only leaves one Knight Four. Confirm target is dispatched.

Behind cover, Knight Two views the Atlantean is alive and rendering medical aid to the blind warrior woman.

Running around. Knight Two finds Knight Four.
"Is it done?"
Knight Four shakes his head.
Together they go back to where they left the CS sniper.

"He's gone," said Knight Two.
"He's an escape artist," replies Knight Four.
"it's NOT been long. He has no hover vehicle by which to make his getaway. We can track him down."
Knight Four, "I'll do it. It's my fault he got away. I'll go alone. You know, I know how to track. I'm good at hunting. I'll handle it."
Knight Two, "Or I could set off the detonator to the small explosive I left in his backpack; while he's still in range. It will be over with quick."
Knight Four looks at Knight Two, his look becomes a stare.
" When did you . . . why would you . . . lie . . . your not lying. You really put a bomb on him. In case I lost, you could blow him up."
Knight Two, "I could blow him and his buddies up. I SAID I'd let him go. I didn't see for how long or that I wouldn't avenge you a 5 minutes later. I was trained to kill from a distance. Knight Four. If there is anything you want to share with me, like I shared with you about being able to push a button and kill this guy. Now would be the time to tell me."
Knight Four stared at Knight Two.
Knight Two, "I'm not as good at leading as I am fighitng. Not nearly as good as One. I think you've got a bit more of that leadership than I do. Your weakness is for your little duel thing. It will get you killed some day. Worse your friends. It was unprofessional of me to allow you that fight. If I killed him it would be done and over with. I still can." Knight Two holds the portable clicker. "It is the safest, surest way."
Knight Four, "My life. My choice."
Knight Two, "As bad a leader as am, I am not disloyal, I do care whether you live or die. IF this is about you letting he go, alive. I'll let him go. I'll let you go too."
Knight Two hands Knight Four the detonator.
"You have to be true to yourself. IF your hearts not with the team, or the mission, you should leave. Alive, like that CS trooper you let go. We all met each other as nomads. Outsiders to our order's Houses. I left my House. So you can leave our team. You'll have to have a talk with Knight One about your share of the bounty. I won't deny you your freedom or your money. It's a bad move, in the middle of an assignment or before we've rescued Three and Lady Black. But it's a worse one to threaten you or keep you on when you don't really want to be in it."
Knight Four waits what seems like the long minute of their lifetime then says, "I'll be back in an hour; two tops."
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »

Near a ley line

Knight Four returns with proof of death.

The Mystic Knights withdraw to the ley line and immerse themselves in it.

When they leave it, they feel more powerful.

Magic Pigeons arrive from the human MajorDomo from Freehold (City of Dragons):
"The Lord Dragon is sure to smile upon you once they have woken from their nap time. Your name's on the list. Don't hold your breathe, it could take years. I'd recommend visiting the City of Brass to find a sponsor such as Lord Duncan. I hear he associates with Demons from Hades."

After some transportation issues the Mystic Knights they get back to Lazlo and sell the body parts of the Blind Warrior women and Splugorth "Minion" to their favorite Necromancer.

They take a break at the Atlantean quarter to recover and share their story of helping an Atlantean of the Draco Amicus Clan.
They practice their skills a little.
They resume their lessons in Atlantean customs and culture.
They brain-storm and attempt to collect information about the city of Brass and travel getting back and forth from it.

Knight Two has a talk with the team about Knight Four.
He asks if Knight Four wants to leave the group.
Knight Two brings up Knight Four's reluctance to kill the CS sniper.

After the usual conversation and discussion of pleasantries, Knight One makes the decision to have a team buiding mission.
The Magic Pigeons he has sent are expected to take a while before he will get any message back.
The mission is to go to Kingsdale (Knight Four's place of birth).
Now that they are part of the trusted program and are without complaints, the Mystic Knights go to Kingsdale via an exclusive and modestly secret "Circle of Travel." They take some trade items with them, silver, and go.

Upon arrival, the Mystic Knights, discretely make their way to Dregtown or the Dreg's as the locals call it.
The Dreg's are the poorest and most miserable place Kingsdale.
Here, the jobless or homeless or both make do with what they have around them.

Knight Four, usually the image of relaxed control is unsettled.
Getting a ley of the social landscape the places has its share of disorganized crime.
The kind of place so-called respectable people do not speak of or speak down about when they do.
Then, some of those same people, sneak off to at night to slum and use for drugs, fights, gambling, prostitution, and forbidden pleasures.

When asked if he wanted to visit his parents, Knight Four says he was adopted out of the dregs and never knew his birth parents. His first handful of years here were sort of an orphanage.
When asked, "Do you want get revenge against anyone here?"
Knight Four, "IF they are still here, their still being here is more than enough revenge for me."
Knight One, "We could kill off the local gangs. How would you feel about that?"
Knight Four, "There are still enough hungry people around here, they would take the place of those we took down. It only stops the criminal, not the crime. Unless the new gang's as tough as the old there will be a turf war. It's bad for business and bystanders."
Knight One, "Maybe we should recruit some new talent? We can ask around; see if we can find another you."
Knight Four is silent. Then he says, "I'll pick my own apprentice in my own time. IF I ever do."
Knight One, "Your life. Your Choice. I, however, do want an apprentice. As part of our team building I want you to help me find one worth my time."

To overcome distrust and ingratiate himself with the locals, Knight One uses the nearby ley line to power his magic. He goes around claiming to be doing missionary work and casts spells to make himself look trustworthy. He offers people respite from their hungery and illenss by casting his spells of "Sustain" and "Cure Illness."
When night comes he casts the spell "Sheltering Force" to provide the homeless with temporary shelters given the unlimited power of the Ley Line. The only ones who will not partake of it are the crazy paranoid.
Knight Four finds himself joining in casting his spell of "Cleanse" to give those who accept it the effect of a shower with soap and laundry cleaned clothes. Also, he negates anything that might be poisonous in their bodies. Pots and bottles are quickly filled with clean water created by his spell "Create Water." Knight Two boosts peoples immune system his own spell magic of Fortify Against Disease.

A street gang, led by a juicer, comes around and tries to shake down the Mystic Knights not know who they are. The Knights are not armed with their usual energy rifles or side arms and swords. Knight One looks at Knight Four and smiles saying, "You've got this."
Knight Four, "There's isn't a piece of anything here for you. Best not to bother."
"Your too stupid to be alive. Pay the TOLL or ELSE!"
The gang surrounds them doing their best to look scary.
The rest of the people runaway, look away or hide.
"Sorry," Knight Four says, "To have to do this to you." As his hand smacks the Juicers face while he casts "Negate Poison/Toxin" temporarily neutralizing the Juice in his veins.
Knight Two following along telepathically uses his psychic super power of Electrokinesis to turn the Juicers old system 'OFF' with a switch (the Juicer can turn it back on with one melee attack). This combined with the Negate Toxin takes bonuses off the Juicer until he turns his system back on. However, it catches him by surprise.
Following, Knight Four's lead the Mystic Knights fight using their Martial Arts and Boxing skills.
After the Mystic Knights punch them and parry the gangs attacks, the gang pulls out their S.D.C. firearms.
Armor of Ithan extends over the Mystic Knights as the gangs bullets bounce off of them.
The Mystic Knight begin to aggressively beat down with hand to hand.
Slow, the Juicer is off balance and does his best to try to keep up.
Before the beginning of the 2nd round he's turned on his Juicer harness.
He grabs darts into the nearest "Sheltering Force" and comes out with a hostage with a gun to them.
"Won't bounce off them!"
In the hesitation, the rest of the gang not beat down follows his example.
"I was going to let you go with empty pockets. Now you are REALLY going to pay."
Knight Two says, "Let her go and I'll let you live."
The Juicer, "I don't take ultimatums. I GIVE them!"
Knight Four Holds up his hands in a sort of surrender.
The Juicer smiles wickedly.
Knight Four looks around him at the other gang members with human and D-Bee shields with guns to their heads.
Then says, "I was going to let you go."
The Juicers face is frozen with his wicked smile.
Then the hostages and everyone else notices the gange is not moving an inch (2.5 milimeters).
Bio-Manipulation (Paralysis).
"People like you, are the reason people like me, can't do nice things for others. Thank you. I needed this little reminder about how this world works."
Breaking the Juicers wrists, Knight Four frees the hostage and give her the gun.
The other Mystic Knights follow his example.
One of them shoot of the gang members then another and another untill they are all dead.
They former hostages start looting the bodies.
"What do we do now? Police?"
Knight Four, "Cops don't come down here, unless its a 'decent' citizens who are the victims. Gang's made a lot of victims. Minute they were down; they were out. Held power only as long as they held people in fear. They weren't afraid of them any more; so they are dead. Off to the chop shop.
Well, I'm good. Com'n let's get out of here. I could use a drink."

They all go back to the Kingsdale center and get a fancy hotel room.
Knight Four sleeps like a baby.

Code Name: Four (Secretly a Knight of the White Rose).
7th level Knight of the White Rose

Special Abilities:
1. P.P.E. Channeling: Convert P.P.E. energy into other types of energy.
2. Fire 6D6 M.D. energy bolts 1,000 feet (305 m): hand or eyes. 5 P.P.E.
3. Steal & Redirect ley line energy!
4. Impervious to Energy! Lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat and radiation do no damage.
Takes FULL damage from magic, psionics, ordinary melee weapons, bullets, arrows, Psi-swords, falls, punches and kinetic based attacks.
5. Ley Line Abilities: Sense ley lines and magic energy as well as Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Rejuvenation the same as the Ley Line Walker. Also, like spell casters, they can draw additional P.P.E. from Ley Lines and nexuses, but can draw twice as much energy.
6. Magic and Psychic Abilities: See Below


I.Q. 17

Hit Points: 47
S.D.C.: 92
I.S.P.: 72
P.P.E.: 131

Alignment: CHANGING
Was Unprincipled. The Knight of the White Rose known as Knight Four is gradually sliding into the alignment of an Anarchist.

Disposition: Knight Four is a fighter and a lover. He's a man used to living with danger without necessarily using violence. To this end, he thinks of himself as an agent.

Language: American 98%, Dragonese & Spanish 91%
**Learned by Atlantean Rogue Scholar: **Language/Literacy: Atlantean: 53%/33%
Secret Language of The Man-Hunter Society's: 85%
Literate: American 85%

Knight of the White Rose O.C.C. Skills:

-Horsemanship: Knight: 71%/61%;
-Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 83%/73%
-Forced March
-Land Navigation: 73%
-Lore: Demons and Monsters: 68%
-Lore: Magic 68%
-Paramedic: 78%
-Swimming: 93%
Espionage (2):
-Detect Concealment: 68%
-Tracking (people): 68%

Trained in Spycraft* AT to get near Mystic Knights gather information on and convert to the Knights of the White Rose cause or kill:

-Disguise: 75%
-Escape Artist: 73%
-Impersonation (Mystic Knight): 77%/63%
-Language: Man-Hunter Society
-Seduction: 67%
-Streetwise: 57%
-Surveillance: 73% (Tailing 78%)
-Undercover Ops: 95%
*Special: Knight Four is trained to resist interrogation and seduction. Success ratio of both skills are reduced by half when used against him, and it takes twice as long to get information or clues.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
-Acrobatics (balance 98%, tightrope 80%, climb: 40% [rope: 95%], back flip 93%)
-Detect Ambush: 68%
-Electronic Countermeasures: 65%
-Interrogation: 63%
-Optic Systems: 68%
-Prowl: 63%

-Pilot: Hover Vehicles: 85%
-Radio: Basic: 77%
-Sensory Equipment: 60%

*Performance: 62%
Wardrobe & Grooming: 66%* Taught by Rogue Scholar

W.P. Sword: +6 to strike / +9 to parry
W.P. Archery: 7 attacks; +7 to strike
W.P. Shield: +9 to parry, +10 with magic shield
W.P. Handgun: +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle +3 to strike
W.P. Paired Weapons

-Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 7th level:
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18 or higher
Can do HOLDS
7 attack per melee round
W.P. Paired Weapons
+4 on initiative
+3 to strike
+6 to disarm
+4 to entangle
+6 to parry and dodge
+4 perception
+10 to Pull Punches

For Combat:
-FIst of Fury (10)
-Magic Net (7)
-Power Weapon (35)

-Armor of Ithan (10; 70 MD )
-Chromatic Protection (10)
-Magic Shield (6)

-Aura of Death (12)
-Invisibility: Simple (6; 21 minutes)

-Create Water (15; 3.5 gallons)
-Cleanse (6)
-Negate Poison/Toxin (5)
-Sheltering Force (20; 7 hours)
-Sustain (12; 7 days)

-Compulsion (20)
-Energize Spell (12+)
-Escape (8)
-Magic Pigeon (20)
-Featherlight (10; 1400 lbs/529 kilos)
-Teleport: Lesser (15; 35 miles; 94%)
-Time Slip (20)
-Tongues (12; 21 minutes)

-Bio-Manipulation (10)

Collect information:
-Clairvoyance (4; 73%),
-Object Reading (6; Impressions: 71%, Images: 63%. Present: 53%),
-Remote Viewing (10)
-See Aura (6; 30 seconds)
-Sense Evil (4; 14 minutes)
-See the Invisible (4; 7 minutes)

-Alter Aura (2; 7 hours)
-Meditation (0; Automatic: Manhunter)*
-Mind Block (4; 70 minutes),
-Resist Fatigue (4; 3 hours)
-Sixth Sense (2)
-Telekinetic Leap (8; +14 feet (4.2 m) high / +21 feet (6.3 m) long )
-Telepathy (4; 14 minutes)

-Northern Gun Stealth Suit (conceals body heat from Thermo/IR vision)
-IDF Commando Digital Wristwatch
-Necklace of bat skulls.
-Necklace of snake skulls.
-Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free)
-Silver cross.
-Combat Fatigues and boots

-Bow (Arrows 24 wooden)
-Handgun (six silver bullets)
-NG-L5 Laser Rifle: 3d6 MD. 12 E-clips
-Silver plated knife
-Steel Sword
-Survival knife.

-Optics Band
-Writing journal.
-Field Medical Kit:
-Spare Hand Radio.
-Surveillance kit with tracking devices (12).
-Spare Wooden crosses.
-Wooden stakes.

Magic Tattoo: (2)
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Knight Two

Backstory: Lived in Merctown.

Role: E.O.D. (Demo Expert)/Point Man/Sniper

8th Level Mystic Knight from the House Hiredmann

Special Abilities:
1. P.P.E. Channeling: Convert P.P.E. energy into other types of energy.
2. Fire 6D6 M.D. energy bolts 1,000 feet (305 m): hand or eyes. 5 P.P.E.
3. Steal & Redirect ley line energy!
4. Impervious to Energy! Lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat and radiation do no damage.
Takes FULL damage from magic, psionics, ordinary melee weapons, bullets, arrows, Psi-swords, falls, punches and kinetic based attacks.
5. Ley Line Abilities: Sense ley lines and magic energy as well as Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Rejuvenation the same as the Ley Line Walker. Also, like spell casters, they can draw additional P.P.E. from Ley Lines and nexuses, but can draw twice as much energy.
6. Magic and Psychic Abilities: See Below

I.Q. 11
M.E. 14
M.A. 7 (barely noticed, is usually ignored)
P.S. 23 [Lift 920 lbs (416 Kg) / Carry 460 lbs (208 Kg)] +8 Melee Damage.
P.P. 19 + 2
P.E. 24 +18% save vs coma; +5 vs magic/poison
P.B. 9
Spd. 30

Hit Points: 59
S.D.C.: 76
I.S.P.: 81
P.P.E.: 136

Height: 6.2 feet tall (1.89 meters)
Weight: 216 lbs (98 Kilogram)

Doing his job well is what matters to him.
Relies on equipment & training.
He enjoys life in the field and challenging himself.
The action and the company he keeps means more to him the money.

W.P. Energy Rifle +4 to strike
W.P. Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle
W.P. Knife +7 to strike + 10 to parry
W.P. Shield +10 to parry (Magic Shield Spell +11 to parry 60 MD)

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 8th level
+5 initiative
7 attacks per melee round
+4 to strike
+7 to Dodge, +7 to parry
Critical Strike on 18+
+5 to disarm, +2 to entangle,
W.P. Paired Weapons, can perform Holds

-Choking Blast & Dust Cloud (15)
-FireBall (10; 5d6)
-Fire Gout (20),
-Fist of Fury (10)
-Magic Net (7)
-Telekinesis (8; 7 minutes)

-Implosion Neutralizer (12)
-Sense Traps & Mines (12; 94%)

-Fortify Against Disease (15; given his training in NBC training he is fearful of diseases)
-Energize Spell (12+)
-Farseeing (3)
-Mystic Marksmanship (5)
-Power Weapon (35)
-Superhuman Agility (15)
-Superhuman Speed (10)
-Tongues (12; 24 minutes)

-Armor of Ithan (10; 80 MD: )
-Deflect (10)
-Magic Shield (6)
-Multiple Image (7)

-Aura of Death (12; 4 minutes): Does not show on infra-red/Therma

-Erase Trail (Self or others by touch; 16 P.P.E.; 80 minutes):

-Invisibility: Simple (6; 24 minutes)

-Stealthwalk (Self or others by touch; 10 P.P.E. ; 40 minutes)

-Intuitive Combat (10; 2 minutes)

-Impervious to Cold (2) (2 hours and 40 minutes)
-Mask P.P.E. (4; 80 minutes) (New to hide from Dog Boys/Psi-Stalkers)
-Mind Block (4; 80 minutes)

-Sense Evil (4) (16 minutes; 140 foot area)
-See the invisible (4; 8 minutes)
-Sixth Sense (2)

Tool like:
-Meditation (0)*
-Read Dimensional Portal (6)
-Resist Fatigue (4) (3 hours and 20 minutes)
-Telekinetic Leap (8): To jump 24 feet away from explosives/grenades/landmines
-Telepathy (4): Team uses it a lot to communicate: 420 foot range; 16 minute duration)

Demolitions Work (E.O.D.):
-Ectoplasm (6 vaper / 12 solid; 24 minutes): Assist with disarming bombs)
-Electrokinesis (varies): Uses as a tool to deactivate electronics.
-Sense Time (2): Uses with demolitions to keep track of timers and combat drill timing
-Total Recall (2): Uses to remember wiring and sequences in a bomb.

Mystic Knight O.C.C. Skills:
Languages: American, Dragonese, Spanishi, and True Atlantean (ancient Greek: 53%)
Literate: American, True Atlantean (35%)
-Horsemanship (knight): 75%/65%
-Horsemanship (exotic): 75%/65%
-Land Navigation: 84%
-Lore: Magic 85%
-Lore: Demons and Monsters 95%
-Camouflage 80%
-Military Etiquette: 90% (professional soldier)
-Detect Concealment 84%
-Intelligence: 80%
-Prowl: 90%
-Safecracking: 49% (Bonus to Demolitions skill)

House Hiredmann (The Rifter #45) specializes in front-line troopers.
-Detect Ambush: 79%
-Forced March
-Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 8th level

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
-Gymnastics: [Sense of balance: 71%, Back Flip: 84%, Climb Rope/Rappel: 74%]
-Mathematics: Basic: 95%
-Optic Systems: 70%
-Radio: Basic: 90%
-Wilderness Survival: 65%

Ordnance Advanced Training: 3rd level
-Demolitions: 87%
-Demolitions Disposal: 92%
-Field Armorer & Munitions Expert: 80% (The team's gun-smith)
-Jury-Rig: 65%
-NBC Warfare: 70%
-Trap/Mine Detection: 77%

Secondary Skills: (3)
-Astronomy & Navigation: 65%
-First Aid: 90%
-Hover Craft: Ground 85%

7th level:
Climbing: 50%

Northern Gun Stealth Suit (Masks Body Heat/Thermo Image)
IDF Commando Digital Wristwatch
Protective Shooting Glasses
Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free headset)
Silver Cross
Necromancer magic necklace: Bat-skulls (see in the Dark)
Necklace of snake skulls (protection from poison)
Outer pocket: Demolitions Multi-Tool, Fire-starter

Thermo Flasks (2) Liter bottles.
First Aid Kit
Laser Gyro Navigating (LGN) Aid
Weapon Cleaning Kit
Weapon Repair Kit
infrared binoculars
latex gloves

Wilk's 587 Sniper Heavy Laser Rifle: 4D6+2 M.D. +2 strike
Wilk's Integrated Optics Gun-Sight +2 to strike
4 E-Clips.
Silver Plated knife
Survival Knife.
Wooden stakes (6)

Magic Tattoo:
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Adds 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.
-A Rose and Thorny Stem & Dripping Blood (P.P.E. cost 60 to activate; With a touch of his hand, Todd is able to heal wounds and injuries: 1d6 hit points and 3d6 S.D.C. or 1d6 +3 M.D.; duration 8 minutes; up to 3 healings per melee round; healings take 2 melee actions. )
Adds 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Knight One
9th Level Mystic Knight

Special Abilities:
1. P.P.E. Channeling: Convert P.P.E. energy into other types of energy.
2. Fire 6D6 M.D. energy bolts 1,000 feet (305 m): hand or eyes. 5 P.P.E.
3. Steal & Redirect ley line energy!
4. Impervious to Energy! Lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat and radiation do no damage.
Takes FULL damage from magic, psionics, ordinary melee weapons, bullets, arrows, Psi-swords, falls, punches and kinetic based attacks.
5. Ley Line Abilities: Sense ley lines and magic energy as well as Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Rejuvenation the same as the Ley Line Walker. Also, like spell casters, they can draw additional P.P.E. from Ley Lines and nexuses, but can draw twice as much energy.
6. Magic and Psychic Abilities: See Below

Alignment: Aberrant

I.Q. 12
M.E. 11
M.A. 16*(40% trust)
P.S. 25
P.P. 10
P.E. 15
P.B. 11
Spd. 30

Hit Points: 49
S.D.C.: 56
ISP: 71
PPE: 133

W.P. Sword +3 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Knife +5 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Shield +8 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 9th level
+5 on initiative
8 attack per melee round
+2 to strike
+6 to disarm
+4 to entangle
+5 to parry and dodge
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18+
W.P. Paired Weapons, Can perform Holds

-Language: (Native) American 98% & Dragonese 84%
-Literate: American 80%

-Horsemanship: Knight: 73%/63%
-Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 85%/75%
-Land Navigation 84%
-Lore: Magic: 75%
-Lore: Demons and Monsters: 85%
-Disguise: 72%
-Impersonation: 92% (general) / 78% (specific)
-Military Etiquette: 98%
-Military Fortification: 80%
-Imitate Voices & Sounds: 84%/78%
-Seduction: 54%

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
-Law (general): 90%
-Lore: D-Bee: 75%
-Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 75%
-Lore: Psychics and Psionics 75%
-Prowl: 70%

3rd level: (1): Field Intelligence Advanced Training:
-Detect Ambush: 75%
-Intelligence: 71%
-Interrogation: 75%
-Math: Basic: 98%
-Optic Systems: 80%
+5 on Perception Rolls involving Strategic Assessment and
I.D. strength and weakness of enemy personnel

Secondary Skills: (3):
-HoverCraft: Ground 90%
-Performance: 70%
-Radio: Basic: 80%
Secondary Skills: 7th level: (1):
-Research: 50%

-Armor of Ithan (10; 90 MD; 9 minutes)
-Magic Shield (6)

-Fists of Fury (10 or 50)
-Globe of Daylight (2 P.P.E.; 27 minutes; 108 foot area of daylight; speed 12) (Vampire/Shadow Beast Defense)
-Magic Net (7)
-Meteor (75)
-Starburst (12)

-Aura of Death (12; 4.5 minutes)
-Invisibility: Simple (6; 27 minutes)

-Cure Illness (15)

-Energize Spell (12+)
-Float in Air (5)
-Lifeblast (15)
-Sheltering Force (20; 9 hours)
-Superhuman Endurance (12)
-Sustain (12; 9 days)

-Aura of Power (4)
-Charismatic Aura (10)
-Charm (12)
-Compulsion (20)
-Magic Pigeon (20)
-Tongues (12)
-Words of Truth (15)


For Disguise:
-Alter Aura (2)
-Ectoplasmic Disguise (12; 90 minutes; 87%)

-Empathy (4)
-Nightvision (4)
-Psychic Probe
-See Aura (6)
-See the invisible (4)
-Sense Evil (4)
-Sixth Sense (2)
-Telepathy (4)

-Empathic Transmission (6; uses to build trust or intimidate),
-9th level: Mind Wipe (10 to 50)

-Meditation (0)*
-Mind Block (4)
-Resist Fatigue (4)
-Speed Reading (2)
-Total Recall (2)
-MASK P.P.E. (4; 90 minutes)

Equipment of Note:

Polarized Goggles
Multi-Optics Helmet
Combat Fatigues and boots
Silver cross
IDF Commando Digital Wristwatch
Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free headset)

NG Energy Rifle, 4 E-clips,
Silver plated knife
Knife, Survival Commando (does 2D4 S.D.C. & can saw wood): 500 cr.
Steel Sword

Backpack: Writing journal, Books, Wooden stakes (4). Liter: Water
PDD Pocket Digital Disc Audio Player and Recorder, pocket mirror,
6 hand flares, cigarette lighter, flashlight, and one week's dried food rations

Magic Tattoo:
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.
-Dimensional Teleport Tattoo to Lazlo only (P.P.E. cost 90 & 4 P.E. temporarily lost)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Kingsdale

A couple of days after, the Mystic Knights have been site seeing.
Knight Four bought a house.
The Knights talk about setting up an enclave in Kingsdale.
Knight Four contacts the Man-Hunter Society of Kingsdale.
He excuse himself from his teammates and spends the morning site seeing to make sure no one is following him or spying on him until he has a secret meeting with a contact from the Man-Hunter society.
The Society is disappointed he didn't check after he came to Kingsdale.
There is trouble coming out of the Dregs.
It seems some of the homeless and jobless are restless. Someone came along and cast some spells like "Sustain." A lot of their illnesses have been cured as well. They always had time on their hands. Now they have time and energy. Normally beat, hungry and tired the down trodden don't look up much beyond begging and hustling. Now they are stealing outside of the Dregs. Protesting. Damaging property. It seems someone took out one of the tough guy gangs of the Dregs. No more oppressor keep the down trodden down or shaking them down means they have gotten uppity. They also seem to have come into some credits and a few guns. A turf skirmish is going on between two Juicers over the neighborhood. Normally the Man-Hunter society would not bother with these things but the powers that be want to be certain.
Knight Four is newly arrived with fresh eyes.
"It was me. I cast a ew spells. I thought I was helping people. The Juicer and his gang were trying to shake me down so we got into it. Things escalated and the locals they got killed. The locals looted the corpses. I didn't know what was going to come of it. I stopped a couple of days ago.
Knight Four gives a description of the Juicer and his gang.
The Man-Hunter society contact explains that the murders and those that witnessed it were not that psychologically stable to begin with. The spells have made them restless, the guns have made them dangerous, and the murders and lack of an oppressor have unleashed. The gang they killed has some drugs on them also.
Now that the cause is removed (Knight Four) things should go back to normal after the "Sustain" spell wears off in 10 days or so when they need more than two hours of sleep a day. Some have already gotten themselves injured and even killed.
These people, without direction or discipline, picked up some guns and drugs and became their own worst enemy.
With a bit of disgust, Knight Four walks away from the table.
He meets with the team over diner and informs them about the civil unrest he caused.
Knight One, "You can't teach someone into self-dicipline. They have to want it for themselves. They have to need something enough that they behave to get it."
Knight Four is a jumble of emotions under the masks he wear to conceal them but he can't hide his feelings from Knight One (Marcus).
Knight Two volunteers, "My name's Todd. I was adopted. Father is a Mystic Knights. Never knew my birth parents. Didn't even know I was adopted until I turned 18. That trouble with the Megabane. Turns out I have two brothers or half brothers; I'm not sure. One of my brothers became a Megabane. I don't know him. He doesn't know me. But I guess my being a Mystic Knight offends him. He and I don't talk. More like he gave me ultimatiums. Quit the evil Mystic Knights or die with them. Wants me to give up the only life I have ever known. Do nothing while his brotherhood tries to wipe out my brothers in arms. I'm not abandoning you guys. We've been through too much together."

Later they hit the firing range and workout.
They have a house warming party for Knight Four.
They move some furnature in and such.
BBQ and beer.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale

The Mystic Knights catch a Juicer League Football Game.

They try working out at a Juicer Gym.
They are not quite laughed at because the knight can lift.
But their endurance is not that of the Juicers and they run out of gas.
They notice that the Juicers are also able to recover faster so they can workout more.
Grabbing a bite to eat at the local diner the Juicers ate like 5 times as much food.

Walking the city Knight Four shows the guys around.
He sees some places he likes better.
Going back to his house that night, knight Four confesses, "This house isn't bad. It just isn't me. I will sleep on it but I think I'll find another place."
Knight One (Marcus), "You might be able to get your money back, minus a few thousand for the agents fee and the sellers inconvence, IF you allow me speak on your behave; I can be very persuasive."
Knight Four, "No. It's okay."
Knight One, "I know it takes some getting used to; being rich."
Knight Two, "Never leave a man behind."
Knight Four, "Point taken. WE NEED to rescue Three and Lady Black. And Ictinus. I haven't forgotten. So no spending the money on every thing we want. At least, until they are freed from Hades."
Knight One, "We don't have to wait that long to help someone you care about. IF there is someone in Kingsdale you want to help, we can do that."
Knight Four, "Still team building?"
Knight One, "Yes."
Knight Four, "Who do you care about?"
Knight One, "My parents, My team, not many after that."
Knight Two, "Same."
Knight Four, "I'm restless. I want a fight. Let's DREDGE the Dregs. I remember some rumors of supernatural predators."

The Mystic Knights use their psychic powers of "Sense Evil" fueled by the power of the Ley Line to keep powering it on.

Walking to the Dregs they knights spread out within sight of each other and slowly march.
They have no energy weapons only their magically powers as Mystic Knights.

They walk in a methodical route and systematically cover the area.
It works. They near down their senses to one particular brothel house.
"You know. I have a good feeling about this."
The Mystic Knight each activate their Magic Atlantean Tattoo of protection from Vampire influence (A heart with a wooden stake through it).
Knight Four, "Don't destroy the place. It's got history and its a landmark."

The muscle bound Vagabond looks like a Juicer Wannabe.
Takes one look at the Mystic Knights incognito and says, "Welcome."
Knight One, "I've met your kind before." The credits in his hand pass with a handshake.

Walking inside, the hostest shows them to their table.
The inside is set up as a bar and strip club with shows.
The place has a feel like the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn"
A comedian is the warm-up act telling some dirty jokes.
The ladies wear colorful and exotic dresses with numbers.
Some are beautiful D-Bees such as elves.

"One or more of the women is a vampire. We will have to get up close and personal to tell. Dance with them. With our psionic power of Sense Evil we should be able to tell IF they are a vampire or not. IF they are go in the back with them and 'retire' the vampire. IF we have to, we dance with every girl in the club. We are all wearing our silver crosses. Our magic can harm them. Two can burn them. Four can desolve them with water. I can create Globes of Daylight."
"Why not cost in now? In this room?"
"Because, IF they are in this room they might scatter into the night. Take them out one at a time. Then I'll bring the Daylight."

