Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Tactical Doctrine
“Hit ‘em where they ain’t”
“Don’t be where they is”
“Fire GOOD!”
“Try everything...something’s gotta work!”
----Popular GNE Regular Army Sayings

GNE tactical doctrine has often been criticized for being logistics-heavy, owing to Paladin Steel’s mass-production and acquisition of various weapons systems, and tactical planners’ insistence on all of them being deployed. This is based on the argument, called the ‘kitchen sink approach’, that in order to overcome the strengths of any opponent, such as resistance to certain types of attack, or advanced technology, combat units must be prepared, and equipped, to hit an enemy with a variety of weapons types. Eschewing logistical standardization in favor of a diverse modularity and individual preference of weapons types, GNE military units often seem overburdened with a confusing load of redundant weapons types, including energy weapons, projectile cannon, missile launchers, and magic instruments. In reality, though, the GNE has tried hard to standardize ammunition types, and issue e-clip adaptors, and has forced weapons designers to include multi-ammunition acceptance/compatibility into their weapons(such as missile packs having provision to be refitted with Kera-Tech EMP-munitions and other upgrades).
Likewise, troops are equally mixed, to create teams with a diverse mix of attack types and skills. Though this may mean a given unit has less overall concentrated firepower than a more specialized unit of specific troop-types, the average GNE military squad or platoon is better prepared for any eventuality than many other nationalist forces. This means that anyone tangling with a ‘typical’ GNE unit will likely find themselves running into an unexpected rapid graduation of firepower from small arms to heavy weapons and magic as the opposing soldiers probe their opponents’ weaknesses with recon-by-fire.
Tactical doctrine is designed to take advantage of this diversity of arms, with an emphasis on mobility and hard-hitting firepower. GNE soldiers are taught to quickly recon an enemy, select a likely point of attack, strike hard and fast, retreat, regroup, maneuver, then strike again. If the enemy proves too tough for the unit in question, the soldiers take note of the most effective attack-types, the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses, position, and heading, and relay that information to other units, who either move to engage the enemy directly, or call in long-range fire support, such as artillery or air strikes. Units will often use closely coordinated attacks to distract and harass an enemy, drawing their attention to one side, while mounting the real attack from the other, then repeating the process until the attacking units are exhausted or the enemy is destroyed/routed.
Robots are frequently used as force-multipliers to confuse and distract an opponent in the same way. While the expense of constructing and deploying large numbers of robots is more expensive than arming equivalent numbers of living soldiers, the GNE believes that the cost is worth saving valuable lives, better used elsewhere. While not afraid of causalities, the GNE military does not believe in selling the lives of its men cheaply....
This same diversity of arms extends to vehicle formations....One rarely finds formations found wholly of one type of vehicle, such as MBTs or hovercraft. Armored units will frequently have a recon/screening element of light hovercraft or ground armored cars, helicopters and GMR aircraft will have an escort element of flying power armors to recon and point defense for them, transport aircraft and attack aircraft will have an escort element of faster moving fighters, power armors, or even drones. This policy even extends to small naval units, who will deploy screens of light aircraft, recon drones, smaller surface combatants, and underwater squadrons of submarine drones and sub-fighters. Should the larger vehicles find themselves in a tight situation, the smaller units can draw off enemy fire, attack from the flanks, and provide cover fire during a retreat. Likewise, the lighter units can expect their ‘big brother/sister’ to provide covering fire and support should they find themselves in trouble.

The Defense of the GNE
The GNE has been watching the various wars being fought out west and north with an eye towards seeing what works best, and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their enemies(this includes the Splugorth to the east).
The GNE is somewhat hampered by their location in that they don’t have vast areas of underpopulated terrain to wage the sort of guerilla war that the Quebecois had fought, or the vast buffer zones of sympathetic villages and hamlets to bog down an enemy offensive as in Minnesota. The Long House Preserve Mohawks have already voiced their own concerns that any war that started out as a pure Coalition-Quebec-GNE feud that pulls in the Amerindians will ultimately degenerate into a bloody affair that will have the Indians attacking everyone, no exceptions.
Still, the GNE military feel that the best way to defend against likely invasion is to fight the battles elsewhere....To this end the development of power projection capabilities, and hidden outposts and foreign bases is taking increasing priority...Such assets being the better to hide caches of men and material, and from which to launch preemptive strikes, flank attacks, and diversionary assaults.
In the meantime, the static defenses of the GNE have been built up, making maximum advantage of New England’s hilly terrain. The landscape is dotted with bunkers and fortifications of various sizes and purpose, river valleys are lined with rapid-deploy obstacles(often disguised as ‘flood control devices’ or ‘hydrological projects’), while the cities and major towns are ringed with hilltop watch towers, air defense stations, and early warning radars(often with triple redundancy against HARM attacks), backed by mobile units.
The air defense system is particularly elaborate, consisting of both fixed laser and missile batteries(buried bunkers and silos), moving radar pickets, and mobile weapons(including truck-carriage autocannon, trailer-towed armored cannon turrets, and truck-borne missile batteries), providing defense in depth, with a high degree of redundancy that makes it difficult for an enemy to target the AAA defenses. In an emergency, rapidly-seeded minefields can be set up, though the military rarely does this if it anticipates retaking that same ground fairly soon, owing to the hazards of advancing into one’s previously placed ordnance. On the other hand, mining the OTHER guy’s harbors and facilities is perfectly legitimate practice, at the very least delaying enemy resupply efforts and forcing them to divert manpower to clear the mines and hunt down the minelayers.
In the event that the GNE should be attacked by a dedicated invasion force, either Coalition, Quebecois, or Splugorth, it is hoped that these fortifications, manned by militia and citizen-guard troops, will slow down an advancing enemy long enough for highly mobile Regular Army formations to move to reinforce, flank, and attack the enemy from behind. While the enemy is engaged attacking the defenses, special forces, including the Navy and the overseas forces would then launch attacks on the enemy’s home ground(Coalition cities and resource centers, Splugorth Atlantis, etc...) forcing the enemy to divide their attention to deal with the new fronts. As a last resort, the Space Forces would be called in, and the use of nuclear weapons approved in a truly desperate situation(likely accompanied by the evacuation of key VFS/PS/GNE personnel and major cities through magic gates to the rest of the Alliance nations).

“Must be willing to look Hell in the face on a daily basis---that’s part of the job description.”

Technologically armed bandits and enemy nations, nor rogue monsters, are not the only threats faced by the peoples of the GNE; perhaps more destructive and insidious than the average rampaging supernatural killer is the cunning, secretive supernatural killer. To counter those creatures that like to lay low and build up their strength, the military and police forces of the GNE contribute to the formation of HorrorHunter squads, whose duty is to reply to calls for assistance in suspected incidents of supernatural predation, or to patrol regions of suspected trouble ‘baiting’ for any presence there. This means facing everything from psionic and magical attack, sticking limbs into dark evil places, and facing unknown colors of evil----new monsters and horrible magic. Duty on a HorrorHunter squad is strictly voluntary, with only a small additional combat pay recompense, but the GNE seems to have no problem finding volunteers for this extra-hazardous duty.
HorrorHunter squads typically number ten people who have all experience or training in supernatural identification and lore (at least 3-4 levels of experience and a minimal M.E. rating of 14), and mandatory squad makeup calls for at least two psychics(or d-bees with psionic abilities), a magic user, 2-3 partial cyborgs(or 1-1 full conversions, or especially strong/powerful non-human or human mutant), a communications expert, and a heavy weapons team---drawn from the Regular Army or local militia. All will be armed with a variety of weapons, including 2-3 silver-based or wood weapons(most common weaknesses of many supernatural beasts), and half will be armed with some sort of magic or multiplexor weaponry. Incendiary and high explosive weapons are also common issue. An average HorrorHunter squad will have two vehicles(APCs or airborne troop carrier) with remote communications capability. Power armors and robot vehicles(especially small, light types like the PS Mantis and Mongrel) are sometimes tacked on to a squad for additional firepower and overwatch. Elite units of greater expertise may have more firepower available to them, but the situations they are called into to investigate tend to be that much more dangerous.
Standard operating procedure calls for an investigating HorrorHunter squad to break into two five-man teams, one taking point, and the other performing overwatch and maintaining communications uplinks between the point team and home base(this duty is rotated on missions). In this way, if anything should happen to one team, the other team can report the particulars of the first team’s disappearance or loss, and move to continue overwatch and containment of the situation, until additional reinforcements can be called up. Then, the second team can be ordered in as point to arriving troops, to follow up or evacuate any survivors of the first team. If communications with BOTH(especially the overwatch team) teams is lost, then their home base/sector command will immediately scrabble high speed recon to check on the situation, or vector in neighboring units to assess the situation and provide rescue/fire support. Gathering reliable information on a threat is priority, given the abilities exhibited by many monstrous threats, as well as fast, and decisive action to protect the lives of personnel.
This system has worked quite well so far, though some critics contend that many HorrorHunter teams tend to be rather trigger-happy and shadow-shy ‘bug hunters’, believing that their mission directives give them permission to shoot first and dissect the remains later.
The Horror Hunter teams are also one of the few parts of the VFS/GNE where religion becomes of official notice of the authorities. Though the GNE ruling government takes little notice of what and how people worship, as long as it doesn’t involve blood sacrifice and the abuse of the commonsense GNE Charter, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, the military makes it a point to recruit practitioners of religion, particularly priests, for Horror Hunter duties, as many monsters have proven susceptible to particular religious symbols and holy recitations. Unfortunately, this can become quite a sticky issue, requiring careful screening and consideration, as not all troops may subscribe to a particular religious view, or even tolerate them, and many of the priests selected don’t always accept the ‘hands off and do your duty’ stipulations given them by their nominal military commanders. The near mutiny of the 95th ‘Holy Hammers’ Company, noted for its large number of Thor-worshippers, when they were assigned a chaplain of the Ahura Mazda faith, is a case in point. However, examples like the 17th ‘Illuminating Scourge’ Anti-Vampire Company, operating in New Mexico, with its innovative use of silver cross-carrying golems under the direction of the Company’s rabbi, prove that with a common foe to face, religious differences can be set aside quite equitably and their strengths alloyed to excellent effect.

Militia/National Guard
“Just like in the days of our forefathers in this land....anyone coming into New England intent on making trouble is going to find every town against them, every bridge boobytrapped, every road mined, every river rigged, every tree and every wall hiding a sniper...we’re everywhere, and we’ll use every dirty trick in the book to defend every inch of our home soil!”
----Lance Corporal Dale Gayar, Militiaman

“New England produces four things in abundance to the exception of all else; rocks, bramble, poison ivy, and overeducated weapon-toting maniacs. Everywhere you travel in the region, you are certain to trip over at least one of them.“
----Captain Lawrence Cahill, Free Quebec Intelligence Service, in a report on the ‘GNE Problem’.

The backbone of the GNE defensive structure continues to be the citizen levy. These are the small community military forces, often doubling as local police forces, that consist largely of semi-trained able-bodied community members who practice every other weekend, have expertise with a weapon or two, and who are commanded by a core of more experienced citizen-soldiers and ex-career military. A registered Militiaman in the GNE is issued a suit of light or medium EBA, a rifle and sidearm, a backpack of basic survival supplies, equipment belt, and a radio(tuned to the community emergency frequencies), is trained in their use, and is expected to have them ready at hand and ready to go in an emergency. Militia in the GNE are expected to monitor and protect their respective communities, as well as assist the police with situations requiring heavier firepower; in time of war they are expected to help police rear echelon areas, man fortifications, protect any installations or facilities in their area, oversee traffic routes and supply lines, and protect civilians, including organizing evacuation and disaster relief operations. Given the community-based nature of the militia, it is not expected that militia troops would be assigned to any coordinated offensive actions or operations outside the GNE or even on the other side of the State; militia are considered strictly defensive support troops. Militia are the troops PCs are most likely to encounter in any great numbers casually traveling through the GNE.
It is unknown how many militia troopers the GNE can call up in an emergency, given the nebulous nature of the GNE’s borders and the number of communities beholding to them, but conservative estimates say that perhaps an additional 80,000-150,000 troops(most of 1-4th level proficiency) can be called to defend the GNE.

Standard Kit and Armor
Aside from the basic kit, the militia have probably the most motley assemblage of equipment and training in the GNE, as most communities with any surplus funds try to outfit their own militia as they see fit, or, if they choose not to, or can’t, are supplied with surplus hardware, including confiscated gear acquired by the GNE police, or donated by community members(mainly ex-mercenaries). Most militia are thus equipped with a mix of common Northern Gun, Black Market, Wilks, even some d-bee, Naruni, and Triax gear, ranging from basic hand weapons and armor to some fairly impressive heavy vehicles and robots. In an effort to standardize equipment, cement relations between the various small communities and the central government, and aid the smaller communities in defending themselves, the GNE subsidizes the Militia by equipping them with light EBA(the older-pattern Bushman is standard, albeit with new helmets), ‘Smasher’ Ion Pulse Submachine Guns, Partisan Laser Rifle, Luzi Pulse Lasers, ‘Flextech’ multi-munition rifles, PS Waybur OIC, heavy weapons such as the Serap Plasma Projector, PS GPMG M43 ‘Fritz’ General Purpose Machine Gun, and 30mm ‘Banger’ AGL, and vehicles like the Ontos II Light Tank, Greyhound Armored Car, Daniel Boone Scout Car, and Asateague Hover Scouts. Damnthing tank‘bots and Scuttler robots are also commonly deployed by the Militia.
Militia Colors: Militia typically wear a simpler fatigue-style uniform similar to the Regular Army, but in a lighter shade of green.

GNE Regular Army It was feeding time in the slave pens.
The guards in their shiny livery moved about their rounds, A collective moan of despair shuddered through the dimly lit halls and the adjoining cells, as the various inmates breathed another unwelcome breath of captivity, punctuated by the dopplering scream of a slave chosen for ‘special purposes’ and hauled away, or the grunted agonies of a half-dead would-be rebel hauled back in from punishment.
It was then that the doors at the upper end of the room swung open. The guards closest turned away, blinking at the sudden brightness, and ready to curse at the new arrivals.
Instead of the expected retinue of fresh guards, however, four totally different figures stood in the doorway, one short, rotund creature in overlapping plates of armor, a fat stumpy tail whipping about furiously, a taller humanoid in similar armor twirling a small disc-like object at the end of a short cord depending from one three-fingered hand, a lanky, three-legged stump of a creature, with three massively muscular arms, and three snakelike heads, and a tall, massive, slab of a biped, that seemed to be carved from living stone. About the only thing the four had in common was that they all wore something green; forest green armor for the first two, gossamer robes of green on the third, and several sashes of green metallic chain on the last...that, and the fact that all were armed...heavily, in fact.
“<akfgdftkahfgga!!>” The small creature piped shrilly, stumpy fingers playing over the artillery piece slung across its chest.
“I agree...quite a collection these sickos have accumulated here...”, observed the second, with a twirl of the monofilament yoyo.”What does the Good Book say in circumstances like these, Padre?”
“What it says, mine brothers in arms, is that no being shall hold another in bondage!” loudly proclaimed the tripod as it swept forward, its multiple heads bobbing and weaving in chorus.” And the Book says most clearly that ‘THOU SHALT NOT SUFFER A SLAVER TO LIVE!’ And so it is our DUTY to pass sentence on these vile beings who hold others in most unbrotherly confinement and dire spiritual torment, not for punishment, but for PERVERTED entertainment and TWISTED profit! Our DUTY, for we are known as the mad dogs of war, angels of bright deliverance, destroyers of the darkness, brothers in arms, and the Terrible Hand of Devastation, yet we are also a compassionate people, willing and able to extend the hand of brotherhood, or sisterhood, to those less fortunate than ourselves, extended hands in compassion, and wisdom, and unconditional LOVE. YES, we shall shrive this place of all who do not belong here, and when we are done here, we shall undo these wretched works, cast it all, and those who claim this place as theirs into the deepest Abyss!”
Now the giant slab ground forward and volunteered; “ What he just said is that we be here to kick yo’ ass, free the hostages, and bury youse when we pull this place down on top of whut ‘s left.”
And they did just that.
And it was good.

One of the big steps in moving beyond a mere coalition of communities united by a common corporate employer/patron, to the status of a nation, was the formalization and organization of a national armed forces and standing army. The GNE Regular Army, as it is called, consists of troops with more formal training and experience than the average Militiaman, though most of them are still considered to be ‘citizen soldiers’ holding down jobs outside their military responsibilities. The GNE Regular Army saw its first action as such during the tensions of the Seaway Incident, when, in early 104 PA, the Regular Army faced off against the Free Quebec Army in the territories surrounding the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Though fighting never broke out, and tensions were eventually eased through diplomacy, the incident saw the first time that the Vermont Free State military had turned out on an extra-national(i.e. outside their pre-Rifts borders in force) matter.
The Regular Army is tasked with manning the various rapid-response posts, border security fortresses, and conducting patrols along and outside the GNE’s official borders. In peacetime they monitor traffic across the border, assist the militia in monster- and bandit-control operations, and guard GNE airspace. In time of war the Regular Army would move in response to any border threats, reinforcing the militia, and even conduct offensive operations outside the GNE in pro-active support of defensive operations(preemptive strikes). The Regular Army has also, since its formation, split off several other divisions to form the GNE’s Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force.
The Regular Army is well-equipped, well-organized, and disciplined, with a high morale and loyalty to the GNE as a whole. Though versed in heavy armored combat, they are also trained in guerilla tactics, with an emphasis on fast, hard-hitting, mobile tactics, using traps and decoys to confuse an enemy, and thus cover a larger area of territory more effectively with limited manpower. The ready integration of non-humans in their ranks also means that GNE troopers are more familiar with the strange and unusual, and tend to be less likely to bolt or panic when faced with the unexpected and the monstrous(optional rule: +1 to save versus Horror Factor).

Standard Kit and Armor
The original standard issue armor of the GNE Regular Army was modified Bushman-pattern EBA(though heavier armors are available if requested) in camouflage colors. The Regular Army is currently replacing the old pattern Bushmen armors, especially after several incidents where outside forces infiltrated the GNE disguised as GNE soldiers in Bushmen EBAs...after the 108 PA kidnapping and murder of PS executive Tarv Hallock, the Regular Army has implemented several major changes in the standard armor, including a new, distinctly ‘Vermont’, design of EBA to ease identification problems at a glance. The standard weapons of the Regular Army are the Maximus Laser Rifle(replacing the old NG and Wilks Laser Rifles and redistributing the older weapons to the police and militia), PSLP-1B ‘Adder’ Heavy Laser Pistol, Waybur OIC, and PSPSR-2 ‘Nimro’ Plasma Rifle. Other weapons now entering service and becoming popular with the Regular Army include the Serap Plasma Cannon, and the ‘BlueBolt’ Particle Beam Rifle. About 50% of all soldiers carry the Maximus Laser Rifle, another 10% carry the Waybur OIC as their weapon of choice, 10% favor the STARifle railgun, 15% carry some other PS-made weapon(such as the Viper, Murchison, or SuperBAR particle beam rifle ), and 15% carry Alliance weapons acquired from their allies. The most common heavy weapons(carried by at least one man in every squad) are the PS Taskin Assault Cannon, PS-RFL2-30 “Blazer” Rapid-Fire Infantry Laser, the PPR-3 ‘Serap’ Plasma Cannon, and the PSPPR05 ‘Lewiston’ Light Plasma Cannon.
Micro-Missile launchers and automatic grenade launchers are also common throughout the GNE military; the former especially for close air protection, and the latter for tactical support.
The GNE military has also managed to acquire several thousand K-TIP-A Infantry Backpacks from PS partner Kera-Tech, with hopes to acquire more in the future, as field deployment of this equipment has proven most satisfactory.(By 110 PA, PS will begin license-producing their own, as well as variants.).

The standard and most common combat vehicles in the GNE Regular Army include the Rattlesnake APC, Black Bear Medium MBT, and the FireDrake heavy hovertank. The Bandersnatch Hovertank, Chandar hovertank, and Lynx wheeled tank are also coming into service, providing a heavy, fast, assault element.
Artillery support is provided by artillery SPGs, and modified Megabago and SuperVan vehicles, many of which are being refitted with PS’s series of heavy massdriver cannons. The GNE is arguably the second largest user of conventional artillery after the Coalition, with artillery support available at all levels, from portable mortars to the larger A-G-conveyed heavy pieces. Towed artillery pieces are less common; typically used by militia units and training forces.
The GNE does have a very large Armored Infantry contingent trained in, and are equipped with, the PSA-11-series power armor, which has become a standard power armor of the GNE, along with the heavy artillery-packing PSA-12.
The GNE continues to use the Black Titan-series and of robots as recon and screening vehicles, but the main battle role has been steadily assumed by the Mantis and Rottweiler ‘bots coming into service(PS is currently discontinuing several earlier recon-bot designs, now outclassed, in favor of better equipped and more mobile machines, such as the new Sopok), as well as increasing numbers of heavy robot units such as the Bardolph, FireShriek, and Patriot.
O.C.C.s common to the Greater New EnglandArmy:
Headhunter(all varieties)
Full Conversion Cyborg
Light Machine Cyborg(equiv.)
Heavy Machine Cyborg(equiv.)
Assault Shocktrooper Cyborg(equiv.)
Military Special Forces
Academy Officer(N&SS)
RPA “Flyboy”(Equivalent---with an emphasis on PS hardware)
Wilderness Scout(Especially Ranger units)
‘Borg Soldier
Burster Psychic
Smoker Mage(See Rifts: Manhunter)
TechnoWizard(all varieties)

Regular Army Colors: The Regular Army uniform is distinguished by its dark and forest-green color scheme, as much camouflage as a statement of principle; the GNE favors practicality and a no-nonsense, no-frills, approach to military matters that lacks the ostentation and ornamentation of other armies. Or as some wags have called it; the “Proud to be Drab” philosophy.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Notable Units:
1st Army---

‘First to Fight, and Last Ones Standing’

First Army is deployed along the GNE’s western and northern frontiers, watching for trouble with the Quebecois, and Coalition intrusions. The First was the ‘great experiment’ in large force organization for the VFS and, as result, it is among the best equipped , with the latest hardware from Paladin Steel and the Alliance. The armies are balanced formations of heavy armor and artillery units manning the fortifications and garrisons of the ‘Western Wall’ and far-ranging Ranger and Special Forces units combing through the wilderness looking for trouble...
Despite this, the 1st Army has somehow acquired a reputation for being ‘second-rate’ soldiers, on account of their assignment as a permanent Homeguard, and the perception that they live lives of comparative ease while manning cozy garrisons in the inner core of the GNE...Nothing could be further from the truth. With the heart of the VFS/GNE so close to the disputed borders with Free Quebec, the 1st Army is on constant alert, aware that in event of a sneak attack from either the Coalition or Free Quebec from the ‘Saint Lawrence Corridor’ , they will be the main defense, and have little warning time to prepare counteroffensive action. The various units of the First have also bore the bulk of fighting against the Coalition, having proved themselves in the Battle of New Wilson, the constant fighting in the Great Lakes region, and border skirmishes with the forward units of Free Quebec.

The 1st Army currently consists of FOUR Divisions, 1-4
Current commander of the First is General Maryanne ‘ Castle’ Koch, 14th level Headhunter, a human/ogre half-blood female who tends to be conservative in her policies, favoring defense in depth. She has also been a major force in spurring the development and deployment of new weapons systems, such as the J-series MassDriver Cannon system, and takes a serious interest in personally field-testing new vehicles being developed and deployed by Paladin Steel. More than once, a new vehicle sent to be tested, has been returned to the company, covered in muck and debris, with various notes, observations, and recommendations grease-penciled on it for all to see....a sure sign that the ‘Castle’ has been at work...

General Wayne Macek commands the 2nd Division, and has earned the nickname ‘the Mole’ and ‘Trapdoor ‘ for peppering the landscape in the regions under his command with hidden bunkers, fortified outposts, and concealed defensive works, from which his men can launch high speed patrols, lightning raids, and sorties. Macek’s men have become so adept at constructing such positions in western New York that they’ve managed to capture at least three Coalition and Free Quebec commando teams that have tried to infiltrate the VFS/GNE, not realizing that they had already entered GNE territory....

General Alar Wetton, a 10th level Wolfen Military Specialist, commands the 3rd. This unit distinguished itself in the Siege of New Rochester, outmaneuvering and decimating two larger Coalition divisions. His heavy armor units, nicknamed the ‘Steel Orchestra’, proved particularly adept at shattering Coalition supply lines and depots with fast, mobile artillery strikes, the heavy guns of the Division’s tanks tearing into grounded APCs and DHTs, then retreating under cover fire from hovercraft-borne missile batteries, and pulling pursuing SAMAS and SkyCycles into triple-A traps.

General Berlin ‘Hit Low’ Lowe commands the 4th Division, and his units have tangled with both the Coalition and Free Quebec militaries on occasion, but have always managed to extricate themselves with minimal casualties and, in the case of the Quebecois, little to provoke anything more than a lukewarm diplomatic protest. This is amazing, since the recon units under his command have scored some amazing intelligence coups on the Free Quebec military, infiltrating their territory and shadowing their movements before retreating, undetected, back across the border.

Colonel Arin Blade is in one of the notable bright stars of Military Intelligence. A physically striking, but personally quite modest, human of extraterrestrial origins, Col. Blade possesses an amazing aptitude at data analysis, aided in part by his considerable psionic talents. The Colonel’s extrapolations of enemy capabilities and future actions from often ambiguous data have been correct more than eighty percent of the time, and the intel missions he has had a hand in planning and directing have had an astonishing success rate. The Colonel has been seen to wear a strange, jewel-like amulet on his wrist, and has occasionally made reference to his tour of duty with another military organization, previous to coming to Rifts Earth, but the secretive Blade is reluctant to discuss in any detail his past, aside from his strong personal beliefs and dedication to the service. He is, however, an outspoken advocate of the GNE Constitution, proclaiming it to be a ‘document of True Civilization’, and supports the Expansionist cause of seeking allies and establishing various protectorates from which the GNE can launch further exploration and build stronger alliances.

Notable Units:
The 1st Battalion(‘Fighting First’)
This was the first formal large combat formation of the VFS Regular Army, and it first saw action during the St. Lawrence Incident when the troops of the 1st maneuvered and sparred with the forces sent by Free Quebec. The 1st is on permanent station along the St. Lawrence Zone, keeping an uneasy eye on their opposite numbers across the Zone. The 1st has a large concentration of armored vehicles and power armors, and oversees a large number of fortifications and air defense sites in the region.

Current commander of the 1st is Major-General Valan Yovick, a 10th level Elven Military Specialist, and his adjutant, Colonel Gespie(8th level ex-Coalition Psi-Stalker), formerly from Free Quebec.

