Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

I wanted to make an Atlantean Clan out of the "Secrets of Atlanteans" book.
The story behind the Clan is survivers who the Lemurians rescued after Atlantis sank.

In the aftermath of the cataclysm that swallowed Atlantis into the depths of the sea, a band of survivors found solace and refuge in the floating cities of the Lemurian people. This group, a mix of Atlanteans represents a diverse tapestry of Atlantean heritage, each individual carrying the weight of their fallen civilization upon their shoulders. Many among them were rescued by the benevolent Lemurians, while others had already found sanctuary within the floating cities, such as the legendary city of Mu.

Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

The Clan of the Sunken Kingdom emerged out of the fall of Atlantis and united by their shared ordeal and guided by the principles of their hosts, the Atlantean refugees found solace and purpose within the embrace of the Lemurian floating cities.

In the wake of Atlantis' demise, the Lemurians extended their hands in salvation, rescuing those adrift in the tumultuous sea. Among the survivors were the founders of the Clan, a motley crew of refugees seeking sanctuary amidst the chaos. United by loss and bound by hope, they found solace in each other's company.

Initially disparate, the 1,200 or so Atlanteans found solidarity in their shared plight. They huddled together and acclimated to their new home among the floating cities of the Lemurians. They began to embrace the customs and traditions of their Lemurian hosts. Guided by the principles of compassion, learning, and peace, they vowed to honor their rescuers and forge a new legacy.

In keeping with their vow to live by the Lemurian example, the Clan eschews the pursuit of dimensional travel. Instead, they channel their energies towards the betterment of their community and the preservation of life. They adhere to the ancient Atlantean custom of limiting themselves to no more than six magical tattoos, a symbol of their restraint in wielding their mystical powers.

Psychic development is nurtured within the clan, with a focus on cultivating empathic and telepathic abilities. This emphasis on psychic harmony not only strengthens bonds within the Atlantean community but also fosters deeper connections with their Lemurian allies.

Atlantean children are raised with reverence for nature, taught to cultivate food, medicine, and healing energies. While some among them have ventured into the study of biomancy, mastering the delicate balance between magic and nature, they all honor the teachings of their Lemurian hosts, seeking harmony with the natural world. These individuals, revered for their mastery of healing arts and nurturing abilities, symbolize the symbiotic relationship between the Atlanteans and the Lemurians.

Education for Atlantean Born in Lemurian floating cities:
Language: Native Tongue: Lemurian (Bilingual: Atlantean)
Literacy: Atlantean & Lemurian
Mathematics: Basic
Sea Holistic Medicine

They are allowed to pursue Lemurian O.C.C. but the majority lean toward Body Fixers, Psi-Druids, Rogue Scholars, Scouts

The Atlanteans, being impervious to metamorphous / change, cannot receive genetic alteration by the Lemurians.

New Marks of Heritage: A Fresh Start.
Water is the source of all life and the surviving Atlanteans new beginning.
A Dolphin
Two hearts on a Tree: Life Link from Biomancy

The Clan respects their old custom of not have more than six magically tattoos.
There are no Nomad, Voyagers, Undead Slayers, or defenders amonst their clan.

New Tattoos: Created around the magic of the Lemurians: Biomancy, Ocean Magic, and Water Warlock spells
Animal tattoo of a Ring-Tailed Lemur
Animal Tattoo: Dolphin
Animal Tattoo: Jellyfish
Animal Tattoo: Sea-Horse
Animal Tattoo: Shark
Animal Tattoo: Squid
Bio-Electric Touch
Heal Plants
Simple Weapon: Net
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

Deeply Improbable

The Oceanic Guardsmen are what passess for law enforcement in Lemurian society. They are servants and protectors to Lemurians and to all sentient beings. All Guardsmen are happy to help, comfort and assist any person in trouble and that includes the Atlanteans living amongst them.

Ordinarily Lemurian society is so polite and considerate of each other that there is little crime and even fewer acts of violence there is little need for police. When it comes to the Atlanteans who live amongst them 99.9% of Lemurians accept them. What's left is 0.2% of the Lemurians who fear and or hate Atlanteans for what their ancestors did in the past and the potential harm they will do once their true nature kicks in.

These 700 or 800 Lemurians are critical of the Atlanteans and blame them for the troubles of their society. This has led to expression of feelings and arguments that the Atlanteans amongst them should be “relocated” to an island in the Pacific ocean to make their own city.

Anthropologists attribute part of this to the public's perception of Atlantean’s difference compared with the Lemurian people.
80% of the original refugees Lemuria took in are still alive today.
Their longer lifespan and Lemurian way of life makes them appear young, vital and people believe the Atlanteans will live to be at least 1,000+ before dying. While the average Lemurian might live 200 or 300 years.
Additionally, the average Atlantean amongst them are physically stronger (amplified strength), taller, and have greater will power.
Lemurians really only surpass them in physical beauty, prowess and speed.

They are also suspicious of the Atlantean people continuing their traditions of using magic tattoos. One of which, the dolphin, grants them an ability to swim.
While when it comes to magic, they have an incredible aptitude for learning it. A greater percentage of the Atlantean residents are Stone Masters and Biomancers than the Lemurian people.
In short, some Lemurians are envious of the Atlanteans natural abilities and don’t want to have to compete with them.

Officially, Atlanteans current beliefs makes many of them refuse to even pick up a weapon. But now that the Lemurian floating cities have returned to Rifts Earth there are plenty of dangers from which people need protection.

When some Atlanteans were found dead from supposed accidents the statistics of the accidents appear incredibly unlikely. Percentage wise their species has had more accidents and supposed suicides than any other group living in the Lemurian cities. It is highly suspicious, especially since there are almost no witnesses. When there are witnesses, they are Lemurian and they died in the same accident. That or it appears the Atlantean did a murder suicide number. The neighbors and others speak about how there were no signs. Everything about the deaths of the Atlanteans screams defiance of common sense, probability, and psychological profiles.

As a consequence, the Lemurian government has assigned a special platoon of Atlantean speaking Oceanic Guardsmen to patrol amongst the resident Atlanteans. They want to know if there is a serial killer on the loose targeting the Atlantean people. Maybe one of the Atlanteans has gone crazy or is possessed and killing their own people. Under Lemurian law the resident Atlanteans have a right to the law's protection. The public health investigators have been assigned to the case to determine the cause.

Secretly, these murders are being committed by Lemurians of The Mauian Order.

Typical Guardsmen for Atlanteans
I.Q. 15
M.E. 15
M.A. 16
P.S. 21
P.P. 16
P.E. 17
P.B. 19
Spd 21
Double Spd when swimming in water and Lemurians fatigue at half the usual rate.

Hit Points: 36
S.D.C.: 30
6 Attacks
Skills of Note:
Read and Speak Atlantean
Detect Ambush
Undercover Ops
Hand to Hand: Expert.
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Spear and Sword
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

The Mauian Order's methods of murdering All the Atlanteans they can is complicated.

They are an outfit with an operating style of the ends justifies the means.
They know that if they are discovered and caught they will have to flee the Lemurain cities and never return.
To continue to live amongst the Lemurian people they must perform their assassinations without witnesses or murder those witness while camouflaging their deaths as well.

One such method of assassination by the Mauian Order members is to use the Super-Psionicc power of "Mentally Possess Others."
There are challenges to this method of assassination.
1. The Master Psychic has to get close enough to touch their target of possession.
2. The Psychic is vulnerable after possession, as their body appears to be asleep or lost consciousness.

The positive is that the Atlantean Clan living amongst the Lemurians can be made to appear to be murdering each other.
The good news is, amongst the Lemurians, murder almost never happens in the history of their society.
On the super rare occasion that it does it is often associated with indictators showing mental health problems, stress, health problems, etc. The common occurance, when it happens, is euphenasia amongst their security / miltary forces after they are severely disfigured and maimed and in great pain. The murder confessed afterward that they did it to release the commrade from the pain and preserve their dignity. Investigations of the circumstances and witnesses support the confessions.

