Psionic Super Tech

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Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

I haven't been around long but I've heard about a big debate about magic and tech and which is more dangerous. Also despite the funsies we can all get from playing a psionic characters and playing smart instead of hard...I figured lets make something so that psi is a little more impressive for all those who love the shiny, and as such i present

Quantum Psi Crystal
A rare and extremely valuable resource for any psionic organization or race. This crystal is a naturally occurring resource that only develops in the presence of massive amount of processed mental energy (ISP). Resulting in the growth of these crystals primarily being in locations heavy in those who most desire them, though the natural process of growth is incredible slow requiring thousands of years of exposure to the passive ISP emissions. Many races who rely on these crystals have learned how to “seed” them and rapidly grow them through the direct expenditure of ISPs ensuring a steady supply of this vital resource.

The Purpose
What do Quantum Psi Crystals do? They are a Psionic power plant and super computer all rolled into one. Even a relatively small piece of QPC is filled with as much PSI as a master psionic and larger pieces have more than potentially any living being in the megaverse. This combined with a structure that is easily “Programable” by psionics and the ability to regenerate ISP independent of outside help has led to these crystals becoming the core of some of the most powerful psionic empires across all realms.
Crystal Power Supply
<1 inch 5d6 ISP
1 In-2 In 2d4x10 ISP
3 In-4 In 3d6x10
5 In-6 In 5d6x10
7 In-1 Ft 3d6x100
1 Ft-3 Ft 5d6x100
4 Ft-6 Ft 3d6x1000
Note: The larger a crystal is the slower it grows, and they require more and more psi to grow. Any crystal over 6 feet would be a rarity and is often allocated to city management rather than the task of powering space ships or other lesser task.
The Crystals regenerate psi at an incredible pace that would destroy the mind of a mortal psionic. Regenerating 6 ISP a minute PER INCH of crystal (crystals less than an inch regen only 2 ISP a minute). This incredible rate of regeneration appears to be caused by the crystal syphoning off numerous forms of ambient energy and converting them to ISP, however tests have shown that the speed of consumption is far lower than it should be to explain the rate of replenishment. This has led to various theories as to the reason behind this, ranging from tapping an alternate dimension, to a potential “super” conversion of absorbed energy due to the crystals internal structure, or even that the crystals cannibalize their matter in times of reduced energy saturation and replace it via slow conversion, anyone who knows the real answer isn’t talking.

The Benefits
Due to the Crystals structure not only can it store large amounts of ISP but it is possible to program it with certain psi powers and effects enabling it to function in response to outside stimuli and events. This has allowed the programmers to duplicate and perform many tasks with these "computers" that are normally done by technology. And allows in many cases for a far more efficient use of ISP in the application of many powers.
Also any crystal may have its ISP supplemented by outside sources if available (In other words, if you Crystal gear is out of ISP and can't run you may use your own reserves to power it)

I'm aware there is a psi crystal in 3 galaxies, but i don't have numbers or any details on it (nor do i know if anything like this has been done before) so i made this up to be the power source for any psionic empire out there. allowing the creation of psi powered robots, power armor, psi avatars, and more. i'll be following up with further psi focused technology (and hopefully the dream baby that these were inspired for, the psi avatar, what happens when a psionic player gets massive amounts of ISP and a super computer to help them).

Note: The above number listed for ISP to size of the crystal is only the common trend, some crystals have less ISP than their size would indicate, or rarely more. The inferior products are often used in non combat tech (does it really matter that your fridge has a 3 inch crystal with only 20 ISP?) while the higher quality ones are harvested at specific sizes based on the standard "peak" level of power for that size of gem with few discrepancies (knock off gear may not have the same ISP as listed in standard goods). Also though rare sometimes a gem will appear with more ISP than is normal for its size, these gems are often used in specialty items or kept by powerful psionic figures as rare and amazing treasure. Legends tell of a crystal known as Empires Fall a crystal no bigger than 3/4ths of an inch but with more energy than even a city core, though....that's just a legend.
Last edited by Nightmartree on Sat Aug 19, 2017 2:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

QPC- Quantum Psi Crystal

QPC- TK Personal Force Field MK1
This is a 1 inch QPC usually inset into a headband. The crystals programing includes the powers of danger sense and telekinetic force field, the force field has 60 MDC and will automatically activate in response to danger or by vocal command. Whether on or off the force field regenerates 6 mdc a minute. This field has 60 ISP that is directly translated to MDC force field.

