Robotech Crossover question

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Meanwhile at the Forth Wall Gang's Secret Lair.

Chronicler: "Really guys, I'm wondering if we shouldn't just sit this one out..." :shock:

He turned to see the other Fourth Wallers already in their Sailor Senshi outfits.

Chronicler: :shock: :shock: :shock: "That's just wrong." :shock: :shock: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :shock: :?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Chronicler wrote:
SRoss wrote:Meanwhile at the Forth Wall Gang's Secret Lair.

Chronicler: "Really guys, I'm wondering if we shouldn't just sit this one out..." :shock:

He turned to see the other Fourth Wallers already in their Sailor Senshi outfits.

Chronicler: :shock: :shock: :shock: "That's just wrong." :shock: :shock: :shock:

Actually my reaction would be this:

Chronicler: "Whatever. Go wreck havoc. I'm going back to my pet project.

4th Wall Gang: :|

Chronicler *Hops dimensions to his own secluded pocket* "So, how are we with production?

Minion: *Makes a wicket smile* "Full steam." *Slams a 50 cal. round... only it's made of "glass" and has a glowing center*

Chronicler: *Picks it up. Inspecting it. Not a scratch, perfect shape, and yet the glow was ominous.* "Perfection."

Minion: *Hands a document folder* "Fresh from intel."

Chronicler: *Looks over the documents* :nh: *Snaps it shut* "Leonard better thank me for this."


wyrmraker wrote:
Chronicler wrote:
SRoss wrote:Meanwhile at the Forth Wall Gang's Secret Lair.

Chronicler: "Really guys, I'm wondering if we shouldn't just sit this one out..." :shock:

He turned to see the other Fourth Wallers already in their Sailor Senshi outfits.

Chronicler: :shock: :shock: :shock: "That's just wrong." :shock: :shock: :shock:

Actually my reaction would be this:

Chronicler: "Whatever. Go wreck havoc. I'm going back to my pet project.

4th Wall Gang: :|

Chronicler *Hops dimensions to his own secluded pocket* "So, how are we with production?

Minion: *Makes a wicket smile* "Full steam." *Slams a 50 cal. round... only it's made of "glass" and has a glowing center*

Chronicler: *Picks it up. Inspecting it. Not a scratch, perfect shape, and yet the glow was ominous.* "Perfection."

Minion: *Hands a document folder* "Fresh from intel."

Chronicler: *Looks over the documents* :nh: *Snaps it shut* "Leonard better thank me for this."

Wyrmraker: He'd better, especially after what I put on the table after I finish running this simulation.

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Disembodied Woman's Voice: "Actually, I think you 4[sup]th[/sup] Wallers are going to be a little busy..."

300 Setsunas suddenly appear in the lair...

300 Sailor Plutos: (Pointing at the Fourth Wall Gang) :x :x :x "YOU!!!" :x :x :x

Fourth Wall Gang: :eek: :eek: :eek: :?

Meanwhile in an other part of the multiverse...

Rook, Maia and Nova look down at the pens and back up at Luna as if to ask "Really?". Luna nodded.





taalismn wrote:Charon: "Wait...what? :shock: "

"What I don't understand, Taalismn, is why YOUR sailor suit is a Soviet Navy parka with pants."
"Creative morphic interpretation."
"Oh, that explains, not really."

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:Charon: "Wait...what? :shock: "

"What I don't understand, Taalismn, is why YOUR sailor suit is a Soviet Navy parka with pants."
"Creative morphic interpretation."
"Oh, that explains, not really."

"Mine was made from Glitterboy armour and Setsuna still cracked the walnuts!?!"

Arnie 100: "I think she still blames us for @#$%^&ing up the multiverse."

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:The three new Scouts appeared on the battlefield.


Galaxia staggered from the blow and looked daggers at the newcomers.


Galaxia briefly disappears in a rain of energy. as she struggles to her feet...

(From behind) "CHARON! STELLAR! PROBE!"

Galaxia: :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock: :eek: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:

Arnie100 wrote:Hades: :shock: "Charon!! What the --?!" :eek:

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Hades: :shock: "Charon!! What the --?!" :eek:

Charon: :eek: "IT'S NOT ME!!! IT'S SAILOR SCOUT ATTACKS!!!" :eek:


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:(From behind) "CHARON! STELLAR! PROBE!"


...or, what happens when you hit somebody with a sizeable mass going a good percentage of the speed of light...because in space, Newton's the meanest son of a *****....

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Hades: :shock: "Charon!! What the --?!" :eek:

Charon: :eek: "IT'S NOT ME!!! IT'S SAILOR SCOUT ATTACKS!!!" :eek:

If the 'Sailor Scouts' were meant as the main strike, they'd be called 'Sailor Marines'...that suggests that there's something missing or unsaid in the nomenclature.
Yeah, both the Silver Millennium and its enemies tend to forget that 'scouts' tend to act as spotters for HEAVIER artillery.

Never looked at it that way.

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:(From behind) "CHARON! STELLAR! PROBE!"


...or, what happens when you hit somebody with a sizeable mass going a good percentage of the speed of light...because in space, Newton's the meanest son of a *****....

Sailor Charon (Nova): "What!?! I'm just applying what I learned in enhanced interrogation class..." :bandit:

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:[

Sailor Charon (Nova): "What!?! I'm just applying what I learned in enhanced interrogation class..." :bandit:

More like what she learned in basic high school PHYSICS....


Arnie100 wrote:Hades: "This is getting..." :nh:
Charon: "HELP ME!!!"
Hades: "Oh,'re not dragging ME into this!"

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Hades: "This is getting..." :nh:
Charon: "HELP ME!!!"
Hades: "Oh,'re not dragging ME into this!"