8th Regiment (‘Gibraltar’)
The 8th has the hazardous job of protecting New Rochester in the contested Far West New York territories. Though New Rochester is reinforced by rotating contingents from most of the GNE states, the bulk of responsibility falls upon the GNE and the 8th.
With the Coalition’s main route of attacking the GNE and southern Free Quebec plotted right through the region, the 8th is in something of a bull’s eye position...they regularly meet combat with both Coalition and Free Quebec units attempting to secure the area for their own campaigns. Their position is made all the more perilous since the renewed diplomatic ties between Free Quebec and the Coalition, and the fact that the city is used as a base of operations for GNE military raids and actions in the Great Lakes region, as well as an anchor point for the EWS alerting the GNE to air attacks originating in the Coalition States.

2nd Army---
“Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Is Where We Want to Be!”
---Refrain from ‘Second Best’, ‘official drinking song’ of the 2nd Army

The Second Army was formed initially and charged with watching the eastern and southern frontiers for Splugorth activity. With the formation of the Third and Fourth Armies, the Second was reshuffled to reinforce the First, and protect the vital shipyards of the New Bath region. The Second also has the unenviable task of being the main line of defense, should the Splugorth ever invade mainland New England; a task which the Second has pledged to carry out, fighting for every inch of GNE soil, to the last round, and the last man.
The 2nd’s primary deployment zone is a series of both coastal and inland forts along the GNE coast from the border of New Salem to Maine’s Penobscot Bay, generally following the highway access routes. The 2nd is notably heavy in fast, mobile, heavy artillery, such as hovertanks and SSM/SAM missile carriers...the better to bring a maximum amount of firepower onto any initial major foray inland.
The 2nd Army currently consists of Four Divisions, the 5th -8th
Current commander of the Second is General Thomas Vess, 12th level Headhunter, a human male orphaned at an early age by a bandit attack and adopted by a high-ranking elven family in the GNE. Vess’s Elven-trained gift for organization and flair for innovation have helped him remain on top of the changing responsibilities and duties heaped on his command.
General Draver (‘Gravedigger’)Vortel commands the 6th Division, and has the distinction of having some of the heaviest artillery units in the GNE under his command; in addition to having no less than FOUR Kera-Tech Raijan Battle Platforms, Vortel has one of the largest concentrations of Glitterboys in the GNE under his command. Rumor has it if Vortel’s artillery were to cut loose all at once on an enemy invading the New England coast, they’d have to redraw the coastline from New Salem to Penobscott Bay afterwards....
General Robert ‘Big Bob’ Broder, commander of the 7th Division, lost his entire family in a terror raid by demons that devastated his home town and left him a cripple. With no social life to go back to, and a grudge to settle, the then-Colonel Broder had himself converted into the biggest, baddest, full-conversion cyborg body available---a PS Patriot Heavy Robot. With this massive armored body, he could join his troops in the front lines and kick ass. With time, however, the vengeful Broder has mellowed, though his mind for strategy and tactics remains undiminished, nor has his willingness to get into combat alongside his people. Regarded with no small amount of awe by younger troopers, and much respect and admiration by veterans, ‘Iron Broder’ or ‘Big Bob’ as he is variously known, is arguably the most popular of the ‘fighting generals’ in the GNE armed services.
General Inith Gorne commands 8th Division. A Wynaro who worked his way up the ranks, Gorne has been described as being conservative and by the book, with apparently nothing exceptional in his record to suggest an outstanding combat officer. Gorne is very much aware of logistics, and keeps a constant eye on his supply train, even though, with the coastline being his front line, his force can hardly overextend itself on the offensive. Gorne insists on his forces having a constant and ready supply of ammunition and spare parts ready to accompany his forces, on hand, and ready to move. However slow Gorne may be seem to be to react in terms of unit mobility, however, nobody disputes that the 8th will be able to keep up sustained fire for longer than any other units around, and repair itself in the field well after rear echelon supply depots have been taken out by the enemy. Under such circumstances, Gorne’s Eighth Division may well be the rock that holds back the ocean if the Splugorth ever came ashore in numbers.

Notable Units:

The 6th Rapid Response Battalion
This elite mixed arms battalion is under the direction of one Colonel Paul Atchison, and is responsible for patrolling and protecting the region around New Bath. The unit is notable for its large concentration of heavy, fast armor, particularly its armored core of hovertanks and heavy combat cyborgs. Atchison is gruff, if unerringly polite, cool, and businesslike; he’s turned down promotion to a higher rank twice in order to remain with his men in the front lines. Atchison is a demigod(exact parentage unknown, and Atchison won’t tell...), though one would hardly guess, given his seeming lack of any sort of magical or psionic abilities. He lost his left eye in battle several years ago, and covers the empty socket with an eyepatch; for some reason his body rejects cybernetic replacements, which does little to mar his decidedly handsome features. Despite his rather stoic, duty-bound, and tightlipped attitude, he has acquired a reputation among the female humanoids of his command as something of a prime specimen of manhood and a most eligible bachelor, and in addition to the rigorous and demanding responsibilities of his command, the Colonel has to contend with the amorous advances of at least three different women, including his d-bee EO, and the local governor’s daughter...

The 8th Arcadia Rifles
An elite Mechanized Infantry Battalion composed primarily of recruits from the Maine/New Hampshire region, this unit has had plenty of experience fighting just about everyone in the region, from monsters of the deep forest and Splugorth Slavers to Free Quebec Rangers, Coalition Naval Infantry, and Indian warriors. The 8th Arcadia is built mostly around Grav-Pack equipped infantry and wilderness scouts, with a fast-moving support element of PSA-11s, hovertanks, robots, GMR-APCs, and hoverjeeps. The 8th’s commander, Colonel Talon Accord, is both a GNE patriot and an outspoken advocate of the local Maine Indian tribes, having been raised as one, after his family was killed early in his life by monsters. Accord has done much to promote the respect of existing borders between the Amerindian tribes in the area and the GNE, but this hasn’t stopped him and his men from roaming freely about the region on aggressive patrols for enemies, be they Quebecois agents or Hellspawn. As many of his men are unerringly polite towards any locals they meet, and many are in fact Renegades themselves, the presence of the Arcadia Rifles and their firepower is more often welcomed by local settlers and Lodge members than resented.

3rd Army---
‘Relighting the Torch of Freedom’

“We’re the heart of Greater New England, geographically, historically, spiritually....even before the Rifts, the fighting men of Massachusetts have fought for liberty, justice, freedom, survival...Even before the GNE was formed, we were uniting and fighting the good fight, and carrying it to the rest of the world...and when they knock the capstone off Splynncryth’s palace and go rolling through Prosek’s home offices, you can bet there’s going to be men of the Third at the lead!”
---Srgt, Gilbor Trent, 9th Massachusetts Division; “The Immortal 9”

The Third Army was formed as a condition of consolidation of the Massachusetts region into the Greater New England organization, to draw together the many small town militias into a cohesive military organization to prevent opportunistic incursions by the Splugorth. As part of the changeover of the administration of the region, the GNE formed the Third from the various locally trained and equipped militia units in the region, with the understanding that the Third would be dedicated to defending the Massachusetts area. Reinforced by new regiments from the Hudson River Valley area and southern Vermont, the Third became the GNE’s first line of defense to attacks from the south. The 3rd Army draws great pride from the history of citizen-soldiers in Massachusetts, and many of the regional units have taken up the colors and honor of pre-Rifts units of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, of which legends still circulate. This pride and seemingly grandiose boasting, along with recently resurrected colorful pageantry, does not detract from the abilities or determination of these troops. Many of them are seasoned Splugorth -fighters, demon-slayers, and monster-hunters who can look unflinchingly into the eyes of the monstrous. Since Massachusetts has taken the brunt of Splugorth attacks in the past, that means that these men and women are seasoned fighters indeed, with more than a few long-standing grudges to settle. There is also more than a little anti-Coalition sentiment, owing to the CSN’s attacks on the CoM’s cities during the New Rochester Campaign.

The Third Army currently consists of THREE divisions, 9th-11th

The current commander of the Third is General Hugo Gant, 10th level Human Military Specialist, a native-born Massachusetts patriot with connections to the powerful Gant family of Lexington/New Boston. Despite his name, Gant EARNED his position, and is well respected by his men. Some nepotism has crept into his command, however, especially when it comes to equipment; twice Gant has awarded logistical service contracts and equipment supply deals to his family’s interests over lower-bid deals offered by other GNE and Alliance firms, claiming that CoM troops would be more readily supplied by local concerns. This hasn’t hurt his command, however, and the choice of local CoM firms has actually cut the 3rd Army’s costs over the long run.

General Roberta Nalie---(12th level partial cyborg Headhunter)---A local heroine even before the formation of the CoM, Nalie took control of her town’s militia after her husband, an ex-mercenary, was killed in a Splugorth raid. Being a soldier’s wife, she quickly adapted to being a warrior, and organized her small force to the admiration and respect of other, more experienced, soldiers. Nalie shows a talent for surprise tactics and a willingness to consider even remote options---her surprise negotiation with the Fhallux, a race of giant intelligent mollusks hiding in the Cape Cod mud flats, helped secure her victory in the amphibious Battle of the Flats. She currently commands 10th Division.

General Yarlynn Aoff---Part of the original Wynaro alien crew that landed in Worcester and claimed it as their own, General Aoff is an imposing mountain of a man(or rather Wynaro) with over a half-century of experience commanding troops, organizing the local militias into an army, and playing politics. He is well-known and respected by the various town leaders of western Massachusetts, and both human and non-human troops, who he organized as part of the effort to repel Splugorth attacks deep into the interior, and later, the Mechanoids. General Aoff helped motivate the formation of the CoM, and urged its assimilation as part of the GNE under the Vermont Free State. Tough, but getting on in years, Aoff still commands respect as chief of the 11th Division, though he is looking forward to retiring, once he finds a suitable replacement to succeed him.

Notable Units:
14th Battalion- This formation made a name for itself in the highly mobile fighting around Cape Cod, and was General Nalie’s former command before she was ‘booted upstairs’. It still holds the success of its former commander as a high honor. The 14th Battalion is based out of Quincy, and is notable also for its use of amphibious hovercraft to move it along the coastline in response to trouble.

15th Battalion: The ‘Patriots’. This unit, spurred by the reputation of its sister battalion, the 14th, has distinguished itself as something of a ‘wild bunch’, earning its share of both honors and demerits. The unit has seen three commanders in the last four years, was badly mauled in the Hasselague Rebellion(they were caught with their pants down by the refugee army), and later acquitted itself by detecting and intercepting an attempt by the Coalition to land several commando teams from offshore submarines and sabotage targets within the GNE. Recently, however, some of the glory from that event was tarnished when the 15th’s commanding officer threw up on a visiting Russian ambassador during an awards ceremony, after one glass too many of the Russian delegation’s “White Fire Vodka”...

The ‘Springfield Rifles’ Battalion---The Springfield Rifles were the CoM’s equivalent of the Vermont ‘Green Mountain Boys’---a locally-raised militia unit that supported itself by hiring itself out as a mercenary unit. Predominately a Light Infantry unit, the ‘Rifles acquired a reputation for mobile, hard-hitting tactics(particularly hit-and-fade sniper attacks), and have had a great deal of experience in fighting Splugorth incursions, and border skirmishes with the high-tech legions of the Republic of Galedan(now ironically their allies as part of the GNE). With the formation of the GNE, the Springfield Rifles have become formally part of the GNE armed forces, as a Special Forces unit equivalent to the ‘Green Berets’ of the pre-Rifts U.S. Army. Their equipment lineup now includes AG-pack-equipped Light Infantry, helicopter air support, and light cyborgs. The ‘Rifles take their name from the pre-Rifts historical site of the Springfield Armory, and the unit retains a high-tech fortress near the location.

4th Army---

‘We who know the grip of the shackle,
Know the bite of the whip,
And felt the rape of the soul,
We who have experienced Hell,
And won sweet freedom!

We will face Hell again,
Face self-styled ‘masters’ again,
Shatter the chains that hold men slaves,
Pull down owners and overseers alike
To their long deserved justice!

No innocent shall suffer the weight of bondage,
No false words shall blind our eyes,
No tyrant shall hold power over others,
Not while we draw breath,
And even in death,
We shall prevail!”

----’The Freeman’s Oath’

“So Others May Live Free!”
----Motto of the Fourth Army

The Fourth Army was formed soon after the Third, largely from ex-Atlantean refugees of proven loyalty to Greater New England. At first, this unit was largely a ‘make-work’ military formation, as GNE authorities observed how far they could trust the ex-Splugorth slaves. For nearly two years, the Fourth existed only on paper as a division attached to the 3rd Army Group, its members issued uniforms and drawing pay, but they were largely unarmed, and mainly deployed to doing public works in the CoM and other refugee areas. After Hasselague’s Rebellion, when the units of the Fourth actually mustered AGAINST the uprising, without awaiting orders, the Fourth was formally recognized and equipped. The Fourth has since swelled in numbers, to roughly TWO divisions, the 12th and the ‘Lucky 13th’, and has become recognized as a separate Army Group.
Currently the Fourth is being considered as a ‘reserve army’, not given any formal area of terrain to protect, but used as a reserve and ‘fire brigade’ to reinforce existing divisions, or to move into their positions if the First or Second are drawn off on extra-border actions. Individual units of the 4th are routinely detached for special duties, but their primary base and training areas remain in northwest CoM. The Fourth is notable particularly for its large percentage of non-humans (nearly 70%, and nearly 60% ex-Splugorth slaves) making up its ranks. After so long in organizational limbo, the soldiers of the Fourth are eager for combat, ready to prove themselves...

The Fourth Army has a reputation for being one of the most aggressive formations of the GNE Regular Army, in their ferocity, especially against the Splugorth. This is understandable since most of the soldiers of the Fourth bear the physical and mental scars of slavery or have lost loved ones to the slavers. (Un)Fortunately, the Fourth Army also has something of a reputation as loose cannons, as the Army’s effectives are first to sign up for any action involving the Splugorth or slavers in general. In fact, discipline is a constant problem for the 4th, as individual soldiers, and even entire companies, have been known to go out of their way hunting down slavers, and stirring up trouble, resulting in more than a few reprimands and serious headaches for the Command and Diplomatic Corps. The 4th’s unofficial motto of ‘Slavers DIE!” sums up their attitude, and in combat they neither ask nor give quarter against the Splugorth and monsters like them. Yet that same attitude has made them the favorite ‘bad boys’ of the GNE military and the public, who love to hear of their exploits...there’s even a popular television show, part real-life video and part dramatized fiction, called ‘Liberators’, that has held top ratings for the past two years....Not surprisingly, the Fourth Army Group has one of the largest ‘followings’ of attached Irregular units supporting it...effectively doubling its numbers in the field. It’s rumored as well that the 4th is the most ‘rampant’ of GNE military units; its strong member connections to various antislavery groups has some upper-echelon GNEAS officers concerned that zealots in the Army have leaked GNE armaments to such groups, ‘loaned’ personnel, and that enemy assets that should have been turned over to supervised battlefield salvage units have instead been sold to finance rabidly-antislavery Irregulars and paramilitary units operating well outside the GNE. It’s even been rumored that on one occasion, two entire DIVISIONS of the 4th temporarily ‘disappeared’ to participate in a large-scale liberation raid on a slaver facility in another universe! So far, though, the GNEAS command had apparently turned a blind eye to these activities, as long as they don’t endanger the GNE or infringe on the 4th’s combat readiness.
The 4th Army also sees some of the highest recruitment statistics, primarily ex-slaves who see it as the best opportunity to strike back at their former oppressors. (Un)fortunately, this high turn out is matched by a high turnover among the ranks of the 4th. Many ex-slaves suffer from physical and mental problems that, despite the best efforts of GNEAS recruiters at screening and physicians later, claim their toll later, resulting in many soldiers dropping from the ranks with medical discharges(if they aren’t killed outright in combat). While not a severe problem, the higher-than-normal attrition in the ranks does concern many in the GNEAS General Staff, and a tougher look at the recruitment process and follow-up counseling for ex-slaves is being considered.
The current commander of the Fourth is General Mayland Gallery, 12th level Special Forces, a tough old Splugorth-fighter who acquired a grudging appreciation for the strengths of many of the minion- and slave-races he was forced to fight...and who knows how best to utilize many of those very same races under his command now. Gallery has been on occasion accused of letting his men ‘run wild’ and disobey orders to go off seeking their own vigilante justice, but Gallery has successfully deflected such criticisms, pointing out the harsh punishments he’s brought on those who have stepped out of ranks to do that, and the strict discipline and exemplary record of the units and troops under his command.
General Pietran Aranax, who commands the 12th Division, is an 11th-level Elven warrior, a former Splugorth slave who still bears the hideous scars of his torture...the left side of his face is covered in purple chitinous scabs, his left arm is a massive crab-claw, while his right arm is a cyberlimb...why he hasn’t had BOTH limbs replaced with prosthetics is known only to him. Aranax is a cool, laconic character of almost legendary chilliness, and an equally cold and almost inhuman hatred of the Splugorth. Aranax’s operations against the Splugorth and other slavers are precise, thoroughly planned, brilliantly executed, with multiple contingency redundancy built into the planning and logistical considerations.... and they rarely ever leave any of the enemy alive. It is believed that it was Aranax’s command that coined the 4th’s unofficial motto of ‘Slavers Die!”
The 13th is commanded by General Chen Nova, a smallish, bulbous headed humanoid who many people assume, upon first meeting him (actually HER), is one of the infamous ‘Grays’ who haunted pre-Rifts UFO lore. In reality, Nova is a human mutant, one of the Coalition’s Lone Star ‘Psi-X alien’ experiments. Nova came north with a group of twenty other Psi-Xs, who have established themselves in the GNE, and several of whom joined the military. Nova and her fellow Psi-Xs in uniform have proven themselves to be tough, resourceful fighters who have mastered the use of their mental powers to compensate for their physical disadvantages, and who also all nurse considerable grudges towards the Coalition, Gene Splicers, and beings who experiment on other sentient beings with callous disregard for their dignity. Nova and her fellows have also become known for their use of modified grav-packs, that have been reconfigured into mini-flying saucers, with additional speed and armament, including robotic grappling arms and pintle gun mounts. General Nova’s own ‘flier’ is distinguished by its forcefield, array of communications gear, and twin heavy machine guns mounted on it, and the line of painted kill signs(including two SAMAS and an alien slaver) that show the General isn’t afraid to move up to the front lines and use her weapons beside her men. Nova’s command of the ‘Lucky 13th’ has been typified by bold, unorthodox maneuvers in war-games, lightning fast strikes and strategic withdrawals, and extensive use of fast attack units, such as power armor, hovercraft, and flight-capable cyborgs and mutants, covered by drones and decoys.

Notable Units:
The 4th Army’s various units are distinguished by their names...the ‘Bolt Cutters’, the ‘Liberators’, the ‘North Star Avengers’, etc....

33rd Vadj’Des’Shu ‘KingSlayers’ Ranger Company
This unit is made up almost entirely of Elves---all of whom have been scarred and disfigured by Splugorth torture and experimentation, and all of whom have sworn vengeance on their tormentors. Though not part of General Aranax’s command, they all share his consuming hatred of the Splugorth and slavers in general, and are even more obsessed with vengeance, making it almost a religion among their close-knit ranks. The ‘Kingslayers’ wear the regulation uniforms and gear of the VFS/GNE military, but have modified their gear to an almost black dark green, and incorporate vicious, monstrous-looking, animal skull motifs into their headgear(and more often than not, they don’t need such embellishment to their already twisted features). More disturbing is the rumor that all 33rd soldiers carry ceremonial knives made from the bones of slain Splugorth High Lords. The 33rd specializes in recon, commando infiltration, and assassination---particularly of Splugorth and Sunaj minions. Though disciplined enough not to disobey orders or break ranks, the 33rd has a reputation for not taking prisoners from among the ranks of the Splugorth and their ilk, and even when under orders to shoot to cripple, have a very high incidence of ‘accidental head shots’ and other ‘critical aim mistakes’. The 33rd is one of the few individual units within the GNE military that has been specifically named and targeted by a Splugorth bounty, a dubious distinction that the members of the 33rd take in stride, and even welcome, often joking that they hope to drive the price higher with a few more Minion kills. This tends to unnerve other units operating with them, with more than a little concern that the 33rd’s target-status may rub off on them; resulting in the unit being pretty much shunned by other units when off-duty, even by other 4th Army troopers.

“Odessa Brigades” ---The so-called Odessa Brigades owe their existence to Gabriella Odessa, a human d-bee, former military officer, former prisoner of slavers, and one-time Paladin Steel officer in the Resource Division. Assigned to setting up and developing factories in other dimensions, Odessa effectively set up shop on her own, using creative accounting and invoice management to hide the fact that she had set up TWICE the officially reported number of facilities. The equipment production from these out-dimension facilities, as well as profits from products sold from them, went to the establishment of several paramilitary antislavery units that acted against organized crime and slavery in their native lands/worlds....Though these ‘Liberty Brigades’ were uniformed, organized, and acted as if they were units of a larger organization(i.e., the GNEAS), neither Greater New England nor the Regular Army knew of their existence until a PS internal audit, investigating what they thought was embezzlement, stumbled across Gabriella Odessa’s private war effort. Odessa was subsequently cashiered for misappropriation of corporate resources, her factories officially brought back under PS control, and the ‘Odessa Brigades’ given new advisors, this time OFFICIAL GNE military.
Before her disciplining, Odessa had recruited and organized four brigade strength units(over 4,000 personnel) mainly equipped with older PS equipment(or local gear refitted with Rifts Earth technology). The original brigades were staffed with ex-slaves and emancipationist zealots from the local worlds the brigades operated on, and, despite their enthusiasm, relied largely on brute force for their success. In many cases, this was enough to carry the day against unprepared local crime syndicates, but the brigades’ performance against more better equipped and prepared opposition was mediocre. When the GNE officially stepped in and took over control of the ‘Odessa Brigades’, they subsequently received training from Fourth Army veterans, and the Brigades became more effective fighting forces. However, as elements of the GNE Armed Services, they are also under tighter administrative control...this has irked some of the zealots of the original Brigades, who ironically feel more constrained under the command of the antislavery Fourth Army....many of these dissidents have left, searching for a rumored fifth Brigade that Odessa was supposedly in the process of forming when her actions were discovered.

5th Army
“Don’t underestimate us because we’re new to the GNE...Respect us because of our enthusiasm and our eagerness to prove our loyalty! We may not be much of an ‘Army’ as yet,...but we’re still a top-rate whup-ass delivery service!”

“United to Kick Ass!”
---Unofficial Motto of the 15th Division

The Fifth Army Group is still in the process of being formed from various elements of the old Connecticut Barony militias, Republic of Galedan Army, and new recruits from across the GNE. Currently, they train with the Fourth Army elements, rebuilding the scattered RoG units and ex-Barony private armies into a reliable element of the GNE’s armed services. Their current table of organization and equipment reflects this transition; a mix of old Galedan equipment, Black Market gear, and standard-issue GNE-manufacture. However, though in the process of being organized, the 5th is not to be underestimated; its soldiers are tough veterans who held their ground in the name of order during the Barony civil wars, maintaining civilian services in the face of breakdown.
The 5th Army is expected to protect the southern regions of the GNE, and the southwest approaches, including the hazardous New York ‘triangle’ region near the ruins of pre-Rifts New York City. Already, units of the 5th have taken control of the remains of pre-Rifts West Point, and a new strong point is going up there.
The 5th currently consists of TWO divisions, 14-15th, though these divisions are under strength by about 20 percent as they are reorganized.
Currently, the 5th is commanded by General Gerald Vorlanter, a former Galedan militia commander and mercenary(14th level Headhunter) who defected to the GNE several years previously, but who kept up friendly contacts with his colleagues. His return as commander of the reformed armed services is both a calmative to Connecticut residents who regard the man well, but is also a slap in the face to others, who regard him as a traitor. Still, the man runs a tight ship and has steered the 5th well so far, standing up for their trustworthiness and loyalty, as well as their need for equipment and support.
The 15th Division is commanded by General Albert Temis, a 13th level Glitterboy Pilot who served the previous administration as a both a mercenary and a militia volunteer, but elected to stay and protect the industrial core of Connecticut and New Hartford when the Barons attempted to grab power for themselves. Though not entirely happy with Vorlanter’s administration, Temis publicly supports Vorlanter because he realizes that membership in the GNE is the best solution to keeping the Connecticut region safe, and public consensus vital to maintaining the peoples’ confidence in the new alliance. Temis also wishes to avoid engaging in politics, and as long as his homeland prospers under the new leadership, he will remain the loyal soldier and defend his newly expanded nation.

Notable Units:
The 70th New Hartford
Originally a Barony militia unit, this company was distinguished for having held the mouth of the Connecticut River against a Splugorth raider force that attempted to take advantage of the political turmoil of the Barony Civil War to run up the river and raid for slaves. Despite taking over fifty-percent losses in the fierce fighting, the 70th held out until air strikes from the CoM/GNE could drive off the raiders.

The 20th ‘Gandolf’ Company
This unit is almost entirely(80%, with a smattering of dedicated Men of Arms, including three Glitterboys and five full conversion ‘borgs) made up of mages, native to the Connecticut region. By themselves, these low-level magic practitioners weren’t much, but combined into the 20th, they’ve proven time and time again that the adage ‘too many mages spoil the spell’ isn’t true by a long shot. Sometimes mistaken for an Irregular unit with their hodgepodge uniforms of standard-issue greens thrown over/under their mage robes, the members of the 20th Gandolf nevertheless have managed to pull their act together and act as a well-disciplined, reliable, military unit. Their commanding officer, Captain-Magister Aeries Fang(8th level Air Elemental Warlock) has proven to be an inspired tactician, as with the defense of the New Haven region(though it’s rumored she had ZOT assistance with the battle), while her adjutant Lieutenant Gato Bicer(7th level Mystic) has an uncanny ability to deploy the troops under his command to best effect, using the terrain to their advantage. The 20th Gandolf currently commands the Meriden Mountain Tower, one of a chain of watch towers and leyline points about the region. Recently, the 20th was joined by several mage-refugees from Tolkeen, and added several TW vehicles, including five Volcan Fliers and three TW Sling Scouts, to their inventory.

87th ‘TieBreakers’ Regiment
A former mercenary unit, originally based out of the old RoG and supported by the old regime, the ‘TieBreakers’ wisely remained out of the fighting of the Barons, and sided with their old buddies in the city police forces, instead guarding several of the RoG’s caches of high tech weaponry. Somewhat fearful that the mercenaries might turn that same high tech weaponry on them, the GNE peacekeeper forces carefully approached the mercenaries with offers of negotiated truce and a share of the weapons they guarded, in return for the safe passage of the Regiment out of the disputed territories. Instead, the ‘Breakers‘ commander, Captain Alice Turling, offered the services of her Regiment as a unit of the GNE military, in return for guarantees of protection and benefits for her men and their dependents. Turling has never explained why she sought instatement as a Regular unit, and not as an Irregular unit, but nevertheless, the GNE granted her request, and have accorded her command slightly more autonomy then other units. However, GNE Army Command has balanced the books somewhat, by assigning the seasoned ex-mercenaries the role of training new troops, and all the bureaucratic paperwork that entails. The 87th is rarely found far from their main base and training facility in Middletown, and the new communities there. Still, however, the 87th retains its edge, as was proven when they deployed against a mysterious alien force on the Long Island Spit, and destroyed the installations that had been set up there.

