Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DracoMagus wrote:
taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote: I'm not saying what Aldessa's problem is, but she might have a Washuu complex, and probably has a fixation on rubber gloves, straps, electrodes, MRIs and singing her scientific observations into posterity.

:eek: :? :frazz:

It's what happens when somebody in the Golden Age writes a simulation program for an online RPG based on Doctor Evil's Sing-Along Blog, that goes viral and picks up fragments of online Tenchi Muyo! cartoons and PBS science programs, then ages later, some Shemarrian accidentally downloads it from an ancient archive, and it gets incorporated into the Ghost Rider Heritage lines. interesting way to inject some anime style into things Taal.

Great lengths for a few cheap yuks. :P :clown:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Advanced Cultural Notes(Shemarrian Star Nation) Worlds of the SSN: Tresada

Tresada---Dark Waters Node World

“Tresada is cold and dark and it can be considered Hades for old ships that get taken there. Ships get hauled there to die, to be broken up, and scavenged for parts, but it’s also where they get reborn, recycled into brand spanking new parts of the Shemar fleet. It’s the afterlife for those same old ships.”

“People who know I hail from Tresada ask me how I can live there; it’s dim, dark, and cold, cold, cold...not at all like the scenic living vistas of other inhabited worlds. Even the underwater settlements are dark and cold...even more so, since they’re sitting under miles of ice overhead that cuts off even the starlight. People figure that unless I’m a robot, that sort of environment would drive a NeShemar mad.
I just tell’em that it might be maddening for them, what with growing up on those green worlds or warm worlds, but me, I see things different. I want excitment? I can go watch the shipyards and the factories, or the warriors at practice. And there’s festivals; Awakening Day, Rites of Upgrade, Battle Honors, Ship Namings, hockey games, and the like; there’s ALWAYS something going on! I want scenic vistas, I step outside onto the surface and I’m on the edge of the whole harking galaxy! I can stand on the edge of eternity! And if I want pleasant quiet, away from the maddening crowd, I can go deep and go out beyond the settlement lights in the inner ocean, where the starlight doesn’t reach, and find all the quiet I need.
It’s all beautiful; just different from what other people are used to. To me, though, it’s home.”
---Lamis D’Col Mareen, DarkWaters NeShemar Shipfitter and Tresada native.

Tresada is one of the Shemarrian Star Nation DarkWater Tribe’s few ‘node worlds’ where they’ve established a sizeable and permanent presence.
Tresada lies in a red dwarf desert system known to the rest of the Three Galaxies only by a call-code in Golgan star registries (Phai-07K-42r35684q Wolgrachi if one must be specific). The system was first scouted by the Golgans several centuries ago, but the desolate coldness of the system, its distance from any nearby habitable systems, and its closeness to the navigational hazard of the Briar Nebula discouraged follow-up study and exploitation in favor of better prospects. The system was stumbled across some centuries later by nomadic Shemar scouts looking for good resource worlds that were unlikely to be visited by anybody else.
Tresada is the name given to the third planet in the desert system, though it would have been quite pleasant and liveable if Tresada were closer to its primary and received more heat. The Earth-sized world has plenty of water on it, but in the form of an icy crust several dozen miles thick around the planet. Only some residual core volcanism and tidal stretching has allowed for a subterranean ocean of liquid water to exist, locked deep under a roof of ice.

For the formerly coastal DarkWaters, this was too good to pass up and they petitioned the Tribal Congress to let them claim it as one of their Tribal holdings. As a result, Tresada is home to several types of settlements; orbital habitats, lunar habitats, surface communities, deep ice/rock tunnel townships, and underwater habitats either hanging from the underside of the ice layers or on the deep bottom of the ocean. Tresada’s many environs are home to a diversified community of EShemar, NeShemar, and Ne’R’Mar.
Tresada is home base of the Deep Spiral Group(icon: a cutaway of a dark gold spiral nautilus shell with a star shining at its center), a major battle group and construction bureau for the DarkWaters. Tresada is their lab bench and factory floor, as well as their barracks and hangars.
Many of Tresada’s moons have been converted into space stations, and several freeflying orbital construction yards share orbit. These facilities service the various assembly and repair lines of the Shemarrian space forces.
Besides new construction, Tresada’s yards collect ships from the Three Galaxies, accumulating them for salvage or conversion into auxiliaries. Parked in orbit or soft-landed on a moon with micro-gravity, the old ships and hulks await the evaluators and the salvagers, who again triage the vessels and pass judgment on their ultimate fates. What isn’t converted and repaired is cut up and melted down for scrap. Components such as cargo pods and modules, life support housings, and what not, are shelved on the moons to await reuse or quiet re-sale elsewhere in the Three Galaxies.
The system is also a way station for cargo traveling between the various SSN communities. Orbital and lunar warehouses hold goods transiting to other Tribes, including finished ships and technology produced locally. The DarkWaters are careful to keep the exact coordinates and routing necessary to reach the Tresada system a secret of the Shemar, and only a handful of outsider merchants are even allowed to know about the system, let alone possess the navigational coordinates to reach it. Even the Shaemar use encrypted navigation codes when refering to the system.
The same factors that kept Phai-07K-42r35684q Wolgrachi from being colonized by the Golgans have also kept the Shemar presence in the system a secret. The sensor-shrouding effects of the Briar Nebula between them and the more densely populated and travelled core regions have masked the industrial and gravitic spore of Shemarrian activities in the system, and the Shemarrians carefully watch travel in neighboring sectors. Of course, the same shrouding effects interfere with long range communications, so the Shemar have to carefully route and relay communications around the Nebula, which causes some unavoidable delays in hearing and replying to messages.

Solar System
Number of Stars: One

Types of Stars: Red Dwarf

Number of Planets: 6
(Outward from the star)
- Terrestrial---Ananis---This Earth-sized rocky and cold world is being developed and mined by the Silvermoon Tribe, with a resident population of 15 million.

- Terrestrial---Cortoris---A rockball shrouded in frozen ices and as yet undelevoped.

-Terrestrial---Tresada---Main ‘capital’ of the system, run by the DarkWater Tribe.

- Asteroid---Galadau ---The largest asteroid in a system rich in debris, the protoplanet Galadai is home to an asteroid mining base that services the many smaller operations being conducted throughout the belts.
It is rumored that as part of the system security, the Shemar have been mass-producing deep-space Warmounts that have been Awakened with the Ecotroz awareness, and setting the surplus ‘mounts loose to roam the asteroid belts. Though unable to reproduce on their own, the roboids are free to graze the asteroids and run free among them until recalled/rounded up by the Shemar. In the process, however, the “feral” Warmounts will attack anuthing in the asteroid fields that doesn’t identify itself as Shemar.

-Terrestrial---Dagoes---Another rockball shrouded in frozen ices and as yet undelevoped.

- Gas Giant---Mauras---A Uranus-sized small gas giant. Too small to really sweep the system of stellar debris, lending to the large asteroid belts. Mauras is occasionally mined for its gases by the Shemar.

Type: Terrestrial, rocky, cold

Diameter: Large; diameter of about 14,000 km

Gravity: 0.9 terrestrial normal

Temperature: Frigid; 60 k(- 351.4 f/ -213c) to 80 K (-315.4 f/-193 c)

Unusual/Special Features:
*Rings----Tresada has a wide and thin system of rings around it, the remains of several pulverized moons and other swept-up stellar debris
* Moons(12)---Most of these are fairly small; under 300 km in diameter, but four are in the 700-2,000 km diameter range.

Atmosphere: Aside from some thin evaporative outgassing, Tresada has little to no gaseous atmosphere.

Terrain: Little of Tresada’s underlaying geography is visible through its icy covering. A few ‘islands’ (actually the tops of suboceanic mountains) peak up to the surface, often trailing ‘dirt tails’ of material that have been eroded off them by upper crustal glacial movement of the ice sheets. The ice crust itself is marked by flat plains from frozen upwellings or ancient asteroid inpacts, and large long pressure ridges formed by the collision and refreezing of the ice.

Common Minerals:

Hydrosphere: Waterworld; fully 90% of Tresada is shrouded in a miles-thick ice shell covering.
Tresada’s deep-ice oceans are one possible recommended tourism spot for anybody visiting the planet, and who wants to see more than construction. The massive under-ice inner oceans course through gigantic caverns and channels, heated to liquid state by residual volcanism and gravitic stress. The DarkMoons have populated several of the caverns with habitats, and many DarkMoons spend vacation and offtime exploring the deep oceans with the assistance of upgraded versions of their traditional amphibious War Mounts, such as the Ironback and SeaSword.

Biosphere: None; Tresada was lifeless before the coming of the Shemar.

Civilization: Shemarrian Star Nation

Population: 200 million( Roughly 65% EShemar, 30% NeShemar, 5%
Shaemar/Shemra/ She-Mar/’Shemarrite’ races)
Has a transient population of about 25,000 ‘others’ , non-Shemar who are allowed access to the system(as passengers without access to any navigational instruments).
About 18,000 of the current transients are prisoners taken when their spacecraft/spacestation unexpectedly Rifted into the system and set off alarm bells all over the system. Despite the size of the spacecraft and its contingent of armed personnel, the (human) crew was apparently as surprised by their dislocation as the Shemar, and were quickly overwhelmed by responding DarkWater and Silvermoon forces. Post-action analysis showed that the majority of the crew aboard the ship were civilians, with a military crew in charge. Subsequent study of the situation showed that the high concentration of psychics in the civilian contingent triggered a psionic-Rift event that landed them in the laps of the Shemarrians. Wayfinder analysts have assured the Darkwaters that such an event is unlikely to happen again, but the nervous DarkWaters have destroyed the alien spacecraft anyway and stepped up their security measures in-system just in case. That still leaves them with all those humans; currently the Darkwaters have the majority of the prisoners in biostasis, stashed around the system, until such a time as they can figure a way how to dump them on a CCW or other neutral world, or make use of them on one of their own(like a Horrorwoods colonial enclave).

Technology: Advanced, easily equal to the mainstream Three Galaxies cultures. Particularly advanced in the area of robotics.

Economy: Industrial; the system’s main industries are robotics, ship-building, and research and development for the Shemar.

Wealth: Can be considered to be Rich. There is no significant unemployment to speak of, and the DarkWaters plow whatever profits they make from sales and exchanges with the other Tribes back into infrastructure, defense, and research.

Government: Can be considered to be a Hierarchy with Meritocracy elements. The Tribal Elders (War Goddesses and War Chiefs) are at the core of the government, with various levels of Psi-Shamanesses, Tinkers/Healers, Acolites, and whatnot filling various roles in between.

Law Level: Secure. Lawlessness is rarely a problem among the EShemar/Shemar, aside from the occasional rowdiness, mentally unstable NeShemar(or visiting SkullCrusher), or outsider. Such problems are taken care of by Warrior patrols and the miscreants turned over to the appropriate parties(their Tribal Chiefs for discipline, the Healers for rehabilitation, or simply allowed to sleep off their over-enthusiasm).

Popularity: Fanatically Popular. The Shemarrian Star Nation is a young power on the rise, and thus enjoys the wholehearted support of its citizens.

Stability: Solid. Unless something really drastic were to happen to Shemar society, this is destined to become an Immortal regime.

Notes: There are typically at least three Scorpio and two Abyssal Dragon-class battleships in the system at any given time(twice that number under construction) and upwards of eighty smaller ship types on hand. There are at least twenty ships of other Tribes at given time at Tresada, there to get refitted or supplied, or pick up cargoes. These figires do not include the some fifty-plus ships(including seven Crescent-class cruisers) available to the Silvermoon enclave on Ananis. At least 60 million WarMounts of various types are also present in the system.