Nova: (Posing) "IN THE NAME OF CHARON! I WILL PUNISH YOU!" (Boots Hades and Charon in the head)

:lol: I still say its a real planet (Pluto).

taalismn wrote:"Ah, folks? Beat the Greeks later.....galactic villainesses now...."
"Oh, right...sorry..."


Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Hades: (Holding an ice pack to his heaf) "I blame YOU." :x
Charon: "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!! I still don't know how I ended up dressed like this!"

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Hades: (Holding an ice pack to his heaf) "I blame YOU." :x
Charon: "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!! I still don't know how I ended up dressed like this!"

"Hello, we're from the CPPA---The Classic Pantheon Preservation Association. We're here to seek redress and threaten legal action on behalf of the Greek Pantheon with regards to the abuse of their image in popular media."

Hades: "Damn straight..look at my last depictions in the movies....A blue-skinned cartoon character with flames on his head, and a black-eyed stuttering evil misanthrope. Need I remind you people I am a GOD? At least in 'Battlestar Galactica', we got some RESPECT."

Sailor Galaxia: (looking at the incoming tracks of orbitally-launched KEWs) :shock: "...hey, how about some legal protection for ME?!" :?
(Meanwhile, in deep orbit, a derelict Cylon Baseship is being accelerated to a good percentage of lightspeed, and its course being adjusted to terminate at Galaxia's position)

:lol: Oh, good grief.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Hades: "Thank the Gods they don't have ME in one of THOSE outfits...that would be a tad emba -- (PPPOOOFFF)!!"

(Hades finds himself as a Sailor Senshi...)

Hades: :shock: "You've GOT to be KIDDING me!!" :eek:

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:Meanwhile...
Sailor Galaxia was REALLY having second thoughts about the standard 'stand, pose, and power-up with a pretty speech on your lips' protocols she was used to. Every time she did that, even for a moment, either the skies would sleet with exploding projectiles, or a single BIG and FAST projectile would slam down on her, bouncing her several miles. And then there were the energy beams..... Alone, she might shake off them off individually, but quantity, she discovered, had a quality all its own. Especially if it kept her from unleashing her more powerful area of effect attacks.

Nice. :twisted:

Arnie100 wrote:(Mount Olympus...)

Zeus: "So...Hades, that' interesting outfit...(snickering)"
Hera: "You make that look good...(with a smirk)
Aphrodite: "I should get me one of those."
Hades: "I have no idea where this came from."
Apollo: "Strut around a your a model or something...)
Hades: "SHUT. UP." :x

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:(Aboard some Cylon ship somewhere)
"Six, we have a problem."
"What is it, Eight?"
"There's...we THINK it's a human, aboard one of our Resurrection Ships."
"You THINK?"
"Well, it doesn't act like any human we're familiar with...and it JUST WON'T DIE."
"What is this 'you think it's a human but it might not be' DOING?"
"It's running around the revival tanks, and every time One tries to resurrect, it kills him as soon as he wakes up. Then runs around the tank bays looking for the next one Cavil revives in. It says it's playing 'Whack-a-mole'."
"Does this 'it' have a name?"
"Calls itself 'Deadpool'."
"And it's only killing Cavil-Ones?"
"Yes, for now. What should we do?"
"Nothing for the time being. Observe and record, and gather information. Maybe it will reveal where it came from, or a weakness. And maybe-"
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe we can get some PEACE around here."

:lol: :lol: Nice one!

Chronicler wrote:
taalismn wrote:(Aboard some Cylon ship somewhere)
"Six, we have a problem."
"What is it, Eight?"
"There's...we THINK it's a human, aboard one of our Resurrection Ships."
"You THINK?"
"Well, it doesn't act like any human we're familiar with...and it JUST WON'T DIE."
"What is this 'you think it's a human but it might not be' DOING?"
"It's running around the revival tanks, and every time One tries to resurrect, it kills him as soon as he wakes up. Then runs around the tank bays looking for the next one Cavil revives in. It says it's playing 'Whack-a-mole'."
"Does this 'it' have a name?"
"Calls itself 'Deadpool'."
"And it's only killing Cavil-Ones?"
"Yes, for now. What should we do?"
"Nothing for the time being. Observe and record, and gather information. Maybe it will reveal where it came from, or a weakness. And maybe-"
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe we can get some PEACE around here."

Deadpool: "You're paying me how much?"
Chronicler: "Colossus's wight in munitions and a spot for another job that would pay over $500 million."
Deadpool: "All to have fun?"
Chronicler: :twisted:
Deadpool: "I like it!"

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

"Add this to the list: We don't let Misato near anything that goes faster than 45 MPH, we don't let Kensuke Aida near anything that is ARMED, we don't let Tony Stark near veritechs, and we don't let Wade Wilson near Cyclones or MODATs. In fact, Mister Stark said specifically he doesn't want Deadpool anywhere near anything mecha-related. One amplified Deadpool rendition of 'I am Ironman' is enough for his ears."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

taalismn wrote:"Add this to the list: We don't let Misato near anything that goes faster than 45 MPH, we don't let Kensuke Aida near anything that is ARMED, we don't let Tony Stark near veritechs, and we don't let Wade Wilson near Cyclones or MODATs. In fact, Mister Stark said specifically he doesn't want Deadpool anywhere near anything mecha-related. One amplified Deadpool rendition of 'I am Ironman' is enough for his ears."

Chronicler: "..." *Closes laptop slowly*

Deadpool: "Ah nothing like playing Wack-a-Cylone to start off the day right. So about that oh so high paying job that would put me a little close to Stark?"

Chronicler: "New clause in the contract. Like fight club, we don't talk about this job."

Deadpool: "But I want to show off that mech you're giving us!"

Chronicler: "Zip it or I'll turn you into your worst nightmare."