From a detective/CSI point of view there is evidence laying around of the Lemurian Master Psychic connection in the area or with the perputrator of the murders or the possessed being a victim of the "accident."
The suspicious things being the Atlantean who died in the "accident" knew the safety features to use and had tattoos that would have prevented their death or saved them from it and did not use them.
They either forgot or made the decision not to use them.
While the Atlanteans can recall Lemurians hanging around who never associated with them before.
Lemurians who don't like Atlanteans (psionic empathy reveals they hate and fear Atlanteans), an odd behavior for someone to suddenly begin "napping" (mentally possession) near a people you hate and fear.

All the while the assassin has to maintain their day job cover so they both have a real life, a cover story, and get to enjoy Lemurian socity.
While these Psychic assassins have made the sometimes necessary but emotionally challenging step of performing a "Mind Bond" to complete the deception.
This has left at least one of these assassins of the Mauian Order questioning their order correctness.
Absorbing the memories of the Long lived Atlanteans and their powerful emotions is leaving the assassins with insanities and idiosyncrasies of their victims.
They can no longer think of their Atlantean vicitms as pure evil or themselves as pure good for killing lemurians witnesses as a means to an end.
They are making mistakes such as accidently saying something in the Atlantean language or there eyes recognizing people and things they themselves have never met or seen before.
A detective questioning them with Empathy and/or telepathy could tell unless they suspciously used Mind Block all the time they were being interviewed.

Lemurian investigater are unprepared for an actual murder case because actual murder is so rare and when it does happen the murder turns themselves in and confesses.
Those who do murder are either insane or did it out of self perceived mercy.
The idea of a hate crime or murdering someone for money is foreign to them.
It is completely alien to the Lemurian culture to think a group of Lemurians would conspire to deliberately set out murder a whole species (Atlanteans). Self defense is the standard and even that is typically only needs to be used outside of the city on the surface. FIghting vampires and their mortal slaves / followers has the support of the Lemurian government but one of the Atlanteans who live as Lemurians amongst Lemurians, over even another Lemurian over philosophy is dismissed as impossible or that the murder is a victim of insanity or evil spirits.

Yeah, use the psychology skill

It would help A LOT if a real detective (Human, espeically from the outside who handles a lot of murder cases; CSI) worked the case.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

A day in the life of an average Lemurian:

As the sun begins to filter through the depths of the ocean, casting ethereal rays of light upon the underwater landscape, the average Lemurian begins their day. Some rise early to tend to their underwater gardens, carefully cultivating a variety of seaweeds and aquatic plants for sustenance. Others begin their day with a visit to one of the many communal baths, where they cleanse themselves and prepare for the day ahead.

After breakfast, many Lemurians head to their respective occupations. Some work as educators, teaching the next generation of Lemurian youth the intricacies of magic, science, and the arts. Others labor in the fields or fisheries, harvesting the bounty of the ocean to feed their fellow citizens. Still, others work as artisans, crafting intricate sculptures, textiles, and jewelry to sell in the bustling markets of the city.

As the sun reaches its zenith, the city comes alive with activity. Lemurians gather in the market squares to trade goods and gossip, their voices mingling with the gentle sounds of the ocean currents. Some take breaks from their work to enjoy a leisurely lunch with friends and family, dining on exotic seafood delicacies and sipping on refreshing kelp tea.

In the afternoon, many Lemurians attend classes or workshops to further their education and hone their skills. Some study the ancient texts and scrolls housed in the city's libraries, while others practice the intricate forms of magic that have been passed down through generations. Still, others engage in physical training and martial arts, preparing themselves to defend their city in times of need.

As the day draws to a close and the sun begins to dip below the horizon, Lemurians gather with their loved ones to share a meal and exchange stories of their day. The city comes alive with the soft glow of bioluminescent algae, casting a magical aura over the underwater landscape.

In the evening hours, many Lemurians attend cultural events and performances, such as music concerts, dance recitals, and theatrical productions. Others gather in small groups to engage in lively debates and discussions, sharing their thoughts on everything from politics to philosophy.

As the night wears on, Lemurians retire to their homes, their minds filled with dreams of the wonders that await them in the depths of the ocean. And as they drift off to sleep, they do so knowing that they are part of a vibrant and thriving community, bound together by a shared love of knowledge, harmony, and magic.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

A day in the life of a typical Atlantean in one of the Floating Lemurian cities.

As the sun's rays gently filter through the crystalline waters surrounding the floating city, the Atlanteans begin their day with a sense of gratitude for the sanctuary they have found amidst the chaos of the ocean depths. Many rise early to greet the dawn with a moment of meditation, their minds attuned to the ebb and flow of the surrounding currents.

Next a refreshing swim in the ocean depths, their powerful bodies effortlessly slicing through the water as they revel in the freedom of movement granted to them by their magical tattoos.

After a simple breakfast of seaweed cakes and kelp tea, the Atlanteans set about their daily tasks.

After breakfast, many Atlanteans set out to fulfill their duties and responsibilities within the community. Some work as doctors and healers, using their innate magical abilities to mend wounds and soothe ailments. Others devote themselves to scientific research and exploration, delving into the mysteries of the natural world and uncovering its hidden wonders.
Still others tend to the communal gardens, carefully cultivating an array of fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs beneath the gentle sway of the ocean currents. The Clan desires to grow their own food so as not to be a burden to their lemurian brothers and sisters.
The greatest among them gather in small groups to practice the ancient art of biomancy, harnessing the mystical energies of the natural world to heal and nurture, and stone mastery to maintain the Lemurian Stone healing ziggurates.

As the day progresses and the city comes alive with activity, the Atlanteans gather with their Lemurian neighbors to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and engage in lively debates. They attend classes and workshops at the city's prestigious universities, honing their skills and expanding their knowledge in a variety of fields.

Many Atlanteans also devote their time to tending to aquaculture farms, ensuring a steady supply of food for the city's inhabitants. They work side by side with their Lemurian counterparts, their shared dedication to sustainability and harmony with nature driving them forward in their endeavors.

In the afternoon hours, the Atlanteans continue their work with a renewed sense of purpose. Some participate in cultural events and celebrations, sharing their talents and traditions with their Lemurian hosts. Others engage in physical training, honing their bodies in preparation for any emergency or hard work that may arise.

Despite the tensions that exist between some Lemurians and Atlanteans, the majority of both communities coexist peacefully, united by a shared vision of cooperation and mutual respect. All Atlanteans speak the Lemurian language fluently and with the Lemurians whenever they are in their company. Together, they strive to build a better future for themselves and their descendants, forging bonds of friendship and solidarity.

As the sun begins to set and the city grows quiet, the Atlanteans gather with their loved ones to share a meal and reflect on the events of the day. They recount stories of triumph and adversity, laughter and tears, finding solace in the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that unite them.

In the evening hours, many Atlanteans retreat to their homes, their minds buzzing with ideas and plans for the future. They take comfort in the knowledge that they are part of a vibrant and thriving community, bound together by a shared heritage and a commitment to living in harmony with the world around them.

And as they drift off to sleep, the Atlanteans do so knowing that they are not alone, but rather surrounded by a network of friends, neighbors, and allies who stand by their side through thick and thin. Together, they face the challenges of the present and the uncertainties of the future, drawing strength from each other and the bonds of fellowship that bind them together.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by taalismn »

Nice slices of life here; it shows the strengths(and weaknesses) of Atlantean clannish society(I tended to think of them as 'those guys who screwed up big time with regards to sinking their own homeland and. it's implied, created the Mechanoids'...and, until they retconned out half-Atlantean characters, wandering around and sleeping around, creating generations of bastards).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »


Today, Atlanteans live amongst their lemurian brothers and sisters.
As the centuries flew by the Atlantean people wanted to save their history and those who lived long enough to retire ask for and were granted permission to remodel a portion of the floating cities to do so.

