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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Nemo’ Deep Sea Assault Robot

In the eternal midnight at the bottom of the abyss, it is said that monsters live...
The fact that he knew monsters lived at the bottom of this particular abyss didn’t bother Galus-Seven in the least. Any monster that tried chewing on the adamantium hardness of his Destroyer Armor would quickly lose its teeth, and would likely lose its life soon afterward at the hands of the Kydian Overlord piloting it. Galus-Seven had no fear of the monsters of the deep, only of the ire of his masters, if he didn’t accomplish his task down here.
However unpleasant that task was...and this was unpleasant.....Hike through the eternal darkness in the bottom of this planetary puddle, find as many of the remote undersea mining rigs of the local primitives, and destroy them...sending a message to the local chattel-stock that their efforts to intrude on what was now and forever Splugorth territory would prove futile. While his brethren were bearding vampires in their lairs, and reaping fresh harvests of slaves, here he was trudging on the bottom in an unnamed undersea canyon with a half-dozen suited others, under the command of an only slightly-more favored centurion(failures all, he thought, and embarassments to the name ‘Kittani’) smashing underwater research bouys and maganese rakes of the Nauty’ll and other lower powers on this mudball of a world....Hardly the glory he desired...but such was his lot in life...
“<Fahd, pick up the pace and get back into position!>”
...If only the others could share the same opinion...quietly....The acrid, high-pitched, annoyed, voice of his superior crackling across the sub-com reminded him that he was not to suffer his discommendation in stoic silence. He looked up at his HUD(vision being useless at this depth) and saw that the aforenamed Fahd had indeed dropped behind nearly a quarter mile.
“<Fahd, close ranks! Comply!....Fahd! Close ranks NOW! Respond immediately, you scum-sucking ape!>”
The centurion had made no bones about disliking the human renegade assigned to him, seeing the creature as a dishonorable piece of slavestock someone had promoted to people-status just to annoy him. If Fhad did not respond immediately to his betters, then the centurion would gladly use the excuse to kill him just to be rid of him, and to hell with what the monkey-porking superiors thought....
“<Relga-Ree, the puking slave-muker has either gone and run off or tripped and damaged his suit! Go back and see what his problem is! I will not have this team’s timetable ruined by that yahzing-pricking monkey!>”
With a barely discernable grunt, Relga-Ree, last in formation, complied, his HUD icon moving back towards the rear of the formation...
There was the sudden sound of high pitched shrieking, as of several somethings moving very fast..... Galus-Seven had enough experience to identify the sound of torpedoes, coming in fast!
But before the projectiles could possibly have reached them, they exploded in a sudden burst of noise....and their fine-detailed sonar maps suddenly went white as the canyon reverberated with high-pitched echoes...
The next few minutes were utter confusion, punctuated by flashing display lights on his HUD and screeched transmissions over the comnet....
“<WHAT THE Grjyukhj!!! I’VE GOT A _LEAK_!!!! I’M TAKING ON.....>”
Galus-Seven had barely identified the gunshot-in-a-barrel reports as explosive collapse of the armor of the two warriors behind him before the dimly-perceived scanner reading was upon him, ballooning out of the static on his HUD like smoke.
In the cocoon of his armor, he could not feel the water brushing against his skin, but he could certainly feel its turbulance smash and pull at his armor as SOMETHING moved fast and close nearby. His sonar display caught only vague returns off something large, but its scans were fouled by the large amounts of debris, including, no doubt, pieces of his late colleagues, caught up in the sudden current.
“<SEVEN! KILL IT! IT’S RIGHT HERE! KILL IT YOU PIECE OF FILTH! KILL IT NOW!>” Came the unmistakably panicked voice of his superior.
Galus-Seven pivoted to face where his commander last was, shoulder-mount cannon coming off to bear on the garbled sensor shadow that was his commander...and something else, much larger. The scream of the centurion’s own sonic rifle carved tracks across the accoustic map of Galus-Seven’s HUD...shots snapping out blindly, stabbing into the water.
“<I HAVE IT HERE! KILL IT! KILL IT!>” ranted the centurion. “<KIL-****SCRREEEEECCCCHHHH****P!TANG!>”
“<CENTURION!>” Galus-Seven fired off several salvoes from his shoulder cannons at the dark mass his sensors identified as the enemy, then activated his thrusters, lifting out of the bottom muck and churning sediment to race towards his commander’s last position. Even in the muddled sonar echoes, he was close enough to get to it within minutes, and detect the telltale metallic returns from the centurion’s armor. One eye on the sensors for any further trace of his enemy, he flashed on his deep sea headlights to try to eyeball his colleague...
Only to see, in ghostly monochrome of the deep sea lighting, the crumpled and shattered armor of his Kittani superior tumble out into view, an expanding cloud of murk fountaining from within.....
Enraged, Galus-Seven spun on his hydrothrusters, looking for anything moving.....No further returns from the rest of his team...all dead in the enemy’s initial pass...his commander split apart and killed....and Galus-Seven was intelligent enough not to believe that he might be spared a similar fate...
No, his enemy was still out there, possibly hurt or damaged by the efforts of his squad, or assessing the success of its first strike.
There! The motion of turbulence betrayed its position! Immediately he brought his shoulder cannon to bear and fired, bright beams of artificial starfire flashing in the darkness, spearing out to....
.....Strike nothing but churned up muck....His suit sensors showed no hard contacts, nothing but water and suspended mud....
THERE! Again, he tried to fire, attempted to anticipate the course of his elusive enemy, let it run into his fire...
Again, he struck hiss of vaporizing armor, no bubbling of escaping air, no screech of pain...nothing...
Galus Seven was growing increasingly frustrated...He could not strike his target, he could not avenge his team mates, and if he ran, he would be easy prey for his enemy! And now it seemed that his enemy was toying with him, drawing out the final combat! This galled his warrior’s heart to no end!
In frustration he threw back his head inside its armored helm and howled, as if his voice could be made heard through the armor and surrounding water.

In eternal midnight, it seemed like the sun had come to visit, in answer. The darkness went enough to make adamantium metal flow like water. Galus-Seven instantly pulled apart into a hissing steam-puffed lump of already cooling slag, sinking to the bottom, and a stream of bubbles, angrily swarming for a surface they would never reach.

The Nemo is an attempt by Paladin Steel to build a more powerful and less mechanically complicated amphibious assault robot vehicle as a replacement for the older Tarsis machines. The project was given renewed emphasis by the perceived deterioration of the uneasy detente keeping the Splugorth from openly assaulting the Eastern Seaboard. A need for amphibious combat assets to protect PS/ASI/GNE aquatic assets offworld was also an incentive for PS to revisit a number of projects that had long languished on the company backburners.
The Nemo adopts a roughly humanoid design(using the chassis of the PS-AR-17 ‘Mandril’ Heavy Robot Vehicle), over the multi-legged centaur design of the Tarsis, the better to utilize existing production jigs for the manufacture of Titan- type robot vehicles. Low, squat, and heavy-set, with thick, stubby arms and legs packed with heavy-duty actuators and power servos, reinforced for deep sea pressure resistance, and a sharp, bulging, streamlined torso, the Nemo is slow moving and hardly agile on dry land, but is incredibly strong, and exceptionally deadly to anything it gets its thick-fingered battlepaws on and around. The head and shoulders are covered by a massive streamlined cowling of heavy armor, that reduces the overall aspect of the ‘bot’s upper body to a neckless hump on its torso, but which affords it further protection from enemy fire and the elementsm and helps streamline the main body. The main sensor system is a large cyclopean plate in the middle of this dome, though other less obvious sensor clusters are mounted around the main body, affording it a full 360-degrees of sensor sweep. Armor is heavy, consisting of multiple layered plates of heavy ceramic and composite, with redundant corrosion-resistant water-sealing on the joints and movement blocks.
Armament is also interesting on the Nemo; rather than one or two large guns, the Nemo mounts eight blue-green pulse laser rifles on each arm. Individually, these weapons are fairly impressive as infantry weapons in their own right, but a full salvo of these weapons, firing simultaneously, can chew apart most water craft or sea monsters. Giving longer ranged bite to this impressive battery of energy weapons is a pair of short-range torpedo launchers in the shoulders.
Owing to the need to save on costs, the Nemo lacks the full range of options normally available to PS robot vehicles, though it does have a limited number of accessory systems. This has already raised some protests from pilots more familiar with the multiple options of the Tarsis vehicles, but engineers have emphasized the optimized traits of the Nemo, the prototype status of the design, and the specialized nature of the robot.
Only a few dozen Nemos have been produced so far, and deployed immediately with naval and coastal defense units. Owing to its specialized nature, the Nemo is not likely to see any duty outside the deep water naval or offworld hydroworld units.

Type: PS- DSCRV-H20A Nemo
Class: Deep Sea Combat Robot Vehicle
Crew: One, with enough room in the cockpit for an additional 1-2 passengers or crewmembers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 800
Reinforced Crew Compartment 200
Chest Torpedo Launchers(2) 80 each
Head Sensor Plate 100
Arms(2) 250 each
Hands(2) 100 each
Forearm Laser Cannon(16, 8 each forearm) 22 each
Legs(2) 300 each
(Optional)Torpedo Pod 120

Height: 32 ft
Width: 17 ft
Length: 15 ft
Weight: 35 tons
Cargo: Small cargo space in cabin and provision for a few survival packs, sidearms, and small personal possessions.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 55
Powerplant:Nuclear Fusion, w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 25 MPH
(Underwater) 40 knots w/ thrusters, walking along the bottom of shallow lakes and rivers at a plodding 12 MPH, maximum depth 5 miles(!)
Cost: 48 million credits if made available to the Black Market with all systems operational; only two have thus far been sold to GNE affiliates.
Systems of Note:
All Basic Robot Systems, plus:
*Enhanced Sonar---80 mile range
*Blue-Green Communications Laser----100 mile range
*Magnetometer----The magnetometer has a range of 5,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. The active magnetic containment fields of nuclear fusion reactors and the EM spikes of active rail guns can be detected at TWICE that range.

*Hull Degausser---This system can be used to periodically de-magnetize the hull, loosening the grip of magnetic-attachment limpet mines, and reducing the effectiveness of magnetically-triggered ocean mines in detecting the vessel and detonating.

*Ejection Capsule---The Reinforced Crew Compartment of the Nemo doubles as a crew ejection capsule. This affords the escaping crew extra protection when ascending from the depths, as well as protects them from the dangers of decompression.

Weapons Systems:
1) Blue-Green Pulse Laser Rifles(16, 8 each forearm)---These are blue-green spectrum models of several well-proven pulse laser models used by PS. These weapons are housed in a band of superconductor that helps cool them during simultaneous firing, and this, in addition to being immersed in water, allows for sustained fire. A Nemo can use both cannon arms to quickly gut an enemy vessel within minutes.
Range: 4,000 ft in air or underwater
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10 MD triple pulse burst per single cannon.
Can fire in synch with the other lasers on the same arm(counts as one attack)
so a full salvo from all eight on one arm does 8d6x10 MD per barrage!
However, it typically can only fire five of these consecutive salvoes before
needing to cool down(take half of the lasers offline for 4 melees).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Chest Short Range Torpedo Launchers(2)---Mounted in the torso pectoral plates of the Nemo are two Short Range Torpedo launchers with two sets of reloads each.
Range: 5 miles
Damage:(HE) 2d4x10 MD
(Plasma) 1d6x10 MD
(Sonic Disruptor) 1d4x10 MD to 20 ft blast radius)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-7
Payload: 28 SRTs total(14 each launcher)

3) Screamer/Decoy Launch Racks(2)----Embedded launch tubes in the shoulders can fire off countermeasure pods to decoy torpedoes and distract enemies.
*Sonic Scramblers(“Screamers”)----Screamers are specialized one-use munitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike, plus accoustic-homing weapons will break target lock to attack the decoy.
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhen up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Note: Screamers will affect the user’s own sonar systems.
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: None
Rate of Fire: Can fire off Screamers in salvos of 1 or 2
Payload: Pod holds 6 Screamers

*Deep Flares---Deep Flares are fast-burning underwater illumination sources used as distractions in deep sea operations. Though fairly useless as weapons, Deep Flares are effective at night and against deep-sea creatures sensitive to bright light.
Deep Flares will blind surprised targets for 1d4 melees(half all combat bonuses and skill rolls while trying to overcome temporary blindness). Useless against targets using sonar, or without eyes.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD if it scores a direct hit on a target; Otherwise, no damage, aside from possible flash disorientation. : Area of effect: 100 ft area in diameter(suspended silt/debris in the water may limit this).
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2
Payload: Each pod can hold up to 6 Deep Flares

4) Sonic Blast----The sonar dome can instead be used to project a high-decibel sonic blast underwater that stuns sealife and fouls sonar systems.
Range:(Sonic Blast) 1,800 ft underwater, 90 ft area
Damage: Sonar Blast----This is an enormous ‘belch’ of sonic cacophony that can blind sonar systems within range with a mass of ‘white noise’, knocking them out for 1d4 melees. Sonar and acoustic homing systems will lose target lock, and sonar-using creatures will be stunned and ‘blind’ for 1d4 minutes. Note that this will also affect friendly systems, including any sonar-targeted weapons within the area of effect.
Rate of Fire:(Sonic Blast) ECHH
Payload: Efftecively Unlimited

5) (Optional)Missile/Torpedo Pod---Though the hand-claws are too thick to properly hold a regular mecha gunpod, Paladin Steel has developed a snap-on missile or torpedo pod as accessory armament to the Nemo. The launcher pod resembles a blunt-ended thick cylinder with an open rear end that fits snugly over the ‘bot’s paw, without interfering with the operation of the pulse cannon. The pod can hold either a supply of missiles, or torpedoes.
MDC of Pod: 120
Range: Varies by Missile/Torpedo Type
Damage:Varies by Missile/Torpedo Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-6
Payload: (Torpedoes) 30 Mini-torpedoes, OR 18 SRTs, OR 9 MRTs, or 3 LRTs
(Missiles) 36 Mini-Missiles, OR 18 SRMs, OR 6 MRMs

6)(Optional) Mecha Grenades----The Nemo has the option of carrying up to ten heavy Mecha Grenades clipped to its thighs(three each) and shoulders(two each), to be either thrown like conventional grenades, or used as demolition charges/mines(magnetic or molecular adhesion pads can be used to stick them in place to a target). These weapons are equivalent to Long Range Missile Warheads, only with DOUBLE the blast radius.

7) Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d6 MD
Full Strength Punch 5d6 MD
Power Punch(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Tear/Pry with Hands 3d6 MD
Body Flip/Throw 1d6 MD
Body Block/Tackle 4d6 MD
Stomp 3d6 MD against targets 10 ft or smaller
Kick 2d4 MD
Ram---Accelerating with its thrusters in the water, the Nemo can ram with its reinforced head with enough force to stave in the sides of ships and other underwater structures(counts as three attacks)----- 1d4x10 MD for speeds of 10 knots to 15 knots, 2d4x10 MD for 20-30 knots, and 3d6x10 MD for a maximum speed ram at 38-40 knots.

*Body Blades----These are molecularly-sharp blades mounted on the pectoral plates(adding +1d6 MD to a Body Block/Ram) or to the leg fins(adding +1d6 MD to a Kick), 1d6 MD+1 MD per every 5 MPH of speed in a sideswipe attack in submarine configuration.

*Hull Electrification System(i.e. “Hull Zapper”, “Saint Elmo’s Hotfoot”))
An exotic close-in defense system that uses special coils and contact points to run a high-power electrical current across the hull, electrocuting anyone in contact with the hull.
Range: Contact+ 1-2 ft from the hull in the water.
Damage: 1d4 MD per contact with the hull
Cost: 3.2 million credits

*Replacement Arm Cannons---Replace some or all of the blue-green arm lasers with heavy ion pulse rifles(copied from Tritonia weaponry and modified by PS engineers to use the same beam-splitter option as the lighter PSIC-03 infantry weapon). Equivalent range and greater damage, and can be set to fire area of effect, but more expensive and prone to run ‘hot’, especially in rapid-fire pulse mode. Some pilots also complain that doing ‘full arm bursts’ underwater causes excessive water boiling around the arm jackets, the roiling turbulence knocking out the Nemo’s sensor acuity for a a melee round after firing.
Range: (Ion Bolt) 4,000 ft in air or underwater
(Spray Bolt) 2,000 ft and affects a 15 ft wide area
Damage: (Ion Bolt) 1d6x10+10 MD per single bolt. A full arm eight-gun burst would do 8d6x10+80 MD(!!!).
However, it typically can only fire three of these consecutive salvoes before
needing to cool down(take half of the projectors offline for 5 melees).
(Spray Bolt) 5d6 MD to a 17 ft wide area
On a Natural 20(Critical Strike) the ion weaponry does TRIPLE damage instead of the normal double damage
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: Efftecively Unlimited
Cost: 63,000 credits per cannon

*Replacement Chest Launchers---PS has been experimenting with downsizing the dual air-water supercavitation torp-missiles Paladin Steel copied from the Kittani, and have been experimenting with a number of weapons in test-fittings on the Nemo.
Range:(Underwater) 20 miles
(Air) 75 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: 4d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 (all)
Payload: 8 per launcher
Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target.
(Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a Harpoon III, but more powerful. +3 to strike

*Mini-Torpedo Launchers---In the alternative, the chest launchers can instead be fitted to fire mini-torepedoes. Each launcher can hold 56 mini-torps.

*Stealth---Sonar-absorbent coatings on the hull, ducted propellers, and acoustic baffling combine to make the Nemo extraordinarily quiet and stealthy. The sub has only a 20% chance of being spotted by radar and active sonar and a 10% chance of being detected by passive sonar. The benefits of this system are negated if the submarine is moving at greater than 7 knts. Cost: 3 million credits

*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the GNEN.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft radius of detection.
Cost: 150,000 credits

*Hydrofoil Kit---This adds a pair of supplemental jet thrusters(100 MDC each) and enlarges the size of the various fins(and adds several more), allowing the sub to skim along the water’s surface as a hydrofoil at 95 MPH.
Cost: 3.8 million credits

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end)
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.Q. point. Note that the operator can only be controlling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation(aside from the ‘bot’s existing neural-balancing system), but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Spinning Blade-Fists---This adds an axial motor and rotation systems to the claw-wrist, allowing it to spin at high speed and deliver a drill-like punch-strike. This does 6d6 MD on a regular punch and a Power Punch(2 attacks) 2d4x10 MD.
Cost: 80,000 credits per fist so modified.

*DSCRV-H20XTW---Experimental TechnoWizardry-enhanced version fitted with a Powerstone PPE Generator(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
-Moves 25% faster on an underwater ley line
-Protective Energy Field---(50 MDC and 10 minutes’ duration for every 10 PPE pumped in)
-Whirlpool(500 ft range, 120 ft radius, 10 minute duration, 20 PPE per activation)
-Tidal Wave ---Creates 1 100 ft tall wall of water per melee. Has a 50% chance of capsizing ships. (2,000 ft range/300 ft on shore, lasts 10 melees, 4d6x10 MD, 40 PPE per activation)
-Impervious to Ocean Depths(38 PPE per activation, 120 minutes duration)
-Sound Cloaking System---Masks internal noises and keeps them from being heard on passive sonar systems. (5 minutes’ duration per 10 PPE pumped into the system)
-Armor Bizarre---This sheaths the robot in a light armor skinning of seemingly living material that makes the machine look like a supernatural monstrousity from the depths ( Horror Factor of 14, opponents are -1 on initiative, 150 MDC, 10 minute duration per every 8 PPE pumped into it)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Evertreads’ Variable Footwear

“Expands to increase surface area to the point it doesn’t scuff finished floors or leave footprints on sand, but if you suddenly find yourself needing to climb up rock walls, -snap-, you got hobnail spikes. This is seriously smart footwear!”

Evertreads are boots for walking the megaverse. Thick-soled, high-top walking boots that are more than they appear; the sole can reconfigure itself, using ‘smart’ materials, for the best surface interface with the terrain it’s on. The soles can expand to increase the surface area to near snowshoe-like size for walking on soft ground, snow, sand, and mud, or can extend spikes for climbing and running across ice and other slick surfaces. The same flexibility extends to sizing; Evertreads are ‘one size fits all’, with the same ‘smart’ materials lining the inside and cradling the foot-appendage for maximum comfort and best fit. They’re also tough, megadamage tough, and can handle serious hard usage.
Evertreads may be more expensive than conventional footwear, but they replace a whole footlocker’s worth of more specialized boots.
Evertreads are available as regular boots, or as add-ons to existing body armor.
Weight: 2 lbs for a pair
MDC: 15 each
Special Features:
* Morphable Tread-Sole
* Kinetic Charger---’Shockplate’ inside the sole translates footfall energy into usable electrical current; this energy powers the transformation, but it can also be used to charge batteries; two hours of vigorous running/ 4 hours of walking will be enough for run a standard radio receiver for 8 hours of continious operation, or a flashlight for 12 hours, or a hotplate for 1 hour. A USB port and cord connection can be used to draw off the energy.
*(Hike-Mode)Reduce fatigue for walking/hiking/marching by 5%
*(Climber-Mode) Climbing Bonus: +3%
*(Soft-sole-Mode) Prowl Bonus: +3%
*(Snowshoe-Mode) Reduce penalties for walking on soft or slippery ground/surfaces by HALF.
Cost: 28,00 credits a pair.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel GrR-03 Gravitonic Assault Weapon
(aka ‘swhipper’, ‘mawper’, ‘GAWker’)

“The ‘chuks love these things; they’re strong enough that the weight doesn’t bother them, and the gravitic baffling means that recoil’s not an issue, what with their lower body mass. Plus, the sight of a squad of the little bastards coming in behind those big-bore muzzles is enough to scare the #### out of anybody who’s seen a swhipper in action.”

The GrR-03 is another in Paladin Steel’s efforts with the gravitonic weapons technology acquired from the Three Galaxies. While previous weapons used a pulsed gravitic wave to push a single projectile, or stream of projectiles, in place of chemical propellants or magnetic stator fields, PS instead uses the gravitonic pulse to push an area of effect burst of needles or other heavy particles. The GrR-03 is in essence a gravitonic shotgun; PS hoped to utilize the ‘counterwave’ technique they’d developed on previous weapons to cancel out recoil, to make the GrR-03 ideal for use in microgravity combat, especially inside spacecraft and other structures.
The use of a gravitonic pulse as the main propellant force means that the GrR-03 can be used to fire a wider range of projectiles(incendiary and ‘ironwood’ rounds to begin with), not just ferric (or magnetically reactive) rounds as with rail weapons like the PS-IMD03 ‘Scrapper’ Mass Driver Rifle. The GrR-03 also uses the same variable aperture configuration as the ‘Fletcher’ auto-shoot massdriver weapon, allowing for variable projectile spread. Another innovation is that the GrR-03 uses a dual feed system; the weapon can be either powered by a combination of projectile clip and e-clip(or power linkage) providing the power, or a single g-clip containing the power source and pre-packed shells. The former mode allows for easy use of existing ‘loose’ projectiles to be chambered and the use of standard e-clips, while the latter allows for easier battlefield management with only one clip to be handled. The g-clip mode, however, requires specially-manufactured ammunition clips produced by no other manufacturer. PS is also currently debating whether or not to go with single-use g-clips with batteries that destroy themselves with each use, or rechargeable types that can be reused and reloaded with fresh projectiles; currently both types are being trialed. Other types of specialized rounds are also in development for use with the GrR-03.
The GrR-03 is incompatible with Three Galaxies gravitonic ammunition cartridges, making its most likely market a long shot at best, as Paladin Steel and its 3G branch, Aegis Stellar Industries, are not well known or well-distributed in that universe. ‘G-shotguns’ are not terribly common in the Three Galaxies and unless PS/ASI’s distribution network improves, or the corporation licenses the specialized g-clip to other manufacturers, the GrR-03’s range of distribution is likely to remain low. Its short range and heavy weight are also seen as shortcomings compared to rail guns and energy projectors, though the weapon’s accuracy and steadiness will continue to be its selling points.

Weight: 14 lbs
MDC: 25
Range:(Max Range) 1,800 ft
(Mid-Range) 1,000 ft
(Short Range) 500 ft
(‘Point Blank’ Range) 60 ft

Damage:(Max Range) 1d6 MD to 15 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 4d6 MD at maximum range at minimum aperture
(Mid-Range) 5d6 MD to 12 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 6d6 MD at minimum aperture
(Short Range) 6d6 MD to 10 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 1d4x10+6 at minimum aperture
(‘Point Blank’ Range) 1d6x10 MD to 8 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 2d4x10 MD at minimum aperture.

(Incendiary)---Does an additional +4 MD at maximum aperture, and +16 MD per rd at minimum aperture, regardless of range, and 1d4 MD (max ap)/2d6 MD(min ap) of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.

(Wood)(Max Range) 3d6 SDC/Hit Points to 15 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 5d6 SDC/HP at maximum range at minimum aperture
(Mid-Range) 6d6 SDC/ 5d6 HP to 12 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 1d4x10 SDC/ 6d6 HP at minimum aperture
(Short Range) 1d4x10 SDC/ 6d6 Hit Points to 10 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 1d4 MD/ 1d4x10+6 HP at minimum aperture
(‘Point Blank’ Range) 1d6 MD/ 1d6x10 Hit Points to 8 ft wide area at maximum aperture, 2d6 MD/ 2d4x10 HP at minimum aperture.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: (Projectile/E-clip Configuration) 10 rd tubular magazine, or 50 rd drum. An ammo backpack provides up to 120 shots
E-Clip power: A short e-clip provides enough power for 60 shots, a long e-clip 120 shots, and an e-canister 240 shots
(Combined G-Clip Configuration) 10 rd tubular magazine, or 50 rd drum.

Special Features:
*Variable Aperture Laser Sight---Widens and narrows in response to aperture setting. +1 to strike
*Gravity-Baffling---The weapon automatically creates a gravitonic counter-pulse that negates recoil. No penalty for burst firing.
Cost: 42,000 credits
A 10-round G-clip of standard ammunition costs 1,200 credits, the 50 round drum 45,000 credits
Incendiary costs 1,500 credits, the larger drum 50,000 credits
Wood rounds cost 900 credits, the drum 4,500 credits.

*Cyberlinking---The GrR-03 can be smart-linked to a headjack, allowing the gunner to switch aperture settings/modes without using an extra action to manually do it. Cost: 5,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS M9TTunneler

“The big problem with running the Tunneler when you’re going full-bore with the plasma cutters is the heat. You’re underground, surrounded by rock, so there’s no place for the waste heat to go except back up the tunnel you just cut. Even with insulated armor, there’s only so much heat you can block, and you have to worry about your personal heat-build-up as well. You can boil in your own sweat that way. That’s why it’s advised to carry a supply of cryogenic coolant for short term jobs, and trail coolant hose for the longer work assignments.”

“Don’t think you’re going to find yourself in a combat situation with a tunneler? Think again; the ground’s RIFE with tunnels, full of mutants, monsters, counter-sappers, and subterranean peoples who don’t like surface dwellers coming through their ceilings. I can’t tell you how many ruin worms I’ve run into on what was supposed to be a nice easy excavation job, or how many giant ants’ nests we’ve broken into. That’s why I INSIST on my metalmole having a weapons turret, and why I keep several side arms in the armored cab, just in case.”

PS variant of their PS-M9, itself a copy of the pre-Rifts U.S. Army’s M9 ‘superdozer’. The ‘T’ variant is designed as a tunneling machine for those jobs where bringing in a ‘Mole Cruiser’ would be overkill or impossible. The M9T features an even more heavily reinforced structure, extra life support, and thermal protection. However, its most prominent feature is the large circular ‘bore shield’ at the front that mounts rotary cutting heads and plasma torches.
The M9T is typically used for smaller tunneling jobs such as those around PS and GNE installations. It is not meant as a combat vehicle as such, but has been used on occasion in sapping operations and forced entries into enemy installations(usually through the basement).

Type: PS M9T
Class: Bulldozer/Engineering Vehicle(tracked), Subterranean Excavation
Crew: 1 +2 passengers
MDC: Main Body-- 280
Reinforced Crew Compartment ---180
Treads---15 each
Bore Shield ---300
Length: 20.51 ft
Width: 10.5 ft
Height: 10.5 ft
Weight: 48,000 lbs
Powerplant: Nuclear(10 year energy life).
Speed: (Ground) 25 MPH.
(Water) Fully water-sealed(against mine and tunnel flooding). Limited to driving along the bottom at 9 MPH.
(Tunneling) Under ideal conditions(stable and hard rock, level and straight course), 5-6 MPH is not unknown. Shoring up the tunnel behind the vehicle is a separate operation.
Market Cost: 4.8 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Magnetometer--Great for detecting veins of metal ores, buried pipes, underground fusion nuclear powerplants(detects the magnetic core containment fields) and buried metal objects. Range of 3,000 ft

*Seismometer---Subterranean ‘sonar’. Effective ‘active’ range of 4,000 ft

*Inertial Navigation System---Essential for finding one’s way when you can’t just crack open a window and take a reading off the sun, stars, or convenient landmarks.

*Articulated Tracks---The tracks are jointed to bend up and down, to allow them to fit within the diameter of the bore hole being tunneled.

*Gas/Debris Conveyor---This is a powered system of belts , pumps, and conduits for evacuating excavation debris (and released gases) from in front of the bore-shield and conveying it to the tunnel behind for disposal purposes. Tunnelers typically head up a ‘train’ of disposal cars and equipment to clean up the cut tunnel for passage or lateral mining.

*Heat Shielding----The bore-shield is extensively cooled against radiated backheat and takes only 1/4 normal damage from plasma- and magama-style attacks. Similarly, the rest of the vehicle is covered in thermal protective cladding and takes only HALF damage from heat-based attacks(or accidental release of vaporized and still scorchingly hot melt-gases).

Weapons Systems:
1) Bore Shield----Though not intended as a weapons system(one must aim the vehicle to bring the cutters to bear on a target, the cutting tools of the bore shield can still chew through just about anything the tunneler can ram.
Range:(VibroCutters) Contact
(Plasma Torches) 6 ft
Damage:(VibroCutters) 2d4x10 MD for a full melee cut
(Plasma Torches) 7d6x10 MD for a full melee burn
Rate of Fire:(VibroCutters) Once per melee(continiously on in cutter mode)
(Plasma Torches) Once per melee(continiously on in cutter mode)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. Standard operating procedure, however, calls for 60 minutes of continious cutting, followed by 90 minutes to let the shield and cutting tools cool down. This can be altered, however, if the tunneler is supplied with a steady flow of coolant.

2)(Optional) Many crews add a remote controlled(and retractable) gun mount atop the cab. This is usually fitted with an energy rifle-style weapon, machine gun, or other heavy infantry weapon. Nest-raids will typically have this position fitted with a chemical sprayer for eliminating Xiticix or other vermin.

*Shoring Trailer---When traveling through soft earth or unstable rock, and leaving a usable tunnel behind is desireable, the M9T can pull a trailer behind that works as a work platform, shoring up the tunnel. Various models and types exist, from plasma-’baking’ arrays that melt, vitrify, and compress the tunnel walls into obsidian-like thermal glass, to automated ‘platers’ that line the tunnel with prefab sections of plastisteel or cast iron.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel “PixieHawk’ Stealth Aerodyne

“The PixieHawk isn’t a flying axe like the Mohawk, instead it’s a precision strike instrument, a scalpel, a sniper rifle. If you’re hunting neo-Yakuza from the air like I do, the Mohawk’s what you use for obliterating warehouses and parking garages; the PixieHawk’s what you use for ganking the bosses in their own offices.”

