You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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King Newt
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You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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This is another attempt at another story. I've had fun with the other stories, so I figured I would give it another shot. My brother always got on me about doing another, but I never felt like doing one, since the family backed out of the family journal. These stories help me get my head on straight, so I hope you enjoy it.

What you find are a box full of old flash drives.... Listed 1-19.

Journal #3 (The first two are full of mindless dribble about Lisa and science stuff)

Dear journal:

Today has been like most days. Lisa still won't pay attention to me. Michael, her boyfriend beat me up just for looking at her. I can't help it. She is so beautiful. I have much more to offer her than Michael. Just wait till we graduate in three years. I'll be off to M.I.T. and he'll be pumping gas. Jocks are just so stupid.
Well my project was selected for the science fair. Like that was a big surprise to anyone. This only proves that I am the superior intellect of the school, man I am starting to sound like a mad scientist.

Well mom is calling me for dinner. Got to go.

Journal entry #2

Something strange happened today while I was in school. Some strange illness has affected over half of the school. We got to go home early. They were complaining about stomach pains and a weird fever. Unfortunately Michael wasn't affected. I was very happy to see Lisa was fine. Her friend Susan, was one of the sick. I never cared much for her since she pulled my pants down at the assembly and showed everyone my underwear. So I wear Fantastic Four underwear, whats the big deal? I like them.

Well back to the sickness! My friend Joey told me that it is a government plot to weed out the more undesirable of the population. The ones who the deem as being less important. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

When I got home from school mom and dad were already home from work. They told me that is was every where. My question was why they didn't pick me up from school before they came home, but I didn't say anything. As I have wrote numerous times, my parents don't understand me. I've never understood this.

My mom told me that everyone at the bank she works at was part of the fallen. That's what I have called them. I like the ring to it. "The Fallen". I can make fun, since no one I care about are part of "The fallen"!!!!!!! I guess it's kind of weird to know that over half of the population is now in a coma. At least half in my town.

Joey just called and both of his parents are at the hospital. My dad went over to pick him up so he isn't alone tonight. He's still going on about Government conspiracies. What a moron. The information on the internet is about the same. No big news station has had any time to accurately gather info on the situation, but when has that stopped them in the past.

I hope Lisa is ok. My friend Bronson just emailed me that most of his family is part of "The Fallen". I hated to hear that, but what can I do. It's not like this mad scientist has any answers. Most of my friends family is "Fallen", but I am lucky. Family intact. Well lucky may not be the word.

Journal entry #3

Well today turned into an episode of "the walking dead". I can't believe this, the Fallen have become the Walking. They are actually walking around and eating people. We are hiding in the basement (don't tell anyone) Dad has fetched his trusty shotgun from the attic. So here we sit. The internet is still up and the news of this is all over the net. It's crazy to see this. Even though I didn't seem to care earlier, it's different now. The strange thing about this situation was, I hoped they wouldn't cancel the show Arrow. Makes me smile now, since it seems to be all over now. We are now canceled.

Journal #4

Today we decided to flee our house. We live inside the city limits and the presence of that many zombies scared my dad. I know he did it because he was scared, but he said he did it for us. I seen my dad cry for the first time last night. He said he wasn't but I knew he was. I understand totally. The strange thing is, I haven't broke down yet. Really it hasn't hit me yet. I guess!

My dad and mom went into the garage while Joey and I waited inside. I could see zombies walk by the windows, and even though I shouldn't of I had to look. When I went to the window I seen my neighbor Jack. He seen me and moved towards the window. It was kind of strange, but I felt no remorse for him. It was kind of like I felt relief for him. Well relief isn't the word, but our eyes made contact and he didn't react. Another strange thing was, I wasn't scared. My dad screamed at me to come to the garage and I ran out. His Suburban was running and he was ready to lift up the garage. We climbed inside and watched as dad lifted the garage door and ran for the truck.

When the door opened it was a strange sight. No zombies blocked our route. Dad punched the gas and we were off. Joey slumped down so the zombies wouldn't see him. That made no sense, but fear makes us do odd stuff. For some reason dad headed in to town, rather than out of town. He informed us that he was going to see what the town looked like and to see if anyone survived. The town seemed crowded with zombies, but dad seemed intent. Plus the zombies weren't making any movements towards us. It was strange to see them just watching us. They would actually get out of the way of the truck. I can honestly say it was kind of ....... What is the word? angelic? Spiritual? I am not the religious kind of guy, but it seemed like someone or something was moving the zombies out of the way.

