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What can be done to drive the creation of the movie.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:47 pm
by Blue_Lion
It really feels like any Rifts Movie is on the back burninr for the time being.
So what can be done to drive the creation, the Deadpool movie got me thinking about it. That movie was on a back burner for years until some one leaked the test footage for the movie.
Would something like that work for rifts, or be possible.
Maybe some animated footage of a gliterboy, juicer, cyber knight and a dog boy tearing through a slaver barge. If any one could do that and do it well.

Lets face it out side of gamers most people do not know about the rich setting that is rifts. So that places a small amount of already infomred audience.

Any ideas on what can be done to drive the creation of the Rifts movie.
(Not to mention a good movie would drive up sales of the RPG.)

Re: What can be done to drive the creation of the movie.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:57 pm
by FatherMorpheus
It would require a lot of cash or time. Or both. Someone would have to have the skills, equipment and time or someone would need a good deal of money.

Baring those, not sure.

Re: What can be done to drive the creation of the movie.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:30 pm
by Juce734
Blue_Lion wrote:It really feels like any Rifts Movie is on the back burninr for the time being.
So what can be done to drive the creation, the Deadpool movie got me thinking about it. That movie was on a back burner for years until some one leaked the test footage for the movie.
Would something like that work for rifts, or be possible.
Maybe some animated footage of a gliterboy, juicer, cyber knight and a dog boy tearing through a slaver barge. If any one could do that and do it well.

Lets face it out side of gamers most people do not know about the rich setting that is rifts. So that places a small amount of already infomred audience.

Any ideas on what can be done to drive the creation of the Rifts movie.
(Not to mention a good movie would drive up sales of the RPG.)

I think a Rifts movie has to have the Coalition as the bad guys. So maybe some badass SAMAS Pilot blowing up a village of D-Bees only to be attacked by a Glitterboy. To me if it was done with some fun slow motion parts and zooming in on the missile as it tears thru the sky. Angles changing constantly due to special effects and not cutting away but rotating in view. If someone could make some 3 minute clips that are done like that it may get some notoriety out there going.

Re: What can be done to drive the creation of the movie.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:53 am
by True Atlantian
Concept; KS, other contributors and Megaversal Ambassadors run campaigns together, possibly with others, starting from the good ole UE. Actually following the path of Erin Tarn and using OCC's from the UE. They move their way up through the books chronoligically, and record or document these adventures, separated by book. As they proceed, they introduce other OCC's from subsequent books as the original characters die, or move on (or not!). This running of campaigns from scratch is what makes it an actual human player driven story, which makes it unique.

These adventure stories then would be sorted out, and arranged, illustrated and transcribed into graphic novels(. You could do 2 graphic novels per book minimum, (but we all know there are countless possibilities for each book) and start with the basics, everyones favorite OCC's from UE. Then move to different OCC's as the adventure/story dictates and continue to make these adventures into graphic novels. You could print yourself, or work with someone else, Image comics is still dope, and gets that press. However that works, get those adventure based chronological graphic novels rolling.

Once you build a fanbase for particular characters and the Megaverse in general, then you turn that material into a script. Script gets made into a movie (yea i know, I know it doesn't happen just "like that", but you have an even stronger base to start from, so there's the extra motivation for production) and you have nearly limitless material to keep turning into graphic novels, which folks will buy, and explore all the setting has to offer and then in turn keep buying the RPG books.

This may be an undertaking, but i think what makes it cool is the actual adventure driven story. It also follows the Rifts timeline and gets into the CS and the war, and you could really hit all the books you wanted to and turn them into stories. Then you get more folks playing the game too!