Other Army Groups: 6th and 7th Army Groups
As of 110 PA in their native alternity, the 6th and 7th Army Groups were only just forming. These units were based around the West Coast enclave of Paladin Steel West in old Washington State, and were originally meant to protect the developing industrial and colonial assets there. As of 110 PA(baseline PS/GNE alternity) the 6th and 7th groups consisting of 1 division each of troops, plus attached regiments and Irregulars. By 148 P.A., the two Groups will have TRIPLED their size in response to the Pacific War.

The 8th Army Group, based around the CHeVER facility, is in the process of forming as the Canadian enclave becomes larger and more formally established as a part of the GNE/Alliance, and not simply as a joint Tundra Ranger/Paladin Steel operation. The 8th Army Group consists of, at best, a division of troops, and attached Irregulars.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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The Greater New England Marine Corps
“Still the Best!”

“You’re outnumbered, outflanked, and outgunned in hostile terrain. The opposition’s closing in on your position, and all you have is your standard kit and your training as a GNE Marine...what do you do?”
“Take pity on mine enemies, then commit their souls to Hell...”
---Overheard during war games at New Bath’s Fort Faith

The modern GNE Marine Corps was founded at New Bath as an extension of PS’s maritime security, but has moved from being coporate troops to a nationalized force.
Organization, training, and mission imperatives are much like those of the traditional pre-Rifts USMC, but in addition to amphibious assault operations, the GNEMC is also responsible for providing security protection for GNE shipping....including shipboard troops, power armor operations, and light aircraft support capable of being operated from shipboard facilities. The GNEMC is also responsible for protecting GNE’s foreign embassies, in a role and uniforms clearly patterned after the pre-Rifts USMC(except that the dress uniforms are dark blue with green trim, rather than red). Again, this is in part a deliberate move, to associate the GNE Marines with their illustrious pre-Rifts predecessors, promote an espiriit de corps, and combine modern innovation with ancient tradition.
The GNE Marines saw their first major action in the storming of several pirate fortresses in Penobscott Bay, seizing control of the region for the GNE. They were also responsible for the seizure of the Coalitiion naval base at Halifax, and the base continues to operate as one of the Marines’ strongholds
Currently, the GNE has only two divisions of Marines; appropriately designated the First and Second Marine Divisions. As of 115 P.A., a third division is being formed from various smaller units-in-training.
Current commanders of the Marines are General Renwald Paine, a 14th level Glitterboy pilot who found he had a talent for organization early on in his military career. Paine has a flair for using the multi-environment capabilities of power armor to maximum advantage and he has a gift for managing a ‘three-dimensional battlefield’ involving air, sea, and land units. Paine is acknowledged for pushing such programs as the development of the ‘Turner’-class Amphibious Cruiser, to increase the mobility of his soldiers.
General Vedran Nance Nacen commands the Second Marine Division, and is a 9th level True Atlantean. His reputation as an adventurer and champion of numerous seemingly one-sided battles that turned around to his favor has endowed his command with a larger-than-life glamor, though some worry that the General’s reputation may not be enough; the General is fairly young for an Atlantean, and may lack the experience in a long term administrative post to be effective at commanding such a large body of men and equipment.
Nacen’s adjutant Colonel Goran is a hulking d-bee from a race of alien superwarriors rumored to have made their presence on pre-Rifts Earth, though Goran denies knowing if any more of his kind are on Earth now or in the past. Though he admits that he isn’t as powerful as many, or even most, of his race, the sight of the uber-muscular warrior tearing apart enemy vehicles barehanded, has spun more than a few heads even among his own men, and rallied them to victory. Those in the know predict that Goran is likely to tapped to become the commanding officer of the next Marine Division to be formed, when it happens and he is promoted.

O.C.C.s common to the Greater New England Marine Corps:
Naval Infantry(Equivalent)
RPA “Flyboy”(Equivalent---with an emphasis on PS hardware)
Special Forces
Kera-Tech Jump Infantry(locally trained and equipped equivalent)
Elemental Warlock

Note: The Stelmarines, or GNES Space Marines, are a separate entity, and are considered to be part of the SpaceForce.

Special Forces(SpecFor)

“Out here, with the touch of a finger to a stud I can put an invisible beam of energy through a man’s head two miles away...I can draw a knife across his colleague’s neck and end all his years of living aspirations...I can trigger a camouflaged charge that will destroy his men and destroy his supply chain before they know what’s hit them... or he and his can do the same to me ...We can be miles inside his territory, or within our own, or hundreds of miles in unknown doesn’t matter...No one will take note of what we do, except in some back echelon office, where a clerk writes off statistics, or prints up form letters to send to our next of kin....
Perception, anticipation, action, reaction.....We learn to get inside our enemy’s heads out here, but we never allow ourselves to identify with them...Often times, we know them better than their families, if they have them...But it means nothing emotionally.......We can never allow ourselves to feel for them, because we do know them...and we know that they will not hesitate to land the killing blow if they get the they expect of us....It is the way things are...
Set aside what you think you know about the grand schemes of generals, and the subtle nuances of diplomats. Put away what you’ve heard about the politics of honor, and love of country, and the art and true honor of the warrior. The game of emperors, kings, princes, and presidents, is really played by wolves....”
-----’Ghost Knife’----Unidentified SpecFor Trooper

“Never know what you might be doing next in SpecFor...doesn’t always pay to speculate, either....Without going into details, I can tell you I once spent a month playing hide and seek with Deadboys in Montana territory, another I dropped with the West Coast boys on an old U.S. Army bunker to take out a vampire lord....Another time my regiment spent three weeks learning basic Russian, then they turned around and started teaching us to speak Japanese instead, and how to recognize Yakuza insignia. Once you’re on a tour, you go where they send you, and do what they tell you, and you could end up doing anything!”
-----Sergeant Vale Patrick, Green Mountain Boys Airborne Division

The GNE likes to think that all of its troops are ‘special forces’ given the generally high standard of training, and the wide variety of equipment employed throughout the ranks. However, even such a potent fighting force as the GNE’s Armed Services has special elite units that do not behold to any regional army group or taskforce, and who are employed for those high-mobility, low-visibility, high-risk, high-payoff missions. SpecFor must also undertake missions of great sensitivity and often questionable ethics, including treading on the toes of enemies and allies alike in their actions. SpecFor operations are of the ‘gray’ and ‘black’ variety, and often are performed without the moral protection of the GNE uniform, as deniability is often the keyword. SpecFor units tend to blur the line between the mercenaries, the Irregulars, and the infamous Paladin Steel Black Section corporate operatives, many of whom will serve with a SpecFor team at one time or other in the course of their careers. As much as the GNE likes to think of itself as the noble successor to the old traditions of the United States Army, it values its Special Forces and the work that they do. Assassination and preemptive strikes on enemy command/control centers, and the sabotage of transportation and military- industrial hubs, though distasteful to the high-principled, are valuable tools of national policy enforcement and protection. More often, however, SpecFor units are used on low-profile, high-stakes recon missions and counterinsurgency operations, hunting down their opposite numbers before they can do the same to GNE/Alliance units. SpecFor units are also the likely to be sent on overseas operations, where Alliance foreign interests are at stake. This means that SpecFor units can be found operating in Europe, Japan, Russia, Africa, and South America.
The ‘average’ SpecFor operative tends to be a high level(6th-8th level of experience) dedicated soldier who has specialized skill in espionage, guerilla warfare, counterintelligence, sabotage, and/or assassination. Common OCCs for SpecFor troopers include Special Forces(of course), Bounty Hunters, Spies, Master Spies(with an emphasis on combat skills), Wilderness Scouts, and Jump Troopers, essentially troops who can move fast and light, over broken terrain, and into and out of trouble ahead of the enemy. Special assignments may require the SpecForce to be grouped with special personnel, including nonmilitary experts like doctors and scientists(see Hell-Divers, below), urban information experts, and civilian informants.
SpecFor units tend to be small and highly mobile, allowing them to be more easily inserted, extracted, and maneuvered. The smaller units also make them ‘smaller targets’, in the words of one SpecFor trooper, and also make them easier to transport and coordinate.
Heavy vehicles like robots and MBTs are rarely used by SpecFor units, but power armor and light, fast, units like the Mantis are. Being a SpecFor-qualified pilot is almost as dangerous and demanding as being in SpecFor itself; high speed low altitude, ground-hopping infiltrations of enemy air space are standard mission profiles for the Dragonflies, Condors, and Caribou IIs routinely used by SpecFor.
Exact numbers of SpecFor units are not known, as the very nature of their duties and movements means that the GNE doesn’t like to publicize them, but inevitably, a few units have become (in) famous for their activities, to the point that they’ve had to ‘come out of the closet’ and become formally recognized.

The Green Mountain Boys(1st SpecFor)----1st Airborne Division
(Aka ‘Green Berets’)
The Green Mountain Boys are the best known of the Special Forces, with an illustrious history dating back before the formation of the GNE, to the very beginnings of the Vermont Free State, when a few experienced mercenaries returned home and shared their expertise with the small town militia they grew up with...These soldiers took, with no small amount of home pride, the name of a pre-Rifts Revolutionary War irregular unit of Vermont history, whose legend had survived even the Coming of the Rifts. When the various militias unified into the first units of the Vermont Free State Regular Army, the Green Mountain Boys retained their semi-mercenary status, as a posting for rebellious and restless young officers whose energy and enthusiasm didn’t cope well with the more rigid organization and policies of the Regular Army. The Green Mountain Boys were thus among the first units to be deployed outside the VFS/GNE’s borders when the Five Star Alliance was founded, and the organization began to extend its influence across the country. The GMB became the first GNE unit to actively engage the Coalition, in its active participation, first as advisors, then as escorts for ‘humanitarian relief’, then as guerilla warriors in the Kingsdale/Whykin front. The exploits of the GMB in Kingsdale and elsewhere caught the imagination of the people back home, and the unit became a symbol of national pride.
The Green Mountain Boys would ultimately be formalized as the 1st Airborne Division, a high-mobility unit that can be moved anywhere in the GNE to support the Regular Army groups in a tight situation, or can be deployed abroad to support their allies.
In the GNE, the GMB is synonymous with Special Forces, and the division is known as an elite cadre of veteran soldiers(60% are 4-8th level) who go anywhere, to take on the grittiest, most dangerous missions. The Coalition knows them as meddlesome ‘professional guerillas’, responsible for taking out hundreds of Coalition soldiers in what should have been ‘secure’ areas of their fronts.
The GMB are considered to be an ‘air-mobile’ division, with nearly 240 aircraft (mostly light tactical transports like the Dragonfly, Caribou II, and Grav Moth) ready to transport them into battle.
Current commander of the Green Mountain Boys/1st Airborne is General Wyhen Highlander Smith(10th level Elven Special Forces) a veteran brush-fighter who, as a mercenary and wandering adventurer, fought in Tolkeen against the Coalition, then later on the Whykin-Kingsdale front, against the Mechanoids in New York, and even went to Africa to fight against the Four Horsemen. His favorite slogan, ‘Hit’em with both boots!’ epitomizes his fast and hard tactics.

GNE Corps of Engineers

“Want to know how we win wars without firing a shot? Give people safe places to live, clean streets, pipes to bring them fresh water and take away their sewage, irrigation systems to water their crops, roads and rails to bring them the fresh food back in..Give them power for their schools and hospitals....Give them a slice of the way things can and should be; warm houses, full bellies, and healthy kids, so they don’t feel obliged to fight each other or go knocking some other community over to get what they need....Trust that people AREN’T evil, give them a hand up, and teach them how to take care of what we’ve given them and how to go from there...More often than not, we’ve made friends for life, and won ourselves some allies, or at least someone who isn’t going to give us trouble down the road we built for them....that’s what I call winning....No gunshots, no explosions, no bombs, just the sound of pouring concrete, welding torches, and laying pipe!”
----Captain Brian ‘Bricko’ Odenson, Vermont Free State Army Corps of Engineers.

Last, but not least, indeed, possibly the most important, of the Regular Army’s integral services is the GNE Corps of Engineers. Of all the various units of the GNE military, the CoE probably sees the most action, because even in peacetime, it is constantly at work on various projects. The Corps of Engineers builds bridges, sets up base camps, manages major transportation projects, raises fortifications, lays down runways and roadways, clears areas of debris and mines, cuts tunnels, buries bunker complexes, and does the scutwork of the military, often under hostile conditions(including enemy fire). The GNE likes to boast that even if their troops are unproved in combat, their engineers can whip the ass of any comers.
The CoE grew out of PS’s own mercenary engineering unit, Contract Engineering, which grew out of PS/GNE’s long tradition of engineering and building basic infrastructure across the region. In fact, many people can successfully argue that the CoE and CE are one and the same, since many of the same workers and experts move between the two agencies rather frequently and interchangeably; when the CoE needs help on rear echelon projects, it can call on the CE to come in and help them, and more often than not, if CE needs additional muscle and warm bodies to get their work done, the Corps of Engineers comes rolling in. This means that the GNE has a large pool of talented construction and engineering personnel available at all times and in constant readiness. Because many military personnel work on civilian products under the guise of Contract Engineering, it also means that the GNE military has a fair idea of the local lay of the land, the placement of facilities, and fortifications, in the event that the GNE military has to use them as part of an allied operation, or, in a worst case scenario, attack those same facilities.
Besides their battlefield duties and construction tasks, the Corps of Engineers also does active research on new materials, construction methods, and fortification architecture. Much of the design of GNE civic structures in the last decade owes its origin to Corps of Engineers influence.
It’s estimated that the GNE has nearly three divisions’ strength worth of dedicated engineering staff in uniform, independent of those CEs attached to existing military groups as part of their Table of Organization. These combat-trained Operators and engineers have the full gauntlet of Alliance utility vehicles and engineering equipment at their disposal, including a large proportion of combat-capable vehicles(i.e., mounting a weapon of some sort and armored protection). The CoE has at least four Foss-class aerocruisers configured as flying construction platforms at hand, and squadrons of Triphibian Bulldozers, Mauler Tanks, field cranes, PSA-11Es, as well as flotillas of hoverplatforms, work barges, and landing ferries.
Note: The Navy and SpaceForce have their own Engineering units; the SeeBees and AstroEngineers respectively.

O.C.C.s common to the Corps of Engineers:
Communications Engineer
Salvage Expert
Combat Engineer(Robotech equiv.)
Elemental Warlock(Earth)
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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The Greater New England Air Force
‘We’re the long arm of the GNE, the means to strike across the continent, across the planet if need be!”

The GNE Air Force has only recently stepped out as an entity of its own. Originally, the GNEAF was the Vermont Air National Guard(nicknamed the ‘VANG’), and was long regarded as being subordinate to the Regular Army, playing a transport and support role. As the GNE grew larger, and the need for power projection became more evident, the hawks of the military began advocating a separate and distinct air wing.
The newly formed GNEAF is still not far removed from its role as ground support, but increasingly, it is taking on more responsibilities. The service currently has nearly 500 aircraft, and uses a mix of GyreFalcons, Mohawk and Cheyenne Attack Copters, and older Grey Falcons, supported by interception squadrons of F-36F Avengers(these aircraft are being shifted to Naval operations as other aircraft, such as the TW Starfighter II become available), and Sky Tigers. Heavy assault squadrons of Dragonfly Heavy VTOLs and TW FlameCougar bombers provide muscle for the lighter aircraft. An improved version of the PS Vixen Fighter Pod is expected to become available soon.
Current Commander of the GNEAF is General Leyland Apollos, 10th level Elven Ace Pilot, who gained experience as a mercenary in Europe, before returning home to the GNE.
O.C.C.s common to the Vermont Free State Air Force:
Ace Pilot
RPA “Flyboy”(Equivalent---with an emphasis on PS hardware)
Techno-Wizard Flyboy

Notable Units:
7th Air Wing, ‘Winged Victory’
The 7th Air Wing has the distinction of flying into the meanest, most inhospitable places in North America and back out again; time and time again the 7th has baited the Coalition’s best in its own air space, flying into the disputed Whykin/Kingsdale warzone to supply their allies, into the Minnesota warfront to deliver supplies and extract refugees, and their regular overflights of the Great Lakes region to get to Free Canada and back. With a mixed force of both heavy lift aircraft (primarily C-130-IIs)and fighters, all sporting the distinctive ‘Winged Nike’ insignia, the veterans of the 7th have arguably logged more combat time than any other air unit in the GNEAF. It’s further claimed that ‘all 7th pilots are fighter pilots’, a reference to the acrobatic flying that even the transport pilots have to do on occasion to avoid Skycycles, Nightwings, missiles, dragons, and Xiticix.

14th Air Recon Wing, ‘Eyes of Horus’
It can be argued that the pilots of the 14th have an even tougher job than the vaunted crews of the 7th, since these pilots must fly into danger zones and stay there, orbiting over battlezones, enemy cities, and installations, and gather intelligence...and they rarely get the chance to shoot back. With a flight line of advanced high-tech recon machines, including SkyTiger Recons, Crusader-Rs, and several squadrons of drone aircraft, the 14th regularly gets assigned such near-suicidal, nerve-wracking, tasks as mapping Atlantis, sensor-mining Coalition seaports, shadowing Coalition aircraft, tracking Quebecois troop movements, and photographing the NGR’s navy. While members of the 14th are reluctant to discuss their missions in any great detail, they are proud of their motto; ‘We See You’.

18th Squadron, ‘Lightning Tamers’
The 18th Squadron, operating out of Baldur Field, are a relatively new air squadron on the climb of aces. Among their early achievements was the destruction of a marauding aerial gang of Serpents of the Air, a campaign that won them their name of the Lightning Tamers. Other honors that have gone to the 18th include the destruction of a Black Ship in the Gulf of Mexico, the shoot-down of two Coalition stealth bombers, and the defense of a returning GNESF spacecraft from unknown alien attackers.
There are concerns, however, that the hotshot pilots and the charismatic young commanding officer of the 18th may have let their early success go to their heads, and in recent months the 18th has received several demerits for disobeying orders on occasion and rowdy behavior, both on and off-duty, as well as a court-martial for disobedience of a superior. Given their posting so near the industrial heart of the GNE, their superiors are debating whether or not to rotate them out to a frontier unit for some seasoning and infield experience to cool them down, or demote them to less sensitive duties (training or airfreighter escort) as punishment.

The Vermont Air National Guard
“We haven’t lost our edge with re-organization...we’re STILL the people’s first line of defense, and the ones to pull them out of a bad situation... WE are the lifeline of the forward units, and the angels of mercy to anyone who’s been medevaced from anywhere in the GNE!”

“Aliquid, Alicubi, Aliquando” (‘Anything, Anywhere, Any Time’)
-----Motto of the 7th Airborne Logistical Transport Company

The VANG is still around, although it is relegated to a support role...the reservists of the VANG are typically found flying the GNE’s fleet of rotary-winged and transport aircraft like the old Osprey II Tiltrotors, C-130-IIs, Caribou IIs, Moth GravCopters, and Cavorite transports, keeping the various bases and outposts of the VFS and GNE supplied from the air. Many VANG pilots also do double duty by serving aboard Paladin Steel’s many long range transport aircraft, blurring the line between Company and State. As such, the VANG works hand in hand with the Quartermaster Corps, helping that organization maintain their motto of ‘Anything, Anywhere, Anytime’. The VANG is also unusual(some say exceptional) in that they retain the name ‘Vermont’ attached to their service, although they are unequivocally a Greater New England service(some say it’s a tribute to the long history of the service; others that ‘VANG’ sounds much cooler than ‘GNEANG’).
However, aside from flying transport aircraft, the VANG is also responsible for police air support, medevac, forestry patrol, and Search and Rescue operations. The VANG also serves to provide training services, and auxiliaries, including maintenance personnel, to the regular Air Force. The VANG also retains its fangs in its fleet of GyreFalcon light fighters, skycycles, and a handful of miscellaneous non-PS fighters and helicopters.
Current commander of the VANG is General Gregory McAllister, a 10th level Smuggler-turned-military man, from the long McAllister line of merchants, smugglers, and supply officers.
The VANG has the same mix of O.C.C.s as the Air Force

The Greater New England Navy(GNEN)
‘New England has always been tied to the waters, for food, trade, and transport... therefore it is imperative that we have the means to enforce our control of it, from all comers, be it other terrestrial kingdoms or monsters from outer space!”

The Greater New England Navy is another force that shows the strain of transition; previously known only as a ‘puddle patrol’, confined to the inland waterways and patrolling the immediate area around New Bath harbor, the Navy now has been expanded to patrol the Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Nova Scotia coastlines, and is expected to deal with the Coalition Navy and the Splugorth! In addition, the Navy is charged with organizing a Pacific Flotilla in the Washington Free State.
In addition to the New Bath facilities, the GNEN has facilities in Penobscott Bay, New Boston, New Seattle, and New Halifax, as well as other outposts up and down the East and West coasts. Plans for far- and overseas naval stations in locations such as Ireland, Greenland, Japan, and South America are under consideration, for both naval recon and support of mercantile escort.
Like the Regular Army, the Vermont Free State Navy see themselves as going up against overwhelming odds, with little or no support, and often only their wits standing between them and destruction. Previously, the GNEN was pretty much developed, and limited to, coastal defense, fisheries protection, and mercantile escort, and rarely operated alone as a force. The expansion of the GNE, though, has made some naval officers consider the need for enhancing the power projection capabilities of the GNEN. This is especially true after the taking of New Halifax and the much under-publicized Battle of the Keys, both of which demonstrated both the new Navy’s strengths and weaknesses, Though the ambush of the Coalition relief force in the remains of the Florida peninsula succeeded in driving back the Coalition force, damage inflicted on the GNEN flotilla sent down for the purpose was severe, and would have been much worse, if not for the presence of several other independent kingdoms’ navies assisting in the battle. While the Navy and PS have managed to keep the exact extent of the damage from the media, they are under no illusions of what it forebodes for future operations, and both are now looking at fleet modernization programs. Of particular concern currently, is the growing belligerence of the Free Quebec Navy, who are becoming increasingly obvious in numbers around New Halifax Base. The GNEN is worried that , having just taken the facility from the Coalition, they may lose it in similar fashion to the FQN!
Currently, the GNEN fields a force of over one hundred vessels, including the GNESS Grand Banks(a Typhoon-class supercarrier), three Tripoli-class Carriers, two Nemesis-class cruisers, three Charbydis-class cruisers, eighteen Faragutt-class frigates, four Normandy-class amphibious transports, seven Storm Skimmer-class frigates, nine Miami-class fast frigates, two Trieste-class submarine battlecruisers, ten Moshup-class Transport subs, six Devil Ray submarines, four Mariner fleet submarines, three Tripoli-class Carriers, thirty Hippocampus submarines, eighteen Casabalanca II and Haven CVEs, a number of Liberty Ships, and a variety of smaller patrol craft , mini-subs, and gunboats. Backing up this force are a number of smaller naval mercenary units and Irregulars with either their own vessels, or ships from other Alliance nations. Associated air units include maritime patrol squadrons of Ventura/Harpoon ASW aircraft, maritime patrol variant Caribou II aircraft, TW Sea King helicopters, SeaSprite II LAMP ‘copters, Avenger II fighters, Batfish torpedo bombers, Cormerant submersible strike aircraft, TW Skyraiders, TW Corsair II, and TW Crusader aircraft operating from both land bases and carriers.
The GNEN is also advocating the construction of more dedicated amphibious assault ships, cruisers, and aircraft carriers, especially after reviewing reports of Kera-Tech’s Pacific War.
Current Commander of the GNEN is Admiral Dan Halloway, Vice Admiral Dieter Kollatch commands the Atlantic fleet, and Rear Admiral Carlos Danchekker supervises the Pacific Flotilla.
Navy uniforms and armor are typically a light gray-green, with gray and white accents.
O.C.C.s common to the Greater New England Navy
Special Forces(SEAL)
Merchant Marine
Navy Seaman(Equivalent)
Salvage Expert
Ocean Mage

Greater New England Coast Guard Service(GNE-CGS)

“Back in the old days, a soul caught in an accident out at sea had to only worry about drowning and hypothermia...maybe a thieving beachcomber or claimhopper if they got to shore with anything of their ship intact...These days, though...bad weather’s the least of it....because now you got leyline storms, glowing water, slavers, dimensional shifts, mutant fish, giant squid, beasts that snap a boat in two with one bite, or swallow it whole... alien pirates, undead ghost ships, alien hardware afloat, demonic hellspawn from the Abyss, and...well, the list goes on...Point is, you do NOT want to be caught treading water or afloat without power...and these days, there ain’t going to be anybody wanting, or able to help you out of that situation...Not even the Coalition or Quebecois Navy’s going to bail you out and let you on one of their shiny warships, if they even hear your distress call...
At least, that USED to be the case....You go down in New England waters, you lucky bastard, you get to meet the GNE Coast Guard...they’re a regular miracle from the past, and the first time you see them, you think you’re seeing things...But they’re real all right, and they’re there to save you, just like they did before the Rifts, when things were simpler...Nice to know some things haven’t changed...”

The GNE Coast Guard is to the Navy what the Air National Guard is to the Air Force. The Coast Guard fills many of the same duties as before the Navy was formed; policing the waterways, patrolling the coast, maintaining rescue, weather, and navigational stations, and carrying out general security duties. However, owing to the sharp decline in private boating and recreational watersports since the Coming of the Rifts, the Coast Guard has less to worry about when it comes to ‘civilian’ boating. Still, however, there is still sufficient commercial shipping and fishing to merit a dedicated rescue force. Many modern observers would see little difference between the GNE Coast Guard and a modern navy with regard to the overall equipment lists of hardware and especially armament, and the no-nonsense, generally paranoid attitude that the GNE-CGS maintains, but with the nature of Rifts Earth, an unprepared person(or boatload full of them) is typically a DEAD person. The major differences between the GNE-CGS and the regular Navy are that the CGS maintains fewer large warships(though it does have three Storm Skimmer-class frigates), has many more light coastal patrol craft and small combatants, and maintains a larger land-based aircraft force(mostly Caribou IIs, Hercules IIs, Osprey Tilt-Rotors, Vanstar VTOLs, Catalina II flying boats, and TW Sea King ASW helicopters).
The GNE CGS rarely ever performs any sort of duties outside Greater New England coastal waters(10-25 miles out), and maintains a gridwork of patrol zones and coastal watch districts to report wrecks, suspicious activities, and the presence of monsters and other alien threats. The CGS also maintains a much more visible presence, including adopting the white with orange accents color scheme of the old U.S. Empire Coast Guard(another attempt to maintain the idea of a uninterrupted tradition). Coast Guard units also tend to be more lightly armed than regular Navy units, and are expected to retreat from a bad situation if they lack the firepower to handle it, report the circumstances, and get reinforced by regular military units, CGS units are also far more active in interdicting and searching incoming merchantmen for contraband(and infiltrators), and work closely with the shorebased police to break up slavery and smuggling rings, including shutting off any waterborne escape routes criminals may attempt to use. The CGS also works closely with Coastal Defense and the Navy in maintaining the offshore sensor grids, minefields, sensor buoy networks, and harbor defenses, and CGS Search and Rescue craft regularly patrol the waters in event any Navy, Air Force, or Space Force personnel should find themselves in need of rescue.

