Robotech Crossover question

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:"Come on folks, can't we all just get along? I mean, who's the REAL enemy here?"
"...I was going to say 'ignorance', but I'll go with that."

:lol: :lol:

Arnie100 wrote:Unsupervised Game Store Kid: "What does this do? What's this? Can I have that? What's in the crate?"
Store Clerk: "Open it and find out..."
Unsupervised Game Store Kid: "OKAY."

(Suddenly a pair of monstrous-looking arms pulls the kid inside, followed by a terrified scream anf gurgling sound...)

Store Clerk: "Shouldn't have done that." :nh:
Store Cuatomers: "YES!!!"

No real Unspervised Game Store Kids were injured during the writing of this scene

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
No real Unspervised Game Store Kids were injured during the writing of this scene

Dismembered, devoured, recycled into the ecology, yes, certainly, but not injured.


Arnie100 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
No real Unspervised Game Store Kids were injured during the writing of this scene

Dismembered, devoured, recycled into the ecology, yes, certainly, but not injured.

Of course not...we do try to keep things humane here.

:lol: :lol: Ya right.

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:[
Of course not...we do try to keep things humane here.

Gendo: (Currently being suspended by his toes over a sandworm blow) "I BEG TO DIFFER!!!"

:lol: You don't count! :twisted:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
No real Unspervised Game Store Kids were injured during the writing of this scene

Dismembered, devoured, recycled into the ecology, yes, certainly, but not injured.

That's what you get for looking in Annie's toy chest without permission.

:lol: :eek:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:That's what you get for looking in Annie's toy chest without permission.

That's an automatic failed Sanity check right there.

:lol: :lol: Understatement of the year.
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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Arnie100 wrote:Annie: (Peeking into her "crate"...): " Unsupervised Game Store Kid...I was hoping for a new cutie (the creatures of the Megaverse shiver in Fear)"


SRoss wrote:Haydonite: "Awareness! I found us a great new ally!!!" :D

Largo: "I look forward to working with you." :demon:


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Haydonite: "Awareness! I found us a great new ally!!!" :D

Largo: "I look forward to working with you." :demon:

Largo had to be one of the oiliest smug-bastard-style villains in anime. Anybody who dresses that well and keeps up a perpetual sneer...

Problem is, he'd be too easy to bait; put Sylia Stingry in a negligee in front of a Neutron S missile and he'd never see it until he started tipping over the event horizon.

:lol: :lol: True.

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Haydonite: "Awareness! I found us a great new ally!!!" :D

Largo: "I look forward to working with you." :demon:

Largo had to be one of the oiliest smug-bastard-style villains in anime. Anybody who dresses that well and keeps up a perpetual sneer...

Problem is, he'd be too easy to bait; put Sylia Stingry in a negligee in front of a Neutron S missile and he'd never see it until he started tipping over the event horizon.

The Fourth Wall Gang arrives in Mega-Tokyo to find Sylia Stingry ... missing!!!

SRoss: "Wait! There's a note!"

You may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world", but take heed... there will be no victory in strength.

Not good. And I got a love hate relationship with Roster Teeth right now.

taalismn wrote:Really, Largo is just plain creepy...for an AI, he seems to have this whole psycho-sexual thing(especially when he comes back from the dead and tries to merge with her) about Sylia that's disturbing.
In that, he's a lot like Cavil-One in that they both apparently have parent issues, only Cavil-One's just tantrum-crazy stupid about killing all his, while Largo wants to V'ger-merge with who's effectively his step-sister(if you buy that the Boomers are the brainchild of Sylia's father, and furthermore that Sylia either got amped or somehow amped herself*)

*There's nothing blatant in the canon to demonstrate that Sylia's 'more than human' in the anime, but it's appeared in the Dark Horse comic series and it's a favorite of fanon spec that both Sylia and Mackie are enhanced humans to one degree or another. in part to explain her insane tech-development skills.

Of course, I've also seen fanon speculation that PRISS, gutter-child of the city, may be a human-amp or even a secret Boomer(loosely interpreting any enhanced human as a 'boomeroid')....

I've read one fanfict were Priss is an Immortal (Highlander).

wyrmraker wrote:Okay, I got a new arc beginning written. I've been going through some old fanfics, gotten some ideas from them, and am posting it here. If it's too off-kilter (or possibly out of date on the references), let me know and I'll stop it. Even I admit that it could get a bit much.
The so-called Shadow Council, the true movers and shakers within the dimensions-spanning government known as the United Earths Government, was meeting once more. They met rarely, lest the officially elected UEsG Council get wind of their true identities, but since one of the charter member had called the meeting, they couldn't simply decline without a really good reason. he ones that could make the emergency summons did, while the others would recieve minutes of the meeting by courier.

At the table sat Admiral Breetai [Earth Expeditionary Force, Earth Core], Field Marshall Anatole Leonard [Army of the Southern Cross, Earth Core], Commander Nova Satori-Brown [Global Military Police, Earth Core], Captain Rei Ayanami-Hunter [UEsG Expeditionary Force, NG-Earth], Commander Ranma Hunter [Not a Council member, UEsG Marines, Earth R-1.2], Director Amanda Waller [Task Force X, Regime Earth], Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 [Not a Council member, Special Detachment], Captain Serin Osman [Office of Naval Intelligence, Earth Bravo-6], and Setsuna Meiou [Sailor Senshi, Earth SM-2].

Breetai rumbled out in his voice full of reverb, "The reason for the emergency is that I recieved a communication from Aleph-7 on our reserve channel. I don't know how he got access to it, but the message itself was quite dire."

"He helped us set it up," Leonard commented. "The communications technology from his home world was centuries in advance of anything we had access to. It makes sense he'd have his own way in."

"At any rate," Breetai continued, "I have already reviewed the message, and found it to be worth our time to pay proper attention to. Cueing video now."

The large viewscreen came to life, showing Jeremiah Darkraven sitting at a console, in armor but minus his helmet. Apparently in some sort of ship's bay, they could see his Ultimax in a sentry position, covering a small hatch in the distance with it's rail gun.

"I know I'm not supposed to be messaging you directly, and I apologize for the urgency, Breetai," he began, clearly rushing in his explanation as he rapidly typed into what sounded like an ancient keyboard. "This transmission is underlayed into my actual report on the planet known as Terra-2, and can only be unlocked by the software that the Shadow Council uses; I installed it, I know it's capabilities.

"To the point, right," he ground out, still typing as he looked at another monitor. "It turns out that we've tripped over some ancient hornet's nest. A couple of groups actively dislike our efforts to spread across the multiverse, and it seems they've been hunting me. They probably thought since I tend to scout solo, I'd be an easy target.

"The groups are known as the Knights of the True Fiancee, and the Keepers of the One Continuum. According to my contact, The Keepers are dedicated to limiting interference in timelines largely by bumping off anyone who develops cross-dimensional capabilities. That definitely includes the UEsG. They're a fairly small group, but both rich and dedicated.

"The Knights of the True Fiancee, however, have hundreds of members. From what I understand, they were in much larger quantities before something know as the Aesir Purges, but many of the members are dedicated, capable, and insane. Much like me, they tend to gather equipment, skills, and abilities at every point that they can in every dimension they touch. Their goal is actually really, stupidly simple: Every Ranma Saotome out there MUST be engaged and eventually married to an Akane Tendo."

Finally, he stopped typing, seeming to lean back momentarily to catch his breath. Then he finally looked directly into the camera lens. "The Keepers are assassination type, while the Knights use terrorist tactics. And yes, they have been known to use graviton bombs to create black holes, vortex simulators to scatter peoples' atoms across time and space. Rumor has it that once they had a ship known as the Sun Crusher that could cause stars to go nova, but apparently they know longer have it; my contact says that their ownership of that was 'removed from canon' whatever *that* means.

"Attached to this sub-message is a set of information files that I've managed to collect on both groups. I'll admit that the information is pretty scarce, but I'm not much of an investagator, so I've already asked Detective First Class Kuramitsu to look into this; she'll be reporting to Nova shortly.

"Now, for the instructions. Sorry folks, but I'm pre-empting the normal chain of command here out of necessity. Ranma, they Knights *will* show up to kidnap, brainwash, and return you to Miss Tendo's 'loving affections'. You are to be on your guard for this. In addition, you'll need to keep Rei safe; they WILL try to bump her off.

"Sierra 117, your assignment has not changed. To that effect, I am granting you unrestricted access to the library in my home." Nova gasped at that, but said nothing. "Tell any of the Sisters of Cleaning there that Aleph Seven has authorized the Gargoyle Protocols. They know what it means.