QPC-TK Aversion Field MK1
This is a similar device to the above force field, both in design and the use of TK force. However this device has a massive difference in the application of TK force. The TKAF MK1 relies on the computation ability and awareness of the QPC to analyze threats and deflect potentially dangerous attacks to its wearer. (Note: TKAF’s are programed to include liquids and similar as potential dangers and automatically deflect acid and spit attacks, also works good vs rain). This field has 60 ISP and expends 1 per parry, it regenerates 6 ISP a minute so concentrated fire could wear it down.
Treat as a parry at +6 for any physical attacks directed at the wearer, this is automatic and uncontrolled and has no effect on non-physical attacks. Or if the wearer dodges add a +6 vs kinetics as they are deflected away from the dodge. (Notes: if the wearer is in the blast radius of an explosive the parry still applies! A success and reduce damage by ½ as the majority of shrapnel is deflected)

QPC-TK Repulsion Field MK1
Yet another version of the TK Field! This version is programed slightly differently than the aversion field, instead of a deflection, this field directly pushes back! This field will automatically stop SDC attacks at no cost, saving its ISP for responding to MDC threats. This field has 60 ISP and is the standard MK1 headband. The crystal can be programmed one of two ways, either expending 2 ISP per 4 points of damage being dealt to nullify physical attacks, or it can be programmed to respond to attacks with an attacking force! Doing 1d4 MD per 2 ISP set to be expended against the attack, this energy is first used to nullify, then propel the previous attack back the way it came.

Example: Your Repulsion Field is set to use 10 ISP to respond to assault during a battle with Evil Minion A. Evil Minion A attacks you, relying on your TKRF you allow the attack to “land”, Evil Minion A uses a vibro sword dealing 1d8 md! He rolls his damage, you roll your fields damage. He gets a 7 and you get 16, his sword is reflected back and strikes him doing 9 damage from your TKRF! This cost you 10 ISP from your field If you TKRF was set merely halt his attack it would take 4 isp to stop his 7 MD. A cheaper if less satisfying use of ISP.
All MK1 TK Fields have a MK2 version designed as a larger 3-4 inch belt crystal with 160 ISP, this is usually the biggest force field used as a personal device

(Edit: and if this is the wrong place for this someone let me know, cause I'm not sure where else it'd go)
Edit2: Does anyone think it would be broken to add perks for people with a similar power to the one used by the item? like a person with telekinesis using a telekinetic item getting a bonus when using his own isp? (i figured a better efficiency, a double the effectiveness of ISP deal similar to the phase world helmet)
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

Psi Avatar- Under development

This is one of the greatest Psionic breakthroughs made possible by Quantum Psi Crystal. Every one of these marvels is made possible by the amazing ISP and computer like control of a QPC combined with months of programming by a master psychic. Every Psi Avatar is a projection of the psychics own mind! The rush of power from combining their mind with a QPC on a fundamental level provides a euphoric high to the psychic, alongside feelings of godlike power, bestial savagery or similar emotions, this rush and power is then PUSHED out of the psychic relying on the ISP and control of the QPC to shape that emotion and power into the physical powerhouse known as a Psi Avatar, proving once and for all that the mind is mightier than the sword.
Note: In the activation of an Avatar ALL ISP is expended and does not regenerate until the avatar is shut down. Regeneration is all funneled towards maintaining the Avatar, the durations below are not due to running out of power but instead due to the mental strain on the fragile human operator of these psychic juggernauts. After the Avatar shuts down the pilot will be able to acquire HALF the remaining MDC as ISP and will not be able to reactivate the Avatar until the QPC reaches the minimum ISP to maintain the Avatar.

Least Avatar
This avatar is created using a 3-4 Inch QPC with a minimum of 120 ISP. 100 ISP is used by the core to create and maintain the Avatar for 1 hour per LVL of the psychic. The Psychic receives 2d4x10 bonus ISP to build their Avatar. These avatars usually add 1d4 inches to the psychic’s height.

Lesser Avatar
This Avatar uses a 5-6 inch QPC as the core with a minimum of 180 ISP. 160 ISP is used to maintain the avatar for 1 hour per LVL of the psychic. The psychic receives 3d4x10+20 bonus ISP to construct the Avatar. The greater avatar usually adds 1d4 feet to the psychic’s height.
These two avatars are the equivelants of psychic power armor and the most often found in the hands of a lone psychic.