Deadpool: "Pfh, yeah right. What are you go-"

Chronicler: *Holds up a copy of Wolverine: Origins*

Deadpool: "I'll be good." :frazz:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

As to the Stark incident...bets were taken on how long it would take Tony to #### off Lang. Many called foul when Pepper cleaned up all around, claiming she had an unfair advantage in knowing the former.
Although some did take solace in the fact that the veritech Tony finally got was in the orange and yellow of a TRAINING squadron.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

taalismn wrote:As to the Stark incident...bets were taken on how long it would take Tony to #### off Lang. Many called foul when Pepper cleaned up all around, claiming she had an unfair advantage in knowing the former.
Although some did take solace in the fact that the veritech Tony finally got was in the orange and yellow of a TRAINING squadron.

Tony: *over radio* "Okay, this shouldn't be too bad. I mean Steve did ride that tank into the ground, but he never drove a GEV. I, however, already flown a jet."

*20.7 seconds later*

Pepper: :nh:

*The airfield it totaled by the trainer, no weapons, no munitions, just the VF itself*
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Admiral (Donald) Hayes: "Oh. My. God." :shock:
Director Fury: "I did warn you this could happen." :|
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: "... and that is why you should never put a spork in a toaster."
-Over heard conversation in highschool
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

Meanwhile, Galaxia as she picked herself off the ground, was confronted by another armored foe.

Howard: "I am Ironduck!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:"Add this to the list: We don't let Misato near anything that goes faster than 45 MPH, we don't let Kensuke Aida near anything that is ARMED, we don't let Tony Stark near veritechs, and we don't let Wade Wilson near Cyclones or MODATs. In fact, Mister Stark said specifically he doesn't want Deadpool anywhere near anything mecha-related. One amplified Deadpool rendition of 'I am Ironman' is enough for his ears."

:lol: :lol: Is this the short list? I thought it would be longer and with more people on it.

Chronicler wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Add this to the list: We don't let Misato near anything that goes faster than 45 MPH, we don't let Kensuke Aida near anything that is ARMED, we don't let Tony Stark near veritechs, and we don't let Wade Wilson near Cyclones or MODATs. In fact, Mister Stark said specifically he doesn't want Deadpool anywhere near anything mecha-related. One amplified Deadpool rendition of 'I am Ironman' is enough for his ears."

Chronicler: "..." *Closes laptop slowly*

Deadpool: "Ah nothing like playing Wack-a-Cylone to start off the day right. So about that oh so high paying job that would put me a little close to Stark?"

Chronicler: "New clause in the contract. Like fight club, we don't talk about this job."

Deadpool: "But I want to show off that mech you're giving us!"

Chronicler: "Zip it or I'll turn you into your worst nightmare."

Deadpool: "Pfh, yeah right. What are you go-"

Chronicler: *Holds up a copy of Wolverine: Origins*

Deadpool: "I'll be good." :frazz:

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:As to the Stark incident...bets were taken on how long it would take Tony to #### off Lang. Many called foul when Pepper cleaned up all around, claiming she had an unfair advantage in knowing the former.
Although some did take solace in the fact that the veritech Tony finally got was in the orange and yellow of a TRAINING squadron.


Chronicler wrote:
taalismn wrote:As to the Stark incident...bets were taken on how long it would take Tony to #### off Lang. Many called foul when Pepper cleaned up all around, claiming she had an unfair advantage in knowing the former.
Although some did take solace in the fact that the veritech Tony finally got was in the orange and yellow of a TRAINING squadron.

Tony: *over radio* "Okay, this shouldn't be too bad. I mean Steve did ride that tank into the ground, but he never drove a GEV. I, however, already flown a jet."

*20.7 seconds later*

Pepper: :nh:

*The airfield it totaled by the trainer, no weapons, no munitions, just the VF itself*

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:Admiral (Donald) Hayes: "Oh. My. God." :shock:
Director Fury: "I did warn you this could happen." :|


Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Sorry to hear about your computer.

SRoss wrote:Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

:lol: :shock:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

Tony's love child with a Cylon.
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

Tony's love child with a Cylon.

Ultron v0.4
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Pepper: "What did you do NOW, Tony?!" :x
Veidt: <<Grandpa??>>
Tony and Pepper: :eek:
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.

I'm in a similar situation, my PC is so old, that it's cheaper to buy a new one then to make the changes necessary to make it compatible with a more current version of Windows. The processor is a couple of monks with an abacus.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.

I'm in a similar situation, my PC is so old, that it's cheaper to buy a new one then to make the changes necessary to make it compatible with a more current version of Windows. The processor is a couple of monks with an abacus.

I'm falling behind the tech-curve too. Which is rather :oops: , because I used to be such a technocratic futurist when I was younger. Now I'm a grouchy technoconservative ("Don't mess with it! It works just fine now! And I paid off on it!") near-luddite. Watching me try to handle a touch-screen phone is like watching a T. Rex trying to type...("It works by static charge! Not pressure! Don't put your finger THROUGH the screen!!!" "...uuurrrrrggggg?" )
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Galexia drew her sword and prepared a wide ranging counter-attack...

Darkraven: "DUCK!!!" :eek:

Howard: "AND PROUD OF IT!" :twisted:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

Tony's love child with a Cylon.

:lol: I can actually see that happening.

SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:Awareness: (Looking at Tony) "Daddy?"

Tony's love child with a Cylon.

Ultron v0.4

:lol: :eek:

Arnie100 wrote:Pepper: "What did you do NOW, Tony?!" :x
Veidt: <<Grandpa??>>
Tony and Pepper: :eek:

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.


SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.

I'm in a similar situation, my PC is so old, that it's cheaper to buy a new one then to make the changes necessary to make it compatible with a more current version of Windows. The processor is a couple of monks with an abacus.


