Robotech Crossover question

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:
:lol: Auu..., the poor pilote. Nooottt! :lol:

Somehow, I don't think Tirolian clones tan well....

"If you're polite, we'll share a coconut with you..."

Survivor Castaways: Anime Style!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
:lol: Auu..., the poor pilote. Nooottt! :lol:

Somehow, I don't think Tirolian clones tan well....

"If you're polite, we'll share a coconut with you..."

Survivor Castaways: Anime Style!

Hummm..., things might get interesting, being on a deserted island and with little clothing.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
:lol: Auu..., the poor pilote. Nooottt! :lol:

Somehow, I don't think Tirolian clones tan well....

"If you're polite, we'll share a coconut with you..."

Survivor Castaways: Anime Style!

Hummm..., things might get interesting, being on a deserted island and with little clothing.

Yeah...massive sunburn....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

“Contamination reaching 75%!”
“Pilot’s vitals are going off the charts!”
“Armisael cannot be allowed to take over Unit-Zero, Rei; activate self-destruct.”
“(..moan..)Yes, sir.”
“No! I have a squadron heading for her!”
“Major Cocklin, you are NOT in charge here. You are here merely as a courtesy. Rei, proceed with self-destruct. The Angel must not take control of Unit Zero or endanger the Geofront!”
“Sir, Heretic and Wolfbane flights are still five minutes away!”
“Gremlin and Bronco squads want firing coordinates for their howitzers!”
Behind his hands, Gendo couldn’t resist a smirk....

Ever since they’d independently confirmed that the Angels had a distinct aversion to this ‘protoculture’ that the Outsiders used as a powersource, the UN and the rest of NERV had been eager to seize upon the new alien technology as a weapon against the Angels. They’d begun growing smug in the ‘sanctuary’ afforded by the presence of the Outsiders and their equipment. The UN had placed increasing attention on acquiring the services of more Southern Cross mechanized units to run ‘area denial’ patrols around Tokyo-3 and other areas, trusting in the unseen effects of the alien powerplants to keep the Angels off...Like the townsfolk parading with garlic and wolfsbane to keep off the monsters, Gendo thought uncharitably. Why, they’d even ressurected that monstrousity Jet Alone, with talk of equipping it with onboard Protoculture generators similar to those on the Southern Cross’s ‘destroids’, as soon as the Outsiders approved the appropriation of the necessary Protoculture. Far from being the grudgingly obediant mastiff mutt that had to be satisfied with what NERV and SEELE gave them, the UN had been growing entirely too swaggering confident and active in NERV affairs for Gendo’s liking, what with their increasingly comfortable relationship with the Outsiders. It was all increasingy compromising his Scenario.

But not for long...

He’d managed to stonewall the efforts to refit the Evangelions with new onboard powerplants, especially Unit-00. That had been no mean feat; the UN and the Outsiders had been managing to get their noses far too deeply into NERV business as of late, and Gendo resented their interference in HIS organization. Still, he’d managed to use what remained of his eroding power to good advantage; soon, he’d have control of his chesspieces again. Armisael, the Sixteenth Angel, Mountain of Judgement, and Angel of the Womb, would suit his purposes perfectly.

Now, sending Rei and Unit-00 outside the ‘safe’ perimeter of the Outsider enclave, to deal with a ‘routine’ Angel sighting, without the escort of Outsider mecha that was becoming standard procedure (at least the Jet Alone had yielded SOME benefit in taking the increasingly anoying Katsuragi out of the picture; she’d been entirely too happy to be cooperating with her opposite numbers in the Southern Cross) , had been a stroke of genius. Units 01 and 02, and the hastily scrambled force of Outsider vehicles, with their protoculture powerplants, would be too late to the scene...Ayanami would HAVE to self-destruct on his orders. Within a few minutes this compromised Rei would be dead, and a new one awakened, away from the all-too-curious eyes of the Outsiders and once more firmly in his control. ...And the Outsider aura of invincibility would be given a major black eye.

Try to take over MY Scenario, will you? Gendo silently gloated as he watched the countdown between total assimilation and nuclear suicide race towards their final moments.....

“You want me to target Unit-00?!”
“Affirmative, Heretic Flight. Low-yield reflex missile, airburst. If we catch Unit-Zero in the fringe of the blast, we should be able to drive the Angel out without damaging the mech or its pilot! Do it NOW!”
“One reflex missile sunburn coming up!” With that the Logan armed its missiles as it went to the deck trying to reach firing range in time.

....Just a few inches more...
*Join me*
“ won’t allow you to use hurt the others...”There, the switch, just under her fingers...
*You don’t have to be alone*
“...I won’t...I’ll take you down with me...” So hard to move against the pain in her arms, but the self-destruct switch was starting to move...

“Weapons free! FIRING!”
The medium-range hypersonic AGM-112 ‘Exorcist’ missile took only 1.8 seconds, once loosed from its pylon, to reach its hypersonic dash speed. Four active points of reference gave it its heading, but its onboard sensors could already get a fix on its target. In moments it had covered the intervening ground and was already on its terminal approach.

*You have no choice but to join me. Do not resist. It will not do you any good.*
...So tired...but the switch was beginning to click..
“Terminal Self-Destruct ac--”

"Well, Major, it seems for all your protests about my decision to self-destruct Unit Zero, you've quite proficiently gone ahead and vaporized it on your own! Your UEG WILL be hearing from the highest levels of OUR government about this...Now, Major Cocklin, you'll excuse me, but I have to work with my staff regarding the death of one of our Pilots and the loss of one of our Evangelion units...Section 2 will escort you out of the GeoFront..."

“Sir,’s vanished...”
“It’s been destroyed? We're already aware of that! And that damned Gendo is already using it to paint us in the worst possible light!”
“No, sir, it’s gone...and there’s signs of a Fissure where it vanished.”
“So we blew Unit-Zero into another dimension?”
“Seems that way.”
“Great, any idea where it went?”
“No, sir, but we got a team still inspecting the site. We should have a better idea in an hour or so. We got an alert out back on our Earth just in case she came through outside Monument or someplace else back there like they did before. ”
"Let me know soonest if and when you come up with anything...The Exorcist airburst SHOULDN'T have destroyed Unit Zero as well, unless it was so thoroughly contaminated as to BE an Angel....and I want to know the exacts about THAT possibility as well."
"Will do, sir."

“Okay, I want a full investigation on who was the ******* who ordered out Unit-Zero without adequate backup, just like we did with every other Angel incident? We KNOW the effect reflex systems have on the aliens, so why didn’t she have at least a hovertank or a battloid squad spotting for her? And leaving the perimeter zone to engage? I know NERV has issues with us in chain of command and local control over strategy and tactics, but surely they can’t be so stupid to ignore what’s become established commonsense!? It’s almost like somebody WANTED that Pilot to get jumped!”
“I’m afraid that may have actually been the case...”
“Oh, and what does the GMP mean by that, Lieutenent...oh, it’s Captain, now...Satori?”
“Let me show you some of the internal comm-traffic we got from inside the Geofront...”
“You bugged our allies?”
“Of course, and what we’ve been’s rather disturbing...”
“Let’s see what you got.”

“What do you mean, Akagi, she didn’t come through?!”
“I said....we don’t have a Rei III...yet...”
Gendo ground his teeth in frustration. He just KNEW the Outsiders had something to do with this!

(Meanwhile, on a Mars-like planetoid circling a gas giant in the Tirol system)

”What the HE---?!”
“What? You manage to open a Gate through to our Tirol?”
“I THOUGHT I had? But the Door-Knocker just went into overdrive...I had a Gate formng, then it was about to collapse, then it flared open again!”
“The Roddenberry just reported they detected Gate-flux in their drives just now, then it stopped...Then detected another burst near T- Site, just as your second event happened.”
“Almost like something JUMPED between the ship and T-Gate.”
“Wanna get on the FTL and call NuEarth? Ask them if they’re monkeying around with anything back there...We just had what looked like a double-gating event here...”
“I’m gonna have to get a longer stick if we’re going to be openning up any more Gates around here intentionally or unintentionally.”


“Alright people, move along...nothing to see here....let the emergency crews do their work.”
“What is it? Some sort of giant bioroid?”
“I wish the Terrans would be more careful when testing their new mecha! That thing could have killed somebody falling on those houses!”

“Case # 275, Patient name unknown. Doctor Jean Grant attending. Fourteen year old human female...signs of albinism, but phenotypical signs of possible Zentraedi/near-human hybrid genetic parentage....Severe trauma, subcutaneous abcess damage to lower abdomen, chest, neck, and right facial area...Similar damage to legs and upper arms. Skin damage equivalent to first degree burns over 70% of body, second-degree burns over 30% of body, centered around areas of previously noted subcutaneous damage...Replacement of blood, plasma, microsuturing of bleeding, immersion in burn treatment regeneration tank successful...Patient responding to treatment, but full recovery uncertain. Muscular damage portends loss of some mobility, without additional stem cell grafts and carbon-bridge fiber tendon replacement surgery.”

