Paladin Steel Storefront

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

I seem to be on a cyborg binge of late: here's another....

Paladin Steel ‘Torvald’ Full Conversion Borg - Computer Network Operations Administration/Infiltration
(aka ‘Wormslayer’, ‘Spam-Warrior’, ‘Geekborg’, ‘Nerdborg’)

“That doesn’t belong to you, you if I were you, I’d step away, then go away...”
Behind the crimson-pixeled dragon, that was about to grab hold of a virtual secured-access archive icon, had appeared another icon...a short, baldheaded, fully-bearded human of Mediterranean extraction, clad in a white toga-like garment and sandals, one hand holding a golden staff, his other hand hidden in the folds of his clothing. A formation of beads on the man’s simple tunic spelled out in simple psuedo-Greek letters: ‘Sophocles, Sysop”
“Great...a dragon...ANOTHER’re already beginning to bore me, net-punk.”
The dragon snarled and cut loose with a ball of shimmering pixels, that suddenly sharpened into a flaming skull, careening straight at the watching Greek. The attack program swirled and danced around the man, who actually stepped back a few feet, before bring his staff down on the skull, smashing it into a hundred derezzing pieces.
“Interesting...that had the look more of a spell than a program...weighted heavy on the necromagic if I don’t miss my guess...”
The dragon’s only answer was another flurry of shimmering bursts, which became a swarm of stinging wasp clones. This time, as the swarm approached the Greek, he didn’t bother dodging, but swept his staff around in an arc, leaving a glittering cloud behind it hanging in the air. The swarm flew into it and immediately dissolved.
“ you’re a mage slumming in the ‘net...Good one, draco...but you’re still a wuss.”
“Unlike you, I don’t NEED to hide behind illusions to conceal who I am! I am all that I appear to be, and MORE!” The dragon punctuated this with a surge of silvery tendrils that stretched out to the Greek and almost made contact, before exploding as they hit some insubstantial barrier.
The toga-wearing man started at this display and stepped back...
“ mean you REALLY are a dragon?”
“Aye! And master of this illusion, worm! Think not that there is no reality of magic that a true Lord of Magic, born to its currents, cannot master!”
“Great.!..that means I don’t have to pussyfoot around with you, *******, because you might flatline on me..” The Greek philosopher took his other hand out of his robe. This hand was a long nailed skeletal CLAW of black metal, that STRETCHED impossibly to the flat plane supporting the man, then expanded, sending long razor-claws burrowing into the fabric of virtual reality. Pulses of dark energy erupted from the man’s upper arm, under the toga, then coursed down the arm, through the splayed finger-roots, and swam like barely-seen sharks around the dragon, traveling just under the ‘surface’.
The grid around the golden dragon flared to life, and the dragon was surrounded by a series of stone columns that erupted from the ground around it.
“Fah! You seek to entrap me? No wall of illusion can contain me! Nor save you!”
With that the dragon shot forth a swarm of silver bubbles---virus programs, that slammed into the stones, shattering each with jackhammer subtlety.
As each pillar shattered, it revealed a form that had been trapped within...a form that came to sudden awful life....With an electronic screech, the metal limbed and rot-fleshed Borg-Zombies leapt at the surprised dragon-icon. The dragon batted one, two, three of them away, but the others kept coming, and got through, seizing the dragon in their metal arms and sparking with power as they drained energy from the icon...or was it the monster’s soul? Sophocles has no idea how far a supernatural would be able to extend its life-force into the Lynette without a headjack link...but whatever the dragon was using, his attack HURT, as was attested by the dragon’s screaming and bellowing in pain, as it tried to throw off the leech-daemons. The golden dragon seemed to fade, shrink, and melt, the visible features running together, the Zombies melting with it, forming a sickly-green tinge to the de-rezzing icon. Within a minute, the once great golden dragon was represented only by a bubbling yellow puddle in the matrix-space....Then the puddle just ceased to exist...
The toga-wearing man looked at the last fading sparkles in the matrix and shook his head....
“’Troders...they think they OWN the ‘net....”

“Oh hey, look! A ‘truder and three adjutants! Can they be any MORE obvious about being a Digital Deadboy and his doggies? Burnboy, you wanna backtrace them and find out where they entered our system? Then call out Company security and see if they’re in our territorial limits; I’m going to go geck with their mental $#!+ and see if the ‘Digital Reapers’ are really as good as they THINK they are.”

With the establishment of a city-state-wide computer network, with the promise of further extension through breakthroughs in leyline and hypercomp communications. Paladin Steel and its allies were looking at the possibility of resurrecting continental internets. Beyond the possibility of a Rifts Earth internet system, however. PS was already encountering and using even more sophisticated computer communications systems in its megaversal dealings. Well aware, from its own experiences with having to secure its own cybersecurity at home, and keep tabs on its growing and increasingly interfaced community and infrastructure, as well as its own efforts against similar networks in its opposition, Paladin Steel looked to upgrading its cybersecurity and cyber-combat capabilities. As with many other problems, PS took a multi-solution approach across several disciplines, including AIs, psionic gene-mods, and cybernetic implants. A full-conversion cyborg optimized for cyberspace operations seemed an inevitable development along these lines, and thus the Torvald was born.
The Torvald is remarkably light and slender in comparison to other cyborgs, with a svelte, streamlined look. The head looks more like a cross between a visored motorcycle helmet, and a teardrop-shaped racing helmet, with a projecting ‘crest’ or ‘cowl’ blending into the back and a distinctly thicker and raised spine. Internally, the cyborg is loaded with cutting-edge computer hardware updated with the latest software tools.
Of course, with almost all of its available internal space packed with sophisticated microcircuitry and adjutant computer systems, the Torvald has little space to devote to other accessories, and lacks the sort of heavy augmentation and optional weaponry more familiar to cyborg enthusiasts. This is not to say that the Torvald is unable to perform combat duties; its physical performance is better than an un-augmented human in terms of speed and reaction time, and its megadamage armor shell , designed to protect and insulate the delicate computer hardware(not to mention the organic components) from abuse and the elements, is adequate enough to shrug off weapons fire. Despite its limited internal space, the Torvald CAN mount some light and concealable weaponry, and most Torvalds will pack a wrist or forearm pulse laser or two in order to defend themselves and the valuable information they frequently carry on their internal hard drives. But the Torvald is NOT considered to be a frontline combat unit, and most Torvalds attempt to stay well back and out of the line of fire. However, the Torvald’s advanced decryption and hacking abilities make the cyborg invaluable on deep espionage and electronic surveillance missions, so the Torvald is a welcome addition to specialized commando teams. They can also be found with command units as part of battlefield management network security, communications experts, and liaison technicians, helping integrate and coordinate data exchange between GNE units and their allies/clients. Torvalds are also often in the employ of outpost and embassy cybersecurity details, managing the electronic sanctity of major industrial complexes , diplomatic missions and mercantile operations. Torvald are often also used as special couriers, carrying blueprints and coded documents in digitally encrypted form inside themselves.
In a pinch, Torvalds can hack and control RPV drone systems, but they are not optimized for coordinating large numbers of RPVs like more specialized cyborgs such as the Centrus. This hasn’t stopped a (in sometimes obsessive) professional rivalry between the two cyborg types, especially during war games, with the two types trying to steal control of remote mobiles from each other, or track each other down via their wireless linkages(one such war game rivalry led to disciplinary action when a Torvald used a landline to hack an opposing army group’s communications transmitters and fool their Centrus operator into attacking his own HQ with fortunately simulated HARMs).
Virtually ALL Torvalds produced are in the direct service of Paladin Steel and the GNE-Alliance. Those few claiming to be freelancers are, more often than not, really working as special operatives for PS/GNE and masquerading as mercenaries(the type is unknown enough that the PS/GNE connection is not immediately known).

“I’m not a robot, not a piece of office machinery, I’m a blending of the strengths of the machine with the creativity and intuition of the living mind.”

Type: PS--FC-43 Torvald
Class: Full conversion Borg - Light Machine, Computer Network Operations Administration/Infiltration
Crew: One volunteer
Minimal Requirements: Because of the strain placed on the recipient’s psyche, the conversion is available ONLY to those with a demonstrated M.E. rating of 15 or better

M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 10 each
Arms(2) 40 each
Legs(2) 75 each
*Head 60
**Main Body 170 .
*Destroying the head of a Cyborg will kill the character!
However, the head is a small and difficult target to hit. The attacker
must make a called shot and even then he is -3 to strike. The hands, and
forearms are also difficult targets to hit and are -4 to strike on a
called shot.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively
destroy the artificial body, but emergency systems will keep the brain and
vital organs alive for 36 hours. Recovery of the severely damaged body
will enable doctors to place the character on life support systems that
will keep him alive until a new bionic body (same style or other) is
available, for full conversion. Failure to find the damaged Borg within 36
hours means the character dies.

Note: The Torvald be fitted with any additional armor up to 100 MDC

Running: 100 mph max . However the act of running does
not tire the operator out and the maximum speed can be maintained
Jumping: The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable
of leaping 10 feet high or 18 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack
Underwater: Unlike many heavier cyborgs, the Torvald CAN swim, albeit clumsily, thanks to special buoyancy gel bladders inside itself(used mainly to cushion the delicate electronics inside). General swimming speed is roughly 5 MPH.

Statistical Data:
Average Height: 6.6 feet
Width: 3 ft feet
Length: 2 ft feet
Weight: 400 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear fusion micropack with life of 20 years
Physical Attributes: Equal to PS. 30, PP. 24,.
Bonuses: Standard cyborg bonuses of +3 save vs magic, +5 vs possession, impervious to Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics(all), See Aura, and any attacks that do damage directly to Hit Points.
+2 initiative
+5 strike/parry
+5 dodge
+2 Roll
+2 Pull Punch
Penalties: Touch/tactile sense is 60% of human norm.
Prowl penalty: -15%

Special Skills/Training: Because of their specialization, Torvalds are drawn from the ranks of computer-oriented professions such Technical Specialists, Operators, Rogue Scholars, Rogue Scientists, and Cyber-Rats. The Bionic Hacker and Coalition Digital Reaper(if the latter then the character is a renegade ex-CS who has been vetted as safe by GNE military intelligence) from Wayne Breaux’s article in Rifter #2) are also recommended.
Torvald recruits are expected, at the minimum, to have Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Surveillance Systems, and at least three communications skills.

Black Market Cost: 8.6 million credits with all standard features, weapons, and sensors.

Standard Bionic Features
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and
cybernetic section of the Rifts RPG.
1. Bionic lung with gas filter & storage cell
2. Built-in language translator
3. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
4. Clock calendar
5. Gyro-compass
6. Modulated voice synthesizer
7. Multi-optic eyes
8. Built-in loudspeaker
9. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration systems.

Special Features:
*Interface Plugs---Hidden in the shoulders and forearms are extendable ‘smart cable’ computer interfaces that can be used to plug into electronic systems.

*Diagnostic Database--The Torvald’s onboard computer systems come with special ‘adaptive’ program matrices that allow the cyborg to quickly establish a link with PS/Alliance computers and electronics, and scan them for viruses and glitches. It is also possible to run diagnostic scans of other hardware, using ‘intuitive’ psuedo-AI to identify basic blocks of an operating system, but depending on the sophistication of the system, and its creators, this is much more difficult.

*Firewall Buffers--The Torvald’s computer systems and wetware have special protective filters and insulation that slow the effectiveness of ICE programs, and lock down the system if and when the cyborg experiences power surges that could damage its systems(Reduce the damage by such attacks to 1/10). The Firewall Buffer also isolates the cyborg’s own life support systems, keeping antipersonnel viruses from hacking the cyborg’s autonomic nervous system and killing them.

*IV Sustainer/Nutrient Recycler---Most ‘borgs can miss a meal or two(or six....), and go without food for days at a time, but given that Torvalds spend a LARGE amount of time linked in and phased-out to their immediate reality, Paladin Steel has an enhanced nutrient delivery system that allows the ‘borg to go without food or water for up to two weeks, if necessary. Supervisors of Torvalds are advised, though, to remember that the cyborgs are NOT part of their machinery and may need to be reminded to eat and rehydrate.

*Split-View---This allows the Torvald to ‘flip’ rapidly between the VR Interface and real world perception---going fast enough that the Torvald isn’t interrupted in his or her actions in either the real world or the VR world. The effect is akin to the ‘window’ some VR programs generate to allow participants to occasionally check on things outside the sim, but is far more ‘open’ in terms of the perception. Think of it as a split-screen overlay between what the Torvald sees in VR sim and in real time.

*Watchguard AI---The next step beyond Split-View, this is effectively an idiot-savant AI system slaved to the cyborg’s consciousness. It monitors externals and can be set to keep watch when the organic portion of the cyborg has to sleep or is deep in the ‘face. It is programmed with basic evasion and self-defense protocols, and besides sounding an alert to the organic host, it can take basic action for the first melee of an attack. Acts effectively like an Automatic Dodge and Parry, taking up no APMs for the first round of combat, but also has no bonuses to dodge. Also, if ambushed, the cyborg’s initiative penalties are HALVED(or, if the Initiative penalty is only -1, negated entirely).

*TW Interface---The Torvald can interact with the Ley Net(the Alliance’s ley line-based communications system), but CANNOT cast spells or Line Walk---merely access Lynette communications, use properly equipped TW devices, and read/alter the interface protocols of ‘rider software equipment.

*Hidden Compartments--Each leg has a concealed compartment that can hold additional tools, hard-drives, a wallet, or a sidearm.

*Security Locking---Because Torvalds often carry classified information and software in their internal computer systems, they are often(90%) fitted with special multilayered security protocols and automatic encryption to prevent the information from being tapped and misused. The internal hard drives are rigged to the cyborg’s body and autonomics...any effort to remove them, or to crack them, will result in an auto-wipe of the drives....This mechanism can only be turned off using special tools(with integral passcodes) or with the express permission and unlocking of the cyborg themselves. More elaborate security precautions added by either PS corporate security or the military include micro-fusion slagger chargers or corrosive acid cartridges that physically obliterate the ‘drives and associated systemry(these measures either preclude that the removal of the secured systems mean the ‘borg is already dead, or activation of them will kill the cyborg in the process).

*Enhanced Radio/Wireless Communications Suite---The Torvald has a more advanced radio communications suite with an effective range of 50 miles, with scrambling capability. It can also effortlessly link to local area networks through wireless connections.

*Hyperlink---An advanced interface system that can hardlink via a head/fingerjack into a computer system. Described in detail in Rifts Bionics Sourcebook, pg. 87-88, it gives the cyborg a +5% to Computer skills, +10% to communications skills(and can boost a system’s range by 2d6x10%, plus renders it effectively un-jammable), +5% to a vehicle piloting skill if jacked into a computerized version of the appropriate vehicle(+10% to speed and evasive/trick maneuvers), and +1 to strike, +2 on Initiative, and +1 APM with a single networked weapons system.

*Hacking Computer---This is a modular, upgradeable, state-of-the-art cyberphreaking rig integrated into the spinal column. Torvalds often speak of this system as ‘their other half’. +20% to Hacking skill, and +10% to Research, Computer Programming, and Artificial Intelligence skills.

*Hardened Circuits---A feature growing to be standard in Paladin Steel-made combat cyborgs. Shields the ‘borg’s systems against EMP and other electrical-disruption attacks.

*Ambidexterity Boost--- If the character doesn’t already possess the Ambidexterity advantage, a combination of neural interface boosting and gene-therapy gives the cyborg the ability to use all their hands with equal proficiency. If nothing else, this allows the cyberhacker to manually keyboard with both hands. +1 APM, +1 parry, and automatically gets W.P. Paired Weapons(reflected in Bonus stats).

Palladium Cyberhacking Summary:
The Torvald is considered to have Maximized Cyberarmor(AR 19, SDC 150), +2 additional attacks per melee, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, and +4 to dodge, Automatic parry, and +15% versus passive security systems, plus any bonuses from Ambidexterity(above).

Weapons Systems:
1)Forearm Weapon Slot(1)---The Torvald can mount a standard cyborg forearm blaster of any type, though most prefer low-power-draw weapons like light pulse lasers, rather than plasma or particle beams.
a) EM Projector---A modified IMP-07 ‘MagMaster’ ElectroMagnetic Pistol, capable of firing invisible electromagnetic bolts, as well as gauss-launching darts, cable heads, and grenades.
Range: (EM Bolt) 800 ft
(Scattershot Bolt) 400 ft, covers 15 ft area
(SDC Shot) 800 ft
(Stun Vortex) 300 ft
(Cable Gun) 90 ft
(Dart Launcher) 800 ft
(Grenade)Typically 1,800 ft
(Rifle Grenade)Typically 1,800 ft
Damage: (EM Bolt) 3d6 MD per shot
(Scattershot Bolt) 2d4 MD to everything in 15 ft area
(SDC Shot) 4d6 SDC per bolt
(Stun Vortex) None; has 80% chance of knocking down human-sized targets(lose initiative and 1 action/attack getting up), plus 60% chance of knocking them out, stunning them with concussion effects(-10 to strike, parry, roll, and dodge, lose initiative, lose HALF speed and actions/attacks for 1d4 melees!)
(Cable Gun) None, cable has tensile strength equivalent to P.S. 50
(Dart Launcher) 1 SDC + possible drug/toxin effects.
Standard knockout drug renders the victim unconscious within 1d4 melees, unless they save versus non-lethal poison; a successful save means they still will grow woozy within 1d4 melees, and be -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and -10% to skill rolls for the duration. Drug effects last 4d4 minutes.
(Grenade) By grenade/shell type
(Rifle Grenade)By grenade/shell type(35-60mm)
Rate of Fire:(EM Bolt)(Scattershot Bolt)(SDC Shot)(Stun Vortex) ECHH
(Cable Gun) Single shot
(Dart Launcher) Single shot
(Grenade) Single shot(takes about 2 melee actions to reload/remount a new shell)
(Rifle Grenade) Single shot(takes about 2 melee actions to reload/remount a new shell)**
Payload: (EM Bolt) 10 shots per standard e-clip, 30 shots long e-clip
(Scattershot Bolt) 1 ‘shotgun bolt’ equals 2 EM bolts
(SDC Shot) 6 SDC shots equal 1 MDC shot
(Stun Vortex) 6 Stun Vortices equals 1 MDC shot
(Cable Gun) Single dart w/ 90 ft line
(Dart Launcher) 6 shot magazine, effectively infinite propellant charge(negligible power drainage from main weapon)
(Grenade) Single shot
(Rifle Grenade) Single shot
Bonus: Laser targeting add +1 to strike. EM bolts are -6 to dodge, on top of that!
Cost: 20,000 credits

b) Variable Power Light Laser
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage:(SDC Mode) 4d6 SDC per shot
(MDC Mode) 2d6 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Cost: 27,000 credits

c) Light Ion Blaster---Modified PSIP-18 ‘Bergan’ Ion PIstol.
Range: 700 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single shot
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Cost: 6,500 credits
*Ion Scatter-Shot Module---This is a barrel clip-on that turns the PSIP-18 into a short range shotgun with an area of effect blast. Reduce range to 200 ft, but does 3d6 MD to a 12 ft wide area. Cost: 4,000 credits

*Ion Step-Down Module---This barrel attachment, rather than increase range or power, actually ‘steps down’ the power of ion bolts into the SDC range, and modulates their effect, making the weapon in effect a ‘super-taser’(albeit it with flash-burns). An added power regulation chip allows the weapon to use less power in SDC mode. Switching between MD/SDC modes takes 2 actions. Popular with urban security and police units.
Range:(SDC shots) 600 ft
Damage: 2d6 SDC shock-burn. Plus, victims must make a save of 14 or better, or be -8 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2d6 melees. A savings throw versus non-lethal poison means the person is unimpaired. 25% chance of knocking out unshielded cybernetics for 1d4 melees.
Cost: 4,000 credits

2)VibroSpike(1)---The forearm not mounting a blaster will typically mount a melee weapon, such as a vibroblade or vibrospike.
Range: Melee
Damage: 1d6 MD
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Hand to Hand Combat----The Torvald isn’t as heavily built or augmented for combat as other cyborgs, but it’s still tougher than the average human in melee combat.
Restrained Punch 1d6+9 SDC
Full Strength Punch 3d6+9 SDC
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 1d4 MD
Kick 3d6+9 SDC
Leap Kick(2 Attacks) 1d6 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 2d6 SDC
Body Block/Ram: (2 attacks) 1d6 MD

The Torvald can be fitted with any of the standard cybernetic and bionic features in the Rifts books, but most Torvalds tend towards keeping it light, and not radically altering the shape or function of their bodies. Favorite options include fitting the 'borg with finger tools, tool hands, extra work-limbs, extra interfaces, and sensor systems. Sensory, communications, and mobility enhancements are also popular, as are psi-scramblers and other security measures(Torvald conversions tend to be VERY protective of the integrity of their minds).

*Sensor Scramblers---A more powerful and ‘smarter’ version of the sensor spoofers developed for Juicers, but also more expensive. 01-15% chance of being detected with thermal, motion, and radar sensors. Guided missiles are -2 to strike.
Cost: 40,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

...and it's superpowered biotech counterpart:

PEARL LIGHTNING-----Techno-Interface Bio-Mod
(PU2 budget of 10 million per operative)

“The interface harness? Window dressing; my whole SKIN’S an interface, and wireless too! I only use the hardlinks and the tank rig if I’m going DEEP into the info-realm and don’t want to worry about having to regularly eat or excrete...though my bosses regularly remind me of what happened to the first few in-body interface recipients; they mainlined on the datastream so bad they lost themselves and forgot all about the meat part of them. I’m not going to make that mistake, not after what’s gone into THIS body! I still got needs, and the ‘sphere can’t touch all of them. I hear that the fullcon ‘borg interface jockies can go without just about forever, but that’s because their only sensory inputs ARE through their ‘trodes, and they got their machine-parts feeding them. I prefer a more SENSUAL interface, but that means regular exercise and greater care.
Still, I’m a lot tougher now than the average hack-jock, in the event things get dicey in the material world. Besides, I want to look as good as my avatars, and feel good; sound mind, sound body, and vice versa, correct?
Even so, I like to have the ‘tank handy if I’m going up against black ICE. If I’m being externally bio-monitored and life support-plugged, I can get pulled out if something tries to stop my heart or turn my brain to mush, and medical applied immediately if it does get through. Good insurance if the flesh still proves too weak to go number-to-numaber against the machine.”
-’Sayaka’, Paladin Steel Network Security

“I was really, make that TERRIFIED...when I learned that the job offer came with a mandatory requirement that I get auged. Not that I had any religious objections to the technology, just that I’m not real fond of invasive medical procedures to begin with and I’d heard stories of how super-auged people would go mad, go cyberpsychotic, go utterly loopy...I almost quit several times, but talked myself back into it, especially when since the money was good and the company rep was holding my hand through it all. It’s one thing to WISH one had superhuman hacking privileges, quite another to have it offered to you and have it scheduled inside a week. Still, I could have bolted off the gurney and out of pre-op out of the jitters, if the sedation hadn’t kicked in.
When I came to, I still had some shakes, but they fit me back into my old routine, only I was drawing a paycheck from them for it. And it went smoothly, so smoothly I was like a dream. I couldn’t believe how quick and easily I was interfacing the ‘net and creating code. It was like before I was doing it in morse code, but now I could instead SING it. “
-’Nadine’, Outstep Office Network Assistant Admin.