Safe bet me made it though town and we did find survivors and to my surprise Lisa was one of them. She had a look of disgust when she saw I was in the truck, but she climbed in anyways. The bad news was that Michael also survived. As Michael started to climb into the truck the zombies came after him. He almost didn't make it. I felt like kicking him out, but I refrained from doing it. He climbed in and "accidentally" elbowed me in the ribs. He apologized, but I knew it was fake. My ribs hurt and i tried to hold back the tears. Just my luck, a zombie apocalypse and my arch nemesis survives.

We are set up in a farm about 20 miles north of town. Lisa and Michael are roomed together and I have a room with Joey. My dad found another rifle and gave it to Michael. We are the same age and my dad feels he is the best to have a rifle. On occasion I've seen Michael pointing the rifle at me. This is just pure hell. I wish Michael would just die. I wish he would never of survived.

Journal #5

Exciting things have happened today. Well exciting if your name isn't Michael Sharp. Today I woke to the screams of Lisa. I rolled out of bed and ran to her room to find 3 zombies and somehow climbed up to their room and proceeded to eat Michael. Wow! That was strange. I kind of smiled when I seen it, but quickly stopped when i seen my dad running up the hall. There was nothing I could do. I wouldn't of done anything if I could of. Call me mean, call me whatever, but I wasn't going to risk my life for that guy.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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The only criticism I have is that the journalist seems too confident in what's going on. She sounds more like she's reporting the global situation, and not her own situation. If you keep the narrative rooted closer to her experiences, it would be more powerful.

PM me if you'd like to see an example of what I mean. But good work on trying to make game aids!
I reserve the right to change my opinion the moment I am proven wrong; that's called learning.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Journal entry #6

Today we buried Michael. Lisa cried the whole time. I didn't feel a thing. Mom says I am in shock, so I might cry later. Doubt it! We had to decapitate him so he wouldn't rise up again. That was my idea. Thought it was fitting. My dad is on my case that I am a bit cold about our situation. I don't know. I may be. I just don't have anything to compare this situation to. It's not like I can compare it to the last zombie apocalypse we went through. :)

Well with Michael gone, dad finally trusted me with the rifle. Though we all use it for our watches. All Lisa does is cry, cry and cry. You'd figure she would stop after a while, but she doesn't.


We had to leave our house, because over forty zombies parked their butts in the front yard. It was a strange situation. They didn't attack! They were just watching us. It's also creepy to see friends as zombies. My teacher Mrs. Markley was one of the zombies and she was almost nude. I guess the zombies don't have a dress code.

We are now way out in the country, way far from the city. We set up at a small store that sold homemade jellies and other stuff. It's been mostly picked clean, but we did find some interesting things. Dad likes it because it has access to the roof and we can do our watches up there. Personally I don't want to be stuck on the roof when these zombies decide they've watched long enough and come for my brains.

Joey and Lisa have ganged up on me and are both saying that I am acting creepy. I told them that once this is all over I will go to a psychiatrist and work out my problems. Till then, shut the hell up. Even my mom is creeped out around me. I admit I am becoming a bit distant.


Two weeks into the zombie apocalypse and we're still alive. I am now charging my computer in the car, since all the power is gone. The lights went out 2 days ago and we are using lanterns. We watched a few movies on my computer and believe it or not, my mom got mad at me for my downloaded movies. She actually got mad because I have some new movies on my computer, that haven't come out on DVD. Mothers!!! Leave it to mom to get on me about illegal downloads in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Dad and mom did some house searches in the area and came back with some goodies. They were chased out of a house by four zombies and mom almost died. I didn't see what happened since I was stuck at camp watching Joey and Lisa. Though I am cold, my dad says I have the right personality for guarding people. What ever the heck that means.


Two days since my last entry and life here got a bit more interesting. I taught my dad how to make some bombs out of household stuff. My mom got all bent out of shape because I know how to make bombs. She actually believes that I learned this so I could hurt my classmates. Yes my mom is losing touch with reality and has chosen me as the bad guy. The only reason I know is because I am good with science and I read. Imagine that! Wow!