"Captain Osman, please inform Admiral Parangosky that I have already retrieved the decommissioned destroyer that we agreed on. I'm sure the crafty old bat thought it was funny giving me not only such an ancient vessel, but also one that was officially named 'Yo' Momma'. I have already taken it in and had it extensively reconditioned. And please tell her I've kept the name.

"Those are the only specifics that I have at this time, folks. I wish I had more, but I'm operating on limited data." He paused, looking over at the hatch as a booming sound rang through the bay. "The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is their tenacity."

Turning away from the camera, he jogged over to the Ultimax. Popping open a plate on it's foot, he commented, "Just so you guys know how serious I am, well, I'm about to have to sacrifice my Ultimax to buy myself time. I brought it with me from my home world, and it's been with me for decades. But now I have to sacrifice it," he finished, having popoped the plate back on after making some sort of adjustment.

"For the record," he commented, returning to the camera, "I hate having to run from this fight. But these psychos are far more skilled than me. Last thing. If something bad happens, my Mother Box will return to Waller, ready to all the intel that I'll be collecting. But for now-"

A massive boom rattled the camera, and Darkraven's eyes flickered towards the now buckled hatch. "Damn. They're almost through. Stay vigilant, people!" he wrapped up, tapping his armor's vambrace. Instantly he faded away, even as the hatch caved in, flying across the room to bounce off the Ultimax's armor.

Four individuals entered in a classic room-clearing formation. One had an automatic rifle, and was dressed in what appeared to be a bastardized suit of CVR mixed with classic samurai bits. Another was clearly female, dressed as an anime kunoichi, mesh shirt baring cleavage and all. The third was dressed in long robes, his hands up his sleeves. The last onewas male, wearing what appeared to be light armor and carrying a massive sword that was nearly three meters long over his shoulder like it weighed nothing.

"We missed him!" the kunoichi snarled out, having dashed up and checked the cockpit.

"He couldn't have gotten far," spoke the man with the sword. "We have dimensional jammers set up all outside the ship."

The Ultimax's head jerked up as a deep voice rang through the bay. "Final option available."

All four looked at it as armor plates dropped to the floor. Their eyes got wide as they caught sight of football sized grey bombs with radiation symbols on the sides mounted under all of the armor plates.

"OH FU-!"

The screen went white, and then static.

The video cut off, as Leonard fumed. "Mini nukes. Where did he get that many mini nukes?! There must've been fifty there!"

Nova sighed. "He got them on the same world he got the plans from. The world that had World War Three, the one he recommended we not visit because even the water was contaminated with radioactive fallout. I never asked what he'd collected for himself."

Silence ringed the room briefly. "Well, he's not dead," Waller spoke up. "That Mother Box I traded him hasn't come back to me yet."

"Does anyone know anything about these groups?" Rei asked softly.

"I have heard nothing," Breetai commented. "I suppose we'll have to wait on Detective Kuramitsu's report."

"Kuramitsu, Kuramitsu," Ranma mused aloud. "Where have I heard that name before?"

Setsuna was silent, communing with the Garnet Staff's dataflows. She was still getting used to having her full power back, but at least she and Ranko were out of the asylum. Darkraven's suggestion to hit Charon Castle was genius; resting there on plinths in various hallways were many, many mystical artifacts from the Silver Millenium. None of them were anything near the equal of a henshin rod, but all of them were potent in their own right. Ranko, having essentially accepted her dichotomy of gender, made for an excellent substitute senshi once her training was brought up to par and she'd been equipped with a couple of artifacts.

Nova brought up the files imbedded in the message. The files, while not an intel jackpot, had several historical refences from across the multiverse. The Aesir purges were some sort of turning point, when the Knights had lost much of their membership. There were also many, many references to an organization named Yggdrasil and the work of their agents against both the Keepers and the Knights.

Ya, I remember reading about The Knights of the True Fiancee before. Though what a way to write them! Keep the writing coming!

wyrmraker wrote:Part 2 of the beginning arc:
Meanwhile, deep within a dimensional realm that few mortals would ever want to end up in, a young seeming man passed his hand over an ancient-looking well, causing the image of the UEsG Shadow Council to fade away.

"It is done, the die is cast," he intoned gravely.

"Why do you insist on beaing so dreary and portentios all the time?" a female voice that was seemingly made up of pure, undiluted sex appeal commented from across the chamber.

The man sighed. "Seriously? I'm trying to be properly serious here,a nd you have to go and screw it up."

"Yeah, yeah," she replied.

"So, are you *sure* that this was the right idea?" he asked, looking doubtful. "Getting one of my better mortal agents involved in something like this isn't something I like doing."

"Oh, I'm absolutely certain this was a good idea. The people you keep a personal eye on are some of the best anywhere. The Well of Surtur can track him as easily as the Well of Mimir, and with less distraction. Will any of the old crown interfere?"

"Doubtful. The Phoenix Mage is off learning how to *be* a god now that he is one, the Wandering Penitent is finally getting his well-earned reward, the goddess of J-Pop got her promotion, and that Elder God is off bugging someone else this epoch. And since Darkraven is one of my agents, not yours, Yggdrasil can't get involved under the Mutual Interference provisions of the Midgard Treaty."

"I know," the honeyed voice smiled. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"Hmmf," he commented, frowning. "I don't know if he's going to survive this, given the opposition. And he's not one to make a deal with you, so..."

"Oh, don't worry," the sultry voice said, coming out of the shadows to reveal an exquisitely beautiful woman who was richly tanned with white hair and a heaxagram star on her forehead. "I have granted him a couple of abilities that will help him." The man quirked an eyebrow at that. "Relax, Wyrmraker. I didn't hit him with immortality of any sort, unlike you. Instead I gave him the increased learning curve, and the Mother box that I influenced Waller into giving him."

Wyrmraker relaxed marginally. "That's fair, I suppose. A guy like him will go far with that. I still don't like using such a capable operative as bait, Hild."

"It'll be fine," Hild, the Daimakaicho, replied. "I think that our only issue will be that Fourth Wall Gang. You are sort of kin to them. What do you think they'll do?"

"I have no idea. I manipulate the timelines for mild amusement and drama. They tend more towards the cheap laughs, with some seriousness thrown in occasionally. Guessing what they'll do with this development is pointless; too many random factors ."

"Well, at least it'll be interesting," Hild commented, waving her hand over the well once more.

And the plot thickens!

SRoss wrote:The Gang considered scene projected before them. Scrying the RIFT wasn't as easy or elegant as say, Pluto's Chamber, but this way they could sometime see what they weren't meant to see...

"We should probably wait and see how this develops, if we're not careful we could bring another Ragnarok."

"We owe Darkraven no favors, but he does a good job controlling the more dangerous incursions."

"Wyrmraker is using the Well of Surtur, the scion of THAT bloodline still lives. We should keep an eye on events at the school, she may find herself drawn into this, weather she likes it or not."

Cut to: Lunch Break ... MCH #69 ...

Erin suddenly sat bolt upright ...

"Sarah!?! Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?"

:lol: :lol:

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: :shock: "You people are DISTURBING."


Chronicler wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:Part 2 of the beginning arc:
Meanwhile, deep within a dimensional realm that few mortals would ever want to end up in, a young seeming man passed his hand over an ancient-looking well, causing the image of the UEsG Shadow Council to fade away.

"It is done, the die is cast," he intoned gravely.

"Why do you insist on beaing so dreary and portentios all the time?" a female voice that was seemingly made up of pure, undiluted sex appeal commented from across the chamber.

The man sighed. "Seriously? I'm trying to be properly serious here,a nd you have to go and screw it up."

"Yeah, yeah," she replied.

"So, are you *sure* that this was the right idea?" he asked, looking doubtful. "Getting one of my better mortal agents involved in something like this isn't something I like doing."

"Oh, I'm absolutely certain this was a good idea. The people you keep a personal eye on are some of the best anywhere. The Well of Surtur can track him as easily as the Well of Mimir, and with less distraction. Will any of the old crown interfere?"

"Doubtful. The Phoenix Mage is off learning how to *be* a god now that he is one, the Wandering Penitent is finally getting his well-earned reward, the goddess of J-Pop got her promotion, and that Elder God is off bugging someone else this epoch. And since Darkraven is one of my agents, not yours, Yggdrasil can't get involved under the Mutual Interference provisions of the Midgard Treaty."

