Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

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Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by taalismn »

Because the switchover killed the first posting of this...

More story-generation grist:

Random Medical Care Facilities of Rifts Earth

The Cynic’s Rules of Hospitals:
1. Patients will be issued flimsy garments that do not QUITE completely close in the back.
2. The patient’s assigned nurses will be of the opposite gender
3. The patient’s room will become Grand Central Station at the same time as the nurses are giving a sponge bath.

“This little procedure isn’t going to hurt a bit. It’s going to hurt a LOT. I won’t lie; you’ll probably think I’m trying to murder you. You’ll beg and plead with me to stop. You may even threaten to kill me before it’s over. You’ll feel lingering pain in parts of your body you don’t want to be aware of. You’ll have nightmares about it for some time afterwards. You won’t be able to look at glass pipettes without cringing. But you WILL be able to walk again when all is said and done.”

The hulking slab of muscle that had identified itself as an ex-marine medical corpsman and currently practicing nurse gently cradled the bandaged young woman in his lap like a child, her head supported in one giant paw of a hand while the other delicately spooned food into her mouth. Her eyes still looked with fearful uncertainty at the goliath who resembled the heavily armored -things- that had busted into that horrible place where she had been held, and had torn the place down with great violence before spiriting her away, but it was looking less and less likely that she was going to be eaten or further abused. If so, then her lassitude and physical numbness were likely some sort of sedation or painkillers , and the bandages she could feel around her throat and under the soft pajamas she had found herself dressed in an indication that maybe her ordeal was over and she had in fact been rescued. But that still didn’t tell her of where she was and what was going to happen to her.
Aside from the fact that she was going to be burped like an infant now that ‘lunch’ was over. She just might die anyway, from the embarrassment....

It happens sometimes; you’re hurt beyond the ability of your hopped-up body to heal properly, or maybe your party’s only medic was the one who got hit, and nobody else knows how to save them. Or maybe you can’t identify that gray rash you acquired after beating the hell out of that d-bee. You need a doctor, before you need an undertaker. So where can you turn to? Here’s some random roll tables to see what your nearest lifeline might be.

Note: I’ve decided on general practitioners here, rather than subdivide all the possibilities of the medical profession, and have PCs needing a surgeon and find that the only physician in a hundred mile radius is an allergy specialist. Such specialization is likely only to happen in the busier cities and larger medical facilities on Rifts Earth, and I’ll leave it up to the individual GM whether they want to locate a podiatrist somewhere on a distant desert island surrounded by the Lord of the Deep.

A. Sponsor:
C. Staff:
D. Level of Experience:
E. Alignment of Staff:
F. Tolerance:
G. Payment:
H. Conditions:
I. Level of Treatment:
J. Post-Op Care:
K. Security:
L. Special Features:

A. Sponsor:

“Wish me luck; I go to beard the high circle of demons in their lair, or, as they are better known, the Board of Directors of our fair establishment of healing, in order to ask for a new hover-ambulance and more funding for the nanotech-medicine lab.”

Who backs the facility and provides its funding?

01-10% Private Practice---The facility is owned and operated privately by the doctor(s). If in it for themselves, they’re going to be charging for services, while more altruistic ownership will be paying much, if not all, of the expenses out of their own pockets.

11-20% Charity---A private nonprofit organization collects money and supplies the facility as an open clinic. The staff may be contracted or volunteer their services au gratis to the charity. Doctors Without Borders would be a good example of this sort of sponsorship organization. +60% to Payment.

21-30% Private Foundation---A private organization with a special agenda sponsors the medical facility. This agenda could be wholly humanistic or may conceal darker agendas. The foundation may, for instance, be offering services to those barred from seeking treatment elsewhere, or may be promoting publicly discredited medical treatments.

31-40% Religious Order---A church organization or cult backs the facility. The religion’s basic principles guide the operation of the facility, and members of the religion may work in the facility. In a magic-using setting, the sponsoring order may offer actual magic healing, courtesy of their god(s). +25% to Payment.

41-65% Local Government---The medical facility is funded by the local town or city/kingdom to provide for their residents. +5% to Security, Staff, +15% to Payment

66-75% Large Government----The facility is federally-funded by a large regional government, typically through a sub-department(like the Office of Veteran Affairs or the Center for Disease Control). This can be something like the Coalition States, New German Republic, Greater New England, Takamatsu, or the like. In general, facilities with such sponsorship can be expected to reflect the policies of the sponsor, who oversees and monitors activities and conditions in it. Patient records are thus available to the government and they know who is using the facilities. However, such facilities also need to meet certain standards, and the medical center benefits from increased funding and access to resources. Automatically gets the Informational Network special feature, +10% to Security, Staff, Conditions.