"Walking across Ananis is possible if you're into long endurance suit-trekking, and like the solitude that comes from walking in the cold and desolation of an ice world, listening to just your own breathing, the sounds of your suit life support, and, in the case of heavy-gravity Ananis, the whine of your exoskeleton. It's not quite as desolate as some worlds; every now and then you'll glance a glint from one of the big solar mirrors, or see the pulsing on the horizon of a laser launch, encounter a herd of rock-browsing rogoats, or see a caravan of trundle-alls driving between sites. And every now and then you'll stop in at an oasis...a stand of cyberveg 'trees' with their hexagonal gold solar panel fronds catching the rays. If you ask for permission from the SilverMoons in advance, they'll give you a passcode key that will let you tap those oasis-groves for a recharge, oxygen, hydrogen, and water...the groves are sitting over permafront beds of fossil ice, and the sunlight they capture gets pumped into melting the ice, pumping the water up, and either cracking it into hydrogen and oxygen, or store the water for other purposes. Makes backpacking a bit easier if you can live off the land like that."

Ananis is the inner world in the same system as Tresada. It is a rocky, cold, barren world that receives marginally more heat from the primary. Ananis is home to some fifteen million members of the SilverMoon Tribe who are mainly engaged in mining and shipbuilding. Most of the facilities are on the surface or underground, though there are several orbital processing stations and shipyard slips. Ananis mainly turns out small craft like Shemarrian fighters, the Goshawk corvette, and transports like the Rhinochon, but it is rumored that the facilities have begun producing the Radiant Crescent-class heavy cruiser for the SilverMoons’ forces.
The Ananis enclave uses massive solar- and fusion-pumped laser-launch systems to loft payloads of refined metals and assembled goods into orbit. These same laser launch systems form part of the planet’s defense systems. Additional large sollete arrays in orbit gather the wane sunlight and power additional systems, such as the orbital foundaries, and beam power down to Ananis’s surface colonies.
To the wandering traveler, there’s little to recommend Ananis as a stop, aside from the impressive sight of the SilverMoons’ refinery and smelter complexes.

Type: Terrestrial, rocky

Diameter: 12,000 km

Gravity: High (2.2 Earth normal)

Temperature: Frigid

Unusual/Special Features: None

Atmosphere: Thin layer of argon and carbon dioxide

Terrain: Rugged and varied. The terrain around the Shemarrian settlements has become even more chewed up, thanks to the liberal use of nucleonics to crack open mountains to get at the minerals inside, and the many open-pit mining operations.

Common Minerals:

Hydrosphere: Would be classed as Moist, but all that water is locked in the form of large deposits of ice underground, in surface canyons, or shadowed by crater walls.

Biosphere: None. The Silvermoons have aped the Horrorwoods Tribe to a degree in setting up a ‘robotic ecology’ by seeding areas with waystation-groves of solar-collecting and rocky-digesting nanotech-cyber ‘trees’, and setting hordes of modified War Steeds loose on the wastes to sniff out and harvest surface resources like ice and minerals, but no move is made to disguise these constructs as anything native or organic.

Civilization: Shemarrian Star Nation

Population: 15 million(roughly 75% Shemarrians and 25% NeShemar)

Technology: Advanced, easily equal to the mainstream Three Galaxies cultures. Particularly advanced in the area of robotics and photonics

Economy: Industrial, focusing mainly on mining, refining, shipbuilding, and weapons construction(especially laser systems)

Wealth: Rich; even if gemstones and monetary metals like gold and silver have little value beyond industrial to the moneyless economies of the Shemarrians, the SilverMoons would be waxing wealthy is they (carefully) sold even a fraction of their gold/silver/gemstone output on the open markets.

Government: Can be considered to be a Hierarchy with Meritocracy elements. The Tribal Elders (War Goddesses and War Chiefs) are at the core of the government, with various levels of Psi-Shamanesses, Tinkers/Healers, Acolites, and whatnot filling various roles in between.

Law Level: Secure. The SilverMoons are even more law-abiding(in keeping with their self-image as shining paladins) than the Dark Waters, so crime is NOT an issue.

Popularity: Fanatically Popular. The Shemarrian Star Nation is a young power on the rise, and thus enjoys the wholehearted support of its citizens.

Stability: Solid. Unless something really drastic were to happen to Shemar society, this is destined to become an Immortal regime.
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Advanced Cultural Notes(Shemarrian Star Nation) Worlds of the SSN: Tresada

:D 8) :ok: WIN
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Thanks. I'll be working on a Horrorwoods 'refuge' world next, then more space War Steads...then maybe back to the Rifts Earth stuff, before this becomes wholly 'THree Galaxies'.

I'm also delving deep into my mind to see what I can come up with to highlight some of the neglected Tribes that haven't yet gotten the spotlight yet...You've been upping the Hawkmoons, The SkullCrushers have gotten lots of press, both positive and negative, the Dark Waters now have several ship designs and a whole world, the Ghost Riders and Horrorwoods have gotten ACN entries to themselves, which leaves the Silver Moons(who have really kinda been neglected), Wolf's Path(who really haven't gotten any love yet), and the Blood Riders(slightly more love, as they got an Elite to their names)....
Wayfindersand Sapphire Cobras will eventually get a spotlight all to themselves, but since they're still new, they're still enjoying the Novelty Honeymoon....

Hmmmm....wonder what would happen if you combined a Mend the Broken spell with the nanite self-repair?...hmmmmmm
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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taalismn wrote:Hmmmm....wonder what would happen if you combined a Mend the Broken spell with the nanite self-repair?...hmmmmmm

A patented 'Wayfinder' magi-tech system of course ;)

Oh; and kludging a small interlude in my brain for how the Saphire Cobra's are discovred by their fellow EShemarr...and a "several months / years in the future" of how they deal with the Minion war outbreak :mrgreen:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Hmmmm....wonder what would happen if you combined a Mend the Broken spell with the nanite self-repair?...hmmmmmm

A patented 'Wayfinder' magi-tech system of course ;)

Oh; and kludging a small interlude in my brain for how the Saphire Cobra's are discovred by their fellow EShemarr...and a "several months / years in the future" of how they deal with the Minion war outbreak :mrgreen:

Can hardly wait to see what you come up with...

"SNAKES!!! Why the hell did it have to be SNAKES?! YHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"
"Great..first Sister from another Tribe we encounter, and she's got a phobia..." :nh: :rolleyes:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

*slow evil grin*
Here's one for nightmares ;)
SHODAN & ARCHIE-3 have a virtual candle-lit dinner, sans Hagen.
Bind the body to the opened mind
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Charnage wrote:Didnt look over the preivous 10 pages, but I was wondering, what might happening if a few machine people from phase world were to run into a few Shemarrians?

Let's say ARCHIE meets and interacts with his first Girl AI.

I have a feeling something interesting would happen!

ARCHIE-3 would be AFRAID of rival AIs, at least until he could capture and dissect one and figure out how to duplicate their tricks/unique technologies and add it to his own. A3 tends to be ratehr cautious(since the Mechanoid fiasco) about strange things; he'll want to scout and probe from a distance to see if he can't work them into his plans, or gear up to destroy them.
Of course, if they started out by worshipping him, he'd be fine with that, too, and it would only fuel his insanity and conviction that he's destined to be the Supreme Ruler(with Hagan as his Chief Minister).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Charnage wrote:Just the way I look at A3, he is as much a preteen to a teenager as far as growth as an emotional being is. He has all these pie in the sky plans, but no real imagination. I just wonder what would happen if oh, lets say the moon based Archie's programming was overwritten by an alien AI, and developed a female persona. And then piggybacked A3's signal through the satellite that he has been using. There might be plenty of developments along those lines.

That presupposes that A3's nueral archirtecture is similar to a human being in that it has the latent potential to love, aspire to sex, and other instinctual behaviors. To a degree, A3 can ape human behavior, and certain commonsense basic emotions and the like(fear's a good accessory to survival, or success). Still, A3 understands friendship and can recognize a fellow (depraved) soul in Hagan, beyond Hagan's usefulness to him as an ideaman. And A3 has already proven he can reproduce on his own just fine(if you consider Archie Goodson canon).
Admittedly, though, A3 will realize that eventually Hagan's going to grow old and die. leaving A3 alone. He'll investigate bionic life extension and ultimately even transferred intelligence to head that off. If all that fails, A3 MIGHT consider looking to companionship from another AI, as long as 1) it doesn't threaten his power and supremacy, 2) the alliance is useful to him---he needs to be the one on top.
Otherwise...the idea of ARCHIE-3 looking to declare war on the Moon, long term? THAT would be an intriguing alternity...
So, anything's possible, including A-3 in a just wouldn't be the kind of relationship that we meatbags might recognize.

Hmmmm.....If the ECotroz ever infected the Lunar ARCHIE...that's an idea that could shake things up, no?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Hmmmm...the idea of the lunies suddenly acquiring a proxy army and the means to spy on Rifts Earth? There's an alternate universe in and of itself. And Hagan becomes a renegade again with a handful of personal robots, maybe fleeing to a few loyal Shemarrians(triggering that universe's own version of the Shemarrian Civil War) as Hagan attempts to defeat the Selene Infection, retake the factory complex, and (hopefully) resurrect his old buddy.
And what might the Lunar Republic do with such a proxy army? Questions and possibilities there, too. Download some Orbital tech schemes and have them incorporated/disguised as Shemarrian tech as a means of fighting the Splugorth without tipping the MInions off that the Shemarrians are being run by offworld humans?
As for A3 getting a date? I leave that to others. But I imagine Hagan might get jealous, especially if the new woman in ARCHIE 3's life decides that A3 needs a new set of friends.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

A smal taste of what's been percolatin' in my skull :D
The humae male looked over at his paramour, trying very hard not to pass-out as his upside-down position whilst trussed up & hanging from the tree-limb, caused the blood to pool in his head.

"Hope, why snakes? Why did it have to be snakes?"

Hope Brightlance sighed as she gingerly sat up, her bindings being removed by the blue snakeskin clad Shemarrian berserkers.
"Honestly Vansent, I have no idea. Would you have rathered they take the spider or mantis as their totem?"

Vansent Strayks just gulped and shook his head. "Uh, snakes are fine. I like snakes. Mantids bad."

As the trio of "diplomatic explorers" were freed by the hitherto unknown tribe of snake-worshipping Shemarr (with much cursing and swearing from the diminutive five foot tall 'borg Maj. Katherine 'Kitty Dahl' Dalhousie), the leader of the ninth tribe approached. Twin metalic cobras, the same saphire hue as her mantle twined around her body and their flared hoods hovered over each shoulder. Faelyn Serpent-Mantle looked coldly upon those who dared enter her tribal domain.

"What buisness have you with the Saphire Cobra, Hawkmoon? Why have you brought non-tribe along with you (and one a male human at that) and how can you have a soul-spark? Only we of the Cobra have awakened from the Maker & Shaper's curse."

Hope mimed taking a deep breath and locked her silver-grey eyes with those of the Warchiefteness. She modulated her voice and accent to that best suited for high-council, the dialect of the great-horned wyrms.
"The small one is leader of a clan who gave aid to my tribe when the Crushers of Skulls sought to hunt my kin and I down like sploogorthian trash, and the male is my partner and heart-mate. As for the soul-spark? I am freeborn, never touched by the hand or mind of the Maker & Shaper...created from the union of two of my tribe's greatest members through the rite of Progen"
Hope smiled at the look of shock on the leader of the ninth tribe, and the feel of the rest of the tribe's mind-speak.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Malos----Shemarrian Refuge World

“If you got anything against the gene therapy the Shemar give their relocatees, you’ll change your mind if you ever go to Malos. The planet is hot, wet, and perfect insect-breeding conditions, especially in the wetlands where pretty much everybody lives. There, the distinction between an airborne pest and a waterborne pest is pretty moot, because on some days you’d swear there’s no difference between the air and the water and the buggers just cross over from one to the other as they will. Given that a lot of the local Malosian species have thick hides, the local bloodsuckers got what amount to power-drills for biters, and if you ain’t metal- or plastic-skinned,got a buzzer repellent humming away at all times, or are wearing full body armor always, you’d be eaten alive in seconds. Since it’s so hot that people sweat buckets, and a minimum of clothing is recommended, that’s asking for trouble.
Fortunately, if you take the nano-rewrite that the Shemar offer, part of the package embeds natural repellent factor in your cells and in your blood that keeps the bugs off. Even then, though, they have to get close before they sense you aren’t edible, and in the hot season that means you’re still wading through CLOUDS of insects. I’m talking thick enough that in some parts of Malos they use fuel-air explosives to knock down the bug numbers. A lot of people invest in short range swat-guns or sparker-ionizersto keep ‘em off, and ever since the Shemar started making those little robots, a lot more people now have a companion ‘bot picking off the insects.
Down side of what would otherwise be paradise, you see.”