"I know," the honeyed voice smiled. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"Hmmf," he commented, frowning. "I don't know if he's going to survive this, given the opposition. And he's not one to make a deal with you, so..."

"Oh, don't worry," the sultry voice said, coming out of the shadows to reveal an exquisitely beautiful woman who was richly tanned with white hair and a heaxagram star on her forehead. "I have granted him a couple of abilities that will help him." The man quirked an eyebrow at that. "Relax, Wyrmraker. I didn't hit him with immortality of any sort, unlike you. Instead I gave him the increased learning curve, and the Mother box that I influenced Waller into giving him."

Wyrmraker relaxed marginally. "That's fair, I suppose. A guy like him will go far with that. I still don't like using such a capable operative as bait, Hild."

"It'll be fine," Hild, the Daimakaicho, replied. "I think that our only issue will be that Fourth Wall Gang. You are sort of kin to them. What do you think they'll do?"

"I have no idea. I manipulate the timelines for mild amusement and drama. They tend more towards the cheap laughs, with some seriousness thrown in occasionally. Guessing what they'll do with this development is pointless; too many random factors ."

"Well, at least it'll be interesting," Hild commented, waving her hand over the well once more.

The figure sat cross legged on the cold bronze floor. The hollowed chamber barley illuminated by the floating projection. Blue light bathed The Chronicler as he gazes at scenes unfolded before him. The cool metal didn't bother him, the feel of it was soothing to him. But a chill shocked through his spine as an oh so familiar presence filled the chamber.

"Shadow, what news you bring for me?"

A hollowed voice rang all around. "Darkraven lives... for now."

His presence soon loosen it's grasp on the room. Reforming into as single mass for which radiated darkness. Chronicler stood up as he faced his subordinate as his mass formed the mortal body he no longer posses. Golden yellow eyes looked upon The Chronicler.

"The odds of him living in the next 24 hours are not great." remarked Shadow, his voice now normal. "But he shouldn't even be living this long."

"He lives because he is Wyrmraker's avatar." said Chronicler. "He would do anything to keep Darkraven alive. Even if it means to rig the odds."

"So he spits in the eyes of Gods and Devils." Shadow smiled at the thought. "Where have I seen this before?"

Chronicler waved off Shadows notions. "Who is it to say to not do it? It would be hypocritical of them to say that they don't do it to others themselves."

He soon cast away the the screen, and with a snap of his fingers the chamber lit up in brilliance. Bronze gears turned in silence with only the glass of the walls between him and the shadow. The glass orb which projected the screen float aloft in the air. Chronicler reached out to it as it floated down from its perch and into his grasp. The glass dissolved into nothing as it goes to its rightful place among the others.

"So," Shadow spoke, "What's your next move?"

"These Fanatics pose a threat to our domain, and that of others. They would rather have repetitiveness over progress. Stagnation would doom the chaotic flow or Reality. With chaos replaced with nothing but order would upset the balance." He looked at Shadow. "What happens," he questioned, "When balance is no more?"

Rarely had Shadow felt fear. The mere thought of the outcome was enough to rattle even the darkness. "The Shattering." he whispered.

Chronicler closed his eyes. "The death of all of Reality. All that is and should ever be, shattered by Reality itself in attempt to rectify the unbalance.

"That is why Watchtower is in effect."

With just the word watchtower spilled from his mouth the chamber shattered in a glistening rain. The mechanical sounds crescendo around as machines sprang to life. The bronze platform soon ascended upward to a now opening gate. Light graced them as they crossed through the threshold.

Before them rolling hills of green greeted them, but still they rise above. The ground around them still parting as machinery and plates of iron formed an ever growing tower. Gears grind. Metal clanging. The Watchtower ever rising to the clear sky ahead. Soon it had grown as tall as any skyscraper.

Tho they are up so high, the air was gentle. Chronicler took in everything, but Shadow was in awe and confusion.

"What. The. Hell. What just happened?"

Chronicler smiled. "This is one of many ways to combat those that upset balance. Watchtower is a network on a scale that exceeds all. A Tower in every known dimension. These Towers are my eyes and ears. I use them to chronicle heroes, villains, lives, events, history. One giant "internet" that catalogs "all".

"And that." He smiled. "Is one of many ways to win."

But, he thought, it's not enough to have knowledge. He reached out again like before. A glass orb, black as pitch, came to him. Chroniclers smile faded. He held it in both hands close to him. Knowledge needs to be used. For good or bad.

I believe I've heard those 2 names before in fanfiction.

SRoss wrote:Elsewhere ...

Two figures entered the hall from a side entrance and approached the throne. The figure sitting upon it acknowledged their presence.

"Well, traveling the Fae realms to get here. You sure took the long way.", he said by way of greeting.

"Come on uncle, You know better then I that had I summoned the bridge or used the gate, too many would mark it.", Erin replied.

"Indeed," Loki smiled, "If only my brother were as smart."

"Someone is using grandfather's power to spy on the worlds. I felt it!"

"Indeed Erin, One that calls himself Wyrmraker." Loki looked down from his throne at the two women, "The arrogance, to believe he could move about Jotunhiem without my knowledge, or use the Well without those of Surtur's blood sensing it."

Loki continued, "A very dangerous game is being played. The life of the one called Darkraven is key to what is to come. Wyrmraker is on one side, the one called Chronicler is seemingly on the other. But be aware niece, other powers are acting as well."

"And what of the Fourth Wall Gang?", Erin asked.

"They are aware of what's happening, but they are waiting for something."

"Then me and Sarah will search for this Darkraven."

"The others will be watching. It would be safer for you to remain here in Asgard."

"I may be part Jotun, but I also claim the blood of the Danu through my mother's line. By avoiding Bridge and Gate and traveling the low roads, I should stay off their radar for now."

"Then go niece," Loki smiled, "kick over the gaming tables of the gods and turn their plans to ash."

Its starting to get REALY complicated.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Munching on popcorn) "Let the games begin!"


wyrmraker wrote:Wyrmraker studied the patterns that his terminal in the Nidhogg system was displaying to him. Noting the adjustments that his minor influencing of Darkraven had developed, he shut it down, descending back down to the Well of Surtur, located in the very foundation of the Nidhogg, at the center of the edge of the realms Nifleheim and Muspelheim.

"Hild, we have a problem."

"A problem? Or an oppurtunity?"

"Definitely a problem. Giving Darkraven that information made a much larger splash than I intended. We also have other elements whining about my access. You get to deal with them. As agreed, I'll stay here and monitor; if I get too involved, the ones running Yggdrasil will be able to interfere. Not that they would, in this specific case; The Rival Relief Office has always had issue with the Knights, and the Keepers have always run at odds with the sysadmins. But if the other agencies get involved, then we have to make allowances for use of the Ultimate Force."

"Hmmm, tricky," Hild breathed, pondering. "Very well. I will deal with the whiners as they come by. If they're complaining about your access, then they'll have to deal with the Daimakaicho, the supreme ruler of all that is Hel. What about your agent?"

Wyrmraker shrugged. "He's on his own for now. If I get any more involved, Yggdrasil will be allowed to send in their own mortal agents, and the last thing we need is yet another throw-down between near omnipotent jerks like we had seven centuries ago. No, Darkraven has the training, creativity, and will to survive that he needs. Besides, he's an old adventurer; we always find a way."

"Very well. Keep me posted if you find anything else out. I'll be in my office dealing with more paperwork."

Keep them coming!

taalismn wrote:I turn my back for a moment and suddenly you all become powerplayas..... :shock:
I wonder if this is how Innortal felt when he saw how the Time Loops had...EXPLODED....

:lol: :lol: I miss him. :cry:
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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:I turn my back for a moment and suddenly you all become powerplayas..... :shock:
I wonder if this is how Innortal felt when he saw how the Time Loops had...EXPLODED....

That is indeed a possibility. I was just trying to open up some options; I wasn't expecting all of this. But I'm sticking to anime stuff for a lot of the new material; Hild is from Oh My Goddess. the Knights of the True Fiancee and the Keepers of the Continuum are mostly from the writers Metroanime and Shade.

Oh, Shade. How I LOVE Private Bets 14, IIRR. That huge Ranma crossover. So wished he had finished that.

taalismn wrote:And as I recall the KotTF and KotOC were used much like the Fourth Wall Gang and its affiliates here.
Of course, if you're talking metafic universes here, blame Heinlein, whose Number of the Beast is often cited for the multiverse being influenced by literature and vice-versa.


wyrmraker wrote:Well, yeah. And I distinctly recall Heinlein's Number of the Beast being referred to (in character) in this thread.