“Admiral? This may of interest to you. We pulled what looked like black box recorders from the giant mech...They show Southern Cross communications protocols on them.”

She awoke to a ceiling that was familiar only in its institutional blandness...
...and a familiar antiseptic smell..
...sound of machinery..
...something down her throat, pulsing with a wheezing sensation...
...a sense of restriction...
....blurred vision...
...and pain all over...
...Rei REALLY began to hate waking up in hospitals....
...and what was that triple triangular insignia there?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFMLAO!! Those were some great ones! Please keep them coming!

Part of the reason I love the Original over the 2040 series is that I love Kinuko Omori's singing. The fact that the original foursome were actually singers was very cool. But this is my opinion of them! I apologize to those who prefer the 2040 editions.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Things are getting really interesting.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'm hoping for more cross over fun stuff!

I'm shutting up about anything else!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:Things are getting really interesting.

Well...One, I had to have an excuse to get Rei into an environment totally unlike what she's used to, and a logical excuse for the Hunters to adopt her....

Two, the meaner I make Gendo and his buddies in crime at SEELE, the less adverse people will be to what is subsequently done to him in the name of plot justice and reader outrage...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

We want more Gendo torturing! Yeah for those who torture Gendo! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

In many ways, the presence of the Robotech forces makes Gendo even MORE of a louse, because he gets desperate and when he gets desperate to get what he wants, he gets vindicative...and smug...and like a Nazi, he keeps records of his nastiness...

Records that the GMP will find, now or later...but they WILL find them...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:In many ways, the presence of the Robotech forces makes Gendo even MORE of a louse, because he gets desperate and when he gets desperate to get what he wants, he gets vindicative...and smug...and like a Nazi, he keeps records of his nastiness...

Records that the GMP will find, now or later...but they WILL find them...

:twisted: Let to torchering being! :twisted:
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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:
taalismn wrote:In many ways, the presence of the Robotech forces makes Gendo even MORE of a louse, because he gets desperate and when he gets desperate to get what he wants, he gets vindicative...and smug...and like a Nazi, he keeps records of his nastiness...

Records that the GMP will find, now or later...but they WILL find them...

:twisted: Let to torchering being! :twisted:

Taking suggestions from Southern Cross and REF personnel.
Former and Properly ReVetted NERV personnel may submit suggestions as well, along with attached qualifier (see Official Greivance- Re-Imbursal Complaint Form b-231C "Declaration of Hardship Caused by Ikari Gendo") explaining reason for grievance.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Louise Nicolis would be interesting to see tinkering around the Evas, with the 15th providing heavy security.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Maybe Louis could design some new and interesting methods to torture for Gendo and the others we like you to torture! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:Louise Nicolis would be interesting to see tinkering around the Evas, with the 15th providing heavy security.

Entirely possible...there will have to be a good reason for the 15th to visit NGEarth, but with the Masters getting the short end of the stick and backing off until they can figure out how these 'Gates' affect the overall picture, the Earth's been granted a momentary reprieve from surface combat...

And as has been hinted, the ASC has felt confident enough to use the time to move at least one Fold-Equipped vessel into the NGEarth continua and travel to the corresponding point in that universe to Tirol, and attempt to make a Gate to make contact with the REF(apologies Dairugger...that idea was too good to pass up.)....

The Masters are going to have additional future problems, but it may also affect the war against the Regent and Edwards...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

“HELLo, REF! This is Captain Fitzpatrick of the Southern Cross Cosmic Corps’ cruiser Roddenberry, and boy are we glad we got through to you! Have we got things to tell you! First of all, I’m talking to you from Tirol...only not YOUR Tirol!”

Vice Admiral Rick Hunter looked at the reports and quietly boggled for what had to be the tenth time today....The Southern Cross making contact with the REF, through some sort of time/space gateway bored in from an alternate, Mars-like Tirol, in an alternate universe that contained an alternate Earth, itself fighting a war against alien entities....It seemed so unreal...
He turned his attention back to other business; the developments from Earth were dividing his attention...The revelations of the presence of the Robotech Masters attacking their homeworld had been unpleasant, and Hunter had to make some critical decisions...Send what units they had available back to Earth to help them fight the Tirolians, or proceed as originally planned against Edwards and the Invid Regent?
Another signal on his desk’s comboard yammered for his attention....Things were certainly getting busy this week...

“ that what I think it is?....”
“You know what that thing is?”
“ ‘Fraid I do...It’s called Unit-Zero-Zero...part and parcel of what enabled us to get here...Have you managed to get it working again?”
“I’m afraid this ‘Unit-00’ is a loss...As far as we can tell...We don’t know if we should be conducting an engineering analysis or an autopsy...”
“If it’s any consolation, it gives me a headache too....We’ve never seen so much dead meat since the Zentraedi War....But what about the pilot?”

“Well...we can expect her to recover...We managed to save her left eye from internal bleeding, but we’re having problems with her right....Dehydration...”
“Why’s that?”
“She forgets to blink...I think maybe we overprescribed the painkillers and she’s zoned out, but the nurses have had to go in and apply eyedrops at least three times already.”

“It’s a somewhat urgent matter, careful as we are to maintain a strong working relationship with NERV and with the united governments of the ‘NuEarth’, in this case we’re rather...delay...informing them of this...We have reason to believe that the Pilot in your care and custody is in great danger...from her own commander...We’d appreciate it if, for the time being, you kept her on Tirol...and don’t let anyone from NuEarth know of her continued survival. What with her injuries, it shouldn’t be too hard to justify not transporting her back to NERV...and we can use the time to accomplish other things..”

UNit Zero is a complete loss, its pilot dead or missing, said the report submitted by the Outsiders to the UN and NERV. The Outsiders are lying, Gendo thought. They’re hiding something. If Rei had died, they’d have already decanted a new one from the Room of Gaulf. This contact with their long-lost kinfolk was just TOO convenient. Well, he still had the Dummy Plug system, and there were ways to have his cake and eat it too. Yes, things could be better, but they were far better than before...

The GMP infiltration specialist wangled the joystick on the small portable panel again...fifth time was the charm as the pencil-thin probe cleared another obstacle in the ductwork and advanced another ten feet....The fiber-optic spy instrument wasn’t too different from an endoscope, save that it was designed for inspections of up to eight hundred feet of artifical cloacea, such as the sprawling ductwork and tunnel system of Tokyo-3. The specialist and the rest of his team had taken to calling their instrument a ‘Gendoscope’, and what they’d seen of the man, observing secretly from ventilation ducts, ceiling crawl spaces, and even a drain, had them joking about how they could, if so ordered, get the probe up and tell what the Commander of NERV was currently digesting without his ever being the wiser. Of course, the team was perceptive enough to know that the information they’d gathered was enough to make certain people want to make SURE he felt it and then some...
Tonight they’d try to string the Gendoscope another four hundred feet down a series of service conduits into what they’d designated 32-Black Section, and see what they could find...

Gendo put down the file folder as a sudden fit of sneezing overcame him...Damnit! I thought Section-2 had -fixed- that particular problem with the punative purge of the maintenance staff....clearly they have not yet learned their lesson!..Perhaps additional physical discomfort and another payroll reduction were also in order....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Let's use the Gendoscope on Gendo! That sounds like a winner! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Let's use the Gendoscope on Gendo! That sounds like a winner! :D

Nah...the Gendoscope is too small(about 2-3 centimeters wide...might hurt as a CATHETER, but the GMP isn't about to go THERE..
Given what a major *-----* Gendo is, I'd suggest a Skylord missile instead...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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:twisted: And the noose tightens around Gendo. :twisted:
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Unread post by taalismn »

...and SEELE too...the Jet Alone trial was even more obviously sabotaged with anti-tampering measures(the hope was that when JA melted down, it would take the evidence with it), since they figured somebody would be dumb enough to chopper-rappel aboard...unfortunately, for Gendo and SEELE, all it did was frag Misato when she got aboard...The followup MOS team's body armor was more than proof against radiation and the remaining claymores, but they're initially certain that the whole plot was to have the 'bot go chernobyl early in the demo and nuke the observers...including a visiting ASC Lieutenant-General...
Gendo's quick to capitalize on it, though, by having Shinji and Asuka transferred to Maya's guardianship...the Bridge Bunny may not be as socially dysfunctional as Misato, but Gendo figures she's ineffectual enough to be incapable of adding anymore backbone to the Children than Misato is...

Of course, NERV and SEELE are just so swimming in their own plots that they're becoming rather obvious in their machinations, where even a universe-once-removed warhorse like Leonard, who's no stranger to ploys and schemes within his own organization, and is just as paranoid to boot, can smell 'em a mile off...But as long as supplies and now nukes, and the use of the Evangelions, keep coming from this alternate world, he's willing to put up with them...It's now that NERV and SEELE are threatening the comfy little relationship he's got going with the UN(and the N2 Bomb Plot's the icing on the cake), he wants something decisive done about the stinkers...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent post. Just one thing missing....... No Gendo / Edwards Torturing! Please put those two under the knife. Please! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Excellent post. Just one thing missing....... No Gendo / Edwards Torturing! Please put those two under the knife. Please! :D

Gotta build it up....and keep within some sort of continuity....

but, okay....