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Well everyone, my computer desided to fry itself. Luckly I saved that write up I was planning on a portable HDD, but that means I can't post it, and by the time I get a new computer it be way to late considering the hint I gave last page.

Damn Haydonite plot....and they're using Chinese proxies too.

I'm in a similar situation, my PC is so old, that it's cheaper to buy a new one then to make the changes necessary to make it compatible with a more current version of Windows. The processor is a couple of monks with an abacus.

I'm falling behind the tech-curve too. Which is rather :oops: , because I used to be such a technocratic futurist when I was younger. Now I'm a grouchy technoconservative ("Don't mess with it! It works just fine now! And I paid off on it!") near-luddite. Watching me try to handle a touch-screen phone is like watching a T. Rex trying to type...("It works by static charge! Not pressure! Don't put your finger THROUGH the screen!!!" "...uuurrrrrggggg?" )

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:Galexia drew her sword and prepared a wide ranging counter-attack...

Darkraven: "DUCK!!!" :eek:

Howard: "AND PROUD OF IT!" :twisted:

:lol: :lol: :lol: So, we are bringing in him now?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.

Mailmen the megaverse over eagerly await the perfection of walking robot drones....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.

Mailmen the megaverse over eagerly await the perfection of walking robot drones....

EShemmarian Tinker: "Hmm ... The little creature is brave, but think I can improve on it..."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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(Down Below...)

Charon: "What the F**K?!" :shock:
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Sorry the continuation is later than I'd intended. Work got a little intensive, and it's hard to ype when your forearms are burning from exertion. It didn't help that my mind keeps wanting to move to the next arc, so... yeah.
"That could have gone better," Darkraven mused aloud, looking about at the carnage from his spot atop the foot of his mecha.

Most of Aleph squad's armors were little more than scrap metal thanks to repeated hits from Sailor Galaxia's 'Galactia Super String' attack. Imperviousness to energy had done nothing to stop the waves of energy, and only buying time by using the Spartan's hidden reserve of missles had even slowed Galaxia down.

This of course had fed Sailor Moon's fear, empowering the true villian Chaos. THAT had been a fun time, watching Chaos throw Galaxia into the Galactic Cauldron only for Sailor Moon to catch her and try to save her. Of course, Galaxia did die when her bracelets shattered, and Sailor Moon ended up plunging into the Galactic Cauldron to face down Chaos.

Aleph Squad was still waiting for the results of that to come up.

In the meantime, his men were patching themselves up, as well as patching up the sightless bodies of the fallen Sailor Senshi; without their Star Seed crystals, they were little more than vegetables. But Tomoe was there, patching up the troops, and he himself was there, still in Sailor Pluto's outfit. Interestingly, he was damn glad that none of the various senshi variants had shown up; that would have made things confusing.

At about this point, the Garnet Staff in his hand began to vibrate. Looking at it, then at the device on his wrist pinging out the translation, he sighed rather heavily.

Keying his microphone, he uttered, "Johnstone, respond."

"Wah-hey, big kahuna," came the instant response from Master Sergeant Johnstone, a practitioner of the Kuno Family Islander Martial Arts. "We in da hang ten or da wipeout?"

"Organize the troops. I am temporarily placing you in command. If the Garnet Staff returns here, then Moon and I didn't make it, and this will not only take Aleph back to NGE, but also partially seal the rupture between the dimensions. Be prepared for full evacuation without notice. Confirm."

"Ten four, Kahuna. We hang ten but be ready for da surfin' life."

Darkraven picked up the Space Sword and Deep Aqua Mirror, which were miraculously still intact after Tomoe's assault on the two senshi, ascended into his Spartan, and stepped off the edge of the abyss, dropping into the Galactic Cauldron to go and assist Sailor Moon.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

SRoss wrote:The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.

:lol: :lol: That was funny.

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.

Mailmen the megaverse over eagerly await the perfection of walking robot drones....


SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:The Army of the Southern Cross K9 Corp joins the battle against the Mechanoid Invasion.

Mailmen the megaverse over eagerly await the perfection of walking robot drones....

EShemmarian Tinker: "Hmm ... The little creature is brave, but think I can improve on it..."

:lol: :eek:

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "What the F**K?!" :shock:


wyrmraker wrote:Sorry the continuation is later than I'd intended. Work got a little intensive, and it's hard to ype when your forearms are burning from exertion. It didn't help that my mind keeps wanting to move to the next arc, so... yeah.
"That could have gone better," Darkraven mused aloud, looking about at the carnage from his spot atop the foot of his mecha.

Most of Aleph squad's armors were little more than scrap metal thanks to repeated hits from Sailor Galaxia's 'Galactia Super String' attack. Imperviousness to energy had done nothing to stop the waves of energy, and only buying time by using the Spartan's hidden reserve of missles had even slowed Galaxia down.

This of course had fed Sailor Moon's fear, empowering the true villian Chaos. THAT had been a fun time, watching Chaos throw Galaxia into the Galactic Cauldron only for Sailor Moon to catch her and try to save her. Of course, Galaxia did die when her bracelets shattered, and Sailor Moon ended up plunging into the Galactic Cauldron to face down Chaos.

Aleph Squad was still waiting for the results of that to come up.

In the meantime, his men were patching themselves up, as well as patching up the sightless bodies of the fallen Sailor Senshi; without their Star Seed crystals, they were little more than vegetables. But Tomoe was there, patching up the troops, and he himself was there, still in Sailor Pluto's outfit. Interestingly, he was damn glad that none of the various senshi variants had shown up; that would have made things confusing.

At about this point, the Garnet Staff in his hand began to vibrate. Looking at it, then at the device on his wrist pinging out the translation, he sighed rather heavily.

Keying his microphone, he uttered, "Johnstone, respond."