I decided to open up some options, introduce myself as a kind of 4th-Waller, and get Darkraven running outside of the military structure. I honestly and seriously didn't see this kind of reaction coming.

Well, its looking good!

wyrmraker wrote:Okay, here's a bit from Darkraven's end. I'll be filling out more bits with the Shadow Council later.
Darkraven's Triangulated Teleport spell (enabled through an emitter on his armor's forearm) materialized him flawlessly onto the vessel's hallway. Running fast for the bridge, he couldn't help but smirk a little. While the Knights of the True Fiancee had indeed set up transport jammers, disabling pretty much all dimensional travel outside of a boom tube, the jammers weren't quite set up for the brand of magic he had grown up with.

Sliding under the slowly opening blast door, he shouted, "Urumi! Bring engines from warm to hot and bypass gravitational limiters! We need to go NOW!"

A mechanical 'head' popped down from the ceiling to look at him. The AI tech he'd gleaned from the Galaxy Police had been indispensable. Better than his homeworld's robotic brains, but not quite as capable as the UNSC's near-living AIs, this class of AI was everything he needed it to be. "Are you sure about that?" she asked in a tinny, female voice. "Overriding gravitational limiters could easily tear apart this mining asteroid."

"Yes! It's empty of everything but enemies," he shouted, throwing himself into a seat as monitors sprang to life. Keying several sequences, he cancelled the electrostatic state of the hull plates, releasing the iron-based chunks of asteroids that had been hiding the Yo' Momma even as the FTL engines began spooling up.

His Mother Box pinged at him that the payload of sixty mini-nukes had gone off, and he pushed the drive lever forward. Instantly space tore open as the ship was yanked into a sub-dimension, the cross-purposed, artificial gravity well tearing at the local reality. The ship was gone from it's spot, leaving the long-abandoned asteroid mining center to be crushed by a split-second singularity.

Leaning back, finally relaxing in his chair, he briefly mourned the Ultimax that had been with him for decades. Once that was done, he smiled at his current acquisition. Margaret Parangosky had been a joy to haggle with, once she got over him breaking into her office in order to secretly meet with her on behalf of the UEsG Shadow Council. She had taken quite readily to an equitable trade of technologies and resources, even as the UEsG Council had been meeting with Terrence Hood, the commander of the UNSC Fleet. That she had agreed to offer local (if outdated) ships was fairly easy to accomplish, given that the UEsG was willing to do the same.

This ship, the former Colonial Military Administration warship Yo' Momma, was now his personal ship. True, she had a long-served reputation as a 'death ship'. Records stated that every engagement she'd been in had a nearly 70% loss of crew rate. Insofar as the UNSC Navy was concerned, it was a cursed ship, and yet they kept sending her out against the Covenant. And she kept coming back. Beaten, scorched, limping, and in one case nearly gutted, but she always returned under her own power. With the introduction of the Infinity, Fleet was looking at retiring most of the warships more than thirty years old. The Yo' Momma was on that list, until Parangosky gave her to Darkraven.

Darkraven immediately took the ship for a full refit to a facility in the same solar system as his home world. He then turned the Nerf Warrior and his psi-tek friend loose on it. Their modifications, combined with a number of robot brains, meant that he actually didn't need much in the line of a crew.

Fortunately, the Knights on his trail weren't know to have Slipspace technology, preferring dimension-hopping, teleportation, and stargates. Since he was now in slipspace, he was nearly untrackable by non-Covenant forces (or so the UNSC records stated).

Bringing up a console, he began surveying his options. Returning to any of the UEsG held worlds was clearly out of the question. Which meant that he had to hit some of the theoreticals. Fortunately he knew the dimensional vibration patterns better than most of the UEsG scientists (the diomension knockers were still mostly at the "Found one! Let's poke it and see what's over there!"), and his access to mystical dimension-spanning quite frankly dwarfed the official capabilties of his chosen government.

"Where to go, where to go... What do I need?" he mused alound, cycling the TW Knocker through potentia. "I have gear, I have mobility for now... I have my Spartan in a drop bay, the Ultimax is gone, my new personal power armor is done and on board, got about a thousand robots on board running operations..."

His eyes widened, then squinted in exasperation. "Damn. I need more training. Where can I go where they won't be looking.... There! That'll be perfect. Almost completely a mainline, minor variance in the quantum wobble... Neither faction will look for me there. Well then, I guess I'll get moving. I have a lot to do."

Twenty minutes later, the Yo' Momma had dropped out of slipspace, passing smoothly through a dimensional portal to Darkraven's next option.

Can't wait to see where he goes!

SRoss wrote:"So", Sarah said, checking her Plasma Rifle for the third time, "Where do we start?"

"Well", Erin replied, as they exited the mound, "We need to do some serious scrying, and while Wyrmraker is there, Gramp's Well is out of the question. Maybe once cousin Hel sorts out Hild ... but for now. we need other help."


"Estcarp!", she said pointing at a distant palace on the horizon, "Castle Tregarth to be exact..."

So, they are joining in too.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "Just don't kill half the galaxy, okay? I don't have a big enough boat."

:lol: :lol:

wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:"So", Sarah said, checking her Plasma Rifle for the third time, "Where do we start?"

"Well", Erin replied, as they exited the mound, "We need to do some serious scrying, and while Wyrmraker is there, Gramp's Well is out of the question. Maybe once cousin Hel sorts out Hild ... but for now. we need other help."


"Estcarp!", she said pointing at a distant palace on the horizon, "Castle Tregarth to be exact..."

Hild, from her office in the administrative portion of the underworld, smirked. Clearly the child was unaware of the rotations in the Great Cycle. Hel hadn't been the ruler there in nearly a thousand years, and since the Yggdrasil/Nidhogg reorganization, she had been in command here, while Kami-sama had been in charge in Heaven.

That the child would think that the now-retired goddess Hel could influence Hild in any way was... amusing.

Still, the children *were* entertaining. It could be interesting to see the child darken her drawers in light of the current underworld ruler's full, unbridled aura of power when uninhibited by the power limiters she habitually wore.

At the same time, if the child approached her directly, politely, some sort of... arrangment might be able to be worked out... After all, it simply wouldn't do for lesser creatures to interfere with her plans.

This might not end well...

taalismn wrote:Oh jeez...Thanatos Gambit Pileup in the making?

I think it will be worse.

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:Oh jeez...Thanatos Gambit Pileup in the making?

Beats me. I'm just trying to follow the anime material. I actually don't view the movie Marvel timelines as very valid; I am a severe Marvel fan from way back.

Either way, it should prove to be entertaining in one manner or another.

VERY entertaining. :D
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:Oh jeez...Thanatos Gambit Pileup in the making?

Beats me. I'm just trying to follow the anime material. I actually don't view the movie Marvel timelines as very valid; I am a severe Marvel fan from way back.

Either way, it should prove to be entertaining in one manner or another.

Actually I meant Xanatos Gambit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Now that I know what the Xanatos Gambit is, I can honestly state that no, I never have anything planned beyond the next section of arc that I'm writing for Darkraven. I can't say anything for the other writers.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

The thing is, there's also Gambit PileUp, where everybody's clever plans all collide, resulting in...
Well, you're lucky if it's not the equivalent of a mushroom cloud rising over the landscape...

(facepalm)"...tell me again, slowly and in simple words, WHY your brilliant scheme HAD to involve Neutron-S missiles?!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

taalismn wrote:The thing is, there's also Gambit PileUp, where everybody's clever plans all collide, resulting in...
Well, you're lucky if it's not the equivalent of a mushroom cloud rising over the landscape...

(facepalm)"...tell me again, slowly and in simple words, WHY your brilliant scheme HAD to involve Neutron-S missiles?!"

"Ummm... I was young, needed the money, drunk, and lost a bet?"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:Oh jeez...Thanatos Gambit Pileup in the making?

Beats me. I'm just trying to follow the anime material. I actually don't view the movie Marvel timelines as very valid; I am a severe Marvel fan from way back.

Either way, it should prove to be entertaining in one manner or another.

Actually I meant Xanatos Gambit:

Wow. Long range planning there! And not your everyday villain.

wyrmraker wrote:Now that I know what the Xanatos Gambit is, I can honestly state that no, I never have anything planned beyond the next section of arc that I'm writing for Darkraven. I can't say anything for the other writers.

That's ok. Your doing great IMO! :D

taalismn wrote:The thing is, there's also Gambit PileUp, where everybody's clever plans all collide, resulting in...
Well, you're lucky if it's not the equivalent of a mushroom cloud rising over the landscape...