PEARL LIGHTNING is the super-amp bio-mod equivalent of Telemechanics-capable GLACIER NEON or GOLD SMOKE psi-augs, or the PS-FC-43 ‘ Torvald’ full-conversion network administration cyborg. Again, it is rumored, Paladin Steel’s bio-genetics division seems to be intent on matching the bionics division when it comes to creating specialists in manipulating technological forces.
PEARL LIGHTNING builds and improves on the Tempest(See Ninjas and Superspies) wireless computer system to incorporate an EM-sensitivity into the subdermal mesh common to many super-amps. The aug acts like a wireless system, allowing the recipient to read and interact with computer systems via a wireless modem system. The bio-mod can even read, but not manipulate, non-wi-fi-capable computers. If a wireless system in range is open and active, however, the PEARL LIGHTNING aug can hack into it, and potentially use it to hack other systems if they are hardlinked to the entry hardware.
Other aspects of the bio-mod include integral abilities to manipulate electromagnetic transmission frequencies, with the ability to broadcast and jam with equal proficiency. Unusually, the same full body mesh used to turn the recipient into a walking antenna also makes them over into a megadamage being. The nervous system is optimized and amplified for faster reaction times, the whole body gets worked up and fine-tuned(the ‘bio-mod makeover’) and the recipient gets special training and deep-indoctrination on protecting the integrity of their minds from outside manipulation and possession attempts.
Like the Torvald bionic conversions, PEARL LIGHTNING bio-mods are recruited almost exclusively from the ranks of computer-oriented professions. In fact, many hackers prefer the bio-mod because even though it increases their ability to interface with technology, it also allows them to retain their biological identity. A surprising number of PEARL LIGHTNINGs are recruited from the cyber-community ‘underbelly’ of City Rats and the so-called ‘cyber-rats’ or ‘hack-rats’, PS sometimes actively seeking those of talent to recruit into their ranks(the infamous ‘Relic Hacker’ was one such recruit to the program, especially after the Coalition States deliberately tried to assassinate her). PEARL LIGHTNING operatives tend to have fierce, but friendly, online rivalries with their Torvald-conversion cyborg counterparts, but also work well together with them when cooperating on joint assignments, their respective strengths complementing each other.
While PEARL LIGHTNING mods played only support roles(mainly as drone jockeys) during the Minion War on Rifts Earth, they have played a much greater role in the GNE/Alliance’s efforts in the Three Galaxies and other high-tech realms. The task of infiltrating opposition networks, cracking alien computer technologies, and reinforcing friendly computer networks against reciprocal intrusion efforts is often assigned to PEARL LIGHTNING operatives.

*Mechano-Link----PEARL LIGHTNINGs have an integrated affinity for operating with machines, able to link with them and operate them almost as an extension of their own bodies.
-Link to Machines
+20% to Piloting skills
+20% to all pilot-related skills
+20% to all computer, electrical, and mechanical skills
+2% to strike w/ modern weapons
60% base skill on understanding and operating previously unknown or alien machines
Using Wayne Breaux’s Hacking rules, the bio-mod also has the following bonuses when linked to a network:
+3 APMs
+3 Strike
+4 Parry
+4 Dodge
Has both Automatic Parry and Automatic Dodge
(Note that these bonuses apply ONLY to cyber-combat)
-Computer Merge---By touching a computer, the Bio-Mod can effectively hardlink to it without the need for headjacks or other hardware.

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The PEARL LIGHTNING mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor. The network also bolsters endurance, reducing fatigue, much to the gratification of data-crunchers doing long duration hacks. Many field-hackers feel the added protection is well-worth the cost if they get surprised in real space while distracted in the info-sphere.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Frequency Absorption(Minor)---The PEARL LIGHTNING mod is a walking wireless modem, and can, by extension, tap into radio waves and cell phone systems. This allows the bio-mod to interface with wi-fi networks without using an external device like a laptop.
*Jamming---In addition, the bio-mod can JAM all EM transmissions in a 100 ft radius of experience around himself. This uses up HALF of the character’s APMs to maintain.
*Broadcast----The character is a living radio station and can also BROADCAST short wave radio, 300 mile range per level of experience. They can also eavesdrop on radio and television transmissions(though they need to be touching or linked to a video monitor in order to catch the video component of the broadcast.
*GPS----If a GPS system is available in the area, the bio-mod can tap into that and get a fix on their own position.
*Absorb Microwaves---Can safely absorb microwave radiation without harm, including microwave weapons.
*Sense Communications Systems---Can sense active transmission systems, including wi-fi, radio, and even transmitting surveillance/tracking bugs, within a 100 ft per level of experience radius. 65% +5% per level of experience
*+5% to all Communications, Computer, and Operate Sensor Equipment skills.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a PEARL LIGHTNING aug is physically optimized; they are icons of glowing good health. No coach-potato blob physiques for these hack-masters. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----Because of the possibilities of counter-hacking, computer viruses, and the bio-mods’ positions in areas of data sensitivity and access to critical control and communications systems, PEARL LIGHTNINGs receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

-Free Bio-Mod Slot: The amping of the PEARL LIGHTNING’s nervous system has led to an available elective choice of one of the following:
(Pick one)
*Brain Boost----Increase IQ to 20, plus +1 to ave vs Illusions, +2 to save vs Horror Factor
*Phenomenal Balance---Can fire a weapon while moving, leaping, or hanging upside down, without penalty. +3 roll with fall or impact, +2 dodge, +20% to Gymnastics, Acrobatics, and Climbing.
*Uncanny Targeting and Throwing: The bio-mod possesses an almost videogame-style targeting ability, having a +2 to strike at twice the normal effective range of a ranged weapon, can fire/throw from a moving position without penalty, and can, using only 1 APM, simultaneously attack two separate targets(albeit without any bonuses to strike). Also has a flat +2 to parry and dodge incoming projectiles and energy blasts.
*Internal Robotic Medical System---Integrated nanites meshed with the PEARL LIGHTNING’s other interface abilities heal 1d4 HP/SDC/MDC per minute(2d4x10 HP/SDC/MDC per hour). However, if the person takes more than 2/3 of their total MDC in damage(or all SDC and/or half their Hit Points), this system will be effectively taken off-line until normal healing/regeneration or medical procedures can heal the damage and effectively reboot the system.

Total bonuses:
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.
+1 APM
+2 on initiative
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary
+1d4 P.E,+1d6+5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.,
+1d6 SPD,
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+8 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+5 save vs mind control
+4 save vs illusions
+2 save vs all other psionic attacks.
Impervious to Possession.
+20% to all pilot-related skills
+25% to all computer skills
+20% to all electrical, and mechanical skills
+5% to all Communications and Operate Sensor Equipment skills.
+2 to strike w/ modern weapons
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

...and this makes FIFTY Paladin Steel cyborg designs I've posted to date. *fhew*

PS-FC-47 ‘Razar’ Full Conversion Cyborg

“Just call me ‘Easy Rider’.”

“Hang on tight, lady, because this is going to be one WILD RIDE!!!!!”

Amongst the rising stars in Paladin Steel’s bionics division are the Drahler Brothers, a younger and older brother pair who both became cyberdocs. Kyle and Demrist Drahler had once been attached to a large nomad caravan trading between Tolkeen and various communities in the west. The Drahlers used the caravan as a mobile base of operations, providing cybernetic medical services and bionic maintenance and repair to communities far from the industrial cities and tech-enclaves of central North America. When parts were available, they also performed the much more complicated bionic conversion surgery for paying customers. They also kept the full conversion cyborgs of the caravan in good repair. Unfortunately, the Drahlers’ trade caravan had the misfortune of being stranded in Tolkeen during the closing stages of the war, and were shattered when the Coalition rolled in. The Drahlers were among those who fled east and north, and soon found shelter with the Alliance. Desperate for work, the Drahlers took up employment with Paladin Steel, and soon found themselves working in the corporation’s growing bionics division. Both Drahler brothers worked on a number of bionics projects, including the ‘Mavelli’, ‘Reaper’, and ‘Scrimtar’ designs. While working on these programs, the Drahlers used their spare time to design their own cyborgs, and with the greater and more substantial resources available to them as employees of Paladin Steel, the two were eventually able to submit their designs for consideration for development. Their administrative superiors liked what they saw in the Drahlers’ work, and they were permitted to prototype their new cyborgs.
Both Drahler cyborgs were strongly influenced by both their earlier nomad ties and their recent work on the PS ‘cut and carve’ melee-specialist cyborgs. Kyle Drahler’s design is a spindly, gangling, fairly light-framed design, with a mantis-like look to it. The most prominent features on it are four high-speed rotary discs, two mounted on the forearms and two on the lower legs. Each of these rotary members are attached to telescoping or folding armatures. Those on the arms are attached by folding two-segment armatures that can tuck up against the forearms, or snap forward and past the hands like mantis strikers.
Normal running speed is somewhat slower than that of comparable conventional cyborgs, owing to encumbrance from the attached discs. However, the slower running speed is compensated for by the Razar’s other mode of travel.
Each powered disc can serve as both a rotary blade and as a powered wheel. By leaning forward and resting on its extended rotary members, the Razar can power itself over the ground like a quadwheel motorbike. Over rough terrain, the cyborg can perform a combination wheel-power run and four-legged gallop. The extensor armatures can be used to absorb shock and increase obstacle clearance, but the thin armature sections are relatively fragile when fully extended from their respective limbs.
Because the hunched-forward posture is not conducive to a normal combat posture, the Razar’s head can tilt further back on a specially-jointed neck. A special powered mount on the back can be used to hold and fire a weapon, such as an energy rifle or light rail gun, even when the cyborg is running on all fours.

The radical design of the Razar has not immediately endeared it to the market, and initial response was lukewarm in terms of orders for the design, especially since PS already had a half-dozen melee specialist designs already available. However, there is a growing amount of interest from the nomads of the New West, from both those looking at full conversion and existing full-cons looking for a retread body. This would appear to be in keeping with the Drahlers’ intent, in pitching these designs to their old associates in the nomad community.

Type: PS-FC-47 ‘Razar’
Class: Full Conversion Borg - Light Machine
Crew: One volunteer
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 25 each
Arms(2) 65 each
Legs(2) 90 each
Feet (& Foot Pads)(2) 30 each
Extensor Armatures(4) 45 each
Wheels/Cutter Discs(4) 45 each
*Head 90
**Main Body 170
*Destroying the head of a Cyborg will kill the character!
However, the head is a small and difficult target to hit. The attacker
must make a called shot and even then he is -3 to strike. The hands, and
forearms are also difficult targets to hit and are -4 to strike on a
called shot.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively
destroy the artificial body, but emergency systems will keep the brain and
vital organs alive for 36 hours. Recovery of the severely damaged body
will enable doctors to place the character on life support systems that
will keep him alive until a new bionic body (same style or other) is
available, for full conversion. Failure to find the damaged Borg within 36
hours means the character dies.

Note: The Razar CAN be fitted with additional armor, but is limited to MEDIUM Cyborg Armor

Running: 80 mph max. However the act of running does not tire the operator out and the maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Jumping: The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable of leaping 10 feet high or 18 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
Wheeling: 120 MPH on flat ground
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack
Underwater: The Razar CANNOT swim, but sinks like a rock. Limited to running/driving along the bottom.

Statistical Data:
Average Height: 6.9 feet
Width: 2.5 feet at shoulders
Length: 2 feet
Weight: 700 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35, PP. 24,.
Bonuses: Standard cyborg bonuses of +3 save vs magic, +5 vs possession, impervious to Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics(all), See Aura, and any attacks that do damage directly to Hit Points.
+4 initiative
+5 strike/parry
+6 dodge
+3 Pull Punch
+2 Roll
Penalties: Touch/tactile sense is 60% of human norm.
Prowl penalty: -20%

Special Skills/Training---Use standard 'Borg, or Headhunter OCC.
Also gets Pilot: Motorcycle(Quadwheelers) at +15% as part of conversion orientation.
Black Market Cost: 3.8 million credits with all standard features, weapons, and sensors.

Standard Bionic Features
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and
cybernetic section of the Rifts RPG.
1. Bionic lung with gas filter & storage cell
2. Built-in language translator
3. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
4. Clock calendar
5. Gyro-compass
6. Modulated voice synthesizer
7. Multi-optic eyes
8. Built-in loudspeaker
9. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration systems.

Special Features:
*Hardened Circuits---A feature growing to be standard in Paladin Steel-made combat cyborgs. Shields the ‘borg’s systems against EMP and other electrical-disruption attacks. The Drahlers originally had no encounters with such weaponry out West, but learned the value of such shielding with encounters with the Coalition States and have incorporated the protection in their designs since.

*Shoulder Spotlights---Headlight-style lights.

* Retractable Shoulder Grips----These are handlebar-style grips that can be extended, allowing a passenger sitting on the Cyklar’s back to hang on better. They do NOT, in any way, control the cyborg’s direction.

Weapons Systems:
1)Buzzsaws(4)---Kyle Drehlar was inspired by reports of the Scrimtar-class cyborg being able to pull itself along the ground using its shoulder buzzsaws, and so mounted FOUR of the rotary cutting heads, modified into wire-sprung wheels, on the Razar.
Range: Melee
Damage: 6d6 MD per slash, 1d6x10+10 MD per full melee cut

2) Palm Blasters(2)--Each hand can mount a short-range blaster in the palms. In quad-wheeler mode, these are typically used to clear obstacles from the cyborg’s path. ONE of the following can be mounted in each forearm.
Range:(Laser) 500 ft
(Ion) 300 ft
(Plasma) 200 ft
(Particle Beam) 300 ft
(E-Bolt) 800 ft
Damage:(Laser) 1d6 MD per blast
(Ion) 2d6 MD per blast
(Plasma) 4d6 MD per blast
(Particle Beam) 5d6 MD per blast
(E-Bolt) 3d6 MD per shot, and -6 to dodge
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

3) Eye Lasers(2)---These head-mount lasers give the Razar a ‘hands free’ weapon.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single eye, 4d6 MD both eyes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike.

4)(Optional) Back Turret---This is a powered appendage on the back that serves as a fifth limb. It can also be swiveled to the back to engage targets behind the cyborg, or to the side to allow a passenger to straddle the cyborg’s back.

Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 3d4 MD
Buzzsaw Slash 6d6 MD per slash, 1d6x10+10 MD per full melee cut
Extended Snap-Slash with Buzzsaw( 2 attacks) 3d4 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Kick-Slash with Buzzsaw 7d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 Attacks) 3d6 MD
Leap Slash Buzzsaw Attack(3 attacks) 3d6x10 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 1d4 MD
Body Block/Ram: (2 attacks) 1d6 MD

The Razar can be fitted with any of the standard cybernetic and bionic features in the Rifts books. Favorite options include fitting the 'borg with a chemical sprayer/smoke dispenser, and with Jump Nodes for booster-assist leaps and straight drives. Extra sensors are also popular, including wide-angle optics and terrain-mapping systems(laser mapping).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:...and this makes FIFTY Paladin Steel cyborg designs I've posted to date. *fhew*

PS-FC-47 ‘Razar’ Full Conversion Cyborg

Will be waiting for the picture of this one. Maybe the basis of design if based on a really item, vehicle or animal. Please.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:...and this makes FIFTY Paladin Steel cyborg designs I've posted to date. *fhew*

PS-FC-47 ‘Razar’ Full Conversion Cyborg

Will be waiting for the picture of this one. Maybe the basis of design if based on a really item, vehicle or animal. Please.

Have the sketch already done...just need to colorize it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

I have a little bit of a challenge for you, Taalismn. The challenge is thus: To do up stats for the following items for Rifts Japan:

Zero Shinkansen bullet train
EF-65-1000 Electric Locomotive
200 Shinkansen bullet train engine
Tokai-type 153 Express locomotive
485 Limited Express Electric Locomotive
and the DE-10 diesel locomotive.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biolgics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:I have a little bit of a challenge for you, Taalismn. The challenge is thus: To do up stats for the following items for Rifts Japan:

Zero Shinkansen bullet train
EF-65-1000 Electric Locomotive
200 Shinkansen bullet train engine
Tokai-type 153 Express locomotive
485 Limited Express Electric Locomotive
and the DE-10 diesel locomotive.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biolgics Unlimited.

I'd say, because they pre-date the Golden Age (and MDC materials) they'd all be SDC structures, roughly equal to the SDC of a jet liner(Ninjas and Superspies likely has such in the comparisons of various SDC values), and low- to mid-Armor Ratings, since they're not combat vehicles(unless, again, you use the rules from Road Hogs, N&SS, or Heroes Unlimited to up-armor them).
Quickie MDC upgrades, I'd say would make an average train car equal to the Black Market long haulers...about 100 MDC...anything more and you're really better off building an armored train from scratch. Magic conversions would probably be best represented by the Ley Line Locomotive from New West, with the main differences being cosmetic.

Well, I'm stuck going in for jury duty tomorrow, so I'm not going to be able to dedicate as much time as I'd like to to this question tonight...Hopefully I won't be stuck with a major case/trial of the century, but luck hasn't been terribly great of late...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

(From the old DarkMaxx spacecraft files)

WZTechyard Spacecraft Manufactured Under License by Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries

“It’s a good deal for us if we want the know-how and resources for bigger things. WZT gets low-cost mass-production ships to sell across the Three Galaxies and we get official recognition and discounts on the sort of materials we’ll need later on. Plus, some of the designs like the big transports we can use ourselves. It’s a win-win.”

Under the membership agreements made by Aegis Stellar Industries to be part of the WZTechyards consortium, ASI would have access to the ‘techyards’ common technical database, resource provider list, contract bid listings, and discounts on ship orders. PS/ASI would also be obliged to take up the slack on various large construction contracts, especially orders for utility and transport vessels.
PS/ASI thus has production licenses for the following WZTechyards designs:

*WZ-MPU-003 Scarab Multipurpose Utility Vehicle
*WZ-PT-0001 “Silver Fish” Personal Luxury Transport
*WZ-PT-0008 H-Class Orbital Hare Transatmospheric-orbital Shuttle
*WZ-MCF-100 Behemoth Modular Super Freighter
*WZ-MCF-500 ‘Immense’ Extendable Ultra Cargo Freighter

These vessels in PS/ASI production are, unless otherwise noted, identical to the baseline production models, and vary only in the occasional option(such as the shared laser/mini-missile launcher PDS turret common to so many PS/ASI vessels).

(The following are reposted from the Starships thread. I only wish I’d managed to save copies of DarkMaxx’s CG renderings of the ships)

WZ-MPU-003 Scarab Multipurpose Utility Vehicle

Overlooked, unsung, virtually unappreciated...but without these little work pods, space industries and life would grind to a shuddering halt.”

While the myriad smaller companies that comprise WZTechYards churn out millions of small craft and utility vehicles each year, a few of the many designs rise to the top in performance and utility, and thus make it to Three Galaxies-wide production and sale. The WZ-MPU-003 Scarab is WZ’s premiere light space tug and workpod design; a rugged little ship that can, and thus can be found in virtually every WZ orbital shipyard.
The Scarab is a two-man(both stations have identical controls, allowing one to pilot, and the other to concentrate on cargo/work handling, or the two can spell each other on long EVAs) work pod, roughly triangular in design, with a fusion nuclear powerplant, and powerful contra-gravity engine. A pair of modular articulated tool pods are mounted at the front of the ship(at the front of the cargo sled), as well as five heavy duty spotlights. Above and behind the cockpit are a grappling hook launcher and a tractor beam projector. The lower portion of the ship is dominated by a large shield/sled that provides protection during atmospheric reentry, working around radioactive structures, and solar flare storms. The lower sled can also be lowered to allow pallets of cargo to be loaded and ‘sandwiched’ into place between it and the main fuselage for easier carriage. The lower portion of the hull can also be used to generate intense localized gravitic and electromagnetic fields, allowing the ship to ‘remora’ or latch, onto larger craft, oversized modules, and space stations.
Unusual for a workpod, the Scarab is capable of transatmospheric flight, thanks to its powerful contra-gravity drive. This allows the Scarab to directly lift small cargo pods and structural members from surface-based facilities, as well as assist in lifting spacecraft, into orbit.
The Scarab is well armored and very agile for an orbital utility vehicle; it is built to withstand crushing brushes with multi-ton cargo pods and maneuvering spacecraft, freefloating space debris, and the occasional hotrodding would-be space-racer.
Besides its normal shipyard stevedoring duties, tug work, and salvage/construction tasking, the Scarab is frequently used in search and rescue. Its long endurance and powerful sensors allow it to engage in long-duration searches of debris fields and derelicts for bodies and (ideally) survivors.
WZ sells thousands of Scarabs each year, so they’re fairly common and readily available(as are spare parts for them).

PS/ASI Note: WZT’s policy of farming out production of small craft like these to junior members of the consortium(like PS/ASI) is what keeps their costs down and availability so high. Having gotten a license to produce these utility vehicles worked in PS/ASI favor, allowing them to build up their space construction and shipyard capacity without the added cost and time of having to develop their own heavy-duty EVA pods.

Type: WZ-MPU-003 Scarab
Class: Multipurpose Utility Vehicle
Crew: 2
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 200
Reinforced Crew Compartment 100
Lateral Spotlights(4) 20 each
Nose Searchlight(1) 25
Utility Arm-Pods(2) 35 each
Winch/Grapple Assembly 40
Tractor Beam Projector 40
Cargo Sled 180
Height: 24 ft(8 m); 49 ft(16 m) with cargo sled lowered
Width: 48 ft(16m)
Length: 60 ft(20m)
Weight: 9 tons
Cargo: Small space in cockpit for a few personal possessions and gear.
With the cargo sled lowered, can carry up to 200 tons semi-externally; Can straddle a 20-ton ‘Giant Can’ on its sled.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion with 10 year energy life.
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 1.3; transatmospheric
(Sublight) Mach 2 in space
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.2% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) Not possible
(Underwater) Can maneuver underwater at 45 MPH, and survive depths of up to 1,000 ft.
Market Cost: 3 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
*Radiation Detectors---Sensors at the front of the ship can detect and identify nuclear radiation and other common radiant energy types. Scientific probe modules for more specific readings can be added at extra cost.
*Collision Warning System---Effective Range: 6,000 ft
*Manipulator Arms(2)....The standard utility arms mounted have a reach of 15 ft and robotic P.S. of 35, but swap-out options include multi-tool heads with cutting lasers, welding rods, drills, disc cutters, sander plates, contact sensors, boltguns, and other useful equipment.
*Winch and Grappler System----Mounted above and behind the cockpit is a grappler launcher with a combination robotic grasp and molecular fusor head, 2500 ft of molecular chain line, and a winch.
*Tractor Beam----Effectively rated for 1,000 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. Range: 15,000 ft

Weapons Systems: None standard, though some operators have engaged in hand to hand combat using their manipulator arms(and attached tools), grappling hook, and tractor beams. A few operators in warzones have outfitted their workpods with light lasers, particle beams, and missile launchers or railguns as improvised defense ships, and there are reports of a few pirates using Scarabs mounting high power cutting torches to breach ship hulls and cargo pods.

Besides the modular tool arms, the Scarab can also be fitted with additional armor(up to 200 MDC) and forcefield/radiation/thermal protection augmentation, for work in particularly hazardous environments. Scarabs working in particularly radioactive work environments can be distinguished immediately by their windowless ‘virtual reality’ cockpit canopies that rely entirely on shielded sensors to pilot. Robotically piloted Scarabs are also available, being either remotely controlled, or run by a preprogrammed robotic A.I, mounted aboard.