The house searches haven't given us what we need and dad has decided we need to go to town and get supplies. Other survivors have taken all the good stuff. It is more likely that we will find what we need in town, since many survivors won't go into town. Sounds like a plan. The good news is everyone is going to go. Dad feels we need everyone to help load and to keep watch.


Well our trip into town went, well..................................... not as expected. Now the group is now officially scared of me. My own mom talked about leaving me on the side of the road. Yes my mom!! Well you see we did go back to town. We did go to Gunthers Grocery. We did get a lot of food. We filled our SUV and also filled a Taurus wagon we found. We also discovered why the zombies don't attack us. Well let me explain what happened.

My mom was carting up some personal hygiene stuff for her and Lisa, when a zombie grabbed moms leg from under a rack. She screamed so loud that I heard and rushed over. The zombie was about to bite mom when I yelled for it to stop out of panic and guess what. It did. Not only did it stop, it stood up and dropped its head down like it was waiting for another command. Mom and dad thought I was in shock before, well this definitely shot me over the top. I told it to go outside and it did! I still get goose bumps when I think about this.

My mom started going on about how I am cursed by the devil. Now help me figure this out. How in the heck does being able to "stop" people from being eaten by zombies a curse from the devil? Now we are not the most church going people, but I feel that this is more from God then anyone else. And yes I do know I can control zombies, because I had to try it again. I cleared the front of the store so we could leave.

Dad is none to pleased with this situation. I heard them talking about leaving me behind. My own parents. Now forgive me for saying this, but wouldn't you want to be around someone who can stop you from being eaten.


Well my questions have been answered. My parents left me. Joey and Lisa left to. I don't get it. They left me a note with some B.S. about how they were afraid that I would sick the zombies on them in the middle of the night. Like I did to Michael! Like I did to Michael? What the heck are they talking about? I never..... Well I have to admit that i did verbally say I wished Michael would be eaten by zombies.

How do you leave a 14 year old boy with no sense of survival behind? What were they thinking?I should be crying, but I am not. I really don't feel that bad about this situation. All I want to do is find another zombie and see what else I can do.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Interesting. Do we have a Death Priest/Cultist in the making, or perhaps a fledgling necromancer in the works?

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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Entry #12

Well I confirmed what I suspected. I do know how to control zombies. I don't know why, but for some reason they do what I say. I have joined up with a few people who appreciate the fact that i can keep them safe. It's kind of crazy that I can do this, but it's also a wonderful thing. The group and I went into town and we found more food. The group was pretty well stocked, but now we are really set. David knows about generators and electricity, so we found a generator and are now set up in a church inside of town. We set up in town because I felt it would discourage anyone from taking what is ours.

The church is rather large and has its own kitchen. I feel really comfortable here. Though I feel more like a slave then I should. The group bosses me around a lot, they treat me like a kid. I know I am a kid, but it's me that knows how to control zombies.

My group now consists of 6 people. David, whom I like very much. He treats me like a little brother and seems to go out of his way to keep me safe. Then there is Luke and his wife Vivian, they are the ones who treat me bad. They lost their kids to the sickness and had to put them down when they became zombies. Then there is Sam. He is ........ really hard to explain about Sam. He's really gung ho about saving people. He's almost out of control at times. I told him we will do a house to house search in the neighborhood tomorrow and look for people. Then there is Calvin. Calvin is a know it all. He comes across like he knows stuff, but when it's time to prove it, he doesn't come through. You'd figure that would shut him up, but it doesn't. He can be quite annoying. Eli is my age. We've hit it off quite well. He to is making a journal on his computer and has a large assortment of games. He told me that he can still get on the net and can still play World of warcraft. So we played almost all through the night. Thankfully he had the game and he knew his friends log in for WoW.

Entry 13

Today we searched the area and found 14 new people to join us in the church. None of them are my age, but they all seemed eager to join. Thankfully we don't have any elderly people, since they would be more of a hindrance then a help. Of the 14, 11 of them are men.

We also found 6 rifles and 3 shotguns. We found a whole mess of misc weapons including 3 small caliber pistols. We have set up a watch at night, just in case.