Malos is a Horrorwoods-administered refuge world in the Anvil Galaxy. Malos would make an excellent vacation paradise if anybody in the more upscale star nations knew about it; the planet is Earth-like, temperate, and verdant with life. That’s why the Horrorwoods are so careful to hide it, fearing that if it became known to the major powers, the planet would be quickly overrun and become a target for warring factions.
Evidence suggests that Malos was first discovered by a Splugorth expedition many eons ago, and apparently there was some effort to seed the world into a game reserve; the Shemarrians have discovered variant strains of the Kryygorth Hunter and several other alien species on the planet. The Splugorth presence on Malos didn’t last long however; investigations of the scant remaining Splugorth structures on the planet suggest that the expedition may have landed on the planet involuntarily, or somehow came to grief soon after landing, cause unknown. Shemar studies of captured Splugorth navigational records find no records of any Splugorth push into the sectors around Malos, so it has been suggested that the Splugorth presence on the planet might have been one of the infamous Kryygorth’s undocumented missions that became lost.
Satisfied that the Splugorth weren’t likely to come back to the planet anytime soon, if at all, the Shemarrian Star Nation began to develop the world as a possible refuge for those fortunates who had been freed from Splugorth bondage by the Shemarrians. The planet has become a destination point for the Shemarrian ‘underground railroad’ moving refugees to places of safety from their oppressors.
Originally known as Chalane -4(4567454), the planet became known as ‘Malos’ after the first Canchian refugees arrived, and one of them declared the planet ‘Malos’(‘Hot/Moist’ in the Canchian tongue). Indeed, the planet is hot and humid, so much so that materials and structures have to be specially treated against rot.
Malos has been chosen to recieve settlers who are refugees from Splugorth slave worlds. Malos was settled with the liberated from at least three different major Shemarrian campaigns into Splugorth space. The majority of the ex-slaves are Human, but there are a sizeable number of Kirn and Malatriani(see Rifts: Manhunter), and a sprinkling of other species. While many of the settlers have broken away from the cities to form largely ethno- and species-centric communities, the majority of settlers have mixed, finding strength to overcome their shared painful pasts in the community of others.

Local fashion resembles what might be found in Terran India and other tropical zones; shorts and teeshirts, saris, sarongs, breechclothes, and what otherwise be called swimwear are practically a requirement to get survive the humidity(government officials typically wear more covering/distinctive garments of smart-fabrics with integral cooling). Decoration with the cheap local silver, gold, and gemstones is also common, giving an appearance of great ostentatious wealth even though Malos would only be rated as a self-sufficient ‘prosperous’ on intergalactic wealth indexes.
Crime is virtually unknown on Malos, due to both the refugees not tolerating disorder and because nobody wants to annoy the psionic gynoid Shemarrians who back the police. The people are well-fed and well-cared for by their government, and are not eager to upset the applecart, nor tolerate those who would dare.
Because of local conditions, the militia uses amphibious vehicles, especially powerboats, hovercraft, and robots able to wade or swim in order to negotiate the swampy terrain.

Solar System
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Yellow Dwarf (Malos Prime)
Number of Planets: 4
(As counted outwards from the primary)
-Gas Giant---Alloan---Yellow-White Alloan is a small gas giant with a large fan of gas being blown off it courtesy of its proximity to Malos Prime. The gas giant was at one time much larger, but solar pressure has whittled away its mass; scientists give the planet another million or so years before it breaks up and both falls into Malos Prime and blows out into the outer system. Alloan’s gas-shroud makes navigating near it a risky business, even with shields. Further out, though, the ‘tail’ can be safely harvested with large sail-scoops that then ride the solar wind out to Malos and Kamos.
-Terrestrial---Malos, the system life-world
-Terrestrial---Ennec, a rocky lifeless planet with a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Ennec is of little interest aside from what minerals might lie in its crust; the Horrorwoods have a few small mining outposts on the planet and monitor the surface for any intrusions in the system, but little beyond that.
-Gas Giant---Kamos---Blue-white Kamos is a massive gas giant on the outer tim of the system, and it can be seen from Malos as a bright star-like object. Kamos and its attendant moonlet system are home to a mid-sized Shemar naval station(six cruisers, twenty smaller ships) and listening station monitoring comings and goings. Kamos also provides gases fro spacecraft fuels.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: 12,000 km
Gravity: 09 g---Malos’ gravity is a tenth lighter than Earth-normal; not enough to allow for giant leaps, but enough for an extra spring in the step and for somewhat taller trees.
Temperature: Warm; the average temperatures on the planet range between -30F and 120F. The ice caps are decidedly small, and the oceans rather warm. At the equator, the dew factor makes the tropics almost unliveable, but for the heavy shade provided by the trees, and the cooling downpours.
Unusual/Special Features:
The two largest moons have been turned into orbital forts, one serving as an inprocessing facility and quarantine station for incoming settlers, and the other a shipping center for goods outbound.

*Thin Ring---At some point in the distant past, a sixth minor moonlet must have strayed too deep and broken up. A thin ring of debris is all that remains. The ring is still visible, and poses asomething of a hazard to unwary and unarmored ships, but it is not thick enough to significantly prevent travel, nor seriously shade the planet below. However, climatologists do believe that the changing axial tilt of Malos over its year, and the shadow shed by the ring, DOES help promote the annual storm seasons by cooling regions of the planet’s surface and atmosphere sufficiently to set up thunderstorm conditions.
The ring has also been seeded with early warning sensors that monitor ship activity approaching the planet, and hides a number of defense platorms placed in orbit with the assistance of the Dark Waters.

*Energy Field---Malos possesses an ambient PPE roughly equivalent to the Palladium World’s, so magic is possible on Malos, but as yet few inhabitants have taken advantage of it. One beneficial side effect of this is that it makes long range scans for individual life signs on the planet decidedly more difficult.

Atmosphere: Earth-like, with a similar oxygen-nitrogen mixture.

Terrain: Four types: the large coastal wetlands and jungles are the most dominant, leading upland into slightly cooler forests and grasslands, and finally the high central upland mountain thrustings. The large oceans are also home to large coral reef formations, many of which form archipelagoes and lagooned islands.

Common Mineral Concentrations:

Hydrosphere: Soaking Wet; and described as being ‘humid enough to make a cyborg sweat’. The planet typically gets two monsoon-like seasons a year. Most structures on Malos(those in the wetlands) are on stilts with reinforced pilings, and/or can float in an emergency.

Biosphere: Verdent
There are numerous dinosaroid predators, ranging from small runners to large stalkers, and dangerously large herbivores, as well as a number of large mammals with dinosauroid features, making it unwise for unprepared settlers to leave the safety of the settlement zones. The oceans are home to several shark-like and crocodilean predators as well, making the oceans an equally dangerous place for the unwary.
In addition to the fierce and competitive local wildlife, the abortive Splugorth effort to set the planet up as a game reserve has seeded the planet with an earlier, dumber breed of the Kryygorth Hunter, as well as the Kryygorth Shellback. The Shemarrians have declared a campaign of extermination on the former, while cultivating the latter to feed the settlers.
The Horrorwoods have established their own ‘electronic ecology’ by seeding the wilderness with robot animals, many of them camouflaged versions of the local wildlife. Since many of the local animals are big, megadamage, or predatory, this has given the Horrorwoods Tinkers and their Assembly Forges ample opportunity to run wild with new designs(invaders beware!). Large patches of forest have been infiltrated with cybertrees that accumulate both solar and wind power, powering the various settlements in the region, and what looks like unbroken jungle and virgin forest may really be a major Shemarrian industrial park or commnications grid.

Civilization: Busy; there is constant travel and trade between the various communities, and the opening up of new settlements as new refugees are brought in.
Despite the damp and humidity, as well as the flooding and strong oceanic storms, most of the population lives in the coastal wetlands where Malos’ three main cities are located, surrounded by multiple small high-tech villages engaged in fishing, forestry, and agriculture, insuring that nobody goes hungry. Of particular interest to the visitor is the architecture in the villages; while thatch and wattle construction is fairly common, higher-tech buildings are ‘fishing float bubbles’; ovoids of silica aerogel with ‘smart’ materials woven throughout. These smart materials wick away heat to heat sinks or thermal-electric converters, and have selective micropores that open up wide to let cooling air through, but close shut to keep out rain and flood waters. The megadamage silica-plastic also provides protection(typically 50-100 MDC for a small one-room apartment bubble) from the elements and the occasional giant predator trying to snack on a villager.
Upland are the big ranches, mainly run by NeShemar, that provide meat, hides, and bone to the coastal communities, and finally in the high mountains are various mineral mines and mining settlements. Riverboats frequently use the many rivers coursing down from the highlands to transport goods down to the lowlands, though flood season necessitates a temporary stop to this practice in favor of more modern all-weather transport.

Population: Roughly about 18 million, about 10 million settlers and 8 million Shemar.
Settler population is predominantly Human(60%), 15% Kirn, 10% Malatriani, 5% Hawrk-duhk, and 10% other. There are a few Awakened non-Shemar robots/A.I.s as well, but the humid Malosian climate dissuades such robots from settling on the planet permanently.
The Shemar are predominantly Horrorwoods Tribe, but there is a small enclave of 300 Sapphire Cobras(who run aTribal retreat and several Sapphire Cobra temples in the settlements), another 100 Wayfinders come to study the local ecology and other oddities, and the planet occasionally plays host to visiting contingents of Hawkmoons, Wolf’s Path, and Blood Riders come to engage in wargames.
There is also a sizeable concentration of Shemarrians around the former site of the old Splugorth basecamp(which has since been torn down and destroyed, after careful scrutiny), as insurance against anything they might have missed causing trouble later.

Technology: Advanced, with an emphasis on ‘green’ technologies. Most power is provided by solar, wind, water, and biomass conversion. While the local industrial base can support the sophsticated technologies used by the locals(hovercraft, MDC materials, energy weapons, and the like), the emphasis is on self-sustaining technologies and ecofriendly products and techniques. Many of the settlers are into handicrafts and small-shop industries, turning out wooden and leather goods, megadamage bone tools and handicrafts, and the like.
About 40% of the settler population has cybernetic implants of one kind or another, and about 20% have bionic implants(typically a replacement limb or two). As many settlers are refugees from war or former victims of the Splugorth, medical implants and prosthetics are fairly commonplace. Needless to say, Malos-standard cybernetics and bionics are all waterproofed and the machine-flesh interfaces, especially cyberjacks and nueral plugs, are treated against fungal infiltration.

Economy: Strong, based prinarily on agriculture, with some light manufacturing, serving mainly to service the local technologies. Most of the trade is between the various communities, but Malos does export a good number of local goods(mainly handcrafted from local natural materials), mining, and agricultural products. The Horrorwoods’ technical enclaves also produce a fair number of War Steeds for export offworld, as well as benign nanotechnology.

Wealth: Can be considered to be Prosperous. Even though Malos doesn’t trade much with offworld concerns(access to the planet is tightly controlled by the Shemar), it does see considerable trade input from the Shemar and Shaemarians. The Malosians trade meat, fibers, plant products, and small amounts of minerals

Government: Representative governments monitored by the Shemar. Many of the smaller villages use a tribal goverment system, especially where the original refugees were able to retain their culture even through their slavery, while others ape the Shemarrian Tribal and matriarchal order, and yet others subscribe to democratic ideals. The Shemarrians get final say in setting down the laws and approving of larger civil works projects though.