“Stupid-ass warlord was so busy watching the show of the Regular Army massing just beyond his borders and listening to his spies telling him of all the movement going on across the channel at the ‘ports of the ‘invasion force’ getting ready. Meanwhile the REAL business was the dozen of so Pixies we had scoping out his main bases, dropping listeners on his landline communications, and mining around his most loyal troops. Came time to do the chop, we cut him off at the knees before he even knew what was up and we killed him in his own bedroom. Didn’t even singe the concubine when we burned him, if I recall correctly. All Regular Army had to do when they finally came over was round up the diehards and truck off the WMDs.”

“I dunno why we got so many dark elves in the Service applying for PixieHawk assignments. The whole ‘stealth-and-dagger’ thing seems to appeal to them big time, at least the ones I asked about it. And those that make the cut and get a bird, tend to be scary good at piloting them.”

The ‘PixieHawk’ originally started out as a parallel design study for a light stealth helo similar in concept to the ‘Penetrator’ LOLH, only with the ability to carry two power armors and four infantry as a scout unit. The fast (re)development of the more conventional Penetrator, however, caused the more sophisticated PixieHawk, with its active stealth features, to be shelved while the Penetrator went into production instead. The advance of technology, however, later led to the design work for the PixieHawk being taken up again, with the design being reformatted as an anti-gravity aerodyne.
The PixieHawk has a decidedly wasp-like appearance, and has been described as looking like ‘the offspring of a giant hornet and a Bell Jet Ranger’. The forward fuselage is triangular, flat, and sharp-angled, sweeping back to a pair of swept back and cranked-down leg-like wings. A multi-vane maneuvering thruster and control airfoil array sits on top of the hull, and a long, flat, wasp-like tail trails behind. Both the nose and tail feature twin-mount gun turrets. The wings feature additional weapons hardpoints.
The PixieHawk is especially agile and quick to respond on controls, and pilots praise its quick handling, especially in close quarters, though novice pilots may find it jumpy and quick to bolt with a loose hand on the stick.
The main stealth feature of the ‘Hawk is its ability to project a light forcefield that acts as an optical screen. From the inside, this refraction field does only minimal distortion to what the crew sees, but to observers outside the field, the aircraft is rendered invisible. The area of effect created by the field means that deployed troops are also covered by the stealth field during the vulnerable disembarkation/embarkation phase. The use of anti-gravity propulsion keeps the operation of the aircraft quiet, allowing it to operate close to enemy lines(or in clse urban environs) without being heard.
The main shortcomings of the PixieHawk are related to its strongest asset, its stealth. Both the active stealth field and the CG drive eat up power, and, while virtually invisible to visual and auditory sensors, show up quite nicely on advanced EM and gravitonic sensors. The PixieHawk is thus virtually useless against the superior sensory capabilities of the armed forces of the Three Galaxies’ main powers. The same power drain limits the amount of heavy energy-based armament the PixieHawk can mount, so, once their missiles are used up, PixieHawk crews tend to scat and fly for cover rather than try gunfighting on the field.
The PixieHawk is meant for combined-arms recon and commando operations; it was meant to deploy a four man commando or ranger squad with two power armors for heavy support behind enemy lines, and retrieve them later. In its own right, though, it is an effective scout aerodyne, ferreting out enemy positions and ‘painting’ them for other units to engage with heavy ordnance. The PixieHawk has since come to be used for direct precision attacks, surveillance, and hostage rescue operations. PixieHawks have also been used to seed minefields and passive sensor nets behind enemy lines, carry out comintel and EW missions, and other high-value, low-observability tasks.

Type: PS-GMR-AHA-12 PixieHawk
Class: Light Stealth Aerodyne
Crew: 2 +4 passengers and 2 externally-carried power armors
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 280
Weapons Turrets(2, fore and aft) 30 each
Wings(2) 100 each
Tail 190
Forcefield 280
Height: 11 ft
Width: 30 ft
Length: 45 ft
Weight: 4,000 lbs
Cargo: Small space inside the cabin for several backpacks, survivak kits, and sidearms. The external cargo clamps meant for power armors can hold 3,200 lbs each.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 18 year energy life.
Speed: (Flying) Hover to 300 MPH, maximum altitude of 26,000 ft.
Market Cost: 7 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Crash Protection Systems---Reduce damage to the crew/passengers from crashes by HALF.

*Integral Low-Lite Nightvision Optics

*Laser Designator---’Paints’ targets for strikes with laser-guided ordnance. Range: 5 miles.

*Laser Targeting---Laser range finders on the turret-mounted weapons, and added gyrostabilization, gives the weapons a +2 to strike.

*EM Alert System---Sounds an alert if the aircraft is detected/scanned by radar, and can be set to trigger the countermeasure launchers if a radar ‘lock-on’ is detected.

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*Composite Armor---The megadamage composite fiber armor of the PixieHawk is of interest in that it reduces damage by projectile weapon strikes(autocannon, rail guns, fragmentation missiles, arrows, spears) by 20%.

*Stealth Design---The PixieHawk is is -25% to detect with Read Sensory Instrument rolls, and radar-guided weaponry is -3 to strike.

*Stealth Field----This works in conjunction with the aircraft’s forcefield to produce an area of optical distortion that conceals the PixieHawk from visual detection.
When rolling to detect the aerodyne under the field, imposes a -45% to Surveillance and Read Sensory Instruments skills and has only a 25% chance of being detected with direct eyeball observation.
While the stealth field is up, the PixieHawk can only rely on passive sensors(active sensors like lidar and radar CANNOT be used).

*Advanced Agility Control---The PixieHawk, like both its namesakes, is very manueverable and light on the controls; +3 to dodge in flight(+2 if encumbered with a full load and external payloads on the hardpoints), and +5% to acrobatic trick maneuvers.
(Optional) Penalty: Non-professional pilot OCCs will find the aircraft TOO agile, and prone to snake through the air at the slightest provocation. Those who do not have Pilot Helicopter as part of their Occupation skills(as opposed to ‘Other’ skill selections), will find themselves piloting the PixieHawk at -10% to their skill, at least until they hit 5th level of experience.

*Cyberlink(optional): A late retrofit is this advanced cybernetic control system that allows the pilot 'jack in', if so equipped, to the plane, linking him with the plane as if by telemechanics. The pilot is so in tune with the plane and their environment that he instantly knows everything involving their plane and its operations.
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.q. point. Note that the operator can only be controling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .

Weapons Systems:
1) Nose and Tail Cannons(2x2)---The PixieHawk typically mounts ‘invisible’ energy weapons such as lasers or EM bolt projectors in these mounts as they can be fired through the stealth field without being seen and leave no forensic evidence(like spent projectiles).
a) Lasers(PS XL-16-P Heavy Pulse Laser)
Range: 4,000 feet
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse. x2 for BOTH guns firing simultaneously.
Rate of Fire: ECHH, Standard
Bonuses +1 to strike
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) EM Vortex Projectors
Range: (EM Bolt) 5,000 ft
(Vortex) 3,000 ft
Damage: (EM Bolt) (Variable) 4d6 MD per shot
(Vortex) Same as for the bolt at the point of impact, plus HALF damage in a 7 ft radius, and an 88% chance of knock-down(lose 1 APM and Initiative) for beings of 350 lbs or less, 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: Laser targeting add +1 to strike. EM bolts are -6 to dodge, on top of that!

2) Underwing Hardpoints(2)
a) Micro-Missile Launcher(50 shot micro-missile launcher using Paladin Steel micro-missiles)

b) Mini-Missile Launcher(19-shot missile pod)----The main advantage this weapon has over the larger-payload PT-M20(described later) is its cost and higher rate of selective volley fire.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-19(all)

c) Short Range Missile Launcher(4 per hardpoint)

d) Medium Range Missile Launcher(1 per hardpoint)

e) Shrike III---PS’s (in)famous ‘Brilliant’ anti-aircraft missile.
Range: 75 miles
Damage: 2d6x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volley of 1
Payload: 1 per hardpoint
Bonus: +4 to strike

f) Heavy Hitter Anti-Armor Missiles---Laser-guided anti-armor missiles
Range: 1 mile(5,000 ft)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,or 4
Payload: 4 shot pod per hardpoint
Bonus: +5 to strike ground targets(Aircraft are only +2 to strike)

g) PS/FC ‘Black Talon’ Light SAMs---PS’s ‘brilliant’ mini-missile.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 4 shot pod per hardpoint
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again)

h)PS PTT-M20B Missile Rifle/Pod---Rather than carry a standard aviation-style missile pod, this box-style ‘missile rifle’ can be carried instead. An extremely popular CS knockoff, especially among pilots who plan on going up against flights of SAMAS, or other aircraft. The range and additional laser targeting system for the mini-missiles makes it a more effective and attractive weapon for use against hard to hit power armors or aircraft, but it is still popular against armor. Otherwise it is the same, right down to the laser and the pistol handgrips, and has the advantage of being able to be detached from the Yellowjacket’s undercarriage and being used by power armor, cyborgs, and exceptionally strong beings.
Range: (Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type,
(Laser)2000 feet
Damage: (Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
(Laser) 2d6 MDC per shot
Rate of Fire: (Mini-Missiles)Volleys of 1, 2, or 4 for the missiles,
(Laser) Single shots (EGCHH)with laser.
Payload: (Mini-Missiles)20 missiles total (10 per tube),
(Laser) Effectively unlimited shots when attached to a vehicle
Bonuses: +1 to strike from laser targeting

i) PSAGL-40B Automatic Grenade Launcher
Range: 7,000 ft
Damage: Identical to the WI-GL20;
Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius,
and Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius.
A 3 round burst of frag shells does 1d4x10 to a 15 foot radius,
a burst of 3 AP shells does 2d4x10 to a 5 foot radius,
and a burst of 3 plasma shells does 3d4x10 to an 8 foot blast radius
A 5 round burst of frag shells does 1d6x10 to a 20 foot radius,
a burst of 5 AP shells does 2d6x10 to a 6 foot area,
and a burst of 5 plasma shells does 3d6x10 to a 10 foot radius.
A 10 round burst of frag shells does 2d6x10 to a 40-foot radius.
A 10 round AP burst does 3d6x10 to an 8-foot area,
and a 10 round plasma burst does 4d6x10+10 to a 15-foot radius!!
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 250 round belt

j) PS-M136 7.62mm Minigun
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 6d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst, 8d6x10 SDC per 20 rd burst, 1d4 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1 MD single shot, 1d10 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d10 MD per 20 rd burst, 1d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d6 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d6 MD per 40 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 6,000 rpm(or 1,500 rounds per melee)
Payload: 4,000-rd belt

k) Light Autocannon---The 20mm Taskin Rifle, mounted in a vehicle pod
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD single shot
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
(Super-HEX) 4d4 MD single shot
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC single shot (1d4x10 HP to vampires)
2d4x10 SDC MD per 5 rd burst (2d4x10 HP to vampires)
6d6 MD per 10 rd burst (3d6x10 HP to vampires)
(Crowd Control rds)humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload:500 rd magazine
Cost: 20,000 credits

l) Light Gunpod----Light Rail Gun---A copy of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:400 rd drum(20 bursts)

m)IH-100 Rail Gun (PS-100)
Range: 4, 000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 12,000 rd drum(200 bursts)
Cost: 80,000 credits

n) KTH-65 32mm Assault Rail Gun (Raven)(2, Sponson-mounted)----Designed with the needs of a heavy infantry squad in mind, Kera-Tech Industries developed the KTH-65 for long range combat in both atmosphere and in space. the KTH-65 can penetrate most any known armour with ease with a high-velocity burst. With the enhanced capability of variable rounds, numerous different combat roles can be filled by the KTH-65. The weapon is also manufactured under license by Paladin Steel on the East Coast.
Mega-Damage: Varies by shell type
Shell Types:
APFS-DU (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized, Depleted Uranium) - 5D6x10, no
blast radius
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) - 5D6 MD plus 5D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
HE (High Explosive) 1D6x10 to a 5 (16ft) radius
HEG (High Explosive, Guided) - 2D6x10 to a 2m (7ft) radius
Rate of Fire: single shots, ECHH
Maxium Effective Range: 1600m (1 mile) in atmosphere
Payload: 60 rds each

o)Sprayer Pod---This liquid storage pod deploys two diffusers from the back to spray chemicals from the back. This is typically used to control agricultural pests(if the infestation is too great, the ‘copter crew typically fires the affected field), crowd control, firefighting, or other vermin management roles.
Range: Depending on wind and altitude, the helicopter can spray a 100 foot wide swath at maximum dispersal.
Damage: Varies by chemical type. If using water, typically does 4d6 HP to vampires(‘Bless the tank, Holy Father!”).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 gallons
Cost: 10,000 credits

3) Fuselage Module---Mounted behind the cockpit and under the main fuselage, straddled by the wings, is a heavy mounting point for a large module that can be outfitted for cargo, additional avionics, or air-drop ordnance.
a) Troop Carrier---Can carry 6 troops, instead of the two external rack power armors nornally carried.

b) Minelayer/Sensor Deployer----The standard PS mine is the PS-MATS/20 anti-armor mine(8.8 lbs) and the PS-TS/100 anti-personnel mine(.42 lbs), both of which have a plastic casing that resists detection by standard metal detectors. Super-hard ceramics have replaced what little metal would be used in the detonator systems, and any remaining metal is made of non-magnetic types, or else heavily shielded by the composite shell.
The standard heavy dispenser system is the Type 10 dispenser box, a 3 ton multi-tube dispenser that is typically slung under a helicopter or hovercraft/VTOL, and which carries either 1,536 anti-personnel mines, or 128 anti-armor mines. The PixieHawk fairly staggers in the air carrying this massive dispenser(cut speed and altitude by HALF, and no bonuses to dodge) so it more commonly carries the lighter Type 5, with HALF that number of munitions.
*PS-MATS/20 Anti-Armor Mine
Weight: 8 lbs
Damage: 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
Cost: 800 credits
*PS-TS/100 Anti-Personnel Minelet
Weight: .42 lbs
Damage: 4d6 MD to 15 ft area
Cost: 300 credits

c) SAW---Stand-off Attack Weapon, for ground attack. Basically, this is a large LRM-sized pod with maneuvering thrusters, auto-pilot guidance system, and fold-out glide wings, that is designed to overfly a target zone and launch cluster munitions over it, in a bombing pattern. These submunitions can range from golf-ball-sized antipersonnel grenades, runway cratering shells, area denial mines, chemical shells, or even carbon-fiber ‘angel hair’ electrical disruption spools. PS is also working on using SAWs to deploy Kera-Tech style EMP weapons and other specialized munitions.
Weight: 1,100 lbs
Range: SAW has an effective range of 20 miles in atmosphere Submunitions can be launched up to 300 ft out to either side of the SAW’s flight path.
Damage: (AP Grenade) 4d6 MD to 8 ft area
(Chemical Grenade) Varies by chemical type and atmospheric conditions. A chemical grenade will generally generate a cloud of aerosol 15 ft in radius.
(HE Shell) 5d6 MD to 20 ft area
(Fragmentation Mine) 4d6 MD to 12 ft area
(Incendiary Bomb) Does 4d6 MD to 40 ft area, does an additional 2d6 MD for 1d6 melees, and 1d6 MD per melee for an additional 2d4 melees
(Angel Hair)---Does NO damage, but against conventional power generators and uncovered power lines and distribution systems, it can short out power grids, clog generator air intakes(80% effectiveness against industrial generators and internal combustion engines), and be a general nuisance to clean up.
Rate of Fire: A SAW can volley its submunitions in any combination
Payload:(Typical loadouts)
400 AP/Chemical grenades
100 HE/anti-vehicle grenades
100 Fragmentation Mines
50 Incendiary Bombs
500 spools of wire, each spool holding up to 4,000 ft of aluminum-coated filament

d) Jammer Pod------15 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover). Carrying extra jammer pods does NOT increase the range or effective bonuses of the system, but may provide redundancy and multi-wavelength coverage.
Cost:75,000 credits

d) Cargo Pod---Can carry up to 1.2 tons of cargo

e) Heavy Sprayer Pod---Same as above, but with x4 the capacity.

4) Flare/Chaff Launchers(2, one in each tail boom)
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher

*GMR-AHA-12(TW)---TechnoWizardry-enhanced variant, using secondary magical systems for both passive propulsion and mystic stealth.
-TW Powerstone PPE Generator/Battery (‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
-Ley Line Flier---Can fly just about forever on a ley line
-Ley Line Booster---Double speed on a ley line

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of pre-programmed ariel manuevars(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similiar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation

*Flicker-Dodge---A special capability, and one of FA’s signature creations: an application of the Astral Hole spell. This allows the aircraft to quickly dodge out of sight/reality, for a few seconds, or move up to 2000 ft sideways, up, down, or backwards , with a +2 to dodge while doing so. Typically, an aircraft can engage this system 6 times before needing to recharge the system on a Ley Line(takes about 24 hours), or the pilot can pump in 120 PPE per “flicker-dodge”.

*Mystical Stealth System----Renders the aircraft silent and invisible, even during the day. Great for evading detection, surveillance, and tailing, but the moment the aircraft takes any sort of aggressive manuever, the stealth drops and the aircraft can be readily detected. Costs 20 PPE per 3 minutes of activation.

*NIghtcloak System(Fitted to Night-Fighter variants)---Effective only at night, this system renders the aircraft virtuallly invisible in darkness; enemies are -6 to strike, -4 to dodge. Costs 10 PPE per 30 minutes.

*Impervious to Energy( 5 minutes per 20 PPE)
*Protective Energy Field(50 MDC per 10 PPE, 10 minutes per 10 PPE)
*Leyline Booster(Accelerates the jet up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)
*PPE Detector Optics----This is a combined radar-and-helmet-optics array that allows the pilot to detect PPE auras(such as those exhibited by magically-cloaked vehicles or monsters). Given the Crusader’s air-intercept role, this capability was seen as essential in the magic-rich Rifts Earth aerial battlefield. Range: 5,000 ft, line of sight.

Cost: 25 million credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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*SPECTRUM ROSE---Optical Skin Bio-Mod
(aka ‘Flashdancer’, ‘Skindancer’)
(PU2 budget of 9 million per operative)

“I thought we weren’t doing vanity bio-mods? The ‘slippery slope that cheapens biological integrity’, remember?”
“Hardly vanity. We want to talk to the J!Ng directly, negotiate with the Photia
and the Limni-Ossan, we’re going to have to talk their language, and they communicate with light.”
“...and the subcutaneous armor?”
“Some of the negotiations are VERY sensitive. There are factions out there that don’t want us talking in ANY form to the J!Ng or any of the others. It makes good sense to protect our negotiators without having to encumber them with obvious weaponry or armor.”

“In a tiger-stripe mood today are you?”

“You got your asses kicked again, didn’t you? Simple bounty tranq-and-bag mission and you screwed up again! Big party, plenty of noise and distraction, you shoulda been in and out! But again you drag back here, empty-handed! You took your eyes off the dancers didn’t you? How many times have I told you; when you’re hunting in the GNE don’t take your eyes off ANYTHING! The mailmen, the garbagemen, the kids, the streetwalkers can all kick your ass! Even the strippers got more firepower than you!”
“...the problem is...we DIDN’T take our eyes off the dancers....I’m going to need some money for polarizing eye implants.....”

“Putting on a show for the Malith was both challenging, exhausting, and borderline dangerous, but the ambassador assured us that it was necessary if we wanted to clench the treaty. The Malith are aquatic and nocturnal, so we all took a crash course in swimming and water ballet, and learning to use little gill-breather masks. Those things barely give one enough air even without strenuous exercise, but scuba tanks would have seriously hindered us, so we had to make do. So we wound up dancing in dark water to an audience of giant squid. From a physical and choreographic standpoint it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and that includes zero-gee ballet. It was also the eeriest; what with the darkness, the muffled noise, the barely-seen audience....but I’ve never seen an audience respond so....I didn’t need a translator to tell me the Malith were pleased with our performance; their bioluminescent display in return was proof enough. The company might have gotten the treaty, but we got fireworks.”

“Will you PLEASE quit flashing me? You’re giving me a headache!”
“Can’t....I forgot to get dressed this morning!....I didn’t just say that out loud, did I?”

“You know, we combine our act with the Roane Pipers, maybe a Shaper or two for comedy, and we’ll make back our layout for the gene-mods EASILY!”

SPECTRUM ROSE is a bio-aug that modifies the recipient’s skin into an optical manipulation organ of great versatility. The bio-mod rebuilds the person’s skin to feature several new layers, including a subcutaneous mesh ‘armor’, several layers of chromotropic cells similar to those found in cuttlefish and octopi, and another layer of bioluminescent cells similar to fireflies’. With practice, the bio-mod can disguise themselves like a chameleon, outshine arc-lights, and even imitate patterns of clothing on their skin.
Though some regard the bio-mod as an amplification of PS’s earlier TOPAZ LACE stealth aug-package, SPECTRUM ROSE’s main attraction is to more cosmopolitan travelers, better funded entertainers and artists. Officially, the GNE Armed Services and various government agencies regard SPECTRUM ROSE conversions as ‘vanity-augs’ like NEKO RED, BUNNY BLUE and BLACK REMUS and accept them into service only on a case-by-case basis. GNE diplomats specializing in communications with species using skin cues and photo-optical language have been known to take SPECTRUM ROSE as their aug. Several large media organizations in the GNE and its affiliates have shelled out for outfitting performance troupes(and special forces units masquerading as performing troupes) with the bio-mods, to varying effect as the performers find new ways of using the special abilities in their acts.
The Altess have expressed an interest in the SPECTRUM ROSE process, not for themselves of course, but for their hired servants and performers. SPECTRUM ROSE converts also get along famously with Laser Mages and solar-oriented psychics and practitioners, as well as other performing professions such as Ludicrous Mages.

-Chameleon Skin----SPECTRUM ROSEs can manipulate their skin pigments, from simple changes in skin tan and tone, to various multi-spectral patterns, to imitating their surroundings. 90% undetectable if holding still, 70% if moving at 2 feet per melee or less, 20% if moving at 6 ft per melee, and the effect is lost if the person is moving any faster. The operative can feign death with 5 minutes of preparation and maintain the illusion for 10 minutes per level of experience. Natural Prowl skill is 60%+5% per level of experience, +10% to disguise and impersonation skills. To make maximum use of this ability, the operative must wear as little as possible, typically a g-string, at most bikini briefs and a halter top. PS also makes transparent/selective opacity Skinsuits available to operatives.

- Thermal Stealth/Shielding----The enhanced skin effectively acts as improved insulation; heat- and cold-based attacks do HALF damage, and the recipient is effectively immune to normal extremes of hot and cold. The bio-mod can also ‘go dark’, altering their thermal signature(has only a 25% chance of showing up on thermal sensors), though only for a limited amount of time(DOUBLE their PE in minutes) before they need to drop the thermal cloak and radiate accumulated body heat.

-Glowbug-----Advanced bioluminescence cells in the skin can ramp up to arc-light intensity, making it difficult for those without eye protection to look directly at the person. Attackers are -3 to strike in hand to hand combat, and -5 t strike using long range weapons using a scope. Called shots are impossible. Opponents are also -2 to parry the incredibly BRIGHT character’s melee attacks.

---Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The SPECTRUM ROSE mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Lightning Reflexes---The same advanced perception and fine nervous control that allows for rapid skin coloration control also amps the bio-mod’s reflexes. +3 initiative, +1 disarm, +3 pull punch, +2 roll, +2d4 Speed, +1 APM, automatic dodge(+3), and W.P. Paired Weapons

-Energy Resistance---Even under normal circumstances, the SPECTRUM ROSE bio-mod is resistant to energy damage, taking HALF damage from lasers (the chromatropes can actually create a mirror surface_), fire, heat, radiation(the same cells can reflect heat and screen radiation to a degree), and electricity(magic still does FULL damage). Useful to have when working with especially bright lighting over overly powerful laser special effects.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a SPECTRUM ROSE aug is physically optimized; they are icons of (literally) glowing good health. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

--Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Other Bonuses:
-SPECTRUM ROSEs are effectively immune to skin cancers, diseases, and UV damage.

-Open Slot:---Because SPECTRUM ROSE is late in the bio-mod program, it can take advantage of a greater ‘menu’ of augmentations that can be compounded into the overall package. T he SPECTRUM ROSE operative can choose one of the following:
-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---Paladin Steel’s biotechs seem to believe that the easiest way to survive damage is to not be hit; that, and lay down hurt on the OTHER guy faster than he can lay down hurt on YOU. Increase P.P. to 22, +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity. The character is also ambidextrous(and SPECTRUM ROSE jugglers can be very impressive).
-Increased Leaping Ability---The SPECTRUM ROSE aug can perform leaps that would make a ballerina or an Olympic athlete weep with envy; 30 ft across+5 ft per level of experience, half that vertically. Kicks do +2d6 damage, and +1 to strike/disarm with kick attacks.
-Phenomenal Balance---The SPECTRUM ROSE aug can fire a gun while moving, hanging upside down, leaping, or walking a tightrope, without penalty. +3 to roll, +2 dodge, +20% to Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and Climbing.

Total bonuses:
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience, + combined Hit Points and SDC.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+2 APM
+5 on initiative
+1 disarm
+3 pull punch
+2 roll
Automatic dodge(+3)
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary
*+1d6+1d4+5 P.E.
Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6+2d4 SPD
+4 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+2 save versus possession
Natural Prowl skill is 60%+5% per level of experience
+10% to disguise and impersonation skills
W.P. Paired Weapons
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Harker’ Multi-Armament Vampire Antagonizer
(aka ‘Wet Willy, ‘Vampire Tickler’)

“Time for your shower, vamp-boy, you’re looking long overdue for a bath.”

A variant of the ‘Attilus’ TW Combat Gauntlet, the MAVA is designed with slaying vampires in mind. While retaining the powerstone PPE generator, the MAVA replaces the plasma function with a mystical water sprayer, enhances the laser with other light spells, and replaces the projectile launchers with stake launchers. A pair of silver-plated vibroblades are also incorporated into the design, and extra sharp silver studding or a Silverize spell can be added to the vambrace and shoulder pads for close combat with supernatural creatures vulnerable to silver.
The ‘Harker’, despite its price tag, is proving popular with vampire hunters. Incorporated into body armor, the MAVA is seeing a spike in sales in the New West.

Weight: 8 lbs
MDC: 50
(Water Blast)160 ft
(Sunlight Laser Blast) 800 ft
(Spinning/VibroBlades) Melee when just the vibroblades are in use. When activated, the Spinning Blades spell can reach 300 ft away, used offensively. If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 700 ft.
(Megadamage Haymaker Punch)Melee.
(Water Blast)5d6 MD per shot, and can only be dodged on an 18 or better. 2d4x10 HP to vampires.
(Sunlight Laser Blast)1d6+8 MD per blast, double damage to beings sensitive to sunlight, 5d6 HP to vampires.
(Spinning/VibroBlades)2d4 MD for the twin vibroblades.
When activated, the Spinning Blades spell produces 7 blades that each do 1d6 MD each(regardless of what the blade was/does originally) in defensive mode(+6 to parry, +2 to parry energy attacks) or 2d6x7 MD in offensive ‘buzzsaw’ mode(enemy CANNOT parry).
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact.

(Megadamage Haymaker Punch) 2d6 MD and is +1 to strike
Rate of Fire: ECHH
(Water Blast) 5 PPE per shot
(Sunlight Laser Blast)5 PPE per shot
(Spinning Blades)10 PPE for 7 melee rounds
(Megadamage Haymaker Punch) 5 PPE per punch
PPE Capacity:(Medium)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 2 PPE per hour, 10 PPE/hour at a leyline, 20 PPE/hour on a nexus or in a dimensional pyramid
Note: The device accepts PPE clips or the user can pump his or her own PPE or ISP into the weapon to recharge it an emergency, but at DOUBLE the above listed PPE cost(x4 if ISP; so 10 PPE battery shot takes 20 PPE/40 ISP to manually recharge)

Special Features:
*Muscle Amplification---The myomer fibers in the sleeve give a bonus of +4 to P.S., plus Damage Resistance---The tensor network of the suit actually helps redistribute the force of blunt force damage(both SDC and MDC, though the damage applies first to any armor worn over it), reducing it by HALF.

Cost: 260,500 credits

*Studding---Sharp spikes or studs can be added to the gauntlet/armature, similar to cyborg spikes and blades. Ordinary studs add a +1d6 SDC to punches and body blocks, while vibro-spikes add 1d6 MD each(maximum of 3d4 MD to a punch/strike).
Cost: + 1,200 credits for regular studs/spikes(+600 credits for silver-plating), 3,000 credits per vibrospikes.

*(Spell)Silverize---Temporarily mystically coats the MAVA with a layer of silver:
PPE Cost: 10 PPE/20 ISP per activation
Duration: Baseline 5 minutes per activation
Damage: Treat the weapon now as silver-plated; does DOUBLE damage to those vulnerable to silver. This effect extends to the Spinning Blades, even when fired as projectiles.
Cost: +12,000 credits +500 credits per 5 minutes duration

*(Spell)Vacuum---A modified Air Elemental spell meant to trap vampires in mist form, by drawing them into a low pressure area in front of the MAVA until they either re-solidify or other weapons can be brought to play against them. It also has suffocation properties identical to the standard Air Elemental Warlock spell. Range of 25 ft, covers a 2 ft wide area, and lasts 5 minutes. Costs 20 PPE per activation.
Cost: +250,000 credits

*Water Sword Interface---Paladin Steel cut a licensing deal with Arzno Weapons(See Kingdom of Arzno by Jason Richards) to incorporate aspects of their TWW-1000 into the MAVA design(they couldn’t get license to build the actual TWW-1000). For an additional 8,000 credits, the MAVA can be fitted with an interface device that allows an TWW-1000 that’s held in the gauntlet’s grip to run for an additional 5 minutes per charge(that’s in increase in duration of 50%).

*(Spell) Mystic Throwing Pitch---DOUBLES normal throwing range(remember to factor in exoskeleton PS bonus) +210 ft. +2 points of damage to the thrown object’s, and targets dodge/parry at -3. PPE Cost: 3 PPE per throw. Cost: 30,000 credits

*(Spell)Splinter-Caster----By holding a wood branch or stake(at least six inches long), the MAVA wearer can cause the stick to shed and fire wooden projectiles.
Range: 100 ft
Damage: 1d4 SDC(1d4 HP against vampires)
Duration: 5 minutes. Once fired, the splinters last 5 minutes.
PPE: 3 PPE per activation
Cost: 32,500 credits

*(Spell)Globe of Daylight--- The MAVA can be modified to form and ‘throw’ a ball of mystic sunlight that burns and repels vampires and other creatures of darkness. Range: 60 ft and illuminates an area 60 ft in diameter. Costs 1 PPE for 15 minutes of light. Cost: 12,500 credits

*(Spell)Starburst---Throws a much brighter and more energetic flare of energy at targets. 210 ft range, 3d6 MD + temporary blindness; unless eyes are shielded, victims are temporarily blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and other combat moves) for 1 melee round, + 7 seconds per additional Starburst fired at them in the same melee round. Targets are -2 to dodge. Vampires suffer an additional 1d6 damage and are blinded twice as long. PPE Cost: 6 PPE per shot. Cost: 63,500 credits

*Sense Evil---The PPE crystal can flash red if supernatural evil entities approach within a 90 ft radius. Cost: 10,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Senturi’ Hovercar

“The Senturi maneuvers like a fighter in the air with its fans fully deployed; it can sidestep and scraper-drift like an AG-pod, and it’s light on the controls. Real nice handling if you’re on a pursuit and your mark’s trying to lose you. The downside is, the Senturi ain’t a fetch-and-carry wagon. If you do manage to bring down a bounty, unless you can trust your personal restraints enough to lock your live-bag in the trunk, you better call a haul-away to truck your bounty-head off .”
---Felixx XXann, Skip-Tracer

Paladin Steel isn’t known for producing aesthetically-pleasing vehicles, at least not on its own or without a large dollop of help. When PS attempts to appeal to a more upscale market, more often than not it turns to mining Earth’s past for design lines with flair. Of course, they then transform the design with working innards and a catalogue-full of options based on post-Rifts technologies, but the first glance, the first impression, is often based on somebody else’s(often a long-dead somebody else’s) aesthetic hand.
Such is the case with the Paladin Steel ‘Senturi’ , a modern hovercar based on the general layout of a pre-Rifts concept car, the Peugeot Proxima. The most striking design format change is the changeover to a hovercar ; this is made most apparent in the rear ‘wheels’ that look normal until the car switches to high speed flight. Then, the rear sidebody fenders lift up, the rear wheels rotate out on armatures and swivel back to become high speed thrusters. A small internal -G coil provides lift, while the wheel -fans provide propulsion. The original fiberglass and light alloy body has been replaced with one of tough fibersteel composite, the aerial capabilities of the hovercar being the excuse for the switch to lightweight, but tough, megadamage materials. With its eye on both the civilian and the civilian-adventurer market, PS made the powerplant modular; the Senturi comes initially with the choice of either a high-capacity battery and electric engine, or a mini fusion reactor. Control is by military-grade FBF(Fly-BY-Fiberoptic) and an advanced autopilot system.
As with just about ANY Paladin Steel-made(or Rifts Earth-made) vehicle, the Senturi is built tough and reliable, and its large catalogue of options includes quite a few systems that make it combat-capable, though it is NOT recommended as a frontline combat unit.
Like other ‘luxury’ items, the Senturi hasn’t done well in sales on Rifts Earth(the CS outright bans PS sales in its territories, and both the NGR and Republic of Japan are fiercely protective of their native industries) and faces an uphill battle in the markets of the Three Galaxies. Among those in the know, such as bountyhunters and skiptracers, however, the Senturi is acquiring a reputation as a ‘merc’s joyride’, allowing them to travel in style and greater comfort through more civilized regions of the Megaverse, without sacrificing the protection and firepower of a more overtly combat-oriented paramilitary vehicle.