A moment after pressing their silver crosses to them the Mystic Knights begin their kills.
It's a good thing these secondary vampires don't have Sixth Sense.
The good use of their skills and abilities and they dispatch their respective vampires.
Knight Four disolves the bodies with water he creates.
The Mystic Knights turn themselves invisible and quietly leave so as not to draw attention to themselves.
Three of the girls seem to be having mental break downs.
"Mind slaves freed from their secondary vampires."
"Should we do SOMETHING?"
"We just did. We FREED them. Besides what could we do for them anyway?"
"Take them home. It's the only way to be sure nothing bad happens to them."
"What about the rest of the vampires? if their are any."

A globe of Daylight appears inside the club.
People squint and hold up their arms to block the sudden bright light but none flee.
In the distraction the Mystic Knights escort out the tramatized mind slave girls.
Knight One's use of Empathic transmission helps.
When it does not Knight Four uses Bio-Manipulation to paralize and carry them.

A couple of spells later, Superhuman Endurance, the knights carry the girls to Knight Four house.

Talking them down, the girls are coming to terms with their condition.
Knight One offers to help them.
First he offers to take them to the hospital or the police.
Then, if they want, with their consent, he can have selective memories erased.
With the Ley Line as a inner strength power source the things they did, they don't want to remember, they can forgot.
They are told to message any friends or family they have that they safe and can come home again.
In the morning, they can go out to buy them some clothes. Then take them where they want to go.

The Knight drink a toast to each other.
"You know. Maybe I was wrong about the house. It's become quite convenient."
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale

Knight Four's house.

Knight One stayed awake to do security; just in case.
Before going to sleep. Knight Four uses his spells "Cleasnse" and "Negate Toxin" on the ladies; just in case.
Knight One uses his spell "Cure Illness."
Then he uses his spell "Charm" to temporarily gain their immediate trust and Super-Psionic power of Empathic Transmission to induce deep feeling of serenity, dispelling sorrow, and so on.
It is enough to get them to sleep.

In the morning

A "Cleanse" spell cleans everyone up.
Several castings of the spell "Charm" to overcome their fear with trust.
The knights ask for the ladies sizes and measurements for shopping.
After some bickering, it is decided that they will be brought baggie clothes such as sweaters and sweat-pants.

Knight Two stands watch while Four goes out shopping and Knight One takes a power nap.

Now, technically, the Knights can cast the spell "Sustain" upon them but they believe that eating real food would emotional comfort and ground them.
Knight Four being the savy operative that he is returns without incident or attracting attention.
The women change into the workout wear he brought.
Then someone starts cooking the food he brought.

Knight One, upon smelling the food, wakes and come round.
He starts trying to politely and senstively ask the women about how many vampires they know of in Kingsdale or at least the Dregs.
Overcome by anxiety, he calms them down with is Empathic Transmission.
In their paranoia they imagine everyone is a vampire or servant to them.
They are reminded that it is daylight and daylight kills vampires.
One of the girls says that she is from the Dregs. If the goes back their she will die or be enslaved again by the vampires. The sentiment is that IF they stay in Kingsdale with will die or be enslaved again.
Their fear is greater then their reason.
They are only keeping it together emotionally because of the power of Knight One's Empathic Transmission and the safety/comfort of their surroundings. As well as multiple castings of the spell "Charm." For the moment, any talk of their slavery sets them down a spiral of anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

Telepathically the knights discuss the matter.
Just because vampires were here, and perhaps still are, does not mean their won't be vampires wherever they go. Assuming they are all local, they may not have the money to relocate and start a new life. It's just PTSD or something from their vampire experience. It can be rememdied with months or even years of therapy they can't afford or a few days of psychic therapy erasing their memories of those tramatic experiences. Ordinarily, I'd say tough it out and grow stronger but the choice should be theirs. Besides, we don't owe them anything. I'm not breaking my bank for them. As is, I've only traded a little time for some experience and experimenting with my powers. We should hunt the Dregs during daylight hours for vampires. The women can go their own way like we are going to go ours.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale, The Dregs

Pumped by the spell “Superhuman Endurance” and perpetual use of the psychic power of “Sense Evil” fueled by the Ley Line, the Mystic Knights run the area in daylight.

Then their Sixth Sense flared up and they were the werewolves who surrounded them.
It would be an ambush but it was clear to the Mystic Knights this was an act of intimidation.
The werewolves smiled as they flexed their muscles and brandished their weapons.
Then, Knight Four said, “Haven’t you got any helpless homeless little piggies to eat?”
The wolves stared at him as though their looks could kill.
Knight Two casts some spells with pats on the back to his fellow knights.
“I’ve heard the rumors. Seen the bite marks on the addicts whose taste you disagreed with. It’s really kind of ironic. Drugs saved his life.”
The werewolves attack.
The knights dodge with superhuman speed.
Then attack with “Fists of Fury”
Knight Four: Natural 20; Werewolf parry: Natural 19; TKO
Knight One: Natural 20: Werewolf parry: 10; TKO
Knight Two: Natural 5; Werewolf parry: 10
Werewolf: roll to strike 15; Knight Two: Modified 20.
Werewolf: roll to strike at Knight One natural 20; Knight One roll to dodge natural 20.
Werewolf: roll to strike at Knight Four 13; Knight Four Dodge modified 18
Knight Two: Roll 8; Werewolf parry: 13
Knight One: Roll 4 (miss)
Knight Four: Roll 4 (miss)
Werewolf: Roll 12: Knight Two: Dodge 24
Werewolf: Roll 3 (Miss)
Werewolf: Roll 4 (Miss)
Knight Two: Roll 3 (miss)
Knight One: 15: Werewolf parry: 4 (damage 11)
Knight Four: Impatiently fires Energy Blasts from his eyes. Natural 20 (damage 60; kill)

The Werewolves turn and run.
The Mystic Knights open fire with blasts of energy from their hands.

Of the 7 werewolves who attacked.
Three escaped. 4 are KIA.
The Mystic Knights finish their search of the Dreg before sundown.
They find no buried stationary supernatural evil.

They stop by the market to get some groceries and order some food to be made and delivered to Knight Four’s house.

Returning to his unfurnished house, the Mystic Knights find the women have still not left.
They have been going crazy thinking the knights were dead or made into vampires or that the vampires were going for them.
They had clothes and money and things back at the club but they can never return to it.
The Mystic knight One uses his spells “Charismatic Aura” and “Charm” then explains they found no trace of the supernatural evil that are vampires around the club or anywhere else in the Dregs (not counting the werewolves).
Then Knight One uses his Empathic Transmission to calm them.
The Mystic Knights know that there are over 100,000 “people” in the city of Kingsdale; some of these beings are supernatural. Some of these supernatural beings register as supernaturally evil but being a 1,000 year old dragon or such (as long as you are not destroying the city or murdering people) does not mean they are banned from the city. One must commit a crime in the city for Kingsdale’s law to apply.

The Sixth Senses of the Mystic Knights Sixth goes off.
A few spells are cast.
Not long after there’s a Knock on the door.
Knight One says, “Must be dinner.”
Sensing Evil behind the door the Knights activate their vampire protection tattoos.
Knight Four opens the door and creates water on the humanoid in front of him.
The gorgeous woman carrying the italian food (pizza, salad, and spaghetti with meat sauce and meatballs) is soaking wet.
The blast from her energy weapon does no harm to Knight Four.
He Body Flip Throws here into the house.
Knight Two put in a hold.
Knight One cast the spell “Globe of Daylight” outside the house.
The vampire a meter off from the front door blocks the light with his arm and tries to run inside to get out of the light.
Knight Four body flips the vampire.
Then creates water over him.
Between the globe of Daylight and water he cries out in pain.
Knight Two unleashes magical fire over the vampire.
Knight Four follows it with more spell-created water until there is nothing left.
The delivery woman screams in horror as she psychologically breaks from under the vampire's mind control.
Knight Four, “Oh, This again.”
One to Two, use your superhuman speed and tail that car that just left.
Four you go with him.
I hold the fort.

The Knights are not faster than a car even with the spell superhuman speed.
They are fast enough to climb aboard other car and par-core their way.
Knight Four uses the spell “Compulsion” to compel one driver to “Follow that car.”
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Kingsdale.

Mystic Knights Two (Todd) and Four are outside of one of Kingsdale's mortuaries.

"I'm up for hunting," said Knight Four. "How about you?"
Handing the drive a silver cross, Knight Four tells him, "Get out of here."
He drives off mumbling something about " . . .I don't even know why I did it . . . ."

"You know they can turn into mist and fly away, right?" said Knight Two. "Could come back during Daylight. IF we raid it now, one or more could get away. Probably got an alarm or some mortal servants"
Knight Two looks at Knight Four.
"Your on a bender. Won't stop. Can't slow down. I've got your back."

The Knights Sixth Senses go off warning of their impending future.
They Cast the spells "Armor of Ithan"
Knight Four kicks the door.
It's useless. It was made too tough.
Then he remembers.
Casts the spell "Escape" and the door unlocks for him and he walks right in.

The lights go out.
It makes no difference, both the knight wear the necomancer necklaces of bat-skulls that provide night vision.
"Easy on the house," Knight Two warns. "We don't want it fall down and burying us. Besides, the owner might be another mind slave."

That's when the dog come. They bites can't get through the "Armor of Ithan."
The knights lock them dogs in a room.

Then the walking dead "Saunter" over to them.
The Knights punch them with "Fist of Fury"
No contest.

Sweaping the rooms for minions, mind slaves, undead, and vampires.
Upon entering one room jars break by the spell "Shatter."
Suddenly the room smells of pickles.
The sound of the doors sealing occurs.

"I didn't bring my Gas-Mask," says Knight Two (Todd). "But I know that smell, formaldehyde, it's toxic."
"I've got this," says Knight Four as they are practically on the floor holding their breathe.
He casts the spell "Negate Poison/Toxin."
Getting back up.
"We have to get out of here or you'll have to keep casting"
Casting "Escape" it does not work.
Finally, Knight Two punches the door with "Fist of Fury"
They exit.
Four casts another "Negate Poison" then the spell "Cleanse" to remove any traces of chemicals from them.

Continuing their search they find coffins.
It's a mortuary.
Opening them is time consuming.

Knight Two finds a bomb then contains the explosion with his magic.

Then the police arrive.
"We don't have any real proof vampires were here. We just used our magic to gain entry."
They decide discretion is the better option.
Cast invisibility and a few other spells to leave no traces or make any noise.
Existing out the back they prowl away invisible to the bystanders.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale
Knight Four's House
Time: After Sun up

After Action Review:
Around the table the knights discuss.
Knight Two: We assumed either the vampire or associates of theirs worked at the mortuary.
Four used the Escape spell to gain entry.
Once inside the lights went out.
That's too much of a coincidence; so it had to be someone turning out the lights hoping to give us a disadvantage. Someone who could see in the dark.
Guard Dogs attack us.
Then zombies or animated dead. It was honestly very fast.
Someone must have been there because in one of the rooms a glass broke and some chemical(s) spilled.
The gas was going to kill or knock us out.
Thanks to Four's negate Poison and Cleanse spell we made it.
The place was full of coffins so we started searching them.
We found a bomb.
I collapsed the explosion in on itself.
Then the local law enforcement arrived before we could finish searching the place.
So we turned invisible and sneaked out the back.

Knight One:
"Thing is, you never saw a vampire.
It could have just been a spell caster defending their home and or business.
Knight Four:
"So what do we do now?"
Knight One:
"They know how to find this house. Probably because we ordered food and gave the address. We have been seen in the Dregs a lot these last couple of days. Searching it anyone and everyone could have seen us even if only for 15 seconds. So mortal servants or mind slaves saw us at the market or followed us there, regardless, got our address and we left it to have dinner delivered. A vampire could have used his powers of mind control to take control of the delivery driver or used his mind slave to take the place of the driver.

We now have four women here, the vampires picked for their mind slaves who are going through PTSD.
The only good things we have going on are:
We killed some vampires.
We are within a mile of a ley line so our power supply for our spells and psionic powers are limitless.
And it's Four's home town.
We have a lead with the mortuary.
And I am able to use my spells and psionic powers to "Mollify" the women.

On the down side:
Four's home is a six bedroom house and there are seven of us with the former mind slaves.
The vampires or their servants know Four's address.
We have 4 former mind slaves holding on to us, or at least Four's house, like it is a life support buoy.
IF we go to law, we don't have proof the vampires were here.
The woman, although attractive, would be considered insane homeless and maybe our victims with no ID who are unwilling or unable to contact friends or family.
Knight Four, "When you are homeless, in Kingsdale, no one knows you, except other homeless people. Strength in numbers or worse codependent addicts, gang of thieves. With "just" the clothes on their backs they are walking victims or street walkers.
Wait. I just thought of something. IF the vampire, or vampires, know we are here they could keep coming. Let's make it our trap. Let them come to us. While, with the daylight, we can go to the strip club and "pick-up" the girls' things. We should get a video of them asking for their things, then we can show it to another with some objections. Maybe a radio. No, we will need a video guy. Dang. We need Knight Three, he was great at this, is great at this.

A while and several food delivery orders later

The door flies open with a Juicer's kick.
It causes the flash-bang Knight Two rigged to go off.
So does the back door and the attic.
The window has no such security measure.
The front doorman is paralyzed by Knight Four
The window man strikes Knight Four’s Armor of Ithan and Four’s Chromatic Protection goes off, blinding the Juicer. A Magic Net covers him.

Likewise, the Juicer who crashed the back door is caught in a Magic Net.
As is the Juicer from the roof by Knight Two.
They use the spell “Energize Spell” to make it last.

The police whom Knight One had already notified when his Sixth Sense kicked in arrive.
Knight One, being persuasive, shows law enforcement to the home invading Juicers and the home surveillance of their breaking in.
Knight Four shows the deed of ownership for the house, his Kingsdale id, and documents of its legitimate purchase with reference to the realtors offices and previous owner. Filling out the paperwork for their complaint and charges the Juicers are taken away long with copies of the video recording of the break in.
All being captured alive makes the Mystic Knights look like innocent victims of a robbery and the heroes who defended their home.

Knight One asks the detective investigating the case why these particular Juicers would try to break in and rob their home; the response is that they aren’t talking. Law enforcement believes they are hired help.
He publicly shouts that if the Juicers testify against their criminal employer and provide information leading to the employers arrest he will drop ALL the charges; except for damages to the house.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Juicers are sweating!
They have not got years to live.
The criminal justice system, if convicted, would take away their Juicer implant to have them serve all the years of their prison sentence.
As is, they pulled the "Juice" from their harnesses of those arrested.
Withdraw is kicking in and they are already on the floor in terms of depression and fear without the super-drugs coursing through their veins.

Over-night Three (3) of the Four (4) Juicers are dead.
The survivor is in Kingsdale hospital undergoing surgery.

The Mystic Knight discuss the matter and believe their employer was trying to get rid of them.

Whomever is after them has money or influence or something that they could arrange the murder of some Juicer hitmen in jail.

The Mystic Knight, in daylight, head back to the strip club in the Dregs.
With them they bring a two video men, one carrying a small monitor with the video of the former mind slaves asking for their stuff to be released to the Mystic Knights.
As an after thought, Knight One hired a Major Psychic with the psionic power of suppress fear to come with them.
Using his own power and the psychics power of "Suppress Fear" they are able to get ONE of the girls to come with them.
They find the place locked up and no one responds to their legit attempts to gain entry.
FInally, Knight Four, uses his spell of "Escape" to open a door while performing the feat like it was accidently left unlocked.
Security in the immediately pounces on the Knights who turn it around and put the guards in holds.
Knights One and Four are impersonating police men.
The security guards, upon seeing they are being video recorded lighten-up.
Releasing the security guards, while being video recorded, watch the video of the girls and hear the one girl with them demand her property and pay.
Knight One uses his magic spells of "Charm" to persuade the guards to allow them entry.
They collect the girls things and through the use of their magic and psychic powers collect the girls things and pay.
Their Sixth Sense goes off.
A few guys come out from behind the bar.
A fist fight ensues.
The Mystic Knights have to keep it down to self defense and hide their powers to look like innocent victims.
It is a slugfest.
Fortunately, the guys are S.D.C. beings without Mega Damage weapons. They see they are on video camera and play "nice" themselves. NOT punching or hitting to kill only subdue.
There are 3 low level standard Juicers. Also, three ordinary support guys that are like waiters and janitors. The kind of guys who are on the phone calling it in, picking up weapons people drop on the floor, locking the door, helping one of their guys up, and knock one of the heroes over their head when their back is turned kind of stuff.

The video men, major psychic, and show girl stand in the corner and watch and record.

The Juicers get lucky and knock out Knight One.
More blows are traded.
The initaitive turns in favor of the Mystic Knights.
Knight Two Knocks out one of the Juicers.
30 seconds later
Knight Four gets knocked out.
Everybody is brusied and battered.
Knight Two has knocked out one more Juicer.
It's just him and one banged up Juicer.
They size each other up.
The Juicers holds his hand up to pause the fight while he drinks a beer.
Knight Two uses the moment to cast some spells:
Superhuman Agility.
Superhuman Speed.
Intuitive Combat.
Then Telekinetically Jumps.
Knight Two knocks out the last Juicer in under 15 seconds.
He carries out his teammates.

They take their ride back to Four's house.

Knight Two pays the Major psychic a few bucks extra to do some psi-surgery and basic Heal Another.
With One and Four up and around they spell tag each other with Superhuman Endurance, Negate Poison, and Cure Illness just in case.
The girls are busy changing clothes and counting their money.
Between One and Four they contact a Necromancer who does healing and arrange an appointment.
The video guys return to their business to work on the editing.
When the time comes they get a taxi or sorts to take them to the Necromancer to "Mend Bones" on their ribs, hands, and face.
The bill is pricy but they want to keep Necromancers employed in the healing arts.
They do a little negotiating.
The towns is full of tough guys. He doesn't need any tough guys; they are cheap.
He needs more paying clients and maybe track down some debters.
The Knights smile and laugh a little.
"We know what you REALLY want. BONES! You want money but you guys are thrilled to get rare bones. At the moment we just have these few werewolf bones."
Knight Four, "We can also do a few healing spells ourselves; for you or your other paying clients."
"I'm immune to the bacteria and diseases of the dead. It's a necromancer thing; like our resistance to vampires."
"But NOT the living. Regardless, we will pay for your services. IF in the future, you have any need of ours, we will leave you with a way to contact us. You keep the werewolf bones as a retainer for future services; if we should need them."
They also tell the necromancer about vampires in the city and the potential dangers of the strip club and mortuary.

The Mystic Knights leave, still with some bruises but what would take weeks will now heal in days. It should toughen them up.
They hire a van driver and park it a couple of blocks down from Four's house.
Using Invisiblity and a few others spells they sneak back into Four's house before sunset.
They tell the women they need to leave the house before another ambush or whatever happens.
Now that they have their clothes, I.D. and money back they should make their own way.
They plead for protection. They don't know if it is safe to go home again. They believe someone might come around if they return home. They are terrified to go out at night; particularly this night, since the Juicers attacks.
They honestly don't know what to do.
Knight One says they will take them the hospital or the police. They are vicitims of vampires and should report it. They radio the van driver to come around like it is a shuttle service and have the ladies get inside. They tell the driver to take them to the police or hospital; the choice is theirs.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Mystic Knights while wait for the next attack think and talk things through.
1. They can wait for an attack and take more prionsers or kill them.
2. They can spy on the mortuary.
3. They can spy on or search the club for vampires and/or their servants.
4. They can stand guard at the hospital in case the assassin(s) make an attack on the surviving Juicer.
5. Get the word on the street about themselves and the vampires and the werewolves.
6. They can leave town. Wash their hands of the whole things and leave all this behind.

The question put out there is "What's in it for us?"
The team came here to do some team building.
They started by doing some humanitarian work in the Dregs.
Their help sort of unbalanced the eco-system of the Dregs.
A gang tried to shake them down.
The gang lost.
For a day or two a lot of people were "Cleanse" spell clean and free of toxins or illnesses that could be cured by spell.
Went hunting, find some vampires. Freed some mind slaves.
Did some more hunting. Crossed some Werewolves.
Wolves lost.
Got attacked by a vamp and their slave.
Vamp lost.
Attacked by some hired muscle; Juicers.
Turned them in.
They got clipped before they could finger their employer.
So someone hired them to take us out.
Best guess is the Master Vampire or one of their servants.
Best guess is the strip club and mortuary are owned by the Master vampire or by a servant to them. Or they could just be working out of them.
We could burn them both down but IF i were them I'd just collect on the fire insurance. I would not be there.
We are not really in the mystery solving business.
We are professional mercs.
We like the money.
We like the action.
Even starting to like the Rep.

Knight Two, "I liked the fist fight but our focus should be on resucing our Man."
Knight Four, "Come to think of it. Why don't we buy Knight Three? Lady Black too?"
Knight One, "Say that again."
Knight Four, "They are slaves in Hades. Slaves are for sale. Why not buy their freedom?"
Knight One, "The magic pigeons we got tell us they are hostages to force Ictinus to work for them. IF I were them, I would not give up my hostage."
Knight Four, "Well, if I were a Master Vampire. I wouldn't send more assassins to this house. They have failed twice already and been captured
Knight Two, "Cut off the head."
Knight One, "Find the owners of the strip club and mortuary."
Knight Four, "We should start with the strip club. No law out there. Besides, our reps good, out there, gangs are like to leave us alone."

Later that night.

The Mystic Knights continue their hunt across the Dregs.
"Sense Evil" and systematic search of the Dregs finds only the periphery tingling until whatever it was runs from them.
They run with "Superhuman Endurance."
The homeless have a "Sheltering Force" for the night and a "Cleanse" spell.
The drunks and addicts curse Knight Four for his drive by Negate Toxin/Poison as neutralizes the alcohol and drugs.

When they get to the strip club they see the Bouncers they beat up.
They are all healed up.
They talk tough and flash their guns.
The Mystic Knights cast "Armor of Ithan" then tell the Juicers, "Move or be moved!"
They open fire on the Mystic Knights. Seeing the bullets do no damage against their force field armor they switch to vibro-blades and fight melee.
They are a blur of speed and strike the blades against the "Armor of Ithan" but it does not break through.
Punching back the Juicers are roughed up.
Knight One knocks out his opponent with a TKO upper cut boxing.
Knight Two also knocks his melee opponent out boxing.
Knight Four, after trading blows for a couple of a rounds paralizes the Juicer with his Bio-Manipulation.
Knights One and Two have disarmed their opponents and cuffed them already.
Helping himself to the Juicers money he says, "This is for my medical bills."
The three walk into the club.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale
The Dregs

The three knight scan the club with "Sense Evil" and find no supernatural Evils.

They do however come across two of the girls.
Some how they are back at the club.
They are 2 of the 4 girls as talent for the night.
14 customers at the moment.

The Bouncers return.
Casting a few spells: Chromatic Protection.
The Juicers go temporarily blind attacking the knights.
Knight Four casts Negate toxin on the Juicers.
The team cast magic nets over them.

Using the spells such as "Words of Truth" Knight One starts asking questions.
No one knows who owns the club.
They collect their pay nightly.
The delivers arrive either pre-paid or someone they don't know pays the account.
The manager leaves the profits in the safe until the post office opens and they put it in a locker someone takes it from there.
With a roll of 11 Knight Two uses his safecracking skill to open the safe.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale
The Dregs

The strip club call, "The Naughty Night."

THe Mystic Knights decide to plan a secret tracking device in the clubs cash.
The plan is to fake that they could not crack the safe.
Knight Two cracked it with his skills not explosives; there's no damage to the safe.

They put on a good show of disappointment then leave.
Using visibility they disappear. Using Erase Trail the leave no trail.

They boost each other with "Superhuman Endurance."
They make an appearnce to appear not to be staking out the strip club.
Really they take turns and use invisibility while watching the club.

When the money moves the Knights move.

They track it to a P.O. Box of a post office that opens in the morning.
They wait and follow the money after it leaves the post office.
It leads them to a mansion.
Casting their magic spells to be unseen and undetectable they invade.
Knight Two disables the alarms, cameras, and power.
Guard Dogs come out attacking.
They use the spell "Magic Net" to contain them.
Knight Four casts "Escape" to get past the door.
They grab hold of the guards and cuff them.
Searching the rooms they find a basement.
Going down it they get locked in.
Knight Four uses the "Escape" spell get out of it.
There is no sign of their jailer.
Continuing their search, the lack of mirrors and covered windows are a tell tale sign of a vampire being home.
They find a panic room.
Their Sixth Sense goes on high alert.
They turn on their Sense Evil Psionics and know some thing is in the panic room.
This door was not made to be opened from the outside.
They ultimately blast their way in and find a teleportation circle and no one's home.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale
A restuarant.

The Mystic Knights have regrouped to do an After Action Review.

The suspected Mastet Vampire had an escape plan in case they were ever raided or found out.
The Knights could not have known it unless they had searched the place before going in.
The Vampire and / or their servants had cleaned out the safe.
All that was left were some coffins with soil in them. Evidence vampires but not proof.
Not really a safe risk to take in calling the police and claiming the mansion they broke into was a front for a master vampire.
Looks like this one got away.
One thought was to burn the house down but the fire would not stop at one house.
Also, keeping the mansion around means that the vampire might come back to it.
With that kind of thinking Knight Four sees a real estate agent about selling his house.
No telling if or when the next attack might come.
Knight Four is listed on the market.

The two girls they recued for the second time agree to have their select memories wiped.
They still remember who they are and that vampires exist but the emotionally worst things they were made to do have now been taken from their memories and with it most of their emotional and psychological stress disorders. Their sanity is restored with the loss of the memories of the traumatic events they survived.

The Knights use their power of Ley Line Rejuvination to speed up their healing

They get Magic Pigeons.
They inform the Mystic Knights that the Aurelous Clan will be ready
to help the knights with tattoos which will be new to them.
They desire aid in the return of their lost Atlantean people from Hades.
To this end they want to tattoo one or more of the knights with a dimensional tattoo that will return them to an Atlantean Stone Pyramid in Lazlo. The proceedure is exceptionally grueling and expect it to lay anyone who gets it up for at least 4 days. They personal cost in energy to use it will also be enormous.
One of more of the other knights may receive a tattoo to aid their cause against the demons of hades with a simple weapon enhanced as a demon slayer or an animal tattoo of a horse for them to ride. Ideally, they would prefer to gift the knights with a bleeding rose tattoo of healing, as it is the Clan's speciality. The challenge is the knights must wait to a month or two more before their bodies can withstand the treatment for a tattoo of power since the last one the Clan shared with them of protection from vampires. Bodies should, for the sake of health and safety, heal and strengthen for six months before receiving a new power tattoo.
The Aurelous Atlantean clan knows of a dimension where time travels faster. If the knights go there, their bodies can age while living 2 months and return with only a week's time passing on Rifts Earth. When they return they can receive a magic tattoo that will be new to them. While they are away in the other dimension they can continue their studies in the Atlantean culture and language.

The knights talk about it and return to Lazlo to ask for and receive the Aurelous Clan's help.

They travel to a dimensional desert.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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But Before they go.
Someone forgot it was the parital Solar Eclipse.

They do a job on the way for their Atlantean Clan

Showing up at the Nexus.
The location is set.
They eagerly await the coming of the partial Eclipse.
They cast spells with the limitless power of the Nexus and its boosts:
"Armor of Ithan" by the high level Atlantean spell caster.
"Magic Shield"
"Superhuman" Agility, Endurance, Speed
"Empower Weapon."

The knight stand ready around the Atlantean spell caster.
The crowd of spell casters have gathered at the Nexus to take advantage of the partial Solar eclipse.
Officially, everyone is just supposed to share the energy as their is plenty for everyone but casters are not united.

Things start off with some excitement was everyone can feel the power levels rising.
Magic Amulets are created rapidly by the taking in of up to 600 P.P.E. from the Ley Line Nexus.
Bodies are restore to optimum health.
Severed Limbs are reattached.
Entities are summoned.
The biggest winners are the Earth Warlock who change huge amounts of wooden carvings and pre-made items are transformed into IRONWOOD.
Necromanciers turn bones into magic items
Things are going fine until a Rift opens up.

Out pops sort of adventure party of humans.
A spell is quickly cast forms an anti magic cloud.

The knights quickly move to take action.
They know if they kill the one who cast the spell then the spell will be over.
Knight Four Quickly use Bio-Manipulation to paralyze the spell caster before he can get another spell off.
His party open fire with energy weapons against the knights who shield their spell caster.
The enemies continue to fire wearing away the knights "Armor of Ithan"
Knight Four paralizes another.
The other knights know their magic won't work while the Anti-Magic cloud is present.
Knight Two prepares his explosives.
Knight One fires his Northern Gun energy rilfe.
Knight Four continues to paralize the enemy.

Knight Two with a run hurls the explosives at the enemy party.
The explosions area of effect knocks all of the enemy down and severly damages their armor.
The knights combine fire and destroy the human who cast Anti-Magic Cloud.
He's mist.
Magic is restored.
They cut loose blasting away with their magical powers.
In the last round they Rift to the dimension they meant to go to train.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: A different dimension

An Atlantean city called, "The Oasis."

The Mystic Knights have come here to learn and train.
They will burn up two months of their time learing about Atlanteans while doing humanitarian work and desert survival, protection, learning Atlantean culture, customs, language and literacy.
They maintain their fighting skills with target practice, sparing with each other, teaching the natives First Aid and such.

The Atlanteans have constructed a stone pyramid on this world.
Water flows from it.
It's presence and their nuturing by Atlanteans and the locals has created an oasis.
Their belief is through gardening and forestry the trees will tranform the terrain.
It will take centuries of land management planting and watering trees but eventually it will be a forest (self sustaining eco-system).
The oasis that they have created so far has already brought hope.
The water has saved hundreds of lives.
They grow plants for holistic medicine.
The real difference maker is the food grown here (algae, coconuts, mangos, mushrooms, and some alien plants) ended death by famine.

The Mystic Knights patrol the sectors outside the Oasis.
They defend the Oasis from scavengers and those who would destroy or plunder it.
Occassionally there are huge beasts who roam the land and follow the smell of the plants and people as something to eat.

The knights find out from their Atlantean teacher (rogue Scholar) the place once had a beautiful forest. The previous civilization ruined it with industrialzation, pollution, and war. Now it is a bit like "Road Warrior" world.
The Mystic knights finish their lessons of learning how to speak the basics of the Atlantean language. Also how to read and write in it.

The Mystic Knights association with the Atlanteans while participating in humanitarian work by casting magic healing spells.
Cleanse provides the health benfits of bathing and clean laundry without wasting water. It also cleans would wounds.
Cure Illness instantly remedies a variety of health problems that would take days of suffering. Also helps prevent its spread.
Fortify Against Disease prevents disease and its spread.
Negate Poison rids their bodies of micro-poisons that have been around in the water and air.
The plants and trees the Atlanteans have been planting are cleaning the air and such.