Edwards: "I'm feeling kinda unloved out here all my lonesome...."
(Tabris appears at the end of the room)
Edwards: "HAH! You think to send an ANGEL against me! Well, I happen to know, you jerks, thanks to my looking over the 4th wall, that in this thread Angels are KILLED by Protoculture weaponry! So take THIS!"
(Whips out a Gallant H-90 and shoots Tabris, the Angel goes SPLUT...)
(Unfortunately, Tabris was also standing in front of the bridge window, which promptly explodes into raw vacuum as the overkill energy slices into it...)
Edwards: (just before he's sucked out the window) "Awwwww Shhhiii.........."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent! LOL That was a great way of getting rid of the scumbag Edwards!! Please keep the hurt on those two! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Excellent post. Just one thing missing....... No Gendo / Edwards Torturing! Please put those two under the knife. Please! :D

Gotta build it up....and keep within some sort of continuity....

but, okay....

Edwards: "I'm feeling kinda unloved out here all my lonesome...."
(Tabris appears at the end of the room)
Edwards: "HAH! You think to send an ANGEL against me! Well, I happen to know, you jerks, thanks to my looking over the 4th wall, that in this thread Angels are KILLED by Protoculture weaponry! So take THIS!"
(Whips out a Gallant H-90 and shoots Tabris, the Angel goes SPLUT...)
(Unfortunately, Tabris was also standing in front of the bridge window, which promptly explodes into raw vacuum as the overkill energy slices into it...)
Edwards: (just before he's sucked out the window) "Awwwww Shhhiii.........."

:lol: :lol:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Hurting those two evil scumbags makes a sad or frustrating day a happy one!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Aramanthus wrote:Hurting those two evil scumbags makes a sad or frustrating day a happy one!

I am starting to get a little concerned with this obsession here... :D Accutually I am thinking of joining you more! :D
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Unread post by taalismn »

Tabris/Kawouru was just pathetic, rather than evil...

Shinji: "It's bad enough to make me an orphan, give me Oedipal issues with my own half-sister, encourage me to be a mysgonist, take away my spine, give me patricidal tendancies and inadequate outlets for the frustration, but you gotta cast my MASCULINITY in doubt?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU, ANNO!!!!????"

Gendo:(for once not being a total *****) "Yeah...I'd like to know how making the whole world into one happy massmind is supposed to allow me to enjoy being reunited with my wife, if I have to then share her with EVERYBODY ON EARTH!!!???"

Field Marshal Leonard: "That's surprisingly perceptive of you, Gendo..."

Gendo: "Thanks."

Leonard: "I'm still going to pistolwhip you, though."

Gendo: "Bring it on, Fatboy! After I have this rare moment of bonding with my son."(pat, pat)

Shinji: "Give me back my wallet, DAD...."

Gendo: "Er...just fell into my hand, son!"

Shinji: "From an INSIDE concealed pocket in my jeans?!"

Leonard: "Here...want to hit him first?"

Shinji: "Nah...I brought my own..."

Leonard: "Ah! You prefer wooden baseball bats to aluminum?"

Shinji: "Right...better heft, better feel, and they're traditional..."

Leonard: "Wanna catch a game after we beat up your biological father? The Monument City Ironmen are facing off against the Osaka-2 Kamikazes..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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taalismn wrote:Tabris/Kawouru was just pathetic, rather than evil...

Shinji: "It's bad enough to make me an orphan, give me Oedipal issues with my own half-sister, encourage me to be a mysgonist, take away my spine, give me patricidal tendancies and inadequate outlets for the frustration, but you gotta cast my MASCULINITY in doubt?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU, ANNO!!!!????"

Gendo:(for once not being a total *****) "Yeah...I'd like to know how making the whole world into one happy massmind is supposed to allow me to enjoy being reunited with my wife, if I have to then share her with EVERYBODY ON EARTH!!!???"

Field Marshal Leonard: "That's surprisingly perceptive of you, Gendo..."

Gendo: "Thanks."

Leonard: "I'm still going to pistolwhip you, though."

Gendo: "Bring it on, Fatboy! After I have this rare moment of bonding with my son."(pat, pat)

Shinji: "Give me back my wallet, DAD...."

Gendo: "Er...just fell into my hand, son!"

Shinji: "From an INSIDE concealed pocket in my jeans?!"

Leonard: "Here...want to hit him first?"

Shinji: "Nah...I brought my own..."

Leonard: "Ah! You prefer wooden baseball bats to aluminum?"

Shinji: "Right...better heft, better feel, and they're traditional..."

Leonard: "Wanna catch a game after we beat up your biological father? The Monument City Ironmen are facing off against the Osaka-2 Kamikazes..."

:lol: Another good one! :lol:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Excellent one Taalismn! Nice attempt at hurting Gendo! Hopefully he'll get hurt later more than just a beating. :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Gendo: "Any progress on figuring out..."
Ritsuko Akagi: "NO! ABSOLUTELY NONE! I can't make heads or tails of this 'Protoculture', how it works, how it keeps off Angels! All I know is that it's somehow organic! But it's NOTHING like an Angel Core! And everytime I try running the available data through the MAGI, they keep signing me up for subscriptions to 'Better Homes and Gardens', 'Horticulturist', 'American Farmer', and 'Birds and Blooms'!!!! AAAARRGGGHHHHH!!!(begins banging her head on her desk)*BANG*BANG*BANG* WWWAAAHHHH!!!! I wish I could acquire an alcohol dependence like Misatoooo!!!"
(Gendo leaves, annoyed that, in this case, he's NOT the cause of somebody's personal misery)

(because our favorite peroxide-blonde hasn't gotten enough screentime...Mustn't forget the minor evils)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL Poor girl! Gendo must pay. Where is the army of ninja bunnies! We must sic them on Gendo! Gendo must pay for his evil affront to life itself! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

And we also have to go after Keele LOrenz...The Man Who Secretly Runs the World...

Lorenz: "HEY!!! I was posting HALF those 'torture Gendo' posts...wait, why is it appearing on the screen?...OH S****, musta locked the SEND when I enabled the 'verbal dictation mode on this thing!...heheh, ignore the crazy guy in the back..heheheh..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alpha 11
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taalismn wrote:Gendo: "Any progress on figuring out..."
Ritsuko Akagi: "NO! ABSOLUTELY NONE! I can't make heads or tails of this 'Protoculture', how it works, how it keeps off Angels! All I know is that it's somehow organic! But it's NOTHING like an Angel Core! And everytime I try running the available data through the MAGI, they keep signing me up for subscriptions to 'Better Homes and Gardens', 'Horticulturist', 'American Farmer', and 'Birds and Blooms'!!!! AAAARRGGGHHHHH!!!(begins banging her head on her desk)*BANG*BANG*BANG* WWWAAAHHHH!!!! I wish I could acquire an alcohol dependence like Misatoooo!!!"
(Gendo leaves, annoyed that, in this case, he's NOT the cause of somebody's personal misery)

(because our favorite peroxide-blonde hasn't gotten enough screentime...Mustn't forget the minor evils)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by taalismn »

Ritz is the perfect archetype of irresponsible science...Rides in on Mom's coat-tails, genuis IQ with the inside track at NERV, certainly knows more than's healthy about Gendo and his agenda, but does she do anything about it?
No....she chooses the 'woman scorned' vengeance too late in the game to b of any fact, she's ANTICIPATED by Gendo....
Plus she was sleeping with him...

If Gendo didn't shoot her, half the fanbase would(or SHOULD)

A dimly lit room with numbered monoliths....
SEELE04: "Who's THAT guy?!"
SEELE06: "I don't recall us adding a new member! Lorenz!?"
SEELE01: "Identify yourself!"
The unnumbered new Monolith does nothing...but hums...a hum that increases in volume and transcendant tone, overwhelming everything in the room....One by one, the other monoliths disappear, the members dropping out as a feeling of dread overwhelms them...Finally, only SEELE01 remains...)
Lorenz: "WHO ARE YOU!!!????"
The Monolith only increases its hum...which somehow shapes a (answer..not a single word but a concept...a visceral sense of truth...of undeniable, almost tangible DEPTH and soul-searing grandeur that the petty soul of Keele Lorenz quails before, and in moments he, too, flees from its presence, seeking futily to distance himself from it, and knowing he cannot....)