(facepalm)"...tell me again, slowly and in simple words, WHY your brilliant scheme HAD to involve Neutron-S missiles?!"

:lol: :lol:

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:The thing is, there's also Gambit PileUp, where everybody's clever plans all collide, resulting in...
Well, you're lucky if it's not the equivalent of a mushroom cloud rising over the landscape...

(facepalm)"...tell me again, slowly and in simple words, WHY your brilliant scheme HAD to involve Neutron-S missiles?!"

"Ummm... I was young, needed the money, drunk, and lost a bet?"

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

Okay, I'm getting a little different with my Tales of Darkraven. I plan to switch back and forth a little between UEsG stuff dealing with him, and what's happening while Darkraven is on the run. I really hope this change works out.
"So Darkraven has gone off the reservation," Leonard stated flatly. "Not that I can blame him, given what these files say about the people tracking him."

"Indeed," Setsuna replied, tilting her head slightly as more data flowed into her mind from the Time Gates. "Apparently neither group has visited my world, but their impacts reverberate throughout the timelines."

"Kuramitsu, Kuramitsu," Ranma was still musing aloud. "Seriously, where the hell have I heard that name?!"

"I don't know," Breetai commented, flipping through screens. "The Detective is not a UEsG member, nor is she UEEF. I am assuming she is of a different organization from one of our affiliated realities."

"What I want to know," Rei spoke up softly, "is how we plan to back our operative. Let's face facts here. Darkraven is an excellent, innovative scout, intelligence operative, and leader. Why hasn't he been made an officer yet?"

"I tried once," Leonard stated darkly, "back in the
ASC days. Proper parade ground, men saluting, all spit and polish. Fredericks warned me not to, but since Darkraven had been instrumental in training my forces to fight during the Uprisings, he basically helped me found the ASC. So I felt that we all owed him proper recognition.

"I handed him the insignia, and he broke my jaw right there on the stage. The GMP arrested him, and he got two months in the stockade for it. He got out three days later on the orders of Moran."

The table was silent at that. Waller commented, "Wow. No wonder you don't care for him."

Leonard quirked an eyebrow. "Like him? No. Trust him? Respect him? Absolutely. We don't have a lot of people that can get things done quite as effectively as he does. There may be casualties, property damage, and mass insanity, but he does get the job done."

"Heh. He'd be right at home among the old Nerima Wrecking Crew," Ranma commented with a lopsided grin.

"What is this 'Library'?" John-117 asked, having already flipped through what little intel the files contained.

"The Library is where Jeremiah stores weaponry," Nova answered. "Some of the most dangerous crap he's assembled in all of his years, across all of the dimensions. Stuff from his world, recovered Zentraedi tech, you name it, if it can wipe out a tank with one shot, it's in there."

"Where is it? Where is his personal home?"

"Earth NG-17," she responded. "He was granted the still exposed mountain range that was once Okinawa. He called in a few favors with Civil Engineering in exchange for some equipment and they tunneled most of it out, while some terraformers carved off the top and made it habitable. It's very beautiful.

"He's also made it the home for what he calls 'dimensional strays' that he can get along with. Four Sisters of Cleaning, five of the Ranma-chan clones we got after we caught Kuno with the Tirolian cloning tech, a handful of Spartan-Three's who were given the option of getting out, and some others; total population about fifty. It's also the permanent home of Doctor Miko Mido; she has her own small office on the north end of the property where she sees patients with extreme problems for long-term treatment. Apparently he met her on a scouting run in one of the worlds he declared Proscribed."

Osman whistled at that. She was fairly new to the Shadow Council, but she know that the worlds declared Proscribed were exceedingly dangerous for various reasons. Out of all the worlds that UEsG had discovered, approximately thirty had been declared such. "Why was it Proscribed?"

"Demonic incursion," Ranma replied. "Tentacle demons. My Razors were in the initial contact group. We left because we couldn't kill an entire planet with fire. So the brass sent in Darkraven. He came back a while later with a few women in tow and the entire universe was listed as Proscribed Under All Circumstances. Whatever he found, it was classified as 'Commit Suicide Before Reading'."

"I remember that," Leonard commented. "It was a while back, but his report included sex demons, martial arts forms based around sex, and a deep spiritual taint underlying the entire universe. He deemed it unsafe for anyone without special training from Doctor Mido."

"I'm the new person here," Waller began, "but I can tell this guy's been around a lot. How long has he been in service?"

"He first arrived in our universe in March of 2009, with the return of the ARMD-2 platform from another universe. He served with distinction throughout the war, and then was sent to the Malcontent Zone. Given dimensional chronal dilation, the Edenii scientists estimate his age at around a century."

Waller whistled at that. "And your youthening process just keeps him looking young?"

Ranma snorted at that. "Darkraven has always had troubles with the Edenii process. He says his magic is messing with the protoculture reaction. I think he's been turned into fourteen year old, a female version of himself, an oversized ferret, a japanese pop idol complete with dress, and me. Yeah, he once got turned into Ranma Saotome. He heard that Rei was on-station and refused to leave the lab until either they fixed it or she left. Rei can get kinda passionate when we haven't seen each other in a while."

Rei blushed at that, but said nothing.

"How do we support our man?" Osman asked, bringing the discussion back on track. "If he's gone AWOL with good cause, shouldn't we do everything we can to back him?"

"Easier said than done," Leonard commented wryly. "He's always been a bit independent. If he's ducked off our radar, that inevitably means that he's drawing fire while we prepare our own defenses. That he's opened up his Library means that it's about to well and truly hit the fan, and he's buying us time to prepare for the splatter."

"I agree," Breetai rumbled. "Darkraven is not a man to cut and run without a very good reason. Whatever he's doing, he clearly has some sort of plan. All we can do at this point is wait for the report from the Detective he mentioned."

Almost on cue, Breetai's console chimed. A voice came up, saying, "Admiral, there is a Detective Kuramitsu here to see you."

"Excellent. Send her in."

Thirty seconds later, a beautiful, tanned blond woman in the uniform of a Galaxy Police Detective stood before the Shadow Council. She saluted, stating, "Sir, Detective First Class Mihoshi Kuramitsu is reporting as requested."
For reference, this is the Mihoshi from the original Tenchi Muyo! series.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Kiyone's about to suffer a stroke when she's hauled along on this new assignment, isn't she?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

taalismn wrote:Kiyone's about to suffer a stroke when she's hauled along on this new assignment, isn't she?

Nope. This is the *original* Mihoshi. I never liked how she was so thoroughly downgraded to a low-grade idiot bimbo in the spin-off. This is the series before Kiyone was introduced.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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wyrmraker wrote:Okay, I'm getting a little different with my Tales of Darkraven. I plan to switch back and forth a little between UEsG stuff dealing with him, and what's happening while Darkraven is on the run. I really hope this change works out.
"So Darkraven has gone off the reservation," Leonard stated flatly. "Not that I can blame him, given what these files say about the people tracking him."

"Indeed," Setsuna replied, tilting her head slightly as more data flowed into her mind from the Time Gates. "Apparently neither group has visited my world, but their impacts reverberate throughout the timelines."

"Kuramitsu, Kuramitsu," Ranma was still musing aloud. "Seriously, where the hell have I heard that name?!"

"I don't know," Breetai commented, flipping through screens. "The Detective is not a UEsG member, nor is she UEEF. I am assuming she is of a different organization from one of our affiliated realities."

"What I want to know," Rei spoke up softly, "is how we plan to back our operative. Let's face facts here. Darkraven is an excellent, innovative scout, intelligence operative, and leader. Why hasn't he been made an officer yet?"

"I tried once," Leonard stated darkly, "back in the
ASC days. Proper parade ground, men saluting, all spit and polish. Fredericks warned me not to, but since Darkraven had been instrumental in training my forces to fight during the Uprisings, he basically helped me found the ASC. So I felt that we all owed him proper recognition.

"I handed him the insignia, and he broke my jaw right there on the stage. The GMP arrested him, and he got two months in the stockade for it. He got out three days later on the orders of Moran."

The table was silent at that. Waller commented, "Wow. No wonder you don't care for him."

Leonard quirked an eyebrow. "Like him? No. Trust him? Respect him? Absolutely. We don't have a lot of people that can get things done quite as effectively as he does. There may be casualties, property damage, and mass insanity, but he does get the job done."

"Heh. He'd be right at home among the old Nerima Wrecking Crew," Ranma commented with a lopsided grin.