The people are offered food, medical, and shelter in exchange for working the fields.
Mystic Knights use the spells "Sustain" to keep those hungry going until they crops are ready to harvest.
Same with the livestock.
The people are a bit like serfs or sharecroppers.
The Mystic Knight create shelters for them via "Sheltering Force" that have no negative impact on the environment.

They do humanitarian missions to rescue the feral and forgot from the wasteland and return with them to "The Oasis"
The Atlanteans and Mystic Knights seem like alien or magical demi-gods to them.
The Atlantean Rogue Scholars teach the native people about their own world's history and culture.
They created a muesum of the world's fallen civilization.

When their replacements don't show up the Mystic Knights wait an extra month and help bring in the harvest.
They return to Lazlo.
They have been gone something like 12 day in Rifts Earth time.

The Clan Elders of Aurelous hear and read postive things about the Mystic Knights work.
The Knights find out the Atlanteans were test them before they gift / reward them with a new tattoo.
They passed this test.
One day apart, the Mystic Knights are given their new tattoos.

The Clan Elders still debate about what tattoo would be best.
Clan Aurelous is dedicated to healing. We are known for saving lives; not taking them. Our Clan uses the magic of our tattoos for healing and defense, never to kill. Our flaming sword is the one exception which has been the honoring of our traditional marks of heritage. It is used to destory the undead. Being that the undead are UNDEAD we do not considert it to be killing; its defending the living. Slaying Demons and Dyvils, being immortal, are also not consider to be killing because they never really die (unless they are in their home dimension).
We will never give you a tattoo that could be used as a weapon, magic or simple, or one that creates a monster. We don't make monsters in Clan Aurelous. Our shared belief is for you to have a tattoo of healing; a rose with thorns dripping blood that will empower you to heal others. That tattoo we make better and use more than any other.
For the mission of rescue you have shared the details of with us and others for our Clan and the Atlantean people we will, this one time, make an exception.
Your honorable leader, Marcus, will receive a dimensional tattoo in order to return him and others to our people Stone Pyramid here in Lazlo; nowhere else.
Your loyal soldier, Todd, will receive the highest honor, the symbol of our Clan, a Rose with thorns dripping blood (a healing spell). Where you were weakest, in magic and skill, you will now be stronger than ever.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Lazlo

The Mystic Knight One spend his time in the Atlantean Healing while the other knights catch up.
The are enjoying speaking with the Atlanteans around them in their native language.

Knight Two (Todd) misses the green of the wilderness and wants to rough it for a day or two. He says he needs to practice tracking and a lot of other skills he has not been using.

Knight Four wants to enjoy the city along with the comforts of running hot water and air conditioning.
He takes the opportunity to contact his handler in the White Rose.
He passess long information.
The Order of the White Rose approves of his work and connections he has done so far.
They approve of the destruction of vampires.
Working to aid the Atlanteans and their otherworldly people.
The rescue of Atlanteans and the Cyber-Knight Lady Black from Hades.
Question are:
Can the Mystic Knights be enlightened to the White Rose cause?

Failing to recruit the Mystic Knights to our side, arrangments need to be made to arrest them, produce evidence of their crimes, and jail them.

Knight Four is uncomfortable. Months of working along-side the Mystic Knights has kind of changed him.
The Mystic Knights of "Section" are captialists but they earn their pay.
They have also changed a bit with experience and by their association with the Atlanteans.
The world is not black and white but a complicated tapistry of color.
The team helped the Atlanteans as a part of a larger plan to acquire Atlantean Tattoos. The success of the plan has made their party more powerful. His experiences in Kingsdale remind him of his belief that power is the thing that can protect anyone or make change.
He pushes the thoughts down and works on his acrobatics in the gym.
Afterwards he looks up the gang of City-Rats to have a drink and check on them.

Knight Two (Todd)
In the wilderness he basks in the green of the trees.
He enjoys he time with the horse he rented.
Uses his NG tent to stay the night.
Drinks through his water supply.
Enjoys an MRE breakfast.

That's when his Sixth Sense warns him.

His nemsis, the Magebane, comes out of the wilderness to greet him.
Knight Two salutes him.
The Magebane returns the salute and draws his sword.
Todd draws his sword.
Without the use of their magical powers the 2 soldiers stand ready to duel.
The Magebane strikes first.
Todd parries then strikes.
Magebane parries. He strikes and draws first blood.
Each strikes again and parries the other.
Until, Todd strikes and the Magebane's parry is so bad he loses his sword.
They stand there, still, for a moment.
Knight Two (Todd) steps on the fallen sword.
Instinct and reflex kick in and the Magebane draws his energy pistol shooting Knight Two at point blank range center mass.
It would kill any human but a Mystic Knight. The shot leaves a hole in his shirt.
Knight Two smiles, then moves to disarm him.
The both fumble.
The Magebane tackles Knight Two.
They tussle.
They trade punches and strikes until the Magebane gets lucky and knocks out Knight Two.

A few moments later, Knight Two (Todd) wakes up.
His hands are cuffed behind his back.
His feet are in shackles.
His mouth is gagged.
His eyes ducktaped over.
That's when he begins to feel the drugs put him to sleep.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Lazlo

Knight Four

It has been over 24 hours.
Knight Two (Todd) has missed his check in.
He never misses his check in.
Knight Four is aware of this.
Using his, Todd and a picture of him Knight Four uses his psychic ability to see Todd by Remote Viewing.
The can see Todd is all tied up, gagged, with his eyelids taped shut.
Knight Four notifies the Atlantean Clan he's going to be late.
He tells Knight One that Todd was kidnapped and their is no ransum demand; so far.
The both think it is the Magebane.
Knight One is still recovering from his tattoo.
He tell Knight Four to use the map Knight Two left behind.
Todd is a pro soldier. He left a mission plan for his camping trip and a map of his route.
Then he tells him to look up the Magebane online to see where he has been or is going.
Get the gang of robbers they know in town to back him up.
Finding Todd's camp sight they find his tent and gear.
Going over the signs of a fight.
They find some blood stains. Some are of Todd (object reading) and some fragments of the shirt and jacket he was wearing.
Another is of the Magebane; he can tell by object reading.

They follow the tracks of the Magebane back to Lazlo.
This is where the City Rats really come alive.
Looking him up online they get some ideas about where he is or has been.
With Knight Four's help in psychic power of Object Reading, Remote Viewing, and Clairvoyance
they are able to narrow it do to certain parts of town.
Hitting the streets they use Streetwise and printed copies of images of the Magebane.
They find his vehicle and plant a tracking device on it.
Tailing him electronically and using the gang of robbers they have a number of prospects where Todd (Knight Two) could be being kept.
Impatient they think to just get the Magebane alone and get the answers they want from him.
Finding his hotel room they go undercover as guest at the hotel and get disguises both as covers and staff members.
Picking the lock to his room they gain entry and search it.
They find some of Todd's small things.
Using Psychic powers Knight Four can tell Todd is being kept elsewhere.
From what Knight Four can tell, the Magebane is of good alignment with some history of heroics.
He has fought against necromancers, vampires, evil wizards, etc.
The Magebane sees ALL Mystic Knights as evil and wants to convert, incarcerate, or kill them all.
There is no evidence the Magebane knows of the existance of the Order of the White Rose.
They set up an ambush in the hotel room.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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A good Hotel.

As the towering figure of the muscle-bound man strode confidently down the opulent hallway of the high-class hotel, his every step seemed to reverberate with an air of quiet presence. Standing at an imposing six-foot-two, his broad shoulders and chiseled physique spoke of a lifetime spent honing his formidable strength. His leather-clad form, reminiscent of a modern-day gladiator, exuded an aura of danger that seemed to command the attention of all who crossed his path.
With practiced ease, the muscle-bound man inserted his keycard into the lock of his hotel room door, the soft click of the mechanism echoing in the silent corridor. As the door swung open, he flicked on the lights, casting the room in a warm, golden glow. But even before the door had fully closed behind him, he sensed that something was amiss.

In an instant, his instincts kicked into overdrive as he spun around to escape his unseen assailant, his muscles tensed and ready for action. And there, standing before him the three city rats tackle him into his hotel room.

Knight Four, his athletic frame disguised beneath the guise of a nondescript hotel guest, met the muscle-bound man's gaze with steely resolve.
He tries his Bio-Manipulation.
The Magebane resists (roll of 19).
No matter.
Beneath his workout wear, he concealed the tools of his trade, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Without a word, Knight Four lunged forward, his movements fluid and precise as he sought to subdue his opponent and gain the upper hand. But the muscle-bound man was no stranger to combat, his years of training and experience serving him well as he meets Knight Fours attack head-on.
The two men clashed in a whirlwind of fists and fury, each blow delivered with deadly accuracy as they fought tooth and nail for supremacy. The room reverberates with the sound of their struggle, the furniture and fixtures breaking in their confrontation.
But Knight Four was not alone.
The men in the room opposite, are poised to spring into action. They gang up on Magebane from four sides.
The battle raged on, the stakes grew ever higher, each man gives it his all.
The Magebane flips Knight Four to the floor.
The City-Rats get some punches in.
Trading blows the Magebane body flips one of the City Rats.
He kicks one of the City Rats across the room.
Takes another punch.
Return the punch.
The men are up again.
Magebane body-flips another.
At last Knight Four gets a lucky upper-cut and knocks the Magebane out.
The room is a mess. TV’s broke.
They take a moment to recover while searching the Magebane for weapons and cuffing him. Then Duck tape his eyes closed.
They tie him to a chair.
Knight Four uses the “Cleanse” spell to clean up his men in the interests of leaving no trace. Then he orders them to continue the plan and clean up the room of any traces that they were ever in the room. They rob the guy while they are at it.
Knight Four uses his paramedic skill to nurse the Magebane back.
Then the interrogation begins.
Knight Four knows that the Magebane is immune to magical means of persuasion so he must rely on his training and psionics. He attaches the sensory instruments he brought. Then turns on his telepathy.
Interrogation skill Roll 11.
Asking the “right” question gets the Magebane to think thoughts Knight Four catches.
While the gang of robbers goes over the Magebane’s possessions for clues.
They take turns smacking him around in the attempt to loosen his tongue.
Knight Four, “This can end as soon as I find him.”
The Magebane shakes his head.
They drug him.
It gets bloody.
Between the tricks and rough 5 hours they crack him.
Knight Four sedates him. When they are sure he is out. They took him in. Leaving in stages and disguises they camouflage their exit and rendezvous outside the hotel.
Then to the mission room of the City-Rats choosing.
They research the location.
Then suit up and head out to the deprogrammers.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Lazlo
A secret place

In the heart of the city, nestled within the shadows of towering buildings and hidden from prying eyes, lay a secret sanctuary known only to a select few. It was a place where heroes and vigilantes alike brought those who had strayed from the path of righteousness, a haven where the broken and the lost could find redemption and a chance at a new beginning.

The Estuary (pronounced: es·choo·eh·ree)

As Knight Four and his entourage of city-rats approached the clandestine location, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Their footsteps echoed softly against the streets, the quiet hum of the city fading into the background as they drew nearer to their destination.

The entrance to the sanctuary is discreet, its unassuming facade betraying nothing of the secrets that lay hidden within. But to those who knew where to look, it was a portal to a world beyond the ordinary.

As they passed through the threshold, Knight Four and his henchmen were met with a scene unlike any they had encountered before. The interior of the sanctuary was bathed in a soft, ethereal light, its walls adorned with symbols of hope and justice.
At the center of the room stood a figure cloaked in darkness, his silhouette casting a long shadow against the walls. He was the guardian of this place, a silent sentinel who watched over those who sought within its walls.
With a nod of recognition, the figure beckoned Knight Four to come forward as he led them deeper into the heart of the sanctuary. Along the way, they passed cells and chambers, each one housing a soul in need of salvation, each one a testament to the enduring power of hope and redemption.

Finally, they arrived at their destination: a chamber bathed in soft candlelight, its walls lined with shelves filled with books and artifacts of ancient wisdom. Here, the heroes and psychologists of the sanctuary worked tirelessly to unlock the mysteries of what makes a man evil, to heal the wounds of the past and guide those who had lost their way back to the path of righteousness.
As Knight Four and his gang took their places within the chamber, a sense of reverence filled the air. Their mission was clear: to rescue Knight Two from the clutches of the heroes and psychologists who sought to rehabilitate him.

With practiced stealth, they made their way through the labyrinthine corridors, their senses heightened and their weapons at the ready. They encountered no resistance, for the guardians of the sanctuary were unaware of the danger that lurked within their midst.

It's me, Knight Four thought to himself. They are off guard because they sense the good in me.
His hands began to tremble. He found it difficult to focus.

Finally, they reached the chamber where Knight Two was held captive, his spirit shackled by the well-meaning intentions of those who sought to reform him. With a swift and decisive strike, they breached the chamber's defenses, the gang springing into action to overpower the guards and secure their escape route.

But as they moved to free their friend from his confines, a voice rang out from the shadows, stopping them dead in their tracks. It was the figure who had greeted them upon their arrival, the guardian of the sanctuary who stood between them and their goal.

"You cannot simply take him from us," the figure intoned, his voice filled with quiet authority. "He is here to change the path he walks from the one that brought him here."

Knight Two jaw clenched with frustration, his mind racing as he weighed his options. He had come too far to turn back now, but he knew that bloodshed would only complicate matters further.

With a steely resolve, Karl stepped forward, his gaze locked with the guardian's and secretly paralyzed him with Bio-Manipulation.
Without missing a beat Knight Four said, "We mean him no harm," he said, his voice firm but measured. "We only seek to free him from the chains that bind him here. Let us take him, and we will trouble you no further."

For a long moment, silence hung heavy in the air, the tension between them palpable. And then, Knight Four and the gang escorted the sleepwalking Knight Two past the paralyzed guardian.
As they made their escape from the sanctuary, Knight Four couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for the disruption they had caused. But as he looked back at Knight Two (Todd), he knew that their mission had been a success.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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As the effects of Knight Four's spell began to take hold, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. The gang of henchmen stood around Todd's prone form, their faces a mixture of concern and hope. Knight Four’s brow furrowed in concentration, then, with a final flourish, Karl released the spell, a shimmering wave of energy cascading over Todd's body like a gentle breeze. For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the nearby trees.

And then, slowly but surely, Knight Two (Todd) began to stir. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes bright with newfound clarity and awareness. A smile spread across his face, wide and infectious, as he looked up at Karl with an expression of pure joy.

"Four!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "I feel... I feel amazing!"

The gang of City-Rat henchmen erupted into cheers, their voices ringing out in laughter. They gathered around Knight Two (Todd), clapping him on the back.

Four couldn't help but smile as he watched the scene unfold before him. He had never seen Todd so happy, so alive. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, allowing him to embrace the world with newfound enthusiasm and optimism.

As they stood there together, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, Four knew that this moment Todd was his friend. He was glad he had this spell to clean out drugs from a guy's system. They had all witnessed the transformative power of magic.

The gang drives the Mystic knights back to the Atlantean quarter while he divvies out their pay. Hurrying back their driver makes use of Roadwise.
As Knight Two (Todd) sits within the tranquil confines of the Atlantean enclave, his body adorned with the intricate markings of the Rose tattoo, he feels a profound sense of gratitude wash over him.
The pain from the tattooing process still lingered, a dull ache that pulsed with each beat of his heart, but it was a small price to pay for the gift he had received.

With each passing moment, Todd could feel the magic of the tattoo coursing through his veins, infusing him with newfound strength and vitality. It was as if a dormant power had been awakened within him, a power that held the potential to heal and protect those around him.

As he gazed down at the image of the Rose etched into his skin, Todd couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty and significance of the symbol. It was a reminder of the kindness and generosity of the Atlanteans, of their willingness to embrace him as one of their own despite his outsider status.

And yet, amidst the pain and the exhaustion, Todd found himself filled with a profound sense of gratitude for Knight Four, the man who had rescued him from captivity. It was thanks to Knight Four’s determination that he now sat here, alive and whole, with a newfound power coursing through him.

As he closed his eyes and allowed the magic of the tattoo to envelop him. He knew that he owed his freedom to Knight Four.

Retiring to the healing pyramid's restoration chamber Todd joined Marcus (Knight One) in his recovery.

As Knight Four sat in his room, his mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and thoughts. For over a year now, he had been embedded within the ranks of these Mystic Knight mercenaries, his mission clear: gather intelligence on the Order of the Mystic Knights, on Todd and Marcus, and ultimately recruit them into the Order of the White Rose or arrest them or kill them.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Knight Fourl found himself growing increasingly familiar with Todd and Marcus. Despite their questionable morals, there was a camaraderie among them that he couldn't deny. They had been through thick and thin together. Slaying vampires. Fighting the demons of Hades. Now that he knew he had their trust, he had come to trust them. He had gained a lot of experience. Soon he would get an Atlantean tattoo that would make him tougher and more powerful. He was making more money and taking out some bad guys. Knights One and Two are not really bad guys. They were just raised in the Order of the Mystic Knights to be mercenaries who fight for profit instead of justice or to make the world a better place. When he thought about it, he didn’t have a problem with working for money. Everyone works for money. It’s not money he has a problem with. It’s the feeling that he would never have made it out of the Dregs is all anyone did if they only worked for money.

As he reflected on his mission, Karl couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt gnawing at the edges of him. He knew that his loyalty should lie with the White Rose, that he should remain focused on working Knights One and Two.
But as he looked at the two men who had become his friends, Karl found himself questioning why. Did it really matter? Except for the information and the tithe they paid to the Order of the Mystic Knights their little outfit called “Section” made a living and did some good in the rough world.

I did not know about the Estuary.
IF I had left Knight Two there he might have changed.
Isn't that what I am supposed to be doing with them?
What is the difference between their methods and mine?
I didn't know about it. I didn't know if it was real or legit or whatever.
I had already tortured that Magebane for the information.
I don't even feel guilty about it now. I should but I don't.
He had taken my friend from me.
One and Two have never lied to me.
They never cheat me or stole from me.
They ALWAYS had my back.
This is because of that trip I took with them to Kingsdale.
I should have talked them out of it.
Todd is as loyal as the come.
Marcus has repeatedly given me the chance to leave with my share of the profits.
He has always kept his word of honor even with those who did not deserve it.

And so, as Karl sat in his quarters, his thoughts in turmoil, he made a decision. He would continue to gather intelligence, of course, and he would remain loyal to the White Rose. But he would also allow himself to care for Todd and Marcus.
In the end, true loyalty wasn't about who you worked for, but rather the people you chose to stand beside, come what may. And as long as he had Todd and Marcus by his side, he knew that he would always have friends he could trust, no matter what the future held.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Knight Four settled in to write his reports, the soft tap of his pen echoing in the quiet of his room. But soon, the confines of his quarters felt stifling, and he knew he needed to clear his mind. With a determined stride, he left his desk behind and headed out for a run, the rhythm of his footsteps syncing with the beat of his thoughts.

As he jogged through the bustling streets, Knight Four's mind raced with plans and strategies, his body moving with the fluid grace of a seasoned athlete. He leaped effortlessly over obstacles, his muscles flexing with each acrobatic maneuver, until finally, he found himself standing in front of a makeshift boxing ring.

With a nod to the trainer, Knight Four stepped into the ring, the familiar scent of sweat and leather washing over him. He sparred with a skilled opponent, his punches landing with precision as he honed his combat skills with practiced ease.

After the bout, Knight Four retreated to the showers, the hot water soothing his tired muscles as he let his mind drift. He emerged feeling refreshed and invigorated, ready to tackle the challenges that lay ahead.

But as he ventured out into the city once more, Knight Four's sense of ease was shattered by a startling revelation: there was a bounty on his head. The cartoon drawing and line by line written description was about 88% of his likeness but it still made him uncomfortable. The realization sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through his veins, and he quickly donned a disguise, blending into the throng of bustling streets with practiced ease.

With his identity concealed, Knight Four set about his tasks with renewed urgency, arranging for the gang of robbers to lay low and gathering information from the streets. He made preparations for the transfer of credits and checked for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows.

Satisfied that he had done all he could, Knight Four slipped away into the night, his belongings gathered and his mind focused on the mission ahead. He sought out his comrades Knight One and Two and informed them of his findings.

They discuss their plans for the future.
They will wait until Knight Four has his dimensional tattoo of teleportation back here to Lazlo then leave.
They will return to Kingsdale or Merc Town to practice using their new magic tattoos to teleport back here to the city of Lazlo.
They need to test their new tattoos. They need to get used to them. They can’t use them for the first time in Hades. It’s practice for the mission. Besides, it will look good to their Atlantean tattoo gifting host to do some more humanitarian aid work. We will take an Atlantean with us to rehearse Ictinus’s place. Maybe we will look up one of the girls to stand in for Lady Black.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Dregs

The Mystic Knights navigate the trash of Kingsdale's Dregs, and they are met with a scene of desolation and despair. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the sound of desperate cries echoed off the crumbling walls of the dilapidated buildings.

But despite the bleak surroundings, the trio of Mystic Knights waste no time in springing into action. With practiced hands, they set about using their magically healing spells. It is really a field test of Knight Two’s Atlantean Tattoo.
There are those who remember the strangers and do not run away from them but to them, with their hands out. They had eased the suffering once before, why not again? And with the unlimited power of the Ley Line Nexus they had all the energy they needed for their magic.

Knight Four was impressed, with his expertise in combat medicine he could patched up wounds and injuries with precision and care.
Todd’s (Knight Two’s) new tattoo (A Rose with thorns dripping blood) was put to frequent use.
Knight One cured D-Bee and human illnesses with a wave of his hand.

As they tended to the needs of the people of the Dregs, word of their compassionate deeds began to spread.
When night comes, Knight Four creates “Sheltering Force” tents for the homeless.

The Atlantean from the Aurelous Clan who had accompanied them on their journey looked on in awe, impressed by the selfless dedication of the mercenaries to easing the suffering of others.
The Mystic Knight looked at each other and smiled.
Their public relations campaign with the Aurelous Clan was working.

Moved by what they witnessed, the Clan Aurelous member vowed to report the noble work being done by the soldiers of fortune. The world needed to hear about these unsung heroes, who, despite the dangers and hardships they faced as mercenaries, still found the time and compassion to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

And as the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Dregs, the Mystic Knights knew that their efforts had not been in vain.

For Knight Four, in the darkest corners of Kingsdale, they had brought a glimmer of hope and healing to those who needed it most.

The plan is to keep up the performance for the Atlantean. They would stay the night in the Dregs under the influence of the spell “Sustain” so they would not get tired and fall asleep. They felt nothing of the sort of Supernatural Evil.
Then they beat some guys trying to steal from others. The fistfight is no challenge and beneath their abilities.
Handing out castings of the spell “Cleanse” the Mystic Knights get the word on the street.
A sort of turf cold war is going on in the Dregs.
When the Vampires were killed or driven off the sort of order of the Dregs got gone and a power struggle is still taking place. Gangs are competing to run the Dregs. The sentiment is, it's better to run the Dregs than own nothing.
As bad as the Vampires were, they didn’t like competition. They scared off or eliminated other predators of the homeless D-Bees and humans.
Now the figurative food chain is changing.
There are more homeless in the Dregs. They are survivors and newly homeless. The Dregs seem more appealing after the Mystic Knight came through and wiped out the vampires and werewolves. Also, the free health care the Mystic Knight magically handed out the last time they were here.
One enterprising fellow, remodeled an old building and opened a new business catering to human vices.
The most legit business is a recycle center in which the homeless take the trash they have taken out of the garbage can and off the street to the business. They in turn salvage that which can be and is in demand and recycle the rest. The business pays them mostly in goods: clean water, food, previously owned clothes and shoes, and soap.

Some troublemakers come out after dark so the team paralyzes them and allows them to get robbed.
The homeless sleep a little deeper tonight.

They see part of the problem is a lack of protection at night.
Fear of being robbed or attacked is a cause of anxiety and sleeplessness.

Knight One (Marcus) tests out his power of “Mind Wipe” on the homeless victims with Trauma experience and childhood abuse. They suddenly experience revelations of “What have I been doing with my life” and “How do I allow myself to come to this?”

Walking the Dregs, the Mystic Knights notice the rich and middle class who venture into the Dregs for a cheap thrill.
In the presence of the mercs, muggings and protection schemes are not attempted.
Business is better.

They find a few homeless who have died of accidents, cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, liver failure, and stroke; all appear to be natural causes. They message their favorite necromancer in town to send his meat wagon.
The coyotes are robbed of their human and D-Bee meat tonight.

By dawn’s light the night had passed without rape and a record low of robberies and harassments.
Talking about the matter, the knights realize the short term efforts make a difference only for the day they do them.
In the long term, they make no difference at all, unless the day they made the difference saved a life and even then it only matters to the life they saved and those who depended upon them.

The locals figure these homeless jobless dregs of humanity are lost causes and deserve to be in the “Dregs.” They probably would not last a year in the wilderness. They are safer here than in forests as walking food for the monsters and animals.
Knight Four explains that everyone knows the Dregs are the home of the homeless. Everyone knows it; no one wants to look at them. Half are here because they are fools. The other half because they followed them or were born into it. The problem is getting out means getting a job and a place they can afford to stay.

As planned, Knights One and Four use their new Atlantean Dimensional Tattoos and the energy from the Ley Lines to teleport the Atlantean pyramid in Lazlo.
It wipes them out.
Their first time using it and it has exhausted them. They see now why they need to practice using it.
Fortunately, the Atlantean Clan is there to pick them up and care for them.

In the heart of the Dregs, Knight Two stood amidst the shadows, where the downtrodden emerged into the harsh light of day. The homeless, weathered by life's unforgiving blows, cast wary glances in his direction. But Todd felt a shift in their gaze, a subtle acknowledgment of his presence that pierced through the veil of invisibility he once wore like a cloak.

Since Knight Two's daring rescue and the mystical mark etched on his skin, Todd had been transformed. No longer a mere bystander in the world wounded, he had been granted a gift—a magic tattoo pulsing with ancient energy, bestowing upon him the power to heal the afflicted with but a touch.

"I see them now," Todd murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper against the cacophony of the crowd. "The wounded, the forgotten. Before, I was blind to their suffering. But now..." His words trailed off, lost in the tumult of his thoughts.

Gone were the days of simple first aid skills, replaced now by the profound ability to mend flesh. With each passing moment, Knight Two's awareness expanded, honed to seek out the hidden wounds that festered beneath the surface.

As he reached out, his hands trembling with the weight of power, Knight Two knew that he could no longer ignore the wounded around him. For in the depths of the Dregs, amidst the broken and the ignored, he had found his gift from the Atlanteans was changing the way he looked at people. They wanted him to have this power. The must want it to change him. Before he could think of 10 ways to kill them. Now he thinks of healing them.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Dregs

As the sun began to rise over the city of Kingsdale, Knight Two/Todd found himself immersed in the hustle and bustle of the Dregs.
With his keen eyes scanning the surroundings, he moved with purpose and precision, ever vigilant of his surroundings.

His first order of business was to conduct a thorough reconnaissance of the area, mapping out potential routes and identifying strategic vantage points. With his background in intelligence, Knight Two is well-equipped to navigate the Dregs.

As he moved between the dilapidated buildings, Knight Two kept a low profile, blending seamlessly through the rural and urban landscape. He move undetected, his movements silent and fluid as he gathered vital information on the local area.

Throughout the morning, Todd made contact with various informants, gathering valuable intel on the activities of gangs and potential threats in the area. Anyone who was not afraid enough of him, he observe how they tested his patience and readiness. He did not bring an energy weapon. This hands free approach wasn't intimidating anyone. Those who pulled guns on him he cast Armor of Ithan on himself then misted anyone shooting at him with a magic blast of energy. Wanting to save something for necromancer he starts using his electrokinesis to electrocute them. Locals keep picking the corpses clean when his back is turned. The hungry follow him like vultures who follow a predator waiting for whatever scraps they can steal.

Making another round of healing using his Atlantean Tattoo of a Rose with Thorns dripping with Blood he was quickly overrun. He noticed things, like some of the same people he had only healed yesterday were back with fresh injuries. He was sure there was a lesson there somewhere and wondered if he did this everyday would they be better off or dead the day after he left. Some of the would be healed begin to argue over their place in line to him to be healed. Some come claiming Joe sent them and demanding either a refund or remedy to their diabeties, obesity and old age.
He decides to cast a spell of invisibility and walk away.
He screams murder.
Someone from the crowd throws a blanket over him and they knock him down and start kicking.
He doesn't need to worry about those other health problems anymore. Now he has some broken ribs and such.

Knight Two decided to take a break to workout but even as he immersed himself in his training, he remained ever vigilant, his senses attuned to the slightest sign of danger. In the Dregs, danger was no stranger, and Two knew that he needed to be prepared for anything.

When some thugs tried to surround him and shake him down for all the money he got for healing people he armored up and used the magic of "Fist of Fury" to literally knock their heads off while breaking the arms of those who successfully parried his punches.

By the time the necromancer's meat wagon arrived the poor had striped the dead naked.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the urban landscape, Two's day drew to a close. But even as he prepared to rest for the night, his mind remained sharp and alert, his thoughts already turning to the challenges that tomorrow would bring.

For Two, the life of a mercenary was a never-ending cycle of preparation and execution, a constant battle kill or be killed. He knew that he was more than up to the task. And as he settled in for the night, Still under the magic benefits of the Sustain spell he managed without sleep. He had to hide and camouflage his position but did so with the quiet confidence of a professional.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Dregs

In the heart of the Dregs, where shadows loomed ominously and tension hung thick in the air, Todd found himself facing off against a gang of street toughs. They blocked his path, their hostile glares indicating their readiness for a fight.

Todd stood firm, his expression stoice as he assessed the situation before him. His social skills were underdeveloped. In this moment, he relied on his training as a soldier to guide him.
Knight Two (K2) remained expressionless, his respect reserved for those of great ability or higher rank.

He squared his shoulders, his muscles tensing as he prepared for the confrontation ahead. He knew that force is the answer, that conflict or retreat was ultimately unavoidable. With a steely gaze, he met the gang leader's eyes, his voice calm but firm as he spoke.

"Don’t," K2 stated flatly, his voice devoid of inflection.

The end justifies the means.

The gang leader scoffed, his laughter dripping with disdain. "You think you can take us on alone?" he taunted, his cronies closing in menacingly. "You're outnumbered and outmatched, little man."

The weak are meant to be dominated by the strong.

K2 remained unfazed, his resolve unwavering as he braced himself for the onslaught to come. With lightning speed, the gang leader lunged forward, his fist flying towards Todd's face with deadly intent. Todd (K2) is faster, his reflexes honed by years of training and discipline. With a swift sidestep, he evaded the blow, his movements mechanical as he stepped out of harm's way.
As the gang closed in, Todd fought with precision, his movements a blur of motion, thanks to his spells of superhuman agility and speed and intuitive combat.

Know thy enemy and never underestimate him.

He deftly parried their attacks and countered with strikes of his own. He relied on his training in hand to hand combat.
With precision borne of years of military training, he deflected the gang leader's initial strike, his movements efficient and calculated.
As the gang pressed their attack, K2 fought with silence, his movements methodical; his technique, lethal.

Dead enemies tell no tales, nor come back to haunt you

The gang soon realized they were no match for him.
Their bravado gone, they draw their guns.
Electricity flies from K2’s hands.
One by one, they fall before him.
They begin running away.
K2 Shoots them in the back.