76-85% Corporation----A major corporation backs the medical facility. While this is generally a public relations ploy, the company may have other reasons for their sponsorship. These can include servicing employees, covert testing of drugs and equipment, overt marketing of medical materials the company produces, data collection in a region on health conditions in a given population, or because the corporation has been ordered by a government to supply medical care to a population that was adversely affected by something the corporation did(like polluting and poisoning the community). +15% to Security, Staff, Conditions.

86-90% Organized Crime---For whatever reason, organized crime is sponsoring the medical facility. While in some cases, the organization is trying to promote good public relations with the community, especially if it offers free or discounted medical services to the public, the facility may just as likely be a contracted service for affiliates of the criminal organization, a private hospital for gang members, a bolt hole specializing in surgical alterations for fugitives, or, more notoriously, a black market organ transplant center or body chop-shop. -20% to Alignment, +10% to Security.

91-95% Military----Though arguably a facet of the aforementioned Large Government, sometimes military organizations run their own medical establishments by their own rules and administration. Be it a national military or a mercenary outfit, the doctors and staffers all have military ranks and are expected to follow military protocols. The facility is typically temporary, providing support for a military campaign, but some facilities can become long-term, and even permanent, depending on circumstances. The facility is typically adjacent to a military base or staging area, and primarily serves military personnel, but can also take care of prisoners of war and civilian refugees. The primary goal is to stabilize patients, then move them out to other facilities for long term rehabilitation(such as covilian-administered OVA hospitals). Automatically gets the Informational Network special feature, +15% to Security, +10 % to Staff, Conditions, and -20% to
Post-Op Care:.

96-00% Unknown Party---A secret sponsor with hidden agendas is backing the medical facility/organization. This could be somebody like the Varax, an Alien Intelligence, ARCHIE-3(or the EShemarrians), the Atlanteans, or somebody else entirely. +30% to whatever category or or divide up among whatever categories the roller chooses.

B. Size:

“-follow the yellow line down that corridor until you get to the blue intersection. Take the left and follow the blue until you get to the tram station. Take the green line car to the third stop and that delivers you to Obstetrics. If you don’t think you can make it all the way, there’s midwife stations at the first two green line stops that can help you deliver.”

How large a facility is it? Generally, the larger the facility, the larger the staff and the more diverse the number of departments (and types of ailments they can treat).

01-10% Private Practice---This is a single doctor or healer hanging out their shingle. Under normal conditions, the practice is likely to have space for only 1-4 patients at a time. -20% to Sponsorship.

11-25% Small Practice---This is a collaboration between 2d4 doctors covering related illnesses and conditions. Under normal conditions, the facility likely has treatment afcilities for 1d10 patients at a time. +5% to Staff

26-50% Clinic---- This is a mid-sized professional establishment with 3d6 doctors and usually a dozen or so more rotating in from nearby hospitals and medical schools. The facility typically can take care of up to 24 patients. +10% to Staff

51-75% Small Hospital---- A community hospital with 5d6 doctors on staff and surgical facilities. The hospital will have beds for 30-50 patients. +15% to Staff, Level of Treatment.

76-95% Large Hospital----These are typically large metropolitan medical centers, with 1d6x10 doctors on staff,and a hundred or more staffers, several different departments, and beds for 100-200 patients. +20% to Staff, Level of Experience, Level of Treatment. Gets 2 Special Features.

96-00% Campus---The medical facility is a large multi-building complex that covers multiple disciplines and departments, including long -term care and medical research. Physicians number in the hundreds, the staff possibly in the thousands, and there’s room and beds for 500 or more patients. Typically a medical school is part of the campus. The Mayo Clinic is a good example of this sort of medical complex.+30% to Staff, Level of Experience, Level of Treatment, Conditions. Roll 1d4+2 for Special Features.

C. Staff:

“The nurses really run the show here; they graciously let the doctors look over the patients and let us THINK we’re in charge.”

Besides the main physicians, how well staffed is the facility? This includes nurses, full-time janitors, clerks, students, and associated personnel. Understaffed facilities mean that patients may wait to be seen, scheduling may take longer, and other aspects of care may be delayed or neglected.