"Island of Atlas"

Six city blocks dedicated to the ancient culture of Atlantis.

Over centuries of living with the Lemurians the Atlanteans appealed for and were grant to have this part of the city undergo remodeling by a retired Atlantean Stone Master.
It was done to save history and honor their ancestors.

Here senior Atlanteans go to retire in a place for assisted living.

A few of the 1,200 or so original True Atlanteans that were taken in by the Lemurians had the psionic power of "Total Recall." They used this power to perserve as much of their people art, history, literature, music, poetry, and recipes as they could remember.

The Biblio, a library of paper scrolls and books saved and copied by hand using fine calligraphy.

The Gymnasion, a public place for physical exercises (exercise area) where they play their ancient games.

The Geōrgía, a concentration of community gardens, rooftop farms, hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic facilities, and vertical production tended to by the Atlanteans

The Hortus (κῆπος), an Atlantean resturant where old Atlantean woman and men bake and cook ancient Atlantean dishes. The places uses mostly locally grown foods or Lemurian substitues. The food can mostly be described as mediterranean food.

The Logeion, an ancient greek theater, where the most famous Atlantean plays and music recitals are performed.

The Musea, a muesum of art and history that escaped the sinking of Atlantis.

The Naós (pronounced "nah-os"), which is the spiritual center of their community.

The Techne (τέχνη), an art gallery and studio where Atlantean artists create and display their greatest works.
The word "Atlantis" comes from the Greek word Ἀτλαντὶς, which comes from Ἄτλας (Átlas), meaning "Atlas" which means "bear, undergo, endure."

In the center of the neighborhood are statues honoring the Lemurian ancestors who saved the origional Atlantean refugees.

The lesson Atlantean historians preach is against the hubris of nations.

Many consider the neighborhood to be beautiful and like stepping into the past.
The feeder streets are a bit narrow though before they lead up to open courtyards.
There are no security cameras here or jails or law enforcement as no one has commited a crime. Pranks every now and then but no violence.

But it is in these blind alleys that a number of Atlanteans appear to have commited suicide without reason, warning or witness. That or choked to death on something caught in their throat.

The thing is, they all had a magic tattoo of a dolphin that if turned on would have allowed them to "Breathe Without Air" for hours. They either couldn't, forgot or would not use their tattoos.

No one has any explanation for it.
While fatal accidents at home are mostly poisoning and falling. However, it's essential to understand that the top reasons have to do with age. Atlanteans aren't built like Lemurians. A 300 year old is old for a lemurian. For an Atlantean its like a 30 year old.

So far 38 unusual deaths Atlanteans over 500 years of age have occurred in less than a year.
Of the 960 or so senior Atlanteans thats around 4%.
The number are astronomically HIGH for the safe floating cities of Lemurian culture and design.
More Atlanteans have died in the last 3 months then in the last 300 years.

While politically, special interest groups demand that Altantean be drafted to serve in the Oceanic guard and take the same risks defending Lemurian people and Lemurians.

The Atlantean Clan has volunteers amongst its youth groups who volunteer to be the Lemurian people sword and shield.

However, the Atlantean Elders only want them to serve as Medics and Spirtualist (Chaplins). Between public demand and Atlantean volunteers they had a platoon of Altantean teenagers over night.

The platoon has gone missing in action while on assignment along with their Lemurian sargaent, Lemurian officer, and 10 new Lemurian guardsmen.

The current leadership of the Clan of the Sunken Kingdom are a Matriarchy.

The social power of the Atlantean Clan in all in the hands of women.

The Atlantean refugees figured they had to operate as a polymony with women having on the power of choice in the fathers of their children. The gentists figured it was best for the diversity of the gene pool for women to have a child by different men. Centuries later a council of senior Atlantean women now call all the shots.

The majority of the Atlantean Clan raise their young communally, with each child belonging to the clan as a whole.

Couples raise other couples children. Biological parents don't see their own babies at birth. They are traded with the child of another birthing couple. All Atlantean children are raised by the Clan as if they were their own children.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »


Name: Ophelius

Altantean Healer
Born and raised in the Lemurian floating City of Mu.
Trained by a Lemurian Healer
A major psychic who powers were developed as a healer.

Opelius is the next target of an assassination.
He makes Atlanteans look too good.
He has to be gotten rid of.
The goal is to make his death look like an accident or the victim of another Atlantean.
He commonly does rescue mission and provides medical care to sea life.

Special O.C.C. Bonuses & Abilities:
1. Familiarity with D-Bees:
2. Disease Diagnostic Specialist:
3. Psionics (Atlantean Healer):
Deaden Pain (4),
Healing Touch (6),
Meditation (0),
Psychic Diagnosis (4),
Psychic Purification (8),
Psychic Surgery (14),
Stop Bleeding (4)
Induce Sleep

Atlantean Healer O.C.C.
7th Level
Alignment: Principled

O.C.C. Skills:
Basic Math: 90%
Biology: 90%
Brewing: Medicinal
Chemistry: 80%
Horsemanship: Aquatic Animals
Lore: Sea Creatures
Medical Doctor
Sea Holistic Medicine
Sensory Equipment
W.P. Knife (Special bonus of +1 to strike).

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Field Surgery: 71%
I.D. Plants & Fruit: 75%
Lore: D-Bees
Lore: Magic
Lore: Psychic
Lore: Sea Creatures
Marine Biology:
Undersea Farming:
Pilot: Surfing / Water-skies

Atlantean Tattoos:

Marks of Nature:
1. Power Tattoo Biomancy Spell : Two hearts overlapping in a tree or afloat the sea
Cost: 30 P.P.E. Duration: 30 minutes per level
-Commune with Nature
-Insect Signals
-Life Link
-Weather Sense

2. Power Tattoo Biomancy Spells: Rose in the shape of an eye:
Cost: 20 P.P.E. Duration: 2 minutes per level
-Bio-scan (animals, plants & people 1 hour per level)
-Heal Plants

3. Power Tattoo : Dolphin (Breathe Without Air & Swim as a Fish)

4. Power Tattoo : Rose with Thorns Dripping with Blood: Magic Healing powers

5. Power Tattoo : Chain Wrapped Around an Ocean Wave (Ocean powers)
P.P.E. to activate: 50
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience or until canceled.
Power: Influence the forces of the Ocean.
• Sense Direction Underwater. Prevent getting lost.
• Ride the Waves.
• Flying Fish (Ocean Magic Page 202 Book of Magic). Like a paramedic to the rescue.
• Water Rush (Page 203 Book of Magic; Ocean Magic).
• Water Spout (Page 203 Book of Magic; once per round) Far and wide from a high vantage point for rescue.
• Calm Waters (Page 84, Book of Magic). To rescue people for the ocean.
• Sonar Hearing (Page 202, Book of Magic). He uses as ultrasound, also known as sonography, to see in patients.
• Communicate with Sea Creature. Avoid conflict. Explain intentions.

This last tattoo I tried to make like the Atlantean tattoo of a Chain Wrapped Around a Cloud that granted Air elemental powers.
Instead, pure water elemental, I wanted it to reflect the Ocean and Ocean mages for Rifts Underseas. Ocean magic is known and accepted amongst the Lemurian people. I didn't really want it to be a combat magic and only took spell I thought were a reflection of the Air Warlock spell in ocean magic.
Water Rush = Wind Rush.
Water Spout = Call Lightning
Communicate with Sea Creatuer = Speak with Air Elemental.
Last edited by darthauthor on Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

Title: Shadows over Mu


1. Introduction
- Introduce the Lemurian floating city of Mu, a utopian society where Atlantean refugees have found sanctuary.
- Establish the atmosphere of tranquility and cooperation between the Lemurians and Atlanteans.
- Hint at a series of mysterious deaths among the Atlantean refugees, initially dismissed as accidents.

