RIFTS: Prestige Classes

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RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Witchcraft »

Disclaimer / Abstract: I'm running a campaign with MEGAVERSE-spanning scope and very powerful characters, NPCs, lots of Rifter material, and high-levels. I realize this is a drastic departure from the norm and that most folks don't play in (or run) campaigns like this one. I'm looking for some constructive criticism and feedback on some "Advanced" Character Advancement / Specialization paths that I developed for my players. We tried to implement this about 9 months ago unsuccessfully so I scrapped the idea entirely. Now, however, I've got folks between levels 8 and 12 and I'd like to throw another carrot out there for level advancement besides: 1 secondary skill and +1 to parry at level 15.

My players' classes: Human Temporal Wizard, D-Shifter (Chaos Earth), Godling, Sowki Shifter, and (formerly) Splicer Dreadguard and (formerly) Alien Pilot

The ideas: Give people an alternate form of advancement that accentuates or furthers an aspect of their character class. Each "prestige" class would rank as it's own path and the paths are mutually exclusive -- so people couldn't take ALL FOUR. These were just options I dredged up.

Lastly, I appreciate the feedback. Again I know what we do in our game is very unorthodox and the group composition has changed a bit since I wrote this up but I respect the knowledge and support of the community. I'm also curious if anyone else has done anything like this.

Temporal Wizard (Prestige Classes that are in keeping with an aspect of the Temporal Wizard but specialize in advancing that knowledge further)

Time Lord (TMNT) - manipulate time, new temporal magic from TMNT and Fleets of 3 Galaxies, precise control over temporal anomalies, time-travel backwards and forwards, 4th dimension, apprentice to Zurvan, and the following spells from Rifter #56: Ward: Paradoxical Landmine vs. Time Travelers, time will not be kind, temporal extraction, rate of exchange, time's contagion, on this book I swear, temporally imbued object, banish 4th dimension lesser being, technological regression, sense anomaly, ancestral protection, time's lock, come back to me, summon little temporal creature, TRANSCENDENT PSIONICS: dual voices in the timestream, psychic temporal possession, hyper-accelerated language comprehension, reclaim the memory, speed beyond the mind, eyes of the prometheans, sense the discontinuity, HAND-TO-HAND Shoolon (for time lords - Rifter #56 p. 46)

Dimensional Master (Spacia's School of Dimensional Mastery - Rifter #57 Article) - create pocket dimensions - encapsulate dimensional pocket worlds and populate them with astral beings, constructs, and life. They are fragments of dimensional planes stuffed into indestructible containers like gigantic terrariums. They are complete with atmospheres, gravities, light sources, plant and animal life, and all reflecting ecologies of each distinctive world / dimension. MDC / SDC worlds, time distortions, or places where the laws of physics from our three dimensional world are twisted or do not apply. Some the size of a castle and others hundreds of miles across. They are all prisons capable of capturing and holding even the most powerful beings. The owner need only pop the cork and victims are drawn into the bottle where ther is no escape. No method of dimensional teleportation or Rifting can be used to escape the confines of the pocket dimension nor do temporal or phase powers have any effect. Those trapped in these bottles are contained until the stopper is pulled again and they are released. Containers can be bottle, jug, cask, vase, wine bottles, jars, etc. made of crystal, glass-stone, jade, obsidian, jasper, quartz, ruby, etc. and engraved with various runes and magical symbols. The writing predates Rune Magic so even skilled rune masters would not recognize the alphabet. manipulate infinite dimensions, mold and shape advanced dimensions and and even create dimensional prisons, keys, and powers

Loremaster - scholarly pursuits lead to insight into and collection of rare tomes, research skill, access to library of bletherad, access to forbidden spells, hidden magic, and a SECOND class of magical spells (warlockry, necromancy, bio-mancy, blue flame spells, living flame spells, spoiling magic, space magic, temporal magic, song magic, cloud magic, paradox shamanic magic, tattoo magic (up to limit), bio-wizardry, laser magic, ludicrous magic, alcohol magic, stage magic, etc.)