WZ-PT-0001 “Silver Fish” Z-Class Personal Luxury Transport

“Take out the seats and put in a hydrobed with zeegee straps? Is the request a PROBLEM for us? We’ve done this so many times with Z-Classes that it’s when customers ask for the seats to be left in that we get thrown for a loop!”

The aptly-named ‘Silverfish’ is a small craft design that serves equally well as an executive shuttle and lifeboat aboard larger ships, or, properly outfitted, as an FTL courier and private yacht.
In its basic, original, configuration, the SilverFish was a basic spaceboat, able to shuttle between ships, cruise in deep space, and make a single safe planetary reentry, but was unable to do much more than that. Subsequent upgrade models have included full atmospheric maneuvering capabilities, powerplant changes, surface-to-space transatmospheric drive, FTL propulsion, and, of course, luxury accommodations. Its wedge-shaped lifting body hull with top-located pilot’s cockpit(accessible from the cabin below) is stoutly built to weather the rigors of space debris, atmospheric buffeting, or a rival megacorp’s assassins taking shots at it. The standard configuration Silverfish is unarmed, but security-conscious execs and celebrities, as well as more than a few Runners and bounty-hunters, have outfitted their Silverfishes with 1-4 light weapons systems(usually light lasers or ion weapons).
The Silver Fish is aimed at the well-to-do; if you want basic transportation, buy an Orbital Hare, but if you want style, buy a Silver Fish.

PS/ASI Note: Building Z-class shuttles and FTL flitters at the behest of WZT gave PS/ASI both early entry into lucrative markets with the more influential and leisure-minded segments of galactic civilization, and gave them small starship experience that would go into their several ‘stellacommutta’ designs.

Type: WZ-PT-0001 “Silver Fish” Z-Class
Model A: Basic Model
Model D: Deluxe Model with FTL drive
Model S: Super-Deluxe model with FTL drive and luxury appointments
*M odel T: Transatmospheric Upgrade
(*Note: ‘T’ can be added to all previous models denoting atmospheric capability; so a basic model with TA capability would be the ‘AT Model’.)
Class: Personal Luxury Transport
Crew: 1; with comfortable passenger seating for 1-3 . Can accommodate up to 25 passengers, but conditions will be cramped, and effective life support limited to 36 hours.).
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 450
Reinforced Crew Compartment 100
Wings(4)(T-Models only) 80 each
Height: 22.5 ft(7.5m)
Width: 45 ft(15m)
Length: 45 ft(15m)
Weight: 15 tons
Cargo: Up to 1/5 tons of cargo/baggage can be carried in a small 4ftx4ftx5ft bay between the cabin and the main engines.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(Atmosphere)(T-models only) Hover to Mach 6, transatmospheric
(Sublight) )(Model A&D)Mach 12
(Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
Model S: Mach 9
(Kitsune Values: 35% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.9% of light speed per melee)
(FTL)(D and S models only) 1.5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Can maneuver at speeds of 15 MPH, and survive depths of 1,000 ft. T-Models can maneuver at 60 MPH underwater.
Market Cost:
Model A: 1.3 million credits
Model D: 11 million credits
Model S: 20 million credits
Model T: Adds 500,000 credits to cost
Systems of Note:
Standard, plus:
*AutoPilot----This is a basic robotic autopilot with Navigation: Space, Pilot: Spacecraft: Small. and Radio Basic, all at 98%, that can be activated to plot and implement basic course corrections and manage flight operations; it cannot conduct combat maneuvering(a Black Market special software package is available for 2 million credits that gives the AI 3 actions/dodges per melee, and a +2 to Dodge). This is popular with private owners who just want to sight-see(or sleep in) without worrying about piloting.
*Extended Life Support---Life support(air and water recycling) aboard a Silverfish is effective for six months between servicing; generally has enough food for 2 weeks(Luxury Model has enough supplies for 6 months of basic rations).
*Luxury Accommodations(Model S)---The Model S adds designer decor interiors, a fully stocked wetbar and chef-quality food synthesizer/autokitchenette(also recycles organics into basic rations in emergencies), folding couch-beds, holo-display systems, sanifresher and zond-shower/cleanser booth.
Weapons Systems: None standard
Besides the model package upgrades listed above, the Silver Fish has a number of other standard market options available to it, for extra cost.
*Forcefields----1,000 credits per MD for standard forcefields(up to 300 MDC); 2,000 credits per MD for (light, military-standard) variable forcefields(up to 2400 MDC)
*Laser Reflective Armor---Very popular; Lasers do HALF damage. 200,000 credits
*Executive Communications----Secured scrambled communications system. Cryptography skill rolls are at -10% to crack this advanced coding computer system, though the system must be regularly updated and reset every six months(many execs have it reset monthly). 50,000 credits.

Other options are also possible, such as stepped-up FTL capabilities, phase-fields, more expensive luxury appointments, and the like, but at greater cost, and may radically change the configuration and performance of the vessel.

*ASI/WZ-PT-0001UFXT 'Blackfish'/b]---Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries experimental fighter based on the ‘DT’ model. The UFXT features a forcefield generator, two countermeasure launchers(12 pods per launcher), stealth armor(only 11% chance of showing up on radar), a sensor jamming pod(5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targetting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike.), more powerful engines(ramps up speed to Mach 1), an improved FTL booster unit(4 light years/hour), and sports a light armament of twin pulse laser ‘horns’(2d4x10 MD per pulse burst, 1 mile/3 mile range) and two small weapons hardpoints for carrying missiles(20 mini-missiles OR 10 SRMs OR 6 MRMs each) or additional jamming gear. It’s being marketed as a light raider and bountyhunter’s ship.

[b]WZ-PT-008 H-Class “Orbital Hare” Shuttle

“Up, down, around, and back again. In reverse. with a side trip thrown in. Repeat ad infinitum. You want serious reliability in a shuttle if you want the whole business to be boringly routine. Otherwise, it can quickly become very -interesting- and likely disturbingly short. And the H’s are VERY well put-together so the business of getting to and fro is patly routine, allowing you to pay attention to more interesting things, like enjoying the brand new starship you got the shuttle wrapped in.”

The ‘Orbital Hare’ is a design that dates back to WZTechYards’ formative years, when it was essentially a guild of smaller shipbuilders that were sharing resources in order to better compete with larger concerns on basic transportation contracts. Most of the founding companies wee small-craft manufacturers, whose expertise(or lack thereof) at building larger ships hadn’t sounded a very confident note to discriminating buyers in the Three Galaxies. So, when WZ was ready to make the move into the larger vessel market, they developed the PT-008 as an ‘accessory’ or freebie auxiliary craft given away as standard equipment with any larger ship of WZ construction, that could accommodate a small craft of the size. The H-class was a bit of a gamble, meant to both sweeten the deal for prospective buyers and keep many of the smaller WZ subsidiary factories( most of whom originally produced small shuttles and spaceplanes) busy until larger contracts could roll in and the lines retooled for future projects.
Though originally meant as a ‘giveaway’ design, the ‘Orbital Hare’ actually proved itself an excellent vessel in its own right. Though initially given away for free, the PT-008 would go on to be produced for sale in its own right, though WZ would deliberately keep the price as low as possible(it’s estimated that WZ makes a paltry 5% profit on each ship sold). The ship became something of a ‘rite of passage’ for shipbuilders seeking to join WZ...if they couldn’t produce a PT-008, they were likely refused entry into the guild-company.
Once the Three Galaxies’ marketplace got over the idea that ‘dirt cheap’ didn’t mean ‘instant deathtrap’ in the case of the PT-008, the market couldn’t get enough of them....
The PT-008 is a basic lifting body transatmospheric standard-layout spaceplane constructed of light megadamage materials(including a large percentage of recycled materials from WZ’s orbital starship yards), and fitted with both nuclear heat turbojects and a basic anti-grav system...the Orbital Hare can move in and out of atmosphere without engaging the anti-grav, using only its thrusters, but those who have flown on a Hare complain that the ride and control isn’t as smooth with the high-tech engaged. The PT-008 is durable, but not particularly well-armored in its basic configuration, which keeps it from being more popular with more adventurous clientele, but the vessel has proven amenable to modification. However, the ship has done extremely well in sales to shuttle services and planetary airlines, which thus leads to it being used by a lot of adventurers and brigands because the ships are readily available, and tend not to draw much attention.
A cargo version with a single large cargo bay, basic cargo manipulator arms, and dorsal-openning bay doors also exists.
However, the PT-008 still carries around a multi-ton joke burden of being a ‘ship found in the glove compartment’, or as the free toy in a snacker box.

PS/ASI Note: Being assigned to building H-Class shuttles is virtually a rite of passage for new members of WZT, and having so many small spaceyards churning out the design helps make them dirt-cheap, while all the experimentation going on with so many hulls means the design is thoroughly tested and kept both up to date and customer-friendly. PS/ASI is no exception, and the design is used throughout the company network, complementing, rather than supplementing, PS/ASI’s own designs.

Type: WZ-PT-0008 H-Class Orbital Hare
Class: Transatmospheric-orbital Shuttle
Crew: 3+1-7 cabin crew
Passengers: 214 maximum seating w/ luggage; typically only 25-30 are carried.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 280
Crew/Passenger Compartment 100
Engines 120
Height: 60 ft(20m)
Width: 96 ft(32m)
Length: 126 ft(42 ft)
Weight: 50 tons
Cargo: (Passenger Configuration) Overhead and seat luggage racks, plus up to 8 tons of miscellaneous cargo in lower deck holds
(Cargo Configuration) 30 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion with 15 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 2.2; can boost briefly to Mach 5 for orbital insertion.
(Sublight) Mach 11
(FTL) Not Possible
(Underwater)Not Possible
Market Cost: 1.8 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Spacecraft Systems, plus;
*Life Support---Basic life support with 7 days endurance(upgradeable)
*Emergency Beacons---Automatic high-power radio transmitters broadcasting location and status for rescuers. Typically carries three separate beacons; one in the nose and one in each tail fin.
*Universal Docking Connector---Besides the standard side doors/airlocks, the PT-008 has a dorsal docking collar for rescue operations.
Weapons Systems: None standard
Some private and colonial operators have modified their Hares with light nose weapons and a dorsal weapons turret(or, if a cargo model, missile launchers in the dorsal bay).

Being such a basic and inexpensive vehicle, the Orbital Hare has seen a lot of modification packages and post-sale add-ons...mostly different cargo and passenger configurations, life support, and avionics...that can quadruple the price. Up to 250 MDC in additional armor can be added without encumbrance penalties, and some buyers add forcefields for additional protection. Other modifications include strap-on boosters for additional speed(for orbital insertion), and different types of landing gear for operating from specific surfaces....An amphibious operations package(10 million credits), allows the Hare to operate from the surface of most planetary hydrospheres.

WZ-MCF-100 Behemoth Modular Super Freighter

“Another one of those ship types that gets easily overlooked. The smaller freighters may garner romance, but they’re eyedroppers compared to the big ships, ad they’ve got to take high value cargoes to stay in the black. Galactic economies run on SCALE, though, and the real money’s in moving stuff between the stars in BULK. So keep your starsmuggler danger and romance; it’s the big haulers where the money is. ”

The WZ-MCF-100 Behemoth is the space-going version of a terrestrial container ship or freight train; a massive cargo carrier piled to the beams with cargo. While lacking the glamour and mystique of the Runners, the super-freighters are arguably the REAL backbone of galactic trade, moving items in bulk cheaper than anything else. SuperHaulers carry everything from toiletries and trash to terraforming assemblies and entire prefab communities across the great galactic ranges. Without them, the great galactic economies would wheeze and slump to a stop, and many worlds would just plain starve, but for the diligent SuperHauler crews.
Like the much smaller ‘Frumm’-class freighters, the ‘Behemoth’ is an ‘open-frame’ freighter, incapable of entering a planetary atmosphere(at least, not when loaded), instead loading standardized cargo modules(known commonly as ‘cans’) into a framework open to space. The ship is loaded and unloaded by EVA workers, workpods, or robots, and a typical load configuration assembled in much the same way as a terrestrial freight train, only in large orbital ‘marshaling’ yards.
The ‘Behemoth’ itself is a three part ship; a forward Command/Navigation Module, a Mid-Section Systems module, and a rear Drive Section. The Navigation Module carries the ship’s operations center, living quarters, and crew life support, the Midsection Module is dedicated to power generation, support systems, and flight engineering(including a machine shop and EVA gear), and the Drive Section is the main contra-gravity/FTL propulsion system. All three sections have their own onboard power generators and auxiliary maneuvering thrusters, as well as individual command/control capability(each section can thus serve as a piloted lifeboat in an emergency, or be used to control the ship in event of damage to another section).
All three sections are linked by four tough buckytubes that compact and telescope to stretch the three sections out to accept cargo pods between the modules, and retract when the ship is not hauling cargo, like bookends. The tubes serve as both personnel access between the extended sections, service trunks, attachment points for the cargo pods, and provide some limited access to the cargo pods themselves(provided the cargo pod airlocks are pre-positioned over the appropriate airlock hatch in the service tube; otherwise the pods will have to be accessed by somebody going outside the ship in an EVA suit).
SuperHaulers are not usually armed, since their cargos are usually so mundane or difficult for would-be pirates to liquidate easily(try breaking even trying to sell off a few thousand tons of nish-grain quickly and out of the blue), but with so many cargo cans and the prospect of so much potentially valuable loot to be had in one fell swoop, some pirates(and especially privateers) can’t resist, so some superhaulers are quite heavily armed. The example illustrated is a case in point, mounting no less than eight pylon-gimbaled tachyon scatter-guns, six turreted point defense lasers, two repulsor/tractor beams, four turreted rail guns, and a pair of medium laser cannons.
SuperHaulers are too slow and massive to be effective warships, and most militaries dismiss them as noncombatant ships, but the annals of galactic warfare are full of accounts of desperate or deceptive military ploys employing SuperHaulers acting as troop transports, orbital weapons platforms, disguised bombers, and improvised fighter carriers.
Buying and operating a SuperHauler, even from a bargain-minded corporate guild like WZTechYards, doesn’t come cheap; the sort of logistics and scheduling involved in arranging profitable cargo configurations is the work of a small corporation or government agency; few small ‘mom and pop’ Runners can afford, or are inclined, to buy SuperHaulers, and most freelance captains don’t like being tied to a slow lumbering SuperHauler that can be out-raced by even shuttles....However, for most spacers, duty on a Superhauler running a regular route offers a steady paycheck, predictable routines, and few hassles...and especially near populated CoreWorlds, there’s always work to be had.

PS/ASI Note: Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries has found these large capacity superhaulers very lucrative, even given the fact that as subcontractor members of WZT, they don’t get the full profit margin they would if the design were solely their own. The percentage of production they retain for their own use has come in very handy in transporting various raw materials and component stocks between their various outposts, moving finished goods to markets and customers, and renting cargo space to various smaller concerns and merchant interests.

Type: WZ-MCF-100 Behemoth
Class: Modular Super Freighter
Crew: 20; pilot/captain. 2 copilots, 3 flight engineers, and 4 gunners/general spacers, with 1-10 additional hands/working passengers.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Command/Navigation Module: 3,200
Mid-Section Systems Module: 3,000
Drive Section: 5,000
BuckyTubes(8) 500 each
Forcefield 2,000
Command/Navigation Module: 90 ft(30m)
Mid-Section Systems Module: 204 ft(68 m)
Drive Section: 153 ft(51 m)
(Fully Loaded): 204 ft(68m)
Command/Navigation Module: 240 ft(80 m)
Mid-Section Systems Module: 480 ft/510 ft(160m/170m)
Drive Section: 192 ft(64 m)
(Fully Loaded): 510 ft(170m)
Command/Navigation Module: 210 ft(70 m)
Mid-Section Systems Module: 192 ft(64 m)
Drive Section: 174 ft(58 m)
(Retracted): 576 ft (192 m)
(Fully Loaded): 3,250 ft(1,083 m)
Weight: Unloaded, a Behemoth SuperHauler masses some 10,000 tons; fully loaded; 63,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 246 ‘super cans’; in full load configuration, stacked in six columns of 20 cans each in the forward extension, and six rows of 21 cans in the rear extension(w/ roughly 10 ft of clearance between vertical rows, and 3 ft between horizontal pods).
Powerplant: Three Fusion Nuclear Powerplants w/ 21 year energy life
(Atmosphere)Not Possible
(Sublight) Mach 6 fully loaded; Mach 10 in ‘clean’ state
(Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; ; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.6%/1.0% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 3 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 180 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Systems, plus:

*Cargo Module Corralling System---The Behemoth uses a combination of electromagnetic forcefield ‘cages’ and molecular fusion hardpoints along the length of the buckytubes to hold the cargo pods in place. These bonds can be severed in seconds with a coded signal from the command center/cargo management boards.

*Electrodynamic Tether Power Generation System----This system takes advantage of the magnetic fields of various planets and the elongated configuration of the Behemoth to generate additional electrical power while orbiting on station. This usually provides enough power to run shipboard systems allowing the fusion powrplants to be powered down, or to feed a trickle current to the ship’s drive batteries, again saving wear and tear on the powerplants. The system also allows for station keeping and orbit alteration without using thrusters or the CG drive system.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but the standard Behemoth comes with eighteen hardpoints for mounting weapons systems; some operators even add specially modified cargo cans as fighter/power armor hangars, missile launchers, mine racks, and weapons platforms.

Aux. Craft: Most SuperHaulers will carry a pair of Utility Power Armors, and a service shuttle or two(WZ typically offers its WZ-PT-0008 H-Class Orbital Hare shuttle as free with new-purchase Behemoths) that serves to get the crew to and from planetary ports, stevedore cargo pods(if local port facilities are lacking), and perform EVA servicing/inspection of the ship. Many WZ Behemoths will also carry a pair of WZ-MPU-003 Scarab utility craft as well.

Most buyers and operators of Behemoths will tweak the standard configuration depending on their specific needs, adding additional armor, armament, variable forcefields, different engines and powerplants, and different avionics(such as individual cargo pod state monitoring, inventory locks, internal security, etc...), though few do anything radical to the design.

WZ-MCF-500 ‘Immense’ Ultra Cargo Freighter

“Foodstuffs, vehicles, ore, water, ammunition, toiletries, feedstocks, expendables...all high volume materials you can never get enough of. When you want to lay in supplies with duration in mind, you call in the BIG transports to deliver.”

When a ‘Behemoth’ just isn’t large enough, then maybe you need an ‘Immense’. The WZ-MCF-500 Immense is the ‘Behemoth’s’ big brother, the same concept writ large. As such, the Immense is one of the largest commercially available cargo carriers in the Three Galaxies; there may be larger ships out there, but they’re either one-offs or custom-commissions in the service of the bigger corporations and governments.

The Immense follows the same design configuration as the Behemoth; a forward command/control section, three cargo ‘bulkheads’ connected by extendable bucky-connectors, and a rear drive/power section. Like the Behemoth, the Immense is open to space; cargo is carried in sealed modules that are arranged and gravitically anchored within the ship’s extended framework.
The forward command/control module is actually an adapted fuselage of WZTechyard Anvil’s Samsur Super-Heavy Tug, complete with tractor beam projectors, power generators, and its own space drives. The C/C module is capable of separating from the rest of the ship assembly and acting as either its own cargo stevedore(especially handy in Rim ports-of-call where adequate port assistance may be lacking) or as an emergency lifeboat. The forward module also has a large hangar bay for crew shuttles and work vehicles. Because long-haulers typically cruise at low-tau speeds between the stars, crew accommodations are surprisingly roomy and comfortable, if relieve the tedium of long hauls, crew members have been known to convert unused cargo bays and accessways into makeshift gymnasiums, race courses, and indoor game courts.

Directly aft of the forward command module are three toroidal Cargo Systems Modules. Each module holds four fusion nuclear generators, solar and electrodynamic power collectors, gravitic field generators, and drive field extensor vanes. Each module has a narrow accommodation corridor around its center, allowing crew members to perform inspections and conduct repairs in a ‘shirtsleeve’ environment, though most often these sections are used simply for additional storage and as exercise tracks on long voyages. The CSMs also have docking and recharge ports for EVA pods and work’bots engaged in external maintenance and cargo management. The CSMs fairly glow with excess energy-bleed from the EM and CG forcefield systems; this glow is also handy to warn other ships away from possible collision hazards when the ship is embarking/disembarking cargo.

Strung between each Cargo Systems Module are fourteen(1 center shaft, five in an inner ring, and eight on the outer ring) extendable connectors made of strong bucky-polymer conduit. Each conduit can accommodate a man-passage, power leads, and electrodynamic tether cabling between sections. They also help anchor the external cargo, via mechanical linkage, localized electromagnetic attraction, and a containment forcefield. If necessary, the entire connector/cargo ring assembly can slowly rotate, independent of the rest of the ship, to produce a weak gravitic field to stabilize the cargo.

Cargo is shipped in standardized ‘cans’, which are stacked and arranged between the extensor shafts and held in place by a combination of artificial gravity, EM forcefields, and cargo nets. The cargo is of necessity packed into individual sealed modules because the Immense is an ‘open’ design, with no pressurized or hull-covered holds. Like the smaller Behemoths, some of the cans can be made accessible from inside the ship by arranging to have them mounted adjacent to an access airlock in one of the cargo tube extensors. Otherwise, a pod-can would have to be accessed by an EVA-suited spacer or inspection ‘bot excursing from an airlock.

The rear drive module holds the massive local and FTL drive engine units, main fusion reactor power plants, and engineering sections. It can be manned independently of the rest of the ship, but lacks life support accommodations, limiting its effectiveness as both a spacecraft and a lifeboat(lifeboats are provided for the engineering crew in case of emergency).

Fully loaded, an Immense is massive and slow to maneuver, taking incredibly long(by modern CG-drive standards) to accelerate and decelerate, but their cargo capacity is truly impressive. They are incapable of any sort of combat maneuvering in all but their unloaded and ‘compacted’ state, and most lack weaponry. However, as they represent major concentrations of material, some of it quite valuable, ultra-haulers make tempting targets for pirates. Thus, many operators equip their haulers with at least basic point defense armaments and provide them with an escort fighter(or squadron of them). Of course, like their smaller cousins, the Ultra-Haulers have frequently been pressed into service as improvised warships and weapons’ on at least eight occasions in recent centuries, ultra-haulers(and ships like them) have been used to accelerate large loads of ‘dumb’ mass as kinetic bombardment missiles at planetary targets.

Ultra-Haulers are common sights on the trade lanes between the major worlds of the Three Galaxies, the inter-3G routes, and in Rim development zones, where the huge cargo capacity of these ships is invaluable to colonization efforts.

PS/ASI Note: As with the Behemoths, PS/ASI’s subcontractual production has made these vessels more available throughout WZT’s marketing areas. Even with the number that PS/ASI retains for its own use, the consortium is making a tidey bundle of credits selling or renting Immenses to commercial concerns, especially in the colonial zones of the Thundercloud.