We also hit the local lumber store. I say lumber store, but it's more like lumber super store. This place had everything. Also the store was intact. We had to break in. The place was massive. We planned on getting a chain link fence, but seeing the store intact, we decided on a wooden fence. Later when we had time, we would do a concrete wall, but the wood one would be faster. David knows how to drive semi and we found a nice flat bed truck up the road. There were no trucks in the parking area, we figured their trucks were out on delivery. The semi will do quite well.

After clearing the zombies out of the store we started loading up. It takes a little practice, but I have found that i can control large masses of zombies. So far no one else has shown this ability, so I am quite special. David has made it his mission to keep me safe. At least that is what he tells me.

It took us two trips to get the fencing and other supplies back to the church. The store had a food area, which wasn't all that impressive. The good thing about the store was they sold generators. We now have 7 generators in all. David came up with the idea of taking the freezers from the store and using some of the generators to power the freezers. Great idea. Now to get the freezers out.

On our last trip out of the store, Vivian was shot. I heard the shot and immediately hit the ground. David ran over to me and pushed me up next to a car so i wouldn't be hit. A few others were also shot and i knew immediately they were dead. I could hear Vivian crying that she didn't want to die. We all took cover hoping that the gunman would leave. No such luck. As we sat there waiting for our time to die we heard a large truck pull up and people getting out. They started to shoot up the area and even managed to hit a few more people. I told a few zombies to kill them , but they didn't make it but a few feet. The gunmen took them down quick. David gave me one of the pistols and told me to stay low. I had no intentions of getting up. David moved to another vehicle and shot someone from under the vehicle. I heard the guy scream and hit the ground. Then another shot rang out and he was dead. David hid behind the car as the group hosed the car he was hiding behind. After a few minutes we heard one of them say to come out and no one would be hurt. Yea right, I thought.

As we sat there waiting I heard the group say "what the hell". "There's to many of them". I heard them climb back into their vehicles and drive away. A few minutes later Luke ran over to Vivian who was still screaming on the ground. The shot rang out that killed Luke and we knew right then, the sniper was still in place. I peeked around the vehicle to see what made the people leave and there must of been hundreds of zombies. They must of come when they sensed my distress. I yelled at the group to find the sniper, but nothing happened. David told me to tell them to head in the direction of the sniper. That worked.

After twenty minutes David got up to see if we were good. No one shot at us. It was clear. In the attack we lost 11 people. Vivian didn't make it. She died crying for us to help her. Looking at her wounds there was nothing we could of done. I am no doctor and no one else is either. We finished loading the stuff, which was harder now that we were down to three people.

Since we were looking to come back to get more stuff I decided to keep the store safe. I put 100 zombies inside the store. Hopefully the group that hit us comes back and doesn't look really well. I put most of the zombies close to the back, so that they might go unnoticed for a few minutes. I told the rest to follow us.

We drove slowly through the town, so not to lose our new friends. At our little church were were welcomed by what was left of our group. We unloaded what we could and rested. I had the zombies patrol the area and David came up with the idea to put some of them in the houses around us, so the sniper couldn't get another shot at us if he followed us. Great idea.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Entry 14

Well we have refortified the church a bit and fully fenced it in. Though a few houses in the area have views over the fence, I am definitely a bit more confident we will be ok.

We made our way back to the lumber yard today and like I figured the group that hit us came back. There was carnage everywhere. I am guessing that they got away since there is no big truck out front. Though there is a mass load of new zombies. We picked up some more items and figured they didn't get much. There is a school right close to the lumber yard, so we checked it out. We found 4 families living inside, including my parents. Suffice it to say, they were none to happy to see me. They had done quite well for themselves. The school is a pretty decent sturdy building. No windows were broken, though dad and the other families fortified the weak spots.

Dad and Mom made it clear that I was no longer welcome and they stood by their decision. I was fine with that. Like I told them. I feel I am stronger without them. They didn't seem to like that. It is quite apparent that I am getting a bit colder with people. I think watching people I cared for, getting slaughtered has hardened me for the worst.