. . . It is an obliging enemy who turns his back . . .

With the threat neutralized, K2 wasted no time.
He used his radio to call for the meat wagon again. No trace will remain.

With Knights One and Four back in town they share a drink and a meal.
Todd (K2) briefs them on his experiences.
He's killed 14.
The stupidest thugs are dead. The smartest have fled, are playing nice, for now, because they are scared.
All the corpses that had enough left over he arranged their delivery to the necromancer.
Any witnesses are too afraid of him and or robbed the corpses.
Bottom feeders are following them like vulures circling for future kills.
Healed over 1,000
The spread of diseases has curbed.

They brief him on theirs.
The tattoos work but after they arrived they were dead tired.
IF they had to fight it would have been the fight of their lives.

They patrol The Dregs once more.
Create some magic sheltering Force tents for the homeless for the night.
Those who don't run from them in fear, they cast some Cleanse spells, then cure Illnesses and Negate Toxins.

Then, in keeping with their training plan, Knight One uses his Magic Tattoo again, only this time he takes Knight Two with him as his passenger.
They arrive back in Lazlo at the Altantean stone Pyramind.
Knight One drops from exhaustion.
Two carries him to the healing chamber.

Knight Four spends the night in The Dregs.

He uses his streatwise to pick and choose whom to cast the "Sustain" spell upon.
Hungry kids, working men and women, and the elderly.
He finds those with terminal health problems without cure or much of any treatment and basically none for the poor and uninsured. His skills in paramedics and such can diagnoses some of the problems. A "Sustain" spell will keep them awake and while they are awake they are in pain and boredum. He toys with talking with them about punching out before it gets any worse. Talks about knowing a guy who knows a guy who can put them up until the night of the full moon. Then its zombie time. The choice is theirs. Some want to negotiate a deal to leave credits to someone else, some their kids; get them out of the Dregs. The knights sort of have a reptuation for healing the sick and wounded; providing shelter. Truth be told, they never thought of the last thing they own, the dead body, as a commodity they can sell for a few credits.

Checking out the strip club, Knight Four finds out it is still in business.
Disguising himself and going undercover he finds out with a few questions and telepathy the employees are running because, MONEY.
Have not heard from management.
They are cooking the books and pick-pocking the till; keeping it all for themselves.
Juicers are thinking about taking over and running it; because THEY CAN.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale

"The Dregs"

As he ventured deeper into the chaotic maze of makeshift huts and stolen construction materials, Knight Four found himself in the streets of The Dregs. They are teeming with a motley assortment of characters—criminals, spies, disreputable mercenaries, and desperate souls struggling to survive. Here, the law held little sway, and danger lurked around every corner.

Yet amidst the chaos and lawlessness, Knight Four saw opportunity. Armed with his keen intellect and quick reflexes, he navigated the treacherous streets with ease, his senses alert to the slightest hint of danger. He moved with purpose, his footsteps echoing in the dimly lit alleyways as he sought to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the shadows.
As he delved deeper into The Dregs, he saw a myriad of illicit activities—drug trafficking, prostitution, and forbidden pleasures that flourished in the absence of law enforcement.
For every good deed the Mystic Knights had done, there were ten more acts of villainy. The criminal underworld of The Dregs is a dangerous place, where trustworthiness is a rarity.

Day 1:

Clad in worn-out clothing and a tattered leather jacket, he blended seamlessly into the shadowy landscape of poverty and crime, his true identity concealed beneath his disguise. Knight Four bought a previously owned ambulance and hired a local driver. He wove through the streets of poverty and despair, its siren wailing a mournful cry that echoed off the dilapidated buildings and shadowy alleyways. K4 sat in the back, surrounded by medical supplies and equipment.
As they drove, K4 keen eyes scanned the surroundings for signs of trouble, his senses attuned to the constant undercurrent of violence and suffering that permeated the air. With each passing moment, he braced himself for the inevitable onslaught of patients in need of his aid, their cries for help a grim reminder of the harsh realities of life in the Dregs.

Day 2:

K4 sprang into action as the first call came in, his hands moving with practiced precision as he tended to the wounded and the sick. Amidst the chaos and despair, his skills as a paramedic became a lifeline for those who had nowhere else to turn.

As dawn broke over the desolate landscape of the Dregs, K4 ambulance once again roamed the streets, its siren cutting through the silence of the early morning like a knife. With each passing hour, the calls for help grew more frequent. But even as he worked tirelessly to save lives.
As the ambulance prowled through the dimly lit streets of the Dregs, its headlights cutting through the darkness like twin beacons of hope, Karl's keen eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of trouble. His Sixth Sense alerted him to danger, every nerve in his body primed for action.
Suddenly, out of the shadows, a group of figures emerged, their faces obscured by shadows and their intentions unclear. With a sense of dread knotting in his stomach, K4 braced himself, his hand instinctively reaching for the weapon concealed beneath his coat.
"Stop!" one of the figures shouted, brandishing a gleaming knife in a menacing gesture. "Get out of MY van!"
K4’s jaw tightened with determination as he locked eyes with the carjacker. With a swift motion, he sprang into action, his movements fluid and precise as he leaped from the ambulance and confronted the gang thieves.

"Back off," K4 said, his voice cold and commanding.

Their eyes glittering with malice as they closed in on Karl and his driver. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Karl fought back with all his strength, his fists flying in a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of blows against his attackers.

Despite their numbers, the gang members were no match for him. With each blow he landed, another assailant crumpled to the ground, their cries of pain echoing through the night air as they recoiled from the ferocity of his assault.

But Knight Four was not content to simply incapacitate his foes. By the time the dust had settled, the gang members lay scattered on the ground. As he stood amidst the wreckage of the confrontation, Karl felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he surveyed the scene before him. The ambulance was safe, his driver unharmed, and the would-be assailants defeated. In the dark heart of the Dregs, Karl had once again emerged victorious. He and the driver loaded up the bodies and drove them to the necromancer.
As night fell and the streets erupted into chaos once more, K4 emerged from the shadows, his true identity concealed beneath a mask of darkness as he sought out those responsible for the suffering he had witnessed today.
His mind focused on the task at hand as he prepared to mete out justice to those who preyed on the innocent. Using his psychic powers, streetwise, and surveillance skills he went on the hunt.
17 people are now locked up in a makeshift prison Knight Four arranged.

Days later

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate landscape of the Dregs, K4 ambulance lay silent and still, its work for the day done. But even as the streets grew quiet and the night descended, Knight Four knew that his work was far from over.

With the arrival of Knights One and Two they all brief each other.
Knights Two and Four make use of Four’s Atlantean Tattoo and using power from the Ley Line Nexus teleport back to the only place the tattoo will take them; Lazlo.

Knight One faces the Dregs alone.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Kingsdale

The Dregs.

With his partner's intelligence reports and maps in hand, Marcus wasted no time.

-His first order of business was the makeshift prison that Knight Four had left behind. The spell “Sustain” would provide for the food and water.

The Mystic Knights, one way or another, were killing off those who tried to rob them or shake them down. They weren’t the worst but there was no telling how their subtraction would change the Dregs.

one less gang

He turned his attention to a few of the ideas for which he brought the Atlantean Stone Master from Lazlo and an Earth Warlock.
Poor people are sentimental fools who clung to the past and dreamed of brighter futures without hardwork; seldom to themselves and sacrificing the things their comfort rested on.
Still, getting people to change seldom lasts long.
These poor Dregies are storage companies best customers. So I’ll provide a secure place for them to store their belongings. Between the Earth Warlock and the Stone Master and a Ley Line Nexus a lot of stone walls go up overnight.

This whole thing has a field test for our powers and a public relations gig to the Aurelous Clan Atlanteans. Kingsdale Ley Line Nexus was all the power we needed to use our powers. Besides that I like putting on a good show.

-He puts the prison labor to work with a mix of mind wipes, empathic transmissions, and Compulsion spells.

A man’s got to keep himself busy.

The rest of the time the prisoner labor will be free to move about between the walls of their prison. I’m confident one of them will kill another of them in a week. They might have a chance if they worked together and one or two of them was willing to sacrifice for the others but they are undisciplined and untrustworthy. It would be easy to kill them but there is no profit. They could be traded. Perhaps the necromancer would be grateful for them and make us something from their bones. The crucial time will be the night of the full moon.
The good news, for him, is the Dregs is a place without bureaucrats, law enforcement, or building inspectors.

-Knight One turns a decade-old failed diner into a clinic, offering “Cure Illness” and preventive medicine services to the people of the Dregs. Though the building may have been unattractive, the care provided within its walls was anything but.

-At night, Knight One would continue to go around creating “Sheltering Force” tents whose duration would expire in 18 hours.

-Finally, Knight One would turn his attention to a somber but necessary task: the construction of a cemetery and funeral service. It was front for funneling the dead to a necromancer but it gave people who live in the Dregs some comfort.

After Knights Two and Four return days later they do another extraction.
Using the tattoo again, this time Knight One teleports with the Atlantean Stone Master and Earth Warlock back to Lazlo. While Knight Four takes himself and Two back.

The practice is grueling but the Knights are getting used to it.

With the Knights back the Atlantean clan are briefed on their exercise and uses of their tattoos.

They all recuperate in the stone pyramid.

The knights sort of take a 4 day vacation in Lazlo resuming their physical training regime.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Location: Lazlo

The Mystic Knights hear back from the Guild of Shifters
- They are contacted by their previous guild of Shifters with an arrangement with a powerful demon known for his disdain for the current ruler of Shek’Ra.

It seems the Sponsor they needed was in Hades all along.
- After discreet inquiries and cautious approaches, the Shifters have managed to establish contact with a demon who calls himself Azazel, an advisor to the ruler of Shek’Ra. He doesn’t mind making the current ruler look bad and maybe even taking his place.

- They arrange a secret meeting with Azazel in a secluded location Shek’Ra outside the city, where the Mystic Knights can make their pitch. He doesn't consider it a waste of his time for people to come to him with information and begging for favors of him. He expects them to bring him a gift. The better the gift the more favorable he will be inclined to think about their offer. The Shifters tell them, the demon likes gold but will also be pleased with something that flatters him: Art of him that makes him look good for those with shallow pockets. Food that tastes good to him. Fine Wine (By brewing and exceptionally high level spell quality).

- The chosen location is a hidden cave deep within the rugged terrain, far from prying eyes.

- Before the meeting, the mercenaries conduct thorough reconnaissance of the area to ensure it is free from any potential threats or surveillance.

- They set up lookout positions to guard against any unexpected visitors or ambushes.

- As the appointed time approaches, the Mystic Knights anxiously wait in the cave, tense with anticipation for the arrival of Azazel.

- They remain vigilant, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of movement or approaching figures.

- Eventually, Azazel arrives at the secluded meeting spot with his entourage of mortal slaves, his imposing figure emerging from the shadows with an aura of authority.

- The Mystic Knights greet him as the Shifters schooled them, acknowledging his presence with respect but without fear.

- With Azazel now present, the Mystic Knights each put forth their gifts which the mortals critique. They make slights about them, on purpose. It seems they were taught to put any gift down that came from a mortal because nothing is good enough for their master. The demon begins the meeting with he acting out a bad attitude. The Mystic Knights catch on real quick, it was always going to go down this way no matter what they brought. It's a neogotating technique and the demon enjoys belittling others.
After some scolding, the knights are ordered to not waste anymore of the demons time, and beg for the demons favor, they want back Ictinus, Lady Black, and Knight Three.

The demon's mortals reply, "Why should he? What's in it for him?"

- The mercenaries offer Azazel a mutually beneficial arrangement, proposing to lend their support to his cause in exchange for his sponsorship and assistance.
- They pledge to support him in his quest to undermine the current ruler in the city.

Addressing Concerns:
- Throughout the meeting, the mercenaries address any concerns or doubts Azazel may have, providing reassurances and explanations to alleviate his skepticism.

He wants a demonstration as proof.
His mortal servants say their demon master is certain his rivals have sent spies to follow him here.
Go outside and kill them. Bring me back their heads as proof of it.

They go outside and low and behold he was right.
They fight.
They bring back the heads.

The mortal servants say, since their master didn't see them fight, he has to be certain of their skills.
He has them each fight, one on one, a mortal gladiator he brought.
Rules are no ranged attacks, hand to hand or melee weapons but don't make it quick; and it's to the death.

Negotiating Terms:
- As the discussion unfolds, the Mystic Knights and Azazel's mortal engage in negotiations, bargaining over the terms of their alliance and the specifics of their arrangement.
- They discuss matters such as mutual expectations, roles and responsibilities, and the extent of Azazel's support in facilitating their mission.

- The Mystic Knights are expected to disguise themselves as the three mortals they killed. Assuming their place in his entourage. The helmets mask their faces but to some demons humans all look alike to them.

- Azazel walks into the Demon City of Shek'Ra and goes to his estate. The demons mortal slaves direct the Mystic Knights to the room for their kind.

- Not long after a mortal servant comes bearing a message, The mighty Azazel agrees to consider sponsoring them if they can prove their worth.

- Those beneath him are trying to undermine him. Here, mortals may not harm demons but they can kill other mortals.

- Over the next few days, the Mystic Knights embark on various missions assigned by Azazel to demonstrate their capabilities and dedication.

Each task serves as a test of their skills and resourcefulness, as well as a chance to gain valuable information about the inner workings of Shek’Ra.

Their first mission involves infiltrating a rival faction's stronghold to gather intelligence on their activities and resources. Working together with precision and stealth, the Mystic Knights navigate through the labyrinthine corridors and shadowy passages of the fortress, avoiding patrols and security measures as they go. Using their expertise in reconnaissance and surveillance, they gather crucial information about the enemy's troop movements, supply routes, and strategic vulnerabilities, which they relay back to Azazel.

Next, they are tasked with disrupting a shipment of weapons and supplies destined for the front lines of a brewing conflict. Employing a combination of sabotage, ambush tactics, and diversionary maneuvers, the mercenaries intercept the convoy and engage in a fierce firefight with the enemy forces guarding it. Despite facing overwhelming odds, they manage to disable the vehicles, destroy the cargo, and scatter the enemy troops, dealing a significant blow to their adversaries and earning a smile on Azazel's lips.

Their third mission takes them deep into the heart of the city, where they must assassinate some humans being held captive in a heavily fortified compound. Utilizing their combat prowess, strategic planning, and knowledge of the city's layout, the mercenaries launch a daring raid on the compound, making their way past guards and traps to reach the prisoners.

As they continue to carry out Azazel's assignments, the Mystic Knights face increasingly dangerous challenges and adversaries, testing their mettle and pushing them to their limits. But with each successful mission, they learn a little more about how to find and escape with their people.

Azazel's entering them into the arena tournament.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Through covert conversations, clandestine meetings, and careful observation, they learn about Azazel, his subordinates, and his rivals, gaining crucial insights into the dynamics of the demon city.

Azazel emerges as a formidable figure, commanding respect and fear from those around him. His reputation as a cunning strategist and ruthless enforcer precedes him, making it clear that crossing him would be a grave mistake. However, beneath his intimidating exterior, there is a pragmatism that could potentially be leveraged to their advantage.

Among Azazel's subordinates, they identify key players who hold significant sway within the city's power structure. These individuals, whether through sheer strength, political savvy, or dark magic, wield considerable influence over the demon city's affairs. Understanding their motivations and allegiances becomes essential for navigating the treacherous landscape of Shek’Ra.

In their efforts to locate their missing comrades, Knights One, Two and Four also uncover information about the whereabouts of Ictinus, Knight Three, and Lady Black. Three's forced participation in the gladiatorial arena casts a grim shadow over their mission, highlighting the brutality and oppression that pervades Shek’Ra. Meanwhile, Ictinus's role in mending the stones of the ziggurat sheds light on the city's architectural marvels and the importance of its ancient structures to the demon inhabitants.

The Crucible

As the gates of the arena swung open, the initiates stepped onto its sands. Even those not attuned to magic could feel its pulse here.

Held in the desert arena surrounded by towering dunes and swirling sandstorms, the trial is overseen by enigmatic judges who watch from the shadows. The demon crowd hooted and hollered about the fresh meat about to be grinded up.

The trial begins with an artificial dawn, the gladiators venture into the demonic made desert arena, their every step accompanied by the crunch of sand and ash beneath their feet.
The first challenge involves traversing a vast expanse of shifting sands as they began to move forward like a giant treadmill. Standing still meant falling into a chasm that opens up behind them. With hidden pitfalls and traps lying in wait to ensnare the unwary, it was the only way forward. There are robot steeds on the course but without horsemanship: exotic they will buck. Their instinct is to run the course which means they will outrun the players unless the players can jump on them before they bolt.

If a player succeeds at mounting them and makes their skill roll, they race to the end with 3 riding skill checks (no penalties).
As the participants get to the middle, the terrain turns blisteringly hot and choking clouds of ash that obscure their vision and sap their strength. With each passing round, the trial grows ever more perilous, testing the limits of endurance and pushing participants to their breaking point.

At the end of the track, it is dusk, as the desert sands are bathed in the fiery hues, the final challenge awaits—a towering mountain of ash that looms on the horizon like a specter of death. To reach the summit and claim victory, participants must overcome sheer cliffs, treacherous ravines, and deadly avalanches of ash that threaten to bury them alive. But for those who falter and fail, the desert sands will serve as their final resting place, their dreams of glory buried beneath the shifting dunes for eternity.

For those who make it to the top of the heap.

Then survivors are expected to come down.
They are given water from the slave round girls and offered immediate medical attention. everything goes dark. Those too weak to continue are offered a quick execution or fight the other wounded and only one gets to go on.

Round 2
The trial of Smoke:

The players find themselves in a labyrinthine network of dark, twisting tunnels filled with acrid smoke that stings the eyes and burns the throat. Participants must navigate through the dense fog, relying on their sense of touch and spatial awareness to find their way forward. Along the way, they encounter obstacles such as collapsing passages, hidden traps, and hostile creatures lurking in the shadows. The trial reaches its climax in a vast chamber filled with billowing clouds of smoke and chains hanging from the way out. Those who climb on a chain find it moves up as they climb it. When they reach the top they are at the end of the chain and it has no slack to go down for anyone else.
Note: IF the gladiators shared more than one person could hang on to the chain. They would not know this unless they tried it.
Unless they are fast enough to get out first any participants must face off with each other. Once anyone dies a chain will drop allowing someone to climb up it to safety.

Round 3
The Trial of Sand:
In this trial, participants are thrust into a vast desert landscape where the shifting sands threaten to swallow them whole. They must navigate through towering sand dunes and treacherous pits, facing challenges such as scorching heat, dehydration, and attacks from desert predators. Along the way, they encounter ancient ruins buried beneath the sands, hinting at a civilization long forgotten. The trial culminates in a race against time as participants must outrun a massive sandstorm that threatens to engulf them, testing their speed, physical prowess and endurance to the limit.

If the players survive they are given water and escorted back to the gladiator pit.
The use of ranged attacks is forbidden but the players can use magic or psionics to enhance themselves and each other. The audience wants a show, not a quick execution. Players who can torture or humiliate their opponent before killing them get extra cheers from the crowd.

The reward for those who made it through the crucible is survival.
Those who got the applause of the crowd are the favored.
If they lost a limb it will be replaced or restored, and whether they did or did not they are expected to bow in front of the royalty so they can get a good look at them. Here they will see the Atlantean Ictinus.
When the chance arises they make eye contact.
The Mystic Knight communicates telepathically and exchanges thoughts with Ictinus. He is close to finishing his work on the pyramid. It will be fully operational soon. Lady Black and Three are alive as are many of the Atlanteans, that’s why he did it, they live with. Half they have sent to worlds in other dimensions. They are supposed to let him go after he finishes but he doubts it. Either way, when the pyramid is finished they won’t have to sacrifice slaves to power up Rift portals to other dimensions.

The rest of the day: rest, food, water, and companionship (Could be dead tomorrow).
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Arena:

The Next Performance:

The Trial of Fire is a grueling test of acrobatics and endurance. Here's how the trial unfolds for them:

Trial of Fire:
The trio finds themselves and their competition standing at the entrance of a massive chamber with flames dancing and flickering, casting eerie shadows on the walls as the trio presses forward. The air shimmers with waves of heat. They must navigate through a series of narrow passageways and platforms suspended over pits of molten lava, testing their reflexes (acrobatics or gymnastics).

Along the way, they encounter fire elementals that seek to impede their progress.
Fortunately, the Mystic Knights can empower their weapons and quickly dispose of the 50 MD.

Then, later that same evening:

Here's how the trial unfolds for them:

The Trial of Shadow:
The trio begins their trial in a the trio find themselves in a dense forest where the trees loom ominously overhead, their branches casting long, twisted shadows on the forest floor. Strange whispers echo through the woods, promising secrets and revelations to those who dare to listen. The trio must navigate through the tangled undergrowth, wary of hidden dangers lurking in the shadows. Along the way, they encounter illusions and mirages that test their resolve and perception, forcing them to distinguish truth from deception.
The bright moonlight creates long shadows while a light breeze moves the thin branches causing crikey sounds and makes the shadows shift. As they cross the forest, they encounter traps that can be detected with the skill of trap detection, they are triggered by light and sound sources so prowl is the key skill in keeping them from going off.
Also along the way, they must confront several Shadow Beasts hunting them and hiding in the shadows. Also, they confront fears and doubts (by magic spells like Fear basic role play amounts to making a save. Failure means the noises you make set off a trap), overcoming obstacles both physical and psychological.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The next day

The Trial of the Flesh

The Forge:
After completing the gauntlet, the mercenaries are led to a chamber filled with heavy weights, obstacle courses, and other physical challenges. They must endure a series of grueling tasks that test their strength & stamina. From lifting heavy objects to running obstacle courses, they must push themselves to the brink of exhaustion.

Later I=in the Evening

The Gauntlet:
The trio enters a large arena filled with various opponents, ranging from skilled warriors to ferocious beasts. They must fight their way through multiple waves of adversaries, demonstrating their combat skills and ability to work together as a team. The foes they face relentlessly fight for their lives
The losers are food for the beasts.

Watching the tournament competition:

The Mystic Knights catch sight of Lady Black and Knight Three.

They don't risk using telepathy while they are competing for fear of distracting them and the matter of range.

However afterwards

They exchange thoughts.

The trio of knights explain they have a plan
They have a plan and the magic to go back to Lazlo.
IF they made a run for it now their "friend" won't be with them for the return.
They can't do the same approach twice.
They must find a way to be in the same place.

The thoughts of their associates:
Atlantean lives are at stake
When the Ziggurate is finished we will see.

That night the Mystic Knights debated about their situation.
Knight One or Four could take back Lady Black and Knight Three now but their disappearance would raise a warning.
Ictinus would hidden.
It was safer to teleport Ictinus back.
Lady Black and Three would probably just go on fighting until they died off in the arena or were killed as revenge.

The critical information is that Ictinus is often in their quarters after his day's work in the Ziggurate.
If they are going to make an escape, it has to be coordinated when he is off work.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Party: The Mystic Knights

The Trial of Stone:

In the heart of the labyrinth lies a chamber filled with intricate stone mechanisms and puzzles.

The trio must solve these puzzles to unlock the path forward, using their intellect to decipher ancient runes and symbols.
Knight Four's psionic power of Object Reading helps with the deciphering.

Each puzzle presents a new challenge, requiring careful observation, thinking, and physical strength to overcome.

As they progress deeper into the labyrinth, they come across a series of chambers filled with massive stone blocks and boulders.
Ordinarily anyone in their situation would have to work together, strength wise, to move these obstacles out of their path to clear the way forward.
Fortunately, Knight Four has the spell Feartherlight which he uses to move boulders aside like they were pillows.
While the walls rise high above them, imposing and unyielding, the ground beneath their feet is uneven and rough.

Navigating their way through they face dead ends, hidden passages, and traps designed to thwart their progress.
Knight Two's skills in Land Navigation and his skills and ability to detect and locate traps evades all trouble from them.

Along the way, they encounter stone golems and other elemental guardians.

The Mystic knights have to fight Earth Warlock animated versions of themselves turned to flesh.
It is more of a head trip and challenging fight for the Mystic Knights.
They kill copies of each other.
These knock offs don't have the speed or magic abilities of the Mystic Knights.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Demon City of Shek’Ra.


The feared and revered assistant to the Duke of Shek’Ra, surveyed the bustling arena grounds, a sense of anticipation coursed through his veins. Today marks a pivotal moment in his ascension—a spectacle that would solidify his dominance. Azazel relished the opportunity to showcase his power to the demon city.

Stepping into the open, Azazel's crimson eyes gleamed with an eerie intensity, commanding the attention of all who beheld him. With a voice that resonated like thunder, he announced the arrival of his gladiators. These outsiders, foolish enough to venture into his domain, would serve as pawns in his grand spectacle, their fate hanging in the balance as they faced the trials.

As the cheers of the crowd washed over him, Azazel reveled in their envy. For Azazel, this was more than just a spectacle—it was a declaration of his superiority, a display of his power that would echo throughout the city.

The Mystic Knights standing amongst the other survivors in the center of the arena, surrounded by the deafening roar of the crowd, a sense of trepidation gnawed at their insides.
They had faced countless challenges but nothing quite prepared them for battling for their lives in the gladiatorial arena of Shek’Ra.
Invisibility is not allowed and a bunch of other rules like that were dolled out to them. Death and maiming are real here but the fighting is a performance.
They knew, to Azazel, they were nothing more than pawns in a game for demons like him and his rivals.

Now that the warm up acts are over the real matches can begin.

Azazel would keep Knight Three and Lady Black out fights with each other.
The crucial thing is the Atlantean, Ictinus.
IF he completes his work the current Duke of the city will gain prestige and influence.
For Azazel to rise above his Duke, Ictinus must be taken before he finishes.
The failure will be blamed on the Duke.

After the Duke is dead or in exile, they have to return with a stone master to finish the job to secure his position as the new Duke.

Then he will release the Atlantean slaves that are being held as hostages.

There are 2 key points.
The Mystic Knights have to win their fight or at least come in ahead of the Duke’s gladiators.
Lady Black and Knight Three will have to lose their fights and leave wounded.
Otherwise, the Mystic Knight team will have to fight them.

IF the Mystic Knights lose to them it will make Azazel look bad as their sponsor.

IF they teleport out with them in the arena Ictinus, who won’t be on the arena sands, will be left behind.

Once in the medical area, Knight One to impersonate Knight Three and switch places with him.


Knight One will go back to the Atlantean quarter with Lady Black.
Once there, he will use a scroll of “Weightlessness” on Lady Black and teleport her and Ictinus back to Lazlo.

While back in the arena locker room Knight Four will do the same with Knights Two and Three.

IF ALL goes as planned, all four of the Mystic Knights will be back in Lazlo with Ictinus and Lady Black by the end of the day.

Arena of Champions:

The main event takes place in a grand arena, where they must face off against a series of elite opponents in one-on-one combat. Each adversary is a master of their hand to hand fighting style.
Has a very Mortal Kombat feel.

The Trial of Blades:

After the beat down and exhaustion the gladiators are given their melee weapons

The Mystic Knights are pitted against a trio of human warriors wearing demon masks known for their expertise in close combat.
The arena floor is slick with blood and sand, the air heavy with anticipation as the combatants face off.

Knight One/Marcus, wielding his trusty broadsword and magic Shield, engages the first opponent head-on, their blades clashing with a resounding clang.
He gets lucky (natural 20) and kills his opponent quickly.

Meanwhile, Knight Two employs his agile fighting style, darting in and out of the fray with his dual daggers, striking with deadly precision. Rolls a natural 20 maiming his opponent. What follows is a fountain of blood and the crowd cheers.

Knight Four, charges into the midst of the melee with his sword.
Both he and his opponent fumble (rolls 3 and 2 respectively)
They blades clash and lock.
Finally, K4 gets lucky (rolls a natural 20) and maims his adversary.
What follows is a slow ugly bleed as K4 chips away at him trying to kill him quick.

The dust settled in the vast arena as the final opponent fell to the ground. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, the cheers echoing off the walls of the coliseum as the triumphant mercenaries stood victorious in the center.

The trio, battered and bruised but unbroken, exchanged nods of acknowledgment, their eyes alight with the thrill of victory. They had faced formidable opponents in the gladiatorial matches, each battle testing their skills and resolve to the limit. But now, as they stood before the roaring crowd, they knew that they had emerged triumphant.

As the noise of the crowd reached a deafening crescendo, the arena gates slowly creaked open, revealing a procession of officials and dignitaries making their way towards the victorious mercenaries. At their head was The Duke, the enigmatic ruler of the demon city of Shek’Ra, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Congratulations," the Duke declared, his voice carrying over the roar of the crowd. "You have proven yourselves worthy champions, earning the applause of all who have witnessed your deeds."

With a flourish of his hand, the Duke signaled for the presentation of the awards, and a group of attendants stepped forward, bearing ornate chests filled with treasures.

“You honor your Master,” the Duke said as his lips curled into a smile.
Azazel steps out and performs magnanimously in gesture.
With a motion of his hand his servants carry off the prize.
All before the eyes of the Knights.
Azazel laughs and dismisses the three knights.

Once back in the Gladiator den all goes as planned except for the spies watching them.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Hades: The Demon City of Shek’Ra.

The Mystic knights One and Three change places.
Knight Three goes invisibile.
Reappears next to Knight Four.
The plan calls for timing.
They don't want their extra dimensional teleport to trigger anyone's senses for dimensional anamolies.

So Knight Three goes invisible again while they catch up telepathically.
They surprise each other with what they have experienced and been doing.
Now they both have Atlantean Magic Tattoos

Knight Three has a simple weapon Atlantean long sword and a few others.
While Knight Four is wearing a tattoo of a stake through the heart (protection from vampires) and a tattoo of a stone pyramid (dimensional telelport).
They have both gained a lot of experience.

Meanwhile back at the Atlantean quarter.
Knight One (impersonating knight Three) arrives with Lady Black.

There he sees the Atlanteans and their children.
Also a human Mystic by the name of Ezra who came from the past through a Rift.
There they wait for ictinus to return.
To pass the time, Knight One (Marcus) talks with the True Atlanteans in their native tongue so he can show off having learned how to speak their language.
Some plead for him to take their children with him back to Rifts Earth Lazlo.
Lady Black is a warrior.
She can survive here or escape into the desert of Taut.
Their babies cannot.
It is a real tense moment.
Knight One declaires he was paid by Lady Black's apprentice, Sir Wyatt, to rescue her.
He gave his word.
He took the payment.
The escape plan was for their own people and ictinus.
The number and such of Atlanteans is a separate matter.
The Atlanteans who gave him the tattoo agreed that it should be used to rescue a stone master.
They begin to argue and debate the matter.
One in a moment of desperation takes Knight One in a hold with a flaming sword to his throat and demands he teleport her and her child out of Hades "Immediately."
"You are getting my child out of here. NOW! Come back for the rest. Find another way to rescue them. I don't care."
Knight One explains, "Too much wait. I have to read a scroll, to make you weight less."

Lady Black says she forfeits her "Seat" in the rescue ride home for the children.