Type: WZ-MCF-500 ‘Immense’
Class: Extendable Ultra Cargo Freighter
Crew: 50, with provision for 1-50 additional crew/passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Command/Navigation Module: 8,000
Cargo Systems Modules(3) : 9,000 each
Drive Section: 15,000
BuckyTubes(14) 4,000 each
Forcefield 10,000
Command/Navigation Module: 720 ft(240 m)
Cargo Systems Modules: 5,220 ft(1740 m)
Drive Section: 1,200 ft(600 m)
(Fully Loaded): 5,220 ft(1740 m)
Command/Navigation Module: 780 ft(260 m)
Mid-Section Systems Module: 5,220 ft(1740 m)
Drive Section: 1,200 ft(600 m)
(Fully Loaded): 5,220 ft(1740 m)
Command/Navigation Module: 900 ft(300 m)
Mid-Section Systems Modules: 540 ft(180 m)
Drive Section: 174 ft(600 m)
(Retracted): 576 ft (200 m)
(Fully Loaded): 9.180 ft(3060 m)
Weight: Unloaded, an Immense masses some 90,000 tons; fully loaded; 11,478,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry up to 53,760 ‘super cans’; in full load configuration, stacked in 32 super-can ‘squares’, eight rows between the outer ring of cargo tube extensors, and six more in the central circle.
Powerplant: Four Fusion Nuclear Powerplants w/ 21 year energy life, 12 auxiliary reactors with 15 year energy lives
(Atmosphere)Not Possible
(Sublight) Mach 3 fully loaded; Mach 10 in ‘clean’ state
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; ; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.3%/1.0% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 3 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 500 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Systems, plus:

*Command Module Separation----The entire forward command/navigation module can separate to act as a heavy tug(which it was based on) or as an emergency lifecraft, in the event it becomes necessary to abandon the rest of the ship. Separation takes about 30 seconds(2 melees) while reattaching takes about 15 minutes with a well-practiced crew.

*Cargo Module Corralling System---The Immense uses a combination of electromagnetic forcefield ‘cages’ and molecular fusion hardpoints along the length of the buckytubes to hold the cargo pods in place. These bonds can be severed in seconds with a coded signal from the command center/cargo management boards.

*Electrodynamic Tether Power Generation System----This system takes advantage of the magnetic fields of various planets and the elongated configuration of the Immense to generate additional electrical power while orbiting on station. This usually provides enough power to run shipboard systems allowing the fusion powrplants to be powered down, or to feed a trickle current to the ship’s drive batteries, again saving wear and tear on the powerplants. The system also allows for station keeping and orbit alteration without using thrusters or the CG drive system.

*Tractor Beam Projectors(16)---The Immense mounts no less than sixteen tractor beam projectors....four on the forward module and four on each Cargo Systems Module...for handling cargo pods and securing the ship during docking maneuvers. Each tractor beam projector can handle 1,000 tons, and has a range of 7 miles.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but the standard Immense comes with eighteen hardpoints for mounting weapons systems; some operators even add specially modified cargo cans as fighter/power armor hangars, missile launchers, mine racks, shield geenrators, and weapons platforms.

Aux. Craft:
The Immense is sold direct from WZTechYards with a complementary WZ-PT-0008 H-Class ‘Orbital Hare’ Shuttle, but the forward bays have capacity for 4-8 additional shuttles (or fighters), 6-12 EVA pods(WZ recommends its ‘Scarab’), and 20-100 orbital work’bots.

Most buyers and operators of Immenses will tweak the standard configuration depending on their specific needs, adding additional armor, armament, variable forcefields, different engines and powerplants, and different avionics(such as individual cargo pod state monitoring, inventory locks, internal security, etc...), though few do anything radical to the design.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

*DIAMOND NOMAD----Space Survival Bio-Mod
(PU2 budget of 12 million per operative)

“The veteran D-MADs have an initiation ritual for the newbies that’s sheer terror. They stand you naked in an airlock, tied to the wall so you don’t get blown out, then they seal up the inner doors and dump the outer. It’s scary as all hell, feeling the atmosphere decompress and you’re standing there bare foot and stark naked with nothing between you and death-vac. Goes against every instinct and hard-drilled training not to leap for a patch kit or an emergency sac. Everything’s telling you your lungs are going to burst, your blood’s going to boil, and your body’s going to decomp bloat and you’re not going to die fast or painlessly. And just when you’re sure you’re going to die, the bio-mod kicks in seriously and you’re snug and safe as if you were wearing Class One space armor. Of course, afterwards, the oldies come back in and start showing the video of the initiate screaming or soiling themselves and it’s a whole different kind of hell, but that’s nothing on the terror of that first star streak.”

“You really get to touch the universe when you can stand on the ship’s hull, in full view of the stars, feeling the gentle light of billions and billions of distant suns on your skin. I go out every opportunity I can, to feel both incredibly small, and yet integral, to the vastness of creation.”
“....that’s all very nice, but, Leiri, if you’re going to take any more walks on the station hull, inform Station Control before you go out, and wear some clothes? Not everybody’s got a spacenik bio-mod like yours, or knows about them, and you’ve been freaking the EVA maintenance crews out something serious.”

“I think we scared seven shades of hell out of those mutineers when they thought the easy way to dispose of our unexpected observer team was to blow us into space the moment we came aboard. Then we came back aboard while they were still congratulating themselves on their cleverness and we started blowing them away. At least the lucky ones got blown away. The unlucky ones we took for a walk outside.”

DIAMOND NOMAD is a second-generation bio-mod meant to improve on the existing BLACK/COLD GRAVEL spacer mods. In many ways, DIAMOND NOMAD can be considered to be the extreme end of Paladin Steel’s “low-high’ procurement/development philosophy; in this case, making available low-cost, relatively low-tech, multipurpose spacesuits that allow people to more effectively work on space at the lower end of the spectrum, and expensive, extensive, cutting-edge bio-modification that allows people to virtually LIVE in space at the upper end of the scale.
DIAMOND NOMAD(or D-MAD as it is sometimes known) is intended to make over the recipient into a superpowered space soldier, capable of surviving open exposure to the dangers of deep space, and performing with greater efficiency and resilience in an unforgiving environment.
Modified internal organs and engineered skin serve as a self-contained life support system, shielding the person against the hazards of vacuum, extremes of heat and cold, and space radiation. In extreme cases, the person can enter a state of hibernation, allowing them extra survival time, and giving them a larger ‘window’ for possible rescue.
An integral contra-gravity manipulation system acts as a drive system, allowing the bio-mod to fly and maneuver in micro-gravity without the need of external devices. This is of less use in atmosphere and under gravitic conditions, but can still be used to blunt a fall or tumble from altitude.
DIAMOND NOMAD does NOT give the recipient the ability to communicate in space; converts are advised to invest in a subvocal radio implant, TW magic communicator, or learn sign language to communicate in airless space(this latter option is quite common among space combat professionals who, when boarding an enemy spacecraft or station, like to reduce their chances of being detected by any EM spoor they may emit).
DIAMOND NOMAD is becoming popular with GNE/ASI Space Force personnel, starting with the Stelmarines, but becoming increasingly available to Fleet spacers and other deep space personnel.

-Space-Native(Minor)---The addition of several new layers of nanite-impregnated skin, new glandular network, and modifications to the internal organs, provide the character with the equivalent of a built-in spacesuit and closed life support. The character can survive exposure to vacuum, space cold, and radiation. Special membranes in the mouth, nose, ears, and lower gastrointestinal tract close off openings, special nictating eyelids slide over the exposed eyeballs, and an insulating and pressure-retaining layer of skin activates. A thick sweat composed of special chemicals and nanites wells up onto the skin and hardens into a flexible thin overlayering protecting the skin(this incidentally and entirely coincidentally gives the skin a crystalline shimmer). Special chemical glands in the lungs goes into action, recycling respiratory gases.
-Can survive in space unprotected for 3 days per level of experience, +2 days per P.E. point.
-In space, has the following bonuses:
+1 APM, +2 initiative, +1 strike, parry, disarm, pull punch, +3 dodge, +4d6+12 SDC/MDC.
Impervious to normal extremes of cold, cold-based magic does HALF damage. Gravity-Manipulation attacks are only HALF as effective. Impervious to radiation and radiation attacks.

-Flight: Space(Minor)---This takes the form of a contra-gravity manipulation system integrated into the person’s bones, that gives them powered movement capabilities in microgravity environments.
-In space, has the following bonuses:
-In a gravity well, can effectively GLIDE at 40-50 MPH.
-Low gravity conditions, can fly at a flat rate of 200 MPH, and is +4 to dodge when hovering, +6 to dodge flying at 90 MPH or faster.
-In ZERO gravity conditions, can fly at Mach 2(1520 MPH) per level of experience, and is +1 APM, +1 initiative, strike, parry, and disarm, +6 dodge, +1 roll, and +2d6+6 SDC/MDC. Also, the nictating membranes that protect the eyes also serve as telescopic lenses, allowing for hawk-like vision of 5 miles in space.

--Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The DIAMOND NOMAD mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Hibernation Capability---In an emergency, special organs and glands in the DIAMOND NOMAD’s body spin special biological antifreeze substrates into the blood and cell walls, moisture is sequestered, and metabolic processes are damped to near-death levels, allowing the bio-mod to slip into a state of hibernation. This can be very useful when stranded in space, extending limited life support. In conditions of extreme cold and/or vacuum, the bi-mod can slip into a coma state in as little as 30 minutes, and can go without food, water, and breathing for four months per point of P.E. Upon being reintroduced into a warm, breathable atmosphere, the person will revive, but will be horribly thirsty(requiring substantial re-hydration), and weak and shaky( -2 APMs, and at HALF bonuses and skill proficiencies) for 1d4 days per four months of elapsed hibernation until they can get fed and acclimated back up to full health.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a DIAMOND NOMAD aug is physically optimized; they are icons of glowing good health, so much so that DIAMOND NOMAD converts are sometimes nicknamed ‘Space Titans’ for their strength and good looks. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----Because of the psychologically daunting environment of deep space, and the many dangers DIAMOND NOMADs are expected to face, they receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

-Uncanny Targeting and Throwing: The bio-mod possesses an almost videogame-style targeting ability, having a +2 to strike at twice the normal effective range of a ranged weapon, can fire/throw from a moving position without penalty, and can, using only 1 APM, simultaneously attack two separate targets(albeit without any bonuses to strike). Also has a flat +2 to parry and dodge incoming projectiles and energy blasts. In the three dimensional combat arena that is deep space, this ability to accurately aim and shoot can be vital to surviving.

-Free Bio-Mod Slot: Paladin Steel Genetic Medicine Division's bio-mod medtechs have grown confident enough in their science that it has led to an available elective choice of one of the following Minor powers:
(Pick one)
*Gravitational Plane(Self)---A modification of the Space Flight system, this creates a personal area of 1 g gravity, roughly 10 ft in diameter, allowing the bio-mod to behave in even zero-gravity as if they were under one terrestrial gravity. In the area of effect, the bio-mod loses their zero-gee bonuses, although the space-survival life support capabilities are unaffected. This power is useful for ‘anchoring’ oneself to a ship’s hull or asteroid, and work without having to tether tools and equipment to oneself at all times. It costs 1 APM to activate/maintain this power.
*Impervious to Heat and Fire---This manifests itself as a powerful forcefield that can protect the DIAMOND NOMAD from solar heat, plasma, and even the heat of atmospheric reentry(although not advised, it IS possible for a DIAMOND NOMAD to make an unassisted atmospheric reentry and use their Flight: Space ability to glide to a safe landing).
*Lightning Reflexes---+3 initiative, +1 disarm, +3 pull punch, +2 roll, +2d4 Speed, +1 APM, automatic dodge(+3), and W.P. Paired Weapons
* Mechanical Awareness---Built-in Electronic Warfare; in a 50 ft per level of experience radius around him, the character’s integrated biotronics can sense electronics or mechanical devices. Can also jam those devices if they’re targeting him(no bonuses for technological targeting systems). +3 on initiative against technologically-aimed/enabled opponents, +4 on initiative against A.I. systems. +4 AUTOMATIC DODGE versus technology/machine opponents. Such opponents are also -3 to dodge and lose 2 APM when facing attacks from the character.
*Personal Forcefield----The character can generate an additional layer of protection in the form of a conformal forcefield that has 2 SDC/MD per point of P.E., +10 per level of experience. Creating/maintaining the field costs 1 APM. This can also be used to facilitate an unassisted atmospheric reentry followed by using the Flight: Space ability to glide to a safe landing, although heat bleed-through is likely to make the person feel a bit cooked by the time they reach lower altitudes and slower speeds.

Skill Training:
DIAMOND NOMAD recipients receive at least basic training in EVA, Vacuum Survival, and Movement: Zero-Gravity as part of their orientation and post-op rehabilitation. +5% to all three skills if already possessed prior to receiving the bio-mod.

Total bonuses:
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience, + combined Hit Points and SDC.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC(+6d6+18 in space)
+1 APM(+2 in space)
+2 on initiative (+3 in space)
+3 strike in space
+2 to strike at twice the normal effective range of a ranged weapon
-Can fire/throw from a moving position without penalty, and can, using only 1 APM
-Simultaneously attack two separate targets(albeit without any bonuses to strike)
+2 parry in space
+2 disarm in space
+1 pull punch in space
+9 dodge in space
+1 roll in space
+2 to parry and dodge incoming projectiles and energy blasts
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.
+1d4 +1d6+5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD

+5 save vs mind control
+8 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+4 save vs illusions
+2 save vs all other psionic attacks
Impervious to Possession.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

Aegis Stellar Industries LaFayette-class Light Cruiser

“The LaFayette’s the ship the ASI fleet’s really been waiting for; it’s fast, it’s well-armed, and its versatile, and it’s no slouch at any of its tasks.”

“The biggest complaint we’ve heard so far is from the fighter squadrons assigned to the Lafs; the pilots like to complain that the approach to the landing bay is a bit tricky, approaching from the rear quarters, what with a narrow approach window. Then again, the Lafs are light CRUISERS, not carriers, so you can’t expect them to be especially accommodating, design-wise, to fighters.”

“You’ve clearly been flying off the first models, then. The ‘H’ pods address that issue quite nicely; the Laf really does become a carrier with the hangar module added.”

After much careful and cautious negotiating, ASI was able to win a significant recognition from the CCW when they were able to obtain licensing to produce refit components for the CCW’s Thesera Sector’s (where ASI’s Ambercirn System headquarters is located) aging reserve fleet of Lasser-class Frigates. This meant that PS/ASI got technical information transfers on everything about Lasser construction and operations, the better to service the older warships. PS/ASI was also able to obtain two older decommissioned Lasser HAFG117C transport refits for their own use. This gave PS/ASI another opportunity to look over modern(or at least close to modern) 3G warship design. In time, ASI was able to parlay the success of their refit program into permission to develop an indigenous design for a light cruiser based on the Lasser. The original corporate plan was to produce a simple slightly enlarged version of the Lasser, outfitted with updated weapons similar to a number of already existing refits, but ASI engineers wanted to go both larger and add modularity to the design, which forced much recalculation and redesign. In the end, plans to ‘clone’ the Lasser design were dropped in favor of a more extensive overhaul and revision of the design, which came to be called the LaFayette Light Cruiser.
The LaFayette, as it has emerged, is just barely recognizable as a ‘stretched’ Lasser with a more angular appearance, an extra hundred fifty feet of midsection and a third more mass. Most of this extra room has gone to protection and armaments, but the drives have also received an upgrade. The in-house rumor is that the more powerful engines are modified copies of Naruni designs, provided by the CCW as part of their plan to diversify their outsourcing of military hardware, but this rumor remains unsubstantiated. Regardless, the LaFayette has an excellent turn of speed, especially for a vessel constructed by a ‘newcomer’ company. Other changes include the addition of more modern point defense systems, and hints of components and design systems from earlier ASI craft(especially the distinctive ASI ‘turtle pod’ hull body and modular bridge assembly).
Aegis Stellar Industries also attempted to extend parent company Paladin Steel’s philosophy of modularity to the LaFayette, modifying the lower secondary hull (aft of the forward sensor array) to be modular and easily swappable in-yard for customizing the basic ship to a variety of duties. This move was vindicated with the discovery of the smaller Human Alliance Corister-class frigate, which also featured a modular hull pod. The incorporation of this feature has allowed ASI to quickly turn out a number of basic frames that could be just as quickly customized to meet corporate needs and tailor the ships to customers’ orders.
The LaFayette is produced only by ASI in the Three Galaxies, albeit at several locations(though PS has begun deploying several in the Rifts Earth home system). The first batch of LaFayettes, though originally intended for PS/ASI/GNE forces for convoy escort, would be rushed to the Syndian Republic in time for the Second SynRyz(or Kadavist) War. Early reports from that conflict would help shape refinements that would go into subsequent construction. Subsequently, the LaFayette is quickly becoming the ‘standard’ warship of the PS/ASI security flotillas.

Type: PS/ASI-SCG-17 LaFayette
Class: Light Cruiser
Crew: 220+60 marines
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 16,000
Bridge 4,000
Secondary Modular Hull 11,000
Main Sensor Array 900
Secondary Sensor Arrays(3) 600 each
Heavy Lasers(2) 600 each
Secondary Lasers(12) 300 each
Long Range Missile Launchers(2) 300 each
Point Defense Grav-Guns(8) 100 each
Hangar Bay 3,000
Engines 7,000
Variable Shields( 1,200 each side, 7,200 total)
Height: 160 ft
Width: 100 ft
Length: 950 ft
Weight: 120,000 tons
Cargo: 2,800 tons
Powerplant: Advanced Nuclear Fusion w/ 50 years energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 9(transatmospheric); rarely lands
(Sublight) Mach 10
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
Market Cost: Est. at 3.7 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:

*Long Range Sensors----Lassers mount large multimedia sensor arrays, a feature retained on the LaFayettes. The sensors can pick up on vessels moving at FTL up to 25 light years away, and vessels moving through normal space up to 0.9 light years away.

*Docking Collars(3)----Three external docking collars with extending tubeways for servicing additional starships docked to the LaFayette. One is mounted on each side, the third on the underside rear. If not carrying a hull pod, a fourth ship can be docked to the underside life support core superstructure.

*Tractor Beams(4)--------Effectively each rated for 1,500 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass.
Range: 10 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)(Kitsune Values: 10,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Lasers(2)---The main bite of the Lasser-class is the pair of heavy lasers mounted in the forward hull. These have been retained on the LaFayette.
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x100 per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

2) Secondary Lasers(12)---Another holdover from the Lasser is its secondary batteries; backing the main laser cannon is a larger array of lower-powered weapons for saturation attacks. Up to six cannons can be brought to bear simultaneously on the same target in a broadside, or all 12 can engage targets in the dorsal and ventral arcs.
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per single blast, 8d6x100 for six cannons firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Long Range Missile Launchers(2)---These launchers are also used to deploy recon drones, probes, and special ordnance.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 120 per launcher; additional missiles may be carried as cargo, and reloaded from storage.

4) Point Defense Turrets(10)----The LaFayette replaces the original grav-cannons with dual pulse-laser and mini-missile launcher turrets, sacrificing some range for greater damage and versatility. The LaFayette also adds two additional PDS turrets for greater coverage against missiles and fighters.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Lasers) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

Auxiliary Craft
*18 fighters
*20 Power Armors
*3 Shuttlecraft

The big option on the LaFayette is the Secondary Hull Pod, which can be slipped over the lower life support core and outfitted for a variety of different purposes. Rather than formal variants, the SHP allows for a confusing(to enemy sensors) abundance of different configurations, though most ships will stick with one for their entire operational lives.
The following are the more common configurations(but not ALL of the possible pod types):

*’B’-Barracks Pod---Adds passenger capacity, housing up to 120 passengers in diplomatic comfort, or 320 troops in more spartan accommodations.

*’C’-Cargo Pod----Dedicated cargo module, adding 10,000 tons cargo capacity.

*’D’-Drive Pod----Removes hangar capacity in favor of an additional engine section, boosting the ship’s sublight speed to Mach 15.

*’E’-Escort Pod---Outfitted with a complement of point defense weapons systems for use in picket and interception duties
-Point Defense Turrets(6)---Adds six more PDS turrets identical to 4) above.
-Tachyon Scatter Guns(4)
Range: (Palladium)6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc(cannot operate in atmosphere)
(Kitsune Values: 600 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*’F’-Plasma Pod---Mounts two heavy plasma torpedo launchers in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
---These are direct-fire weapons that fire bolts of plasma trapped in a temporary magnetic ‘shell’ centered on an evaporated ‘seed’ of ultra-dense deuterium ice, allowing the plasma to travel farther without losing cohesion and damage potential, and allowing the plasma to explode with area of effect on target. The result is an energy missile with superior range to normal energy weapons(though still well short of comparable missile weaponry) and potentially unlimited payload. However, the plasma packets CAN be grabbed/deflected by tractor beams(this is how the ship’s gunners can manipulate their energy projectiles at short range and correct their course....each of the launch arrays’ mounted tractor beams being able to grab and direct a volley of plasma bolts), or destabilized by ion or particle beam weapons fire(takes 20 MDC to disrupt the plasma containment).
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 200 miles in atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast to 100 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Each array can launch volleys of 1-8 torpedoes, twice per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*’G’-Gravity Gun Pod---Mounts two heavy gravity guns in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 70 miles in atmosphere, 70,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Kinetic Penetrator) 3d6x100 MD to 15 ft radius
(Multi-Munition Fragmentor) 3d6x10 MD to 300 ft radius
(Heavy Plasma) 2d6x100 MD to 150 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Three times per melee
Payload: 100 shells per cannon. Additional shells may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(3 shells per ton of cargo)

* ‘H’-Hangar Pod----DOUBLES fighter capacity to 32 fighters.

*’I’-Ion Pod---Adds capacity for four heavy ion cannons and a dedicated powerplant in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Ion Cannon--(ionization rules courtesy of Henning Rogge)
Range: (Palladium) 4 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
(Kitsune Values) 12 miles in atmosphere, 12,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast,
In addition to physical damage, the cannon does EM damage. Percentage of EM damage is determined in relation to target’s main body((damage/main body)x100=percentage). For every 10% of damage from main body in ion damage, target will be -1 to strike, parry. and dodge. In space target acceleration will be reduced by 15%, in atmosphere top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on critical hit charts in Phazeworld or Conversion book as appropriate.
If target takes 60% of main body in ion damage, ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down and need to be repaired/replaced to work again/reboot.
Does NO damage against non-mechanical/electronic targets.
The ion cannon is equally effective against bionics
Rate of Fire: Five times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*’L’-Laser Pod---Adds capacity for three more Heavy Lasers and a dedicated powerplant in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x100 per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*’M’-Missile Pod--- Mounts an additional battery of long range missile launchers(identical to those mounted in the main hull) in place of embarked fighters(still retains the shuttles).
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range Missiles)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 200 per launcher; additional missiles may be carried as cargo, and reloaded from storage.

*’N’-’Net’ Pod---A module fitted with heavy area-of-effect weaponry in place of fighters. Typically used as an anti-fighter/missile picket.
a) Heavy Tachyon ScatterGuns(4, 400 MDC each)
Range: 5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 10 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 6 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 5,000 miles in space)
*Width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
b)Heavy Rail Guns(2, 500 MDC each)
Range: 40 miles in atmosphere, 80 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 40,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Exploding/Fragmenting Flechette): 5d6x10 MD to anything caught in a 120 ft wide cone/’cloud’----Targets are -2 to dodge the ’shotgun spread’
(Penetrator): 2d6x100 MD
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: 100 rds per cannon, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes( 200 tons ammunition storage, 1 ton of cargo per 12 rounds)

*’O’- Medical Pod(aka ‘OR’)---Flying field hospital with a capacity of caring for up to 200 patients at a time. Includes 6 fully equipped operating rooms, recovery wards, laboratories, and hangar capacity for 6 shuttles(no fighters).