Type: PS-HC021 ‘Senturi’
Class: Hovercar
Crew: 1+1 passenger. Two more can fit behind the front seats, but conditions will be cramped.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 100
Windshield Canopy 50
Front Wheels/Hover Thrusters(2) 15 each
Rear Hover Thrusters(2) 25 each
Height: 4 ft
Width: 6.75 ft
Length: 14.5 ft
Weight: 2,500 lbs
Cargo: Glove compartment and back storage bay(2x2x5 ft)
Powerplant: Battery-Electric (180 mile range) or Nuclear(10 year energy life)
Speed:(Wheels) 120 MPH
(Hoverjets) 220 MPH, maximum altitude of 1,000 ft
Market Cost: 500,000 credits for electric, 1.2 million credits for nuclear(10 year energy life), 1.9 million credits for technowizardry
Systems of Note:
*Basic Dashboard Instrumentation; Speed, Altitude, Power Indicator, Repulsion Field Strength Gauge
*Rearview Video Cameras
*Collision-Warning System/Motion Detector(50 ft range)

Weapons Systems: None standard, but two slots in the forward body can be fitted with weapons systems. These are typically cyborg forearm weapons, but the following are also available from Paladin Steel(and quite popular):
a)P-630 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
Range: 2,653 m (7,900 ft)
Damage:(5.56mm) 5d6 SDC single shot or 2d4x10 SDC per 3 shot burst at ranges under 3,000 ft, 3d6 SDC or 6d6 SDC per 3 rd burst beyond 3,000 ft .
(PSX-1) 1d6 MD per single shot or 3d6 MD per 3 shot burst(no damage reduction)
Can use any standard 5.56 mm-format specialized munitions, including explosive rounds and megadamage armor-piercers.
Rate of Fire: Selective fire; bursts of 5, 10, 20, 30, or 50 rds.
Payload: 100-150 Belt or box feed
Cost: 3,800 credits

b) 7.62mm GPMG M44-MAG General Purpose Machine Gun
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 6d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1 MD single shot, 1d10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 600 rpm
Payload: 250-rd belt or 75-rd saddle drum
Cost: 8,000 credits

c)13mm GyroJet
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(Solid Penetrator)4d4 MD at 200 ft or less, 1d6 MD out to 2,000 ft.
A three-shot burst does 8d6 MD at 200 ft or less, 3d6 MD out to 2,000 ft.
(Explosive) 3d6 MD per round regardless of range. A burst of three rounds does 9d6 MD(!).
Rate of Fire: Standard; single shot or burst, as per standard burst rules
Payload: 12 shot clip or 25 rd drum.
Cost: 11,000 credits for the gun. 1,000 credits per case of 50 Penetrator rounds, 2,000 credits for explosive.
*Drum Magazine(25 rds). Cost: 600 credits

d) 20mm Cannon
Range:(20mm)3,000 ft (1,500 ft for wood rounds)
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PS-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC per round (1d6x10 HP to vampires)
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airbursts are not possible with wooden rounds
(20mm PSX-2)
4d6 MD single rd
2d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: (20mm)Standard.
Payload: 200 rds,
Cost: 20,000 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ rds costs 800 credits
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-1 rds costs 3000 credits(after 110 PA, this drops to 2,000 credits)
A box of 100 20 mm ‘smart’ PSX-2 rds costs 3200 credits

e) BAR2 Light Rail Gun
Range: 2,600 ft
Damage:(SDC) 3d6+1 per single shot
(MD)4d6 MD per single shot, 1d6x10+4 MD per 5 rd burst
Note: Can chamber specialized rail gun ammunition, such as silver and wood rounds.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 500 rd box magazine
Cost: 29,000 credits

f) Light Rail Gun(PS-RFRG200)---PS copy of the C-200 ‘Dead Man’ Rail Gun
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,000 rd drum per cannon
Cost: 70,000 credits

g) Micro-Missiles----25 shot pod
Cost: 40,000 credits for the launcher

h) Neural Disrupter Blaster---A knockoff of a Northern Gun weapon(industrial espionage being alive and well), but tweaked for greater efficiency and range. Nicknamed the ‘nerve blaster’ and the ‘brain sandblaster’ for its brute force approach to taking people down. NOT recommended for gentle persuasion or use on children, elders, or other innocent bystanders.
Range: 1,400 ft
Damage: (Setting One) 2d6 SDC and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save the target is -3 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A FAILED save means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to ONE, skill performance is -60%, -90% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 1d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
(Setting Two) Does 2d6x10 SDC(or 1 MD), and victim must roll versus non-lethal poison(16 or better). On a successful save an augmented human(oid) is -5 to strike, parry, dodge, and loses initiative and 1 APM for 1d4 melee rounds. A successful save by UNaugmented human(oid)s results in -10 to strike, parry, dodge, lose initiative and is reduced to 1 APM, skill performance is -80%, speed reduced 95%, and suffer painful convulsions doing 1d6 SDC per melee for 2d4 MINUTES.
A FAILED save by augmented human(oid)s means the target is -7 to all actions, loses initiative, reduce APMs to TWO, skill performance is -60%, -80% to Speed, and suffers convulsions that do 4d6 SDC per round for 2d4 melee rounds.
Note: Works through most body armor up to 50 MDC. Those in armor protection of 51-80 MDC are +6 to save. Those in heavier armor, power armor, full conversion cyborgs, vehicles, robots, or who are MegaJuicers or Dragons are impervious.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 18 shots standard E-clip, 24 shots long e-clip, 50 shots canister-clip. Effectively unlimited hitched up to a nuclear power plant.
Cost: 55,000 credits

i)Stun Blaster
Weight: 3 lbs
Range:(Stun Blast) 100 ft
Damage:(Stun Blast) Roll versus non-lethal poison or be -10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:(Stun Blast) 12 shots per e-clip. Effectively unlimited hitched up to a nuclear power plant.
Cost: 4,000 credits

j) Sonic Rifle---Modified ‘Strakker’ sonic SMG, without the higher-powered MD capability.
Range: 200 ft i
Damage: 4d6 SDC per blast
Area of effect ‘shotgun’ blast: Half damage to a 10 ft wide area.
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor.
The sonic vibrations can also be used to set up a resonance in hard armor that can stun or disorient living beings. Humans(and those most like them) will find these subsonic vibrations particularly irritating, the barely audible buzzing setting up painful discordance in their eardrums and auditory apparatus. Beings with enhanced hearing are particularly vulnerable to this attack(DOUBLE penalties and duration of effects). Cyborgs and those with baffled hearing implants will NOT be affected by this.
Save versus psionic attack(12 or better) or be -1d4 to initiative, HALF all bonuses to strike/parry/dodge, and -1d4 to Maintain Balance for 1d6 melees. Roll under P.E. or fall unconscious for 1d6 melees.
Power Armor and EBA-wearers will be more susceptible to the effects of resonance, owing to their close proximity to the materials being affected. The effects are greatly diminished to occupants on a vehicle owing to the many interior structures that serve to dissipate and insulate the sound waves.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 300-shot E-clip, 500 shots from a long E-clip. Effectively unlimited hitched up to a nuclear power plant.
Cost: 80,0000 credits

k) Kinetic Shock Projector---aka ‘Knockdown Gun’ that uses a modified gravitonic pulse to project a ‘knuckle’ of force that hits like an invisible truck. Essentially a carbine form of the EM Vortex Pistol/Rifle line, without an MD scattershot mode. Typically the MD shot mode is disabled for police work(unlocking the weapon requires installation of a special encoded chip).
Range: (EM Bolt) 900 ft
(SDC Shot) 900 ft
(Stun Vortice) 500 ft
Damage:(EM Bolt) 3d6 MD per shot
(SDC Shot) 4d6 SDC per bolt
(Stun Vortice) None; has 80% chance of knocking down human-sized targets(lose initiative and 1 action/attack getting up), plus 60% chance of knocking them out, stunning them with concussion effects(-10 to strike, parry, roll, and dodge, lose initiative, lose HALF speed and actions/attacks for 1d4 melees!)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:(EM Bolt) 10 shots per standard e-clip, 30 shots long e-clip
(SDC Shot) 6 SDC shots equal 1 MDC shot
(Stun Vortice) 6 Stun Vortices equals 1 MDC shot
Effectively unlimited hitched up to a nuclear power plant.
Cost: 23,000 credits

l) Stun Blaster----Copied from the Japanese AT-23 Stun Rifle:
Range: 800 ft
Damage:(Setting One) ‘Soft’ setting; used against children, weak, elderly, sickly. 1d6 SDC.
(Setting Two) Moderate: 2d6 SDC. Teens, adult in poor to average condition, small to medium-sized animals.
(Setting Three) Heavy; 3d6 SDC. Adults in good condition
(Setting Four) Extreme; 6d6 SDC, recommended against Juicers, Crazies, large animals.
(Setting Five) Maximum power, anti-Juicer: 1d6 MD, crazies, partial/full-con cyborgs, and non-humans
Each setting , the target must save versus non-lethal poison(16 or better; children and small animals need an 18 or better). On a successful save, the target is -1 APM from the jolt, plus takes damage. On an UNsuccessful save, they are -9 to initiative, -7 strike/parry/dodge, and reduce Speed, APMs, and skill performance by HALF. Duration of stun is 2d4 melee rounds, and duration is cumulative with successive hits. There is also a 15% cumulative chance per additional strike of being rendered unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
Being struck by a too low setting for one’s body type means the character suffers little or no effect(+4 to save per level below the appropriate setting). Being struck with a HIGHER setting runs the risk of a +15% chance per level above one’s recommended tolerance setting of being rendered unconscious, provided the target isn’t fatally electrocuted already.
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 20 shots standard E-clip. Effectively unlimited hitched up to a nuclear power plant.
Cost: 25,000 credits

The full range of PS automotive options is available to the Senturi; the following are the more common and popular.

*Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades. +50,000 per 10% for hoverjet systems(actually simpler to upgrade GEV systems past the initial high cost by adding more/bigger jet thrusters).

*Chameoline System---Special fiber optics in the hull can change the color scheme of the ‘car between any one of ten different schemes(programmed in at the time of purchase), including basic camouflage schemes.
Cost: 100,000 credits

*Variable Optical Camouflage Suite---Based on reverse-engineered Naruni and other alien ‘invisibility’ systems, this highly sophisticated system option renders the Peregrine effectively invisible to eyeball and sensor detection.
Bonuses: -20% to opposition Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment rolls; heat sensors are useless
Cost: 1.2 million credits
Note: This system is not always available for sale; only approved affiliates of PS are allowed to purchase this stealth system

*Armor Options---
*Laser Ablative Armor(Option)---PS laser-ablative ceramic, based on alien materials. Lasers do HALF damage. VFLs can NOT adjust to compensate. As an added bonus, Arkhon triphase weapons do 1/10 less damage.
----Cost:+800,000 credits(Rarely available to outsiders)
*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +1 million credits
*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
----Cost: +1.1 million credits

*Electro-Shock Security System----Special contacts in the skin of the vehicle can be electrically charged to deliver a taser-like shock to anyone attempting to break into the vehicle. Alternatively, the system can be set to dump most of its power into a vaporizing megadamage shock blast, though this tends to drain the batteries far faster. CANNOT be mounted on top of Applique Armor.
Range: 3 ft
Damage: 3d6 SDC plus Humanoids struck with this weapon must save
vs. coma or be shocked unconscious for 1D6 minutes.
(MD ) The higher end setting does 1d6 MD per shock
Payload: 20 SDC (2 Megadamage charges) charge battery(recharges off the conventional powerplant at one SDC blast per 5 minutes), or unlimited if linked to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 3,000 credits

*Leaper Leather Upholstery---This is typical of many specialized luxury options(others include Dire Wolf Fur, Tyrannosaur leather, and Chimaera pelt) offered for the more exotic-minded. This came about as a result of a skinner who found a way to render Gring Leaper hide(see Rifts: New West) soft and supple(it takes several hours of soaking in varying concentrations of acids and bleaching agents), while still retaining its megadamage properties(though it’s too soft to make good armor). When the man moved to Paladin Steel West, he sold the proccess to PS, who started industrial scale harvesting and proccessing, in an effort to clear western lands of the mosntrousities. The leather produced has a rich, iridescent dark green color, and a soft pliability that is resistant to scuffing, water, and fire damage.
Upholstering the interior of a standard -sized car will cost roughly 8,000 credits.

*Stereo System---What’s a luxury car without a really decent sound system? Pretty pathetic, that’s what! Pre-Rifts folks wouldn’t recognize the name of the stereo system, but it’s top of the line for the post-Rifts world.
Cost: 400-800 credits

*TV/Video System---Installs a 7-inch fold-out mini-television video flat-screen, that can display transmissions, or CD/tapes.
Cost: 200 credits

*Holographic Entertainment System---Full 3-D display and entertainment center...comes with Surroundsound. Not advised for the front seat or easily distracted drivers(certainly no monster movies!).
Cost: 900 credits

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end)
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.q. point. Note that the operator can only be controling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Autopilot---Available in both a ‘dumb’ and a ‘smart’ version. Dumb versions will basically just keep the vehicle going straight and level on a pre-set course, never deviating from said course...the ‘dumb’ system will alert the crew if anything trips the sensors or gets in the way, and it can be programmed to stop, or deviate a set distance from course in such events, until the crew can regain/resume control.
A ‘smart’ system is actually an onboard Artificial Intelligence(AI) using PS’s new microtronics AI chips. The ‘smart’ system can actually evade and maneuvar to avoid obstacles, and even anticipate trouble, while remaining on the general course. The ‘smart system’ has a +1 to dodge
Cost: 7,000 credits for the ‘dumb’ version, 12,000 credits for the ‘smart’ Auto-Pilot
For an additional 8,000 credits, this can be modified with a remote start(triggered by a remote control in the keycard) and a remote ‘recall’ that allows the owner to summon the car to him, and for another 8,000 credits, even command its functions by remote control.

*Onboard Artificial Intelligence---This installs a micro-computer AI that, in addition to monitoring the vehicle’s functions, can also actively scan for problems outside itself, anticipate problems, advise the driver. The OAI is much more responisve than a ‘smart’ autopilot, and is able to plot far more extensive course deviations, even take independant action as it falls within its orders and program parameters. An OAI, for instance, can determine that its operator/passengers are hurt and unable to help themselves(critically wounded by a passing SAMAS, for instance), and the car will begin looking for medical assistance. Most OAIs have a verbal interface, pleasant synthesized voice, and a psuedo-personality, giving them the illusion of ‘life’. An OAI has an IQ-equivalent of 10, and comes with Navigation: Land, Automotive Mechanics, Read Sensory Instruments, Weapons Systems, and Radio: Basic, all at 98%, has 3 actions/attacks per melee . Additional specialized programming may be added as the buyer/owner specifies...many owners program theiir cars to be able to sing or read.
Anything more sophisticated than this, and the buyer is best off using the Robot Creation Tables from Rifts Sourcebook One or Heroes Unlimited.
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Enhanced Sensors---Extends the range of the onboard standard sensors by 50%.
Cost: 250,000 credits

*Enhanced Communications System-----Extends radio communications out to 300 miles with a retractable antennae.
Cost: 36,000 credits

*Auto-Doc---An onboard medical system that can be quickly hooked up to a passenger to monitor and diagnose life signs, and administer common medications and broad-spectrum drugs. +10% to medical rolls when used by a competent medical technician, or can be considered to have a First Aid skill of 40%.
Cost: 40,000 credits. Drug refills cost extra

*Enhanced Life Support---This feature installs a robot-quality life support system that can recycle air for up to a week
Cost: 500,000 credits

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair
(Master Control): 1,000 credits

*Security/Ambush Restraints---These are designed not to hold people in a crash, but to hold them, period. Specially reinforced shackle-mounts and lock-braces make sure that anyone locked into them ain’t going anywhere until you unlock them.
Ambush retraints deploy instantly from concealment, at a signal(secret control or verbal command)(+4 Entangle strike roll). Combined with an Auto-Doc, this system can be used to administer sedation drugs and keep prisoners from injuring themselves, or calling attention to themselves.
Restraints hold with a PS of 30
Cost: 8,000 credits

*Smuggling Compartments---special sensor-screened(acoustic, thermal-imaging, magnetic) smuggling compartments built into false floors, hollows in the engine spaces, or hollowed out(reinforced) structural members for concealing those special cargoes from prying eyes and cursory probings. Most smuggling compartments are only large enough to hide a small bundle in small cars, but some compartments can hold fairly large contents(one covert operations team fitted their hovercar with a special soundproofed compartment with its own life support and medi-doc system, and used it to smuggle a kidnapped Coalition scientist out of Chi-Town).
Cost:(Small-glove compartment) 8,000 credits
(Medium--Suitcase) 100,000 credits
(Large--Trunk) 500,000 credits

*Parasail System---Great for driving off cliffs, parking garages, and out of aircraft. Also a good backup emergency system if the main flight systems fail in mod-operation at altitude. Automatically stows/packs itself on command.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Submersible---Fits the vehicle for amphibious and underwater operation; watersealing, reinforced hull, sonar, depth guage, and a small hydrojet thruster are all standard with this package.
Speed: 20 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft
Cost: 200,000 credits

*JATO--- Applicable to nuclear and conventionally powered vehicles. This is essentially a Power Booster(nitrous oxide injection system, improved power delivery system, rocket booster, overcharger), and a tuned-up engine to attain higher performance, if only for a few minutes.
Speed: 350 MPH for 1d4 minutes, or adds 100 MPH to an existing flight system, for 1d4 minutes. Cannot be re-engaged for another 2d6 minutes after that(recharge period, cool-down, etc.).
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Super JATO---This feature essentially makes the vehicle into a supersonic-capable aircraft! Must have flight/hoverjet capabilities and a nuclear powerplant to take advantage of this option. Super JATO adds two massive long-endurance boosters to the back of the vehicle, a spoiler wing surface above, and a forward spoiler/canard to the nose, effectively doubling the length of the vehicle.
Speed: The vehicle can now attain Mach 1(680 MPH) for 2d6 minutes, or subsonic speeds near indefinitely
Cost: 400,000 credits

*Stealthing--Fits the car with radar absorbant/invisible materials. Vehicle is now -25% to detect on a Read Sensory Instruments roll with radar. Great when you’re expecting to be speedchecked by the ‘bears’! CANNOT be combined with Chameleon Body or Laser Ablative Armor.
Cost: 1 million credits

*Laser Headlights(1-2)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: Variable settings; 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, or 6d6 MD per gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 250 shot battery per gun. Effectively unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 30,000 credits per gun

*PS-HC021(TW) ----TW version, with the following:
-Leyline Booster(Accelerates the aircraft up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)
-Leyline AutoDrive---Essentially goes on autopilot when on a leyline, cruising at about 40 MPH.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Nor’Easter’ Contra-Gravity Hovervehicle
(aka ‘Skimmer-Trike’, ‘Slingrat’)

“Paladin Steel’s efforts to crack Northern Gun’s viselock on the hovervehicle market continue, and continue to yield good solid designs....and some exotic innovations as well. Northern Gun, though, always seems to stay just one step ahead, with some new design, some new option, or just by dropping their price and appealing to their old customer base to come in and upgrade. It’s a pity, because the Paladin’s efforts are arguably just as good, if not better in some regards, as NG’s designs, and for those of us who have decided not to follow the herd and buy from the Gun, the new hardware coming out of the GNE is well worth it.”

“I said it before and I’ll say it again; I HATE the GNErs and their skeeters. Unless you have the means to carpetbomb every square meter of the front, and maintain the pressure over the entire area, those GNEr raiders will bleed an offensive. Their light fast hover units are like mobile sniper nests; they pop up, fire, more often than not hit, then they run. We tried SAMASes as a counter, but that just invites their damed triple-a weaponry to join the party. If you see one of their damned light units, there’s usually several more waiting out of sight, waiting for you to go in pursuit of the first one, then pounce on you when ypou think you’ve got the action initiative.”

“Quit wasting your ammo trying to zeke those scouts, Malroy. There’s just too many of the damned things. Every farmer, hamlet-trog, and peasant in these parts must be part of the militia and they all got skimmers to eyeball us from. They already know we’re here, cow’s out of the barn on that score. Waste one or two of them, the rest of them out there watching us learn that much more about what we’re packing. No, save your ammo for the heavies that have GOT to be coming up from somewhere out there. Those are the ones that will stand and engage us, and do the real damage.”

“Enjoying the ride? Yeah, this sport-rocket’s a screamer. Wait ‘til I REALLY open up the throttle and we can start cornering mountains!”

A new addition to PS’s long lineup of fast light hovervehicles, the Paladin Steel CGHV-24 Nor'Easter bears a strong resemblance to the pre-Rifts Polaris Slingshot, a three-wheeled sportster vehicle. This resemblance is believed to be more than coincidental; the vehicle was known to have been constructed in the former region of Connecticut pre-Rifts, and the basing of a new vehicle on it would be a gift to the Free State of Connecticut, that portion of the GNE that was made out of the annexed former Baronies of Galedon. Despite being a fully integrated and loyal part of Greater New England, however, large-scale industrial (re)development has lagged behind the rest of the GNE and the rebuilt industries of the region have been agitating for more important and sophisticated projects to prove their mettle, and an advanced new fast skimmer vehicle, especially one based on a Golden Age product of the region, seemed a good idea to boost local pride. The name ‘Nor’Easter’ given to the hovervehicle further suggests a New England connection, and both the speed and ferocity of the new vehicle.
Although the original plan was to produce an updated version of the original design, with all-terrain tires, megadamage frame, and a variety of different powerpacks, PS decided to go higher-scale, especially after their experiences with vehicles such as the PS-SW-01 Skywinder and PS-HC021‘Senturi’. The original ground-traction wheels were replaced with contra-gravity turbofans, a combination of GMR Gravi-Magnetic Resist and Gorang Grav-Prop technologies. These novel propulsion units give the vehicle limited flight capabilities as well as generate a protective forcefield around the Nor'Easter when in operation.
The Nor'Easter itself is a low-slung speedster mounted on three propulsion units, two forward, and a single pusher unit in the rear, behind the seat-backs. Two people sit in the middle of the vehicle, in abreast seating. The Nor'Easter is open-cabin, meaning the riders are exposed to the elements and other hazards, protected only by an armored windshield; body armor is suggested if especially violent environmental weather conditions or combat is expected.
Of course, while the basic Nor'Easter is impressive enough, Paladin Steel has a heap of options for customizing the vehicle to a customer’s desire.
The PS-CGHV-24 Nor’Easter has seen a promising debut onto the market, but whether it can hold that in the face of competition in-house from existing designs like the Merlin, Mako, and Xaos, and the expected marketing reply from Northern Gun, remains to be seen. The PS-CGHV-24 Nor’Easter has already been seen in combat, pressed into duty during the Minion War, serving in ‘hovercavalry’ units alongside the Xaos, Tsen, Merlin, Bat, Skimmer and Sebb hovervehicles, performing recon and raider functions.

Type: PS-CGHV-24 Nor’Easter
Class: Light Contra-Gravity Skimmer
Crew: 1+1 passenger
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 130
Windshields(1-2) 20 for the single windshield or 18 each for the individual windscreens
Headlights(3) 15 each
Grav-Arrays(3) 80 each
Grav Forcefield 100 front, 75 sides, 50 back
Height: 51.9 Inches(4.32 ft.)
Width: 97.6 Inches( 8 ft.)
Length: 149.6 Inches( 12.5 ft.)
Weight: 2,500 lbs
Cargo: Minimal; glove compartment and small space next to each seat that can hold a few personal possessions, sidearm, and survival pack.
Powerplant: Electric(200 mile range), Nuclear( 5 year energy life), or TW
Speed:(Flying) Hover to 270 MPH, maximum altitude 5,000 ft
(Space) It’s not recommended without full EBA or other environmental protection, but the grav-prop propulsion allows the Nor’Easter to fly in space at 2,700 MPH.
Market Cost: 1.3 million credits for Electric(200 mile range) , 2 million credits for Nuclear( 5 year energy life), and 2.7 million credits for TW
Systems of Note:
Basic Dashboard Instrumentation, Normal Light/IR Headlights, mini-radar(5 mile range), Dashboard Gyro-Compass, Dashboard Radio(15 mile range)
Weapons Systems: None standard(see Options)

*Engine Upgrade----A more powerful engine, more efficient power train, and improved transmission can be added, improving overall speed, but at greater expense;
Speed: Can improve top speed by up to 40%
Cost: 120,000 credits per 10% of improvement over base. 300,000 credits for nuclear upgrades. +50,000 per 10% for hoverjet systems(actually simpler to upgrade GEV systems past the initial high cost by adding more/bigger jet thrusters).

*Cyberlink Drive System--Allows a driver with a headjack to ‘jack in’ to the vehicle for more responsive control. This allows the driver to drive without their hands on the wheel(“Look, Mom, no hands!”), and/or to respond with greater speed to road situations. Similar to the system presented in Rifts: Russia, but GNE makes them less expensive(the real expense is in the implant end)
Bonuses: For anyone with the CyberVehicle Link, the following bonuses apply: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike using the vehicle or vehicle-mount weapons, +1 to Dodge, +1 Action/Attack per Melee, Base Driving skill of 45%, or +10% to existing driving skill. Driver can also ‘tweak’ the vehicle’s maximum speed by 1% per I.Q. point. Note that the operator can only be controlling the vehicle while doing other relevant actions(can carry on light conversation, or take a quick bite/drink, but can’t disassemble their weapons or whittle a wooden toy .
To anyone lacking the CVL, there are no bonuses to vehicle operation, but they CAN make minor adjustments to vehicle peripherals’ without using their hands(turning on/off headlights, booting up the stereo, rolling down the electric windows, adjusting the AC, etc...).
Cost: Vehicle installation is 10,000 credits, the cybervehicle link(implant) costs 120,000 credits

*Autopilot---Available in both a ‘dumb’ and a ‘smart’ version. Dumb versions will basically just keep the vehicle going straight and level on a preset course, never deviating from said course...the ‘dumb’ system will alert the crew if anything trips the sensors or gets in the way, and it can be programmed to stop, or deviate a set distance from course in such events, until the crew can regain/resume control.
A ‘smart’ system is actually an onboard Artificial Intelligence(AI) using PS’s new microtronics AI chips. The ‘smart’ system can actually evade and maneuver to avoid obstacles, and even anticipate trouble, while remaining on the general course. The ‘smart system’ has a +1 to dodge
Cost: 7,000 credits for the ‘dumb’ version, 12,000 credits for the ‘smart’ Auto-Pilot
For an additional 8,000 credits, this can be modified with a remote start(triggered by a remote control in the keycard) and a remote ‘recall’ that allows the owner to summon the car to him, and for another 8,000 credits, even command its functions by remote control.