2. The Discovery
- The health experts of Mu uncover a pattern of unusual deaths among the Atlantean population.

3. The Investigation Begins
- A Lemurian investigator, seasoned in the art of deduction is assigned to the case.
- They are paired with an Atlantean counterpart, chosen for their skills and rep.
- Initial inquiries yield little evidence, as the deaths appear to be accidents with no witnesses or warning signs.

4. Delving Deeper
- Clues point to a conspiracy involving high-ranking members of both Lemurian and Atlantean society.

-On the Atlanteans side, it involves a 1% who are die hard traditionalists who miss the good old days in Atlantis and want to “NOT forget who we are” and “Stay true to ourselves.” They talk of taking back their homeland. They appeal to the Lemurian government to aid them in war against the Splugorth and their slave empire on Atlantis.
They want a united Atlantean Clan to wage a cold war of espionage and sabotage on Atlantis. Their goals are to free the slaves. To take back their homeland. To drive the minions of the Splugorth from Atlantis.

-On the Lemurian side, it involves a 1% who fear the Atlanteans. They fear that what happened to Altantis will happen to their city of Mu; if the Alanteans remain among them. They also think that Altanteans are arrogant upstarts whose destiny was to die off a long time ago; like the dinosaurs. Atlanteans are the immigrants who have stolen some of the best jobs from Lemurians. Their culture has contaminated Lemurian society from the natural water dwellers that they are. They are no longer pure and teh only way to return to a society whose culture is their own is to free themselves from the Atlanteans' alien influences. Atlanteans are slowly remaking the beautiful city of Mu into an Atlantis all over again. The Atlanteans outlive Lemurians. They multiply more also. The math projections make it look like there will be a shortage of room on the floating city of Mu. Their augment is the Atlanteans are rats in a box who will turn and the Lemurians for dominance of the city of Mu. Inevitably, it will be them or us.

5. The Trail of Clues
- Through careful investigation and collaboration, the team begins to piece together a trail of clues leading to The Mauian Order.
The "secret society," of elite members who are basically the Illuminati only. Instead of ruling the world they want to eradicate all the Atlanteans everywhere; dragons too. This includes painting the True Lemurians in a bad light, locating them for extermination and creating general unrest in matters involving them. Though it is believed their numbers are small, nobody knows for sure. Try as they might, the leaders of Lemurian society have not been able to completely discover and root out the Mauian Order.

Note: Officially, the Lemurian government must protect the rights of the Lemurian people. Among those rights are the right to freely and privately assemble, form political parties, speak freely and express themselves without government or public surveillance of them, or be persecuted for their beliefs and opinions. The government has no legal and definitive evidence that the Mauian Order has broken any Lemurian law. They don’t know who the members of the Mauian Order are and are not legally permitted to investigate them until after they have committed a crime.

- They encounter resistance from shadowy figures intent on protecting their secrets, leading to dangerous confrontations and narrow escapes.

6. Revelations and Betrayals
- As the investigation reaches its climax, revelations come to light that the deaths plaguing the Atlantean refugees are assassinations.

7. Confrontation
- The investigators discover members of The Mauian Order.
- A climactic showdown ensues with members of the Order. They will kill the heroes and any witnesses. They will not be taken alive and if they are they will deny any involvement with the Mauian Order or the murders.
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Re: Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by TingxoGamchu »

That's a fantastic backstory for your Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom! It hits all the right notes:

Compelling Origin: Atlantean survivors clinging to Lemurian cities after the fall is a great hook.
Unique Culture: Blending Atlantean traditions with Lemurian compassion creates a distinct identity.
Focus on Peace: Their pacifism and focus on healing sets them apart from other aggressive Atlantean clans.
Lemurian Influence: Education, language, and magic all reflect their integration with Lemurians.
Balanced Power: Limiting tattoos shows restraint while embracing new Lemurian magic.
New Symbols: Dolphin and double heart tattoos perfectly embody their new life.
Minor nitpick: "Oceanic" language might be redundant with Lemurian.

This clan sounds like a valuable addition to the world of Rifts!
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Lemurian Floating city of Mu.

In the heart of the magnificent city of Mu, amidst the towering spires and shimmering canals, Ophelius, the esteemed Atlantean healer, moved with purpose through the bustling streets. His days were spent tending to the ailments of the city's inhabitants, his healing arts a solace in a city of peace.

As Ophelius made his way through the crowded marketplace, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden commotion nearby. Turning to investigate, he barely had time to register the sight of a large crate teetering precariously on the edge of a merchant's cart before disaster struck.

With a deafening crash, the crate plummeted to the ground, sending shards of wood and debris flying in all directions. Ophelius found himself pinned beneath the weight of the fallen crate, his body wracked with pain as he struggled to free himself from the wreckage.
Ophelius felt panic rising within him until strong hands reached out to pull him to safety. Blinking away the haze of pain, he found himself face to face with his rescuers – Lyra, an Atlantean warrior, and Thalassa, her trusted Lemurian companion.
But as relief washed over him but he can't move. The air around them had a faint scent of smoke but Ophelius doesn't smell anything. Then the crate burst into flame and drips flaming oil.
There is an oil fire.
Ophelius tunic catches fire.
The heroes have to act fast to save Ophelius, then put out the fire.
After examining the scene of the accident closely, the crate had held cooking oil but was labeled rice. There is nothing in the crate or nearby that would start a fire – no sparks, no flames, nothing.
If Ophelius dies an autopsy can be performed. If he is rescued he can be treated for his burns and injuries. He doesn’t know anyone who would want to kill him. He takes the trip through the marketplace, past this very shop, at the same time every day and nothing bad has happened before.
The merchant authentically believes it was a one in a million accident. If asked he does not know why the crate had cooking oil in it. He assumes it was another mistake. He didn’t see how the fire started and has no explanation how it did.
Sense Evil senses nothing.
Sense Presence senses nothing.
Since the characters were not the target of the attack Sixth Sense didn't alarm.

What really happened?

Ophelius is the victim of Deaden Senses and bio-manipulation paralysis. The Mind Melter used Telekinesis Super to push the crate over. The crate was packed with cooking oil to burn Ophelius in case the crash was enough to break his neck/skull via . Spontaneous Combustion. With the investigators on the scene the Mind Melter uses Psionic Invisibility to walk away from the situation. If questions he will use Mask I.S.P. & Psionics. His cover is that he is shopping and he has groceries to prove it.

There are at least a dozen other Lemurians at the scene of the “accident” and double that number after they see, hear, or smell the fire.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Lemurian Floating City of Mu.

In the aftermath of the suspicious incident involving Ophelius,
the player characters...

Can question everyone present at the scene of the accident

As they comb through the testimonies of witnesses their being present at the market seem normal.
None noticed anything out of the ordinary before the fire.
Some people saw other people come and go.
One reports that it looked like the crate fell all on its own except that there is no wind and they can't imagine why a crate of such weigh would go over.
The crate supplier.
The supplier of the Rice.
The origin of the cooking oil.

The merchant freely supplies the information he has.
The crate came through customs. They have the records.

If they go to customs, the Lemurian who did the inspection and signed off on the crate that was supposed to be filled with rice but had oil instead.

The investigators turned their attention to the customs department, poring over records and questioning officials in search of any leads. But their efforts yielded little more than frustration, as they were met with a wall of bureaucratic obfuscation.

It gets curious, management says it is quite the coincidence that the same man had also inspected the crate containing the cooking oil has mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

They have his address of record.

The customs inspector in question had only recently started at the department. Maybe he got mixed up and mixed something up.