It may seem easy to deride the ‘white hats’ of the Coast Guard as second echelon warriors, but the CGS is a formidable fighting force in its own right. CGS personnel are virtually identical to their Navy compatriots in terms of personal gear, armor, and weaponry, but most will carry an additional stun weapon, handcuffs, medkit, or rescue gear.
Coast Guard uniforms and armor will typically be a light blue and white with orange accents and shoulder flash/plate.
O.C.C.s common to the GNE Coast Guard:
Police Inspector(equiv. to Coalition ‘Spector’, but with boating skills)
Merchant Marine
Navy Seaman(Equivalent)
Smuggler(contraband search expert)
Salvage Expert
Ocean Mage

Aerospace Division/”Space Force”
‘Five Stars!-
Our Stars!”
----Chorus from ‘Manifest Destiny’

Probably the most dynamic, glamorized, but hardly ever seen, arm of the GNE military is the Aerospace Division, also called ‘SpaceForce’, and often referred to as the ‘Phantom Seventh’(Army). With the nationalization of the Plymouth One facility, the PS security forces became part of the GNE military, and the spacecraft and weapons platforms of the PS Aerospace Force became part of the new SpaceForce organization, incorporated into the GNEAS.
In terms of sheer power, the SpaceForce could arguably whip the rest of the GNE military without even holding its breath. With its spacecruisers and nuclear weapons, heavy orbital weapons platforms, and fighter craft, SpaceForce takes the lion’s share of the total military budget. But, with the exception of GMR cruisers taking off and landing, and the Stelmarines guarding the space facilities, the SpaceForce is hardly ever seen or has an impact on Earthly matters. The Interface prevents the orbital forces from taking the High Ground against terrestrial opponents in the Rifts Earth frame of reality, and most military planners agree that displaying the SpaceForce’s strategic weapons capabilities would only serve to incite immediate and violent, perhaps nuclear, responses from the GNE’s enemies. Many critics thus contend that the SpaceForce is a moondoggle and a worse-than-useless drain of the GNE military budget, better spent shoring up the defenses at home, and that Space Force is at best a ‘prestige force’, meant to bolster the egos of Paladin Steel by allowing them to prove that they CAN build spacecraft. PS counters that the SpaceForce has provided protection for the immensely profitable space industries, allowing the company to feed the groundside operations with secure sources of material(one fair-sized nickel-iron asteroid can supply PS’s factories with steel for months, if not years, of production), and serves as a valuable strategic reserve of manpower for the Earthside forces. Furthermore, spin-off technology, such as the Star Tiger, will shore up the planetside military forces!
The earlier criticisms have steadily lost ground with the continuing construction and introduction of transdimensional(that is to say, ships that can travel through the Interface and perform in both space and atmosphere) warships such as the Fafnir, Aeryie, and Providence classes.
The SpaceForces are virtually an army onto themselves, and exact headcounts on available manpower are difficult to obtain, owing to Orbital Irregulars and support personnel filling multiple roles, as well as the undecided status of the paramilitary Explorer Corps, which maintains its own ships and troops, but the general figure given for public relations is roughly 100,000 effectives, not including PS space support personnel. In theory, these forces could be drawn down to reinforce the planetside military, but in practice this would require a truly dire crisis(in which case, the Spaceforces would be most likely assigned to evacuation duties) for this to happen. The current direction of operations, though, seems to be still the protection and expansion of PS offworld assets, with an eye towards establishing offworld production, storage, and training facilities that could be used to support and supply a troop buildup, away from Splugorth and Coalition surveillance. The new generation of advanced dual atmospheric and space operations-capable capital ships recently introduced to SpaceForce seems to further promote this idea. Many crews are now being trained in the practice of ‘dipping’, taking their spacecraft into the high atmospheric Dimensional Interface surrounding Earth and using its distortions, combined with onboard magics and spacial-orientation mechanisms, to ‘bounce’ into other dimensions(for exploration or to visit as yet undisclosed GNE/PS outdimension facilities and resource sites).
Currently, SpaceForce oversees the Plymouth One facility, Guantanamo One Battle Station and its four sisters, and the currently under-construction Colony One/New Montpelier, as well as provides security for Valiant Station and its attendant industrial satellites. SpaceForce also oversees the thirty-odd capital spacecraft, and batsat defense network. It is also rumored that SpaceForce has secret facilities in alternate-universes, with tales of secret shipyards and training camps.
The standard SpaceForce duty uniform owes much to pre-Rifts Air Force jumpsuits and uniforms. A modified light megadamage skinsuit overall, that doubles, with snap-on gloves and a light helmet, as an emergency pressure suit(15 minute air supply), with a short-sleeved tunic worn over it, and light boots, is standard issue. The skinsuit, also known as a ‘slipsuit’, permits quick donning of better equipped EVA suits and other protective apparel, as well as provides some protection against shrapnel in the confines of a spaceship. Typical colors are green, blue, and silver, with accents color-coded to reflect rank and field of expertise.
Current commander of SpaceForce is General Vince ‘Redwing’ Raymond, 12th level Mutant Human Rogue Scholar with advanced military training. Despite his nonmilitary origins and largely desktop command, Raymond’s advanced knowledge of strategy and tactics, and administrative skills in managing the logistics and physics of space combat, have earned him the command and respect, where other, more conventional military minds have failed to make the transition. Furthermore, his personal charisma and political insight have kept SpaceForce’s public image positive, and prevented the Force’s disbandment by conservative legislators back home. His staff members include Colonel Zeta Anwunbee(10th level Fleet Officer, one-time commander of a D-bee stellar warship, now advisor on space combat), and Major-General Pricer, (11th level Ogre Headhunter, and head of the Stelmarines).
O.C.C.s common to the Space Forces:
CAF Fleet Officer( Rifts Earth Equivalent, trained by d-bee refugees---still rather rare)
Ace Pilot
RPA “Flyboy”(Equivalent---with an emphasis on GNE hardware)
Spacial Mage

“Knock, knock, open this can up! Bet you weren’t expecting to be boarded way out here, eh, scuzzwad?”
---Stelmarine Lieutenant Mazy Dansun, upon boarding the freighter of Los Van-Thomas, Independent Spacer, suspected Arkhon collaborator, and wanted fugitive(ice theft), just outside the orbit of Jupiter

Considered to be part of the Space Force, the Stelmarines are the spaceborne equivalent of the regular Marines; shipboard soldiers trained to protect the ships of the GNESF from boarding, and to engage the crews of enemy vessels in counter actions. Their responsibilities, and numbers correspondingly, have increased to include space station security, the manning of planetside fortifications on PS/GNE-claimed/occupied celestial bodies, and special operations such as planetary assault landings, commando operations on the Moon and Mercury, and the capture of enemy vessels and personnel in the ongoing Arkhon War. The Stelmarines have their own distinctive EBA, specialized weaponry, and their own version of the PSA-11 power armor, but they are wholly dependent on the Space Force for vehicle support. The expansion of the GNE into space has lad to increased calls for a corresponding increase in funds for the upgrading and expansion of the Stelmarines; the transfer of the Fafnir-class troop carriers, originally intended to allow the Regular Army access to other planets, to Stelmarine operations is part of the increased resource allocation.
Currently, the GNESF has one Division of Stelmarines(‘Alpha Division’), and an additional three Regiments. Four more Regiments, composed of new trainees and Orbital recruits(including former Val’Y’Nt Station Defenders) are expected to come into active service in the next year or so, and form the core of the Second Stelmarine Division, already dubbed the ‘Charon Division’. The Venerian Rangers, a unit composed of survivors of the Venus Relief Expedition, and recruited back up to strength with new recruits, is one of the most notable of the Stelmarine combat units.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

‘We just have our own ways of doing things...ways that work nevertheless....It was enlightened of the government to recognize this, and let us keep doing our thing...”
-----Captain Jamie Arquette, ‘Aerocobras’ Company

“In the Regular Army, they hardly ever let you loot the bodies afterwards...”
----’Bender’, ‘Flexman’ Full Conversion Cyborg

Irregulars enjoy a rather dubious status within the GNE, being essentially self-raised formations of adventurers or mercenaries kept and paid by the GNE. Some Irregular units dress, organize, and behave in a manner almost indistinguishable from Regular Army, while other units are clearly mercenary units with seemingly little or no connection to the GNE. What Irregular units do enjoy in common is a tactical flexibility in operations that the civil-government directed Regular Army and the company-loyal Paladin Steel/Alliance Security don’t enjoy. Irregulars are the true wild card in the GNE deck. The existence of the Irregular units allows the GNE to project its power into theatres of operations outside its own borders, even a world away, without risking its own defensive forces. This includes guerilla warfare, sabotage, spying, and assassination. When the GNE has something dirty or deniable they want done, they typically contact an Irregular unit to do it.
The danger, of course, is that the quality of personnel and organization isn’t always consistent, and in the worst units, loyalty to the cause is uncertain. Before any Irregular unit is accepted into service, its personnel and history are carefully checked and screened. However, not everyone appreciates this; those units that dissent are turned away. Unfortunately, in a crisis situation, it isn’t always possible to run a careful background check or allow a probationary period of observation, or even to get data(how does one run a security-risk check on someone who claims to have escaped from Atlantis or beyond?), but the GNE tries its best, with the support of its Alliance allies. While it is rare for an Alliance-raised and supported Irregular unit to cut and run in a tight situation, it isn’t unknown, and field commanders tend to keep a closer eye and heavier touch with those Irregular units they aren’t very familiar with.
Exact numbers of Irregular units are unknown, owing to the rather fluid nature of their organization, ranging from four-man special ops teams to battalion-sized private armies(rarely larger), but estimates are that the GNE has a “phantom division” of 4,000-8,000 troops available to it, perhaps more as more adventurers are attracted to the GNE banner. The typical Irregular unit rarely exceeds a battalion in size, and the majority can be considered to be light or mechanized infantry in composition.
Naval and air Irregular units also exist in GNE service. Naval Irregulars range from harbor security details to salaried privateers paid to hunt such constant enemies as the Horune and Splugorth, with naval forces ranging from one or two patrol boats to the largest being destroyer flotillas of 4-6 ships based around a larger mothership(a converted cargo carrier, amphibious transport, or cruiser usually). Air Irregulars rarely range larger than a wing of aircraft, the average being a squadron of fighters with an attendant air transport or two. It is RUMORED that with the GNE’s expansion into orbit and solar space that space Irregulars have formed from Independent spacers who have signed on to serve under the GNE/PS banner, though their numbers are likely to be far fewer than either the naval or air Irregular units.

O.C.C.s common to the Irregulars:
Any---The Irregulars are where the odd ends, unique ones, and misfits are most likely to be found...

Notable Units:
Sean “Lucky Irish” Kelley’s Sidhe Liberation Army(SLA)

The SLA is a GNE-supported mercenary force operating in Newfoundland and Eastern Canada. Directed by the charismatic red-haired Sean Kelley, an Irish expatriate from, the primary task of this elite force is to harass the Splugorths’ faerie-harvesting operations in the region, and gather information on the Splurgorth colony on Newfoundland. The SLA has roughly 200 members( not including a random number of local partisans, friendly Little People, and Psi-Stalker guerillas), with a mix of heavy assault troops(cyborgs) and magic users(including at least two ex-slave Tattooed Warriors). The SLA also has a handful of armored vehicles(notably a Skull Hunter ‘mech, three Mantis ‘bots, and several dozen Scorpions and Rakshasha ‘bots) for support. The SLA has grown adept at hit and run attacks on Splurgorth slaver facilities and parties, and have liberated several hundred faerie-folk in the course of their operations, earning them more than a few friends among the Little People. They are occasionally assisted by other mercenary units rotated up to the region.
With the chastisement of the Splurgorth during the Day of Wrath and GNE’s annexation of the Coalition’s naval base at New Halifax, the SLA can operate more openly, but no less effectively, against the Splurgorth colonials. The deterioration of the Grand Banks Accords has given a new urgency to the SLA’s actions, however, as it is anticipated that the Splugorth will use their colonies as forward staging areas for any action they take against the GNE.
The SLA is commanded by Sean “Lucky Irish” Kelley, a charismatic young red-haired woman(9th level Druid) who came to North America looking for adventure. She stayed after learning of the plight of the Nova Scottian Faerie-folk, and has been ruining the Splugoths’ harvests ever since.
Kelley’s second-in-command is Malcom Z, a hulking TW-Borg(9th level Full Conversion ‘Borg) with connections to the Underground Railroad, and a line of communications to Paladin Steel(essentially the group liaison).
Third in command, heading one of the SLA’s more effective guerilla units is Cotee Donavan, once known as ‘Donyu-Va’---elven for’ lovely eyes’, a 7th level Elven Bio-Borg(Aberrant alignment). Enslaved by the Splugorth for her great beauty and dancing skills, Cotee was forced to entertain her inhuman masters with her grace and dancing prowess. But when she tried to knife a particularly odious minion that tried to molest her, she provided further entertainment for her enslavers; rather than kill her, they stripped her beauty from her in the Bio-Wizardry labs, turning her into a loathsome parody of herself..
Cotee resembles a slender elven maiden, but whereas her skin was once fine alabaster, she now resembles a statue carved of light-veined ebony. Her beautiful blue eyes are now blank patches of skin, her eyes now Eyes of Eylor implanted in her breasts. Her slender hands now sport wicked claws, and her mouth sports silver fangs.
Cotee was further used, under the control of brain control implants, by her masters for several less-than-kosher tasks...Cotee doesn’t like to talk about that particular part of her history, but sources in Splynn indicate that one of her actions was to kill her fellow dancers and friends for the entertainment of their demonic masters. Cotee was able to break the mind control and escape to the mainland only with the help of the Underground Railroad in the wake of the Day of Wrath.
Cotee hates the Splugorth with a vengeance, and has proven particularly adept at finding ways of sabotaging and killing Minions. She takes great satisfaction in torturing Minions for information, before killing them....Kelly and Malcolm Z find Cotee’s methods and state of mind disquieting, but her undeniable expertise and ability to extricate her people from seemingly hopeless situations against overwhelming odds have ensured her a prominent place in the SLA.

The Blue Terror
The Blue Terror is an eccentric(even for the GNE) Irregular unit composed almost entirely of one set of d-bees; short, large nosed, blue-skinned, magic-using humanoids who claim their racial name is unpronounceable, and who answer to the name ‘Blue Terror’. Little is known of this organization and its origins, though the members themselves claim that they hold a grudge against particular parties in their home dimension for mismanagement of their acting careers, syndication cancellation, and a general catastrophic decline in their fortunes. This grudge seems to carry on over into their work as mercenaries, and the Blue Terror is an extremely vicious(if small statured) force when in action, favoring fast Jump Trooper-style movement, combined with heavy weapons(they love large caliber firearms and particle beam pistols), and hallucinogenic magical attacks, often while they themselves are hopped up on herbal stimulants. The Blue Terror typically operates at company strength(160 troops).

The Dark Horse
The Dark Horse is not so much a mercenary unit, as a private army and extended bodyguard militia, that is directed and financed by the enigmatic white-haired Syra, a d-bee woman of striking beauty and equally impressive talents, who has been a friend and advisor of over three generations of Paladin Steel leadership. Though the unit’s primary responsibilities lay elsewhere, mainly outside the Rifts Earth dimension continuum, the Dark Horse has close ties to the VFS and GNE. Syra regularly makes large purchases of equipment for the Black Horse and her other concerns, and the Dark Horse regularly conducts war games with the GNE military. While the Dark Horse has not become directly involved in any of the GNE’s current feuds, during the Siege of New Rochester, elements of the Dark Horse did take over garrison duties in the GNE, allowing much-needed manpower and material to be shifted to the western fronts.
The unit’s history is known to only a handful within the GNE, but it is known that the Dark Horse incorporates elements of several other units, including breakaway elements of the Trickster Legion, and the ‘OMS’(an equally shadowy organization specializing in martial arts and mechanized warfare).
The Dark Horse’s Combat Aviation Wing, the Pegasus Lancers, is best known for their use of Mohawks and Cheyenne copters in close-support of their armored regiment, the Black Horse Chargers, themselves well-known for their use of their heavy high-speed armored units to blitz opponents.

Child Finders
“Who doesn’t like someone who’s just looking to help children? Especially the lost or abused ones....and there’s far too much of that in this day and age.Those folks over there, they pour their hearts and souls into their work, hoping for a happy ending...they give of themselves, donate time and money ‘til they bleed, and go places nobody else would go, all for the sake of somebody else’s kids...So I make it a point to monitor the com-frequencies those folks like to use, and tell my men to do the same..If they hear anything come up, they let me know...Because if those good folk need help, well, AirCav’s going to provide!”
-----Colonel Vance Parkinson, 18th AirCav Regiment, 4th Army

“Now, see, my client’s a real nice lady...a doctor, matter of fact...people don’t get much nicer...and she loves her daughter...she’d really like to see her again...but she probably won’t approve of people getting hurt, like me hurting you...then again, we are talking about you, who are most definitely NOT a nice person, and the last person to see my client’s daughter alive, and you’re not being cooperative...and my client ain’t here, so she can’t rightly complain in any case...
Which is why you’re currently sitting inside a Zentraedi food processor...Now, you wanna tell me where little Ami is, or do I put my foot down hard on this here ‘puree’ button? You start talkin’, I figure I gotta let you go, out of the niceness of my client’s heart and all that, with only a few bruises and contusions...You don’t, well, if you’re real lucky, maybe you’ll only feel those counter-rotating stainless steel blades slice through your legs and spine five or ten times before you black out....”
----Alonzo ‘Dirtee’ Demetrivich, ex-Juicer and P.I., interrogating a suspect in a child kidnapping case.

“Screw the cost and the risk...(wipes tear from eye)...Happiness is seeing family reunions like that....”
-----Winslow the Hyperthyroid, Human Super-Mutant Child Finders volunteer, on completion of a successful mission.

Not a mercenary or auxiliary unit, so much as an outgrowth of the 4th Army’s families. Child Finders is an agency founded by refugee families who had been slaves of the Splugorth, who had been separated from their children either before or during the Day of Wrath and the Great Escape, and were trying to track down their missing offspring. The informal society has grown through word of mouth and official recognition into a volunteer agency dedicated to finding and rescuing missing children. Though not a military organization in itself, its humanitarian mission has often attracted the attention and support (both covert and open)of official military units, its intelligence-gathering has often crossed paths with government spy operations, and in some cases it has hired special operatives and mercenaries to extract children from dangerous circumstances. Child Finders will go after reports of kids, up to teenagers, of just about any species, and will assist in rescues, rehab, and deprogramming if necessary. From the slave pits of Splynn to the inner sanctums of Chi-Town, and even to far galaxies, if children are in danger, the Child Finders will find them and do everything in their power to save them, rescue them, reunite them with their families, or place them with people who genuinely care for them...
President and cofounder of Child Finders is Mysaree DeLindar, a city werewolf who originally joined with other mothers to find her missing two cubs, taken from her when she was a slave of the Horune. Sadly, soon after she helped organize Child Finders, her children were confirmed dead, killed by a demonic minion of the pirates for amusement. Rather than lose herself over this personal tragedy, Mysaree steadfastly dedicated herself to the organization, to help her fellow mothers and parents avoid similar tragedies, if possible. She is assisted in her efforts by Mother Elsee, a grotesquely obese Earndroth matriarch with a heart of gold, who found her children(three of whom have subsequently joined Child Finders as operatives), Mister Darke(a superpowered HU/AU Manarr alien who has set aside his Death Armor to help children), Lars Kendrickson(a Mystic specializing in tracking), and Sarah Dannenburgh( ex-Chi Town ‘Spector, whose sympathies for the D-bees she met turned her off on the Coalition’s human supremacist policies), to name just a few...
Size: About 600 full-time members nationwide
Sponsorship: Private organization, supported by private donations. Many parents will offer rewards and offer to pay expenses, but many cannot(and if a happy resolution doesn’t result, Child Finders will often refund any money paid them). The GNE and PS have recently begun subsidizing the organization with modest funds and donations of equipment.
Wardrobe: Bring your own. Individuals may allow access to their private wardrobes to provide disguises
Equipment: The organization does have access to spy gear, like camcorders, wiretaps, and surveillance equipment. They also maintain a complete medical clinic, geared mostly towards pediatrics, but also has several psychologists, deprogrammers, and addiction experts on constant call.
Headquarters/Base Facilities: Child Finders has two floors of an office building in Burlington as its headquarters. This main office has a communications center, file archive, medical clinic, nursery, and a lab(for checking DNA and fingerprints).
The organization also has small offices in New Seattle, Lazlo, and New Lazlo, and a series of semi-permanent safehouses in various other communities near trade routes and heavily-travelled regions.
Vehicles: Organizational pool. Small fleet of basic commercial and civilian transports, mostly donated by other groups and private concerns.
Communications: Full Range System---Most Child Finders will be able to get a personal communicator and some form of long range communications to report problems or success. Child Finders has access to the GNE communications net and has contacts in the private and public radio networks of Lazlo, New Lazlo, and other cities that allows them to relay and pass on messages.
Weaponry: Self-equipped. Given that this is Rifts Earth, most of the members have acquired a personal weapon of some sort, mostly self defense and stun weapons, but the more militant staffers carry more powerful armaments, and aren’t afraid to pull the trigger on a child molester or kidnapper.
Robots and Power Armors: None. Can enlist the services of some fairly powerful groups and individuals with their own mechanized might, but they lack permanent heavy armor assets.
Security: Tight; most of the members of Child Finders know each other personally. Also, Child Finders keeps confidential records of children, both before and after rescue, in order to protect clients’ privacy.
Military Force: None per say, but several Headhunters and retired soldiers have joined and formed a strike force that can respond at a moment’s notice(actually 2-3 days).
Intelligence: Intelligence Network---not as sophisticated as the big governments’, but Child Finders does have an informal network of eyes and ears, including many in the Black Market and military, willing to look out for information and pass on reports of missing children. CF also has a few psychics and mages willing to use their talents to help zero in on kids.
Criminal Activity:
*Forger---Great for forging I.D. papers, or spotting forgeries
*Hackers---Hack local computer databases
*Smugglers---Both of information and people
Monthly Budget: Has an emergency fund of about 15,000-25,000 credits per month(sometimes less, sometimes more; they can usually get loans or sponsors for more) for paying bribes, hiring additional help, and posting notices.
Alignments: Principled and Scrupulous
Salary: Modest----Nobody joins Child Finders to get rich, and many employees pay their own way, contributing part of their modest salaries back to the organization.
Contacts: Child Finders is on very good terms with the GNE, PS, Alliance, and numerous law enforcement agencies, including the Cyberknights, Lynn-Syia, Tundra Rangers, Free Canadian Mounties, and the JLA(!).
Reputation: Known; most people regard the organization as a bunch of idealistic do-gooders with high hopes and little real power, but to those who have need of their services, they are saviors...a ray of hope in a dark world.

Other Mercenary units with ties to the GNE include ‘BangBang’ Maxwell’s Heavy Artillery Company Incorporated, Admiral Al’s Naval Power, and the Ri’ish Shan Legionaries.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

That's good start.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Jagernath’s Guardian Service
“Yeah? So what if she’s your slavegirl? My employer assigned me to HER, so she doesn’t technically OWN me, but I’m loyal to her and only to her under my contract, and my contract also sez I protect her from you and all advances! That means KEEPYOUR FILTHY PAWS OFF!”*KER-CHAK*

“I got news for you; thanks to the Splugorth you only got my arms. You missed my tentacles. Ah, that’s so much better. Now, you were saying what you were going to do to your ex-wife?What did you say? I can’t hear you. Oh, that’s because I’m choking off your air. I’ll let you breath, but only after I rip your Juicer harness out of you. Like this. Okay, now that’s entirely too loud and you only use up more air screaming like that, bad guy!”