*’P’-Planetary Assault Pod---This pod carries the launch systems for freefall kinetic and explosive weapons meant to be deployed against surface targets(the ‘superbomber’ concept). Can typically carry up to 8,000 tons of deployable ordnance, such as the following:
a) Kinetic Bomb---Fairly typical 2 ton ‘rod from god’ high density kinetic penetrator
Range: Orbit to Surface
Damage: 2d6x100 MD; effective blast radius of 120 ft. Can penetrate up to 400 ft into solid rock, dropped from orbit.

b) Light Kinetic Penetrator Module ---Works similar to a WWII ‘Earthquake Bomb’. Kinetic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no radiation to contaminate a battlefield or potential postwar acquisition. The LKP module actually carries three separate RVs on a maneuverable ‘bus’ stage, allowing three separate targets to be hit, or a single target to be bracketed. Each RV does 1d6x100 MD to a 100 ft radius and can penetrate up to 250 ft of loose soil(100 ft of rock or concrete)
Weight: 4 tons

c) Heavy Kinetic ‘Smasher’--- A single-shot warhead(no multiple warheads) weighing 12 tons. Hits with considerably greater velocity and kinetic energy. Does 1d6x100 MD to a 90 ft radius, and does DOUBLE damage to any fixed-foundation structures in a 200 ft radius, due to ground shock.

d) Heavy ‘MaxSlap’ KEW-----Designed to be ‘lobbed’ for maximum kinetic impact, the super-heavy bomb does 1d8x1,000 MD to 250 ft blast radius, and can penetrate up to 500 ft of earth(300 ft of rock or concrete), for attacking bunkers or undercutting larger structures.
Weight: 21 tons

e) Fuel Air Explosive Munition---A single warhead(no multiple warheads) non-nuclear area of effect weapon that disperses a cloud of volatile fuel droplets in a mist over the target area, then ignites it in a rapidly propagating explosion. Besides thermal damage, the real damage from this weapon comes in the massive overpressure shockwave that it creates, capable of forcing its way into open ducts and vents, and imploding vehicles and bunkers. Also known as a ‘Daisy Cutter’, it is often used to simultaneously secure and clear landing zones of obstacles(both sentient and material). The heavy FAEM can do 4d6x10 MD to a 500 ft radius, plus 3d6x10 MD to everything else in a 3,000 ft ft radius. Those caught within the blast radius are also likely (01-88%) likely to be bowled over by the blast and stunned, if not worse....
Weight: 15 tons

f) ElectroMagnetic Pulse Weapon---Designed to knockout unprotected electronics and power distribution networks, exploding at high altitude for maximum effect. Up to four of these weapons can be carried on a common ‘bus’.
Damage: 5d6x10 MD to 100 ft blast radius
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 100-mile radius of the point of detonation. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The EMP is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
Weight: 1 ton ‘bus’

g) Heavy Nuclear ‘SunBombs’---These are the heavy PS/ASI-made weapons used exclusively by their forces. They are rarely used against inhabited/habitable worlds(used against exclusively military targets).
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius

h) X-Ray Laser Bombs
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+laser range
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+laser range
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD laser blast; range 70 miles(Kitsune Value: 70,000 miles). Laser-reflective armors do NOT halve X-ray laser damage.---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.
Advanced models can target as many as 10 separate targets within range simultaneously.

i) Plasma Jet Bombs(aka ‘Casaba Howitzer’, or ‘Sunspot Bomb’)---A cousin of the X-Ray Laser Bomb and predecessor to the Plasma Torpedo, the Plasma Jet Bomb is essentially a shaped nuclear charge, generating a conical wave of super-excited plasma and radiation. The Plasma Jet Bomb lacks the range and multiple target engagement capability of the laser mine, but because it doesn’t expend all its force in all directions, it can produce higher damage than a regular omnidirectional plasma warhead.
Weight: 10 tons
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)+plasma range
(Kitsune Values: 3,000 miles in atmosphere, 1,000,000 miles in space)+plasma range
Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD plasma blast; range 30 miles(Kitsune Value: 30,000 miles), in a cone 30 degrees wide. The radiation also has a 60% chance of blanking out the target’s sensors for 1d6 melees---One-shot weapon that destroys itself in the process of firing.

j) TW Weapons---Based on the work done between Paladin Steel and its allies, strategic TechnoWizardry weapons are a safer, more ‘morally acceptable’ alternative to vaporizing enemy cities with nuclear weapons. TW warheads also have certain advantages against magic-vulnerable opponents. They are also lightweight, allowing more of them to be carried and deployed.
The downside is that strategic TW weapons are hellishly expensive in both the crystal matrices needed to hold the weapons-grade spells, and the high-level mage talent needed to produce and empower them.
Still, PS produces and deploys a wide variety of these weapons, just in case.
Weight: Each RV ‘bus’ weighs 1 ton.

j1)TW Disharmonize---Actually more of an airburst weapon that deploys thousands of small individual grenade-sized TW ‘skeet’ warheads over a wide area, that fall to an appropriate altitude for maximum effect, then explode, causing no initial physical damage, but sowing massive chaos throughout both military forces and civilian populations. Tremendously expansive in terms of magic energy investment, and relatively short-term in its effects, it nevertheless can be an effective weapon in disrupting an enemy’s defenses in advance of a raid or troop landing.
Each MIRV can carry up to 200 ‘skeets’ each
The carrier shell is designed as an airburst weapon(300-1,000 ft up), with the dispersal charge firing the skeets out on wide arc frisbeeing trajectories to cover a maximum area of effect. Each submunition skeet affects a 500 ft radius(some overlap is unavoidable), and effects last 50 minutes. Everyone caught in the area of effect must save versus magic or else lose HALF their attacks per melee, lose initiative, and be -20% to perform all skills. Furthermore
The beauty of this weapon is that the mage-munition officer or loader, if one is available, can , simply by touching the shell before loading and launching, and uttering a safing incantation(Magic telepathy or psionic telepathy will also do the trick), fuze the weapon to affect ONLY enemy soldiers...KNOWN allies are UNAFFECTED by the magic! Of course, if no such trained combat mage or psychic is available , then the ‘generic’ shell will affect EVERYONE in the area of effect.
Needless to say, however, at 150 PPE per submunition, these weapons are awfully expensive.

j2) TW Magma Weapon(RV)---Modified River of Lava spell, that creates a pool 450 ft in diameter instead, that lasts 15 minutes. If deployed in shallow water it lasts only 7 minutes and does HALF damage, but creates huge bubbles, kills local sea life, and produces a massive cloud of superheated steam that blinds anyone on the surface, fouls up thermographic imaging systems, and creates a belching sonar static that can screw up passive sonar systems in the area.

j3) TW Tsunami Weapon(RV)---Designed for attacking coastal targets,this weapon deploys up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a tidal wave.
Each warhead creates a tidal wave roughly 150 ft high, 3,000 ft long, lasts 15 melees, reach as far as 450 ft inland, and does 4d6x10 MD per melee. Also has a 75% chance of capsizing any ships it catches.
Note: This weapon is INEFFECTIVE unless aimed at a sizable body of water, such as an ocean, large lake, or deep river.

j4) TW Hurricane Weapon(RV)----Ocean-attack weapon, but can also be used against large lakes. Each MIRV creates a massive sea storm that covers a 120 ft area, 100-150 mph winds, and 30 ft high waves. Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to large structures, and 1d6 MD to anyone caught out in the open. Effects last 15 minutes.

j5) TW Maelstrom Weapon(RV)---Another ocean-attack weapon, for attacking shipping and submarine warships/installations. Like the Tsunami Weapon, the ‘bus’ can deploy up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a sizable whirlpool in any large body of water they are aimed at.
Whirlpools are 120 ft wide, lasts 15 minutes, and does 1d4x10 MD to anything caught in its center, 2d6x10 MD per melee to large ships, and 1d6x100 MD to hem if they get submerged or if the whirlpool ‘breaks the ship’s back’.

j6) TW Earthquake Weapon(RV)---Each warhead acts as a 15th level Elemental Earthquake spell; 3500 ft area of effect, doing 2d6x100 MD per melee, for fifteen melees. Generates a fissure 900 ft long, doing damage to everything within 600 ft on either side of it. A full spread of Earthquakers can destroy a county.

j7) TW Stormfront Weapon(RV)---Airburst warheads that unleash multiple Tornadoes(one per warhead), and an accompanying Summon Storm, all equivalent to the 15th level Elemental Warlock Spells.
Tornadoes are 100 ft in diameter, last 15 minutes, and do 3d6x10 MD per melee to anything caught by them, and an additional 2d6x10 MD to anything hurled out. Wood, clay, and stone structures take 4d6x10 points of damage(SDC or MDC), and trees are uprooted in one melee round. The tornadoes will also randomly wander about in a half-mile area before dispersing.
The storm element creates a drenching, obscuring downpour that drops 4 inches of rain per hour, does 1-6 points of structural S.D.C. per half hour, immobilizing floods, and reduces visibility to near zilch; storm covers a 14 mile area, and lasts 7 hours

Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 80 free-fall RVs. Additional RVs may be carried as cargo(

*’S’-Sentry Pod---Holds an advanced long range sensor system. The ship can now pick up on vessels moving at FTL up to 30 light years away, and vessels moving through normal space up to 1 light year away.

*’T’---Tender Pod---Designed to work with the module-equipped Sunchaser- and Windfola-class corvettes. This pod is an open-framework holding additional modules(up to 30) to swap out with the smaller ships, and the apparatus needed to do it in the field.

*’U’---’Universal’ or ‘Unknown’ Pod----A dedicated science pod with dedicated laboratory facilities. Can be variously outfitted for astronomical or planetary sciences studies, including quarantine facilities for medical research. Has onboard living facilities for up to 30 research staff, although in the more extensive/secured research configurations, the scientists may live entirely in the main hull of the ship, and direct automated systems in the science pod. Some variants on this pod can be detached and deploy station-keeping thrusters and external solar panels and antennae to act as free-flying mini-space stations.

“Y”-Pod---Special designation given to a ventral hangar or drop-pod holding a large submersible vehicle that can be deployed from the LaFayette. Reports that several examples have been used to deploy combat submarines on worlds of the TGE contested by the FWC, or Golgan worlds (especially those contested by nationalist movements) remain unsubstantiated.

*SCG-17C----These are either late production frames or conversions of earlier construction hulls that have been converted into fast transports. The Heavy Lasers, missile launchers, and half of the secondary laser batteries were removed, and crew needs reduced by HALF, to accommodate capacity for 10,000 tons of cargo. Typically the fighter complement is retained as escort.
Last edited by taalismn on Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:Aegis Stellar Industries LaFayette-class Light Cruiser

Love it, except the PDS lists railgun payload as unlimited, not lasers..
The M-Missile Pod doesn't list how many launchers it adds.. just a 'battery' and 200 missiles per launcher. So how many is in a battery?

Love the concept of the Net Pod and the Y Pod.

The F plasma Pod smells like industrial shenanigans (espionage) against the Shemarrians :P
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
taalismn wrote:Aegis Stellar Industries LaFayette-class Light Cruiser

Love it, except the PDS lists railgun payload as unlimited, not lasers..
The M-Missile Pod doesn't list how many launchers it adds.. just a 'battery' and 200 missiles per launcher. So how many is in a battery?

Love the concept of the Net Pod and the Y Pod.

The F plasma Pod smells like industrial shenanigans (espionage) against the Shemarrians :P

Thanks...the Laf's been long in coming, and is the long-overdue replacement for the Ranger in the overt operations theatre, and gives PS/ASI/GNE some versatile muscle(as well as works towards heavier warship designs).

And Plasma Torpedoes were originally a PS idea, but the Shemarrians stoleborrowed it and just proved quicker at improving it. THey may just 'leak' data on their improved models back to PS/ASI in order to allow the upward trend in improvement and see where else PS/ASI takes the technology(whereupon they'll copy and improve on it again).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Have PS or the Shemarrians started to raid from Chaos Earth(R) Resurrection Sneak Preview_2 yet? Are waiting for the book.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:Have PS or the Shemarrians started to raid from Chaos Earth(R) Resurrection Sneak Preview_2 yet? Are waiting for the book.

Not yet.....This is the first I've heard of it. Preview looking good, tech-munchies wise? I'll have to go check, if you think it's worth Golden Age-plundering.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:
abtex wrote:Have PS or the Shemarrians started to raid from Chaos Earth(R) Resurrection Sneak Preview_2 yet? Are waiting for the book.

Not yet.....This is the first I've heard of it. Preview looking good, tech-munchies wise? I'll have to go check, if you think it's worth Golden Age-plundering.

Read part of it. Need to sit down and look at it better.
Note pad is hiding form me right now.

The Black Obelisk is my focus. Is it a Earth Black Project (Golden age or magical past)? How many and where?
Are there other colors and what could their purpose be? What should they be?
Using the Obelisks with other Palladium's settings. Other world areas.
Is the Obelisk working right or did something change it.
Can it/they be changed to help areas to recovery?
Are there groups human or DBee that already using them the right way?
If the 'broken' is making Zombies, what should working ones do?
Some of Dead Reign's, mainly the 'Endless Dead' Zombies, used as vehicle systems.

Thinking of Shemarrians being flesh and cybernetic mix. The effect on them. text p20 of Preview.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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LUCIN WAVE Bio-Augmentation Package:
(aka ‘Firefly’)
(Budget Cost: CLASSIFIED, but likely in the tens of millions)

“Previous bio-mods could be seen as simply tweaking what a person already has, or as accessorization; an extra part here, a new gland there. THIS mod, however, steps it up to a whole new level.
And if becoming something arguably beyond human appeals to you, bear in the mind the whole reason this mod was created was to fight the inhuman. You become a creature of light to go on the front lines against darkness. In becoming the epitome of flesh-become-light, you’ll have to face the depths of darkness. It’s not a step up into nirvana, it’s an assignment to darkest hell. Still interested in signing away your mundane, comfortable, humanity for that sort of responsibility?”

“First time I went up against a shadowbeast, I was seriously stupid. That thing ripped seven kinds of $#!+ out of me. Good thing I was able to regenerate myself, but it is one seriously scary experience pulling oneself together after being spattered over several hundred yards of space.”

LUCIN WAVE moves Paladin Steel’s bio-augmentation programs firmly into the Class 4 category.
LUCIN WAVE recipients get their nervous systems and bones parallel-layered, molecule by molecule, with J!Ng crystal conduits. Their blood is pumped full of new crystalline leucocytes(or ‘lumocytes’) while several new organs and spinal modifications power a combination laser-generation system and phase-energy projection field enveloping the whole body. When this system is activated, the person becomes a partially insubstantial organized hologram, albeit one with the ability to project vaporizing laser beams and fly by laser-flight.
Other aspects of this bio-mod include increased reaction time, tuned-up health, and reinforced mental defenses.
LUCIN WAVE augments tend towards pale complexions and light-colored hair and eyes. When powered up, they glow with extreme intensity.
Except when on duty, LUCIN WAVE augs tend to dislike venturing out into the night or into darkness. Many of them are indistinguishable from Laser Mages with regards to dress and attitude and, in fact, the two groups often hang out together(though the bio-augs tend to be more disciplined and duty-oriented). Oddly enough, in a case of opposites attracting, LUCIN WAVEs get along just fine with their ‘dark’ counterparts, the JET OPAL bio-mods, the two diametrically opposite power-types covering each others’ points of weakness.
LUCIN WAVE went almost immediately from the laboratories to the front lines during the Minion War incursion on Earth. This raised some fears for the recipients of unforeseen problems with the bio-mod manifesting catastrophically in action, but, while there were many fatalities in these first waves of LUCIN WAVE volunteers, all were attributed to enemy action, and not to problems with the bio-aug.

-Alter Physical Structure: Light---The recipient turns into a roughly humanoid-shaped form of photons.
*Semi-Intangible---Solid objects pass right through the character. Lasers and light-based attacks do NO damage/have no effect on the transformed character. Gasses and toxins have NO effect, but magic and psionics do FULL effect. Shadow-based attacks do DOUBLE damage, with a 30% chance of temporarily dissipating the character for 2d6 melees.
* Laser Flight---Direct line, 1 mile per level of experience, speed of 1,000 MPH per level of experience.
* Light Beam----2,000 ft range, no damage
* Laser Beam----600 ft range+100 ft per level of experience, 1d6 MD per level of experience, +1 to strike
*Photon Blast----1,000 ft range+100 ft per level of experience, 1d4x10+2 MD per level of experience.
*Bright Light----100 ft radius per level of experience,
*Blinding Light----20 ft radius +50 ft per level of experience, Save at 16 or higher or victims without adequate eye/flash protection are blinded for 3d4 melee rounds, with a penalty of -10 to strike, parry, and dodge. 65% chance of tripping for every 10 ft of distance traveled while blinded. Those with cybernetic/bionic eyes are +4 to save versus blinding.
*Awe/Horror Factor: 14
*All light attacks do DOUBLE damage to vampires, shadow beasts, and other creatures of the night.
*Regenerates 2d6 HP/SDC/MDC per half hour when exposed to sunlight or very bright artificial light(1,000+ watts)
*+40 SDC/MDC(and existing HP/SDC gets transformed and combined into MDC)

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The LUCIN WAVE mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a LUCIN WAVE aug is physically optimized; they are icons of (literally) glowing good health. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary. LUCIN WAVEs also are immune to sun-induced skin cancers.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----Because they’re likely to be targeted by enemy mind control, LUCIN WAVEs receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---Paladin Steel’s biotechs seem to believe that the easiest way to survive damage is to not be hit; that, and lay down hurt on the OTHER guy faster than he can lay down hurt on YOU. In the case of LUCIN WAVEs, reflexes have been pushed to as close to light speed response times as they can get. Increase P.P. to 22, +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity. The character is also ambidextrous.

-(Minor) Option Slot-----Like a growing number of Class 4 bio-mods, LUCIN WAVEs have been given a free hand in selecting their second Minor Power amp. This has led to an available elective choice of one of the following Minor powers:
(Pick one)
*Heightened Sense of Awareness(Minor)---The bio-mod’s nervous system and powers of perception have been amped to the point that they get a +1 Automatic Dodge, +2 on Initiative, +1 to Roll with fall, punch, or impact, and +2 to save versus Horror Factor.
*Bend Light(Minor)---This externalizes the LUCIN WAVE bio-mod’s abilities to manipulate light; the bio-mod can separate ambient light into its spectrum, can render himself invisible to specific frequencies of light(even when not in photonic form), can parry lasers at +3 , create a 10 ft diameter sphere around which lasers and light beams warp, and can even attempt to reflect lasers back to their points of origin or other targets(roll as a parry, then second APM to retarget it, with no bonuses to strike). Finally, the character can see perfectly in the IR and UV ranges of light---100 ft per level of experience.
* Exploding Spheres(Minor)----A rather fantastic power; the ability to create balls of stable laser energy and control them. The LUCIN WAVE can create one energy ball per melee action, plus an addition sphere per every 3 levels of experience. The balls can create in hand or up to 10 ft per level of experience away, and can throw them 60 ft+10 ft per level of experience, with a +1 to strike. They explode on contact, on command(but only within the 10 ft per level of experience range), or by timed duration(1 minute per level of experience), and explode doing 1d6 SD/MD per level of experience to a 6 ft blast radius. They can be set to explode like floating mines, and have the added side effect of acting like a Blinding Flash spell.
*Impervious to Illusions(Minor)----The LUCIN WAVE’s familiarity with light, allows them to see through visual illusions, including magic ones. The character cannot see the invisible, or through camouflage, or actual physical transformations, but holograms and magic illusions like Multiple Image do not affect him. Also gets a +1 to save vs Horror Factor
*Impervious to Shadows & Darkness(Minor)--- A late effort to remedy the vulnerabilities of the first versions of the bio-mod. This increasingly popular option modifies the LUCIN WAVEs to be immune to shadow-based attacks, including magic darkness(spells like Darkness and Cloak of Darkness have no effect on them). The bio-mod has perfect nightvision out to 60 ft. Shadow Beasts cannot effectively harm the character, making LUCIN WAVEs who take this option effective shadow-stalkers.

Total bonuses:
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience. + combined Hit Points and SDC. +40 SDC/MDC in photonic form.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+2 APM
+4 on initiative
Automatic Dodge
Increase P.P. to 22
+1d4 +1d6+5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD
+5 save vs mind control
+4 save vs illusions
+2 save vs all other psionic attacks.
+8 save versus Horror Factor
Impervious to Possession.
+1 save versus poison and disease
Immune to sun-induced skin cancers.
W.P. Paired Weapons
+5% to physical skills requiring physical dexterity.
Character is ambidextrous.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

TORRID ORCHID----Plasma State Bio-Mod
(Budget Cost: CLASSIFIED, but likely in the tens of millions)

“I dunno if these Paladin Steel ‘super-mods’ have ever encountered the likes of the Invincible Guardsmen, but I dare say it would be spectacular to see...preferably from a safe and great distance.”

“Paladin Steel’s already known for a particular expertise in plasma technologies. It would make sense that they would seek to integrate that directly INTO their people.”

“The part you really gotta watch about going into hot-state is that if you’re not careful, it’s very easy to burn off all your clothing, leaving you stark naked. It’s not so bad when you’re living flame, but it can get moy embarrassing when you turn back the heat. I nearly wiped out my savings getting replacement outfits after doing ‘hot starts’ until I learned some meditation exercises that would allow me to flare up on a moment’s notice without losing my cool and control. Yeah, contrary to popular belief, you have to be a cool operator to be a hotshot, unless you want to wear clunky refractory armor or invest in expensive magic heat-resistant attire. Frankly, though, taking the meditation courses was a lot less expensive and helped with living down a rep as ‘The Streak’, ‘The Flash’, and the ‘Naked Flame’.”

“Bad enough that you folks are making your humanity an ‘option’ with all these transhuman augs, but now you’re putting ‘options’ into your ‘options’? Every time I go up against one of your ‘borgs, I gotta wonder what he’s packing, and now every time I go up against one of your flare-heads, I gotta worry if she’s packing the bomb blast, the fireworks, or something else entirely! What the hell is a good honest mercenary supposed to do going up against you people if you don’t pick one standard and stick to it?!”
“Dunno....maybe don’t take jobs against us?”
---’Badger’ Thompson, Headhunter, complaining to Rico ‘Reaper’ Rippino, GNE Irregular, during a pub-crawl in MercTown.

Since the inception of its Class III and IV bio-mod programs, Paladin Steel seems to be intent on providing certain parallel redundancies for its various augmentation project-lines. Cases in point are environmental- or Elemental-themed specialist augs. For example, though PS had already very effective underwater workers in several deepdiving cyborg types and in its TURQUOISE ECHELON bio-mod, the development of Class III-IV abilities suggested that even more powerful bio-augs could be possible. Similarly, though PS already had powerful TW Elemental Full Conversion Cyborgs, and could instill material-manipulative psionics in advanced bio-mod packages, it was felt necessary to develop(and in some cases further refine) Class IV abilities to create a new range of super-operatives.
A good example of this is the TORRID ORCHID Class IV bio-mod, which attempts to make a fully biological version of the FC-26 ‘Inferno’ Full Conversion Fire Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg. TORRID ORCHID bio-mods have a subdermal energy-manipulation mesh that allows them to power up and maintain an envelope of superheated plasma around themselves, without being incinerated in the process. The effect goes even further, in that the bio-mod seems to ‘phase out’ of normal space, or become gasous, because observers have seen material projectiles pass THROUGH the plasma-state bio-mod. Despite some rumors of ‘spontaneous combustion’ incidents of TORRID ORCHIDs lighting up and consuming themselves in their own plasma-pyres, the system was reliably tested without casualties and deployed without incident of malfunction.
Like so many other Class IV bio-mods, TORRID ORCHID was rushed into duty during the Minion Wars, the speed and expediency of those deployments leading to the rumors of malfunctions and biological breakdowns, though little factual proof exists that TORRID ORCHID was flawed in its implementation. As with the LUCIN WAVE recruits, TORRID ORCHIDs saw a higher-than-normal rate of fatalities, but these were almost always in the thick of the heaviest fighting, against great odds. On the battlefield, TORRID ORCHIDs have often been mistaken for Fire Elementals or other Elementally-linked beings.