"What is this 'Library'?" John-117 asked, having already flipped through what little intel the files contained.

"The Library is where Jeremiah stores weaponry," Nova answered. "Some of the most dangerous crap he's assembled in all of his years, across all of the dimensions. Stuff from his world, recovered Zentraedi tech, you name it, if it can wipe out a tank with one shot, it's in there."

"Where is it? Where is his personal home?"

"Earth NG-17," she responded. "He was granted the still exposed mountain range that was once Okinawa. He called in a few favors with Civil Engineering in exchange for some equipment and they tunneled most of it out, while some terraformers carved off the top and made it habitable. It's very beautiful.

"He's also made it the home for what he calls 'dimensional strays' that he can get along with. Four Sisters of Cleaning, five of the Ranma-chan clones we got after we caught Kuno with the Tirolian cloning tech, a handful of Spartan-Three's who were given the option of getting out, and some others; total population about fifty. It's also the permanent home of Doctor Miko Mido; she has her own small office on the north end of the property where she sees patients with extreme problems for long-term treatment. Apparently he met her on a scouting run in one of the worlds he declared Proscribed."

Osman whistled at that. She was fairly new to the Shadow Council, but she know that the worlds declared Proscribed were exceedingly dangerous for various reasons. Out of all the worlds that UEsG had discovered, approximately thirty had been declared such. "Why was it Proscribed?"

"Demonic incursion," Ranma replied. "Tentacle demons. My Razors were in the initial contact group. We left because we couldn't kill an entire planet with fire. So the brass sent in Darkraven. He came back a while later with a few women in tow and the entire universe was listed as Proscribed Under All Circumstances. Whatever he found, it was classified as 'Commit Suicide Before Reading'."

"I remember that," Leonard commented. "It was a while back, but his report included sex demons, martial arts forms based around sex, and a deep spiritual taint underlying the entire universe. He deemed it unsafe for anyone without special training from Doctor Mido."

"I'm the new person here," Waller began, "but I can tell this guy's been around a lot. How long has he been in service?"

"He first arrived in our universe in March of 2009, with the return of the ARMD-2 platform from another universe. He served with distinction throughout the war, and then was sent to the Malcontent Zone. Given dimensional chronal dilation, the Edenii scientists estimate his age at around a century."

Waller whistled at that. "And your youthening process just keeps him looking young?"

Ranma snorted at that. "Darkraven has always had troubles with the Edenii process. He says his magic is messing with the protoculture reaction. I think he's been turned into fourteen year old, a female version of himself, an oversized ferret, a japanese pop idol complete with dress, and me. Yeah, he once got turned into Ranma Saotome. He heard that Rei was on-station and refused to leave the lab until either they fixed it or she left. Rei can get kinda passionate when we haven't seen each other in a while."

Rei blushed at that, but said nothing.

"How do we support our man?" Osman asked, bringing the discussion back on track. "If he's gone AWOL with good cause, shouldn't we do everything we can to back him?"

"Easier said than done," Leonard commented wryly. "He's always been a bit independent. If he's ducked off our radar, that inevitably means that he's drawing fire while we prepare our own defenses. That he's opened up his Library means that it's about to well and truly hit the fan, and he's buying us time to prepare for the splatter."

"I agree," Breetai rumbled. "Darkraven is not a man to cut and run without a very good reason. Whatever he's doing, he clearly has some sort of plan. All we can do at this point is wait for the report from the Detective he mentioned."

Almost on cue, Breetai's console chimed. A voice came up, saying, "Admiral, there is a Detective Kuramitsu here to see you."

"Excellent. Send her in."

Thirty seconds later, a beautiful, tanned blond woman in the uniform of a Galaxy Police Detective stood before the Shadow Council. She saluted, stating, "Sir, Detective First Class Mihoshi Kuramitsu is reporting as requested."
For reference, this is the Mihoshi from the original Tenchi Muyo! series.

First, love the addition! And that still means she's still very clumsy right?

taalismn wrote:Kiyone's about to suffer a stroke when she's hauled along on this new assignment, isn't she?

Wouldn't be surprised.

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:Kiyone's about to suffer a stroke when she's hauled along on this new assignment, isn't she?

Nope. This is the *original* Mihoshi. I never liked how she was so thoroughly downgraded to a low-grade idiot bimbo in the spin-off. This is the series before Kiyone was introduced.

You mean the OVA's then? What is the original Mihoshi then? From what version?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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This is the Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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wyrmraker wrote:This is the Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki

Wasn't she kind of an air head in that one? I'm not saying she's stupid, you don't get to her position if your stupid, but..., you get what I'm saying?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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not quite as much as in the Tenchi Universe TV-series and it's sequels/spinoffs.

in the OVA's she was more "tries too hard, and just isn't very good at her job". but since she's related to an important family, she just got assigned to an out of the way backwater with no real problems because it's too primitive to be starfaring. which turns out to be rather more important than the Galaxy police thought.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Mihoshi is also extraordinarily observant, extremely lucky, and has a causality breaking ability that allows her entry to otherwise inaccessible areas. Add to that her list of contacts, both within and outside of the Galaxy Police, and she can be very effective, if a bit airheaded and easily distracted.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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(Down Below...)

Charon: "As long as she doesn't get sent down HERE, I'll be FINE. I hope." :frazz:
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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wyrmraker wrote:Mihoshi is also extraordinarily observant, extremely lucky, and has a causality breaking ability that allows her entry to otherwise inaccessible areas. Add to that her list of contacts, both within and outside of the Galaxy Police, and she can be very effective, if a bit airheaded and easily distracted.


Okay. maybe not that bad....but let's just say it's lucky she doesn't have a iPod/iPhone.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Chronicler: "SHADOW! How goes our plans to infiltrate MCH #69 with Mechanoids?"

Shadow: "Well, there's been a slight hitch."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Chronicler: "SHADOW! How goes our plans to infiltrate MCH #69 with Mechanoids?"

Shadow: "Well, there's been a slight hitch."

You can just sense the 'oh god I'm hosed'....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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glitterboy2098 wrote:not quite as much as in the Tenchi Universe TV-series and it's sequels/spinoffs.

in the OVA's she was more "tries too hard, and just isn't very good at her job". but since she's related to an important family, she just got assigned to an out of the way backwater with no real problems because it's too primitive to be starfaring. which turns out to be rather more important than the Galaxy police thought.

That too. Its been a while since I watch them all, so I think they are all blending together.

wyrmraker wrote:Mihoshi is also extraordinarily observant, extremely lucky, and has a causality breaking ability that allows her entry to otherwise inaccessible areas. Add to that her list of contacts, both within and outside of the Galaxy Police, and she can be very effective, if a bit airheaded and easily distracted.

:lol: Ya, that getting into Washu's lab! I read in one story where it turned out she was related to Washu, and that was why she could get in. Washu kind of freaked when she learned that.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "As long as she doesn't get sent down HERE, I'll be FINE. I hope." :frazz:

:twisted: NEVER temp Murphy. :twisted: Mihoshi: Hello? Where am I? Actually, that would be more her mother. She was everywhere and always cleaning.

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:Mihoshi is also extraordinarily observant, extremely lucky, and has a causality breaking ability that allows her entry to otherwise inaccessible areas. Add to that her list of contacts, both within and outside of the Galaxy Police, and she can be very effective, if a bit airheaded and easily distracted.


Okay. maybe not that bad....but let's just say it's lucky she doesn't have a iPod/iPhone.

:lol: Doesn't she have something close to it? It was like a cube or something like that in the first OVA's.

SRoss wrote:Chronicler: "SHADOW! How goes our plans to infiltrate MCH #69 with Mechanoids?"

Shadow: "Well, there's been a slight hitch."

:lol: :lol: :lol: That show had some great moments.

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Chronicler: "SHADOW! How goes our plans to infiltrate MCH #69 with Mechanoids?"

Shadow: "Well, there's been a slight hitch."

You can just sense the 'oh god I'm hosed'....

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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The giant ogre turned slowly trying to swat Erin with his club. Erin, as Blaze flew clear as the club smashed a nearby column and launched a fire blast that pulverized the column and buried itself in the ogre's chest.

Sarah laughed as she brought her blade down carving the ogre from the right shoulder down to it's waist. Blaze finished with a flame bolt that detonated the ogre.

Hild kicked over the scrying dish... "Why the hell did I just blow twenty quatloos on a giant ogre!?! I could just sent the village idiot for all the good he did!" :x
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Elsewhere...