Arcane Craftsman - artisan levels of craftsmanship with a focus on magical items, forging methods, and learning rune-magic but NOT creation of rune-weapons (NOT A RUNE SMITH OR TECHNO-WIZARD), enchantments, enhancements, augmentations to magical items, break-down / reconstruction / etc.

Shifter (Prestige Classes that are in keeping with an aspect of the Shifter but specialize in advancing that knowledge...in one specific area further)

Eldritch Scrapper - The Shifter can get right in the action and mix it up with his pets and minions. He can wear metal armor without penalty, gets bonus MDC / HPs, and can even learn any non-exclusive martial art form but NO CHI abilities. This prestige class adds a certain hardiness to the already battle-friendly Shifter. It also gives the shifter AND his pets / minions bonuses in combat due to his command and leadership abililties: +5 to strike, parry, and dodge, and +3 attacks per melee for the shifter, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge and +1 attack per melee for any minions with a DIRECT PACT with the shifter

Summoner Specialist - this specialization allows the Shifter to specialize in Circle Magic -- circles of protection, circles of travel, circles of summoning (calling EXACT creatures and types), and circles of power. The Shifter is more like the general of an army. He radiates horror factor to all lesser supernatural beings, his minions are more inclined not to rebel (bonus to save vs MC for MA points reduced by 5), number of open pacts he can make is increased by 1 every other level. (see Summoner, PFRPG p.135)

Diabolist - this Shifter has branched into a sect of arcane knowledge that governs wards, runes, and magic symbols -- silent, inscribed, and requiring an artistic finesse and perfection of the craft. They also have a fundamental understanding of circle magic -- basic circles of travel. (PFRPG p. 119)

Arcane Acumen - this prestige class allows the shifter to experiment with his current spell selection and translates into NEW SPELLS that were directly written for the Shifter OCC but never formally released (Rifter #15 p.93, Fleets of Three Galaxies, and Other rare and forbidden knowledge): compass, dim beacon, dim observation ball, portal div, achilles heel, arcane weakness, distort aura, perceive true nature, adv com rift, dim anchor, hide portal, challenge authority, follow dim wake, lockdown, reveal true nature, complete symbiosis, bar portal, divert portal, blood oath, breach portal, greater banishment, turbulence, artificial environment, binding, confinement, dim barrier, only human, reroute teleport, LEGEND: reality merge, soul leech, and warrior horde

Splicer Dreadguard (Prestige Classes that are in keeping with an aspect of the Dreadguard but specialize in advancing that knowledge further)

Metamorph - the splicer can morph his physical form into that of one of many different forms, versatile, and each with specific purpose from hawk to rat to bruiser to tank to super sleek and fast to giant riding vehicle to balanced combat form, etc. Refer to RIFTER ARTICLE

Swarm Lord - the splicer's body becomes a parasitic hive that can host hundreds of millions of insects or animals or bees or spiders or whatever -- all the swarm's abilities come from the RIFTER ARTICLE as noted.

Gardener - the splicer gains enhanced genetic DNA knowledge of advanced biology and experimental horticulture. He can manipulate and splice plants, make teas, homebrew herbology and all kinds of **** with vegetation -- AS PER RIFTER ARTICLE

Pack Master - the splicer befriends animals...man's best friend...and keeps packhounds and bio-technology based giant machine-eating dogs PER THE RIFTER ARTICLE and SPLICER MAIN BOOK


Lucky SOB - just like the name sounds...this focus allows the demigod to specialize in being the luckiest ************ on the planet. As such, once per game session (and increasing with level) he may re-roll any die roll from attack and damage to saving throws to...whatever.

The Worshiped - the demigod gains new abilities from being worshiped -- refer to Dragons & Gods

Cosmo-Knight - chosen by the cosmic forge to champion the forces of goodness. Remove previous OCC and gain Cosmo-Knight powers per Phase World

Alien Pilot (Prestige Classes that are in keeping with an aspect of the Pilot but specialize in advancing that knowledge further)

Boba-Fett (bounty hunter / ace-pilot) - the character gains an enhanced ability to pilot vehicles...ANY vehicle. He also gains access to special hidden bounty boards accessible only to the megaverse's elite bounty hunters.