(Dedicated to Arthur C. Clarke, who recently passed of mere mortals pale before the vistas he openned to us...)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! Those were great! Please keep them coming! More Gendo and Edward in pain from being hurt my zentraedi! Please!!!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:Ritz is the perfect archetype of irresponsible science...Rides in on Mom's coat-tails, genuis IQ with the inside track at NERV, certainly knows more than's healthy about Gendo and his agenda, but does she do anything about it?
No....she chooses the 'woman scorned' vengeance too late in the game to b of any fact, she's ANTICIPATED by Gendo....
Plus she was sleeping with him...

If Gendo didn't shoot her, half the fanbase would(or SHOULD)

A dimly lit room with numbered monoliths....
SEELE04: "Who's THAT guy?!"
SEELE06: "I don't recall us adding a new member! Lorenz!?"
SEELE01: "Identify yourself!"
The unnumbered new Monolith does nothing...but hums...a hum that increases in volume and transcendant tone, overwhelming everything in the room....One by one, the other monoliths disappear, the members dropping out as a feeling of dread overwhelms them...Finally, only SEELE01 remains...)
Lorenz: "WHO ARE YOU!!!????"
The Monolith only increases its hum...which somehow shapes a (answer..not a single word but a concept...a visceral sense of truth...of undeniable, almost tangible DEPTH and soul-searing grandeur that the petty soul of Keele Lorenz quails before, and in moments he, too, flees from its presence, seeking futily to distance himself from it, and knowing he cannot....)


(Dedicated to Arthur C. Clarke, who recently passed of mere mortals pale before the vistas he openned to us...)

:twisted: DIE SEELE!!!! :twisted:
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Unread post by taalismn »

(Streets of Tokyo 3...a nondescript utility vehicle is hiding in an alley near an apartment complex...three men in civilian clothes are lurking behind the tinted glass)
Zor Prime: "I don't understand...what are we doing here again?"
Angelo Dante: "Dana wants to talk to that Ikari kid....They lost a Pilot, and the kid's father is blaming all of us, seems like...We're running interference with the dad's hired goons while she talks to the poor kid."
Louie Nichols: "'Run interference...'? 'Goons'? This isn't going to get physical, is it? Because I.."
Angelo: "All you have to do is jam their radios and make sure they don't call for reinforcements while the el-tee has a heart-to-heart with the Pilots..You don't have to.."
Louie: "Well, see, sir, I have this liquid mace and a stunner..."
Angelo: "...holy...built into a baseball bat?!"
Louie: "Well,'s a ..'Louie-ville Slugger'..."
(Even Zor groans at that)
Angelo: "...*...Louie...NEVER mention that to the rest of the squad, okay?"
Zor: "So we're to risk bodily harm so Dana can talk to somebody, correct?"
Angelo: "Sorta like what we did when Dana broke into the hospital to see you..."
Louie: "Only Angelo doesn't have to wear a hospital robe for this one.."
Angelo: "Don't mention THAT again, either.."
Louie: "Well, at least the GMP's WITH us on this one..."
Angelo: "Only if we don't get CAUGHT.."
Zor: "At least Dana's in no danger of being attacked by least not as I did."
Angelo: "You're going to have to tell me about that some time...We didn't get all the details."
Zor:"There...I believe that's one of those 'Section-2' men we're supposed to look out for? THey're very obvious..."
Louie: "Oh yeah...and look...that's gotta be their security about zero frequency security....I'm in already..."
Angelo: "And showtime..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! Very funny. I guess according to Alpha 11 I have to add Seele on the mame, hurt and kill list now! Please mangle them! Please! How about sticking them into a test vehicles the is targeted for destruction! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Since getting decimated by their encounter with Sahaquiel, the Masters had been rather quiet...but nobody doubted they’d be back, once they’d regrouped. What signal intelligence had been picked up from space, told that they were getting increasingy desperate.
NuEarth hadn’t yet the capability to build combat mecha aside from the prohibitively expensive and proprietary tech Evangelions, and nobody wanted to have a fission-pile-powered monstrousity like Jet Alone go down in the middle of a Southern Cross city...Jet Alone 3 and the Colussus programs, even with Robotech Research Group assistance, were still aways from completion, let alone operational deployment. NuEarth had no combat mecha to spare, and the UN militaries were as yet unequipped with the energy weapons and cutting edge armor that would allow them at least some chance of surviving an encounter with the Masters’ forces, even if the political fighting about sending troops to fight in other people’s wars had relented and allowed those troops to be deployed alongside the Southern Cross’s own.
Still, they could make a contribution to keeping their ernstwhile allies supported. The UN had factories the Masters couldn’t touch, and with some help those factories could turn out non-Reflex weaponry...useless against Angels, but perfectly effective against mecha, if fired in great enough numbers. Food and medicine, fuel, and replacement equipment, were soon moving through the Gates, relieving the burden on the Southern Cross’s own logistics.
And there were those in the UN militaries who weren’t hampered by politics and could either see that some sort of reciprocal joint military action was unavoidable, or who simply relished a different military challenge than plinking at invulnerable AT-Fields. So it was that pans were drawn up for mobile positron cannons with anti-aircraft/spacecraft mountings, Type F carrier wing modifications into high altitude anti-spacecraft missile platforms were discussed, and a number of refit programs for tanks and APCs, using the munitions being produced at certain retooled factories, and the armor plating now being manufactured at others, were initiated.
And other ripples were being made....Pictures had begun to circulate worldwide of hovercycles and hoverjeeps being driven by the Southern Cross force at Tokyo-3, exciting motor enthusiasts and military men alike. While the UEG and UN argued about technology transfers, Protoculture allotments, and N2 munition production, near outright war had broken out among several automotive firms over who’d approach the Others for exclusive licensing rights, and the discovery of ‘GM’ embossed on the frame of a hoverjeep that had been left momentarily unattended had General Motors already crowing victory. Already there were rumors on the street of a bounty out for an intact hovercycle, further embellished with tales of Hell’s Angels arriving to grab one of the ‘flying hawgs’ for themselves.
And commerical demand for other wonders of the ‘world next door’ had begun to be head and felt. There were differences in the respective electronics, power technology, and other aspects. Catastrophe had visited both worlds, but wrought substantially different changes in both...Technological development had been stunted in many respects on one world, while the necessities of reconstruction had pushed development in the other. Several firms already were petitioning the United Nations to ask for the Others’ fuson technology, and Honda reportedly wanted to collaborate with the makers of domestic robotics in the UEG to upgrade their Asimo-series with better AIs and batteries.
And, of course, NASA and ESA wanted to look at those spacecraft....
SEELE and NERV aside, unification seemed to be a foregone conclusion to the man in the street....

“I’ve spoken to Emil Lang...he seems to think that the dimensional fabric of this other universe ‘next door’ is somehow weaker and more prone to dimensional warping and penetration than our own...The creation of the ‘Gates’, a noted increase in the efficiency of Fold drives...It may actually be EASIER to Gate through to this other universe from Tirol, Fold to their Earth, then Gate back to our Earth..”
“Which makes their universe of increasing value and strategic importance to us...”

“Milords, we are registering a Fold event...we have identified a vessel similar in configuration to that which attacked us earlier....No, we stand corrected...There are THREE vessels of similar configuration...”
“And ONE of those vessels previously took out one of our motherships!”
“We are also registering multiple smaller ships in escort formation.”
Shaizan gave an uncharacteristically emotional growl as that sank in...Their situation was continuing to deteriorate...Protoculture reserves were dwindling, the Humans had not only continued to hold out against them, but they were now receiving reinforcements, both from the ‘other world’ intercepted signals spoke of, and from their own farflung kinsmen...By some perverse equation, as the Masters’ strength waned, the Humans’ increased...The possibilities of a successful final push to seize Zor’s remaining viable Matrix were decreasing with every passing day as the Humans seemed to pull one trick after another!
“Soon. We must make our move soon if all is not to be lost.” Bowkaz echoed his brother’s thoughts.
“The arrival of a few more units, even ones such as those, cannot contribute significantly to the Humans’ ability to resist us.” Dag countered.
The disharmony caused by their third member’s disagreement only further rankled the first two. “Not if we retained our previous stength. But the loss of our fleet units to that creature and the subsequent loss of the Mistress of the Cosmic Harp have led to a progressive deterioration of our capabilities.” Indeed, while they knew that Musica was still alive somewhere on the Humans’ homeworld, efforts to find and recover her had proven fruitless. “Further variables cannot be tolerated, when the margin for error is so small.” The very idea of the Masters erring in their actions was unthinkable, but the unthinkable seemed to be a matter of fact in the accursed star system of these Humans...
“Inventory our remaining resources. Any bio-units that fall below a 50% efficiency rating are to be removed from active support and the resources apportioned elsewhere. Cull all damaged units, and salvage what can be recovered. Report progress and status in twelve anirs.”Shaizan commanded the adjutant clone Tiumvirate.
“By your wills, milords.”