The man's home of record was now inhabited by a young Lemurian man bearing the same name (Onix) but with different features.
The young man claims that he has never worked at the customs department.
If accused of anything he says he is being framed and that its a conspiracy.
The 19 year old is an anarchist, a dissident, and a conspiracy theorist without evidence or credibility.
He has no alibi during the "accident" but upon close examination it is obvious to anyone who worked with the customs inspector that he is not the same man who worked at that department.
Health and Safety has a file on him:
Low self-esteem.
Feels “stuck”
Gives up easily.
Assumes the worst.
Blames Altanteans for his life not being more successful; lost a job to an Atlantean.
Believes in secret socities ruling the City of Mu and the world.
Feeling the need to withdraw in social situations.
Is on lists / new letter of fringe conspiracy groups.
Often feeling down on himself.
Anxiety and depression.
Lives in the shadow of his parents and siblings.

With some successful skills of Intelligence or Research and some Literacy rolls.
Players should be able to figure out that someone in the customs department must have participated in getting the new customs inspector hired. Forged records can be found but the trail goes in a circle.
The evidence only supports that person or persons in the department are getting people hired illegally.
The assumption is smuggling and that it has nothing to do with the accident.

"Coincidence," they say.

The rice lead is legit.
So is the crate maker.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Atlanteans who live amongst the Lemurians are:
Personality wise consistently inconsistent.
Part of this can be explained by the individual Atlantean.
-Some were orphans who were raised in Lemurian families.
-Some are old Atlanteans that want to live in the past.
-Some are young Atlanteans who were born and raised in the Floating city. Their role models are Lemurians. Their first language is lemurian. The have read and heard about Atlantean history and culture in school but they live in a Lemurian city in a lemurian culture their whole lives.
-Some Atlantean families segregate and believe they and their culture are in danger of extinction. They feel and fear they have lost their heritage so they double down on it in the home and their daily lives.

Note due to their difference Lemurians and Atlanteans 99.99% can not produce off-spring with each other. Also, Atlanteans, due to their makeup can not be genetically altered.
Note, however, this does not mean that an Atlantean and a Lemurian can't have a relationship or get together.
The hardware works, just not the multiplication.

One of the sources of cultural incongruity between the Lemurians and Atlanteans is the Lemurians can change. In the past, they used biomancy to “adapt.”
They changed themselves to suit the planet they live on so that they would have the ability to live both above and beneath the waves.
The Atlanteans appear to want to change the world around them.
In some ways the Lemurians agree (Stone healing ziggurates) in other ways they don't.

There is a prejudice held by some lemurians that Atlanteans are unable or unwilling to change. At first this would allude to how they cannot be physically transformed by any means. However, as the centuries passed and the Atlanteans appeared ageless (only growing taller) relative to the lemurians who average one third the lifespan, to average lemurian the Atlanteans didn’t change in terms of character, disposition, habit, personality or temperament.
Admittedly, Atlanteans did learn things like the lemurian language and customs but to many lemurians the True Atlanteans could never be True Lemurians. As the Lemurians lived their lives, grew old and died. True Atlanteans surpassed the Lemurians in experience at many highly skilled professions.
It's like the 10,000 hour rule for skill development only for True Atlanteans who live centuries; it is more like they have 100,000 hours.

While Lemurian society and government are stratified.
They prohibit Atlanteans from holding high political offices or becoming officers in their defense and security forces.
People cannot deny the True Atlanteans usefulness as healers but in nearly every other way they are not recognized. Most Atlantean youth who are not employed in an Atlantean family business but work for a Lemurian are unskilled physical labor due to their innate augmented strength.
Most customer service jobs favor lemurians as their public face.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Lemurian Floating City of Mu.

The customs department refuse to involve the players/investigators into the internal investigation and security checks of its staff.

The customs department is now closed off as an adventure avenue.

The players / investigators are left with a stack of "coincidences" beginning with what appeared to be an "accident"

The players of this story, if they have detective training, experience, education, or a supervisor will be told:

"Why plus how equals who."

"Almost no one hurts a random person; that's an accident."

"Look into who was close to the victim. Look for a motive."

"Study how the crime was committed. Only those with the ability and opportunity could have perpetrated it."

"Rule out those with alibis."

Investigating Ophelius, he is an outstanding healer.
300 years experience.
He was sideline a lot of his career or he would be a high level so he is a bit of an under-achiever compared with Lemurian doctors.
Most of his medical practice has been on his fellow Atlanteans who are in outstanding health when they are not dying of "accidents."
So he has a lot of free time.
Practice psychology (a theripist) for his fellow Atlanteans.
Has his own garden and undersea farm from which he grows the ingredients for preventative medicine from.
Among other things, he is a marine biologist, like a veterianarian for sea creatures. Does a lot of volunteer work for animals.
No one appears to have enough of a reason to want him dead or stands to gain anything if he dies.
If anything, the Lemurian healers and marine biologist have more work to take on. The society will have to recruit and sponsor a fresh student to learn the art and science magically and natural healing.

As to the "how" being unseen and finding no devices the only ways known that could start fires are magic and psionics.
The thing is, 99.99% of Lemurians are psychic in some way. It is one of the few things they are statistically superior at, numbers-wise, over Atlanteans. With a full 60% of Lemurians being minor psyhics. 30% being Major psychic and 10% being Master psychics.
It is like saying any Lemurians "could" have done it potentially.
Those with Lore Psychic should make some rolls.
Those with Research can do the same.
The books say only those with Pyrokinesis could have done it.
In Lemurian society, pyschics are registered but their information can only be accessed by themselves, their health care provider, and certain government officials.
The players can make a request for a list of those who have the super power of pyrokinesis but they will be denied on the basis that there are too many names. The government need justification for the request of a specific individual.
This is where the notes of interview everyone at the scene of the "accident" is rewarded.
The dozen or two dozen names can be submitted.

The results:
None of them have the power of pyrokinesis.
However, one of the names/I.D.'s does not match.
The player/investigators has either made a mistake or the person's id is wrong (a forgery/lie).
The fake id goes to a person in a rest home. They have an alibi. Someone stole their identity.

So the players know that one of the dozen or 2 dozen Lemurians at the scene of the accident lied and was using a fake id.

The case is getting a lot of coincidences.

There are no security cameras for the scene of the accidents.
Unless the players had a camera and took pictures they won't have one of the suspect.
HOWEVER, if they have the "ART" skill they can try to recreate the likeness of the Lemurian.
IF they have the psionic power of "Total Recall" they will get it 99% right.
Close examination of the image will reveal a layer of disguise effort.
The man in question not only lied and had a fake id but purposely tried to alter his appearance to conceal his true identity.
Going back to the scene of the crime, the players can show the picture around.
The merchants remember see many faces everyday.
Depending on the number of days that passed they may or may not remember him.
One witness, with Total Recall, can remember him.
They remember some of the things he had with him from the market.
One of the merchants has one of the man's things.
He had brought a mold back to make a new one or repair it.
A kitchen / party decor.

You fill it with water and freeze it. Makes an sharp pointy ice skewer for soft breads and soft vegetables

If it is not obvious already, the skewer could be used to make a piercing weapon like a javilin thought could be launched by crossbow, hand or telekinesis as long as it is kept frozen. S.D.C. damage.
It would melt after and the water would evaporate.

The use of Object Reading comes into play here:

Alignment: Miscreant
Profession: A Psychic, a fisherman, a hunter & thinks of himself as a killer
approximate age: With Lemurians its hard to say. He's an adult.
his general height, weight &build
race: Lemurian
Sex: male.
Real hair color and length
exact facial features are out of focus, blurred and obscured

The the images become fragmented as if it was a piece
of movie film edited by a crazy man.

He's going to murder an Atlantean who looks like a teacher.

The merchant has an address for delivery.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by darthauthor »

Lemurian Floating City of Mu.

The adventures go to the address of delivery.

Its a trap.
Sixth Sense goes off if they have it.