01-05% None; the physicians do EVERYTHING
06-25% Understaffed---There’s one or two nurses, at most, to every doctor
26-80% Fully Staffed---There’s 3-8 staffers for every physician
81-00% Heavily Staffed---There’s 1d6x10 support personnel for every doctor or senior healer.

D. Level of Experience:

“Well, aside from some of the candy stripers, we all have seen at least five tours with the Regular Army’s forward medical units, so I’d say we’ve seen a bit of emergency medicine practiced.”

What’s the average level of competence of the staff?

01-15% Novice---Just out of training or medschool. Levels 1-4(1d4)
16-90% Professional---- These people have spent several rotations as medical caregivers; levels 3-12(3d4).
91-00% Miracle Workers---13-15th level of experience.

E. Alignment of Staff:

“No, it’s not ‘Doctor Death’, it’s Doctor D-E-T-H. Please don’t confuse the two; Doctor Deth HATES it when people confuse him with his cousin. He especially hates constantly being interrupted at work by war crimes tribunal posses and bounty hunters busting in and trying to arrest him for atrocities he didn’t do.”

Not all medical facilities have the same lofty goals and ethics, especially on Rifts Earth, where national and international medical ethics review boards are a thing of the past.

01-03% Diabolical ----These people misrepresent themselves as ‘caring’ medical staff; they’re really in it for the entertainment of seeing people suffer. Unless a patient has more power or backing than the staff, they’re in dire straits entrusted to these maniacs. Medical experimentation, torture, patient abuse, outright murder and other atrocities are regular practices for these monsters. They’ll murder you for your internal organs and make you watch. -30% to Post-Op Care:

04-10% Aberrant---The doctors and staff are motivated by a twisted code of ethics that doesn’t always uphold to a patient’s well-being. These people may practice euthanasia in even borderline terminal cases because it’s ‘for the well-being of society’. Ditto for lobotomies and sterilizations. They’ll also go along with state-ordered executions, providing the drugs for termination, or facilities for sanctioned organ harvesting of convicts.

11-18% Miscreant---The staff are out to enrich themselves off others’ suffering, so they’ll charge for unnecessary tests and procedures, string out post-op care with expensive billing for services. Patients’ belongings are regularly misplaced(stolen), and medications shorted(patients’ drug regimens sold out the back door). Even the deceased aren’t safe; bodies may be looted of anything of value, and then sold to medical schools(or necromancers). -35% to Payment.

19-25% Anarchist----These staffers tend to overlook ethical infractions and charge over the limit for medical treatment. Expect lots of unnecessary tests. They’ll also accept bribes for preferential or special treatment., and their pharmacy is a ‘pill market’, catering to whoever has the cash and a prescription signed off on by a doctor(or at least medical-sounding title), no questions asked. -20% to Payment.

26-35% Unprincipled---These healers will do their job, but may engage in the occasional small act of cost gouging, especially if they feel the patient can well afford it. They may also engage in medical ‘robinhooding’, sneaking drugs from better-heeled/healed and less needy patients to give to the worse off. -10% to Payment.

36-65% Scrupulous----These people take medical treatment SERIOUSLY, including the root cause of illnesses they treat. If a victim of obvious abuse or violence comes in and refuses to say how they received the injuries, the staff just might investigate on their own,or coerce the patient under painkillers to talk. Then they just might drop a dime on the responsible parties, or maybe do some dental remodeling work on their own if the party is near at hand. They’ll also deliver up a strong dose of tough love or reason-you-suck to anybody they think isn’t taking their health seriously. This may include withholding drugs from obvious addicts and forcing them through withdrawal to sober up.

66-00% Principled----These people hold the Hippocratic Oath, or its d-bee equivalents, as the sacred operating principle. They respect patient privacy, but will do everything they ethically can to work around any obstacles to give them treatment. They may even protect patients from the law if it threatens the patient’s health.

F. Tolerance:

“Saint Malgo is open to all suffering righteous -People-. Saint Malgo never said anything about rendering aide to suffering godless heathen -Aliens-, ‘cept that it was a waste of good charity! So drag your hairless god-cursed bipededness someplace else, ‘cause we don’t care for your kind here!”

How accepting of new cases is the medical facility?

