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What I got from the Open House

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:12 pm
by dpenwood
This was my first Palladium Open House. I've haven't been playing this system for too long, but am running a Rifts game. My goal in going to this Open House, besides having a great time gaming and making some new friends, was to solidify my understanding of the rules and make sure I was "getting it right". After years and years of D&D, the transition has been a little awkward.

What I learned is that I already had it right; there is no "getting it wrong". I played in several games this weekend, including Kevin's Aftermath, and I ran several games of my own, and I didn't come across a single "rules lawyer". When I'd run a D&D game, there was often the endless discussion of rules, etc.... And I've found that it just doesn't seem to happen much with Rifts/HU/etc.... I was wondering if that was because my players and me just weren't familiar enough with the system (yet), or if that's just how the system is. I now believe it's the latter.

I also had the pleasure of meeting some really cool people and exchanged some great gaming stories, as well as some campaign ideas. My girlfriend and I drove to the Open House from Boston and, at the OH, I met a fellow gamer who happens to lives a half hour away from me and is interested in joining my campaign. Small world!

At one point, I actually caught Kevin S standing by himself so I got to chat with him for a couple minutes. He signed some of my books for me, and there was even a photo opportunity!

The auction was a lot of fun. I enjoy collecting issues of the Rifter, so I was able to get a signed copy of #50.

I also enjoyed the Costume Contest. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stick around for the winner; I had a game to run. (I still don't know who won!) Even though everyone looked great, my favorite was the Ley Line Walker! And I enjoyed the elementalist's fire and water act.

For those of you who don't know who I am (pretty much all of you, I'm guessing), I ran "Band of Bothers" and "Groundhog Day". I was fortunate to have a great group of players at my table, especially for "Band of Bothers" - you guys were a riot! And to the real-life truck driver who played the Operator in "Groundhog Day": you have dispelled the notion that the Operator is a useless O.C.C.!

So anyways.... great weekend, everyone! It was a pleasure meeting many of you and I look forward to a future Open House!

Re: What I got from the Open House

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:11 pm
by dpenwood
Xavier72 wrote:Have to ask: is your girlfriend of Korean descent? I feel bad I can't remember her name, but I think she played in my Heroes Unlimited game Sunday morning. If that is her, tell her she rocked in that character.

She's not Korean but she's Thai, and was most likely wearing a black Steampunk hat. She did play HU on Sunday morning, so that was probably her. I will pass your compliments on to her. :-)

Re: What I got from the Open House

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:40 pm
by dpenwood
Xavier72 wrote:DOH! She did say Thai! Sorry... That was her. Sleep depravation apparently affected short term memory.

:-) She appreciated your compliment.

Which player were you?