Poison gas.
Make a saving throw every round unless they leave the area or have some protection.
Those who leave the warehouse are attacked by lemurians in gas-masks.
IF the players attack with M.D. weapons they Lemurians will have MD armor.
IF S.D.C. melee weapons or hand to hand the Lemurians stay with hand to hand combat and blunt weapons.

If they don't come out of the warehouse, the Lemurians enter it with gas-masks expecting to "take care" of the adventurers.
If the players start to lose the fight they flee.

This could lead to a chase scene if the players pursue.

The chase ends with them eluding the players or dying. In the worst case the assassins disappear into a theater.
They drop their masks and disguises.
Then blend into the crowd.
It could be anyone of 200 lemurians.

The story is not meant for the players to capture their assassins alive.
The facts are some lemurians are killers and tried to kill one Atlantean and the player investigators.
The motive is not known.
There is more than one killer involved and they are lemurian.

In Lemurian culture it is unthinkable!

Lemurians don't murder each other!

The players can go back to research and examine the most recent deaths of Atlanteans.
The pattern shows a "Group of crows"

The government does not know what is best to do about it.

It makes a strong argument for deporting the Atlanteans to an island for their own protection.
The players can argue for this.

Plan B is to separate the Atlatneans and keep all lemurians away from Atlanteans.

#3: assign a bodyguard to every Atlantean family, but it's just too many.

Last, find the lemurians behind the crime but they have no leads.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Lemurian Floating city of Mu.

A percentage of the Atlantean people talk of moving of the city of Mu.
It aligns with a political movement.

The experts begin looking at charts and maps for a suitable island.
Supplies are set aside for establishing a new colony.

Talk is of how long it will be before they find a island and once they do build shelter and grow food for those who will live there. They are tryig to think centuries into the future with regard to weather and monsters.
They need a place with a ley line.

Some appeal to be transferred to another one of the Lemurian floating cities.

Some want the Atlanteans to stay.
They find it intolerable that the Atlanteans should leave for the reason of fear or murder by an Lemurian.
Leave yes.
But not because of crimes by Lemurians.

Some Atlanteans want to stay but want protection.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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"Atlantia's Haven."

The island chosen by the Atlantean born in the Lemurian Floating City of Mu is a pristine jewel nestled in the heart of the ocean. It is a lush, verdant paradise, surrounded by crystal-clear waters that teem with colorful marine life. The island boasts a diverse landscape, with dense tropical forests, cascading waterfalls, and pristine sandy beaches stretching along its coastline.

The Atlanteans, numbering 100 as the founders of the colony, carefully selected this island for its natural resources and strategic location. They envisioned it as a haven where they could rebuild their society and live in harmony with nature.

Equipped with their knowledge and expertise, the Atlantean settlers brought with them a selection of tools and equipment to aid in their new life on the island. Among their essentials are:

1. Perserved Food for the first 10 months

2. Farming Implements: The Atlanteans bring a variety of tools for agriculture. They intend to cultivate the fertile soil of the island to grow crops for sustenance. Likewise, they intend to do undersea farming.

3. Gear for fishing and undersea food collecting and harvesting: Given the island's abundant marine life, the settlers bring fishing nets, hooks, lines, and spears to supplement their diet with fresh seafood.

4. Survival Kit: This is the Atlantean equivalent of the Northern Gun or Naruni survival kit.
• Sheltering Force Tents
• Water Crystals
• Campfire Crystals
• Knife
• A sleeping bag and mat (made from Biomancy plant fibers).
• Sun Crystal light (like a lamp)
• Fire Starter (1)
• pair of working gloves
• Bar of soap, mirrior, and a washcloth.
• Canteen and a food rations bag.

5. A Lemurian Water Craft.

6. Things for Cooking: Pots, pans, cooking knives, and utensils are packed to facilitate meal preparation over open flames or rudimentary stoves.

7. Medical Supplies: Holistic Medicine and medicinal herbs.

8. Seeds and Plant Cuttings: To jumpstart their agricultural efforts, the Atlanteans bring a variety of seeds and plant cuttings for fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are well-suited to the island's climate. Algae and the tools for growing more.

9. Tools for Crafting and Repair: Various tools for crafting are included to facilitate the creation of tools, weapons, and other necessities as the colony develops.

10. Precious Gems for Atlantean Crystal spells.
The plan is for their resident Crystal Mage to create a Crystal Tower. Then a Crystal Palace.

Plans are still being considered about the location of things.
Some want to grow the crystal tower/place underwater
So far, the popular plan is to grow a tower as a lighthouse.
Lot of people like the idea of the place.
Growing the tower is a good test of things.
The Atlanteans are 50 50 on the place being underwater.

The Stone Master has some decisions to make as well.
Most of the nearby ley line is underwater.
The Stone Master is wired to only build Stone Ziggurates. The design he knows is for healing, not dimensional travel.
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

Unread post by taalismn »

Ah, magic forensics...difficult enough for mages, almost impossible for non-mages, what with regards to 'admissible in court' issues.
In magic/psychic cultures, I figure there would be research into 'reading' the PPE 'residue' for a mage's aura-'thumbprint' at the scene of a crime, or at least detect if magic/psionics were used in the commission of a crime, though the fresher the crime scene the better, as both lingering PPE/ISP would fade fairly fast into the ambient background.

However, I imagine the Lemurian authorities might have engineered animal sniffers, though astute Lemurian criminals would figure out ways of bolluxing them, masking their scent, and degrading the evidence.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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"Atlantia's Haven."

Upon arriving on their haven island, the Atlantean colonists waste no time in putting their resources and skills to use to establish a thriving community that can sustain itself for generations to come. Here's an overview of the efforts they undertake:

Agricultural Development: With their farming implements in hand, the Atlanteans set to work cultivating the fertile soil of the island. They divide the land into plots for different crops, taking advantage of the island's diverse ecosystem to grow a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. In addition to traditional land-based farming, they explore the possibilities of undersea farming, utilizing innovative techniques to cultivate seaweed and other marine plants for food.

Marine Harvesting: The colonists make use of their fishing gear to supplement their diet with fresh seafood. They establish fishing outposts along the coast and develop techniques for underwater food collection and harvesting, leveraging the island's abundant marine life to enhance their food security.

Community Boat: The large boat that carried them to the island serves as a vital resource for transportation and exploration. The Atlanteans use it to travel between different parts of the island and conduct fishing expeditions.

Medical Care: With a focus on holistic medicine and medicinal herbs, the Atlanteans establish a medical center to provide care for the community. They gather local plants with healing properties and share knowledge of traditional remedies, ensuring that everyone has access to basic healthcare.

Sustainable Agriculture: The colonists prioritize sustainable agricultural practices, using seeds and plant cuttings to establish crops that can thrive in the island's climate. They carefully manage their resources, implementing crop rotation and soil conservation techniques to preserve the land.

Recognizing the importance of self-sufficiency, they establish workshops where they can manufacture tools, weapons.

Solar Cooking Solutions: In addition to traditional cooking methods, the colonists make use of solar cookers and ovens to prepare meals without relying on wood fuel. These innovative technologies harness the power of the sun to cook food efficiently and sustainably, reducing their environmental impact and preserving natural resources.

Water Harvesting and Purification: The colonists utilize cutting-edge water harvesting and purification systems to ensure a safe and reliable source of drinking water. The Source Hydropanel provides clean drinking water using solar power, while fog catchers capture moisture from the air. Portable drinking straws and the drinkable book offer additional purification options, allowing the Atlanteans to access clean water even in remote locations.

With a population of skilled individuals who already know how to use the equipment they've brought, the Atlantean colonists are able to hit the ground running in their efforts to establish a self-sufficient community.

The Atlantean colonists embrace their isolation as an opportunity to develop innovative solutions to their challenges, relying on their ingenuity and resourcefulness to thrive in their new environment.