Captain Vince Grant shook his head at the irony...He’d been pulled off the coming mission to hunt down Edwards, and the Tokugawa retasked for a sidetrip to reinforce the Southern Cross....There had been much debate about that, especially considering the news that the ASC seemed to have the Masters on the run back home, but the Plenipotentary Council had argued that their original mission was to protect Earth. So Tokugawa and two of her sisterships had been tasked to go back home and help out, while Pioneer and the Tokugawa’s sisterships Xerxes and Themistocles would proceed after Edwards. Grant felt Edwards and his unholy alliance with the Invid Regent posed a greater threat, and that the Tokugawa should be heading after him, but he also had to admitt that the opportunity to see his son Bowie again was a benefitt to this mission...
So Tokugawa, Hannibal, Alexander, and a fleet of hastily-assembled auxiliaries had Gated Across in orbit of the alternate Tirol...Another irony there; the Tirolians having launched their galactic empire to replenish their depleted resources,when just across a veil of space/time, an entire uninhabited and resource-rich system lay...Already REF mining teams were churning up the ice and sand of the Mars-like alternate Tirol known officially as Karnak, and unofficially as ‘Lorit’. Then the two battleships had Folded to Ne-Earth, the engineers confirming that the drives were indeed more efficient in this parallel universe. They’d spent a day or two orbiting the Earth-that-wasn’t-theirs, recieving updates from the Southern Cross surface enclave and growing moonbase there, then had taken the TriStar Gate back into Earthspace...
Now the three battleships emerged in formation, their escort of Garfish, Defenders, and Tristars forming up around them. The Trafalgar, Jutland, North Atlantic, and Monaco Bay, reconditioned Zentraedi warships, brought up the rear, and were already launching their fighters to screen the formation. Sensors were hot, looking for trouble upon this impromptu homecoming....
There was the Southern Cross fleet, gathering above Earth and Luna...Sensors picked out and identified Emerson’s flagship, the much-put upon original Tristar, in the van of the gathering fleet. Waiting for the arrival of the REF heavies to kick the party off.
And there was the hated enemy....Three massive Motherships and an attending fleet, sitting at the edge of the Earth-Moon system, stooping like vultures...
He pushed aside all thoughts of Edwards and the Regent and turned to the more immediate problem of putting out another threat to Earth’s safety.....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alpha 11
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:Since getting decimated by their encounter with Sahaquiel, the Masters had been rather quiet...but nobody doubted they’d be back, once they’d regrouped. What signal intelligence had been picked up from space, told that they were getting increasingy desperate.
NuEarth hadn’t yet the capability to build combat mecha aside from the prohibitively expensive and proprietary tech Evangelions, and nobody wanted to have a fission-pile-powered monstrousity like Jet Alone go down in the middle of a Southern Cross city...Jet Alone 3 and the Colussus programs, even with Robotech Research Group assistance, were still aways from completion, let alone operational deployment. NuEarth had no combat mecha to spare, and the UN militaries were as yet unequipped with the energy weapons and cutting edge armor that would allow them at least some chance of surviving an encounter with the Masters’ forces, even if the political fighting about sending troops to fight in other people’s wars had relented and allowed those troops to be deployed alongside the Southern Cross’s own.
Still, they could make a contribution to keeping their ernstwhile allies supported. The UN had factories the Masters couldn’t touch, and with some help those factories could turn out non-Reflex weaponry...useless against Angels, but perfectly effective against mecha, if fired in great enough numbers. Food and medicine, fuel, and replacement equipment, were soon moving through the Gates, relieving the burden on the Southern Cross’s own logistics.
And there were those in the UN militaries who weren’t hampered by politics and could either see that some sort of reciprocal joint military action was unavoidable, or who simply relished a different military challenge than plinking at invulnerable AT-Fields. So it was that pans were drawn up for mobile positron cannons with anti-aircraft/spacecraft mountings, Type F carrier wing modifications into high altitude anti-spacecraft missile platforms were discussed, and a number of refit programs for tanks and APCs, using the munitions being produced at certain retooled factories, and the armor plating now being manufactured at others, were initiated.
And other ripples were being made....Pictures had begun to circulate worldwide of hovercycles and hoverjeeps being driven by the Southern Cross force at Tokyo-3, exciting motor enthusiasts and military men alike. While the UEG and UN argued about technology transfers, Protoculture allotments, and N2 munition production, near outright war had broken out among several automotive firms over who’d approach the Others for exclusive licensing rights, and the discovery of ‘GM’ embossed on the frame of a hoverjeep that had been left momentarily unattended had General Motors already crowing victory. Already there were rumors on the street of a bounty out for an intact hovercycle, further embellished with tales of Hell’s Angels arriving to grab one of the ‘flying hawgs’ for themselves.
And commerical demand for other wonders of the ‘world next door’ had begun to be head and felt. There were differences in the respective electronics, power technology, and other aspects. Catastrophe had visited both worlds, but wrought substantially different changes in both...Technological development had been stunted in many respects on one world, while the necessities of reconstruction had pushed development in the other. Several firms already were petitioning the United Nations to ask for the Others’ fuson technology, and Honda reportedly wanted to collaborate with the makers of domestic robotics in the UEG to upgrade their Asimo-series with better AIs and batteries.
And, of course, NASA and ESA wanted to look at those spacecraft....
SEELE and NERV aside, unification seemed to be a foregone conclusion to the man in the street....

“I’ve spoken to Emil Lang...he seems to think that the dimensional fabric of this other universe ‘next door’ is somehow weaker and more prone to dimensional warping and penetration than our own...The creation of the ‘Gates’, a noted increase in the efficiency of Fold drives...It may actually be EASIER to Gate through to this other universe from Tirol, Fold to their Earth, then Gate back to our Earth..”
“Which makes their universe of increasing value and strategic importance to us...”

“Milords, we are registering a Fold event...we have identified a vessel similar in configuration to that which attacked us earlier....No, we stand corrected...There are THREE vessels of similar configuration...”
“And ONE of those vessels previously took out one of our motherships!”
“We are also registering multiple smaller ships in escort formation.”
Shaizan gave an uncharacteristically emotional growl as that sank in...Their situation was continuing to deteriorate...Protoculture reserves were dwindling, the Humans had not only continued to hold out against them, but they were now receiving reinforcements, both from the ‘other world’ intercepted signals spoke of, and from their own farflung kinsmen...By some perverse equation, as the Masters’ strength waned, the Humans’ increased...The possibilities of a successful final push to seize Zor’s remaining viable Matrix were decreasing with every passing day as the Humans seemed to pull one trick after another!
“Soon. We must make our move soon if all is not to be lost.” Bowkaz echoed his brother’s thoughts.
“The arrival of a few more units, even ones such as those, cannot contribute significantly to the Humans’ ability to resist us.” Dag countered.
The disharmony caused by their third member’s disagreement only further rankled the first two. “Not if we retained our previous stength. But the loss of our fleet units to that creature and the subsequent loss of the Mistress of the Cosmic Harp have led to a progressive deterioration of our capabilities.” Indeed, while they knew that Musica was still alive somewhere on the Humans’ homeworld, efforts to find and recover her had proven fruitless. “Further variables cannot be tolerated, when the margin for error is so small.” The very idea of the Masters erring in their actions was unthinkable, but the unthinkable seemed to be a matter of fact in the accursed star system of these Humans...
“Inventory our remaining resources. Any bio-units that fall below a 50% efficiency rating are to be removed from active support and the resources apportioned elsewhere. Cull all damaged units, and salvage what can be recovered. Report progress and status in twelve anirs.”Shaizan commanded the adjutant clone Tiumvirate.
“By your wills, milords.”

Captain Vince Grant shook his head at the irony...He’d been pulled off the coming mission to hunt down Edwards, and the Tokugawa retasked for a sidetrip to reinforce the Southern Cross....There had been much debate about that, especially considering the news that the ASC seemed to have the Masters on the run back home, but the Plenipotentary Council had argued that their original mission was to protect Earth. So Tokugawa and two of her sisterships had been tasked to go back home and help out, while Pioneer and the Tokugawa’s sisterships Xerxes and Themistocles would proceed after Edwards. Grant felt Edwards and his unholy alliance with the Invid Regent posed a greater threat, and that the Tokugawa should be heading after him, but he also had to admitt that the opportunity to see his son Bowie again was a benefitt to this mission...
So Tokugawa, Hannibal, Alexander, and a fleet of hastily-assembled auxiliaries had Gated Across in orbit of the alternate Tirol...Another irony there; the Tirolians having launched their galactic empire to replenish their depleted resources,when just across a veil of space/time, an entire uninhabited and resource-rich system lay...Already REF mining teams were churning up the ice and sand of the Mars-like alternate Tirol known officially as Karnak, and unofficially as ‘Lorit’. Then the two battleships had Folded to Ne-Earth, the engineers confirming that the drives were indeed more efficient in this parallel universe. They’d spent a day or two orbiting the Earth-that-wasn’t-theirs, recieving updates from the Southern Cross surface enclave and growing moonbase there, then had taken the TriStar Gate back into Earthspace...
Now the three battleships emerged in formation, their escort of Garfish, Defenders, and Tristars forming up around them. The Trafalgar, Jutland, North Atlantic, and Monaco Bay, reconditioned Zentraedi warships, brought up the rear, and were already launching their fighters to screen the formation. Sensors were hot, looking for trouble upon this impromptu homecoming....
There was the Southern Cross fleet, gathering above Earth and Luna...Sensors picked out and identified Emerson’s flagship, the much-put upon original Tristar, in the van of the gathering fleet. Waiting for the arrival of the REF heavies to kick the party off.
And there was the hated enemy....Three massive Motherships and an attending fleet, sitting at the edge of the Earth-Moon system, stooping like vultures...
He pushed aside all thoughts of Edwards and the Regent and turned to the more immediate problem of putting out another threat to Earth’s safety.....

