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Re: Firing Multiple Weapons

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:14 pm
by Axoid
You decide all the weapons you are firing during the first "step" of the combat action. Each additional weapon beyond the first costs 1 CP, and you can't fire any one weapon system more than once (baring special rules like Rapid Fire).

Once you have decided all the weapons systems you'll fire, you then choose a target or targets. You can choose multiple target, but only one per weapon system (except in the case of special rules like Volley). If you do choose multiple targets, the remaining combat steps are resolved fully one target at a time.

So let's say you want to fire 3 weapon systems at 3 different targets. First you pay 2 CP to fire the 2 extra systems. Then you nominate which weapon system will fire at which target. Then go through the remaining steps for Target 1 (roll to strike, dodge, roll with impact, assign damage, resolve damage), then repeat for Target 2, then Target 3.

Make sense?
