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Made it home alive! (For now)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:39 am
by Armorlord
As the topic says, I have made it home alive despite crazy lack of sleep, we will see how long the living lasts as I go to work in a couple hours and I don't dare nap lest I sleep through work entirely before I get there (rather than the preferable after I get there).

Let's see.. 3 hours Thursday morning, up at 6:30am to load car.
About 3:30-8 Friday morning, 4.5 hours
4+ -.. probably 8 at the latest, about 4 hours Sunday morning.
Then drive 1am till a little bit ago, 10ish, then work 1-10.

So 5 days on 11.5 hours of sleep. Awesome. :D 8)
And only eating trail mix through yesterday. Rock on. :fl:

I win anything if I make it back from work alive? Or than possibly still being employed and/or breathing?

Also, how did the rest of that last MercTown game go after I had to run?
Wish I knew I'd make so much better time on the way back.. then again, prehaps it's best that I more tired me was not out there, nodding off at the wheel is very unnerving.

Much not.. sleep.. must.. get to... work.. </Shatner>

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:28 pm
by Warwolf
Wednesday night, didn't sleep, up until 2:30 AM visiting with old friends. Up again at 6 AM to make the seven hour drive to freelancer Thursday.

Didn't get back until 1 AM and didn't sleep until 2 AM, up Friday morning at 9:30 AM (sleeping in for this weekend).

Going until 6 AM or so the next morning talking with Carmen Bellaire and MadManMike in the hotel lobby.

Up again at 8:30 AM to shower and get to the Open House not too long after opening (I still had characters to create for my game at 11:30).

Didn't get back to the Ramada until 12:30 AM Saturday morning, found out that a couple players couldn't make it to finish the Manhunter game (which I am dubbing "The Game that Never Ends"), so we went to Denny's to hang out with Eryk Stormbright, Stardust, Reelman, Rerollmuch?, Wayne Smith, Xar, MadManMike, Nick Bradshaw, that Sinspaugh character (actually, it was the real Jason Richards), among others.

Didn't sleep until 4:30 AM, getting up 3 1/2 hours later to pack up, check out, and make it to Sunday.

I planned on leaving after the doors were supposed to close at 6 PM, but instead ended up chatting with several people, including the spectacularly wonderful and amazing Wayne Smith (who finally got me my Freelancer badge after I agreed to say nice things about him online... :lol: ). I also had a very nice chat with Alex while he counted change in his office, he gave me a lot of solid advice on this writing thing and life in-general (he's a great person, just like every other staffer).

Long story short, we didn't leave until 8 PM EST, with a nine hour drive ahead of us. My copilot, Flecchi, tried his best to hang with me and help me stay awake, but succumbed to his lack of sleep. I continued on until 1 AM CST (six hours of driving), but had to pull over at an Illinois rest stop to catch a few hours of sleep as my eyes started to lose the ability to focus.

We finally made it here at 9 AM this morning, after dealing with St. Louis morning rush. :nh: But it was all worth it. :D

So, around twenty hours in six days, though I probably got less. Not to mention, I don't think more than a quarter of that was quality sleep. And here I am with another 3 1/2 hours of travel ahead of me. :-(

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:52 pm
by Armorlord
Made it through work fine, btw. Hit a point where I just kind of flipped around from tired to pretty good, even hung out with a friend until 2 am this (Tuesday) morning. At which point I appearantly just conked out mid-conversation and was dead to the world until 11 in the morning. That's what I get for sitting down comfortably. :-?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:18 pm
by Xar
After Eryk's game on Sunday night-Monday morning, I slept for about an hour before we left at 5am. Then I dozed in the car while Mike Julian drove until about 9:00 am. After that, I tried to help keep him awake. He almost made it to the Indiana line. I took over driving at 10:30 and drove all the way back to MO. Everybody else slept until around 2:30 Central time. I sat down at MadManMike's house and promptly fell asleep for a short nap. Woke up, ate cod fillets and hit the road. Got home at 7pm Central. Called my friend and he came over and picked up the books I got for him. Was in bed by 9pm and slept until 10 am today.