Jagenath’s Guardian Service is a bodyguard service that specializes in finding protective detail jobs for ex-Splugorth BioBorgs. It was formed by Vittrio Jagernath a year after the Great Exodus landed hundreds of thousands of escaping slaves on North American shores. Those subjected to the worse excesses of Biowizardry had always had it bad, even among their fellow ex-slaves, and Jagernath, an ex-pit gladiator (9th level) of unusual intelligence, banded together with several other former pit-fighters, to form a private business that would give ex-slave bioborgs useful jobs and significant income. Rather than simply hire themselves out as mercenary cannon-fodder, Jagernath and his compatriots have sold their services as big, intimidating bodyguards. For a price(between 200 and 800 credits a day typically), you can get a BioBorg bodyguard to trail you around and protect you from your enemies. What you WON’T get is a hired assassin or break-in man to do your dirty work for you; Jagernath’s aiming to steer his people away from being exploited to do dirty suicidal work by people seeking to take advantage of the refugee warriors. To make sure of that, Jagernath regularly has contracts looked over by the Desperate Measures law firm to make sure his people aern’t being taken advantage of. Still, even with the restrictions and legal protections, JGS is a good bargain for people needing some heavy ablative meat to protect themselves with.
On the side, JGS also offers its members counseling services, some job re-training(at the very least, social etiquette so the bodyguards don’t drool on the carpet), and the support of those who are physically(and mentally) warped like the new recruits are. In extreme cases, they’ll pass the hat around to get ailing members much-needed medical care(or work that as part of the larger contracts).
JGS has since grown to nearly 300 members, and has come to accept other bio-enhanced sentients, such as Dog-Boys, GeneSplicer victims, a Biotic or two, and other d-bees.
Though sometimes called an Irregular Unit with regards to its existance within the GNE and quiet sponsorship by Paladin Steel, JGS does NOT operate as a military unit. They are more often hired by Paladin Steel to escort and protect workers and staffers, and occasionally the military will hire JGS employees to protect civilian contractors working with the military. If the GNE were ever to come under all-out attack, though, Jagernath’s Service would likely and readily cooperate with the authorities in protecting the communities where they work.
Size: Free Company
Sponsorship: Government---The Greater New England government quickly realized that Jagernath’s was a convenient way to meaningfully support the rehabilitation of ex-Splugorth slaves, and has quietly supported the group. Indeed, most of JGS work continues to be escorting and protecting GNE and PS officials.
A: Dress: Specialty. The often deformed and monstrous body-forms of bioborgs frequently require special consideration when it comes to clothing. JGS has tailors on hand to fit the standard uniforms to oversized or asymmetrical frames.
The ‘standard’ JGS uniform is a dark three-piece suit similar in general appearance to pre-Rifts business suits, with tie(usually clip-on) and optional mirrored sunglasses(typically incorporating a HUD or extra optical sensors) and armor values similar to Triax ‘Plain Clothes’ armor. Field wear is combat fatigues with armor inserts. Depending on the individual employee and the assignment, personal armor can be worn, but VJ expects his employees to wear the tie.
B. Equipment: Good. Employees can expect to receive communciations gear, a good selection of protective gear, first aid kits, and personal electronics.
C: Vehicles: Fleet vehicles.
JGS has several Silken Swift armored limousines, Peregrine hovercars, and a number of more mundane buses, sedans, vans, and trucks for transport, most equipped to be driven by non-humans, and fitted with additional armor.
D. Weaponry: Good; JGS offers its operatives a fair selection of weaponry appropriate to their jobs, with a variety of Paladin Steel, Wildstorm Industries, Wilks, and Northern Gun weapons available. A good supply of ammunition and relaods are also on hand for issuance. TW weapons are occasionally available for special assignments.
The PS ‘Incendii’ Plasma Pistol and PSHM-40 ‘Crusher’ 40mm SuperHeavy Automatic Pistol have become favorites of the JGS.
E. Power Armor and Robots: None; neither are particularly effective at close escort or bodyguard work.
F. Communications: Secured service
G.Security: Tight; pretty much everybody knows everybody else.
H. Headquarters: JGS has its home office in Burlington, but has recently opened branch offices in New Boston and Lazlo. These offices tend to be simply offices with a few rooms set aside for bunks, and a first aid station with a paramedic or two who’s not going to be perplexed by a non-human anatomy.
I. Intelligence: JGS has a few street contacts and links to the underworlds in places like the Relic.
J. Monthly Budget: Modest
K. General Alignment: Unprincipled and Anarchist
L. Criminal Activity: Aside from roughing up people who threaten their clients and the occasional collateral property damage, JGS retains, under the table, the services of several forgers to dummy up fake ID papers for its people, as well as licenses(especially for weapons) and passes. They also retain the services of several smugglers to get equipment where it needs to go, and occasionally people in and out of tight situations.
M. Reputation: Known; JGS is acquiring a reputation for reliability.
N. Monthly Salary: Modest----Not as bad as many groups, not as high as others, but at least with JGS you can be assured that you’re not being assigned to a suicide mission or being taken advantage of because your options are limited.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

wow very well done this is rifter material !!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Shark_Force »

taalismn wrote:The Blue Terror
The Blue Terror is an eccentric(even for the GNE) Irregular unit composed almost entirely of one set of d-bees; short, large nosed, blue-skinned, magic-using humanoids who claim their racial name is unpronounceable, and who answer to the name ‘Blue Terror’. Little is known of this organization and its origins, though the members themselves claim that they hold a grudge against particular parties in their home dimension for mismanagement of their acting careers, syndication cancellation, and a general catastrophic decline in their fortunes. This grudge seems to carry on over into their work as mercenaries, and the Blue Terror is an extremely vicious(if small statured) force when in action, favoring fast Jump Trooper-style movement, combined with heavy weapons(they love large caliber firearms and particle beam pistols), and hallucinogenic magical attacks, often while they themselves are hopped up on herbal stimulants. The Blue Terror typically operates at company strength(160 troops).

smurf army?

how exactly do they avoid telling people the name of their race, since they use it to replace just about every verb in the english language =S
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Shark_Force wrote:
taalismn wrote:The Blue Terror
The Blue Terror is an eccentric(even for the GNE) Irregular unit composed almost entirely of one set of d-bees; short, large nosed, blue-skinned, magic-using humanoids who claim their racial name is unpronounceable, and who answer to the name ‘Blue Terror’. Little is known of this organization and its origins, though the members themselves claim that they hold a grudge against particular parties in their home dimension for mismanagement of their acting careers, syndication cancellation, and a general catastrophic decline in their fortunes. This grudge seems to carry on over into their work as mercenaries, and the Blue Terror is an extremely vicious(if small statured) force when in action, favoring fast Jump Trooper-style movement, combined with heavy weapons(they love large caliber firearms and particle beam pistols), and hallucinogenic magical attacks, often while they themselves are hopped up on herbal stimulants. The Blue Terror typically operates at company strength(160 troops).

smurf army?

how exactly do they avoid telling people the name of their race, since they use it to replace just about every verb in the english language =S

Speech therapy and hard they swear like longshoremen...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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As the official Kera-Tech rep (and writer), I demand royalty checks!

Looking good Talis.
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-- Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, Lazarus Long

Carl Gleba wrote:Well said Raven :ok:
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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The Raven wrote:As the official Kera-Tech rep (and writer), I demand royalty checks!

Looking good Talis.

Depositing 40 million Post-Apocalyptic Credits* to your account as we speak
(*Caution: Conversion rates to pre-Apocalyptic dimensions may vary and conversion value may actually be NEGATIVE)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Awesome stuff!
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Arnie100 wrote:Awesome stuff!

Or as the Blue Terror would put it:
" You're $&^#@ing welcome! Now can we %&*8ing get some &*%&&ing service around here, like some $&%**&ing cold %*&%ing beer or do I ^U%^&ing have to pry some %&*&*ing eyeballs out?!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:Colonel Arin Blade is in one of the notable bright stars of Military Intelligence. A physically striking, but personally quite modest, human of extraterrestrial origins, Col. Blade possesses an amazing aptitude at data analysis, aided in part by his considerable psionic talents. The Colonel’s extrapolations of enemy capabilities and future actions from often ambiguous data have been correct more than eighty percent of the time, and the intel missions he has had a hand in planning and directing have had an astonishing success rate. The Colonel has been seen to wear a strange, jewel-like amulet on his wrist, and has occasionally made reference to his tour of duty with another military organization, previous to coming to Rifts Earth, but the secretive Blade is reluctant to discuss in any detail his past, aside from his strong personal beliefs and dedication to the service. He is, however, an outspoken advocate of the GNE Constitution, proclaiming it to be a ‘document of True Civilization’, and supports the Expansionist cause of seeking allies and establishing various protectorates from which the GNE can launch further exploration and build stronger alliances.

And a Grey Lensman too? Brilliant stuff here Taalismn.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Sabre 1 wrote:
taalismn wrote:Colonel Arin Blade is in one of the notable bright stars of Military Intelligence. A physically striking, but personally quite modest, human of extraterrestrial origins, Col. Blade possesses an amazing aptitude at data analysis, aided in part by his considerable psionic talents. The Colonel’s extrapolations of enemy capabilities and future actions from often ambiguous data have been correct more than eighty percent of the time, and the intel missions he has had a hand in planning and directing have had an astonishing success rate. The Colonel has been seen to wear a strange, jewel-like amulet on his wrist, and has occasionally made reference to his tour of duty with another military organization, previous to coming to Rifts Earth, but the secretive Blade is reluctant to discuss in any detail his past, aside from his strong personal beliefs and dedication to the service. He is, however, an outspoken advocate of the GNE Constitution, proclaiming it to be a ‘document of True Civilization’, and supports the Expansionist cause of seeking allies and establishing various protectorates from which the GNE can launch further exploration and build stronger alliances.

And a Grey Lensman too? Brilliant stuff here Taalismn.

Wouldn't say Grey-ranked, but yes, it's a nod to the classics.... :D

The adjutant to the Marine Corps General was going to be a Super-Sajiyan, originally, but I don't like Dragonball Z a;; that much... :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:
taalismn wrote:Colonel Arin Blade is in one of the notable bright stars of Military Intelligence. A physically striking, but personally quite modest, human of extraterrestrial origins, Col. Blade possesses an amazing aptitude at data analysis, aided in part by his considerable psionic talents. The Colonel’s extrapolations of enemy capabilities and future actions from often ambiguous data have been correct more than eighty percent of the time, and the intel missions he has had a hand in planning and directing have had an astonishing success rate. The Colonel has been seen to wear a strange, jewel-like amulet on his wrist, and has occasionally made reference to his tour of duty with another military organization, previous to coming to Rifts Earth, but the secretive Blade is reluctant to discuss in any detail his past, aside from his strong personal beliefs and dedication to the service. He is, however, an outspoken advocate of the GNE Constitution, proclaiming it to be a ‘document of True Civilization’, and supports the Expansionist cause of seeking allies and establishing various protectorates from which the GNE can launch further exploration and build stronger alliances.

And a Grey Lensman too? Brilliant stuff here Taalismn.

Wouldn't say Grey-ranked, but yes, it's a nod to the classics.... :D

The adjutant to the Marine Corps General was going to be a Super-Sajiyan, originally, but I don't like Dragonball Z a;; that much... :-D

Nacen’s adjutant Colonel Goran is a hulking d-bee from a race of alien superwarriors rumored to have made their presence on pre-Rifts Earth, though Goran denies knowing if any more of his kind are on Earth now or in the past. Though he admits that he isn’t as powerful as many, or even most, of his race, the sight of the uber-muscular warrior tearing apart enemy vehicles barehanded, has spun more than a few heads even among his own men, and rallied them to victory. Those in the know predict that Goran is likely to tapped to become the commanding officer of the next Marine Division to be formed, when it happens and he is promoted.

I'm guessing his a Zentraedi now but I can't be 100% certain. Or maybe he just a regular Non-Super-Sajiyan.

I'm currently reading Triplanetary, for probably the fouth time, so I found it really funny to see the reference here.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Sabre 1 wrote:

I'm currently reading Triplanetary, for probably the fouth time, so I found it really funny to see the reference here.

Yep. it was a time when men when Men, and women were Women, and zwilniks got stomped.
Yet, the Lensmen are surprisingly cosmopolitan(though, of course, it's Earthmen/Tellurians who ultimately save the universe, likely due to the testosterone just oozing from their ears).
Robert E, Heinlein thought highly of E.E, Smith, knowing the man personally, and described him as a warm, friendly, many-talented man.
Who just happened to like turning entire SUNS into giant energy cannon, and smashing planets at relativistic speed(really, and I'm supposed to be impressed that James Pelligreno kills the Earth with mere masscons dropped off relativistic anti-matter rockets? -Killing Star-).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:

I'm currently reading Triplanetary, for probably the fouth time, so I found it really funny to see the reference here.

Yep. it was a time when men when Men, and women were Women, and zwilniks got stomped.
Yet, the Lensmen are surprisingly cosmopolitan(though, of course, it's Earthmen/Tellurians who ultimately save the universe, likely due to the testosterone just oozing from their ears).
Robert E, Heinlein thought highly of E.E, Smith, knowing the man personally, and described him as a warm, friendly, many-talented man.
Who just happened to like turning entire SUNS into giant energy cannon, and smashing planets at relativistic speed(really, and I'm supposed to be impressed that James Pelligreno kills the Earth with mere masscons dropped off relativistic anti-matter rockets? -Killing Star-).

Don't forget the anti-matter planet drops as well. E.E. Smith the inventor of 'badass overkill'.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Sabre 1 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:

I'm currently reading Triplanetary, for probably the fouth time, so I found it really funny to see the reference here.

Yep. it was a time when men when Men, and women were Women, and zwilniks got stomped.
Yet, the Lensmen are surprisingly cosmopolitan(though, of course, it's Earthmen/Tellurians who ultimately save the universe, likely due to the testosterone just oozing from their ears).
Robert E, Heinlein thought highly of E.E, Smith, knowing the man personally, and described him as a warm, friendly, many-talented man.
Who just happened to like turning entire SUNS into giant energy cannon, and smashing planets at relativistic speed(really, and I'm supposed to be impressed that James Pelligreno kills the Earth with mere masscons dropped off relativistic anti-matter rockets? -Killing Star-).

Don't forget the anti-matter planet drops as well. E.E. Smith the inventor of 'badass overkill'.

FPD===Free Planet Delivery====When you want to express your dislike of someone in no uncertain terms :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Recently my friend has been wanting to make a d-bee wildness scout with a lot of trick arrows. While another wants to play a Crazy gunslinger armed to the teeth with trick ammo/bullets.
Has Paladin Steel given any love to the gimmick archers and gunmen at this time?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:Recently my friend has been wanting to make a d-bee wildness scout with a lot of trick arrows. While another wants to play a Crazy gunslinger armed to the teeth with trick ammo/bullets.
Has Paladin Steel given any love to the gimmick archers and gunmen at this time?

Haven't any bows and arrows, but we have plenty of guns. :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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89er wrote:Recently my friend has been wanting to make a d-bee wildness scout with a lot of trick arrows. While another wants to play a Crazy gunslinger armed to the teeth with trick ammo/bullets.
Has Paladin Steel given any love to the gimmick archers and gunmen at this time?

page 150 in the Rifts Game Master guide has HiTech arrows and their are some bows in the book somewhere.

You could use 89er's "Paragon Progress" on Omni energy expulsion [Major] by Iczer :D
Just use levels of damage and the same for extended range arrows based on bow being used.
Set cost based on number of levels used to create the arrow and maybe even modifying the bow [range and damage increased]. Does not have to be TW just HiTech from the 21sin or DBee knowledge.

I just love the 'Omni energy expulsion' power.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Would you say this image was a fair representation of the PSA-11:

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Sabre 1 wrote:Taalismn,

Would you say this image was a fair representation of the PSA-11:


Less jets, no wings, more leg, and the hands are more rather looks like a crosss between the anime Starship Troopers' power armor and the K-11 from Bubblegum Crisis.

I AM working on a SAMAS-style winged power armor to give PS a high-flying 'fighetr' PA(among other things)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:Taalismn,

Would you say this image was a fair representation of the PSA-11:


Less jets, no wings, more leg, and the hands are more rather looks like a crosss between the anime Starship Troopers' power armor and the K-11 from Bubblegum Crisis.

I AM working on a SAMAS-style winged power armor to give PS a high-flying 'fighetr' PA(among other things)

Should have read more closely. Claw arm confused me.

That would be the Fury SAMAS mentioned in the PSA-11 section?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

Sabre 1 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:Taalismn,

Would you say this image was a fair representation of the PSA-11:


Less jets, no wings, more leg, and the hands are more rather looks like a crosss between the anime Starship Troopers' power armor and the K-11 from Bubblegum Crisis.

I AM working on a SAMAS-style winged power armor to give PS a high-flying 'fighetr' PA(among other things)

Should have read more closely. Claw arm confused me.

That would be the Fury SAMAS mentioned in the PSA-11 section?

sorry but love your work ....I mean get an artist
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Sabre 1 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Sabre 1 wrote:Taalismn,

Would you say this image was a fair representation of the PSA-11:


Less jets, no wings, more leg, and the hands are more rather looks like a crosss between the anime Starship Troopers' power armor and the K-11 from Bubblegum Crisis.

I AM working on a SAMAS-style winged power armor to give PS a high-flying 'fighetr' PA(among other things)

Should have read more closely. Claw arm confused me.

That would be the Fury SAMAS mentioned in the PSA-11 section?

Working on the Fury...I want to give it something significantly different from the standard PSA-11, and the 'budget' SAMAS variant of it.

Yeah, the claw's an option, which confuses the issue.

One day I figure I'll do up a satisfactory depiction of the PSA-11 and post it to Deviant Art. Along with so many other delayed 'want to do's'
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS Minotaur IR-8 Infantry Combat Robot
(aka ‘Cheesebox’)
“I was with the Eleventh when we pulled out of Tolkeen, just as everything was coming apart...I was supposed to ditch my Minotaur and destroy it in place, but decided to try running it out to the evac point, convincing myself I’d blow it up on the airfield...I don’t know why I got so attached to the thing; the actuators kept freezing up during trials, or else the servos would run wild and throw you all over the place...but I decided to hump my way back driving the thing...Good thing I did...that was a trip from hell! Had a half-dozen walls collapse on me, got sprayed with shrapnel and debris, and took a dip in the sewer system when the road collapsed under me...Minotaur armor saved my life! Damn but we build things tough! Of course, half the time the screwing onboard computers crashed, and I spent some of the longest minutes of my life sweating and swearing waiting for the systems to reboot, either on my side or upside down, or standing out in the open like a target on a shooting range....and by the time I got to the main airfield, the last ship had sailed, so I had to claw and clamber for the secondary site where the SpecOps scouts were waiting for any stragglers...By the time I got there, half my machine was either shot or bashed off broken, but I wouldn’t have made it otherwise if I’d devehicled and tried running it on foot...”

The Paladin Steel ‘Minotaur’ Robot Vehicle was another early indigenous design that emerged from engineering studies of salvaged Gunbuster and Bulldog robots.
The Minotaur was an ugly, pugnacious-looking robot of roughly humanoid configuration, carried on two thick, stumpy legs, with a forward-thrusting chest(the pilot inside lay prone like a motorcyclist, rather than recumbant), with two small utility arms on either side of the chest, and two larger exo-arms emerging from heavy shoulder sockets farther back of the main torso. A large backpack ‘turret’ was mounted above this, over the small sensor head.
The Minotaur was very much a development machine, a testbed of many new technologies, and PS’s inexperience with both robotic design and the new technologies showed. The Minotaur was slow and cumbersome, and many pilots found the ‘cheesebox’ cockpit to be claustrophobic for long duration missions. While well armored, upgraded versions of the more ergonomic and easily piloted PSA-11 soon rivalled the Minotaur for pilot preference. Early models also suffered a higher than average demand for maintenance and fine tuning; many crews joked that like its namesake, the Minotaur ws reluctant to leave its lair.
The ‘Minotaur’ programme produced only a few dozen machines in its short-lived operational career; the ‘Minotaur’ was found to be clumsy, stodgy, and uncomfortable for its pilots to use on extended missions, but PS engineers learned a great deal from the experience. A number of systems pioneered and field-tested on the Minotaur went on to become staples of PS weapons systems, even as the original total package tanked. Of the fifty-seven machines produced, five were sent to Tolkeen during PS’s affiliation with the mage-kingdom(where they were either all destroyed in action, or destroyed as the PS team pulled out during their evacuation), another eight were destroyed in service with the GNE Regular Army, three are retained by PS as testbed platforms, and thirty remain in the Reserves. Paladin Steel retains the design templates and tooling, and supposedly can get the Minotaur back into production, but it is not known if PS intends to do so for the greater market.
Type: PS-IR-8 Minotaur
Class: Infantry Robot
Crew: One
M.D.C./Armor by Location:
Main Body 400
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment 100
Sensor Drums(3) 30 each
Retractable Forearms(2) 80 each
Heavy Lifter Arms(2. optional) 120 each
Legs(2) 150 each
Wheels(3) 30 each

Armor of Ithan Field 120

Optional-----Machine Cannon 60
Optional----Missile Launchers(2) 30 each
Optional----Chain Gun Turret
Chain Gun Ammo Drum(1, rear)
Optional----Laser Cannon(2) 30 each
Optional----Plasma Cannon(2) 50 each
Optional------45mm Launcher Cannon(2) 50 each
Optional-----Hellshot Rail Cannons(2) 60 each
Optional----Mage Pod 175
Height: 18 ft
Width: 7 ft
Length: 12 ft
Weight: 3,500 lbs
Cargo: Enough space in cockpit for a survival pack and sidearm
Physical Strength: The light manipulator arms have a PS equiv. to PS 20 and the heavy exo-arms have a PS equiv. to PS 40 (for damage purposes) Lift:/Carry: 10 tons/5 tons
Power Plant: Nuclear Fusion powerplant w/ 15 year energy life
(Running) 35 MPH
(Leaping) 10 ft across/8 ft up
(Underwater) Cannot swim, but can handle depths of up to 1,000 ft
Market Cost: 28 million credits
Construction Features:
Life Support----standard 8 hour independant air supply
Emergency Ejection System(blows pilot free in an emergency)
Spotlight---800 ft
Radio w/signal scrambler--500 mile long range, 5 mile short range.
External Loudspeaker---80 decibels
ECCM system---A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming(non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible). Having an Electronic Warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to recieved communications(the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data recieved by that unit alone(other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equiped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Thermo-Imaging----2000 ft
IR/UV Optics-------2000 ft
Telescopic/Image Enhancement Optics---4000 ft
Magnification Optics-------x64
Low-light/Nightvision System---2000 ft
Laser Targeting------6000 ft, adds a +1 to strike w/ ranged weapons
External Audio Pickup---300 ft
Mini-Radar------10 mile range
Periscopic Optics Boom---Extends up to 10 ft up

Weapons Systems:
1)Ring Rail Weapons Turret(see weapons fitouts below)---The rear of the Minotaur mounts a rotating turret assembly that can be used to carry a variety of modular weapons systems. Typically the Ring Rail can mount two items(4, if the heavy exo-arms are removed), though some option packages take up all available space(as noted below). The Ring Turret can also mount the formidable Mage Pod system.
a) Heavy L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Gun---This massive, high-powered, rapid-fire gatling-style weapon seems to have an unlimited supply of shells. However, if this option is fitted, the large exo-arms cannot be fitted, as their mounting points are taken up by the Vulcan’s heavy ammunition drum. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret.
Weight:1,000 lbs
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EPCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has 3 attacks per melee
Payload: 8,000 rd magazine(200 bursts)
Cost: 200,000 credits

b) Mini-Missiles----10-shot mini-missile launcher. The Type-8 can carry two of these modular launch-boxes for a total of 20 mini-missiles.
Cost: 50,000 credits per launcher

c)Short-Range Missiles
Range: Varies
Damage: Varies
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 4, two per launcher(8 if heavy exo-arms aren’t fitted)
Cost: 300,000 Credits

d)Hellfire/Copperhead Missiles
Range: 1 mile
Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 4, two per launcher(8 if heavy exo-arms aren’t fitted)
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Market Cost: 50,000 credits for the launcher, 10, 000 credits per missile

e) Twin Heavy Laser Cannon--This feature consists of two twin-barrel PS-34L Laser Cannons on a dual mount w/ 360-degree arc of fire, and 90-degree elevation. The real advantage of this system is that it’s a proven technology, it’s inexpensive, and has an excellent rate of fire.
Weight: 200 lbs (400 lbs per dual mount)
Range:4000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per dual blast, 1d6x10+10 MD per quad blast
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Unlimited
Cost: 50,000 credits for one, 100, 00 credits for dual mounting

f) Twin Plasma Cannon---Two tandem-mount plasma cannon w/ 360-degree arc of fire, and 90-degree elevation.
Weight: 300 lbs(600 lbs per dual mount)
Range: 1,200 ft
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per single blast, 2d6x10 MD per double blast
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Unlimited
Cost: 60,000 credits for one, 120, 00 credits for dual mounting

g) 45mm Multipurpose Launcher ----This overkill weapons system is adapted straight from the PSA-11 PA, and is simply a massively powerful recoilless rifle with a larger revolver-style ammunition drum. Up to two of these things can be fitted for massive close-range firepower. This system has been nicknamed “Geshundeit” by PS engineers, because of the way it just blows things away.
Weight: 200 lbs(500 lbs per dual mount)
Range: 800 ft
Damage:7d6x5 MD
14d6 x5 for double blast(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire:Single shot only
Payload: 12 rds per cannon, 24 total (reloading a complete drum w/ a speed loader takes one melee action per ):
Cost:80,000 credits, 160,000 for dual mounting, plus 800 per shell

h)30mm ‘Hellshot’ Rail Cannons
Another PSA-11 adaptation; two of these normally hand-held weapons can be mounted on powered servo-mounts. An attempt to equal the power of the infamous “Boom Gun” carried by the Glitterboy, these fearsome weapons fire a much larger heavy metal kinetic energy penetrator with a massive punch. Unfortunately, the engineers were unable to equal the Boom Gun’s long range or build the projectiles any smaller, limiting the payload. Unlike the PSA-11, the dual mounting imposes NO penalties on movement due to their secured mounting and the Minotaur’s rugged construction.
Weight: 500 lbs per cannon(1,000 lbs for dual mount)
Range: 3,300 ft
Damage:3d6x10 MD
6d6x10 MD for a dual shot(counts as one attack)
Rate of Fire: Single shot only, EPCHH
Payload: 12 shots per cannon(24 shots total)
Cost: 120,000 credits, 240,000 for dual-mounting. 800 credits per penetrator round

i) Mage Pod---The Mage Pod is probably the most significant technology and option on the Minotaur. The Mage Pod is an effort to develop a modular TechnoWizardry weapon, applicable to vehicles, and is a TW weapons module that incorporates a PPE Battery(Maximum Strength: 500 PPE!) and a pre-programmed crystal spell projector, with hardwired activator spells(Energy Bolt, Energy Field, Domination[for mental spells], and Wind Rush).
The heart of the system, though, lies between the crystal lenses and the PPE Battery. There are three option spaces for Spell Cards. What’s a Spell Card? A Spell Card is a brick-sized wafer of pure iron, crystals, and wiring(typically a large percentage of the wiring consists of gold or silver), woven in mystic configurations, typically around a central gemstone or crystal lense/’lasing’ element, and incorporating a ‘hardwired’ spell. The Spell Card can be simply installed in the Mage Pod’s option slot( a matter of 10-15 minutes to check for correct lense alignment), fed PPE from the Battery via the activator spell, and projected via the crystal ‘shooter’. Instant spell magic! This system also allows the weapons system to be specifically configured to a particular mission needs(i.e. , a Minotaur expected to act as an ECM/ECCM vehicle might carry Frequency Jamming, Illusion, and Illusion Booster, while a vampire hunter might carry Globe of Daylight, Circle of Rain, and Water Wisp).
The Mage Pod has a few drawbacks; one is the fact that the mys-technology is still new and fairly expensive. Spell Cards are rather rare and hard to come by on the market(currently available direct from PS only). The other is that currently only simple single spells can be incorporated into the Spell Card module. Combined effect spells cannot currently be incorporated, though PS is working feverishly on the means to do so.
Weight: 1,000 lbs
Range: Varies by spell
Damage/Duration: Varies by spell
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
PPE Cost per Use: Varies by spell. However, the use of focusing elements and activator spells effectively reduces spell PPE cost by HALF.
(So you Technowizards aren’t flummoxed by PPE costs in a long-running battle, while the still relatively high PPE costs for the high-end spells keeps someone from using Sphere of Annihilation in every battle).
Payload: Draws from the main PPE Battery, but can also draw upon the Type-8’s own PPE reserves. In an emergency, the pilot, if they are a mage or psychic, can kick in their own PPE.
Bonuses: As per spell(if any)
Cost: The basic mage Pod system costs about 1.2 million credits
Spell Cards cost (as per Jason Richards’ guidelines in Rifter #2) 5,000 credits per PPE cost of main spell plus an additional cost (as per following modifiers)
*500 credits per level of the creating caster(Mages’ time and PPE are money, so expect to pay more for the longer duration/higher power spells)
*Warlock spells cost 20% more, in addition to above modifiers, owing to the difficulties of adapting Elemental Magic to ‘conventional” magic systems.

2) Smoke Mortars(2)
Range: 200 ft
Damage: None, IR- and normal-light obscuring smoke in a 30 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 3
Payload: 6 total, 3 per launcher

3) (Optional)Hand-Held Melee Weapons---The Minotaur can pick up and use infantry and power-armor scaled weaponry.