*Crash Control/Safety Restraints/Fire Control System---Reduces the damage that passengers take in a crash by HALF. PS actually offers a 10% discount on other options if this option is taken(hey, auto insurance is sorta ridiculous in monster infested Rifts Earth, but there should be some economic incentives for safety devices...).
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Ejection Seats---Great for last minute bailouts, or, if one decides to take the ‘master control’ option built into a secret control, ejecting unwelcome passengers from the vehicle. Includes auto-deploy restraints and head protector. Typically fire the seat up to 250 ft away; comes standard with zero-altitude capability, so if you leave the kids in the car, folks, while you pick up some groceries, disable the seats first....
Cost: 6,000 credits per chair
(Master Control): 1,000 credits

*JATO--- Applicable to nuclear and conventionally powered vehicles. This is essentially a Power Booster(nitrous oxide injection system, improved power delivery system, rocket booster, overcharger), and a tuned-up engine to attain higher performance, if only for a few minutes.
Speed: 370 MPH, for 1d4 minutes. Cannot be reengaged for another 2d6 minutes after that(recharge period, cool-down, etc.).
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Chaff/Flare Launcher---For those of you afraid of eating a missile from your friendly Coalition Highway Patrol....
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,500 credits for the launcher, 100 credits per bundle

*EM Jammers---Great for blasting through radar traps. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Effective range of 500 ft
Cost: 50,000 credits

*Morphing ‘Armadillo’ Armor---Enfolds the ENTIRE vehicle in articulated armor plates, increasing armor protection, but effectively immobilizing the car. Can only be opened from the outside by special electronic passcode(included in cost)
MDC: +100 MDC when deployed
Cost: 150,000 credits; 80,000 credits for three Glitterboy-style laser pylons that drive into the ground and anchor the vehicle to the ground(takes a Robotic PS of 40 or greater to uproot the vehicle)

*Super-Glo Paint Job(Flare Paint)---A specialized coating of highly reflective and electro-
luminescent paint, typically in Day-Glo Orange, Green, Electric Blue, and Psychodelic....extremely
loud and painfully bright to look at....Lasers do 1/3 normal damage, and the vehicle is extremely
easy to spot and difficult to camouflage. The vehicle also seems to glow at night in any sort of
ambient light.
When charged with an electric current, the paint flash-luminesces, with effects similar to a
Blinding Flash spell
Damage: Unless wearing flash-protection equipment, like polarizing goggles, or otherwise
protected, victims are blinded for 4 melees, and are -5 to strike, -10 to parry and dodge.
Range: Omnidirectional: 100 ft range
Cost: 60,000 credits
(Hypno pinwheel paint job on hubcaps optional)

*Blurr Armor---The Nor'Easter is one of the first PS-made vehicles to be fitted with vehicular blurr-armor:
Bonuses: The faster the vehicle moves, the greater the distortion; at speeds of 15 MPH or less, no bonus, 15-25 MPH; -1 to strike the wearer, 26-60 MPH; -2 to strike, 61-90 MPH; -3 to strike, 91 MPH or greater, -4 to strike. These penalties only apply to visual targeting(Mark One Eyeball).
CAN be combined with Super-Glo Paint Job.
Cost: 90,000 credits

*Sensory Cluster----MDC 80---Has the following sensors:
*Motion Detector--200 ft range
*Laser Illuminator-----6,000 ft range, Designates targets for laser-guided munitions/weapons
*Laser targeting System(+1 to strike)
*Lance Scanner---Looks like a long lance protruding from the front of the craft. The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for ground-searching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even nonmetallic mines, but takes twice as long). Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting nonmetallic ordinance.
*Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2000 ft
*Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered acoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics.
* Optical Cluster--- Telescopic,IR/UV, Thermo-Imaging, Audio-Video-Survellance System
Cost: 80,000 credits

*Cabin Cover---A fabric canopy with 25 MDC can be mounted for 50,00 credits, or a hardshell canopy top with 80 MDC can be added for 180,000 credits

*Sidedoors---Adds extra hinged plating to the side passenger access, adding extra protection, albeit at extra cost:
Light Doors---Weight: 4 lbs, MDC: 25, Cost: 6,000 Credits each
Medium Doors---Weight: 8 lbs, MDC: 60, Cost: 13,000 Credits each

*Luggage Pods(1-2)---Two armored luggage cases can be added to the dorsal hull just behind the seat headrests. The Nor’Easter can carry standard Type 1 EBs, or custom-made Nor’Easter luggage cases:
Type 1 Equipment Bin(1 ftx2.5 ftx1.2 ft) 5 lbs, 12 MDC, 3,000 credits
Nor’Easter Luggage Pods (1.8 ft x3 ft x2 ft) 20 lbs, 18 MDC, 4,000 credits

*Spoiler---Tail Spoiler(30 MDC) that adds a +5% to piloting rolls for trick maneuvers. Cost: 3,000 Credits

*Body Fins---Multiple (10) small control surfaces mounted around the hull of the hovercraft. Each has 5 MDC, and in total add +5% to piloting rolls. Cost: 5,000 Credits

*Laser Headlights(2-3)
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: Variable settings; 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, or 6d6 MD per gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 250 shot battery per gun. Effectively unlimited linked to a powerplant.
Cost: 30,000 credits per gun

*Weapons Hardpoints(3)
The lateral hardpoints can be fitted with modular cyborg forearm weapons or standard hovercycle weapons pods.
a) Micro-Missiles---25 shot pod.

b) Mini-Missiles---2 shot rail

c) Short Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint

d) ‘Copperhead’ Anti-Armor Missiles
Range: 1 mile
Damage: Armor-piercing: 2d4x10 MD, no blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Payload: 1 per hardpoint
Bonuses: +5 to strike

e) Machine Gun---2,000 ft range, 1d4 MD per 50 shot burst, 1,200 rds/24 burst payload, 5,000 credits.

f) Laser Pod---1,200 ft range, 1d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload(linked to hovercraft’s powerplant) or 40 shot backup battery, 16,000 credits.

g) Heavy Laser---2,000 ft range, 2d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload(linked to hovercraft’s powerplant) or 40 shot backup battery, 30,000 credits.

h) Bionic Laser---3,000 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload(linked to hovercraft’s powerplant) or 20 shot backup battery, 35,000 credits.

i) Bionic Ion Rod---2,000 ft range, 4d6 MD per blast, effectively unlimited payload(linked to hovercraft’s powerplant) or 10 shot backup battery, 30,000 credits.

The center hood hardpoint can be fitted with the same modules as the lateral hardpoints, but can also be used to mount other weapons, such as a light GPMG(the M43 7.62mm ‘Fritz’ and GPMG M44-MAG 7.62mm ‘Mag’ especially), light autocannon(Taskin 20mm or HAR-25 ‘Esben’ 25mm Heavy Rifle ), rail gin(PS-100), light laser cannon(such as the PS-RFL2-33 ‘Blazer’), plasma cannon(PSPPR-5 ‘Lewiston’ or PPR-4 ‘Comet Rifle”), ion weapon(PSIC-02 or PSIC-03 “Scheffer’), or particle beam blaster(SPBW-8 ‘BlueBolt’ or PSBW-11 ‘Super-BAR’)

*Spinning Blades(TW)---This fits the exposed rotary elements of the grav-prop/CG fan-drives with the much-liked Spinning Blades spell modification. This allows the Nor'Easter to fill the air ahead of it with a rotating torrent of magical blades, and unleash a storm of magic projectiles.
This feature is typically added to the front two grav-props(earning such nicknames as ‘zombie-mower’) but can also be added to the third rear impeller, giving the Nor'Easter a vicious bite on anybody trying to grab onto the vehicle from behind.
Range: Melee(typically 3-4 ft ahead of the props, and up to 20 ft radius out)
If ejected as projectiles, the blades can reach 700 ft.
Damage: Does 1d6 MD per blade (so basic three-blade set does 3d6 MDC on a strike)
Can also fire the magical blades like projectiles, 1-2 at a time, each doing 1d6 MD on impact, and +3 to strike. The blades disappear on impact.
Duration: 10 melee rounds( 2.5 minutes per activation)
Bonus: Also has a +6 to parry rail gun rounds, autocannon shells, and other projectiles aimed at the propellers
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation
Cost: 80,000 credits(basic 3-blade generator) + 20,000 credits per additional blade up to a maximum of 12 per engine.

*Doppleganger-Cloak(TW)----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of preprogrammed ariel maneuvers(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation
Cost: 2 million credits

*Environmental Hazard Protection System/Breath Without Air(TW)---20 minutes per 5 PPE. Cost: 200,000 credits

*Impervious to Energy(TW)---5 minutes per 20 PPE. Cost: 170,000 credits

*Protective Energy Field(TW)----50 MDC per 10 PPE pumped in, and 10 minutes per 10 PPE. Cost: 250,000 credits

*PS-CGHV-24(TW)---TW version.
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20 PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
Cost:(Light)----500,000 credits
-Leyline Booster(Accelerates the aircraft up to 50% greater top speed when on a leyline, -10% to pilot skill when engaged)

*PS-CGHV-24A(TW)---This version has been modified to house an Air Elemental ‘eliminal’
Bonuses: The use of the Air Eleminal powerplant means that the aircraft has NO foul weather penalties for flying in windy conditions, nor does it suffer icing.
-Windrush---Range: 400 ft to a 50 ft wide area
Damage: Targets caught in the area of effect, must roll an 17 or better to avoid being knocked over
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
-Ice Shards---Range: (Shards of Ice) 1,200 ft *(Special) Increase range by 50% if operating in freezing environments.
Damage:(Shards of Ice) 1d4 MD per shard-burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*PS-CGHV-24F(TW)---This version has been modified to house a Fire Elemental ‘eliminal’
-Afterburner---This causes the hovercar to take off like a rocket, essentially DOUBLING its top speed for up to 5 minutes! The Nor’Easter can only engage this ability twice per 24 hours.
-Spitfire/Fire Barrage---2,000 ft(DOUBLE on leylines), and creates a swarm of 4d6 fireballs that each do 1d6 MD each, that can ‘shotgun blast’ over a 20 ft wide area; perfect for ground attack. Fired from the forward air intake, ECHH.
*Smoke Cloud---This attack lays out a thick ashy cloud of black smoke roughly 400 ft long and expanding to 100 ft wide behind the fighter, and can settle to the ground. The cloud persists for 5 minutes(twice as long on a leyline) and does 1d6 SDC to anything flying through it, or caught in it on the ground. While in the cloud, victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, and night vision/thermal optics are cut in effectiveness by HALF. Passive nightvision is ineffective. The ‘craft can engage this capability 4 times per 24 hours.

*PS-CGHV-24(SO)--- Rumored variant said to have been deployed during the Minion War on Rifts Earth, the PS-CGHV-24(SO)(Special Operations) is said to have replaced the central headlight and hardpoint with a single-shot MAULER tactical nuclear/TW WMD launcher, for ‘dash and lob’ strikes on Infernal armies.

*PS-3MV-24 Sprinter(aka “Polaran”) ---This is the original (updated) version, completed as a prototype and subcontracted out to smaller garages to build for interested parties. The PS-3MV-24 uses the same bodywork(which saves in construction costs) as the PS-CGHV-24, but is strictly a ground vehicle. It is carried on three conventional(albeit all-terrain) wheels and is fitted with a conventional liquid fuel (200 mile range) or electric power cell (350 mile range)powerplant, and retails for about HALF the cost of a PS-CGHV-24. The PS-3MV-24 can hit speeds of up to 135 MPH on paved roadways; off-road performance is typically 35-45 MPH.
The PS-3MV-24 can also take advantage of the Mag Traction System-----The PS Virtual Tread Traction System, that allows a vehicle superior handling on wet ground and sloping surfaces. The downside of it is that in anything less than a nuclear-powered vehicle, the energy expenditure can quickly drain the car’s batteries.
Bonuses:+15% to control rolls
Penalties: If driving with a liquid fuel or electric engine, reduce baseline gas mileage/range by 10%
per hour of activation that the MagTrac system is engaged.
Cost: 8,000 credits.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries Brewster F200A Rhino-Buffalo Light Aerospace Fighter
(aka ‘Buff’, ‘Luf’(Little Ugly Fella),‘Jurgamunster’)

“She’s a chirpy little number; neither the fastest nor the most heavily armed, but she has good handling characteristics both in the soup and in the deep black. You can do a lot worse than flying a Buff.”
---Shivie Sumata, PS test pilot

Among the various contracts PS/ASI managed to land in the Three Galaxies was a series of purchase and commission agreements with the world of Jorgmundson, an established and mature colony of NeoScand ethnic-bloc descent from the Human Alliance. Though a cold planet, Jorgmundson was rich in mineral deposits and had a multiple moon system also rich in various ores, which attracted settlement. Development of these deposits had brought wealth to Jorgmundson, but also trouble in the form of piracy and claim-jumping, forcing the local militia forces to re-equip to protect the mining outposts and settlements, and more effectively police the situation. PS/ASI quickly landed several contracts supplying low-cost transport ships and defensive weapons from their existing catalogue to the Jorgmundsons. However, they were surprised to be approached by the Minister of the Interior, who wanted to commission a new aerospace fighter for the planetary defense forces. The specifications called for a light, compact, agile fighter that could perform equally well in a planetary atmosphere and in space, among Jorgmundson’s multiple moons and asteroids. The Minister also had a special request; the new fighter had to be based in part on the visual configuration of a famous vehicle of the Jorgmundsons’ ancient history so as to appear as an icon of the Jorgmundsons’ resilience and prowess in battle. The Minister even brought pictures of the aircraft.
The Paladin Steel representatives were astonished to recognize the images of a pre-Rifts terrestrial aircraft, the Brewster F2A ‘Buffalo’, an early pre-Rifts American Empire radial-engined monoplane fighter that had suffered grievously early in the Second Global War when it was put up against the faster and more agile Zeroes of the Nihon Empire. However, most tellingly, the aircraft had been sold to the northern European Finnish nation-state, where it did much better in combat against the aggression of the Soviet Dominion. That the Jormundsons not only had records of this aircraft but had virtually enshrined it in their military history raised more than a few eyebrows among the Paladins, but they had been offered both a contract and a challenge and were game to meet both. Besides, the idea had a certain eccentric appeal to the engineers and technowizards of Paladin Steel.
So PS/ASI accepted the commission-contract in return for favored access to newly opened mines producing skagerite, a mineral very useful to Paladin Steel in the synthesis of viritalium, the core of PS’s new enhanced particle beam weapons technology.
Paladin Steel knew that producing a near-replica to the old specs of the F2A, even enhanced with TechnoWizardry and modern megadamage materials, would still not live up to the other specifications laid out for the new aerospace fighter, so they took liberties with the old design. In the end, the F200A would bear a superficial, but still recognizable, resemblance in the old piston-powered aircraft, in its stubby, barrel-like fuselage, straight round-tipped wings, greenhouse canopy, and distinctive tail fins. However, the F200A is slightly larger, heavier, with a longer nose cowling to house the more powerful Rating 4 Grav-Prop engine and powerplant, and the wings have a wider chord, with 25-degree swept back leading edge extensions and trailing wing gloves. The tail redesign features a set of ventral strakes for added control and stability in atmosphere. The wings also have deployable wing fences for more agile maneuvering during in-atmo turns and braking maneuvers.
Armor is fairly heavy for its size, consisting mainily of vanadium-reinforced composites, using a large percentage of locally-produced materials. Armament is light, but hard-hitting, consisting of sets of energy and projectile cannon, and possible underwing ordnance.
Even with the largest available production single-engine grav-prop drive installed, the F200A is still fairly slow, and the lack of an omni-directional forcefield leaves the slow-moving fighter vulnerable, especially to faster opponents able to loop in from behind. To compensate, and offer the fighter additional speed in a pinch, PS/ASI engineers installed a small, but powerful, fusion impulse drive just under the tail, for use in emergencies n escaping tail-chasing opponents. The fusion booster uses exotic isotopic fuel harvested locally, and which burns particularly ‘dirty’, producing a spectacular plume of radiation, electromagnetic flux, and ionization that shows up quite brilliantly on sensors, but which has the added bonus of scrambling those same sensors, preventing them from achieving a hard lock-on for targeting. The F200A’s small size, however, limits the amount of fuel that can be carried for the booster, limiting its total operational use. Pilots are thus advised to use the system sparingly and only in emergencies.

The Rhino-Buffalo got an early baptism of fire during flight tests from a small outpost given to PS/ASI for trials. Observed by a skeptical observer from the Defense Ministry, PS test pilot Shivie Sumata was putting the XF200A through its paces when pirates raided a nearby mining outpost. Responding to the calls for aide, Sumata was able to down two of the pirates’ escorting fighters and sent a third running from the battlefield. Though PS/ASI privately ascribed the success primarily to the test pilot’s skill and the surprise on the part of the pirates when they found themselves facing a ‘snub fighter’, the Defense observer was suitably impressed and the government later substantially increased their initial order of fighters.
The F200A is produced exclusively for the Jorgmundson armed forces, though PS and the GNEAS retain a few for testing purposes. The F200A is used throughout Jorgmundson space as a light fighter and has proven quite popular with crews, but pragmatically the Jorgmundsons have also ordered larger numbers of more capable fighters, such as the Almar and the Kestral, from Paladin Steel.

Type: PS/ASI-F200A Rhino-Buffalo
Class: Light Aerospace Fighter
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Reinforced Crew Compartment 120
Wings(2) 180 each
Tail 150
Forcefield (200 front, 100 each side/top-bottom)
Height: 12.1 ft
Width: 35 ft
Length: 27 ft
Weight: 7,200 lbs
Cargo: Small space in the ejection seat for a survival back, sidearms, and a space-survival bubble.
Powerplant: Dual Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life and PPE Powerstone Engine
PPE Capacity:(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Atmosphere) Hover to 400 MPH; transatmospheric.
With the fusion booster engaged, and the gravprop forcefield up, the F200A can hit Mach 6 on a climb.
(Sublight) Mach 9, Mach 11 w/ booster assist
-The Fusion Impulse Jet has enough fuel for 15 minutes of operation.
(Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.9% of light speed per melee)

The F200A is fairly nimble, and gets a +2 to dodge at 250 MPH or less, and is +15% to turning maneuvers.
Market Cost: 26 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Ejection Seat
*Radio--100 mile range
*Life Support System(48 hour oxygen supply/filtration)
*Photo-sensitive Cockpit Bubble(polarized glare-blocking)

*Autopilot---This simply allows the pilot to set speed, altitude, and heading, and the plane will automatically fly itself along the set course. Great for long flights, allowing the pilot to rest.

*Radar---A small radar system with aerials in the spinner cap and tail gives the F200A limited radar capability; 30 mile range in atmosphere, 3,000 mile range in space.

*Laser Targeting---+2 to strike with ranged weaponry

*ECCM system: A semi-automatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 25% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +5% if the pilot has a Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skill and devotes a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

Weapons Systems:
1) Fuselage Guns(2)----Two energy weapons are mounted ahead of the cockpit in the top of the engine cowling.
a)Pulse Lasers
Range: 4,000 feet(8,000 ft/ 1.6 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse per single gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

b) Enhanced Pulse Lasers---Longer-ranged versions of the previous weapons. These can be distinguished by the longer barrels protruding from the cowling.
Range: 6,000 feet(12,000 ft/ 2.4 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 240 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse per single gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

c)Particle Beam Cannon---Seeing as the Jorgmundsons were supplying PS/ASI with skagerite for viritalium particle sources, it was deemed only right that some of that material should go back to the Jorgmundsons in the form of enhanced-performance particle beam weaponry. The twin ‘Slegge’ (hammer) LPBCs fitted to the F200A are exceptionally potent for their size and weight, but the viritalium cores require more frequent replacement than more conventional PBCs(after every 500 +1d4x100 shots).
Range: 5,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast, 4d4x10 MD per dual blast.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2) Wing Guns(2)---Two fixed-forward firing guns are mounted in the wings. The prototypes were initially fitted with rapid-fire rail guns, but these proved to be adversely affected by magnetic flux in Jorgmundson’s magnetosphere, and the decision was made to switch to more complex, but less jam-prone, gravity cannons. PS developed the GR-100J specifically for the Jorgmundson Ministry of Defense, producing a weapon that was substantially lighter than the common-tech GR-100, by using more readily available local materials to produce superior superconductors and grav-coils. The establishment of a local factory to produce the improved cannons has been a win-win for the Jorgmundsons as they can produce a superior weapon locally, and readily sell any surplus production that doesn’t go to their armed forces. On their side, Paladin Steel may lose money from not being able to ship in weapons, but stands to get a nice royalty fee from every GR-100J sold.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 300 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 5,000 rds per gun

Alternatively, Pulse Lasers can be substituted:
* Enhanced Pulse Lasers--- These can be distinguished by the longer barrels protruding from the leading edges of the wings.
Range: 6,000 feet(12,000 ft/ 2.4 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 240 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6+2 per single shot, 2d4x10 for a triple pulse per single gun.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3)(Optional) Underwing Ordnance(2 hardpoints)
a) Bombs---Up to 250 lbs of freefall ordnance can be mounted on each hardpoint(that’s over TWICE what the original Brewster Buffalo could carry).
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
b) Mini-Missiles---15-shot pod
c) Short Range Missiles---3-shot pod
d) Medium Range Missiles----1 per hardpoint

*Booster Rockets---Strap-on short-duration plasma-propulsion units, based on PS-made advanced missile motors, and meant to getting the ‘Buff’ up out of atmosphere in a hurry on a ‘hot’ scramble, and saving the fusion impulse jet for combat maneuvering. With the strap-ons, the F200A can hit Mach 6.6 on a climb-out, or Mach 18 on a zero-gee/vacuum boost, for roughly 90 seconds. Boosters are expendable one-use units.

*Chaff/Flare Pod
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,000 credits per launcher; additional flare/chaff bundles cost 200 credits each

*TW Enhancements---The TW PPE Powerstone integral to the powerplant allows for the quick addition of TW enhancements:
*Forcefield---Provides 50 MDC per 10 PPE/20 ISP pumped into the system; lasts 10 minutes per 10 PPE/20 ISP. Cost: 250,000 credits

*Impervious to Energy---5 minutes per 20 PPE. Cost: 170,000 credits

*Overdrive/Full Throttle---Increase maximum speed by 40% for 3 minutes, but -5% to piloting rolls(-20% for trick manuevers), 10 PPE per activation. Cost: 160,000 credits

*Golden Wings---This is the mechanical equivalent of Charismatic Aura, modified through the application of various Illusion magic. The idea here is not to avoid being seen, but to BE seen....Some analysts believe that this particular TW ap was devised by Techno-Wizards who were obsessed with the appearance of their new dream machines and wanted everyone to notice them. When activated, Golden Wings makes the aircraft seem to glow with a golden aura; the aircraft looks more powerful, more graceful, and more impressive than it otherwise might appear. The light seems to just catch it at the right angles, stirring music seems to rise in the background, and onlookers will be struck with awe at the approach of this magnificant flying machine. Enemies may be distracted from other actions to gape at and appreciate the vision of flight made tangible.
On the minus side, this TW ap may also make the aircraft look more dangerous than it really is, and attract the wrong sort of attention in the form of immediate missile and cannon salvoes to take out the most powerful threat first, or in a personal challenge by the enemy’s best ace, as many TW-pilots have learned to their considerable(and final) regret.
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 6 minutes
Effects: Horror Factor of 16
Save: Onlookers must make a ‘disbelieve’ roll save versus magic
PPE Activation Cost: 10
Cost: 55,000 credits

*Doppleganger-Cloak----This amplification of the Multiple Images Spell allows the aircraft to project multiple ‘ghost’ images of itself(up to 3 separate images). These multiple images can carry out a series of pre-programmed ariel manuevars(can also simulate weapons fire/gun flashes, but only if the mothership is also firing at the same time), but must remain within a mile of the the projecting aircraft(or they vanish without a trace). Also note that the images don’t show up on radar or thermo-imaging, and cannot be used to fool homing missiles, though they DO give off a PPE trace similiar to the projecting aircraft.
Range: ‘Ghosts’ can be projected up to 5,000 ft away
Duration: 5 minutes per activation
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation
Cost: 2 million credits

*Flicker-Dodge---A special capability, and one of FA’s signature creations: an application of the Astral Hole spell. This allows the aircraft to quickly dodge out of sight/reality, for a few seconds, or move up to 2000 ft sideways, up, down, or backwards , with a +2 to dodge while doing so. Typically, an aircraft can engage this system 6 times before needing to recharge the system on a Ley Line(takes about 24 hours), or the pilot can pump in 120 PPE per “flicker-dodge”.
Cost: 3 million credits

*Foo-Fighter Defense Drone System---A variant combination of the Magic Warrior and Ball Lightning spells, this TW-projector creates an attendant ‘parasite’ fighter to protect the aircraft and harass pursuers or intercept missiles. The Foo-Fighters are semi-autonomous and can be released/directed at specified targets then sent on their way to do their damage, or they can be remotely directed by a gunner/weapons officer on the generating aircraft. The Magic Warrior ‘drone’ can be chosen to appear to appear as a robot aircraft, smaller version of the aircraft, winged animal, flying knight, or a miniature whirlwind/air elemental accompanying the aircraft. Foo-Fighters attack by ramming or by firing short range bolts of eldritch lightning at their targets. Foo Fighters can be targetted and destroyed by conventional means, but Dispel Magic and Anti-Magic Cloud spells stop them dead. Multiple Foo-Fighters are also possible, though each materialized ‘escort’ costs an additional 60 PPE
Range: Typically the Foo-Fighter will stray no more than 6,000 ft from the creating aircraft.
MDC of Foo Fighter: 110
Speed: 400 MPH
Damage: Does 3d6+10MD per electrical bolt(1,500 ft range)
Duration: 10 melees (roughly 5 minutes) per activation
PPE Activation Cost: Costs 60 PPE per fighter per activation
Bonuses: Each Foo-Fighter has 5 actions/attacks per melee, +5 to strike, roll, and dodge, and +4 on initiative
Cost: 5 million credits

*F200xD---(aka ‘Squirt’) Experimental model featuring a longer nose(+3.7 ft to length) holding paired Class 3 Grav-Props(in place of the single Class 4) driving a dual-’contra-rotating’ grav-prop. This variant thus increases the speed and forcefield strength.
Forcefield (300 front, 150 each side/top-bottom)
Speed: 525 MPH in atmosphere, Mach 11 in space( Mach 13 w/ booster)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Kunai’ Light Stealth Aerospace Plane

“We can arguably build supersoldiers who can take on many of our opponents’ best on an even footing. The problem is, those soldiers are useless if they can’t get close to their targets to allow their training and abilities to be of any use. Getting them into action remains the most vulnerable phase of their deployment. It falls then to our engineers to develop the means to deliver our troops safely and unseen to the enemy’s threshold, inside their territory, and right up to their vulnerable backs before they’re aware they’re being attacked.”

“I fail to see what you hope to accomplish with only three people.”
“It is not the quantity of the forces I am deploying to deal with the problem, but the QUALITY, and to be honest, with these particular operatives, sending three of them may be overkill.”

The success of the small stealthy CANOU two-man aerospace plane showed that PS/ASI COULD build hardware that could hold its own in Three Galaxies espionage operations. However, the small size of the CANOU imposed serious limitations on what its two man crew could carry out and accomplish. Paladin Steel sought to rectify these shortcomings with a larger, but equally stealthy, light aerospace vehicle capable of carrying more personnel and equipment.
The Kunai has a sharp, angular, dagger-shaped hull, sheathed and shielded in the latest stealth materials and processes. In atmosphere, the crew deploy a set of shrouded lift-thrusters, on either side of the nose and one in the rear, allowing the aerospace plane much more agility and flight endurance than the previous CANOU had. The Kunai also carries more armament, though it is still quite light compared to other aerospace vehicles. The armament is typically configured for self-defense, in destroying missiles or neutralizing mines and satellite defenses, rather than combat strikes. Armor is light, and the craft is fairly fragile, compared to other military aerospacecraft of similar size, so the Kunai is advisedly expected to stay out of the line of enemy fire.
Kunais are typically used for deploying planetary scouts and espionage agents on known, or suspected, enemy planets and terrain. They are also used for extraction missions, hostage rescue, planetary reconnaissance, and search and rescue near ‘hot zones’.
Since their introduction, Kunais are replacing the CANOU in PS/ASI service. The diminishing role of the CANOU has also led to a re-tasking of the Angon Scoutship, as the Kunai is too large to be carried and serviced by the scoutcraft. The Kunai is occasionally mated as the nose payload of the AFB-29 ‘Chimbane’ Heavy Aerospace Fighter/Strike Vehicle, using the latter as an FTL ‘sled’.

Type: PS/ASI-LTTAV-17S ‘Kunai’
Class: Light Covert Operations Aerospace Aerodyne
Crew: 2+2 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 390
Atmo-Lift Thrusters(3) 35 each
Height: 9 ft
Width: 12 ft
Length: 43 ft
Weight: 8 tons
Cargo: 1.2 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 10 year energy life.
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 4; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 7
(Kitsune Values: 40% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) None; no FTL capability
(Underwater) Can land in water and submerge to move along slowly at about 6 MPH, maximum depth of 80 ft.
Bonuses: +3 to Dodge
Market Cost: 48 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Aerospace Systems, plus:

*Stealth Design----Passive stealth renders the ship 89% likely to avoid detection at ranges of more than 1,000 meters. Sensor-guided missiles are -4 to strike the craft

*Stealth Propulsion---’Creep drive’ is essentially a low-emission drive mode using cold gas jets for stealth maneuvering and final approach on a target. Acceleration is abysmally slow, but it is virtually indetectable; 300 MPH.

*EW/ECM Generators---Add-on electronic jamming suite, designed to jam enemy targeting systems. Note that this is an ‘active’ system, and as such is deployed only if and when it becomes obvious that passive stealth has not been effective in concealing the craft from hostile intent. Activating this system tells EW-equipped opponents that SOMEONE is there, if they didn’t already know.
Effects: Enemy radar guided weaponry and missiles have a -3 to strike(in addition to passive stealth bonus)

Weapons Systems:
1) Nose Turret(1)---A retractable nose turret mounts a beam weapon, typically used for anti-missile defense.
Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, or Eight attacks per melee if in automated anti-missile mode(takes one melee action to switch between modes)
Bonuses: +3 to strike missiles.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Missile Pods(2)
a) Mini-Missile Launcher---15 shot pod

b) “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile Launcher-----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to scale down the advanced micro-intelligence guidance system of larger hyperaccurate missile systems into a package compact and accurate enough for an infantryman to tote. The ‘S-Sting’ is essentially a one-man, infantry-portable, ‘smart’ short-range, hyper-velocity, anti-air/spacecraft missile. The program has had its first successes with a space-based missile, owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon. As a result, the missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching from the carry canister). The weapons system(missile(s), launch canister, and attached sensor/targeting/firing pack) are available as both a hardpoint module and as a handheld launcher. The S-Sting is heavier and more powerful than its atmosphere-based cousin, the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM.
In this case, a ten shot launcher has been adapted for use aboard the CANOU and a 15-shot pod for the Kunai.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values:)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 15 shot magazine
Bonuses: +7 to strike

c) Short Range Missiles---7 shot pod

d) Medium Range Missiles---4 can be carried

3) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Mounted on either side of the tail are two decoy countermeasure launchers that can each be fitted with ONE of the following configurations:
a) Flares/Chaff
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 per launcher

b) Nanotech Jammers----The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs

c) Grav-Decoys----The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a pre-set pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 15 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

4)(Optional) Payload Bay---In place of passengers, the Kunai can instead carry additional payload, modeled after the mountings available to the CANOU.
a) Forcefield Generator---Provides 600 MDC worth of virtual protection

b) Jammer---A dedicated wide-area jamming system with its own power supply. Exact effects vary, depending on the type of jammer, but typically affects a 300 mile radius, and jams civil communications/radar systems with 85% effectveness, and military channels with 75% effectiveness.

c) Mini-Missile Launcher---25 shot pod

d) “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile Launcher-----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to scale down the advanced micro-intelligence guidance system of larger hyperaccurate missile systems into a package compact and accurate enough for an infantryman to tote. The ‘S-Sting’ is essentially a one-man, infantry-portable, ‘smart’ short-range, hyper-velocity, anti-air/spacecraft missile. The program has had its first successes with a space-based missile, owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon. As a result, the missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching from the carry canister). The weapons system(missile(s), launch canister, and attached sensor/targeting/firing pack) are available as both a hardpoint module and as a handheld launcher. The S-Sting is heavier and more powerful than its atmosphere-based cousin, the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM.
In this case, a ten shot launcher has been adapted for use aboard the CANOU.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values:)100 miles (161 km) in space
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 20 shot magazine
Bonuses: +7 to strike

e) Short Range Missiles---7 shot pod

f) Medium Range Missiles---4 can be carried

g) Kinetic Bomb--This is a space to surface ‘Rod from God’ ground attack weapon, that is essentially a depleted-uranium ‘smart dart’ reentry body. It is ineffective against small, moving targets, but is devastating against fixed targets like buildings, bridges, dams, and other infrastructure.
Range: Orbit to Surface
Damage: 2d6x100 MD; effective blast radius of 120 ft. Can penetrate up to 400 ft into solid rock, dropped from orbit.
Payload: 1

h) Space Mine---A freefloating explosive war satellite...Various types exist, including stealth ‘sneakmines’, ASAT ‘limpets’, and enhanced EMP models, but the standard anti-ship version carries a powerful nucleonic charge that does 2d6x100 MDC to a 600 ft radius
Damage: Typicaly equal to a Cruise Missile warhead
Payload: 1

i) Sensor Pallet---Exact capabilities vary between different sensor types, but this is typically a high-resolution passive system such as an optical imager(with a window port to scan through).