-Alter Physical State: Plasma---Becomes a roughly humanoid-shaped mass of nuclear plasma.
-Plasma Bolt---Range: 200 ft +10 ft per level of experience(50% greater for lower-powered/scatter bolt). Damage: 1d6x10 +2 per level of experience(4d6 MD lower-powered bolt of 1d6 MD for a 4-bolt burst). +2 to strike
-Plasma Touch---Range: Melee. Damage: 1d6x10 MD. Even brushing up against the transformed bio-mod inflicts 4d6 MD
-Partial Invulnerability/Intangibility---Solid objects pass through the transformed bio-mod, and take 2d4x10 MD damage in the process. Explosives, fire, and radiation do NO damage, electricity and most other energy attacks do HALF damage.
-Melt Obstacles--Can burn through 12 inches of most materials per melee, 1 inch per melee for stone and dense metals, forcefields take 2d4x10 MD per melee. Melting through ice inflicts 4d6 MD on the bio-mod per six inches of melted ice.
-Flight---60 MPH+20 MPH per level of experience, maximum altitude 60,000 ft.
- +60 MDC in plasma form
-Impervious to fire and heat
-Vulnerabilities; takes DOUBLE damage from cold- and water-based attacks
-Magic attacks do FULL damage
-Takes 3d6 MD damage per minute in a vacuum
-Horror Factor of 13

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The TORRID ORCHID mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor, even when not in their Plasma form.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a TORRID ORCHID aug is physically optimized; they are icons of (literally) glowing good health. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----A rogue or corrupted TORRID ORCHID operative is a terrible thing to contemplate being unleashed on friendly forces. Because they’re likely to be targeted by enemy mind control, TORRID ORCHIDs receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.

-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---TORRID ORCHIDs dance like the flame; Increase PP to 22(minimum), , +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paored weapons, and +5% to any skill requiring manual dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Climbing, Swimming, Pick Locks, Computer Operation, etc.

--Free Bio-Mod Slot: Paladin Steel Genetic Medicine Division's bio-mod medtechs have grown confident enough in their science that it has led to an available elective choice of one of the following Minor powers:
(Pick one)
*Detonation----The TORRID ORCHID can throw off explosive shells of plasma like a stellar nova. Takes 2 APMs to initiate an area of effect blast centered on the bio-mod, and does 2d6+1d6 per level of experience to a variable area of effect of 4 ft, 10 ft, 20, or 30 ft(increase each by 10 ft underwater). Can also initiate(again, a 2 APM attack) explosive punch that does 3d6 MD and knocks opponents back 1d4 yards per level of experience(opponent loses initiative and 1 APM recovering) . Also has the happy additional bonus of taking half damage from explosions and impacts, and damage gets halved again on a successful(+2) roll with punch/impact.

* Exploding Spheres(Minor)----A rather fantastic power; the ability to create balls of stable plasma energy and control them. The TORRID ORCHID can create one energy ball per melee action, plus an addition sphere per every 3 levels of experience. The balls can create in hand or up to 10 ft per level of experience away, and can throw them 60 ft+10 ft per level of experience, with a +1 to strike. They explode on contact, on command(but only within the 10 ft per level of experience range), or by timed duration(1 minute per level of experience), and explode doing 2d4 SD/MD per level of experience to a 3 ft blast radius. They can be set to explode like floating mines, and have the added side effect of acting like an incendiary weapon.

*Fireworks---Spectacular application of plasma fields to produce pyrotechnic displays:
---Fireworks Display----1,000 ft range, no damage, and can be maintainedfor 5 minutes per level experience. Base Skill at manipulating the effects: 45%+%5 per level of experience
---Fireworks Blast: 50 ft range per level of experience, 2d4 SDC/MD, +1d4 at levels 2,4,6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. +1 to strike on a called shot
---Flare Burst---Illuminates a 200 ft area for 1d4 melees, plus HALF luminousity/area of effect for another 1d4 melees as the flare descends and burns out.
---Ignite Flammables---200 ft range, 1d4 SDC/MD, but 75% chance of setting combustibles aflame

*Impervious to Cold & Freezing---An effort to overcome the vulnerability to cold by supercharging the plasma ‘skin’. Cold-based attacks do NO damage, and even magic cold does HALF damage.

*Impervious to Fear/Terror---If you’ve volunteered to become something like a living superheated plasma gas, there’s arguably not much of anything that can scare you. Effectively IMMUNE to Horror Factor attacks.

Total bonuses:
Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience. + combined Hit Points and SDC. +60 MDC in plasma form
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+2 APM
+4 on initiative
Automatic Dodge
Increase Minimum PP to 22
+1d6+1d4 +5 P.E.
Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD
+5 save vs mind control
+4 save vs illusions
+2 save vs all other psionic attacks
Impervious to Possession.
+8 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
W.P. Paired Weapons
+5% to any skill requiring manual dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Climbing, Swimming, Pick Locks, Computer Operation, etc.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

PS-FC-48 ‘Cyklar’ Full Conversion Cyborg
(aka ‘RolloBorg’)

“They’re tumbleweeds from hell, is what they are.”

“Ever see one of these cykler-guys speeding across water? It’s like watching footage of those pre-Rifts ‘bouncing bombs’. Spec-TAC-CU-LAR! Saw one of them run right up the river and onto a river pirate’s gunboat! Serious heavy metal mayhem in the house!”

“Pay special attention to regular maintenance on your shoulder axles; even with all the idiot proofing PS put into them, those things have a tendency to jam up unless they’re kept clean. That happens, you may not be able to deploy your arm shields, of when you go roller mode, your body starts spinning too. And if THAT happens, unless you got your vagras nerve cut out, even full conversion ain’t going to save you from spewing your guts down the roadway.”

The Cyklar is Demrist Drahler’s design, and shows the influence of both his work on the FC-40 Reaper Full Conversion Borg and his consultancy in studies of the Naruni Enterprises’ NE-X4-LH ‘Sun Chariot’ power armor. It is a heavier cyborg design based on a Heavy Machine frame, with a correspondingly greater endurance and heavier armor.
Demrist’s design shows a similar nomad-inspired fascination with high-speed rotary members. However, unlike the limb-mounted buzzsaw wheels of his younger brother’s design, Demrist’s cyborg utilizes two larger folding discs mounted on the shoulders. These discs are made up of triangular memory-alloy ‘pie-sections’ that fold up when not in use, but when deployed, roll out to lock in place, forming a large hemispherical shield on each shoulder.
The cyborg can use the powered shield to block, spin it to act as a cutting wheel, or can assume a fetal position that brings both arms and legs inside the radius of the wheels. In this manner the cyborg can speed across the ground, suspended between the two wheel-shields.
The Cyklar’s ‘roller mode’ offers great speed but suffers the same problems as PS’s earlier ‘tumbler’ cyborg, the FC-16 Armadillo, in that the cyborg cannot carry large weapons or other objects in its arms when engaging its high speed mode. Partial compensation for this shortcoming is offered by the two auto-stabilized light blasters that are coaxial to the shields, but these weapons suffer from a lack of range and power.
Like the Razar, the Cyklar’s radical design has not immediately made inroads into the market, although the heavier armor has made the Cykler slightly more popular in sales than the lighter Razar. The largest criticism of the design is that the wheel-shields take up space on a Heavy Cyborg frame that could be better used for heavier weaponry, and the special-composition folding metal wheel-shields are difficult to repair when damaged. Nevertheless, there are a number of parties interested in the greater mobility offered by the Cyklar. Strangely enough, Technowizards have taken an interest in the design, offering a number of modifications.

Type: PS-FC-48 ‘Cyklar’
Class: Full Conversion Borg - Heavy Machine
Crew: One volunteer
M.D.C. By Location:
Hands(2) 25 each
Arms(2) 90 each
Legs(2) 120 each
Feet (& Foot Pads)(2) 40 each
Shoulder Wheel Shields(2) 150 each
*Head 100
**Main Body 250
*Destroying the head of a Cyborg will kill the character!
However, the head is a small and difficult target to hit. The attacker
must make a called shot and even then he is -3 to strike. The hands, and
forearms are also difficult targets to hit and are -4 to strike on a
called shot.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively
destroy the artificial body, but emergency systems will keep the brain and
vital organs alive for 36 hours. Recovery of the severely damaged body
will enable doctors to place the character on life support systems that
will keep him alive until a new bionic body (same style or other) is
available, for full conversion. Failure to find the damaged Borg within 36
hours means the character dies.
In Wheeler Mode, the main body of the cyborg can only be targeted through a relatively narrow space between the deployed Wheel Shields; -4 to strike.

Note: The Cyklar CAN be fitted with additional armor, but is limited to MEDIUM Cyborg Armor that must be specially modified so as not to interfere with the arm rotary shields.

Running: 100 mph max . However the act of running does
not tire the operator out and the maximum speed can be maintained indefinitely.
Jumping: The powerful robotic legs are strong and capable
of leaping 10 feet high or 18 ft lengthwise. A running leap adds 50% to distance/height.
Rolling: 200 MPH on flat ground
Flying: Not possible without a jet pack
Underwater: The Cyklar CANNOT swim, but sinks like a rock (see Options)

Statistical Data:
Average Height: 7 feet. With the shoulder shields fully folded out in ‘wheel mode’, effectively height is 8 ft. If standing with wheel shields fully open, height is 13 ft.
Width: 4 feet at shoulders
Length: 2 feet. With the shoulder shields fully folded out in ‘wheel mode’ , effective length is 8 ft.
Weight: 900 lbs.
Power System: Nuclear
Physical Attributes: Equal to Robotic PS. 35, PP. 24,.
Bonuses: Standard cyborg bonuses of +3 save vs magic, +5 vs possession, impervious to Bio-Manipulation, Telemechanics(all), See Aura, and any attacks that do damage directly to Hit Points.
+4 initiative
+5 strike/parry
+6 dodge
+3 Pull Punch
Penalties: Touch/tactile sense is 60% of human norm.
Prowl penalty: -20%

Special Skills/Training---Use standard 'Borg or Headhunter OCC.
Black Market Cost: 8 million credits with all standard features, weapons, and sensors.

Standard Bionic Features
Note: These features are all found in the bionic and
cybernetic section of the Rifts RPG.
1. Bionic lung with gas filter & storage cell
2. Built-in language translator
3. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
4. Clock calendar
5. Gyro-compass
6. Modulated voice synthesizer
7. Multi-optic eyes
8. Built-in loudspeaker
9. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration systems.

Special Features:
*Hardened Circuits---A feature growing to be standard in Paladin Steel-made combat cyborgs. Shields the ‘borg’s systems against EMP and other electrical-disruption attacks. The Drahlers originally had no encounters with such weaponry out West, but learned the value of such shielding with encounters with the Coalition States and have incorporated the protection in their designs since.

Weapons Systems:
1) Arm Buzz-Shields(2)---Sometimes called ‘hell’s parasols’, these rotary members mounted on each shoulder can spin up such that their super-hard and molecularly-sharp edges can slice through even megadamage armor with ease.
Range: Melee
Damage: 6d6 MD per single shield strike. BOTH shields angled to deliver a simultaneous buzzsaw strike do 1d6x10+12 MD.

2) Shoulder Blaster(2)---This is a small energy weapons turret mounted in the hub of the arm shield, which can swivel to fire even when the cyborg is rolling at high speed.
Range:(Laser) 500 ft
(Ion) 300 ft
(Plasma) 200 ft
(Particle Beam) 300 ft
(E-Bolt) 800 ft
Damage:(Laser) 1d6 MD per blast
(Ion) 2d6 MD per blast
(Plasma) 4d6 MD per blast
(Particle Beam) 5d6 MD per blast
(E-Bolt) 3d6 MD per shot, and -6 to dodge
Rate of Fire:(All) ECHH
Payload: (All) Effectively Unlimited.
Cost: (Laser) 25,000 credits
(Ion) 22,000 credits
(Plasma) 45,000 credits
(Particle Beam) 64,000 credits
(E-Bolt) 55,000 credits

3) Eye Lasers(3)---Copied directly from Demrist Drahler’s work on the Reaper, the Cyklar mounts two eye-mounted lasers and a third one in a ‘headlight’ in the forehead.
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 2d6 MD single eye, 4d6 MD both eyes, 6d6 MD for three eyes
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike.

4) Forearm Blasters(2)---These are standard cyborg forearm blaster slots.

5) (Optional) Backpack Hardpoint----A back-mounted weapon can be mounted, typically an energy rifle, light rail gun, or mini-missile/rocket launcher. The downside of this mounting is that it may be limited in firing arc by the fully deployed wheel shields on either side of the cyborg, unless the weapon has an extra long mounting armature. Otherwise, it will be limited to a limited firing arc directly forward over the cyborg’s head.

Hand to Hand Combat
Restrained Punch 1d4 MD
Full Strength Punch 1d6 MD
Power Punch( 2 attacks) 3d4 MD
Kick 1d6 MD
Leap Kick(2 Attacks) 2d6 MD
Judo-Style Throw/Flip 1d4 MD
Body Block/Ram: (2 attacks) 1d6 MD
Wheeler Ram 1d4 MD per 25 MPH of speed

The Cyklar can be fitted with any of the standard cybernetic and bionic features in the Rifts books. Favorite options include fitting the 'borg with extra sensors(wilderness and nomad types like having extra senses),

*Forcefield Generator---Backpack-mounted knockoff of Naruni systems. Takes the place of any backpack mount weapon. Provides 110 MDC. Cost: 190,000 credits.

*Water-Runners---This is a knockoff of Northern Gun’s ‘aquawalker’ tires(see Rifts Northern Gun, Book 2, pg. 182-183). PS engineers have managed to devise a system of extendable grouser fins that jut from the arm shields, increasing the cyborg’s ‘footprint’. Over calm water, as long as the vehicle/cyborg maintains a speed of 35 MPH or greater, and doesn’t stop, they can effectively skim across the top of the water. The extended fins do reduce maximum ground speed by 20% however, and they wear out quickly when used on dry land. The vanes still wear out after 1d4 hours of continuous usage on land, and need replacement once worn out. Fortunately, the system is, unlike the original tires, retractable with a mental command by the cyborg.
Cost: 7,000 credits

*Laser-Reflective Armor---It’s expensive, but some Cyklars go the extra half-million to get some if not all of themselves chromed in laser-reflective armor(laser do HALF damage).
Cost: 700,000 credits

*TW Amulet-Base System.
Cost: 50,000 credits for the amulet system(comes standard with a 100 PPE capacity battery), spell cards cost separately(see following for some of the more popular).

*TW Amulet---Eat My Dust----This is an application of the Choking Blast and Dust spell; the cyborg, typically in ‘Wheeler mode’ can kick up a large dust cloud in his wake. The cloud is roughly 30 ft wide and persists for 4 minutes. It costs 8 PPE to activate. Cost: 80,000 credits.

*TW Amulet---Overdrive---Incorporates the Full Throttle spell. For 10 PPE per activation, the Cyklar can hit speeds of 40% faster when in ‘Wheeler’ mode, for a good 2.5 minutes. However, this is ONLY for straight-out straight-line acceleration; -15% for evasive, trick, maneuvers. Cost: 15,000 credits

*TW Amulet---Wheel(s) of Fire---A popular enhancement(especially during the Minion War outbreak on Rifts Earth) is fitting the cyborg with a TWCyborg Amulet System(with either a PPE Battery or a Powerstone generator). The most popular, at least spectacular, spell choice is fitting the amulet system with a Fire Elemental Ten Foot Wheel of Fire spell.
When activated, this spell wraps the cyborg’s arm shield(s) in fire, adding +3d8 MD to a buzzsaw strike, but the most frightening use is when the the Fire Wheel is unleashed(usually while the Cyklar is rolling at speed), speeding ahead of the cyborg to strike down targets. If the cyborg has enough PPE in its systems, it can unleash two or more Fire Wheels, turning a solo charge into a blazing stampede.
Range: 150 ft
Damage: 5d8 MD per strike
Duration: 10 melee rounds
PPE Cost to Activate: 25 PPE per wheel generated
Cost: 207,000 credits for a 5th level Ten Foot Wheel of Fire spellcard

*TW Amulet---Avalanche---Not to be outdone by the Fire Warlocks’ collaboration with the TechnoWizards, a group of liberal-minded Water Warlocks offered to teach the TWizards how to apply a Ten Foot Ball of Ice. The cyborg generates the ball by spinning a Wheel Shield(or both, in Wheeler mode), creating a thickening covering of ice that spins off into a giant ice ball, and can direct the giant iceball until it dissipates. A favorite tactic of Cyklars taking this option is to turn a charge down a slope into an avalanche, especially if the cyborg can create more than one ice ball.
Range: 120 ft
Damage: Does 2d6 MD dropped on somebody, 1d6 MD rolling over somebody, has 70 MDC, and is +2 to strike specific targets.
Duration: 8 minutes.
PPE Cost to Activate: 15 PPE per ball generated
Cost: 174,000 credits for an 8th level Ten Foot Ball of Ice spellcard

*TW Spinning Blades----The enhancement adds a set of three blades to the spinner hubs, around the axial weapon turrets. These can be mystically empowered to extend out from the hubs and create an even more potent buzzsaw attack.
Range: Melee(typically 3-4 ft radius out from the hubs and to the sides, and up to half the prop radius out
(Projectile)150 ft
Damage: Does 2d6 MD per blade (so basic three-blade set does 6d6 MDC on a strike)
(Projectile)Does 2d6 MD per blade
Duration: 10 melee rounds( 2.5 minutes per activation)
Bonus: Also has a +6 to parry rail gun rounds, autocannon shells, and other projectiles aimed at the wheels.
PPE Activation Cost: 20 PPE per activation
Cost: 120,000 credits(basic 3-blade generator on one wheel-shield; typically both shields are outfitted for balance) + 20,000 credits per additional blade up to a maximum of 12
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by 89er »

Nice stuff, but what do you call Transhumanism if it includes Dbees and other lifeforms?
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

89er wrote:Nice stuff, but what do you call Transhumanism if it includes Dbees and other lifeforms?

Ultrasophontcy? Transophontcy?
Yep, it's getting to the point where the superhuman augment types may soon outnumber(in terms of available base-types) the cyborg chassises available from PS. Of course, the metal-heads got lower cost and generally greater resilience in their favor.
But not to worry; the gearheads and throttle-jockies will still have plenty of cheap vehicles to play with and more on the way. PS is just making sure that their 'and the kitchen sink' approach to approaching the dangers and opportunities of the megaverse has a broad spectrum of tools for civilization to have ready. That includes a wide range of transophontcy augmentations.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

If you want look at it.
Topic: M3 Lee/Grant and M4 Sherman Family of Vehicles;topicseen
post 83 by Logan Hartke, on mix and match
Last edited by abtex on Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

89er wrote:Nice stuff, but what do you call Transhumanism if it includes Dbees and other lifeforms?

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:
89er wrote:Nice stuff, but what do you call Transhumanism if it includes Dbees and other lifeforms?


That might be if you BECAME an elf or a dragon, rather than move BEYOND the purely biological potentials of a species.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by kronos »

taalismn wrote:
kronos wrote:
89er wrote:Nice stuff, but what do you call Transhumanism if it includes Dbees and other lifeforms?


That might be if you BECAME an elf or a dragon, rather than move BEYOND the purely biological potentials of a species.

Well how about just a super being. And when everyone is super.. no one is..
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

kronos wrote:[
Well how about just a super being. And when everyone is super.. no one is..

That raises questions about whether Syndrome was subconsciously suicidal all along....he was working to eliminate the very thing he aspired to. His fashion sense just accelerated the schedule.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »

*CELESTE DYNE---Supercharged Vehicle Mechanic Bio-Mod
PU2 budget of 10 million per operative)

“Think we’re going fast already? Just let me kick this baby up a notch!”

“What can this expensive bio-amp do that a simple Full Throttle spell can’t do?!”
“Actually IMPROVE performance, not just pump up the speed.”

“Betcha you thought you’d never see the day the old Rustbucket would actually meet her shipyard spec flank speed, let alone EXCEED it, didja?”

“What’s with the e-z-boy chair attached to the drive core?”
“Ongoing evaluation by our dyne-augs to see if various states of relaxation help optimize their boosting of the engines. Different folks seem to get into the ideal mental state through different means; some folks just need to touch the engines, others need to do a little ritual like mark the casings with chalk or do a little hug and meditation, while others attach a full wire harness to feel connected to whatever they’re boosting. We’re lucky our boys and girls just like to get comfy, with maybe a cupholder and a warm cup of coffee to get them in alpha-state; I hear the Masaki has a full custom technothrone-and-rack installed in the engine room, by their drive-aug’s request. The captain’s not too happy with his ship already being nicknamed ‘the Masochist’ behind his back....”

“Hello, dears, welcome to CELESTE DYNE orientation class eight; today we will learn how to jump-start a nuclear fusion reactor from a cold state-”
----Shivvie Awndi-Valins, CELESTE DYNE Orientation Instructor

CELESTE DYNE is a bio-mod based on physiological studies of a meta-human ‘drive slave’ liberated from a Khyberee slave ship in the Three Galaxies. ‘Reverse-engineering’ somebody else’s mutation/bio-mod program was no mean feat, especially considering that the study process was not to harm the study subject(who was very well compensated for her time and forbearance during the studies). When Paladin Steel gene-techs were able to duplicate the powers seen in the ex-slave, they saw potential for an empowering package for engineers and pilots.
Besides the by-now standard package of physical enhancements, CELESTE DYNEs have been given a paranormal affinity for vehicles. Through the use of nanite interfaces in the skin, subconscious computing and implanted technical expertise, and special energy-producing organs in the body, CELESTE DYNEs can optimize the performance of machines around them, and even supercharge them to move faster. As most CELESTE DYNE recipients already start with expertise dealing with machines, either maintaining or operating them, a bio-mod of this type with access to a vehicle’s controls or powerplant can tease some truly impressive performance from the vehicle.
Paladin Steel has been experimenting with using synchronized teams of CELESTE DYNEs in an effort to further boost the performance of vehicles, especially larger vessels; the results have been spotty at best, and peak efficient performance seems maxed by the highest individual output, rather than any combined number, though duration is extended by ‘tag-team’ tactics, one rested CELESTE DYNE taking up the burden of boosting propulsion as the previous one tires and drops out of the circuit.
Despite cracks about them being ‘galley slaves’ or ‘hamster wheel inmates’, CELESTE DYNEs make good livings as flight engineers, vehicle crew, propulsion specialists and test drivers/pilots.