The Atlantean colonists embark on their journey to build a prosperous and sustainable community on their haven island. With careful planning and collaboration, they are confident that they can overcome any obstacles they may encounter and create a brighter future for themselves and future generations.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Island

Adventure Storyline 1: Exploring the Island

As the Atlantean colony settles into their new home, they begin to explore the lush and uncharted island. Led by their bravest adventurers, they trek through dense forests, climb towering cliffs, and wade through crystal-clear streams in search of resources and hidden treasures.

During their exploration, they stumble upon the remains of a long-forgotten tribe. Among the ruins, they uncover cryptic symbols, intricate carvings, and artifacts that hint at a rich and complex history. But as they delve deeper into the secrets of the past, they unwittingly awaken a dormant guardian – a fearsome creature that has lain dormant for centuries, guarding the tribe's legacy with deadly force.

Now, the Atlanteans must band together to confront this ancient menace and uncover the truth behind the tribe's demise before it's too late. Along the way, they'll face perilous traps, ancient curses, and fierce battles against the island's untamed wilderness. But with courage and determination, they may just uncover the island's greatest secrets and secure their place in history.

Adventure Storyline 2: Encounter with Pirates

One fateful day, as the Atlanteans ply the waters surrounding their island in search of fish and other aquatic treasures, they spot a distant ship on the horizon. At first, they dismiss it as nothing more than a passing vessel, but as it draws closer, they realize with growing unease that it's no ordinary ship – it's a pirate vessel, its tattered sails billowing in the wind as it prowls the seas in search of plunder.

With mounting apprehension, the Atlanteans watch as the pirates draw nearer, their ship bristling with cannons and their crew armed to the teeth with cutlasses and muskets. Sensing danger, the Atlanteans retreat to the safety of their island, but they know that the pirates will not be far behind.

Now, faced with the imminent threat of a pirate invasion, the Atlanteans must prepare to defend their home against overwhelming odds. With limited resources and little time to spare, they rally their defenses, fortifying their shoreline and mustering the bravest amongest them to stand against the coming storm.
But they are not fighters.
Centuries amongest the safe floating city of the Lemurians has left them ill prepared to defend their lives and take others.

Adventure Storyline 3: Encounter with a Sea Monster

As the Atlanteans venture further into the depths of the ocean surrounding their island, they encounter a creature unlike anything they've ever seen before – a colossal sea monster, its massive form looming ominously beneath the waves. With eyes as dark as the abyss and teeth as sharp as daggers, the creature regards the Atlanteans with a mixture of curiosity and hunger, its primal instincts driving it to hunt and consume anything that crosses its path.

Faced with the terrifying presence of the sea monster, the Atlanteans must summon all their courage and ingenuity to survive. Armed with harpoons, nets, and other makeshift weapons, they launch a daring counterattack against the creature, hoping to drive it away before it can unleash its wrath upon them.

But as the battle rages on, it becomes clear that the sea monster is a formidable adversary, its strength and ferocity unmatched by anything the Atlanteans have ever faced. With their lives hanging in the balance, they must rely on their wits and teamwork to outmaneuver the creature and escape with their lives intact.

As the sea monster retreats back into the depths, the Atlanteans breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they have narrowly escaped a fate worse than death. But even as they celebrate their victory, they know that the ocean still holds countless dangers, and that they must remain vigilant if they are to survive in this untamed wilderness.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Atlantean's island Haven.

As the Atlanteans face off against the colossal sea monster, tension fills the air like a thick fog. Their harpoons and nets are ready, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. But as they prepare to launch their attack, a voice rings out from among them.

It is Arion, a wise elder among the Atlanteans, who steps forward with a calm and steady demeanor. "Hold your weapons," he commands, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We must not resort to violence; unless absolutely necessary."

Confusion ripples through the group, but they trust in Arion's wisdom and lower their weapons, watching warily as the sea monster draws closer.

As the creature approaches, its massive form casting a shadow over the Atlanteans, Arion steps forward to meet it, his hands held out in a gesture of peace. He begins to sing.

To the astonishment of the Atlanteans, the sea monster pauses, its eyes flickering with surprise and curiosity. Slowly, it begins to circle around them, its movements more cautious now, as if sensing that they pose no threat.

Arion continues to sing his song with some ocean magic.

As the moments pass, a sense of understanding begins to form between the Atlanteans and the sea monster. And in that moment, a silent agreement is reached.

The beast opens its mouth and everyone begins tossing food into it.

With a graceful flick of its tail, the sea monster dives beneath the waves, disappearing into the depths. And as the Atlanteans watch it go, they know that they have seen something remarkable.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Atlantia's Haven

Adventure Storyline 1: Exploring the Island

As the Atlantean colony settles into their new home, they begin to explore the lush and uncharted island. Led by their bravest adventurers, they trek through dense forests, climb towering cliffs, and wade through crystal-clear streams in search of resources and hidden treasures.

During their exploration, they stumble upon the 'remains' of a long-forgotten tribe, their ancient ruins shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Among the ruins, they uncover cryptic symbols, intricate carvings, and artifacts that hint at a rich and complex history. But as they delve deeper into the secrets of the past, they unwittingly awaken a dormant guardian – a fearsome creature that has lain dormant for centuries, guarding the tribe's legacy with deadly force.

Now, the Atlanteans must band together to confront this ancient menace and uncover the truth behind the tribe's demise before it's too late.

Adventure Storyline 2: Encounter with Pirates

One fateful day, as the Atlanteans ply the waters surrounding their island in search of fish and other aquatic treasures, they spot a distant ship on the horizon. At first, they dismiss it as nothing more than a passing vessel, but as it draws closer, they realize with growing unease that it's no ordinary ship – it's a pirate vessel, its tattered sails billowing in the wind as it prowls the seas in search of plunder.

With mounting apprehension, the Atlanteans watch as the pirates draw nearer, their ship bristling with cannons and their crew armed to the teeth with cutlasses and muskets. Sensing danger, the Atlanteans retreat to the safety of their island, but they know that the pirates will not be far behind.

Now, faced with the imminent threat of a pirate invasion, the Atlanteans must prepare to defend their home against overwhelming odds.
With limited war resources and little time to spare, they rally their defenses, fortifying their shoreline and mustering their bravest amongst them to stand against the pirates.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Altantia Haven

The island of the Atlantean lay shrouded in the tranquil embrace of the ocean, its lush vegetation and pristine beaches masking the turmoil that lurked beneath the surface. Unbeknownst to the Atlanteans, a shadowy threat was creeping ever closer, poised to disrupt the fragile peace they had worked so hard to build.

Deep beneath the waves, a squad of five Lemurians from the Mauian Order glided silently through the azure waters, their sleek forms moving with predatory grace. These enigmatic beings, sworn enemies of the Atlanteans, had long harbored a burning hatred for their underwater neighbors. Now, they saw an opportunity to strike a devastating blow against their foes.

As they emerged from the ocean depths onto the sandy shores of the island, the Lemurians took in their surroundings with cold, calculating eyes. The Atlanteans, busy with their daily routines, were oblivious to the danger that lurked in their midst. The Lemurians knew they had to act decisively to achieve their sinister goal.

Splitting into pairs, the Lemurians silently infiltrated the Atlantean settlement, their movements masked by the dense foliage that surrounded them. Their mission was simple: weaken them from within and pave the way for their eventual destruction.

The first pair of Lemurians, clad in shimmering armor adorned with intricate runes, made their way towards the heart of the settlement. Their target: the Atlantean leader, whose charisma and leadership skills posed a threat to their plans. With practiced precision, they assassinated the leader.

Meanwhile, the second pair of Lemurians focused their efforts on sabotaging the Atlanteans water supplies. Using their mastery of elemental magic, they tainted the island's freshwater springs with dark energies, rendering them undrinkable.