Tolkeen Artifact Hunter - this character has a nose for finding treasure -- add a percentage chance to find rare, crazy, never-before-seen loot to any adventure (this chance increases from level 10 to 15 per level)

Invader Zim - this character can call on his home planet once per session for any one thing from food, supplies, help in the form of equipment, gear, advanced technology, munitions, an air-strike, bombardment, etc. -- ability increases with each level (use more often)

Chewbacca - weapons specialist and jury-rig MASTER -- this focus allows the character to Juryrig with bonuses AND gives him temporarily mechanical engineering, computer engineering, quantum mechanics, and quantum physics -- this is the quintessential MACGUYVER character
Predator -- this focus gives the character full technological integration with access to advanced robotics, advanced bionics, advanced targeting systems, advanced weaponry, experimental technologies funded by Naruni that are unheard of in the megaverse -- research and development

Thanks for reading if ya made it this far.

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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Razzinold »

I like your ideas, they same well thought out.
My only critique/suggestion so far would be to change the names under the Alien Pilot Prestige Class, just to be on the safe side of the whole "no conversion thing". I know you are not converting anything but they are the names of licensed properties.
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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by BlueLion »

You might want to look up ones from non rifts base classes.

Example- NSS Dedicated martial artist.

Immortal martial artist (using one of the paths of immortality has spent centuries learning and mastering martial arts.)
Knows several martials, can deal mdc wit SDC objects. (actually there is a kata for that used it once to beat a daemon in rifts to death with a bible.)

Chosen martial artist-Given powers by the gods to save all existence.

Chakra Ninja- martial artist able to weave ninja arts/jutsu like those in anema (basically casting spells with hand signs.)

PF Summoner

Living circle-able to create a circle with a drop of his own blood.

Circle master able to magically shift a inactive circle on a piece of paper or scroll to carry it with him.
In closing I would like to say "Will eat for food"

Breath mint?
Have a nice day.

Now where did I put that Sword?
Yes my spelling is bad, but that is the least of my problems.

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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Tor »

Zurvan's cool but ranks below Time Lords, he can't go backward.
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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Glistam »

The ideas here were neat, but how would advancement work? If your Sowki Shifter chooses "Eldritch Scrapper", for example, how does it advance/level? Does the Shifter class stop advancing, and this new "class" starts levelling in its place? Is xp split between two classes? Does it provide abilities and bonuses at specific levels/xp intervals relative to the main class, or the prestige class? Does every prestige class follow a similar idea/plan for implimentation?
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Glistam wrote:The ideas here were neat, but how would advancement work? If your Sowki Shifter chooses "Eldritch Scrapper", for example, how does it advance/level? Does the Shifter class stop advancing, and this new "class" starts levelling in its place? Is xp split between two classes? Does it provide abilities and bonuses at specific levels/xp intervals relative to the main class, or the prestige class? Does every prestige class follow a similar idea/plan for implimentation?

evolution..you learn and modify current methods by one many ways:
1) Necessity
2) Experience with spells allows you to modify them. Class abilities can also change or be added over time.
3) Accident you may miscast and do something you thought you couldn't do..then say"Wait a minute...How'd I do that?"
4) Showing off and hoping for the best and getting a success when you were just hoping not embarrass yourself.

as for XP I would say no.. since the core class would still be the base OCC and the Prestige would be add-ons to that. so I'd put a second XP listed at the time the Prestige is taken starting at 0 and put the same xp earned in the base OCC there as well.

Adding new abilities I might implement a system of awarding new abilities in a fashion similar to learning a new HTH..and use the same OCC but from level 1 (just a number of top of my head) and applying xp to the new add ons.

the max level would be the base OCC's level for that new 'OCC' would go up to it. which should in theory be a while before it gets full. Thats a rough idea..but should be a good base to start from.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Daeglan »

I think the concept is good. I do think it needs more work as it is unclear exactly how this would work.
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Re: RIFTS: Prestige Classes

Unread post by Witchcraft »

The idea originally was your last (5) levels would be Prestige levels -- since you really don't get much from level 10 to 15 anyway and it takes a ridiculous amount of time to actually attain each level.
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