This Avatar uses a core from 7 inches to a foot in size. Having a minimum of 500 ISP to maintain for 1 hour per LVL of the psychic. Many of these avatars allow for multiple psychics to link together as a gesalt combing ISP to generate a force that no single psychic can match, and allowing them to pilot in sequence. Bonus ISP is 2d6x100+100 and these Avatars are usually between 12-18 feet tall

Greater Avatar
This uses a core of 1 foot to three feet in size, with a minimum of 800 ISP to maintain for 1 hour per LVL of the psychic piloting. This avatar almost always has multiple psychics piloting. Bonus ISP is 2d8x100+600 and usually 16-22 feet tall

Building your Avatar
All Avatars have a base MDC equal to the cost to maintain them used by the QPC. The avatar also has a number of ISP to use in its build based upon the users ISP+ the bonus ISP from the QPC. Leftover ISP from construction is directly added to MDC by the QPC ensuring no wastage of energy.

The Basics
All Avatars are formed of ectoplasm reinforced by the power and mind of the psychic who formed them. This means that each one is unique to its pilot/pilots and has an added benefit, powers that are in line with the psychics own powers are easier to manifest! ½ cost on any power derived from a psychic ability the pilot possesses.
Base PS: 10 Supernatural+ 1 per 2 ISP (Can’t exceed 20 at a Least avatar, and +5 to max PS per avatar level increase)
Base Spd:

Purchasable Systems

Sun Strikes
This power derived from pyrokinesis generates floating “Suns” made of plasma, each sun does 2d6x10 MD and is at +6 to strike dealing full damage to everything within 10 foot radius of the suns impact point, and half that damage to everything in 20 feet beyond that. These foot round suns float around the Avatar making it obvious exactly how big a payload the Avatar has remaining. Larger Avatars (20 feet or higher) may contain the suns INTERNALLY either hidden within them or as swirling balls of light that move around the skin of the avatar, as if the sun itself danced on their skin.
Power: Pyrokinesis
Range: 2500 ft
Dmg: 2d6x10 to 10ft radius, half dmg to 20 feet beyond
RoF:suns may be fired one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8 or all,
Payload: Equal to the number purchased, suns regenerate at the rate of 1 every 5 minutes
Cost: 60 ISP to purchase, 30 ISP per sun beyond the first

Star Strikes
A smaller and more common version of the Sun Strikes this power is intended as an anti-personal weapon. This uses a collection of small “star like” specks of plasma to shoot a shotgun like blast of energy at anything that gets in range.
Power: Pyrokinesis
Range: 500 ft
Dmg: 5d6 MD base to target and 1d4 nearby enemies
Payload: effectively unlimited
Cost: 30 ISP for 5d6 MD additional purchases increase damage accordingly (5d6-1d6x10-1d6x10+20-2d6x10 and so on)

Crown of Domination
The Avatar bears a crown or other sign of authority, either or a mighty ruler or a terribly tyrant. This power was developed from the psychic’s power of hypnotic suggestion and mental illusion! This ability goes far beyond either of these however allowing the Avatar to attack 3d4 people simultaneously with his mind, should they fail a saving throw vs psionic attack they will see the Avatar as their absolute monarch! Who’s commands much be obeyed!
Power: Hypnotic Suggestion/Mental Illusion (requires both for ½ price)
Range: 300ft, 3d4 people within 30 ft of each other
Dmg: None! Mind controlled if they fail a save! Lasts 2d4 Minutes
Payload: May only be used once an hour
Cost: 100 ISP per purchase

Lightning touched
This power was derived from electrokinesis. Allowing the Avatar to cast out minor MD lightning bolts from its fingers or eyes.
Power: Electrokinesis
Range:800 ft
Dmg: 1d6 per bolt
RoF: Equal to HtH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 10 ISP

Lightning Caller
A mighty ruler of lighting that can deliver major MD lightning bolts to their enemies at a +4 to strike. In addition has a 1-70% chance of shorting out electrical devices. This power may manifest as a storm cloud over the Avatars head into which they reach to pull out the lighting they throw, or similar effect.
Power: Electrokinesis
Range: 3200 ft
Dmg: 1d6x10
Rof: Equal to HtH
Payload: equal to number purchased, bolts regenerate at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes
Cost: 60 ISP and 30 per additional bolt

Storm Caller
This power is a major power made from the combination of three separate super psionic powers. The Avatar equipped with this power can literally create storms and weather at will! In addition the Avatar may use a blast of wind to knock opponents back (requires an 18 to 20 to save) and is sent tumbling 2d6x10 yards/meters. Or they may summon or throw a 3d6 MD lightning bolt, the enemy must roll a natural 20 or have a modified roll exceeding 24 to dodge this attack.
Power: Electrokinesis/Telekinesis/hydrokinesis
Range: 10 miles (?)
Dmg: none, see spell summon and control storms for effects of heavy rain
Rof: ALL attacks per melee or HtH for lightning or windrush
Payload: effectively unlimited (though longterm use will reduce time avatar can be maintained by HALF)
Cost: 200 ISP

Telepathy Network
This power allows the Avatar to maintain a telepathic link with up to 12 people. The distance of this link is 1 mile per lvl of the psychic piloting and allows two way communication between the Avatar and all he is linked to. (the avatar can communicate with any of the twelve, and them him, not all of them can speak to each other)
Power: Telepathy
Cost: 4 ISP per 12

Psi Weapon/Elemental Blade
The Avatar is equipped with an appropriately sized psi-weapon based upon the psi-sword. This power can be made either as an extension of the Psi-sword or it may be formed based upon one of the kinesis powers. As a Psi-sword it is pure psionic energy given form, pyrokinesis creates a flaming plasma blade, elektrokinesis forms a crackling energy weapon that discharges lightning with every blow, and hydrokinesis forms a weapon of water that can slice or crush with MD force.
Power: Psi-Sword or one of the kinesis powers
Range: Self
Dmg: 4d6 + see below
Rof: Equal to HtH
Duration: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 30 ISP +10 per additional 1d6 MD

this is what I've created of the psi avatar so far, if anyone has any feedback, opinions, or otherwise about it please inform me, cause i'm making it all up as I go
Last edited by Nightmartree on Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Slight001 »

Overall nice idea. I like what I'm seeing.

Nightmartree wrote:Edit2: Does anyone think it would be broken to add perks for people with a similar power to the one used by the item? like a person with telekinesis using a telekinetic item getting a bonus when using his own isp? (i figured a better efficiency, a double the effectiveness of ISP deal similar to the phase world helmet)

Personally I don't see a problem. But I'm an unusual individual and GM. Power levels never really were a problem for me.
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

I do hate the idea that they building of a psionic device requires "special gems".
Too much like the stupid rules about making magic items out of tech parts.

The format should have spaces between the different items so people scanning the list can tell where one end and another starts.
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I do hate the idea that they building of a psionic device requires "special gems".
Too much like the stupid rules about making magic items out of tech parts.

The format should have spaces between the different items so people scanning the list can tell where one end and another starts.

Then do you have another suggestion for how to power them? I keep thinking of how and keep coming up with living beings and biowizardry, but thats hard for players (and my personal feelings) to use.

And will space better when i get to a computer
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

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To 'empower' them.
The psionic (of a type that has a desire to develop the ability) with the ability to imprint a psychic power into the 'device' to make an imprint into the 'device' to make a usable power within the 'device'.

Yes, in the write-up of a psi-device maker does have a specific material type they imprint the 'power' into. (and energy storage.)
There are two (non-racially linked) classes that make psi-devices. The psi-mechanic (three variants from two/three settings. BTS1, BTS2, NB) and the crystal mage (in the Island at the edge of the world book.)

Psi-devices are usually powered by the psionic using the psi-device. (Rifts' TWs copy this aspect from the crystal mage and psi-mech.)

(The psi-tech in psyscape in not a 'psi-device maker'. So was not included in the above.)
(The (psi) Gizmoteers in RSA2 are racially linked to the ASM. So was not included.)
(I researched the different psi-makers when preparing to make a replacement for the ASM (psi)gizmoteer. [which is broken])
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:To 'empower' them.
The psionic (of a type that has a desire to develop the ability) with the ability to imprint a psychic power into the 'device' to make an imprint into the 'device' to make a usable power within the 'device'.

Yes, in the write-up of a psi-device maker does have a specific material type they imprint the 'power' into. (and energy storage.)
There are two (non-racially linked) classes that make psi-devices. The psi-mechanic (three variants from two/three settings. BTS1, BTS2, NB) and the crystal mage (in the Island at the edge of the world book.)