These eases some pressure.
Ictinus still has not arrived back from his work day.
Knight One explains that the magic tattoo makes it so he has to go back if he uses it but their is a weight limit with it. That's why he brought the "Weightless" scroll.
The tension is high and some of the other parents argue their child has as much right to get out first as any other.
Some fear they are being spied upon and express it is best to go now before anything happens that could stop them.

Words fly as Knight One attempts to assert things:
"Kill me and no one is going anywhere!"
"The one who I do not name, it is part of the plan, you rescue is planned but NOT like this
. . . Ictinus . . .
It' important . . . to the plan . . . that ... that certain ... things happen ... in a certain order . . .
the demons compete with each other...
IF ictinus stays... his work on the Ziggurate will finish ... it will make certain party's successful
closing opportunities to others.

Shouts and cries back:
"Your stupid. Your plan's stupid. You can't trust a demon. If your plan depends on a demon, they will betray you. You are stupid if you believe otherwise."

"The plan, you call stupid, has me here now with the means to rescue the people I planned to rescue."

"Plan! I sat and worked and thought and here I still am. Trapped in Hades. Plans are what people with power do. Best thing for me is to take advantage of what others are planning. Your inside man is coning you or your lying to take ictinus for yourself or it isn't going to work, BECAUSE, and this is my only chance out. I don't know you. I do know, if you got a ride out of here my baby and I are going with you. Now teleport us out of here because if my baby and I are not going; no one is."
The flaming magic sword in her hand shaves Knight One's neck.
"Children are lighter. Maybe I can take 5 or 6 of them; I could use their energy. You too with after the "Weightless" spell."
The moms quickly step forward with their babies.

Backed to the floor, sword to his throat, the kids are pilled on top of Knight One. One on each arm. One on each leg. One on his trunk and one on top of that kid.
Knight One tells where the scroll is hidden.
It is read and cast on the mom holding Knight One hostage.

He sends a magic pigeon to Knight Four then

Summoning the power of the magically Atlantean stone pyramid Tattoo Knight One teleports them all to Lazlo.

When they get the pigeon Knight Four pools energy with Two and Three and they teleport back to Lazlo.

They appear together in Lazlo at different times.
Knights One and Four are exhausted when they appear at the Atlanean Pyramid.

The mom and kids are in the care of the Atlantean Aurelous Clan.
They having been looking them over for medical problems while they gulp down fresh water and Atlantean food.

After Action Review:

Mission Failure.
We have returned with only our one team member.
Lady Black is still behind enemy lines.
Same with ictinus.
He is the real prize.
With him still in custody he is going to finish the ziggurate.
The demon who would have us call him Azazel won't de-throne the Duke of the city.
Instead, the Duke's position will be politically stronger than ever.
We can't know that Azazel would have kept his end of the deal.
We do know we did not keep our end and take ictinus with us.

The demons will probably figure out some Atlanteans are missing along with Knight Three.
The Aurelous clan gave us the tattoos for this mission.
Although we did not return with ictinus the Atlantean childrens presence are smoothing things over with the Elders and moms of the clan.
The report about the Atlantean mom leads to a trial. The Atlanteans have a lot of strong feelings about her behavior. The more militant amongst the clan feel the plan of battle should have been followed. The more sympathetic understand how a mom would do anything to save a child; especially her own. There is an explanation that the mom was psychologically out of sorts and appeal for psychiatric treatment. She saw nothing more important than the escape of her own child from Hades. Everything she believed, felt, and thought was towards that goal and disbelief about anything counter to it.

At this point it does not matter, in terms of the rescue of ictinus, he's still in Hades.
They believe the demons will probably move the Atlanteans to a different building.
The knights didn't have a Plan B for the rescue.
ALL other ways they thought of were tossed under believing they could not stealth their way about the demon city or brute force their way to them.
The same gladiator trick won't work twice.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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After days of recovery time the Mystic Knights are recovered.

The Clan members are getting to know the new kids and Knight Three.
They would be more critical of him, never having seen him before and not knowing him directly, but all the Atlantean kids who were rescued from Hades know him and vouch for him as a healer.

Knight Three already picked up some smattering of the True Atlantean language from his time with them.
Everyone gets looked at by a doctor and has their aura scanned for possession and curses and such.

The Clan also sees that Knight Three already has Atlantean Tattoos on him given to him by the one who is trapped in Hades.
The Clan feels a bit wary of the idea that one Atlantean woman put herself after the security of their peoples most important clan members. The kids they understand but she is no Tattoo Artist or Stone Master and at the very least one more child could have taken her place.
Her behavior could be explained by her time and experiences in Hades but own self importance has the Clan talking about sending her away until she has redeemed herself. They don't trust her.

Meanwhile the Knights catch up with Knight Three.
They get a hotel room.
He (Three) enjoys a shower and spa treatment.
Goes shopping for clothes.
Sees a tailor to get sized and fitted.
They go to the firing range where they get back into practice shooting.
He feels cold now. Knight Three has not felt cold in a long time.
They have a dinner party. The food tastes delicious with the variety.
They recount tales of their adventures.

Knight Three asks when and even if he is going to get another tattoo like they all have.
To which, Knight One replies, "It is something I can have a talk about with the Clan Elders. For now, they have his share of the silver they have been saving. So he's a relatively rich man."
Knight Three's concerns are with the Aerihman Clan and how they will view the situation now that none of them are with ictinus. Leaving Hades without him could look like abondoning their post. What if they are vengful?

"It's done," said Knight One. "No putting the toothpaste back into the tube. No good will come from complaining about it. Count what we have left, the support of the Aurelous Clan. We are heroes to them."

"So what do we do now?"

"The team is back together. No man left behind. Except for ictinus but he was more of our ward then are team.
We have to keep the performance up. We will have a talk with the Cyber-knights in the city about Lady Black. We will generate a list of the names and discriptions of the Atlanteans being held prisoner and slave by the demons in Shek'Ra. We should probably send a message to our contact Azazel. We will see what we see with that situation. At worst he'll think we tried to double cross him and best he thinks we failed. Regardless, I want to know if our man ictinus has finished the ziggurate."
Knight Three, "Rescuing him if worth talking about but if the plan is too costly in terms of lives... sometimes, you can make every decision you are supposed to and still lose.
"The time I spent with ictinus, I know him well enough to say he will continue the work he started and finish the restoration of the stone Ziggurate.
"Among the many Atlanteans I lived with, they had stories of the civilization that was before. Those with knowledge of archaeology as well as Object Reading (psychometry) shared tales that once the people of that land were mortals. Their ruin came when some among them made pacts with a supernatural being. In exchange for immortality and power they became twisted beings of cruelity and conquest. The archaeologist believe it had something to do with their True Name and that even today, those who know the true name of a Demon have power over them.
"It's a kind of evil curse the supernatural being placed on them to torment and control them. The same with their immortality. They only have it outside of their native dimension, so that they will go forth and despoil and enslave. It reminded me a lot of a Vampire Intelligence.
"Look," Knight Three explains, "I've spent too much time in Hades and amongst their Atlantean slaves to not hate the place and have sympathy for them. However, you are the ones who rescued me out of the dimension. Now that I am out of there I would not choose to go back except to save one of you.
I really need to decompress and look at the green trees and cool waters of a lake.
I am badly out of practise with my tools. The Atlantean there was kind enough to gift me with a multi-tool tattoo (Like a Gerber) so I could tinker with the scraps I was able to collect. I need a refresher workshop. Fortunately, I am in Lazlo.
The ways of our Knightly Order live up to its reputation, ensuring the protection of the profits of its members, without theft or backstabbing. I've never been so rich. I want to enjoy it, at least for a minute...
"I have a few other things to share. The stone ziggurate design, its Lemurian."
"The Atlanteans in our cell told me they were a race on Earth thousands of years ago before the fall of Atlantis. They were friends to the Atlanteans. Relied on magic. Lived under the surface of the ocean.
"Look the point part of the reason the ziggurate didn't work right as a dimesional pyramid was it was based on a design and effort of a Lemurian who died. Their kind know about healing pyramids. dimensional ones, not so much. So their attempt was made the only way they knew.
They did include a secret compartment in the ziggurate. A sort of hiding spot. Ictinus said something like, the stone told him where to find it.
Ictinus said the stone master left some writing. I used my psionic power of "Total Recall" to memorize it. I believe it to be a sort of treasure map. Well, treasure map may be a bit of a reach. Thousands of years ago it was a place where they were. So I reasoned it would be a good archeology find. There were supposedly a people who deeply relied on magic. I want to find the remnants of their civilization to see what they might have left behind. I have to admit it but be a bust but at least we'd get to see the ocean, and I really need to see the ocean."
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »



After their latest mission, the Mystic Knights find themselves back in the bustling city of Lazlo.
Knight Three, with a glint of excitement in his eyes, revealed to his companions a treasure map he had memorized during their travels—a map that promised untold riches hidden away in a distant location.

First on Knight Three's agenda is to rest and recuperate from their recent exploits.
The mercenaries indulged in the comforts of the city, enjoying good food, warm beds, and the company of lively taverns.
They revel in their wealth, spending freely on entertainment and luxuries they had long been deprived of during their missions.

As they relax, Knight Three begins to outline his plans for the treasure hunt. He emphasized the importance of thorough preparation before embarking on such a risky venture.
The journey would be long and arduous, with dangers out at sea. They will need to recruit experts in various fields; especially in the field of seamanship and underwater salvage.
They could tell their Atlantean friends but some of the unique items might be of more historic value and be placed in a museum instead of an auction.
It comes down to whether or not they want to help the Atlanteans more than they want to help themselves.
Knight Three reasons with the team that they can also bring the Atlanteans in after they know for certain what is what and after they have hidden away for themselves anything they want for themselves.
Together they do some research and plan a budget for the mission to cover the expenses of hiring these specialists and acquiring the necessary equipment.

Next, Knight Three focused on honing their skills for the challenges ahead.
He realizes something.
Only Knight Four knows how to swim!
So they look up TW items to help them with the magical abilities to swim.
Then organize training sessions, where they practice combat techniques.

A big deal about it is to keep the mission secret so they keep ALL the wealth for themselves.

Knight One decides it is time to give Knight Four his turn to practice his leadership skills. He is the only one amongst them who really knows how to swim. Given their equal ignorance in the fields of aquatic missions Knight One does not see that he has any superior education or experience for this mission.
While they all know each other well, Knight Four has a higher intelligence quotient. So if they are going to do something they don’t know they might as well be led by the highest I.Q.
Although, Knight Three has a high I.Q. and the details of the location in his head he is focused on the detail not on leading the team. Besides he has been apart from the team for months. He is not the most familiar with the team.

Together they craft a detailed plan for the adventure. They studied the near perfectly recalled details of where abouts of the Lemurian site, analyzing every clue and marking potential locations on the most up to date charts. They consulted with experts, seeking advice on the best routes to take and the dangers they might encounter along the way.

With their preparations complete, the Mystic Knights stand ready to embark on their hunt. They know the journey ahead is the one they are least experienced at but they don’t trust anyone not to keep the potential treasure for themselves.
IF they cut them in on it, according to their code, they would have to honor their deal and include them in an equal share or more for their expertise.

Adventure Outline:

Act 1: Setting Sail

- The mercenaries, led by Knight Four, board a ship bound for an island in the Atlantic Ocean, where they believe the treasure lies.
-The trip is costing them 1,000 credits a day. 50,000 credit minimum regardless of the mission's outcome or if they return early. Half up front. Payroll for divers and salvage experts included. Food not included.
-Now is the time to use your fishing and cooking skills unless they brought their own food (MREs).
- On board, they pass the time working out, reading books, practicing their skills, and practicing shooting to maintain their skills.
- The captain and crew of the ship are unaware of the true nature of their mission, believing they are simply transporting valuable cargo locked in a chest in the mercenaries' quarters.
- There is a 50 / 50 chance of a crew member attempting to steal from the adventurers quarters.

Act 2: Island Exploration
- Upon reaching the island, the mercenaries disembark and begin exploring, searching for clues that will guide them to the location of the treasure.
- Grant experience for surveying and / or mapping (cartography) of the island.
- The island can supply the adventurers with wild animals to hunt, fishing off the beach, plants and fruits as well as deadly poisonous fruits, snakes, scorpions, and spiders.
50 / 50 chance of stepping on one or being bitten every day. Those with wilderness survival can make their skill roll not to be bitten or bite anything that will make them ill or kill them.
- They encounter various challenges on the island, including:
treacherous terrain
hostile wildlife
booby traps left by previous treasure hunters, and the dead treasure hunters themselves.
- A magic curse thing turns them into animated dead who start attacking the adventurers. The dead’s gear can attempt to be salvaged. They have maps and journals that reveal where they have been on the rest of the island. By elimination of where they have not been it reveals where the archeology site could be one of two locations. The skill Navigation should be used.

- Land Navigation skill rolls must be repeatedly and successfully made or the adventurers will go round in circles. It’s a real thing.

- A magic induced storm occurs trapping the adventurers on the island for a week while their ship has to pull away until the weather clears for fear of breaking up on the reef. All of this may or may not be communicated by radio but if it is it is a skill difficult to roll with Radio: Basic or easy no roll with laser communications.
- The adventures will have one day of clear weather as the eye of the storm passes over the island.
- An entity on the island will attempt to possess one of the characters.
- DBee frog people on the island. Not hostile. Can be asked for help and will aid the adventurers. One amongst them can use psychic exorcism. They are master fishermen and can feed the adventurers.
- They have a disease problem. A Body Fixer could fix it best. The skill Pathology will fix it. Holistic medicine will help but is not a guarantee like Pathology or the work of a body fixer.
- IF the characters take precautions they make a save for disease. IF they don’t save -5.
IF they fail their save skills rolls are at -20% and combat rolls are at -4. Melee attacks are halved for 1d4 days. They can make a save at the end of it. IF they fail they die. Medical treatment will remedy this.
Bio-Regenerate (self) (6) instantly cures the user.
Cure Illness will also instantly remedy.
Anyone with Pathology can remedy their patient within 24 hours.
Holistic Medicine can help but the patients must rest for their 1d4 days; no adventuring.

- There is a dilapidated mansion of a rich person's on the island. The guy bought the island as a survivalist getaway. Best guess, the person died over a 100 years ago. They built the mansion around the archeology site. Seems they were on to the same treasure hunt. Their clues can aid the adventures if they don’t have the archeology skill but they need to crack a safe and get information out of a laptop computer.
The bunker mansion:
The century of decline.
The beautiful island has space enough to release psychological tension others would suffer in underground bunkers.
The is a medical suite that operates as a surgical room.
Human lifespans were longer in the Golden Age. The family lived their long lives and died. Good diets of stored dried food and fresh fish and locally grown foods and livestock before the wilderness went feral.

- Through ingenuity or psionics, or skills or spells and/or teamwork the adventurers can inevitably overcome all obstacles and gather the information they need to continue their quest.

Act 3: Underwater Dive

- Armed with the knowledge gleaned from the island, the mercenaries return to their ship and set sail once more, this time heading out to sea to reach the treasure.
- As they approach, they encounter unexpected obstacles, including hostile pirates intent on seizing their ship for themselves and the crew and passengers as slaves.
They are offered a chance to surrender so that they may be taken alive and unharmed.
The ship the adventurers can NOT out run or gun the pirates.
Unless the adventurers fight a ranged combat battle the pirates will bring their ship alongside. Next, toss over a boarding ramp and walk over.
The 5 pirates will demand the crew and passengers lay down all their weapons; or else.
These pirates are part stormtroopers, part canon fodder (tough but expendable).
If the Adventurers don’t initiate an attack one of the crew will.
The pirates will shout, “It’s a trap. Kill them ALL!”
They will draw their guns unless they have their hands full with sword fighting.
After 1 round 1d4 more pirates will come aboard.
Pirates, on their ship, try aiming their rifles but shout they can’t get a shot because they are moving around too much and their fellow pirates are dancing around with them.
Assuming the adventurers kill the original 5 pirates on deck, 1d4 will keep coming over every round. After 20 are killed or subdued, the pirate ship will withdraw to fire upon the ship the adventurers are from a distance.
The adventurers can fire on the pirate ship from a distance also.
IF the adventurers cross over to the pirate ship the pirate captain will rally the crew to fight them. IF it looks like they are going to lose the pirate captain will set a bomb and take a lifeboat overboard.
The pirate ship goes under.
Worst case the adventurers die fighting or are taken prisoner and taken to Atlantis to the slave pits.
- After the battle, the regular divers they had hired are either unable to complete the task or have died in the battle.

Act 4: Confronting the Unknown

- With no other option. The mystic knights with scrolls (6th level) with the spell Swim as a Fish (superior) for underwater adventures read their scrolls and dive beneath the waves to retrieve the treasure themselves.

Underwater Challenges:
- The mercenaries face the daunting task of navigating through the underwater obstacles to reach the treasure's location.
- Treacherous currents and hidden dangers test their skills and teamwork as they descend deeper into the ocean depths.

Encounters with Sea Creatures:
- As they venture further into the depths, the mercenaries encounter a variety of marine life, some of which pose a threat to their mission.
- They must fend off attacks from aggressive creatures and navigate around others to reach their goal.

Battle with Underwater Monsters:
- The mercenaries encounter human-sized sea monsters.
- Armed, they engage in combat to overcome these guardians and reach the place.

Recovery of the Prize:
- They locate the place. It is the remains of what was once a piece of a ruined Lemurian floating city that is precariously perched on the precipice of a cliff.

Triumphant Return to the Surface:
- With the treasure secured, the mercenaries ascend back to the surface, victorious in their quest.
- As they emerge from the depths, they are greeted by the warm rays of sunlight and the open expanse of the ocean, a stark contrast to the darkness and confinement of the underwater world.

The mercenaries plunged into the depths of the ocean, their bodies cutting through the water with magical ease, their movements fluid and efficient as they navigated their way.
Knight One uses the Spell “Globe of Daylight” to light their way.

As they descended deeper into the ocean depths, the mercenaries encountered a myriad of challenges. Treacherous currents threatened to sweep them off course, while hidden obstacles lurked in the darkness, ready to ensnare the unwary. Despite these dangers, the mercenaries pressed on, their determination unwavering as they pursued their goal.

Aggressive sea creatures lurked in the shadows, their razor-sharp teeth and venomous stingers posing a deadly threat to the mercenaries' mission. Yet, armed with their weapons and fortified by their resolve, the Mystic Knights fight back.

But the true test awaited them deeper below, where the guardians of the treasure lay in wait. Human-sized sea monsters, their massive forms looming ominously in the darkness, barred the mercenaries' path, their baleful eyes gleaming with malice. With a fierce battle cry, the mercenaries charged into the fray, their weapons flashing in the dim light as they clashed with their formidable adversaries.

The battle raged on, each blow struck and parried with equal ferocity as the mercenaries fought to overcome their monstrous foes. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of struggle, the creatures were vanquished, their lifeless forms sinking back into the depths from whence they came.

With the way clear, the mercenaries pressed on, their spirits buoyed by the prospect of victory. And then, at last, they found it – the treasure they had sought for so long, gleaming amidst the darkness like a beacon of hope. An ancient lost lemurian city.

Deep beneath the churning waves of the ocean, nestled within the dark depths, lies an ancient marvel lost to time – the legendary Lemurian floating city. Once a beacon of advanced civilization, this magnificent metropolis now rests at the bottom of an underwater cliff, its towering spires and grand structures obscured by the murky waters.

As the intrepid explorer descends into the abyss, the first glimpse of the city's remnants emerges from the gloom. Massive stone edifices, adorned with intricate carvings and ancient symbols, rise from the seabed like silent sentinels of a bygone era. Moss and algae cling to the weathered surfaces, softening the harsh lines of the once-proud architecture.

The city's layout is a testament to its ingenuity, with wide boulevards and grand plazas crisscrossing the landscape. At its center stands the majestic palace, its towering domes and spires reaching towards the surface above. Though time and tide have taken their toll, the palace still exudes an aura of regal splendor, hinting at the grandeur that once defined this underwater realm.

But perhaps the most striking feature of the Lemurian city is its precarious perch on the edge of an underwater cliff. Like a teetering monument to the forces of nature, the city clings to the precipice, its foundations worn away by centuries of erosion. One can only imagine the sheer scale of the cataclysm that sent this once-proud city plummeting into the depths below.

Despite its desolate state, the Lemurian city is not without its secrets. Hidden passageways and forgotten chambers lie waiting to be discovered, their contents shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Might there be ancient artifacts and relics of a lost civilization litter the ocean floor, tantalizing glimpses into a world long forgotten.

As the knights delve deeper into the ruins, they can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before them. For here, in the silent depths of the ocean, lies a testament to the extinct Lemurian people and the enduring legacy of a civilization lost to the waters of time.

Their minds consumed by thoughts of the lost Lemurian city lying dormant beneath the waves. As they step aboard, they adopt an air of nonchalance, concealing their true intentions from the captain and crew.

"We're heading back, boys," Knight One/Marcus announces with a forced grin, his words ringing hollow in the ears of his companions. "Looks like Lady Luck wasn't on our side this time."

The crew accepts the news with little more than a shrug, unaware of the riches that lie just beyond their reach. The mercenary Mystic Knights exchange knowing glances, their resolve strengthened by the knowledge that they alone know of their find beneath the waves.

Once below deck, Knight Three triple-checks their coordinates for accuracy to ensure they don't lose their way back to the submerged marvel. Then busies himself with examining the underwater video recordings, his keen eyes scanning for any missed details that might reveal the city's true nature.

With their preparations complete, the mercenaries face a daunting dilemma – how to access the city without causing irreparable harm to its fragile structure. Unable to breach its walls without risking catastrophic flooding, they opt instead to leave behind a discreet tracking device, ensuring they can return at a later date with the necessary tools and spells to explore its depths safely.

"We'll be back for you," Knight One whispers, his voice barely audible over the lapping of the waves against the hull. "Just you wait."

And so, with their hearts set on the promise of untold riches and ancient mysteries waiting to be uncovered, the mercenaries set sail once more, their sights firmly fixed on the horizon and the adventure that awaits them in the depths below.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

Unread post by darthauthor »


A board ship on the way back to Lazlo.

The Mystic Knights telepathically communicate about the discovery of the sunken Lemurian city:

[The scene opens on the deck of the mercenaries' ship, with Mystic Knights gathered around a table, where a map of the sunken Lemurian city lays spread out before them. The atmosphere is tense, with each member deep in thought about their next course of action.]

Knight One (Marcus): [Looking over the map] Alright, Men, we've stumbled upon something incredible here. But we need to decide what to do next…

Knight Two: [Nodding]: Seize Opportunity.

Knight Three: [Eagerly] We found it. We got to it first. I say we keep this to ourselves. Maybe we give ictinus 10 percent or use it for his freedom fund. Of course, we could be getting ahead of ourselves. None of us have been inside the city. It could be a bunch of skeletons, clothes and furniture. We don’t know a lot about Lemurians or what their wealth was thousands of years ago. No telling if they had gold jewelry or gems or TW items. Maybe their wealth is art and the recorded history of their people. Then we will need a famous archeologist to verify the find so when we take anything to auction it will be worth something. There is no telling the treasure that awaits us down there! We could be set for life!

Knight Four: [Quietly thoughtful] But what about the Atlanteans? They've been good to us. Shouldn't we share this discovery with them?

Knight One: [Rubbing his chin thoughtfully] Four has a point. We've built a relationship with them. If they found out we didn’t tell them, it could be the end of it.

Knight Two (straight faced and silent just looks around him): The Mystic Knight has but one true ally, the Eternal Order of the Mystic Knights.

Knight Three: [Sober]: We found it. .This is our find. This is our chance to strike it rich! The Order dues are 10 percent; to our houses. I’m okay with that. I’m not okay with only getting 10 percent from this.

Knight Four: [Calmly] It's not just about the treasure, Three. There could be valuable historical artifacts down there. Knowledge that could benefit everyone.

Knight One: [Nodding] I want to preserve their history and writings.

Knight Two: [poker faced]: I work for the Order; not for everyone

Knight Four: [Thoughtfully]: Most people can’t read and many who can don’t. The real loss would be if the books are lost forever. Better each of our Houses libraries than the bottom of the sea or lost in eternity.

Knight Three: [Reluctance]: So 10 percent, to our Houses. And books for our libraries.

Knight One: [Determined]: 10 percent is no more than we have all sworn oaths to do. That will happen. So we have to tell the Order, eventually. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. IF we ask our Houses for help, then every member can and will demand their cut for themselves. It has worked in the past; its just that the find was never this big before. I, as the officer in charge, am making the decision to focus on our return to Lazlo. We need to research the necessary equipment and resources for an underwater salvage operation of this scope.

Knight Four: [Nodding] Agreed. We'll need a vessel capable of mass salvage and a spell to enter the city without causing damage.

Knight Two: [Looking at the map]: Expect Pirates. Sea monsters. Storms.

Knight One: [Nodding]: So. It’s going to be expensive. Doing a little research should give us some idea of the costs and if we can afford it. And there is always the chance that what’s inside could have been broken in an earthquake or something. We don’t know the city enough to find the front door. We do know spells exist that will let us inside it without breaking the walls down.

Knight Four: [Clasping his hands together]: That’s where we need allies. Like the Atlanteans.

Knight One: It's really a matter of who we can trust and how much we can afford to risk. IF it is a bust we’ll be out the money. If it is a fortune we might only get 10 percent.

Knight Two: I trust the Order.

Knight One: We HAVE to tell the Order. We don’t have to tell the Atlanteans. IF we don’t, we have to make sure they don’t find out or tell them when we can spin it to make the situation look good.

They take a break to workout and practice fighting.
Then spar with each other.
They are restless.
After a night of rest.

The knights get together with the captain and crew.
Knight One:
“We have a way to teleport back to the mainland.
Would have left but we wanted to rest.
And we have to pay you before we leave.
The remaining 25 thousand credits are in the locked chest in our room.
You know your way back and with us gone there will be more room and less weight.”

Fetching the money the knights count it out in front of everyone.
There are strange looks amongst the crew.
The look on their faces is one of feeling cheated.
It doesn’t take a mind reader to know these guys aren’t making that much.
The captain either didn’t tell them or lied about how much there was to make.

Knight One:
“We will consider you for our next mission on the high seas. Now that the accounts have been settled and word has been kept we will be leaving.”

The crew whispers and grumbles as they eye the universal credits in the captain's hands.

It is the last thing the Mystic Knights see as the two with Atlantean pyramid tattoos use them to teleport themselves and one of their teammates back to Lazlo.

Knights One and Four are wiped out and have to rest for at least 2 days.
Still it is faster than traveling by ship and land.
Knights Two and Three are free.
They resume their practice and training in Lazlo.
Three edits his video.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Seated around a worn wooden table in a secluded corner of the dimly lit tavern.

"We can't just leave him behind," Knight One insisted, his voice barely above a murmur but laced with determination. "We owe him that much, at least."

Knight Four nodded in solemn agreement, his gaze fixed on the tabletop as he mulled over their options. "But how do we get back in without drawing attention to ourselves? We can't risk being recognized."

Knight Three nodded in agreement, his eyes glinting. "We'll need a plan."

Phase 1: Infiltration
Given their familiarity with Shek'Ra, the know a direct assault would be suicidal.

SO the have to go with a stealthier approach.
Knights One and Four, being the masters of disguise that they are, will use their skills to blend in with the city's population, posing as Atlanteans. They arrange for themselves to be collected with the hope of being brought to the building where they are keeping the other Atlanteans. Knight Three shared with them that there were bounties out for Atlanteans. They already have the tattoo of a heart with a stake through it. And they speak Atlantean. All they need is a flaming sword and they will look the part.

Phase 2: Escape
Once their comrade was safely in their custody, the Mystic Knights can teleport ictinus and themselves back.

So the Mystic Knights need to either convince their Atlantean allies to grant them a magical weapon tattoo of a flaming sword or find someone else to do it. Aerihman Clan?
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Mystic Knights discuss their ideas of rescuing ictinus.
They warn the knights that it will take months before their bodies are ready for a magic tattoo of the power of a flaming sword.
Also, that is disregarding the beliefs about making weapon tattoos.
They reply back that the mission should be outsourced to Atlantean Nomads who will be trained for the assignment. They will bring back as many Atlanteans as possible regardless of whether they are ictinus or not.

The Aurelous Clan Elders think the Knights can and should masquerade themselves as slaver’s or bounty hunters who bring the Atlantean Nomads to the city to get them as near as possible to their fellow Atlanteans.

After they get the Nomads in position they are to save as many others as they can. Children specifically, before the environment turns them evil.

The Mystic Knights consider this as well as the consequences of saying, "No," to their Clan Elders. In all objectivity, the sooner Ictinus or any Atlantean is rescued from Hades the better. Waiting six months or whatever for their bodies to heal so they can get a new tattoo is not the best option for anyone in Hades.

Objectively, it is better for anyone to rescue ictinus then for him to go unrescued.

Knight Three is eager to chip in that the "Opportunity" to go fishing in the ocean is a once in a lifetime one and they should not dally before a storm or something "takes it all over the ledge" and down into a trench or something.

"We need to get a TW item or scroll that will allow us to pass beyond the walls of the city to get inside it.
More TW items or spells to go the distance.
"We have to work out the transportation.
"The distance is great.
"Fastest option is to have a circle of travel made here then take the caster to the city and have them make the other side of the circle. That way we can take whatever we find straight back here. No pirates on the way back. No restless crew curious about our treasures, thinking we have more than enough to spare. No taxes or tolls. And since your Atlantean buddies want to sideline you to a support role. I see it like, we can side line them right back."

Knight One, "We still have to rely on one spell caster for that rital of 'Circle of Travel' and as long as we have to tell our Houses of the Order about the find we might as well keep it in house and get one of Shifters of our houses.
"Trust is the one things we can be certain about with the Houses."
Knight Four, "Who do we tell first?"
Knight One, "Two is the only one without a spell like Magic Pigeon. We get him a scroll to cast the spell. Then we each Magic Pigeon our houses at the same time."
Knight Three, "If we do it this way, they will all want a cut. What's that leave for us?"
Knight One, "90 percent, after expenses, which should cover the costs of the Shifter and the casting of the spell."
Knight Three, "You know any Shifter would want more than their operating costs and profit. Once they see what are find is, they will want a percentage."
Knight One, "Everything is negotiable."
Knight Three, "10 percent is the standard."
Knight One, "It's business."
Knight Three, "But whose business is it? Which House? IF we tell them all, they will all want a piece."
Knight One, "10 percent of the goods they transport. One Shifter from each of our Order's Houses. So long as we are the only one with the coordinates for the salvage, we make the terms. IF they don't like it we will outsource it to the Altanteans. I trust they won't rip us off."

Later . . .

The Mystic Knights are told representatives from each of their Houses will meet with them in Lazlo. They want to see the evidence that this is not an illusion or something. IF it is real, it is the most signficant find of the Order since the White Rose. They can't let this one get away.

The knights workout and train while waiting to hear from their Houses and the Atlanteans on their search for Atlantean Nomads to "play" the part of captured slaves.

Not long after.