*LTTAV-17SR---Search and Rescue model, with a mini-autodoc in the rear compartment for treating rescued spacers.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aegis Stellar Industries’ Mazule-class Light Cruiser

“Don’t expect to see the Mazule on patrols any time soon; it’s too specialized a bird for that. The Mazule’s stripped down to the essentials; it doesn’t have the versatility for survey work, or interdiction, or picket duty, so there’s not much point of sending it out to do work it’s not suited for. No, Mazules are deployed when there’s something to KILL, and kill HARD. That’s when you’ll see the Mazule squadrons come out to play; smashing a pirate base or hunting down enemy warships. It’s what the crews train for, and they’re GOOD at their work.”
---Colonel Payton Cheronlin, United Systems Alliance Space Forces

“The Mazule’s too big to play at being an overgrown Berserker; ASI’s going to learn the hard way that you CAN’T have heavy missile armament, heavy armor, and high speed in the same package, and on the cheap. These newbies, and whoever’s dumb enough to buy into their sales pitch, are going to be handed an expensive lesson in the facts of life in the Three Galaxies.”
----Ardo Smithpakinson, Senior Systems Analyst, General Galaxy

---Manco Morgosa, ‘Space Pirate’, Darc Dominion

Building on what they learned from the LaFayette LCGs, ASI modified the design farther to produce the Mazule-class CG. Originally intended as a fast missile cruiser, the Mazule had to be redesigned and repurposed when ASI introduced the modular hull pod on the LaFayette LCG, throwing the latter’s ‘gun cruiser’ designation out the door and inadvertently filling the Mazule’s original role. This required some rethinking of the Mazule concept, and ASI ultimately elected to strip down the LaFayette design, removing the secondary hull pod, heavy lasers, and fighter capacity. Considerable mass was also removed, making the Mazule lighter and, as a result, faster using the same engines as the LaFayette.
The Mazule is intended primarily as a fast anti-spacecraft attack cruiser, with an emphasis on speed. Armaments are based around multiple heavy missile batteries; the Mazule is the first PS/ASI warship to be designed from the start with an integral cruise missile armament, due to increased and reliable access to supplies of cruise missiles, thanks to the CCW Lasser upgrade program and WZT contacts(and the setting up of ASI’s first cruise missile production plant aboard one of their Asteroid Cruisers). The Mazule is intended for fast runs into a target system or against an enemy formation, firing off multiple missile barrages, then retreating beyond the range of enemy return fire. The vessel also carries sufficient magazine capacity for multiple and sustained attacks(thus addressing a shortcoming of the earlier and lighter Javelin and Masakari missile ships). Backing the heavy missile launchers is a secondary array of energy weapons and point defense systems.
Though many critics contend that the Mazule’s standoff design strategy is too reminiscent of the disastrously flawed pre-Rifts British Imperial infatuation with battlecruisers(whose main defenses were to be speed and attack), PS/ASI contends that , given the sheer destructive firepower available to Three Galaxies warships in the way of long range energy weapons and massed missile barrages, for anything smaller than a heavy cruiser, speed is the ONLY variable defense against being overwhelmed.
Mazules have begun replacing older Javelin-class cruisers in many PS/ASI/GNE Alliance forward formations. They are typically assigned to forward fleet bases to respond to specific threats, or as part of special hunter-killer flotillas.

Type: PS/ASI-SCM-18 Mazule
Class: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 220+60 marines
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 19,000
Bridge 4,000
Main Sensor Array 900
Secondary Sensor Arrays(3) 600 each
Cruise Missile Launchers(6) 600 each
Secondary Lasers(12) 300 each
Long Range Missile Launchers(6) 300 each
Point Defense Turrets(12) 100 each
Hangar Bay 3,000
Engines 7,000
Variable Shields( 1,400 each side, 8,200 total)
Height: 160 ft
Width: 100 ft
Length: 950 ft
Weight: 100,000 tons
Cargo: 2,500 tons
Powerplant: Advanced Nuclear Fusion w/ 50 years energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 9; rarely lands
(Sublight) Mach 15
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.5% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
Market Cost: 3.7 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:

*Long Range Sensors----Mazules mount large multimedia sensor arrays. The sensors can pick up on vessels moving at FTL up to 25 light years away, and vessels moving through normal space up to 0.9 light years away.

*EW Suite---Using performance data acquired from the Rum Bay intelligence operation, PS has been able to fit the Mazule with a number of advanced (for their technology, that is) stealthing features, such as an electronic ‘blanket’ to reduce telltale EM emissions from the drive systems by as much as 60%. Engaging the ‘stealth mode’, however, reduces drive efficiency, by as much as 20%.
The Mazule also mounts a more conventional EW suite for jamming enemy communications and targeting systems. Communications Jamming has a 5,000 mile range, is 90% effective against civilian systems, and is 65% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and guided weapons are -4 to strike.

*Passive Stealth Systems----The Mazule uses passive stealth systems to reduce its sensor signature by as much as 40%, but in order to achieve this, the ship cannot be under acceleration, and its engines must be running ‘cold’.

*Docking Collars(3)----Three external docking collars with extending tubeways for servicing additional starships docked to the Mazule. Typically, a Mazule will carry two or more scoutships to act as forward spotters or EW decoy units.

*Tractor Beams(4)--------Effectively each rated for 1,500 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass.
Range: 10 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)(Kitsune Values: 10,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
1)Cruise Missile Launchers(6)-----In place of a hull pod and the forward heavy lasers, the Mazule mounts six cruise missile launchers.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12 each launcher
Payload: 36 each launcher, 216 total. Additional missiles may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 6 missiles)

2) Secondary Lasers(12)---Backing the CMLs is a larger array of lower-powered laser weapons for saturation attacks. Up to six cannons can be brought to bear simultaneously on the same target.
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per single blast, 8d6x100 for six cannons firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Long Range Missile Launchers(6)---Besides being a backup to the CMLs, these launchers are also used to deploy recon drones, probes, and special ordnance. They are also frequently used to throw out decoy drones in support of the cruise missiles, greatly enhancing the chance of successful penetration of enemy point defenses.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 120 per launcher; 720 total, ready to fire. Additional missiles may be carried as cargo, and reloaded from storage.

4) Point Defense Turrets(12)----The Mazule replaces the original grav-cannons with dual pulse-laser and mini-missile launcher turrets, sacrificing some range for greater damage and versatility. The Mazule also adds four additional PDS turrets for greater coverage against missiles and fighters.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Rail Gun) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

b) In the alternative, in order to keep the distance between the Mazule and any incoming hostile missiles/fighters to a maximum, some Mazules have been fitted with Slayer -D Quad- Laser Cannon(a slightly more powerful quad-laser system with a higher rate of fire) in place of the laser-and-MML PDS.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere(4 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Mega-Damage: 2d10 MD single shot, 2d4x10 MD short burst (four shots, one from each barrel), or 4d4x10 MD medium burst (eight shots, two from each barrel in sequence).
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

5) Decoy Launchers(4)----Though mainly based on systems in use by the Orbital powers of Rifts Earth, and thus decidedly crude by Three Galaxies standards, these decoy systems can still prove effective, or at least distracting at critical moments. They are used offensively(to allow the ship to close with an enemy) as well as defensively.
Range: Typically launch out to 10 miles or more from the ship under the initial expulsion charge.
-Ballute Decoy---This is an inflatable metallic balloon-form meant to be highly visible to enemy radar and optics. A small maneuvering drive (equivalent to a heavy Manned Maneuvering Unit) gives the decoy some capacity to mimic a ship’s normal movement.
-Wild Weasel---A more maneuverable version of the above, but the WW relies not on passive sensor reflection but on active emissions to fool enemy sensors. The WW is more robust, and can ape a more vigorous range of maneuvers on the part of the ship it’s supposed to be imitating. Effective Speed: Mach 6; upgraded versions can make Mach 15.
Duration: 10 minutes per pod; upgraded versions can last up to an hour.
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: Each CM array holds 50 Ballute decoys, 20 maneuvering decoys(“Wild Weasels”),

Auxiliary Craft
*10 Power Armors
*3 Shuttlecraft
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Okay let me just say I have truly enjoyed your GNE/PS material but have always found finding and using stuff a bit of a chore, (thanks fort he index Abtex) I hope Taalismn doesn't mind but I've started to put together a little netbook of all his designs and posts in this thread, I've only got the first 10 pages organized so far but though I'd post a taster and find out what could be done to improve it.

Dropbox link here ->

If taalismn says no then it will disappear from the net. Enjoy :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Okay let me just say I have truly enjoyed your GNE/PS material but have always found finding and using stuff a bit of a chore, (thanks fort he index Abtex) I hope Taalismn doesn't mind but I've started to put together a little netbook of all his designs and posts in this thread, I've only got the first 10 pages organized so far but though I'd post a taster and find out what could be done to improve it.

Dropbox link here ->

If taalismn says no then it will disappear from the net. Enjoy :)

I don't mind, just I'm sorry you had to go to all the effort to organize my junk....
I suppose I'm a better doodler than I am an organizer...just another aspect of my paradoxical life considering I'm a librarian(where systematic organization is essential) in RL.

And I'm pleased beyond spectral blushing that people enjoy and use my stuff((if only for background clutter or NPC/opposition hardware, let alone PC gear).

I should post the Master Catalogue Index(no links, just the listings of posted stuff) I created dividing up everything by category so I don't repost stuff, as a baseline for people wanting to see what I've done for PS by product type(lasers, ion weapons, melee weapons, armor, ground vehicles, ships, aircraft, power armor, spacecraft, cyborgs, etc.).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

taalismn wrote:I don't mind, just I'm sorry you had to go to all the effort to organize my junk....
I suppose I'm a better doodler than I am an organizer...just another aspect of my paradoxical life considering I'm a librarian(where systematic organization is essential) in RL.

And I'm pleased beyond spectral blushing that people enjoy and use my stuff((if only for background clutter or NPC/opposition hardware, let alone PC gear).

I should post the Master Catalogue Index(no links, just the listings of posted stuff) I created dividing up everything by category so I don't repost stuff, as a baseline for people wanting to see what I've done for PS by product type(lasers, ion weapons, melee weapons, armor, ground vehicles, ships, aircraft, power armor, spacecraft, cyborgs, etc.).

The master catalogue would be a great guide to organizing stuff :)

No worries it has been fun making the pdf :), it's something I actually enjoy doing at lot :), I'm just glad your okay with me doing this and hope other people will find it useful as well :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Veritas476 »

Hats off to wildfire142 for starting such a project!

Thanks to Taalismn as well for creating such wonderful material! :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Veritas476 wrote:Hats off to wildfire142 for starting such a project!

Thanks to Taalismn as well for creating such wonderful material! :)

Thank you, all. I shall continue to strive to be worthy of such accolades and diligent endeavor. (bows)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(The following are reposts from the 'Tools of the Trade" thread in the 'Other Dimensions" forums)

Hibernation Drugs:
Paladin Steel, through its Aegis Interstellar Industries' contacts in the Three Galaxies, has managed to acquire the chemical templates for a number of generic drugs and medical treatments. PS's biomedical division(PHD) has been gearing up to produce a pharmacopeia of useful drugs for both domestic use and sale. Complementing their existing Hibernal drug, PHD has added the following to available medical stabilization and space-dimensional travel systems:


It was a risk, she knew, but it was the only way she could think of to make the crossing through the Ever-Storms without foundering on the high seas in a native craft or discovery by the vigilant guards aboard the ‘NewProvi’ ships. She would let them take her there into their secret enclave themselves, through their wonderous shipping system!
She lifted the mask she had purloined from the Providencian medical supplies, remembering what she had learned from the helpful outlander healers, expressing her interest as an Iliayan priestess in their exotic healing methods. Without the mask’s sedative properties, she’d be agonizingly cramped inside the crate she had chosen to secret herself inside for the crossing. The mask’s contents should have enough to keep her under and comfortable long enough for the ‘package’ to reach her intended destination, provided the shipping label she’d made out (also after asking a helpful clerk in the service of the Providencians) was correct. Otherwise, she’d have to cut her way out and likely find herself having to answer some awkward questions.
Her decision made, she snugged the mask on her face, held her breath as she pulled shut the container openning from the inside, felt it seal, then inhaled deeply as she settled back in darkness and let unconsciousness take her-

Slo-Sleep is an aerosol sedative that induces a reduced state of metabolism, akin to a state of hibernation. It is often used as a precursor stage in many cold-sleep stasis systems, but it is also used as a medical application and survival measure to lower a patient’s metabolic needs, or to extend life support consumables (such as oxygen) in an emergency. It is increasingly frequently supplied as emergency gear aboard deep space lifeboats. It requires too great a concentration to be used effectively as a weapon, but some law agencies use it to facilitate prisoner transfers, and some military units use it in troop transports, or during ‘sleeper’ ops to reduce material needs during particular types of deployments. It has also begun to appear on the black market and is being abused, especially by people-smugglers and illegal immigrants.
Slo-sleep is breathed as an aerosol, typically through a mask or air supply system. Under the effects of slo-sleep, a person’s body temperature can safely drop to 40 degrees F(4 degrees C), heartbeat drops to 1 beat every 15 seconds, and one breath every six minutes. Full induction into slo-sleep takes 1d8 melees plus one melee round per degree of temperature drop, while waking up takes 2d6 melee rounds.
Slo-Sleep is not recommended for long duration (15 days or more) hibernation, as dehydration starts setting in, and the person may start developing pressure sores and skin rash(unless properly cushioned and kept clean). For long duration needs, a proper biostasis system or hibernation gene-mod is recommended.
A standard two-cylinder lifeboat mask has enough slo-sleep to last 12 days.
The standard slo-sleep mixture is compatible with most hemoglobin-using mammals, but different formulations may be needed for others to prevent poisoning and toxic shock.
Cost: 350 credits per 6-day gas cylinder.

“’Romance between the stars’ my @$$! Only if you got a net worth in the millions do you get anything like that experience. Every interstellar deployment I’ve been on, they doped the transportees to save on room, air, and cleaning puke on the sling trips. Between bunking down in a shelf-cell on departure and waking up at the destination, about all I remember of the trip is gray fuzziness and the feeling my head was stuffed with lint.”

Torpair is a milder form of Slo-Sleep and induces a much shallower state of torpor, during which the breather’s body temperature drops by 10%, heartbeat slows to 10 beats per minute, and breathing slows to HALF. Torpair breathers take 2d6 melees to go into torpor-state, but recover far faster, in 1d4 melee rounds, upon the gas supply being interrupted or otherwise provoked/aggressively stimulated. Torpair is used when the more profound hibernation state of slo-sleep is not needed or desired. Torpair is used in many survival kits and by some stellar transport companies(and, in the abuse of this substance, slavers) to facilitate ‘sleeper’ runs between star systems.
Cost: 150 credits per 4-day gas cylinder.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Well I've been busy adding five more pages of the catalogue to the pdf the link below has all products up to the end of page 15, for reference that's 141 products and we are not even on to post three of abtex's index :)

I also reorganized and spruced up the pdf a bit, hope you like the organization :)

I plan to update the pdf every five pages until I get caught up

Paladin Steel Netbook
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

I've been going over my Master List and realizing I needed to add a few new subsections for Equipment, and add in stuff that just didn't fit anyplace else.
Now I;m wondering if I should add in all the RCCs I've noted as being associated with PS/GNE.

What I've got so far for the Master Catalogue:

Paladin Steel Body Armors:

*Paladin Steel PPAug-03 ‘Muscle Jacket’
*Paladin Steel PPAug-04 ‘Muscle Pants’
*Paladin Steel Anti-Vibronic Armor(AVA)
*Paladin Steel Blur Mesh
*Paladin Steel HazMat-K2 Armor

*VEBA-01---The orginal ‘Bushman’-pattern armor, with slight stylistic differences. As the VEBA-02A replaces it as the Armed Forces standard, older suits are being recycled or given to the militia.

*VEBA-CA----Original Pattern ‘Crusader’-pattern armor. Weaving megadamage plastic fibers isn’t much more difficult than injection molding it, for the automated armor-looms of PS. Not officially used by the VFS military, it is, however, occasionally issued to Special Forces units. (Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 15%)

*VEBA-GC---Original Pattern ‘Gladiator’-pattern armor, with slight stylistic differences.

*VEBA-UWC----Original Pattern ‘Urban Warrior’-pattern armor with slight stylistic differences to helmet. Issued to militia and police forces. (Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 30%)

*VEBA-UWN---Modified ‘Urban Warrior’-style armor modified with integral flotation units and inflatable life-vest. Issued to Navy and merchant marine personnel.

*VBA-HC---Original Pattern ‘Huntsman’-pattern armor, with slight stylistic differences. Issued to police and militia forces.(Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 20%)

*VBA-PC(Pattern Series I-VIII)----Plain Clothes Armor Types similar to the Triax types, but using Paladin Steel megadamage plastics. ‘Series’ refers in part to the amount of coverage, from less to most; ‘Pattern Series I” being an armored vest with AR 10, 10 MDC, and “Pattern Series VIII” being a jumpsuit or trenchcoat(AR 19, 14 MDC)
(Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 15%)

*Standard VFS EBA(VEBA-02A)
_VEBA-02B-Dwarf-scaled armor. Same MDC protection, just in a smaller package.

_VEBA-02C-Giant-scaled armor, sized for humanoids up to 12 ft tall; has 30% more armor to all locations.

_VEBA-02D---A ‘stealth’ armor that drops the laser-ablative coating with an adaptive camouflage pattern surfacing (choice of any 10 pre-set camou patterns), and reduced heat/radar signature(-15% to Sensory Instrument detection rolls using radar or thermal optical sensors).

_VEBA-02N---Naval armor, issued to the GNEN. Has integral flotation devices incorporated into the armor(nuetral bouyancy), an emergency inflatable life-vest, and snap-out foot-flippers.

*VEBA-04 ‘Guardsman’ Armor

*Paladin Steel PS-E-EBA-4 Corporate Security Armor

*Paladin Steel VEBA-06 ‘Starman’ EBA
_VEBA-00X Stelmarine Armor(NOT commercially available)(to be detailed elsewhere)

_VEBA-00XA Refitted Stelmarine armor with laser-ablative coating, similar to the VEBA-02A(NOT commercially available)

_VEBA-00X2AStelmarine -pattern armor made completely of laser-ablative material, expected to replace current pattern armor in next 3 years(NOT commercially available)

*Paladin Steel LVEBA-09 Kinetic Armor

*VEBA-AUG-10 ‘Bounder’ Environmental Body Armor

*Paladin Steel DSEBA-02 ‘SuperNewt’ Dive Armor

*EVAC Armor

*Paladin Steel Liquid Armor

*Paladin Steel/Pandora Innovations ADLBA-1 Dropsuit Glide Armor

*DAZ01 ‘Flash’ Camouflage

*Paladin Steel ‘Eagle-Weave’ Armor-Wear

_VBA-UC-1---Official military industrial designation for Paladin Steel ‘Skinsuit’ light armor---classified as an ‘Under Clothing’ type to denote its close fit and easy concealability. This light armor sees considerable use throughout both the civilian and military sectors of the VFS.

_VBA-UC-1S----The new space-adapted, full EBA version of the Skinsuit

_VBA-UC-1(TW)---’Ectoskin’----This is an experimental new Skinsuit using the new stabilized ectoplasm ‘ectofiber’.

*VUBA-01------This is simply the Black Market LEWS-9 Light Environmental Wet Suit, knocked off by PS. Sold to both the commercial and military markets.
(Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 20%)

_VUBA-01a---A modification of the VUBA-01, with special fitting streamlined ‘sharkscale’ surfacing

_VUBA-02---This is a new experimental skinsuit designed with underwater operations in mind

*VUBA-03----Thanks to the seizure of the Coalition’s Halifax Naval Base, PS acquired a number of Coalition wetsuits. The VUBA-03 is simply the CSNA-1 Lightning Strike SCUBA Armor, with a few sytlistic differences to reflect its Vermont manufacture(otherwise it’s identical). Sold to both the military and civilian market(much to the Coalition’s consternation).

*VUBA-05---Another prize of the Halifax annexation and several actions against Coalition frogmen along the Maine coast was the CNA-2 ‘Barracuda’ Commando Armor. PS has produced its own copy of the Coalition frogsuit, with appropriate stylistic differences, for its own small SEAL corps, and the maritime strike forces of other allied nations(NOT commercially available).

*VBA-07 ‘Super-Skin’ Lightweight Body Armor

*VBA-08 ‘Stud-Mesh’ Bodysuit

‘Evertreads’ Variable Footwear

‘Arachne’ ‘Smart’ Spider-Dress

*PS-ASEBA02 ‘Trekker’
*PS-ASEBA03 ‘AstroWander’
*PS-ASEBA04 ‘Starwalker’
*PS-ASEBA07 ‘Cosmotreader’

*VBA-McUC-1A---A miniaturized version of the PS Skinsuit.
*VBA-McUC-1E--Miniature skinsuit with ‘ninja-style’ Blurr Mesh incorporated into it.
*VEBA-Mc01---This is a padded megadamage mesh body glove with armored plates.
*VEBA-Mc02---A heavier and more rigid version of the VEBA-Mc01.
*VEBA-Mc02cAug--- Light exoskeleton enhancement.
*VBA-HC(Mc)---Scaled-down non-EBA ‘Huntsman’-style body armor.
*Leather Body Armor

*PS-ASEBA(Mc)05 ‘Longstepper’
*PS-ASEBA(Mc)06 ‘Astronomad’
_ASEBA(Mc)06B(LTA)(aka ‘Balloon Suit’, ‘Gasbaggie’)---LTA Suit
_ASEBA(Mc)06E---Re-Entry Suit
_DSEBA(Mc)06---Aquatic dive armor version.

*Plasticman Armor---Churning out thousands of suits of this stuff is a simple matter for PS, who specialized in injection-molded megadamage plastics, even before the Coming of the Rifts. PS still continues to churn this stuff out for sale to civilians, but the VFS military doesn’t give it an official designation. Aside from a few suits used by the militia and firefighters, Plasticman armor is rarely used by any official organization in the VFS. (Note: Due to PS’s expertise at material fabrication, reduce the cost by 30%)

Other Types: Of course, just about any type of commercially available armor can be found floating around the VFS, including all Black Market types, as well as individual examples of Free Quebec, Coalition, Altarian, and Kittani suits in the hands of adventurers or salesmen.

Paladin Steel Shields

(TW Armors)
Silks of the Magi
* Fire Silks
* Wind Silks
* Water/Rain Silks
* Earth/Vine Silks
* Silks of the Sun (Gold)
* Silks of the Moon (Silver)
* Silks of Illusion (Rainbow)
* Silks of the Stars (Black and Silver)
Paladin Steel West “Libido Killer” Aura Chastity Belt

Magic Armor Plating Materials
MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1B)
MagePlate Armor(Formulation-1C)
EctoWeave SplinterShields

Infantry Decoys
Paladin Steel Slip Spray
Survival Watch
Paladin Steel PVD-11 ‘Backsight’ Personal Vision Device
Paladin Steel RS-02Xt ‘Throwbot’ Remote Sensor
Paladin Steel All-Eye Remote Optical Probe (RTC-03)
Paladin Steel Optical Sighting Systems
* OICW-OTS04 Rifle Scope
* LR-OTS07
* PS-POS01
Water-sel Muzzle Attachment
Paladin Steel Trac Fire System
PS Battleman Fire Control Remote
KT/PS ISP-2 Infantry Sensor Pack
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel KT-IPXP-7 ‘Refresher’ Logistical Contra-Gravity Jump Pack
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel IMP-1 Infantry Medical Contra-Gravity Pack
Heimdal ‘Kazooga’ Elemental Assault Wurlitzer
LALH01’HandiHarness’ Light Armature Harness

* PSHD InjectionMaster 2000 Nano-Inoculation System

*Hibernal (drug - suspended animation)
*Slo-Sleep (drug - suspended animation)
*Torp-Air (drug - suspended animation)
*HemoStop (drug - blood clotting)
*Thermodol (drug - extreme temperature resistance)
*Nitronites (drug - protection from the bends)
*Phobocyd (drug - resist phobias)
*Necrolis (drug - anti-zombification)
Paladin Steel StimPatches

-Fuel Breeder BioReactors
Bond Fruit
Liquid WhupAss
Symbiote Breeding Programs
LifeShell Symbiote
Pscillitron Psi-Detector
Security Blankets - LINNUS--Living Intervention Neural-Network Universal Symbiote

(TW Gear)
Spirit Vacuum
Mystic Mister Daveed’s Wooden Wonders---The Happy Hollow Open Porch Workshop Collection
Antelope Headdresses
Junk Arrowhead
Shaman Tribal
Sail Boat
Fishing Boat
Patrol Boat
Wading Birds

Paladin Steel MegaTape
Mega-Flex Sheeting
Paladin Steel Modular Megadamage Shipping Crates
Paladin Steel Portable Scrambler Shelter
Paladin Steel Erectable Watchtowers
Paladin Steel Fort-A-Potty
Armongus-brand Megadamage Reinforcement Slime
Paladin Steel Model 7 ‘Pillsbury’ Inflatable Shelter
Paladin Steel Modular Housing System (MHS) with:
* Basic Expanding MHS Barracks Unit(EMHS-B1)
* Basic Field Medical Hospital(EMASH-01)
* Field Communications Center(EFCOMMC-01)
* Field Water Treatment Plant(FWTP-1)
Paladin Steel QDAW-01 AutoWall
Paladin Steel Expandable Shelter System (ESS)
Paladin Steel ReadiPlex Modular Bunker System
Paladin Steel (Mc) PABS---Portable Armored Bunker System
Paladin Steel/Paragon Progress SC-08(S) Survival Stasis Capsule
SCS-010 Medical Stasis Unit
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Projectile Weapons:
*PSESP09 FeatherDuster ElectroStatic Dart Pistol
*P-MED02 Twin-Needle Hypo-Pistol
*S-9 Sandman Automatic Shock Pistol
*S-7 Flex Pistol (up to 20mm)
*‘Hailburst’ Light Automatic Weapon (.22)
*LPPW-03 ‘Jasta’ Automatic Pistol (.32mm)
*R-7 Dekar Revolver (.357/12-gauge)
*PS-PRL-09 ‘Trigga’ Tri-Barrel Revolver(.357)
*PSSP03 ‘Husher’ Silenced Pistol (7.62mm)
*HPRL-07 ‘Dannekin’ Heavy Pistol (.45/laser)
*New Colt Model M118 Automatic Pistol (.45)
*M-120 Automag Pistol(9mm)
*P080 NuLuger AutoMag Pistol(9mm)
*Semmerling Automatic Pistol (PS Repligun)(9mm)
*Nu Calico M-950 Pistol (9mm)
*PSGJ-01 GyroJet Pistol (13mm)
*PSGJ-03P GyroJet Pistol(13mm)(WIP)
*GrP-01 ‘Sharkey’ Gravitonic Heavy Pistol
*GrP-02 ‘Astra-Omega’ Gravitonic Heavy Pistol
*‘Champion Five’ R-5 Revolver(.50 cal)
*“Black Thunder’ Revolver (20mm)
*PSP05 Derringer (12-gauge)
*HR-02 Super-Heavy Revolver(12-gauge)
*PS-HP03 Heavy Pistol (12-gauge)
*APP1(Aquatic Projectile Pistol)
*APP2 Underwater Pistol
*AGSD-3 ‘AeroGeler’ AeroGel Sprayer
*PSEP-02 ‘ShocPlug’ Pistol
*PSETMP-02 ‘Bubbler’ Projector
*PSETMP-03 ‘BindaGun’ Restraint Projector
*PSMcAP-02 “Menie’ MicroScale Automatic Pistol (.08)
*PSMcS9/S ‘Glister’ Shock Bead Gun
*PS McMLP-02 ‘Rocket Pistol’ Micro-Missile Pistol
*PS McMLP-11 ‘Nolan Gun’ Micro-Missile Pistol

*PSMcAR-01 MicroScale Rifle (.22)
*PSMcAR-02 MicroScale Automatic Rifle (.22)
*PSMcAR-03 Venter Pepperbox Personal Defense Weapon(.22LR)
*PS-McGPMG07 ‘Frenzy’ Micro-Light General Purpose Machine Gun (.22)
*SPAR-7 Survival Rifle (.22)
*PS-SMG-09 ‘Krugald’ Submachine Gun(.45)
*PSMG-14 5/56 ‘Fhizer’ Security Gun (5.56mm)
*P-630 ‘Stoner’ AutoWeapon System (5.56mm)
*P900 ‘Armand’ PDW(Personal Defense Weapon)(5.7mm)
*PS-MR-14 ‘Simarand’ Automatic Rifle (7.62mm)
*PS/FA L960A2 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (7.62mm)
*PS/FA L1150A4 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (7.62mm)
*L1150V(7.62/8.35 mm)
*OICW “Waybur” Battle Rifle(Gen-2) (9mm/20mm)
*PSAR-74 K“Double Deuce”(DII) Combo-Rifle(7.62mm/laser)
*PSAKM-80 ‘Mega-Deuce’ Combo Heavy Rifle(12-gauge/laser)
*IMD-06 ‘Fletcher’ Flechette Auto-Rifle
*PSGJ-02SMG Assault Weapon (13mm)
*S-8 Flex-Rifle Multi-Function Projectile Rifle
*S-11 ‘Flexus’ Omni-Rifle
*PS-IMD03 ‘Scrapper’ Mass Driver Rifle
*‘STARifle’ Rail Gun Rifle
*M-1R ‘Trusty’ Rail Gun Rifle
*BAR2 Light Rail Gun (7.62)
*XM-139 Sniper Rifle (20mm)
*SHRS-30 SuperHeavy Rifle System(30mm )
*APR2 (Aquatic Projectile Rifle)(5.56 mm darts)
*SBR-14 9/6mm Squeeze-Bore Hypervelocity Rifle
*AR-15G ‘Grendelsbane’ Automatic Rifle (.50 cal)
*PS TAC-500 12.7mm(.50) Heavy Sniper Rifle (.50 cal)
*HAR-25 ‘Esben’ Heavy Rifle ( 25mm )
*PSIMRR-04 ‘Jed’ Pump-Action Rail Gun
*PS-GrAR-03 Gravitonic Assault Rifle
*PS/Z-MHypR-01 HypoRifle/Chemo-Jet Rifle

Heavy Weapons:
*PSMcAGL-03 ‘Fenwick’ MicroScale 23mm Micro-Grenade Launcher
*PSAGL-23C 23mm Micro-Grenade Launcher Pistol
*PSAGL-30B 30mm ‘Banger’ Grenade Launcher
*PSAGL-40B 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
*PSMAGL-40DMs ‘Dhunker’ 40mm Marine Grenade Launcher
*PSAGL-50A ‘Sneezer’ 50mm Projectile Gun
*GPMG M43 7.62mm ‘Fritz’ General Purpose Machine Gun
*PS GPMG M44-MAG 7.62mm ‘Mag’ General Purpose Machine Gun
*PS-M136 7.62mm Minigun
*PS/FA L4A200 ‘Bren’ 7.62mm Light Machine Gun
*RtG-02 ‘Bulldog’ 7.62mm Gatling Gun
*.50 Caliber Machine Guns
*OCSW-2 ‘Arden’ 25mm Heavy Machine Gun
*PSM811 ‘Gunther’ 52mm Infantry Mortar
*‘SeigeBuster’ SuperHeavy Combo-Rifle.
*‘Thunderbunny’ 7.62mm/8 in. MegaRevolver
*GrHR-01 ‘Corbett’ Heavy Gravitonic Rifle
*GrHW-01 ‘Flamma’ Heavy Gravitonic Rail Gun
*SBC-19 13/9mm Squeeze-Bore Hypervelocity Cannon
*Taskin 20mm BackPack Rapid-Fire Autocannon
*PSHM-40 ‘Crusher’ 40mm SuperHeavy Automatic Pistol
*PSFA-LC3701'Hamil-Smytes' 37mm Light Cannon
*’Pulverizer’ 80mm Super-Heavy Shotgun
*McML-03 Underbarrel Micro-Missile Launcher
*McML-04 Underbarrel Micro-Missile Launcher
*McMLR-05 Micro-Missile Launcher-Rifle
*McMLR-06 Micro-Missile Launcher-Rifle
*McMLR-07 ‘Blunderbess’ Micro-Missile Launcher-Rifle
*McML-08 ‘BoomBox’ Micro-Missile Launcher
*McMLR-13 Sniper Micro-Missile Launcher-Rifle
*McMLR-14 Micro-Missile Launcher Rifle
*McMLR-15/16 Micro-Missile Launcher Rifles
*McMAALR-18 ‘Fire Orchid’ 20mm Anti-Aircraft Micro-Missile Launcher
*McMAALR-30 ‘Fire Rose’ 30mm Anti-Aircraft Micro-Missile Launcher
*McML-32 ‘Pencil Case’ 15mm Micro-Missile Launcher
*McMLR-S1/15 ‘Tiny Tim’ and McMLR-S1/20 ‘Miney Moe’ Micro-Missile Launchers
*MTR-01 ‘SeaHammer’ Micro-Torpedo Launcher
*MTL02 Underbarrel Micro-Torpedo Launcher
*PS-CT24 Torpedo Rifle

*SuperCavitation Rounds
*Silent Death TW Silenced Rounds
*Mindshok Rounds

*PS Badger Demolition Grenades
*Paladin Steel (Laser) Rifle Launched Grenades(LRLGs)
*RAP-(Rifleman’s Assault Projectile)
*PSRG-18 Grenade-Drums
*PLDK02 ‘Stringbang’ Personal Lane Demolition Kit
*Plasma-Pumped Laser Grenades(PPLGs)
A-Theron Munitions

*PS-FIM100A ‘Black Talon’ Manportable Anti-Aircraft Missile/Light Surface-to-Air Missile
*MMS-4 ‘Switchblade’ 65mm Mini-Missile RPV
*PS-SDK-40 ‘Boom Ball’ Demolitions Missile
*PSAGM-200 Advanced Cruise Missile
*PPS/PP-LMT01 Land Micro Torpedo Launcher

*T-210 and T310 15mm Missile Guns
*T410 20mm Missile Gun
*PSMS40-MLS 40mm ‘Chewer’ Mortar-Launcher System
*PS/FA-MS20 Merlin Smart Mortar System
*AALBm-17 ‘Air Web’ Anti-Air Land Mine
*PS-M-64 60mm ‘Snapdragon’ Gun-Mortar System
*PS-M-82D ‘Townshend’ 81mm Mortar Cannon
*DPO-61-380 Demolition Gun
*DPO-L9-165 Demolition Gun
*J-Series Multi-Mode Massdriver Cannon
*MC-1 ‘Multi-Caliber’ Artillery Pieces
*MAULER-A/B Heavy Missile

Paladin Steel 30mm Series-II Ramjet Shells(S2RS)

Ion Weapons
*PSIP-2 ‘ Smasher’ Rapid Fire Ion Submachine Pistol
*PSIP-15 Arc-Pistol
*PSIP-18 “Bergan” Ion Pistol
*PSIP-17/2098 Heavy Ion Pistol
*PSIP-19 ‘Sparkshot’ Derringer Ion Pistol

*PSIR-6 ‘Viper’ Ion Pulse Rifle
*PSIR-08 ‘Rip-Zapper’ Ion Rifle
*PSIR-9 ‘Murchison’ Ion Rifle
*PSIR-12 ‘Cheven’ Ion SMG
*PSIW-M3A1 ‘Greaser’ Ion Weapon
*PSIR-14 ‘Vandergrif’ Ion Rifle
*PSIR-15 ‘Westing’ Pump-Action Ion Rifle
*PSIR-17 ‘Zonn’ Ion Rifle

Heavy Weapons:
*PSIC-01 Tesla Infantry Ion Cannon
*PSIC-02 Infantry Ion Cannon
*PSIC-03 “Scheffer’ Ion Cannon
*PSHIW-04 Ion Calliope

*PSIR-11 ‘DeWatti’ Non-Metallic Ion Rifle
*PSIP-20 ‘Khul’ Non-Metallic Ion Pistol
*PSIP-21B “Teraon’ Non-Metallic Light Ion Pistol

*Series 2098 Ion Weapons(damage enhancement)

Laser Weapons:
*PS(Mc)LR-9 “SunSting’ Mini-Laser
*PSLP-1B ‘Adder’ Heavy Laser Pistol
*PSLP-3 ‘Asp’ Light Laser Pistol
*PSLP-4 ‘Bushmaster’ Laser Pistol
*PSLP-5 ‘Krait’ Laser Pistol
*PSLP-6 ‘SunFang’ Light Laser Pistol
*PSLP-7/G-22P ‘Peresvet’ Pulse Laser Pistol
*PSLP-8 ‘Rinkhal’ Laser Pistol
*PSLP-9 ‘Ratling’ Laser Pistol
*PSLR-5 ‘Partisan’ Laser Rifle
*PSLR-6 ‘Pointer’ Laser Rifle
*PSLR-7 ‘Rattler’ Rapid-Fire Light Laser Rifle
*PSLR-10 ‘Maximus’ Laser Rifle
*PSLR-17 ‘Priene’ Laser Rifle
*PSLR-32 ‘Ulnar’ Laser Rifle
*PSLR-50 ‘Widower’ Rifle
*PSLR-51 ‘Kasey’ Pump-Action Laser Rifle
*PSLR-52 ‘Chintiss’ Laser Rifle

Heavy Weapons:
*PS-RFL2-33 ‘Blazer’ Rapid-Fire Infantry Laser
*X-RLR-18 ‘Exel’ Heavy X-Ray Laser Rifle

*LUD-05 Laser Bore Device

Plasma Weapons:
*PSPPH-12 ‘Incendii’ Plasma Pistol
*PPSH-15 Plasma Revolver(CT Cartridge)
*PSPP-89 NovaGaze Plasma Pistol
*PSPP-90 Noveye Plasma Pistol

Submachine Guns:
*PPSMG-01 ‘Hotspur’ Plasma Submachine Gun(CT Cartridge)
*PPSMG-02 ‘Salamander’ Plasma Submachine Gun

*PSPSR-1 ‘Saber Rifle’ Multi-Mode Plasma Carbine
*PSPSR-2 ‘Nimro’ Plasma Rifle
*PSPPR-6 ‘Genta’ Plasma Rifle
*PSK-PPRCT-16 Plasma Repeating Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PSK-PPRCT-12 Plasma Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PSK-PPRCT-18 Heavy Plasma Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PSK-PPRCT-21 Combination Plasma Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PSPPR-22M1928 ‘Thompson’ Plasma Submachine Gun
*PSPPR-23 ‘’Corona’ Pump-Action Plasma Rifle
*PSPTRSS-02 ‘Sun Spot’ X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PPRMCG-01 Plasma Combat Gauntlet

Heavy Weapons:
*‘PPR-3 Serap’ Heavy Plasma Projector
* PPR-4 ‘Comet Rifle” Plasma Bazooka
*PSPPR-5 ‘Lewiston’ Light Plasma Cannon
*PSPPR-9 TriBarrel ‘HeatWave’ Gatling Plasma Cannon(CT Cartridge)
*PSPPR-11 ‘Scorcher’ Plasma Weapons Pack
*PSPPR-20 ‘Supernova’ Heavy Plasma Rifle
*PPHvR-01 ‘Death Flare’ Plasma Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PPHvR-02 ‘Sun Storm’ Heavy Plasma Rifle(CT Cartridge)
*PTICS-01(Plasma-initiated Tactical Infantry Cannon System)(CT Cartridge)

Paladin Steel ‘Grill-God’ MegaCookery Plasma Grill

Particle Beam Weapons:
*SPBW-8 ‘BlueBolt’ Heavy Particle Beam Rifle
*SPC-7 ‘Nova’ Particle Beam Assault Rifle
*PSPBW-7 ‘Kurang’ Particle Beam Weapon
*PSPBW-9 ‘FlareHammer’ Particle Beam Weapon
*PSPBW-10 ‘Fanblaster’ Particle Beam Weapon
*PSBW-11 ‘Super-BAR’ Particle Beam Rifle
*Advanced Nuetron Weapons(‘ANWeps’)

Sonic Weapons:
*USR-10 Howler Sonic Rifle
*USR-11 Strakker Sonic Rifle
*USP-12 Sonic Pistol
*USC-02 Screecher Sonic Cannon
*PSSW-07 ‘Pucker’ Sonic Plumbing Tool
* PPSW08 VibroMop
*PS Vibro Grenades

Miscellenaeous Weapons:
*KPESB-01 ‘Kesper’ Pump-Action Stun Blaster
*Paladin Steel PSETMP-02 ‘Bubbler’ Projector
*Paladin Steel PSETMP-03 ‘BindaGun’ Restraint Projector
*Kugash K17 ‘Staplegun’

*PS BSS-VcR01 ‘SteemKleen’ Vac-Rifle

GunLoc Modular Long Arm System
Paladin Steel GunLoc II System
GunLocBlue Law Enforcement Weapons System

*‘ZombEX’ Anti-Undead Spray
*NecroGo Anti-Zombie Pellets
*AZM-02 ’Scarab Bomb’ Anti-Zombie Munition
*ZM03 ‘TangleRot’ Anti-Zombie Munition
*‘Reeker’ Grenades
*PS Biothan Shells
EM Vortex Weaponry
*S-6/IMP-07 ‘MagMaster’ ElectroMagnetic Pistol
*EMVR-08 ‘MagHammer’ ElectroMagnetic Rifle
*EMPG-08 EMPulsar
*PAPS-17 _Black Lightning_ Electro-Magnetic Disruptor Weapon

Gravitic Weaponry
*Gravitic Munitions(Collapsers/Repulsors)
*Reduced Force Repulsor Gravitic Munition
*IMPG-11 ‘G-Gauntlet’ Gravitonic Projector Glove
*PS/PP -SFR-01 Hardtack Force Rifle

Anti-Theron Weaponry
*A-Theron Hand Disruptor
*ATR-01 Anti-Theron Rifle
*ATHW02 Anti-Theron Heavy Projector
*Type 1 Anti-Theron Disruptor Cannon(ATC-01)
*A-Theron MagnaBlaster
*A-Theron Platform Plaser

Melee Weaponry:
*CQW01 Pummeler Night Stick
*CQW02 Traveler’s Staff Module
*CQW07 Slash Stick
*CQW08 Rippa-Blade
*CQW10 ‘BladeDuster’ Hand Weapon
*Vibro-Spade Entrenching Tool
Surgio Voltente Combat Watch
Paladin Steel Melee Whips
* Conventional Whip
* Neural Whip
* Adhesor Whip
* Nematocyst Whip
* Tendril Whip

*Paladin Steel/Pandora Armaments Atlas-Wire Monofilament
*Snap Wire
*Cutter Trap Web

*‘Starlight Eagle’ Technowizardry Energy Pistol
*‘Mystic Eagle’ Technowizardry Energy Pistol
*‘Night Ranger’ Technowizardry Energy Pistol
*‘Life Shot’ TW Energy Pistol
*NecroBlaster TW Pistol
*TWLP-07 ‘Solarex’ TW Laser Pistol
* ‘Luxar’ TW Laser Pistol
*‘FunGun’ TW Energy Pistol
*‘Smackdown’ TW Pistol
*‘Agonizer’ TW Pistol
* TWEMPP-02 ‘Magshot’ TW ElectroMagnetic Pistol
* ‘Dracolt’ Heavy TW Pistol
*‘Spritzer’ TW Pistol
*‘Inundator’ TW Pistol
*TWHGL-02 ‘Oshi’ TW Grenade Teleporter Launcher
*’Quadamental’ TW Rifle
*‘Crysus’ TW Ice Rifle
*‘Rager’ Heavy TW Rifle
*‘Demolisher’ Heavy TW Rifle
*’Attilus’ TW Combat Gauntlet
*‘Gigantafist’ TW Combat Gauntlet
*‘Harker’ Multi-Armament Vampire Antagonizer
*‘SunCutter’ TW Chainsaw
*(TWMBW05)TW Ice Saber
*TW Heart Seeker TW Stake
*‘Hextus’ TW Combat Gauntlet
*Morpheus TW Mallet
*‘ClueBat’ TW Blunt Weapon
*(TWMBW07) Trident Melee Weapon
*TWMBW11 ‘SebaKatar’ TW Melee Weapon
*‘Gentleman’s Argument’ TWML-3 Fight Stick
*TEMED-02 ‘Life Stick’ TW Medical Applicator
*TEMED-01 ‘Water-Heal’ Immersion Medical Device
*TEMED-03 ‘Breath-Eez’ TW Respiratory Medical Device
*PS-TMED05 ‘Lax-Gun’ TW Medical Applicator
*TWESD-01 ‘Thrall Seeker’ TW Enthrallment Spell Detector/Scanner
*TW ‘Ctesibius’ Fire Suppression Rifle
*TWKMUT-01 Kinetic Manipulation Utility Tool
*TWER-01 ‘Straightener’ TW Environmental Repair Tool
*TWSP02 ‘Kleener’ Spray Pistol
*DuoLuminex---TW Holographic Hand Device
*TWTTP-01 ‘OHOT’ Field Teleport Projector
*‘Quicksilver’ TW Weapons Modification
*‘Lightning Striker’ TW Weapons Modification
*TW Auditory Intimidation Weapon Enhancement
*TWWCT-03 ‘Pathmaker’ TW Forestry Tool

*Mage Pod TW Spell Projection System
*Paladin Steel Mini-Mage Multiplexor Weapon

*AC4-30 30mm Quad-Cannon
*T-210 and T310 15mm Missile Guns
*T410 20mm Missile Gun
BM-22 and RM-72 Multiple Rocket Launch Systems
Farnborough Avionics 2-Pounder ‘Pom-Pom’ Autocannon Mark IV
*PSMS40-MLS 40mm ‘Chewer’ Mortar-Launcher System
*PS/FA-MS20 Merlin Smart Mortar System
*AALBm-17 ‘Air Web’ Anti-Air Land Mine
*PS-M-64 60mm ‘Snapdragon’ Gun-Mortar System
*PS-M-82D ‘Townshend’ 81mm Mortar Cannon
*DPO-61-380 Demolition Gun
*DPO-L9-165 Demolition Gun
*MC-1 ‘Multi-Caliber’ Artillery Pieces
*MAULER-A/B Heavy Missile
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Posts: 48134
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS-MC019 ‘Howard’ Light Personal Transport Scooter
PS-LHvC Buffver Floor Polisher/ Light Hovercycle
PS-HC-06 Brego Hovercycle
PS-HC-07 ‘Reliable’ Utility Hovercycle
PS-S-HC-01 Barracuda Hovercycle
PS ATV-IFV02 ‘Speedy’ Quad-Wheeler Mini-AFV
PS-ATV-LAMPH02 Jinnyex All-Terrain Vehicle, Amphibious

PS M9 ACE Bulldozer/Engineering Vehicle(tracked)
PS M9T Tunneler Bulldozer/Engineering Vehicle(tracked), Subterranean Excavation
PS CT-series Pickup Trucks
PS M2740 ‘Scootie”
Paladin Steel PS-CEV-U/T-18 ‘Roebling’ Combat Engineering Vehicle
Paladin Steel ST-4 Mauler Salvage and Demolition Tank
PSC-021 ‘Roadlayer’ Heavy Road Construction Vehicle
Paladin Steel TW Tractor

M-29C ‘Weasel’ Light Treaded Amphibious Vehicle
PS-AATUV-02M WaterNix Amphibious All-Terrain Utility Vehicle
Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles PS/TVV-MDUKW2 MDUKWIII ‘MegaDuck’
PS-LM/G-MDUKW3 Mineex High Speed Amphibious Utility Vehicle
PS-LVT-4 Gator Treaded Amphibious Utility Vehicle
Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles LVTP700 AAAV/AAV7A1 ‘Platypus’ Amphibious Armored Vehicle
PS-LM/G-ALAC-04 Morgen Amphibious Light Armored Car
Paladin Steel PS-LAUV-030 ‘Mallard’ Light Amphibious Utility Vehicle

PS P.75 ’Beep’
PS-M4 Tractor-Crawler
PS-M81300 ‘Rollalong’ Medium Truck
PS/VWA ‘Thing’
PS-M640 Kricket Light Automobile/Utility Truck
Paladin Steel PS-LGC-07 Silken-Swift Armored Limousine
Paladin Steel HF1.6 ‘Stratos’ Scout Car
Locke-Snye Industries TrundleBug Ground Car
Paladin Steel Jeep Warrior ATV-40V
PS/L-FF/ATRV-06 Dayshan Land Rover, Rapid Response Fire Reconnaissance
Paladin Steel PS-FP-ST(UBX)07 ‘Buffalo’ Ordnance Disposal Vehicle

PS-GC1979 Checker Marathon II Taxi-Sedan

Paladin Steel/AVA Camper Van
Paladin Steel Super-Bug ATV Rover
Paladin Steel UV-07 Series Walking Trucks
PS-UV-23 Futurcruiser Medium Multipurpose Transport Truck
Paladin Steel DL-500 “Arabian’ All Terrain Multi-Purpose Vehicle
Paladin Steel DL-600 ‘Clysdale’ Heavy 8x8 Multi-Purpose Vehicle
PS-MCCH-03 Herka Large Utility Cargo Hauler
Paladin Steel PS-T18 ‘Rambo’ Heavy Truck/Land Cruiser
PS-TT-14 Katir Variable Wheelbase Transport Tactical Truck
PS-GAAB-01 All-Terrain Personnel Transport
PS-HT-170/240/320/400 Heavy Multipurpose Industrial Truck

PS/ASI-C/HV-028 Hwin Hovrcar
PS-DuHv69 Mako Hovercar
Paladin Steel PS-HV(P-L)-3 Peregrine Hovercar
PS-GMR-LHUV05 Merlin Hovercar
PS-HC021‘Senturi’ Hovercar
PS-CGHV-24 Nor'Easter Hovercar
PS-GMRHV-355 ‘Vader’ Light Hover Vehicle, Gravi-Magnetic Resist
PS-Hv-MEDSAR-06 ‘Garman’ Medical Search and Rescue Transport Hovervehicle
PS-GMR-LAH17 ‘Xaos’

Paladin Steel GMR Hoverplate

MagLev Lines
MagLev Modules
*MagLev Type-02 ‘Floaters’

Paladin Steel PS-LAFV17 ‘Daniel Boone’- Light Scout Vehicle
PS-LADV-1 “SkyWatcher”/ NRR-ADV-3 Meles (“Badger”) Air Defense Vehicle
PS-ADV-07 Cactus Air Defense Vehicle
PS-APC117 Dancat Armored Personnel Carrier/Urban Security Vehicle
Paladin Steel PS-GAC-02‘Wolfhound’ Light Armored Car
Laandsrad Armored Car
PS-LSI-IYA-09 Brumbler Ground Combat Vehicle, One-Person
PS-APC-03 ‘Rattlesnake’ Armored Personnel Carrier
Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles M3000 Halftrack Rover
PS-APC(T)118 Linden Armored Personnel Carrier, Tracked
Paladin Steel Colter Rover
Vortrekker Exploration APC
PS- UT-11LMRLS Utility Truck, Medium, Light Multiple Rocket Launch System

Paladin Steel PS-LBT-01 Jeb Stuart Light Tank
PS-LAFV027 Winsor Light Armored Fighting Vehicle, Tracked
PS-TWAFV-Fz01 ‘Glaciator’ Freeze-Tank’ Armored Fighting Vehicle, Cryogenic Assault
Paladin Steel M65 Skorpion III Light Tank
Paladin Steel PS-LT-47 ONTOS II Fire Support Vehicle
Paladin Steel PS-LT-48 ‘Zerkat’ Light Armored Vehicle Family
Paladin Steel/Twardy Vintage Vehicles PS/TVV-M24-LBT M24 Chaffee Light Tank
Paladin Steel PS-LBT-03 Mongol Light Tank

Paladin Steel PS-MBT-05C ’Lynx’ Medium Tank
Paladin Steel PS-T-34 ‘Kodiak’ Medium Tank
Paladin Steel M4A3 “Sherman” Medium Tank
Hangar-18B/Paladin Steel Medium Tank M3 ‘Sand King’
Paladin Steel PS-MBT-07 Black Bear Medium Tank
Paladin Steel PS-AA/AP-AFV32 ‘Gun-Ripper’ Medium Tank
Paladin Steel PS-AFV-25 ‘Sand Demon’ Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle(6x6)
Trasis Heavy Tank
Paladin Steel PS-MBT-25 Von Stueben Heavy Tank
PS-HMBT-17 Kerkat Heavy Main Battle Tank, Treaded
PS-MBT-28 ‘Vyrm Tyrannis’ Main Battle Tank

PS-LRV-ACV(LGERV)-03 Asateague Light Ground Effect Scout Vehicle
Paladin Steel PS-R-SO-GEV-27 ‘Airshark’ Stealth Skimmer
PS-GEV-APC-113 ‘Grenser’ Armored Personnel Carrier, Ground Effect Vehicle

Paladin Steel PS-S-GMR-LBT-7 Zephyr Hover Tank
PS-HBT4A3 Shaw Medium Hover Tank
PS-HBT-34 Cossack Medium Hover Tank
Paladin Steel PS-GEV-MMBT-20 Chandar Chandar Medium Hovertank
Paladin Steel PS-GEV-MBT-15 ‘Firedrake’ HoverTank
PS-H/MBT-16 Bandersnatch Heavy Hover Assault Tank
Paladin Steel PS-HMBT-025 ‘Shadowfist’ Heavy Hover Tank
PS-HLAA-101GEV-SAD/GAMILON Heavy Duty Heavy Lift Ground Effect Artillery
Platform, Strategic Air Defense

UET-03/CCMBT-03 Unish Main Battle Tank

(Smallkn Vehicles)
PS-MC016(Mc) Gywheel MicroScale Motorcycle, Unicycle
PS-MBmT01‘Tom Thumb’ Main Battle Micro-Tankette
PS-McLBT-05 ‘Sica’ Armored Fighting Vehicle
PS-ATV-IFV02 ‘Speedy’ All-Terrain Vehicle, Infantry Fighting Vehicle
PS-ATV-IFV02(Mc) Darotter All-Terrain Vehicle, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Amphibious
McHS01 ‘Speedball’ Micro-Scale Hovercycle
PS-McSOHV-02 ‘Blackball’ Micro-Scale Special Operations Hovercraft
PS-S-(Mc)HC-07 Piranha Hovercycle/Micro-Scale Hover Attack Craft

Paladin Steel ‘Waterwalker’ Enhanced Amphibious Mobility Kit(EAMK-01)
Paladin Steel AFV-EXT01 Extensor Rig
CLWT-04 ‘Mini-Mon’ Light Weapons Turret

Power Armor:
PS-PA-10 Pikeman
PSA-11 Series Power Armours
PSA-11 "Gendarme"
PSA-11E Combat Engineer
PSA-11F ‘FireDog’ Firefighter
PSA-11K ‘Dogfish’ Nautical Operations Power Armor
PSPA-12S ‘Caliban’ Heavy Power Armor
PS-PSA-18 Swashbuckler
PS-PP-PSA-20 DynaStrec
PS “Stormalong” Deep Sea Utility Exo-Armor
PS-DSVR-02 ‘Triton Chariot’
PS-PAH-14 Nahar Semi-Autonomous Robotic Power Armor Extension System
PS/KT- G-10MDXL Samaritan Heavy Exo-Armor, Emergency Medical Response
PS-PHASE01/02/03 Personal Paraspace High-energy Armor Storage Equipment
Uberburrough Iron-Mack Dwarven Power Armor

(Smallkn Power Armor)
PS-McPA02 Scamper Power Armor, Micro
PS-McPA03 Darter Power Armor, Micro
ASEVAM(Mc)-11 ‘Lange’ ExtraVehicular Activity Module/ Hazardous Environment Work Pod
PS-McPA04 SpiderMite MicroScale Power Armor
PS-PA-TSU-InF-1 Tsubasa-class"VendorBender" Infiltration 'Bot
PS-PA-LazEB-InF-2 ‘BarcoBot’ Special Operations Infiltration Power Armor

PS-LRB-UV-2 Volkschlepper Light Bipedal Utility Vehicle
PS-MEMERV-07 ‘LongLegger’ Multi-Environment Light Robot Vehicle
Paladin Steel PS-UMLRV-09 ‘Scuttler’ MultiPurpose Robot Vehicle

Paladin Steel ‘Pathfinder’ Scout/Exploration Robot
PS-T01LCRV ‘Jackalope’ Light Combat Robot Vehicle
PS-IR-8 Minotaur Infantry Robot
PS-IR72C Carney Infantry Robot
PS/CTRL-LRR-EPHUS05 Emphus Light Recon Robot Vehicle
PS-MPR-08 Arcos MultiPurpose Medium Robot Vehicle
PS-AR-17 ‘Mandril’ Heavy Robot Vehicle
PS-A-18 ‘Mongrel’ Light Robot Vehicle
PS-IAR-7 ‘Mantis’ Modular Infantry Robot
PS/CTRL-MIBR-GILH09 Giliath Medium Infantry Combat Robot
PS/CTRL-MCR-GvD014 GraveDigger Medium Combat Robot
PS-I/ADR-07 Grelac Infantry Robot
PS/CTRL-SMRG017 Simurg Medium Combat Robot
PS/CTRL AZTC17 Aztec Heavy Combat Robot
PS/CTRL-HCR-RLND05 Roland Heavy Combat Robot
PS-TIR-02 Satyr Light ‘Tankoid’
PS/CTRL-LCRR-MTJY-05 Montjoy Light Infantry Robot
PS/CTRL-GND11 Gondal Light Combat Robot
PS/CTRL--BRAP-D-07 Bardolph Medium Combat Robot
PS/CTRL-MCR-SCMT12 Scimitar Medium Combat Robot
PS/CTRL CSTL09 Castellan Defender Combat Robot
PS-IRA-04 Zysha Heavy Hover Assault Robot
PS/CTRL-MCR-FP04 Firepike Medium Combat Robot, Fire Support
PS/CTRL-HCR17 Fireshriek Heavy Combat Robot, Fire Support
*PS- DSCRV-H20A Nemo Deep Sea Combat Robot Vehicle

*PS-RHv-03 ‘Tizon’ Transformable Frame Robot Hover Vehicle
*PS-KVAR-02 Jayhawk Multi-Role Robot Vehicle Jet
*PS-VFURV02 Iruka Transformable Frame Underwater Robot Vehicle

*PS-RU-005-4 Smash-Master Remote Control Robotic Drone, Utility, Multi-Purpose, Semi-Autonomous
*McUAV03 ‘MicroDragon’ UltraLight Unmanned Reconnaissance Drone
*FALSTAFF(Friendly Artifical Lifelike Servobot, Technical Assistant, FurriForm)
*PS-CCX-4 Artificial Intelligence, Network System Overseer/Central Processor
*DRIVER---Directive Robotic Intelligence, Vehicular Enhancement Refit
*PILOT---Pilot InteLligence Operating Technology
*SAILOR--- Subsidiary Artificial InteLligence Oceanic Robotics
*ASTROS----AeroSpace Technology Robot Operations System
*PS-UAV-RPV-07 Midge Unmanned Multi-Purpose Light Semi-Autonomous Drone Aerodyne
*PS-MS-SARDS-06B Mini-Mule Vectored Thrust Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Utility Drone Aircraft
*PS-CQ-100A ParaMule Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Utility Drone Aircraft
*PS-R-28 Cyberconda Unmanned Semi-Autonomous Utility Drone

*PS-HLUR-03 ‘Atlas’ Heavy Labor Utility Robot
*PS-R-DWB-01 ‘Dweeb’ Domestic Work Robot, Light
*Paladin Steel PS-R-10 ‘DanBot’ Humanoid Utility Drone
*PS-Rb-02 Magnus Semi-Autonomous Humanoid Utility Robot
*PS-R-15 Semi-Autonomous Utility Robot (Fully robotic version of the Maczek Full Conversion Cyborg)
*PS-TAA02 ‘CyberSpinne’ Semi-Autonomous Android, Cybernetic Intelligence Life Assistant
*PS-CCX-4 Artificial Intelligence, Network System Overseer/Central Processor
*PS-R-SOG-04 Shadowbot Espionage/Special Operations Robot, Semi-Autonomous
*PS-CO-100 ‘Bubba’ SemiAutonomous Espionage Exoframe
*PS-MS-SARDSUV-01’Sea Mantis’ SemiAutonomous Robot Defense System, Underwater Vehicle
*PS-SASR-7 Spartoi Semi-Autonomous Multi-Function Infantry Robot
*PS/ASI-R-BS5-0 Semi-Autonomous Police Security Drone
*PS-AT-LABT-07 ‘Damnthing’ Light Semi-Autonomous Autotank

*PS-CILA-02 ‘CILA’ Semi-Autonomous Android, Cybernetic Intelligence Life Assistant
*PS-VK-2 ‘Vikky’ Special Operations Vampire Killer Android
*PS-MARI-01 ‘Compandroid’ Multirole Associative Robot Intelligence

(Smallkn Robot Vehicles)
PS-FCMcCFCR-01 Rhobar Cyborg Frame Combat Robot(Heavy Machine)
PS-McQIR-03 Pinscher Quadruped MicroRobot Vehicle
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Posts: 48134
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England

Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS FK-08 Whisper-Kayak
*Paladin Steel Autonomous Benthic Assistants(ABA)
-ABA Type-1 Wrasse
-ABA Type-2 Cudda
-ABA Type 3 Talisman-S
PS-USPV-1 Newcomb Roboat Unmanned Surface Patrol Vehicle
PS-USPV-2 Siebert Roboat Unmanned Surface Patrol Vehicle
PS-ASPD-11 ASPD Assault Support Patrol Boat
PS-PB14 Capricorn High Speed Patrol Boat
PS-PB11 Wave Runner Patrol Boat
PS-PB(M)-01 Mike Fink Riverine Monitor

PS-GPF-SS-L1 Liberty Ship
PS-GPF-SS-V1 Victory Ship
PS-C3 Americus Large Transport Freighter
PS-AOR/T-7 Packer-class Tanker
PS-N-HSV03 Ashaton Multi-Configuration High Speed Vessel
PS-ARSS-01 Montgomery Mobile Dry-dock/Mega-Tug

PS-HACU-05 Alpaca Heavy Utility Air Cushion Hover Transport
PS-ACVH-12 Uris Heavy Air Cushion Vehicle Freighter
PS/FA-ACVL-08 Aduvia Light Air Cushion Freighter

PS-PG44 Magnolia Anti-Submarine Corvette
PS-PCFG-11‘Skuld’-class Air Cushion Escort Corvette
PS-FSG-07 Thorne Corvette
PS-PCFG-14 Sierca Corvette
PS-MPS-MSH-2 Night Wave Multipurpose Corvette
PS-FFG080 Agin-Class Patrol Frigate
PS-GEV-AC-01 Storm Skimmer Fast Frigate
PS-ACVFFG-04 Miami Fast Frigate, Air Cushion
PS-NFQ-DD-30 Hudson Class Destroyer
PS-DDG-21 Fubuki-II Destroyer
PS-DDG-22 Fletcher II Destroyer
PS-DD-21C Atar Destroyer
PS-CGN-8 ‘Aldyriss’ Missile Cruiser, semi-submersible

PS-LOSLLC-03 ‘Bailey’ Low-Observibility Submersible Light Landing Craft
PS-LC-01 Higgins 3 Landing Craft/Ferry
PS-LC-MACV-21 Tyan Medium Air Cushion Vessel, Landing Craft
PS-LCV-04 Bougainville-class Landing Craft(LCV/LCT)
PS-LST(M)-03 Sicily-class Landing Ship
PS-LST-01 Juno Landing Ship
PS-LST-02A/B Salerno Landing Ship, Tank/Vehicle-Medium
PS-LST-05 Normandy Landing Ship, Tank/Vehicle-Amphibious Warfare Vessel
PS-MPS-LPD-3 Freedom-class Multi-purpose Amphibious Operations Transport
PS-S/LST01 Tansa Submersible Landing Ship, Tank

PS-CVE-01 Casablanca II Escort Carrier
PS-CVE02 ‘Haven’ Aircraft Carrier, Escort

PS-(Mc)SSN02 ‘Mecko’ MicroSubmarine
PS-(Mc)SSN03 ‘Selkie’ MicroSubmarine
Paladin Steel Kraken Deep Sea Robot
PS-USDV-03 ‘SeaFang’ Underwater Combat Sled
PS-OPAL-01 One Person Amphibious Leisurecraft
PS-TOPAS-02 Tactical One-Man Armed Submarine
PS-DSUV-07“Sea Glider”(Also “Sea Robin”) Paramilitary/Research Submersible
PS-DSV-MS/UC-7 Polyphemus Mini-Sub
PS-A/DSV-2 Clymene Mini-Sub Walker
PS-SSN(Mc)-11 Minnow Midget Submarine
PS-AAAV/LPSSN-12 ‘Turner’ Amphibious Armored Assault Vehicle, Submersible Attack Cruiser
PS-LSSN-05 Lilan Light Patrol Submarine
PS-SSN-8 Holland Light Patrol Submarine
PS-SSN017 Bythos Light Patrol Submersible Hydrofoil
PS-SSN-150 ‘Phoenicia’ Medium Multipurpose Submarine
PS-SSN-400 ‘Seahorse’ Large Multipurpose Submarine
PS-UC-18-SCV Maushop-class Submersible Superhauler
PS-SSBN-17 Salamis Cruiser Submarine
PS-SSN-0X2 Devil Ray Multi-environment Attack Submarine

G’Nasaw/Gnasher (BB-015X) Dwarven Battleship/Heavy Cruiser

(Smallkn Watercraft)
PS-SSN(Mc)-11 Minnow Midget Submarine
PS-(Mc)MFB-01 ‘Sea Owl’ Microscale Fast Patrol Boat
PS-(Mc)SSN02 ‘Mecko’ MicroSubmarine
PS-(Mc)SSN03 ‘Selkie’ MicroSubmarine

(Anti-Submarine Weapons Systems)
Rocket Propelled Depth Charge Systems/Light Anti-Submarine Rocket Weapons(LASRW)
Captor Mines
Wire-Guided Torpedoes
ASROC (Anti-submarine Rocket)
SUBROC (ASROC in a submarine)
Harpoon III Missiles
-Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2)
-Degaussing System
-Hull Electrification System
-Sonic Scramblers(“Screamers”)
-Deep Flares

(Nautical Gear)
-MDC Netting
-Recovery Balloons
-Desalination equipment

(SeaCon Underwater Construction Systems)
Surface Platforms----MMSP(Multipurpose Marine Surface Platform)
-Hex-Pad 2 MMSP Unit
Paladin Steel ‘StasRac’ Magfield Pressure Resistance Generators
DSD(Deep Sea Dome) Series
Underwater Systems
-Structure/Facility Types
-Oxygen Systems

PS-VTFS02 FireLily High Performance Vectored Thrust Flight System
PS-CGC-03 Tsen Grav-Cycle, Heavy, Combat
PS/KS-HVLAFV02 ‘Sebb’ Light Attack Hovercraft
PS-OA-15 Meadowlark Light STOL Scout Plane
PS-S-175 Kittiwake Light Aircraft
PS-RS300 Scaup Dual-Mode Flying Boat
Paladin Steel : PS-GMR-LAMPV-17 Yellowjacket Light GMR Aerodyne
PS-GMRCHV-15 Kerlun GraviMagnetic Resist Light Transport Aerodyne
Paladin Steel PS-UtUAV-17 ‘SkyLift’ Aerial Crane
Paladin Steel PS-GMR-VTOL-CH5300 Arakeen Aerodyne Troop Carrier
Paladin Steel V-22 Osprey II Vertol Tiltrotor
Paladin Steel/Douglas DC-3/C-47
PS-Waco CG-4(TW) Glider
PS-UT/VTOL-5 Starfire Light VTOL Transport Jet
Paladin Steel PS-VTOL-C04‘Vanstar’ Light Cargo Fanjet Aircraft
Paladin Steel Bat Light Hover Jet
Paladin Steel PS-L-VTOL-U1 Skimmer Light Utility Aircraft
Paladin Steel YC-1250 Pioneer-2 Light Transport
Paladin Steel PS/CA--L-VTOL-2C ‘Super Jetson’ Light VTOL
PS-C1407 SkyFox Light Armed Transport Jet

Paladin Steel C-130/2 Hercules II Air Transport
Paladin Steel PS-DH-VTOL-2 DH Caribou II Air Transport Aerodyne
Paladin Steel Custom Aviation ‘Greeb’ Flying Submarine
PS-C70 Rarog Multirole Medium Transport Aircraft
Paladin Steel PDC-10 TriJet Airliner/Cargo Transport

Paladin Steel PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-1 ‘Moth’ Anti-Grav Transport
ûPaladin Steel Cavorite GMR Light Transport
Paladin Steel VTOL-8C ‘Flitter’ Light VTOL
PS-GMRD-VTOL-CT-25 Slepnir’ Medium Aerodyne Troop/Power Armor Transport

PS/NBA/FA/CA-PBY-5A ‘Catalina’ Maritime Patrol Flying Boat
PS/FA-PBM-5/0 ‘Mariner’ Maritime Reconnaissance Flying Boat
PS/FA-PB2Y-50 Coronado Maritime Patrol Flying Boat
PS/M PSC70M SeaMistress Flying Boat Transport
PS-HFB-17 Ardea Heavy Supersonic Multipurpose Flying Boat
Paladin Steel/Kera-Tech PB-2005ST ‘Wayfarer’ Long Range Heavy Airlifter/Surface Effect Airborne Ship(SEAS)
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel ‘Great Fulmar’ Heavy-Hauler Long Distance Sea Plane
PS-C300 Super Clipper Long Range Aerodyne Heavy Air Transport/Heavy Maritime Aerodyne
PS-C-1240 Aethon Heavy Long-Endurance Aerial Transport/Support Aerodyne Platform
PS/H18B/CV-C-58(TW) StratoChariot Supersonic Transport
PS/H18B/CV-C-589(TW) Delta Queen Supersonic Transport
Paladin Steel PS-TAV09 ‘Exastar’ Transatmospheric Long Range Exploration Aerodyne
Paladin Steel PS-C271 ‘Skymaster III’ Heavy Air Transport
Paladin Steel Nantucketer GMR AeroTransport
Paladin Steel Foss Class Air/Sea Ley Line Transport
Paladin Steel McCall GMR Platforms

H-18B/PS-OV-10S SuperBronco Air Control/Counter-Insurgency Aircraft

Paladin Steel Vixen LVX-U66W Micro-Fighter
Paladin Steel PS-LCA-HP-09 ‘Taon’ Combat Pod
FA/PS/H18B-B139 Covenant Medium TW Bomber
PS/H18B/CV-B-58(TW) Hustler Supersonic Bomber
PS-B-500 ‘Maya’ Supersonic Bomber
B-36 Peacemaker Heavy Long Range Bomber
PS/M PS60M ‘Sea Master’ Long Range Amphibious Bomber
PS-SST-B-14 Diomedes Strategic Heavy Supersonic Bomber

Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B/Vought F-8 Crusader(TW)
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B/McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk(TW)
Farnborough Avionics/Paladin Steel Douglas A-1 Skyraider Ground Attack Aircraft

PS-LSH-2F Sea Sprite Multirole Light Shipboard Helicopter
Paladin Steel/Sikorsky PS-ASH-S-62(TW) Super Sea King TW Marine Operations Helicopter
PS-B/AACN-AH-204 Penetrator Low Observability Attack/Transport Helicopter
Paladin Steel PS-AH-563 Cheyenne III Attack Helicopter
Paladin Steel PS-AH72B‘Mohawk’ Attack Helicopter

Paladin Steel PS-F-2 GyreFalcon Pursuer Tilt-Engine VTOL Fighter
Paladin Steel PS-HST/VTOL-08 “Dragonfly” Assault VTOL

Paladin Steel F-32P Avenger Joint Strike Fighter
Paladin Steel TBA-5 ‘Cormorant ‘ Submersible Torpedo Bomber
Paladin Steel PS-TBF-9 ‘Batfish’ Floatplane Fighter-Bomber
PS-A-120 Avenger III/Alkonost Naval Attack Aircraft
PS-PB4Y-2(TW) Privateer II Heavy Land-based Maritime Patrol Bomber

Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B ‘Atlatal’ SlingScout Variant
PS/C-SO-200 Skymaster II Observation/Light Strike Aerospace Craft

Paladin Steel PS-RPV-06 Hornet Airborne Combat Drone
Paladin Steel PSQF-2 ‘FireBird’ Drone Fighter
PSD-21 Surveillance Drone
Paladin Steel PSQF-4 ‘Phantom’ Fighter Drone
PS-UAV-27 Skyke Unmanned Aerial Combat Drone
Paladin Steel ‘SkyDagger’ XF-UCV-45 Fighter Drone
Paladin Steel Tempest-class TW Cruise Missile

AC-130/2 “Puff the Magic Dragon” Spectre Gunship
Farnborough Avionics Bristol Beaufighter X
Paladin Steel ‘Harpoon’ Maritime Patrol Bomber
North American/Paladin Steel West TW B-25 ‘Mitchell’ Medium Bomber
Paladin Steel SP-51 Mustang
Paladin Steel SP-82 Gemini-Twin Mustang Aerospace Fighter
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B/Lockheed F-104(TW) Starfighter
PS SPD-335 ‘Bolt’Aerospace Fighter
TWB-51 ‘FlameCougar’ Ground Attack Aircraft
Hangar-18B/Lockheed TWF-94 Starfire
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B ‘Scorpio’ TW Fighter
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B/Vought Corsair II(TW)
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B/Grumman F9F-8 ‘Sea Cougar’ (TW)
PS/H18B/R-F-205 Thunderchief II Fighter-Bomber (TW)
PS/H18B/FA/(Saab)-F-350 Draken II All-Weather Fighter-Bomber (TW)
PS-F8 SkyTiger Air Supremacy Fighter

(Smallkin Aircraft)
(Mc)VTOL/HCyc-04 MicroSkimmer MicroScale Vertical Takeoff and Landing
PS-McF01 Vinja MicroFighter
McF-86 Saberkit MicroFighter
McF-4 Phantomette MicroFighter
McF-16 Falconette MicroFighter
McMig-29 MicroFulcrum MicroFighter
McF-104 Starfighter MicroFighter
McA-10 MicroFighter
McF-80 Shooting Star MicroFighter
McBae-Hawk MicroFighter
PS/FA-Mc-BHP Victor MicroBomber
McB-03 Blitzer MicroLight Tactical Bomber
PS(Mc)VTOL-011 Uchi Microscale Attack Vertical Take Off and Landing Aerodyne
PS-SAR02F Hackney Light Aerodyne, Search and Rescue

PS-GMRMcCV-01‘Beagalltach’ /’Zephyr’ GraviMagnetic Aircraft Carrier, Smallkin Operations

PS-LSTS-CTAV-10 ‘Sparo’ Light Aerospace Shuttle
PS-TAV-40/AAST-7 Skyver Light Transatmospheric Vehicle/Shuttle Transport
PS ‘Condor’ Medium Aerospace Transport
Paladin Steel AAST-8 ‘Wyvern’ Light Aerospace Transport

*PSS-SPH-2 Plymouth Multipurpose Space Platform/Habitat
*PS-SDS-040 BattleRing System Modular Orbital/Deep Space Weapons Platform

*PS/ASI-DDC09 Barong Corvette
*PS/ASI-Crv018 Windfola Interstellar Corvette
*PSS/ASI-CGS-07Javelin Space Missile Cruiser
*PSS/ASI-DDS-01 Sangu Light Destroyer
*PSS/ASI-DDGS-04 Falx Light Space Missile Destroyer
*PSS/ASI-DDES-05 Masakari Heavy Space Destroyer
*PSS/ASI-DS-15 Hikyaku Heavy Space Scout/Courier
*PS/ASI-PSS-ADS-FFG-21 Aurora Fast Aerospace Scout Frigate
*PS/ASI-S-M/DDG08 Orion II System Monitor
*PSS-DDES-12 Brandestoc Rapid Deployment Space Destroyer
*PSS/ASI-CV-08 Sagadag Space Light Aerospace Carrier
*PSS/ASI-CGG-08 Assegai Light Cruiser
*PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette Light Cruiser
*PS/ASI-SCG-18 Mazule Light Cruiser
*PSS-FFS-17 Ranger Medium Space Cruiser/Combat Transport
*PS/ASI-SCV07 Zhuge Nu Space Carrier
*PS/ASI-HInstelCvT-10 ‘Ramey’ Heavy Transport Carrier Cruiser

*PS-SMP-2 Asteroid Miner/Tug
*ASI-ARSct-04 Angon Short- to Medium-Range Aerospace Scoutship
*ASI-CANOU-01 Light Transatmospheric Vehicle, Covert Aerospace Null-Signature Operations Unit
*PS/ASI-LTTAV-17S ‘Kunai’ Light Covert Operations Aerospace Aerodyne
*PS/ASI-ASST9 Parus Light Shuttle
*PS/ASI LInstelAAT-03 Scobee Light Interstellar Transport
*PS/ASI LInstelAAT-02 Heston Light Stellacommutta Intersystem FTL Shuttle
*PS/ASILInstelAAT-04 Aquarius Light Interstellar Transport
*PS/ASI- LInstelAAT-09 ‘Civis’ Light Stellacommutta Intersystem FTL Shuttle
*PS/ASI-LAT025 ‘Cosgrove’ Light Aerospace Transport, Lenticular
*PS/ASI-LAT026 ‘Roswell’ Light Aerospace Transport
*PS/ASI LInstel-SC027 Auriga Light Interstellar Transport
*PS-PSS-LHMP-ADST-25 SunChaser Aerospace Multipurpose Corvette/Deep Space Transport
*PS-CGILT-C400 Kepler Intersystem Light Transport
*PS/ASI Allnut Light Aerospace Transport, FTL-capable
*PSG-ASI-018 Frontera Medium Multi-Component Interstellar Transport
*PS/ASI- SC07 Nao Medium Multipurpose Interstellar Transport
*PS/ASI-SC08 Concord Light Interstellar Cargo Transport
*PS/ASI-SC08 Tsiolkovsky Heavy Multipurpose Interstellar Transport
*PSS/ASI-LHAOE-07 ‘Brunel’ Spaceborne Fleet Tender/Replenishment Vessel/Industrial Platform Dock/Heavy Transport
*PSS/ASI-LHAOE-08 ‘Goethals’ Spaceborne Fleet Tender/Replenishment Vessel/Industrial Platform Dock/Heavy Transport
*PS/ASI-(A)CSS-02 Weibbe Hayes Armed Transport Cruiser
*PS/ASI HInstelT-08 ‘Bradford’ Heavy Interstellar Transport
*PS-SF-1 ‘Mayflower’ Heavy Mobile Core Construct/Space Facility
*PS/ASI-CGBB Asteroid Cruiser

*PS/ASI-AFB-29 Chimbane Heavy Aerospace Fighter/Strike Vehicle
*PSS-SF-09/39 StarFox Heavy Spacefighter
*PS/ASI-F200A Rhino-Buffalo Light Aerospace Fighter
*PSVS-TAV-SF-6 Jal’Wan/Thunderchief II Aerospace Fighter-Bomber, Missile
*PS-TAV-SF07 Star Tiger Multi-Role Medium Aerospace Fighter
*PS-TAV-SF-08 Hesperia Medium Aerospace Fighter
*PS/ASI-TAV-SF09-103 Gandiva High Speed Medium Aerospace Fighter
*PS-TAV-SF-5 Tercel Light Aerospace Fighter
*PS/ASI-TAV-SF-14 Almar Medium Aerospace Fighter

*WZ-MPU-003 Scarab Multipurpose Utility Vehicle
*WZ-PT-0001 “Silver Fish” Personal Luxury Transport
*WZ-PT-0008 H-Class Orbital Hare Transatmospheric-orbital Shuttle
*WZ-MCF-100 Behemoth Modular Super Freighter
*WZ-MCF-500 ‘Immense’ Extendable Ultra Cargo Freighter

(Smallkn Spacevehicles)
PS/ASI-McSFR-01 Arabella Deep Space Scoutship
PS/ASI-McSFR-02 Veterok Deep Space Scoutship
PS/ASI-McSFR-03 Hector Deep Space Scoutship
PS/ASI-McSFR-04 Belisario Deep Space Scoutship
PS-McSOHV-06 ‘Asterite’ Micro-Scale Special Operations Aerospace- Hovercraft

Paladin Steel DimCorps ’Goddard’ Out-Dimension Light Low Orbital SurveySatellite (LLOSSAT) System
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel Cybernetics/Bionics Systems:
‘Bright Eye’ Heavy Opto-Laser Cyber-Implant
‘Death-Spot’ CyberOptic Laser Illuminator
‘Iron Spine’ Spinal Reinforcement
Jump Rods
‘Borg TW Systems
PSW Cyborg TW Interface
TW ‘Borg Amulet
SVRES Machine Unit - Shared Virtual Reality Experience System Technology
Paladin Steel Ectomatic Cybernetics and Bionics (EctB)

Paladin Steel PS-FC- LAOC12 ‘Angelina’ Cyborg
Paladin Steel PS-Lt-Ut-FC-2 'Flexman' Utility 'borg
Paladin Steel PS--FC-SO/XE-1(Warrior)/SO/XE-2(Worker)/SO/XE-3(Nanny) ‘Braconidae’ Xiticix-Emulation Full Conversion Cyborg

ChefBorg-RD PS/VBCA--FC-CB-RD Culinary Full Conversion Cyborg
Howletts Bionics/Canada HB--FC-HB-02-SO-008 ‘Mooseborg’ Full Conversion Cyborg

PS-Esp/Recon-FC-1 'Wolfman" Scout/Wilderness Cyborg
PS-UB-FC-02 Ganton Full Conversion(Dwarven) Cyborg
PSW/UB--FC-03 ‘Beetleborg’ Dwarven Mining Full Conversion Cyborg
PS/HB-FC-04 Borgupine Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-5 Montoya Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-Ut-FC-6 Hazard Full conversion Borg -Industrial/Hazmat
PS-FC-HA07 Aries Full Conversion Assault Cyborg
PS-RX-FC-8 Schweitzer Full conversion Borg - Medical
PS-FC-9 ‘Heizo’ Full conversion Borg - Enforcement
PS-FC-10 ‘Light Dancer’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-Myst/SA-FC-11 ‘Metal Mage’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS/HB-FC-12 ‘Roo’ Full Conversion Borg -Heavy Machine
PS-FC-13 Tarantula Full Conversion Borg - Special Assault
PS-FC-EVA/SpOp-01/14 Halley Full Conversion Space Operations Borg
PS-FC-15 Maczek Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-16 Armadillo Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-A17 ‘Midas’ Full Conversion Combat Cyborg
PS-FC/R-017(FC-18) Rhobar Full conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-19 Mirronid Full conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-20 Karyatoid Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-21 ‘Stalker’ Full Conversion Cyborg---Special Operations
PS-FC-22 ‘Centrus’ Full Conversion Cyborg---Drone Operations
PS-FC-23 SeaCobra Full Conversion Marine Assault Cyborg
PS-FC-24 Helmuth Full Conversion Borg - Assault
PS/PP--FC-25 ‘Avalanche’ Earth Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-26 ‘Inferno’ Full Conversion Fire Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-27 ‘StormSurge’ Water Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-28 ‘Aeolus’ Air Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS-FC-29 Tesla Full Conversion Borg - Electromagnetic Attack
PS-FC-30 Shield Warrior Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-31 Kagerou Full Conversion Borg--Aerial Assault
PS-FC-32 Parahunter Full conversion Borg. Light Machine
PS-FC-33 Maveli Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-34 Minotaur Full Conversion Cyborg
PS--FC-35 Zhu-Rong Full Conversion Borg, Assault (Fire Support)
PS-FC-SA-36 Chimera Full Conversion Borg - Assault
PS-FC-37 Kishru Full Conversion Borg
PS-FC-39 Argus Full Conversion Borg -Surveillance
PS-FC-40 Reaper Full Conversion Borg - Combat
PS-FC- 41 ‘Kraken’ Full Conversion Borg---Aquatic Operations
PS-FC-42 ‘Levitor’ Full Conversion Borg---Aerial Operations
PS-FC-43 ‘ Torvald ‘ Full Conversion Borg--- Computer Network Operations Administration/Infiltration
PS-FC-44 ‘Scrimter’ Full Conversion Cyborg - Combat
PS-FC-45 ‘Scorpio’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-46 ‘Radiarc’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-47 ‘Razar’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-48 ‘Cyklar’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-50 ‘Hexar’ Full Conversion Cyborg

(Paladin Steel Cybermals)
PSCyA-14 Wolf Scout/Light Patrol Borg
PSCyA-23 Raven Scout/Recon Borg
PSCyA-16 Timber Wolf Sentry/Light Combat Borg
PSCyA-32 Cheetah Recon/Quick Strike Borg
PSCyA-34 Puma Light Combat/Stealth Borg
PSCyA-39 Tiger Heavy Combat/Hunter-Killer Borg
PSCyA-19 Grizzly Assault/Heavy Sentry Borg

Paladin Steel Bio-Mod Packages

*RESTLESS VENOM----Speed, plain and simple
*TOPAZ LACE---Chameleon augment for the sneaky
*TUNGSTEN CREED----Supersoldier augment; tougher, faster, smarter
*LEAD MONGOOSE---Anti-mech augment; brute strength, brute toughness

*ANGSTROM SCORPION----Electrokinetic saboteur mod for Smallkin
*NEON GLACIER----Electrokinetic and psi-combat mod for regular folk; ANGSTROM SCORPION’s big brother

*ARID ROSE----Desert survival mod
*SLATE FOUR---Executive mental/physical augment for the boardroom battlefield
*BLACK GRAVEL---Deep space survival/work mod
*COLD GRAVEL----Improved deep space/deep cold survival mod
*LATE OMEGA----Survive just about anything, anywhere.
*ROUGH PYTHON----Wilderness survival aug for scouts
*TURQUOISE ECHELON----Merman/Mermaid bio-mod
*NEXT DAGGER----Next-generation pilots for next-generation aerospace vehicles
*HOT EMERALD----Superpowered secret agent augmentation with MDC forcefields.
* CEDAR PROPHET----Turn green and turn over a new leaf
* SANGUINE CLOUD----Regenerate from just about any wound
* COPPER SLANT---The Alternative Juicer
* MERCURY LANGUR---The Alternative Crazy
* RED KINE---The super anti-supernatural sleeper agent
* ZINC FAHRENHEIT----The paranormal hunter
* OBLIQUE NARCISSUS----The death-hunting supercop mod.
*MANILA ADJUTANT---Hyperpocket carrier

*SCHEDULE OSAMU----Advanced healing abilities
*FROST DOZE----The safer cold-sleep mod.
*VITAL GAMMA----Large and tough

*NEKO PINK---Catpeople
*BUNNY BLUE---Bunnypeople
*JOYOUS MARATHON---Party-person
*BLACK REMUS---Howl with the wolves

*ALUMINUM SERAPH----Cupid or Warrior Angel?
* CYGNET SILVER---Angel Upgrade

*TEAL GUARDIAN----Flying Armored Superhero-Style
*BRASS NITRO---- Adaptive Environmental Bio-Mod
*KNIFE BEACON----Radiation-Proof Fallout Soldier
*TEAL TWISTER----Super telekinetic force manipulation
*CLOSE ALPHA ---Medical Bio-Mod
*WHITE FAFNIR---Medical Bio-Mod
*CORAL SNOW---Sidekick Amp Bio-Mod
*EBONY SHALE Anti-Zombie Bio-Mod
*AMBER ELK---Protean Physiology Bio-Mod
*BLUE RIOT--- Power Generation Bio-Mod
*PEARL LIGHTNING-----Techno-Interface Bio-Mod
*DIAMOND NOMAD----Space Survival Bio-Mod
*LUCIN WAVE----Light Manipulation Bio-Mod
*TORRID ORCHID----Plasma State Bio-Mod
*CELESTE DYNE---Supercharged Vehicle Mechanic Bio-Mod
*JET OPAL----Shadow manipulation and super-stealth Bio-Mo
*AQUA PHOTON---Mega-Powered Aquatic Bio-Mod
*SPECTRUM ROSE---Optical Skin Bio-Mod

Schweitzer Cyborg Cybermedtech OCC
*Combat Psychiatrist

RCCs(Associated with PS/GNE)
Nomansers RCC (the Mutant Rabbits of No Man’s Land Island)
Nutkin Republic Mutant Squirrel(AtB conversion)
PeeVees (Converted/Modified AtB Mutant Birds)
Anowak (Converted/Modified AtB Mutant Turtles)
Anowak Partial Cyborgs
Mendabe --- Mutant Moles
Mephites (Converted/Modified AtB Mutant Mutant Skunks)
Phidite Skunk Mage (aka ‘Line Stinker’)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Thanks for this catalogue will have to juggle how I organise stuff a bit but I'm getting closer. :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Thanks for this catalogue will have to juggle how I organise stuff a bit but I'm getting closer. :)

I'm sure I missed some stuff in it, but it mainly keeps me informed of what I've done in the past...and ya'know, I forgot some of the stuff I've posted in the past....Reading earlier posts, I'm both 'wow, I was really creative back then' and 'apparently I never heard of spellcheck'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

taalismn wrote:
wildfire142 wrote:Thanks for this catalogue will have to juggle how I organise stuff a bit but I'm getting closer. :)

I'm sure I missed some stuff in it, but it mainly keeps me informed of what I've done in the past...and ya'know, I forgot some of the stuff I've posted in the past....Reading earlier posts, I'm both 'wow, I was really creative back then' and 'apparently I never heard of spellcheck'.

Aye :) spotted a few missing bits mainly weapon damage as I go but it's being putting into the PDF with minimal changes and them only to layout. But it's very nice to read everything as I go and your creativity is mind blowing at times with what I seen going through everything.

Yes there are a few things missing for the list :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
wildfire142 wrote:Thanks for this catalogue will have to juggle how I organise stuff a bit but I'm getting closer. :)

I'm sure I missed some stuff in it, but it mainly keeps me informed of what I've done in the past...and ya'know, I forgot some of the stuff I've posted in the past....Reading earlier posts, I'm both 'wow, I was really creative back then' and 'apparently I never heard of spellcheck'.

Aye :) spotted a few missing bits mainly weapon damage as I go but it's being putting into the PDF with minimal changes and them only to layout. But it's very nice to read everything as I go and your creativity is mind blowing at times with what I seen going through everything.

Yes there are a few things missing for the list :)

Feel free to tell me what they are, and I can try to supply the original content. Can't have people go a'venturing with my stuff, only to discover they're missing a vital component at a critical time. :bandit: :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

taalismn wrote:Feel free to tell me what they are, and I can try to supply the original content. Can't have people go a'venturing with my stuff, only to discover they're missing a vital component at a critical time. :bandit: :D

Okay here's what I've found so far :)

PSA-11 Gendarme power armour option MF4 light machine gun needs MD damage info and b7 backpack turret option 1A light rail gun needs a cost

pathfinder scout exploration robot vibro sabers lack a damage code

TW B-25 ‘Mitchell’ Medium Bomber variant B-25 G(C) fluff says the number of nose guns drops from eight to four but the stat block says 8 looks like a copy paste error?

Not bad for 16 pages of designs, I'm sure I've missed a few but for the number of designs that's a very low rate of errors :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:[
TW B-25 ‘Mitchell’ Medium Bomber variant B-25 G(C) fluff says the number of nose guns drops from eight to four but the stat block says 8 looks like a copy paste error?

Okay, right off....the previous -G model had EIGHT machine guns in the nose, PLUS four sponson guns, so total of TWELVE.
G(C) model drops FOUR in-nose machine guns but keeps the sponson guns:

Damage: 6d6 MD burst per gun.
A full salvo from all twelve guns, firing at once, does 7d6x10 MD!

*B-25G(C) ‘Strafer/Canonner’---Nearly as common, and as popular, as the Strafer is the Strafer variant, that drops the number of guns in the nose from eight, to FOUR(but retaining the four sponson guns), but adds a 75mm cannon offset to the portside. This weapon gives the aircraft a massive punch for slamming through armored targets.
a) Heavy Nose-Mount TK-Machine Guns
Range: 4,000 ft(double on ley lines)(8)
Damage: 6d6 MD burst per gun.
A full salvo from all eight guns, firing at once, does 4d6x10+15 MD!

No error there, just confusion between the in-nose guns and the sponson guns...which really are a feature of the wartime B-25s; those bastards were flying arsenals! Serious lead storms; no wonder they were sinking freighters with those things.

The others? I'll look into 'em and correct them, thanks!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Thanks for that found another one :)

FALSTAFF (Friendly Artifical Lifelike Servobot, Technical Assistant, FurriForm) Amphibious Operations Kit second part for the underwater bit needs a speed.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Thanks for that found another one :)

FALSTAFF (Friendly Artifical Lifelike Servobot, Technical Assistant, FurriForm) Amphibious Operations Kit second part for the underwater bit needs a speed.

*Amphibious Operations Kit----This waterproofs the whole FALSTAFF and fits it with a ‘doggie life preserver’ flotation pack, that allows the ‘bot to float and swim(Spd of 5 MPH).
For an additional 2,000 credits, the vest can be fitted with special neutral bouyancy packs and a mini-thruster, allowing the ‘bot to dive and swim faster underwater(moves a speed of 8 MPH)
Cost: 5,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:[

PSA-11 Gendarme power armour option MF4 light machine gun needs MD damage info and b7 backpack turret option 1A light rail gun needs a cost

pathfinder scout exploration robot vibro sabers lack a damage code :)

*Light Machine Gun----Slightly modified from the cyborg standard, this weapon is a 7.62mm rapid-fire tri-barrel weapon that is appropriate(in Rifts terms) for riot control and close-in counter-insurgency work. Its ability to be loaded with special munitions such as wood and silver rounds makes it popular with horror-hunter units.
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 5d6 SDC per rd, 1d6x10 SDC per 10 rd burst
(MDC Rounds) 1 MD per single shot, 2d4 MD per 10 rd burst
(PSX-1)1d4 MD per single rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst
*Can also use wood, silver, rubber, or other specialized rounds
Rate of Fire:Standard
Payload: 200 rds
Cost: 4,500 credits

Pathfinder vibrosabers....I'd say 4d6 MD each + damage from Robotic Strength.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Thank you for that update, pdf master files updated :)

Working through page 17 I think I might be able to put out the up to page 20 update out by the first of June with luck :)

Reading through the pages is a great way to see how everything grew as you posted though I can't help but wonder if NMI ever got his complete set of files, will have to keep reading to see, if not I hope he enjoys the pdf when it is update, I can't foresee it ever being completely finished with the amount of material you generate :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Thank you for that update, pdf master files updated :)

Working through page 17 I think I might be able to put out the up to page 20 update out by the first of June with luck :)

Reading through the pages is a great way to see how everything grew as you posted though I can't help but wonder if NMI ever got his complete set of files, will have to keep reading to see, if not I hope he enjoys the pdf when it is update, I can't foresee it ever being completely finished with the amount of material you generate :)

Well, I HAVE been at it for a few years. :wink:
And while the easier and more realistic stuff tends to get picked off earlier(the low lying fruit), it also builds up a 'tool box' of parts and systems that I can paste-and-play into later stuff...although with some of the modular equipment, the worry is that the task(s) some new piece of shiny is rolled out to address might inadvertently be already handled by an existing older design with the right module swap-outs.
Then, too, the progression of designs also allows for believable power creep in-story....a tweak here, there, a tweak the next year....working up to superbeings and battleships, while being careful not to breach Believable threshold("My first level mechanic has bought GODHOOD!").
And yeah, like life, this is a Work in Progress...or the shambling mutterings of an occasionally bored, occasionally insane, mind. There's always some butterfly of bit of shiny that will catch my attention, diverting it from finishing some long term posting project...but that isn't always a bad thing, because oft-times that bit of distraction allows me to overcome a writer's block that may be holding up the completion of aforementioned grind me a breath of fresh air or that extra bit that makes the older project all come together.
Now if only I could apply that same to Real Life. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Well I had more free time than I expected so pdf update to p20 of the thread

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for this version, 203 designs.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Well I had more free time than I expected so pdf update to p20 of the thread

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for this version, 203 designs.