-Bio-Overdrive(Major)----This super ability is similar to several vehicular link/enhancement abilities in that it allows the superbeing to temporarily fuse with machinery and improve its performance, by adding the superbeing’s own life-force to the mechanism’s power. This particular power works with vehicles, supercharging them.

Range: Touch-Contact. Ideally, the superbeing will attempt to be in direct contact with part of the propulsion/power system.

Duration: The superbeing can comfortably maintain the bio-overdrive power for their P.E./2 in minutes + 1 additional minute per level of experience.
It takes 2 APMs for the superbeing to maintain this power, allowing the character to use his or her remaining actions to so other things(pilot the vehicle, run a weapons console, defend himself from security/engineering, read a book, etc.).

1) Enhance Performance---The metabeing can increase the performance, particularly the speed, of a vehicle
-Small Vehicles(up to 200,000 lbs/ 100 tons, roughly the weight of a small commercial jet ) Increase speed by 10% per level of experience
-Medium Vehicles( to 900,000 lbs/ 450 tons, roughly the weight of a large military airlifter) Increase speed by 5% per level of experience
-Large Vehicles( 450 tons +, up to a maximum of 10,000 tons, roughly the weight of a modern naval frigate or a small starship) Increase speed by 3% per level of experience

-’Human’---As above
-Superhuman(Extraordinary P.E. or P.S.) ---Increase the weight category limits by x5
-Supernatural(Supernatural P.E. or P.S.)---Increase the weight category limits by x10(so at the upper limits the superbeing can push aircraft-carrier-sized vehicles).

2) Overcharging----The metabeing can attempt to push the envelope and performance of larger vehicles than they can safely by pouring more of their bio-energy into the effort. This can be done to BOTH the duration of the push and to the percentage of improvement, as mandated by the weight class of the vehicle they are attempting to enhance. This is not without risk; for every minute the superbeing spends ‘pushing it’, they take 1d6 damage to their Hit Points, +1HP per level of improvement they seek to modify. Example: Pushing an oil tanker(a LARGE heavy vehicle) for an extra 4 minutes of speed will cost 4d6 HP in ‘burn’. If the superbeing ALSO attempts to raise the speed beyond what they can comfortably do(say, from a marginal 1st-level speed increase of 3%, to a more substantial 15% for the full 5 minutes, will cost an additional 4d6+20 HP. Given this is a first level character, unless he’s got bucketloads of Hit Points, he could be in serious trouble of burning out!).
At ZERO Hit Points, the metabeing loses consciousness and lapses into a coma-like state from which they recover at a rate of 4 HP per day(unless modified by other powers and/or professional medical treatment).

3) Jump-Start---While the metabeing may not be able to power an entire craft, they CAN shorten the time a system needs to power-up, including weapons capacitors, engine boosters, and jump-drives. This includes cold-starts. Can reduce the amount of time needed to charge up/start a system by 20% per 2 levels of experience(so, yes, by 10th level, the character can INSTANTLY get the car’s engine to turn over, even after a long cold night).

4) Hot-wire---The superbeing can effectively and instantly hot-wire and start a vehicle, bypassing its normal key or security mechanism. The vehicle gets NO saves against this.

5) Damp Powerplant---Conversely, the superbeing can use their power to DAMP/throttle down the powerplant of a vehicle by TWICE the percent per melee as the superbeing would be able to BOOST its speed. This can be used to sabotage a ship’s power, or control a runaway engine reaction, even if normal safety mechanisms are damaged or otherwise inoperable(So, for example, a 1st level character would be able to power down a shuttlecraft’s reactor, without using the cockpit controls, at 20% per melee). Note, however, that even with power cut/diminishing, the vehicle may still have forward momentum; unless its propulsion system also serves as passive brake(as with automobiles), the vehicle will continue on until friction in the transit medium or collision with an obstacle stops it.
Also note that if somebody else is attempting to use the vehicle’s regular controls to try to prevent the throttle-down, the superbeing’s control takes precedence.
The superbeing can attempt to use this power on OTHER (non-vehicular) powerplants(for example a municipal power generator), but their damping rate will only be equivalent to their normal rate(Example: Upshift attempts to take the fusion reactor of Doctor Negative’s weather control machine off-line. As the reactor is roughly 500 tons of stationary apparatus, 5th level Upshift can only draw down its power at 15% per melee. That leaves about two minutes for Doctor Negative’s goons to try to shut UPSHIFT down before the weather machine powers off).

6) Essence Protection---While linked to the propulsion system, the superbeing will be effectively IMMUNE to dangers from the nature of the powerplant, such as heat, coal smoke inhalation, steam, carbon monoxide fumes, electrocution, or radiation.

7) Other Bonuses:
+10% to piloting skill if the metabeing already knows how to pilot the vehicle he or she is linked to.
While linked, repair attempts(by the superbeing or others) to the propulsion system can be made with a +10% bonus. The CELESTE DYNE will also be able to instantly discern any problems, malfunctions, or damage to the hardware.

While linked, the superbeing is susceptible to sympathetic feedback from the vehicle. Should the vehicle take damage while the bio-overdriver is still linked, the superbeing takes proportional damage to their Hit Points(so if the vehicle’s damage amounts to 10% of its total structural integrity, the linked superbeing will take damage equivalent to 10% of their HP). Note that this is only applicable to damage done to the actual physical vehicle; if the vehicle has a forcefield or other virtual barrier, then the bio-overdriver is NOT affected by damage done to the shielding.
Unlike Overcharging, the damage inflicted on the metabeing CAN kill the character. Damage is recovered as normal.

(Example: Shivvie is aboard a TMC space destroyer attempting to escape two Kybyree slaver cruisers that both outgun it and can outpace it, leaving the only hope to outrun them. Not wanting herself or her friends on the destroyer to be captured and enslaved, Shivvie locks herself in the engineering compartment and links herself to the ship’s engines. The destroyer masses some 13,900 tons, putting it within the upper limit of Shivvie’s ability to affect, even with her superhuman physiology, but she’s desperate, so she gives it her all and decides to push it to the limit. Shivvie is 3rd level and has an Extraordinary P.E. stat of 24 and a HP reserve of 76. The Brandestoc-class destroyer she’s aboard normally has a speed of Mach 14, so she could boost it’s speed by 9% for a full 15 minutes, but she doesn’t think that’s enough; those slavers are closing FAST. Instead, she elects to increase its speed and acceleration by 54%(pumping the ship’s speed up to roughly Mach 20), for a full 5 minutes, allowing it to open up the distance between it and the pursuing slaver ships. In the process she burns 75 HP (15 levels of extra speed x5 minutes x1 HP/minute). Fortunately, the destroyer’s shields remain up during the pursuit, so the slaver ships are unable to land any long range shots on the ship’s hull.
The extra distance allows the destroyer to reach a safe gravitational gradient where they can engage their Jump-Drive and they escape. Totally exhausted by her efforts and 1 HP away from falling into a coma, Shivvie collapses into the arms of a grateful engineering crew, and spends the next week in the infirmary recuperating.)

-Machine Optimization(minor) (by Stone Gargoyle)
The exact mechanics of this aspect of CELESTE DYNE are not fully understood; most believe it is a combination of a Telemechanics-related psionic power acting in concert with integral nanites, but the superbeing somehow gets optimum performance out of vehicles and machinery. This adds 10% to the range of guns fired, 10% to vehicle range and +10% to maximum vehicle speed, and 10% extra power from power batteries. This is always on and reflects the willingness of the machine to go the extra mile, so to speak. He can build machines in half the normal time and gets +20% to all mechanical skills.

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---The CELESTE DYNE mod qualifies as Class IV by making the recipient a minor megadamage being, via an intermesh through the person’s body, supporting them, reinforcing joints and muscles, and creating a damage-resistant energy armor.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Physical Transformation---The recipient of a CELESTE DYNE aug is physically optimized; they are icons of (literally) glowing good health. +1d4 P.E., +1d6 P.B., +1d6 SPD, +2d6 Hit Points, +4d6 SDC, and +1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary.

-Mind/Body Attunement---The recipient’s nervous system is amped to be more in tune with themselves; +1 APM, +2 on initiative, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +1 save versus poison and disease, and +2 save versus possession.

- Energy Resistance---Even under normal circumstances, the CELESTE DYNE bio-mid is resistant to energy damage, taking HALF damage from lasers , fire, heat, radiation, and electricity(magic still does FULL damage). Useful to have when working around powerplants.

-Open Slot:---The CELESTE DYNE operative can choose one of the following:
-Hypnotic Brain Conditioning----As engineering personnel, CELESTE DYNEs are likely to have access to the important sections of some rather powerful mobile assets. To prevent them from being mind controlled, probed, or interrogated for their secrets, CELESTE DYNEs can receive special deep resistance indoctrination and mental shielding; +5 save vs mind control, +4 save vs illusions and Horror Factor, +2 save vs all other psionic attacks. Impervious to Possession.
-Increased Physical Agility and Dexterity---CELESTE DYNEs’ reaction times can themselves be amped; Increase PP to 22(minimum), , +1 APM, +2 on initiative, automatic dodge, paired weapons, and +5% to any skill requiring manual dexterity, such as Acrobatics, Climbing, Swimming, Pick Locks, Computer Operation, etc.
-Integral Environmental Sensors---The bio-mod has cybernetic sensor nodes for detecting radiation levels(30 ft range), pinpointing it(10 ft range), seeing and measuring heat and hot spots(30 ft range), EM circuit sensor(20 ft), can sense explosives and other dangerous compounds(10 ft range), and has a clock-calendar and perfect sense of time.
-Tissue Density Increase---The bio-mod gets special treatments that make them as tough and hard as the machinery they work with; +160 lbs in weight, but it doesn’t show as any increase as size, but as 1d4x100 SDC(count as HALF MDC), but -1 to P.B. and -1d6+2 to SPD.

Total bonuses:
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience, + combined Hit Points and SDC.
+2d6 Hit Points
+4d6 SDC
+1 APM
+2 on initiative
+1d6 to P.S., plus it is considered to be Extraordinary
+1d4 +1d6+5 P.E.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
+1d6 P.B.
+1d6 SPD
+4 save versus Horror Factor
+1 save versus poison and disease
+2 save versus possession.

*MITHRIL DYNE---Ongoing experiments to attempt to endow the bio-aug with Supernatural P.E., using magic, possibly by impressing the recipient with a standing Full Throttle and/or Superhuman Endurance spell.
Last edited by taalismn on Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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The Lafayette-class light cruiser gets its illo(at last!)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:If you want look at it.
Topic: M3 Lee/Grant and M4 Sherman Family of Vehicles;topicseen
post 83 by Logan Hartke, on mix and match

Thanks there....that's most enlightening. We often hear that, compared to the German tanks like the Tiger, the Sherman was virtually a non-starter, but logistically the Shermans were masterful...and other sources I've read, the U.S. was experimenting with all manner of variants and accessories, including turret swapouts, push-rollers, and even aircraft rocket launch rails bolted to the turret sides.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Upon reading the hardcopy of the Lafayette class Light Cruiser, I suddenly realized I have a problem...compared to my earlier Asagari-class Light Cruiser, a supposedly earlier, lower-tech, and less capable, vessel, the Laf's larger, requires more crew, yet has only a third the same armor, weaker shields, and costs a billion credits more per vessel. The only thing it's really got going for it is modular bays, a bigger secondary armament, and a slightly higher speed...but that doesn't seem to justify the layout for a vessel that's supposed to the replacement in many roles for the Asa...
So, I either drop the price on the Laf, raise the price on the Asi, or up the armor and shields on the next LAF variant....
That's what I get for long development times, then rush-to-post...shoulda proofread it more against my previous work, in addition to measuring it against the canon sourcebook vessels(as yardsticks).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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call it a doctrinal change. like how a modern Destroyer is less well armored and less extensively armed, than a ship of its mass from WW2. because how warfare is fought got changed.

maybe the modular design required sacrifice in ship durability to get flexibility (sorta like the LCS), and it carries more supplies to allow longer deployments (which cut into weapon space?)

or maybe just claim it was due to some corporate types funneling funds away from the program for personal projects, resulting in a design that wasn't as good.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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...or possibly two different shipyards in different universes...The Lafs were assembled in the Three Galaxies, based upon an older CCW design, where CCW trade practices, despite the claims of tolerated cultural diversity, could be fairly standardized(with regards to pricing, wages, safety practices, etc...) as opposed to say, Rift Earth orbit, where the Asagis were likely first assembled using imported parts and different management/local labor standards. If PS(Rifts Earth)/ASI(Three Galaxies) tighten their communications and administration chains and a common project management system established between the two divisions, it's likely the Asas will see an upward price adjustment as more ships are produced for export sales, while the Lafs will see a cut in costs as mass production lines are established and cost-per-unit drop.
There's at least two variants of the Laf in the works, so these observations will factor into their specs and costs and address some of the issues.
Maybe a corrective rewrite in the future.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Mini-Badger’ AUV-1 Armored Utility Vehicle
(aka ‘Shield-cart’, ‘Pillbox Doughboy’, ‘Buckler-Bucket’, ‘Home-dozer’)

“The utility vehicle that can go straight from the foundry floor shoveling scrap and slag, to busting down doors and sweeping away road blocks without any garage time in-between.”

“Sure, it’s not a tank, but it’s better than nothing. Having those few inches of armored plate between you and danger? Priceless if it keeps you and yours alive.”

While many familiar with Paladin Steel’s history consider the ‘Jeb’ to be the company’s first post-Rifts purpose-built military vehicle, PS had several improvized combat designs it pressed into service during the Dark Age.
The ‘AUV-1’ was based on a pre-Rifts design, the ‘Rook’ Critical Response Vehicle, a tactical modification of a nearly ubiquitous CAT payloader, adapted for police and security force use. The Rook was meant to provide local SWAT teams with a fairly inexpensive armored vehicle for opening up access in dangerous situations, such as live shooter events and bomb disposal. Changes to the original civilian vehicle included armor plating to protect the treads, engine compartment, and operator, armored windshields, and the ability to fit the scoop-bed with articulated grapples, a battering ram, gas-operated sledgehammer, or an armored enclosure-shield that could be raised to allow officers access to building second-stories. Though slow(it required a trailer to get the vehicle to an incident site in timely manner), the Rook provided police with an easy-to-maintain tactical response vehicle that wouldn’t bust a department’s budget like a larger military-style APC or AFV. Even when the Golden Age’s ‘megadamage revolution’ swept over the industrialized nations with such wonders as power armor and robot vehicles, the Rook and similar vehicles found favor with smaller budget-strapped regional police forces and security concerns, so the design-concept became fairly widespread.
As CAT-style treaded forklifts were part of the on-site motorpool at the Paladin Steel fabrication works when the Rifts broke out all over the world, PS engineers(some of who were already familiar with the Rook concept from upgrade projects) were able to improvize their own ‘Rook’-style vehicles to defend the hastily fortified factory against the onslaught of monsters terrorizing the region. Though not nearly as effective as the equipment available to NEMA, regular military, and national guard units, the adhoc armored vehicles, manned by desperate defenders and positioned to take advantage of tactical chokepoints in the factory layout, meant that personnel and property losses weren’t nearly bad as elsewhere, and helped preserve the Paladin Steel facilities from being totally destroyed. The survival of this infrastructure meant the survival of Paladin Steel as a viable industrial site and the revival of the company later as an industrial city-state and nation-builder.
Now, centuries later, PS continues to produce the original AUV-1, base vehicle, armor kit, and improvements, such as compatibility of parts with other PS vehicles and products. Though trundling slow, short-ranged, and lightly-armored, the ‘Mini-Badger’ continues to see service both in industrial yards and in the security forces of communities without the means to afford and maintain more advanced vehicles. PS and the GNE themselves employ hundreds, if not thousands, of these vehicles across their realms at factories and worksites as combined utility and security equipment.

Type: PS-AUV-1
Class: Armored Utility Vehicle
Crew: One
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 150
Reinforced Crew Compartment 50
Armored Windshields(3) 40 each
Treads(2) 120 each
Bucket Armature 80
Height: 7.5 ft(the bucket can be raised to 10 ft high)
Width: 78 inches(6 ft 6 inches)
Length: 10 ft
Weight: 13,300 lbs
Cargo: Small space in the operator’s cab for a sidearm
Trailer hitch allows the AUV-1 to haul a trailer with 20,000 lbs capacity
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel, Battery, or Fuel Cell(350 mile range for all systems)
Speed: 18 MPH(the original Rook could only manage 9 MPH)
Market Cost: 95,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Radio(10 mile range)
*IR/Normal Light Spotlight
*Basic Robot Optics(effective range 3,000 ft)
*Optical Periscope---Extends up to 6 ft.
*Basic Air Filtration
*Air Conditioned Cab
*Light Bar
*Trailer Hitch
Weapons Systems: None(see Options)
*Grapple Blade----This modifies the dozer blade with a two-part hydraulically-articulated teethed grapple that can close, with extreme force, on debris, doing 1d4 MD.
Cost: 25,000 credits

*Armored Shield Enclosure---This consists simply of three large armored shield panels(PS uses their extra-heavy personnal shields as a basis) and a roof panel forming an open-backed shield mounted on the payload bucket bed. Armored vision slits(or a TV monitor system) and gunports allow up to three human-sized personnel to work from behind the shields’ protection.
Weight: 130 lbs
MDC: 720
-Viewports(3)---An armored window in the shield that allows the carrier to see through without exposing themselves. In the alternative, it can take the form of a simple optical periscope that flips out from behind the edge of the shield.
-Gunport---Typically added in concert with a viewport, this allows a weapon to be fired through the shield while keeping the gunner under full cover. The drawback is that accuracy suffers due to the limited arc of fire; -2 to strike.
Cost: 98,400 credits

*Piledriver Sledge--- The Piledriver consists of an enormous hardened armor striking head and driving pistons, anchored to the arm and powered by a small, contained, explosive charge. The operator loads a small explosive cartridge (a Naruni plasma Cartridge will do in a pinch) into the firing chamber, points the Piledriver, and WHAM! Then, eject the cartridge, and reload for the next shot. A great tool for breaking boulders, structures, and Earth Elementals.
MDC: The Piledriver has 100 MDC
Weight: 600 lbs
Range: 10 ft
Damage: 3d6x10 MD!
Rate of Fire: Once per melee; loading the cartridge takes one action
Payload: Firing chamber only holds one cartridge.
Cost: 150,000 credits, 40 credits per cartridge

*Applique Armor---Adds additional protection(and weight) to the main body. Up to 100 additional MDC can be added, at 7 lbs, and 150 credits, per 1 MDC point. Lighter armor can be substituted, at 1 lb per MDC point, but the stronger polycarbonate armor costs 400 credits per MDC point.

*Thermal Resistant Heat-Refractory Tile Armor(Option)---Special heat-resistant materials designed originally for reentry vehicle shielding. Heat and plasma-based attacks do 1/4 damage
----Cost: +300,000 credits

*Chemical Resistant Armor(Option)----PS’s patented chemically inert armor that sheds the effects of corrosive chemicals and stick’ums. Acids and chemical weapons do NO damage.
----Cost: +400,000 credits

*Chemical Sprayer System---For wiping vermin, mobs, or those equally obnoxious vampires off the car.
Range: 50 ft
Damage: Varies by the chemical agent used. If using water, does 4d6 HP to vampires
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 blasts of chemical/liquid
Cost: 200,000 credits

*Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 60 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Motion Detector----In addition to alerting the driver of approaching objects, it can also tell them from what direction a projectile attack came from. 50 ft range
Cost: 500 credits

*Smoke/Grenade Launcher Clusters---These mini-multi-tube grenade/smoke launcher clusters can be added outboard. Up to 2 can be added.
Range: (light) 1,200 ft (heavy) 2,000 ft.
Damage: Varies by Grenade Type (heavy)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-3
Payload: Each launcher has 12 light or 6 heavy grenades each, for a total of 36 light grenades or 18 heavy grenades.
Cost: 2,000 credits for both light and heavy varieties(grenades cost extra)

*Mine Detector-----A detection coil can be installed on the prow, and uses a variety of magnetic, chemical, and ground sonar detection systems to sniff out mines and buried ordinance. 85% accuracy. Cost: 3,500 credits

*Strobe Gun-----A high-powered flash device used to blind targets. Typically 1-3 are mounted atop the light bar assembly or Armored Shield Enclosure to bedazzle suspects as the officers close in.
Range: 80 ft and affects a 10 ft wide area.
Damage: Those without eye protection or polarized vision will be affected similar to a Blinding Flash spell; -10 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d4 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 flashes from a standard e-clip.
Cost: 1,500 credits

*AUV-1R---Robot drone variant, typically used for work in hazmat situations. It can carry out simple commands, but is typically remote-controlled.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Have you come across this:
Q-carbon: A new phase of carbon so hard it forms diamonds when melted

Carbon boasts the ability to exist in different forms and phases, and now researchers have discovered Q-carbon, a distinct new solid phase of carbon with the potential to make converting carbon into diamonds as easy as making toast (if you make toast with a high powered laser beam). It's early days yet, but researchers are already claiming that Q-carbon is magnetic, electro-conductive, glows in the dark, is relatively inexpensive to make and has stolen the crown of "world's hardest substance" from diamond.

Professor Jay Narayan of North Carolina State University is the lead author of three papers describing the work that sees Q-carbon join the growing list of carbon solids, a list that includes graphite, graphene, fullerene, amorphous carbon and diamond. He has suggested that the only place Q-carbon might be found in the natural world is in the core of certain planets.

The researchers created Q-carbon by starting with a thin plate of sapphire (other substrates, such as glass or a plastic polymer, will also work). Using a high-power laser beam, they coated the sapphire with amorphous carbon, a carbon form with no defined crystalline structure. They then hit the carbon with the laser again, raising its temperature to about 4,000 Kelvin, and then rapidly cooled, or quenched, the melted carbon. This stage of quenching is where "Q" in Q-carbon comes from.

Narayan says Q-carbon was discovered after a long search to find a mechanism for carbon to diamond conversion.

"This was the closure to a life-long effort, started when I first published a paper on the subject in 1979, followed by papers in 1991 and many others along the way," Narayan told Gizmag. "Finally, it happened."

This whole process of creating Q-carbon is relatively inexpensive. It's all done at room temperature and at ambient air pressure, using a laser much like the ones used for laser eye surgery.

So far, potential uses for Q-carbon are largely speculative, but Narayan says it might provide tools for industry and medicine, for electronic parts or for creating brighter, longer-lasting display technologies. But for now, there is one area where Q-carbon gets interesting (and by interesting I mean "potentially lucrative").

Diamond, being the world's hardest substance, has a range of uses in creating cutting and polishing tools across industries from mining to medicine. The challenge is that diamond is expensive to mine and to manufacture, requiring high temperatures and high pressures. But by mixing up the substrates and controlling the rate of cooling, Narayan and his team have discovered they can create tiny diamonds within the Q-carbon.

"It will take something in the order of 15 minutes to create one carat of diamond," Narayan told us. "But other applications will make a bigger impact."

Narayan says he envisages Q-carbon's first useful application will be in creating "a diamond factory for nanoproducts" for use in drug delivery and industrial processes.

"We can make Q-carbon films, and we're learning its properties, but we are still in the early stages of understanding how to manipulate it," Narayan says. "We know a lot about diamond, so we can make diamond nanodots and microneedles, [but] we don't yet know how to make Q-carbon nanodots or microneedles. That's something we're working on."