Well there was no funnies, but a great read never the less.
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Unread post by taalismn »

“Louie? You good?”
“Oh yeah...those Section Two goons aren’t seeing a thing on their closed circuit gear....Almost makes me want to transfer to the GMP for gear like this...” The tech-geep saw the expression on the Sergeant’s face. “ALMOST.”
Dante didn’t look away from his scrutiny of the ‘camouflaged’ NERV security van parked a block away. “Good..The lieutenant would have to kill you otherwise.”

Maya openned the door to find a wiry-build young blonde woman standing in the hall outside her apartment. The woman was dressed in nondescript civilian clothing that looked like it was Tokyo-3 off-the-rack, but her demeanor was anything but Tokyo-3.
“Lieutenant Sterling?”
“I heard about Shinji in?”
Maya Ibuki was passingly familiar with the young Southern Cross officer; she’d encountered her and her squad when she’d gone with Ritsuko to move the damaged Evangelions back across the dimensional ‘border’ that first time. Strange that the first time she’d ever gone to America, and it had to be another universe...But the headstrong young blonde officer she’d first met had practically screamed ‘wild American’ to her Japanese sensibilities. But what she’d heard since, the Sterling woman, though slightly younger than herself, had acquited herself under conditions that would have had Maya in full-blown panic...
And the plight of the Pilots, even though she’d taken in two of them, had her very nearly in a panic...
“Why yes....he’s here...And he’s taken in rather hard...Come on in. I’d appreciate having somebody else who can talk to him.”
Dana Sterling was torn...The 15th really should have have been still assisting in the Gulf of Mexico with securing the Mothership that had crashed there, but Louie was right; Hovertanks can’t swim....The situation was really out of their territory, no matter how big the alien ship was, and the Navy had things well in hand winkling out the last diehards out of the crashed vessel, securing what the clones and in-rushing water hadn’t already destroyed, and pumping out what was already flooded. Dante’s own comments about ‘squids’ aside, the Sea Squad knew what they were doing, and had their own battloids to assist in mob-up. The battlelines had again drifted out into space, and the Masters seemed ill-inclined to try again to recover a Mothership like they had before....Still, the Gulf was seeing some serious military build-up just in case, including supposedly SSBNs with anti-spacecraft missiles entering the local waters. But the 15th, aside from watching over the refuge camps set up in Cuba and Texas, had been rotated off active duty. Then Nova’s message had come in....
And with events on ‘Neu-Earth’, the high command seemed to think that maybe some faster and heavier elements might be handy. She wasn’t entirely sure what exactly had happened, but a Pilot had died, an Evangelion Unit had been lost, and there had been a commotion between the Southern Cross there and the Commander of NERV...
Which was why Angelo and Louie were currently running interference for her (Sean was currently keeping Bowie out of too much trouble, what with his recent reunion with the love of his life), while she talked to Shinji. And curiously, it had been NOVA who’d pointed her at the young Pilot, and incidentally had her unit cleared to come back through the Gate to Tokyo-3...Something about keeping channels open...Dana wondered what the REAL game was that the GMP was playing, but if it gave her the opportunity to help out the troubled young man she’d met back outside Monument, she’d use it.
Ikari Shinji was a wreck, and his surviving fellow Pilots, from what she’d heard and seen, weren’t much better...The young redhead, Asuka, was foaming at the mouth with her usual , and Toji, the Fourth, was with family, no doubt feeling his mortality.
In a way we ARE responsible for this, Dana thought...Our weapons made these people overconfident in our ability to defeat their problems. And coming off a high like that when reality enters the picture again....It hurts all the more...
She found Shinji on the porch of the small apartment, listlessly playing his cello...Unbidden to Dana came the memory of the lame excuse the 15th had used to briefly spring Musica from a local Carribean constabulary office for some private time at a local club...
“Shinji-kun? You have a visitor.”
“Hey, Shinj-man!”
“Oh, hi, Sterling-sama.”
“It’s just Dana, can drop the formality...I heard what happened, and wanted to check in on you..How you feeling?”
“It’s just....Ayanami...Rei...she’s just...gone...” His expression and slumped shoulders said it all...Dana had lost her fair number of people under her command, or people she knew in other units...She wasn’t personally close to any of them, and command training taught a certain distance between officer and enlisted men, but the bond of warriors still had her feeling an abiding sadness over each loss, and a regret for not knowing each of the lost better....
How much worse would it be, when the people you lost were of a much smaller group, school-mates, and of the same age as yourself? People you lived with and played with and were growing up with? In Shinji’s face and manner, Dana had some idea of how bad it could be....
Too young to have to deal with this sort of thing, Dana thought. If he were Southern Cross, they’d have a chaplin come in to talk to him, a squad to close ranks around him...But if he’d been in the Southern Cross, he wouldn’t be piloting a combat ‘mech in the first place.
So Dana Sterling did what she could, putting her arm around the young boy’s shuddering shoulders, and offering what words of consolation she could...
“I’m sure things will work out, Shinji.” And for some reason she couldn’t put a finger on, she felt uncharacteristically self-assured about those words...

Zor smoothly slid the door to the garbage dumpster closed on the Section-2 goon he’d just previously body-flipped into its side, before throwing the semi-conscious man head first into its interior.
A moment later he just as quickly slid the door back open as Dante threw his own man inside to join his comrade in among the kitchen-scraps, kitty-litter, and shredded junk-mail. The magenta-haired warrior then slammed the door closed again and dusted off his hands as he turned to his partner-in-crime.
“Nice work, Zor. I might actually have to respect you after this.”
“There was another one, I believe...”
“Oh crap! Somebody got past u---”
For a moment Zor and Dante’s shadows were thrown big against the walls of the surrounding buildings as Louie proved once again that he was first and foremost an electrical engineer...
“I think Mister Nichols can take care of himself....”
“You got that right, Zor...Actually, right now, he scares me.”
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by taalismn »

Thanks, Alpha-11...I'm trying to mix the usual mixture of Robotech action and light humor with the threat of serious death in the background, with Evangelion pathos before ramping up into the slapstick let's-use-Gendo-as-a-pinata...
Plus I'm buying time while choreographing the big ASC/NERV/SEELE fight...I'm mentally setting it to the music of 'Carmena Barranna'(sp?)...You know, the 'Excalibur' music....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by taalismn »

A high security GMP-administered psychiatric facility somewhere in former Washington State...
A green-haired woman(not a Zentraedi) twitched and jerked to wakefulness, against the restraints of her straitjacket. The armored guards standing on watch outside her padded cell took immediate notice.
(twitch)“erk....Oh no...flash back montage....”(twitch)
There was a hasty call to the pharmacy to send the thorazine truck back up.


“Ah, I know I mentioned this before, but shouldn’t we...y’know...maybe go and rescue...?”
“NO, Usagi, we are not going to rescue Setsuna from the other universe!”
“Aw...why not?...She’s one of us! ‘All for one, one for a penny’, and all...”
“That’s ‘all for one, one for all’, Minako...and Usagi, no, she’s not one of us. If she were one of us, she wouldn’t have led us on a half-assed attack on a place that had never HEARD of us before, into the sights of those gun-happy lunatics! And NO, I didn’t think those guys were cute!!!”
“But, Rei...”
“No! She’s always played it ‘lone and mysterious’, and never confided in us, unless it helped out her grand agenda, whatever that is! If she really was one of us, she’d have warned us so many times before, instead of waiting for disaster to strike before dropping some cryptic gem of information on us...Well, this time, she screwed upbig-time, and she’s going to have to pay the consequences...”
“Yeah, we don’t have the element of surprise this time...”
“Sailor healing aside,I’m STILL feeling those grenade fragments in my butt!”
Rei shivered...the last time she’d done a fire-reading at the behest of Usagi about the Sailor of Time and the chances of a successful rescue mission, she’d been paralyzed with fear for several days afterwards, every time a heavy truck went past her...The images of those onrushing armored vehicles, screaming right at her, weapons blazing....Heck, she dove fro cover whenever jet airliners came in overhead headed for Tokyo International...too much like those visions of death-shapes thundering down at her, chasing her through the streets of Juuban, unleashing storms of missiles at her and her friends...
Ami and Matako had their own shivers, remembering their own respective near-death experiences, being downrange of some fairly heavy screaming-death ordnance...Youma they’d face fearlessly but Youma never used enfilading cover fire, nor did they use grenades.....
Mamoru didn’t remember much of the whole event, but that wasn’t new to him...he wasn’t terribly bright to begin with, and subsequent bouts of identity crisis hadn’t helped things...Being headbutted by a burly seven-foot Tactical Corps trooper in full body armor, just before the tuxedo-clad Prince of Earth had been buried under several tons of steel rigging, hadn’t improved his recall abilities much either. But Mongo...Mamoru...knew ‘memories bad, pain bad, not want pain, so not remember’(Usagi would later have problems with his mental issues on their wedding night).
The Moon Cats weren’t about to agitate much either for going back for Sailor Pluto....a week spent in a GMP kennel, being harassed by dogs that looked semi-feral and part-mutant(entirely possible; the GMP had scoured the Rain of Death wastelands for new breeding stock), being fed kibble by obvious non-cat-lovers, before they’d been released(heave-ho-tossed, actually, through a dimensional Gate) without so much as an apology, had them ill-disposed to want anything to do with the Sailor of Time without some major up-front explanations of benefits before-hand.
To the unseen watcher, it became readily evident that salvation wasn’t coming anytime soon from THAT direction.