Law Level: Lawful. As an adjutant to the self-defense militia, the many communities maintain a settlement constabulary of sheriffs and deputies, up to full-blown police departments in the larger towns and cities. These town and city police can call upon the state police-like Shemarrian Warrior Patrols for assistance in dealing with particularly tough cases, matters of judgment, manhunts, and other crisises.
The main source of trouble comes from restless youth of second-generation settlers, or from new settlers who still carry assorted mental issues and emotional traumas. Alcoholism and drug abuse, using substances created from the local flora, are common problems among newcomers and tolerated only up to a degree( As one local put it; “Been there, done that, can’t fault a guy for thinking he can drown his long as he figures out he can’t, and moves to get on with his livin’”). Misdemeanors are penalized with community service and rehab, but more serious crimes, such as murder and enslavement, can carry the death penalty(initially delivered by the Shemar, but in more recent years the sentence has been carried out by the local jurisdictions).

Popularity: Beloved; the new Malosians adore the government that protects and provides for them, and the Shemar are regarded as heroes.

Stability: Solid; right now that’s the best the newly-established Malosian government can be rated at.

Nanotech Package: Due to the hothouse environment, in addition to the standard colonist nano-augment, settlers on Malos recieve multiple innoculations against local diseases and mold infections. +1d4 P.S., +1d6 P.E., +1d4x10 SDC, and +1d6 to save versus toxins/poisons
Note: In addition to the 40% cyber-ed, about 10% of the population has recieved some sort of Biowizardry which cannot be removed/remedied, or else the recipent has refused ro have it removed/treated.

Varied from tribalism to democratic capitalism. While a Shemarrian-backed credit is the standard currency among the settlers, open barter is just as common. The hot climate has led to an almost universal dropping of any restrictions and taboos against near-nudity, and clothing tends to be scant and more decorative than anything else, aside from those working pieces of apparel necessary in certain occupations, especially in the lowlands.
Generally, the ex-slaves are very tolerant and friendly towards each other, and the communities pull together to help their less-advantaged or distressed citizens, especially those with lasting emotional trauma, or who just arrived from liberation. Malosians politely disregard deformities, scarring, and multilation, and there is no stigma attached to the bearers of such marks of past mistreatment. Alcoholism and drug abuse are tolerated only up to a point, after which the addict is turned over to the regional authorities to be rehabed, or possibly even subjected to selective mindwipe by psionic physicians and mind-healers.
All able-bodied adults are expected to participate in twice-monthly civil preparedness drills and practice, and monthly militia training(learning at least crisis management, military etiquette, and handling of at least one weapons type), against possible threats, be it a predator attack, earthquake, flooding storm, coastal tidal wave, or invasion from space.
In a worst-case scenario, the cities and towns are to be evacuated to enclaves and shelters in the wilderness, dispersing the population and making them more diffcult to target. These dispersals would be assisted by supply caches throughout the wilds, and the replica animals coming online to assist in guiding and protecting the civilians.

Planetary Defenses:
The Horrorwoods do not want to maintain a large and obvious fleet that would attract attention to Malos, but they do keep a small, but potent, striking force on and around the planet. In addition to the numerous automated defense platforms in the ring and on the various moons, the Horrorwoods have two Hitode carriers, fifteen Unipelta destroyers, over 40 Goshawk corvettes , numerous fighters, and over thirty Rhinochon transport cruisers based on the planet at any given time.
The wilds hide numerous semi-autonomous War Steeds that can be set upon any would-be invaders. In addition, the Horrorwoods maintains camouflaged defensive outposts with concealed surface-to-air missile launchers and gun batteries, airfields, and motorpools to contest any invasion attempt.
The settlements themselves are well-defended already against the incursion of local predators(some of which are quite large and megadamage), with fencing in many cases (walls and fortified embankments in some cases), megadamage structures, and often barrier groves of cybertrees. The settlement militia is well-armed and well-motivated, and is equipped primarily with amphibious vehicles and hovercraft to assist the Shemarrian mounted cavalry in defending the planet.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DracoMagus »

I almost wonder if the folks at Palladium Games have had a look at this stuff and are now kicking themselves for not waiting to incorporate the ideas herein into their own stuff. Then again, as much of this was inspired by Shemmarian Nation...

At any rate, great stuff.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DracoMagus wrote:I almost wonder if the folks at Palladium Games have had a look at this stuff and are now kicking themselves for not waiting to incorporate the ideas herein into their own stuff. Then again, as much of this was inspired by Shemmarian Nation...

At any rate, great stuff.

Thank you. We like to think we're driving the bar higher and the ideas wilder. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:A smal taste of what's been percolatin' in my skull :D
The humae male looked over at his paramour, trying very hard not to pass-out as his upside-down position whilst trussed up & hanging from the tree-limb, caused the blood to pool in his head.

"Hope, why snakes? Why did it have to be snakes?"

Hope Brightlance sighed as she gingerly sat up, her bindings being removed by the blue snakeskin clad Shemarrian berserkers.
"Honestly Vansent, I have no idea. Would you have rathered they take the spider or mantis as their totem?"

Vansent Strayks just gulped and shook his head. "Uh, snakes are fine. I like snakes. Mantids bad."

As the trio of "diplomatic explorers" were freed by the hitherto unknown tribe of snake-worshipping Shemarr (with much cursing and swearing from the diminutive five foot tall 'borg Maj. Katherine 'Kitty Dahl' Dalhousie), the leader of the ninth tribe approached. Twin metalic cobras, the same saphire hue as her mantle twined around her body and their flared hoods hovered over each shoulder. Faelyn Serpent-Mantle looked coldly upon those who dared enter her tribal domain.

"What buisness have you with the Saphire Cobra, Hawkmoon? Why have you brought non-tribe along with you (and one a male human at that) and how can you have a soul-spark? Only we of the Cobra have awakened from the Maker & Shaper's curse."

Hope mimed taking a deep breath and locked her silver-grey eyes with those of the Warchiefteness. She modulated her voice and accent to that best suited for high-council, the dialect of the great-horned wyrms.
"The small one is leader of a clan who gave aid to my tribe when the Crushers of Skulls sought to hunt my kin and I down like sploogorthian trash, and the male is my partner and heart-mate. As for the soul-spark? I am freeborn, never touched by the hand or mind of the Maker & Shaper...created from the union of two of my tribe's greatest members through the rite of Progen"
Hope smiled at the look of shock on the leader of the ninth tribe, and the feel of the rest of the tribe's mind-speak.

Ah, the old leg-loop trap...great for removing any dignity from an intruder, emptying their pockets of small change, and it's lotsa laughs too.
Vansent, I take it, probably doesn't react well to insectile species like the Mantaz Sectles, no? :wink:
Let alone the mantis-like aliens from Manhunter.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:A smal taste of what's been percolatin' in my skull :D
The humae male looked over at his paramour, trying very hard not to pass-out as his upside-down position whilst trussed up & hanging from the tree-limb, caused the blood to pool in his head.

"Hope, why snakes? Why did it have to be snakes?"

Hope Brightlance sighed as she gingerly sat up, her bindings being removed by the blue snakeskin clad Shemarrian berserkers.
"Honestly Vansent, I have no idea. Would you have rathered they take the spider or mantis as their totem?"

Vansent Strayks just gulped and shook his head. "Uh, snakes are fine. I like snakes. Mantids bad."

As the trio of "diplomatic explorers" were freed by the hitherto unknown tribe of snake-worshipping Shemarr (with much cursing and swearing from the diminutive five foot tall 'borg Maj. Katherine 'Kitty Dahl' Dalhousie), the leader of the ninth tribe approached. Twin metalic cobras, the same saphire hue as her mantle twined around her body and their flared hoods hovered over each shoulder. Faelyn Serpent-Mantle looked coldly upon those who dared enter her tribal domain.

"What buisness have you with the Saphire Cobra, Hawkmoon? Why have you brought non-tribe along with you (and one a male human at that) and how can you have a soul-spark? Only we of the Cobra have awakened from the Maker & Shaper's curse."

Hope mimed taking a deep breath and locked her silver-grey eyes with those of the Warchiefteness. She modulated her voice and accent to that best suited for high-council, the dialect of the great-horned wyrms.
"The small one is leader of a clan who gave aid to my tribe when the Crushers of Skulls sought to hunt my kin and I down like sploogorthian trash, and the male is my partner and heart-mate. As for the soul-spark? I am freeborn, never touched by the hand or mind of the Maker & Shaper...created from the union of two of my tribe's greatest members through the rite of Progen"
Hope smiled at the look of shock on the leader of the ninth tribe, and the feel of the rest of the tribe's mind-speak.

Ah, the old leg-loop trap...great for removing any dignity from an intruder, emptying their pockets of small change, and it's lotsa laughs too.
Vansent, I take it, probably doesn't react well to insectile species like the Mantaz Sectles, no? :wink:
Let alone the mantis-like aliens from Manhunter.

Ever see / play Phantasy Star? Grasshounds, Locusta and Fanbites...oh my :D
Bind the body to the opened mind
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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Nope...not familiar with Phantasy Star. Phobia Fuel?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Nope...not familiar with Phantasy Star. Phobia Fuel?

GIANT praying mantids with single eye, and fast. The larger ones (Fanbite) will attack APC's
and grasshounds actualy hunt in swarms / packs of 4 or more.
Yeah; phobia fuel.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Nope...not familiar with Phantasy Star. Phobia Fuel?

GIANT praying mantids with single eye, and fast. The larger ones (Fanbite) will attack APC's
and grasshounds actualy hunt in swarms / packs of 4 or more.
Yeah; phobia fuel.

Sounds like Xiticix homeworld turf.
If I wind up going there, I'll remember to have reactive armor on my APC, PESTEX spray, and area of effect plasma munitions. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Nope...not familiar with Phantasy Star. Phobia Fuel?

GIANT praying mantids with single eye, and fast. The larger ones (Fanbite) will attack APC's
and grasshounds actualy hunt in swarms / packs of 4 or more.
Yeah; phobia fuel.

Sounds like Xiticix homeworld turf.
If I wind up going there, I'll remember to have reactive armor on my APC, PESTEX spray, and area of effect plasma munitions. :bandit:

Then there's the reactive mushrooms, the flying psi & PPE eating orchids ( :shock: ), the fire breathing Komodo-dragon sized lizards, giant sandworms in the literal 'Dune-Sea' plus a whole pletora of other lethal beasties.
Yeah, Motavia isn't classed as a death world cuz said beasties don't like civilization.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Meanwhile, out west...
The whispering voices in the AEther grew louder, causing Tsyldaen to wince and concentrate on muting them. Shouts of rage and calls for assistance interspersed with the mocking voice of the one called 'Shaper' exhorting his death-worshipping "daughters" to hunt the hawks. The same chorus over and over for the last month. She wished she could do something, anything, to assist those other Shemarr who possessed souls, but the wayfinder were too few. Far too few.

"Adpet Tsyldaen?"
The voice of the Wayfinder's latest recruit, Misa Olanda, now Misa-Spellbinder, broke through the meditation of the leader of the newest Shemmarian tribe.

'If Shemarrian we can be trully called' mused the Elf-maid in Shemarrian body.
"Yes Misa?" Tsyldaen replied as her third eye closed, and her 'normal' eyes opened to see the newly reborn into Shemarrian body human technomancer girl.

"We... I mean Drann Aether-speaker and I, we...we may have found something of interest." The youngster curled her antenae tight against her head as she looked to the side shyly.

Tsyldaen stood up to look eye to eye with Misa;
"Interesting enough to interupt a meditation session?" Seeing the youngster flinch, the Wayfinder leader smiled wryly and placed her hand on the other woman's shoulder.
"A jest. Please; now tell me young one, what have the two of you found?'