Papers detailing the research appear in the Journal of Applied Physics and APL Materials. ... /1.4936595 ... /1.4932622

Source: North Carolina State University

Spary on and bake with even a simple Laser tool. Could be used for in field repairs.
Last edited by abtex on Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Hey, bio-chips for bio-system implants, needing batteries or mini-nukes to power your bio-implants...just eat a heavy meal of down a quart or so of ZOLT cola.
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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An other one that the email that had the above in it also had the "Phlogiston theory".
Using the then 1667 'HiTech' theories and elements of 'Science' could have some use in RIFTS based Science and Magic reasons.

Becher eliminated fire, water, and air from the classical element model and replaced them with three forms of earth: terra lapidea, terra fluida, and terra pinguis.[3][4] Terra pinguis was the element that imparted oily, sulphurous, or combustible properties.[5] Becher believed that terra pinguis was a key feature of combustion and was released when combustible substances were burned

Is that something that Hanger 18B could use? If it works for Terra, then there must be water, air forms. " terra fluida"for movement on land like a snail maybe. Just add Fire or 'terra pinguis' (combustion) to the element, as fuel.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Well, we know in Rifts Megaversal Builder, the Four Elements(Fire, Water, Air, and Earth) are considered part of the notable constituents of a universe's 'profile', either by their inclusion or absence.
It does suggest a fun possibility of a cross-dimensional trade empire or civilization 'mining' various universes that have 'essences' of these Elements and adding them to materials/substances/fuels based on more realistic atomic elements and chemical principles...adding 'fire' to a fuel might make it burn more efficiently...but also hotter(requiring a rebuild of the engine to take the higher temperatures).
Something to thik about there....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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taalismn wrote:Well, we know in Rifts Megaversal Builder, the Four Elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth) are considered part of the notable constituents of a universe's 'profile', either by their inclusion or absence.
It does suggest a fun possibility of a cross-dimensional trade empire or civilization 'mining' various universes that have 'essences' of these Elements and adding them to materials/substances/fuels based on more realistic atomic elements and chemical principles... adding 'fire' to a fuel might make it burn more efficiently... but also hotter (requiring a rebuild of the engine to take the higher temperatures).
Something to thik about there....

Powering HU Matter and element based 'Mock' abilities as well.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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My thoughts exactly.....I've already hinted that some some of the superpowered bio-mods use injected/implanted substances from other universes, but this kicks it into the open.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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abtex wrote:"Redneck Technology, It works with a little elbow magic."
Give a junkyard and workshop, or just a good tree to work under. We will give something you never dreamed of or had nightmares about yet.

For example, did we really need a car that incorporated its own mixing desk? = 89er HU based tech using sound based powers

Or a vehicle that featured a hovercraft deck at the back? = Recon drone or Overarmed UAVs need somewhere to rest.
is that the Rinspeed X-Trem? Love that concept. So many way to use it.

Where else can the water based DBee ride and drive from that the pool, open or covered.
What else is there?

Open your mind a little. Read it as someone who describing the vehicle but has no idea what it should be. Change the your view of why, who or what is using the vehicle.

Edit: need to read when a watch or the whole post before replying I'm looking at it with the mind of 'we learn more from our mistakes than our successes'...
I hate it when my mind wonders,
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taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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I've got the book 'The World's Worst Concept Cars' right next to my home workstation to mine for (bad) ideas.
Did Rinspeed EVER design anything that wasn't impractically gonzo? The X Dream looked like a giant banana(or a partially melted plastic twinkie)...It didn't even have decent windshields!
Admittedly, though, some of the designs are so crazy, I can see somebody like the Bakalaponans(a star nation founded by mental hospital inmates and their descendants) using them. In fact, the Rinspeed Presto looks like something they'd produce (they did, after all, introduce both origami automobiles and spacecraft to the Three Galaxies).
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

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Paladin Steel ‘Mini-Badger’ AUV-1 Armored Utility Vehicle ????
(aka ‘Shield-cart’, ‘Pillbox Doughboy’, ‘Buckler-Bucket’, ‘Home-dozer’) ... 5+crop.jpg
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by abtex »

abtex wrote:"Redneck Technology, It works with a little elbow magic."
Give a junkyard and workshop, or just a good tree to work under. We will give something you never dreamed of or had nightmares about yet.

do not know where this came from must have re-posted it while looking for something else. :-? :oops:
Sorry. my copy of 'The World's Worst Concept Cars' is sitting on top of 'The World's Worst planes' also on a work space near computer.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Paladin Steel Storefront

Unread post by taalismn »'s not Redneck Tech, it's Yankee Tinkerer...or Backwoods Genius...or 'thinking with your hands'. :D :bandit:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Paladin Steel Master Catalog:

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Last edited by abtex on Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Paladin Steel Master Catalog, Post 01

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Post 1

Paladin Steel ONTOS II Fire Support Vehicle
Paladin Steel ‘Gun-Ripper’ Medium Tank
BM-22 and RM-72 Multiple Rocket Launch Systems
Farnborough Avionics British 2-Pounder ‘Pom-Pom’ Autocannon Mark IV
Paladin Steel ‘Roebling’ Combat Engineering Vehicle
Paladin Steel ST-4 Mauler Salvage and Demolition Tank
Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles MDUKWIII ‘MegaDuck’
Paladin Steel ASPD Assault Support Patrol Boat
Paladin Steel ‘Alpaca’ Heavy Hover Carrier
Paladin Steel ‘Jackalope’ Infantry Robot
Paladin Steel Jeep Warrior ATV-40V
Paladin Steel Portable Scrambler Shelter
Paladin Steel Erectable Watchtowers
PS ‘Pummeler’ Urban Melee Weapon
Paladin Steel M65 Skorpion III Light Tank
Paladin Steel 80mm ‘Pulverizer’ Super-Heavy Shotgun
Paladin Steel (information about the company)
Paladin Steel Colter Rover
Paladin Steel DL-100 ‘Drom’ Heavy Duty Hover Utility Platform
Paladin Steel Asateague Light Hovercraft
(for anyone curious, this is where NMI glued many posts together)
Paladin Steel Hornet Airborne Combat Drone
Paladin Steel Sea Construction Division
Surface Platforms----MMSP(Multipurpose Marine Surface Platform)
-Hex-Pad 2 MMSP Unit
Paladin Steel ‘StasRac’ Magfield Pressure Resistance Generators
DSD(Deep Sea Dome) Series
Underwater Systems
-Structure/Facility Types
-Oxygen Systems
Paladin Steel Drone Aircraft Programmes
Paladin Steel PSQF-2 ‘FireBird’ Drone Fighter
PSD-21 Surveillance Drone
Paladin Steel PSQF-4 ‘Phantom’ Fighter Drone
Paladin Steel Aircraft
Paladin Steel C-130/2 Hercules II Air Transport
AC-130/2 “Puff the Magic Dragon” Spectre Gunship
Paladin Steel DH Caribou II Air Transport Aerodyne
Farnborough Avionics Bristol Beaufighter X
Paladin Steel ‘Harpoon’ Maritime Patrol Bomber
Paladin Steel Cheyenne III Attack Helicopter
Paladin Steel Guns
ZOT/Paladin Steel S-7 ‘FlexPistol’ Multi-Function Projectile Pistol
Paladin Steel PS-IMD03 ‘Scrapper’ Mass Driver Rifle
Hangar-18B Aircraft
TWB-51 ‘FlameCougar’ Ground Attack Aircraft
Hangar-18B/Lockheed TWF-94 Starfire
Borgupine Full Conversion Cyborg
ChefBorg-RD Culinary Full Conversion Cyborg
Howletts Bionics/Canada ‘Mooseborg’ Full Conversion Cyborg
Minotaur Full Conversion Cyborg
Paladin Steel HandiTrac Light Robot Drone-Tool
Paladin Steel “Gnat” RPV
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel XM-139 20mm Sniper Rifle
Paladin Steel 30mm SuperHeavy Rifle System(SHRS-30)
Paladin Steel ‘Superzooka’
Paladin Steel PSIP-2 ‘ Smasher’ Rapid Fire Ion Submachine Pistol
Paladin Steel PSLR-7 ‘Rattler’ Rapid-Fire Light Laser Rifle
Paladin Steel ‘STARifle’
Paladin Steel OCSW-2 ‘Arden’ Heavy Machine Gun
Paladin Steel Guns & Accessories
OICW Battle Rifle(Gen-2) “Waybur”
Paladin Steel PSLR-5 ‘Partisan’ Laser Rifle
Paladin Steel SuperCavitation Bullets
Water-sel Muzzle Attachment
Paladin Steel (Laser) Rifle Launched Grenades(LRLGs)
Paladin Steel Guns & Accessories
Paladin Steel M-1R ‘Trusty’ Rail Gun Rifle
Paladin Steel Trac Fire System
PS Battleman Fire Control Remote
Paladin Steel ‘Nimro’ Plasma Rifle
Paladin Steel Guns & Rockets
Paladin Steel Taskin 20mm BackPack Rapid-Fire Autocannon
PS-RFL2-33 “Blazer” Rapid-Fire Infantry Laser
Paladin Steel PSMcM Series 1A-E 15mm Micro-Missiles
RAP-(Rifleman’s Assault Projectile)
Paladin Steel “Black Thunder’ Twenty Millimeter Revolver
PS USR-10 ‘Howler’ Sonic Rifle
PS-USC-02 Screecher Sonic Cannon
PS SUPACK Underwater Assault Module
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSAR-74 K“Double Deuce”(DII) Combo-Rifle
Paladin Steel PSAKM-80 ‘Mega-Deuce’ Combo Heavy Rifle
Paladin Steel ‘GunLoc’ Modular Long Arm System
Paladin Steel ‘Pathfinder’ Scout/Exploration Robot
Paladin Steel Black Titan Program
Moljinar II
Paladin Steel DL-600 ‘Clysdale’ Heavy 8x8 Multi-Purpose Vehicle
Paladin Steel Black Bear Medium Tank
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Paladin Steel Master Catalog, Post 02

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Post 02

Vibro-Spade Entrenching Tool
Paladin Steel ‘Daniel Boone’- Light Scout Vehicle
Paladin Steel YC-1250 Pioneer-2 Light Transport
Paladin Steel/AVA Camper Van
Paladin Steel ‘Wolfhound’ Light Armored Car
Paladin Steel Arakeen Aerodyne Troop Carrier
Paladin Steel Super-Bug ATV Rover
Paladin Steel UV-07 Series Walking Trucks
Paladin Steel DL-500 “Arabian’ All Terrain Multi-Purpose Vehicle
Paladin Steel/Sikorsky Super Sea King TW Marine Operations Helicopter
Paladin Steel 'Flexman' Utility 'borg
Paladin Steel/Uberburrough ‘Beetleborg’ Dwarven Mining Full Conversion Cyborg
Paladin Steel ‘Braconidae’ Xiticix-Emulation Full Conversion Cyborg
Paladin Steel ‘Airshark’ Stealth Skimmer
Paladin Steel PS-MBT-05C ’Lynx’ Medium Tank
Paladin Steel/ Twardy Vintage Vehicles M3000 Halftrack Rover
Paladin Steel Jeb Stuart Light Tank
Paladin Steel TW Spell Launchers
Paladin Steel Mage Pod
Paladin Steel Mini-Mage Multiplexor Weapon
Meles (“Badger”) Air Defense Vehicle
North American/Paladin Steel West TW B-25 ‘Mitchell’ Medium Bomber
Assorted Gear
Paladin Steel/Pandora Armaments Atlas-Wire Monofilament
Snap Wire
Cutter Trap Web
Special Cybernetics / Bionics Systems
‘Borg TW Systems
PSW Cyborg TW Interface
TW ‘Borg Amulet
SVRES Machine Unit - Shared Virtual Reality Experience System Technology
Paladin Steel Starfire Light VTOL Transport Jet
Paladin Steel ‘Vanstar’ Light Cargo Fanjet Aircraft
Paladin Steel PSM811 ‘Gunther’ 52mm Infantry Mortar
Paladin Steel Protective Wear
EVAC Armor
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSLR-10 ‘Maximus’ Laser Rifle
Paladin Steel PSR-1 ‘Saber Rifle’ Multi-Mode Plasma Carbine
Paladin Steel ‘Comet Rifle” Plasma Bazooka
Paladin Steel PDC-10 TriJet
Paladin Steel Survival Watch and Drugs
Survival Watch
Hibernal (drug - suspended animation)
HemoStop (drug - blood clotting)
Thermodol (drug - extreme temperature resistance)
Nitronites (drug - protection from the bends)
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel ‘Adder’ PSLP-1B Heavy Laser Pistol
Paladin Steel PSLP-3 ‘Asp’
Paladin Steel LPPW-03 ‘Jasta’ Automatic Pistol
Paladin Steel Modular Megadamage Shipping Crates
Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B ‘Scorpio’ TW Fighter
Paladin Steel Custom Aviation ‘Greeb’ Flying Submarine
Paladin Steel Polyphemus Mini-Sub Crawler
Paladin Steel Skimmer Light Utility Aircraft
‘Rattlesnake’ Armored Personnel Carrier
Paladin Steel S-8 Flex-Rifle Multi-Function Projectile Rifle
ABTechS Division
Symbiote Breeding Programs
-Fuel Breeder BioReactors
PSA-11 Series Power Armours
PSA-11 "Gendarme" (part 2)
Paladin Steel PSIR-08 ‘Rip-Zapper’ Ion Rifle
PS ‘Badger’ Demolition Grenades
PSA-11E Combat Engineer
PSA-11F ‘FireDog’ Firefighter
Paladin Steel ‘Angelina’ Cyborg
Phobocyd(drug - resist phobias)
Paladin Steel ‘Zerkat’ Light Armored Vehicle Family
Paladin Steel SeaCobra Full Conversion Marine Assault Cyborg
Paladin Steel ‘Midas’ Full Conversion Combat Cyborg
Paladin Steel Ganton Full Conversion(Dwarven) Cyborg
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Paladin Steel Master Catalog, Post 03

Unread post by abtex »

Post 03:

Paladin Steel CWAP-01 ‘Shaver’Cyborg Machine Gun System
Paladin Steel 'Wolfman" Scout/Wilderness Cyborg
Paladin Steel RoBoats
PS-USPV-1 Newcomb
PS-USPV-2 Siebert
What is Paladin Steel?
Cambridge Jungle
Paladin Steel McMAALR-18 ‘Fire Orchid’ 20mm Anti-Aircraft Micro-Missile Launcher
Paladin Steel Anti-Submarine Weapons Systems
Rocket Propelled Depth Charge Systems/Light Anti-Submarine Rocket Weapons(LASRW)
Captor Mines
Wire-Guided Torpedoes
ASROC (Anti-submarine Rocket)
SUBROC (ASROC in a submarine)
Harpoon III Missiles
-Rapid Bloom Off-Board Countermeasures(RBOC-2)
-Degaussing System
-Hull Electrification System
-Sonic Scramblers(“Screamers”)
-Deep Flares
Other Common Nautical Systems Available from Paladin Steel
-MDC Netting
-Recovery Balloons
-Desalination equipment
Paladin Steel/Free Quebec Hudson Class Destroyer
Paladin Steel ‘Nova’ SPC-7 Particle Beam Assault Rifle
Paladin Steel Traveller’s Staff Module
Paladin Steel Ships
Liberty Ships
Victory Ships
Paladin Steel Wave Runner Patrol Boat
Paladin Steel FALSTAFF(Friendly Artifical Lifelike Servobot, Technical Assistant, FurriForm)
Paladin Steel TBA-5 ‘Cormorant ‘ Submersible Torpedo Bomber
Paladin Steel/Kera-Tech PB-2005ST ‘Wayfarer’ Long Range Heavy Airlifter/Surface Effect Airborne Ship(SEAS)
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel ‘Great Fulmar’ Heavy-Hauler Long Distance Sea Plane
Paladin Steel/ Howletts Bionics ‘Roo Borg
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSPBW-7 Particle Beam Weapon
Paladin Steel PSPBW-8 ‘BlueBolt’ Heavy Particle Beam Rifle
Paladin Steel PSPPR-9 TriBarrel ‘HeatWave’ Gatling Plasma Cannon
Paladin Steel Gun and Psi-detector
Paladin Steel PSPBW9 ‘FlareHammer’ Particle Beam Weapon
Pscillitron Psi-Detector
Paladin Steel Advanced Nuetron Weapons
Paladin Steel Magic Disruptor/Anti-Theron Projectors
A-Theron Hand Disruptor
A-Theron Rifle
Type 1 Disruptor Cannon
A-Theron MagnaBlaster
Paladin Steel “Dragonfly” Assault VTOL
More Zerkat Variants
Walker Zerkat (PS-LRUV-48)
Transformable Zerkat(PS-LCRV-48E)
Paladin Steel Agin-Class Patrol Frigate
Paladin Steel Boats
Paladin Steel Higgins 3 Landing Craft/Ferry
Paladin Steel Mike Fink Riverine Monitor
Paladin Steel S-11 ‘Flexus’ Omni-Rifle
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSIP-15 Arc-Pistol
Paladin Steel PSPPH-12 ‘Incendii’ Plasma Pistol
Paladin Steel GyreFalcon Pursuer Tilt-Engine VTOL Fighter
Paladin Steel Mongol Light Tank
PSA-11K ‘Dogfish’ Nautical Operations Power Armor
Paladin Steel ‘Super Jetson’ Light VTOL
Paladin Steel F-32P Avenger Joint Strike Fighter
Paladin Steel X-RLR-18 ‘Exel’ Heavy X-Ray Laser Rifle
Paladin Steel ‘Skuld’-class Air Cushion Escort Corvette
Paladin Steel Thorne Corvette
Paladin Steel Ships
Paladin Steel LST Series
PS Bougainville-class Landing Craft(LCV/LCT)
PS Sicily-class Landing Ship
PS Juno Landing Ship
Paladin Steel Zephyr Hover Tank
This stuff has no discernible theme whatsoever
Security Blankets - LINNUS--Living Intervention Neural-Network Universal Symbiote
Spirit Vacuum
Paladin Steel West “Libido Killer” Aura Chastity Belt
Paladin Steel Defensive Gear
Paladin Steel Blur Mesh
Paladin Steel HazMat-K2 Armor
Standard VFS EBA(VEBA-02A)
Farnborough Air/Paladin Steel/Hangar-18B B-139 ‘Covenant’ Medium Bomber
Paladin Steel Underwater Gear
PS “Stormalong” Deep Sea Utility Exo-Armor
PS-DSVR-02 ‘Triton Chariot’
Paladin Steel LVEBA-09 Kinetic Armor
Paladin Steel ‘Taon’ Combat Pod
Paladin Steel PSPPR-11 ‘Scorcher’ Plasma Weapons Pack
Bond Fruit
B-36 Peacemaker Heavy Long Range Bomber
Paladin Steel ‘Firedrake’ HoverTank
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Paladin Steel Master Catalog, Post 04

Unread post by abtex »

Post 04:

Paladin Steel S-9 ‘Sandman’ Automatic Shock Pistol
Liquid WhupAss
TangleTorp Warhead
Paladin Steel ‘Damnthing’ AutoTank
Paladin Steel ‘Moth’ Anti-Grav Transport
Paladin Steel Shields
Paladin Steel ‘Classic Movers’ Series
PS P.75 ’Beep’
PS-M4 Tractor-Crawler
PS-M81300 ‘Rollalong’ Medium Truck
PS/VWA ‘Thing’
Paladin Steel New Colt ‘Thunderbunny’ MegaRevolver
Paladin Steel Packer-class Tanker
Paladin Steel Ammunition
‘Silent Death’ Rounds
Fear Shots
Dolt Bolt
Dead Bolt
Paladin Steel Guns & Accessories
Paladin Steel P-630 AutoWeapon
Paladin Steel PSMG-14 5/56 ‘Fhizer’ Security Gun
PSRG-18 Grenade-Drums
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSIR-6 ‘Viper’ Ion Pulse Rifle
PSIR-9 ‘Murchison’ Ion Rifle
Paladin Steel ‘Grenser’ Hover-APC
Mega-Flex Sheeting
Paladin Steel Storm Skimmer Fast Frigate
Paladin Steel Slip Spray
Paladin Steel/Keratech Grav-Packs
KT/PS ISP-2 Infantry Sensor Pack
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel KT-IPXP-7 ‘Refresher’ Logistical Contra-Gravity Jump Pack
Kera-Tech/Paladin Steel IMP-1 Infantry Medical Contra-Gravity Pack
Paladin Steel PPAug-03 ‘Muscle Jacket’
Paladin Steel ‘Rambo’ Heavy Truck/Land Cruiser
Non-Metallics (ie weapons)
PSIR-11 ‘DeWatti’ Non-Metallic Ion Rifle
PSIP-20 ‘Khul’ Non-Metallic Ion Pistol
PSIP-21B “Teraon’ Non-Metallic Light Ion Pistol
Paladin Steel ‘Mallard’ Light Amphibious Utility Vehicle
Paladin Steel Nahar Power Armor Extension System
Paladin Steel ‘Exastar’ Transatmospheric Long Range Exploration Aerodyne
Martha’s Vineyard
Paladin Steel ‘Crusader’ Heavy Aerospace Fighter
Paladin Steel/Valiant Station ‘Thunderchief II’/’’Jal’Wan’ Aerospace Fighter
Paladin Steel Tercel Light Aerospace Fighter
Paladin Steel PSPPR-20 ‘Supernova’ Heavy Plasma Rifle
Paladin Steel T-210 and T310 15mm Missile Guns/T410 20mm Missile Gun
Paladin Steel Cavorite GMR Light Transport
Paladin Steel Timeline Information
Hangar-18B/Paladin Steel Medium Tank M3 ‘Sand King’
More Classic Mover Series Vehicles
PS CT-series Pickup Trucks
PS M2740 ‘Scootie”
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel PSIC-01 ‘Tesla’ Infantry Ion Cannon
Paladin Steel PSIC-02 Infantry Ion Cannon
Paladin Steel Underwater Guns
Paladin Steel APR2
Paladin Steel APP1
Paladin Steel APP2 Underwater Pistol
Paladin Steel/Twardy Vintage Vehicles M24 Chaffee Light Tank
PS IH-30 Incendiary Ramjet Ammunition(30mm format)
Paladin Steel ‘Arcos’ MultiPurpose Medium Utility Robot
Paladin Steel VTOL-8C ‘Flitter’ Light VTOL
Paladin Steel Micro-Torpedo Launchers
Paladin Steel MTR-01 ‘SeaHammer’ Micro-Torpedo Launcher
Paladin Steel MTL02 Underbarrel Micro-Torpedo Launcher
Paladin Steel MT1-series Micro-Torpedoes
Paladin Steel ‘Skymaster III’ Heavy Air Transport
Paladin Steel Guns
Paladin Steel 40mm ‘Chewer’ Mortar-Launcher System
PSAGL-50A 50mm Projectile Gun
Paladin Steel PS-CT24 Torpedo Rifle
Paladin Steel Fort-A-Potty
Paladin Steel UAVs
Paladin Steel Mini-Mule UAV
PS ‘ParaMule’ Logistical Resupply UAV
Paladin Steel Aquatic Vehicles
Paladin Steel “Sea Glider”(Also “Sea Robin”)
Paladin Steel Clymene Mini-Sub Walker
Paladin Steel ‘Mandril’ Heavy Robot Vehicle
Paladin Steel PSPA-10 ‘Pikeman’ Medium Power Armor
Last edited by abtex on Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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