"Wah-hey, big kahuna," came the instant response from Master Sergeant Johnstone, a practitioner of the Kuno Family Islander Martial Arts. "We in da hang ten or da wipeout?"

"Organize the troops. I am temporarily placing you in command. If the Garnet Staff returns here, then Moon and I didn't make it, and this will not only take Aleph back to NGE, but also partially seal the rupture between the dimensions. Be prepared for full evacuation without notice. Confirm."

"Ten four, Kahuna. We hang ten but be ready for da surfin' life."

Darkraven picked up the Space Sword and Deep Aqua Mirror, which were miraculously still intact after Tomoe's assault on the two senshi, ascended into his Spartan, and stepped off the edge of the abyss, dropping into the Galactic Cauldron to go and assist Sailor Moon.

Another nice write up! Keep them coming!

taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

Well, with the multiverse, anything is possible.

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: (Looking at Hades) "You're hair's on fire...and why is it blue?"
Hades: "What?! This is how I always look like!"
Charon: "Dayum."
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.

Or they just like messing with people's heads.
"We're the French-Canadian-Cambodian Kunos...TOTALLY different family."
"But the speech, the style..."
"Parallel and coincidental. Eh. Just saying is all."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.

Or they just like messing with people's heads.
"We're the French-Canadian-Cambodian Kunos...TOTALLY different family."
"But the speech, the style..."
"Parallel and coincidental. Eh. Just saying is all."

"French-Canadian, spoken with a Cambodian accent ... Congratulations! You've discovered people who'd be harder to understand then a Glasgowan or a Jordy."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

SRoss wrote:[
"French-Canadian, spoken with a Cambodian accent ... Congratulations! You've discovered people who'd be harder to understand then a Glasgowan or a Jordy."

"Until they start swearing at which case, it's VERY clear what they're saying."
"How so?"
"You start bleeding from the ears, your skin breaks out in blisters and your clothing catches fire."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: "You haven't heard Hades when he hasn't had his morning coffee."
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Looking at Hades) "You're hair's on fire...and why is it blue?"
Hades: "What?! This is how I always look like!"
Charon: "Dayum."

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.

Or they just like messing with people's heads.
"We're the French-Canadian-Cambodian Kunos...TOTALLY different family."
"But the speech, the style..."
"Parallel and coincidental. Eh. Just saying is all."


SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:It's jarring and scary here that the Kuno Martial Arts School is actually halfway respectable...either it hails from a universe where the Kunos WEREN'T psychotic, or the canon Kunos had much more sensible relatives in Hawaii, and Principle Kuno(the Supreme High Coconut of Furinkan High) was trying to steal a little of their good mojo.

I just thought it would be funny to have a marine who's martial arts form made extensive use of vibro-shears, plasma combs, and toxic hair care products.

Oh, and spoke in a horrific mish-mash of what some people might think pacific islanders speak like.

Or they just like messing with people's heads.
"We're the French-Canadian-Cambodian Kunos...TOTALLY different family."
"But the speech, the style..."
"Parallel and coincidental. Eh. Just saying is all."

"French-Canadian, spoken with a Cambodian accent ... Congratulations! You've discovered people who'd be harder to understand then a Glasgowan or a Jordy."

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:[
"French-Canadian, spoken with a Cambodian accent ... Congratulations! You've discovered people who'd be harder to understand then a Glasgowan or a Jordy."

"Until they start swearing at which case, it's VERY clear what they're saying."
"How so?"
"You start bleeding from the ears, your skin breaks out in blisters and your clothing catches fire."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: That's bad.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "You haven't heard Hades when he hasn't had his morning coffee."

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Here's the end of this arc
Princess Serenity knelt in the soft, warm darkness of the Galactic Cauldron, the only light seen was that of the Ginzuishou. She had just dissipated the force know as Chaos enough to where the Cauldron would revive, releasing it's Star Seeds once more. Sailor ChibiChibi had begged her to destroy the Cauldron, to end the merciless existence of Chaos once and for all, but Moon had refused as the destruction of the Cauldron would not only kill her friends, but spell the end for all life in the galaxy.

Just as she knew that she had temporarily defeated Chaos, so too would it gather it's strength and return for her and her descendants.

"So tired," she whispered, bowing her head further as the Ginzuishou's light began to slowly fade. She felt the warmth of the Galactic Cauldron, the birthplace of all of the stars in the galaxy, enveloping her like a soft blanket as her eyes began to close.

Then her eyes snapped open. From behind her sounded a clapping noise. Turning, her eyes opening wider as the Ginzuishou's light rose with her, she saw the most bizarre sight she'd ever seen.

Standing next to a massive, armored foot was a well-muscled western man dressed in Sailor Pluto's short-skirted outfit (for which he absolutely did NOT have the legs to pull off), bearing the Garnet Staff. And slowly clapping.

"Very well done, Princess," he said, walking forward with the Staff in hand. "You defeated Chaos, which even Queen Serenity couldn't have managed. The best she could do was seal away it's underlings."

"I did," Usagi whispered, "but at what cost? It took everything I had to defeat it; I don't know if I can do it again. I don't even know if I have the strength left to find my friends' Star Seeds."

The man knelt next to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You did what you could, Princess. You did everything within your power and more; there is nothing more that anyone could ask of you. From here all that is required of you is to return home."

"B-but," she replied, tears filling her eyes, "I've seen the future! Crystal Tokyo is destined for me to build! All my friends are there in a thousand years!"

"Hmm," the man mused, a slight frown crossing his features. The Garnet Staff glowed slightly, and Usagi stared as his wristband pinged repeatedly at him. "I see. Interesting. The Garnet Orb is telling me that the future you placed Pluto under a geas requiring her to steer history so that Crystal Tokyo would be required. All evil would be wiped from humanity, and all people touched by the light of the Ginzuishou would be functionally immortal. That sounds boring as ****."