Spacelords weren’t meant for surface to surface bombardment...Asuka didn’t know that...All she knew was that some f******g SHORE BATTERY had stolen her kill from her. The naval fleet personnel in the ships escorting her were, on the other hand, immensely relieved that that no more of their ships had been trashed by either Gaghiel or Unit-02 playing stepping stones with them before the SSM strike had come in...Many promises were made to personally thank whoever had called in the missiles....


“Looks like that one bit the dust...”
‘15th! Tank Mode, NOW! Give them some covering fire!”
“Which one?”
“There’s two of them! No arguments!”
The 15th ATAC would have to share credit with the 7th TASC and 18th TC squadrons for killingIsrafel, though the 15th had the dubious honor of helping pull Unit-02 out of its headfirst position in the bay...Some wag back at Monument had half-jokingly tabled a petition for a ‘Godzilla Medal’ if such actions were going to become routine for Southern Cross units...The 18th was ALREADY sporting an Angel hashmark on their battloids.
Gendo threw a fit when the news footage of the ‘Battle of Sagami Bay’ hit the international news....


“Hear what those crazy NERV guys did?”
“No, what?”
“Went inside a volcano afterone of those Angels. Got it, too...”
“Man, those kids are braver than they look...and those Evangelions are tough too, if they can stand that sort of heat...”
“Heck, if the Zentraedi or the Masters could survive in molten rock, you can bet we’d have developed to stuff to go after them there, too.”
“I dunno, chief...I’m just as glad we weren’t there for the ride...”


“Okay, boys and girls...Power’s out all across the city except for our mechs, which is DAMN funny...So keep your eyes open for anything unusual...”
“Like giant spiders several city blocks wide?”
“Yeah, like that, Riter...very funn...Holy....”
“I don’t think we brought enough PESTEX for that thing!”
“ ask me, looks like all its eyes are pointing downwards, and all the legs are coming in at the back of that thorax...”
“Weak point, sir?”
“Worth a shot....either we’ll score a critical hit, or it will turn on us and kill us all.”
“Didn’t expect to grow old in this job, Captain.”
“That’s why you and your wing will be orbiting back to see what happens when me and Able-wing hit it with a full load of Tarpons.”
Matarael folded like a stomped cockroach...
Rubbing his sore muscles from helping haul all that heavy EVA gear into place, Gendo again cursed the Outsiders for their miraculous luck with their weaponry.


“Computer barriers are ...were...Looked like somebody tried to hack us...but it just stopped dead.”
“Oh well...well, continue with that ‘Protoculture generator’...”
“Power generation’s off the charts for something that size! Look at those power levels!”
Aoba meanwhile attended to removing software trash from the NERV computer systems.
And so Iruel the Computer Virus quietly kicked the bucket...
But, due to a computer software foul-up, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei still ended up getting ejected into Lake Ashino and spending a half-hour floating around naked, until several Southern Cross hovercraft towed them back, before NERV could...


“Big ugly hypnoball floating around the perimeter...Think it could be an Angel?”
“Sure looks like it...Okay, NERV just went to alert..Wanna wait to see what they do first?”
“No...if the missiles don’t do the trick, NERV can have their turn with the Evangelions...”
“Okay...batteries Baker and Delta firing Skylords and Shovels now...”
A minute later, Leliel popped like a parade ballloon...
Gendo sat through the UN news conference praising the fast action of ‘our brother and sister humans from across time and space’, grinding his teeth.


“And that’s one more Evangelion Unit safely delivered! Appreciate the escort, you guys!”
The F-Wing Flying Wing transport pilot gave a thumbs up to the futuristic-looking jet helicopter cruising along off the giant aircraft’s left side. With a waggle of wings the AJACs and Corsair IIIs peeled off to return to their base ship...It had been an uneventful flight except for that one spot of bad weather....high altitude lightning up the wazoo, then it almost seemed like the cloud had run AWAY from them....
So much for Bardiel, the Thirteenth...
Gendo felt a mysterious sense of loss...He’d just missed the opportunity to be a total SOB and torch his son in the process...he just knew it.


“It’s boring out here...nothing but hills, hills, more hills, gawking people...oh, and a floating giant torso...Oh crud!”
Zuruel might have been able to escape the TC battloids, if the hovertanks hadn’t penned it in from the other side, and then the AJACS had shown up.....After that, it was a straight-out shoot’em up, with a follow-up argument over who got to claim the ‘Zilla stripe’ for the kill...
Once again, Gendo had to listen to another round of UN administrators talking about how WONDERFUL it was that these Outsiders were around to kick Angel butt...


“ARRRGGGHH!!! Get out of my head you overgrown pigeon!”
Arael learned that trying to invade a Zentraedi-Terran hybrid’s mind was NOT a good idea...It would never be known exactly what caused the fatal feedback loop that obliterated the Angel; Dana Sterling’s massive sense of self-worth, or a genetic preposition to smack around anybody who gave her grief...
Of course, things were a little hairy between Dana and Zor for a while afterwards, but after a few rounds at their favorite local bar, she was back to normal again...
Gendo thought about sledgehammering Asuka Langley in the back of the head and into a coma anyways, while trying to shake the Southern Cross reps’ requests to take a ‘closer look’ at the Lance of Logenius that they had volunteered to retrieve while their spacecraft were ‘already out there anyways’.


“Finally, at last...those Llium anti-histimine shots did the trick! I’m away from those accursed Flowers! Now to set this world BACK on its proper course!”
“Sorry, kid, nothing personal...just saving the world...”
(A big red right fist of STONE comes out of the darkness)
(Tabris goes flying through several walls before slumping unconscious inside a crumpled-up metal fence)
“Just to show how sorry I am, I even brought flowers...”
(Big bouquet of Flowers of Life comes down on top of a stoned-out Tabris, who shudders and promptly slips back into a coma..., before he gets dragged out of sight)


Mana Krishima sighed....She REALLY wanted to put the Trident Land Cruiser in trials up against those Spartas Hovertanks....Betting had been heavy among the base staff whether the ‘bear’ or the ‘wolves’ would win in simulated combat....Just maybe, maybe, with the ‘Southern Cross’ getting more involved across the globe, she’d have the chance to prove her machine’s mettle.


“.....aaahhhhh....drugs....” Setsuna murmurred as she felt the effects of the sedation injections begin to take hold....She HATED these disjointed flashback episodes but at least some linear temporal catching up had been accomplished with this last seizure...and the drugs the doctors were giving her were admittedly a LOT more effective at letting her sleep than the alcohol she used to use to pound herself to sleep with against the six thousand-plus years’ burden of memories she carried....Now if only she could remember if tomorrow was brownie or pudding day for dinner dessert....?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the Enigma of what happened to the UES Philidelphia in 2023 during it's explorations of the gateway effect around Nue-earth. everything went normally during it's countdown to the special fold, and then the ship vanished into the fold normally. two days later a defold event was recorded in the asteroid belt of Nue-sol. two REF cruisers were scrambled to investigate, on the possibility it was a yet unknown alien race. instead the UES Philidelphia was discovered floating near the asteroid 165612 Stackpole, it's crew in coma's. when they were reawakened two weeks later in a Tokyo-3 hospital, they had no memory beyond the initiation of the fold. datadumps of the ships computer cores showed complete data corruption occuring immediately after the jump, with clear records only resuming apon the defold in Nue-Sol. more oddly, the period of data corruption was equal to only two minutes worth of records.

currently the cause of these events are still unexplained.


somewhere between universes...