The giant ogre turned slowly trying to swat Erin with his club. Erin, as Blaze flew clear as the club smashed a nearby column and launched a fire blast that pulverized the column and buried itself in the ogre's chest.

Sarah laughed as she brought her blade down carving the ogre from the right shoulder down to it's waist. Blaze finished with a flame bolt that detonated the ogre.

Hild kicked over the scrying dish... "Why the hell did I just blow twenty quatloos on a giant ogre!?! I could just sent the village idiot for all the good he did!" :x

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.

...and a Chaos Generator on a par with Ranma Saotome just popped in. That's like throwing a running chainsaw into a jinga tower.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

I coulnd't remember who all was lost on the SDF-3, so if I got a person's placement wrong, I apologize. I'm working on Darkraven's meanderings next.
An hour later, all of the members of the Shadow Council present were silent. Kuramitsu had left, and in her wake her report was still echoing in their minds.

"My god," Leonard whispered. "How did she find all that out? Two groups of crazed fanatics with slightly related goals, who've spread their influences across uncountable dimensions in order to bring about their brand of 'order'? Insanity!"

"I haven't a clue as to how," Breetai answered, "and I really don't care. All of the intelligence she's given us on their past activities, methods of operation, and inter-dimensional movement methods really puts home just how blindly the UEsG is poking in the darkness."

"Darkraven was right," Ranma commented. "I remember when I went to ask him for a favor to help clear my karma a bit, and he commented that we have no idea what's out there, just waiting for us to innocently knock on the door like lost, trusting lambs. And that all of our military might as well be the same as tossing snowflakes at the sun, for all the good it would do us."

"I wonder why he didn't mention this before," Rei asked, still flipping through the reports.

"He did," came Emil Lang's voice from the door as he walked in, taking up a chair. "Many apologies for my lateness; there were unforseen complications with my vessel's fold drive."

"That's understandable," stated Osman, being no stranger to the vagaries of sub-dimensional FTL travel. "What do you mean, 'he did?'"

"Oh, he brought it up when I questioned him over his origins shortly after the First Robotech War ended. I had heard that he was a dimensional refugee, and was entirely unprepared to learn that not only did he actually understand the principles behind such, but that he also was intimately aware of most of the phenomena associated with such. While Captain Ayanami-Hunter's unorthodox arrival may have been the impetus for creating the Dimensional Knocker, without Darkraven's original knowledge we would have been much harder put to create the original Knocker. And without the experts he has brought in to assist us, our equipment would be an estimated three iterations behind our current capabilities."

"It sounds as if this guy is a lot more important to your organization than anyone realized," Waller snarked out. "Has he ever gotten recognition out of his contributions?"

Much of the group looked a bit guilty at that. "Most of the time, like everywhere else, the reward is merely more work. He never seemed to mind. In fact, he always seemed to be on edge whenever he was on leave."

"That's mostly because he was paranoid about his phone," Nova sighed. "Whenever he wasn't on duty, he was always on alert that his phone would ring and he'd be pulled back into the line of fire. It got so bad that he hasn't actually taken leave in about fifteen years, his perspective time. He just stopped asking. I believe he's up to about four years of leave due to him."

"Amny ideas where Darkraven might have gone, Doctor?" John-117 asked, in a rare display of speaking without being spoken to.

"Not a clue. Unfortunately, now that he has a vessel with two different types of dimensional aperture opener, there is no practical way for us to track him. In addition, his practical knowledge of interdimensional fold techniques *still* outstrips our own. His homeworld was apparently covered in dimension tears, and his family full of experts in manipulating them.

"Until the Perytonians that he arranged tutors for get up to speed, we have nothing to go on. He could be anywhere, anywhen. However, if I were to guess, I would say that he would go somewhere that either the groups would not dare go, or somewhere that the groups would have no need to go."

"Well, that's great," Waller intoned. "So, what, we just wait on our boy to contact us somehow?"

"That's actually how he operates when on scouting missions," Breetai replied. "And it was that way when he scouted your world for potential first contact."

"At least we have some names, places, and tactics," John-117 commented, rereading Kuramitsu's report. Looking up at the people ringing the table, he calmly stated, "We have our intel, we have our orders. Let's get this done."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.

...and a Chaos Generator on a par with Ranma Saotome just popped in. That's like throwing a running chainsaw into a jinga tower.

On the other hand, Hild would easily find a way to make Mihoshi very useful to her, and in ways that Mihoshi wouldn't object to. She's the Daimakaicho for a reason.

One of my favorite fanfics dealing with Hild is Hell Is A Martial Artist, by Ozzallos. If you're passingly familiar with Hild (I strongly suggest reading the Oh My Goddess manga. It ended in 2014, having run since the mid 80's), as well as the manga version of Ranma 1/2, it easily becomes an excellent character piece on Hild.

And I love his 'Rules of Fanfiction Failure'. Excellent stuff.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Well, in Shadow Chronicles canon, Lang was supposedly aboard the SDF-3, but in Crossovers Canon, there was so much work for him, he has an excuse to be off the ship, so you're clean there.

And damn, I already did a Bene Gesserit Minmei in a Dune-Robotech crossover Loop. Oh dear, maybe I should have a d-hopping Minmei of the Weirding Way? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: :lol:

wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.

:lol: :lol: And don't forget Mihoshi's mom.

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.

...and a Chaos Generator on a par with Ranma Saotome just popped in. That's like throwing a running chainsaw into a jinga tower.


wyrmraker wrote:I coulnd't remember who all was lost on the SDF-3, so if I got a person's placement wrong, I apologize. I'm working on Darkraven's meanderings next.
An hour later, all of the members of the Shadow Council present were silent. Kuramitsu had left, and in her wake her report was still echoing in their minds.

"My god," Leonard whispered. "How did she find all that out? Two groups of crazed fanatics with slightly related goals, who've spread their influences across uncountable dimensions in order to bring about their brand of 'order'? Insanity!"

"I haven't a clue as to how," Breetai answered, "and I really don't care. All of the intelligence she's given us on their past activities, methods of operation, and inter-dimensional movement methods really puts home just how blindly the UEsG is poking in the darkness."

"Darkraven was right," Ranma commented. "I remember when I went to ask him for a favor to help clear my karma a bit, and he commented that we have no idea what's out there, just waiting for us to innocently knock on the door like lost, trusting lambs. And that all of our military might as well be the same as tossing snowflakes at the sun, for all the good it would do us."

"I wonder why he didn't mention this before," Rei asked, still flipping through the reports.

"He did," came Emil Lang's voice from the door as he walked in, taking up a chair. "Many apologies for my lateness; there were unforseen complications with my vessel's fold drive."

"That's understandable," stated Osman, being no stranger to the vagaries of sub-dimensional FTL travel. "What do you mean, 'he did?'"

"Oh, he brought it up when I questioned him over his origins shortly after the First Robotech War ended. I had heard that he was a dimensional refugee, and was entirely unprepared to learn that not only did he actually understand the principles behind such, but that he also was intimately aware of most of the phenomena associated with such. While Captain Ayanami-Hunter's unorthodox arrival may have been the impetus for creating the Dimensional Knocker, without Darkraven's original knowledge we would have been much harder put to create the original Knocker. And without the experts he has brought in to assist us, our equipment would be an estimated three iterations behind our current capabilities."

"It sounds as if this guy is a lot more important to your organization than anyone realized," Waller snarked out. "Has he ever gotten recognition out of his contributions?"

Much of the group looked a bit guilty at that. "Most of the time, like everywhere else, the reward is merely more work. He never seemed to mind. In fact, he always seemed to be on edge whenever he was on leave."

"That's mostly because he was paranoid about his phone," Nova sighed. "Whenever he wasn't on duty, he was always on alert that his phone would ring and he'd be pulled back into the line of fire. It got so bad that he hasn't actually taken leave in about fifteen years, his perspective time. He just stopped asking. I believe he's up to about four years of leave due to him."

"Amny ideas where Darkraven might have gone, Doctor?" John-117 asked, in a rare display of speaking without being spoken to.

"Not a clue. Unfortunately, now that he has a vessel with two different types of dimensional aperture opener, there is no practical way for us to track him. In addition, his practical knowledge of interdimensional fold techniques *still* outstrips our own. His homeworld was apparently covered in dimension tears, and his family full of experts in manipulating them.

"Until the Perytonians that he arranged tutors for get up to speed, we have nothing to go on. He could be anywhere, anywhen. However, if I were to guess, I would say that he would go somewhere that either the groups would not dare go, or somewhere that the groups would have no need to go."