01-05% Intolerant; the medical staff regularly turn away patients on the basis of species, perceived economic status, severity of injury(won’t take apparently terminal cases) or just because they don’t like the way you look(may turn away obvious Juicers and Crazies, for example).
06-45% Specific Intolerance---- The medical staff refuse to treat nonhumans, or slum-dwellers, or obvious junkies. It may not be a matter of personal prejudice, but who the facility can afford, or is able, to treat.
46-65% Specific Service---The medical center will only treat known locals. Outsiders must have a local resident vouch for them. The alternative is that outsiders pay 1+1d4 times what the locals pay for medical service.
66-00% Open to All---It doesn’t matter who or what you are; if you are in need of medical assistance, these beings will take you in and try to help you. At the very least, they’ll try to ease your suffering.

G. Payment:

“We can’t just hand out deluxe-fit cyberlimbs to everybody, free of charge! Quality COSTS, and somebody has to foot the bill for it! And our staff can’t eat gratitude, they have to be PAID. So you do understand that we have to bill you for at least some of your medical care?”

Quality medical care costs something, and somebody has to pay for the instruments, sutures, bandages, bedding, and drugs. How much is it going to cost the characters to be treated, and how is payment expected?

01-20% Money upfront or at least proof of having money.
21-60% Collateral---The facility expects patients(or their friends) to put up some sort of collateral, and will permit a staged payment plan. They may also offer a Subscription Plan----The medical center offers an ‘insurance plan’ that costs anywhere from 80-500 credits a month, but it grants you priority care at the facility. Everybody else has to wait in line.
61-85% Discounted----As long as the patient(or their associates) can make a real effort to pay(at least 50% of the bill) the hospital or medical center can swallow the rest. Elective procedures still cost full price.
86-00% Completely Free---The care is free of charge if the patient is truly needy. However, the hospital will typically NOT cover elective procedures.

H. Conditions:

“Garth, I’m going to leave you a laser pistol, because that’s the third rat I’ve seen in your recovery ward....”

How clean and well-kept are the facilities? Note that in times of war and disaster, conditions may change radically even in the best of facilities.

01-10% Filthy --Florence Nightingale would be spinning in her grave if she knew about how unhygienic this place is. Bedpans are not regularly emptied, needles and other instruments are reused without cleaning between patients, and garbage is allowed to pile up where it falls. There’s a 25% chance per day of a patient catching an infection in the place.

11-25% Dirty---- Still unsightly, but at least they’re making an effort to keep the procedure areas clean. There’s still a lot of reusing of materials that should have be disposed off after use, and antisepsis is limited by how much water that they can boil at a time and how many buckets of bleach they can afford to splash around. IV equipment is reused with only a quick rinse. Infection chance is 15% per day.

26-55% Decent--- The staff keeps the procedure areas and hallways swabbed down, and the wards regularly cleaned. Bed linens are changed on a regular basis, and only the most important/expensive instruments are reused, after thorough washing. Ward secondary infection chance is reduced to 5% a day.

56-80% Sanitary--- All areas receive regular sanitization measures, there’s a ready supply of disposable gloves, linens, and needles at hand, sanitizer stations are set up at regular intervals around the facility, and bedding is regularly changed. Infection rates are reduced to 5% per week.

81-00% Gleaming---- Some microchip factories are less clean than this facility. The medical facility is as antiseptic as possible; all surfaces are regularly swabbed down with antiseptics or blasted with UV light whether they need them or not, all equipment and instruments are sterilized between uses, anything that absolutely does not need to be reused is thrown away, and there’s a ready supply of sanitized linens and sterilized instruments available. Sections of the facility are effectively airlocked off from each other; moving from one section to another requires passing through airbaths and light-scans. The facility is set up as a bacterial and viral killzone.

I. Level of Treatment:

“No worries, sergeant; all six of those girls you brought in were revived successfully from death-stasis and are currently in full regeneration. You’ll have your witnesses to testify at the trial.”

What can the facility treat?

01-10% First Aid----The facility can generally do little more than provide competent first aid, stabilize injuries, and prescribe general medications.
11- 40% Emergency Medical---Roughly equivalent to a field military hospital or emergency room. They can perform emergency surgery, life support, and stabilization. They can provide for basic antibiotic treatments and disease mitigation, though more virulent pathogens will require quarantine.
41-60% Major Treatment----The facility can perform major operations such as open heart surgery, skin grafts, intestinal resections, brain surgery, and tumor removal. They can also deal with major infections and pathogens. They can also provide long-term life support.
61-80% Corrective Surgery/Advanced Medical Care----The facility can provide corrective surgery for major physical problems such as broken spines, congenital organ defects, deep-sited cancers, and the like. The facility is also of the level that they can provide anticancer treatments, major organ transplants, genetic medicine, and advanced drug treatments.
81-95% Bionic/Biotic Reconstruction---The facility has the means to build full conversion cyborg bodies(generally of a cyberhumanoid or basic Light Machine type), or else can regenerate whole bodies using advanced biotech. As long as the patient is alive when they arrive, the medics can rebuild them.
96-00% Resurrection and Reconstruction---Even if a patient is dead on arrival, the staff will try to(with a very good chance of), or have a certified means of, raising the dead, provided the body isn’’t too far gone and relatively intact. This can be magical, bionic, or advanced super- medical science.