Stealing her courage and mimmicing the motions of gulping (though the physical need to do so was no longer required), Misa looked across at the one who gave her and the others a new lease on life; a new life in nearly immortal warrior shells.
"The 10th. tribe, as you foresaw; The Hawkmoon have made contact. Drann overheard the thought-speach of an Ectroz cluster NOT among the ones we know of.."

Tsyldaen composed her features; it would not do to let the younger apprentice know how this news fired her mind.
"take me to Drann... we 3 have much to discuss, and the Tribe has plans to make. Tell me what you know so far."

...And so the threads of fate spread wide and draw tighter together.
Soon the warp & weft would bring forth a pattern of destiny. What that pattern would reveal, only the gods know for sure.
Last edited by DhAkael on Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

:ok: :ok: :ok: 8)
Nice hints of EShemar/Free Shemarrian spirituality there. Prophecy and foreshadowing...and yeah, the Shemar are getting an idea who Hagan is(and yes, he's screwed in the negative sense if they ever get hands on him).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Had a VERY productive Shemarrian weekend....

EShemar ‘Saurotron’ EcoS-K22 Heavy War Mount

The leviraft silently ghosted through the gloom, hovering above the calm waters of the lake, light as the fog that shrouded it.
The thoughts of the half-dozen beings on the techno-magical patrol craft were anything but light, though. The cold mist, silent tedium, and interrupted sleep was leading to dampened spirits and more than a little grumbling among the armored and beweaponed soldiers sitting on the patroller, staring out into the grey gloom. In spite of the wane light from the two moons high in the sky, the surrounding terrain was all but invisible in the gray mist.
“Swamp, marsh, lake, and more lake. Vermin aplenty, but nothing bigger than a rull-rat! For this they turned us out early? All because some -kakaj-damned bone-ape got all excited about a few meteorites coming down in the highlands?!”
“Silence, fool! Yours is not to question, but to obey!” The senior Kydian’s voice snapped out to put the grumbling lesser Minion in its place. Truth be told, though, the officer was just as miffed as his men. If there was anything to the Kittani reports of landings in the uplands, the High Lords of the fortress would have sent all available manpower to scouring those craggy lands hundreds of miles away, instead of stepping up the regular patrols in the wet wastes around the Splugorth base. And they’d have powered up the defense shields and cannon turrets, not just sent the grunts marching out to the swamps and back.
It was looking more and more like some hopped-up Upov-Senshrac had seized on an excuse to kick the lower ratings around and make itself look good to the High Lords with a show of martial preparedness. Kydians were all for preparedness, but sometimes constant honing wore the blade thin and brittle, like the patience of his men-
That was when the water all around the patrol floater suddenly heaved up and over the startled Minions.
The senior Kydian barely had time to register the three sets of gleaming eyes atop long neck stalks orienting on him, to begin openning his mouth to shout commands, when twelve laser cannon opened fire in perfect synchronization. Whatever the Kydian officer was about to say was lost in the hiss and pop as he burst apart from being superheated in microseconds, followed by the scorch-roar as the invisible laser blades swept the patrol boat, incinerating it.
The steaming remains of the late patrol were still sliding under the water’s surface when the lake began to boil from within. Moments later the water was churned and overturned as great columns of spume shot up into the sky, reached into the low clouds, then arced away.
Minutes later the first missile salvos began to rain down on the Splugorth base camp.

The ‘Saurotron’ is a Horrorwoods-developed warmount that resembles a giant sauropod from Earth’s distant past, and which is representative of a number of similar beasts on other worlds(including Rifts Earth Horror Forest and the Shemarrian Star Nation refuge world of Malos). The sheer size and strength of the sauroid giants suggested military potential to the Horrorwoods, who created their own robotic replicas and modified them accordingly.
The massive broad-bodied, long-necked roboid is too large and cumbersome to an effective cavalry steed in the traditional sense. Instead, the giant robot animals act as mobile artillery, their high humped backs concealing vertical launch missile systems. For defense, the Saurotrons mount no less than four gun mounts in their heads, carry heavy armor, and can use their mass to great effect to crush/pulverize anybody stupid enough to close with them. Saurotrons are often deployed to support base camps and firebase field camps, their artillery systems keeping the enemy at a distance, while their prodigious strength helps haul construction materials, prefab structures, and cleared vegetation around camp sites. The sight of these giant saurobots, their long necks serving as cranes, lift lines clenched between their teeth, is a common one in any large Horrorwoods construction project or field operation.
As with many rear-echelon War Steeds, however, the Saurotron isn’t terribly popular with the primarily younger and inexperienced warriors it is commonly assigned to, as support elements aren’t seen to have the same opportunities for glory in combat. Veteran warriors, however, appreciate the advantages of supporting artillery. Outside of the Horrorwoods, the SkullCrushers are the only other Shemarrian Tribe that use the Saurotron in any numbers for precisely the heavy firepower the War Steeds can bring to bear on a target. The Wayfinders are known to have a small number, heavily modified as platforms for Earth Elemental magic.
Type: EcoS-K-22 Saurotron
Class: Robotic Warmount, Heavy
Crew: None; robot intelligence
1 rider/pilot, and room for up to 8 to ride forward of the missile launchers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,960
Head 250
Neck 420
Legs(4) 560 each
Tail 400
Height: 15 ft at the shoulder. The head can be lifted as high as 35 ft. Standing up on its rear legs, the Saurotron can reach up to 50 ft.
Width: 15 ft
Length: 80 ft
Weight: 58 tons
Cargo: Small space inside/beside the saddle-seat for a few personal possessions and sidearms. Up to 4 tons of gear can be slung off the sides of the ‘bot, without interfering with the operation of the missile launchers. Can haul up to 60 tons on wagons/sledges.
Physical Strength: Equivalent to Robotic P.S. of 60
Powerplant: Nuclear w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: (Running) 40 MPH
(Flying) Not possible
(Space) Not possible
(Underwater) Can run along the bottom at 10 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft.
It’s not uncommon for these War Steeds to travel in shallow waters, with only their heads ‘snorkeling’ above the water’s surface.
Market Cost: Exclusive to the Ecotroz-Shemar
Systems of Note:
Full optical systems, laser targeting, passive nightvision, telescopic vision, thermal imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization filters. Also has motion and heat detection, built-in radar( 60 mile range) and other standard power armor-equivalent systems. Additional/special sensors may be built in by the creating Spinsters or at the behest of individual riders/owners.

*Seismic Sensors---Between special microphones in its feet and tail, the Saurotron can pick up on ground vibrations of moving water, explosions, and heavy movement(masses of animals, vehicles, landslides), up to 2 miles away.

*Bionic Cybernanite Repair Systems---ALL Saurotrons have the same bionic nanotech repair system that the Ecotroz Shemar have refitted themselves with, and which is becoming the standard among NeShemar as well. These systems repair 4d6 MD per hour, and can repair 100 MDC before needing material stocks to convert to MD repair material.

Weapons Systems:
1) Concealed Heavy Missile Battery---The humped back of the Saurotron opens up to reveal a heavy VLS(Vertical Launch System) array for SRMs, MRMs, or LRMs. These missiles can be salvoed as air defense, or as surface bombardment.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: (SRMs)Volleys of 1-16
(MRMs)Volleys of 1-16
(LRMs)Volleys of 1-8
Payload: 64 SRMs or 32 MRMs or 16 LRMs

2) Shoulder Mini-Missile Launchers(2)----The Saurotrons mount a mini-missile launcher battery on top of each shoulder.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Mini-Missile)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 20 per shoulder, 40 total

3) Head Weapons Mounts(4)----The Saurotron mounts four slots for modular weapons identical to those on the Monstrex.

The Ecotroz have installed robotic AIs, then infected the matrix with a low-level Ecotroz sentience. While the original sauropods tended to be oblivious placid herbivores, the Saurotron is rather more aggressive and alert, akin to a well-trained warhorse, but obedient to orders and perfectly willing to stand still patiently for hours, even days, awaiting firing commands.
Typically has the following:
Land Navigation 94%
Radio: Basic 98%
Dowsing 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
Identify Plants and Fruits 50%(+5% per level of experience for Ecotroz entity)
The Ecotroz entity can also pick up one Secondary skill at levels 2, 6, and 12 of experience, though the nature of the ---- intelligence and design is such that it is limited to skill selections from Technical: Language(understanding) and Lore, Espionage(Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment), Wilderness(Track Humanoids, Track Animals, Hunting, Identify Plants and Fruits)
Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 4
Initiative +1 (+1 from the Ecotroz entity for a total of +1)
Dodge +2 underwater
Strike +1 (+2 w/ ranged weaponry)
Roll +2
Bite 1d6 MD
Stomp 3d6x10 MD
Standing Stomp(rears up on rear legs and crashes down with the forelegs) 4d6x10 MD
Kick 1d6x10 MD
Body Block/Ram 4d4x10 MD
Head Butt 4d6 MD
Tail Lash 1d6x10 MD

*EcoS-K-22B---This is a ‘utility’ variant that lacks the concealed missile launchers. Instead, the hump is fitted for carrying a cargo deck(capacity of 30 tons) or ‘howdah’(50 person capacity). In a combat situation, the deck can be fitted with a weapons platform similar to those used by Tolkeen.

*EcoS-K-22Wf---The Wayfinders reportedly have a number of modified Saurotrons that they operate in small numbers. These colossi can be distinguished by the glowing Powerstone projections running the length of their necks, flanks, and tail. Reportedly, the Wayfinder Saurotrons mount powerful TW generators and are augmented by various spells. The Wayfinders use both missile-launcher and cargo hauler versions.
1)PPE Generator---(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

2) TW Enhancements
*Featherlight/Float System---Duration: 1 hour per 5 PPE
*Sound Cloaking System---Duration: 5 minutes per 10 PPE
*Protective Energy Field---50 MDC and 10 minutes per 10 PPE
*Chameleon Cloaking System---Duration: 1 hour per 5 PPE
(reportedly, some of the Wayfinder Saurotrons have been seen to fly, suggesting that they may have been fitted with a TW Flight System; 15 MPH, 15 minutes per 15 PPE)

3) TW Weaponry:
*Sandstorm---Wayfinder Saurotrons can belch out a standstorm, reaching 320 ft in range, covering a 20 ft area, and having all other effects as per the Earth Elemental spell Sand Storm(Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 70). Cost: 8 PPE.

*Shockwave---100 ft radius centered on the Saurotron, 1d4x10 MD, plus knockdown, All other effects similar to the spell(Rifts Books of Magic, pg. 123), Cost: 25 PPE.
*Earthquake---By stomping its feet, the Wayfinder Saurotron can literally shake the earth in a 320 ft radius around itself, in a localized earthquake that lasts 10 melees. Effects are as per the Earth Elemental spell Earthquake(Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 72). Cost: 25 PPE.
*Chasm---With a slap of its tail, the Wayfinder Saurotron can cause the earth to open up in a 400 ft long, 200 ft wide, and 200 ft deep. The chasma lasts 100 minutes and has effects as described per the Earth Elemental spell Chasm(Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 70). Cost: 15 PPE.

*Wall of Stone---Conversely, with a slap of its tail, the Saurotron can RAISE a wall of stone roughly 80ftx80ftx40ft, with 500 MDC/2,500 SDC, and lasting 40 minutes. All other details as per the Earth Elemental spell Wall of Stone(Rifts Book of Magic, pg. 69). Cost: 8 PPE.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by Shark_Force »

from the sound of it, you forgot the laser beam eyes in the stat block (at least, as i read it, they laser beam the 'leviraft')
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Shark_Force wrote:from the sound of it, you forgot the laser beam eyes in the stat block (at least, as i read it, they laser beam the 'leviraft')

Nope....4 head slots for the sort of modular weapons carried by the them all with pulse laser modules, x3...twelve lasers.
Set to 'toast'. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

At least it isn't the T-Rex with the phallic rail gun of doom.
Cuz that would A) be far too "male" for the matriarchy of the EctrozShemarr.
B) Just plain insulting; "Yes highlord, I reapeat: We were (censored)ed on by a robotic carnosaur ridden by half naked human-like amazonian bio-mechs. How many times do you want me to repeat the same thing? Would it be more understandable if I said it in middle dyvallian?"
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:At least it isn't the T-Rex with the phallic rail gun of doom.
Cuz that would A) be far too "male" for the matriarchy of the EctrozShemarr.
B) Just plain insulting; "Yes highlord, I reapeat: We were (censored)ed on by a robotic carnosaur ridden by half naked human-like amazonian bio-mechs. How many times do you want me to repeat the same thing? Would it be more understandable if I said it in middle dyvallian?"