The represantatives from the Houses of the Order ALL watch the video at the same time. They test it for digital alteration. The only reservations they have are that the city will eventually go over the cliff to the bottom of the sea where it is too dark and who knows what's down there. The pressure could crush it. That forces the situation to be a rush job. The other is they have no proof there is anything in the sunken city that is of material wealth value today. Archeologist would argue there is history in the but a clay pot, fishing gear, a book or scroll of warehouse inventories of food that is dust isn't worth their effort or time. The risk is all on the knights. They have to pay regardless of the find. IF it is gem or gold or a book of spells or a TW item 90% is theirs to keep as the rules of the 'Order' dictate. Unique items will consider on a case by case basis with the Order having the right to pay market value to the knights for them, IF they auction them. The Houses of the Order recognize the right of the Mystic Knights to the find and, as the rules demand, will defend their right to them. Any Mystic Knight who interfers with their venture will be marked for death by the Order. A special security detail of Mystic Knights to guard the finds and an accountant from each House will be assigned record and appraise the finds. All at the costs of the Houses involved.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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Sir Roderick, the representative of the Golden Falcons, harbored ulterior motives that he kept hidden behind a façade of charm.

After the meeting concluded, the representatives from their Houses parted ways with Knights One through Four. Unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. The Mystic Knights of the merc company Section went out to celebrate. They are confident in the support of their allies and the prospects of the venture ahead.

As night fell and darkness descended upon the city, three of the Mystic Knight representatives found themselves drugged. The drug was not fatal but it was enough to knock out Sir Garret, Lady Elena, and Sir Kaelen. If the attack were deadly their Sixth Sense would have gone off. Instead, they were caught off guard, in their excitement of the venture revealed to them by Knight One and his fellow Mystic Knights.

Meanwhile, Sir Roderick of the White Rose watched from the shadows, a smirk playing across his lips as he reveled in his deception. He had orchestrated the ambush. It wasn't really a betrayal. He was always a knight of the White Rose. No, he had not betrayed. He had deceived. Knight Four's work was indeed impressive.
The Order of the Mystic Knights must not be allowed to become billionaires off this find of a lifetime. The great Lemurian people who vanished thousands of years ago don't deserve to have their legacy stolen from them by the grave robbing Order of the Mystic Knights.
The wealth that might be there and seized by them could fuel their ambitions for decades.
He had to make a decision in the field.
Better to limit who knew what now before more knights from the Order of the Mystic Knights find out any more and get deeper involved.
He believed the Houses of the Order would investigate but without proof, the knights of Section would be believed to either be in on it or victims themselves. It would buy the Order of the White Rose time to destroy the sunken Lemurian city. It has been lost to time and the world went on spinning. Better it be destoryed forever then used for evil. All that remained are to get the coordinates and to execute the mission. A shame only Knight Three knew them. His little insurance policy.

Knight Four will carry out the mission or help the Order of the White Rose to do it.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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The Mystic Knights sat together with the Atlanteans in a circle, the fire casting flickering shadows on their faces as they delved into the weighty discussion before them.

Knight One/Marcus, the leader of the group, leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "We have to consider all aspects of this mission," he began, his voice grave. "Rescuing children born in Hades is no small feat, and it carries with it significant responsibility."

Knight Three nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the faces of his companions. "We need to think about what happens to these children once we bring them back to Lazlo," he added, his tone thoughtful. "Who will care for them?"

Knight Two, the silent observer of the group, spoke up for the first time, his voice measured. "Expecting moms," he suggested, his gaze thoughtful. "That way, we can ensure the safety of both the mothers and their unborn children."

Knight Four, "But what about the children who are already born?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Do we leave them behind to fend for themselves in Hades?"

The Atlanteans, wise and ancient, listened intently to the mercenaries' debate, their faces unreadable. "Would you be willing to take on the role of foster fathers?" one of them asked, their voice calm and steady.

The mercenaries exchanged glances, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. None of them had fathered children before, and the idea of suddenly taking on such a responsibility weighed heavily on their minds.

"It's a lot to ask," Marcus admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "We've dedicated our lives to our careers, to seeking out opportunities to challenge ourselves and profit from it. Can we truly give that up to become fathers?"

They fell into a contemplative silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Knight Four spoke up, his voice firm. "Perhaps we could consider rescuing teenagers instead," he suggested, his eyes alight with determination. "That way, we can still bring them with us on our adventures, teaching them along the way."

The idea sparked a glimmer of hope in the hearts of the mercenaries, a compromise that seemed to satisfy their desire for both adventure and responsibility. But as they continued to debate and discuss, they knew that whatever decision they made would shape the course of their future forever.

The desert of Taut

The heat beat down relentlessly on the mercenaries as they trudged through the unforgiving expanse of the Desert of Taut, the shimmering heat distorting the horizon into a wavering mirage. The Mystic Knights had journeyed far from their familiar lands, their mission clear in their minds: to rescue the innocent children and expecting mothers.

As they approached the outskirts of the dreaded city of Shek'Ra, the city loomed before them, a bastion of protection across the barren landscape.

Knight Three nodded grimly, his hand resting on the hilt of his blade. "We need to remember that not everyone we encounter can be trusted," he added, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.

Knight Four, ever observant, cast a wary glance around them. "The desert itself is the greatest barrier," he remarked, his voice tinged with unease. "Few can survive out here for long without food and water."

Knight Two remained silent, his mind racing with possibilities. They had to tread carefully, for the wrong choice could have dire consequences.

As they ventured further into the outskirts of the city, they encountered the desperate souls who had dared to brave the desert in search of freedom. Some staggered back to the safety of the city, their bodies ravaged by the merciless desert.

"It's worse than any prison," Knight One murmured, his heart heavy with sorrow. "The desert itself is the demon's greatest weapon."

"We can't save them all," Knight Three reminded them, "We have to choose wisely, for the sake of those we leave behind."

They scoured the city, their eyes searching for signs of innocence amidst crowds of survivors.

The outskirts of Shek'Ra present a unique landscape that shapes the daily lives of its inhabitants.
Clothed in simple tunics and sandals, the human slaves of Shek'Ra navigate their surroundings with a familiarity born from generations of being born and raised in this inhospitable land. They have learned to endure the harsh conditions and eke out a meager existence amidst the dunes and rocky outcroppings.
The absence of rain is a constant reminder of the arid nature of their surroundings, yet they have found ways to harness what little moisture is available to sustain themselves.

Within this bleak landscape, a semblance of civilization persists, albeit under the shadow of demonic rule.
Human families, bound together by blood and shared suffering, form the backbone of this society, providing support and solace amidst the trials of daily life. While the demons allow the slaves to own private property as a means of incentivizing productivity, the specter of familial separation looms large, serving as a potent tool of control and coercion.
In the absence of firearms, blunt weapons serve as the primary means of defense and survival for the human slaves, who have honed their skills in hand-to-hand combat over generations.
The extraction of moisture from deceased bodies, facilitated by a sealed chamber that desiccates the remains, underscores the pragmatic resourcefulness of the inhabitants, who waste nothing in their quest for sustenance.

Despite the harsh conditions, the human slaves of Shek'Ra have managed to cultivate a modest agricultural economy, relying on hardy crops such as nightshade and squash to sustain themselves. Water, reclaimed from urine and other sources, is a precious commodity, carefully rationed and recycled to ensure the survival of the community. The occasional consumption of desert reptiles and the practice of sand art serve as poignant reminders of the resilience and creativity of the human spirit, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
In many ways, life in the outskirts of Shek'Ra mirrors the ancient civilizations of Earth, with echoes of Egyptian society evident in its familial structures, agricultural practices, and artistic endeavors.

The Mystic knights make their way across the outskirts of Shek'Ra, their presence drew both curiosity and caution from the human slaves who inhabited this desolate landscape. Clad in their weather-worn attire, the mercenaries cut imposing figures against the backdrop of the shifting sands, their steely gazes betraying the resolve that fueled their mission.
The Atlantean Nomad has brought them within 50 miles of Shek’Ra and dropped them off. It has been a hard journey getting to the city but not their first.

Approaching a makeshift encampment nestled among the dunes, the Mystic Knights observed the daily rhythms of life in this unforgiving realm. Families huddled together in the shade of rudimentary shelters, their weary faces etched with lines of hardship and resilience. Children played amidst the rocky terrain, their laughter a fleeting respite from the harsh realities of their existence.

Drawing nearer, Knight One / Marcus, the stalwart leader of the band, signaled for his comrades to adopt a stance of non-aggression, their weapons sheathed as a gesture of goodwill. Approaching the nearest cluster of dwellings, they were met with wary stares and whispered murmurs, the inhabitants eyeing them with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

Addressing the nearest group of humans, Marcus spoke with his Tongues Spell. "Greetings," he began, his voice carrying across the desert breeze. “We seek to offer aid to those in need."
His words were met with a mixture of skepticism and caution, the humans exchanging wary glances as they weighed the sincerity of the apparent mercenaries' intentions. Sensing their hesitance, Knight Two stepped forward, his keen eyes scanning the horizon for signs of danger.

The Mystic Knights hide their Atlantean Water Crystals in their hands to fill the strangers water skins. They appeared to pour water out of their fists. The unlimited power of the nearby Ley Line Nexus provided them with all the personal power they needed.
They pour them full of water until something happens that has never happened before. They are full.
A few “Cleanse” and “Cure Illness” spells later and slaves are bowing before them.

As the day wore on, the mercenaries learned of the challenges facing the inhabitants of Shek'Ra, the scarcity of food and water as the means of motivation by their demonic masters. There is no need for chains. Thirst is the ultimate ball and chain here and greatest reason for the slaves swift obedience.

The Mystic Knights say that they are bounty hunters and ask about Atlanteans.
They provide a description of them and show pictures of Atlantean people.
They listen to the limited news these human slaves have heard.
Then pour some more for currency for the slaves to ask questions.
They Knight promise more rewards for the information they want.

Through the use of psychic powers they learn that ictinus is still here and at work. Also, Lady Black is alive and unharmed.

NOTE: The Mystic Knights have been here before but few ever saw them in person or saw their faces amongst the thousands of people that surround the city.
They also remember that if you look like a broke homeless beggar with diseases people will leave you alone. IF you look like you got something they want they come for you with their hands out begging or with weapons in their hands demanding.
The knights demeanor was often one of stealth but they could not hide their health.
Being Sustained by their “Sustain” spell they went without sleep.
As expected the locals eyed them closely and near constantly.
After roughing them up a bit people stopped staring at them.

Making their rounds with similar families they heard a lot of rumors.
At least half of the stories were con jobs withheld in transaction for more water or other rewards.
Their minds were easy enough to read that they did not know anything.

2 attempts were made to pick their pockets.
Both failed and were beaten.

Another 1 attempt is made to rob them.
The Knights sixth Sense warns them.

As the Mystic Knights continued their journey through the outskirts of Shek'Ra, they were suddenly set upon by a group of desperate human slaves. The attack was swift, catching the mercenaries off guard as they navigated the treacherous terrain.

Emerging from the shadows of the rocky outcroppings, the human slaves launched their assault with reckless abandon, their faces twisted with desperation. Armed with crude weapons fashioned from salvaged scraps of metal and wood, they descended upon the mercenaries with ferocity.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, Marcus and his companions found themselves outnumbered and outmatched by their assailants. The human slaves fought with a savage intensity, their blows raining down upon the mercenaries with bone-crushing force.

In the chaos of battle, Knight Two found himself grappling with two assailants at once, their fists raining down upon him with brutal efficiency. With a grunt of exertion, he fought back and killed them.

Meanwhile, Knight Three found himself ensnared in a makeshift net, his movements hampered as he struggled to free himself from its grasp.

Knight Four, ever the tactician, sought to turn the tide of battle in their favor, his keen eyes scanning the battlefield for signs of weakness. Spotting an opening amidst the chaos, he launched a counterattack, his blows landing with deadly precision as he sought to incapacitate their assailants.

Drawing upon their years of training and experience, the Mystic Knights fought back, their blows landing with deadly accuracy as they turned the tide of battle in their favor.

Their assailants lay defeated at their feet, the Mystic Knights stood tall, their resolve unbroken by what they had faced.

Only 1 out of 20 had some credible information.

All known Atlanteans in the area had been rounded up.
Bounties were posted for any Atlanteans so long as they could be proven Atlantean.
Slaves will receive a month's ration of food and water for information leading to the taking of an Atlantean.

The Mystic Knights filled them up again with water.
They talk with them about bringing them Atlanteans for them to turn in.
They will do whatever the generous water bearer asks of them.

They then ask about expecting mothers and how children are born and raised here in Shek’Ra in general.

A child is the property of the owner of the mother.
Typically the child will be raised within the household of its human overseer, alongside other slaves and possibly the overseer's children. However, the exact treatment and upbringing of the child would vary widely depending on the whims of the overseer and the demon’s mood at the time.

In many cases, slave children are not educated and are expected to perform menial tasks from a young age, such as cleaning, cooking, or agricultural labor. They would learn their trade or skills from their parents or other older slaves within the household, rather than receiving a formal education.

The first few years of a slave child's life would likely be characterized by hardship and uncertainty. They would grow up subject to the whims and demands of their overseer. However, they might also form close bonds with other slaves within the household, creating a sense of community and solidarity in the face of adversity.

Overall, life for a child born of a slave is challenging, marked by labor, servitude, and uncertainty about their future. However, they are rare moments of joy. The demon's encourage it. They say there is no true suffering without hope.

The Mystic Knights leave them their canteens, first aid kit, food, knives, and Northern Gun Tents. Then offer to take their youngest child away from this dimension to a gentler world. The parents discuss it. Mom's not having it. After a talk, they offer the oldest teenager who will leave home anyway.
He will make a good test run for taking back to Rifts Earth.

They disappear before them and reappear in Lazlo.
Knights One and Four are wiped out again.
The Teenager from hades is dumb-founded by what he sees.
Has to wear sunglasses it is so bright to him.
He's never seen so much water in his life.
Only speaks demogorian.
Acts like a prison inmate who just got out.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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My senses were overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells.

I had spent my entire life in the desolate wasteland outside the walls of the demon city of Shek'Ra.

Now I was in a stone Pyramid.

Two of the men who brought me looked hurt.
Their brothers carried them and I followed.

They spoke a language I did not know until one of the men who brought me ask me what my name is,
"Viden," I replied.

What followed was something I did not understand but I knew it was good. I saw Atlanteans tending to the sick and injured, their voices soft and soothing as they worked their magic. The handsome people look me over from head to toe.

I must believe these are the richest people in the universe.
The men who brought me here took me to a thing they called a “one of their pools.”

It is filled with enough water to keep a man alive for years.
They are so rich, they bathe in water.
When they stepped into the ornate pool, the water, shimmering with an otherworldly glow, seemed to beckon him closer, promising relief from the physical and emotional toll of his past life in Hades.

I took a deep breath, the cool air tingling against my skin, and carefully lowered myself into the pool. The water enveloped me in its gentle embrace, soothing away the aches and pains of my life’s journey and washing away the remnants of it.

Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to relax, feeling the healing energy of the pool seep into my very being. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, a sensation of cold and comfort.

As I floated weightlessly in the water, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. The worries and anxieties that had plagued me for so long melted away, replaced by a profound sense of calm and serenity.

For the first time I could remember, I allowed himself to simply be.

The next thing I knew, a vibrant city before me. It was like something out of a dream.

The first thing that struck me was the sheer scale of Lazlo. Towering buildings rose up around me, reaching towards the sky with an almost palpable energy. The streets bustled with activity, filled with people going about their daily lives.

As I followed the men who brought me here, I couldn't help but marvel at the wonders around me. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and colorful banners, a stark contrast to the drab tents and shanties of my former home. Everywhere I looked, there was life and energy, a vibrancy that I had never known before.

It was the people, too. They moved with a confidence and purpose that spoke of a life lived free from the chains of slavery. They greeted each other with smiles and laughter, their faces alight with joy. It was a far cry from the desperation that had defined my life.

As we made our way through the city, the men explained the sights and sounds of Lazlo, introducing me to the wonders of this strange new world.

They showed me the Atlantean stone pyramid of healing, from a distance, where the local Atlanteans of the Aurelous Clan practiced their ancient arts.

As the mercenaries led Viden through the bustling streets of Lazlo, he couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds of this vibrant city. Tall buildings loomed overhead, their sleek glass facades reflecting the golden light of the setting sun. People bustled about, their laughter and chatter filling the air with a sense of warmth and vitality.

Every now and then, they would stop to admire a particularly impressive monument or landmark, and Viden would find himself staring in wonder at the grandeur of it all. The air was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the sweltering heat of Hades, and Viden couldn't help but shiver as a gust of wind swept through the streets.

"Here," Marcus said, handing Viden a bundle of clothes. "You'll need these."

Viden took the clothes gratefully, his fingers trembling slightly with excitement. He quickly changed into the new garments, relishing the feel of soft fabric against his skin. The clothes were a perfect fit, tailored to his measurements with care and precision.

There is no blessing so great as a generous master who is wealthy beyond dreams, Video thought to himself.

With his new clothes and boots, Viden felt like a new man. He walked with a spring in his step, his eyes shining with newfound confidence and hope. The mercenaries led him to a bustling marketplace, where vendors hawked their wares with loud voices and colorful displays.

"Let's get something to eat," Knight Four suggested, gesturing towards a nearby food stall.

Viden's stomach rumbled at the mention of food, and he eagerly followed the Mystic Knights as they made their way through the crowded marketplace. The scent of spices and grilled meat filled the air, making Viden's mouth water with anticipation.

They stopped at a small food stall tucked away in a corner of the marketplace, where a friendly old woman served up steaming bowls of hearty stew and freshly baked bread. Viden watched in fascination as she ladled out generous portions of food, his stomach growling in anticipation.

"Here you go," Marcus said, handing Viden a bowl of stew and a hunk of crusty bread. "Enjoy."

Viden wasted no time in digging in, his hunger driving him to devour the food with gusto. The stew was rich and flavorful, filled with tender chunks of meat and hearty vegetables. The bread was warm and crusty, perfect for sopping up the savory broth.

"I never knew food could look, smell, or taste so good," Viden said between mouthfuls, his eyes shining with delight.

The Mystic Knights chuckled at his enthusiasm, their own plates piled high with food. They ate with relish, savoring every bite as if it were their last. For Viden, it was a meal unlike any he had ever experienced, a feast fit for a king.

As they ate, the sun cast the marketplace in a warm golden light that was too bright. I was given a strange thing to wear on my ears and nose. Seeing through it made the light gentle on my eyes.

The sounds of laughter and conversation filled the air, blending with the tantalizing aromas of cooking food. In that moment, surrounded by friends old and new, Viden felt a sense of peace and safety that he had never known before.


Outside the city, we ventured into the lush forests that surrounded Lazlo, the air thick with the scent of pine and earth. I had never seen so much green in my life, the trees stretching out as far as the eye could see. We walked along winding paths, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves above.

And then, we came to the lakes.
Oh, the lakes!
I had heard stories of them from new arrivals to Hades but nothing could have prepared me for the beauty that lay before me. The water shimmered in the sunlight, its surface dancing with reflections of the sky above. I watched in wonder as birds swooped down to drink from the crystal-clear waters, their wings casting ripples across the surface.
It stretched out before me, vast and unending, its waters disappearing into the horizon. I had never seen anything like it, not even in my wildest dreams.

Viden developed a set of skills suited to survival in the desert.

He is quick to learn new skills and adapt to new situations.

Living in a harsh desert demanded physical fitness. Viden is in good shape, with strong muscles and endurance gained from years of manual labor and physical activity.

He has basic combat training as part of his upbringing. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and with some experience with weapons such as clubs or spears.

Viden possesses a variety of survival skills necessary for life in Hades, including knowledge of how to find food and water in the desert, build shelter, and navigate harsh terrain.

Keen senses and a heightened awareness of his surroundings.

He is likely able to push through physical hardships.

Alignment: Anarchist
Age: 17

I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 15 (it takes a strong will to survive Hades)
M.A.: 10
P.S.: 18
P.P.: 15
P.E.: 27 (only the strong survive)
P.B.: 12
Spd: 13

Hit Points: 30
S.D.C.: 70

Skills of Note:
Languages: Native Tongue Demogorian at 98% plus two of choice (+10% each)
-Animal Husbandry: 40%
-Athletics (General)
-Cooking: 40% (50% with wild game)
-Dowsing: 55% (Water is life)
-Fasting: 65%
-Holistic Medicine: 30%/20%
-Identify Fruits and Plants: 60% (in desert); (45% everywhere else)
-Land Navigation: 41%
-Physical Labor
-Preserve Food: 45%
-Track & Trap Animals: 30%/40%
-Wilderness Survival: 55% (in desert); 40% everywhere else)
-Hand to Hand Combat: Basic
4 attacks per melee
-W.P. Knife
-W.P. Spear

Special Qualities:
The teenager named Viden has adapted to be more resistant to heat, exhaustion and dehydration and does not suffer the usual penalties associated with exhaustion or dehydration from the oppressive heat.
He is able to tolerate higher temperatures than most and work at peak efficiency.
Viden is excellent at fasting and has minimal need for water.
He can survive twice as long without food and water as a normal human being.

Viden pants like a dog and is accustomed, like his parents and their parents, to eating insects, such as cockroaches, beetles, and worms for additional nourishment and fluids.

Viden has adapted to seeing in dim light and interpreting shadows and sound.

Viden can see well in dim and smoggy environments that off-worlders would find it impossible to see more than 50 feet (15.2 m) ahead, and very difficult to read or perform detailed work.

Video can see details and do skilled work in light as dim as a single candle, where most people could not.

Video’s eyes are not bothered by smoke or air made dim by smog, soot particles or smoke.
Viden is resistant to sulfur and foul odors.
Viden’s sense of smell is damaged, only about half as keen as normal for humans.

The Mystic Knights plan to enroll Viden into a school to train to be a Wilderness Scout with an emphasis on fighting fires and vampires.
His ability to see in dim light and interpret shadows and sound would allow him to spot threats or resources in environments where visibility is limited. Additionally, his resilience to foul odors and sulfur would make him well-equipped to navigate areas with hazardous or unpleasant conditions.
He would do quite well in Mexico. The land’s harsh temperatures are nothing compared to Hades.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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After a few days the teenager named Viden is stuffed fat.
They have to get him clothes that are new to him that are a few sizes larger around the waist.
He has to put on sun-screen.
He’s used to high heat not sun burn.
He struggles with the American language and social norms.
The social workers think he needs 6 months to adapt and learn the language.
However, he learns best by doing and being deliberately directed.
IF left on his own he could turn to crime or become a hermit.

Basically, the Mystic Knights need to either leave him with someone they trust, and no one wants to take him on and not turn him into a criminal or such, or taken him with them.

Viden has no psychic powers so there is not teaching him to use powers he does not have.

The Mystic knights themselves are waiting to hear back from their Mystic Houses of the Order about the salvage operation.
They just did the one rescue mission in Hades as a practice run and to collect information. The Atlanteans still have not rounded up the volunteers to go undercover as slaves to be turned in. From there, the hope is that they will be grouped where they are keeping the other Atlanteans so they can dimensionally teleport as many as they can out, specifically, the Stone Master ictinus and the tattoo master.
However, they see the mission as a proverbial one trick pony that once performed they won’t be able to fool the demons again into mixing new Atlanteans with the ones they have had for months. So they need as many Atlanteans with dimensional tattoos as possible to mass teleport as many as they can all at once. Better to save those they can than none at all.

As for their Sunken Lemurian city salvage operation:
They have the TW devices for the Mystic Portal spell to get inside the city.
Scrolls for swimming like a fish.
The one thing they can’t get around is a mage who can create magic “Circles of Travel”

A few days later

The team gets a message from one of the Order’s representatives.
He is the man from Knight Four’s House (secretly, the White Rose).
He says he has been empowered to act on the Order’s behalf.
Their psychics and seers have had a vision that the city will be destroyed.
They must act now to salvage what they can before it goes over the ledge.
They have brought a mage to make the circle of travel to use for the mission.
He has already created the one on the receiving end.
Now they need only make one in the sunken city.
They have flying carpets to take them to the secret location of the sunken city but they must go now.

30 minutes later the knights have grabbed their go backs and are on their magic carpet ride with Viden (couldn’t find a sitter in time and he wanted to see the ocean).

As Viden stood on the sandy shore, gazing out at the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean stretching out before him, he felt a surge of emotions welling up within him. The sight was unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life in Hades. The sheer enormity of the ocean, with its endless horizon disappearing into the distance, filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

For the first time, Viden understood the true meaning of boundlessness. The ocean seemed to stretch out infinitely, its rhythmic waves crashing against the shore in a hypnotic symphony of sound and motion. The salty breeze kissed his cheeks, carrying with it the scent of brine and adventure. It was as if he had been transported to another world, one where possibilities were as endless as the horizon before him.

Tears welled up in Viden's eyes as he took in the breathtaking sight before him. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated beauty, and he felt grateful to be alive to witness it. In that moment, all the hardships of his past seemed to fade away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and belonging. The ocean beckoned to him, inviting him to explore its depths and discover the wonders that lay hidden beneath its surface.
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Re: Merc Squad - Section

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As the Mystic Knights and Viden continued their journey along the coastline, they stumbled upon a quaint fishing village nestled on the sandy shores. The village seemed frozen in time, with weathered wooden huts and fishing boats dotting the shoreline. But what caught their attention most was the imposing sight of an abandoned mansion looming over the village, its once-grand facade now faded and decrepit.

Curiosity piqued, the group approached the mansion, its crumbling walls and overgrown gardens a stark contrast to the bustling activity of the village below. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the warm aroma of freshly cooked seafood wafting through the air.

The villagers had converted the dilapidated mansion into a makeshift seafood restaurant, its grand halls now filled with wooden tables and chairs. Despite its humble surroundings, there was an air of hospitality and warmth that permeated the space.

Seated at one of the rustic tables, Viden hesitantly sampled the seafood spread before him. As he took his first bite, he was met with a burst of flavors unlike anything he had ever tasted. The texture was tender and succulent, with a delicate balance of sweetness and brininess that danced on his palate.

With each mouthful, Viden's senses were awakened to a whole new world of culinary delights. He marveled at the freshness of the seafood, each dish a testament to the village's close connection to the sea.

Meanwhile, the mercenaries engaged in conversation with the villagers, learning about their way of life and the challenges they faced living so close to the ocean. Despite the hardships, there was a sense of resilience and camaraderie among the villagers, their bond strengthened by their shared love for the sea.

As they finished their meal, the mercenaries insisted on paying for the food, grateful for the hospitality shown to them by the villagers.
They cast a few spell to help them with their health and medical. The “Sustain” spell and “Superhuman Endurance.”
With hearts full and bellies satisfied, they bid farewell to the fishing village, their brief encounter leaving a lasting impression on each of them.

As the team of mercenaries and Viden soared high above the vast expanse of the ocean on their magic flying carpets, Viden couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and exhilaration coursing through him. This was only his third time experiencing the sensation of flight, and each time felt like a new adventure unfolding before his eyes.

With the wind whipping through his hair and the rhythmic flapping of the carpets beneath him, Viden marveled at the breathtaking sight of the endless ocean stretching out to the horizon. The azure waters sparkled in the sunlight, casting shimmering reflections that danced across the waves below.

As they flew farther from the coastline, Viden's heart raced with anticipation. This was the first time he had ever ventured over the ocean, and the sheer magnitude of the experience left him spellbound. With each passing moment, the ocean seemed to stretch out endlessly before him, a vast and mysterious realm waiting to be explored.

Then, as they crested over a gentle swell, Viden's eyes widened in awe as he caught sight of the first island on the horizon. Its verdant shores beckoned invitingly, a lush oasis amidst the vast expanse of water. For Viden, who had spent his entire life in the arid desert of Hades, the sight of such lush greenery was nothing short of miraculous.

As they descended towards the island, Viden's heart soared with excitement, eager to set foot on new land and embark on the next chapter of his adventure.

With each passing moment, the island grew closer, its beauty and mystery calling out to him like a siren's song. And as they touched down on the sandy shores, Viden knew that this was only the beginning of an epic journey that would change his life forever.

As the rain began to fall from the sky, Viden's eyes widened in astonishment. He had never seen anything like it in his entire life. In the arid desert of Hades, rain didn’t exist, an unimaginable phenomenon that seemed almost magical in its rarity. But here, on this lush island surrounded by the vast expanse of the ocean, rain was a natural occurrence, a regular part of life that the inhabitants took for granted.

As the droplets pattered against the canvas of their tents, Viden couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. The sound of the rain was like music to his ears, a symphony of nature's own making that filled him with a sense of peace and tranquility.

But as the rain continued to fall, Viden soon realized that it brought with it a new set of challenges.
The cold, damp air penetrated his clothing, sending shivers down his spine and causing his teeth to chatter.
He huddled closer to the warmth of the fire, seeking refuge from the chill that seemed to seep into his bones.

Despite the discomfort, Viden couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the rain. In Hades, water was a precious resource, a scarce commodity that was carefully rationed and hoarded. But here, on this island, water fell freely from the sky, nourishing the land and sustaining life in abundance.

As he watched the rain cascade down from above, Viden couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. In that moment, he realized that there was so much more to life than he had ever imagined, and that even the simplest of things could hold profound meaning and significance.

And so, as the rain continued to fall, Viden found himself embracing the moment, savoring the experience of being caught in the midst of a downpour on this mysterious island.
As the rain began to fall from the sky, Viden's eyes widened in astonishment. He had never seen anything like it in his entire life. In the arid desert of Hades, rain was a foreign concept, an unimaginable phenomenon that seemed almost magical in its rarity. But here, on this lush island surrounded by the vast expanse of the ocean, rain was a natural occurrence, a regular part of life that the inhabitants took for granted.

Despite the novelty of the rain, there was work to be done. With the guidance of the mercenaries, Viden set out to gather food for their dinner. Armed with his knowledge of hunting and gathering, he scoured the island for edible plants and small game. His keen eyes spotted ripe fruits hanging from the trees and tracks left by passing animals, and soon he had gathered enough to sustain them for the night.

Returning to their campsite, Viden set about starting a fire, his hands deftly working to spark the flames using the techniques he had learned in the desert of Hades. With a flicker of flame, the fire sprang to life, casting a warm glow against the darkening sky. The rain continued to fall, but the fire provided a comforting source of warmth and light, driving away the chill that lingered in the air.

As the food cooked over the crackling flames, Viden couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his abilities. In Hades, survival was a constant struggle, and he had learned to rely on his skills to provide for himself. But here, life was easy. Clean water fell from the sky without needing to boil it. Food was all around him waiting to be pulled from the ground and plucked from a tree.

And so, as they sat around the fire, enjoying the simple pleasure of a hot meal on a rainy night, Viden felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Despite the unfamiliarity of their surroundings, he knew that he had found a way to be useful to his new human masters.
That night he drifted off to sleep to the soothing sound of the rain.
He was afraid to fall asleep in case his masters abandon him but the island was full of food and water. Viden knew that he woud survive if they flew away and left him and with that he fell asleep from exhaustion.