6) Hand to Hand Combat
Use Robot Basic Combat Training stats from RMB
Elite Training in Minotaur combat:
+2 APMs, plus 1 at levels 3,7, and 11
+2 Strike in hand to hand combat
+2 Dodge
+2 Parry
+3 Roll w/ punch. fall, or impact
+3 Pull Punch
+1 on Initiative
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
W/ Heavy Exo-Arms 1d4 ND
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
W/ Heavy Exo-Arms 2d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d6 MD
W/ Heavy Exo-Arms 4d6 MD
Kick 1d6 MD(legs are rather stubby and not ideal for kicking attacks)
Body Block/tackle 1d6 MD

Other Optional Weapons/Systems
1) Forearm Vibro-Blades---The smaller manipulator arms can be fitted with retractable vibroblades
Range: Melee
Damage: +2d6 MD
Cost: 8,000 credits per blade

2) Circular Saws-----This option is mounted on the heavy exo-arms, and consists of a large(3ft diameter) circular saw studded with teeth of superhard ceramic, a swivel mount, and a blade guard. Normally stowed swivelled backwards across the forearm, the saw assembly swings forward when in use, extending past the hand, with the blade guard/hood preventing the spinning blade from slamming back into the arm. The Circular Saw is primarily intended for those jobs where tearing with the hands is not precise enough, and where plasma torches might do unacceptabble thermal damage, like felling trees, cutting asphalt and concrete, and carving up debris.
Note: This is the same system used on the PSA-11 and is interchangable
Weight: 100 lbs
Range: Melee
MDC per Blade:45
Damage: 6d6 MD per slash, 1d6x10+10 MD per full melee cut
Cost: 150,000 credits

*Laser Resistant Ceramic Armor---Rather than make this a standard feature of the production models, Paladin Steel has decided to offer this option for custom-request models. This feature fits the Minotaur with new PS laser resistant ceramic armor material that reduces laser damage by HALF
Cost: +3 million credits to base cost

*PS IR-8TW ‘Manticore’---The name given to the TW-conversion machines in Reserve status.
-PPE: The ‘Manticore’ fairly shimmers with PPE reserves. The TW Powerplant has an integral PPE Battery reserve of 50 PPE per year of charge left. So, a fresh powerplant starts out with 500 PPE that, once exhausted, recharges at 100 PPE per day of inactivity(5 day total recharge)
Furthermore, the Minotaur has two spaces for additional PPE Batteries that can only be recharged by Pyramid or Mage. However, these Batteries can be swapped out and replaced with fresh packs. The PPE of these units can vary from Light(50 PPE, 5,000 cr), Regular(100 PPE, 10,000 cr), Extra-Strength(250 PPE, 25,000 cr), and Maximum(500 PPE, 50,000 cr)

a) Implosion Buffer----This AUTOMATIC defensive system is a direct application of the Implosion Neutralizer(see FoM, pg 137) spell, and is intended to reduce the damage from boobytraps, grenades,missiles(up to, but not including, long range missiles), rockets, artillery rounds, and other explosives. The system is tied into the sensor system and reacts to any imminent explosions within a 100 ft radius of the machine, drawing 20 PPE from reserves whenever activated. The system can be switched off if desired.

b) Magic Projectors(3)---The three sensor pods clustered around the main body of the Minotaur double as TW projectors, and have several spell casting abilities ‘hardwired’ into them, and powered by the ‘bot’s TW powerplant/PPE batteries. The attacks of the Magic Projectors CANNOT be combined. The following spells are typically cast at 6th level profficiency(higher levels can be requested/special ordered at the time of construction, but costs extra).
Magic Net((7)
Carpet of Adhesion (10)
Fire Ball(10)
Call Lightning(15)
Energy Disruption(12)
Mental Shock(30)---A magic anti-personnel system, designed for blasting infantry and other ‘soft’ targets.

Magic Features: (Equiv to 10-12th level)
Armor of Ithan---(120 MDC)(10 PPE)(48 melees/12 minutes)
Impervious to Energy(20 PPE)(5 minutes)
Chameleon (6 PPE)(180 melees/ 45 minutes)
Crushing Fist(12)(10 minutes)----Causes the fists of the Minotaur to glow with mystic energy for 5 minutes, and adds 2d6 MD to punch damage(+2 to strike) for the duration of the charge, or can throw a phantom fist attack 250 ft, +1 to strike, regular punch damage. Once activated, this power can remain in only one mode for the duration of the charge(cannot switch back and forth).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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PS FK-08 Whisper-Kayak
“It’s not always weapons that win battles or wars, in fact, if weapons are what you rely on to win, you’ve already lost.No, being places your enemy don’t expect to and not being where he expects you is the REAL key.”

“This thing’s just the ticket for ghosting around the CS river patrols. You’re low and you’re quiet, and with darkness and maybe a good fog, you can slide right by the Deadboys. You get enough warning, you can dive right under the surface and they’ll never see you. Of course, in a good murk, you can’t see what might be waiting for YOU under the surface, but that’s all part of the game.”

The Whisper-Kayak is a piece of transport equipment for those who want to travel light and go unseen in the process. Developed from a design for a WW2-vintage commando vehicle, the Whisper-Kayak(WK) is a lightweight submersible canoe or kayak that can be used by a single person to quietly move about unheard and hopefully unseen.
Made of tough, ultra-light carbon fiber and other composites, the WK doesn’t show up on radar scans, and its sleek, slick shell slides through water and weeds with a minimum of noise. The hull is also tough enough to handle rocks in high speed rapids, waterfalls, multiple beachings, light arms fire, or a few megadamage bites. A lightweight muffled electric motor inside it provides powered propulsion when needed.
The WK can also operate underwater; a quiet air compressor can compress air for storage when needed, two ballast tanks fore and aft can be flooded with the touch of a lever, and the kayak can dive underwater, assisted by a set of folding dive planes and a rudder. When the kayaker wishes to ascend, he just blows the tanks full of air again, and floats to the surface. Note that the kayak does NOT have any sort of active sensor system; the kayaker must rely on their own senses.
Since its quiet introduction, PS has sold a lot of these small boats to Wilderness and Legacy Scouts, as well as other outdoorsmen.
Type: PS FK-08 Whisper-Kayak
Class: One person light boat
Crew: One
Conceivably, a small person could curl up in the water-tight cargo compartment if nothing else was being carried in it, but such accommodations would be cramped, uncomfortable, and potentially dangerous if their air ran out.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 50
*Note that the kayak only protects the legs and lower torso of the person riding in it. The person is exposed to possible danger from the waist up.
Height: 1.3 ft
Width: 3 ft
Length: 10 ft
Weight: 180 lbs
Cargo: Small water-proof storage space for a backpack and sidearms(about 250 lbs of gear maximum)
Powerplant: E-clip powered electrical battery; a standard E-clip can power the system for 5 hours, a long e-clip for 10 hours, and a canister clip for 48 hours of continuous running.
(Electric Motor) 5 MPH on surface, 4 MPH underwater
Maximum Depth: 80 ft
Market Cost: 13,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Corrosion/water-proof construction
*Comes with complementary double-ended paddle(6 MDC)
*Completely quiet motor operation
*Radar and Sonar Stealth----Radar systems are -30% to detect the kayak, sonar systems are -20%
Weapons Systems: None
*PSFK-09---A slightly longer(55 MDC, 14 ft and 250 lbs) version for TWO people. Cost: 14,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:PS Minotaur IR-8 Infantry Combat Robot
(aka ‘Cheesebox’).

Another excellent design especially as a precursor to PS's more advanced combat robots like the Jackalope. I imagine the Minotaur looks somewhat like a blocky IAR-5 Hellfire with arms.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Oh yuck...double post....
Here, here, little Redundancy Hound!

Galloop, galloop, galloop...

"Delete the double post, please."



"No, not now, but considering how my 'delete' button seems to have disappeared, maybe later. Thanks for now, though, good boy!"

Galloop, galloop, galloop...
Last edited by taalismn on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel Security

“Yeah, it was almost a shame, wasting those guys, but they were entering a posted area, ignored verbal warnings, and were obviously up to no good. And yeah, those two Bursters were an unwelcome surprise, at least until they stepped into the line of fire of our chain guns. The important thing is the facility wasn’t damaged, and none of our people were hurt seriously. But I can’t help but feel a little for those guys...just like us, they were doing a job, likely were paid well if their devotion to duty was any indication, they had some pride in their work, and a certain loyalty to their employer...who that is, we’ll never know, because they were sanitized, but I have my suspicions...Yeah, I might have rubbed elbows with those guys a few years ago when I was a merc, too, before I signed with the Steel. Those guys thought they were good at their job, but we’re better at ours. So, we’ll bid them a brief and honorable farewell when the cremation torch goes up, and we’ll all sleep well tonight for a job well done.”

“The Company’s life to us; we take care of the Company, the Company takes care of us. Working for the Company saved my great grandparents, and I save somebody’s great grandparents to be when I take up arms every day for the Company.”

Company troops, these soldiers exist supposedly solely to protect PS properties and interests, but they also enjoy a degree of tactical flexibility and leeway that is denied the Regular Army. Besides protecting PS’s many facilities, Security also escorts shipments, watches over officers of the company, deals with threats onsite, and watches out for the infiltrators of PS’s rivals. Though PS doesn’t like to advertise it, it’s no small secret that some of their elite private forces are quite adept at ‘gray’ and ‘black’ ops......industrial espionage, sabotage, and assassination. PSS also supposedly has access to the ‘best toys’ that PS R&D can come up with. The truth is, though, that most PSS operatives are not much more than hopped-up militia with corporate backing, assigned to guard PS’s various facilities and provide support for PS’s projects, but that core of elite operatives balances them out. That is not to say that the rank and file PSS troopers are pushovers; they are even more rigorously screened for company loyalty than the Regular Army, and the majority are diehard Company men(and women) who are determined to do right by the Company, come rain, fire, Mechanoid attack, or CS invasion.
It’s estimated that PS has anywhere from 8,000-20,000 effectives distributed throughout its various operations and office complexes. An unknown number of other PS security personnel are also to be found operating within the borders of the VFS, guarding the numerous embassies, factories, and other works the GNE supports. If the fate of the GNE was in the balance, Paladin Steel is rumored to be able to give the Greater New England Armed Forces another two or three divisions’ worth of men, possibly more, armed with the best PS has to offer.

Notable Persona:
Hanna ‘Barbarian’ Babaran---The new head of PS Security, replacing the retired Veronica Malagore . Hanna is a HU Mutant, with the abilities of Invulnerability, Energy Resistance, and Mind Block. Hanna Barbaran believes in a proactive, aggressive approach to corporate security, and she expects every one of her people to be at least as proficient and paranoid as a Regular Army grunt on the Free Quebec/GNE border line; that means no protruding bellies and no cushy feet-on-desk watch jobs. And she tests her own people regularly with live fire exercises to make sure they aren’t slacking off on duty. She’s frightened more than a few newbies into quiting after the first six months, but those who survive her tests remain diligent watchdogs for the company throughout their careers in Security.

Erwin Skorzy----Head of Paladin Steel Intelligence(‘Black Ops”). This dashingly handsome, and charismatic young man once, at an embassy party with the Triax ambassador, claimed descent from Julian Amicci and Otto Skorzeny. Then, again, Skorzy had also claimed descent in the past from James Bond, Erwin Rommel(‘The Desert Fox”), Lupin the Third, Bruce Wayne, Howard Hughes, and ‘Slippery’ James DiGriz. One can not be certain of the validity of these claims, as Skorzy is given to grandiose, highly embellished, and ultimately evasive answers that serve to hide his real origins...even his name seems to be a construct. Some even claim that the man is an ex-Coalition Intelligence agent who quit after he found out one secret too many about the Prosek family, and was forced to flee before his own colleagues put a bullet in the back of his head. As head of PS’s rarely-discussed dirty tricks department, Skorzy is equally evasive, but extremely effective as any CS dark ops team. The true extent of his operations is not known, but it’s rumored that Skorzy has had a direct hand in more than a few industrial espionage ops, extractions, thefts, hijackings, and even blackmail, extortion, and assassination for the company. It’s rumored that he once instigated three major heists at banks, five major fires, and a monster attack around Old Chicago in order to distract attention from his real goal, the theft of a prototype Coalition fighter. Whenever a scientist or engineer fails to show up, or disappears from Northern Gun, or even Free Quebec, Skorzy’s name gets mentioned somewhere along the line as a suspect.
Of course Skorzy denies any such notoriousness, claiming that he’s simply a paperpusher who has broken too many hearts in the course of his life, and that it’s all those outraged fathers and jealous ex-lovers out to get him.
How much of Skorzy’s flamboyance is true, is unknown. Some suspect that a secret operative with a rapsheet like Skorzy’s HAS to be a put-on, something meant to distract deep-diggers from other more shadowy figures doing PS’s dirty work.

O.C.C.s common to Paladin Steel Security
Military Specialist
Cyborg Soldier
Robot/Power Armor Jock
Academy Officer(modified from N&SS)
Operative Agent(modified from N&SS)

Standard Kit and Armor
Mindful that their facilities will attract a lot of unwelcome attention PS has outfitted the rank and file of their Security forces by equipping them with merium to heavy EBA(the older-pattern Bushman and Gladiator-style armors are standard, albeit with new helmets) especially around factories and research facilities. Depending on their patrol duties, PSS operatives will carry anything from stun batons and tranq rifles (if doing office patrol), projectile weapons with a choice of ammunition or variable setting energy weapons if patroling warehouses, up to heavy weapons of guarding more important facilities.
Typical PSS vehicles tend to be inobvious utility vehicles fitted with extra armor and environmental protection, flashers, spotlights, loudspeakers, light weaponry, and sensory gear, much like the GNE State Police, but OF COURSE PS Security has access to a full range of ‘company cars’, outfitted with extra gear and features. PSS also makes use of the full range of PS-manufactured drones and robots. The ‘dirty tricks’ teams have access to even more exclusive and special gear, including customized arms and armor.
Militia Colors: Paladin Steel Security typically wear a simpler fatigue-style uniform similar to the Regular Army, but in a darker shade of green, with steel-gray accents.

The Greater New England Diplomatic Corps
The diminutive diplomat looked across the massive sweep desk at the large, muscular man with the cliff-like face and swept-up hair, and an unmistakable aura of superiority and self-confidence.
“What I’m asking for, is the release of one of our embassy secretaries who forces....have detained and arrested without charge...We are naturally concerned about the well-being of all of our staff, both native and local, and have reviewed her record and found nothing to suggest a reason as to why you arrested her..”
“Oh yes...that one? She has QUITE a record of criminal activity...terrorism, suspected murder, theft and damage of property...”
“I’ve seen those same reports, and I must say, they all appear to be legitimate cases of self-defense, or actions in the defense of others...Considering that the source of the complaint is a terrorist organization itself...Nothing to suggest criminal intent or anything other than responsible citizenship....In fact, it was one of the pluses we considered when hiring her...”
“Make no mistake, she is a criminal, and we were simply exercising sound judgment in arresting her before she continued in her actions and got someone killed, or herself...We are looking out for her best interests in this..”
“Your reputation for swift and thorough justice is well-known, but in the light of our findings, isn’t it possible that you acted a bit premature? In that event, I must, on her behalf, protest her unjust imprisonment.”
“Afraid not, no can do, that would be a violation of the tenants and principles of our organization!”
*Sigh*”Even though she is innocent? And the fact that you are not a government body at all, but merely a private contractor with what we consider to be ambiguous legal status? That would force us to regard you as a pirate state, I’m afraid...Do you really want to risk such political repercussions?”
“The fact is, your people just don’t have any pull, let alone sovereignty, over I must refuse your request...She stays with us.”
“I see...You won’t reconsider?”
“No. It is our perogative. I will not have either the actions or the legitimacy of my organization called into question in these matters! Miss Bradenburg will see you out....please do not return!”
As the massive warlord bent around to reach for the intercom signaler, the slight diplomat casually reached back and swung, the palmed cut-crystal paperweight smacking into the larger man’s temple. As the warlord bounced back in his seat, the smaller man casually flipped up over the desk, propelled by muscles more accustomed to fighting three gravities, avoided the automatically rising security shield, and landed, knees first, on the big man’s crotch, with a meaty thunk, even through the warlord’s armored codpiece. What should have been a shout of anger came out as a squeal of agony....Grabbing ahold of the larger man’s head, and falling back, the smaller diplomat fell back, using the target’s already bent-over posture and gravity to roll the man forward out of the chair and into a header with his massive desk. As forehead and nose met desktop with a profound dull impact of hurt, the diplomat rolled out from under the collapsing goliath.
The door opened and instead of the expected Miss Brandenburg and her guard squad, another green-clad figure strode in, a still-smoking plasma rifle slung nonchalantly over one shoulder.
“Leveraged negotiation.” replied the Ambassador.

Never underestimate the power of diplomacy....
In their quest to acquire new allies, new markets, and new sources of materials, the corporate states of the GNE/Alliance recognize the value of an astute, well-trained, diplomatic corps. The Greater New England branch of this service, in particular, is especially active, in its European and Soutrh America missions, having taken the idea of the ‘two fisted diplomat’ to heart. This, despite an unfortunate early reputation for being dour wet blankets(owing the early influence of Elves in the service, with their tendency towards stilted, rather formal, fashion in dress, behavior, and manner, combined with resurgent New England prudism). Fortunately, however, as the Diplomatic Service has become more multi-species and multicultural, the general outlook of their staff has become rather more flexible, though a certain austereness still lingers.....Some more liberal cultures coming in contact with the GNE often wonder aloud if they aren’t hosting a delegation of monks...though those more familiar with the industrial society of Greater New England claim that it’s’s a delegation of engineers.
Diplomats by and large tend to be Rogue Scholars by recognized profession, with a smattering of other types; depending on the attache position. This means that men-of-arms, medical professionals, and engineers, can be a part of a diplomatic mission, especially if technology trade in either direction is involved. Because of their wide-ranging movements and exposure to other cultures, Diplomats can acquire a wide range of unusual skills, especially cultural skills, including working knowledge of art forms, languages, local customs and lore, and the more popular sports activities. The important thing is that diplomats learn tolerance, a certain open-mindedness, and even temper. Flexibility of intellect, an ability to observe objectively and in detail, and good study skills are also paramount in a good diplomat. Knowledge of local languages and customs, even if not overtly expressed(many diplomats feel it’s smart to sometimes play dumb and thus be underestimated) is also a big plus for diplomatic service.
Most GNE diplomats are exactly that...diplomats out to negotiate peaceful solutions to problems...but it’s no small secret that all of them are, in some small capacity, spies for their governments’ best interests, and some of them are more proactive than others in facilitating those interests...After all, the diplomats are often PS’s only eyes and ears abroad, and just as often are representatives of VFS/GNE policy. This means anything from overseeing aid shipments to arranging weapons and technology transfers, to deciding whether or not keeping cordial relationships with a local warlord is more important than granting asylum to an abused, and very much pursued, refugee. Diplomatic staffs are also frequently called upon by GNE-Alliance military forces to negotiate with local powers for safe conduct, overflight privileges, and other facilitations, and GNE-affiliated mercenaries will request Diplomatic Corps assistance to preside over prisoner repatriations, peacekeeping operations, and bond negotiations. Diplomats are also expected to look out for the best interests of GNE citizens in the area, and are often called upon to intervene when a visiting merchantman, scholar, industrial worker, student, or tourist gets in trouble with the locals...and to explain when agents of the GNE get caught in less honest pursuits....
The Diplomatic Corps has sometimes been criticized for NOT being diplomatic in certain matters, and in some cases has been accused of outright assault and sabotage against other nations...Reports of break-ins, subversion, sabotage, and blackmail against uncooperative governments and their minions have marred the reputation of some least outside the Corps. It’s no secret within the service, however, that a certain amount of arm-twisting and eye-gouging is the means to peace and stability, and, as often as diplomats are targeted for assassination, kidnapping, and torture, many feel that it’s only right that a little of that go in the other direction. Provided, of course, that it’s done in a discrete manner. After all, diplomatic immunity is only an agreed-upon condition, and the embassy guards can only do so much with what they’re allowed to have on hand(though some GNE embassies are more akin to small heavily-armed fortresses, depending on local conditions).

O.C.C.s common to the Greater New England Diplomacy Corps
Rogue Scholar
Vagabond Scout
Operative Agent(modified from N&SS)
Private Investigator(modified from N&SS)

Wardrobe: GNE diplomats can be recognized by their gray and green robes of office----some critics contend that this indicates that BOTH GNE and Paladin Steel interests are involved, but others contend that there is no shame in recognizing the fact that the GNE is a civil-corporate nation-state, and that one cannot deal with the GNE without also dealing with PS, and, by extension, the corporate alliance behind it.

Embassy Facilities:
Where and when possible, the GNEDC will attempt to set up an embassy or consulate(or several, if the GNE has sizable interests throughout a region, and the local hosts are agreeable) ranging in size from a few dozen personnel to massive outposts of several hundred. Embassy and consulate staffs typically have only about 5% accredited ‘official’ diplomats, 20-25% general staffers attached to particular offices or specializations(such as Economy, Foreign Aide, Visa Issuance, MIlitary Affairs, etc....these staff members will be from the GNE), a larger staff of support personnel(largely clerical workers and translators----typically 30-50% will be hired locally from the host country), and a small staff of security(drawn from either the GNE’s Regular Army or Marines and charged with protecting the core diplomatic staff and important facilities, including documents). Depending on local conditions, the embassy may also have an attached staff of local security to keep the curious off the embassy grounds and escorting staff outside the compound(s). Standard embassy construction will consist of a multi-walled/layered compound, ‘safed’ public services annex, an inner core of living quarters, attached motorpool(with adjacent VTOL area), meeting and social facilities for more formal functions, heavily secured chambers for special negotiations, and a separate, even more heavily guarded and shielded facility for long range communications and storage of important documents . If local conditions are secure, diplomatic staff and their families may enjoy housing in a separate compound or complex apart from the official embassy.
Security-wise, embassies are typically restricted to small arms and passive defensive measures like walls, gates, and electronic alarm-surveillance systems, but most embassy Marine contingents will keep a small cache of heavy weapons hidden away for emergencies. In more violent territories, this ‘small cache’ may include manportable missile launchers and power armor---and it’s rumored some GNE embassies hide even more formidable armaments in violation of local agreements. Embassy vehicles tend to sport concealed tracking and communication gear, as well as armor plating...again, in some more inhospitable territories, the only way to tell the difference between a standard military issue AFV and a diplomatic ‘taxi’ is the embassy striping.

“I was born to backwoods and backwards aristocracy...the sort of backwater kingdoms where might equals right, the divine right of kings still held sway, and the army had guns, but the doctors still shook beaded rattles...I was second of twins, and was born with two deformed arms and a cleft palate....non-genetic birth defects to be sure seeing as my twin was unaffected, but since my sister was unmarked, and my mother was queen, my imperfections were the mark of mutation...For being born less than perfect to divine royalty, I was immediately disowned and tossed to the wilds to die, rather than stain the royal line.....Good thing the queen’s assistant midwife was of more intelligent stock, because she found me in the wilderness, smuggled me out of the kingdom, kept me alive, and soon afterwards moved to more civilized territories. She became my mother, married a good man who became my father, and they saw me through the surgery that repaired my face, and gave me prosthetic arms. They raised me as their own, and I grew up a citizen of the GNE. Went to school, placed high in my exams, decided to go into government service like my folks, and got accepted into the Diplomatic Corps.
Several years later I learned of my past and my sister. Meanwhile, my sister had grown into a beautiful young woman not unlike myself, but a princess and heir to her kingdom. Seems ‘mom’ was a real domineering ***** who wanted her to continue the same ironfisted policies that had brought the elder to power, so it turns out I wasn’t missing a helluva lot of love there.
Ironic that I ended up being assigned to GNE’s foreign affairs efforts in the area, just as a nasty little war swept over the region that was once my homeland. I was part of the staff sent to try to negotiate a peace on the part of the folks caught between the two feuding petty kingdoms...I think maybe someone higher up found out about my ancestry, and was hoping that they could use it as a common link to get our foot in.
There’s another sister, who was born with the looks and the advantages....she lost everything; her mother, her kingdom, and she almost ate her own gun....Just as GNE Peacekeepers came in and put an end to their damn war. Peace was restored, but both kingdoms were pretty much snotched by the time the tanks rolled in. The losers were burned and flooded to the ground, the victors were already fighting among themselves for the biggest share of the glory, and my sister was sitting in a padded hospital room recovering from skipping a slug off her frontal lobe....’Honorable Death’ my ass.... She forgets how to eat without drooling between meals, and she can’t remember who she is most of the time.... Eerie visiting the funny farm and seeing your own face there.
Now I’m effectively regent over the territories my biological sister was supposed to inherit. Having to clean up her damn mess...almost makes me want to hate her for skipping out on all the fun of managing refugees and relocatees, and all manner of opportunists, local interests, and bitter-enders...Then again, she was supposed to rule as absolute monarch, and I’m effectively an unelected provisional governor who’s trying to teach the local folk about democracy, all the while that the military-industrial complex is trying to rebuild the local landscape and economy back into a semblance of what it once was.
Well, I asked to serve the public good when I joined the DC. Now, if only everybody around here would quit calling me ‘Queen’ , including my own staffers and Marines...I get godawful chills hearing that for some reason...”

Paladin Steel PS-E-EBA-4 Corporate Security Armor
(Based on a design in Popular Science, July 2000)
(Special thanks to the Raven for his EMP weaponry. )
And you thought the grunts or SpecForces got all the good toys in the VFS? Think again!

The large man had just enough time to stand up from his interrupted pleasures, drop the whip, and reach for his pistol before the door smashed in and several blurred forms leapt inside. His first thought was to shoot at the intruders but the pragmatist in him turned the small, but potent, megadamage laser pistol in his hand on the barely conscious redheaded form spreadeagled under him. But before he could vaporize the living evidence of his misdeeds, one of the oddly shimmering figures slid in front of the shot and took a hit to its shoulder. Even in the dim lighting of the small bedroom, though, the alarmed man could tell that the laser bolt had seemed to slide off the shape, doing a minimum of damage, and briefly limning the figure in electrical brightness, revealing some sort of humanoid in close-fitting body armor.
The same wasn’t true of himself, he discovered, as the whatever-it-was slammed him with a vicious uppercut that rocked his head back. When his senses swam back to something approaching order, he found himself lifted up off the ground, pinned to the wall by a strong arm pressing on his chest. Seemingly materializing out of midair in front of him stood a dark-clad figure in unfamiliar armor, a blank-visored helmet of some sort of jet black material dominating the center of his view, two glowing eyes glaring from within its visor and boring into him. Behind his captor, three more figures worked the small room, one cutting down his night’s entertainment, another openning up a foil blanket to catch what had been his rival’s daughter, and the last figure picking through the man’s discarded clothes and attache case, ignoring the spilled drugs on the floor. Muffled sounds elsewhere indicated that the scene was being repeated elsewhere in the illicit house of pleasure. The man thought disparagingly in his shock and pain that the Yakuza did not give him his money’s worth for security and secrecy, if this was what happened at one of their supposedly ‘secure’ pleasure-pits...
But still he could not place the unfamiliar looked nothing like the armor suits that were more familiar to these parts, or even the damned Tundra Rangers or Canadian Army suits that were being seen more, these were unfamiliar to the man, who considered himself quite worldly...
“Who the hell are you?!” He defiantly croaked.
The answer was immediate and snarled; “What, forget us already? Don, we sure as hell haven’t forgotten YOU! Or did you think we wouldn’t care what you did when you left us?!”
‘Don’s’ eyes went bugeyed.....that voice, distorted as it was by the helmet, had a cadence he thought he recognized...that belonged to a man he thought he’d left far behind when he had flown his low-level management position, armed with a scandal’s worth of downloaded industrial files, for the prestige and pleasures the Neo-Yakuza were offering for corporate defectors...but what was the company’s corporate security officer doing here?
His captor apparently saw the dawning recognition in his eyes: “ That’s right Don. We’re the COMPANY, can’t you tell?”
The large man began to cold-sweat as he realized what the COMPANY was.... and what it meant for his immediate future...