(Facepalms) Now you've gone and done it...I now have an image in my mind of a Kittani dino-armor-derived War Steed with a GIANT missile mounted you-know-where and letting rip on some hapless Kittani 'bot pilot, who's caught thinking, "So much for death with honor..."

But instead of that, here's a rough sketch of what an SSN Rhinochon Transport looks like:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation) The Northstar FreeWay

“What do you mean, they’re GONE???!!! HOW DO YOU JUST LOSE FOURTEEN THOUSAND SLAVES???!!! I promised Lord Kryy’nythh the last of the Saffani Aether-Dancers for his Tower of Pain and Pleasure! It took me over half of the eighty million -clure- he paid in advance to in-gather them, and now you’re telling me they’ve up and DISAPPEARED!!!??? You inbred mud-sucking decerberate null!!! Do you realize how much your incompetence may cost me-us- if you don’t find those slaves NOW???!!!"

The Northstar FreeWay is the name most often associated with the Shemarrian Star Nation’s version of the ‘Underground Railroad’, a network of travel routes, relays of ships, and squadrons of vessels dedicated to moving refugees, primarily freed slaves, out from under the grasp of their oppressors. Just about all the Tribes of the Star Nation contribute to the effort, though the largest partipants in the work are the Hawkmoons, the Darkwaters, and the Wayfinders, because to their starship expertise, and the Horrorwoods, because their worlds are often the endpoints of FreeWay routes.
Taking advantage of the stealth design features of their ships, the Shemarrians have infiltrated the territories of their enemies, creeping past sensor nets and patrol routes, to clandestine rendevouzes to pick up escapees and refugees. Sometimes the Shemarrian vessels have to run blockades of worlds under seige in order to evacuate sentients. The way out is just as hazardous as the getting in, even more so since the Shemarrian ships are carrying precious cargo(passengers); often the ships take a different route than the way they came in, and long circuitous routes to throw off any pursuers as to the ultimate destination of the people-smugglers are a common practice among ships flying the FreeWay.
To a lesser extent, the Shemarrian Star Nation has used the FreeWay to spirit refugees out of the TransGalactic Empire, Golgan Republik, and other tyrannies, including, it’s rumored, worlds of the Omegan Order. A number of active war zones have supposedly seen mysterious ships arrive to spirit away refugees and prisoners; some of these may indeed have been Shemarrian Northstar flights. Whenever possible, the FreeWay fliers will attempt to enter these territories as far from known Shemarrian-claimed space as possible, both to reduce the chances of any Shemarrian connection being uncovered, and to take advantage of weak points in the enemy defenses by coming in through unguarded peripheral regions. It has been rumored that in some cases, where large numbers of refugees are to be moved, or in other particular circumstances, the Shemarrians overtly stir up trouble with their neighbors in order to draw opposition attention and ships from apparently less-threatened areas, in order to facilitate FreeWay infiltration.
While the FreeWay fliers generally avoid any contact with other vessels, and will go to great lengths to evade detection, the Shemarrians have proven fully ready to fight if circumstances require. In some cases, the infilitrators have take the offensive; the disappearances of several Splugorth slave transport ships travelling inside Splugorth-claimed space may have been the work of such raiders. In general, though, the Shemarrians try to show restraint by NOT opening up on their enemies, all batteries blazing, during the delicate work of infiltrating enemy space.
When and where possible, the Shemarrians attempt to transport refugees in biostasis. This is for a number of reasons; it reduces the chance of a transportee discovering where the ship is going(and either accidentally or intentionally revealing details about the FreeWay’s operation and waystations to the wrong parties), it allows Shemarrian ships to carry more refugees with less strain on resources, it provides extra inflight security(no hysterical ex-slaves running around or enemy moles wandering about), stasis allows the Shemarrian ships to travel at their usual high accelerations, and the low-life signs of hibersleeping refugees are easier to mask. However, not all species(or individuals) are able to take advantage of biostasis systems(or the appropriate systems are not available), so sometimes the Shemarrians have no other choice but to carry awake and active refugees. Some xenoanthroplologists have suggested another angle, however, given that the Shemarrians prefer to fight to the death, rather than permit themselves to be captured(especially by the Splugorth), the use of biostasis may also spare escaped slaves the pain of going back into slavery, or more pragmatically, keep them from interfering with a Shemarrian group self-destruct.
The ultimate destination of transportees on the Northstar FreeWay varies; most are routed to neutral or friendly worlds far from Splugorth territory, many are moved to Shemarrian-protected worlds, and others are resettled on Shemarrian refuge planets.
While the ‘Northstar’ is an obscure reference to ancient pre-Shemarrian history that only a few Terran Humans might get, it’s reportedly driven the Splugorth batty, convinced that the ‘North Star’ refers to a specific astrogaphic landmark used for navigation. This has resulted in Splugorth intelligence analysts scouring navigation charts of other star nations, looking for any and all references to ‘north stars’, looking to stake out possible ‘touch stars’ of the FreeWay. If true, then all the Splugorth have done is waste their time, and the Shemarrians have scored again at the slavers’ expense.
When enemies like the Splugorth or the Kreeghor HAVE twigged to FreeWay routes, the results haven’t been pretty; the Shemarrians have fought to the death; either their own, or ideally those of their ambushers. When a route has been compromised, the Shemarrians have abandoned it and fallen back on other routes. In the case of the Splugorth, though, the SSN has occasionally used knowledge of a compromised route to set counter-ambushes for would-be pursuers. On several occasions, Kittani and Kydian vessels have dropped into a system known to be a transit point for Freeway vessels and set to awaiting refugee-runners, only to discover that they’ve been anticipated by attack ships already in the system. Reportedly, the Shemarrians even claimed an entire cruiser squadron by mining an asteroid; the Splugorth warships either took up position near or actually landed on the asteroid, hoping to use its mass-shadow to hide their presence, only to be obliterated when the nuclear demolition charges buried inside the rock detonated.
Though there are similar, in many cases older and more established, efforts as the Shemarrian Northstar FreeWay that work to spirit the helpless out of the path of tyranny and enslavement, there are few so well organized and extensive as the Shemarrian effort. The Shemarrians have been known to cooperate with other such efforts from time to time when they overlap, and when the Shemarrians can verify the absolute trustworthiness of the other party, but by in large such joint efforts are rare.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Those poor poor poor mooks...errr... MINIONS of the Sploogies. :D
Okay, I know that the Shemarr wouldn't have a full 100% survival / success rate, but the damned dirty apes and all the rest of the tentacle followers must be tearing their head tendrils/hair/fur/scales out by the roots in frustration.

"How hard can it be? They are female HUMANOID robots!!! They can't even mecha-merge like the thrice-damned Kreeghor's machine-people slaves! Why is it so difficult to...what was that noise?"

*Sound of explosive decompression via multiple point blank rail-lance shots to forward view pane of the Servitude-Class cruiser No-Hope*
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:Those poor poor poor mooks...errr... MINIONS of the Sploogies. :D
Okay, I know that the Shemarr wouldn't have a full 100% survival / success rate, but the damned dirty apes and all the rest of the tentacle followers must be tearing their head tendrils/hair/fur/scales out by the roots in frustration.

"How hard can it be? They are female HUMANOID robots!!! They can't even mecha-merge like the thrice-damned Kreeghor's machine-people slaves! Why is it so difficult to...what was that noise?"

*Sound of explosive decompression via multiple point blank rail-lance shots to forward view pane of the Servitude-Class cruiser No-Hope*

Ah, the old play-dead-go-silent-and-make-like-an-asteroid/piece-of-space-debris boarding trick. Great if you don't breath, don't need to eat(for long periods of time), and don't mind floating in deep space for a while. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Codex: Shemarrians(as of 3/5/2011)

#---Baseline(canon) Material

Shemarrian ‘Originals’/’Role Models’/’Inspirations’(?):


Shemarrian Tribes:
#Blood Riders
#Ghost Riders
#Wolf’s Path
*Sapphire Cobra

Shemarrian Classes/Castes(as of 2/26/2011):
(Note: the model numbers of A.R.C.H.I.E-3 origin designs are not repeated or used here; the EShemar and Free Shemarrians REFUSE to use model/serial numbers in reference to their sentient selves. To qoute a Ghost Rider; “You probably won’t get this joke, but damn it, we’re NOT NUMBERS!”)

#War Goddess(*Various fan modifications)
#War Chief(*Various fan modifications)
*Shemarrian Elites
**Sapphire Cobra Naga
**SkullCrusher Necriant
**Blood Rider Zealot
(See also Steel Phoenix and Cobra Dragon under War Mounts)

*EShemarrian Psi-Shamaness
#Shemarrian Berserker (*Various fan modifications)
#Shemarrian Warrior(*Various fan modifications)
Shemarrian Mystic(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)
Shemarrian Preserver(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)
#Male Shemarrian

Warmounts(To Date):

#A-001/002 Monst-Rex(*Various fan modifications)
#A-003 Monst-Rex “Pack Mule”
#A-006/007 Monst-Crane(*Various fan modifications)
#(varying model numbers) “Genuine Imitation” Repli-Bots(*Various fan modifications)

*EcoS-K-1 Monstropede
*EcoS-K-2 Equus
*EcoS-K-3 Steel Phoenix(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)
*EcoS-K-4 Chirops
*EcoS-K-5 Sphinex
*EcoS-K-6 Falcon
*EcoS-K-7 SeaSword
*EcoS-K-8 Ironback
*EcoS-K-9 Steel Claw
*EcoS-K-10 Tusker
*EcoS-K-11 Cybear
*EcoS-K-12 VelociClaw(WIP)

*SCES-01 Queen Cobra (EcoS-K-13?)
*SCES-IIE Cobra Dragon(EcoS-K-14?)(also considered to be an EShemar Elite/Transferred Intelligence)

*EcoS-K-20 Stone Eater
*EcoS-K-21 Orobos(WIP)
*EcoS-K-22 Saurotron
*EcoS-K-23 Aracha(WIP)
*EcoS-K-25 Octas(WIP)
*EcoS-K-26 Nautika(WIP)
*EcoS-K-27 Gracille(WIP)

Shemar ‘Animals’:
#AA-10SW/A-009 Shemarrian Wolf
#AA-03 Avian Spy

*EcoS-KBSS4 ‘Gekker’

*A-SHE-26 Wyrding Tree(Rifter #53, Damon Sutton)


Shemarrian Spacecraft(To Date):
*ESheMar-CV/BB1 Scorpio BattleCarrier
*ESheMar-BB03Sc Tartog Battleship
*ES-SD MK1 StormDragon Battleship
*ES-SD MK2.0Dw Abyssal Dragon Battleship(WIP)
*ESheMar-CV-01 Heavy Troop Transport Cruiser
*ESheMar-CG03 Radiant Crescent Heavy Cruiser
*ESheMar-CG-02 Remora Medium Cruiser
*ESheMar-C(M)03 Kumo-rodosha Medium Cruiser
*ESheMar-LC-01-Unipelta Light Cruiser/Transport
*ESheMar-DD07 Aureale Destroyer
*ESheMar-DD06Sc StarCobra Destroyer (WIP)
*ESheMar-AuxCv04 “Goshawk” Corvette
*EShe-B/SS02 Hirunda Strike/Scout Ship(WIP)
*ESheMar-ASV01 Scarab Assault Shuttle
*EShe-T03 Rhinochon Medium Multipurpose Transport

*Shaemarian Shem-Rhan Winged Justice Hyper-Dimensional Scout(sometimes operated by Sharmarrian crews in support of SSN operations)

*EShe-F01 Kamayari
*EShe-F02 Ryu
*EShe-F03 Kris
*EShe-F04 Arkawing Medium Aerospace Fighter (WIP)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Codex: Shemarrians(as of 3/5/2011)

And still more to come...
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Codex: Shemarrians(as of 3/5/2011)

And still more to come...

