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Phi-Warper questions

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:01 pm
by DtMK
Since work is being done on new Mechanoids books, I was wondering if more will be written on the Phi-Warpers, particularly their world and original appearance. In the Mechanoid Invasion Trilogy, it states that the Phi-Warpers are aquatic mammals similar to Earth dolphins with large eyes and good vision. That was before the Mechanoids came and altered them, but their ability to teleport and warp space was still there. Were their abilities themselves altered by the Mechanoids? Are there any Phi-Warpers left that resemble what they once looked like before the experimentation?

Also, given that they're aquatic humanoids similar to dolphins and whales, would the race have any abilities similar to a dolphin or whale like electromagnetic sensitivity, echolocation, etc.? And since they're like cetaceans and can warp space, does this mean the Phi-Warpers may somehow be related to another species with similar abilities to teleport and create gravity wells, namely the Void Whales from Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide?