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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

The story of Cerberus:

Cerberus (A three head dog who guards the entrance to the Underworld).
Formed by two Cyber-Knights (Lady Black a Psi-stalker and her apprentice Sir Wyatt), both
dress and act the part of the CS to lead Dog Boys who were abandoned by their CS leadership
when the going got tough in the high tech city of Nemus.
The marched out of the city with the intent of surviving, making their way back to the CS, and
slaying human killing monsters along the way.
Now they are guardians of an Atlantean's stone pyramid and the constant Rift that has formed inside of it.

8 psi-stalkers
31 Dog Boys

A. Outfits: None. They all have the used CS armor wearing out.
B. Equipment: Medical Equipment: 10 points
C. Vehicles: Basic Transportation: 3 points
D. Weapons: Basic Weaponry Cost 10 points.
E. Communications: None. They have what they brought with them.
F. Internal Security: Tight. 10 points (Dog Boys & Psi-stalkers senses)
G. Permanent Base: Fortified Headquarters: 20 Points Stone Pyramid
H. Intelligence Resources: None All have the skill of “Intelligence.”
I. Special Budget: None
J. General Alignment: Unprincipled and Scrupulous. Cost 7 points.
K. Criminal Activity: None.
L. Reputation: Excellent Reputation. Cost 25 points.
M. Salary: Pittance Salary: 5 points. This pick has more to do with the benefits (food, E-clip recharge, etc.).

Leadership: Sgt Wyatt
Almost everyone of the Dog Boys under his command have seen Sgt Wyatt create psi-swords.
Although half do not suspect he is something more than an experienced Dog Boy Sergeant.
The fact is, Sgt Wyatt leads them well. Fights well. He is a Dog Boy. His Aura show great psychic power but thats all.
While the psi-stalkers originally followed Lt / Lady Black they respect Sgt Wyatt. He has had more than a few sparring matches and won them all against the psi-stalkers. They respect his courage as a fighter and hunter.

Dress and attire: CS armor 50 MD

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle: Mega-Damage: 2D6 MD single or 6D6 triple.
Scope: telescopic sight and Night-vision scope Range: 2,000 feet (610 m). Payload: 30 shots per long E-Clip.

C-18 Laser Pistol: 2D4 MD, Range: 800 feet (244 m). 10 shots.

Sharpened WOODEN stakes

Standard Equipment:
Short-range radio with scramblers
Digital Camera
Backpack: (Northern Gun-S2 Basic Survival Pack)

They have a Dog Boy with the psychic diagnosis power. Also, some medical equipment.

They have a hover truck “left behind” by the mystic knights.
Also, 11 horses with saddles.

Permanent Base: Atlantean Stone Pyramid

Intelligence Resources:
All Dog Boys have the “Intelligence” skills and psychic sensitive powers.
Sense psychic and magic energy (600 feet range)
Sense supernatural beings
Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), Empathy (4),
Telepathy (4), and one additional Sensitive psionic power

Reputation: The Dog Boys have local allies who will lie to protect them, warn them of trouble, and provide the latest rumors as quickly as they can.

Skills of Note possessed by the average Dog Boy:
Recon: Detect Ambush 55%, Detect Concealment 50%, Intelligence: 55%
Survivalist: Land Navigation: 62%, Prowl 47%, Wilderness Survival: 60%

Attacks per melee: 5
W.P. Energy Pistol: +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +2 to strike
Hit Points: 42,
S.D.C.: 74
I.S.P.: 84

Learned from Space Wolfen Octavia’s storytelling and riding lessons. The Dog Boys love the sound of Octavia’s voice and the stories she tells. Being the physical types that they are, they didn’t want to sit too long for Math lessons but riding is fun and a little bit of a challenge. So they took to riding.
Secondary Skills at 1st level of proficiency:
Lore: Galactic/Alien: 30%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 30%/20%

Location: Hades, tent-city / shanty-town

Knight Four after completing the use of his psychic sensitive powers, “The Atlantean is still alive. But his life, or at least his freedom, could be in danger today. Images imply he is in or around the shanty-towns and tent city.”
Knight Two, “They have our magic pigeon message. They know we are alive, here, and looking for them. We will continue to march around the walled city using our radio and sensory systems to pick up on the tracking device.”
The Earth Warlock (Medea), “Why not drive around the outside?”
Knight Two, “Too much attention. I have not seen a single land vehicle that was not pulled by an animal or humanoid since we got here. Remember we are trying to find our target without bringing attention to them or ourselves.”
Knight Four, “Why not name a place and wait for them there?”
Knight Two, “We don’t know IF they know the names of the places. They have no magic pigeon spell to send us a message.”
Earth Warlock, “What about my ride? IF it is left alone out here it will get stolen.”
Knight Two, “Sell it.”
Earth Warlock (Medea), “I’ll need a translator.”
Hy (the Atlantean healer), “I’m your man.”
Knight Two, “No one goes anywhere without myself or Four. Besides, I don't want us splitting up. We will all go together to sell it.”

The market bazaar:

The coming and going of caravans catches the occasional stop in the shantytowns to unload their overstock, damaged goods and that sort of thing.

Everyone is curious about the vehicle, peppered with questions about what it is and how it works the party comes to realize most if not all of the natives don’t know how to drive.
One merchant allows his eye to wander to it and looks at it for too long. Medea, the Earth Warlock, catches this and moves in for her figurative kill. A test drive is negotiated with knight Four riding shotgun to make sure they don’t take off with it.
Satisfied, they take off and return.
Knight Four, “We were ambushed. I had to put them down. And he is a terrible getaway driver. Like, a little too terrible if you get my meaning.”
Medea insists that the merchant is a mighty warrior but bought the vehicle used when he returned from battle. Now that the DBee owns it the matter of payment has to be worked out. Worn out human slaves. Medea “BLINGS” the ride with the “Fools Gold” spell so the merchant can make a grand entrance into the Demon city.

Knight Two, “What are we supposed to do with slaves?”
Medea, “The sale gives us cover. The slaves will too.”
Hy begins scanning the slaves for their medical condition and gives them water and space age food tablets. Twenty minutes later they look like new men and women.
Hy, “Food and water are medicine.”
Knight Four, “Why don’t we set them free?”
While using his healing touch, Hy says, “Almost every world has had and some still do have slavery of some sort. Running them off and they might look like runaways. Taken as slaves again, I reckon, because someone can. Without the strength and firepower to defend their freedom it will be taken away. Without a farm or job they will basically have to sell themselves back into slavery just to eat.”
Knight Two, “So what are we supposed to do with them when we leave . . .”

Meanwhile, the Atlantean Ictinus, Lady Black, Knight Three, and Lt Ezra talk.

Lady Black, “They are in the shanty town area and looking for us. If we stand still and listen to the radio we will eventually hear them. We will know we are within a few miles of each other.”
Ictinus (the Atlantean), “I won’t leave without my people.”
Lady Black, “I had a vision. You are in danger. I can’t see them but I saw you being overtaken by shadows. It doesn’t have to happen. It can be changed.”
Ictinus, “Then we will change it while saving my people from dying a slave's death in Hades.”
The Shifter, “I can find them for you . . .”
Knight Three, (rolls a critical success 02), “He genuinely believes he can. I don’t trust him but I believe he believes he can find Atlanteans in this dimension. He would say anything to save his own life but he believes it.”
Lady Black, “I could hear his thoughts for a moment. The name of someone, someone in the slave market.”
Ictinus, “He must have people he has bought or sold slaves to. Atlanteans he took from our world. Shifter, I wasn’t the first, was I? You didn’t want me to know you had kidnapped Atlanteans before.”
Ictinus starts punching the Shifter in the face.
Knight Three pulls him off and begins inspecting Ictinus for injuries. Then searches the Shifter for anything that might have passed between them.
“You knew all along where to start looking for Atlantean slaves. You were just trying to save yourself and hoped you could still pull off a deal. Now that we are close to getting out of Hades you're afraid. You don’t know what’s going to happen to you when the rescue team gets here. You don’t know if we will kill you before we leave or take you with us as our prisoner. So you are trying to give us a reason not to kill you.”
Ictinus, “Take us to the Atlantean slaves.”
The Shifter, “Take an Atlantean to a slave trader who deals in Atlanteans. He will recognize you. Maybe raise the price on the slaves. Maybe try to take you for one. You tell him Three.”
Knight Three, “I see no advantage to you going personally. Lady Black can take the Shifter and id any Atlanteans, IF they are any. Also, she can handle any trouble.”
Lt Ezra, “Let’s do some research first. Besides, what’s the rush? Why not wait for the rescue team? Then we can ALL go together. Strength in numbers.”
Everyone looks at each other.
Knight Three, “I suppose we are getting a little hot headed and carried away. It is safer to wait for the others and twice our number.”
Ictinus, “Because, I don’t want to wait. I want to do something.”
The Shifter, “There are Atlanteans there. Waiting to be rescued. If you wait, they might be killed or sold before you get around to them.”
Knight Three, “Then those are on you, for not telling us sooner.”
The Shifter, “That won’t save any lives from being murdered to power the ziggurat. What about them? Are their lives any less valuable to than an Atlanteans?”
“Yes,” Ictinus said. Then his face becomes a mixture of anger and pride.
Everyone looks at Ictinus.
Ictinus, “My earliest memories, from home, from school . . . Aerihman Clan is family . . . and family comes first . . . before ANY others, I must choose Aerihman. YOU are NOT Aerihman if you do not put Aerihman before ALL others. IF any of you had to choose between saving your parents and siblings or someone else's, which would you choose? Because, I choose mine. I choose the Aerihman Clan, forever. I’m going. WE are going, to save my people.”

Draining the Shifter of his P.P.E. with water for the slaves until “See Aura” and Lady Black’s senses confirm he is at the bottom they leave.

Location: A Ludus (gladiatorial training school).

The Shifter, “OPEN THE GATE!”
The slave guards open the gates letting the party enter.
Slaves practice fighting on the sands of the open rectangle Ludus.
Eighteen (18) men and women spar and take lessons.
It is obvious that 13 are Atlantean.
Creating a flaming sword, Ictinus stands out and shouts (Atlantean) “Iuguolo Mortuuson”
The look of recognition stands out in 10 of them (Aerihman).
The leader of the slave guards demands, “What is the meaning of this?”
Ictinus says, “Death,” as he runs him though.
Lady Black creates a psi-shield and keeps one hand on the Shifter.
Knight Three casts “Armor of Ithan” the Atlantean.
Lt Ezra cast “Armor of Ithan” on himself.
The guards begin to rush Lady Black and knight Three as one guard shouts, “Slaves are loose.”
Knight Three begins punching the guards with “Fist of Fury'' and they fly into walls and across the courtyard.

The dozen slaves the Atlantean bought stand guard outside the gates except for two who secure the gate from the guards to keep them open.

The gladiatorial slaves stand in shock.

After a moment, one of the Atlanteans shouts out, “Our families are held hostage. If we flee, they will be killed.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Ictinus (the Atlantean), “Your families? Where are they? Where do they keep them?”
A stern looking Atlantean says, “Only five are here. They rotate them in and out so we can see them. So we know they are alive. IF we win they get better accommodations. IF we die, in the arena, they are put to death. They bring them around, when we disobey or fail, so we can see them are punished for our mistakes. The rest, they say, are hidden elsewhere, in case we get any ideas of running away with them.”
Ictinus gritted his teeth. He thinks to himself:
I didn’t think it through. It never occurred to me why any Atlantean, if they were taken, wouldn't have escaped or died fighting. I didn’t think. I suppose that a man might just have been afraid of dying. Not an Aerihman. Not for his honor and especially NOT for the honor of the Aerihman Clan. But for one's own blood and love . . .
It feels like an eternity passed as the Atlantean Ictinus notices that the remaining guards are dispatched or have successfully fled.
Ictinus, “We rescue the ones here.”
Atlantean 1, “They might kill our families who are not.”
Ictinus, “We’ll find them and rescue them.”
On the balcony above a gurgoyle stands holding a baby in his left hand and the mother back in the other.
“My daughter,” shouts one of the Atlanteans.
“Dead or alive, take them or I will drop her, then another after that,” the gurgoyle said to the Atlantean gladiators.
A jolt ran through the gladiators.
Atlantean 1, “Come willingly and you can fight with honor in the arena.”

A while later . . .

In the same holding cell:

Ictinus, “I can’t believe how stupid I was. I came charging in ready to kill anyone who bought or kept any of my people slaves. Now I am one.”
Knight Three, “We are in a cage, without our equipment or weapons, waiting to be broken.”
Telepathically knight Three messages to Ictinus, Lady Black, and Lt Ezra: “We have to hold out. Two and Four are still in the city looking for us. With the Sustain spell on us we can hold out for days if they withhold food and water to punish or break us. Act. Play along until they get within range of the hidden tracker on me. They will most likely try to contact us telepathically. Then we will tell them the situation.”

Atlantean 1 speaks to them from outside the bars:
“That thing would have done it. Killed the baby and the mother too. We all can break out of here with our flaming swords if it were not for the fact they would torture our families to death. Even IF we escaped, where would we go, the desert of Taut. We’d drop from thirst in less than a day. Besides, some of these demons are tougher than they look and they regenerate from any damage you do to them. The last slave rebellion was led by an Atlantean. It failed. They were all killed. Some in gruesome ways that took days. Now our master has given us extra food and water in celebration of his newest additions (the adventure party) to the Ludus. That one you came with, the Shifter as you called him, is known in this Ludus. Considering how things turned out, management is pleased. The dead guards are already replaced at the expense of the Shifter. He has his things back, the ones that you were carrying. Rumor is all the Atlanteans here and in the city will be rounded up. All of us are going into the city, to the stone ziggurat. You are expected to perform there. If you escape, fail, or quit one by one each of us will be tortured to death. IF you are a good boy and things go the way they want, then you get to witness us leave Hades, one at a time, after progress is made, through a Rift to another dimension. One from which we can eventually return to our clans.”
Knight Three, “Do you trust him?”
Atlantean 1, “I don’t have a choice.”

The time comes, in the courtyard of the Ludus a platoon of Demons stand ready to march the party into the city.
The Shifter:
“You (looking at the Atlantean) will go first and prove yourself in front of the Duke’s advisers. Once they are satisfied the other Atlanteans, and their families, will follow. You will watch as slaves, humans and D-Bees, are sacrificed for the power to open a Rift. Then you will begin the work on the ziggurat. You will all stay in the city, in special accommodations, until the job’s done. As far as the Duke has heard, you are a human with Atlantean tattoos. Feel free to tell him yourself if you want him to know you are Atlantean. He has also been told you work for me. It is my deal. The fame and profit are all mine. When you see him or his advisors you can tell him otherwise, if you like. Then you will see what happens next. There is a chance it could mess things up for me but if you are not my man, and I am not powerful, the Duke will own you. While I can dimension hop out of here anytime I want. Knowing the Duke, as I do, he will put a bounty on Atlanteans and use them as hostages to motivate you to continue to work for him for the rest of your life. That’s the way it is.
Your bodyguards, on the other hand, are lucky they have me for their sponsor. They have a debt to pay, to me. Partly it is for the guards they killed. That and with the Atlanteans not performing in the arena any longer there is a need for fresh meat. You are going to win for me, in the gladiatorial arena. Pay me back and I’ll let you go with your Atlantean master. Fail and all your problems will be over.”

. . .

The Atlantean, Ictinus, could not help but think the city of Shek’Ra is impressive. Built on the backs of slave labor it reminds him of Earth’s pyramids. It is probably the biggest cemetery in the dimension of Hades.

The stone building they are taken to isn’t all that bad. It seems there are classes of slaves in Shek’Ra. Some are treated much better than others.
When the demon advisors arrive Ictinus performs by reshaping the build more to his liking. A design that releases more heat making it cooler.

The Shifter hears the command to make the “upgrades” to the ziggurat in 10 days time. Ictinus’s eyes bulge and jaw drops. It is enough for the Shifter to say such powerful demons are above dealing with mortals and that they keep slaves to deal with such small matters.
The human slave they brought to speak with other humans (beneath the Demons) stays behind and after all the fluster and performance it is stated, “IF he wants it done faster he can do it himself. IF he wants it done right it will take as long as it takes. It doesn’t change the Shifters reward only the time he, a mortal, will have to wait to collect it. What concern is it to immortal demons?”

Later that same day, after witnessing the ritual murder of slaves to power the creation of a Rift the Atlantean knows the score. Examining and touching the ziggurat, Ictinus, has a better understanding of its flaws in design and construction.
Ictinus, “500 days.”
This time the Shifters eye bulge and jaw drops.
Ictinus, “I will have touch and correct every stone block. The efficiency and stability will improve gradually as more and more of it is re-done piece by piece. IF I begin with the control room it should make the biggest difference and save 10 percent of the energy required. It will take about three days.”
The Shifter, “The Duke needs to see results, soon. IF he doesn’t. All of your people will be put to death. IF you are telling the truth and succeed one Atlantean family of three will be sent through a ziggurat made Rift. A test of your work.”
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Hades, Shanty-Town

Knight Two, Four, Medea (the Earth Warlock), Hy (Atlantean Dimensional Nomad), Enrique (the craftsman - Burster).

Over the day the party has searched the tent city / shanty town:
Every few miles they try the radio to message knight Two.
They have left stone markers with American writing.
The last magic pigeon they sent headed straight to the walled city.
At the end of the first real day of searching they send a magic pigeon and notice it flying off in the direction of the stone city past its walls.
Psychic vision (Clairvoyance, Object Reading, & Remote Viewing) show:
The Atlantean in a stone building that looks like a stone pyramid control room.
Knight Two and Lady Black appear to be dressed in gladiatorial clothes and in a stone room with Atlantean men, women, and children.

From the dozen or so slaves they picked up (they feed them and provide water and medical assistance, along with new tunics and sandals). The slaves have heard the word on the street that there is a demand for slaves of a certain description. All the gladiators of a particular Ludus, and their children, have been sent inside the walled city but aren’t fighting in the arena. Their description is enough for the party to deduce they are Atlantean.

Their accommodations:
Knight Four creates sheltering Force tents to house themselves and their slaves. Also, he creates water for currency (Note this currency is pretty much only good with slaves and those desperate for water. It has little value to Demons).
Likewise, they use the “Sustain” spell on the slaves they have.

Gathering intelligence they discover the location of the Ludus from which they believe the Atlanteans came.

The team discusses their next move:
1. Raid the Ludus for information.
2. Ask for work at the Ludus as gladiators or guards to gain information and/or entry into the city.
3. Find another way into the city.
4. Search shanty-town / tent city for other Atlanteans to rescue or impersonate.
5. Use the fact that Hy is an Atlantean to gain entry under the guise that he heard there is work or something for Atlaneans.
6. Hy thinks they should get rid of the slaves before they do anything that could get them killed or back into slavery. He says he will open a Rift but that he needs everyone's energy to do it and will be exhausted during the day he does it. So no fighting or rescuing after he does it. The only reason he can think of keeping the slaves is to search the city again. Seeing him (Hy) and his tattoos they know what to look for.

It is decided that they should ask the slaves themselves what they want and need.

The slaves are suspicious. No one has been so kind to them and they do not trust them for that fact. Now they are offered the chance to get out of Hades they are thinking:
"What’s the catch? Why are you being so nice to us? Many feel certain they will be sacrificed for the casting of some sort of spell."

Knight Two divides the slaves into two groups.

The party pools their energy together for Hy (the Atlantean) to open a Rift. Knight Two orders one of the groups to run through the portal or he will kill them.
Everyone present can see the slaves enter a world of green grass, a lake and a bright sky. Minutes pass as those slaves on the other side are witnessed jumping in the water and splashing around.
“It's good,” they shout, “It’s good.”
Two slaves from the second group manage to make it through before the Rift closes. The four remaining slaves are on their knees begging for the adventure party to open it again.
Knight Two shakes his head. Then holds up Hy’s hand and points to his tattoos on his wrist.
The message is understood, find more people like this.

The Atlantean, Hy, rests in a Sheltering Force tent.

Some tough guys come round making demands that the party open a Rift or else.
“Leave or we will kill you,” is knight Two’s only reply.

61 dead bodies later knight Two says, “There are too many witnesses, in the distance. We need to run and hide. Lay low until they stop looking for us. Change our clothes. Dress like the locals. Go native, shave our heads. "
The Burster, “We have to wait for those slave who went out to return.”
Knight Four, “Those slaves who went out searching for Atlanteans, they must have talked too much; willingly or otherwise. Any or even ALL of them could have betrayed us or even be dead or enslaved again. We have to go on without them.”
“I’m NOT cutting my hair,” says Medea.
Knight Two, “Let’s just get going.”

. . .

An hour or so later.

Knight Two is standing in a tunic (taken off one of the men he killed), his head shaved. Four, standing still, is wearing an identical tunic having his head shaved.
Hy is resting in a hole, dug by Medea (the Earth Warlock), filled by his own Sheltering Force tent. Medea is also resting inside with the necromancer. The mexican Burster (Enrique) stands guard.

The Demon security hearing from their human spies who watch Ictinus (the Atlantean Stone Master) report on the magic pigeon coming to message him. Its message made no sense but what the real concern is if the one sending them will be trouble. Orders are to find the caster of the magic pigeon and to “deal with them.” The mortal slaves know this means to: enslave them, kill them or run them off.

Lady Black and Knight Three talk:
“We both let this happen. Giving in to him when we know it was better to do recon. If we had bought even one slave from that Ludus we would have known about the children. I would have staked out the Ludus. Followed the slaves as they rotated them. Found the location of the women and children. Then waited for Two and Four. Rescued the families first then we could have raided the Ludus.”
Looking at Lady Black’s face.
“IF that is not what bothers you, what is?”
Lady Black, “We are expected to kill or be killed for the amusement of demons and their guests. I’m NOT going to kill, for them. I’m nobody's slave.”
Lady Black turns away and begins to meditate.
The Atlantean gladiators give tips and pointers to knight Three on fighting in the arena, their competition and what the demons expect of them. Namely, a good show.
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Hades. Demon City of Shek’Ra. The gladiator colosseum.

Knight Three and Lady Black dressed in gladiator clothing.

“I’m not going to fight,” Lady Black said.
Knight Three, “I can make myself invisible but these Demons can see the invisible. The real question I ask myself is what would they do to the Altanteans? Retribution? I can’t teleport in and out of the city. And even IF I got out, I might not be able to get back in. Regardless, if I got out of the city, they might move the prisoners and increase the security. While attacking any one of the thousands in the stands will get me killed. Besides, they regenerate. Even if I did enough damage to kill one or two, the rest would kill me for it. Surviving the fight, in the arena, is my best option, for now.”

The human slave laughs, “You are . . . first timer . . . unfavored. No weapons for you but what you take from others in the arena.”

Knight Three gets nervous. They took all his weapons. All he has left our his fighting skills, magic, and psionics. He still has the power of Superhuman Endurance. He bites down on the pill Lt Ezra gave him and feels the “Resistance to Fire” kick in.

He remembers, of the squad of mystic knights he is a part of, he’s the weakest.

Walking out into the sand with other gladiators everyone looked at one another then the crowd of demons, their followers, customers and slaves.

From the other end of the arena a gate opens and out comes the competition. Humans in S.D.C. armor with what look to be swords.


Knight Three is injured from the start when he doesn’t successfully dodge.
He dodges the next and runs away as he bites down on the pill Lt Ezra gave him before the fight.
The crowd laughs.
Ganging up on Lady Black she quickly creates her two psi-swords and parries her opponents sword strikes while withdrawing.

Knight Three runs around the stadium in circles until another gladiator corners him back into a wall. Facing his newest opponent and the one before be attacker and knight Three readies himself to strike.
He kicks one in the head twice until his opponent runs away.
The gladiator across from him stumbles and plants his sword in the ground before knight Three kicks him.
Knocking him away from his sword, Three keeps kicking.
They exchanged punches until knight Three wears his opponent out. Turning Three picks up the fallen sword and looks around him. The twilight obscures his vision but he can see well enough up close.

Lady Black continues to easily defend herself. They withdraw and gang up on knight Three. He kills two of the three attacking him before he loses his sword and punches the gladiator away.
Retrieving one of the men’s swords he is re-armed.
Killing one more. Knight Three re-groups with Lady Black and what’s left of the gladiators they came with.
That’s when the gate opens again.
A pair of xiticix warriors with at least one wing of the warrior has been clipped to keep them grounded.

Lady Black, “I'm going to kill them!” Launching herself at the Xiticix Lady Black losses herself in combat. She has fought too many Xiticix not to know their danger or to stop now.

Between her twin blades she easily scores critical hits and kills them easily within 15 seconds.

After a break to clean the arena up, knight Three and Lady Black are singled out to fight the main event.

Two Altara (pronounced "All-taar-ah") Warrior women are brought in.

Lady Black, “First slaves of Splugorth, now the Demons of Hades. All I can give them is an honorable besting.”

Lady Black bows to them and asks for a one on one duel with bare hands.
One steps away from the other while the other stays back.

Lady Black takes the initiative and knocks her opponent out in one punch. Bowing she picks the woman up and carries her away.

Knight Three steps up, tosses his sword aside, and performs a curtsey.
Rising he raises his fists prepared to box.
He gets a couple of good punches in. Then the Altara women knocks him out.

Knight Three wakes up like he is in a dream. He’s told the debt he owes has now doubled. While Lady Black’s debt has halved.
The Shifter says, "But slow it down. You need to perform like an entertainer.”

Note: Although unconventional in Hades 90+% of roman gladiators matches were NOT to the death. Gladiators are expensive to feed and train. IF they died in the arena their master could not get any more money from working them. So to it is in the city of Shek’Ra. Only the percentages are more like 10% of the matches live. The biggest influencers are the appeal of the gladiator with the crowd. IF the crowd wants the gladiator to live to fight or die another day then the Duke must not disappoint the crowd. A lot of it is theater too. Building a gladiator up so that when they are taken down it is meaningful. More than an honest fight gladiators are often expected to put on a good show or they will be replaced by one who will.
Last edited by darthauthor on Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: the Atlantean slave quarters.

An Atlantean, “At this rate, he’s not going to make it.”
Another, “That’s why we have to do this. He won’t survive if we don’t.”
“Odds are he won’t make it anyway.”
“Then at least we will have done everything we could to save him.”
They begin to chant and dance while one amongst them works in secret.

When they finish knight Three has a tattoo of a simple weapon; a sword.
He suffers from a terrible headache and a numbness around the tattoo but recovers.
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Lady Black, "What was that out there?"
Knight Three, "My peformance, in the arena, was less than impressive but I survived. I couldn't create a psi-sword, like you. By the way, what was all that talk about, I'm NOT going to fight!"
Lady Black, "Xiticix don't count. I've killed a 1,000 of them and I'll kill a 1,000 more to save my tribe and our planet."
Knight Three, "And the tall amazons?"
Lady Black, "Slaves of the Splugorth. I could have killed her. She lives. Because of me. Lucky you, her sister returned the favor."
Knight Three looking at his new tattoo. "I will do better next time. 'This' (looking at the tattoo) will even the odds."

One Simple Weapon Tattoo: Long Sword (cost Knight Three 4 P.P.E. to generate)

Lady Black, "Tell me, I know you can shoot magical beams of energy and make your fists glow with power, when we were fighting in the arena, why didn't you?"
Knight Three, "Don't want to show my hand of all I can do. IF I destroyed my opponents would have been destroyed with one attack, they would either set me up with something stronger or find a way to handicap me. Better for me if those trying to kill me underestate me. Besides, look what I have now (points to the tattoo)."

Over a period of time, knight Three is introduced to the nature and use of Atlantean Tattoos. It costs him double the P.P.E. (Simple Weapon is normally 2 P.P.E. so he pays 4 P.P.E.) to activate his one simple weapon tattoo.
The Atlantean tattoo artist gave it to him after a debate amongst them that the human is not likely to survive. They were allowed to see the fight and saw knight Three run away and around. They all figure he will at least have a better chance than trying to steal a weapon from his opponent. The Atlanteans no longer fight but they know what it is like. They have been injured, maimed, and even lost a few of their own here. With this experience in mind, they make an exception for Knight Three not being Atlantean, and grant him a tattoo that he may die fighting with a chance.

Tattoo Master O.C.C.

A Tattoo Master is a learned spell caster.

Atlantean Magic Tattoo: The invention of magic magic tattoos is accredited to the ChiangKu dragons. One or more of them taught certain members of the True Atlantean people the art of creating them. They in turn took apprentices and taught more of their own people. The skills were passed down throughout the ages with the understanding it is not to be abused or misused: Never against a ChiangKu dragon. IF against a dragon, only in self-defense. The intent is for diplomacy, gain knowledge, healing, self-defense, and trade.
The great shame is the corruption of this intent by the Splurgorth in their creation of the T-Men.
The process of making magic tattoos is in some ways like that of creating a techno-wizard device (only a tattoo instead).
When trained by an Atlantean Tattoo Master (or someone was trusted enough to be accepted as a student of the art of making magic tattoos) they begin as an apprentice. Years of training include both the art of making ordinary tattoos and the study of magic and its application with flesh. The education (by an Atlantean) includes lessons in history of the Atlantean people with a special reverence to the ChiangKu dragons who invented it. How these dragons (and dragons are normally at least a little bit selfish and like being the most important one in the room shared this gift with both each other and the Atlantean people) gave them a gift. Not withheld for money but bestowed to those who need them to defend their people or to fulfill a role in society, a purpose greater than them.
After many years and when they have the basics down the apprentice (under the watchful eye of their master) applies the traditional Marks of Heritage to Atlantean children.
For most Tattoo Masters, 99% of the tattoos they give people are the Marks of Heritage to Atlantean children. It is a ceremony like a baptism that reminds those present of the traditions and goals of the Atlantean Clan. As a consequence they spend a lot of time around Atlantean children and their parents. Many of these same children will grow up to see the same Tattoo Master who gave them their Marks of Heritage 15 or 20 years later to receive more tattoos.
Many a Tattoo Master stays in their Clan’s major cities for most of their careers. They are expected to behave as someone who is a good example to kids and an upstanding member of the community. To know and be known by the people.
They don’t travel much but when they do it is under the protection of tattooed defenders. After all, they are a precious resource to their people and depending on the tattoos they know how to bestow they are like a firearms sales person. The Clan cannot afford to allow them to be kidnapped or run rogue.
So they are allowed to leave the security of their clan’s cities with bodyguards. Regardless, most Tattoo Masters don’t leave their home city's unless it is for a vacation or to bestow tattoos on those for whom the journey to come to them is too time consuming or difficult.
More than a few Tattoo Masters have had to go to war zones to put new tattoos on Atlantean Defenders and Undead Slayers.

The (Principled) Tattoo Master is trained to ask what the Atlantean needs the tattoos for. If part of the military or such they will have a sort of government sponsor vouching for the Atlantean. That they have taken an oath of service and passed their tests. The tattoos are issued to the Atlantean like a rifle to a soldier. This is the official process.
Tattoo Masters who have gone rogue (or moonlight) might sell their service to give a tattoo to a sentient for whatever price they decide. Ultimately, it is they who have the ability to bestow magic tattoos. The only way another might stop them is if others are around to tell on them to Atlantean society. Typically, if Atlanteans see or hear of Atlanteans or non-Atlanteans using magic tattoos, especially if the tattoos are not needed or advantageous in their profession they are supposed to report it. It would be like seeing your neighbor with a rocket launcher and they work as a cook at a restaurant. Likewise, if they only make $40k a year and suddenly start driving a car worth $500k you know something does not add up. Where did they get the money for that car?
Consequently, Tattoo Masters are issued the recipe to create traditional magic tattoos by their clan elders. This is done in an attempt to ensure these powers cannot be abused.
However, a Tattoo Master, given time and subjects to experiment upon, can figure out the formula to recreate tattoos they don’t know. Likewise they can create their own original tattoos much like a Techno-Wizard can create their own devices.
Typically they have to get the art down.
Imagine what they want the new tattoo to do.
Work out the Art design. The magic the tattoo will work must relate to the tattoo’s image. This is like how a Techno-Wizard’s device must have some shape or form that suits its function. So as form equals function for the magic tattoos, art of the tattoo must relate to the magic it will do. There must be an image associated with the spell in the tattoo.
Determine the Function. A magic tattoo is effectively a permanent techno-wizard device attached to one’s skin.
Determine How Many Spell Chains Will Be Necessary.
That Tattoo Master must be able to cast the spells needed to make the magic tattoo or work with someone who does.
Once a Tattoo Master has a “new” magic tattoo they must risk experimenting by applying it to a volunteer and seeing how it works out. Many Tattoo Masters take this risk by experimenting on themselves. Still, Many an Atlantean Nomid have gotten an original tattoo to give them new powers.

Note: Simple weapons magic tattoos are easy for Tattoo Master to make and can do small variations on their shape and design easily and without years of study. Once you can do one type of weapon you can do all variations within that category of it for the purposes of tattoo magic.

Their other most frequent recipients are Atlantean Tattoo Defenders and Atlantean Undead Slayers.

Because the process of giving someone a magic tattoo is taxing to the person to whom it is given it is not uncommon for years to go by between tattoo sessions. Also, the powers that come from magic tattoos are somewhat de-humanizing.
In truth, the effect of getting a tattoo is addictive.
Also, there are genuine fears that if an Atlantean or any sentient got as many tattoos as it is possible to get the power would corrupt them to the point of being drive to accumulate as much power as possible and using it to destroy anyone stronger and dominate those weaker.
The traditional threshold were the greatest change in an Atlanteans behavior is when they become an Mega-Damage being of supernatural strength. So it is a cultural taboo for people to get more than six magic tattoos unless their profession requires it of them.

Making a magic tattoo on someone is considered a magic ritual that takes about an hour. It is in essence casting the spell(s) that go into the during the process, the Tattoo Master must expend P.P.E. equal to twice the magic tattoo's P.P.E. cost (or 50 P.P.E. if the tattoo has no P.P.E.).

The Tattoo Master may learn new types of magic tattoos from other Tattoo Masters, much like a spell caster can learn new spells from other spell casters. However, most new types of magic tattoos are closely guarded secrets since they take years and much experimentation to develop.
Note that level limits and/or time restrictions may apply to when a particular creature can receive magic tattoos. Generally, those with six or fewer tattoos can receive another tattoo as soon as they recover from the last. Those with seven or more tattoos can only receive two tattoos every six months, and are restricted by level limits. The Tattoo Master can sense how long a recipient must wait before receiving another tattoo by touch.

When a Tattoo Master is not making magic tattoos they are typically making ordinary ones or art, studying new ideas for tattoos/magic, and being a community influencer/councilor.

Special O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses:

1. Create Atlantean Magic Tattoos:
The greater the power of the tattoo the greater the skill required to create it. Part of that skills comes from having the skills associated with the magic tattoos effect. To work their magic they must have the real life experience and skills. When creating the tattoo the Tattoo Master must succeed on a skill check. If they fail they must attempt it again and the P.P.E. is spent while the person still has the side effects as though the tattoo had succeed even though it did not.

1st level ALL Altantean trained Tattoo Masters know how to create the Marks of Heritage.
2nd level: Simple Weapon Tattoos for which they have the Weapon Proficiency skill.
3rd level: Animal Tattoos but must have skills appropriate to the animal. Horsemanship for horses. Horsemanship Exotic for exotic animals. Breed Dogs for Canines, cats, and such. Zoology just about covers it all when it comes to animals.
4th level: Monster Tattoos. Must have the Lore Skill in the specific monster the tattoo will be of.
5th level: Magic Weapons. Must have Weapon Proficiency in the weapon.
6th level: Power Tattoos. Varies but must have experience with the magic and medium involved. For example, for a power tattoo like a cloud with a buster symbol over it the Tattoo Master may have to travel to the elemental plane of Air to experience it. After which the master need never return for the purposes of creating a tattoo with powers of an Air Warlock. For a Tattoo Master to create a Black Sun tattoo they must have once gone to the dimensional plane of shadow even if only for a minute. While power tattoos like gas mask would require the NBC skill. A bloody rose matches with their healing skills and spells. That sort of thing.
7th level: Dimensional Tattoos. Must have years of experience traveling back and forth between dimensions. In short, Lore: Dimensions

2. Tattoo Masters can only have 6 magic tattoos. More will kill their ability to cast spells and thus their ability to create magic tattoos. However, the P.P.E. cost to activate magic tattoos, on their own body, is half and the damage, duration, and range are double.

3. Initial Spell Knowledge:
At level one experience, players get the spell "Sense Magic" and may select any three spells invocation magic levels 1 thru 3, for a total of 10 spells.

4. Learning Additional Magic: At each new level of experience the Tattoo Master can either learn one new spell equal to or lower than their new level of experience. They may also choose to learn either an invocation spell or a spell from another school of magic.
This spell is considered to be taught to them by someone in the Atlantean community who knows it. The player must provide a back story as to how their clan or fellow Tattoo Masters had such a contact. The GM may decide that one particular spell may be an adventure in itself.
The specialist spell must still be equal to or lower level.
Possibilities Include:
Card Magic, Elemental Magic (each element counts as a separate category selection), Living Fire Magic, Ludicrous Magic, Nature Magic, Ocean Magic, Shamanistic Magic, Temporal Magic, etc.
Note: Necromancy Spells are considered a taboo and avoided but this is a cultural obstacle. A rogue or non-Atlantean can do what they want.

5. P.P.E.: Being learned spell casters the Tattoo Master's Base P.P.E. is 2D4x10+40. Add 12 P.P.E. points for each level of experience and six P.P.E. points for each tattoo. Also, being a spell caster, the character can draw energy from ley lines and nexus points. When making a magic tattoo it is common for the master to use the energy of a stone pyramid or P.P.E. battery. When these are not available they can use either their own P.P.E. or collect the energy via ritual from volunteers.
P.P.E. Recovery: The Tattoo Master's P.P.E. replenishes itself at the rate of 20 points for every hour of rest or sleep.

6. Neutralize Magic Tattoo. Tattoo Masters have the power to disable magic tattoos though the subject need not be willing and gets a save. The process takes an hour and costs an much P.P.E. as it does to put it on. It is sort of a tattoo removal/reversal.

7. Activate Other peoples Magic Tattoos: At 5th level the Tattoo Master can activate the magic tattoos on other peoples bodies. The effect will be on the person's body whom the tattoo is on. This in effect allows the Tattoo Master to pay the P.P.E. cost for the tattoo. Note: IF the Tattoo Master created the magic tattoo the P.P.E. cost is half for them but they have to touch the tattoo.

8. A place of honor within their own clan and prestige in all other Atlantean clans. When recognized as a Tattoo Master they have an awe factor of 15. Typically, most Atlantean communities will provide a Tattoo Master with free amenities, food, lodging, medical attention, and security. Each Atlantean Clan has a guild house for Tattoo Masters. These "Houses" keep records of all whom they have given a magic tattoo and the artist, date and location the tattoo was done. They also have a library of art work and recipes of sorts for magical tattoos along with the tools and techniques for doing them.

9. Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 M.E. and +1d4 to M.A. attributes, +5 on Perception Rolls, and +2D6 to S.D.C.

Race Restrictions: Technically none but they must be a species capable of casting magic spells and getting tattoos.

O.C.C. Skills:
Language & Literacy: Dragonese/Elf and Atlantean/Greek at 98%.
Language & Literacy: Three additional choices (+20%).
Art (Tattooing): (+30%)
Basic Math (+20%)
Chemistry (+20%)
History: Pre-Atlantis Island collapse:
History: Post Collapse: (+30%)
Lore: Magic: (+20%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters: (+20%)
Lore: Atlantean Clan (+20%)
Paramedic or Holistic Medicine (+15%)
Wardrobe & Grooming (Pro) (+20%)
W.P. Sword
W.P. One of Choice
Hand to Hand Combat: None to start, but can be selected as an O.C.C. Related Skill as follows: Hand to Hand: Basic counts as one skill selection or Expert as two.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 11 other skills, but at least four must be selected from Technical and two from Domestic or Medical. Plus select two additional skills at levels three, six, nine, 12, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

Communications: Barter, Creative Writing, Language, Literacy, Performance, Public Speaking, and Radio: Basic only (+5%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic only (+5%).
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Horsemanship: General and Exotic.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive only.
Medical: Any, excluding Crime Scene Investigation, Cybernetic Medicine, Entomological Medicine, Forensics, Veterinary Science.
Military: None.
Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics, Boxing and Wrestling.
Pilot: Any (+5%); excluding military, power armor and bots.
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Streetwise and Seduction only
Science: Any (+10%).
Technical : Any (+15%).
W.P. : Any; except Heavy Military Weapons and Heavy Energy Weapons.
Wilderness: +5% but only for those who go to those Atlanteans who are in far off communities and warriors.

Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the Secondary Skills List in the Skill Section, +1 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than any possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at the base skill level.
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Character X-Ray

Builds and Stats

Knight One

Knight Two

Knight Three

Knight Four

Medea, The Earth Warlock

Knight One
8th Level Mystic Knight

Alignment: Aberrant

I.Q. 12
M.E. 11
M.A. 16*(40% trust)
P.S. 25
P.P. 10
P.E. 15
P.B. 11
Spd. 30

Hit Points: 45
S.D.C.: 46
ISP: 66
PPE: 120

W.P. Sword +3 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Knife +5 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Shield +8 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 8th level
+5 on initiative,
7 attack per melee round,
+2 to strike
+6 to disarm, +4 to entangle,
+5 to parry and dodge
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18+
W.P. Paired Weapons, Can perform Holds

Language: (Native) American 98% & Dragonese 83%
Literate: American 75%

Horsemanship: Knight: 70%/60%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 80%/70%
Land Navigation 80%
Lore: Magic 70%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 80%
Disguise: 67%
Impersonation: 88% (general)/74% (specific)
Military Etiquette: 95%
Military Fortification 75%
Imitate Voices & Sounds: 80%/74%
Seduction: 51%

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
Law (general) 85%
Lore: D-Bee: 70%
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 70%,
Lore: Psychics and Psionics 70%
Prowl: 65%

3rd level: (1): Field Intelligence Advanced Training:
Detect Ambush: 70%
Intelligence: 67%
Interrogation: 70%
Math: Basic: 98%
Optic Systems: 75%
+5 on Perception Rolls involving Strategic Assessment and
I.D. strength and weakness of enemy personnel

Secondary Skills: (3):
HoverCraft: Ground 85%
Performance: 65%
Radio: Basic 75%
Secondary Skills: 7th level: (1):
Research: 45%

-Armor of Ithan (10)
-Magic Shield (6)

Fists of Fury (10 or 50)
-Meteor (75)
-Starburst (12)

-Aura of Death (12)
-Invisibility: Simple (6)

-Aura of Power (4)
-Charismatic Aura (10)
-Energize Spell (12+)
-Lifeblast (15),
-Sheltering Force (20)
-Superhuman Endurance (12)
-Sustain (12)
-Time Slip (20)

-Charm (12)
-Compulsion (20)
-Magic Pigeon (20)
-Tongues (12)
-Words of Truth (15)

For Disguise:
-Alter Aura (2)
-Ectoplasmic Disguise (12; 80 minutes; 87%),

-Empathy (4)
-Nightvision (4)
-Psychic Probe
-See Aura (6)
-See the invisible (4)
-Sense Evil (4)
-Sixth sense (2)
-Telepathy (4)

-Empathic Transmission (6; uses to build trust or intimidate)

-Meditation (0)*
-Mind Block (4)
-Resist Fatigue (4)
-Speed Reading (2)
-Total Recall (2)

Equipment of Note:
Combat Fatigues and boots
Silver cross
IDF Commando Digtial Wristwatch
Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free headset)
Weapons: NG Energy Rifle, 4 E-clips, Silver plated knife, survival knife, Steal Sword,
Backpack: Writing journal, Books, Wooden stakes (4). Liter: Water

Magic Tattoo:
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Knight Two

Backstory: Lived in Merctown.

Role: EOD (Demo Expert)/Point Man

7th Level Mystic Knight from the House Hiredmann

I.Q. 11
M.E. 14
M.A. 7 (barely noticed, is usually ignored)
P.S. 23
P.P. 19
P.E. 24
P.B. 9
Spd. 30

Hit Points: 54
S.D.C.: 66
I.S.P.: 76
P.P.E.: 123

Disposition: Professional soldier. Doing his job well is what matters to him.
Relies on equipment. He enjoys life in the field and challenging himself.
The action and the company he keeps means more to him the money.

W.P. Energy Rifle +3 to strike
W.P. Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle
W.P. Sword +7 to strike + 10 to parry
W.P. Shield +10 to parry (Magic Shield Spell +11 to parry 60 MD)

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 7th level
+5 initiative
7 attacks per melee round,
+4 to strike
+7 to Dodge, +7 to parry
Critical Strike on 18+
+5 to disarm, +2 to entangle,
W.P. Paired Weapons, can perform Holds


-Choking Blast & Dust Cloud (15)
-FireBall (10; 5d6)
-Fire Gout (20),
-Fists of Fury (10)
-Magic Net (7)
-Telekinesis (8; 7 minutes)

-Farseeing (3)
-Energize Spell (12+)
-Mystic Marksmanship (5)
-Power Weapon (35)
-Sense Traps & Mines (12; 94%)
-Superhuman Agility (15)
-Superhuman Speed (10)
-Tongues (12)

-Armor of Ithan (10)
-Deflect (10)
-Magic Shield (6)
-Multiple Image (7)

-Aura of Death (12)

-Erase Trail (Self or others by touch; 16 P.P.E.; 70 minutes): The individual leaves no footprints, no broken vegetation, no scuff or wet marks, or even a scent trail, making it impossible to track him.

-Invisibility: Simple (6)

-Stealthwalk (Self or others by touch; 10 P.P.E. ; 35 minutes): Magically suppress any sound made by the enchanted individual while breathing, moving (footfalls and climbing as well as muting the sound of equipment attached to or worn by the individual that might rustle, clunk or clatter, including body armor, weapons, etc.).

-Intuitive Combat (10)

-Impervious to Cold (2)
-Mind Block (4),

-Sense Evil (4)
-See the invisible (4)
-Sixth Sense (2),

Tool like:
-Ectoplasm (6 vaper / 12 solid; 24 minutes): Assist with disarming bombs)
-Electrokinesis (varies): Uses as a tool to deactivate electronics
-Meditation (0)*,
-Read Dimensional Portal (6): Been around a lot of Rifts lately.
-Resist Fatigue (4)
-Sense Time (2): Uses with demolitions and combat drills
-Telekinetic Leap (8): To jump away from explosives/grenades/landmines
-Telepathy (4): Team uses it a lot to communicate
-Total Recall (2): Uses to remember wiring and sequences in a bomb.

Mystic Knight O.C.C. Skills:
Land Navigation: 80%
Lore: Magic 80%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 90%
Camouflage 75%
Military Etiquette: 85% (professional soldier)
Detect Concealment 79%
Intelligence: 76%
Prowl: 85%
Safecracking: 45% (For bonus to Demolitions skill)

House Hiredmann (The Rifter #45) specializes in front-line troopers.
Detect Ambush: 74%,
Forced March
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
Optic Systems 65% (uses necklace of bat-skulls to see in the dark; before used night vision goggles)
Recognise Weapon Quality 75%,
Radio: Basic: 85%
Sensory Equipment: 70%

Ordnance Advanced Training: 3rd level
Demolitions: 84%
Demolitions Disposal: 89%
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert: 75%
Jury-Rig: 60%
NBC Warfare: 65%
Trap/Mine Detection: 72%

Secondary Skills: (3)
Climb 70%/65%
First Aid 85%
Hover Craft: Ground 80%

7th level:
Wilderness Survival: 30%

Desert Army Fatigues with Helmet and Boots.
IDF Commando Digital Wristwatch
Protective Shooting Glasses
Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free headset)
Silver Cross
Necromancer magic necklace: Bat-skulls (see in the Dark)
Necklace of snake skulls (protection from poison)
outer pocket: Demolitions Multi-Tool, Fire-starter

Thermo Flasks (2) Liter bottles.
First Aid Kit
Laser Gyro Navigating (LGN) Aid
Weapon Cleaning Kit
Weapon Repair Kit
infrared binoculars
latex gloves

Wilk's 587 Sniper Heavy Laser Rifle: 4D6+2 M.D. +2 strike
Wilk's Integrated Optics Gun-Sight +2 to strike
4 E-Clips.
Silver Plated knife
Survival Knife.
Wooden stakes (6),

Magic Tattoo:
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Knight Three Back Story:

Born and partially raised in the New German Republic, the man known as knight Three has been raised in a technologically advanced society. Developmentally he has been exposed to a culture who believes the German people are superior. Technology is the achievement of civilization (cooperation and reason) and has made it possible for the NGR and its people to survive the 200 years of darkness. Gargoyles are the enemy to be destroyed.
The exact details of how the House Isen of the Order of the Mystic Knights came to have Three in their company is not spoken of, only that he is one of them now.
His Master, in House Isen, considers Three to have potential in the long range plans of the Order. As such he will be a valuable social tool in gaining merc contracts and recruiting new members in Europe and the New German Republic. It is the hope that in the future, House Isen will have one of its chapters in the NGR. Such an association, it is hoped, will give House Isen access to NGR’s consumer and military technology, advanced education, intelligence in that part of the world, lucrative mercenary opportunities, and the chance to recruit the most useful D-Bees from NGR’s welfare camps.

At present Knight Three is in the company of Lady Black (psi-stalker Cyber-Knight), an Atlantean Stone Master, Lt Ezra (a CS Vanguard Mystic from the past) and dozens of Atlanteans. In the Hades dimension the party is lost in the Desert of Taut.

Knight Three
A wandering knight who teamed up with other wandering knights to start their own fledgling merc outfit.

Disposition: Adapts to the changing battlefield. Likes studying things. As a child he would take things apart and put them back together. His powers developed along the lines of his fascination. If he had not chosen the Order he might have been a Techno-Wizard and a Medical Doctor. Uses magic to remedy what ail them. Considers magic to be a far superior method of medical treatment and reserves his medical skills when he is out of PPE.


Hit Points: 32
S.D.C.: 50
I.S.P.: 66
P.P.E.: 113

W.P. Sword +5 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Knife +5 to strike. +3 to parry, +3 to throw
W.P. Shield +8 to parry, +3 to strike
W.P. Handgun: +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Expert 7th level:
7 attack per melee round
W.P. Paired Weapons and backhand strike (1D4 damage).
+5 on initiative
+2 to strike
+3 to disarm
+4 to entangle
+5 to parry and dodge

7th level Mystic Knight

Language: Euro 98%, (Native) Pre-Rifts Germain 98% & American 95%
Literate: Euro: 80% (Born in the NGR and adopted by House Isen),
-Basic Math: 87%

-Horsemanship: Knight: 65%/55% & Exotic: 75%/65%

-Land Navigation: 72%
-Lore: Magic 67%
-Lore: Demons and Monsters 77%
-Find Contraband: 67%
-Recognize Weapon Quality: 72%
-Intelligence: 68%
-Pick Pockets: 72% (uses to plant listening and tracking devices)
-Palming: 62%
-Prowl 67%

House of Isen Bonus (The Rifter #45):
-Basic Mechanics*62%,
-*Field Armourer & Munitions* 87%,
-*General Repair & Maintenance 77%,
-*Paramedic 72%,

Retconned skills to make use of Advanced Training from the book Heroes of Humanity
Related Skills: (6)
-Pilot: Hover Vehicles: 82%
-Optic Systems: 62%
-Radio: Basic: 82%
-Sensory Systems: 67%
-Surveillance: 67%
-T.V. & Video: 67%

3rd Level:
Field Counter-Intelligence Advanced Training:
Taken mostly for the communication and technical skills as
the character concept is that of a tech-support geek.

-Basic Electronics: 82%
-Camouflage: 67% (uses to hide listening devices and cameras)
-Computer Operation: 77%
-Cryptography: 62%
-Electronic Countermeasures: 62%
-I.D. Undercover Agent: 78%
-Interrogation: 72%
-Literacy: American: 67%
-Research: 72%

Secondary Skills: (3):
-Basic: Electronics: 82%
-Jury-Rig 67%
-Salvage: 67%

3rd Level: Sacrifice 5 skills for Advanced Training Skill package:
3rd level and 6th level O.C.C. Related skills:
Secondary Skills: (2) at 3rd level and 1 at 7th.

7th level: Secondary Skill (1):
-Language: Demongogian: 52%

-Armor of Ithan (10; 7 minutes),
-Magic Shield (6; 14 minutes),
-Wall of Defense (55),
-Watchguard (10; 7 hours)

-Breathe Without Air (5; 21 minutes)
-Cleanse (6)
-Cure Minor Disorder (10)
-Cure Illness (15),
-Fortify Against Disease (15; 14 hours)
-Heal Wounds (10)
-Negate Poison (5)
-See Aura (6; 1 round)

-Fists of Fury (10; 7 rounds)
-Power Weapon (35; 14 rounds)

-Aura of Death (12; 14 rounds)
-Invisibility: Simple (6; 21 minutes)

-Manipulate Objects (2+; 14 minutes)
-Mend the Broken (10+)
-Reduce Self (20; 17.5 minutes)
-Tongues (12; 21 minutes)

New Acquired upon becoming 7th level:

Atlantean Magic Tattoo: Simple Weapon: Sword (costs knight Three 4 P.P.E. to create)

-Sheltering Force (30, better temp control): It’s HOT in Hades but 70°F (21°C) degrees fahrenheit in a Sheltering Force tent. This is different then the invocation spell but the variation is a result of knight Three coming by the spell though a mystic process rather than a learned one taught to him by someone. Additionally, the “tent” is a fortified M.A.S.H. Style tent that is “camouflaged” (non-magical) to the naked eye with its background (but not infrared vision and such). Still suitable for 6 (8 cramped)

-Magic Pigeon (Really in the shape and form of an iPhone propeller drone):
Range: Immediate area.
Duration: One “DAY” per level. So for knight Three, one week.
P.P.E.: 30
Create a mystic drone of an iPhone drone. Able to deliver a text (30 words or a picture) message to anyone on the same planet (in the same dimension). Knight Three must know the person to receive the message. Upon reaching its destination, the iPhone drone seeks out that person and immediately delivers the message. If the recipient of the message is not at the prescribed destination it will wait until he returns or until the spell duration elapses and then fades away.
The hologram needs no food or rest; thus it can fly 720 miles (1,152 km) every 24 hours at a speed of 30 mph (48 km). Normal weapons can not harm or capture the drone, but magic spells of entrapment can capture it (Magic Net, Carpet of Adhesion, etc.). The spell Dispel Magic will destroy it.

For Combat:
Intuitive Combat (10; 14 rounds)- Uses in the arena a lot for the bonuses:
+3 on initiative, + 1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, and +2 to disarm.

Espionage/Information Collection:
-Clairvoyance (4; 72%),
-Object Reading (6; limited to the history and operation of the device - Impressions: 70% Images: 62% Present: 52%), -Remote Viewing (10)

-See the Invisible (4; 7 minutes)
-Sixth Sense (2)

-Machine Ghost (10; 21 minutes)
-Speed Reading (2; 21 minutes),
-Telemechanics (10; 22 minutes)
-Total Recall (2)

-Impervious to Poison (4; id poison 56%)
-Meditation (0)*,
-Mind Block (4; 70 minutes)
-Resist Fatigue (4; 3 hours)
-Telepathy (4; 14 minutes; 380 foot range),

Knight Four
Recruited as an orphan in Kingsdale for his psychic ability and raised as a Knight of the White Rose.
After training he returned to Kingsdale to learn how things had changed. Finding old friends who had survived and stuck around, he soon began to associate with the Man-Hunter society. After some combat and non-combat (psychic sensitive powers) support assistance and mending a few members with his medical skills. He was deemed an honorary member (no spider tattoo) of the Man-Hunters society. This was enough for him to collect bounties and begin their training regime with them to learn spycraft skills he believed he needed.
After he had learned enough and planned his mission he left with the goal of finding mystic knights by impersonating one of them as a wandering knight.

Code Name: Four (Official role Logistics, secretly a knight of the Rose).
6th level Mystic Knight


Hit Points: 44
S.D.C.: 82
I.S.P.: 67
P.P.E.: 118

Alignment: Unprincipled. Knight Four needs a broad amoral character allowing him to lie to those he spends months with enduring hardship where he saves and is saved by mystic knights he may have to kill later.

Disposition: A knight of the white rose, Four, committed himself to the order. After a little experience, he began to find his motivation in one aspect of the order’s code. Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds. Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters. To this end he specializes in espionage and has an incorruptible commitment to this purpose.

Language: American 98%, Dragonese & Spanish 88%
Secret Language of The Man-Hunter Society's: 82%
Literate: American 80%

Knight of the White Rose O.C.C. Skills:

Horsemanship: Knight: 68%/58%;
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 78%/68%
Forced March
Land Navigation 69%
Lore: Demons and Monsters 63%
Lore: Magic 63%
Paramedic 73%
Swimming 88%
Espionage (2):
Detect Concealment: 63%
Tracking (people): 63%

Trained in Spycraft* AT to get near Mystic Knights gather information on and convert to the Knights of the White Rose cause or kill:

Disguise: 70%
Escape Artist: 68%
Impersonation (Mystic Knight): 73%/59%
Language: Man-Hunter Society
Seduction: 64%
Streetwise: 53%
Surveillance: 68% (Tailing 73%)
Undercover Ops: 90%
*Special: Knight Four is trained to resist interrogation and seduction. Success ratio of both skills are reduced by half when used against him, and it takes twice as long to get information or clues.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Acrobatics (balance 98%, tightrope 78%, climb: 40% [rope: 93%], back flip 88%)
Detect Ambush: 63%
Electronic Countermeasures: 60%
Interrogation: 58%
Optic Systems: 63%
Prowl: 58%

Pilot: Hover Vehicles: 80%
Radio: Basic: 72%
Sensory Equipment: 55%

*Performance: 57%
Wardrobe & Grooming: 62%* Taught by Rogue Scholar

W.P. Sword: +6 to strike / +8 to parry
W.P. Archery: 7 attacks; +7 to strike
W.P. Shield: +8 to parry, +9 with magic shield
W.P. Handgun: +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 6th level:
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18 or higher
7 attack per melee round
+3 on initiative
+3 to strike
+4 to disarm
+4 to entangle
+6 to parry and dodge
+4 perception
+10 to Pull Punches


For Combat:
-FIsts of Fury (10)
-Magic Net (7)
-Power Weapon (35)

-Armor of Ithan (10)
-Magic Shield (6)

-Aura of Death (12)
-Invisibility: Simple (6)

-Create Water (15)
-Sheltering Force (20)
-Sustain (12)

-Compulsion (20)
-Energize Spell (12+)
-Escape (8)
-Magic Pigeon (20)
-Featherlight (10; 1200 lbs/454 kilos)
-Teleport: Lesser (15; 30 miles; 93%)
-Tongues (12)


-Bio-Manipulation (10)

Collect information:
-Clairvoyance (4; 71%)
-Object Reading (6; Impressions: 69%, Images: 61%. Present: 51%)
-Remote Viewing (10)
-See Aura (6)
-Sense Evil (4)
-See the Invisible (4)

-Alter Aura (2)
-Meditation (0; Automatic)*
-Mind Block (4)
-Resist Fatigue (4)
-Sixth Sense (2)
-Telepathy (4)

IDF Commando Digtial Wristwatch
Necklace of bat skulls.
Necklace of snake skulls.
Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie (hands free)
Silver cross.
Combat Fatigues and boots

Bow (Arrows 24 wooden)
Handgun (six silver bullets)
NG-L5 Laser Rifle: 3d6 MD. 12 E-clips
Silver plated knife
Steel Sword
Survival knife.

Optics Band
Writing journal.
Field Medical Kit:
Spare Hand Radio.
Surveillance kit with tracking devices (12).
Spare Wooden crosses.
Wooden stakes.

Magic Tattoo:
-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost 30; protection from vampires)
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.

Medea, The Earth Warlock

Barely noticed or remembered, the Earth Warlock, Medea, is usually ignored and
picked last for everything. A city girl raised in Lazlo, Medea, wanted to be beautiful and rich.
If fate were real, it had other plans for her. Her name might as well have been mediocrity as
her work life and love life went. The only passions she successfully enjoys are building (or
rebuildings) vehicles and racing them. While her talent by which she makes her coin is mining
and salvage. Never growing as rich as she wanted she became more militant. She seeks
adventures and jobs where she can cut loose with her powers in a sort of way to take out her
revenge on anyone she has an excuse to injure.

Perform holistic medicine: 50% and identify plants & fruits: 65%.
Recognize virtually all natural minerals; 78%
Sense seismic disturbances within a 40 mile area (64 km).
Sense underground dangers: loose rock, quicksand, and landmines: 64%
Speak Elemental: 98%
Summon Earth Elemental: Success ratio: 45%, +10% on a ley line or +20% at a nexus.
Unerring sense of direction underground: 96%

Earth Warlock 9th Level

I.Q. 13
M.E. 12
M.A. 5
P.S. 14
P.P. 12
P.E. 14
P.B. 10
Spd. 10

Hit Points: 51
S.D.C.: 33
P.P.E.: 194

O.C.C. Skills:
Languages: American, Dragonese & Techno-Can
Literacy: English & Dragonese

Lore: Demon & Monster: 80%
Lore: Faerie Folk & Creatures of Magic: 75%
Land Navigation: 78%
Wilderness Survival: 80%
Pilot Hover Craft: 95%
W.P. Targeting +4 to strike
W.P. Handgun: +4 to strike
Hand to Hand: Basic - level 9

Lazlo Upbringing:
Lore: Magic: 75%
Lore: Psionics: 75%
History: Pre-Rifts: 74%/66%
History: Post-Apocalypse: 85%/80%
Math: Basic: 95%
Computer Operation: 90%

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Boat Building: 85%
Carpentry: 75%
Combat Driving,
Electricity Generation: 90%
Vehicle Armorer: 70%*(Basic: Mechanics: 90%)
Wardrobe & Grooming (Pro): 98%
Whittling & Sculpting (Pro): 98%

Advanced Training Salvage Expert:
Appraise Goods: 90%
Barter: 82%
Find Contraband: 70%
Math: Adv: 85%
Recognize Weapon Quality: 75%
Recycling: 90%
Salvage: 98%

Secondary Skills:
Automotive Mechanics: 75%
Basic: Electronics: 70%
Boat: Paddle Types/Canoe/Kayak: 90%
Motorcycles & Snowmobiles: 92%,
Pilot: Automobile: 76%

1st: Create Wood (5 or 10), Fool's Gold (5; 3 hrs), Identify Plants (3)

2nd: Create Dirt or Clay (6), Dirt to Sand (6), Grow Plants (8),
Mend Wood (10; Book 1: Heart of Magic), Sift (6; Rifts: Lazlo Book),
Throwing Stones (4; +6 to strike; 1d6+9 MD damage)

Create Mound (8; makes jumping ramps), Crumble Stone (10), Dig (8),
Encase Object in Stone (10), Locate Minerals (10)

Cocoon of Stone (15; sleeps in), Mend Stone (15), Refine Ore (15; Vampire SourceBook),
Sand Storm (15), Quicksand (15)

Clay to Stone (20), Little Mud Mound (30)

Clay or Stone to Iron (40/60), Create Steel (34), Mend Metal (30), Stone to Flesh (30)

Petrification (40), Sculpt and Animate Clay Animals (40),

Ironwood (50+), Mentally & Magically Shape Iron (30)

Number of Attacks: 6
+1 to strike and disarm
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.
+3 to parry and dodge.
Kick: 1d6, Judo throw; Punch 1d4
+2 to damage.

An "antique" old fashioned Silver timepiece with silver mirror (uses inconspicuously - like a compact or checking the time) reflections and chain. Silver cross. Racing Goggles. Necromancer necklace of bat-skulls (night-vision). Necklace of snake skulls (magic). Amulet of “See the invisible.”
Brown tunic robe (self mending & cleaning), rope belt and accessory, sandals (immunity to fire & heat).

Biomancy Weaved Backpack (Tool kit [vehicles]. TW Canteen.)

Relies on powers
Throwing Stones spell for a ranged weapon
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Re: Cerberus

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Name: Tethys, of the Clan Navita in the Water Dimension of Oceania.

Special O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses:

1. Create Atlantean Magic Tattoos:
2. Neutralize Magic Tattoo.
3. ALL abilities of a True Atlantean (Marks of Heritage, etc.)

6th Level Tattoo Master

I.Q.17, M.E.27, M.A. 20, P.S.20, P.P.18, P.E.17, P.B.20, Spd.22

Hit Points: 47
S.D.C.: 87
P.P.E.: 174

Disposition: Flexible like water but also innovative, progressive, and rebellious. She is loyal to her Clan Navita. Feels aquatic life (Bi-forms) are her equal. She enjoys meeting new people and exploring different cultures.

Aura of Power (4), Cleanse (6), Globe of Daylight (2), Lantern Light (1), Resist Fire (6), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (4), Manipulate Objects (2+), Turn Dead (6)
2nd: Song of Joy (5)
3rd: Flying Fish (10)
4th: Resist Fire (8)
5th: Water Nourishment: (12)
6th: Armor of Neptune (24)

Note: This Atlantean, Tethys, was born and raised in an ocean/water dimension. She has arrangements with her fellow Atlantean Tattoo Master to exchange tattoos
1 & 2: Marks of Heritage: Flaming Sword (5): 2d6 MD, Stake through Heart (8)

3. Tidal Wave (Water Powers; 13) (12 minutes or until canceled
Create Fog, Create Water, Circle of Rain, Swim as the Fish (Superior),
Speak with and Understand Water Elementals

4. Armor of Neptune: Basically EBA Armor (180 MD - [15 MD per level for others]; one hour per level - 12 hours for her [(Breathe without Air, makes her impervious to heat and cold (magical heat & cold attacks do half damage), impervious to great depths/pressure & vacuum.

O.C.C. Skills:
Language & Literacy: Dragonese/Elf and Atlantean/Greek at 98%.
Language & Literacy: American, Galactic Trade, Ocean Language (+20%).
Art (Tattooing): 90%, Basic Math: 90%, Chemistry: 75%,
History: Pre-Atlantis Island collapse: 87%/79%
History: Post Collapse: 90%/85%
Lore: Magic: 75%, Lore: Demons and Monsters: 75%,
Lore: Atlantean Clan (Navita Clan): 75%,
Sea Holistic Medicine: 70%/60%
Wardrobe & Grooming (Pro): 90%
W.P. Net: +4 to strike, +2 to entangle, +5 to parry
W.P. Sword: +5 to strike, +4 to parry
W.P. Trident: +4 to strike, +4 to parry

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Anthropology: 68%, Biology: 68%, Calligraphy: 78%, Field Surgery: 53%, Lore: Sea Creatures: 73%, Medical Doctor: 88%/78%, Pathology: 68%, Seduction: 41%, Whittling & Sculpting (Pro): 83%, Xenology: 68%

3rd Level: Play Musical Instrument: Flute: 63%, Public Speaking: 53%

6th Level: Hand to Hand: Expert level 1. Started training in Hades

Clan Navita Bonus Skills: (Dimension Book 15; Secrets of Atlanteans)
Lore: Dimensions: 78%, Swimming: 93%, Boat Building: 68%, Sailing: 98%, S.C.U.B.A: 93%

Secondary Skills:
Fishing: 68%, Philosophy: 58%, Singing: 63%, W.P. Net
2nd Level: Performance: 60%
4th Level: Lore: D-Bees: 43%
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades, Shanty-Town

Knight Two, Four, Medea (the Earth Warlock), Hy (Atlantean Dimensional Nomad), Enrique (the craftsman - Burster).

The team discusses their next move:

The party have now disguised themselves as locals.
They wear brown tunics and everyone but Medea have shaved their heads.

Reviewing their ideas:
1. The fact that Hy is an Atlantean will probably get him inside the city. He would have to walk up to the gate and ask for entry. It might even get him with the other Atlanteans. They might also torture him for information. IF they compel him to answer their questions his intention to escape with other Atlanteans could be revealed. The thinking is that is at least a 1% chance he will be killed or something. Plus, even IF he succeeded it would leave the rest of the party in Hades.

2. They have been searching tent city for Atlanteans and hear of others doing the same. There is an open bounty on any Atlantean, paid only if alive and can prove they are Atlantean, outside the walls or in the Desert of Taut.

3. Medea (Earth Warlock) says she can dig under the walls and come up on the other side. Although, she can’t say if there will be guards or witnesses who might sound the alarm on them. Once they get inside they will be human and without Demon supervision. It will be run and hide; run and hide. They don’t know the layout of the city or where the Atlanteans are staying inside. The demons can see the invisible so even if only the knights go they will be seen.

4. The idea of applying for work as guards and/or gladiators at the Ludus is their best until they have a better one. Their first idea was to raid the Ludus but they have not done any recon so getting on the inside is a good first step. The assumption is that they can leave at any time by running away using their powers.

Doing recon on the Ludus they find a number of people coming to it and leaving.
Knights Two and Four sneak inside with new arrivals and see the trials of aspiring gladiators. They are testing them. Others have come to buy or sell slaves. No demons are in sight. They must presume themselves to be above dealing with mortal salesmen and their slaves. Sneaking out they meet up with the rest of their party and catch them up to what is going on.
Knight Two, “I can pass. Four can too. Depending on if powers are allowed, the Burster will also. They accept women fighters but they are closer to twenty.
Knight Four, “Maybe we are going about this the wrong way. We don’t have to sell ourselves into slavery. Just as a gladiator act. We just need a sponsor to vouch for us. Maybe pay a fee or a bride . . .”

They work on their story then approach the Ludus together.

After some water changes, the team has an audience with the human Lanista (manager of a gladiator Ludus).

After some bartering and haggling a sort of understanding is reached.

They have to pass some tests.
If they surrender he will kill them.
IF they are maimed, they might as well be dead. No pay.
IF they win, they get to keep 10 percent and increase 10 percent more for every match after the first. The sixth will go no higher than 50 percent.
They pay for their own approved melee weapons, clothes, food, and water.
After ten fights they can renegotiate.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Rifts Earth, the stone pyramid.
Sir Wyatt and the rest of the Dog Boys.

Standing at the head of the mess hall Sgt Wyatt speaks:

"Brothers, we are alive, in good health, and together. Together we have run cargo to and from the mining town. We have defended the pyramid, the mining town, and our trade runs from monsters both bandits and monsters. We have, for the nearest farmers, lent our strong arms to pull the weeds, bugs, and hunted the critters who ate the crops. Then tilled more of the soil to give the land time to rest. We routed those who harrassed and pillaged from the farmers. We operate an asylum, hospital, and a prison here taking the burden and dangers off of Man's villages. The territory is safer for what we do.
I expect that soon, we will see the return of the rescue squad who went to Hades to bring back our Lt along with the company she keeps.
Until that day comes we, Cerberus platoon, will go on defending our territory. We will stay ready by continuing our battle drills. We will better ourselves with the lessons Octivia (a space Wolven Rogue Scholar) is teaching us. We will prepare for the winter equinox that will occur next month. What might come through the Rifts we meet with cautious readiness. If who or what comes though is a danger we will defend the world of Man and Dog Boy from what comes through it. Let us be thankful we have what we do. We even have a new brother we have adopted into our ranks. Our Chappie cook who prepared this meal.

The Dog Boys share a toast together and enjoy their meal.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: The tree line near the stone pyramid on the ley line.


Aerihman Clan Atlantean Tattooed Defender Squad.
Leader: Atlantean Undead Slayer
Tattooed Defender 1. Combat Medic
Tattooed Defender 2. Comms / Sensor Ops
Tattooed Defender 3. Intel
Tattooed Defender 4. Pointman

The squad are more than Atlantean. They are so tattooed up they are practically minor supernatural beings with strength and damage capcity beyond mortal humans. They are experienced shock troopers of sorts, equipped for a mission to eradicated anything or one too close to their stone pyramid. Later on, it is expected that less experienced tattooed defenders will come to sit on their clan's pyramid and defend it.

Under the darkness of trees, standing on the dirt and leaves, the Undead Slayer listens as the team goes over what they know:

Medic, "We know our clansmen, Ictinus (an Atlantean Stone Master), made a stone pyramid."

Intel, "We, the Aerihman clan, have been sent to Rifts Earth and arrived in the general area to find our way to our clan’s newly constructed stone pyramid and defend it."

Pointman, "We know its general location. While there are no other pyramids within 50 miles of this one. So this one is our clan’s by its coordinates. Besides, this one has clan Aerihman markings."

Comms, "We know we were told there would be human defenders with magical powers (the mystic knights)."

The Undead Slayer, "Our team was assembled (Atlantean Tattooed Defenders) for this mission.
Our mission it to secure the Stone Pyramid."

Comms, "Since we got here, our stone master clansman is not responding on the secure Aerihman clan radio channel. Those who do, do not reply with the secret response code."

Pointman speaks,
A hover truck comes and goes every day.
They rotate those who drive and ride shotgun. Everyone gets practice.
They patrol the perimeter in a thorough military manner.
They have regular guard positions and security cameras.
Their source of power and water is the pyramid and it is unlimited.
They workout and practice their marksmanship.
They have MD armor, optics and sensory systems.
They run drills simulating attacks on the pyramid while they defend it.
They outnumber us by more than six to one.
They have established military fortifications providing MD bunkers, traps, fox-holes out of which to shoot.
Everyone knows each other by sight, smell, and sound.
There is no sight or sign of our man Ictinus.
The place is wired with explosives."

Intel speaks,
Our man Ictinus and his defenders might be dead or held prisoner of the Dog Men.
Remembering our briefing about Rifts Earth and North American and checking it against the computer files, the dog mens description is 98% positive match for the government of the Coalition States. That governments goals and motives are against anything NOT them. That includes magic and those who use it. While beings from other planets and dimensions are at best discriminated against.
Deduction: The CS sent these mutant soldiers to secure the stone pyramid for themselves or destroy it if they can’t have it."

Comms, "To go back or send a message back, to our captain will take three or four weeks."

Team Lead: Undead Slayer, "Out mission has NOT changed, only the circumstances. We will send back a message after we secure our clan's property."

Medic, "What if we just have a talk with them. Ask them to leave, nice and peaceful like."

Intel, "They are property of the Coalition States. An army of slaves. It is unlikely they can be turned, at least in a single day. They appear to be brave, dutiful, fighters; unlikely to abandon their post. Would any of us abandon our mission or post?"

The squad looks at one another. Their faces are dedication and solidarity. No one would.

Comms, "We are the good guys and superior in every way. They are not vampires or demons. Having a talk with them and at least giving them a chance to leave feels like the honorable thing to do."

Intel, "It means giving up the advantage of surprise. IF we are going to have a talk with them let's kidnap one and I'll interrogate them before we commit to a full on attack."

Team Lead, "Only problem is the explosives. They could blow the whole thing up after they leave or when they know the fight is lost. Any talk will have to come after the explosives are disarmed. That's is our first order of business. After that, we'll see."

Mission Objective:
Secure or destroy the Stone Pyramid.

What does it mean to be secured?
Aerihman clan military thinking:

No one else is allowed inside or near the stone pyramid.

IF people are allowed to come and go as they please without a security clearance, permission of the Aerihman clan or an armed escort then anyone can do anything. Even just being near the stone pyramid gives someone a chance to assassinate the defenders, sabotage or steal the pyramid for themselves or blow it up. Even if that chance is a one percent, if it happened then the pyramid could be used for evil or misused causing a problem with the ley lines the Aerihman clan will be an accessory to a disaster. That risk is eliminated if the Aerihman clan controls the pyramid.

Only trust the Aerihman clan. Only employ those loyal to the Aerihman clan but those are still only employees.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: stone pyramid

Sgt Wyatt briefing squads rotating in and out.

“Some chatter over the radio. The message challenged listeners for a password we don’t know. They would not identify themselves. We don’t know who they are or if the message is for us. Every now and again we intercept radio messages. Some are about the mining town. Sometimes there is chatter about the stone pyramid. We have been expecting Atlantean security forces to arrive any day now. It is possible it could be them or not. The Atlantean, our Altantean, Ictinus the stone master, before he was kidnapped, did not leave any passwords or instructions about what would happen when his people came here. We all just assumed he would be here when they arrived. The mystic knights either didn’t know the details, forgot to tell us, or just didn’t. Our parameter patrols have sensed the presence of magic and at least one lesser supernatural being. It could be a creature of magic or a demon. Those in our platoon with some psychic powers have reported danger today and that we would have to defend ourselves against knights in armor attacking with energy rifles and magic powers. This sounds like the knights One, Two, Three and Four. Only they wouldn’t attack.
It could be other mystic knights, not like them but with powers like them. We know they sent magic pigeons. It could be that ‘other’ mystic knights from their order, or another, are here to replace them or take the pyramid for themselves. The radio message might have been for our mystic knights. We don’t know what our mystic knights told ‘other’ mystic knights. I am confident that IF mystic knights from their order were coming to help them 'ours' would have told us.
Knight Two wired the pyramid with explosives and gave me a detonator to blow the pyramid up if we had to withdraw. Our understanding is that part of defending the pyramid is keeping it out of the control of any evil forces.
Good or evil, there is at least one powerful being out in the woods somewhere watching us.
Could be Atlanteans.
Could be Demons. They can shapeshift and look like handsome humans.
Could mystic knights but not the honorable kind we know.
Could be something we haven't see before: good people who need help, bad people who want to destroy the pyramid or take it for themselves.
We are the Cerberus company, we defend. With the exception of vampires and such, do not fire unless fired upon. IF they are mystic knights, our energy weapons won’t harm them. So stop shooting if you can see it doesn’t do any damage. Since they can kill us with their guns but we can’t kill them with ours we will retreat. We will have to blow the place up. The only chance of not having to do that is by warning them we can and will blow the pyramid if they kill us or if we have to retreat. Scortched Earth protocal.
The Atlantean who built it would want us to.
The knights we know would want us to.
The CS would want us to. Before allowing a force for evil to use it however they like.
I will broadcast over the radio that we are the defenders of this pyramid. Any attack on us or it will be retaliated against. And if we must retreat to survive we will blow the pyramid up to keep it out of evil hands.”
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Stone Pyramid Rifts Earth

With the coming dawn the Atlantean defenders powered up their magic tattoos.
The knight’s armor became a suit of armor over them.
The heart with chains caused a blue aura making them nearly invulnerable.
Then they tap their tattoo with three eyes to gain supernatural vision to see the invisible and improve their ability to target.
Lastly they used their red lighting tattoos to make themselves immune to energy attacks.
Setting their watches alarms timers against their tattoos they run.
The Dog Boys can smell them. Sense the magical energies the Atlanteans bursting forth from them.

The Dog Boys guards shout, “Stop!” in the direction of the knights surging towards them. While one Dog Boy radios it in only to find the radio signal jammed. Firing on them the Dog Boys energy weapons are useless against them. Dog Boy Getting out of their way the Dog Boys evade any melee confrontation with knights.

The knights feel unstoppable as the mutant dog men's weapons fire does them no harm. Jumping over any obstacles and foxholes the Atlantean defenders advance is effortless.
One Dog loses his cool and throws a hand grenade.
Its explosion is nothing to the magically armored Atlanteans.

Separating, the Atlanteans run to the locations of the explosives they know about. Each begins to share pictures of the explosives charges. Together they begin to disarm the bombs.

Dog Boys begin firing on the knights. Their efforts are futile.
Then Sgt Wyatt appears to one of them. A psi-sword in each hand.
He warns them, “Back away or else!”

The knightly looking Atlantean grabs his energy rifle and fires a warning shot.

Sir Wyatt effortlessly twists, turns, ducks, somersaults, and otherwise dodge attacks from his opponent’s gun while he closes the distance between them.

The Atlantean, astonished by the mutant Dog Man’s speed, opens fire and is astonished at how he somehow misses.

Sir Wyatt cuts his opponent's energy rifle into two pieces.
The Atlantean draws his vibro sword to save his personal energy.

Accepting the challenge Sir Wyatt salutes the knight and the two begin to duel. Striking away, Sir Wyatt slowly wearing down his opponents magical force fields.

Then an explosion goes off in the distance.

They continue to duel.

Over the next couple of rounds more explosions go off.

Other Dog Boys join the duel taking their stab at the knight who smells of magic and wields a vibro-sword.

Sir Wyatt’s armor is destroyed but so is the Atlantean’s magical armor of invulnerability and the blue aura which surrounds the knight disappears.

The Atlantean defender in knights armor attempts to tackle Sir Wyatt and misses falling on the ground.
Dropping his sword he goes for his energy pistol.
Unloading his clip the Atlantean defender kills one of the Dog Boys.

All the Dog Boys in the area unload with blades and blast on the Atlantean defender in knights armor until he is no longer in armor.

“Surrender!” commands Sir Wyatt.

“Never,” shouts the Atlantean Defender.

Sir Wyatt, “Wait, (seeing the Atlantean tattoo designs) what are you?”

“Your death and the death of all your kind you piece of mutant scum CS slave dog!”

The combined fire and vibro strikes of the Dog Boys kill the Atlantean Defender.

Sir Wyatt, on the radio, “Attention. Stop fighting and fall back.”
Hearing only static, the rest of the Dog Boys around him try their radios and report that someone must be jamming them.

Rallying the troops Sgt Wyatt circles round the pyramid to find out what’s going on.

Dog Boys on all sides report the invaders removed the explosives. While invulnerable to their energy rifles their explosives were not. Shooting the explosive caused a point blank explosion to two of the knights who were escaping with them. One appears to have improperly attempted to disarm one set of explosives and set them off himself. Testing his invulnerability to energy rifles the Boys found out it had worn off so a dozen of them gun him down when he refused to surrender or retreat. It all happened so fast it was over before most could keep up.

1 escaped.
4 knights KIA. Bodies are sort of blown to bits. Mixed reports of whether what was left was alive or just twitching after death. Regardless they were beyond saving and were shot in the head just to be sure and as an act of mercy.

A squad was dispatched out to track him. Search and destroy kind of feeling.

Two Dog Boys form the fallen one's squad are on their hands and knees combing over where the “knights” blew up looking for anything. Afterwards they are expected to perform a funeral detail.

Rest of the Dog Boy squads are accounted for and have resumed their positions to repel anyone else hiding out in the woods.

Amazingly only one Dog Boy was killed.
A few suffered armor damage.
The pyramid is damaged on one side. Long term effects are unknown.

Sgt Wyatt orders the search and destroy squad to be recalled but the radio interference has not stopped. They are working on the source or a way to overcome the jammer. They think they could have changed channels on the Dog Boys squads radios before they left but it all happened so fast nobody thought of it.

Sgy Wyatt orders a squad to join him in tracking down their squad. There mission is to get the squad back to camp safely. The lone survivor is to be allowed to get away. IF he can be reached by radio the matter can be honorably resolved.

Sgt Wyatt explains that the people who attempted to disarm the explosives, he believes could have been the Atlantean security forces who were supposed to join them in its defense. They must have assumed the worse, that the Dog Boys are the evil forces and that they were trying to keep it out of our hands.

None of this would have happened if Ictinus, our Atlantean, were at the pyramid to answer their radio calls and password challenges.
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: The Stone pyramid in Rifts Earth’s forest.

SIr Wyatt catches up with the squad tracking the lone Atlantean.
He shouts, “This is the defender of the Aerihman Atlantean stone pyramid.
The duty of defending was given to me by the Atlantean who made the pyramid. With the Atlantean’s, Ictinus, blessing I keep the enemy of the Aerihman clan, demons, evil necromancers, and vampires, from destroying or taking his pyramid.
That Atlantean, Ictinus, was kidnapped by a Shifter. The mystic knights who kept his company left to rescue him and bring him back. We have a video that can prove ALL of the things I have said. Videos don’t fly well on magic pigeons.”

Sgt Wyatt orders the Dog Boys to head back. Adds to it for a squad to find the jamming device and turn it off.

Wyatt waits out in the woods. He shouts every so often to make his location known. He says he is alone and here to prove himself.

Over the radio Sgt Wyatt stays in touch with the Dog Boys after the jamming device is found and turned off.

After two hours Wyatt returns to base.

Wyatt paces in the stone pyramid control room. The stone floor produces a sound like one makes when they walk back and forth with boots on.
He thinks:
I have no means of sending a magic pigeon.
The radios of the Atlantean defenders are blasted to junk.
I can try to send a message on common radio channels and using the laid speaker.
I don’t know how many Atlanteans are out in the woods. There might be support people the defenders had waiting for them to make it safe. Or they could be all that there are.
I know there is at least one Atlantean out in the woods.

He gets on the radio:
“This is Sir Wyatt, cyber-knight defender of the Aerihman Atlantean stone pyramid. The duty of defending was given to me by the Atlantean who made the pyramid. With the Atlantean’s, Ictinus, blessing I keep the enemy of the Aerihman clan, demons, evil necromancers, and vampires, from destroying or taking his pyramid. That Atlantean, Ictinus, was kidnapped by a Shifter. The mystic knights who kept his company left to rescue him and bring him back. We have a video that can prove ALL of the things I have said. It would have been sent to Lazlo but videos don’t fly well on magic pigeons.
The Dog Boys of this camp are free men. We came together because, strength in numbers and we trust each other. Together, we defend humanity from forces who would kill or enslave them. We help farmers. Villages. Mining towns. We slay demons and vampires. We are Cerberus.
When Atlantean defenders ran into our camp in magic knights armor we didn’t know you were Atlantean defenders. We mistook you for mystic knights who wanted to take or destroy the pyramid. I swore I would defend the pyramid and that if I had to withdraw I would blow it up with explosives before allowing it to fall into the control of evil men. I see now, the Atlantean defenders didn’t know who we were. Ictinus didn’t include our description in the 30 words or less magic pigeon. In ignorance of us as defenders, we were mistaken for one of those evil forces they are sworn to defend the pyramid from. The deaths of the Atlantean defenders is a tragedy of mistake. In military terms, friendly fire, an attack by us, against armored knights which we mistook as hostiles but were really Atlantean defenders. As I expect, we were misidentified as hostile ourselves.
One of our men died because of shots fired by one of yours. We gave that man, that Aerihman clan Atlantean, a chance to surrender and he refused. I was there, I heard him. He was angry, the frenzy of battle was all stirred up when he made his battle cry about how the Aerihman clan don’t retreat or surrender. I get it. But I can’t abandon my post and you can’t defend it all on your own. Come in and I will turn over command of the pyramid to the Aerihman clan so long as you are their legitimate representative.”


Then, in a furious tone, (in the ancient Atlantean Greek which the stone pyramid translates to american like an echo after the greek words are spoken like), “I’m going kill you. ALL of you! This, on my honor, I swear!”

Wyatt replies, “Your people. They died fighting. We will conduct funeral services. I ask for four days to honor them by our funeral rites. IF you want the bodies to perform your funeral rites or to attend the funeral, I will, on my honor, guarantee your safe passage or leave the remains we secured at the place where the radio jammer was left.”


Wyatt, “I am my peoples military leader. What happened, happened under my leadership. I take ownership of that. I am a cyber-knight. My master is Lady Black. Her master is an Atlantean cyber-knight of the Aerihman clan. I am the platoon commander. Only I may punish my men. They act on my orders or rules. You will deal with me and me alone. Or you dishonor yourself and your clan. I alone accept your challenge to a duel. As the one who is challenged I will decide the time, place and weapon. It will be after the funeral for your fallen soldiers and mine. It will be here in the stone pyramid for all to see. You and I. One on one. Swords. You with your flaming sword against me and my psi-sword. If one should yield.”

The Atlantean, “I will NOT yield. I will not accept your surrender. You can’t hide behind etiquette from me. And one of you, even the leader of you dogs, is not worth the lives of four of my men. More. I WANT MORE blood. 10!
“Five,” counters, “And me. Makes six.”
“10,” demands the Atlantean.
“I lost a man too.”
“You didn’t lose a MAN. You lost a DOG!”
Biting his tongue Sir Wyatt says, “Eight. Eight, counting me.”


“10. You said 10. I accept. 10. Unless you are a liar you will keep your word.”
“10,” says the Atlantean. “And the rest leave the pyramid after I win. The battle will be in the woods. You and the nine others will go to where flare lands and colored smoke marks. You may bring your armor and the blades they will fight with. No energy weapons or anything else. No radios. No one follows you. When you get to the spot I will look you over. IF things are to my liking we will settle it there.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: The Stone pyramid in Rifts Earth’s forest.

Sir Wyatt swaps out body armor with a Dog Boy his size.
All the while he asks for five psi-stalkers and four Dog Boy volunteers. He explains they will be fighting an Atlantean who has gone mad with revenge over the deaths of his squad.
“He’s tattooed up with magic tattoos that make him superhuman strong. But he’s stupid with rage. Wants to fight 10 of us. He will pop a flare he run to where it goes down. Then a smoke grenade to show us the area. When we win, he will kill himself on our blades or allow us to take him prisoner. Everyone is to leave their radios behind and take only vibro-blade weapons with which to fight. No grenades or energy weapons.”

Inspecting each of the nine volunteers Wyatt is satisfied.
One of the Dog Boys raises his paw.
“Yes?” Asks Wyatt.
“What if it is a trap?”
“Good question. It is a trap. Someone has to be there to pop the smoke. We will get whoever it is.”
“What about base camp?”
“Then he’s an even bigger idiot to take on greater numbers who are armed with energy weapons.”
“Why go out? Why not stand our ground?”
“Because, if we don’t we won’t know where he is in an hour. We do know he’s mad and wants to take it out on us. He’ll make mistakes. Tomorrow he could try to sniper one of us. Besides, he’s low on fuel. Must have used up his energy on magic force fields when he made his run through camp. Like I said, he’s mad with rage and it has made him stupid.”

When the flare goes up, Wyatt orders the remaining psi-stalkers and Dog Boys to hold the pyramid. IF they don’t come back they are ordered to fall back to the mining town.
Then they run in the direction the flare goes down.

In the position of the smoke created by smoke grenades, the party of 10 waits anxiously.
Wyatt thinks this section of the woods has a lot of green trees offering good cover. The Atlantean chose in a random manner that left little to forethought to the terrain. The 10 of us could hide. We could have brought others to hide. None of us can be easily seen by anyone a 100 feet away even after the smoke clears. There is little room to see your opponents clearly or maneuver to fight. Maybe, he just didn’t have time to think it through. We don’t have radios, so we don’t know what’s going on back at camp. What if it is a distraction to lure away our 10 best fighters?

Talking with the others Sgt Wyatt explains: The Atlantean security force mistook the Dog Boys as the enemy. They tried to disarm the explosives but one failed and the explosives went off. The rest exploded when the Dog Boys shots from their energy weapons hit them. In spite of the Atlanteans' seeming invulnerability they couldn’t survive a lot of explosives going off in between their chest and arm.
One of them got away. We spoke on the radio. He wants to kill us all for revenge. I talked to him. We agreed to a duel but he wanted more blood than my death. He didn’t feel the life of a single Dog Boy was worth four of his comrades, so we settled on 10. Fight to the death. Melee weapons only.
If we win he’s dead.
If he wins the survivors leave the pyramid.

Whispering between each other they can all sense the danger.

The thunderous sound of falling trees and the beast that felled them came toward the party. Everyone's sixth sense kicks in and some turn on their intuitive combat psionic powers.
Wyatt, “Spread out and take cover.”
Tearing through the trees the monstrosity appears. It resembles a half dozen different creatures: A dinosaur or maybe a dragon, it stands 20 feet (6.1 m) tall with a lower body like that of a gorilla. Horns protrude from his head like a rhinoceros, with thick bone spikes running down its back While its gaping jaw has a pair of mandible-like appendages.
The look of the beast gave Dog Boy and psi-stalker alike pause.
Sir Wyatt, psi-sword in each hand, orders, “Attack from all sides.”
The 10 of them fight like a team.
Sir Wyatt slips under the beast and runs his psi-swords along its belly.
It runs and knocks down trees in its path like they were tall grass.
Its underbelly is soft, Wyatt thought.
Attacking from every side the beast is distracted by Wyatt could tell it is trying to target the strongest of them.

Note: Sir/Sgt Wyatt is a Dog Boy with the Mutation Abnormality of Superhuman Endurance.
He can lift 4,600 lbs (or 2,080 kgs) and can carry 2,300 lbs (or 1,040 kgs).
For context, the average pine wood weighs 54 lbs per cubic foot. 20 ft = 54 x 20 = 1080 lbs (or 490 kg)

Lifting the biggest tree around him, Sir Wyatt brings it down on the beast's body saying, “All aboard!”
Quick to react, four psi-stalkers and three Dog Boys hop on the tree and run up onto the beast's back. They stab down into the creatures back and hang on for dear life as it runs and bucks.
Sir Wyatt and the rest of the Dog Boys run after them.
One of the psi-stalkers makes his way to the beast's head and stabs it in one of its eyes.
It turns and begins to roll over on its back. The Dog Boys and psi-stalkers fly.
Sir Wyatt runs over the beast revolving belly and drags his psi-swords across it. Those behind him follow suit. Its insides reveal themselves to be not blood and guts but a goo-like ectoplasm.
Rolling upright the monster does its darndest in its attempts to gore them all but its lost eyes cause it to miss.
Wyatt shouts, “Use a mirror to blind its eye,” then provokes it with another tree posed like a spear braced to take on the charging beast.
Blinded by the light and losing what’s left of its temper it closes the distance between itself and Wyatt. Rising on its hind legs against the tree it begins to splinter it to fragments. In the moment the team of psi-stalkers and Dog Boys dig their vibro-blades into the beasts underbelly.
Desperate, it stomps and grabs two as it comes down on Wyatt. Psi-swords ready the beast falls on his blades virtually inserting Wyatt inside the creatures. Cutting his way out the insides of the “thing” burst like an above ground pool gushing ectoplasmic ooze.

Wyatt howls. They all howl after him.
A few Dog Boys and Psi-stalkers look over the body of the beast and stab it just to be sure only to see it evaporate into mist until nother remains.
"What was this thing?
Wyatt, "Corrival Battler but not. One of the Atlanteans tattoos must have made it. I heard they can make monsters leap off their skin and fight for them."

Then the sound of an explosion in the direction of the Dog Boys stone pyramid camp.
“Where is the Atlantean?"

Then it occurs to them all, this is a distraction. He’s back at the pyramid, either trying to destroy it, the Dog Boys or both.

Sir Wyatt shouts, “Run back!”

They run back the way they came.

Returning to camp they find:

The Atlantean made a run on the camp.
He was easily detected and shot at. Made it as far as he could. Was about to take us all out when he look like he got shot or something. Flinched in pain (when the Corrival Battler Monster Tattoo was destroyed). The Dog Boys and their back up unloaded on him.
Losing, in a fit of rage the Atlantean detonated the explosives he was shielding on his back.
All but one of the Dog Boys had safely gone down into a fighting hole escaping the blast.

1 Atlantean KIA (killed in action).
1 Dog Boy injured.

Wounded Dog Boys is in the infirmary.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Sir / Sgt Wyatt:

“Today we lay to rest, one of our own. Ben.
I got to know Ben well over the last few months.
He lived and died a brave soldier. A loyal man. I trusted with my life.”

Going around, each Dog Boy and psi-stalker mentioned a moment they had with Ben or something about him that made them smile.

Burying him, it is decided a monument will be made to honor him. A tree. They agree to look for one. And a stone to mark his name.

Then sergeant Wyatt conducts a service for the Atlanteans who died.
The Dog Boys are not sure what to make about conducting funeral services for their enemies. However, Sgt Wyatt explains, "The Atlanteans are not really their enemies. Even IF they were, and they are not, we respect our enemies not because of who they are but who we are; respectable; honorable. Just like saluating the officers of foreign militaries. We saluate the man. We saluate the rank."
The Dog Boys expressions change. Some begin to understand. Others are uncertain.
He continues, “Fear is the greatest of all enemies. It makes us fight or run away or paralyzes us when we others need us to be clearheaded, patient and understanding.
The Atlanteans were afraid. They feared us, feared we might destroy the pyramid or use it for evil. IF they had talked with us we could have shown them the video explaining what their clansman wanted. Now we lay them to rest because of their own fears.”


Wyatt paces in the stone pyramid control room. The stone floor produces a sound like one makes when they walk back and forth with boots on.
He thinks:
I have no means of sending a magic pigeon.
The radios of the Atlantean defenders were blasted to junk. What little we could salvage we did. None of them will help us send a message or whom to send it to directly. Wyatt knows only of the Atlanteans in Lazlo. A city where the reputation of the cyber-knights is pristine and worth more than ones weight in silver.
Here we have no means of rapid communication with that city or any other. Even IF I did, the Aerihman clan, my master told me, is not open with the others. Informing any other Atlantean clan won’t ensure the message gets to the Aerihman one. It means messaging Ictinus’s Clan (the Atlantean Stone Master who built the power pyramid) to tell them what happened is impossible or they won’t get it until after the next rotation of security forces arrive.
When these Atlantean Defenders don’t check in or return their clan will send another team. That or it was always their plan that another replacement team would come to take their place as part of a rotation.
Without being able to explain things, ahead of time, the next Atlantean replacements might shoot first and ask questions later.

That was when Sgt Wyatt could hear it. The heart beat.
Dog Boys had mentioned hearing a heartbeat inside the pyramid. Wyatt didn’t have time to think about it. Then he forgot it. Now that he hears it, he remembers.

In the days that follow there is a flickering light in the main chamber of the pyramid. It is the makings of a sort of seam in mid air in the center of the largest chamber. It flickers in and out but it is something that wants to be a Rift.

Wyatt orders it to be one of their duties to guard the beginnings of a Rift. Someone with tech skills must monitor and video it in case there is a picture of what is on the other side or something comes out. Dispatches Dog Boys on the hover truck with written and video reports of what happened with the Atlantean Defenders to the mining town. The reports will stay as a record of what went on.

Suddenly out of nowhere, everybody feels good, happy and cheerful. Many Dog Boys are laughing, acting silly, as if intoxicated. Those who are wounded, have hit points restored and minor illnesses disappear. They all feel no fear or hostility toward anything or anyone.

Outside the stone pyramid, Wyatt finds out the sky had turned a dark gray color, with dark gray clouds rolling along the ley line, wind gusts at around 35 mph (56 km), and the air was cold. Bluish white bolts of electrical energy shot down from the sky and everything in the area of the storm crackled with a halo of magic energy for half an hour.

Sorting things out everyone is accounted for and unharmed. All feel fine and some who had scares find they have healed.

Their guess is that it was some kind of ley line storm. Something that is not supposed to happen anymore since the Stone Pyramid was completed.

Wyatt’s best guess is that the damage the pyramid took must have broken it. They try to put the stones back where they were but Wyatt doesn’t believe that’s going to fix it.

“Sergeant Wyatt. What are we going to do?”

Wyatt, “Our duty. Defend the pyramid. Defend humanity.”

He dispatches another Dog Boy squad to “ask” Athena nicely (a techno-wizard) IF she would grace the stone pyramid with her presence. Sergeant Wyatt would like to see if they can come to an arrangement.

The next morning for the first few minutes of dawn as the sun peeks over the horizon, a huge black cloud races low to the ground along the entire width of the ley line. Speed is about 60 mph (96 km). The night watch takes cover in the nearest fox hole until they fill up with water. Everybody hit by the thunder cloud is drenched with water and is swept off their feet with the same consequences as a Wind Rush spell. In thirty minutes it is over. The stone buildings and the pyramid are undamaged.
However, the Dog Boys nerves are racked. They have to dry out their boots, clothes, and themselves.

The next day, “Athena” arrives.
Sir Wyatt’s request, “Can you fix the pyramid?”
Athena, “I honestly don’t know how. Besides, if the pyramid is not working it should be good for my business. Your hover truck operation has just about put me out.”
Sir Wyatt, “We deliver for you. You fix the broken things and we move your gasoline and oil. You get paid.”
Athena, “But I don’t set the prices. Those mining town people never had it cheaper. Your way makes me more work and the smallest profit. I'm making pennies. And I hear the mine is really putting out. No one’s lost even so little as a finger in a month. Cyber-Doc had to move on. I know you don’t have robots. That creepy guy in the moning town, I bet he’s a necromancer. Where there’s a necromancer there are zombies. You are using zombie labor aren’t you? Clever. Don’t have to pay them. They don’t need to eat or drink; they don’t even breathe. How much of a cut of the mine profits are you getting?”
Sir Wyatt, “We employ the people, so they can earn and pay their way without injury or risking their lives.”
Athena, “Then turn around and sell them coal, wood, and my labor at rock bottom prices.”
Sir Wyatt, “What I do is . . . my reward. A community needs work to have a purpose. A safe home for kids. Healthy food . . . the land needed to produce it, has been fought over more than gold and jewels. True wealth . . is the respect of your people . . . when children look up to you . . . to have earned the appreciation of good people . . . family, who choses to me a family with me . . . You will leave this world with money, then other people will take it, after you are gone. I will leave it a bit better place . . . whether by women and children less frightened . . . a beautiful farm . . . to know even one life has breathed easier because I lived. This is wealth, for me.“
Athena, “I want HALF!”
Sir Wyatt, “I would pay you for your labor but you said you didn’t know how.”
Athena, “I don’t but there are other things I can.”
Sir Wyatt, “Such as?”
Athena, “The pyramid is damaged. It is going to have ley line storms and dimensional Rifts. It is only a matter of time. It just needs a kick. Like the peaks of energy of the dawn. The same will happen at high noon and midnight. IF it doesn’t happen sooner, a Rift will open during the Equinox. The pyramid is still mostly in working order, lights, running water, recharges E-clips and hover truck batteries. It will give you a stable Rift, at first, but it might not stay that way. I might be able to build a device to ‘handle’ your weather problems. Besides, you will need my help with anything that comes through the Rift.”
Sir Wyatt, “I don’t get to give away what’s not mine. But I can offer you half of whatever material things that come through the rift, excluding slaves. I won’t allow slavery here.”
Athena, “I can have it ALL at another ley line.”
Sir Wyatt, “Emmm… No.”
Athena looks a little confused.
Wyatt, “IF that is the way you felt, you’d never have come. You're greedy. You want the spoils from both ley lines when the Rifts come again. Besides, with the magic knights gone your biggest competition is gone too. With the hover truck we get your goods to buyers and their payments to you. We ALWAYS deliver. And IF we were bad for profits you’d have stopped with us a long time ago. You can cut us off and say no but if we cut out or die, you lose your free delivery service and whatever future profits you were going to make out of both us and the mining town. I asked you here for help. You are free to leave if you can’t or won’t. No threats. Just a warning if I fail, you lose the sales that were coming to you as our armorer and supplier.”
Athena thought to herself in silence.
Wyatt, “We even have a suite with your name on it. And a room for your own workshop. All the electrical and magical energy you will need.”
Athena, “I suppose I could try it out for a week or two and see. I will come and go as I please. The whole time I will have my own bodyguards; my cadre of headhunters. Regardless of what happens, whichever way it turns out, I will leave when I have had enough or it isn’t working out for me.”

At midnight, the Dog Boys and company experience the “Euphoria” of the healing high again. It is the best night’s sleep anyone can ever remember having. They dream of the happiest times of their lives.

At sunrise, the next day, everyone is awake and prepared. Tucked away within the stone pyramid awaiting the next possibility with the rising sun. One minute they are on Rifts Earth, the next moment everything is white and wispy as if inside a cloud. A distant flash of light can be seen in the sky, but there is no sign of a storm. After what seems to be only a minute later, everyone appears back in the exact same spot where they had been only it’s sunset. Other than that everything is fine.

Midnight and morning pass uneventfully but by high noon levels them on the euphoric high they are beginning to get accustomed too. Everyone lies down and has a good afternoon nap in the sun. Athena is looking like she enjoys herself immensely and shows little concern or motivation to ‘correct’ the problem. While the occasional lightning that occurs during the micro storms is limited in duration and location. Also, it appears to help the soil grow.

The following day another “euphoria” occurs with the dawn’s first light.
The euphoria returns next at high noon for the next five days and again at midnight the day after.

Likewise, the whole next day goes by without incident until midnight when the euphoria returns. The sleep is delicious and restful. Sir Wyatt, vaguely remembers something about drugs and addiction and asks everyone how they are feeling. Everyone looks forward to the next euphoria and hopes it will happen again soon. All their old aches and pains are gone. It appears the only thing this “euphoria” can’t fix is missing limbs. However, it has absolutely taken their stress away. Every minute of it feels like a day’s vacation. Everyone has lightened up A LOT! The only worry appears to be missing the euphoria that appears to grace them once a day or night.

Almost all of the patients they had for long term care have fully recovered but no one wants to leave. They feign illness to stay and no Dog Boy wants to leave and run the risk of missing another euphoric experience. The few with terminal illness are without pain and the usual symptoms of the health problems. It is as though their bodies got six months earlier in their condition.
The prisoner inmates seem to have lost all hostility and antisocial behavior. Even those in the mental asylum are more lucid. Those with extreme issues of anxiety, depression, and grief now feel as though a weight has been lifted off of them and have an optimistic view on life. They are let out under supervision but don’t want to leave.

The day after that, there is another white mist episode then a Rift opens up. Seeing through the Rift it changes worlds every minute. The mental patients (or should I say former patients) and terminally ill see worlds as their idea of heaven (or close to it). Everything from the air, to the food, to the people, to the lifestyle, is absolutely perfect. So they run for it and jump across the Rifts threshold. There is a certain disappointment without the euphoria today and a little envy at those who got to go to their paradise.

The next day is euphoric again.

Then the next three days are nothing until the end. At midnight everyone in the safety of the pyramid is floating weightless 10 feet (3 m) above the ground for 30 minutes. Effectively this is a zero gravity experience like skydiving.

Three more days go by and everyone is on everyone's nerves and has to bite their tongue to keep from snapping at each other. Then the euphoria returns and it is bliss again.

The day of the winter solstice that Rift forms and stays:

*Pulsing Rift:
This is the condition most common to permanent Rifts, where the dimensional portal seems to exhibit something like a heartbeat, slowly "pulsing" in and out every ten minutes or so. This is also the most stable situation, and Pulsing Rifts have often maintained themselves for days, weeks and even centuries.

Rift Metamorphosis:
Likelihood that the Rift changes the type of Rift that it is, requiring a new roll on the Constant Rift table.
For ‘this’ Rift there is a 1% chance of changing each sunrise.

World Links:
Describes the current connection that the Rift has with another world. There will be one primary world link. Part of the adventure / story is the discovery of what the world linked to the Rift.

Dimensional Link Stabili!y:
Some Rifts hang on to their world connections for as long as they survive, while other Rifts fluctuate, constantly losing their connections, and then making links with other worlds altogether. At each sunrise and sunset there is a 22% chance that the link will switch to a different world.

Note: This is a change of world’s NOT in the behavior of the Rift. If the Rift changes to a different world there is still a 22% chance it will change again at each sunrise and sunset

Athena says the Rift will stay around every day and possibly open to a different world each day. It could be anywhere and anything could come out. Working together they can try to find a way to Read the Dimensional Portal to learn the dangers and opportunities that are possible because of it.

This marks a shift.
The Doy Boys have new additional duties regarding the Rift. They must:

A. Defend against any hostile forces that might come out of it.

B. Keep a record of the worlds to which it opens.

C. When time permits, explore worlds and return before the Rift closes.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Time: After the rising dawn:
Location: Stone Pyramid

Sgt Wyatt’s briefing:

“Gamma squad you are doing security on the Rift. You have all seen me step into the Rift and come about out again. We know it goes BOTH ways. Our resident “tech” expert, “Athena” can testify that the Rift is stable but there is a chance it will close at sunset ‘our’ time. Check your digital watches again because that is all the time Athena and her men will have to get back.
Athena will be going with you along with two of her Headhunter bodyguards.
Our radios can hear chatter but it is only bits and pieces in the American language. The town we can see has humans in it. From the look of the buildings it must be either Earth’s past or that of a similar dimension. That’s only reason we aren’t sending Dog Boys on this mission. IF they don’t exist in that dimension people won’t know what to make of you and we want to avoid having to explain too much. Besides, they might not believe us and want us to stay forever or at least until they do understand. By then, if ever that day came, the squad might be lost forever or have to break out to get back to base.
We are doing this for two reasons:
First people can see the Rift from their side. Someone might poke around and come through it or try to blow it up or something.
We have no way of closing the Rift. Blowing up the pyramid might have worked but we are out of explosives and it might make things worse. There were Rifts on this Ley Line before and there will be again. This is just something we have to deal with but we know the gamma squad is not afraid. You proved it when I asked for volunteers.
This brings us to the second reason, it is a chance to trade for things we both need or want.
Don’t fire unless fired upon. If anyone gets injured or something bad happens, fall back to the Rift.
Remember to keep a one hour buffer so return in eight hours.

The stone chamber of the pyramid looked brightly lit by the light emanating out of the Rift as the Dog Boys crossed its threshold.
The side of the street they stepped out on had cars going by it missing Athena by two feet.
Scampering around to the sidewalk they stand openly in a parking lot gawking at everything around them. There they looked around and took everything in: No surveillance cameras. Cars and trucks parked, Restaurantes.
Athena and her Headhunters came out and calmly walked onto the sidewalk. They took a moment to look around themselves.

Out of sight of the Rift Athena smiled and said, “It’s been ages since I went shopping.”
Then walks off with her four bodyguards side by side with her keeping her pace.

Walking up to a liquor store, Athena said, “Some things never change but I’ll save the best for last.”
Next door, is a different store. The isles have pill bottles on them. Taking a cart Athena began to fill it.

Four hours later Athena and her men come through the Rifts with stuffed shopping carts.

“How was it?” asked Sgt Wyatt.
“Here is your share,” Athena replied. The cart she pushed on him is filled with freshly cooked Mexican food (mostly trays of meats).
Wyatt couldn’t help his tongue from hanging out at the taste of the smell in the air of the food.
Looking over he saw the other cats:
1 filled with liquor bottles.
2 filled with pill bottles (over the counter stuff like Tylonal).
1 with soap and shampoo.
“Half?” Sgt Wyatt replied.
“I said your share,” Athena replied. “IF you want more you can go and get it yourself. Now eat your food before it gets cold. I’ve got to put these things away.”

About an hour later.

Law enforcement cars are parked outside of the Rift and staring into it at the Dog Boys.
Many men do laps around the two-dimensional shape of the Rift.
Someone throws a bottle of water through and watches it land on the stone pyramid’s floor.
A crowd begins to form with people holding up phone cameras.
Law enforcement tries holding up signs but the Dog Boys can’t read them.
Sgt Wyatt tosses a radio through the Rift and it falls on the ground on the other side.
Then he begins speaking through it to the frequency it is attuned to pick up.
After some long explanation about being from another dimension and that they are here to explore and trade before the Rift closes in a few more hours, more and more people arrive; people in suits and dark sunglasses.
Wyatt warns them, “The world we live in is dangerous, too dangerous, for a people from a civilized world where food is plentiful and life is without dangers like demons and vampires. But, we have need of things and want to make trades so each of our people get something better than what we have.”
The men in black suits have the area clear and a tarp set up over vehicles to block the Rift from sight.
Speaking over the radio, “Would you come over to our side?”
Wyatt disarms himself, takes off his armor down to his underwear and ties a rope around his waist then gives the other end to gamma squad.
Walking out of the Rift with his backpack, the men in suits drop their jaws. Suspended in mid air the rope around Wyatt hangs as it passess through the Rift.
The human in a suit askes, “Are you going to return?”
“I mean, to our world?”
“It is impossible to say how long this Rift will last but as long as it does we will defend outside of it from anything dangerous in our world getting into yours or yours to ours. Chances are best, that the Rift, on your side, will close when ours does or opens up to another world.”
“I need, we need, proof that you are real. We are video recording you now but how can anyone watching that video know are not just a man in a costume. That this thing (pointing to the Rift) isn’t some hologram or something.“
Holding out his hand Wyatt invites the man to shake it.
They talk more and Wyatt agrees to be examined by a paramedic who take hair and blood samples. They tug at his fur coat trying to reveal it to be fack and only proving it real. Then x-ray his had. Followed by a close study and video of his teeth and tail.
In the casualness of the mood the man in a suit asks about “the men and one woman, the ones who took the shopping carts into the Rift. Who were they?”
Wyatt explains, “She works 'with' us. Came through because she is human. I was afraid my appearance would scare you. She was sent to explore and trade for both herself and my people.”
“She stole those things she took.”
“I was afraid of that.”
“It’s nothing in comparison to discovering another dimension and the ability to travel to and from it.”
“But you don’t want anyone coming to your world to steal from you or break your laws.” Pausing to reflect on how people stared at him. They have never seen anything like him before. Even though they can see and touch him, if they were not staring at him with their own eyes they wouldn’t believe it. No one who isn’t holding him would believe it.
“How can I repay what Athena stole from your people?” Sir Wyatt asks.
Answering his phone the man in a suit stops to ask, “How do you speak our language if you come from another dimension?”
“The world I come from is called Earth. I learned this language as a child. It’s called American. I don't know all the words you do, for those words are not a part of my world. Your world is a past version of mine a hundred years or so before the Rifts came and made my world. When it did, demons and monsters came through them and fought each other and humans over the land.”
Putting the phone back to his head she says, “We want you to return to your world and never return.”
“I will but I have no power to keep others from my world, or another, finding your world and doing what they do, IF they come here.”
Listening to his phone again. “Leave us one of your machines. A phaser or ray gun or something.”
“Phaser? Ray Gun? Do you mean an energy pistol?”
“I’ll toss one through the Rift.”
“What about a robot?”
“I don’t have a robot. Besides, they are so huge, they’d never make it through the Rift.”
Wyatt takes out his portable language translator and gives it to the man.
“This should help you talk to some of them. If they come.”
With that Wyatt gets up and follows his rope back to the Rift and walks through it.
Some time later a treaded robot (for bomb disposal and such) comes through the Rift with a camera on it and spins around the room.
The microphone on it asks for samples of their water and soil. Also, it wants to go outside to take pictures of the stars and surroundings.
The Rift portal stays open past sunset, all through the night and past sunrise.
All the while Wyatt attempts to answer questions and provide samples that are sent back through the Rift.
A group of men in hazmat suits say they are coming in and walk through the Rift. Everyone on their side is nervous and excited. They spend the day looking around at the pyramid videorecording it and the outside. They move like they are on another planet.
Interviewing the human prisoners and the few terminally ill they still have with them back to their Earth.
Wyatt says, "It is up to each of them but warns everyone that if they go they will never return. The world they will go to has advanced medicine and is safe and wealthy by comparison."
When asked, "Wyatt, why do you come to our world to stay?"
He replies, "Here I am a hero who fights to protect the humans and dimensional beings from injustice. In your world, I am feared and could only defend myself from human being fear of me."
When they return before sundown they ask to make trades for another energy pistol and rifle and a few other things.
Wyatt asks for tons of fresh dry food, bottles of medicine to treat sick humans, and books to help people learn how to read as well as reading for when they do. He explains that most people never learned. Clothes and shoes for human people also (thinking of the people in the mining town). And soap. I mean the kind of cleaning supplies for cleaning human peoples bodies.

Most of the trades are made in a rush before the sunsets when the Rift closes on their world and opens to another.

Xmas comes early when Sir Wyatt comes with a hover truck load of present to the mining town.
Dressed in a santa costume, Sir Wyatt, tells stories to the children and hands out clean clothes, fresh food, books to Octavia with which to teach the younglings and adults (the town will make a library), and medicine.
Since the departure of the Atlantean (Ictinus the Stone Master and Knight Three) they have had no quick fix magical or psychic healers. The medical supplies are sorely needed and the soap will take the place of the "cleanse" spells they used to get.

After the party, Sir Wyatt brings in a fresh squad of the Dog Boys to rotate the one there for rest.
Then checks in with the mystic knight's Dog Boys. Wyatt mentions he knows about the zombies mining the ore.
Sharing his thought, Wyatt believes keeping the zombie labor a secret is probably for the best. Asks about the town necromancer.
Mal (the Free born Dog Boy guard) tells Wyatt that the necromancer is the towns mortician, physician, and undertaker now when he is not being the zombies forman. He gets a nice cut from the mines. Mal believes the necromancer thinks about running now that the mystic knights are gone. He's just making too much of a profit without much risk or threat to skip out now that no one is over him. Here he's the richest and most revered human in town. He has taken over the stone tower. Before the cyber-doc left, he even had him replace his tongue with a biosystem one. Hopes his partner will come back and is a little afraid if he takes off whether or not the knights or you (Sir Wyatt) will go after him. Also, lacks transportation. Mal doubt's the necromancer will leave until things get worse here or he has a better prospect elsewhere. Mentions the he and the other Dog Boys are waiting around for the knights to come back themselves. Regardless, they won't leave until their contract is up. They were paid their total wage in advance. They won't risk taking off and crossing the knights. They are men of their word. Although, the Mal and the rest of the freeborn Dog Boys want the truck back to get home or at least another means of transportation.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

The story of Cerberus:

Cerberus (A three head dog who guards the entrance to the Underworld).
Formed by two Cyber-Knights (Lady Black a Psi-stalker and her apprentice Sir
Wyatt), both dress and act the part of the CS to lead Dog Boys who were
abandoned by their CS leadership when the going got tough in the high tech
city of Nemus. The marched out of the city with the intent of surviving,
making their way back to the CS, and slaying human killing monsters along
the way. Now they are guardians of an Atlantean's stone pyramid and the
constant Rift that has formed inside of it.

8 psi-stalkers
31 Dog Boys

Leadership: Sgt Wyatt
Almost everyone of the Dog Boys under his command have seen Sgt Wyatt create psi-swords.
Those half not suspect he is something more than a mere Dog Boy Sergeant.
The fact is, Sgt Wyatt leads them well. Fights well. He is a natural born Dog Boy.
While the psi-stalkers originally followed Lt / Lady Black they respect Sgt Wyatt.
He has had more than a few sparring matches and won them all against the psi-stalkers.
They respect his as a fighter and hunter.

Merc Company Stats:

Dress and attire: CS armor 50 MD

Standard Weapons:
1. CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle: Mega-Damage: 2D6 MD single or 6D6 triple.
Scope: telescopic sight and Night-vision scope Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).
Payload: 30 shots per long E-Clip.
2. C-18 Laser Pistol: 2D4 MD, Range: 800 feet (244 m). 10 shots.
3. Sharpened WOODEN stakes

Standard Equipment:
Short-range radio with scramblers
Digital Camera
Backpack: (Northern Gun-S2 Basic Survival Pack)

They have a Dog Boy with the psychic diagnosis power. Also, some medical equipment.

They have a hover truck “left behind” by the mystic knights.
Also, 11 horses with saddles.

Permanent Base: Atlantean Stone Pyramid

Intelligence Resources:
All Dog Boys have the “Intelligence” skills and psychic sensitive powers.
Sense psychic and magic energy (600 feet range)
Sense supernatural beings
Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), Empathy (4),
Telepathy (4), and one additional Sensitive psionic power

Reputation: The Dog Boys have local allies who will lie to protect them, warn them of trouble, and provide the latest rumors as quickly as they can.

Skills of Note possessed by the average Dog Boy:
Recon: Detect Ambush 55%, Detect Concealment 50%, Intelligence: 55%
Survivalist: Land Navigation: 62%, Prowl 47%, Wilderness Survival: 60%

Average Combat Skills:
Attacks per melee: 5
W.P. Energy Pistol: +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +2 to strike
Hit Points: 42,
S.D.C.: 74
I.S.P.: 84

Learned from Space Wolfen Octavia’s storytelling and riding lessons. The Dog Boys love the sound of Octavia’s voice and the stories she tells. Being the physical types that they are, they didn’t want to sit too long for Math lessons but riding is fun and a little bit of a challenge. So they took to riding.
Secondary Skills at 1st level of proficiency:
Lore: Galactic/Alien: 30%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 30%/20%

Leader of Cerberus:
Wyatt, the Dog Boy Cyber-Knight

The story his parents told him was that they had gone out on a mission to wipe out vampires and never came back. Instead of returning, they saw their orders as staying until all the demons, monsters, and vampires were gone. So their mission never really ended.
They know the CS would consider them as having gone rogue like the hundreds of other Dog Boys who left to fight vampires. Still the people they helped embraced them and they felt they were doing what they were made for and still following their original orders.
Then Wyatt was born. He was raised in Texas. When he was still young a cyber-knight by the name of Lady Black came to town to rest and resupply. She stayed and wiped out demons and vampires. Rescued some villagers from human bandits and slavers. Taking a shine to Wyatt and he to her, Lady Black accepted him as her apprentice and train him in the field.
After many years, Sir Wyatt returned to Texas to find his home village was destroyed and his mom and dad had been murdered. Weapons damage revealed energy rifles were used and no bite marks of any vampire attacks. The remains of APC tracks lead to the Lone Star Complex. Wyatt decided he could make himself look like a CS Dog Boy. He said he had been taken by vampires, escaped their camp during the day. Spent the rest of his time lost until he could find his way back.
He found out a CS officer had finished a mission in the area and heard rumor of a village that harbored Dog Boy deserters and their freeborn pups. The place was of no consequence to the CS except that the humans there could potentially be a source of blood for vampires if not converts. That part of the state was rife with vampires and their victims so the blood thirsty lieutenant destroyed the town.
Wyatt almost broke. He snuck out. Then sent a letter to his master and the Cyber-Knight order of his findings. He was told that they would inform the CS command of the lieutenant’s war crimes. They would give the CS the chance to investigate and give the lieutenant a trial.
Wyatt’s master, Lady Black, told him if he hung on to his hatred and sought revenge he would never stop as it will never be enough. Instead, he needed to go on a journey to lose and rediscover himself.
On his journey, Wyatt traveled through New Mexico, Arzna, Mexico, and the Pecos Empire spending a few years working alongside the Justice Rangers, Reid's Rangers (was a Dog Boy Companion/Side Kick), and being a Sheriff’s Deputy to kill vampires and defend towns from bandits. He sort of began to study being a vampire slayer but soon realized as a Dog Boy his senses made most of the training unnecessary. Instead he helped to train others when mentored apprentice Justice Rangers, Tundra Ranger Scouts (in Colorado), and a Sheriff’s Deputy enough that it was time for them to make way.
Note: Althought Wyatt knows Reid is a Cyber-Knight and his public reputation he has never actually met Reid in person. Wyatt doesn't know Reid is insane.
Wyatt also went on some cattle drives to help find strays, protect the herd from predators and rustlers as well as bring them to justice.
Through experiences he absorbed the Code of the New West as well as that of the Cowboy.

Code of the New West:
• Never draw your weapon unless you're prepared to use it!
• Never cheat in a showdown.
• Never deliberately hurt women and children.
• Never kill clergy, 'cept in self-defense.
• Never kill, injure or steal another man's ride, unless he’s dead.
• Never take another man's woman.
• Never destroy a church or holy place, unless it is a place of evil.
• Never take more money than what's owed to you.
• Never spit in the face of the law.
• Show women folk respect; remove your hat and avoid cursing.
• Respect the land and power of nature.
• Respect (and fear) magic.
• Respect and honor a worthy opponent.
• Treat others like you'd like to be treated.
• If you cheat at cards or break the law, expect to pay the consequences.
• Keep your sworn word of honor, "because sometimes all a man's got."
• Kill only in self-defense and in justice. The latter can include acts of
revenge, "eye for an eye," protecting others, using deadly force against
those known to be killers, etc. The only exceptions to this rule are vampires
or other "hellspawn demons." The only good vampire or demon is a dead one.

Etiquette of the Cowboy
• Consider a fellow cowboy a friend, until he proves otherwise.
• Greet a fellow cowboy with a friendly word and hospitality.
• Never wave a greeting; it is bad form and may spook the horse or cattle.
• If one rider dismounts, you (and all others) should too.
• Grab the bridle of a mounted man's horse and you can expect trouble!
• Show hospitality to guests, including sharing food and information.

Sir Wyatt (Meaning “Brave in war”)
Alignment: Scrupulous
German Shepherd: Loves to help/work with humans; friendly, and loyal.

I.Q.:15, M.E.:16, M.A.:20, P.S.:23, P.P.:21, P.E.:30, P.B.:12, Spd: 31
Supernatural Endurance

Height: Five feet, 10 inches (1.78 m).
Weight: 260 lbs.

Special Abilities:
1. Sense Psychic and Magic Energy:
Sense whenever a psionic ability is used within the range of sensitivity. If the energy is
being expended longer than one round, the Dog Boy can trace it to the source with relative ease.
Base Skill: 75% (roll once every melee round). Reduce by half when multiple
sources are scattered throughout the sensing range.
Range: 750 feet (227 m). Roll every 1,000 feet (305 m) Failure means the scent is lost.
When powers not use his powers 85 feet (25.7 m). I.S.P. Cost: None

2. Recognize Psychic Scent:
38% to recognize the general psychic scent of a particular race of mortal monster, animal (familiar) or D-Bee.
22% to recognize a specific individual; +10% bonus if the mutant has a bit of hair, skin, blood, or an article of recently worn clothing (4 hours or less) and +10% if it is somebody or something the Dog Boy has encountered in the past and knows well. Bonuses are accumulative.
Range: 85 feet (25.7 m). Duration: Automatic and constant.

3. Sense Supernatural Beings:
Base Skill: 76% ID specific type/race: demons, dragons, vampires, etc.

Sense the location of invisible wizards or creatures of magic.
Detect whether a mortal is possessed by a supernatural being.
70% when a being is not using magic or psionics.
91% when a supernatural being is using psionics or magic or dragon.
Range: 800 feet (244 m) and 1,800 feet (550 m) when magic is in use.
Automatic and constant. I.S.P. : None

Common scents:
91% to recognize and accurately ID known smells, including gas, food, animals, and the path used by a group of humans, mutant animals, D-Bees or monsters, as well as other strong odors. Range: 800 ft (244 m).

Identify odors:
68% to ID the scent of specific individuals, poisons or drugs mixed into food or drink, unique and unusual scents.
Must be familiar with the target subject or have a piece of clothing, hair, blood, etc. Range: 200 feet (60 m).

Can sniff his way through total darkness if there is a scent (like fresh air, the trail in, etc.) that can be followed, character suffers only half (-5) penalties for total darkness.

4. Psionic Powers:
See the Invisible (4; 8 minutes)
Sense Evil (2; 16 minutes)
Sense Magic (3; 16 minutes)
Sixth Sense (2)
*Empathy (4; 16 minutes)
*Using Empathy for Lie Detection:
Questioning someone while using the psionic power of Empathy on a specific person can be used as a sort of lie detector. The genuine feelings are known to the psychic, for example, a person who genuinely feels joy at the death of their spouce but NOT facts such as an eye witnesses, forensics evidence or a murder weapon. Likewise, Fear is not always guilt but can be cause by a powerful player intimidating an NPC.

5. Cyber-Knight Abilites:
Psi-Sword (0; indefinite), Psi-Shield (15), Meditation (0)
Cyber-knight Zen Combat 8th level
NOTE: Does NOT have the cyber-knight armor. Wears MD armor

Hit Points: 61
S.D.C.: 100
I.S.P: 126
P.P.E.: 10

Cyber-Knight O.C.C.Skills:
Language: American, Dragonese at 98%, Native American, and Spanish 98%,
Literacy in American 95%
Anthropology: 80%
Body Building, Climbing 90%/80%, Gymnastics (balance: 76%, Backflip: 89%)
Horsemanship: Cyber-Knight 98%/85%
Land Navigation: 76%,
Lore: Demon & Monster: 85%
Paramedic: 85%
Swim: 95% (69 yards/meters per 15 second rounds)
W.P. Archery: +11 to strike; 7 Attacks. +8 to disarm
Used against vampires when he rode with Reid's Rangers.
W.P. Energy Pistol: +5 (armed with C-18 laser pistol)
W.P. Energy Rifle: +4 (C-12 rifle: telescopic sight and night vision scope)
W.P. Shield: +13 to parry
W.P. Sword: +9 to strike, +13 to parry (Only uses Psi-Sword against those he needs to)

O.C.C. Related:
Two Physical: Boxing & Prowl 72%
W.P. Handguns: +5 to strike
W.P. Rope: +9 to strike, +1 to entangle, +7 to disarm
W.P. Whip: +9 to strike, +9 to disarm, +9 to entangle and +11 to damage

Taming Wild Horse: 65% (years as a cowboy)
Detect Ambush 70%, Detect Concealment 65%, Intelligence: 65%,
Tracking (Humans) 65%,
Streetwise: 48%, Surveillance: 65% (Tailing 70%),
Undercover Ops 70%

5th level: (Years spent in the West fighting quickdraw duels and gunfights)
W.P. Quickdraw: +2 to initiative
W.P. Sharpshooting: Handgun/Energy Pistol:
+1 to strike
+2 to “Called” shot with the one pistol
+1 Attack per melee by pistol if used for the entire round

6h level:
Find Contraband: 34% (uses in Law enforcement to find criminals and their operation)
Interrogation: 37% (time as a town sherif they call “The Law Dog”)

Secondary: (8) Free Born Dog Boy (World Book: Lone Star, page 39):
Camouflage: 60%, Track & Trap Animals: 60%/70% (used to track outlaws horses)
Wilderness Survival: 65%
Lore: Native Americans: 65% (lived amongst the Natives where he learned their language and customs)
Lore: Magic: 65%
Pilot: Hovercraft: 85%,
Radio: Basic 80% and Sensory Equipment: 65%

2nd Level Secondary:
Athletics: General & Optic Systems: 60%

4th Level Secondary:
Lore: Cattle & Animals: 55% and Law: 55% (worked as a Law Dog so he's got to know the law)
Years as a cowboy, a deputy, and a justice ranger in Arzna, Mexico, New Mexico, and the Lone Star / Pecos Empire.

8th Level Secondary: Hunting and Running
Time spent living off the land with the Dog Boy company “Cerberus.”

*Storyteller / taught by the Wulfen Rogue Scholar Octavia.
*Lore: Galactic/Alien: 30% @ 1st level. Aliens in the mining
town were interviewed and shared their personal stories.
*Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (30%20%)

+10 on Perception Rolls
+6 to initiative
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts & Boxing
Body flip/throw; does 1D6 damage, victim loses initiative and one attack.
Leap Kick (3D8 damage +8, but counts as two melee attacks),
Critical Strike on a natural 18 or higher.
Back flip and backflip escape (one melee attack/action)

Number of Attacks per melee: 7
+3 to strike
Kick (2d6 +8 Damage); Punch 2d4 +8 damage
+7 to pull punches, and +6 to disarm.
+7 to Dodge (+10 with P.P.)
+7 to Parry (+10 with P.P.; +13 with Shield; +5 against bullets/blasts);
+7 to roll with impact
+4 to save vs psionic attack and all forms of mind control
+4 to save vs illusions
+5 to save vs disease
+11 to save vs poison
+3 to save vs HF

Utility Belt: Seven wooden crosses, Four wooden fighting stakes, two canteen (1 liter =
33 ounces), four E-Clips, Pocket audio recorder, flashlight, pocket mirror,
100 feet (30.5 m) of rope, infrared distancing binoculars, Portable Scan Dihilator.

Backpack: Northern Gun Survival kit, Palm Bio-Unit, Portable Bio-Scan & Bio-Lab,
Protein Healing Salve, Suture Gun, Suture Tape
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Re: Cerberus

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Sgt Wyatt and the Dog Boy squad returns with the empty hovertruck to the sound of water falling. There before their eyes the stone pyramid gushes forth water. It comes out like a waterfall, never ceasing, it rolls down the ground following the gradation of the land.
Circling the Dog Boys see their fellow comrades on the dry sides of the pyramid and the slightly more uphill gradation of the land.
Setting down on the dry ground Sgt Wyatt gets out and asks, “What happened?”
Bailey (Dog Boy), “Water just started coming out of the Rift and it never stopped.”
Discussing the matter more Wyatt finds out:
The dimensional Rift opened to a dimension with a lot of water in it. So much water it flooded the rooms they were not able to seal off. The drain let out water at the bottom of the pyramid but not if the water is greater than the rate of drain. The Dog Boys pilled sandbags up and diverted as much of the water as they could. It is not salt water but it does have fish. It formed a lake. Although the Dog Boys did sense something there were no sightings of sea monsters or large aquatic beasts.
Sgt Wyatt performs a roll call, an inventory, and inspection.
Everything that would be damaged by water was safely moved to dry ground.
The Dog Boys quickly form a line to carry fish that aren’t carried enough by the water to the new lake. It is an all day affair.

The next day.

Suddenly the water blows out of the pyramid and force air takes its place.
Higher in pressure on its side, the dimensional Rift pushes out and dries the remaining water in the pyramid.
The process cleans the pyramid well.
The Dog Boys have to move a lot of things around

After, the Rift opens to a world of cows and grassy fields. Going over to explore the air is clean except for the smell of the cows. They have no brands.
Checking radio frequencies there is chatter.
As Wyatt’s eyes turn up to the sky he can tell it is not Earth.
He decides to have a closer look at the cattle. They appear identical to Earth stock. Bright eyes, clean and shiny coat and wet shiny nose, petting them and scratching behind their ears he can tell they are tame as can be. The cattle walk and graze freely. They are friendly and docile.
Drinking in the atmosphere Wyatt could feel the cool air with a hint or rain in it. The ground was soft enough to leave a mark but not much of one; good for farming. The grass is tall and the way cattle like it. Little ponds of water here and there dot the small hills and grassy fields. The air has a light smell of the cattle and their various scents.
Walking about he has to keep on his toes to avoid the cow pies.

Noticing one in labor Wyatt helps with the delivery.
One of the Dog Boys asks, “Can we take one home with us?”
Sgy Wyatt, “It's cattle rustling if they are someone herd.”
“How do you know?”
“Usually, they will have a brand.”
“I don’t see any brands.”
“That is an Earth custom. This is another planet. Besides, we did nothing to protect or nurture this herd. They are not like the horses I tamed. We have no need for them. Speaking of which, let’s get some, walk them through the Rift and let them run out here.”

A while later the Doy Boy squad and Wyatt are riding horses over the fields. The horses adore it. They also enjoy the company of the cattle and grazing together.

Looking about Wyatt can’t tell if there were other riding animals whose tracks were covered up by the cattle.
“We could go miles in any direction and not see anyone or we could run into someone. IF we did, as someone who has run cattle, I’d ask us to leave the grazing pastures and stay away from my herd. I really don’t think they need anything we could trade with them. Best we go back and wait for the Rift to change worlds before we get stuck here.”
Riding back to the Rift the Dog Boys see a flying robot need the Rift.
Approaching slowly and dismounting Wyatt walks up to the thing as it blocks the entrance to the Rift.
“We were just leaving,” says Sir Wyatt. “If you would be so kind as to make way we will return from where we came.
The floating alien robot is symmetrical such that Wyatt cannot tell if he is speaking to its front or back.
The sounds that come out of it are incomprehensible to the Dog Boys.
“I don’t know your language,” Wyatt replies. “But it must have been a question or command. It is not fighting or running, so it ain’t afraid of us. So let’s just wait here for a spell. Maybe some flesh and blood body will come along and have a talk with us.”
Waiting, the Dog Boys can see through the Rift. After a while they start getting anxious as they look at their watches.
“Yeah, it’s about that time. Let’s spread out and go around it. After all, there are always two sides to a Rift.”
The Dog Boys spread out on both sides of the robot while Wyatt stands still in front of it. Their danger sense does not go off.
As the Dog Boys try to enter the Rift the robot rushes between them to impose its presence and in a motion to push the Dog Boys back.
Wyatt, “It might think we are cattle and trying to keep us from wandering into the Rift. Everyone, listen up, all at once, mount up and ride through at best it can only stand in the way of one of us. I will be that one.”
Racing through the machine thrusts back and forth but for every one it blocks one mounted Dog Boys passes through the Rift.
That’s when the floating machine passes through the Rift itself.
Wyatt and the rest rush through before the Rift closes.
Then opens again to another world.

It's night time and the large looking city in the pitch black of dark.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

The hovering robot bobbs around the chamber until it flies through
the Rift taking a one of the Dog Boys with it.

Sgt Wyatt runs through the Rift and the pack follows.
Picking up the Dog Boy who was knocked over, they chase the robot.
The action is more of an instinct that a well reasons plan.

Chasing the thing around they manage to herd it back to the Rift.
That is when they notice in the city in the distance.

There they all stand in awe. In the distance, it was like nothing they have ever seen before.
A city of sorts. It reminded Wyatt a little of Lazlo but not.


Wyatt, “There are going to be guards or something to come along to investigate the Rift or us
being here.”
Pausing to think for a moment Wyatt turned his head to the Rift, seeing through to the stone pyramid.
“If they investigate the Rift they will go through it and take the pyramid.”

A while later

They have set up a camouflage net and wood beams to attempt to hide the Rift.
The hope is that the Rift will change with the sunset.
They also hope that no one will notice enough to come to investigate.
IF they do and try to come through, the plan is to hold the line until the Rift closes.
The problem, as Sgt Wyatt points out, is that the Splugorth have a virtually limitless army here.
The fear is that if they come across the Rift they will send enough fighters through to take the
stone pyramid. Then send slavers through to take people back to Atlantis.

A while later . . .

They find and have brough Athena back
Athena, “We have to close it.”
Wyatt, “Do you know how to do it?”
Athena, “No. There is a spell that closes Rifts but I don’t know it.
And if it is cast on this side whoever casts it will still be here after the Rift closes.”

In the distance Wyatt could see some things flying towards them.
Binoculars show them to be a mix of Splugorth minions

Athena, “I have an idea. They come from the city. From what you tell me, your master
told you, they have trade here. Let’s use another kind of camouflage. Let’s be customers.
Paying customers are always welcome.”

Wyatt, “My master told me humans are not respected here.”
Athena, “The poor are not respected. Nor the weak and
the powerless. So don’t act like either.”
Wyatt, “IF I kill them, more will come, in greater numbers.”
Athena, “I want you to bluff them. You look like a Wolfen. Lie to them.
Tell them you are one and that you are here to sell the robot.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Atlantis, outside a city.

Wyatt runs as fast as he can toward the coming people.
As his sixth sense begins to flare Wyatt stops and shows he his hands up and the energy pistol at his side. Armored on the bottom but not the top Wyatt is dressed only with his t-shirt. The crosses on his necklace rattle a bit as he and the minions of the Splugorth eye ball each other.

There the two armored sentinels stood. The two wear black full, environmental body armor and a long flowing cloaks with a helmet with a demonic visage. To the left and right of them stand the warrior slaves; human by the looks of them.
Turning on his psionic power of Empathy Wyatt could tell they felt no fear of him. The humans are afraid of the armored troops but not Wyatt. The two elite warriors have a mind block up.
Wyatt asked, “Comercio? Trade?” Then pointed to the city.

The armored warrior in black asks, “By the laws of the Splugorth Empire, your weapons will be taken from you!” Motioning his hands the warrior slaves search Wyatt. They take his energy pistol, knife, and radio.
The warrior slaves satisifed back away.
“Who are you? How did get here?”
Wyatt suspects the powers of empathy, see aura, and telepathy at work and does NOT resists.
“Name’s Wyatt. I’m a free born from the terriorories of the Pecos Empire. Of course, everyone gets around over there so I’m I guess you could say I’m from everywhere. Been dimension hopping lately. Scored a find. Crossed paths with a mage. Took a Rift here with them. Mage and I will leave if we or are find are not good for the market. If you don’t mind us resting to get our energy up before we go.”

The Sunaj know:
He is a Dog Boy. He is psychic. In great health. High level. But NOT his alignment.
Detect 95+% honesty in the empathic and telepathic detectable aspects of his story.
“Are you a CS spy?”
Wyatt, “No.” (Truth)
“Are you loyal to the Coalition States?”
Wyatt, “No.” (Truth)
“Did you come here to steal or help slaves escape?”
“No.” (Truth is he didn’t come ‘here’ for that).
“Are you here to cause trouble?”
“Do you really have something to sell or trade?”
“Are you being controlled by anyone?”
“Are you helping vampires?”
“I KILL vampires. I’ve killed a lot of vampires. Road with Reid’s Rangers doing.” Wyatt senses a shift in the body language of the warrior slaves. Mental Wyatt remembers and thinks about the times he road with vampire hunting parites. He sensed wild vampires, fought them (bow and arrows, silver bullets; the times he didn’t use a psi-sword) and their minions until they fled or were dead.
Even through their black armor Wyatt could tell these warriors approved Reid’s Rangers and his time riding with them; killing vampires

In the background, the warrior slaves attention turned toward the Space Wolfen walking toward them in the distance. Turning his head, Wyatt sees the floating robot is in tow behind Octavia.
As she approaches, she says, “Honey, your not supposed to go shopping without me.” The two carry on with banter like couples talk.
After some more discussion with the Sunaj check their optic systems and sensory equipment of the area and on the robot. Then have the warrior slaves search the immediate area and return with “Athena.”
The Sunaj repeat their psychic interrogation on Athena and Octavia but it is more going through the motions. They have already decided to escort Wyatt, Octavia and the bot into the city to the entrance of the city.
Taking out his rope Wyatt ties a knot around Athena neck in a leash like manner as she gives him a murderous look. Follow the motion of Wyatt’s eyes she can see that many of the beings in the city have slaves as servants. Some of them look human and deeply broken and subservient.
Some beings that Wyatt can only guess have something to do with security and customs perform their own examinations of all three of them and the Robot. Octavia does the smooth talking works out a sort of visitors pass. Wyatt didn’t know all the vocabulary words she used and he is certain something got lost with her alien technology translator.
Regardless, the robot is determined to be weapon less and not a danger. At best the bot could be used to harm mortals.
The Sunaj and the warrior slaves they are in command of escort Wyatt, Octavia and Athena. Taking cues from this Athena continues to play her part as a subservient slave, though only for her own protection.

The city is amazing. The stone work is powerful. An architectural master piece of design and engineer made for size of dragons and monsters.

Wyatt stops to lean on Octavia. He tries to disguise it as an act of affection but really his senses overwhelmed. The energy of the city’s residents and their supernatural nature is like being front stage of a heavy metal concert. Even the smells of the city almost knock he over.
All three of them are taken aback to the sights and sounds of the city’s denizens.
Before he knows it, Wyatt is in a shop and Octavia is bartering over the sale of the robot. She is NOT acting. She knows how to neogtiate and haggle. She also doesn’t seem to have a problem being around so many beings. Wyatt can only guess from her stories that she has spent a lot of time around aliens.
Octavia explains that their payment arrangement can’t be for universal credits or even his merchandise but anothers. One of the slave traders owes him. Now we have the marker of debt.
Turning Octavia informs the Sunaj of her transaction and desire to see the slave market.
Putting her arms around Wyatt she whispers in his ear, “If this doesn’t work we’ll but (tapping Wyatt’s digital watch) we have to spend our time somewhere.” The gist of this Wyatt understands that they have to draw their time out before the sunsets, when they hope the Rift will change to somewhere other than Atlantis.

In the slave market, it is beyond obvious that this is a city fIlled with powerful non-humans, ruled by non-humans and all of whom dislike humans except as slaves and maybe to eat as food.

Standing in front of a slave trader Wyatt could smell them. Dog Boys.
Octavia captures the attention of the non-human businessman and is intercepted by a human slave salesman.
“I’m the one who speaks on my master’s behalf.”
It is clear to Wyatt that the slave owner overhears everything but wants to look above either talking with Wolfen or customers; except for the richest looking.
Listening to Octavia, she presents the debt marker and asks if they can go somewhere private to speak of such matters.
Together they go to the back. While there Wyatt whispers into Octavia’s hear, “Ask if they have any slave that look like Dog Boys or Wolfen.”
Note: The Greeks had slaves. The Romans had slaves. ALL were human. Humans made slaves of other humans and bought and sold them. For a Wolfen to buy a Wolfen or Dog Boy slave is no more out of the ordinary, in Atlantis, than a human to buy a human slave in ancient Greece or Rome.

After a lot of arguing and haggling it comes down to a valuation of the slaves Octavia and Wyatt want aganst the value of the debt.
Slaves that are T-men or even just beautiful or skillful they can’t afford. Instead they have 24 frail humans who are old, sick, weak, and wounded. When Octavia asks if there are any Wolfen for sale she is shown four beat up Dog Boys. Wyatt walks up to them (they are in chains) and they exchange looks and sniffs.
Wyatt holds his finger to his lips as a sign not to speak or give away his cover.

The salesman, “Ah the CS dog boys, from the Coalition's experimental laboratories. An interesting oddity. They command a good price which varies according to their physical strength, fighting ability and beauty. The more powerful, the higher the price. These ‘creatures’ have combat skills and experience that demand twice of their human slave masters. Like that one over there (He points to a human in a cage.”
Wyatt quickly recognizes the man’s bearing and military tattoos. He’s a coalition grunt, out of uniform, but a grunt if ever he saw one.

Wyatt asks, “How much?” He can feel the human slave salesmen smile without even his lips moving..
Your marker is good for the lot of 24 previously owned slaves with damages. These Dogs are worth 10 times what those humans are. IF you want better; you’ll have to pay more.”
Looking at the chained Dog Boys Wyatt feels like busting them all out. Then he remembers the warrior slaves and black armored sentinals waiting outside. Looking at what he has on him, they have taken all his weapons (all except for his psi-sword). He thinks to himself. How far would they get before being shot down.

“We have a ‘barter system’ for those who have little or no money but can trade use of their powers, skills and fighting ability for merchandise.
The barter system is simple. We discuss the price, and ‘terms’ of payment are established. In this case, the desired slaves are put aside for a period of time. You provide payment before that time period elapses or the item will be put back up for sale. Care to batter for these slaves?”
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Atlantis, Dimensional Market of Splynn
A slave shop

Present: Sir Wyatt (undercover), Octavia (a Space Wolfen Rogue Scholar), Athena (a Techno-Wizard)

“What did you have in mind?” Sir Wyatt asks.

There are few things I can think of that can earn you these Dog Boy slaves:

Bring me more slaves greater than these used ones.
Wyatt thinks to himself:
I can’t take an innocent into slavery.

Wyatt, “I’m a fighter, not slaver.”
“I can think of a few competitors of mine whom if anything were to happen to
them would be good for me (Eliminate my competitor).”

Wyatt thinks . . . Cyberknights are not murderers.

I . . . we . . . can kill in self defense, especially the defense of innocent people.

I can also . . . carry out ‘executions,’ an order decreed by a legitimate judge or authority I recognize. That’s sort of what wars are.

Occasionally an act of mercy . . . releasing someone from their pain who is going to die soon.

As a sergeant, I can order a man to their death to accomplish the mission, a mission whose failure would result in the deaths of more than the loss of those I sent to die. Such sacrifices are the duty of men at arms who have taken an oath of loyalty and service . . .

There . . . have been . . . mistakes . . . collateral damage and friendly fire . . . in the heat of battle . . . but those are accidents.

As a law man . . . a prisoner who was escaping . . . they were warned . . . they would be shot if . . . it looked like they . . . he looked like . . . he was going to get away . . . went for Kyle's . . . he could have been going for Kyle's weapon . . .

But to deliberately set out to kill someone . . . ONLY for money . . . even if it is used to free slaves . . . is not the cyber-knight way.

I am not an assassins. I am justice . . .

Wyatt, “I'm a fighter. Not assassin. Got anything else?”
“Pretend to be one of these Dog Boy slaves for a match in the arena. Represent my master, the merchant who owns me and this shop. The ‘four’ of you win for my master. He gets the purse and you get whatever’s left of the Dog Boys who survive."
Wyatt thinks:
IF they die, I get nothing.
IF I die, he doesn’t have to let them go.
IF we all die, we’re dead.
The merchant gets to swap out his weakest fighter for me
IF team Dog Boy wins, the merchant gets the prize.
He’s going to have them fight no matter what.
The only other option is to pay for them and I haven’t got the credits.

Wyatt asks, “How do I know you will keep your side of the deal?”
“The slaves are brought back here after the fight. Your friends are here.
So are those armed guards outside escorting you.
IF you die they leave.
IF you survive they are going ensure you leave the city anyway.
You can trust they won’t forget about you.”
Wyatt shouts, “I’m cashing in the marker. Those injured, old, used up humans. The lot of 24. And one more. (He points to the CS grunt). That one too. A sort of bonus for agreeing to pretend to be one of your Dog Boys. The weakest Dog Boy leaves too with the rest of the slaves I’ve bought. They ALL leave with my ‘friends’ now.

After some arguing and Octavia’s influence the human slave agrees to the terms.
One of the Sunaj and four of the warrior slaves under him, stay to watch over Wyatt
as he dresses for gladiatorial combat.
Last edited by darthauthor on Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades, Desert of Taut

Personal: Knight One

Mission Journal:
Having received a message by magic pigeon that the Atlantean Ictinus had been kidnapped and taken to Hades I left to go there as soon as I could.
The Order is partially to blame for taking me off my team without replacing me with additional combat support personal. My best argument is that IF I had not been taken away I would have been with the Atlantean at the time of his abduction. I would be with him now wherever he was if I had not reported as ordered.
That, however, is in the past.
At present I continue to send magic pigeons to the Atlantean to figure out which direction my posse and I will ride. The team I have assembled:
An Atlantean Voyager from the Aerihman clan for transportation.
An Undead slayer is the team lead and a superpower onto himself.
A squad of five Tattooed Defenders.
I have to admit, they are pretty impressive for a search and rescue team. There are a well trained and equipped, a lot like merc squad but with magic tattoos. These tattoos make them walking power armor; like Glitter Boys but without the boom guns. Tireless too, I have to use the spell “Superhuman Endurance” just to keep up with them.
Their squad leader is what they call an Undead Slayer.
I could learn a thing about leadership.
I’d also like to spar with them but they are all stronger than a Juicer and as tough as a full conversion borg. My forcefield would give before theirs. Their magic is that much better than Armor of Ithan.
IF they have weaknesses, it is that they are aggressive, arrogant, impatient, intolerant, and prideful. IF one gets injured or dies it will be the result of their lack of precautions; like backup. They consider me to be too cautious but admit that my magic pigeons have saved them some time.
I initially planned to make this trip with resources from the Order but I figured it would look bad if I didn’t join forces with the team the Aerihman clan had sent. Besides I have no means to tell them IF I find Ictinus before them or they me if they find him first. I could be searching Hades for days and not know he's already been rescued.

In theory, teams like these search the galaxy and even other dimensions to investigate the death or disappearance of their clansmen. For a stone master, however, they are critical as they want their peoples esoteric skills to remain a secret. Also, to prevent the misuse of their peoples talents.

I miss my own team. Having gotten word they are in this dimension I would like to spare the energy for a magic pigeon. Instead I save all my energy to send them to my Atlantean; Ictinus. Also, my own protection. This desert is lethal. I have crossed dozens of bones from creatures bigger than dinosaurs.
We all rely on night vision goggles to keep the sand out of our eyes and conserve our energy. They recharge them with a crystal that stores electrical energy. They said it recharges by sunlight but they won’t find enough of that here in this world of twilight. Still the charge is enough to recharge our electronics without me having to drain myself.

Currently, we are traveling with a trade caravan we came across. It is headed in the same direction we are. The good news is I make a decent interpreter with my use of the Tongues spell. Of course I know they have something that can translate what the guy is saying but they didn’t want to burn their energy. I imagine that is what they allowed me to come for. It wasn’t hard to read that about them.

What matters most is that Ictinus is returned to safety.

The merchant was more than a little concerned we might be bandits or such. The Atlanteans killed his tough guy guards over, oh let’s just say it was a misunderstanding and leave it at that.

The merchant spoke up that he is headed to the city of Shek’Ra. We are using him for cover to enter the city unmolested. He’s getting protection from us. Just in case, I have been studying him and can assume his identity if he dies or I have to kill him. For now I am squeezing him for information and contact in the city. I told him we came to buy Altantean slaves; if there are any for sale. Fortunately, for him, he doesn’t have any Atlanteans; slave or otherwise.
I was curious what a trade caravan does in Hades so I asked. It seems that Hades has its share of Demons and their guests and subordinates. They like to eat. They like to drink. They like to gamble. They even like shows for their entertainment. Well, they like to indulge themselves. I guess when you live forever with a body that regenerates from the damage you do to it or allow to happen, it gets boring. It seems demons don't like being alone for long periods of time. They are like dog in that way. Leave them home alone for too long and they tear the place up in a fit.
In addition to catering to the whims of supernatural beings they also collect salvage from the desert. I guess it is technically grave robbing but there are no headstones and one man's, or beast's, remains and what he had on him is another man’s treasure.
The merchant also tells me that the demons are buying up parts and refined materials for something. It’s probably an invasion or a war. These guys have been at war with their counterparts, the Dyvils, forever. Look where it has gotten them, nowhere century after century.
Back to the mission, we will get into the city or wherever Ictinus is and rescue him from what I can only imagine are demons guarding him from escape or rescue while torturing him or playing mind games on his head to get him to cooperate with their evil agenda.
That is the real evil with these demons in Hades, they break men until they are as evil as the demons who abuse them. I am afraid Ictinus will break if he has not already. It is only a matter of time in Hades. The only peace of mind I have is that he is still alive.

Days later . . .

Arrived today in the outskirts of Shek’Ra.
Stopped to collect intelligence.
Locals number higher than I can count.
Lots of rumors. People would promise me ten of anything for a deposit, to pick my pocket, or ambush me.
The one consistent rumor is that Atlanteans were being rounded up and taken inside the city. There is a bounty on them and painful punishment for any who withhold information on the existence and whereabouts of any and all Atlanteans. Supposedly, it wasn’t always like that.

Also, the Atlantean special forces search and rescue team are humbled at the number of demons in this city. That and the fact that it is on a ley line nexus with a stone pyramid has upset them a great deal.
This is NOT a battle they can win by brutal force alone. They have to be discrete and stealth or they will give themselves away and be killed or rounded up and be made the property of a demon strong enough to take them.
My magic pigeons head straight to the city. It is obvious Ictinus is in the city of demons, probably as one of the Atlanteans they round.

I wonder if they, the demons, know what they have?

Days later

The Undead Slayer finally lowered himself to ask for my help. After sulking in his tent and brainstorming with his crew he got the idea that he should at least ask me if I could think of anything before they have to infiltrate the city without getting captured or killed.
After talking with them, they suddenly had one of my great ideas. Through a combination of threats and suggestions of reward, the merchant, with some help from my empathic suggestion and a few spell castings remembered something. He could sort of draw a map, as best he could recall, of the city starting at the entrance.
Then I stripped him of his clothes and tried them on. Found a tailor and had a fitting. With better fitting clothes I can not pass for the man as long as it is not anyone who doesn’t really remember him and his eyes. The plan is to enter the city with the merchant in the back with a knife to his throat. I will use telepathy to speak with him without anyone overhearing us when we try to enter the city. Anything goes wrong and he will go painfully dead. The rest of it, we will rely on my spells to compel him to get us safely into the city.
The one part of the ever evolving plan that worries me is the difficulty looking around the city without being seen. Demons can see the invisible as one of their natural abilities. While humans, and mortals in general, are considered so far beneath them they might treat us like ants and step on us because they are bored and we aren’t supposed to be in the front lawn of the Demons.

Days later.

We rehearsed going into the city and what could go wrong and what to do if it does. I have broken the merchant and repeatedly interrogated and conditioned him into complying with my commands. He believes he will be taken from this dimension and released after he is safely out of Hades. Just as important, he believes that he and anyone he loves will be tortured to death by the minions of the demons, if we are caught. IF we are not caught he believes he could be overlooked but that regardless we will take him out of this dimension to an Atlantean one where he will be safe from the Demons of Hades and their followers.

The Atlantean Tattooed men have disguised themselves as non-Atlantean slaves. The property of the merchant caravan.
The plan is, once inside they are supposed to go to a sort of inn for mortals. Officially, he is not supposed to leave without saying goodbye and “honor” the Duke of the city. Also, he has to make an appointment to use the stone ziggurat to use it. I hope to find my boy, Ictinus during this time period.

Only a few challenges remain:
How to find Ictinus in the city without giving ourselves away before grabbing him and Rifting out of Hades.
The second, unanticipated, challenge is the rescue of more than the one Atlantean. To the search and rescue team it is a secondary objective but they must at least consider the opportunity to rescue any Atlantean, from the Aerihman clan, and ONLY the Aerihman clan. The others they can leak information about and their own respective clans can send their own special forces to rescue them.
Third, message my old team that I am leaving with “him.” I trust they will understand that "him" is the Atlantean (Ictinus).

Hoping for the best, Knight One, sends a magic pigeon to knight two only to find it fly into the stone city. Then again he sends another pigeon to knight Two only to see it circle around the city’s shanty town.
It is enough to make Knight One believe his old squad is here in Hades. They might have their own plans to rescue Ictinus and he must wait until after they have spoken to each other.

Knight One
Leader and 7th Level Mystic Knight (On his way to 8th)

Alignment: Aberrant

IQ12, M.E.11, M.A.16*(40% trust), P.S.25, P.P.10, P.E.15, P.B.11, Spd.30

Hit Points: 41
S.D.C.: 36
ISP: 61
PPE: 107

W.P. Sword +3 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Knife +5 to strike, +8 to parry
W.P. Shield +3 to parry
W.P. Energy Pistol +3 to strike
W.P. Energy Rifle: +3 to strike

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts 7th level
+5 on initiative,
7 attack per melee round,
+2 to strike
+6 to disarm, +4 to entangle,
+5 to parry and dodge
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18+
W.P. Paired Weapons, Can perform Holds

Language: (Native) American 98% & Dragonese 83%
Literate: American 75%

Horsemanship: Knight: 65%/55%
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals: 75%/65%
Boxing, Running
Land Navigation 75%
Lore: Magic 65%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 75%
Espionage: Disguise: 62%, Impersonation: 84% (general)/70% (specific)
Military: Leadership, Military Etiquette: 90%, *Military Fortification 70%
Rogue: Imitate Voices & Sounds: 76%/70%, Seduction: 48%

O.C.C. Related Skills: (6):
Gymnastics, Law (general) 80%,
Lore: D-Bee: 65%, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 65%,
Lore: Psychics and Psionics 70%, Prowl: 55%

3rd level: (1): Field Intelligence Advanced Training:
Detect Ambush: 65%, Intelligence: 63%, Interrogation: 60%,
Math: Basic: 95%, Optic Systems: 70%
+5 on Perception Rolls involving Strategic Assessment and
I.D. strength and weakness of Enemy Personnel

Secondary Skills: (3):
HoverCraft: Ground 80%, Performance: 60%,
Radio: Basic 70%
Secondary Skills: 7th level: (1):
Research: 40%

Armor of Ithan (10), Aura of Death (12), Aura of Power (4), Charismatic Aura (10), Charm (12),
Compulsion (20), Energize Spell (12+), Fists of Fury (10 or 50), Invisibility to Sensors (20),
Invisibility: Simple (6), Lifeblast (15), Magic Pigeon (20), Magic Shield (6), Meteor (75),
Power Weapon (35), Sheltering Force (20), Superhuman Endurance (12), Sustain (12),
Tongues (12), Words of Truth (15)

Alter Aura (2), Ectoplasmic Disguise (12; 70 minutes; 84%), Empathy (4),
Empathic Transmission (6; uses to build trust or intimidate), Meditation (0)*,
Mind Block (4), Nightvision (4), Resist Fatigue (4), See Aura (6), See the invisible (4),
Sense Evil (4), Sixth sense (2), Speed Reading (2), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2)

Equipment of Note:
Northern Gun Energy Rifle.
Bushman Trooper (90 MD; desert camo)-Full Environmental Body Armor.
Night vision goggles.
Combat Fatigues and boots, Northern Gun-S2 Basic Survival Pack, Digital Watch.
Radio headset, Silver plated knife, survival knife, Steal Sword, Writing journal, Backpack. Two Canteens.
Wooden cross. Wooden stakes (12). Disguise kit. Hygiene kit.

"Souvenir" (French word, "recollection" or "memory")
A few bones from the things they have slayed crossing the desert.
Mason jar of sand from the desert of Taut.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Hades. Shantytown outside of the Demon city of Shek’Ra.

Present: Knight One and the Aerihman Atlantean search and rescue team
Mission objective: Get the Aerihman Atlantean Ictinus out of Hades.

Knight One, “My team is outside the city. They can help us.”
Undead Slayer, “We don’t need anyone's help. And we don’t want to nursemaid anyone else!”
Knight One, “I’m NOT leaving my team behind.”
Undead Slayer, “You want to stay? Stay. I put the mission first. It’s time to decide, go with us or go away!”
Knight One says, “I’ll go my own way.”
Walking off he makes himself invisible then darts to the right and looks back. He is being watched
by the Atlanteans.
Running to the nearest crowd knight One cancels his invisibility and blends in.

Wearing the merchant's clothes he moves about freely. He only has to deal with the occasional
pickpocket and mugger.
Being “persuasive” he acquires a guide to take him to gladiator training schools outside the city.

A few days pass.

By process of trial and error as well as magic pigeons
When they are in radio range they finally find each other.


Knight One recognize his knights. He has to telepathically signal them.
Knights Two salutes knight One.
Knight Four tries to hide his fear. What did Knight One go through when he went away with the Executor. What did Knight ONe learn?
Knight Two briefs knight One on what happened.

What have knights Two & Four, Enrique, Medea, the necromancer, Hy (Atlantean Nomad) been doing?

They dismiss the idea that Hy (their Atlantean) would be safe if they turn him over. Best guess is
that they would never see him again and the team would be stuck in Hades.
Between Two, Four, and Hy wanting to search for other Atlanteans the rest go along with it.

Four gets the idea to impersonate an Atlantean and spread the word that they have one as bait for a trap.
Those who come to “take” an Atlantean are neutralized. Typically with a shot from Two’s rifle as he snipes them.
Either they will get an Atlantean to come to them or eliminate the competition in searching for them.
Through sheer determination and luck (01 critical success) they remarkably found six.

They only waited for Knight One to return, then Hy created a Rift and they ALL arrived as near to Lazlo
in Rifts Earth as he could place them.

The Atlanteans collapse and cry tears like they never have before. The green forest is like a dream to
them. The sunlight hurt their eyes and they had to keep them closed but were constantly afraid that if
they did it would all disappear or they would wake up.
Using a radio they team pays for a hover vehicle to pick them up and fly them into the city. They are safely
taken to the Atlantean enclave. There the Aurelous Atlantean clan take their brethren in.

The Atlanteans gorge themselves on food and leap into warm baths. Everywhere else feels so cold to them
now. Soon after they are thoroughly examined by healers and put in their healing pyramid to recuperate.
The elders of the temple thank the adventurers for rescuing their brother and sister Atlanteans for Hades.
Sitting at the table with them they go round and share their stories of what happened.
Hy (an Atlantean of the Aurelous clan) speaks highly of the mystic knights and their heroic saving of
the lives of Atlanteans; one of which is from their own clan.
After the meal the mystic knights share the video emphasizing Ictinus as a brave and heroic vampire slayer. Regardless, the knights look impressive themselves.
They share how they worked with an Atlantean Stone Master to defend him and the construction site.
Then stayed to defend it after its completion. Leaving only to rescue the Stone Master after he was
kidnapped and
when security forces were there to take over the defense of the pyramid.
The knights explain that they returned the Atlanteans because they could. Now that they have, they
need to go back to Hades to rescue their Atlantean (Ictinus) and any others they can find.
The elder asks that they rest a day or two in order to recover their energy level. They also want to see
if they can send tattooed defenders with the knights. It will take time for them to get the word out. The
Aurelous clan is one of healing not war.
At the very least, the clan elders want to honor the heroes; especially the knights. They offer honorary
clan member status in the Aurelous clan. An honor that comes with the marks of heritage (at least the
tattoo of a heart with a stake through it; protection from vampires). The elders consider that the tattoo
can do no real harm to anyone. The knights have proven themselves as both rescuers of Atlantean people
and vampire slayers. Being that they are the enemy of vampires it is not that far of a stretch that they will
kill vampires again so they will need all the help they can get. They are only human too and vulnerable to a vampire’s influence. Besides, they are not as long lived as Atlanteans and can only go on fighting for 10 or 20
more years before they are too old and slow.

The next thing they know the knights are recovering in a stone pyramid after having gotten a magic
tattoo. By the second day the stabbing pain has subsided into a dull throb and only hurts when they
move. After two days in the healing pyramid and cared for by the Atlantean healers they rise more
powerful than ever.

-Heart impaled by wooden stake (P.P.E. cost to activate 30; protection from vampires)
Duration 1 hour per level of experience.

Power: The character is impervious to the bite (cannot be turned into
a vampire or enslaved), and mind control powers of vampires and
related species of undead.

Note: A vampire can still bite, punch, etc. hurt and even kill.

When the magic tattoo is first activated, a wooden stake and cross
appears, one in each hand. BOTH disappear when the duration ends.
Add 10 points to S.D.C. and six to P.P.E.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

After bathing the team of knights 1, 2 and 4 catch up over breakfast.
First Atlantean magic tattoo. The process was excruciating but the Atlantean healers of the Aurelous clan are the best they have ever met. While the healing pyramid gave them the greatest night’s sleep of their lives. Even the dreams they had of knight 3 and the Atlantean Ictinus were good and they dreamed about them being in Hades.
In the dream of Ictinus, he was doing what he loved and saving Atlanteans.
While knight 3 was fighting in a gladiatorial arena.

Pooling their information:
Reviewing the facts they have learned from knight 3:
-They took the Atlantean (Ictinus) because he’s a Stone Master. A Shifter wanted to get rich and powerful by using him to fix and improve the stone ziggurat.
-The Atlantean (Ictinus) is doing the job.
-His efforts have saved the lives of hundreds of mortal beings.
-He gave the Shifter his estimate of 500 days to finish the job.
-He made the number up. He had never done the job before and didn’t precisely know what he was doing. He guessed based on his education, limited experience, and tripled the number.
-He finished the pyramid’s control room which to his relief actually saved 10% of the energy costs of opening a Rift.
-Now he works in a fashion not for greatest efficiency in finishing the job but in looking impressive to the demons who oversee him.
-He works out from the pyramid’s control room making the walls, floor, and ceiling look good.
-Some of the pyramid’s problems were that it was not maintained. So the Stone Master is restoring the stones. A methodical and slow process. Fortunately, it is working and the pyramid is gradually becoming more efficient, safe, and stable.
-They have sent some of the slaves whose lives were spared and two Atlanteans through a Rift. Typically, one of the two Atlanteans returns to tell the Stone Master they are alive and the world they are on is good (compared to Hades).
-Knight 3 and Lady Black are fighting in the demon’s gladiatorial arena.

Knight One speaks, “We should focus on planning their rescue. We know they are in the Demon city of Shek’Ra. It is not a place where humans can move around freely without being troubled by lesser demons or their mortal servants. So we need to get them out. It’s time to brainstorm. I want all ideas out on the table. Let’s go.”

What follows is a creative strategy session:
-Find a supernatural being in Lazlo who can enter the city and find their people.
-HIre an adventure party with unique abilities suited for the mission.

Knight One, “I like that you have ideas and put the goal of our mission first. I just want us to be the reason our Atlantean returns. If we hire out the job there won’t be any honor or fortune in it for us. We will consider the outsourcing of the rescue a last resort. Besides, we are broke. We would have to beg for help or have to find those who would work on credit.”

Knight Four, “What about the Atlantean Tattooed Defenders?”
Knight One, “Busy rescuing other Atlanteans or defending their clan’s interests. Best guess is, we will have to wait at least a month or two before an Atlantean team will be available. Others just don’t have the experience or power levels to be likely to survive the mission.”
Knight Two, “Power levels?”
Knight One, “They increase their power with these magic tattoos. Basically, only their military is allowed to use them. Their government and culture forbid anyone in or out of their society from getting more than six tattoos unless they are military. The tattoos are guns and limiting people to six is gun control. Only the tattoos are more like fireballs and Armor of Ithan. After seven tattoos people become immune to harm from small arms fire. Also, you become something like 10 times stronger and tireless.”
Knight Two, “Is that what would happen to us if we got seven?”
Knight One, “And we would also lose our magical abilities. Including, my guess, our immunity to energy weapons and our ability to cast the spells we already know.”
Knight Two, “That’s some trade off . . .”
Knight One, “IF we get any more magic tattoos, bodies can’t take the damage if we don’t wait six months to a year before the next one.”
Knight Two, “So, even IF we got a tattoo for every spell we know, it would take years. It would depend on the Atlanteans who give them to us. They would expect our loyalty when we have already sworn an oath to our Order, the Order of the Mystic Knights. The Order who trained us and without which we would not have the powers that we do.”
Knight One, “We can have outside loyalties as long as the Order comes first and our alliances do not run counter our Order’s interests. The head of our Order is himself an Atlantean of the Aerihman clan. He did not forsake his loyalties to his clan. He just added one to our Order.”
Knight Four, “So there is no contradiction, only addition, additional loyalties.” Looking at the new magic tattoo on his wrist of a heart with a stake through it. “As long as they coincide and not run against.”
Knight One, “No loyalty to our enemies.”
Knight Four, “Only our allies.”
Knight Two, “Just to be clear. Who are our allies?”
Knight One, “Knight Three and Ictinus.”
Knight Two, “Is that all? What about the Dog Boys?”
Knight One, “Hired hands we kept our word to and paid in advance.”
Knight Two, “I meant, the other Dog Boys . . . Sir Wyatt”
Knight One, “We like Dog Boys. I like those Dog Boys. I like Wyatt. He never got in our way. Helped when it lined up with what he already believed in. Never threatened us. He’s not our enemy. Not our hired hand. As long as he doesn’t get in our way I don’t mind his FREE help when he’s around.”
Knight Two, “And Lady Black?”
Knight One, “She likes fighting too much to stay in any place for too long. Once the challenge is gone, she moves on to find another one. She’s just passing through.”
Knight Four, “What about the rest of those Dog Boys (Cerberus)?”
Knight One, “They are still figuring themselves out. Getting smarter though. Their loyalty is diminishing from the abuses and neglect they suffered from their CS leaders. Their true loyalties are to their instincts; to protect Man and hunt the supernatural predators that prey upon him.”
Knight Four, “The necromancer?”
Knight One, “Is a rich man now. We are in Lazlo. Probably sold those bones for a fortune. I doubt we will see him again. He has no need of us. Nor we him.”
Knight Two, “Medea?”
Knight One, “The last time I saw that old lady, she was taking a nap in the healing pyramid. I am guessing she left her earnings back at the mining town or our stone pyramid. Expect she will be back for it or send someone for it. She’s a reliable hired hand worth her wages.”
Knight Four, “The Burster?”
Knight One, “Gots guts and is one fine cook. He will do well in Lazlo. Regardless, he goes where he wants. As far as his pay situation, it's the same as Medea.”
Knight Four, “Maybe we should ask him, does he want to come with us.”
Knight One, “He could die in Hades.”
Knight Four, “So could we all.”
Knight One, “Then I should ask everyone. Two. Will you join me in Hades? Rescue our Atlantean and Three?”
Knight Two, without hesitation, “NEVER leave a man behind!”
Knight One, “Woo Yeah. Fierce as fu@k. Courageous. Decisive. Loyal. You are the best man I ever served with. And you (looking at Knight Four)?”
Knight Four, “I’m in.”
Knight One, “I should share with you. I came to Hades with an Aerihman clan search and rescue team. I told their team leader, an undead slayer, my team was in the shantytown. I wasn’t going to leave them behind. We disagreed over it, so I went to find you guys. It didn’t hurt that you had Hy (Atlantean with the power to create Rifts) with you. My point is, they are there and may have made a move to secure our Atlantean. IF they did and got him back, well there’s that. Either way, I don’t believe they would take Three with them. Their only loyalty is to their own clan.”
Knight Two, “I have to be certain he wasn’t left behind.”
Knight Four, “Will the Atlanteans be ‘upset’ if they see you again?”
Knight One, “I disappointed them. I didn’t harm or steal. Truth is, I don’t know how they feel about me. Best guess, they aren’t thinking about me at all. Their minds on their mission.”
Knight Two, “As ours should be.”
Knight One, “I’ll send a message to the Order updating them. We need to plan our mission and acquire what equipment and supplies we will need. It’s all about getting in and out with our people.”
Knight Four, “What if we let our Atlantean finish what he started, with the Stone ziggurat?”
Knight One, “Does anyone believe, after he finished with the pyramid, they would let him go?”
Knight Four, “What about the Atlantean slaves? They could be punished if we leave with our man.”
Knight One, “There are millions of slaves in Hades. They are ALL suffering. IF not a small number of Atlanteans, it will be another people. We aren’t going to end the Demons of Hades or stop their reign of slavery that has been going on forever. We are just going to save those for whom we have given our loyalty, and are good for business (looking at the magic tattoo on his wrist).”
Knight Four, “But what IF our man doesn’t want to leave? What if he has gone native?”
Knight One, “That’s a GOOD question. I like smart people, Four. He’s coming with us whether he wants to or not. After we have him, we will take him to where his clansmen are. Let him tell them we took him out of Hades against his will and how he wants to go back so finish the job he started for the Demons of Hades. No he’s going to shut up real quick. The job of rescuing any Atlanteans from Hades can be picked up by their Tattooed Defenders. That is what they are for.”

The discuss more things and the mission plan:
The biggest issue is how to get inside of a city of Demons without being attacked for being there in the first place.
The second, once there, finding our people inside the city.
When we and our people are all in the same place, at the same time, the time it takes to Rift out without getting squished or them jumping through stealing our seats on the plane ride home.
Since demons can see the invisibility it won’t work as a way to search the city. That leaves disguise or getting them to somehow come to us. Since they are prisoners they can’t really go anywhere their jailers don’t won’t them to go. For our Atlantean that the stone ziggurat. For Three it is the gladiatorial arena. The only other place I can think of is where they sleep and we don’t know where that is, assuming they are not moving them around. While the ziggurat and the arena are easy to find and don’t move.
We need two teams. One for our Atlantean, Ictinus. The other for knight Three.
So we need to ask clan Aurelous for a Tattooed Voyager or a Shifter because we don’t have the money to pay for one.
Who knew being an honorary clan member would come in handy so soon?

Team A. They have to get someone who can create a Rift home in the Arena.
Team B, while Team A is in the arena, will be in the stone ziggurat Rifting out our Atlantean Rifting him out.

How do we get into the arena up close to our man Three?
We go undercover as gladiators. When we are on the sand together we create the Rift and take off.

How do we get into the stone ziggurat?
We come through it Rifting into Hades. We literally step into the pyramid as we enter Hades.

We can’t enter the stone ziggurat as mere mortals. We need to be the servants or gladiatorial slaves of an Alien Intelligence or at least a super powerful being like an ancient dragon. So we need to find a supernatural being who will be our cover allowing us to enter the city through their stone ziggurat.
Knight Two shares how he entertained the idea of getting into the city by playing the part of gladiators. Though the idea could still work it just doesn’t explain how they could get into the stone ziggurat.

While in Lazlo, the team agrees to do some research in the city’s library. The team prints out a basic map of Hades and a book on general things about it and the city of Shek’Ra.
Seeing an opportunity, the knights trade information with scholars on their experiences in Hades.
In exchange, the knights collect the best information the scholars have available about the city of Shek’Ra, the stone ziggurat, the arena, and how gladiator matches are arranged.

Knight One gift’s the scholar his jar of sand from the desert of Taut.
The scholars arrange an introduction with an ancient dragon in the city.

The dragon wants to know what is in it for her to be toying with the Demons of Hades?
-There is a chance they, as gladiators, could win. Which would bring the dragon fame.
-The dragon would get to keep the prize.
The dragon points out, there is no guarantee the knights will win.
IF the knights lose, what’s in it for the Dragon?
The dragon would lose the ante for entering the knights as his champions. Also, she would lose status if she lets a trio of losers represent her. Then, after the escape number the knights are going to pull, she will look like a bad loser.
It only works IF they win and there is no certainty in that.

Leaving they return to the library and talk to the scholar again. They get another lead to a “different” being in the city.
Last edited by darthauthor on Sat Dec 16, 2023 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Atlantis. Arena

Present: Sgt Wyatt.

Sir Wyatt has agreed to fight a gladiatorial match in place of another Dog Boy as part
of a large deal to save some slaves.

Sir Wyat, "I am Sergeant Wyatt. I am here to rescue you.'
Mari, “You’re cute.”
Zora, “Aren't you a little short for a Dog Boy?”
Ella, “All the other male Dog Boys said the same. They are all dead now. I expect
you will be too; real soon.”
Wyatt, “They weren’t me.”
Zora, “What makes you think you are so different?”
Wyatt, “I’ve already saved your sister, that CS grunt, and, what, at least two dozen
humans. Did you believe that would happen?”
Ella, “The only difference between you and them is you weren’t a prisoner like us. You
are a fool if they think you are getting out of here alive. You are as dead as the last
Dog Boy who was in here.”
Wyatt, “I understand . . . You’ve lost people close to you . . . You went through a lot
together. I’m going to do everything in my power to get you, ALL of you, out alive.”
Zora, “I gave up lying to myself after Karl died.”
Wyatt, “So be honest with me. What can I expect in the next fight?.”
Ella, “It is whatever they feel like the day before or of.”
Zora, “They also change it without telling us.”
Mila, “It won’t be the last one. It won’t be a simple sword fight. But its ancient weapons
only. The larger the better. They really want us to feel the kill and see us do it. Only the
hired gladiators can bring handguns but that’s for duels and gunfights. Don’t want any
slave taking a shot at the crowd when they are about to die. It’s unlikely to put a
dent in anyone but they’d get offended like we tried to spit on them.”

About an hour later . . .

The light of the sun comes piercing down as if there were no clouds and it was the
hottest day in Mexico. It might as well be a spotlight.
Walking on to the wooden ship Wyatt could tell it’s new, like really new, like no
one used it before.
This boat was made to be destroyed.
Looking over at the three Dog Girls he asks, “Have you done this before?”
Casting off the lines while the slaves pull the boards out, the 15th century era
pirate ship slides into the water and gets carried away by the current.

Dog Boys on water

Looking over the side Wyatt can see all the way down to the bottom thanks to
some bioluminescence and whatever strange magics are at work that make the
water so clear. The smell of salt water permaties the air. They even brought in

The other ships have entered the water on the other sides of the arena.

The arena is a giant fish bowl and I'm floating at the top of it; in a boat. It must have cost a billion credits! MORE! Boy when you are rich. You are RICH! These guys are the richest guys on the planet. The RICHEST there has ever been in the entire history of the world. Maybe richer than anybody, EVER, like in the history of EVER!

Nautical bells sound off the start of the competition.

The crowd holler at the spectacle of the ships put into the aquatic coliseum.

An announcer's voice booms across the arena:
“Today’s match will be on and below the waves. The surprise of the match is
the predators beneath the sea can eliminate anyone any time. They had better
hurry up and finish each other before the sea monsters do . . .
. . . But wait, there’s more . . .
Each ship has a prize, a treasure chest in each other's ships. There’s also a bonus
chest at the bottom of the sea. IF you finish with it, the slaves get to have both
their ship and freedom. A little incentive to take the PLUNGE!”

The live band plays.

Beneath the waves from the center of the bottom a cloud of bubbles marks the
release of something in the water.

Wyatt could feel magic in the air and water begin to churn.
His jaw dropped. They even have wizards or elementals at their command to make waves and storms.
Icebergs or at least sheets one can stand on began to appear. Their size and thickness are obviously
something you can stand on. They might even be hazards if a ship gets too close.
While the small localized tornados; more like twisters come out of nowhere. Someone is controlling
them or they are air elemental. Wyatt can’t tell which. They are not moving about freely. They are
more decorative in their location and movement.
Wyatt gets the feeling the hazards are there to drive the ships together and keep them bunched up.

The Dog Girls race to search the ship.
Mila quickly arms herself with a trident.
Ella is armed herself with a polearm.
Zora has a pirate’s cutlass.
All Wyatt can find is a whip and some rope he makes into a lasso.
The Dog Girls begin steering the ship on a collision course with another ship.
Sea Dogs, Wyatt thought to himself. At least Mila.
Last edited by darthauthor on Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Lazlo
A Shifters Guild

Present: A D-Bee Shifter, a Rogue Scholar from the library, Knights One, Two, and Four.

With the usual pleasantries over, the mystic knights proposal is discussed with the Shifter.

Rogue Scholar:
“What we ask is for you to be the official sponsor of the mystic knights in the arena of Shek’Ra. We will put up the entry fee, after we have learned what amounts, and after we have had the time to acquire the resources. You will provide the mystic knights with a Rift into the stone Ziggurat. As well as performing the service required for them to gain legitimate entry into the arena of Shek’Ra.
They will participate until the opportunity arises to rescue their teammates. When the time comes, you use your profession's unique ability to teleport home.
This will upset the ruler of the city, the Jinn Disc, and make him look bad but NOT be bad for one of the Demon Lords over him, with whom you have an established relationship or one with someone close to him. What’s bad for Disc is good for your Demon patron whom you never have or ever will name.
I trust you will give it some thought. As I trust you will network it around some of your connections between your fellow Shifters and one or more of the Demons you have ‘talks’ with. Whatever you decide, I will ‘ask’ you to get back to me in a week or two or sooner IF you should come to a decision. IF you don’t get back to me, I will have a ‘talk’ with someone ‘else’ about it.”

Location: Hades.
The Demon City of Shek’Ra
Shanty-Town outside the city check-point enterance.

The Atlantean Special Forces team of Tattooed Defenders.
Team Meeting:
Undead Slayer (Team Leader), “None of us can pass for the merchant. We have to use him or find someone else to take his place. Knight One is gone. Psionic powers show him wandering the shanty town in disguise.
No radio chatter about him.
No demon search parties for him.
We better take action just in case he is captured or leaks information that may have get around to the demons of Shek’Ra’s security."

Entering the city.
The merchant turns on the Atlanteans.

They slaughter 53 of the mortal slave guards at the front gate before one of them drops and the rest escape.
Demonic forces search the shanty town and bounties are posted on the Atlantean Search and Rescue team.

Regrouping the team lead decides they need another approach. He orders their Tattooed Voyager to Rift them out.
The Voyager, who goes last, is restrained as others run through the open Rift. Those forces who made the trip have a fight with demons and survive but the demons escape.
The voyager’s limbs are cut off, by a demon, during interrogation to ensure he can’t create a Rift out or use powers to fight or flee. The once great and heroic Aerihman Tattooed Voyager is now a quadriplegic. He only survived because the demons didn’t want his suffering to end.
They also considered disabling him as a loophole in the bane on killing Atlanteans.
Part of his survival was because of how tough he is, the other is the emergency medical attention he received from Lt Ezra and they mortal slaves trained to keep humans alive during and after torture.
Afterward, as an added torture, cybernetics are added to the Atlantean. It appears one of the Demons guests or servants is or brought a cyber-doc. The installation was with the knowledge of Atlantean’s taboo against cybernetics; especially machine looking ones. So that is exactly what they did to him.
The Tattooed Voyager has effectively been made into Darth Vader but a lot less pretty more like a demonic General Grievous.
It will take weeks to months before the patient is able to physically adjust to the cybernetics. The procedure has left the Atlantean without the ability to use magic and any of the remaining tattoos on his trunk (which have been burned and cut out (but will regrow). While the scars on the inside his psyche have left him with fears (multiple phobias) and undiagnosed insanities.

Living quarters for the Atlanteans.

Present: Ictinus (the Atlantean Stone Master), Lady Black, Knight Three, Dozens of Atlanteans.

After being carried to the Atlantean quarter the Tattooed voyager is shown as a warning.
Although it is considered that the Atlantean slaves did not attempt to escape, the demons want to appear dominant and powerful. The only way to survive and avoid as much pain as possible is to submit to their will. Those who attempt to defy them best give themselves a quick death before they suffer what they have in store for them.

Knight Three quickly assesses the situation and telepathically informs the Atlanteans that the cybernetics are bugged with audio and video surveillance devices.

Lady Black wants to kill but has to restrain herself as such an attack she believes she would be outnumbered and may get Atlanteans maimed or even killed in the process. She considers killing the now cyborg Atlantean, as an act of mercy, but can’t seem to bring herself to do it.

The Aerihman Atlantean (although, no one can tell since his arms are gone) is still unconscious and being kept that way by Lt Ezra with drugs. For now, he just wants him to be pain free and not have to deal with his condition, at least until after everyone has had some time to settle down.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Mexico
Somewhere in the desert

Knights One, Two, and Four.
An inexperienced Atlantean Tattooed Defender (Combat Medic): Galena
Transporter: Shifter from Lazlo
A Rogue Scholar
A young Necromancer from Lazlo
A Warlock: Fire & Water
A young Cyber-Knight on his first real mission.

Stepping through the Shifter’s Rift the party walks out onto the sands of the Mexican Desert.
The Shifter is the last one to exit his Rift.

Forming a circle the three knights (dressed like Desert Storm U.S. Army Rangers) and one tattooed defender wait and watch for trouble. They are dressed like U.S. soldiers who stepped off the plane in Afghanistan. The uniforms were provided by the Shifter Guild. The knights were told they came by them. They are not high tech but they are well suited for the desert. No MD armor suits but lightweight and well suited for where they are.

Knight One, “I can’t believe I took a job for this little. Three for the price of one, at that.”
Knight Four, “We are building our reputation and good faith with the Shifter’s Guild and
the Aurelous Atlantean Clan. Also, team building working together with a Tattooed Defender
who needs some experience. Besides, it gives us an excuse to try out our new magic tattoos.”
Knight Two, “It could be no real work at all being an escort mission.”
After several minutes of looking at the terrain through binoculars the knights regroup.
Putting a map of Mexico down and orienting it with the true North they look for landmarks.
The female Warlock says, “I can sense a campfire (pointing) that way.”

Knight One replies, “Thanks. Now we know which way to go. Alright people, our mission is to get everyone, safely, to the prison colony. Once there, our cyber-knight crusader, over there, (pointing at the young man in knight armor) will take over the duty of your protection. Then we will return to Lazlo with the Shifter.
We know the colony is within 50 miles of where we landed. With the terrain and temperature being what it is, I expect we will average 10 miles a day. At night, we will be on duty to deal with any threats as they appear.”

With his telepathy on, Knight One uses it to glance over the surface thoughts of the rest of the passengers.

The necromancer:
Name, Eli. Officially here for a job at the prison. Real reason to get away from his parents and try to be a hero. He’s blind. Lost his tongue too. Face and body are horribly scarred. There are treatments but he won't let anyone touch him, not even to heal him.
He was once a student of magic studying to be a mage when the CS got hold of him a few years ago. Let their psi-stalkers hunt him for sport and to feed off. Parents hired a bounty hunter to rescue him; no questions asked. He returned with him but he was broken. They cut his tongue and eyes out.
A necromancer came across him and took him in as a student. Taught him how to attach body parts to himself and some spells so he can see through the eyes of the dead and speak with their tongue. Something those he used to know too unnerving. He had to get away from everyone that used to know him. He’s not the person anymore.

The Warlock:
A young female medical doctor from Lazlo. She feels she needs to get some c
ountry experience but she is a city girl. She has a list of things she wants to accomplish:
-Kill a vampire.
-Practice medicine on a variety of medical problems and D-Bees.
-Set up an electric green energy generator at the colony.
-Learn how to speak and read Spanish from the Rogue Scholar.

The Professor:
Came for a little adventure and to teach at the colony. A little absent minded. Keeps forgetting his glasses are on his head. He thinks he can make a difference. If not, then at least he wants to come back in four years with some stories.

The Cyber Knight:
The D-Bee was given the mission of checking up on the cyber knight warden of the prison colony. He has not sent back any reports or replied to any magic pigeons in so long people are getting worried and want to know he is still alive.

Knight One and Four cast a “Sustain” spell on Eli and the professor to ensure they do not suffer dehydration. The knights had already cast it upon each prior to leaving.
They spent the rest of the daylight walking.
The land is dust, dry and HOT. Not as hot as Hades but it is good practice for when they plan to go back.
Near sunset a secluded and secure location is established.
After digging a hole and after nightfall they create two “Sheltering Force” tents. They make some camouflage over them to disguise their existence and location.

The waiting was not too bad. With the night-vision goggles and their sixth sense psionic powers no one is going to sneak up on them.

The Atlantean Combat Medic alerts Knight One that one or more vampires are in the area. They can feel them. Knight One radios it in to the two other mystic knights
Making some noise and squeezing out a drop of blood the knights wait in ambush. Then a pair of wild vampires stray into the vicinity. The knights feel like the wild vampires are nothing compared to what they have seen.

Running towards Knight One he turns on his magic tattoo of resistance to vampire powers. Then the wild
vampires stop as they are struck by arrows. It surprises them. A magic net appears out of nowhere and
falls about the two vampires.
The Warlock says, “Wait. Let me.”
A cloud of steam appears over the vampires in the magic net. They scream like its acid.
Then she creates some water out of thin air over one of the vampires. Its head is gone. All that remains of him are his four limbs.
Conjuring forth his flaming sword the Tattooed Defender runs the remaining wild vampire through repeatedly.
For good measure the Warlock creates another dose of water over the bodies of what remains of the wild vampires.
They all wait and watch as the cloud of steam runs its duration.
Knight Two burns the spot where they were with magic fire to be doubly sure.

When dawn comes they leave at first light.

Casting "Superhuman Endurance" on the necromancer and the professor allows for a good two hour
sprint while it is still cool in the morning. Of course, it is only a sprint as fast of a pace as the slowest
can keep up. That is, until they figure they had better carry the slow ones for practice. Only the terrain
and caution slow them down.
They effectively cover eight miles in two hours.
They pause to rest for one hour while drinking some water.
At high noon they cast Superhuman Endurance again and it is another run fest.
Best guess is that they covered 20 miles for the day.

Settling up camp the knights reconnoiter the area. They have checked the local landscape for ambush points, dangerous animals and signs of monsters and found nothing.

Before sun down the party has holes dug and “sheltering force” and camouflage in place.
The knights have already taken turns catching three hour naps for sleep while the sun was out.

Knights Two and Four continue to discreetly use necromancer necklaces to see in the dark.
The night goes by long and slow and without event.

By dawn's early light they stretch out, pack up and leave.
Using “Superhuman Endurance” again the party covers more ground.

They happen upon sight of the colony through binoculars and arrive later.

It is an impressive sight. The colony of Rowen.
Walls surround most of the colony but the entrance is wide. At either side are tall stone statues of what the party can only guess are cyber knights without armor. Once inside, to the left and right are residences made of stone while in the center is a small stone ziggurat. There is no sense of a ley line and the construction looks relatively new.
The people there stop what they are doing and stare.
The look of them says they don’t often get visitors.
A man comes out in suit of ancient armor walking with confidence and pride.
Knight in armor, “Greetings. Welcome to the colony of Rowen."
Knight One salutes while turning on his telepathy.
Mind Block.
After knight One’s salute is returned he steps aside and introduces the young D-Bee cyberknight.
After some introductions the party is taken indoors to get out of the sun.

Young Cyberknight, “You have not reported in.”
The Warden, “I'm a busy man.”
Knight One asks, “Busy with what?”
The Warden, “I don’t answer to you.”
Knight One, “Or your Order, it would seem.”
Even though the Wardens helmet covers his eyes Knight One can feel the angry glare at him.
The Warden, “I’d like you to leave now.”
Touching the minds of the Atlantean combat medic, Knight One asks, “My sixth sense is not going off. Atlantean, let me know if get any vibes about anything wrong with this guy or the people here.”
Atlantean Combat Medic (out loud), “I’m a medic. I will inspect the people here before I leave.”
The Warden, “Why?”
Knight One, “Would you rather we ALL leave?”
The Warden, “Yes.”
Knight One, “Well, I’m not one to stay where I am not welcome. Our mission is accomplished. We can all leave now. Each and EVERY one of us.”
The Warden, “Fine.”
Knight One, “No, it's NOT fine.”
The Warden, “Whatever game you're playing, I don’t want any part of it. You said you were leaving. Now I’m leaving.”
He gets up and walks toward the exit.
Knight One, “You didn’t ask about your new hires.”
Turning over his shoulder the two stare at each other.
“I’m hot and tired. I don’t have time for this.”
The Warden leaves to go outside.
Knight One telepathically broadcast, “He’s avoiding us. Also, it seemed like he forgot or didn’t know people came here for a job. Let’s talk to the locals. Find out what’s been going on here.”
The Atlanteans can’t quite get a read on the Warden cyber knight with his mind block up and with the armor and helmet he is wearing (conceals most of his features).

Turning on his power of psionic empathy while telepathy is still on knight One speaking with those around.
They don’t say it but they are afraid of the cyber knight.
Some think that there are two cyber knights.
Some think that the same cyber knight is a supernatural being who can be at two places at the same time.
The young cyber knight uses his skill of Anthropology and between him and Knight One figures a few things out:

The Colony

Orientation: Tight Bonds

Type & Size: Family Commune: 90 points to spend. 77 “residents”

Weapons and armor: none.

Medicine: The Basics. 4 points.

Agriculture: Fair: Enough to survive. 4 points.

Real Estate: Bad. Cost 1 point. Prevents runaways. Encourages teamwork.

Vehicles: Live Animals. No machine driven vehicles or fuel. 2 points.

Social Structure: Fearless Leader: The Warden Cyber Knight. 10 points.

Alignment: Mixed: Anarchist & Unprincipled: 4 points.

Magic: Basic Knowledge: 4 points.

Racial Tolerance: Tolerant. 7 points.

Trade: None.

Threats: Dangerous but survivable: 3 points.

Professionals: The newly arrived NPCs:
Warlock: Air and Water 8 points
Rogue Scholar (teacher): 5 points
Necromancer: 8 points

Education: Poor. Cost None.

Shelter: Good 7 points.

Security: None. Fend for themselves. Must band together or rely on a champion to defend them.

Energy: None.

Special Features:
-Cellars: 4 points.
-Hydroponics: 5 points
-Library: (Hard Bound paper books in Spanish. Collect from wherever the cyber-knight could find them and saved here).

-The colony is officially a prison.
-The cyber knight picked people he believed deserved a second chance.
-Typically prisoners are guilty of stealing food. Their families were starving.
-There are no murders, arsonists, or rapists.
-The Warden (cyber knight) got them transferred from other prisons or caught them himself. He used his influence as a cyber knight to persuade the local authorities to release the prisoners to his custody. Taking them out of one prison he brought them to this place and called it a colony. For their old jailers it was one less to feed; more for the rest. One less to watch.
-Every so often an official comes to inspect and account for the colony’s prison population making sure no one has escaped or something.
-Sometimes they bring new prisoners.
-The people's understanding is that if it doesn’t work out they have to go back to the old prison they were at or worse.
-There are NO guards, only trustees who have proven their trustworthiness.
-The occasional hard case inmate is allowed to run free without a map. They don’t make it 20 miles (32 Kilometers) before they get lost, drop from the heat and lack of water, or are taken out by wildlife or a vampire. Most return before nightfall. Those that don’t return, the cyber knight tracks down in one day; dead or alive.
-The nearest town/village is over 50 miles away (80 kilometers) and the prisoners don’t know which direction it is in or where they are in relation to anything. They are typically brought here blindfolded.
-Here they are allowed to bring their families and start over where they won’t be judged by their community for their past mistakes. The Warden considers the prisoners less likely to worry about their families or run away if they
are here.
-Two out of three people are D-Bees.
-They experienced great prejudice in normal life and prison.
-None of them are ugly.
-They mostly eat algae they grow.
-They have attempted to grow beans, maze, and squash.
-They have flock of goats and a couple of dogs
-Their last water warlock died. They have been surviving off their reservoir.

At the pleading of the people, the Warlock begins to create water. So she does.

Knight One is able to trick some people into admitting an Earth Warlock is responsible for most of the construction along with the golems. They did most of the heavy lifting.

The Atlantean combat medic says most are in alright health wise with some weird exceptions. Anxiety and stress.

-Using his telepathy, Knight One can tell many are thinking about the missing blocks of time when they can’t remember what happened. They also have nightmares.

The rogue scholar studying the local art is lost in the details of statues. He races to the knights and says he can tell the life size statues around the dwelling are people who have been turned to stone.

The Warlock shares that the two statues are golems so there must be an Earth Warlock around but he has not seen them.

The necromancer, Eli, looks around for a cemetery. Using a wishbone in both hands, Eli moves around until, like a scavenger on a beach with a metal detector, the bone vibrates and pulls him in the direction of graves or tombs. When a gravesite is located has been located the wishbone
stops vibrating.
Digging with his bone shovel he uncovers human remains.
Using a spell to “Object Read the Dead” he shares with the knight beside him the man suffered before dying but not with broken bones. Magical spells were not used to kill him. Been dead for a couple of months. He’s too dried out and what is left of his flesh and meat was eaten and sapped by wildlife and insects. It is impossible for Eli to say, by examining the body, if he died by vampire attack or heat stroke and the critters of the desert devoured what was left of him.

Knight One summarizes the facts to the young Cyber Knight and asks him what he is going to do about it.

Young Cyber Knight, “You turned people to stone. Made no mention of it. Explain yourself.”
Looking up from reading his book Los Miserables (Les Misérables) (Spanish Edition).
“Why should I? What are you going to do now that you have found out I didn’t?”
Young Cyber Knight, “I’ll arrest you in the name of the Cyber Knight Order.”
“Tell me, what law have I broken?”
The young Cyber Knight stood there flustered.
“You are responsible for your prisoners. They are petrified statues.”
“Requiring no food, shelter or water. Can’t catch a disease, get injured, or sick in any way. Don’t get too hot or cold. Can’t be bullies or the victims of them. And don’t add to the pressure of overpopulation. While immune to any powers of a vampire and if they are noticed at all, a vampire can’t get blood from a stone. Besides, look at their faces, do they look like terrified victims?”
Young Cyber Knight, “They serve ALL their years while petrified?”
The Warden, (Holding up his book), “And you think, what, five years in prison for stealing bread is justice. How about five more for defending themselves against racist inmates and prison guards? Because I asked the prisoners and their families, they consented to waiting out years of their sentence as statues. Some of their families even joined them hoping to wake up to a better time when the roots of evil: fear, ignorance, poverty, and prejudice are not as bad. Go on messenger BOY. Run back to the Order of the Cyber Knight and tell them what I’m doing. See what they do about it, all the way down here in Mexico.”
The young Cyber Knight “But . . . what . . . if . . . they . . don’t learn the error of their ways. Law and justice . . .”
The Warden (shouting), “Have a look at the other prisons down here. Most people, especially D-Bees without superstrength, die in prison. Nine out of 10 short timers, who survive, leave worse criminals than they went in. Older too, and not much in the way of jobs either, for ex-cons, except maybe hard labor a third to half the wages of those who didn’t steal or get caught. Where is the justice in that?”

The young Cyber Knight left the office with his tail between his legs.

Knight One:
“So many questions come to mind. Why do you keep your face concealed? And your mind shielded from powers of empathy and telepathy? You don’t want me to know what you are really feeling and thinking. Yes. Where did you get the resources for all of this colony operation?”
The Warden (sarcastic), “While you are at it, mercenary, why are you asking? I mean, what’s in it for you? Time is money and you are not making any more standing around her asking questions. IF there is something to find. IF you find it. What’s in it for you, money-wise? And if there isn't, why bother going down this rabbit hole?”
Knight One stands a little dumbfounded. Thinking to himself. The chase. Another one of my weaknesses. He’s explained why he has petrified people. The dead guy, the necromancer Eli found, buried outside could have been an escape trying to get out of here. I look around here and I see some basic houses, books, same goes at farming and livestock. Earth Warlock must be somewhere hiding or busy but what with and what of it. The Warden is right. Nobody is paying me to solve a mystery whose solution leaves me with no better off, money=wise, to show for it. Even IF the Warden is up to something, I find it out and what? Kill him? Then what? Still no rich and the place would fall apart without someone holding it together. I don't want to be responsible for it. Just like a vampire can’t get blood out of stone I can’t get credits out of a Cyber Knight.

Knight One, “How did you pay for the fire and water Warlock and the rest of the hired help?”
Standing up, the Warden walks outside to the courtyard.
He asks the Warlock to describe how he got hired.
"An ad at the school of magic he attended. It was about a year ago, to begin, around this time. Promises of helping a community and fighting vampires under the protection and guidance of a cyber knight. To be paid a month or two after arrival. Contract for two years with an escape clause and a condition of arrival and bring a package."
The Warden asks the new hires to produce their packages.
Then tells them to open them and put the contents on the ground for all to see.
There lead out are silver arrowheads, bullets, crosses and plated knives.

The Warden (condescending), “Easily worth at least 10 times what they cost in Lazlo; especially with a Cyber Knights connections and discount. That is where their pay comes from. At least, a month or two after the local authorities come to inspect and resupply us they, will take back the silver with them. All to be used in the fight against vampires. Unless, of course, you intend to kill us all and steal it for yourself. That’s what you do, isn’t it? Mercenary? You do this for money? Not charity. No humanitarian work. Am I wrong?”

Knight One, “Your smarter than I gave you credit for. But I’ve got a contract. My pay is waiting for me in Lazlo when we return.”
Turning to the Shifter who brought them
Knight One, “I’m ready to go back to Lazlo.”
The transporter, “I’m not. I’m tired. I need to rest. I’ll open a Rift for us in the morning.” Then idles off and starts sweet talking to a pretty girl.

The knights and Atlantean combat medic spend the rest of the day looking around the colony.

The Rouge Scholar has the makings of a shaded outdoor classroom / workshop half constructed. He is a bit distracted with the obvious study of the pre-Rifts books and restoring them.

The Warlock Doctor tried to look at some people, however, injuries that there were to treat are too late for her. The Atlantean combat medic has already used his tattoo of a Rose with Blood dripping from it to heal all bruises, cuts, scabs and such. She turns to drawing some computer diagrams on her iPad like computer thing for solar panels and windmills. She plans to have enough power generation to recharge her computer and simple batteries and electronic devices like flashlights and radios. NOT E-clips.

The necromancer's (Eli) only advantage is that he can cast the “Cleanse” spell. Water being a critical resource can’t be wasted on bathing. His expected spell casting, once a week per person will prevent the spread of infection and germs and such.

End of Side Quest Part 1

The Warlock (Fire & Water)
Race: Human

Alignment: Anarchist

I.Q.16, M.E.14, M.A. 11, P.S.4, P.P.10, P.E.13, P.B.12, Spd.7

Hit Points: 24
S.D.C.: 20
I.S.P.: 31
P.P.E.: 126

Psionics Minor: Meditation (0), Speed Reading (2), Total Recall (2)
Used to fast track her education.

Speaks: American & Dragonese: 98%
Literate in American: 65%
Lore: Demon & Monster: 50%
Lore: Faerie Folk: 45%
Land Navigation: 58%
Wilderness Survival: 55%
HoverCraft: 70%
W.P. Knife (Good for fighting with wooden stakes against vampires)
W.P. Handgun (has a handgun with silver bullets)
Hand to Hand: Basic: 4th level: 5 attacks

Lazlo Advanced Education:
Lore: Magic: 40%
Lore: Psionics: 40%
History: Pre-Rifts: 44%/36%
History: Post-Apocalyptic: 50%/45%
Math: Basic: 60%
Computer Operation: 55%

Water: Instinctively Swim at a profIciency of 65%
Can hold breath for up to fIve minutes.
Fire: impervious to normal frres. Great for cooking.

Fire Warlock Spells:
Create Coal (5): Supplies Coal to small villages
Heal Burns (15): Heals burns and sunburns (in Mexico)
Heat Object/Boil Water (4): Uses to cook and sterilize medical equipment.
Lower Temperature (8): Uses as Air Conditioning.

Water Warlock Spells:
Circle of Rain (20): Helps farmers, put out fires, kill vampires
Cloud of Steam (10): Uses to clean items and kill vampires.
Create Water (7): Uses to create water
Liquids to Water (10): Change a liter of urine into clean water.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Biology: 55% (Pre-req)
Brewing: 50%/55% (Between Fire & Water elements she like to brew things)
Chemistry: 55% (Pre-req)
Cook: 60%
Cybernetic Medicine: 65%/85% (Biosystems and lifesaving cybernetics)
Medical Doctor: 85%/75%
Pathology: 65%
Xenology: 55% (needs to treat D-Bees)

3rd Level:
Electricity Generation: 55%
Find Contraband: 30%

Secondary Skills:
Basic Electronics: 45%
Basic Mechanics: 45%
Lore: D-Bees: 40%
Sensory Equipment: 45% (for medical instruments)
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Location: Mexico.
The Colony: A prison that is built as a refuge for D-Bees.
Present: Knights 1, 2, and 4. Their Shifter transporter and a young Tattooed Defender (combat medic).

When night falls their “Sixth Sense” rises.
The Atlantean Combat medic warns that she senses a vampire nearby.
The Mystic Knight turns on their Atlantean Magic Tattoos for protection from vampire powers.
Duration one hour per level.

The knights shout, "Everyone to stay in doors and let no one in till sun up and keep a cross at the door!"

The knights turn themselves invisible with magic and activate their psionic power to see the invisible. Then they position themselves behind cover just in case.

Using their radios Knight One orders the Atlantean medic to play bait to draw the vampires to her while they pick them off from while invisibility.

In the middle of the courtyard, Galena (Atlantean Tattooed Defender) creates her flaming sword and shield looking anxious to slay a vampire. Then activates more of her tattoos, supernatural vision, immunity to vampire's influence,

Seven vampires rush in surrounding Galena.
Attempting to evoke fear in Galena they pause and posture.
A vampire cries out!
The others notice as he turns and is punctured by arrows that appear out of nowhere.
Another falls forward with two wooden stakes in his back.
All the vampires look at where he was.
One on the other side liquifies into a puddle.
Then a different one falls on his face with a stake in his back piercing his heart while undead’s head rolls off before his body.
Distracted Galena strikes with her sword.
Turning round again they move in on Galena only to notice three more of them fall.
Galena finishes off the vampire before her.
Wooden stakes fly throw the air guided by telekinesis and strike the vampires
A wooden stake and silver plated knife find their mark in the remains of the vampires.
Galena joins in.
Water appears out of nowhere and falls over one of the vampires.
Magical fire sprays over the vampires like a flame thrower.
The invisible knights and the Atlantean Galena continue their beat down on the vampires.

Using his “Sense Evil” Knight One can tell there are more.
Radio: “Two and Galena go finish him and any to whom he leads you. Four with me to the North entrance.”
Knight Two, “Just have to finish this barbeque.” Burning the remains of the vampire corpses.

Then the Warden came out. “What’s going on?”
Galena (the only visible person standing in front of burning vampire corpses), “I’m a hero. I killed some vampires.”
The Warden, “Did they bite you?”
Galena, “No.”
Warden, “That’s good. Are they all destroyed?”
Galena, “Not yet.”
Warden, “Well, save some for me. Say, where are the others? The mercs. We could use them right now.”

Knight One (telepathically): Tell him you haven’t seen us. We disappeared and left you to fight the vampires.

Galena, “They disappeared. I have been fighting the vampires since.”
Warden, “They ran away!” The Warden stops to look around. “I guess killing vampires doesn’t pay. I’ve never met a more mercenary, mercenary. Oh well, more for us. Lead the way, vampire slayer.”
The Warden stares at her then says, “Well at least point me in the right direction and I’ll go and kill them myself.”
Galena, “Follow me.” She runs outside the walls. “Wait. Where did all the crosses we had set up go?”
The Warden, “I didn’t notice. Yeah, they are supposed to be put up just before sunset. What happened?”
Galena, “Someone on the inside must have taken them down. Looks like we have a traitor on the inside.”
The Warden, “Or they have allies on the outside who took them down. Come to think of it, you and the people you came with are the only new faces.” Staring at Galena. “Tell me which way did those people you came with go?”
Galena, “I didn’t see.”
The Warden, “So you didn’t see who moved the crosses? And you didn’t see where your friends went?” Well, at least you are consistent. It’s not your fault really. I’m the warden. One look at those mercs and I had a bad feeling about them. I thought it might be one of the others. A switch with one of them for one of the vampire's minions. Thought that one guy, Eli, might have been a disguise. Well, enough jawing. Let’s kill some undead. Lead the way Atlantean.”
The sky is a darkening twilight becoming the darkest of nights.
The Warden, “What’s wrong? Can’t see in the dark?”
Galena (looking in all directions and making eye contact with the invisible knights), “I can see just things just fine.”
The knights follow her a short distance from the colony.
There stood D'Norr Devilwoman, a knight in shining armor by her right side, bite marks on his neck, psi-sword in hand. Another man in the brown robes stands on her left side. A secondary vampire stands before her facing Galena and the Warden.

The Warden collapses.
It's the last thing Galena remembers.

The invisible knights see the Warden touch Galena and drop. Then Galena picks him and carries him to the waiting vampire master.
Moving in closer the knights can hear Galena voice:
“I have possessed this woman. The young cyber knight, necromancer, scholar, shifter, and the warlock are paralyzed; for now. This woman is an Atlantean. She said the mercs disappeared but I don’t know that. They are not stupid enough to leave without the Shifter for their ride. They are too bold to quit and run. Then there is the question of where would they go, in the territory, your territory, at night? No man can come and go without you finding out.”

The master vampire:
“My vampires are dead. Was it all ‘this’ woman, by herself?”

Galena’s body, “We don’t have windows. I couldn’t see or be seen when I was paralyzing your newest recruits.”
Master Vampire, “Bring them to me. I will bring them into my fold.”

Knight One blasts the master vampire with the Lifeblast spell twice
Knight Two blasts magical energy bolts from his eyes
Knight Four unloads seven silver tipped arrows on the vampire missing only once.
It takes the master vampire’s party by surprise. They scramble to attack the knights.
The cyber knight moves to shield the master vampire.

In a moment four wooden stakes fly into the vampire’s corpse.
Then another four after that.
It is only the one that pierces the heart that frees vampire’s the mind slaves.
The secondary vampire drops.
The cyber knight, Earth Warlock, and Galena drop.

The knights cut the head off the master vampire and hammer the wooden stakes in for good measure.
Knight Two does the flame thrower job on the remains then pours his canteen over the ashes. Knights One and Four follow with their canteen water. Taking the cyber knights and Earth Warlock’s the pour some more.

Dawn the following day.

The young cyber knight and company are alive and well. They were only the victims of Bio-manipulation from a Mind Melter. He was a mind slave of the master vampire. Among his many powers, he wiped the minds of the prisoner after the vampires drank from them. Then used psionic healing to erase the fang marks. He impersonated the real cyber knight when he was away.
The real Cyber Knight was also a mind slave the master vampire kept close for her protection.
She used him to bring people with abilities and powers to the colony and converted them to mind slaves. Specifically, the Earth Warlock and Mind Melter.
The Cyber Knight tried to sabotage the operation by asking for the necromancer (he knew that necromancers are immune) and not reporting in with the Order of the Cyber Knights.
They are all suffering emotional and/or mental breakdowns now that they are free from the master vampire's control over their minds.

The young Cyber Knight is staying to continue the work his predecessor started.
He asks that the "heroes" take the damaged Cyber Knight, Earth Warlock, and Mind Melter to Lazlo for professional help.

The people of the colony thank the "heroes" for freeing them from the vampire thrall.

Gathering the energy needed, the Shifter opens a Rift to Lazlo and the adventurers walk through into the green forest miles away from it.

With a radio message they soon a hover craft on its way to transport them into the city.

The knights are welcomed back by the Aurelius Clan. The elders hear from Galena about her first vampire kill and of how they saved her after she was possessed. How they saved a Cyber Knight from a master vampire and the people of a colony in Mexico.
A representative from the Order of the Cyber Knights comes to the Atlantean healing pyramid to check on their man. They personally thank the mercs (they don’t dress like mystic knights and are not openly known as such) and recognize them with a medal for courage and selfless service.
The Shifter guild is please with the secure escort of those the knights were hired to safely get to their destination.
They have more paying work for them whenever they want it. They are trusted and respected.


The Necromancer

Name: Eli
4th Level Necromancer

Born and raised in Lazlo
Tragic victim of a CS hate crime that forever changed the way he looks at people and the way people look at him.

Has a LOT of psychological issues from the attack he suffered:

• Fear/phobia: Psi-Stalkers
• Extreme Phobia about being touched and photographed.
Wants layers between himself and everyone but corpses or animals
• Grieves for the death of his father whom the CS are responsible for killing.
• Grieves for the loss of the life he thought he could have had.
• Hates and blames the Coalition.
Has come to see himself as others do: BOTH a victim and a monster.
Eli has only found social support from animals, necromancer, and a few D-Bees because of their non-human beauty.
• Obsessions: Death, eyes, masks, tongues, ways of magically restoring or augmenting his own eyes and tongue
• Collets Masks and dreams of obtaining an Eco-Wizards Predator Mask.
More realistically believes he can get a dinosaur tongue.
• Collects the faces of attractive dead men to wear like clothes (preserved).
• Wants to find out IF an Altara woman's skull would give him their powers of their senses.

Eli took the job offer in Mexico to get away from his parents and everyone who knew him.
Dreams many dreams:
Becoming a vampire slaying hero.
Finding a way to magically make himself whole again.
Having a taste of every living thing. He's a foodie.

Alignment: Unprincipled

I.Q. 12, M.E. 17, M.A. 12, P.S. 11, P.P. 10, P.E. 15, P.B. 2, Spd. 14
Exposed Head is so ugly he has a Horror Factor of 13

Hit Points: 30
S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 96
+1 to save vs magic of all kinds (in addition to P.E. bonuses),
+6 to save vs Horror Factor.

Language: Dragonese, English, & Spanish
Literacy: English
Lore: Demons and Monsters: 70%
Lore: Magic: 40%
Lore: Psychic: 40%
Computer Operation: 55%
Math: Basic: 80%
Wilderness Survival: 50%
Skin and Prepare Animal (and humanoid) Hides and Bones: 55%
W.P. Knife/scalpel: (uses to skin animals and dead people)
W.P. Energy Pistol:
Hand to Hand Combat: Basic: 5 Attacks, +2 to dodge & parry

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Biology: 45%
Chemistry: 45%
First Aid: 60%
Lore: D-Bee: 50%
Xenology: 45%
Zoology: 45%

2nd Level: Tries to conceal his visually distressed challenge
Imitate Voices & Sounds: 54%/48%
Disguise: 35% (to hide his wounds and blend in)
4th Level:

Secondary Skills:
Brewing: 40%/45%
Leather Working: 60%
Sewing: 60% (For work with corpses and medical stitches)
Sign Language: 45%
Whittling & Sculpting: 45% (For work with bones and animal horns)

1. Union with the Dead: Duration: 40 minutes
Uses for Eyes and *Tongue to speak with.
Special: Speaks with the voice of those whose tongue he uses.
Also, due to Eli’s unique condition of having been without his own tongue for years and using “Union with the Dead” he does not need to speak out loud to cast necromancer spells but can only cast one spell per round.

2. Impervious to vampires mind controlling powers. Knows all the legends about vampires and other undead.

3. Animate and Control the Dead (10 P.P.E.): 40 minutes Duration

4. Horror Factor: 7

Assemble Bones (2) & Bone & Joint Bonding (2): Uses to restore bodies.
Cleanse (12; costs double): Prevents the spread of bacteria & disease.
Consume Power & Knowledge (20)
Corpse Restore (90): Uses in mortician work
Death Mask (12): Uses to conceal his face and protects from disease
Divining Tombs & Graves (10): Helps with CSI work finding dead bodies
Eyes of the Dead (8): Another way for Eli to see by way of magic
Lay to Rest (14): Insure the dead stay dead.
Mend Living Bone (20): One of the few necromancer healing spells
Object Read the Dead (8): Magic Coroner report
Preserve Remains (8): Mortician Work for organs
Talking Bones (3): Another way to speak like a ventriloquist but with a skull.
Wear the Face of Another (15): For Four (4) hours he can wear anothers face and feel like a normal human being when people look at him.

The Professor

Desire for adventure, experience, and the preservation of knowledge motivates professor Cooper to journey to Mexico.
He has a sort of hero worship of Cyber Knights that encouraged him to take an assignment to work with one.
Also, IF things go well he is going to save as many works of art, books, and culture of the pre-Rifts Empire of Mexico. Some of these books are suspected of being Spanish translations of books in English that did not survive; films also.
In addition, professor Cooper wants to reunite the people of Mexico with their own culture by teaching many of them how to read Spanish.
Among Cooper’s greatest sense of accomplishments are educating Rogue Scholars and Scientists to the beginning of their careers.
He believes the people, both D-Bees and Humans, of Mexico need a teacher to come to them and educate them where they are. Who knows what will come from the seeds he hopes to plant? Mexico might have its own version of Lazlo some day and professor Cooper wants to help build it.

Name: Cooper

Alignment: Scrupulous

I.Q. 17, M.E. 14, M.A. 16, P.S. 11, P.P. 10, P.E. 16, P.B. 16, Spd. 10

Hit Points: 30
S.D.C.: 27
I.S.P.: 31
P.P.E.: 16
Psionics: Meditation *(0), Open Third Eye. Speed Reading (2)
Professor Cooper has used his powers to help children learn to develop their psychic abilities.

O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American 98%.
Literacy: Dragonese, Spanish, Techno-Can
Language: American: 98%.
Language: Dragonese & Spanish.
Appraise Goods: 65%
Math: Basic: 85%
Computer Operation: 65%
Computer Programming: 65%
Creative Writing: 65%
Find Contraband: 65%
History: Pre-Rifts: 76%/68%
History: Post-Apocalypse: 60%/55%
Public Speaking: 65%
Research: 85%
Pilot: Automobile: 76%
W.P. Knife: +2 to strike and parry
W.P. Handgun: +2 to strike

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Art: 75%
Astronomy & Navigation: 65%
Jury-Rig: 55%
Lore: D-Bee: 60%
Lore: Demons & Monsters: 60%
Lore: Magic: 60%
Lore: Psychics & Psionics: 60%
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic: 60%
Masonry: 70%
Recycling: 60%
Salvage: 65%
3rd Level:
Anthropology: 45%
T.V/Video: 40%

Basic Electronics: 45%
Basic Mechanics: 45%
Hand to Hand: Basic: 4th level
2nd Level: Math: Adv: 55%
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

The Mystic Knights are back in Lazlo in time for the Winter Solstice.

It is a time of opportunity.

The Council of Learning has worked and continues to search for ways to improve response to the dangers and rewards of the Winter Solstice.

Many spell casters and D-Bees travel to ley lines and nexus points without stone pyramids.

At the request of the council and with great honor adult dragons are “asked” to secure one particular ley line or Nexus as the supreme leader in the position. It is only for one day.
Their fire power, backed with the support of Lazlo defense forces and the sort of national guard of spell casters and at least one Shifter or Ley Line Rifter to close any Rift too dangerous to remain open. As a consequence of Lazlo’s methods no alien monster, demon or supernatural threat has secured a beachhead for invasion.

While the CS, in their territories, have their own military response.
Armed companies with shock troops stand bye to annihilate anything and everything as soon as any Rift opens. Psychics present will warn of anticipated dangers they have foreseen from clairvoyance, precognition/premonition, as well as sixth sense. In the event of a Rift a psychic with Read Dimensional Portal is always present.

The secret standard operating procedure is to have they sniper graduates police the ley lines in their borders. The mission, to spy on the comings and goings of anyone. Once identified, they have standing orders to assess their strength and assassinate creatures of magic and spell casters or call it in for artillery and/or air strike. These methods have made the CS territories safer than almost any other (human civilization, its size) on Earth.

The Federation of Magic deals with the Solstice in ways that are their own. What follows during and afterwards is the churn. People there believe anything too powerful will be foreseen. Then they can run and hide or a defender amongst them will step forward and “deal” with the invader. IF what comes through is a threat to certain individuals then the jealousy / envy thing will run its course and someone will submit, flee or die.

So the Lazlo and its surrounding areas are secure in the plan and ways in which they manage the pros and cons of ley lines and Nexus points during the Winter Solstice.

Regardless, the normally available amount of P.P.E. is 10 times greater from dawn till dusk. The city of Lazlo and its spell casters have been planning for the last six months and have gone into the planning of the event.
Earth Warlocks, Ley Line Walkers, Ley Line Rifters, Shifters, and Techno-Wizards flock to wherever there is a ley line nexus. The stone pyramids plan timeshare and rotate spell casters under the watchful eye of security forces.

Shifters will open one way and two way Rifts to other dimensions and worlds at greatly reduced prices. Of course, most D-Bees don’t want to leave the Lazlo territory but it is a chance to visit their homeworld.

The only problem is many D-Bees are stranded on Rifts Earth with no “coordinates” to their home dimension or world. Shifters don’t know everything. More importantly they can’t just look at someone and tell which dimension or planet their home is located. Plus, for certainty of the correct destination they pretty much need to have been there once and meditated in the way Shifters do to learn how it is there and how to come and go from it.
While D-Bees who take the plunge and step into a world that looks like home run the risk of being in the wrong dimension without seeing some familiar places and people. One of the possible dangers is getting dropped off in a parallel dimension that is “like” the one the D-Bee came from but different in ways that could make it a nightmare.
This would be like the Amazon Prime series, “Man in the High Tower.”

The biggest winners in industry see the casting of spells to make things:

Iron Wood is made in mass with 100 P.P.E. available per round from a nexus to cast spells mages need not tap into their P.P.E. base. They can just keep casting spells exclusively using the power of the nexus.
With this in mind, the items of wood that are desired to be transformed into ironwood must and have been premade in shape and size to within the limits of the spell.

The same with “Create Steal” which can be cast fast and free even with M.D. metal material even though it only restores something like 15 M.D. a round.
While the Earth Warlock makes out like a bandit when it comes to creating Clay then converting it to iron. Clay or Stone to Iron (40 P.P.E.).
Transportation has to be worked out but they are the chief suppliers of iron to Lazlo.

Then there are those who create amulets.

Necromancers also manufacture a load of their magic bone items.

While those magic users who give magic users a bad name summon shadow beasts and unleash them to kidnap, murder revenge, and steal (15% will stay behind in Rifts Earth to do whatever they want).
Note: Not all magic users are united in friendship. Ambition, envy, jealousy, and rivalry lead some to challenge or sabotage others. What better time than when you have unlimited power?

Basically, any spell that costs more than 20 P.P.E. but less than 100 the Solstice is considered an opportunity to practice spells, show off, stockpile items that can only be created with large amounts of P.P.E.

Mend Metal and Mend Objects are put into use easily to restore things. Although there is limitless energy coming out of the Ley Line spell casters need to concentrate to hold it in and build it up until they have enough to cast high energy cost spells. People want to cast spells while they are fast and easy. It is more fun that way. Free flowing spell casting especially of the expensive ones so they can cast them every round.
It is about the ease and speed of casting spells equal or less than 100 P.P.E. in cost.
On regular days, near a nexus, practitioners of magic can only absorb 10 P.P.E. and hold it up until they are at three times their permanent P.P.E. base. Doing so, however, is a process that takes time and concentration. Even then they can only hold it for one round per P.E.

So mostly the biggest financial winners are those with knowledge of spells like Ironwood. They just need the patience and fortitude to keep casting them until they are mentally tired of reciting and visualizing. After all, people aren’t machines that can just keep going every round casting the same spell infinitely without error or fatigue. Those to perform best on the solstice have practiced and prepared themselves to cast a spell as many times as they can on December 21st.

While those who are in a coma, ill, sick, or wounded flock or are brought to the nexus points in the hopes that spell casters will be charitable or out of pity will remedy the sick and fallen.
Even if there is only one present with the spell, at 100 P.P.E. available per round they have the power to cast
Spell like:
“Restore Limb” (80)
“Purge Other” (100)
The Air Warlock can cast “Breath of Life” (60)
The Fire Warlock can cast Flame of Life (40)
A lot of people sing the praises of magic the next day now that they are alive again or get their arm / leg back.

While artists, eggheads, engineers, and medical procedures can be performed with the help of spells like “Beat Insurmountable Odds” (70)

For amusement, those 18 and up, with a watch timed alarm, can experience the joy of the “Winged Flight” (35) spell.

Hunters and Seekers can get the service of “Locate” spells cast repeatedly.

Arms dealers can get “Fire Globe” (20) created and put into a crate with the date on them.

A huge amount of “Create Magic Scroll” (100 + P.P.E. for spell) created.
Customers have put down deposits so spell selections have already been made.

Then there are those new arrivals and what they have to offer.
It is not all good but when it is good it is great to make new friends with power and/or tech no one else has or is rare and powerful.

It is a big time.

The job offers that are most in alignment with the Mystic Knights agenda are to help the Shifter Guild whose help they want.

Bodyguard to a shifter and his apprentice while defending a distant ley line from potentially incursion by “hostile” forces.
Shifter can “Close Rift” (200)

Opening a Rift and coming out within 50 miles of the ley line the knights gather with their Shifter.
Using magic carpets they fly to the ley line.
They are all under influence of the “Sustain” spell.

00:00->Roll: 06: a Rift Opens: Transparent Rift: The Dimension of Spires.

Knight Two scopes out the view. He describes the pretty lady who is gagged and chained to a pole.
The Senior Shifter, “Half the time it's a trap. The other half the time they are a sacrifice for their energy. Be a good chap and shoot her chains. Apprentice, step inside and feel the dimension, I’ll warn you when to come back.”
Knight Two expertly shoots the chain freeing the woman from the pole.
She takes off her gag and begins to run towards the Rift.
Those with “Sixth Sense” begin to feel it.
Knight Two turns on his “See the Invisible” can tell there are Demons.
He reports them and their pursuit of the woman.
He aims and fires. One of the Demons becomes visible as he is hit and fall off the spire.
Senior Shifter, “Bait for a trap; it looks like.”
Rest of the knights see the invisible and open fire.
The woman escapes through the Rift. Then the apprentice before the Rift closes.

01:00->Roll: 85
02:00->Roll: 40
03:00->Roll: 80
04:00->Roll: 60
05:00->Roll: 50
06:00->Roll: 92
07:00->Roll: 13: Pulsating Rift:
Death and destruction are everywhere in this alien world in another galaxy.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are here now.
At the last minute a dying alien woman is rescued.
Some water. A quick casting of the “Sustain.” the “Cleanse” spell. It is enough to stabilize her.
She thinks she is having a dream and goes to sleep.

08:00->Roll: 76
09:00->Roll: 25: Pulsating Rift: Zirconia (in Palladium Fantasy)
The apprentice gets a feel for the dimension but has to leave early.

10:00->Roll: 21: Pulsating Rift: Alternate Palladium Fantasy world
Rescue a female Elven runaway slave from Dwarves.

11:00->Roll: 00
12:00 P.M. High Noon: ->Roll: 53
1:00->Roll: 57
2:00->Roll: 85
3:00->Roll: 60
4:00->Roll: 36
5:00->Roll: 90
6:00->Roll: 59
7:00->Roll: 05: Shrunken Rift: An alien world of noxious fumes and high gravity. 44 humanoids run through the Rift into Rifts Earth before it closes.
None set off “Sixth Sense.” ALL are wearing environmental suits concealing their species.
Using the “tongues” spell: Their leader calls himself General Diego Galveh of the Consortium of Civilized Worlds. He thanks everyone present for getting them off that world. Then asks if any more can be saved.
Their alignment, intentions, and motivations are unknown but the knights can tell “The General” served in the armed forces.
When asked, the general describes Z12, a prison world. Every inmate is a prisoner of their environmental suit that eventually breaks and needs repair. Only way to make your way is mining. Only you can never mine enough. Most die in a year. He has survived three so far. He and the rest of the inmates are too afraid to take their suits off. Only thing that kept them alive. No one wants to be the first to take theirs off.

8:00->Roll: 48
9:00->Roll: 75
10:00->Roll: 87
11:00->Roll: 61
12:00- as the night is coming to a close the knights “Sixth Sense” kicks up. Knight One tells the Shifters to create a Rift to Lazlo, everyone, and hurry.
The Shifters fill themselves with energy from the ley line and uses it to open a Rift.
Armor of Ithan goes up.
The knights circle the Shifters.
The snipers attack.
Fortunately they are firing energy rifles.
Knight One, “General Galveh! What are you standing around for? Move out!”
Knight Two snipes one of the snipers using the night-vision on his scope.
Meanwhile the other knights tell the others to lie flat and take cover.
18 and Knight Four make it through before the apprentice goes through last.
Then the senior Shifter takes his 18 and Knight Two before he goes.
8 suits remain.
3 beautiful women.
And Knight One.
“My teammates will return for me. We just have to survive until they do.
Now follow me.”
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Hiding from snipers, the group of dimensional refugees led by Knight One conceal their presence.
After casting Charismatic Aura (friendship/trust), Knight One (using the tongue spell) says, “Dig holes to hide us. Beneath the ground, we can’t be seen.”
The eight environmentally suited look to their General and follow his lead in digging with their mining tools. They are incredibly strong and fast.
Knight one informs them he will cast magic spells on them such that they can go without food, water, and should be able to survive on this world. Also, his magic will make them tireless for two hours so they can work non-stop and at their fastest pace.
They reply that this world is a lot less heavy then the world they were on.
In figurative no time a six foot deep trench is dug.
Looking at all of them with “See Aura” he can tell they do not have magical power and are not supernatural beings or Evil in any way that comes across like a vampire.
Knight One cast “Sheltering Force” two domes for the environmentally suited. Then one for the three women.
Knight One, “I will stand guard.”
Considering that the suited man's leader admits they are escapees from a prison world, Knight One wants to know if any of them are going to rob and kill in this one.
Using empathy and telepathy Knight One attempts to get an idea of who they are or at least where they come from.

The rescue from the dimension of Spires thinks of herself as royalty. Attitude like a princess. She’s from outer space.

The woman from the world destroyed by the Four Horsemen is pregnant. Believes she is the only one from her world to have survived. She’s still expecting to wake up from a dream and is beginning to suspect this is the afterlife.

The last woman is a female elf. She is the least experienced in matters of other dimensions. She was a slave to dwarfs. Her thoughts are of running away. She doesn’t know what to make of the situation.
Stopping for the moment Knight One speaks to the Elf in the Dragonese language. He can tell she understands the basics but doesn’t quite get his dialect and accent.

He tells the young woman that there are Elves in this world. He can take her to a city where they live. IF she wants she can keep on running from here. The spell he cast on her will last seven days. She won’t need to eat or drink for all those days. However, out here, alone, anything could happen.
A long conversation follows in which he answers her questions about how she got here and what ‘this’ world is like.

At first light, they are interrupted by a magic pigeon messaging Knight One.

Code word potato salad.
The Ley Line secure
Rendezvous at previous point

Moving out Knight one leads past the trees and along the ley line to exit point.
The apprentice creates a Rift.
The knights and their passengers are hustled through the Rift into the wilderness tens of miles outside of Lazlo.

They radio in for hovercraft to carry them.
They are awestruck at the city.
Then they are dropped off at a center for processing new arrivals from dimensional Rifts during the Winter Solstice. Here they are sorted out into groups and educated on where they are and how things work. Those whose dimensions or worlds are known can be returned in batches with others from that same dimension.
Those who want to stay must, after six days, do so at their own expense.
The rest are from unknown worlds and/or dimensions. They get two weeks room and board and assistance getting a job and place to stay with their first month's rent covered if they share their stories and allow themselves to be tested.
All of this is conducted under the supervision of magic and psychic examination and disease prevention. As well as emergency medical treatment and free food for those who need it.

This is when one of the most human looking and beautiful female rescues speaks with Knight One.
Thanks to the “Tongues” spell he can understand.
Royal Lady, “You will take me to the best hotel in town.”
Knight One, “Why?”
“I am royalty. The only time I do crowds are when they flock to me to get a look at me and see one of my performances.”
Knight One, “Why, should I?”
“You WILL do what I tell you to, BECAUSE, I am VERY rich.”
Staring at her Knight One can sense her authenticity.
Knight One, “We are chaperoning the princess to her hotel.”
Everyone gets out and they call for a taxi-cab of sorts.

Knight One is only doing this because the Lady has a P.B. of 25.
“Let’s talk about currency. We saved you from the dimension of Spires and those demons who were using you as bait. Now we are chaperoning you. How much are you worth?”
“We can talk about that later.”
“We will go to the bank first and you can show us you are worth our time.”
An hour and a cleanse spell later they are in a bank.
Due to her good looks and social graces she is able to get the attention of the bank manager.
After some information the manager says they will have to Rift to travel worlds to verify her accounts and identity. IF the information she has given them is correct, as a Altess Noble, in theory, she is worth million universal credits.
The mood shifts A LOT.
“Today you only have the clothes you are wearing. The thing that everyone can agree on is that you are beautiful and have a high opinion of yourself. I’m not paying for the most expensive hotel in town on the chance that you really have millions. You sought me out because I was around and am the most powerful, for now. Now that people are aware you might be rich they will try to kidnap you for ransom. If you are a fake they will sell you into slavery for your looks. You are in need of security. From my position, IF you are a con artist I will have risked my life and the lives of my men for nothing. How do I know you're not just a rich guy’s slave and making this story up that you have millions? For that matter, what IF you have it and don’t want to pay me half.”
“HALF!” She laughs. “Who do you think you are? Altess?”
”Well how much is your rescue worth to you?”
“Being in the right place at the right time, you got lucky. Still you deserve the 1,000 you will get.”
Knight One’s jaw dropped before he says, “We don’t work for that little. Besides, what does that say about how much you value your freedom?”
“You drive a hard bargain. One thousand for each of you (three people).”

Looking around at the bank they are in and calming down. The knights all know they can’t threaten her or remove her from the bank by force with the camera and guards watching.

“Well, that’s not going to pay for your room tonight or every other day it takes for your verification to come through and credits to transfer. Or the expense of the credit transfer. Best of luck on not being stalked and kidnapped for you credits good look or for your looks for that matter.”
The knights walk out of the bank and wait outside.
K4: Are we kidnapping or what?
K2: Better to cut our losses, which amounts to a taxi ride so far.
K1: She’s either going to come out alone or if she is a con artist a new ‘mark.’ I want to wait and see. Either way, the other customers are going to gossip about her. Bank staff will also. Even if there are no credits, guys will be after her just for her looks. We need to do an After Action Review about what we did. Also, collect our own credits from the security work. The market will be flooded with scrolls for sale; magic items too. Those 10 or 20 percent who change their minds or don’t have the credits to pay for them anymore. Thinking of which, we are dressed for combat, standing outside a bank. Checked our weapons with the hovercraft. We need to move on before law enforcement asks us what we are doing here.
That’s when she walks out of the bank on the arm of a rich looking young man.
K1 thinks, she’s so attractive, the fool couldn’t help but introduce himself and ask if she would join him for a meal. “Sucker.”

Returning to the Atlantean Clan
The three knights spend the night sleeping in the stone pyramid. When the dawn breaks they feel incredibly refreshed. Joining the Atlanteans for breakfast they feast on a meal of fresh produce.

After the first meal, the Aurelous Clan representative politely informs them of what is expected of them as honorary members of the clan.
-At a bare minimum they are expected to come to the aid of and be loyal to all Atlanteans.
-Live by the same laws all Atlanteans must abide by.
-Respect the clan's allies and alliances. So they have to learn who the clan considers their friends to be.
-Do not help the clan’s enemies and when appropriate destroy or convert them. So the knights have to be briefed on the clan’s enemies.
-Learn the customs and traditions of their clan:
-How to Operate Dimensional pyramids.
-Read and write their language (ancient Greek)
-Recognize vampires by appearance.
-Learn about the dimensions Atlanteans frequent (Lore: Dimensions).
-As members of the Aurelous clan at least the basics of the healing arts (first aid or better and Brewing or Identify Plants & Fruit).
Training in these things is to be casual and alongside Atlantean children and those like you who are honorary initiates in our clan. They are expected to attend class and if they expect to learn they will (12 hours a week and another 10 hours of independent study).

Shortly after, they attend their first class in the stone pyramid. All the others are little children. They find out all True Atlanteans above the age of 13 know how to operate their peoples' stone pyramids. So they all start learning before 13. The teacher, a compassionate and maternal Atlantean mother, tests the knights on what they already know. She learns that the knights already know how to operate techno-wizard items and don’t need the full course. Instead she shows them some of the basics and sends them to the class on dimensional lore. There they can practice operating pyramids until they are comfortable using them on their own while learning about the dimensions to which they travel.

Leaving the knights are given a class schedule for the course on dimensions. The dates revolve around their teachers and the rest of the students. The idea being the teacher wants to teach everyone at once to save time. This class is a high school class to the Atlanteans so the rest of the students are teenagers. It is expected to take three months.

K1 has a discussion with the clan secretary to the council of elders. They have two people the knights need to rescue from Hades. One is an Atlantean Stone Master, the other a fellow knight. Perhaps a third one, who is a Cyber Knight.
K1 says, “The mission comes first. My team must rescue the Atlantean or at least be certain that he is rescued. Don’t get me wrong, exploring other dimensions and rising to the expectations of our clan is something I want. I just can’t leave my man behind.
Hy, the Nomad, has been our greatest asset in getting in and out of Hades. The makings of a plan we have, now, is to gain the sponsorship of a powerful Shifter to sort of walk in the front door of their stone ziggurat that is a lot like an Atlantean stone pyramid. We will infiltrate one of us in the pyramid or follow our stone master to his room Rift him back to Lazlo. All while participating in their gladiator fighting matches until we have the same chance with our teammates.”
What follows is a long discussion of the particulars of the Stone Master and Hades.
The secretary says, “We can help. There are dimensions where time moves faster in them than on Earth and Hades. You can train there for the mission.”
Knight One, “I need to earn money. We have debts to pay and need to save up for the cost of entry in the gladiator tournament. We only took that last job in Mexico because it was supposed to be quick; in and out.”
Knight One thinks before he speaks, then speaks very carefully, “Does clan Aurelous loan credits or gold to its honorary members?”
True Atlantean secretary, pauses, takes some time before they reply, “Our clan is not rich when it comes to gems, precious metals or universal credits. Even if we had it to give there are many more in number who could be saved with it. Some of the hardest decisions we have had to make are between patients who will perish when we only have the time and energy to give to one. Then there is the reality that even if your plan succeeds, the gold or whatever will be in the coffers of Demons or those who consort with them. We can’t help that way.”
Knight One, “I understand. I will have to get the gems or gold elsewhere.”
Checking his watch, K1 says to K4, “Use his psionic power of remote viewing on the supposed Royal.”
K4, “Isn’t that a waste of time?”
K1, “Not if her mark wants his money back or at least to settle the score with her with a bounty for fraud or theft. I wouldn’t have memorized his vehicle plates or asked you to make a call to have someone tail and photograph them.”

An hour later

K4, “My psionics show me, the guy is tied up. They both are prisoners. My man has eyes on where he followed them.”
K1, “Flash mission. Rescue. Only the three of us. And your connection.”
K4, “Why not call law enforcement?”
K1, “No credits in it for us.”
K4, “I thought the con artist didn’t have any.”
K1, “The guy does . . .”
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: The Stone Pyramid
The Cerberus Dog Boys

The Dog Boys decorate the stone pyramid with tree trimmings and light it up.
Enjoy campfires in the outdoors and BBQ.

While In Lazlo:

A powerful spell caster creates elaborate Illusory Trees for the city.

The trees are decorated for X-mas with all the sights, scents, and
sounds of the genuine article and seems very real.

The people enjoy each others company and a bite to eat with a friend or member of the family.

In the moment their worries fade away and they are just grateful for what they have had and still do.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Now for DIE HARD!

The Mystic Knights have Four’s contact, the alarm has already been disabled. All they had to do was pick the lock.
Once inside they prowl their way inside moving invisibly and silently via magic.

The kidnappers are only mundane humans and D-Bees.
Subduing them, they take photos of them, and a pic of their I.D.’s.
Then tell them they have been had. The pretty woman is a con artist.
IF you want you can go to work for them (the Mystic knights).
IF not then they can be turned over to the law enforcement of Lazlo.

Knight One, “I get it. No magic. No powers. No credits. See someone who looks like they got more than they need and won’t be hurting if you help yourself. You didn’t touch the woman. You didn’t hurt the guy. Tied them up. Servants and such are off for the day. No witnesses.”
Handing out some credits.
“Get something to eat. Email me tomorrow after you have had some time to think about my job offer. You can always run. The more days and distance that goes by and I won’t care about you anymore. Of course, we can always find you with the photographs we have taken.”
As for the woman upstairs and her Mark I’ll have a little telepathic discussion with the man. Sort some things out in his head about what is what.

A few minutes later. After a lot of telepathy and empathic transmission.

“OK. New plan, we are putting on a show.
The Mark is going to be the brave hero who foils the kidnappers and rescues the girl. You are going to play along, masks on.
We rehearse the fight down here and you repeat it up there. You guys get away. Just to be safe. I and one of my guys (knight Four) impersonate two of you so nobody gets hurt.”

Tens of minutes later.

The masked kidnappers untie the man to let him lead them to his secret safe. Only to have him turn the table on them and perform a series of cool hand to hand fighting moves. While Knight One pulls his punches and puts up a spectacular fake fight. Ultimately, the kidnappers flee from the awesomeness of the Man.

He makes a real phone call to law enforcement.
The crime scene was wiped down.
No fingerprints.
No traces of them on cameras.
Nothing stolen.

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night”

Over warm meals and drinks, the mystic knights and their new hires laugh it up at the local pub.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Lazlo
In the bar, "Come on in."

The mystic Knights talk to each other about work and the robbers.

Knight One thinks to himself:

I am Knight One, leader of my merc team.
I need to rescue Knight Three.
I need to rescue Ictinus.
IF I have any time left over I might rescue Lady Black and Lt Ezra.
I am supposed to rescue the Atlanteans from Hades.
I am supposed to learn the Atlanteans' ways if I want to stay in good standing with the Aurelous Clan.
Why would I want that?

Turning my wrist, looking at, the tattoo of the stake piercing the heart.
Remembering last night, how I got in the stone pyramid and how when I woke it felt like the best night’s sleep of my life.

I don't want that to stop
Still, I need credits.
I need to make out a bill for the theatrical performance for “the Mark” and mail it to him. He might just want another job done.
Now what else can I do with a band of thieves?
One of their few qualities is their loyalty to each other.
Otherwise, they are disgusting low-lifes.
I should check to see if there's a bounty on them. And if there is not, cut them loose or work them on a job.
What are they good at doing?
They are thieves. They rob people.
Who do I want robbers?
I don’t really want to rob people.
I want credits.
The gang of robbers are just a tool I have, at the moment.
Hate to waste talent and opportunities.
Maybe they have some competition that they would like behind bars or taken out; perhaps they have a bounty.
I have to reevaluate the situation.
I need credits.
I have a team.
I have a team of robbers.
Bounty boards are one thing.
I should look for work for bodyguards and mercs.

After making some inquiries Knight One soon discovers:

The good paying jobs are for larger mercenary groups.
He only has three great fighters and that’s counting himself.
Even if he dresses up the thieves he would only be 13 and one’s a hacker.
Some specialists are desired but those are for super strong D-Bees or specialists in a kind of magic.
Other jobs are for months of work.
He has men (Ictinus and Three) missing in action.
He needs the money to rescue them.
He believes if he waits too long they’ll be dead or broken or have gone native.
He can’t take that long to rescue his people.
The only work his new Atlantean friends have doesn't pay in credits.

Checking the boards for lesser paying work:

A lot of people got healed of their injuries and are out of comas and such.
Some people are back in the land of the living.
They have needs.
The person who killed them wants to kill them again.
They, as the one who was killed, want protection or revenge or want to stay “officially” dead but get their stuff back.
IF they can’t have their stuff back then at least they want certain people not to have it.

It sounds like a good job for the crew of bandits. So he asks for the job.
It’s Knight One’s reputation at risk but risk is his business. Besides, it gives him a way to test robbers and his ability to lead them.

He also signs up for more jobs:
-There are also a lot of jobs to eliminate Summoned Shadow beasts.
Some people want protection from them.

-The same with Summoned Entities.
Against them, they need people with the ability to see the invisible and magic or at least magic weapons.
Must have a licensed and appointed witness with the ability to see the invisible to verify the elimination of “dangerous” entities for bounties to be paid.

Merc Company of Mystic Knights
Leader: Knight One

Secretly. Mystic Knight
The Atlantean Aurelous Clan considers the leadership honorary members

A. Outfits: None.
B. Transportation: None
C. Equipment: None
D. Basic Equipment: None
E. Communications. None
G. Security: None.
H. Headquarters. None.
I. Intelligence Resources: None.
J. Special Budget: None.
K. General alignment: Anarchist (the Robbers*). Cost: 2 Points.
L. Criminal Activity: Gang of Robbers (10 of them): 10 Points
M. Reputation: Famous (for the moment): Costs 50 points.
Highly reliable and trustworthy. Vampire Slayers.
Known for always fulfilling their contracts.
N. Salary: None. Equal Shares of what the job pays and loot.

*Gang of Robbers. 10 thieves and thugs.
City Rats and Vagabonds that aged out of their teenage years.
They were never really successful in life as a law abiding citizen.
They lacked the good luck, patience, study skills, work ethic to be accepted into or pass education and work programs for a career in anything.
While having cheated and stolen for so long and gotten away with it, it is hard to imagine settling down to a 9 to 5 regular boring job without excitement and quick profits.

Will “try” not to injure or kill but they rough up others if in their way.
Wear civilian clothes.

Note: These people are criminals. They took the path of least resistance for the quickest / easiest money and most fun. They are not interested in the greater good, only their own good.
Half are retired City Rats.
The other half are Vagabonds.
All are basically not terribly successful criminals.
All have been caught at least once and spent time behind bars.
All met in either high school or prison or through each other.
They found an unusual amount of cooperation and trust amongst each other.
Goals: Personal gain, pleasure, and profit

Weaknesses: avoids hard work, greedy, impatient, undisciplined

Strengths: Able, ready, and willing to bully, cheat, con, lie and steal but not arsene (accept a controlled burn to destroy evidence), rape or murder (except they will kill under duress, self defense, it was the only way not to get away with the crime and the witness wouldn’t be bribed or intimidated. It is a risk reward thing but they never had to kill).

Skill-wise they find honest work too boring and will only resort to it to con, keep up a cover, case a place they are going to rob, etc.

Normal City Rats retire after 6 or 7 years between the ages of 20 to 25. The rest die on the street, are in jail or just disappear.
These guys take jobs without necessarily thinking it through because they are desperate and don’t want to miss a score.

Alignment: Anarchist

4the level City Rat

I.Q.10, M.E. 10, M.A 8., P.S 17, P.P 14, P.E. 16, P.B 12, Spd 26.

Hit Points: 30
S.D.C.: 30

Acrobatics, Automobile: 76%, Barter: 61%, Bicycle: 76%, Camouflage: 35%, Climb: 65%, Find Contraband: 38%, Gambling: 60%, Lore: Demons and Monsters: 40%, Lore: Magic: 40%, Lore: Psionics: 40%, Math: Basic: 65%, Basic Mechanics: 45%, Motorcycle: 87%, Palming: 50%, Photography: 50%, Pick Locks: 60%, Pick Pockets: 60%, Prowl: 60%, Radio: Basic: 60%, Streetwise: 52%, Surveillance (Tailing: 65%), T.V. / Video: 45%
Hand to Hand: Expert 4th level
W.P.: Blunt: +2 to strike and parry
W.P.: Knife: +2 to strike, parry, and throw
W.P.: Grappling Hook: +1 to strike or entangle
W.P.: Handgun: +2 to strike
W.P.: Energy Pistol:

Hand to Hand: Combat:
+3 on perception
+3 on initiative
5 Attacks
+2 to strike
+5 to dodge
+4 to parry

Amplified Hearing: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +3 on initiative.
Climb Cord: A ten foot (3 m) length with grappling hook.
Mechanical Eye
Cybernetic Hand:
Palm Needle: A retractable needle concealed in the artificial hand inject drugs into an opponent. Does one S.D.C. damage.
Tranquilizer/Sleep: Takes effect within 1d4 melees, lasts 4D6 minutes.
Truth Serum: Takes effect in 2D6 minutes, lasts 3D6 minutes
Paralysis: Takes effect in 1d4 melees, lasts 2D6 minutes
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Re: Cerberus

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Knight Two:

Mission brief:
Acquire the clients property from the secure storage business without the key or any trace that we were there at all. It is to appear as though the client collected their things a long time ago.

Their plan in motion:

Three of the crew come in, separately and at different times to photograph the place, security and tech. Each rents one storage unit as a cover.
This camouflage lets them case the place and work out the vulnerabilities of the layout and when the fewest number of people would be around.

Rolling up in a rental truck the crew loads boxes with myself, the hacker, and the lock picker hiding inside them into a storage unit. It is the best location for the plan. After us they store the equipment we will use for the job and our stay.
After the door is closed we unbox ourselves.
Then the long wait while we talk. We all used the “Sustain” spell so we don’t need food or water.
When it’s time for number one we keep it in a bottle.
It’s hot and stuffy. It’s smart we brought oxygen tanks and let the good times flow. The O2 is cool.
So are the drinks in the ice cooler we brought.

Then our digital watch alarms signal. I verify with telepathy.
Then I use my electrokinesis to unlock the lock outside the door.
Some experienced and expert use of ectoplasm move it under the door, takes the lock off and moves the latch.
Next thing I see is the sliding door going up.

Checking comms and watches we divide and prowl. I empower myself and the others to silence our sounds we
would have made.

Our distraction crew talk to the clerk and security guard, keeping their attention.
I use my Electrokinesis to disrupt the lights or cameras in the area we are in.
Our hacker goes to work on the security system to hold the video image. They signal they have it.
The lock picker goes to work on the client’s unit. He gets it eventually.
We carry the contents of the storage unit into another one of the units we rented.
Clean up and close up the units.
The Hacker restores the video to normal and we are back in our storage unit for the night.
We do an after action report.
Pass the time relaxing.

The next day, at first light.

The other crew members drive up with the truck we rented.
As paying rental storage customers they pack the truck with us and roll out.

Seeing the crew of robbers at work was more impressive than I expected.
This is not their first rodeo as they say.
I’m not used to their lack of discipline but they have competence.
They can do jobs without violence and make a profit.
I had to watch them to make sure they didn’t pocket anything. Double check the seals on boxes to make sure they weren’t opened.

The client gets the code and the key and the name of choice under which who will have access to the unit. They have 24 hours to verify the contents or it is forfeit.

The crew gets paid equal portions, after expenses.
They never made so many credits so easy, quick and ethical.

Knight One listens to each of them and watches the mission video.
Knight Two, “They need to be kept busy or they will keep us busy keeping them out of trouble.”
Knight One, “But if it isn’t fun or profitable for them they aren’t motivated. So we should keep finding them jobs, as long as it is profitable for us; all of us.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Knight One does some research:
Shadow Beasts will wait until night to attack unless they have no choice or they see their prey as being too weak to be a challenge.
Their abilities are greatest at night.
In the pitch black of night in the wilderness they are invisible and undetectable. Not even “See the Invisible” will work to see them.

To see them will require some form of light, magic or mundane.

The challenge is they don’t know where the Shadow Beasts are.
The only clue of where to look are reported attacks.
People or livestock that are killed and the next person to come along reports it.

Location: Countryside outside of Lazlo

Flying over the country side in a hover vehicle
Knight One, Four and their paid official witness fly in their vehicle while the witch and her two bodyguards fly in their own. Their destination, the most recent post attack.

They arrive at a farming community they disembark.
Knight One (K1) casts a spell on himself (Charismatic Aura), then Shouts, “I am here to slay a Shadow Beast. A monster that killed some livestock and one or more of your people. Someone take me to where the monster attacked.”

Knight Four (K4), (quietly) “Why so, outloud?”
K1, “These small towns gossip. I can tell them what I am here for or keep them guessing. People being people, make up the worst rumors for their amusement and caution.”

After some exchanges of information and an escort the party finds their way to the crime scene.
The Witch gathers the soil around the monster’s footprint. She puts the soil in a small bag and hangs it around Knight One’s neck.
K1, “Your work here is done. We will fight our own battle with no risk to you.”

K1 casts “Superhuman Endurance” on himself and K4.
Then K1 begins flawlessly tracking the shadow beast into the wilderness. Running at top speed they cover ground quickly.

A little while later . . .

They come upon a hole in the ground.
K1, “He’s a rabbit. Burrowed a hole in the ground to hide and rest during the day. He can see in the dark. And is invisible in it. And it’s ALL darkness down there.”
K4, “So we ought to wait for the beast to come out. We can set up an ambush. Shoot them when they come out, at night.”
K1, “Good idea.”

After night falls, the knights wait in ambush alongside the hole.
The witness waits off in the distance with their video camera and light.

Their Sixth Sense goes off.
Hearing the sound of something, they ready themselves.
They cast the spells to make themselves invisible and armor of Ithan. Then they turn on their psionic power of Sense Evil. Reaching out with it they can feel more than one.

Hearing the beast cautiously dart its head in and out like a groundhog the creatures looked around.
As the shadow beast steps out K1 telepathically messages the cameraman to turn on his light.
Seeing it, K1 cast the Magic Net Spell over it, trapping it.
Another shadow beast darts its head out the hole and back inside it. The light reveals it. The creature jumps out.
K1 and K4 both open fire with their energy rifles and down the beast.
K1 still feels another supernatural being inside the burrow but it doesn’t come out.
K1 and K4 continue to unload on the down Shadow Beast until it is no more than a dead beast.
K1 (telepathically to K4), Finish off the one in the Magic Net. I will guard the hole.
K4 gets close, (telepathically): killing a helpless beast isn’t much sport. This one isn’t a vampire. I want a fight.
K1: There is another inside the burrow. The area is not secure.
K4: Casts a Magic Net over the burrow hole. “It is now.”
K1: IF I cancel my spell, it could run and escape us. The witch’s track spell has worn off.
K4: I CAN track. Besides, you can see it wants a fight. Now let me have a fight.
K4 cancels his invisibility spell. The Shadow Beast sees him and stares as if his looks could kill.
K4 draws his sword and empowers it then challenges the Shadow Beast to one on one a fight to the death in its native language of Dragonese.

The shadow beast claws the magic net.
K4 begins to strike the magic net.
K1 cancels the Magic Net spell.
The Beast quickly moves its body and glances around back at the entrance to its burrow then to the camera man’s light.
K4, casting a magic shield, then says (Dragonese) “Now Fight!”
K4 takes the initiative. He swings and strikes the Shadow Beast as it fails to dodge. It strikes back with its claws but they are parried by the Magic Shield. K4 swings and hits again. While the beast only hits the shield. K4 hits again. Then the beast makes a perfect strike against K4’s perfect parry. Both are awestruck. K4 strikes again but the beast dodges this time.
Whatever passes for the beast’s blood flies through the air.

On its back the beast sees the sword tip just above its head and says, “Wait. Please . . .”
K4 holds still.
Seconds feel like minutes as time passes.
K4 says (in Dragonese), “Who summoned you? What did they look like? Remember him, like a dream, you see, in your head.”
K1 (telepathically): I can see their face. I picture it again with my power of total recall. The beast hates them. A mere mortal summoning him to do his bidding.
K4, “Why not kill them?
K1: He likes to have fun hunting here. He’s afraid the spell caster might kill him. On that matter, why don’t you slay the Shadow Beast.
K4, “No challenge without a chance.” Withdrawing K4 allows the shadow beast to get up
K4, (in Dragonese), “Again. Fight!”
K1, casts the spell “Compulsion” on him (the shadow beast rolls an 8 fails).
The Beast runs out of the light into the darkness.
K1: He’s gone hunting after the one who summoned him.
K4, “Now how are we supposed to find him?”
K1, “He still leaves footprints. You can track those. We will use the magic of the superhuman endurance spell and keep up. Just to increase our odds.”
Knight One turns to the shadow beast still inside the burrow.
Compulsion: Hunt the one who summoned you. Save vs Magic: 2
The knights cancel the magic net.
K1 says to the Shadow Beast, “Good Hunting!”
The Knights follow.

Knight Four (K4) has no problems with tracking the Shadow Beast. He can see in the dark with the necklace of Bat Skulls granting him night vision. While the Shadow Beast, being obsessed, ignores the knights following them by their noise and foot prints.

Knight One, “He gets to kill someone he hates and fears. We get to pick the corpse of a shadow beast summoner. Maybe law enforcement will pay us a bounty.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Knight Four took in the scene.
He and Knight One are invisible.
Its after midnight but the glow from the ley line softly lit the area
There within the boundaries of a superior circle of protection were 10 zombies in armor and two D-Bee spell casters and a third who didn’t wear his abilities on his attire.

Then the problem instantly occurred to me. Shadow Beasts, being lesser supernatural beings, can go near circles of protection like this one.

Knight One, invisible, seriously mars the marking of the protection circle.

The Shadow beasts jump into action and pounce one of the spell caster. They claw and mall the spell caster to the surprise of everyone.
His companions attempt to help but we take the energy from the ley line they were going to use and absorb it.

Knight One and I cast Magic over the two not being torn apart by the two Shadow Beasts.

The slow to act zombies fall to the ground and die for the last time.

Knight One, casts Magic Net over the two Shadow Beasts.
They don’t see it coming. It catches them off guard.

Telepathically: Standby to destroy the Shadow Beast on the left first.

Knight Four: Wait. Maybe there is another way..

I cast Armor of Ithan and become visible.

Facing those in the Magic Net I ask (in Dragonese), “Can you send the Shadow Beasts back to their dimension?”

Those in the Magic Net are still in a little shock.
After a minute they look a little more collected and start talking.
He’s a Ley Line Rifter. He can create a dimensional portal but he can’t do it by himself. He doesn’t have the energy levels.
With a gun to his head Knight four releases the Ley Line Rifter from the Magic Net.
Knight Four, “Now, cast the spell, open a dimensional portal to their home.”
Rifter, “I don’t have the energy.”
Knight Four, “WE do.”

The Rifter casts his spell and a portal opens to the shadow dimension.

Knight One shouts (in Dragonese), “Go HOME!”
One of the shadow beasts runs through the portal back to the shadow dimension.
The other disappears into the night.

Knight One, “That’s all. Close the portal.”
The Rifter closes the portal.

Pointing his energy rifle at the Ley Line Rifter Knight One says, “Those Shadow Beasts killed the one who summoned them. That wasn’t you. So how do you feel about him being dead now?”
The Rifter, “I can live without him.”
Knight One, “Good answer.”
Knight Four, “We, I mean I, have to track down and kill that Shadow Beast that ran off.”
Knight One smiles, “I understand, GOOD HUNTING!”

Knight Four:
The trail is fresh. I become invisible and stalk my prey. He can’t see me. I can’t see him. The beast can hide in the shadows but he can’t hide his footprints.
I turn on my psionic power of Sense Evil to narrow down the beast’s whereabouts.
Then we can feel each other. It’s in the air. The subtle sound and awkward silence as though we will it to be quiet.
I cast Armor of Ithan to both defend myself and give away my location.
The beast attacks. I feel its blow against my armor.
Taking the attack, I simultaneously blast the beast with energy from my eyes.
We wail on each other until the beast drops.
In the end, I stand over its corpse and plunge my sword just to make certain he’s dead.

Walking back I feel the kills and it’s fleeting satisfaction. The hunt is always better than the kill.

When I return to Knight One, he has already looted the corpse of the dead spell caster.

I ask, “Where are the others?”
Knight One, “I got their email and gave them my card. We’ll do some business later; maybe. Now we take his head and his stuff back with us. Then we see what we can cash in.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Controlled by the Splugorth
One of the arenas on the continent

The Arena has an Aquatic motif with enormous fishbowl holding water with dangerous beings
beneath the surface and pirate ships in the water.
Onboard the ships are four slaves who are competing.
Each ship has a prize in it.
The surprise of the match is the predators beneath the sea can eliminate anyone any time.
They had better hurry up and finish each other before the sea monsters do . . .
. . . But wait, there’s more . . .
Each ship has a prize, a treasure chest in each other's ships.
There’s also a bonus chest at the bottom of the sea.
IF you finish with it, the slaves get to have both their ship and freedom.
A little incentive to take the PLUNGE!.

Wyatt climbs the mast and ties a noose on his rope.
Throwing it around the neck of one of the humanoid slaves, Wyatt drops over the mast.
It pulls his victim up by the neck and kicks him on his way down. He hits his head on the mast.
Wyatt quickly lets go of the rope and the man comes falling down on the top deck with a THUD!
Wyatt picks up the man’s cutlass and salutes the opponent before him.
His new opponent and alien looking D-Bee does all he can to parry. Then gets a lucky strike on Wyatt drawing first blood.
Wyatt attacks and parries but slips and drops his cutlass sword.
Struck again Wyatt snapping his whip, disarms the D-Bee and the two tackle each other. Then he body flips the tattooed D-Bee overboard.
Wyatt catches a last second glimpse of whatever sea monster man looking thing comes out of the water snatches the D-Bee out of mid air and takes him under.

Reclaiming the sword and looking around he notices the Dog Girls are handling their opponents.
Using his whip Wyatt disarms another D-Bee before he gets a chance to strike a girl.
Without hesitation the Dog Girl runs him through.
Wyatt, “I take prisoners.”
Zora (Dog Girl), severs the head of her opponent and says, “I take heads.”
Ella (Dog Girl), thrusts her polearm into the chest of the D-Bees and says, “Hearts for me.”
The remains of the tattooed D-Bees lay on the deck.
The girls start tossing the bodies overboard.
“What are you doing?” Wyatt asks
“Chum in the water. Easy eats to keep them away from us,” Mila said as she tosses the D-Bee with a noose overboard.
At the last second he grabs her and takes her with him overboard.

Jumping Wyatt catches the end of the rope and stops Mila’s fall just before the surface of the water.
Then a sea creature man takes the D-Bee under and Mila with him.
Not letting go of the rope Wyatt is pulled along for the ride just after he holds his breath.


They are all pulled under.
They must be used to taking their prey down to the bottom of the sea.

Wyatt closes and adjusts his eyes.
Passing a floating eyeball then a severed hand.

Looking around Wyatt could see the partitions that allowed audience seating so they are half way from the bottom. Some kind of magic must be at work to allow him and the audience to see each other clearly.
Then he notices. Mila has let go of the rope and is swimming for the chest with the grand prize.

Securing his rope Wyatt swims for Mila.
She uses her trident like a lever but it is not enough.
Maybe they wanted to make it twice as difficult by locking the chest. One would have to break it open or pick the lock, underwater, or take the whole thing up with them.