Usagi stared at the unexpected profanity. "What?! Why would I do that?!"

"Probably because you live with your future daughter, and traveled to the future to get information on an enemy who travelled from their time to your time. As young as you are, you probably thought that it was destined to be no matter what, so you gave a mystically reinforced order to Setsuna to guarantee that it would all come true. With as twitchy as the Ginzuishou can be, the order forced her to act to truncate any and all events that could possibly have a chance of interfering with a certain outcome. Never mind that that future was doomed to destruction by it's own stupidity because the society banished powerful enemies rather than deal with them permanently."

Usagi blinked as the Ginzuishou flared slightly, returning her to her Eternal Sailor Moon form. The man took her by the hand, helping her to her feet as he said, "I have crossed infinite skies, seen worlds beyong imagining, and faced foes that would do far worse than merely kill a planet. I have learned that nothing is certain, and rigidly determining the future is the best way to fail."

He looked up, then gently turned her around by her shoulders. In the distance, she could see stars beginning to reignite.

""Brand new futures will keep coming into existence, and there will be light and darkness there, war and hope, life and death, and happiness and sadness. I'm sure it will all exist again. Everything that was, is, will be, and could be... that is what this universe is!" he whispered into her ear.

"I think I understand," she whispered, cupping the Ginzuishou in her palms. Holding it out, she made her wish, focussing her lifeforce through it. Within seconds several lights broke away from the growing flickers, shooting upwards out of sight. "It's done," she mumbled, collapsing into the man's arms.

Chuckling, he picked her up and carried her to his massive war machine. Pulling a fob from his pocket, he pressed a button. Instantly the cockpit hatch opened, and the entire chamber descended on a hydraulic ram. He laid her into the rear seat, strapping her in before getting into his own seat. As soon as he butt made contact with the seat, the chamber retracted, seating itself into the socket as the cockpit hatch smoothly closed before them. Instantly screens came to life, telemetry from sensors feeding information to panels as the man tapped several control buttons.

"Hey," Usagi mumbled, groggily sitting up in her seat. "Who are you, anyways?"

"I am Chief Master Sergeant Jeremiah Darkraven, United Earths Government. You and your Senshi accidentally invaded a world of ours in an adjacent dimension a little over a year ago, your time. You all lost, most of you were sent back except for Pluto, who was placed in an asylum. For her, it's been about five years. She's doing pretty well in there; she makes a nice profit customizing straight jackets. And she has a lover named Ranko Saotome.

"The Global Military Police in your world has been policing you all, wiping out the monsters while keeping the pressure off of you and your Senshi. In my opinion, they have been doing too good of a job, since Galaxia's minions wouldn't have been a problem for you if you'd been fighting and improving your skills the way you were supposed to. But nobody asks me; I'm just an Operative."

"It was pretty nice not to have to fight all the time," Usagi spoke up, smiling a little.

"Well, you're not a combatant by temperament," Darkraven noted, activating the anti-gravity systems of the Spartan. "Since Saturn was out of your action against us because she was down with the flu, she didn't get caught up in the protection, and ended up joining the UEsG forces as a medic. She's been with my Aleph squad on and off for a couple of years now. We taught her advanced combat, which was pretty important since she was right there on the front lines with us."

"So why did you come to our rescue? What do you get out of it?"

Darkraven sniffed at that derisively. "One of Aleph Squad's codes is 'No man left behind'. Corpman Tomoe got caught up in your summons, and we never leave one of our own to hang. That's why we came. It wasn't for you, it wasn't for the galaxy. We came because something snatched our little sister away. Helping you out was a happy coincidence."

You... could have put that nicer, you know," Usagi chided, the shock evident in her voice.

"I know," he sighed, even as the Spartan began to rise, the fuku forming around it's armored bulk. "I'm sorry, but in my line of work I rarely need to be diplomatic. There have been a few times when I was supposed to be, and they never ended well. You have my apologies for my bluntness, but not for the explanation."

Usagi considered this as the massive war machine rose from the core of the Galactic Cauldron. Several minutes passed before she asked, "So what happens now?"

"Now? Now you go and live your life, preparing for the next time Chaos comes calling."

"But what about those police guys? Won't they keep us from getting anywhere?"

Darkraven's seat swiveled until he was facing her. Leaning forward, he smirked at her. "See, that's where you're wrong. You are Princess Serenity, vanquisher of Chaos and all of it's minions, wielder of the infinite power of the Ginzuishou, future Neo-Queen Serenity. As far as the powers-that-be are concerned, you could easily make your claim as the true ruler of your solar system, especially with a senshi empowered by each planet's mystical field. That, combined with each senshi's castle in orbit around the planets, as well as the resurrection of the castle of the Moon Kingdom, gives you one hell of a claim as the actual ruler. To quote a very old line, 'The queen is dead. Long live the queen.'"

"But... I don't know if I even want to do that," Usagi replied sadly. I just want to marry Mamoru and live happily ever after."

"Ah, I see," Darkraven mused, leaning back. "To be honest, the only way to get that ending is to make it happen. And unfortunately there are only so many paths that someone in your position can take in order to achieve those goals.

"Please permit me to offer a different option. I can call one of my superiors, and she can meet with you and work out some things. Crystal Tokyo might not be an option, but you could easily get your 'happily ever after' ending."

"But if there's no Crystal Tokyo, there won't be a Chibi-Usa!"

"Really? Says who? You two are getting married, right?" She nodded, tears in her eyes. "So once you're married, you two are going to be getting it on pretty regularly, right?" Usagi nodded, then blushed heavily. "And if you two are getting it on, you're pretty much guaranteed to spawn at least once. Chibi-Usa will be born in time. The timeline will manage itself, and all will be well in the grand view of things, no matter which path you take.

