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The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:45 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Nema...... I have started a test play of The Chaos of Earth not being a supernatural thing but an invasion by the Mechanoids (this was just for fun). So no magical explosions of lay lines destroying the earth (so far) just and assault on mass scale by the Mechanoids them laying waste to half the earth killing billions and land ships to take over destroy the humans that remain and salvaging anything they need. This idea came out of sheer boredom but so far, it has been fun, the characters are over matched most of the time but are sticking to a kind of hit and run tactic it has an overwhelming feel kind of like Chaos earth. The main reason was to use the Mechanoid again somewhere I had not (used the in HU/AU, Rifts and Phase world). But know I am looking for ideas of what to do next… I have them hunting for ammo and equipment trying to save people as the come across them but I need the next big hook any ideas.

Thanks Dragon Blaze.

Re: The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:31 am
by The Beast
If you have the collected mechanoid works, then I'd stick with that plot outline. Bigger ships start arriving to begin slicing up the planet, and then the mothership shows up, the planet gets disected and stored onboard the mothership, and the survivors manage to sneak onboard and now live there.

Re: The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:58 am
by dragon_blaze_99
both good ideas, I only have Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids® so its kind of limited (mechanoids space could come out) but anyother ideas would be good. thanks

Re: The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:05 pm
by MrMom
How about having the players escort plans for a secret weapon that will destroy the Mechs. only the Mechs. know about it and are trying to destroy it.

Re: The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:16 pm
by Spinachcat
Here's the timetable from Mechanoid Invasion

First Month
Mechs blow up space station at edge of solar system
Mechs arrive in space ship as big as North America
Mechs tear apart the moon
Mechs test planet's defenses (first wave)
Mechs devastate planet's defenses (second wave)
70% of property destroyed / 40% of world population killed
Mechs defoliate planet / rip away most of the atmosphere

Second Month
Most major cities and outposts fall
Mechs establish bases worldwide
Mechs start "playing" with surviving humans

Third Month
Mechs start carving up the planet into sections
Mechs tap into the planet's core for power
Mechs atomize remaining cities

Fourth Month
Mechs break the planet into chunks and gobble it up
Mechs keep on trucking across the universe

Re: The Mechanoids Vs

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:23 pm
by Rimmerdal
The Mechanoid force could be a scout fleet. With the secret Weapon and the destruction of the scout fleet the Mechs could stop and rethink the assault. They could start learning a new means of warfare...

This gives PC a chance to do any number of things.

-Find allies in space. (Using Mechanoid Tech to get there)

-The Mechanoid Tech gives the gate located at the Lonestar Facility the required juice to work with out causing disaster. A little Stargate like, but hey it's an idea.

-they begin making and using "Anti-Mechanoid" bots from the Mech's own tech. A little terminator, but again it works. CE already has bots that can be improved. You could even add Synthetic Humans grown from Mechanoid Vats for that extra drama. (does it have a soul? Rights? Is it alive?)

just a few random thoughts..