The fifth Lemurian, a cunning strategist with a mind as sharp as a serpent's fang, observed from the shadows, orchestrating the chaos with ruthless efficiency. His eyes gleamed with malice as he watched the proud Atlanteans, knowing that their downfall was imminent.
Then he noticed the Atlanteans had no trouble pour their water from magical crystals.
Whale a small group of Atlanteans, led by a brave and resourceful, refused to surrender to despair. With courage and determination, they rallied their fellow colonists, inspiring them to stand united.

No one believed their leaders death was an accident or suicide.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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In the wake of the tragic death of their leader and the failed attempt to poison their water supply, the Atlanteans found themselves plunged into a state of uncertainty. They resolved to uncover the truth behind these events.

The Atlanteans set about their investigation, determined to leave no stone unturned in their quest for answers. Led by a council of elders, they pooled their expertise, combing through every inch of their island home in search of clues.

Their first priority was to ascertain the cause of their leader's untimely demise. Gathering around the lifeless body of their fallen comrade, the Atlanteans conducted a thorough examination, scrutinizing every detail for signs of foul play. Their suspicions were soon confirmed when they discovered traces of a deadly toxin in their leader's bloodstream, confirming their worst fears: their leader had been the victim of a deliberate assassination.

Armed with this knowledge, the Atlanteans turned their attention to the source of the poison, scouring the island for any signs of contamination. They inspected their water supply with meticulous care, testing samples from every spring and stream for traces of the lethal substance. They find the water is discolored, has a slight odor, and tastes so bitter or acidic that it is impossible to drink.
They negate the magic and purify the water using magic.
After all, it is not just the Atanteans who drink the water.

But even as they breathed a sigh of relief, the Atlanteans knew that their troubles were far from over. Someone used magic on purpose to poison the well.

As they continued their investigation, there is no good explanation about how their leader was poisoned.

The only alternative is that it was murder.
They left their home of the Lemurian Floating city of Mu to come to this island to make a new home. A home away from the accidents that plagued the Atlantean people who lived in Mu.

The Atlanteans gather together, their minds swirling with suspicion and concern. They know they are being targeted, but the identity of their assailants remains shrouded in mystery. As they contemplate their predicament, they begin to piece together the puzzle of who could be behind the attempts on their lives.

Their first realization is that the assailants must have knowledge of their presence on the island. This narrows down the list of suspects to two primary parties: the Atlanteans themselves and the people of the floating city of Mu, their former home.

Within their own ranks, doubts begin to surface. While the Atlanteans pride themselves on their unity and trust in one another, the recent events have cast a shadow of suspicion over their community. They cannot ignore the possibility that one among them may be colluding with external forces to bring harm to their people.

However, the Atlanteans find it difficult to believe that any of their own would betray them in such a manner. They have forged strong bonds of loyalty and camaraderie, built on a shared history and a common goal of survival. Yet, in times of uncertainty, even the most steadfast alliances can be tested.

Turning their attention to the people of Mu, the Atlanteans recall the strained relations that led to their departure from the floating city. While they had hoped to leave behind the conflicts and tensions of their past, it seems that the specter of Mu still haunts them, threatening to disrupt their newfound sanctuary.

The Atlanteans ponder the motives that the people of Mu might have for targeting them. Perhaps they seek revenge for their departure, or maybe they view the Atlanteans as a threat to their own interests. Whatever the reason, it is clear that the people of Mu possess the means and the motive to orchestrate such attacks.

Armed with these insights, the Atlanteans resolve to take action. They know they cannot afford to remain passive in the face of danger. With unity and determination, they vow to uncover the truth behind the attempts on their lives and to protect their newfound home at all costs.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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The Lost Artifact of Mu:

Hook: Before the fall of Atlantis a select group of Lemurians and Atlanteans wizards worked to create an artifact. Since it was a cooperative venture security was made for it to only be accessible if both an Atlantean and Lemurian accessed it. Specifically, the genetic descendants of the families; both of which survive in the city of Mu today. An Atlantean rogue scholar believes she has found the hiding place. It is one three possible places.

Line: A group of brave adventurers, including both Lemurians and Atlanteans, are needed to embark on an adventure to recover or destroy (so no one else can get it) the lost artifact from the ancient ruins deep beneath the ocean.
They must navigate treacherous underwater caverns and fend off the dangers lurking in the depths.

Sinker: As the adventurers delve deeper into the underwater ruins, they encounter ancient traps and guardians left behind by the Atlanteans and Lemurians to protect their most prized possession. However, they soon realize that they are not the only ones searching for the artifact. A rival faction, consisting of rogue Atlantean and Lemurian descendants seeking to claim the artifact for their own nefarious purposes, ambushes the party.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Title: Shadows in the Depths

In the ancient Lemurian floating city of Mu, whispers of a dark presence have begun to spread among the inhabitants. Unexplained disappearances of Atlanteans have cast a shadow over the once vibrant city, filling its residents with fear and uncertainty. Psychics have visions of the undead walking the streets among them. As tensions rise and paranoia spreads, a call goes out for brave adventurers to uncover the truth behind these mysterious happenings.

A group of intrepid explorers, drawn by the ideals of heroism or reward for the missing loved ones, answer the call delve deep into the city's overlooked ruins. The city's guard and Atlanteans loved ones have looked everywhere else.

As they journey deeper into the dark edges of the city, the adventurers come face to face with the dark presence in Mu. A lemurian necromancer (the Mauian Order) has been kidnapping Altanteans to convert them into zombies when the moon is full. The plan is to use the zombies like terrorist to instill fear of Altanteans in the Lemurian people. The adventurers must confront the necromancer in a final showdown, battling against his undead minions and dark sorcery to save the Atlanteans of the city.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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In the Mariner's Pub, rumors swirl of a long-lost treasure hidden deep within the treacherous waters of the nearby archipelago. The Floating City of Mu will be passing by it shortly and moving along. It won't come around it again for decades.

A centuries old weathered Atlantean sailor, known for spinning tall tales over tankards of ale at the local tavern, claims to have seen a glimmering light on a moonless night, emanating from a secluded cove along the jagged coastline. He speaks of a legendary shipwreck said to be filled with riches beyond imagining, lying dormant amidst the coral reefs and shifting sands.

However, the sailor's account is not the only tale circulating the tavern. Whispers of a fearsome sea serpent, guardian of the sunken treasure, have spread. Despite the risks, the lure of untold wealth and adventure beckons brave souls to embark on a a treasure hunt, where danger and fortune await in equal measure.
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Re: Atlantean Clan of the Sunken Kingdom

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Amidst the winding streets and gleaming spires of the floating city of Mu, whispers of an ancient secret echo through the air. Psychics detect teleportation via Sense Dimensional Anomaly. It is suspected and felt that a there is a presence in the city of a powerful magical being.

Some Atlanteans claim to know what it is and ask certain members of the Clan of the Sunken Kingdom for their discreet help. Or one of the adventurers could be the Atlantean. They say a dragon walks amongst them in the city of Mu. The being is a shapeshifter and most like walks in the guise of a Lemurian. The dragon could be here for a purpose or just nosing around. It's important to the Lemurians and Atlanteans that the dragon not tell the world that the Lemurians are still alive and in hiding. It is probably better if the adventurers help the dragon do what they came here for and covered for them until they leave via teleportation. Atlanteans history with dragons is long. Many of the senior Atlanteans are the ones who can speak Dragonese.

This is not the first time the dragon has been to the floating city of Mu. In the past they have hidden one of their hoardes here. They have returned to reclaim it. Part of the challenge is the dragon doesn't want anyone else to know about their hoard. The other problem is the city, over centuries, has undergone some remodeling and the dragon doesn't recognize the land marks because they are not there any more. The beast needs some old maps of the city from the time they buried their treasure and compare them to the lay out of the current city so they can get their barrings. Otherwise, the dragon sort of wants to dig the town up in pursuit of their treasure by trail and error.
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