*Establishing LeyCom Link*
*Encryption Level 1*
*Encryption Level 2*
*Encryption Level 3*
*Link Encryption Secure*
“You have the case?”
“Right here, sir. Secured.”
“Good. Any complications?”
“None. In and out, maximum financial damage to the premises, no unnecessary bystander kills, no one made a positive ID on our ops force, and we picked up a bonus...that hotshot leader the Xanadu rebels lost a month or so back? We found her the target’s room....she’s doped, but okay.”
“Ah...we’ll give her back to the rebels with the next weapons shipment we send them, that ought to go over well with them. And the target?”
“We spent some_ quality_ time together...he will not be repeating his mistake...ever...”
“Excellent....the Board had little love for ‘Don’...and our friends?”
“Suspect nothing....neither our allies or our enemies...With luck, the yaks will assume a rival narawari...and our friends won’t learn of this ‘incident’...Any intel ops the Bayers have in the region are off chasing another Yak operation we illuminated for them.”
“Good work, Razor, the Board will be most pleased.”
“I’m more interested in how pleased you are, Morgana...when will you make it out to Freewah? There are some places out here you simply MUST experience...”
“I shall take that as an invitation, then, when I can clear up the messes on this side...keep sharp, Razor.”
“In the Service of the Company, Morgana.”

Despite reports to the contrary, the Vermont Free State/Greater New England Armed Forces and Paladin Steel Security are NOT one and the same. While the former was largely built by PS, and protects most of the company’s regional assets, PS maintains its own security corps. It’s also no secret that PS maintains its own elite special forces units for those extra-legal corporate actions that paranational politics would find questionable and distasteful. While the visible arm of PS Security wears such common, workaday, megadamage armors as the Urban Warrior and Bushman, the special ‘gray ops’ forces needed something extra for their work, a suit of high tech armor the details of which are only now becoming public with this posting. The result of this requirement has been euphemistically called a ‘coporate security armor’ on the equipment rolls, but in reality it is a special operations commando suit that would never be detailed to a mere nightwatchman!
The PSEEBA(’Sheba’) suit is actually based on a design for a pre-Rifts US Empire Urban Warfare combat suit, combined with technology developed since the Rifts, and definitely with the inspiration of the infamous Naruni cloaking armor. It’s suspected that PS had some help with the ‘Sheba’ from Kera-Tech, owing to the latter’s interest in pre-Rifts military hardware and the appearance of similar suits in their inventory(though whether these are their own design, knock-offs of the PS design, or suits sold to them by their Eastern Seaboard allies remains unverified). The ‘Sheba’ is a lightweight armor utilizing advanced megadamage plastic sheeting and fabrics, reinforced at strategic locations with light composite plates. The multi-layered armor provides generous protection, as well as comfort, while an outer layer of thermo-optic chameleon camouflage provides some of the best stealth enjoyed by a terrestrial body armor type. A redundant backup system eschews optical invisibility in favor of a multi-mode Hardlight holographic disguise field, allowing the fully-armored figure to mingle with crowds of bystanders with relative impunity.
The helmet resembles that of a motorcyclist’s, but conceals a dazzling array of compact electronics. Scrambled communications, multi-mode sensors, and an interactive database and Head Up Display make the Sheba the equal of many power armors in terms of data-gathering and processing ability.
In place of a traditional canteen, the Sheba sports a larger water-sack on the back, that doubles as cushioning and cooling.
Mounted on the wrists are ‘smartlink’-equipped hardpoints for mounting nuerally-controlled weapons pods. The favorite weapons module features a light 4.6mm submachine pistol, and four micro-missiles, offering both low-damage capability against ‘soft’ targets, and a heavier anti-armor punch against tougher prey.
A small, low-temperature liquid-hydrogen-fed, room-temperature superconductor-augmented, micro-turbine belt powerpack powers the whole rig, providing power for up to six days before needing refueling(a cryogenic fueling flask can top off the belt-pack easily enough).
It is not known if any of the suits have ever been released to PS’s allies or even to the VFS armed services; though it’s suspected that it is loaned to SpecFor units where the need is deemed great enough. The technology in the PSEEBA is considered state of the art for PS, and isn’t expected to make into the mainstream military product lines for another five years or so.
Paladin Steel’s corporate rivals and enemies have long wondered to who and how the hell they were losing some of their best staff members and biggest they know and it doesn’t help them one bit; if anything, they have even more reason to be afraid now that Paladin Steel’s secret armies are coming to light....

Class: PS-E-EBA-4
Size: Human equivalent
Weight: 11 lbs
Mobility: Excellent; no penalties
MDC by Location:
Arms 25 each
Legs 25 each
Main Body-55(medium)
Holofield Forcefield- 5
Paladin Steel Cost: 120,000 credits
NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE OUTSIDE GNE(in fact, it’s not known if anyone outside PS has it!). If a suit were to become available, it could easily fetch 200,000 credits or more on the black market for its stealth technology alone
Standard environmental body armor properties(Reprinted for convenience):
-Complete environmental battle armor suitable for use in all hostile environments, including space.
-Computer controlled life support
-Internal cooling and temperature control
-Artificial air circulation, gas filtration, humidifier
-Radiation shielded
-High temperature resistant, insulated, shielding for up to 300 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage
-Five hour oxygen supply; engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments
-Removable Face Plate
-Polarized and light-sensitive/polarized faceplate/visor
-Built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels
-Short range radio w/ 5 mile range
-Concealed Wrist Mini-Comp with suit status indicator, compass, clock-calendar, and mini-video screen.
-Backpack water sack with piping and drinking nipple in helmet. Holds about 1.2 gallons
-Holster, belt, leg scabbard, and bandolier attachment points.
Special Features:
*Thermal-Optical Camouflage: Therm-Optic camouflage uses dozens of tiny cameras and holo-emitters embedded in the PSEEBA's flex-web weave structure to extrapolate what the surrounding landscape would like like if the soldier weren't there. It then projects the extrapolated image as a field that surrounds the armor, 1 inch from its exterior. Due to a small real-time lag, there is a slight rippling effect around the camouflaged soldier. The optical camouflage makes the PSEEBA 45% invisible in direct light (it still throws a shadow), 70% invisible in indirect light (when no, or very little, shadow is thrown), and 98% invisible in darkness (at night, in other words). The effectiveness of the optical camo is reduced by precipitation (snow, rain, etc.) by 70% in direct and indirect light(due to the fact that the refresh rate can't keep up with rain, and snow tends to build up...). Blowing sand and dust reduces the effectiveness by 45% for the same reasons, and will probably (75% chance) interfere with the system, causing it to shut down.
The thermal camouflage is little more than a layer of thermal insulation in the PSEEBA's armor. This armor makes the PSEEBA 85% invisible to infra-red and thermal sensors. Even if the sensors in question read the soldier's presence, it will be merely a flicker on their screen, and a focused scan will be needed (with the same 85% resistance).
For every 1 M.D. inflicted on the Sheba, the effectiveness of the Therm-Optic camouflage is reduced by 1%. For every % reduction over 15%, there is a 25% chance that the optical system will be damaged and shut down. When the effectiveness of either has been reduced by 40%, it is simply no longer effective...The optical system shuts down automatically, and the thermal camouflage no longer makes any difference.

*HardLight Projection Field---This is a copy of an alien system acquired through cross-dimensional trade and espionage. The HardLight projection field produces a light electromagnetic forcefield around the wearer, that acts as a holo-’canvas’ for a powerful holographic system. The holographic field can be pre-programmed to emulate up to six different humanoid-sized holographic ‘disguises’ in full three-dimensional glory. The forcefield also gives the illusion some physical substance, at least as far as casual brushing contact is concerned, The holofield provides about 5 MDC, but is easily distorted/disrupted by strong magnetic fields, and is also energy-expensive; the belt-pack generator can only maintain the holo-disguise for 15 minutes at a time, before needing 5 minutes to recharge before re-initialization.

*Blurr Camou
MDC: 10 before being rendered inoperable
Bonuses: The faster the wearer moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 3 or less, no bonus, 4-10; -1 to strike the wearer, 10-16; -2 to strike, 16-22; -3 to strike, 23 or greater, -4 to strike

*Brain Shield---Adapted from studies of German bionic implant tech, combined with EM research, this integrated system provides a ‘scrambling’ field around the wearer’s brain, providing them with a degree of protection from psionic probes, though not as well as bionic implants(+5 to save versus psionics). The system does, however, stop the wearer from being able to use their own psionic powers(if any) while the system is active; psychics complain of a painful/distracting ‘buzzing’.

*’Grasshopper’ Leg Supports---Special bracing in the boots and leg pieces reduces movement fatigue by 10%

*Mini-Periscope--The helmet mounts a small extendable antennae/fiber-optic telescope that can extend eight inches out from the helmet and transmit its view to the HUD; perfect for peering from behind cover.

*Integral Language Translator--Holds about 14 different languages( typically the most common languages in use in the area of operations). Selections can be changed by swapping out the language crystal module and adjusting the new one for individual’s speech patterns( mechanical translators are notorious for not catching/misinterpreting nuances and inflections) . The system can alsio be used to alter and disguise the projected voice of the user.

*Helmet Combat Recorder---This system allows the soldier to record what they see and hear onto three six-hour mini-discs for later transmission/download, or review back at base. To prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands, combat recorders can only be unlocked by special code-keys typically carried by officers; unauthorized tampering will wipe the discs.

*Mini-Head Up Display(HUD)---Allows for suit status and communicatuions feed video data to be displayed on a mini-screen projected in front of the soldier’s eyes.

*Sensor Augmentations---The Helmet comes complete with IR/UV optics, integral telescopic magnification, passive nightvision, thermo-imaging, laser-distancing, and Kirilian Aura viewer(detects PPE auras, including those of invisible beings, with 60% effectiveness at 200 ft range, but cannot determine power level or alignment). A set of advanced audio augmentors allow for greater auditory awareness, roughly equal to Enhanced Hearing.
The helmet optics also allow the wearer to access a panoramic 360-degree mini-display on their HUD, allowing them to look behind themselves, without turning their heads.
Bonuses from Sensor Suite: +1 to Initiative, +2 to Dodge.

*Integral Smart-Sight and Target Link---Special targeting link allows the wearer to use their weapons with maximum efficiency. Plugs into either the side of the helmet, or the wrist clip points. +2 to strike w/ linked weapons, or use the superior stats of any other smartgun system linked into the helmet.

*Data Link---This allows commandos to transmit (via fiber optic link, or line-of-light tightbeam microwave---2,000 ft range) and share their sensor data with other commandos, via their suit HUDs. This makes it possible for one soldier to act as a ‘spotter’ for another; particularly useful when using ‘smart’ bullets for shooting around corners.

*Link Plugs---The SHEEBA also has connections for ‘jacking into direct control gear, including vehicle links and jet packs, provided the wearer has matching implants.

*Weapons Modules(Forearms)
a) Projectile Module---Combines a 15mm micro-missile launcher with a 5.56mm machine pistol. The micro-missiles are 15mm PSMM-2s; the PM can accept any of the standard micro-missiles in event the special munitions aren’t available) The machine pistol can fire either SDC or megadamage bullets.
Weight: 5 lbs
Range:(5.56 mm) 1,000 ft
(MIcro-Missile Launcher) Varies by micro-missile type
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft

Damage:(5.56 mm) 3d6 SDC for standard SDC rounds
2d4x10 SDC for Wellington-style explosive rounds
1 MD for ramjet rounds
1d4 MD for PSX-1 explosive rounds
(MIcro-Missile Launcher) Varies by micro-missile type
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius

Rate of Fire: (5.56 mm) Standard
(MIcro-Missile Launcher) Volleys of 1,2,3, 4, or all 5!
Payload:(5.56 mm): 15 shot clip
(MIcro-Missile Launcher): 5
Bonuses: +2 to strike for the 5.56 mm thanks to the integral targeting laser and laser rangefinder/smartgun link!.
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expediture of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
The PSEEBA carries the latest and most advanced guidance software and hardware pacakge for the Pattern-1E micromissiles; so the following bonuses ALSO apply:
The Micro-Missile Launcher is +3 to strike on a called shot at distances of less than 1000 ft, +2 to strike at distances of 1000-2000 ft, and +1 to strike up to 3,000 ft. That’s in addition to WP and skill bonuses(that’s +6 to strike on a called shot!)
Plus, the missile can be ‘wriggled’ in its flight course up to 270 degrees(so you can’t shoot yourself) so if the gunner has enough information on the flight path, they cna fire the missile, direct it to make a 90-degree turn around a corner, then make another 30 degree turn to clear a wall, then angle 80 degrees down to nail its target from above!
It can also follow a moving target, once it’s been locked on target, so dodging one of these is that much more difficult...

b)Retractable Vibroblade---One, or both, arm vambraces will have a retractable vibroblade for use as a tool or a weapon. Does 2d4 MD

c) E-Mag Magtech Bolter---This is adapted from the PS S-6 MagMaster ElectroMag Pistol, integrated into a wrist pack so as to leave the hands free
Weight: 4 lbs
Range: (EM Bolt) 800 ft
(Scattershot Bolt) 400 ft, covers 15 ft area
(SDC Shot) 800 ft
(Stun Vortice) 300 ft
(Cable Gun) 90 ft
(Dart Launcher) 800 ft
Damage: (EM Bolt) 3d6 MD per shot
(Scattershot Bolt) 2d4 MD to everything in 15 ft area
(SDC Shot) 4d6 SDC per bolt
(Stun Vortice) None; has 80% chance of knocking down human-sized targets(lose initiative and 1 action/attack getting up), plus 60% chance of knocking them out, stunning them with concussion effects(-10 to strike, parry, roll, and dodge, lose initiative, lose HALF speed and actions/attacks for 1d4 melees!)
(Cable Gun) None, cable has tensile strength equivalent to P.S. 50
(Dart Launcher) 1 SDC + possible drug/toxin effects
Rate of Fire:(EM Bolt)(Scattershot Bolt)(SDC Shot)(Stun Vortice) ECHH
(Cable Gun) Single shot
(Dart Launcher) Single shot
Payload: (EM Bolt)30 shot battery, plus recharges off the main belt generator at 1 blast every 15 minutes. Or an e-clip can be inserted into the side of the module.
(Scattershot Bolt) 1 ‘shotgun bolt’ equals 2 EM bolts
(SDC Shot) 6 SDC shots equal 1 MDC shot
(Stun Vortice) 6 Stun Vortices equals 1 MDC shot
(Cable Gun) Single dart w/ 90 ft line
(Dart Launcher) 6 shot magazine, effectively infinite propellant charge(neglible power drainage from main weapon)
Bonus: Laser targeting add +1 to strike. EM bolts are -6 to dodge, on top of that!

d) Mini-Pulse Laser Module
Weight: 3 lbs
Range: 800 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 30 shot battery, plus recharges off the main belt generator at 1 blast every 15 minutes. Or an e-clip can be inserted into the side of the module.
Bonus:Laser targeting add +1 to strike.

e) Taser Pod-TASER System - Fires an adhesive line which delivers a strong shock. Great for subduing resisting prisoners.
Primary Purpose: Incapacitation
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Damage: Nil. Humanoids struck with this weapon must save vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
Cyborgs have a 75% chance of having their cybernetics disrupted for 1D10 minutes, and a 30% chance of a non-vital system being permanently shorted out.
Range: 20 feet. The wire simply doesn't have the momentum to go further.
Payload: 100 feet of wire which can be spooled out in any lengths. Has 7 darts ready for use

f) Ion Cannon/EM Projector Module---Developed from the Kera-Tech KTR-40X Anti-Armor Rifle, this pistol-sized weapon is intended to knock out electronic security systems
Weight: 5 lbs
Range: 300 ft
Damage: No gross physical damage, but does 2d4 EMP damage.
Compare the damage inflicted to the MDC of the location being targeted. The resulting percentage is the chance that the target has been diabled. All damage is cumulative on the target. In addition, any damage in excess of 50% of the target’s MDC will result in the target suffering damage to its electronic systems that will need to be repaired. Any damage in excess of 75% will result in the damaged systems needing replacement due to irreparable power surge damage. Does double damage against civilian/non-military vehicles due ti lack of EMP-’hardening’. Does NO damage against non-mechanical/electronic targets. Bionics are affected slightly, suffering a decrease in mobility and speed of -1 to dodge, roll, and strike for 1d4 melees, damage non-cumulative, for the affected limb, until it can be reset by internal systems.
Rate of Fire: Single shots, ECHH
Payload: 15 shot battery, plus recharges off the main belt generator at 1 blast every 15 minutes. Or an e-clip can be inserted into the side of the module.

g) Lockpick Master Module---Holds an automatic lock release gun that throws all the pins in a standard physical key lock, several small microprobes, and a special micro-computer that has a 30% chance of discerning the proper combination on combination locks and electronic passcode locks, or adds a +15% to the appropriate lockpicking skills of the wearer.

This model adds a light exoskeleton to improve mobility and strength, based on PS’s Aug-03 ‘Muscle Shirt’ technology, only full body, and substantially improved(It’s Aug -05/V):
Bonuses:+10 to P.S., + 6 to Speed, and DOUBLE Leaping distances
Special Features:
*Boosted Endurance--The tensor network effectively DOUBLES P.E.(or HALVES the fatigue rate)

*Lock-Bracing/Stabilization---The myomer weave can selectively lock, steadying the wearer’s aim, and bracing against recoil, adding an additional +1 to strike with called shots.

*Damage Resistance---The tensor network of the suit actually helps redistribute the force of blunt force damage, reducing it by HALF

This variant is made with interwoven EctoFiber threading and an Multiplexor Amulet system to offer protection against magic, and to amplify the wearer’s abilities:
Multiplexor Amulet System
*Superhuman Strength
*Superhuman Speed
*Mystic Invisibility

-3 slots for additional spellcards; popular choices include Mystic Marksmanship, Quickstrike, Superhuman Agility, Fists of Fury, and Freefall

*The PPE feed system is adapatable and can use either PS ‘powerstone’ PPE magazines or Stormspire PPE clips.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:Oh yuck...double post....
Here, here, little Redundancy Hound!

Galloop, galloop, galloop...

And I thought I was disturbed....
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The Raven
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Veritas476 wrote:And I thought I was disturbed....

Nah, Talis ain't disturbed. A little unhinged, perhaps a mite unstable, but most assuredly not disturbed.
"Women and Cats will do as they please. Men and dogs had better get used to it."
-- Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, Lazarus Long

Carl Gleba wrote:Well said Raven :ok:
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Fair enough, Raven.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

The Raven wrote:
Veritas476 wrote:And I thought I was disturbed....

Nah, Talis ain't disturbed. A little unhinged, perhaps a mite unstable, but most assuredly not disturbed.

Also mildly vexed, often annoyed, slightly disgruntled.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS PSSW08 VibroMop
“I really wish you hadn’t swept that guy’s face with the vibrobristles, Malcolm; now you’re going to have to clean it all up....”

The success of the ‘Pucker’ led to a follow-up request for a vibro-field enhanced mop weapon. Again, PS delivered with the PSSW08, a ‘rifle’ version of the same sonic weapon, housed in a different, larger, staff weapon.
The PPSW08 is a polearm-style weapon with an enlarged mop head, to which strips of special material are attached. Inside the head, just behind the bristles, a powerful localized vibrofield is generated, that envelopes the bristles and causes them to vibrate. The localized vibrofield’s frequency can be tuned back and up. At low intensities, this acts to help break up grime, like dried blood, on surfaces, before it is swept away. At higher intensities, the vibrofield can stun on contact.
When set low, or turned off, the mop’s head bristles lie soft and limp, perfect for polishing or buffing. Turned all the way up, though, the bristles are straight stiff, harder than steel, and able to slice like vibroblades.
The PSSW08 can also project a powerful sonic pulse beam, longer ranged than that of the ‘Pucker’s’,
While the PSSW08 has met with approval from its original customers, the VibroMop has since caught on with Ludicrous Mages and M.O.M. Crazies since the device was released to the general market.
Weight: 10 lbs
(Blunt/Blade) Melee
(Contact Stun) Melee
(Ranged Stun) 800 ft (double range underwater)
(Ranged SDC) 600 ft(double range underwater)
(Ranged MD) 250 ft(double range underwater)
(Bludgeon/Staff) 2d4 SDC+any P.S. damage bonus
(VibroBristles) Varies; setting can be set for +1d6 SD, +2d6 SD, or 2d4 MD for maximum stiffness/vibrofield intensity.
(Contact Stun) 2 SDC, plus save at 16 or better, or be rendered unconscious for 1d4 melees(if the contact stun is made to the face, it’s a save at 17 or better, and unconsciousness lasts 2d4 melees). Even on a successful save, the victim is -2 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melee rounds.
(Ranged Stun) 1d4 SDC, plus save at 16 or better, or suffer -7 on initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge for 1d6 melees. Reduce Spd by 20%.
(Ranged SDC) 6d6 SDC per shot
(Ranged MD) 4d6 MD per shot
Save: Standard; 16 or higher

Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Ranged Stun) 150 shots per E-clip
(Ranged SDC) 120 shots per E-clip
(Ranged MD) 10 MDC shots per E-clip
Special Features:
*Snap-Lock Handle---Can sit flush to the staff or can be unlocked to form a pistol grip.
*Waterproof/acidproof construction
*Power-Link---Can be hooked up to an external power source/power feed for continuous operation.
*Clip-On Sighting Package----includes a laser spot(+1 to strike), flashlight-torch, mini-screen readout showing power and vibrofield status reads.
*Telescoping Handle---nested staff sections allow the device to be collapsed to as short as two feet, or extended as much as seven.
*Sling Rings---Can be fitted with a rifle-style sling, or attached to a tether.
Cost: 15,000 credits
*Clip-on Chemical Sprayer ---Handle-mounted nozzle, attached to via a hose to a hip-pack or backpack, allows for the on-the-spot application of chemcial detergents. Essentially a squirt-gun attachment.
Range: 7 ft
Damage: By chemical
Payload: 25 shots of liquid for a hip pack, 80 shots for a backpack.
Cost: 800 credits

Paladin Steel Vibro Grenades
(aka ‘Screemas’, ‘VGs’, ‘VeeGees’, ‘MassageBomb’, ‘Shakers’)

“I LOVE screemas; I can’t get enough of them. And I can go through a lot of them going chamber to chamber in a Xit hive. That’s ‘cause I’d rather toss a couple of these little wonders ahead of me before I enter a dark hole than stick my neck in and run into Bugly up close and personal. After it’s been made a bug-slurpee on the other hand, or had its brain-cell scrambled something fluffy, that I can deal with.”

Vibro-grenades were an outgrowth of research on sonic weaponry, and an effort to scale up the power of early sonic stun grenades to megadamage levels, with an eye towards more effective anti-Xiticix weaponry. VGs resemble large canister-style grendes; when armed, the outer casing splits apart into a series of ‘fins’ that actually help shape and direct intense sonic waves produced by a powerful transducer. The powerful, but short-ranged, sonic pulses can do great damage to anything in their field of effect, until the transducer destroys itself in the process of generation. This renders the transducer unable to be recycled, but also simplifies post-combat clean up(and removers any chance of an expended munition being captured by the enemy and used against its original users).
Vibro grenades have two modes; an instantaneous high power mode, and a lower-powered, but long-duration, mode that puts out damaging vibrations. This latter mode has the advantages of being useful for area denial, and for sustained damage potential, espeically if the grenade is rolling or falling through a target area. The weapons also produce a wider area of ultrasonic noise that can debilitate those sensitive to noise/vibration. This aspect of the weapon is particularly handy against giant insectoids such as the Xiticix.
Vibro grenades remain rather expensive for expendable tactical ordnance, so they’re currently issued to SpecFor units (and approved affiliates)and for specific missions. PS hopes to bring the cost per unit down as orbital facilities are able to more efficiently produce the transducer crystals used in the grenades.
Weight: 0.5 lbs
Range: Thrown or dropped
Damage: (High Power Mode) 4d6 MD to an 11 ft radius
(Low Power Mode) 2d4 MD to an 8 ft radius, for 3+1d4 melees
The vibrofield will do 1/2 SDC damage through most body armors(100 MDC or less), 1/3 through heavier armors and power armor (250 MDC or less), and 1/4 through small robots and vehicles(400 MDC or less)
Sonic Shock: (25 ft radius, DOUBLE underwater)----Beings with Enhanced Hearing or Sense Vibration abilities will be overcome and disoriented; Make a save versus Psionic Attack or lose initiative and be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose 2 APMs for 1d4 melees(continues even after the sound has been cut off). Beings who navigate by echolocation or motion detection will be effectively blinded. Even a successful save will leave the victim -2 to strike, parry and dodge for 1d4 melees, with a ringing in their heads. Beings without enhanced sonic senses will only suffer HALF penalties in either case.
Cost: 480 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

The site will not let me copy the picture. The 3rd picture down. The site is in Koren, turn your google translate on auto.
"Good. With them Paladin Steel Vibro Grenades, now we can stop hooking speakers on ‘Pucker’ sticks. To using them as Hammers and 'Home Guard' anti-tank weapons "

abtex wrote:Does PS make Lawn Darts?
RAP version [Rifleman’s Assault Projectile] of the RAW thing?

Mix well with 'Paladin Steel Vibro Grenades' and have a new sound of warfare. Cheaper Sonic greanade? WiFi them as remote speaker with adjustable volumes. Bobby Traps. Are Vibro Grenades reuseable? Just recharge the batteries or remote transmit power to it.

I will be spending some time at the linked to blog. Turn your translate on.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Buffver’ Hovercycle
“Make no mistake; it make look simple and easy to ride, but this is no kid’s toy! There’s no seat, no safety harness, no rails to hold you up and on, and the thing can do one-twenty, seventy-five at up to a hundred feet. That’s a lot of splat if you fall off. Gyrostayb’s going to keep the ‘cycle steady and level, not keep you attached, so don’t be going giving this to Junior as her first ride. This is a serious little kicker that requires some finesse and experience to use right. If you ARE going to give this to a newbie, make sure to install a governor that will keep top speed at a nice sedate pace within the damage capacity of a good set of padded armor to handle on a tumble, before letting them go all out; they’ll appreciate how fun this fuzzer is at higher speeds when they know how to properly handle it.”