"thank you for meeting me here today."
"no problem."
"a few units ago a vessel from the universe under your jurisdiction attempted to enter the one under mine, a clear violation of the agreement. let us review the record."

aboard the Philidelphia..
"transition complete. starmapping shows location to be Sol, year......thirty fifty?"
"that can't be right.."
"incoming message on convetional radio channels!"

"This is the SCV Invisible Truth. you have entered restricted Comstar territory. identify yourself at once."

"incoming vessel. fusion drive... of amazing efficency... no protoculture...they are launching fighters.."


"and that's where i had to step in. as per the agreement, under no circumstances can universe CBT-001 encounter any of the RT series realities. any such contact is a breach of contract. i have isolated the timeline and returned the vessel back to it's origin point. in my own i have managed to remove the event entirely."
"i am glad the damage was containable, and i offer apologies for the intrusion. when we lost tracking on that vessel, we expected it to arrive in one of the ajoining Yamato realities, or maybe GITS. we'll start increased vigilence to prevent this sort of occurance from happening again.'
"do so, and hope that these people don't find ways around your efforts. another event like this could see my realm collapsed."

(i just had to do a Battletech/Robotech crossover here, but i thought having the legal issues of the HG/FASA unseen thing becoming interdimensional would be easier and funnier than a straight meeting..)
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:“Louie? You good?”
“Oh yeah...those Section Two goons aren’t seeing a thing on their closed circuit gear....Almost makes me want to transfer to the GMP for gear like this...” The tech-geep saw the expression on the Sergeant’s face. “ALMOST.”
Dante didn’t look away from his scrutiny of the ‘camouflaged’ NERV security van parked a block away. “Good..The lieutenant would have to kill you otherwise.”

Maya openned the door to find a wiry-build young blonde woman standing in the hall outside her apartment. The woman was dressed in nondescript civilian clothing that looked like it was Tokyo-3 off-the-rack, but her demeanor was anything but Tokyo-3.
“Lieutenant Sterling?”
“I heard about Shinji in?”
Maya Ibuki was passingly familiar with the young Southern Cross officer; she’d encountered her and her squad when she’d gone with Ritsuko to move the damaged Evangelions back across the dimensional ‘border’ that first time. Strange that the first time she’d ever gone to America, and it had to be another universe...But the headstrong young blonde officer she’d first met had practically screamed ‘wild American’ to her Japanese sensibilities. But what she’d heard since, the Sterling woman, though slightly younger than herself, had acquited herself under conditions that would have had Maya in full-blown panic...
And the plight of the Pilots, even though she’d taken in two of them, had her very nearly in a panic...
“Why yes....he’s here...And he’s taken in rather hard...Come on in. I’d appreciate having somebody else who can talk to him.”
Dana Sterling was torn...The 15th really should have have been still assisting in the Gulf of Mexico with securing the Mothership that had crashed there, but Louie was right; Hovertanks can’t swim....The situation was really out of their territory, no matter how big the alien ship was, and the Navy had things well in hand winkling out the last diehards out of the crashed vessel, securing what the clones and in-rushing water hadn’t already destroyed, and pumping out what was already flooded. Dante’s own comments about ‘squids’ aside, the Sea Squad knew what they were doing, and had their own battloids to assist in mob-up. The battlelines had again drifted out into space, and the Masters seemed ill-inclined to try again to recover a Mothership like they had before....Still, the Gulf was seeing some serious military build-up just in case, including supposedly SSBNs with anti-spacecraft missiles entering the local waters. But the 15th, aside from watching over the refuge camps set up in Cuba and Texas, had been rotated off active duty. Then Nova’s message had come in....
And with events on ‘Neu-Earth’, the high command seemed to think that maybe some faster and heavier elements might be handy. She wasn’t entirely sure what exactly had happened, but a Pilot had died, an Evangelion Unit had been lost, and there had been a commotion between the Southern Cross there and the Commander of NERV...
Which was why Angelo and Louie were currently running interference for her (Sean was currently keeping Bowie out of too much trouble, what with his recent reunion with the love of his life), while she talked to Shinji. And curiously, it had been NOVA who’d pointed her at the young Pilot, and incidentally had her unit cleared to come back through the Gate to Tokyo-3...Something about keeping channels open...Dana wondered what the REAL game was that the GMP was playing, but if it gave her the opportunity to help out the troubled young man she’d met back outside Monument, she’d use it.
Ikari Shinji was a wreck, and his surviving fellow Pilots, from what she’d heard and seen, weren’t much better...The young redhead, Asuka, was foaming at the mouth with her usual , and Toji, the Fourth, was with family, no doubt feeling his mortality.
In a way we ARE responsible for this, Dana thought...Our weapons made these people overconfident in our ability to defeat their problems. And coming off a high like that when reality enters the picture again....It hurts all the more...
She found Shinji on the porch of the small apartment, listlessly playing his cello...Unbidden to Dana came the memory of the lame excuse the 15th had used to briefly spring Musica from a local Carribean constabulary office for some private time at a local club...
“Shinji-kun? You have a visitor.”
“Hey, Shinj-man!”
“Oh, hi, Sterling-sama.”
“It’s just Dana, can drop the formality...I heard what happened, and wanted to check in on you..How you feeling?”
“It’s just....Ayanami...Rei...she’s just...gone...” His expression and slumped shoulders said it all...Dana had lost her fair number of people under her command, or people she knew in other units...She wasn’t personally close to any of them, and command training taught a certain distance between officer and enlisted men, but the bond of warriors still had her feeling an abiding sadness over each loss, and a regret for not knowing each of the lost better....
How much worse would it be, when the people you lost were of a much smaller group, school-mates, and of the same age as yourself? People you lived with and played with and were growing up with? In Shinji’s face and manner, Dana had some idea of how bad it could be....
Too young to have to deal with this sort of thing, Dana thought. If he were Southern Cross, they’d have a chaplin come in to talk to him, a squad to close ranks around him...But if he’d been in the Southern Cross, he wouldn’t be piloting a combat ‘mech in the first place.
So Dana Sterling did what she could, putting her arm around the young boy’s shuddering shoulders, and offering what words of consolation she could...
“I’m sure things will work out, Shinji.” And for some reason she couldn’t put a finger on, she felt uncharacteristically self-assured about those words...

Zor smoothly slid the door to the garbage dumpster closed on the Section-2 goon he’d just previously body-flipped into its side, before throwing the semi-conscious man head first into its interior.
A moment later he just as quickly slid the door back open as Dante threw his own man inside to join his comrade in among the kitchen-scraps, kitty-litter, and shredded junk-mail. The magenta-haired warrior then slammed the door closed again and dusted off his hands as he turned to his partner-in-crime.
“Nice work, Zor. I might actually have to respect you after this.”
“There was another one, I believe...”
“Oh crap! Somebody got past u---”
For a moment Zor and Dante’s shadows were thrown big against the walls of the surrounding buildings as Louie proved once again that he was first and foremost an electrical engineer...
“I think Mister Nichols can take care of himself....”
“You got that right, Zor...Actually, right now, he scares me.”

:lol: That last part was funny! :lol:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL The funny ones were great! And the serious ones were an excellent reads! For a second in the first one you posted Taalismn I thought you were talking about a Ford event. I misread it! :wink:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

glitterboy2098 wrote:--------
(i just had to do a Battletech/Robotech crossover here, but i thought having the legal issues of the HG/FASA unseen thing becoming interdimensional would be easier and funnier than a straight meeting..)

Yeah...we all remember what happened to JetFire when he violated THAT agreement...Instant remake by the Chunka-a-Bloc people.... :D

Great job defusing this one...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

How about some Vorlon Dreadnaughts showing up in that orbit. Boy talk about some serious confusion! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Other explorations of the swiss-cheesed space/time around Tokyo-3/NGE-Earth....:

"'s a beach....blood-red sea...Holy..."
"We're saying that a LOT, even if it's not appropriate, aren't we..."
"You're right...nothing holy about about a blood red sea and a giant rotting head....Are those crucifixes out in that goo?"
"Yep....ruins further inland, too....nothing but ruins...lots of ruins, and discarded clothes...not a soul in sight..."
"I'm seriously getting the creeps here.."
"Hmmm...Any over-the-horizon exploration, we do with the drones...I want continious line of sight on all teams and a chain back to the Gate...NOBODY goes off exploring on their own until I say so."
"Agreed, Captain."
"That skyline over there look familiar to you?"
"Until we can get a clear star-sighting, a sun-reading, or an orbital look-sea, I can't say it does..."
"Tell the men to start looking for street signs, convenience stores, libraries...any place with maps...I'm sure I've seen this before, and recently..."

"Oh...this can't be good...Captain Morris?"
"Report, Squad Fox."
"We just found two bodies by the sea male, one female...both dead...Sir, I recognize them.."
"Familiarization report from Steeping Stone One....You're going to want to get a forensics team out for this one."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

And so the NCIS team head out to investigate the apparent crime on the beach! And Tony gets the back of his head slapped when he makes a off color comment!

ROFLMAO!!! Great post Taalismn! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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