"But bear in mind that the future utopia of Crystal Tokyo is, by your own words, slated to be shattered. Perhaps not fatally, but with evil and mortality driven from humanity, so is driven the drive to strive to be better. Your society will stagnate, and the forces you are supposed to fight will have an easy time crippling all that you've built. I've seen it on a dozen worlds, and the symptoms and results are always the same. Do you understand?"

"I think so," Usagi replied, smiling a little.

Darkraven turned his seat back around. "We're cresting the platform. Telemetry from the boys says that all of the senshi are awake. Weakened, but alive and doing fairly well. Once we get a portal out, I can have proper medical services rendered during their recovery."

Fifteen minutes later, Sailor Moon was amidst her soldiers, smiling and crying. Saturn was standing away, feeling that her place was no longer with the Senshi, even though she was still empowered by Saturn, and could feel her link with Titan Castle.

Of course. a minute later Moon had hugged Saturn, pulling her over to celebrate with the rest of the senshi.

Meanwhile, on the edge of the platform, a marine walked up to Darkraven, who was making final adjustments for the portal back to Earth. "Sir, the men are prepared for evac. We're still not sure how to get the girls out, though."

"I've got that covered corporal. The Garnet Staff will make a bridge in time/space, and drop everyone off in a park just outside of Tokyo. How many armors are intact?"

"Out of twenty armors, four are recoverable, sir. We've already stripped the armors of anything not completely broken and have set the remains for self destruct."

"Excellent. Have the men load all gear into my empty missile bays, then take up portal positions around the senshi. We'll bang out in five."

Eight minutes later, the portal closed in a park just outside of Juuban. Twelve minutes later, GMP vehicles had closed in on the radio call and the ambulances arrived. Thirty minutes later, Aleph squad had vanished, along with Corpsman Tomoe. Four hours after that, Nova satori-Brown was in a meeting with Usagi Tsukino concerning who was *really* in charge of the solar system.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

wyrmraker wrote:Usagi blinked as the Ginzuishou flared slightly, returning her to her Eternal Sailor Moon form. The man took her by the hand, helping her to her feet as he said, "I have crossed infinite skies, seen worlds beyong imagining, and faced foes that would do far worse than merely kill a planet. I have learned that nothing is certain, and rigidly determining the future is the best way to fail.".

"And I've had to endure untold humiliation, great sacrifice, the scorn of my peers, the laughter of my enemies, the cruelty of YouTube..."
".....You're wearing Pluto's panties, aren't you?"
"Oh god, yes, because I don't dare go commando in this outfit."
<<"Brain Bleach Alert! Brain Bleach Alert!">>
"...It begins...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Darkraven: I didn't really mind the skirt, and the outfit was far less embarassing than the Magical Garment Girl outfit. But that fuku leotard just kept riding into my crack...

Besides, if I went commando in this outfit, the temptation to d***-slap someone would just be too great to resist.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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(Down Below...)

Charon: :shock: "Well, that's...DAYUM."
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: :shock: "Well, that's...DAYUM."

Darkraven shrugged at that. "After a while, nothing really bugs you. There is no shame, there is no guilt, there is no embarrassment. And it's that exact attitude that REALLY bugs the crap out of other people!" :twisted:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Dana looked the three Senshi...

"So Nova, explain to me how you, my sister and this woman, (indicating Rook) are now sailor scouts in addition to being UEsG personnel?"

Rook spoke up, "Actually I'm not working for the UEsG, I'm..."

"Yes independent." Interrupted Nova. "Actually Dana, we're more accurately reserve scouts. We're only tapped when things go well and truly pear-shaped." She continued, "Apparently it's all part of Setsuna's plan."

"Yeah! She pulled a Harry Seldon on us!" Maia chimed in.

"Yes." Nova continued, "Even though she's in an asylum, Sailor Pluto still has access to the Door of Space-Time. So she knew from the moment they entered the multiverse, she and the sailor scouts and the UEsG itself, would be facing more and more dangerous foes. ones that individually, they wouldn't be equipped to deal with. Up to now our forces have been bearing the brunt, while the EShemmarians made a, some would say, misguided attempt to train the Scouts. This was a mistake." turning to Darkraven, who was getting ready to return the Garnet Staff. "Setsuna foresaw the business with Galexia, and that the scouts wouldn't be ready and conventional UEsG forces are just not equipped to deal with, that's why she sent Luna to us with the pens."

"My own team barely made a difference in that fight." Darkraven added.

"What about the Fourth Wall Gang?" Dana asked.

"Depending on a team of highly unstable other-dimensional demigods is asking for trouble." Darkraven replied.

Nova looked Dana in the eye, "Setsuna predicted that in all likelyhood, Galexia would have seized their Starseeds if the Fourth Wall Gang had joined the battle."

"So she distracted them..." :twisted: Rook said.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

wyrmraker wrote: Four hours after that, Nova satori-Brown was in a meeting with Usagi Tsukino concerning who was *really* in charge of the solar system.

In a high security psychiatric facility in another alternity, three women of identical appearance all had a simultaneous reaction as the implications of a certain discussion began to ripple across space/time. Two of the viridian-haired, red-eyed women snorted in pain, threw themselves against the padded walls of their cells, and strained against their restraints, the third sighed in relief as if a great burden had lifted, and she snuggled back deeper in her lover’s arms.
In another universe, aboard a crystalline spacecraft and in a room that had been hastily refitted following a transfer of flag from a previous vessel, a Queen threw a sudden temper tantrum at the thought that somehow, somewhere, she was being denied her just due. Not far away, one of her advisors, a dark-haied woman, looked in dismay as part of the flame-like psychic manifestation she tended guttered out. Neither woman noticed several thin hairline microfractures appear in the hull of the crystal warship.
In yet another universe, a woman identical to the first three(proving that that they were NOT Tirolians) broke into sudden laughter, drawing the confused attention of her coworkers, before she belatedly realized what she had done, and abashedly settled herself, tugging nervously at her uniform, which, after eons of wearing a much different one, still seemed strange and unfamiliar.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:Dana looked the three Senshi...