The ‘Buffver’ came out of the same design initiative that yielded the VibroPlunger, VibroMop, and Vac-Rifle weapons; a commission to turn innocuous cleaning tools into powerful weaponry. Though the request looked initially ridiculous, Paladin Steel felt that the money was good, the technical challenge worthy, and the concept perversely entertaining, so they accepted. This is what they came up with.
The Buffver was a single-person stand-up hovercycle designed along the same lines. Rsembling(and fully usable as) a floor buffer/polisher, the Buffver can, with the flick of a switch, become a highly mobile one-man hovervehicle. Using gyrostabilization protocols from the pre-Rifts Segway Scooter, PS has given the supercharged floor buffer incredible stability and handling, while compact nd powerful hoversystems allow the modified cleaning tool to scream along corridors, roads, and urban canyons with both grace and speed. Tough megadmaage construction allows it to atke a beating, be it bashing into hallway walls, or running hard through the wilderness. All this, and it remains a perfectly functional floor polisher too!
The only real problems with the Buffver are attributable to its size; because the pilot must be standing at all times, it can become fatiguing to ride for prolonged periods of time. Furthermore, its small size(relative to other hovercycles) means that it cannot use the variety of powerplant options available to other hovercycles; liquid fuel and nuclear power would require too much room. Instead, PS has a compact, long-lived, electric battery powering the Buffver. This battery can be swapped out or recharged with a handy power cord.
Ironically, though PS has struggled to get in on the lucrative hovercycle market with more conservative designs, the Buffver has made an instant splash among Crazies.
Type: PS-LHvC Buffver
Class: Floor Polisher/ Light Hovercycle
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 55
Height: 4.2 ft
Width: 1.5 ft
Length: 1.5 ft
Weight: 81 lbs
Cargo: Only what the rider has on them
Powerplant: Rechargeable electric battery w/ 36 hour continuous operation. Can recharge off conventional power grids(takes 4 hours) or off nuclear powerplants(takes an hour). In a pinch, a standard E-clip can power the Buffver for 30 minutes, a long e-clip for 1 hour, an E-canister for three hours.
Speed: Hover to 120 MPH, maximum altitude 100 ft, but reduce maximum speed to 75 MPH at any altitude over 5 ft.
Bonus: +15% to piloting rolls; very easy and inuitive to pilot
Market Cost: 78,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Power Cord(18 ft length; can be extended with extension cord)
*Twin Handlebar Controls w/ mini-HUD(systems readout)
*Fully Functional Floor Buffer(with replaceable heads)
Weapons Systems: None standard, but with the hover systems negating weight, the Buffver itself can be swung as a bludgeon(does5d6 SDC on a powered swing or ram)

*Buzzsaw---The rotating polishing head of the Buffver can be fitted with a vibroblde buzzsaw for those vicious ‘flying guillotine’ sideswipes. Range: Melee, Damage: 4d6 MD, Cost: 10,000 credits

*Weapons Hardpoints(1-2)---Two hardpoints for mounting cybernetic-style weapons rods, or pistols, can be added under the handle bars. Note that these are just mountings, with a trigger mechanism that can fire both weapons simultaneously. The weapons do NOT draw on the Buffver’s power supply and must have their own power supply/e-clips. Cost: 400 credits per each hardpoint

*Regenerating Power Cell---Using the same technology they ‘acquired’ for regenerating E-clips, PS has incorporated a similar system into an improved battery for the Buffver. This 16 lb unit regenerates a full 36-hour charge in four hours, up to seven times. The technology is still fairly expensive, though; a single PS RPC costs 85,000 credits

The Buffver comes in several different stylistic models(including chrome-plated), but the changes are all aesthetic in nature, and performance remains unchanged. A TW-powered model, with a Cleanse spell application, is supposedly under development.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Not entirely sure if I already posted this punk;

Paladin Steel Barracuda Hover Cycle

“It’s a’s supposed to be light, fast, simple, and is NOT supposed to be an option-heavy battlewagon...DON’T mess with it...”
“Then how the hell do you expect us to sell these things?”
-Overheard during a meeting between Engineering and Marketing, 40 Paladin Plaza, Burlington, Vermont Free State, 106 P.A.

“After three generations of building utilitarian vehicles, PS comes up with THIS? If you’re expecting PS to make some sort of big ugly Harley-style HoverHog with lots of engine and wraparound armor, you’re going to be unpleasantly surprised...The Barracuda affords as much protection to its rider as a broomstick...The windshield is so low and affords so little forward protection that a pilot has to pretty much lie prone against the ‘cycle to avoid getting his head torn off by the slipstream at high speed. The rear spoiler wings do add some assist and help stabilize the thing, but I found myself clenching my knees around the main body on my first coupla turns hard enough to fool my testicles into thinking they were my new kidneys.... About the only thing I can’t complain about is the big guns, which track pretty well, given the way the gunner has to peer through a little dashboard display while hanging onto the handlebars for dear life...”
---“Flying Monkey”, Nomad Headhunter, for the multi-media rom-mag _Full Metal Jacket: The Headhunter’s Monthly Gear Gab_, October 107 P.A.

“Make no mistake; the Barracuda’s not for first-bike wusses who want to rubberneck while throttling up down the main drag...This bandit’s built for hit and run, with an all-around sensor silhouette like a two-by-four...when it’s coming right at you, you can hardly see the thing until it’s on top of you....I managed to interview one Coalition officer before he died on the Kingsdale front, who admitted that he didn’t see my squad advancing through the landscape heat-shimmer until we had already closed to firing range...Sure, the Barracuda’s unfriendly to anyone who wants to dangle from a set of apehangers and look cool, but someone who puts the effort into learning how to WORK this bike will learn it’s a cool performer!”
--- Michael Questar, attached to the 85th Kingsdale Irregulars

“Ain’t she a beaut? She’s a PS-S-HC-01EX....The works up in Burlington built her back when they thought the Barracuda wasn’t going to do crap in the marketplace, so the workers began pulling a few frames off the production line and retooling them just for kicks! Reinforced the frame with a body cage from the -C model, juiced up the powerplant and bolted on two extra-large jet thrusters...that’s what those two big ugly pods are..... jump the speed up fifty percent on a straight-away!...and added a few big-bore retro jets to keep the thing maneuvering at high speed, so it don’t slide into buildings and pancake at high speed...of course, it pulls major gees like a rocket fighter, so it ain’t for scooter-kitties....The paint job and the flex-cage pilot restraint are mine, though....Paladins only made a few dozen of these bastards, and we all know each other...all of them customized to the teeth...’Cycle doesn’t get any better than this!”
---Geoffrey ‘JetMoto’ Taggart, ex-Paladin Steel Operator, chief mojo-hand of the ‘Screamin’ Kings’ ‘cycle club, and owner of the ‘TurboShack’ garage, Gammonville, Vermont Free State

This stilleto-shaped, high-speed, hovercycle may ultimately be the single (untrumpeted) PS entry into the ever lucrative hovercycle such, it’s going against a lot of stiff competition, but local loyalties and patriotism ensure that there will be a good number of sales to the domestic market, outside of the obligatory military contracts. How it does in the greater markets, though, remains to be seen....Its high speed and heavy armament are points in its favor, but its rather large size and light touch on the steering take some getting used to, especially in tight urban environs. In terms of overall cost and performance, it’s middle-of-the-road, neither deficient nor outstanding in any one category of performance.
In overall design, the Barracuda has a decidedly rakish look...a long, slender forebody, that flares out in the back into a pair of flat, squared off ‘wings’ holding the cargo compartments and the main turbothrusters. The nose has two inline laser cannon, while a ball turret just under the windshield holds a powerful plasma cannon.
The Barracuda’s very singularity may, ironically, be one of its biggest draws....Some PS market analysts (rather cynically) predict that even if the ‘cycle doesn’t do well in the general markets, PS enthusiasts may snap up whatever machines remain, just to have a copy of the ‘only PS-made Hovercycle’.

(Update: Post-110 P.A.. An unanticipated surge in orders following the Fall of Tolkeen led PS to revisit its hovercycle design program, with the Barracuda receiving additional attention; so much so that Paladin Steel re-opened the production line and expanded it to include several accessory kits and modifications. While this has dampened some of the collector-market buzz, it hasn’t hurt general sales. The Barracuda still has something of a reputation as a ‘jet-bronco’ that’s hard to handle for inexperienced pilots )

Type:PS-S-HC-01 Barracuda
Class: Hovercycle
Date of Introduction: 106 PA
Crew: One, an additional passenger can be carried, but must hang on for dear life.
MDC/Armor By Location
Main Body 80
Forward Headlight 5
‘Wing’ Lights(2) 3 each
Plasma Turret 25
Laser Cannon(2) 15 each
Rear Thrusters(4) 25 each
Undercarriage Directional Jets(2) 10 each
Length: 9 ft
Width: 7 ft
Height: 2 ft
Weight: 282 kg
Cargo: Limited to saddlebag-style
Post-110 P.A. models have two storage wells(roughly 1.5 ftx1 ftx1ft) in the aft wings.
Powerplant:Liquid Fuel(Range: 700 miles), Electric(Range: 750 miles), or Nuclear-Fusion(w/ 7 year energy life)
Speed: 250 MPH. Maximum altitude of 100 ft, and can handle drops of up to 600 ft
Market Cost: 150,000 credits for liquid fuel, 180 ,000 credits for electric, and 780,000 credits for nuclear
Systems of Note:
*Motion Detector/Collision Warning System----A micro-radar system, vital for avoiding wrapping yourself around a tree at high speed. The system has a 1,000 ft range and will sound a visual and auditory warning of possible obstacles.
Weapons Systems:
1)Plasma Cannon Turret- Mounted in a swivel turret underneath the nose of the cycle. Most users keep it locked in the forward-firing position, owing to the difficulty of multi-tasking and tracking a passing target while maneuvering the Barracuda at high speed.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery w/ liquid-fuel or electric, Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant

2) Twin Laser Cannon- Mounted in-line with the cycle’s body, and firing forward.
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per single blast, 6d6 MD for both firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 200 shot battery w/ liquid-fuel or electric, Unlimited w/ Nuclear Powerplant

After 110 P.A., a number of options become available to the Barracuda:

*Hardpoints(1-2)---A hardpoint can be added to each wing for mounting additional ordnance
a) Machine Gun Pod---Adapted from the extremely popular cyborg weapon; can also fire rubber, silver, and wooden rds.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:300 rd drum
Cost: 18,000 credits
b) 20mm Cannon Pod
Range:(20mm)3000 ft (1500 ft for wood rounds)
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PS-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC per round (1d6x10 HP to vampires)
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airbursts are not possible with wooden rounds
(20mm PSX-2)(after 110 PA)
4d6 MD single rd
2d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: (20mm)Standard.
Payload: 200 rds,
Cost: 20,000 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-1 rds costs 3000 credits(after 110 PA, this drops to 2,000 credits)
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-2 rds costs 3200 credits
c) Laser Pod
Range: 3,500 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD triple shot burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 60 shots (takes 2 e-clips)
Cost: 45,000 credits
d) Ion Pod
Range: 2,500 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD per shot; cannot fire bursts
Rate of Fire: single shot, ECHH
Payload: 20 with a standard e-clip, 35 with a long e-clip
Cost: 20,000 credits
e) Plasma Gun Pod
Range: 1,500 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:Standard
Payload: 12 shots standard e-clip, 20 shots long e-clip
Cost: 25,000 credits
f) Micro-Missile Launcher ----12 shot pod. Cost: 15,000 credits for the launcher
g) Mini-Missile Launcher---3 per launcher. Cost: 12,000 credits for the launcher
h) Short Range Missile Launcher---1 per launcher. Cost: 22,000 credits for the launcher
i) Copperhead ATMissile Launcher---2 per launcher
Range: 1 mile
Damage: High Explosive 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 2
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 25,000 credits for the launcher, 10, 000 credits per missile
j) 40mm Grenade Launcher
Range: 1,250 ft
Damage: Fragmentation: 4d6 MD to 12 ft blast area
Armor Piercing: 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast area
Rate of Fire:Standard
Payload: 18
Cost: 6,000 credits

*Turbo-Boosters----Boosts maximum speed by 50%, for up to 16 melees(4 minutes), before needing 10 minutes to recharge/cool down(it’s possible to override the system and boost again, but each time it’s done, there’s a 20% chance of the system overheating and breaking down, requiring repair). Comes standard with a ‘smart lock’ safety harness system that tightens up around the pilot moments before the jets kick in. Cost: 5,000 credits

*Carapace-Faring---This is a combination safety harness/streamliming frame that hinges at the back of the seat and folds down over the rider’s back and shoulders, locking in place and providing an additional 15 MDC of armor protection against attacks from above/behind. It also gives a speed improvement of 1d10 MPH because of its streamlining effect. Lose any speed improvement if carrying a passenger(who’s going to be squashed and decidedly uncomfortable under the carapace). Cost: 2,000 credits

*Drogue-Chute---A crossover from the air-deploy power armor line. The ‘chute can assist in a drop from altitude(TRIPLE the safe drop distance), or assist in braking(+10% to Piloting rolls involving high-speed braking maneuvers). Reeling in the parachute and auto-repackaging it takes 1d4 melees. Cost: 3,000 credits

The VFS /GNE military had a large order of Barracudas modified to the HC-01C standard, that strengthened the frame (+25 MDC) to support light- to medium-cyborgs, lateral braces for mounting a heavy infantry laser cannon, rail gun, or missile launcher along the length of the ‘cycle, and adds an enhanced sensor package to the nose. The HC-01C , nicknamed the ‘Noser’, is being deployed in recon units.
Weight: 320 kg
MDC: +25 MDC to Main Body
Enhanced Mini-Radar---10 mile range
Laser Range Finder---10,000 ft range
Battlefield Magnetometer--Used for detecting metal-hulled vehicles, the EM signatures of nuclear fusion containment bottles, and the magnetic stator-fields of rail guns powering up/discharging. Range: The magnetometer has a range of 3,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. Fusion powerplants and powered-up rail guns can be detected out to 4,500 ft
The ground radar has a range of 1,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordinance.
Cost: The HC-01C hasn’t been made available to the open market(yet) but a fully equipped example would fetch 200,000 credits on the Black Market
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

Now we can clean up and go places. Thanks.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Hey, be resolute; don't pollute. Clean up your battlefield before you leave. Leave a place better than when you found it!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :ok:
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Okay, I can find neat stuff, too:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Brianica’ MotorTrike
“It’s not a slur on the brand name, but Paladin Steel tends to turn out heavy vehicles, even when they’re supposed to be light. The Brianica is a good example; it may handle like a motortrike, but the riders are snugged inside the body like they were riding an aircraft, not kissing bugs on the wind like a rawback biker. ”

“Calling it a ‘trike’s’ just demeaning; this ain’t no kiddie-kart; it’s got some serious horses in its engine, and having the frame tilt into a turn helps immensely because you can pull some gees whipping around a corner. The three wheels keep ‘er steady and I’ve never flipped one yet, though the rear wheel does tend to drift a little on high speed turns. I’m grateful too for the extra protection of the main body; not having to worry about ripping a leg off on the road I can concentrate on pure driving and fighting, like bringing the two nose guns to bear on a target.
Yeah, this is a road fighter for adults. Calling it a toy doesn’t do it justice at all.”

For years Paladin Steel has looked longingly at the ever popular field of light personal vehicles, particularly motorcycles and hovercycles. Not everybody can afford a heavy tank or even an armored car, but just about everybody can afford a single person motorbike or hoverbike. Indeed, their small size and manueverability, along with the rough roads and narrow wilderness trails of Rifts Earth make such vehicles extremely popular, and they remain best sellers, even in the worst of times. Despite PS’s successes elsewhere, though, they’ve never felt that they’ve been able to turn out a truly successful vehicle in the weight and type class.
The Brianica is one of PS’s latest efforts to break into the field. The Brianica(named for an Elven pony) is a tricycle motorvehicle that shares much in common with such pre-Rifts vehicles as the Mercedes Benz F300 Lifejet, and the Volkswagon Gx3, with a narrow central body, and a reverse-trike wheel base(with two wheels in front, one in back). The central body, with seating for two in tandem, actually tilts between the two front wheels in response to high speed turns. PS has added larger all-terrain tires for improved rough road and offroad performance. The body, made of durable lightweight megadamage composites, with its transparent armorplas canopy, affords the riders full protection from the elements, and light weapons fire, though it is NOT environmentally sealed.
The Brianica hasn’t proven as popular as mainstream motorbikes and hovercycles with the real biker culture, as the wide wheels aren’t as capable of the ultra-fine clearance maneuvers in tight quarters as is popular with hellbent-for-leather riders, but it is finding a customer base, especially with its ease of control. The GNE State Police and Highway Patrol have quite a few, modified with police radioes, sirens, and flashers, so it is an increasingly common sight on GNE roadways.
Type: PS-MC014’Brianica’
Class: Motor Tricycle
Crew: 1+1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 120
Wheels(3) 15 each
Height: 4.5 ft
Width: 72 inches
Length: 155 inches
Weight: 520 lbs
Cargo: Small space behind the driver for a large backpack and sidearms(roughly 200 lbs of cargo). If carrying a passenger, two glove compartment spaces are all that’s available; otherwise any cargo would have to be lashed to the back and sides of the vehicle.
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(can use any petroleum-based fuel or alcohol-fuel)(500 mile range), Methanol-Oxygen(550 mile range), Battery-Electric(12 hours continuous operation/700 mile range), or micropac Nuclear(5 year energy life)
Speed: 160 MPH(typically half to a third that offroad)
Market Cost: 70,000 credits for liquid fuel, 85,000 credits for electric, 280,0000 credits for nuclear
Systems of Note:
*Radio---15 mile range
*Stabilization Control----The Brianica’s design allows for smoother handling, especially at high speed; +12% to piloting rolls

Weapons Systems: None standard(see options)

*Speed Boost/Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades.

*Mag Traction System-----The ‘economy’ version of PS’s Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces by generating a short range ‘virtual surface’ directly under/in front of the wheels(not strong enough to appreciably levitate the vehicle, but enough to negate any skidding or miring). The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the truck’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls
Penalties: If driving with a liquid fuel or electric engine, reduce gas mileage/range by 10% per hour of activation that the MagTrac system is engaged.
Cost: 80,000 credits.

*Sensors---Many buyers/operators reconfigure the sensor suite, adding additional sensor mounts or installing wholly new ones.
a)Sensor Cluster--Small sensor dish on a turntable
MDC: 25
Sensors: Mini-Radar--5 mile range
Motion Detector--200 ft range
Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munnitions/weapons
Laser targetting System(+1 to strike)
Cost: 18,000 credits

b) Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance protruding from the front of the craft. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even non-metallic mines, but takes twice as long). On the smaller ‘cycle frame, this fitout replaces the passenger, and no rear seat weapons systems or cargo can be carried.
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordnance.
Cost: 40,000 credits

c) Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2000 ft
Cost: 35,000 credits

d)Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered accoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics(3,000 ft).
Cost: 10,000 credits

e) Optical Cluster---Mini-optics turret similar to those mounted on helicopters and aerodynes
Sensors: Telescopic (2 mile accuity, 4-10x50 magnification)
IR/UV(2,000 ft)
Thermo-Imaging (3,000 ft)
Audio-Video-Survellance System w 48 hour recording capability
Laser Illuminator---’Paints’ targets for laser-guided weaponry. Range of 2 miles and gives a +1 to strike for L-G ordnance.
Cost: 18,000 credits
*Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 60 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Accoustic Baffling---This difficult modification requires insulating the engine and passenger compartments, wrapping joints in special muffling, and fine-tuning the propulsion to make a minimum of noise. Because of the wear and tear this modification must endure in the course of vehicle operations, it requires CONSTANT upkeep(2-4 times more maintenance and tune-up time) to keep it effective. On the plus side, when it’s working, the vehicle has an 80% Prowl skill at speeds of 10 MPH or less, 60% at speeds up to 40 MPH. and 40% up to 80 MPH. Tracking the cycle at night by sound alone becomes near impossible, and anyone inside the vehicle will have to open a window in order to be heard outside.
Cost: 46,000 credits

*Weapons Mounts(Front)---Two weapons mounts can be fitted in fixed forward position on either side of the front of the ‘cycle. The weapons mounts are meant to be compatible with any of the commercially available Bionic Forearm Weapons options, but a few PS specials are available. Typically two identical weapons are mounted, but some buyers do mount different weapons.
a) Lasers
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD per shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 150 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

b) Ion Blasters
Range: 600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 18,000 credits

c) Cyborg Machine Gun
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:300 rd drum
Cost: 18,000 credits

d)PS GPMG M43 ‘Fritz’ General Purpose Machine Gun
Weight: 24 lbs
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 6d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1 MD single shot, 1d10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 800 rpm
Payload: 250-rd belt
Cost: 8,000 credits

e)P-630 Light Machine gun
Weight: 11 lbs
Range: (7,900 ft)
Damage:(5.56mm) 5d6 SDC single shot or 2d4x10 SDC per 3 shot burst at ranges under 3,000 ft, 3d6 SDC or 6d6 SDC per 3 rd burst beyond 3,000 ft .
(PSX-1) 1d6 MD per single shot or 3d6 MD per 3 shot burst(no damage reduction)
Can use any standard 5.56 mm-format specialized munitions, including explosive rounds and megadamage armor-piercers.
Rate of Fire: Selective fire; single shot, or bursts of 5, 10, 20, or 30 rds.
Payload:100-150 Belt or box feed
Cost: 3,800 credits

f)PSAGL-23C 23mm Micro-Grenade Launcher
Weight: 6 lbs
Range: 280 ft
Damage: (High Explosive)2d4 MD to a 10 ft area
A 5 rd burst does 1d4x10 MD to an 15 ft area
(Incendiary)---A slug of thermal gel that does 1d6 MD to a 12 ft splash, and an additional 1d4 MD per melee for 1d6 melees
(Flare) Burns with blinding incandesence for 1d6 melees, each round brightly illuminating an area roughly 100 ft in radius. These are NOT parachute flares, but fall normally.
Rate of Fire: ECHH; single shot or 5 round burst
Payload: 25 shot drum
Cost: 9,000 credits. HE Shells cost 400 each, incendiary 450 each, and flare rounds 30 each.

*Weapons Turret(backseat)---If the rider doesn’t wish to carry any passengers, a retracting rear mini-turret can be installed in the back seat. This turret can elevate to shoot over the ‘cyclist, 360-degree rotation, 60 degree elevation, slaved to a targeting array in the driver’s helmet, or can be fitted with an autoshooter AI that fires at predetermined targets.
Turret Base Cost: 25,000 credits
*AutoShooter System--- Bonus: +3 to strike(targeting bonus), 4 Attacks per Melee (engages designated targets/target profiles entering weapons range).
Cost: 18,000 credits
a) MicroMissile Launcher---3-box micromissile launcher w/ 12 shots per box(36 total). Cost: 45,000 credits

b) Mini-Missile Launcher---6 mini-missiles. Cost: 24,000 credits

c) Light Rail Gun---Based on PS’s STARifle:
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 MD per single shot, 5d6 MD on a 5 shot burst, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: Single shot or 5-shot burst, Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: 1,200 rd drum feeding both weapons(60 bursts per gun)
Cost: 18,000 credits

d) Pulse Laser Turret:
Range: 6,000 ft
Mega-Damage: 3D6 MD single blast, 6D6 MD double- barreled blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode.
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Bonuses: +2 to strike airborne targets like missiles and aircraft/flying opponents(must be traveling higher than 10 ft off the ground)
Cost: 45,000 credits

e)Light Plasma Cannon
Range: 1,800 ft
Damage: 6d6 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 30,000 credits
*SprayFire Barrel Modification Kit---This mod mounts a ‘watering can’ of multiple short projection coils on the barrel, splitting the plasma discharge into a dozen smaller plasma mini-bolts. Range drops to 900 ft, but the bolts do 3d6 MD to a 20 ft wide area.
Cost: 16,000 credits

f)Light Ion Blasters:
Range: 1,600 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD pulse burst
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks, or 4 attacks in auto-defense mode..
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 30,000 credits
*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel clip-on that turns the ion guns into a short range shotguns with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 600 ft, but does 4d6 MD to a 10 ft wide area. Cost: 8,000 credits

g) Twin Cyborg Machine Guns
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MD) 1 MD single rd, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
x2 for a simultaneous burst from both guns
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:300 rd drum each gun
Cost: 32,000 credits

h) Heavy Pulse Laser---Modified PS-RFL2-33 ‘Blazer’
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 6d6 MD short burst, 1d6x10 MD medium burst( 20 shots, 2 attacks), 2d6x10 MD long burst(40 shots, 2 attacks), 4d6x10 MD full magazine burst(80 shots, no bonuses to strike...does 3d6 MD to 4d4 targets if in a spray attack).
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload:160 shots from a battery pack Regenerates 5 shots per hour, and can self-renew four times before needing to be overhauled. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 78,000 credits

i)Twin Particle Beam Cannon---Modified PSPBW-11s
Range: 2,600 ft
Damage: Two fire modes; 6d6 MD low power and 1d4x10 MD high power mode
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 80 low power/60 high power shots from a battery pack Regenerates 4 shots per hour, and can self-renew four times before needing to be overhauled. Effectively Unlimited if nuclear powered
Cost: 64,000 credits

*PS-HC014---This is the hovercycle variant, derived from the same frame as the MC014, but sporting a set of tiltable hover jets in front, wraparound ducting serving a positionable thruster in the back, and conformal fuel tanks/power packs.
Weight: 950 lbs
Bonuses: The positioning of the hoverjets and the modified gyrostabilization system give the PS-HC014 a +10% to piloting rolls
Speed: Hover to 250 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,000 ft
Range: 700 miles for liquid fuel, 750 miles for electric, 5 years for nuclear
Cost: 180,000 credits for liquid fuel, 240,000 credits for electric, 780,0000 credits for nuclear

*PS-MC014/HC014(TW)---These are the TechnoWizard versions, powered by PPE, reportedly under development. Details are scant, but is expected that speed will be increased by as much as 25%(50% for the hovercycle version) when traveling on a leyline, and that other magic features will be added to the design.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Sabre 1
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Sabre 1 »

taalismn wrote:
RGG wrote:Man I would love to add this to a collected PDF.... I know it's like I'm cyber Stalking now. :thwak:

Great stuff man :ok:

PM me if I can use this stuff. I think more than one person would love to have this gear in one PDF.

Feel free to PDF it; I already have a number of sla- ah, unpaid volunteers(for whom I am very grateful, folks!) who have donated their time to organizing my stuff into a semblance of readable format, kind of like the bemused staffers at a college following the eccentric professor around and making sure his papers are at least in his office and not blowing around campus... :D

On that note I have as of 14:03 10/09/2010 compiled all of Taalisms Paladin Steel posts into Word format.

They come in 8 flavours:

Paladin Steel Tanks & Vehicles, Paladin Steel Air & Space Craft, Paladin Steel Equipment & Miscellaneous Gear, Paladin Steel Cyborgs & Implants, Paladin Steel Guns & Weapons of Mass Badassery, Paladin Steel Ocean Vessels, Paladin Steel World Info & Paladin Steel Armour, Power Armour & Robots.

If anyone would like a copy please message me.

All work is of course Taalismns, these are just files for my own enjoyment.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by ZINO »

Paladin Steel ‘Brianica’ MotorTrike
what would this look like ? love it but HUH ?
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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