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Viden stirred from his slumber, his body still heavy with sleep. Blinking away the remnants of his dreams, he slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings with a mixture of awe and gratitude. He was on the island, surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore. It was a far cry from the desolate landscape of Hades, and for that, Viden felt a surge of relief wash over him.

The morning air was cool against his skin, a sharp contrast to the oppressive heat of his homeland. He shivered slightly, unused to the chill, but welcomed the sensation nonetheless. It was a reminder that he was alive, that he had survived another night on this unfamiliar island.

Stretching his limbs, Viden rose to his feet, his gaze sweeping over the campsite where he and the mercenaries had made their makeshift shelter. It was a simple affair, just a few tents nestled amongst the trees, but it provided a welcome respite from the elements. The fire from the night before had long since burned out, leaving behind only a smoldering pile of ash, but Viden knew that he could easily reignite it when the time came.

With a sense of purpose, Viden set out to hunt and gather food for their breakfast. Armed with a spear and a woven basket, he moved silently through the underbrush, his senses keenly attuned to the sights and sounds of the forest. In Hades, survival had been a constant struggle, and Viden had learned to rely on his instincts to provide for himself. Now, here on this island, he drew upon that same knowledge, scanning the trees for ripe fruits and listening for the telltale rustle of prey.

After some time, Viden returned to the campsite, his basket filled with an assortment of fruits and nuts, as well as a small catch of fish that he had managed to snare in a nearby stream. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he laid out his bounty beside the fire, knowing that he had once again proven his worth to the mercenaries.

As the others began to stir from their sleep, Viden took a moment to gaze out at the tranquil beauty of the island. Despite the nightmares that still haunted his dreams, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him in this moment. He was alive, he was free, and for now, that was enough.

Viden noticed Knight Two, his eyes sharp and alert despite faking being asleep. It was a reminder that even in the quiet moments of the morning, they were always vigilant, always prepared for whatever dangers may come their way.

After Knight Two woke his partners, their practiced movements fluid and purposeful as they went about their morning exercises. He watched in awe as they stretched and flexed their muscles, their movements were routinely done. It was clear that they were seasoned warriors, each one a master of their body.

As the mercenaries finished their exercises, one of them cast a spell. Viden watched in wonder as a shimmering wave of magic washed over them and him, cleansing him of the dirt and grime that clung to his skin and clothes. It was a sensation unlike any he had ever felt before, leaving him feeling clean and dry.

With his newfound cleanliness, Viden joined the mercenaries around the crackling fire, the scent of cooking food filling the air. As they ate their breakfast, they spoke of their plans for the day, their voices low and serious.

"We're going to fly far away over the ocean," Marcus explained, his gaze fixed on Viden. "We're going down beneath the water to search for things that we value. It's dangerous, and it'll be scary, especially for someone who's new to the water like you."

Viden listened intently, his heart pounding in his chest at the thought of such an adventure. He had never been far from the safety of solid ground, and the idea of flying over the vast expanse of the ocean filled him with equal parts excitement and fear.

"You have to decide," Knight One/Marcus continued, his eyes meeting Viden's. "You can stay here on the island and wait for us to return, or you can come with us. It won't be easy, and there's no guarantee you will survive, but if you choose to come, we will treat you as one of us."

Viden's mind raced as he considered his options. On one hand, the safety of the island, but on the other hand, the lure of adventure called out to him, promising excitement and discovery beyond his wildest dreams.
Closing his eyes, Viden took a deep breath, letting the salty sea air fill his lungs. When he opened them again, there was a steely determination in his gaze.
"Where you go, I follow," he said finally, his voice steady and sure.

The mercenaries exchanged a knowing glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

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Over the Atlantic Ocean.

As the mercenaries and Viden soared through the sky on their magic carpets, Knight Two took the lead, navigating their course with practiced precision. With each passing moment, the landscape below shifted and changed, the vast expanse of ocean stretching out endlessly before them.

The wind whipped through their hair as they flew, on the carpets carrying them ever closer to their destination. Knight Two's eyes narrowed in concentration as he scanned the horizon, his keen senses alert for any signs of danger.

Finally, after what felt like hours of flying, Todd signaled for the group to halt. With a deft flick of his wrist, the Mystic Knights produced three small scrolls from their packs, unfurling them one by one and reading the incantations written upon them.

A surge of magical energy washed over them, enveloping them in a shimmering aura of light. Viden felt a strange sensation wash over him, a tingling warmth that suffused his entire being. It was as if the very essence of the ocean itself had wrapped around him, embracing him in its watery embrace.

With a final pat on each other's backs, the mercenaries rolled up their magic carpets and plunged into the depths below. As they fell, the water rushed up to meet them, enveloping them in its icy embrace. But to their surprise, they felt no discomfort, no cold or pressure from the depths below.

Instead, they swam effortlessly through the water, their bodies moving with a grace and fluidity that belied their human form. With each stroke, they propelled themselves closer and closer to their goal, the sunken Lemurian city looming ever larger in the distance.

As they approached the city, the mercenaries produced a small magic wand from their packs, channeling their energy into it with practiced precision. With a flick of the wrist, they opened a portal that shimmered and rippled in the water, allowing them to pass through into the city.

The portal closed behind them with a soft whoosh, sealing off the outside world and plunging them into darkness.

We are falling.
I screamed.
Then suddenly the air came up under me and slowed my fall.
We were no longer falling we are floating in the air as we slowly lowered to the floor.
Whatever magic was at work it had slowed our fall to a crawl.

Cathing my breathe, I could smell and taste tha the air was foul.
Then just as sudden I could breathe with ease as though there is no problem with the air at all.
There was only darkness the the echos.
I no stranger to darkness. I do well in it.

My human masters move like the can see just fine as well.
Their footsteps echoing softly against the ancient stone walls.

Inside, we are surrounded by the remnants of the crumbling ruins of buildings and streets.
It is a haunting sight, that reminds me of Hades only without the heat.
The desert outside of the city was the largest graveyard ever.
With thousands of years of bodies buried under the ash and sand.

My masters pressed on, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of life. But as they explored further, they found nothing but silence and emptiness, the city's halls echoing with the ghostly whispers of the past.

Here and there were the bones of the dead. With each step, we moved deeper into the heart of the city, but we found only more death.
Our senses on high alert for any hidden dangers that may lurk in the shadows. But as we delved deeper, we began to realize that the city held no gold to be found. What art, clothes or fine things there might once have been here have been destroyed by time.

Finally the masters turn on lights in their hands out of a tube.
I have heard of them; called flashlights.
They did not use them before; must not have want to warn others wer are here. But there are no others here. Only the dead.

With each step we took through the desolate streets of the sunken Lemurian city, our eyes are scanning the darkness for any sign of hidden danger.
A thick air of silence and death hung about as we ventured deeper, the once-grand city is a crumbling mess.

We searched for treasures amidst the ruins, hoping to find anything. But all we found were echoes and dust. Shattered remains of furnature and clothing. The promise of riches had lured us here, but now it seemed that the city held no treasures to be found.

And then, as if summoned from the depths of the abyss, our silent ally appeared—a masked figure whose presence seemed to materialize out of thin air. With a solemn chant, the figure began to perform a ritual, weaving magic that shimmered in the air around us. My masters watched with wary eyes, their hands resting on the hilts of their weapons, ready to defend against any threat.

As the ritual reached its climax, a circle of light appeared on the ground before us—a portal through which we would step into the unknown. With a silent nod from my masters, I followed them into the circle, feeling a strange sensation wash over me and in the blink of an eye we are somewhere else.

Stepping outside I recognized the city of Lazlo.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

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The forest outside of Lalzo on the banks of a popular lake.

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil waters of the lake. Viden stood at the water's edge, his gaze fixed intently on the shimmering surface. Beside him, Knight Three sat patiently, their fishing rods poised and ready.

Viden fumbled with the fishing line, his fingers awkward as he attempted to mimic the movements he had observed from afar. With a furrowed brow, he cast the line out into the water, the bait landing with a gentle plop.

For a long moment, there was nothing but silence, broken only by the soft lapping of waves against the shore. Viden's heart raced as he waited, anticipation mounting with each passing second. He glanced over at Knight Three, who offered him a reassuring nod of encouragement.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, the minutes ticking by in agonizing slowness. Just as Viden's patience began to wane.

The sudden tug on the line sent a jolt through Viden's veins, his heart racing in exhilaration. With wide eyes, he focused intently on the bobbing fishing rod, feeling the weight of the fish as it fought against the line. The air was electric with anticipation, every nerve in his body alive with excitement.

As he began to reel in the line, the sound of the fishing reel clicking echoed softly in his ears, the rhythmic sound adding to the intensity of the moment. With each turn of the reel, the tension in the line grew taut, the resistance of the fish palpable as it struggled against him.

Beneath the surface of the water, the fish glimmered like a ghostly apparition, its silvery scales catching the fading light of the setting sun. Viden's hands trembled with anticipation as he worked to bring the creature closer, his fingers gripping the fishing rod with white-knuckled determination.

Finally, with one last heave, Viden hauled the fish onto the shore, the thrill of victory coursing through his veins. As he held up the wriggling prize for Knight Three to see, a sense of triumph washed over him, his grin widening in sheer delight.

In the fading light of the evening, they headed back, the catch bonding was a bonding moment. Basking in the glow of success, Viden's chest swelled with a sense of pride.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

Unread post by darthauthor »

The mystic knights have the seed they recovered from the sunken city examined by an discrete and reliable Earth Warlock for a lot of credits.

It turns out to be a seed for “Memory Tree.”
To flourish it needs to be planted near a Ley Line, nurtured and waterd.

Once the tree flourishes it should have the memories of its parent tree whatever those might be. More than that he can not say. It might even be a blank slate that will only collect and store the memories of those who share with it.


Outside of Lazlo

As the Mystic Knights gathered around the campfire, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows across their faces, the topic of the Memory Tree seed sparked a lively debate among them.

Marcus (Knight One), the pragmatic leader of the group, crossed his arms thoughtfully. "We can't ignore the potential of this seed. Imagine the knowledge we could gain from a fully grown Memory Tree."

Knight Three, ever the opportunist, grinned eagerly. "Or we could sell it to the highest bidder. Imagine the fortune we could make."

Knight Two, the quiet but observant one, "Reward has to be worth it."

Knight Four, shrugged indifferently. "I say we plant the seed and let nature take its course. If it grows into something valuable, great. If not, no harm done. We've got more pressing matters to attend to."

Viden, listened intently to their discussion. "Perhaps we could use the tree to help those in need," he suggested tentatively.

The Mystic Knights fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts as they contemplated the fate of the Memory Tree seed. Eventually, Knight One spoke up, his voice decisive. "I think we should plant the seed and tend to it as it grows. We'll keep it under close watch and ensure that its knowledge is used for the greater good. It may be a risk, but I believe it's one worth taking."

The others nodded in agreement, their decision made. With a sense of purpose, they set about picking a place where the tree will be a secret and easy for them to defend or destroy; if they have to.

"These spindly trees have pointed, spiral-like trunks and branches, with tiny leaves which are usually grey-green in color with silver hues."

Memory Trees are magical trees that possess the unique ability to absorb and store the memories of individuals who share their experiences with the tree. These memories become infused within the tree's essence, creating a repository of knowledge and wisdom that can be accessed by those who seek it.

Memory Trees are revered (by those who know of them; especially if they have used them). They serve as living archives, holding the memories of generations past and present. This knowledge can be invaluable for various purposes, including historical research, problem-solving, and decision-making. I see them as a bit like an semi-sentient bio-computer and their connection to each other like the internet.

Learning from a Memory Tree is not instantaneous, but it requires about half the time normally spent on reading. The trees recreate memories and transmit knowledge directly into the student's mind.
However, time is still required to assimilate and understand the information.

Individuals can commune with a Memory Tree by touching its bark and focusing their thoughts, allowing them to access the memories stored within. These memories can provide insights, guidance, and even solutions to the challenges individuals may face in their lives.

Additionally, Memory Trees are believed to possess a form of sentience, allowing them to selectively share their memories with those they deem worthy. They may withhold certain memories or insights if they sense that they could be misused or exploited.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

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The Death Mire

As the adventuring Mystic Knights, along with Viden and the two Atlantean Nomads, emerged from the swirling Rift, they found themselves engulfed in a realm of nightmarish proportions.
A roting swamp stretched out before them, a vast expanse of desolation and decay, where the air was thick with the acrid stench of sulfur and the ground was riddled with bubbling pools of acid and tar.

Taking in their surroundings, the Mystic Knights could feel the dangers that lay before them. The rotting trees and blood-dripping flora whispered tales of danger and death, while the flickering flames of the Fire Jets cast eerie shadows across the murky landscape.

Marcus, the leader of the group, surveyed the scene with a keen eye, assessing the various hazards that lay in their path. "Stay close, everyone," he said, his voice firm and authoritative. "We need to watch each other's backs. We WILL make it through this."

Their senses alert for any signs of danger. They patrolled the immediate area for threats and made camp to rest and take in their surroundings before they commit to a direction.
Asking Viden they hear what he has to say about this land.
“I have heard of it,” he says, “It is called the Death Mire. The water is poison. Fire shots from the ground, the trees bleed blood, and the air can kill you. We should go back.”

They set forward.

Their first challenge came in the form of a massive acid pool, its surface bubbling and churning with toxic fumes. Marcus eyed the pool warily, knowing that one misstep could spell disaster for the entire group.
"We'll need to find a way around," Marcus said, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of solid ground."

Together, they searched for a safe passage, their boots sinking into the muck as they moved cautiously across the swamp. After what felt like hours of careful navigation, they finally found a narrow strip of dry land that led them safely past the acid pool.
Then the acid rain started. The team took cover with a “Sheltering Force” tent while Knight Two stood guard outside in his chem-gear.
But their troubles were far from over. As they continued their journey, they encountered a grove of Blood Weeper trees, their twisted branches dripping with a viscous red substance that oozed like blood.

"We need to be careful," Knight Three warned, his voice tense with apprehension. "Those trees are dangerous. One wrong move and we could be paralyzed."

With bated breath, they skirted around the edge of the grove, their eyes darting nervously from tree to tree. Every rustle of the leaves sent shivers down their spines, as they feared the touch of the deadly paralytic sap.
Knight Three donned his chem-gear and gasmask while those who were unlucky had Knights Three and Four casting “Negate Poison” on the party member. They kept going until they made it through the grove. As they emerged on the other side, they breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful to have escaped the clutches of the Blood Weepers.

Their next obstacle came in the form of a series of Fire Jets, towering columns of flame that erupted from the ground with explosive force. The intense heat washed over them, threatening to scorch their skin and singe their hair.
"We'll need to time our movements carefully," Knight Four said, his voice barely audible above the roar of the flames. "Wait for the jets to subside before making a run for it."
Knight Two cast his spell, “Superhuman Agility” to ensure they made it.
With nerves of steel, they dashed across the open space, their hearts pounding in their chests as they narrowly avoided being engulfed by the inferno.

But even as they breathed a sigh of relief, they knew that their journey was far from over. Ahead of them lay a treacherous expanse of Pod Plants, their thick vines coiling around anything they touched, ready to ensnare unwary travelers.

"We'll need to tread lightly," Marcus cautioned, his eyes scanning the tangled undergrowth for any signs of movement. "Those plants are more dangerous than they look."
Knight Three cast the spell of “Breathe without Air” While Knight Two again donned his chem-gear.
With rapid steps, they made their way through the dense thicket, their hearts racing as they brushed past the twisted tendrils of the Pod Plants.
The plants remained dormant, their bulbous pods hanging ominously from the branches above. With a collective sigh of relief, they emerged on the other side, their nerves frayed but their spirits unbroken.

As they journeyed through the Death Mire, they encountered a myriad of challenges, from the toxic fumes of the gas pods to the searing heat of the Fire Geysers. But with each obstacle they faced, they rallied together, their bonds of camaraderie and trust strengthening their resolve.

"We can do this," Marcus said, his voice filled with determination. "We just need to keep moving forward, no matter what."

And so they pressed on, their determination unyielding, until at last they reached the edge of the Desert of Taut. As they looked out across the vast expanse of shifting sands, with the crimson glow of the setting sun casting long shadows across the horizon, a sense of relief washed over them.

"We made it," Viden whispered, his voice filled with awe as he gazed out at the barren landscape before them. "Now all we have to do is reach Shek'Ra."

The adventurers made camp in the sands of the desert, their weary nerves craving rest after a day of relentless demands on their attention and energy levels. But even as they settled down for the night, their minds remained focused on the task that lay ahead, knowing that their journey was far from over. Two of the party stood guard for the night.

After a long sleep, they continued their trek across the Desert of Taut.

Location: the endless expanse of sand that is the Desert of Taut.

The party pressed onward through the Desert of Taut, their determination unwavering despite the harsh conditions.
With Knight Two and Viden leading the way, the group navigated the treacherous terrain with ease, their Mystic Knight powers shielding them from the scorching heat of the desert.

Roll 1%
Sand, as far as the eye can see, just sand. This area of the desert is relatively flat and offers no major obstacles. Due to the sandy conditions, speed is reduced by 10%.

They make it to a mountain without injury BUT they could use some NEW BOOTS.

The adventurers trudge wearily through the sweltering heat of the Desert of Taut, their eyes fixed on the looming peaks of Glacier Peak in the distance.
Though they know this is not Shek'Ra, they are here now, so close they can see the peak and they want to have a look around as long as they are here now. They might never come back here again so why not have a look at the watering hole.
Besides, one of the Atlantean Nomads is a cartographer. They want to make an up to date map of Hades.

As they drew closer to the mountains, they could see plumes of steam rising from the mouths of the peaks, like great billows of smoke against the crimson sky. Despite the oppressive heat of the desert, the sight of the mountains filled them with a sense of awe and wonder.

"We're almost there," Marcus said, his voice tinged with excitement. "Just a little further, and we'll reach Glacier Peak."

The ruck march continued as the Mystic Knights quickened their pace, eager to reach the safety of the city nestled within the mountains. But as they approached the base of the peak, they could see that their journey was far from over.

The terrain around Glacier Peak was treacherous, with jagged rocks and steep cliffs looming on either side of the narrow road that led up to the city gates. The road twisted and turned, snaking its way up the mountainside, and the Mystic Knight knew that they would have to tread carefully if they were to avoid any potential dangers.

"We need to watch our step," Knight One warned, his eyes scanning the rocky terrain for any signs of trouble. "This road it's a place for an ambush."

With that, they moved cautiously, keeping close together as they navigated the winding path that led ever upwards towards the city gates.

As they climbed higher and higher, the air grew cooler, and they could feel the steam from the mountains mingling with the desert heat. The sight of the city gates looming ahead filled them with a sense of excitement, knowing that they were almost within reach of city they have not been to before.

But their excitement was short-lived, as they soon realized that the city gates were heavily guarded by a contingent of demons and gargoyles. The sight of the formidable defenses gave them pause, but they knew that they had come too far to turn back now.

As they neared the city gates, Marcus's keen eyes caught sight of a figure striding towards them, his wings spread wide and his eyes gleaming with intelligence. It was Corag.

Corag is one of the Za species (a supernatural being that looks like a winged dog).
He is FAMOUS for being a successful merchant trader and caravan leader in the Demon city of Shek'Ra.
Anyone who harms him would ruin a lot of good things for Demons and mortals in powerful positions.
IF he were to be killed the killer would have a bounty on their head until they were dead.

Knight One (Marcus) had heard stories of Corag's reliability. He wanted profit not blood. As long as you were a good customer and promised repeat business Corag was no danger to you.

Knight One bends one knew and bows before Corag.
"What brings the gladitorial champions of Shek'Ra here?" asks Corag.

The Mystic Knights to telepathy between each other, "He recognizes us from the tournament. Play along"

Raising his head, Knight One said caustiously, "We're looking for Atlanteans."

Corag's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Atlanteans, and Marcus could see a flicker of interest in his gaze. "Atlanteans, you say?" Corag mused, his voice thoughtful. "I may be able to help."
Corag, dog face to human face gazed at Knight One and sniffed as though he could smell a lie.
"What do you want in return?" Marcus asked, his voice steady despite the unease that churned in his gut.

Corag's smile widened at Marcus's question, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “I'll help you find your Atlanteans, in return for a favor."
Marcus narrowed his eyes at Corag's words, his jaw clenched with frustration. He knew that they didn't have much choice but to agree to Corag's terms, but he couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap.
"Favor?" Marcus asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Corag's smile widened into a grin, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, nothing too difficult," he replied casually. "Just a small favor, for a fan."

Marcus exchanged a wary glance with his companions, his mind racing as he weighed the pros and cons of agreeing to Corag's offer. He knew Corag is NOT someone you JUST say "NO" to, just like that. There is an etiquette to these things and if a mere mortal human offends a supernatural being, especially one as famous well connnected as Corag he could order an all out attack against the Mystic Knights. They either had to agree to everything he wanted of them or beg forgiveness that they were too powerless to give him what he asked of them.

After a moment of tense silence, Marcus nodded reluctantly. "We have a deal."

Corag's grin widened at Marcus's words, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Excellent," he said, his voice dripping with smugness.

With that, Corag turned on his paws and strode back towards the city gates, the Mystic Knights and friends rose off their bent knee and followed. Marcus couldn't shake the feeling that they had just made a deal with the devil himself. But Knight One knew that they had no choice but to go along with Corag, at least for now.

Despite the unusual arrangement, Knight One telepathically communicated to the party that know they are protected in Corag’s presence. No demon or mortal guard will bother them as long as they behave and appear to be doing what Corag wants of them.

As the Mystic Knights entered Caravan Square in Glacier Peak, they were immediately overwhelmed by the bustling activity that surrounded them. The square was a hive of motion and noise, with merchants hawking their wares and customers bartering for the best deals.

The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and the sound of voices raised in negotiation. The aroma of roasting meats wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy scent of sweat and the tang of metal from nearby forges.

The square itself was a vast expanse of packed dirt, dotted with makeshift stalls and tents where merchants displayed their goods. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, advertising everything from slaves to food and supplies. The constant murmur of conversation filled the air, punctuated by the occasional shout or cry of a vendor trying to attract customers.

As Corag strode through the bustling streets of Glacier Peak, his diminutive figure stood out amidst the throngs of larger beings. Despite his small stature, Corag exuded an air of power and confidence as he navigated the crowded marketplace. Taking flight his wings brought him to eye level with his bodyguards. His keen eyes looked down and darted from one vendor to the next, assessing the goods on display with a discerning gaze.
The Mystic Knights walked a few paces behind Corag, their movements fluid and graceful as they followed their Za host. The Mystic Knights did not know what the arrangement was, only that it was now or never.
Towering over the Mysti Knights are Corag’s three Baal-Rog lieutenants, their imposing presence intimidated the surrounding crowd.

Inspite of the demons, the market places was a marvelous scene of sights and sounds. The city was a hive of activity, with merchants peddling their wares in the crowded streets and caravans coming and going at all hours of the day and night. Everywhere they looked, there were signs of life and commerce, a stark contrast to the desolation of the desert outside.

Note: In this world, etiquette dictated that supernatural beings like Corag were to be revered and respected above humans and DBees. As such, the Mystic Knights and their friends not only walk behind Corag but in a manner of submission to him.

Knight One has a sudden realization. Corag wants the other vendors to witness them walking behind him but in his company. It was a display of power and influence, a way for Corag to flaunt his importance. Despite the Mystic Knights being human and dressed as mercenaries, the party exuded an aura of strength. Amongst mortals they are elites and gladitorial champions. By making them follow him at his whim, Corag aimed to bolster his image.

At the center of the square stood a large stone fountain. Around it, clusters of people gathered, filling leather skins and clay pots with the precious liquid. The Mystic Knights could see the tension in the air as buyers jostled for position, eager to secure their share of the water supply.

Nearby, a group of slaves toiled under the watchful eyes of their overseers, hauling barrels of water and other goods to and fro. The sound of their chains clinking echoed through the square, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of life in Hades.

Turning Corag walked to his caravan.

Corag's caravan was a sight to behold, a formidable display of wealth, power, and ambition. At the forefront of the wagon train, leading the procession, was Corag's own grandiose wagon, the centerpiece of his entourage. It was a marvel of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, gleaming with polished metal and jewels that caught the light in a dazzling display.

The wagon itself was large and imposing, drawn by a team of mighty Hades Netherbeasts, their massive frames straining against the weight of the carriage. These otherworldly creatures, with their sinewy muscles and fiery eyes, exuded an aura of strength and ferocity that commanded respect and fear from all who beheld them. The mortal porters took off the beasts harnesses and escorted them to a place they could stretch and roll around.

Behind Corag's wagon were six more equally impressive carriages, each one laden with goods and cargo of various kinds. These wagons served as mobile storehouses, containing a vast array of treasures collected from across the dimensions. Some were filled with cages holding exotic creatures captured from distant realms, their roars and cries echoing through the air as they strained against their confines.

Others carried crates and barrels holding or waiting to hold precious cargo such as water and fire wine, sought after commodities in the parched lands of Hades.
Knight One could tell that the barrels and crates are magic of some sort by the etchings and the feeling he has examining them. Probably made to hold more than their size can hold and weigh less than whatever goes inside them. Clever.
These goods were carefully guarded by Corag's retinue of demons and hired mercenaries, their watchful eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger.

Among the caravan, there were also several smaller wagons, manned by skilled craftsmen and artisans who traveled with Corag to ply their trade. These craftsmen worked tirelessly to repair and maintain the caravan's equipment, ensuring that Corag's operation ran smoothly and efficiently.

But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Corag's wagon train was its composition of slaves, both mundane and magical. Chained and shackled, they marched alongside the wagons in long lines, their faces weary and downtrodden from years of servitude. Among them were humans, dwarves, elves, and other humanoid races, each one bearing the mark of Corag's ownership.

But scattered among these mundane slaves were also beings of a more extraordinary nature – fairies, sprites, and other mystical creatures, their powers subdued by magical wards. These magical slaves, though small in number, were highly coveted for their unique abilities, and Corag spared no expense in acquiring and controlling them.

It all drew curious stares and whispers from onlookers, who marveled at the spectacle of Corag's wealth and influence. From the look on their faces, the caravan was a symbol of power, a testament to Corag's prowess as a merchant and trader in these harsh lands.

As the mercenaries scanned the bustling activity of Corag's caravan square, their eyes fell upon a figure that stood out amidst the throng of slaves and traders. It was a woman, her body adorned with intricate tattoos that seemed to pulse with magical power. Despite the air of submission that hung about her, there was a steely resolve in her eyes, a silent testament to the inner strength that lay beneath her broken spirit.
She was unmistakably an Atlantean, their distinctive features of the magic tattoos that are the Marks of Heritage.

Approaching the woman cautiously, Marcus, the leader, initiated a conversation, his voice laced with empathy and understanding. "Friend," he began (in the True Atlantean language), addressing the woman with respect.

The woman regarded Marcus with a mixture of surprise. He could tell she remembered her people's language but had not expected to ever hear it again or if she did it would be from another slave.
"I am but a slave," she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness, her eyes turned down.

The mercenaries exchanged a glance, their hearts heavy. It was clear that she had endured much suffering at the hands of her captors, her spirit had broken beneath the weight of her chains.

In light of the precarious situation with Corag and his entourage of armed demon warriors, Knight One/Marcus knew that any attempt to liberate Narmea from her status as a slave would need to be handled with extreme caution.
As Knight One considered their options, he realized that any direct confrontation with Corag or his demons would likely end in disaster. With the odds stacked against them, attempting to defy Corag's authority openly would only lead to conflict, one they were ill-prepared to face. It would mark him and the team as wanted fugitives if they succeed.

Turning to the Atlantean slave Knight One used telepathy to communicate with the Atlantean in the Native Atlantean language of ancient Greek.
In a short while Knight One told her the story of how they are friend to the Aurelous and Aerihman Clans. They bare one of the marks (Anit Vampire). They are in Hades to rescue Altanteans from this place. He learns her name was, Narmea. She was taken as a child and raised in the slave quarters of Atlantis.
Marcus telepathed in Atlantean and hushed tones, his voice tinged with urgency. "We must tread carefully," he whispered, his eyes darting cautiously towards Corag and his guards. "I will find a way to free you."

Narmea nodded, her expression reflecting the gravity of their situation.

The Mystic Knights exchanged surprised glances, the unexpected sight of an Atlantean in Corag's caravan. They couldn't help but wonder how she came to be here.

Marcus: [Choosing his words carefully] I've heard whispers of a particular acquisition in your possession. A slave of uncommon strength and skill.

Corag: [Raises an eyebrow, intrigued] Ah, you must be referring to Narmea. She's garnered quite the attention, it seems.

Marcus: [Nods, feigning casual interest] Indeed. I'm curious about her origins and her journey into your esteemed company.

Corag: [Leans back, a smirk playing on his lips] Well, the story of Narmea is a tale for another time. But rest assured, she cost me a fortune.

Marcus: [Pressing further] And what are your intentions regarding her? Will she remain in servitude, or do you entertain the idea of parting ways?

Corag: [His gaze sharpens, a hint of amusement in his eyes] Ah, now there's the question, isn't it? You see, every transaction in this marketplace has its price.

Marcus: [Masking his urgency] Of course, I understand the value of rare commodities. But if someone were to make you an offer for her freedom, would you consider it?

Corag: [Chuckling softly] In this megaverse, everything is negotiable. But let's just say that Narmea has earned her place in my caravan, for now.

Marcus: [Nods, hiding his disappointment] I see. Corag. Perhaps we can discuss this matter further in private.

Corag: [Smirks knowingly] Perhaps we can. Until then, enjoy the sights and sounds of Glacier Peak. Who knows what opportunities may arise?

[With that, the conversation ends, leaving Marcus to ponder his next move as he navigates the bustling marketplace, his thoughts consumed by the fate of Narmea and the intricacies of dealing with a shrewd businessman like Corag.]
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

Unread post by darthauthor »

Glacier Peak Caravan Square

The caravan square of Glacier Peak in Hades bustled with activity as vendors hawked their wares and traders negotiated deals amidst the cacophony of voices and the aroma of exotic spices. The Mystic Knights along with their sidekick Viden and the two Atlantean nomads, navigated the crowded square with a sense of purpose, their eyes scanning the stalls for anything.

The square was a riot of colors and sounds, with merchants from across the megaverse peddling their goods to the highest bidder. Stalls overflowed with trinkets and treasures, from magical artifacts to enchanted weapons, each one promising untold power (but the experienced shopper knows this is not true).
The air was thick with the scent of incense and roasted meats, mingling with the acrid stench of sulfur and brimstone that hung in the air like a malevolent fog.
As they made their way through the throng, the Mystic Knights and their companions couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The demons and other supernatural beings that populated the square cast wary glances in their direction, their eyes lingering on the group with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

Knight Three muttered, his hand resting uneasily on the hilt of his sword. "I don't like the way those demons are eyeing us."

Knight Two nodded in agreement, his gaze moved from one shadowy figure to the next. "Outnumbered. Surrounded," he said, his voice steady.

Viden, the youngest of the group, remained silent, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the sights and sounds of the bustling square. He had never seen anything like it before, and despite the danger that lurked around every corner, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of exploring such a vibrant and exotic place.