Yep...I didn't toss in the various small arms that have been created(probably will try to consolidate them in one repost), and I'm sure that there's been a few She-Mar races posted in the Dimensions threads under Fan Races...I think I recall at least one other...that should probably be accredited.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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CanX wrote:Inspired by the Shemarrian. Newton Ewell's art really left its mark on me when Sourcebook One came out: ... 208846324/

:ok: :ok: :ok:

That is....VERY amusing...

I've never had so much fun watching a plastic massacre unfold... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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*Looks at the codex list*

Damn guys, that's more than impressive. :ok:

Keep going. This stuff is awesome.

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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:*Looks at the codex list*

Damn guys, that's more than impressive. :ok:

Keep going. This stuff is awesome.

~ Josh

Thanks... 8) 8) 8) long as people are still interested(and WE're still interested), we'll keep doing it.
However, like Public Television, we solicite contributions...anybody with a Shemarrian idea's welcome to join in the fun. EShemarrians, Free Shemarrians, Shemarrian-Lookalikes, Shemarrian posers/wannabees, Friends of the Toaster ARCHIE-3, are all welcome to add their ideas here. So don't be shy! Your contribution may well determine the future of the Shemarrians!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:*Looks at the codex list*

Damn guys, that's more than impressive. :ok:

Keep going. This stuff is awesome.

~ Josh

Thanks... 8) 8) 8) long as people are still interested(and WE're still interested), we'll keep doing it.
However, like Public Television, we solicite contributions...anybody with a Shemarrian idea's welcome to join in the fun. EShemarrians, Free Shemarrians, Shemarrian-Lookalikes, Shemarrian posers/wannabees, Friends of the Toaster ARCHIE-3, are all welcome to add their ideas here. So don't be shy! Your contribution may well determine the future of the Shemarrians!

Donate now... or we'll have Goldy cry at you for 20 minutes... :D
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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And you don't want little Goldy crying; she cries in the sub- and hypersonic shake and dogs howl for miles around...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Check in this week to see how Vansent, Maj. Dalhousie & Hope Brightlance fare with the Saphire Cobra.

The gathering of free Shemmar progresses and the un-civil war begins its next phase. :D

P.S.; just a thought; but should I actually go about working on full story chapters or just the 'slice-o-life' bits?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:Check in this week to see how Vansent, Maj. Dalhousie & Hope Brightlance fare with the Saphire Cobra.

The gathering of free Shemmar progresses and the un-civil war begins its next phase. :D

P.S.; just a thought; but should I actually go about working on full story chapters or just the 'slice-o-life' bits?

Whatever you feel happiest with; all new material is welcome. :D 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

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Advanced Cultural Notes:(Shemarrian Star Nation) The Silvermoons

“By the Dark Gods! Is that an actual PHALANX!? Are they actually concentrating themselves to present us with a bigger target for our guns, especially after that announcement of their intent to drive us from this planet? Can they make it any easier for us?”
“Have a mind to your words, Altern! The fact that they announced their intent across all our communications channels, including our secured ones, speaks volumes of their capabilities. That, and the fact that they continue to jam us! We should be careful!”
“Bah! If these are their tactics, their jamming will not spare them casualties! Make sure my belt feed is clean, and we shall drop hell on them when they advance into our range!”
“Shield Sister! Attend me!”
With practiced ease and grace, the Warrior stepped foward, the shield swiveling off her back and unfolding fan-like into a protective screen in front of them. A flicker of blue danced across and over its surface as a forceshield came on.
“Grenadiers and laser cannon behind cover up there. Mortars likely behind them.”
“Deploy ballistic field defenses, then.”
Behind them, their War Steed grunted and settled to the ground, two wing-like appendages unfolded, forming a slope-walled open-topped bunker around them, the lancer and her shield-sister at the open end of the crescent. A glittering sphere on the end of an articulated arm rose from the rear saddle of the Steed.
“PeeEyeEel* activated. Warning and backtrack sensors active!”
“Good.” The lancer stepped forward and past her shield-sister, bringing her Light Lance down over her shoulder and settling it into place as she took careful aim, using triangulation from thescout pods hovering over the battlefield.
“Let us -enlighten- them as to why they should have left when we told them to.”
With that the Light Lance hummed as it discharged its first shot. Over a mile away a rocky ridge suddenly blinked with bright light, then a series of flashes and a billow of smoke. The lancer shifted her aim a fraction and the weapon hummed again; another part of the surrounding landscape flashed and burned, even as the sound of chain-firing munitions from the first strike finally rolled over the Silvermoon position. Beside the lancer and her shield-sister, other Lances hummed and fired, making the surrounding geography break out in bright points of light as the entrenched enemy positions began vaporizing. Flashes of red and yellow began breaking out elsewhere as panicked enemy soldiers began reflexively opening fire, despite the fact that the Silvermoons had not yet moved into range of their weapons, but simply continued to slaughter them with the superior range of their own.
Behind each fire team, articulated robotic arms swiveled and rose, laser-optics balls spinning and tracking. Responding to the cries of their forward trops, the enemy’s mortar and missile batteries were finally responding, projectiles arcing towards the Silvermoon phalanx. Flashes and puffs of smoke began to appear high in the sky as invisible laser blades stabbed up to meet them before they could fall on the Shemarrians, still bet to the task of sweeping away their would-be ambushers.

*PIL---Projectile Intercept Laser---A smaller version of an anti-missile Point Defense System.

Though generally regarded as one of the middling-strength Shemarrian Tribes, the Silvermoons are no slouches as powers-within-the-power that is the Shemarrian Star Nation. They possess the third largest starfleet among the Tribes, after the Hawkmoons and DarkWaters, and they number just fourth, behind the Horrorwoods. They are also a major economic power, generally acknowledged as the master miners and material processors of the SSN, Silvermoon asteroid mines supplying the Tribes with vital armor, construction materials, laser assemblies, optics, and other components. Though not opposed to planetary enclaves, the Silvermoons, like the Darkwaters, prefer a nomadic existence in space, or to settle asteroids and other commonplace rocky world(lets). Oftentimes, in collaboration with other Tribes who settle a planet, the Silvermoons will set up an enclave outpost on an available moon or plenatoid in the same system, ideally in orbit of the settled planet, giving the Shemarrian colony the benefit of Silvermoon industry and overwatch (given the dual role of Silvermoon laser-launch systems as anti-spacecraft batteries, a Silvermoon presence in one’s skies is a useful and welcome one).
Silvermoons are almost boastful of their paladin-like attitudes and open, some would say painfully obvious, tactics. They often fly or march openly into combat, grabbing their enemies’ attention with calls to surrender(or be destroyed), and reinterating the crimes(as they see them) of those they oppose. They stand for the lofty ideals of the SSN, arguably even louder in their dogma than the Hawkmoons. Glory and Honor are held almost as sacredly by the Silvermoons as by the Blood Riders, though for different reasons. They are also arguably the gaudiest dressers in the whole of the Shemarrian Star Nation; their polished chrome- and crystal-encrusted armor is very distinctive.
Silvermoon open-posturing, however, is not without merit. The Silvermoons boast some of the best metallurgists in the Shemarrian Star Nation. Silvermoon armor, of all types, generally has something extra to it, though their laser-reflective chrome is the most common and obvious. Second to their metallurgical talents is their expertise with photonics; Silvermoon laser weapons generally have 25% better range, and often better damage, than other contemporary systems. Silvermoons also make extensive use of personal shields in combat, both physical armored plates and forcefields, to deflect weapons fire while they themselves take aim and mow down their opponents. And while their tactics may seem suicidally simplistic, the Silvermoons are no idiots; they rarely venture onto the field unless they know they can demolish an enemy with superior firepower(typically at unexpected ranges) or can hold the enemy’s attention while those under the protection of the Silvermoons can retreat to safety. If called for, they can attack from ambush(perfectly legitimate if the enemy already knows they’re at war with the Silvermoons), and they will frequently use their reputations for verbose, declarative, showy displays of power to draw the enemy’s attention and distract them from other maneuverings.
It would almost be a cliche to say that vampires and other supernatural evil creatures of the night are the Silvermoons’ natural enemies. Given how the Silvermmons seek to bring light into darkness, and frequently carry silver-plated weapons (or other metallurgical poisons of importance, like Cold Iron, to supernaural beings) on their person, it is small wonder that many Creatures of Darkness hate and fear the arrival of the Silvermoons in their domain.
While Silvermoons get along very well with their fellow Tribes, they get along best with their kindred in the Darkmoons, the two space-based clans often developing resources in common. The Silvermoons also get along well with the Hawkmoons, though there is a bit of friendly competition between the two ‘moon’ clans. The Silvermoons and the Sapphire Cobras regard each other as different types of crazy, one worshipping a REPTILE and frequently dancing naked with a serpent wrapped around them under a full moon, while the other worships an airless satellite and frequently dance naked ON a moon. Silvermoons and Bloodriders share a common high regard for honor and glory, but the Bloodriders regard the Silvermoons’ fixation on a higher definition of honor beyond the individual to be somewhat pompous and pretentious(when it should be all about an individual’s honor and glory). Skullcrushers are seen as having deathwishes, and are generally given their space as sociopaths with issues, even as the Silvermoons trade them weapons systems and armor. The Silvermoons don’t have much contact with the Ghost Riders, and those few times they do cross paths, the ‘moons have come away with the impression of elusive, evasive, almost cowardly, assassins who rarely stand up and show themselves and their cause. The Silvermoons consider the Wayfinders interesting, and do much trade with them, especially in crystals and purified silver, but do not much avail themselves of the magic systems proffered by the Wayfinders and Hawkmoons(the exception is weapons useful against supernatural threats; the Silvermoons acquire lots of those from their sister Tribes). The Wolf’s Path and Horrorwoods are regarded as comrades and trade partners, but being primarily interested in settling life worlds, the latter two Tribes don’t have much contact with the Silvermoons except when a Silvermoon enclave is established on a satellite of a lifeworld or when the Tribes are engaged in joint invasion/raiding exercises.

Composition Notes:
*Mystics and Psi-Shamanesses---Silvermoon Mystics and Psi-Shamanesses tend to have a lunar, celestial, and astrological bent, frequently coaching their seeings and intuitions in terms of astrological portents or events.

*Yurei---The Silvermoon doesn’t advertize their ‘ninjas’, given their more open tactics, and it’s generally assumed that the Silvermoons have little truck with such ‘assassins’, but in fact the Yurei are as common on average among the Silvermoons as with any other Tribe. Silvermoon Yurei are simply that much less conspicious compared to their more shiny sisters, and their role that much more important is creeping around behind the lines to make sure that their paladin-kin aren’t simply walking into traps when they enter onto the battlefield.

*Preservers---The Silvermoons have the second smallest percentage of these massive Male Elites among their number(less than 2% of their total population), and they rarely bear much resemblance to natural trees anyways(‘green’ Shemar like the Horrorwoods consider the Silvermoon Preservers to not be true Preservers anyway). Silvermoon Preservers are often found lurking around asteroid and lunar ‘treefarms’ disguised as solar arrays, their own integral solar arrays pumping the power of any laser weaponry or accessory systems they have incorporated into themselves.

*NeR’Mar--- The Silvermoons are host to the largest concentration of NeR’Mar in the SSN; the aliens are regarded as kindred by the Silvermoons, who see them historically as ‘fellow victims of the Dark One’. NeR’Mar act as prospectors and scouts for the Silvermoons’ metallurgical and mining operations.