J. Post-Op Care:

((“hello, i am thorx, your assigned and personal symbiotic pathic healer, for as long as we remain attached. i will attend to your ongoing heath care needs and provide you with immediate psychiatric counseling, should you so need it.”))

Beyond immediate care and recovery, what follow-up services does the medical facility provide?

01-25% None; the facility doesn’t do any follow-up beyond getting the patient to the point that that they’re not in danger, not oozing, and not likely to die. Once they can move, any follow-up care and therapy is left to them and their friends.
26-70% Permitted Stays---The facility allows for extended stays and offers follow-up onsite therapy, including prosthetic fittings.
71-90% Visiting Nurses---If the patient has a nearby residence, the facility provides a visiting nurse to check in on the recovering patient and provide any additional in-house care or therapy. This also includes the home delivery, through the facility’s agents, of drugs such as insulin or statins.
91-00% Full Works---The facility offers a full range of post-op follow-ups, including physical therapy, psychological counseling, occupational therapy, and lifeplans with regular checkups and reevaluations to follow the patient’s progress.

K. Security:

“Don’t call Kelsa a ‘ninja-nurse’; she hates that. Just call her ‘Nurse Kelsa’. And if you’re in trouble in the Emergency Room, just call her. She’s really good with knives, whether it’s meatball surgery or dealing with meatheads.”

Besides unruly patients(and their affiliates), medical centers also have to worry about theft of medical supplies(drugs especially, but occasionally items like radiation sources from diagnostic equipment, or the equipment themselves), looting of valuables, and casual negligence from trespassers. Thus security in many facilities becomes a real issue.
In more principled facilities, security also acts as a check on the activities of individual doctors, by checking access to drug supplies and other sensitive areas.

01-20% None; the facility doesn’t have any security aside from a few locks on medical supply closets and doors. Anybody can walk right in.
21-40% Door Security---There’s at least one guard on the entrance, and visitors have to be buzzed in. There will be alarms and security monitors set on points of access.
41- 55% Champion---One or more(no more than 1d4) of the staffers is an experienced man-at-arms, typically an ex-soldier, corpsman, superbeing, or combat-trained cyborg.
56-90% Security Team---The facility has an on-standby office of trained security personnel who monitor entryways and patrol parts of the facility on a regular basis. Offices and supply rooms will have card-locks, while lockers for drugs and other sensitive materials will have additional advanced locks and inventory monitoring.
91-00% Private Army---This can be a dedicated team of hardcore contracted mercenaries/security specialists, an order of warrior monks/nuns, or a detached unit of the local military, but they’re guarding the place like it was a command bunker. Anybody making trouble for the staff, or trying to break in, is going to be facing entrenched defenses and painful, if not lethal, force.

L. Special Features:

“We really don’t know how this particular piece of equipment works. All we know is; you stick the patient in this end, push this red button here, and a few minutes later, the patient pops out the other end all healed up and healthy!”

What other features distinguish the medical facility?
01-10% Medical Genius---The facility can boast of having at least one exceptionally skilled physician, such as a Natural Genius with a medical orientation, psychic surgeon, super computer-run robot doctor, or medical ninja.
11-20% Medevac Service----The medical center has a high speed airborne air ambulance service on standby to pick up and deliver patients.
21-25% Remote Monitoring---The medical center provides remote monitoring to patients/clients, allowing them to stay at home, or go wandering, typically with some sort of vital signs monitor cuff or collar. If something trips the monitors, the medical facility will immediately send somebody out to the patient/client’s last known location to check on them.
26-35% Nursery----The medical facilityhas a fully equipped post-natal care facility capable of caring for infants.
36-45% Vaccine Lab---While most any good comprehensive hospital lab can, in theory, be used to create small amounts of vaccines, this lab is set up for large batch, or industrial-scale, creation of vaccines.
46-50% Drug Lab---The medical facility has a laboratory that can, with enough lead time and proper materials, turn out large batches of even sophisticated drugs(or potions if magic)
51-55% Family Housing---The facility has adjacent housing for patients’ families, allowing them to be present in rehabilitation(or hospice services).
56-60% Good Food---Hospital food, as a general rule, is concocted with specific dietary guidelines in mind. There’s also the thought that BAD hospital food discourages malingerers from tying up beds needed for other patients. Nevertheless, the food served patients in this facility is GOOD, and may even have been dished up by a Sister of the Hearth or holistic healer, so it may actually have medicinal effects.
61-65% Cryonics Vault/Stasis---If the injuries or malady are too much for the facility to treat, they can still put the patient in some form of stasis to await a future time when they can be successfully revived and treated.
66-70% Accelerated Recovery Time----Maybe it’s the environment, or some sort of magic, or an assembly line-style treatment system, but patients recover faster (by a factor of 1d4x10%).
71-75% Special Treatment---The facility offers some sort of special medical treatment, just as cellular rejuvenation, psychic cleansing, wonder-drug, or alien healing technology.
76-85% Visiting Physicians----The facility makes house calls, or can meet patients out in the field, via air ambulance or magical teleportation.
86-95% Informational Network---The medical facility is tied into a communications network that allows them to share information with other facilities. Thus, if a cure or treatment for a particular malady or condition is found, it can be shared with other centers. The physicians can also consult via this network with doctors and researchers at other facilities, and even arrange for specialists to come to their center to see cases.
96-00% Mobile---Maybe the medical facility is based out of the back of a caravan wagon, a cargo aircraft, a converted ocean freighter, or a giant starship, but it can move about.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

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Ahhh another random table. This is good for my soul
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Ahhh another random table. This is good for my soul

Am I considered part of your spiritual HMO then?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

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Helping maintain optimism. Yes you are part of my HMO
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Father Goose
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by Father Goose »

I like this. Definitely saving it for future use.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by taalismn »

I've gotta few ideas for more RRTs(Random Roll Tables) on obscure/mundane topics, but perhaps I should use my existing ones to roll up a few random whatevers to see what abominations come out(random roll, then hammer to fit).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Father Goose
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by Father Goose »

I would like to request that you put your random tables in individual google docs, then put those docs in a folder and share the link to the folder. That way we can find and appreciate your work without having to hunt for individual posts scattered across the forums.
If you're not interested in that, I understand, but I would find it very helpful.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by taalismn »

Father Goose wrote:I would like to request that you put your random tables in individual google docs, then put those docs in a folder and share the link to the folder. That way we can find and appreciate your work without having to hunt for individual posts scattered across the forums.
If you're not interested in that, I understand, but I would find it very helpful.

I'm planning on gathering everything I got and putting in one updatable thread in the forums...see how that goes. :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

taalismn wrote:
Father Goose wrote:I would like to request that you put your random tables in individual google docs, then put those docs in a folder and share the link to the folder. That way we can find and appreciate your work without having to hunt for individual posts scattered across the forums.
If you're not interested in that, I understand, but I would find it very helpful.

I'm planning on gathering everything I got and putting in one updatable thread in the forums...see how that goes. :)

I think what they was looking for was something that stores it as documents they can download.

On google doc, mega ect.
Then you could place a link to it in your sig so they can find them all at once.

This means when you create a new one you could create a new thread just for it to get the normal discussions and add it to the online folder and avoid risk of some one trolling and locking your combined update thread preventing updates.
The Clones are coming you shall all be replaced, but who is to say you have not been replaced already.

Master of Type-O and the obvios.

Soon my army oc clones and winged-monkies will rule the world but first, must .......

I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Father Goose
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Re: Random Medical Facilities of Rifts Earth

Unread post by Father Goose »

Blue_Lion wrote:I think what they was looking for was something that stores it as documents they can download.

On google doc, mega ect.
Then you could place a link to it in your sig so they can find them all at once.

This means when you create a new one you could create a new thread just for it to get the normal discussions and add it to the online folder and avoid risk of some one trolling and locking your combined update thread preventing updates.

Bingo. Gold Star for the Blue Lion.
taalismn wrote:Hey, you came up with a novel, attention-getting idea, you did the legwork, you worked it through, you made it fit the setting, even though initial thought might be 'nah, it can't work, it's too silly/stupid/lame', and you posted something that only required a little adjustment, yet can be added to, without diluting its original concept. How can we not give you due support and credit?
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