Knight One surveyed the scene with a critical eye, his brow furrowed in concentration, he has knack for strategy.
"It's clear that Corag holds sway here," Knight One said, his voice low and measured. "We need to be careful not to attract too much attention. We want to collect information discreetly."

The two Atlantean nomads exchanged a knowing glance, they also knew that they were in a precarious position, surrounded by demons and other supernatural beings who would stop at nothing to maintain control.

As they continued to make their way through the square, the group passed stall after stall of exotic goods and rare artifacts. There were potions and elixirs that promised to cure any ailment, enchanted weapons that gleamed with otherworldly power, and mystical talismans that whispered secrets of ancient magic.

But amidst the trinkets and treasures, there were also darker offerings – cages filled with exotic creatures captured from distant realms, slaves bound in chains and shackles, their eyes haunted with despair. The sight made Knight Four's blood boil with rage, and he clenched his fists tightly as he fought to control his anger.

"Corag may have power and influence here, but he's nothing more than a glorified slave trader," Knight Four said, his voice filled with disdain.

The Atlantean Nomad known simply as Oren set about his task with meticulous care. With a worn parchment spread out before him and a quill in hand, he began to sketch the landscape with practiced strokes, his keen eyes taking in every detail.
Oren was no stranger to the art of cartography. Having traveled far and wide across the dimensions, he had honed his skills over many years, learning to capture the essence of each new landscape he encountered with precision and grace. But here, in the bustling caravan square of Glacier Peak, he faced a unique challenge.

The air was alive with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares and customers bartering for the best deals. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, advertising everything from exotic spices to magical trinkets. The scent of roasting meats wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of sweat and the tang of metal from nearby forges.

Amidst the chaos of the marketplace, Oren sat cross-legged on the ground, his focus unwavering as he carefully traced the contours of the square onto his parchment. His hand moved with fluidity and precision, capturing the intricate details of each stall and tent with remarkable accuracy.

But it wasn't just the physical layout of the square that Oren sought to document. As he sketched, he also made note of the diverse array of goods on offer, from mundane supplies to rare and exotic treasures. His keen eye for appraisal allowed him to quickly assess the value of each item, gauging its worth in the bustling marketplace.

Despite his proficiency in the art of cartography, Oren found himself struggling with the local dialect. The language of Glacier Peak was a curious blend of different tongues, shaped by centuries of trade and commerce. Though Oren could speak the language passably well, he often found himself stumbling over unfamiliar words and phrases, his Atlantean accent marking him as an outsider.

But Oren was not deterred by the linguistic challenge. With a determined spirit and a friendly demeanor, he engaged the locals in conversation, eager to learn more about their customs and traditions. His natural empathy and open-mindedness endeared him, many of whom were curious about this exotic traveler with his strange accent.

As the hours passed, Oren's map began to take shape. With each stroke of his quill, he captured the essence of the bustling caravan square, immortalizing it on parchment for future generations to admire. And though he may have struggled with the local dialect, his keen eye for detail and his unwavering determination ensured that his cartographic endeavors would be a success.

Oren explained to the Mystic Knights that making an accurate map of the Desert of Taut was beyond difficult. The terrain changes with the ash storms and sandstorms and the wind churning the sand burying and unburying things. Oftentimes the desert looks identical in every direction. Without constant identifiable features that can be easily seen one cannot reference where they are. One's only hope is to walk in a straight line until you see something. It is possible some magic or advanced technology could determine which direction to go or at least where one has already been. Knight Two is the group's navigation chief and has the tech to ensure they don’t waver in their direction.

Meanwhile, Knight Four uses his Streetwise skill and asks the right questions and discovers that Corag’s caravan is going to Shek’Ra after it leaves here (Glacier Peak). Their main cargo will be water, carried in the barrels that hold more than a barrel its size can carry.

Knight One guesses at any number of things that Corag could want from him:
Given Corag's shrewd nature and penchant for exploiting situations to his advantage, here are some possible favors he could ask of Marcus:

Retrieve? Corag might task Marcus with retrieving something from a dangerous location.

Assassinate? Corag may have a rival merchant or political opponent who poses a threat to his business interests.

Rescue? If one of Corag's associates or allies is captured by enemies, he could task us to mount a daring rescue mission to free them.

Sabotage? Corag may want to sabotage a rival merchant's operation to gain a competitive advantage. Destroy supplies or disrupt trade routes?

Collect? If someone owes Corag a debt, he could ask us to track down the debtor and retrieve the owed payment through persuasion or force.

Escort? If Corag is transporting a particularly valuable or sensitive cargo, he could ask Marcus to provide security and escort the shipment safely to its destination, protecting it from thieves.

Deal with trouble? Corag may have a problem with a particularly troublesome individual who is causing disruptions to his business. He could ask us to “deal” with this individual, whether through intimidation, coercion, or more direct means.

Bodyguard? Ridiculous. Corag already has all the protection he needs in his demon guards and reputation.

Corag has decided upon the favor he will ask of Marcus. He wants Marcus and Marcus's group to make a delivery to the "City of Ancients" and return with a delivery. They are not to allow the contents of the delivery to be damaged or stolen nor look inside to see what it is they are delivering.
For the sake of time they will have to carry a special boat to the “Forest of Thorns” and use it to travel on a river of lava to the “City of Ancients.” The oars will be fireproof and can be used to move the boat up the river until they reach the City of Ancients.
Once there they will show Corag’s seal and paperwork. They must find the demon client and get him what he wants. Then take what he gives them and bring it back to Corag.
IF they succeed at this they may have the Atlantean slave from his caravan as payment.

Corag asks the Mystic Knight (dresses as a mercenary in U.S. Army desert fatigues) if he agrees to Corag’s terms. It is a choice and Marcus may accept or refuse but if he ignores or procrastinates, to Corag, it will be the same as if he said, “No.”

Marcus says, “Yes. I will do it.”

Corag’s mortal slave entourage makes a big deal about the adventurers going so everyone knows that they are making a trip to the Ancient City.

Buying some supplies and tools the Knights set off.

They have a quick fight on their way down the mountain.
The highway man run off.

Someone tries following them across the Desert of Taut.
Knight Two snipes them.

The Thorn Forest. It is so named because all the trees in the forest are covered with sharp, barbed thorns. Even creatures like demons with their thicker hides are not immune to getting scratched and poked.
The general appearance of the Thorn Forest is that of gnarled trees, tangles of vines and dead leaves. Few would think that even a forest such as this could possess any beauty

IF it was not for the TW device Corag's servant gave them they might have gotten lost.

The Mystic Knights and friends ventured forth into the Thorn Forest.
They find themselves immediately confronted with the dense, tangled mass of thorns and vines that stretch as far as the eye could see. It was clear from the outset that forging a path through this impenetrable wilderness would be no easy task.

Day 1:

The rain fell softly from the darkened sky, a gentle cascade of water that the locals referred to as "tears from Heaven." It provided a welcome respite from the oppressive heat of Hades, cooling the air and nourishing the parched earth below.

Yet even as the rain washed over them, Marcus and his companions found themselves stymied by the sheer density of the Thorn Forest. Every step forward seemed to be met with an impenetrable wall of thorns and vines, forcing them to spend hours scouring the surrounding area in search of an alternative route.

Day 2:

As they pressed onward, the Mystic Knights came upon a surprising obstacle in the form of a river of lava that cut a swath through the heart of the forest. It was only ten feet wide, but the searing heat and molten rock presented a formidable challenge.

Undeterred, the adventurers set to work constructing a makeshift raft from the sturdy wood of the Thorn Trees. The Atlantean Nomads fashion the wood into a vessel that would carry them safely up the river's fiery current. With grim determination, they launched their raft into the molten flow, steeling themselves for whatever lay ahead.

Day 3:

For two more days, the adventurers continue their journey up the lava river, the blistering heat and noxious fumes taking their toll on their bodies. Yet still they pressed onward, driven by a sense of duty and determination to see their mission through to the end.

Day 4:

Finally, on the fourth day of their journey, Marcus and his companions emerged from the Thorn Forest and onto the wide riverbank that marked the path to the City of the Ancients. Here, the landscape changed dramatically, the thorns and vines giving way to a well-maintained trail that wound its way through the barren landscape.

As they traveled along the path, the encounter:
The adventurers come upon a group of weary travelers huddled around a small campfire.
Approaching with caution, Knight One calls out to the group, his voice firm yet tinged with sympathy. He knew all too well the hardships they must have endured.
The runaway slaves regarded the adventurers warily, their eyes filled with fear.
Drawing closer, Marcus spoke to the slaves with solemn dignity, offering them food and water. He assured them that they need not fear him or his companions.
Moved by the offer of food and water, the runaway slaves began to open up, sharing their stories of hardship and suffering at the hands of their demonic oppressors. They spoke of the atrocities they had witnessed, of the friends and loved ones they had lost along the way.
Listening intently as he looked into the eyes of the runaway slaves gorged themselves.
Their wounds become obvious. The Mystic Knights unleashed their healing powers on the runaway slaves. Knight One used “Cure Illness.” Knight Two used his magic tattoo of healing to mend their cuts, scares, and scratches. Knight Three used the spell “Negate Toxin” on a few of them. Knight Four cast the spell “Create Water” refilling their water skins.
They spend the night talking.
The slaves have survived for months in the forest.
The demons don’t seem to care as there has been no urgent or intense pursuit of them.
Only ever now and then are their hunting parties and they seem more about the sport of the hunt than actually capturing and returning them. They honestly have no place else to go. The knights confirm that the Desert of Taut is worse when it comes to food and water.
The runaway slaves warn them of the dangers of the Forest of Thorns.
The knights set up their Northern Gun tents with water conservation features.

The next day, the group has a talk about the matter.
One of the Atlantean Nomads agrees to take as many back as he can.
Pooling their energy together between everyone the Nomad opens a Rift.
He takes all but one of the runaway slaves. There is not enough energy for more.
It is a tough choice to make who stays and who goes but there is no time and it is done.
The one runaway is not going to survive out here on his own.
He travels with them.
In a few hours they come across 14 hostile escaped slaves who don't like strangers coming around. They order them to drop their water and run away.
The knights are out of energy but not out of ammo and still have their swords.
“We can be allies or enemies but we won’t be your victims.”
They attack.
14 against 6.
Half are killed before the other half run away.
They sit and tend to each other and their gear.
They make camp and rest.

While they rest the knights watch the bottom feeders of the Forest slowly devour the dead. They literally watch the process of the forest grow vines toward the dead then over them.

Eventually different people arrive.
The jibber jabber chants and rants about their sacred forest. It provides them with all they need. They must complete the circle and return to the forest.

They start cutting up the dead men and tossing them into the Thorn Trees.
They save some choice pieces and begin to cook them.
The Atlantean shares from his Anthropology skill that their religion is a nature thing and they rationalize that they are feeding like any other animal who lives in this Thorn Forest. They were looking for sacrifices for the Forest and they found them in the dead we have slain. They won’t attack us out of fear and the fact that we provided the sacrifices. Today.

Acid rain comes and drives the cultist away. The adventures are safe in a sheltering force tent.

Moving on their sixth sense goes off.

Hiding, they spot a hunting party of 6 demons.
Telepathically, they communicate with each other that they have still not recovered all their energy. If they don’t want to be identified they have to kill them all.
It is decided to avoid them for now.
They arrived at the "City of the Ancients" the first leg of their mission accomplished and their heads held high.

They check in and put on their most intimidating front.
Knight One's "Charismatic Aura" helps.
The mention of "Corag's" name is enough to get attention.

Some lesser demon demands an inspection of the "package" for safety and security.
Knight Four Paralyizes the single lesser demon.
Knight One erases the memory of the last minute.
They disappear amongst the other human slaves with their package.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

Unread post by darthauthor »


The "City of the Ancients" / The City of Thorns

In the heart of the City of Thorns, the Mystic Knights moved with purpose, their steps guided by stealth and discretion. Disguised in simple cloaks and hooded robes, they blended seamlessly with the bustling crowds of demons and slaves that filled the streets. With them was their Atlantean Nomad friend, Oren, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings as he meticulously charted the city's layout.

The City of the Ancients, or the City of Thorns, loomed before Marcus and his companions like a relic from another age, a bastion of civilization amidst the desolation of Hades. Stretching across a sprawling 100 square mile area, its white marble structures and wooden buildings stood in stark contrast to the dark and foreboding architecture typical of demon settlements.

As they move about the city, Marcus couldn't help but marvel at its ancient beauty, the grand columns and pillars rising majestically into the sky. It was as if they had stepped back in time, transported to a bygone era of splendor and opulence.
A sprawling metropolis that stands as a testament to the power and dominance of the demonic elite. Here, towering spires loom over the landscape. At the pinnacle of society are the demons, a ruling class of powerful beings who wield absolute authority over the city and its inhabitants.

As they navigated the winding streets and shadowed alleys, the Mystic Knights observed the city's military forces, businesses, supply chains, housing, and population. From their vantage points, they noted the movements of demon patrols, the locations of barracks and armories, and the flow of goods in and out of the city.

The demons dwell in palatial estates adorned with grotesque sculptures and macabre decorations, symbols of their dark and malevolent nature.
The party’s Atlantean Nomad explains that the demons view themselves as beautiful. So their art, in turn, reflects that beauty that they feel is beautiful. Humans are like working horses or dogs to them.

The demons live lives of luxury and excess, indulging in every whim and desire without restraint. Feasts of human flesh and blood are common occurrences, accompanied by wild celebrations and debauchery that last long into the night.

Beneath the demons are the favorite or most skillful slaves, a diverse array of humans who comprise the backbone of the city's economy. These skilled professionals, merchants, artisans, and craftsmen are the lifeblood of the city, producing goods and services that fuel its thriving marketplace. They live in modest dwellings scattered throughout the city, eking out a living through hard work and determination.
The demons boost that no human could compete with their strength and skill but in truth demons are lazy and haven’t the patience to master much of any skill except a few (drinking, fighting, games, gambling, rabble razing, seduction, and so forth).
Unlike the slaves who toil under the yoke of oppression, the favorites enjoy a measure of freedom and autonomy within the confines of the city. They have privileges granted to them by the demonic elite, allowing them to engage in trade, own property, and participate in the city's social life. Yet, despite their relative privilege, they are still subject to the whims and dictates of their demonic overlords, who hold ultimate power over their lives and livelihoods.

At the bottom of the social hierarchy are the slaves, though their existence in the City of Thorns is markedly different from that of slaves in other societies. Instead of chains and shackles, slaves are bound by a system of control that is far more insidious and pervasive. They are kept in line through fear. Their lives are subject to the whims of their demonic masters. Some do run away into the Thorn Forest never to be seen again or are later hunted for sport.

Despite their status as slaves, many of them possess valuable skills and talents that are exploited by the demonic elite. They work as servants, laborers, and artisans, producing goods and services that enrich their masters and sustain the city's economy. It is a symbol of status to own a mortal slave to wait on their demon master hand and foot. Yet, for all their contributions, they receive little in return, living lives of hardship and deprivation with little hope of escape.

In the City of Thorns, a bustling marketplace thrives despite the oppressive atmosphere, offering a wide array of goods and services to the free people who visit the city. Here are some of the businesses and services available to those who dare to navigate the streets.
As they made their way through the crowded thoroughfares, their eyes taking in the sights and sounds of the city. Everywhere they looked, they saw evidence of the city's industry, the bustling factories and workshops where Thorn Tree wood was processed and Fire Wine was brewed.
They found:
1. Merchant Guilds: The city is home to various guilds specializing in trade and commerce. These merchant guilds oversee the import and export of goods, ensuring that valuable resources flow in and out of the city. Merchants from far-flung lands gather in the marketplace to barter and trade their wares.

2. Artisan Workshops: Skilled craftsmen and artisans ply their trade in workshops scattered throughout the city. Mostly this is woodworking or products related to the local materials they have to work with, these artisans produce high-quality goods coveted by both demons and free citizens alike. Visitors can commission custom-made items or purchase pre-made goods from their stalls. Believe it or not, some of the finest crafted wood items are for sale here or can be made to order. This includes boats and ships made from wood from the Thorn Forest.

3. Taverns and Inns: Despite the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the city, taverns and inns offer respite and refuge to weary travelers. These establishments serve as gathering places where patrons can indulge in food, drink, and entertainment. From hearty meals cooked over open flames to potent brews brewed from exotic ingredients, taverns offer a taste of comfort and camaraderie in the midst of chaos.

4. Arcane Emporiums: For those with a taste for the mystical and arcane, arcane emporiums offer a tantalizing array of magical goods and services. Books made from mortal flesh and inked with blood and Techno-Wizard items made from the power of the local ley lines. Adventurers and spellcasters flock to these emporiums in search of rare and powerful items to aid them.

5. Healers and Apothecaries: Holistic Medicine healers and apothecaries play a vital role in maintaining the health and well-being of its inhabitants. Basically, the demons are either immune or regenerate from most things that could damage them so they have no need of doctors or medicine. Instead, these skilled practitioners offer remedies and treatments for a variety of ailments, from minor injuries and illnesses to more serious afflictions. Demons may be impulsive and impatient but not stupid. It is more expensive to get a new slave than it is to mend one you already own. You just have to own the medicine man too. While visitors in need of healing can seek out their services for healing potions, antidotes, and magical remedies to cure what ails them.

6. Slave Markets: Though a grim reminder of the city's dark underbelly, slave markets are a common sight in the marketplace. Here, demons and wealthy patrons alike browse rows of chained and shackled slaves, selecting individuals to serve as laborers, servants, or entertainment. Despite the inherent cruelty of the slave trade, it remains a thriving business in the City of Thorns, catering to the whims and desires of its demonic overlords.

7. Entertainment district: More for the demons than the tourists. Sort of like Las Vegas.

8. Fields of crops. Grown local for the easy and safety of tending and harvesting.
The marketplace of the City of Thorns continues to thrive, offering a glimpse into the vibrant and diverse world. For those brave enough to venture into its depths, the city holds untold treasures and secrets waiting to be discovered.

Using their magical abilities discreetly, the Mystic Knights employed tactics to aid the human slaves while avoiding detection. Todd, the healer of the group, discreetly cast spells to cleanse, Create water, cure illnesses, and heal wounds, providing much-needed relief to the suffering slaves without drawing attention.

Meanwhile, Knights One and Four surveyed the city's defenses, assessing the strength and disposition of the demon forces. Using their knowledge of tactics and strategy, they identified weaknesses in the city's defenses and potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited in the future.

Over the course of he day, as they moved through the city, Oren meticulously recorded their observations on a map, marking key locations and landmarks with precision. His Atlantean expertise in cartography proved invaluable as he captured the intricacies of the city's layout, from the grand architecture of the central pyramid to the maze-like network of streets and alleys.

In one encounter, Knight Four used his Bio-Manipulation on a nearby demon patrol to distract them from a group of slaves attempting to escape. While the demons were momentarily distracted, Knight Four cast the spell "Sustain" aid to the fleeing slaves, before slipping away into the shadows.

Throughout their journey, the Mystic Knights remained vigilant, constantly assessing the city's layout and population while providing aid to the human slaves whenever possible. Despite the dangers, they remained determined to use their skills and magic to bring hope to those oppressed by the demons' tyranny.

As they approached the center of the city, the teams gaze fell upon the giant pyramid that towered above the surrounding buildings. Its white, glossy surface gleamed in the sunlight, a beacon of power and authority in the heart of the city.
The Atlantean Nomad, Oren, immediately shared that it is Atlantean Architecture.
With a sense of trepidation, the knights and ther companions made their way towards the pyramid, until they noticed the demons guarding the perimeter of it.
The party withdrew before they drew attention to themselves.

As the day drew to a close and the city began to quieten, the Mystic Knights regrouped in a secluded corner of the city, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of the suffering they had witnessed. Yet, amidst the darkness, they found solace in the knowledge that their efforts had made a difference, however small.

With Oren's map in hand, detailing their observations and discoveries, the Mystic Knights plotted their next move.

The team found themselves seeking respite from the day's trials.
Their weary forms shuffled through the bustling thoroughfares until they stumbled upon an inviting establishment—an inn adorned with magic lanterns and a sign that proclaimed it as "The Tree House."

With cautious optimism, the team pushed open the heavy wooden door, the creaking hinges echoing softly in the dimly lit interior. The air was thick with the murmur of conversation, mingling with the crackling of the hearth and the gentle strains of music from a distant corner.

A human behind the counter looked up from his ledger, his eyes widening in mild surprise at the sight of the travelers before him.
"Welcome, honored guests," he boomed, his voice carrying across the room. "What brings you on this fine eve?"

"We seek lodging for the night," Knight One replied, his tone polite yet guarded.

He nodded understandingly.
"Of course, of course. We have just the accommodations for you." He gestured toward the elevator leading to the upper floors. "Rooms are available on the second level. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

Crossing the lobby, they couldn't help but notice the diverse array of patrons gathered in the inn's common area. Demons and powert shifters filled with mystic energies alike mingled freely, their laughter and conversation filling the air with a sense of camaraderie that transcended race.
As the team entered the elevator it ascended by the power of a system of pulleys and slaves pulling them.

Upon reaching their rooms, the team quickly set about securing their belongings and preparing for rest. A warning spell cast around the door, ensuring alarm throughout the night, while Knight Two uses his electrokinese to search for spying devices. The others inspected the windows for any signs of tampering.
Knight Three turned on the air conditioning powered by the local ley line and a TW device.
Meanwhile, Knights One and Four ventured back downstairs, in disguises, to the inn's tavern, eager to partake in the hospitality offered within. They found themselves a secluded table in a quiet corner, away from prying eyes, and ordered refreshments from a passing server—a pitcher of cool water and a selection of hearty fare to sate their hunger.

As they sat together, they made up business and tourist talk as social camouflage in case anyone decide to spy on them. Still, planning their next moves, the Knights couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and belonging in the midst of the bustling inn. Despite the dangers that lurked outside its walls, they found solace in the company of their fellow travelers. These merchants were here on business, like a mercenary. It was just business to them; or at least some. They could not stop the evil demons if they wanted to but they did not want to stop them. They are here for fun and profit.
The two knights speak of getting custom made wooden carved items.
Over hearing the others, it sounds like:

its practical uses could revolutionize various applications; potential uses for such a remarkable material:

1. Construction: Fireproof wood would be highly sought after for building construction, particularly in areas prone to wildfires or where fire safety is a major concern. It could be used to construct residential and commercial buildings, as well as public infrastructure like bridges.

2. Furniture: Fireproof wood could be used to manufacture durable and safe furniture, such as tables, chairs, cabinets, and bed frames. This would offer peace of mind to consumers concerned about fire hazards in their homes or businesses.

3. Shipbuilding: Given its resistance to fire and heat, fireproof wood could be utilized in the construction of ships and boats. It would be ideal for crafting decks, hulls, and other components, reducing the risk of onboard fires and increasing the safety of maritime vessels.

4. Wood pulp, a fibrous material made from processed wood chips, is used to make fireproof paper, fireproof paper products, and heat resistance fabrics.

Overall, the development of a real fireproof wood would offer numerous practical benefits across a wide range of industries, improving safety, durability, and sustainability in construction and design.

Meanwhile, up stairs Knight Three made a holographic display of Oren map of the city. They went over it to add or correct details.
They send a "Magic Pigeon" informing Corag that they have successfully made it to the "City of the Ancients." They just have to deliver the package to the customer. Then return with his property.
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Re: Mystic Knight Merc Squad

Unread post by darthauthor »


The inn in the "City of the Ancients" / The City of Thorns.

As the Mystic Knights settled into their rooms, they knew they had to tread carefully. Six days had passed since their arrival, and despite their efforts, they had yet to uncover any leads on the mysterious individual with whom they were supposed to deliver a package. With no word from Corag, they were left to navigate the city on their own.

During their time at the inn, they diligently worked on their map of the city, trying to piece together its layout and landmarks. They discreetly inquired about the secret recipient of their delivery, but every avenue seemed to lead to a dead end.

To sustain themselves, they paid for their accommodations with Atlantean Crystals and water created by their magical spells. They also ventured into the marketplace, offering their medical services and recharging electronic devices in exchange for vouchers.

As the days passed, tensions in the city rose. The demon leadership grew increasingly concerned about the improving health of the slaves, fearing that someone was plotting a revolt. They saw the Mystic Knights as potential threats, their presence coinciding with the mysterious changes among the slave population.

Unbeknownst to the Mystic Knights, a succubus had been sent by the demon leadership to spy on them. Disguised as a beautiful and alluring woman, she got a room at the inn, using her charms to gather information and manipulate unsuspecting victims. Her true nature remained hidden beneath her enticing facade, a cold and calculating sociopath bent on fulfilling her sinister agenda.

The succubus observed the Mystic Knights from afar, noting their interactions and movements with keen interest. She played her role to perfection, luring in unsuspecting patrons while secretly gathering intelligence for her demonic masters.

As Knight Four sat alone at a table in the inn lit by candlelight, nursing a glass of wine, he sensed someone approaching him. He looked up to see a stunningly beautiful woman sauntering over with an enticing smile on her lips. She had long, flowing hair, captivating eyes, and a figure that seemed almost too perfect to be real.

"Mind if I join you?" she purred, her voice smooth as silk.

Knight Four hesitated for a moment, taken aback by her sudden appearance. But then he gestured to the empty chair across from him. "Please, be my guest," he replied politely.

The woman gracefully slid into the chair, crossing her legs and leaning forward slightly to give Karl an ample view of her cleavage. "You're new here, aren't you?" she asked, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness.

Karl's eyebrows furrowed slightly at her directness. "How did you know that?" he asked.

The woman flashed him a dazzling smile. "Oh, I have my ways," she replied coyly. "But enough about me. I'm more interested in you. What brings a handsome man like yourself to a city like this?"

Knight Four chuckled softly, though there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Just passing through, on business," he replied vaguely.

The woman's smile widened, and she reached out to lightly brush her fingers against Knight Four’s arm. "I'm sure you have many secrets," she murmured, her voice low and seductive. "But don't worry, your secrets are safe with me."

Knight Four tensed slightly at her touch, his instincts warning him that there was more to this woman than met the eye.
"And what secrets do you have, my dear?" he asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

The woman leaned in closer, her breath warm against Knight Four’s ear. "Oh, I have plenty of secrets," she whispered, her voice sending a shiver down his spine. "But I can't share them with just anyone."

Karl's eyes narrowed as he studied the woman before him, a feeling of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. "I think it's time for me to go," he said abruptly, pushing back his chair and standing up.

As the succubus cast her spell of "Charm" on Knight Four, the air around them seemed to shimmer with unseen energy. Karl's expression softened, his features relaxing as the magic took hold of his mind. A dreamy look crossed his face, and he regarded the succubus with adoration and trust.

"Wow, you're amazing," he murmured, his voice filled with awe.

The succubus smiled triumphantly, knowing that she now held sway over the unsuspecting Mystic Knight. "Thank you," she purred, reveling in her newfound control. "Now, tell me everything I want to know."

Knight Four nodded eagerly, a sense of urgency driving him to please his new friend. "Of course, anything for you," he replied, his words laced with sincerity.

The succubus leaned in closer, her eyes glinting with anticipation. "First, I want to know about your companions," she said, her voice silky smooth. "Who are they, and what are they planning?"

Knight Four's mind raced as he struggled to find a way to answer without betraying the others. "Well, you see, they're... they're really amazing people," he stammered, resorting to verbal evasion. "They're on a mission, a really important one."

The succubus narrowed her eyes, sensing Karl's attempt to deflect her questions. "I see," she said coolly, her voice tinged with suspicion. "And what about you?"

Knight Four's heart raced as he searched for a way to divert the conversation away from himself. "Me? Oh, I'm just... I'm just here to support them, you know?" he replied, his voice faltering slightly. "I'm a spy. They are my mission. My handler assigned me this mission to spy on these Mystic Knights. My first loyalty was to my specific House that is a subgroup of the Order of the Mystic Knights. I keep my handler informed about what we have done and are going to do."

The succubus listened intently as Karl's words tumbled out, her eyes widening in surprise at his unexpected confession. She leaned back slightly, her mind racing as she processed this new information.

"So, you're a spy," she mused, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Working for your handler to gather information on the Mystic Knights. Fascinating."

Knight nodded eagerly, his expression earnest as he continued to speak. "Yes, that's right," he replied, his words coming more easily now that the truth was out in the open. "My loyalty lies with my House, and I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my mission."

The succubus studied Knight Four for a moment, her mind whirring with possibilities. Here was an opportunity she hadn't anticipated, a chance to turn the tables on the mercenaires and use their own companion against them.

"I see," she said slowly, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. "And what kind of information have you uncovered so far?"

Knight Four's eyes lit up with excitement as he launched into a detailed account of his observations and findings. He spoke of their plans to take advantage of the Atlantean to get more powerful magic tattoos for themselves. They wear a mask of virtue to hide their selfishness. They put on a show for their Atlantean friends. They kill vampires, not because vampires are evil but because they will be the death of them if they take over. They are growing a Lemurian memory tree for themselves and maybe a profit. Their strengths are they are immune to non-magical energy damage. Their weaknesses are fear of what could go wrong being out of their bodies, fear of possession, greed, their loyalty to each other, they are still vulnerable to blades, bullets, magic, and psionics like everyone else. Knight Four painted a vivid picture of the Mystic Knights activities within the city.

As he spoke, the succubus listened intently, her mind whirling with possibilities. She could use this information to her advantage, manipulating Knight into betraying his companions and furthering her own agenda.

But even as she plotted and schemed, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of her mind. She knew that her spell would soon wear off, leaving Knight Four free from her influence. She needed to act quickly if she wanted to capitalize on this unexpected turn of events.

With less than a minute remaining until the spell's end, the succubus made her decision. Leaning in close to Knight Four, she whispered seductively in his ear, her words laced with promises of power and reward.

"My big brave and handsome man," she murmured, her breath warm against his skin. "I have a proposition for you. A chance to prove your loyalty to me and earn a place of honor by my side. Will you accept?"

Knight Four's eyes widened with excitement at the succubus's offer, his heart pounding with anticipation. "Yes, of course," he replied eagerly, his voice filled with devotion. "I will do anything for you, my dear friend."

The succubus smiled triumphantly, knowing that she had succeeded in bending him to her will. With his loyalty firmly in her grasp, she would be able to use him to further her own goals and undermine the Mystic Knights at every turn.
The woman's smile never wavered as he watched her go, her eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "Until we meet again," she called after him, her voice carrying a hint of promise and danger.
As the spell finally faded away, Karl blinked in realization, his mind clearing of the succubus's influence. He looked around the inn, she was gone. His thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
He turned his psionic power of “Total Recall” on and wrote down everything he could remember saying.
Then his teammates returned along with the Atlanteans.
Listening to their stories of how they went to the bathroom or someone had to speak with them about something. It all came together that they had been artfully distracted or delayed so that he would be alone even if only for a few minutes.
Knight Four explains that an attractive woman cast a spell on him. If it has not already happened to them, he expects that each of them will be approached in an attempt to get information from them as well.
“They are demons. I expect they will try to make up lies to try to divide us and turn us against each other. Because. They can. They like chaos.”
Knight One, “You have the right idea. As long as we are honest, with each other, and stick together we will be safe.”
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