While the Silvermoons have the usual retinues of War Steeds and Shemarrian Wolves(with white or silver fur, though they are far less common among the Silvermoons than among other Tribes) in their forces, the most common companions of the Silvermoons are the Selens, small silver orb-like roboids. Most Silvermoons will have one or two of these ‘bots in constant attendance. The little busybody robots act as gophers, scouts, messengers, recorders, and personal secretary adjutants. Many Silvermoon NeR’Mar have larger, cruder, versions of the Selen ‘bots as tools/companions.
Anybody familiar with the NEMA Spybot series will see an immediate design kinship between them and the Selens, save that the Selens are more refined, advanced, and have more capable programming.

Stat Bonuses:
SSN Silvermoon Shemar enjoy the following bonuses:
-Laser Reflective Armor---Most Silvermoon body armors are chromed or crystal-inset so as that lasers do HALF damage.
*Silvermoon Berserkers have integrated laser-resistance built/woven into their skins, giving them a ‘bronzed’ look, or lending a ‘glitter’ shiny waxed or oiled look to their exposed psuedo-flesh. It provides a similar resistance to lasers as traditional chrome plate.

-Silvermoon laser weapons generally have 25% better range and 10-20% better damage.
*Silvermoon wrist lasers thus have an improved range; 2,500 ft, and do 3d6+1 MD per blast. Silvermoon Wargoddess eye-lasers have a range of 1,250 ft and do 1d8+1 MD per blast(2d8+1 MD for a simultaneous blast)

- Third Limb and Cybershields(See Rifts: Russia or Rifts Bionics Sourcebook)---Many Silvermoons have themselves fitted with a modular third limb that attaches to a socket in the middle of their backs between the shoulder blades to hold a cybershield or steady heavy laser weapons.

Sample Silvermoon Weapons:

*SilverMoon Laser Lanc
e(repost)---This weapon looks superficially like the standard Shemarrian Rail Gun, but is a powerful long range laser based on studies of Kittani power armor weapons. It can be powered by standard E-clips, E-Canisters, or by a power link to a vehicular or warmount powerplant. It is essentially a cyborg-portable laser cannon.
Weight: 130 lbs +15 lbs per e-canister, +60 lbs for super E-pack
Range: 9,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD light blast, 2d4x10+20 MD per heavy blast
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 4 light shots/1 heavy shot per standard E-clip, 8 light/2 heavy shots per long e-clip, 32 light/16 heavy shots per e-canister, 400 light/100 heavy shots a super E-pack, unlimited if tied to a dedicated nuclear power source. The Silvermoons also have a regenerating e-canister that has 30 light/ 15 heavy shots and regenerates 4 shots per hour, up to seven times.
Bonuses: Integral laser targeting and computer sight adds a +2 to strike
Note: The Laser Lance CANNOT be fitted with a bayonet.

*Silvermoon Eshe-LPP800 Laser Pulse Rifle---This is simply a refined and improved version of the heritage-era She-LPP80 Laser Pulse Rifle, with better range, damage, and efficiency. This weapon is commonly issued to Silvermoon NeShemar ‘militias’ and affiliated forces. CAN be fitted with a vibro-bayonet.
Range: 3,750 ft
Damage: 1d6+1 MD per single shot, 4d6+4 MD per five shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 90 single blasts or 18 pulse blasts per E-clip
Bonuses: +1 to strike
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by kronos »

I wonder what type of APCs the different tribes would use? Besides any shuttles or drop ships they might have. I could see the Sapphire Cobras having something of a large GEV/hovercraft shaped kind of like a cobra, the mouth would open to disgorge troops, the cobra hood would be 'wings' to contain the gev/hover jets and weapons. Could also be amphibious and the 'tail' part could act as a more silent means of propulsion by moving to allow it to swim silently, perhaps?
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

kronos wrote:I wonder what type of APCs the different tribes would use? Besides any shuttles or drop ships they might have. I could see the Sapphire Cobras having something of a large GEV/hovercraft shaped kind of like a cobra, the mouth would open to disgorge troops, the cobra hood would be 'wings' to contain the gev/hover jets and weapons. Could also be amphibious and the 'tail' part could act as a more silent means of propulsion by moving to allow it to swim silently, perhaps?

...working on it... had a really crappy week and haven't been allowed due to powers that be to even be allowed to "think"..and this weekend was worse
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:I wonder what type of APCs the different tribes would use? Besides any shuttles or drop ships they might have. I could see the Sapphire Cobras having something of a large GEV/hovercraft shaped kind of like a cobra, the mouth would open to disgorge troops, the cobra hood would be 'wings' to contain the gev/hover jets and weapons. Could also be amphibious and the 'tail' part could act as a more silent means of propulsion by moving to allow it to swim silently, perhaps?

Haven't given much shrift to Shemarrian Star Nation vehicles, as opposed to War Mounts and Ships...between the Codex-listed WIPs and some late night inspirations for the individual tribes, I haven't given much thought to conventional vehicles...For now, I'm assuming the Shemarrians purchase/acquire/salvage black market stuff and modify it to a Shemarrian aesthetic, with Shemarrian gear, and let young Warriors, Males, Tinkers, or, more commonly, NeShemar operate them.

If anybody will have a stable of vehicles, especially hovervehicles, it will be the Horrorwoods and Wolf's Path. The SkullCrushers may have a few artillery platforms and MBTs(or things dripping with enough raw firepower and armor plate to pass as MBTs), the Ghost Riders like their 'mystery machines'(inconspicious disguised electronics vans and camouflaged warwagons that would make James Bond's Q green with envy), while the DarkMoons would definiitely have submarines, even before they left Rifts Earth and the formation of the Shemarrian Star Nation.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Honestly, the E-Shemarr (especially the Saphire Cobra and Wayfinder) wouldn't really think of conventional ground vehicles. Their entire mind-set (even after awakening) tends towards self-mobility and warmounts. It really never occours to them to use "dead-metal" machines, aside from the really large flying ones (or in the case of the Darkwater, submarines).

That being said, if they ever befriended...saaaayyyyy a MK 23 or better Bolo... :demon: :love: :nuke:
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:Honestly, the E-Shemarr (especially the Saphire Cobra and Wayfinder) wouldn't really think of conventional ground vehicles. Their entire mind-set (even after awakening) tends towards self-mobility and warmounts. It really never occours to them to use "dead-metal" machines, aside from the really large flying ones (or in the case of the Darkwater, submarines).

That being said, if they ever befriended...saaaayyyyy a MK 23 or better Bolo... :demon: :love: :nuke:

Or, dare I say, Fourth Imperium(of Man) Warmoon with AI? :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:Honestly, the E-Shemarr (especially the Saphire Cobra and Wayfinder) wouldn't really think of conventional ground vehicles. Their entire mind-set (even after awakening) tends towards self-mobility and warmounts. It really never occours to them to use "dead-metal" machines, aside from the really large flying ones (or in the case of the Darkwater, submarines).

That being said, if they ever befriended...saaaayyyyy a MK 23 or better Bolo... :demon: :love: :nuke:

Or, dare I say, Fourth Imperium(of Man) Warmoon with AI? :twisted:

Now that's just crazy talk ;)
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

No, crazy talk and mindscrewery is the idea I'm about to drop now, for which you may just decide to kill me....

Sailor Moon Lookalikes: The Shemarrians.

Maybe it's because of some old sick joke played by Archie-3, basing the appearance of some of his creations on pre-Rifts anime characters, or maybe it's just the Megaverse having a bad day, or maybe the Palladium Trickster at work. Maybe it's just a sick, sick idea put out by a bored RPGplayer while stuck in rush hour traffic, but that bunch of Shemarrians looks strangely familiar:

Serenity Lunasfire---Silvermoon Chieftain. Not a klutz, not an airhead, but she has on occasion she's said "In the name of the Moon I shall (maim, expunge, exterminate, annihilate) you!" Likes heavy ranged weapons and drinking straight laser coolant.

Minako OroHuntress---Wolf's Path Warrior. A lone wolf, commanding a pack of Shemarrian Wolves. Known to be a 'love 'em and leave'em' type when it comes to consorting with outsiders. Has a hatred of Cherubim and kills them on sight.
Artemis---Her 'familiar'; actually a multi-body collective intelligence AI embedded in Minako's wolfpack.

Ami IceHellion--Wayfinder Warrior. Graduated from Acolite.

Reye Coronal Firestormer---Bloodrider Berserker-Zealot and Psi-Shamaness. Quiet psychotic. Yeah, she has pyrokinesis too.

Matako Yggdrasildoter---Horrorwoods Warrior. Likes BIG ion weapons and dinosaur stampedes.

Hotaru ShadowMistress---Darkwater Yurei---Small, innocent-looking, she carries a unique experimental folding-frame sportable singularity projector/grav lance as her personal weapon. It's always the quiet ones.

Michiru Sireness---Darkwaters Seeress. Has a thing for water-based and sonic TW weaponry.

Haruka Spinebreaker---SkullCrusher Berserker, with all that implies. Once lost a contest for a Greater Rune Blade found on a captured Splugorth ship, to a BloodRider NeShemar Berserker, and has been sulking ever since. Several subsequent challenges of the same NeShemar to win back the blade simply resulted in Haruka losing her choicer weapons. She's been known to work out her frustration on Brodkil and Splugorth Minions by snapping their spines with her bare hands.

Ssessuna Eons-gazer---Sapphire Cobra Medusa* Psi-Shamaness. ALL Sapphire Cobra priestesses are strange, but Ssessuna is exceptionally out there. Favorite weapon: a Greater Rune staff made from a Temporal Raider.
*(Yeah, the Sapphire Cobra Medusa is a new Elite I'm working on. You might already guess some of their details) :twisted:

And yes, there is NO Tuxedo Mask represented here...If somebody absolutely MUST have that weenie Endymion represented, fine, it will be by nothing less than a twelve-foot tall full conversion cyborg who knows how to fight, and likes serious long-range 'borg portable artillery(applicants for the role can start lining up behind the Soviet artillery-trooper).

Also, yes, the HawkMoons and the GhostRiders are NOT represented..why? Because the Hawkmoons are too rational for this silliness, and the GhostRiders already got their own share of 'heritage lookalikes' ;) .

And yeah, I can foresee a xover where:
"Beware Evildoers! Parks are for sunning and funning, and not stepping out of violations of the space/time comm--conn---costi--what the HECK am I saying?!---hey, you us?! Why the heck's that?!"
"Because they're YOUMA, meatball head!"
"Oh, in that case! In the Name of the Moon, We will---"
#"I think they're planning on attacking us! I'm detecting a build-up of PPE among them!"#
#"So they are! OPEN FIRE! FIRE FOR EFFECT!"#
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by DhAkael »

You sir, are a very very very troubled man :D
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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Re: Shemarrian-related fan creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Darien looked, first up, then down. Neither look showed anything promising.
Looking up showed a twelve-foot tall mountain of articulated metal, all angles and plates, summited by a roughly head-shaped mass of armor, the confluence of angled metal on its front describing an approximation of a face. Several swathes of dark paint highlighted the lens-like eyes in an approximation of a mask. Topping the whole ensemble was what looked like a stovepipe hat made from real stovepipe, tacked haphazardly atop the giant.
Looking down showed a single rose pinched between two fingers of a massive metallic paw of a hand.
#"Was that supposed to do anything besides scratch my paint?"#
The voice was heavy with reverb, as if it was coming from deep inside a missile silo.
#"Judging from your action, I'd say it was supposed to."#
Next thing Tuxedo Mask knew, that same giant hand was moving at him like a bullet train with the throttle wide open....


Another cloud of dust and debris sprang up over the rooftops of Tokyo, not far from the larger one lit by flashes and roiled by thunderclaps...

Yeah, for some reason this week, rather than focus on my Codex-listed WIPs, I got a sudden surge of ideas for the Sapphire Cobras(maybe the displaced snakes of Ireland found a new home in my head? Or maybe this is a result of the disasterous Sapphire Cobra expedition to Ireland?), so the snake-ladies might be getting some coverage soon.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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