"Well, that's great," Waller intoned. "So, what, we just wait on our boy to contact us somehow?"

"That's actually how he operates when on scouting missions," Breetai replied. "And it was that way when he scouted your world for potential first contact."

"At least we have some names, places, and tactics," John-117 commented, rereading Kuramitsu's report. Looking up at the people ringing the table, he calmly stated, "We have our intel, we have our orders. Let's get this done."

Another nice add on! :ok:

wyrmraker wrote:
taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Mihoshi: (Appearing behind Hild) "Interesting! Hay you seen Darkraven?"

Hild: (Jumping out of her skin) :eek: :eek: :eek:

Given where Hild lives, her power levels, and the dangerous, nigh-impossible means of reaching her... this actually sounds about right.

...and a Chaos Generator on a par with Ranma Saotome just popped in. That's like throwing a running chainsaw into a jinga tower.

On the other hand, Hild would easily find a way to make Mihoshi very useful to her, and in ways that Mihoshi wouldn't object to. She's the Daimakaicho for a reason.

One of my favorite fanfics dealing with Hild is Hell Is A Martial Artist, by Ozzallos. If you're passingly familiar with Hild (I strongly suggest reading the Oh My Goddess manga. It ended in 2014, having run since the mid 80's), as well as the manga version of Ranma 1/2, it easily becomes an excellent character piece on Hild.

And I love his 'Rules of Fanfiction Failure'. Excellent stuff.

Found the guy. Looks interesting.

taalismn wrote:Well, in Shadow Chronicles canon, Lang was supposedly aboard the SDF-3, but in Crossovers Canon, there was so much work for him, he has an excuse to be off the ship, so you're clean there.

And damn, I already did a Bene Gesserit Minmei in a Dune-Robotech crossover Loop. Oh dear, maybe I should have a d-hopping Minmei of the Weirding Way? :D

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Meanwhile in the Underworld...

Marller: "Ha! With Hild away, I'M NOW IN CHARGE! The Flaming one and the Dog Gi..."

Urd: (Appearing behind her) "Um, actually dad said I'm in charge..." :erm:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Meanwhile in the Underworld...

Marller: "Ha! With Hild away, I'M NOW IN CHARGE! The Flaming one and the Dog Gi..."

Urd: (Appearing behind her) "Um, actually dad said I'm in charge..." :erm:

(Down Below...)

Charon: "Oh, goodie! I'll transfer the excess waste to you guys!!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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As the chair behind the desk spins around, Hild smirks at the Demon and Goddess. "That was a chibi-Hild that left here. And since you two are so... eager to assist, well... Since Charon *is* long overdue a vacation, the two of you can handle those matters."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Demon and Goddess: :shock: "WHAT?! NONONONONONONONONO..." (Shaking head in disbelief)
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Arnie100 wrote:Demon and Goddess: :shock: "WHAT?! NONONONONONONONONO..." (Shaking head in disbelief)

Charon: (Rushing by them in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, pulling a suitcase) "Okgirlsdon'tfeedCerberusaftermidnightif KyleEdwardsCorgorKarnoshowupjustsendthemthroughtherevolvingdoorifyouneedtocontactmeI'mstayingat ... Ooo lookatthetimegottafly."

Marller & Urd: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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And he knows enough about Hild not to let her book him a cruise.....

"Hmmmm....rogue waves, norovirus, engine fire, or grope-happy retirees?" :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:And he knows enough about Hild not to let her book him a cruise.....

"Hmmmm....rogue waves, norovirus, engine fire, or grope-happy retirees?" :twisted:

Charon on a cougar cruise?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Meanwhile, in Civil War...

Stark: "Stand-down Cap! I've got Caped Baldy on my side."

Suddenly an armoured fist sends Iron Man flying...

Lancer, Rook, Rand & The Fourth Wall Gang: (Wearing souped up Typhoon Cyclones) "Well we've got Cap's back..."

Back at Tokyo 3...

Weller: "Who the hell authorized this!?!" :nh:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:And he knows enough about Hild not to let her book him a cruise.....

"Hmmmm....rogue waves, norovirus, engine fire, or grope-happy retirees?" :twisted:

Charon on a cougar cruise?

He avoided it; he booked direct to destination, immediate teleport. The guy knows how tedious cruises can be in the wrong company.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Meanwhile, in Civil War...

Stark: "Stand-down Cap! I've got Caped Baldy on my side."

Suddenly an armoured fist sends Iron Man flying...

Lancer, Rook, Rand & The Fourth Wall Gang: (Wearing souped up Typhoon Cyclones) "Well we've got Cap's back..."

Back at Tokyo 3...

Weller: "Who the hell authorized this!?!" :nh:

Lancer: "You know who would like you, Stark? MINMEI." :twisted:
Stark: :shock: "That...that's okay...Pepper would kill me!"
Minmei: "WHAT! I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" (Proceeds to b***h-slap Stark)
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Kyle: "MINMEI? -I'm- supposed to be the big martial artist in the family! When the hell did you learn the Weirding Way?"
Minmei: "Ever wonder why every time you tried to put your arm around me, I suddenly was someplace else? That's both the when and the why."

Edwards: "...I suddenly have a bad feeling I'm going to star rather gruesomely in a retroactive revision montage..." :shock:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Annie: (Dripping hot wax on a bound and gagged Corg) "See Corgy-poo, isn't it much more fun to let me do all the work?"

Allison: "Um, Lisa, remind me to tell Sammy not to let her friends borrow our stuff."

Lisa, Allen and Anne: :eek: :eek: :puke:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:Kyle: "MINMEI? -I'm- supposed to be the big martial artist in the family! When the hell did you learn the Weirding Way?"
Minmei: "Ever wonder why every time you tried to put your arm around me, I suddenly was someplace else? That's both the when and the why."

Edwards: "...I suddenly have a bad feeling I'm going to star rather gruesomely in a retroactive revision montage..." :shock:

Benson: "...I'm not going to get eaten by a sandworm. am I? Or turned INTO a sandworm?"
Edwards: "You? God-Emperor of Arrakis? Don't make me laugh. Nah, she'll probably just break your neck and leave you to die slowly while she sings a dirge to you."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Kyle: Or pump him so full of Spice that he can speak the future whilst strongly resembling Violet Beauregard. She'll save the Song for Edwards.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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wyrmraker wrote:Kyle: Or pump him so full of Spice that he can speak the future whilst strongly resembling Violet Beauregard. She'll save the Song for Edwards.

"Not enough water on Dune to rinse that stuff out of your eyes. She must really want you to suffer."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Minmei: (Using the voice) "Edwards, you will shoot yourself in the Nads ... Repeatedly." :twisted:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Minmei: (Using the voice) "Edwards, you will shoot yourself in the Nads ... Repeatedly." :twisted:

"For a guy who claims to have have crawled across still-hot glassed asphalt from Alaska Base, I'm rather surprised that you still have external genitalia at all, Edwards, and that you only lost an eye."
"I'm not liking what you're implying...."
"I'm charitably assuming that you have had a habit of wearing armored underwear and fireproof aftershave."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

taalismn wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:Kyle: Or pump him so full of Spice that he can speak the future whilst strongly resembling Violet Beauregard. She'll save the Song for Edwards.

"Not enough water on Dune to rinse that stuff out of your eyes. She must really want you to suffer."

"We have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Elsewhere, in a seperate reality, a group dressed like a ninja, a barbarian, an armored soldier with a laser rifle, and a mage shook themselves off in disgust. The ninja had his mask off and was being violently ill, while the mage was trying to focus through the stench long enough to cast a spell of cleansing.

"Seriously," the soldier asked, "who the hell makes a feces golem? How the ***k did this guy make one and why? I thought he couldn't use magic!"

"He can't use his homeworld's magical methods," the barbarian grumbled out, scraping the rancid mess off of his oiled pectorals, "but that doesn't mean he didn't find a different method."

A sickening sound emanated from the mage, as suddenly his robes were free of the muck that the golem had exploded into dropped onto the forest floor some feet away from him. "Constantine," the mage replied bitterly. "According to the timelines, he knew a ritual to make one. He must've taught our target the trick. Darkraven must've made it and left it here to throw us off the scent. Oh gods, what a horrible pun," he groaned out.

Finally, the ninja rose, his stomach purged of all content as he regained self control. "Seriously though, WHO THE F*** MAKES A S*** GOLEM?!?!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

S**T Golem! :ok:

FLASHBACK: Years earlier, SRoss battled the Golgothan...
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