I'd be reading it if not for thunderstorms coming through my region tonight. :D
203? That all? Oh, right.....I figure toss in all the designs I've done for the New Shemarrian Nation, Dan Alien Races, the Good Splugorth, the Starship thread...
Wow,,,that is one massive waste of time. :D :P
Well, to quote my father about whittling: "Keeps me out of trouble."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

203 designs in 20 pages is a very good ratio :) I reckon over a 1000 designs by the time I catch up in this thread, abtex's index doesn't split out each design which is why his count is only in the 800's :) I'm only in the middle of page four of his index for reference :)
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:203 designs in 20 pages is a very good ratio :) I reckon over a 1000 designs by the time I catch up in this thread, abtex's index doesn't split out each design which is why his count is only in the 800's :) I'm only in the middle of page four of his index for reference :)

I'm beginning to realize why Paladin Steel sales reps don't carry hardcopy versions of the company Master Catalogue if they have travel weight restrictions.

Meanwhile, in WIPs, because of the assimilative, multi-ethnic/racial/species society, I'm working on a way to somehow make a 'Human Resources Officer' OCC somehow attractive, heroic, and usable outside an employment office. :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Okay another update to the pdf we are up to P30 of he thread.

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for the post 270 designs, more chatter in the last ten pages but some interesting posts. The pdf is up to 480 pages with the majority in 10pt type.

One question who/what are the ZOT? they are often mentioned but no explanation so far.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:Okay another update to the pdf we are up to P30 of he thread.

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for the post 270 designs, more chatter in the last ten pages but some interesting posts. The pdf is up to 480 pages with the majority in 10pt type.

One question who/what are the ZOT? they are often mentioned but no explanation so far.

The ZOT was an artifact of the days when I was just starting with Paladin Steel and yakking with other Rifts munchkin makers on the web(and before PB had the forums). It's substantially different from what it was back then, much like PS(mainly scrubbing away copyrighted materials and others' intellectual properties).
The ZOT is an adhoc pantheon of alien intelligences and god-beings who nobody else wanted, or nobody else could understand, to they became effectively the patron god-beings of the lonely, the lost, the crazy-awesome, the generally harmless weirdoes that nobody else would claim as minions. The accumulated craziness they've gathered gained a sort of critical mass and that makes them just shy of Crazy-Awesome Powerful('In Madness Lies Strength"). To the outside world the ZOT is mysterious, mercurial, unstable, and just plain strange. They're really nice folks, like the punkrocker biker gangs that donate teddybears to local charities, and they like to derail depressing canon....One of their few showings on Earth was befriending some of the locals, passing out a few presents, and smacking Splynncryth upside the head in humiliating fashion. They then forced Atlantis to sign a non-expansion deal that supposedly keeps them out of North America, then left as suddenly as they came, though with the warning that they 'would be watching'.
Of course, as time passes and memory fades, and there's no evidence that the ZOT is still anywhere in the local megaversal neighborhood, it's considered only a matter of time by everybody along both sides of the Atlantic that the Splugorth will see if the ZOT was bluffing and storm back into North America to make up for lost time.
Meanwhile, the nations of North America are using the breathing spell afforded by the ZOT treaty/threat to build up their defenses against a Splugorth return.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Thanks for that bit of enlightenment, its always good to see more backstory filling in the GNE/PS background, for us newcomers

for those following along at home I'm a 1/3rd of the way through the pages of this topic and only on post 5 of Abtex's index. I hope to have the next update to the pdf by next weekend though I have a busy week ahead.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS-CG-9 ‘Stribog’ Naval Battlecruiser

“We’ve got the radar signature of a barn door; no WONDER the Horune can spot us as soon as we clear the horizon and turn and run. On the other hand, the fact that they’re running from us tells you they have reason to be afraid of us; we might not be able to outrun them, but our missiles have harpooned enough of their dreamships to give them bad nightmares of what will happen to them if we ever got them pinned in place.”
---Seaman 1st Class Lefthar Ruder, GNENSS Halsey

“We’re probably sitting ducks if we ever had to go out against an all-out Splugorth naval attack, soon as we left harbor. We’ve have to salvo our missiles early and at range against a really good target, and the Splugs would have plenty of lead-time then to intercept our incoming. Milintel figures we’d be lucky if any ten percent of our full strike got through to the target. Still, our actions would ideally buy the rest of the defense fleet time to reposition, and maybe distract the Splugs from the rest of our deterence and counterstrike assets, and give them a chance to position for a better retaliatory attack.”
---Captain Yossani Venn, GNENSS John Paul Jones

While Paladin Steel was working secretly on the Aldyriss-class ‘arsenal ships’, they still felt the need to have a fast, conventional surface combatant to complement the battleship-monitor classes they were building to protect their shores. While PS certainly has enough information of pre-Rifts American naval vessels to draw upon, thanks to Victor Canth’s (infamous) raid on Bandito Arms’ pre-Rifts data cache, American naval vessels of the period tended to lack the heavy iron necessary to survive the much more dangerous seas of post-Rifts Earth. Ironically, to meet the requirements, PS turned to pre-Rifts Soviet Russian designs.
The Kirov-class dates to the Cold War era, when the Soviet Navy was building bigger and meaner, as a means of countering the United States’ more advanced carrier groups and NATO’s smaller, more accurate, frigates and destroyers. The Kirov was an impressive floating arsenal that harkened in many ways back to older gun-festooned vessels, but carried advanced long range missile armaments and was powered by nuclear reactors. Fearsome on paper, the Kirov however came at a time when the Soviet Union was suffering political and economic cracks, and the expensive vessel remained an only child, maintained largely out of serious politicking by the Russian Navy, at least until the Golden Age. The Golden Age saw both an explosion of applicable technologies and a return to nationalism, and it is rumored that the Russian Navy began to enjoy renewed funding for a new buildup of its forces. A Kirov-II class was supposedly in the building stages when the Coming of the Rifts hit.
The Stribog is clearly built along the same lines of the Kirov-II class. Whether PS expeditions abroad found and salvaged an example of a Kirov II, or stumbled across an alternate universe version of it is unknown, but the new Stribog-class coming off PS slipways is clearly of Kirov lineage(as if the Russian class name wasn’t hint enough).
The Stribog-class improves on the original Kirov design with Golden Age technology; megadamage materials, cleaner and more powerful fusion powerplants, extensive automation, advanced propulsion systems, and a more streamlined and ‘stealthier’ superstructure update the design. The weapons fit-out has been improved with multi-configuration missile cells, energy weapons, and extra armaments meant to deal with Rifts Earth’s more dangerous oceans.
The Stribog is often regarded as a poorer sister or understudy to the stealthier Aldyriss-class. While less expensive to build, the ships are slower, require more manpower to operate, and lack the stealth of their cousin designs. Still, they carry a respectable amount of firepower and are versatile weapons platforms, so the GNE sees them as useful for dealing with situations where a strategic weapons cruiser would be overkill, or not worth risking.
The GNENavy maintains several of these ships on both its Atlantic and Pacific seaboards, as the core of battlecruiser squadrons, attended by several dozen fast frigates and destroyers. Several more examples have been sold to allies, both on Rifts Earth and offworld.

Type: PS-CG-9 Stribog
Class: Naval Battlecruiser.
Crew: 500(was originally 900)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 11,000
Bridge 1,000
Long Range Missile Launcher VLS (1) 400
Medium Range Missile Launcher VLS (2) 300 each
Short Range Missile Launchers (2) 250 each
100mm Cannon Turrets(2) 500 each
30mm AA Gun Turrets(8) 250 each
Light Anti-Submarine Rocket Weapons(LASRW)(3; one LASRW-16 and two LASRW-8s) 100 each
VTOL Deck 300
Ventral Point Defense Turrets(6) 300 each

Height: 32.8 ft draught, superstructure height is 75 ft
Width/beam: 93.5 ft
Length: 820 ft
Weight: 28,000 tons fully loaded displacement
Cargo: 450 tons, and supplies for up to six months
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
Speed: 40 knots
Market Cost: 790 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Ship Systems, plus:
*Radio/Laser Communications---600 mile range
*Long Range Radar--500 miles
*Sonar---Depth gauge and detection; 500 mile range
*Towed Sonar Array----This involves reeling out a cable-kite(usually 100-500 ft) of hydrophones behind a float pod, typically mounted in a streamlined pod atop the vertical rudder. It takes about a minute to unreel the array, and two minutes to reel it back in(and there’s always the risk of snagging the array and losing it), but the towed array greatly increases the range and accuracy of passive sonar detection. Furthermore, the towed array can be used to look below thermoclines and temperature variation streams that could be used to hide an enemy.
Bonuses: Increase effective range of passive sonar array by 1/3, or add +10% to Read Sensory Instruments /Sonar roll.

*Advanced Fire Control Computer---This advanced fire control system is designed to allow the ‘Stribog’ to make maximum effective use of its weaponry, while retaining its high mobility.
All ranged weapons(except missiles) get a +1 to strike from this system.

*ORACLE---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). PS hopes to upgrade the system to allow for over-the-horizon and remote-viewing advanced early warning capabilities. The ORACLE Mrk II is currently being retrofitted to most ships-of-the-line of the VFSN.
Effective Range: 4,000 ft radius of detection.

*ECCM Suite---- A semiautomatic system that uses electronic encryption and frequency jumping to (attempt to) negate jamming systems. The system has a 35% chance of negating radar or communications jamming (non-magical) on its own, or a +8% if the operators have Read Sensory Instruments or Radio: Scramblers skills and devote a full melee to operating the system(no other attacks/actions are possible).
Having an Electronic warfare Skill gains a +15% bonus to operating this system.
Note that this only applies to received communications (the system filters them out from the jamming clutter) and sensory data received by that unit alone (other units cannot make use of it, unless they have an unaffected datalink/info-share with the ECCM equipped unit. Magic/psychic jamming is NOT affected by this system.

*Hull Degausser---This system can be used to periodically demagnetize the hull, loosening the grip of magnetic-attachment limpet mines, and reducing the effectiveness of magnetically-triggered ocean mines in detecting the vessel and detonating.

*Closed-environment Life Support System---If necessary, the ‘Stribog’ can seal up, and recycle their air for up to a week.

*Desalination Gear---The cruisers, in addition to having their own onboard freshwater supply, have a desalinator for producing fresh water from salt water.

Weapons Systems:
1) Long Range Missiles(1)---Advancements in missile technology have allowed for smaller weapons than previous eras, and PS has adopted American-style Vertical Launch System cells for greater versatility. The original 20-tube cruise missile launcher bank of the Kirov has been replaced by a VLS installation that packs 4 modern LRMs into each launch tube-space for a total of 80 long range missiles.
In the alternative, the launch cells can be replaced with twin-round launch cells for the stealthy Tempest TW-Cruise Missile(for a total of 40 cruise missiles).

2)Medium Range Missiles(2)-----Similar to the LRM VLS, PS Naval Engineering has replaced the original separate SA-N-6 and SS-N-14 launcher arrays with more versatile VLS that can accommodate a greater range of more compact missile ordnance. Each launch system has 16 launch cells and can accommodate the following:
a) MRMs----6 per cell

b) ASROC---(Anti-submarine Rocket)
The Paladin Steel Asroc is the post-Rifts adaptation of the rocket-propelled torpedo commonly used by old U.S. Empire warships. It consists of a short-range torpedo mounted atop a short-range missile booster, and is compatible with most short- and medium-range missile launchers. The chief advantages of the Asroc over conventional depth charge and torpedo launch systems, are response time, standoff range, and the fact that the sudden arrival of the torpedo from above gives the enemy little advance warning.
Range:(Booster) 5 miles(Torpedo) 5 miles
Damage: 2d4x10 MD (HE) or 1d6x10 MD(Plasma)
Bonuses:+3 to strike within 1,000 ft
Payload: 6 per cell

c)Harpoon III Missiles--- Harpoon IIIs are medium-range, plasma-explosive, wave-skimming, “smart” missiles designed to close with an enemy vessel under effective radar coverage, then jink up and dive, so as to penetrate the thinner upper works armor, or else can be set to penetrate below the waterline armor belt.
Range: 40 miles
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Payload:6 per cell

d) Shrike III ‘Brilliant’ antiaircraft missiles.
Range: 75 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
Bonus: +7 to strike
Payload:6 per cell

e) ’SeaFlash’ ---Naval SAM version if the ’SkyFlash’ Advanced Short Range Air to Air Multiple Missiles(ASRAAMM). This is simply the PS copy/adaptation of the Coalition’s own AIM-180 missile(see Coalition Navy, pg. 88). The ‘Skyflash’ is an MRM splits in flight to unleash a pack of four smaller SRMs....a surprise that at relatively short dogfighting ranges(10-30 miles) can be devastating, filling airspace with a swarm of corkscrewing projectiles.
Range: 15 miles+15 miles for the SRMs
Damage: 6d6 MD per each SRM missile(3d4x10 MD per volley)
Bonuses:+3 to strike
Payload: 6 per cell

f) SeaFire Missile/Torpedoes
Range:(Underwater) 20 miles
(Air) 75 miles
Speed:(Underwater) 400 MPH
(Air) Mach 3
Damage: 4d6x10 MD
Payload: 6 per cell
Bonuses: (Torpedo)Because of the torpedoes’ higher speed and advanced targeting systems, the Sea Fire doesn’t suffer the same range and accuracy penalties as conventional torpedoes. The Sea Fire has a +1 to strike, and a +3 to strike within 3,000 ft of the target.
(Missile)---Not quite as accurate as a Harpoon III, but more powerful. +3 to strike

3) Short Range Missile Launchers(2)---Two dedicated SRMLs are also mounted, mainly used for close-in air defense.
Range: Varies by Missile Type
Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Launcher reloads in 5 minutes
Payload: 128 per launcher(32 pre-loaded, 96 in ready reserve), 256 total
Additional missiles can be carried in the cargo hold and reloaded in 10 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 48 missiles).

4) 100mm Cannon Turrets(2)---100mm LB Massdriver Cannon (PS-MDJ100L). These are generally used for antiaircraft work and surface bombardment.
Range:(Direct Fire) 36,000 ft (7.2 miles)
(Indirect Fire) 90,00 ft(18 miles)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 2d6 x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 2d6x10 MD to 30 ft radius
Plasma-----3d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 4d6x10 MD out to 11,000 ft, 2d6x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Four per melee
Payload: Typically carries 480 rds of ready-to-use ammunition per gun, Additional rounds can be carried in general cargo(80 rds per ton)

In the alternative, these turrets can be replaced with starship-grade energy weapons:
a) Medium Laser Cannons
Range: 8 miles (Direct Fire)
Damage: 2d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Medium Particle Beam Cannons
Range: 7 miles (Direct Fire)
Damage: 4d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 3 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

5) 30mm AA Guns(16; 8x2 )---PS-862 AC 30mm Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(Paladin Steel knockoff of the TriaxTX-862FC). Mounted in two-gun mounts.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst per single gun.
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 800 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses: Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike and four attacks per melee set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by gunner.
Cost: 500,000 credits

In the alternative, these can be replaced by laser turrets;
Range: 6,000 ft
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 150 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.
Bonuses: Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +2 strike fired by gunner, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Cost: 600,000 credits

6) Rocket Propelled Depth Charge Systems/Light Anti-Submarine Rocket Weapons(LASRW)(3; one LASRW-16 and two LASRW-8s)----Paladin Steel originally based these weapons on the Soviet RBU 1000/6000 ASW rocket launchers, so it’s pure irony that improved models, with a larger throw-weight of munitions, have been fitted to the Stribog-class.
Range: 4,000 ft, 1,000 ft maximum depth
Damage: 7d6x5 MD to 50 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,4, 5, 8, or 16
Payload: 8 and 16 rounds respectively between the two LASRW-8s and the single LASRW-18 launcher. An additional 80 rds are carried as cargo(it takes a power-armored odnance-loading team about 30 minutes to reload each one from below-decks stores).

7) Ventral Point Defense Turrets(6)---A post-Rifts addition has been the installation of six retractable laser turrets in the lower hull. These are used to defend against swimmers attempting to attack the vessel from below.
a) L-Ion Cannon--A lightweight weapon derived from the ‘Beach Stormer’ power armor rifle. It does more damage, but more importantly, is small enough to be mounted as a light weapon, and coupled in twin mounts on light gun positions, or in batteries of four on large gun-mounts.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 230,000 credits

b) PS-44LG Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 3d4x10 MD per rapid-fire pulse blast(1 attack)
Rate of Fire: Six times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 250,000 credits

c) PS-100U Rail Gun
Range: 3,000 ft underwater
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: 12,000 rd drum(200 bursts)
Cost: 100,000 credits

d)Sonic Cannon(PS-UHFSC-02)
Range: 4,000 ft underwater
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast, plus 6d6 MD to a 20 ft diameter area around the blast area
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 95,000 credits

e) Micro-Torpedo Launcher---A machine-gun-style micro-torpedo launcher ‘gun’.
Range:(Pattern-MT1A)2,500 ft underwater
(Pattern-MT1B)2,500 ft underwater
(Pattern-MT1C)3,200 ft underwater
(Pattern-MT1D) 4,000 ft underwater
Damage:(Pattern-MT1A)6d6 MD to 3 ft radius
(Pattern-MT1B) Screamer Round;Screamers are specialized one-use munitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub/diver to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike .
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhere up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Effective radius of effect of the 18mm screamers is approximately 1,000 ft
(Pattern-MT1C) Sonic Warhead---2d4 MD per blast to an 8 ft blast radius, 1d6x10 SDC to another 10 ft beyond that, Does only 1d4 MD to a 4 ft radius in air
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor(such as wetsuits).
(Pattern-MT1D) 1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Bonuses:(Pattern-MT1A) None; unguided
(Pattern-MT1B) None; unguided
(Pattern-MT1C) (+1 to strike in water. Micro-Homing Sonar Chip) Can also home in on a tracer beacon, and can track moving targets.
(Pattern-MT1D) (+3 to strike in water. Micro-Homing Sonar Chip)Can also home in on a tracer beacon, and can track moving targets.
Rate of Fire: Bursts of 1-10, EGCHH
Payload: 600 round drum.
Cost: 60,000 credits for the cannon
(Pattern-MT1A)250 credits
(Pattern-MT1B) 220 credits
(Pattern-MT1C) 360 credits
(Pattern-MT1D) 400 credits

8 ) Torpedo Launchers(2x5)--- The Stribog carries two quintuple-tube heavy torpedo launchers, used primarily to attack submarine targets.
Range: Varies by Torpedo Type(Heavy)
Damage: Varies by Torpedo Type(Heavy)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-5
Payload: 5 LRTs each. Typically carries 20 reload torpedoes(takes about 30 minutes to reload from cargo)

9)Electrified Hull--A much more powerful system than commercially available, owing to special conduction systems and a more powerful powerplant driving the system.
Range: 50 ft(conducts through water)
Damage: 3d6 MD per zap
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

10) Countermeasures:------Paladin Steel has adopted a series of standard countermeasure packages for use aboard their vessels. Notably they have adapted the US Navy Mk 38 Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2) launcher system and the Replica radar signature decoy system. The RBOC-2 fires rocket-mortar shells of flares and chaff up to 1.25 miles away, to heights of 3,000 ft(the better to fool missiles coming in over the horizon), and fires clouds of chaff from deck mortars at closer ranges to confuse other guided weapons).
The Replica system resembles a folded liferaft capsule when in its launcher, but can be fired off up to 600 ft, and rapidly unfolds to become two linked floating radar and sonar reflectors that give the appearance of a much larger object, and hopefully divert enemy fire and attention away from the targeted vessel.
A variant on this system includes attaching active sonar decoys or “Screamers” to attract or confuse acoustic sensors and homing torpedoes.
The ‘Stribog’ has 6 RBOC mortar banks(2 forward, 2 amidships, and 2 rear), and 2 Replica System launchers on the fantail
Range: The RBOC can toss decoy bundles 1.25 miles, and to an altitude of 3,000 ft
Damage: None. The RBOC is too inaccurate to be used as an effective weapon(oh, it could probably blow a person off the deck if they were standing too close, but that goes without saying) Effects are similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
(Flare/Chaff)Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Flare/Chaff launchers have 25 shells each. Replica launchers have 4 decoys per launcher.

11) TW Defense System--- Later modifications to the Stribog-class would include TW defenses originally fielded on the ‘Aldyriss’-class; a TW defense system designed to protect the ship from close-proximity nuclear blasts(such as those from the Coalition’s naval nuclear weapons). The current ‘Sea Buffer’ system uses multiplexors and combined modified Water Wall and Calm Waters spells to ‘harden’ the water around the vessel and provide a counter-pressure against the effects of an underwater nuclear blast, negating damage from them. Detection of a sudden water overpressure around the vessel will automatically trigger the system. The system isn’t 100% effective due to reaction-lag, but PS is working on improving it, and the current Sea-Buffer is considered a much better defense than none at all.
These systems(and any additional TW systems added) require the installation of a ‘Sorcerer’-grade TW generator Powerstone system--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus

Effect: Reduce damage from tidal waves and underwater explosions to 25%.
Cost to activate: 200 per activation

Small Craft:
3-5 VTOLs, mainly used for antisubmarine work and shot spotting.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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*SHRS-40 SuperHeavy Rifle System(40mm )

“It was kinda inevitable; PS already had a twenty-millimeter and a thirty-millimeter sniper rifle, forty millimeter cannons and grenade launchers, and an eighty-millimeter shotgun. So it’s not so surprising they’d come up with a forty-millimeter rifle for cyborgs. The only question is; what took them so long?”

“The problem with sniping dinosaur at extreme range is that if you manage to headshot-kill the big bugger, by the time you manage to hike over to the carcass, odds are the local scavengers have already beat you to it. So if you REALLY want a trophy, or meat, bring a shorter-ranged multi-shot weapon along to play.”

The SHRS-40 is simply a single-shot breech-loading forty-millimeter heavy rifle based on the 40mm ‘pom-pom’ cannon. As such, the SHRS-40 is too heavy for normal beings to handle and operate, and thus only superhumanly strong beings, such as cyborgs, can use the thing. The SHRS-40’s main problem is that at extreme range, its accuracy diminishes due to windage and trajectory drift; its single shot operation means that the burst fire normally associated with its origin anti-aircraft weaponry isn’t possible. The SHRS-40 is a niche-market weapon, meant for truly BIG game hunters, rather than military units, and as such sees only limited production and distribution.

Weight: 200 lbs
MDC: 90
Range:(High Velocity Round)5,000 yards(15,000 ft)
Maximum AA altitude w/ HV shells: 13,300 ft
(Low Velocity Round) 3,800 yards(11,400 ft)
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 6 ft blast radius
(High Explosive) (HV) 1d4x10+3 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
(LV)1d4x10 MD to 1.5 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot. It takes 2 actions to reload a single round
Payload: Single shot. It takes 2 actions to reload a single round.
Special Features:
*Sniper Scope Rail---Mounts a variety of different sighting packages

Cost: 100,000 credits
High Velocity(Fragmentation) shells cost 200 credits apiece, 245 credits for HE
Low Velocity(Fragmentation) shells cost 180 credits apiece, 200 credits for HE

*Recoil Control---An active stabilization and cushioning system can be added, adding 30 lbs of additional weight, and costing + 10,000 credits, but adds a +1 to strike.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

Okay another update to the pdf we are up to p40 of the thread.

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for the post roughly 355 designs, accurate counting no longer possible as some design files now have more than one design in each file - makes putting the pdf together easier :) The pdf is up to 664 pages with the majority in 10pt type. am thinking of reducing the type size as it will help keep the pdf manageable.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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wildfire142 wrote:Okay another update to the pdf we are up to p40 of the thread.

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for the post roughly 355 designs, accurate counting no longer possible as some design files now have more than one design in each file - makes putting the pdf together easier :) The pdf is up to 664 pages with the majority in 10pt type. am thinking of reducing the type size as it will help keep the pdf manageable.

I am wholly's a personal trait...just ask my parents. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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CUF-01 Cargo Utility Forklift

"Victory is the beautiful, bright colored flower. Transport is the stem without
which it could never have blossomed.”

-- Sir Winston S. Churchill

“Hey, Bando? That little guy you were harassing earlier at the bar? He just forklifted your Big Boss ATV and dumped it in the river.”

“They also serve who schlep and carry.”

The CUF-01 is a heavy-duty forklift meant for use in the field, in undeveloped supply depots and field yards. Design features include a fairly fast road speed for keeping up with convoys, a lower cab for airlift accommodation, and a modular power system, allowing a variety of powerplants to be fitted. Construction is of lightweight, but tough, MDC composites and alloys, for greater service life. The operator sits inside a reinforced safety cage that protects against roll-overs, fall-backs, and loose cargo falling on them, but not environmental hazards(unless specially outfitted).
CUFs are an extremely common sight around both PS/GNE military and commercial sites. The design is rugged and reliable, and easy to service. PS manufactures and sells the design abroad as well, with discount deals for large orders.

Type: PS-CUF-01
Class: Cargo Utility Forklift
Crew: 1
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body-- 50
Wheels(4) ---10 each
Forklift Assembly---15
Height: 8 ft
Width: 8 ft
Length: 14 ft
Weight: 15,500 lbs
Cargo: Small space in cab for a few small personal possessions
Can lift up to 10,000 lbs
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(300 miles range), Fuel-Cell or Battery Electric(320 mile range)
Speed:(Land) 35 MPH
Can climb a 60 percent grade
Market Cost: 18,000 credits for basic liquid fuel model, 21,000 credits for electric.
Paladin Steel offers discounts of 10-30% off for large orders of ten or more vehicles, depending on customer and circumstances(and occasionally offers even larger discounts as part of sales incentives).
Systems of Note:
Dashboard radio receiver, normal light headlights, variable tire pressure system(reduces the penalties for wheeled vehciles going crosscounty by 30%), external winch w/ 50 ft of cable, tow hitch, and a complementary set of tools(jack, tire irons, jumper cables, folding shovel, crowbar, and other basics).

*Forklift---Can lift up to 15 ft.

*Four-wheel drive

Weapons Systems: None
*The forklift head can be replaced with a shovel-payloader, cherrypicker basket lift, or other apparatus.

*Extra-Wide ‘Corncob’ Tires---These allow the vehicle to wallow effectively through swamp and soft terrain. Effectively DOUBLES the width of the vehicle, but reduces the speed by only 25% when crossing muck that would otherwise stop the vehicle cold. 5,500 credits per set.

*Armored Cabin----Adds a 60 MDC hardshell sheath around the operator’s compartment, including armored doors and windshield. Costs about 10,000 credits. Can be made air conditioned and airsealed with its own independent life support, similar to EBA(2 hour air supply, and 12 hour filtration/recycling) for an additional 10,000 credits.
More extensive modifications include outfitting the cabin with extra radiation shielding or thermal resistant tile(costs 20-200% more depending on how heavy and resistant the added shielding is).

*UVRCUF-01---This is simply a robot version that can be run by remote control or following a preprogrammed movement plan and schedule. PS is working on using a combination of DRIVERs(Directive Robotic Intelligence, Vehicular Enhancement Refits) slaved to the direction of a PS-CCX-4 Artificial Intelligence, Network System ‘Overseer’.

MUCH----Modular Utility Container Handler

“The more efficiently we can load a transport, the sooner it can get underway. The more efficiently we can unload one, the sooner its cargo can be on the way to wherever it needs to be, and that transport can be freed up for other duties. The more efficiently we all work in concert, the more redundancy we can built into our supply network.”

“Amateurs talk about strategy, but professionals study logistics.”

The MUCH is a heavy forklift-style cargo handler meant for moving loaded standardized containers around PS warehouse and shipping yards, between heavy transport alternatives(trains, grav-scows, ships, spacecraft, etc.). Like the CUF, the MUCH is built megadamage-tough to handle the stresses of working in dangerous environs, and often under fire, while its modular power system allows a variety of power systems to be used. Like other PS utility designs, the MUCH is well-tested, rugged, easy to operate and service, and well-supported by PS’s marketing and service contracts.
MUCHs can be found throughout government and commercial transport systems in the GNE and associated territories. It is also sold abroad(especially as part of PS Contract Engineering’s ‘instant port’ construction layout).

Type: PS-MUCH-01
Class: Modular Utility Container Handler
Crew: 1
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 75
Wheels(4)---15 each
Forklift Assembly---18
Height: 13 ft
Width: 11 ft
Length: 35 ft
Weight: 11,000 lbs
Cargo: Small space in cab for a few small personal possessions
Can lift up to 55,000 lbs
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(300 miles range), Fuel-Cell or Battery Electric(320 mile range)
Speed:(Land) 25 MPH
Can climb a 30 percent grade
Market Cost: 30,000 credits for basic liquid fuel model, 35,000 credits for electric.
Paladin Steel offers discounts of 10-30% off for large orders of ten or more vehicles, depending on customer and circumstances(and occasionally offers even larger discounts as part of sales incentives).
Systems of Note:
Dashboard radio receiver, normal light headlights, variable tire pressure system(reduces the penalties for wheeled vehciles going crosscounty by 30%), external winch w/ 50 ft of cable, tow hitch, and a complementary set of tools(jack, tire irons, jumper cables, folding shovel, crowbar, and other basics).

*Forklift---Can lift up to 40 ft.

*Four-wheel drive

*Deployable Stabilizers---Four backhoe-style hydraulic jacks can be set in place on the ground to steady the MUCH in place when lifing oversized payloads into place.

Weapons Systems: None
*Extra-Wide ‘Corncob’ Tires---These allow the vehicle to wallow effectively through swamp and soft terrain. Effectively DOUBLES the width of the vehicle, but reduces the speed by only 25% when crossing muck that would otherwise stop the vehicle cold. 5,500 credits per set.

*Armored Cabin----Adds a 60 MDC hardshell sheath around the operator’s compartment, including armored doors and windshield. Costs about 10,000 credits. Can be made air conditioned and airsealed with its own independent life support, similar to EBA(2 hour air supply, and 12 hour filtration/recycling) for an additional 10,000 credits.
More extensive modifications include outfitting the cabin with extra radiation shielding or thermal resistant tile(costs 20-200% more depending on how heavy and resistant the added shielding is).

*UVRMUCH-01C---Robot version, either remote controlled, or run by a centralized AI ‘overseer’.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by wildfire142 »

taalismn wrote:
wildfire142 wrote:Okay another update to the pdf we are up to p40 of the thread.

Paladin Steel Netbook

Trivia for the post roughly 355 designs, accurate counting no longer possible as some design files now have more than one design in each file - makes putting the pdf together easier :) The pdf is up to 664 pages with the majority in 10pt type. am thinking of reducing the type size as it will help keep the pdf manageable.

I am wholly's a personal trait...just ask my parents. :P

But your designs are at least so far :)

Have reduced the font size down to 8.5pt shaving off 150 pages from the last pdf version, but I think it's still legible but will see.

I'm aiming to put out the next version some time on Sunday, due to an increase in the density of designs per page I think a weekly update is more realistic rather than a set page goal though I'm hoping for at least 5 pages per week and am well on track right now, that said the updates will include everything I have done so might be more some weeks compared to others.

That said quick question for the AAST-8 ‘Wyvern’ Light Aerospace Transport what was your intended max depth currently it only has this.

(Underwater) Limited to crawling along the bottom at 5 MPH. Maximum depth of ???
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

wildfire142 wrote:[(Underwater) Limited to crawling along the bottom at 5 MPH. Maximum depth of ???

I'd say 500 ft; it's an aircraft, not a bathosphere. That should allow it to hide in some deep lakes and fjords. :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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