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So when are you going to finish those other two BTS books?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:29 am
by Holister
Pretty much what I said.

There are a lot of loyal BTS fans have been waiting since 2005 for two books to finish your rehash of BTS into a "2nd Edition". Enough with with the RIFTS stuff cause we do not need more power armor sourcebooks, and we don't need any more zombies or rifters. Just get of your pampered duffs and give us BTS fans the two books we need to complete your 2nd Edition rehash of BTS. Or here is an idea.....scrap the 2nd edition and just re-release the 1st edition BTS, at least that was complete and had the Boxed Nightmares supplement.

Well that was my two cents, feel free to start ignoring me now. :P

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:43 am
by Shawn Merrow
They have posted the 1st edition books on

Beyond the Supernatural RPG - 1st Edition Rules

Boxed Nightmares - 1st Edtion Rules

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:24 am
by Todd Yoho
First edition is infinitely superior to second edition, and I had a hand in working on second edition. Just pretend second edition doesn't exist, and run with first edition to your heart's content. It's what I do when I run BTS games, and I've never regretted it.

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:40 am
by Semi-Retired Gamer
I have been interested in BTS second edition but I was waiting on the other books to make it complete. Now that the first edition rules are available in pdf I might just go in that direction...

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:20 am
by Holister
You can also just buy a copy of 1st edition on Ebay. You may also have luck getting a copy of Boxed Nightmares too.

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:45 pm
by Jack Burton
Yes, PLEASE finish the other two books! I think there are more BTS fans out there than you think. If a game isn't supported, of course it won't sell like it should or like the games that are heavily supplemented.

I shook my head in bewilderment the other night when I was reading through my 2005 BTS2 book where Kevin PROMISED the other 2 sourcebooks would be completed ASAP. I was kind of stunned to see such an explicit promise like that in an RPG book.... even more stunned, given that it was never followed through on!

With unkept promises like that, I'd be surprised if they've presold ANY of the 2 unfinished books. No one has any faith they'll ever be completed, so why pay money you may or may not ever see anything for? Honestly, I'd have no problem pulling the trigger on them both and preordering them if I believed I'd get them in a reasonable timeframe.

I agree... too many Rifts books... I bought Rifts in 1990 but honestly, I've never played it once. Dead Reign looks boring, too. Mindless zombies. For some reason, BTS and HU capture my imagination more than any others. Of course, PB is in the business to make money. But when you only seem to nurture some product lines and starve others, those others won't grow. Maybe I'm wrong... wouldn't be the first or last time. Perception is reality, though.

On a positive note, I'm not going to let the absence of those soircebooks stop me from busting out my old BTS1 book and using it alongside the new book. I just ordered a copy of Boxed Nightmares off of Amazon, so that will be fun when it comes in. AND, I bought tickets for a buddy and I to play 2 games of BTS at Gen Con in August! Sooo looking forward to playing that and some HU2 in Indianapolis! Game on!

Re: So when are you going to finish those other two BTS book

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:29 pm
by gaby
I love it if you make New BtS,s books.