Wyatt ties the end of his rope around the chest. Then Wyatt and Mila deadlift the chest to free it.

They really want to make this hard.

Dislodging it they pick up their weapons to fend off the competition.
Thrusting her trident Mila’s D-Bee opponent parries.
While Wyatt cuts his opponents arty spilling more blood in the water.
Racing by some kind of shark or something races by biting the bloodied D-Bee in his jaws but not before Wyatt is able to toss the noose end of his rope across the shark’s mouth.
Hanging onto the chest Wyatt takes off and grabs the part of Mila’s trident just below the blades. She gets pulled along for the ride.

Climbing up to Wyatt, Mila positions herself between Wyatt and her trident to hold on.

Wyatt, climbs up the rope and grabs the noose of the rope dandling on the other side of the shark’s mouth. Pushing down on the shark’s back with his boots Wyatt pulls up on his makeshift reins.
The shark swims up whereupon it breaks the surface and turns sideways tossing Sir Wyatt and Mila.
Cutting the rope to keep the end with the treasure chest Wyatt swims to the nearest floating ice thing.
Mila climbs upon it first.
Wyatt tosses her the end of his rope to hold the chest. Then he climbs up on it.
The cold sends shivers up the spines and their fur shakes.

Looking about them, they see the Dog Girls, Zora and Ella, carrying the other ship’s chest over to theirs.

They see Mila, then Wyatt.

So do the gladiator pirate slaves on the other ships.

It's a mad dash to pounce on the chest Mila and Wyatt brought up.

The crowd hoots and howlers!

A mini tornado shifts its direction to them as well.

Back to back Mila and Sir Wyatt look out for anyone coming for their chest.

Some ships attack each other the closer they get.

One ship is attacked by sea creatures and torn apart.
The crew jumps ship but the beasts devour them.

As the ship board gladiators disembark the mini tornado tosses four of them into the water.

The fight starts and everyone parrys and strikes. They hit more steel than flesh.
When Ella and Zora join in it unbalances the fight.
Wyatt takes a cut and cuts back. And cuts, and cuts. Then is hit again.
He’s not used to taking so much steel.
Then he strikes again, finishing his opponent.
Taking their sword, Wyatt takes the initiative and someone's head off.
Then unloads, slashing another cutting them up on the surface like fileting a fish.
The Dog Boys Sixth Sense flairs.
The mini tornado spins around the ice.
Team Dog Boy falls back and climbs aboard their ship with the grand prize chest.

The survivors fall through the ice and are not seen rising.

Fireworks go off.

The Announcer:
“WE have a winner. The last standing. WIth the grand prize!”

Before the arena a Splugorth comes out and waves its tentacle. The superbeing says something the Dog Boys don’t understand.

The aquatic arena opens and the ship the Dog Boys are on is carried out into the ocean that surrounds Atlantis.
It is like a giant toilet flushed and is sweeping them out to sea.
Then something is pulling the ship out to sea towards the Gulf of Mexico.
Between Sir Wyatt and the Dog Girls they feel a water elemental or something pushing the boat.
They just know something is making it so they can go fast and without trouble with the ocean or weather.

Zora, “I can’t believe it. They let us go.”
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Re: Cerberus

Unread post by darthauthor »

Story Threads So Far:

In Hades: (Knight 3, Lady Black, and Ictinus a.k.a. The Atlantean)

On board a ship: (Sir Wyatt and three Dog Girls)

In Lazlo: The Mystic Knights of the mercenary company

Location: Hades, Demon City. Atlantean Quarters.

Present: Mystic Knight Three, Lady Black, and Ictinus.
So far . . .

-Knight Three has recovered.
-Lady Black is adjusting to the situation they are in. She is more okay with fighting in the arena.
-Ictinus (an Atlantean Stone Master) continues his work on the stone ziggurat (an alternate version of an Atlantean stone pyramid).
-The Atlantean community has made some peace with Ictinus working for the rulers of Hades. The Atlanteans are being sent out by Rifts out in family units.
-The stone ziggurat is working better. Slave sacrifices for Personal Potential energy are down fourteen percent. The Rifts made by it are better controlled and more stable.

Telepathically put out by Knight Three:
-Knight Three, “My brothers are either dead or no longer in this dimension.”
-Ictinus, “How do you know?”
-Knight Three, “No more magic pigeons from them.”
-Ictinus, “IF anybody has any better ideas for escape or continue my work, please, share.”
-Knight Three, “I don’t.”
-Lady Black, “I don’t like it.”
-Knight Three, “What’s to like?”
-Ictinus, “I like my people being saved. I like how you and Lt Ezra heal the surviving gladiators and slaves. I like how you make tents for everyone that are air conditioned. That other worldly tech you scrape off the arena floor looks cool too. What are you doing with that?”
-Knight Three, “Always the engineer. I’m finding out myself. For now, it is practice and experimentation. Besides, the mortal slaves of the demons regularly count us and look around our quarters to see how we are doing and if we are up to anything. They all see what I take out of the arena. What they don’t see is what I find out I can do with it.
Thinking of which, how many more days do you figure you need for the ziggurat?
-Ictinus, “200 to 250 more days but I won’t really know until it performs like a true Atlantean pyramid. Some improvements will be gradual. Some will be great overnight. Mostly I am making the changes they can see with their eyes on their way to the control room and to the main chamber where they create the Rift. It is not the most efficient but it is the easiest for the demons and their slaves to see. I’m not even sure that the job will be complete and I won’t have to correct parts I have already worked on to align it with the rest. I am certain I will make progress if not perfection.”
-Lady Black, “So you play a performance until you get all your fellow Atlanteans Rifted out.”
-Ictinus, “It’s working isn’t it. Besides, I’m also saving the lives of slaves. So unless and until someone has any better options I’m going to continue my building plan.”
-Lady Black, “But when the ziggurat is finished they will never let Ictinus go.”
-Ictinus, “Then before I kill myself, I will have saved my fellow Atlanteans and both of you as everyone but me Rifts out of this dimension.”

Knight Three and Lady Black look at each other and resolve themselves to find a way to escape with Atlantean Ictinus.


Somewhere off the coast of Florida.

Present: Sir Wyatt and the Dog Girls; Zora, Mila, and Ella

Sir Wyatt with his psi-sword in his hand.
Ella, “So you are a freeborn Dog Boy who was taught to be Cyber-Knight?”
Zora, “By another Cyber-Knight. And that’s some kind of psychic warrior?”
Mila, “Who fights against monsters?”
Ella, “Because, Cyber-Knights fight to protect the innocent.”
Zora, “And you pretend to be to work for the CS, like a CS Dog Boy.”
Mila, “So you can help or avenge humans in CS territories when they mistake you for an REAL CS Dog Boy.”
Ella, “And work with real CS Dog Boys, rescuing them and or helping them to complete their missions.
Zora, “As long as they rescue or protect the innocent.”
Mila, “Or punishes an Evil for harming an innocent.”
Ella, “Or prevents an Evil from harming an innocent.”
Zora, “Including fighting in an arena in Atlantis.”
Ella, “Rescuing ‘US’ from the slave pins of Atlantis.”
Mila, “And now you are telling us now because the Code of Chivalry demands you avoid deception and respect comrades and women.”
Ella, “Since now there is no need to hide your being a Cyber-Knight from the minions of the Splugorth.”
Zora, “And you have to use your psi-sword to open the chests.”
Mila, “So you either don’t open the chests or tell us who you really are.”
Zora, “IF I hadn’t been a slave in Atlantis . . . “
Ella, “And you didn’t free that CS grunt and those human slaves.”
Mila, “And you didn’t fight for our freedom.”
Zora, “I’d call you a traitor to our kind.”
Ella, “But instead you are the one who rescued us.”
Mila, “Like Zora, I believed you were going to die in the arena, like the others. Just like I believed we would, eventually.”
Ella, “Now we are alive and free. Just like you said when we first met.”

Using his psi-sword Wyatt opens the two smaller chests to reveal a rainbow of gems.
What remains is the largest chest. The prize that legitimized their freedom under the rules of the gladiator game.
With the top removed inside in sealed tubes.
Inside are scrolls.
Between the four of them, only Sir Wyatt can read.


Location: Lazlo
Present: The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four

The knights have been working as much as they can to raise credits for their rescue mission to get back Knight Three and the Atlantean Ictinus.

The working name of their merc outfit is: Section.

After cashing in on their last job the Mystic Knights take the time to capture their henchmen's competition.
They turn them in to collect bounties and just to law enforcement after some evidence collection.
Even without direct profit they are testing their skills and effectively eliminating the competition of their
own band of thieves.
Then they take some quick jobs delivering magic items.
Some go smoothly.
Some they run across hijackers. They eliminate them.

One turns out to be an ambush by the CS. They get the drop on the Mystic Knight and attack them with "Energy Weapons." The mercs immunity to energy attacks protects them and they dispatch their CS ambushers; save two.
Knight One and Four interrogates them to learn what they can of the CS operation and their means of spying and intelligence. It takes a little longer than they expected. The CS operatives are turned over to the knight's employer along with what information they gain from them minus the armor, equipment, and weapons they were able to loot and salvage.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades: (Knight 3, Lady Black, and Ictinus a.k.a. The Atlantean)

Knight Three and Lady Black practice for the gladiatorial arena with the Atlanteans.

On board a ship: (Sir Wyatt and three Dog Girls)

Wyatt explains:
“These scrolls, when I read them, I can send you anywhere in this world; magically. I guess it really is ‘freedom’ of a sort. The question I ask you girls now is, will you allow me to both ‘read’ and ‘use magic’ to send you where you want to go?”

Location: Lazlo
Present: The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four

Still dressed as mercenaries, the band present themselves as human mercenaries with psychic abilities. They make no mention of their mystic powers nor openly display their magical powers. The team sees the advantages of being mistaken for mercs without spell casting and immunity against energy attacks. They instead assume the mercs are using technowizard devices or such. In truth, some of them do have items made by a necromancer but that's all.
They thought about selling the items to make some quick credits but the market has been flooded since the Winter Equinox. Selling them now would be taking the lowest bidder offer.
For now, they have sold the CS armor, equipment, and weapons they could loot and salvage. The same with the hijackers.

Right now, their Atlantean clan is asking them to deliver some crystals for them. Their resident Crystal Mage used the winter equinox to stockpile some crystal to work with as material. They also made enough to sell to techno wizards as construction material for their items.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades: (Knight 3, Lady Black, and Ictinus a.k.a. The Atlantean)

Knight Three and Lady Black entertain the idea of changing to survive and thrive where they and by becoming full fledged Gladiators.
While in his spare time Knight Three uses his medical knowledge and spells to heal other warrior slaves.
He hopes it will relieve them of their pain at least. At best, they might live to fight another day and die on their feet in the arena.
Having learned to speak with them in the Demogorian language and treating their wounds, Knight Three is becoming endeared to the gladiators and slaves.

On board a ship: (Sir Wyatt and three Dog Girls)

The Dog Girls are emotionally torn.
In their CS conditioned view, Dog Boys are not supposed to read. It would not be correct.
Free Born Dog Boys are the children of deserters and traitors, to be destroyed, as an example to other Dog Boys, or at least shunned.
They are not familiar with Cyber-Knights but it feels like the CS would not approve of a Dog Boy or Girl being anything they, the CS, didn’t want a Dog Boy or Girl to be.
The feeling is the Dog Girls conscious is against Sgt/Sir Wyatt.
Their eyes, however, have seen Wyatt save human slaves and a CS grunt. He fought alongside them in the arena after they had seen so many good Dog Boys die. He helped them to win their freedom, something they may not have been able to accomplish with his help.
The question that stinks up the mood is, “How is any of what Wyatt has done EVIL?”
And “IF Wyatt isn’t evil, how could the CS be wrong?”

The CS didn’t come back and rescue the Dog Girls. They abandoned them because they couldn’t or wouldn’t mount a rescue.
They are where they are now because of Wyatt.
While they remember the lessons the CS taught them that magic is evil but Wyatt is giving them a choice. A choice of going anywhere they want. They never had any real choice in their lives. They were slaves in Atlantis. They were soldiers in the CS.
Now, they are free. Freer than they have ever been and they don’t know what to do.
All they feel is that the Dog Girls they are here and now, are different from what they were years ago working for the CS.
They all just sort of collapse, lie around and look at the ocean. Then, going through the motion and wanting something to do so as NOT to think they pull ashore.
The heat and humidity along the Florida coast is awful.
The water is warm.
The smells are peppered with some unfamiliar things.
Their instincts are aroused at the hint of danger in the air
Together they enjoy their freshly caught seafood on the beach and just be.

Location: Lazlo
Present: The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four

With their Atlantean rep in tow the Mystic Knights disguised as mercs use their band of thieves as cover and spotters to make the Atlantean crystal deliveries.

Venturing into the surrounding communities and small villages the Atlantean rep instructs the town’s people on the use of Atlantean Solar Crystals. They will effectively substitute for an electrical power source only as clean energy but with limited duration and must be allowed to recharge by resting in sunlight each day.
The Rep, being of the Aurelous Atlantean Clan, also use their medical skills to treat a few minor problems as they come along those who could use some medical care.
This compassionate aid work (both the solar generators and medical attention) they do endears them and the use of magic eyes of the people.
The knights feel the indirect social pressure to contribute and participate without pay.
It feels a bit awkward but they enjoy the free meal and barn to sleep in for the night.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Lady Black asks the Atlanteans to train her in the Gladiator arts. It is a step down in fight, in some ways, but being a good fighter is not enough. Killing is not enough. It is not enough to be the last gladiator standing. Lady Black needs to win the crowd and that means fighting with flair.

On the beach of Florida
Sir Wyatt and three Dog Girls meet some of the locals.
They ask, “Are you guys another pack of Dog Boys, going your own way, like the others?”


Location: Outside of Lazlo
The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four
Having completed their assignment they return the Atlantean rep to Lazlo.
They made no credits from the gig and are feeling a little bummed about it.
The Aurelous clan took some credits from the Techno Wizards but put it back into their clan’s operating expenses and emergency fund.

They sit down with their gang of thieves and brainstorm about how they can make some fast credits.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Lady Black faces a dilemma. Being a successful gladiator means making an adjustment in their thinking and pride. It is a standard practice to feign injury and sometimes even play dead.
She understands that, in nature, animals use camouflage and even stealth to deceive their prey or predator.
It’s just a matter of pride.
Faking is for the weak.
Still, some of the monsters she has seen would overpower her if she only fought with the strength of her back and arms.
A hunter uses camouflage and bait to lure their prey where they want them so they can attack.
It’s just new to her.

On the beach of Florida
Sir Wyatt and three Dog Girls are guided to a local fishing village. There they see both Dog Boys and a Psi-Stalker.
Getting sight of each other is awkward.
The exchange of the look in their eyes, it is one of surprise. Underneath it is judgment. The Dog Girls know how they came to be where they are. They were captured. These Dog Boys and Psi-Staker are no ones prisoners or slaves.
The look and smell of them is something wild. There is no regret or pity, only a little shame in the exchange of glances with the Dog Girls.
Only Wyatt’s look is one they do not chafe at.

Sitting by the fire as they begin to share a meal they exchange stories.
This land is wild. It calls out to them, to their blood. A host of dinosaurs roam the territory and other things. It is dangerous. It is a little bit of everything except tame and technological. IF they stay here and hunt and fish they will feel it too and understand.

Wyatt’s story:
“My psi-stalker and I led our brothers out of a city after its bots turned on us and the humans abandoned us. Without human leaders we chose our own and relied upon each other.
Together we started with the idea of hiking back to Chi-Town or at least the closest village with transportation to take one of us or a message. Still no one or message came back. While time passed we helped those we came across and hunted for our food.
Then we noticed something. There were a lot of people who were grateful and needed us to stay, so we did. Since then we have killed demons and vampires. Defended humans and D-Bees alike from monsters that came out of Rifts during the Equinox. One was a dinosaur. We ate him. So, I get it. I understand. You don’t need the CS to do what is right or to help people. You can be your own person. Have a life of your own. And even carry on the mission of defending humanity from monsters.”


Location: Outside of Lazlo
The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four

After checking in with their gang of robbers they find out the gang is in trouble:
Another gang is rustling in on their territory.
They are tough and scary.
The robbers need some muscle to run them off or “take care” of them. IF they have to deal with them by themselves they could lose or even if they win they might have to limp away with broken bones and bullet holes.

Knight One tells them to bring him photos and / or video and a map with the route they take. If they can find them, addresses.

After a little research and planning the three of them move out.
Using a combination of disguises and invisibility, Knight One and Four follow the suspects.
They use the spell “Compulsion” to compel them to go to where they stash their loot.
Using the spell “Escape” Knight Four unlocks the door.
Then uses the psychic power of Bio-Manipulation to paralyze him.
The knights put a bag over his head and play some heavy metal music.
They loot the place and the guy.
Next they lay an ambush for the guys partners in crime.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Lt Ezra makes some mead to help people relax.
Another way to keep peoples spirits up.


Sir Wyatt and the Dog Girls exchange stories with the locals.
It seems that CS Dog Boys went feral in Florida. Same with Psi-Stalkers only deeper. There are a few runaway experiments from the Lone Star state. The rest are deserters.
Holding a baby Dog Girls in their arms weakens the will of the full grown Dog Girls.

They discuss the joys and challenges of living in the land. Food is a constant stress but those who know how to fish, hunt and farm aren’t hungry.

Location: Lazlo
The Mystic Knights One, Two, and Four

When more people come to the place where the loot was stored.
The knights get the jump on them.
From inside, while hiding on the ceiling Knight Four cast Magic Net.
From outside, Knight Two, verifies the targets with their band of robbers before sniping those in their vehicles.
Likewise, from outside the door, Knight One, takes out the guards.
Then Knight One, radios in their band of robbers to discreetly remove the bodies and relieve them of their cybernetics, valuables and clothes. While Knight Two uses his spells of fire to cremate the remains.

Knight One tells the team's band of robbers, “Use their wallets and keys to loot their homes. Drive their vehicles there. Stake it out before entering. IF they have family or girlfriends, leave them untouched. IF not, loot their places then sell the loot and the vehicles. Sell everything. I don’t care how much you personally like the look of something. Sell it. Leave nothing that can trace you to them. Be careful. There could be others who work with them or for them. They might be part of a larger outfit. We don’t want them to see us.
Someone asks, “And those in the Magic Net?”
Knight One, “They didn’t see or hear anything outside of the room they are in. The working crew will work them over as a warning. Then let them go with a warning to stay out of your territory.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Cerberus Headquarters, the Stone Pyramid of Ictinus

The Dog Boys and Psi-stalkers of the platoon have gathered to talk.

They discuss:
Lt Black jumped through a Rift to save someone.
Sgt Wyatt walked through a Rift to Atlantis. He hasn't come back yet.
We don’t know where he is or if will ever find a way back.

We have dozens of beat up, old, and worn out humans Sgt Wyatt arranged to free from Atlantis.

One Dog Girl who was like us before she was taken by Splugorth slavers.
Sgt Wyatt also arranged for her freedom.

And one CS grunt who was also their prisoner.
All thanks to Wyatt.
The grunt is a bit broken. Fortunately for him and us we have a medical clinic and insane asylum.

As of now we are mostly certain the other end of the Rifts to Altantis is being watched by loyal servants of the Splugorth. It is only a matter of time before they pour through their end of the Rift and out of ours. Our best guess, they are spying on us to see if anyone is coming or going. If they really considered us or the Rift a threat their security forces would have had their “Sixth Sense” go off or something. One of their scouts already prowled up on the Rifts and used their abilities to study it. They must know it leads to somewhere else on the planet.
The details must not be that important or they would have come through with a platoon of monsters or something. We are still guessing but according to the rescued human slaves the Splugorths minions are arrogant. They think the Splugorth are unbeatable, maybe even demi-gods. All seeing. All knowing. It's like we are a few D-Bees in the Burbs outside of Chi-Town. Beneath their notice.
They have an army so big they can’t see all of it. IF they tried to count it, they would forget the number before they finished counting. They are an army of slaves. The real tough guys are aliens or something. Gargoyles. Huge. Tough. They use magic.
We think, eventually, they will send a scouting party or one of their magic users will close the Rift, on their side, using magic.

For now we have one scouting party over there ourselves.
We guard the Rift, on our side, twenty-four seven.
We are ready to ‘mist’ anything or one who comes through.
We have to be prepared to lose some brother when the Rift closes.
Everything happened so fast we had not worked out who would lead IF Lt Black or Sgt Wyatt when KIA or MIA.
So we follow the chain of command.
We have seven psi-stalkers here.
It also means IF we promote two psi-stalkers to first and second in command we will have to promote two Dog Boys to squad leader positions.

We ALL need to get clear on what we are doing and why we are doing it.

Our mission, “This We'll Defend." We defend our world from anything that might come through that Rift. A portal we can’t close or destroy. A gateway to other worlds, lands that could have invaders into ours. IF we abandon our post, nothing and no one will be here to stop what could come through.
Today that threat is slavers. Splugorth slavers. The only thing we have going for us is they think we are unimportant enough to bother. They probably think, IF they come through the Rift could close and their guys will be stuck on this side. It's a long way to Atlantis, even with a hover vehicle. IF we charged over there and started blasting they’d outnumber us a thousand to one. Then they’d send guys through.
Defending our side is easier and safer. There are only so many who can fit through the Rift at a time. The kill box is small.
IF there is a better plan than to defend our side until the Rift, our Rift on our side, closes forever, we stand our ground and defend it and ourselves.
The doors open for those who need to talk about it. Until the Rift is closed for good, we continue with the guard shifts, supply runs, and prepare for the vernal equinox and lunar eclipse in March. Two months isn't that much time.

There is more work to do the mining town is growing and we are the only real law in the town. The people don't exactly trust each other complete now that they have profits from the mine. That giant Dog Girl look one, the Wolfen, she want us to guard the wealth. Bank guards. Armored car guards. She thinks a bank is going to change things. Either way, we have battery and E-clip rechargers here, in the stone pyramid. The lady, Athena, is repairing or replacing our armor and gear. Our main limitations are food. We've hunted the area clean. We need livestock and crops or at least a supplier.

WE are too far away from the Coalition State for help. We haven't heard a word back no matter how many people we told and asked to carry the word back. None of us can read or write and no one we asked can either. We NEED ever Dog here. We are soldiers and the only ones we can trust.
Last edited by darthauthor on Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Knight Three sets up some battery powered lighting from what he can scramp together. It brightens the mood.

In Florida

Wyatt explains:
“I have some scrolls. IF I read them I can send you anywhere in the world I have been. To Lone Star. To Chi-Town Burbs.
I intend to use one to send myself back to my platoon of Dog Boys.
I waited for you because I believed you could not read or would not use the scroll if you could. I can read for you but I can only send you somewhere I have been before. All you have to do is tell me where you want to go and when I have read the scroll it will send you to that place. Even IF you distrust magic, you trust me or you would have run away by now or tried to kill me. Now, what is your desire?”

In Lazlo

Present: the Mystic Knights One, Two, Four, and a Fixer.

The Fixer:
“The competition is cutthroat. Sabotaged our bots. If the company doesn’t make its delivery this week it will lose its contract to its competitors. The customer doesn’t care who delivers, just that they get what they paid for when they need it. So management wants the competition hit back but they are cheap. They won’t pay for any kills. IF you are professionals you don’t like working for free and killing ain’t cheap. So just make sure they don’t deliver, at least, until after us.”

Knight Four begins to pick up huge and heavy crates and starts loading them.
Knight One, “What are you doing?”
Knight Four, “It is easier to load this one and deliver it.”
The Fixer, “All you have saved us is, maybe an hour, two tops.”
Knight Four, “Delivering the hover truck will show us the route. Going to and from, we will scope out the good places for ambushes.”
Knight One, “The method does not matter. Only the result. If our customer’s delivery is made before the competition we will have satisfied the contract.”
Knight Four, “And we won’t have broken a bone to do it.”
The Fixer, “There are a lot of truck loads to deliver between now and the end of the week. And the customer can’t have you associated with them. He made it clear. No one who can be traced back to him or the business. So we can’t have you seen in one of our trucks or making deliveries for the company. Be the competition's enemy or hijackers or something as long as they don’t deliver, in time.”
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Lady Black and Knight Three fence for practice.
Knight Three is getting very used to summoning his Atlantean simple weapon sword.

In Florida

The Dog Girls talk:
They have a lot of mixed feelings.
Part of them knows they are supposed to return to the CS if they escaped.
They just never believed this day would come.
Part of them has been taught to believe magic is evil and so are those who use it. To use magic or accept its aid is to accept evil.
IF they are to return to the CS it ought to be by non-magical means.

The bystander feral Dog Boys tease the Dog Girls that perhaps they should swim back to the Splugorth. Then they can escape, again, only this time without the aid of magic.
While the Dog Girls insist that was not a choice they made but one that was thrust upon them.
To which the feral Dog Boy counters, “So any choice thrust upon you, is one you accept? Even staying here?”
The Dog Girls quiver.
So much of their recent lives have been that of a slave.
The freedom to make their own decisions has not been something they are used to and it frightens them. While at the same time they feel just how important that freedom is now that they have it.
It is all just too much for them and they have an emotional breakdown.

In Lazlo

Present: the Mystic Knights One, Two, Four, and a Fixer.

Knight Four, “We could disguise ourselves as drivers and make the deliveries.”
Knight One, “As long as the truck and delivery is our employers we can’t do anything but legitimately deliver.”
Knight Four, “And collect information. Speaking of which, why don’t we investigate the problem the company had with the bots.”
Knight One, “Three’s our tech guy and he’s not here. Besides, even if we did, and we could prove the connection between the bot and our employer’s competition, what are we going to do about it? We aren’t being paid for it. While the competitors' execs would throw the guy under a bus to make sure the trail ends with him.”
Knight Four, “Leak the info to law enforcement? Or the news?”
Knight One, “Then the lawyers get rich instead of us. Assuming law enforcement doesn’t look the other way for a bribe or they don’t already have a man on the inside tipping them off or running interference. Then they might try to trace the tip or look into our employer to find out what is what. We will honor our employer’s wishes that our involvement and their problems with the competition remain a secret.”
Knight Two, “Our mission is clear.”
Knight One, “Without killing anyone, we sabotage our employer’s competition deliveries. IF anyone can think of any better way to do it than take out their radios and trucks, while they are on their way. All while they are far from the city, where no one can see it go down and they can’t easily get back up or another truck. Well, let’s hear it?”
Knight Four, “Our gang of robbers!”
Knight One, “How does that work?”
Knight Four, “I just thought of them. Thought about how to keep them busy while we are gone. Then it occurred to me to use them. Now that I think about it maybe they could steal the vehicles, then sabotage them or sabotage them on site. At least, we should put tracking devices on them. Hey wait! I just remembered. Knight Three is not here but our band of robbers includes a hacker. Why not task him with what we would have Three do? Maybe they could even find out about our employer's sabotage. At the very least, we should use them to plant tracking devices or hack into their computers to get the shipping routes.
Knight Two, “That IS a good idea!”
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Re: Cerberus

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In Hades:

Knight Three, “Until there are more injuries I can treat I have done all I can for the surviving gladiators and slaves.”
Lady Black, “No one can save all of them.”
Knight Three (telepathically):
“They have drawn and sculpted images of us and the Atlantean Stone Master Ictinus. They have psychics and psychic slaves who can find us in this land. The Hell Hounds, or whatever, have our scent.
The desert surrounding this city is difficult to navigate and merciless.
Some of the demons can fly. They will have air support. In any search for us. My intuition tells me they are more interested in Ictinus finishing his work than if you (Lady Black) and I escape.
Telepathically, I heard there was a raid on the entrance to the city. They were Atlantean. Were easily repelled. Most were killed. I don’t know a lot about Atlanteans. Will they send another rescue team?”
Lady Black: “Yes. However, the Aerhiman clan could consider ‘saving’ Ictinus another way. Saving him from a life of torture and slavery and the transferring of their secrets of stone mastery. You know what I mean?”
Knight Three, “They could contract it out so it will come as a surprise.”
(Looking around at the Atlanteans in the room)
“I suppose this isn’t that much different from the Splugorth in Atlantis.”
Lady Black, “There are Atlanteans slaves in Atlantis. And Atlanteans who secretly help slaves escape. This City of Demons and their ruler, Disc, are a junior league compared to the Splugorth’s Atlantis.”
Knight Three, “So we help slaves, Atlantean slaves, get out of Hades by cooperating. At least, that is what Ictinus says is going on. He does say he sees them go through the Rifts as a sort of canary bird in a coal mine.”

In Florida

DIvided the Dog Girls separately decide:
One wants to stay in Florida and fish.
One wants to return to the CS but not by magic.
One wants to go with Wyatt.

Wyatt and the Dog Girl pack up.
Reading the magic scroll the Dog Girl is teleported to the
Stone Pyramid headquarters of Cerberus.
Then Wyatt reads a teleportation scroll for himself.
He is transported to Cerberus.

Together the two rejoin Wyatt’s Dog Boy brothers.

The homecoming is a celebration.
Alternate dimension Dog Boy #1210 cooks for the platoon.
Sgt Wyatt tells the story of his gladiatorial match.
He then has a look at the CS grunt they rescued.
Man still looks shell shocked. PTSD
Wyatt asks him if he wants to be magically transported to Chi-Town but the grunt is still amazed
He recognizes the Dog Girls and asks if this is all a dream or a trick.

The two Dog Girls are reunited and are overjoyed; they are both alive and free from the minions of Splugorth.
The two swap stories and do each other’s hair.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades: City of Demons

Knight Three has been and continues to learn the Atlantean language from an Atlantean Rogue Scholar.

The Atlanteans appreciate his medical skills and use of magic that heals. He has used it and continues to treat those with injuries.
Knight Three’s spell of “Cleanse” is the regular laundry and shower service.
Also, he uses his version of the “Sheltering Force” spell to provide the equivalent of air conditioning for everyone in the Atlantean quarter.

Lady Black continues her apprenticeship in the gladiatorial arts.

Cerberus: The Stone Pyramid

The recon Dog Boy pack returns through the open Rift to Atlantis.
They report the land is vast. They could spend their entire lives searching, on foot, and never see it all.
They evaded patrols, in the wilderness, when they could sense the presence of their magic.
The squad caught up to some humanoids. The squad could not understand their language but they understood their fear. Best guess, they were runaway slaves trying to hide and survive in the wilderness.

All the Dog Boys have a bad feeling slavers will come through the Rift on ‘this’ side and try to capture or kill them.

Sgt Wyatt, “Every day that goes by the Rift has a chance of closing on its own. WE must be on the lookout for invisible assassins, scouts, and spies sneaking through the Rift. IF they don’t return their masters will think there is danger and send fighters and beings with great powers. We must not provoke them. As long as their numbers are few we can take them after the Rift closes. They won’t have any leadership, reinforcements or support."
After being ordered to speak freely the Dog Boys share:
The feeling of retreating before supernatural enemies of both humankind and freedom feels wrong.

Sgt Wyatt, “Oftentimes, good strategy feels bad. Though we may
regret the method, we won’t regret the results. Retreat, in the face
of an overwhelming enemy, when no innocent lives will be harmed, is
not dishonorable. We will live to go on defending the lives and freedoms
of others.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades: City of Demons

Knight Three (telepathically):
“I glimpse things. I hear thoughts. They are putting up circles of protection or something around the place we stay. Also, they count us every day; multiple times a day; on schedule and at random.
Their thoughts betray them.
IF any of us escape or disappear they will use torture on the Atlanteans until they get answers. Then kill one for everyone that escaped. So they want us all buddy buddy friendly with each other. All one big family. To that end they are bringing us food to cook ourselves. They want us to bond over cooking and eating . . .”


Cerberus: The Stone Pyramid

Sensing the presence of magic and high personal potential energy one of the Dog Boys with the psionic power of seeing the invisible turn it on.

They see the head of a beast, a top black armor on four humanoids prowling about the main chamber.
The Dog Boy uses his radio, “Sir, it's about that time.”
-Translation: The spies are here.
Sgt Wyatt, “Number of ‘hours’ you can see yourself staying around?”
-Translation: How many?
“Four sir.”
“We all need a break. I’ll come over and you can take the boys to break room.”
-Translation: Without giving away that we know they are there, fall back guard the most sensitive areas and equipment.

Sir Wyatt turns on his ability to see the invisible then walks to the main chamber. Meeting the Dog Boys he relieves them and stands guard with two psi-stalkers.
Seeing the invisible armored figures taking pictures of the inside the pyramid makes Wyatt nervous. He struggles to remember the script he had thought of:
“Soon this Rift will be closed and we won’t have to guard it all the time. No more floods. It will be a relief. The Rift can’t close soon enough for me. Till then we will defend this stone pyramid from any monsters that come out of that Rift.”
The invisible black armored humanoids continue their search and photography of the inside and outside of the pyramid. Whatever magic they are using is a superior kind of invisibility that makes it so the Dog Boys can’t even smell them. They leave no boot tracks; make no noise when they walk.
Then they leave through the Rift back to Atlantis.

Wyatt (on the radio), “Get back to our defensive position of guarding the Rift! Alpha Squad searches the pyramid for explosives and magic and listening devices. Hurry!”
Last edited by darthauthor on Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades: City of Demons

Knight Three and Lady Black survive an arena match.

Three’s scars are tended to by Lady Black and the Atlanteans.


Cerberus: The Stone Pyramid

When the invisible Sunaj trip the fishing lines sounding an alarm.
The twenty five of the Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers pointing their energy rifles at him.
Sgt Wyatt, “Yes we can see you. Leave or we will kill you.”

The Sunaj turns around and leaves.

Sgt Wyatt, “They will be back and in greater numbers.”
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Re: Cerberus

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Location: Hades: City of Demons

Knight Three uses magic to mend their clothes.
Then he gets back to work practicing his Atlantean (ancient Greek) and Demogorian.
Tinkers with the tech he is able to scavenge. He has an understanding witht other gladiators to grab what tech they can from the arena floor when they can in exchange for medical and magically healing services.


Cerberus Headquarters: The Stone Pyramid

A slave marches through the Rift from Atlantis to the Cerberus headquarters

The human is dressed in regal blue robes:
“Today you have the honor of being addressed by the master messenger. We have brought food for your journey. My master is ready to take up the defense of this stone pyramid. You are now free to leave knowing it will be defended. No monster will be allowed to roam free from it while the small army of 300.
Sgt Wyatt, “Then the defending troops are ready to be tested?”
The Splugorth servant said, “They have already been tested.”
Sgt Wyatt, “Not by me.”
The Splugorth servant said, “Now, you test my patience.”
Tossing his glove at the Splugorth servant's face.
Sgt Wyatt, “Send me your champion.”

A moment later 10 tattooed humans come through the Rift. They are armed with melee weapons but Sir Wyatt knows their real weapons are their tattoos.

The Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers have formed a semicircle with the only slice missing where the Rift opens.
Wyatt steps into the center and motions his hand in invitation to any one to fight him.

The one on one duel begins.
Sgt Wyatt ends the fight cutting off his opponent's hand with his CS vibro-sword.
The slave army squad leader kill the man using a magic sword.
Then kicks another soldier slave in Wyatt’s direction.
Sgt Wyatt parries the man’s attack and begins another duel.
In under thirty seconds, the man died by a dozen sword cuts.
“Another!” Sgt Wyatt shouts.
He cuts his head off, coating the floor with blood.
The slaves don’t move.
The squad leader runs the man nearest him through.
“Fight or die!”
A new man dashes at Sgt Wyatt.
He almost lasted thirty-seconds.
“You're running out of men,” chides Sgt Wyatt. “Why don’t you fight me, unless . . . you . . . are afraid?”
The two clash blades and Sgt Wyatt cuts the man’s hand off. He screams in agony.
“Surrender?” asks Sgt Wyatt
His face is a twisted mixture of fear and rage.
Conjuring a magical weapon he thrust it at Sgt Wyatt.
The fight continues until Wyatt cuts off his other hand.
One of the Dog Boys says, “Well that’s one way to disarm somebody.”

The human speaker for the Splugorth says, “Finish him.”
Sgt Wyatt, “This fight is over.”
Looking toward the remaining human soldier slaves, with a glance and motion of his head the four remaining kill their squad leader.
Sgt Wyatt, "To slow for you? Four of mine against the four here."

Four Dog Boys engage against the remain slaves.
The slave soldiers die but not before they kill one of the Dog Boys.

Sgt Wyatt, “Got any more for us to ‘TEST’ or do you want to quit?”

The messenger goes out and brings over another 10.
The duels continue.
One on one.
Another 10 slaves fall and one Dog Boy.

The next 10 slaves all die without a single Dog Boy lost.
Then another 10 slaves die.

Sgt Wyatt, “Hey, it’s lunch time. Bring over that food you promised. And these bodies are crowding the place. Take them back.”

20 more slaves die.

Then a whole platoon rushes through the Rift.
The Dog Boys open fire with their energy rifles.
20 more slaves die from energy weapons fire before they stop coming.

The Dog Boys pile the dead bodies up as human barricades. The rest are a tripping hazard for anyone coming in from the Rift.
They set up a spot light to blast light in the eyes of anyone coming in from the Rift.

A hundred men rush through the Rift.
They ALL die.
One Psi-Stalker is KIA.
There’s over 200 gallons of blood on the floor.
70 more come through in the next wave.
After the first 21 die the rest turn and run back.

After a half an hour

Sgt Wyatt, “They have gone to get reinforcements.”
Another Dog Boy, “I’ve never seen so many die in one day.”
Sgt Wyatt, “At sunset, there’s a chance the Rift could shift. We have to hold out until then.”
Last edited by darthauthor on Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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