Psi-devices are usually powered by the psionic using the psi-device. (Rifts' TWs copy this aspect from the crystal mage and psi-mech.)

(The psi-tech in psyscape in not a 'psi-device maker'. So was not included in the above.)
(The (psi) Gizmoteers in RSA2 are racially linked to the ASM. So was not included.)
(I researched the different psi-makers when preparing to make a replacement for the ASM (psi)gizmoteer. [which is broken])

I think I get why you don't like it. I believe its the similarity to Techno Wizardry using crystals?

And I like the idea of imprinting a device with a psi ability, though it is slightly off I believe from how I was approaching this. The crystals in this write up were intended as a resource to allow psychics to...i'm having a hard time putting it into words.

The crystals are a ISP battery that will allow a Psychic to "program" or "imprint" could be a better way (or different way, that could allow for two approaches to these crystals) certain abilities onto them. I perhaps was a bit lazy in making it both the battery AND the device that can control the ISP within it but I was riding high on the momentum and that could definitely be a change that is considered. Leaving the crystals as a pure power source and the devices be more complex/more important.

Basically when I think of psychics I can never seem to picture one going toe to toe with a greater demon or giant robot. Now I know that's not REALLY a problem and they do other things just feels wrong. I wanted to make something Psi based that could wreck face and crush its enemies beneath its foot. So I figured, what if a Psychic had access to something that could regenerate and store ISP beyond their normal power? And they could use it to create an avatar from their mind, a mental giant, a god of their mind to smite what would stand against them. Using their powers in ways their mind alone might not be able to withstand. That's what inspired my to create the crystals, so I could make the avatars, and then i started making the tech from that...
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:I do hate the idea that they building of a psionic device requires "special gems".
Too much like the stupid rules about making magic items out of tech parts.

Imprinting Medium would be a better phrasing. Which I have no problem with when described that way.
So the crystals are more of a cheat for psi-device builders, that can ether hold a power or hold IS Points.
(the noro psylite crystals are also 'cheats' :wink: )
*shrugs* In my write up I included how the canon mystical materials interact with the construction rules.
You might want to think about…….
….can psychics create the crystals in directed growth cycles.
….how long it takes to make the psi-devices.
….the details of the other psi-device builder classes.(i.o.w.: do research)
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:--------------
Imprinting Medium would be a better phrasing. Which I have no problem with when described that way.
So the crystals are more of a cheat for psi-device builders, that can ether hold a power or hold IS Points.
(the noro psylite crystals are also 'cheats' :wink: )
You might want to think about…….
….can psychics create the crystals in directed growth cycles.
….how long it takes to make the psi-devices.
….the details of the other psi-device builder classes.(i.o.w.: do research)

Yes they are a cheat, since i couldn't think of anything that really holds ISP when i had this idea. A lot of thing are powered by ISP, and retain charges, but they seem more like ISP converted to another energy then used, not pure ISP for any purpose like a battery of it. Also i'd forgotten about the Psylite when i had this idea, but after it was pointed out to me i looked it up and...though its used for what i imagine these would be in many cases, there just isn't enough information on it in the books i have. So i went the safe route and made something up.
-I did say they can be artificially grown as long as you have a seed and enough ISP, its just the bigger they get the more ISP you need to grow them limiting the number of large crystals, as well as the difficulty of acquiring it naturally to have a seed crystal. (if this isn't what you mean by directed growth cycles i don't understand)
-this...I don't have numbers on, but i will say it is NOT instant, and the more complex a action you want the device to complete and the bigger the crystal the longer it takes, essentially you have to mentally "train" the crystal to do the task when directed. It may be a good idea to consider these crystals as essentially "blank minds" with ISP and computation power that a psychic can link to and direct to perform psychic feats.
-I don't have BtS, and what i remember of the psy mechanic from nightbane had him using devices to use his powers like the techno wizard from RUE, though i could be wrong and will have to look over it again, thanks for reminding me of him
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by taalismn »

Thanks...I now have another psychic toy line to play with.... :angel:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:Thanks...I now have another psychic toy line to play with.... :angel:

Glad to help, i still intend to add to this with my own ideas...but its been really hectic rl so i havent had time
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Re: Psionic Super Tech

Unread post by yrtalien »

I really enjoy this idea. I know it's been a while but I hope you come back to it someday.
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