"So Nova, explain to me how you, my sister and this woman, (indicating Rook) are now sailor scouts in addition to being UEsG personnel?"

Rook spoke up, "Actually I'm not working for the UEsG, I'm..."

"Yes independent." Interrupted Nova. "Actually Dana, we're more accurately reserve scouts. We're only tapped when things go well and truly pear-shaped." She continued, "Apparently it's all part of Setsuna's plan."

"Yeah! She pulled a Harry Seldon on us!" Maia chimed in.

"Yes." Nova continued, "Even though she's in an asylum, Sailor Pluto still has access to the Door of Space-Time. So she knew from the moment they entered the multiverse, she and the sailor scouts and the UEsG itself, would be facing more and more dangerous foes. ones that individually, they wouldn't be equipped to deal with. Up to now our forces have been bearing the brunt, while the EShemmarians made a, some would say, misguided attempt to train the Scouts. This was a mistake." turning to Darkraven, who was getting ready to return the Garnet Staff. "Setsuna foresaw the business with Galexia, and that the scouts wouldn't be ready and conventional UEsG forces are just not equipped to deal with, that's why she sent Luna to us with the pens."

"My own team barely made a difference in that fight." Darkraven added.

"What about the Fourth Wall Gang?" Dana asked.

"Depending on a team of highly unstable other-dimensional demigods is asking for trouble." Darkraven replied.

Nova looked Dana in the eye, "Setsuna predicted that in all likelyhood, Galexia would have seized their Starseeds if the Fourth Wall Gang had joined the battle."

"So she distracted them..." :twisted: Rook said.

Arnie100: "We were distracted?? How were we distracted?"
SRoss: "I don't know..."
taalismn: "I'm afraid to find out."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Setsuna: "The drugs made my thoughts much more clear and tidy...and I don't have to deal with that odango-head and her victim-of-the-week boyfriend all the time...what some of my other-universe selves see in that yutz, I don't kow...ohhhhh, a little lower, Ran-."

Mamoru Chiba: "I am not a 'victim-of-the-week'! I resent the implications of that statement!"

Angelo Dante: "...tuxedo, top hat, opera mask...roses...kidnapped and brainwashed....don't get me started on your combat record..Do you even HAVE any testosterone? Betting is Sailor Uranus has more than you."

Haruka Tenou: "HEY! that a compliment or an insult?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

The machine hummed to life again. Dormant for some time, but the power that gives it life once more flows in it's circuitry. The Chronicler smiled as the thought of bringing back the machine from the brink of death.

Chronicler: "Hello boys, I'm back!"

Brought my computer back to life thanks to new power supply and surge protector. Don't know how or why the motherboard's intact. Probably with the computer already shutdown during that storm might have saved it and only killing my old surge protector and power supply. But now my tablets gone to repairs due to me face-planting into the screen when I tripped. Wanted to show my friends a pdf I found and then next thing I know my face smashed the screen. Pretty big crack but the screen works still, can't say the same for touch use.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Chronicler wrote:

Brought my computer back to life thanks to new power supply and surge protector. Don't know how or why the motherboard's intact. Probably with the computer already shutdown during that storm might have saved it and only killing my old surge protector and power supply. But now my tablets gone to repairs due to me face-planting into the screen when I tripped. Wanted to show my friends a pdf I found and then next thing I know my face smashed the screen. Pretty big crack but the screen works still, can't say the same for touch use.

Ah, happiness!...Except for the part about the faceplant. And in front of witnesses, too. Ouch.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:Dana looked the three Senshi...

"So Nova, explain to me how you, my sister and this woman, (indicating Rook) are now sailor scouts in addition to being UEsG personnel?"

Rook spoke up, "Actually I'm not working for the UEsG, I'm..."

"Yes independent." Interrupted Nova. "Actually Dana, we're more accurately reserve scouts. We're only tapped when things go well and truly pear-shaped." She continued, "Apparently it's all part of Setsuna's plan."

"Yeah! She pulled a Harry Seldon on us!" Maia chimed in.

"Yes." Nova continued, "Even though she's in an asylum, Sailor Pluto still has access to the Door of Space-Time. So she knew from the moment they entered the multiverse, she and the sailor scouts and the UEsG itself, would be facing more and more dangerous foes. ones that individually, they wouldn't be equipped to deal with. Up to now our forces have been bearing the brunt, while the EShemmarians made a, some would say, misguided attempt to train the Scouts. This was a mistake." turning to Darkraven, who was getting ready to return the Garnet Staff. "Setsuna foresaw the business with Galexia, and that the scouts wouldn't be ready and conventional UEsG forces are just not equipped to deal with, that's why she sent Luna to us with the pens."

"My own team barely made a difference in that fight." Darkraven added.

"What about the Fourth Wall Gang?" Dana asked.

"Depending on a team of highly unstable other-dimensional demigods is asking for trouble." Darkraven replied.

Nova looked Dana in the eye, "Setsuna predicted that in all likelyhood, Galexia would have seized their Starseeds if the Fourth Wall Gang had joined the battle."

"So she distracted them..." :twisted: Rook said.

Arnie100: "We were distracted?? How were we distracted?"
SRoss: "I don't know..."
taalismn: "I'm afraid to find out."

"I'm not sure how... But she buggered off with all our junk-food and booze again." :nh:
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