Lisa wouldn't even talk to me. She still thinks I killed Michael. One day she will come around. One day she will realize that I am one of the most powerful people in the area and she will need me.

entry 15

We met a group today, that is setting up residence at our local airport. One of the gentlemen let it slip that he can fly the helicopter that is out there and he was doing fly overs to find people to help. He thinks he's fooling me, but I know he's part of the group that hit us at the lumber yard. I will wait for now, but later on he will get a big surprise. He says his name is Jacob and he leads his little group. Seems like he might of been a nice guy before all this happened. You can tell he is in the military. He just has that demeanor about him.

His group hit the local Army Reserve base and he is well armed. He won't be easy to take out.

Entry 16

4 weeks since this all went down. Things all quiet around here. Jacob stopped by 2 days ago with supplies for us. His group hit the local Krogers Grocery and stockpiled a load of supplies. I might of misjudged him, or this is some brilliant strategy on his part. He gave us a refrigerated semi trailer, so we could keep the stuff cold. It's a small trailer, so it fits nice in our parking lot.

Entry 17

David recruited more people today. We now are up to 30 people. Our church is getting full. Churches are nice for somethings, but living quarters isn't one of them. This wasn't the biggest church to begin with. If we keep growing, we might have to move the group.

Entry 18

We checked out our local mall today and found it mostly intact. David brought one of the bigger generators and he powered up one of the projectors in the theater. Most of the group sat and watched the new G.I. Joe movie. For a few minutes it was like we were back in our old lives.

The problem with the mall is, there isn't much in it. Our mall died once businesses started to pop up across town. The mall is mostly just mom and pop thrift stores. There are a few clothing stores and a Sears. Mostly what was hit was the Sears. We did score some tools and other nice stuff, but other than that it wasn't worth hitting. Other than the movie. There are people talking, that we should set up there and i am beginning to agree.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Nice. Waiting for the next installment.

Although I don't know about setting up in the mall, haven't they watched any old zombie movies ? lol

I mean that kid can't be everywhere at once!
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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entry 19

A voice in my head told me the mall wouldn't be a great idea, so I figured I better listen. Also talking to David he agrees. We decided to move the group to a large apartment complex. The church was just way to little room, so we had to move. Personally I hated moving, but the spot we moved to was bigger and plus i got my own room. In the church there was just to little room to move around.

Entry 20

Our numbers have now jumped to over 100 people. David says the number is 112, but there seems to be a lot more. We also got a surprise today as our power came back on today. We didn't realize it, till we saw an empty apartment with lights on. After checking it out we realized that the power was on. Don't know what happened, but we are thankful that it did.

During this week we cleaned out some of the local grocery stores. Brandon one of the new people, knows how to drive semi and a few others do to. So now we have 7 box trucks completely full of food, plus 2 tanker trucks. David secured three area gas stations, so we can have gas when the power goes back out.

Entry 21

During the night someone flew over and fire bombed over 90% of my zombies. I understand that people have a natural fear of these zombies, but these are my zombies. Not to mention they killed 18 of my people. David was badly wounded and might not make it through. If he dies I promise, those responsible will pay dearly.

Entry 22

David passed away today, when the apartment he was in was blown up. The people who attacked previously, did it again. I know it was Jacob, because I have seen the helicopter they have and it's an exact match. So tomorrow night I will send them a nice treat. David was my friend. We also lost another 50 people. Our numbers have decreased greatly. Some of the people fled during the fight and unfortunately were eaten by zombies. I can't protect them if they leave this area.

Entry 23

Last night I sent a large army of zombies at the airport where Jacob and his group lived. I sat from my vantage point and watched as the zombies piled over the walls and just obliterated the camp. Seeing their progress on the airport is quite an accomplishment. Seeing its only been 3 months since the fall and they did this much. I waited till Jacob and his crew left and then I sent in the army. Lucky for us that Jacob and his people left via truck, that meant we got to keep the helicopter.

Suffice it to say, that it was a total slaughter. I didn't have to send in a single person to die. The weird thing I never noticed before was that the zombies tend to slow down or almost stop when the zombies kill someone. Then this almost like, mystical energy comes from the victim. The zombies in the area seem to feed off this energy. This energy heals the zombies damage. It's weird to see this happen. None of the people with me saw this as it happened, so I guess this is just another one of my mighty powers. I am feeling almost Godlike.

Well during the battle we seen Jacob and his bunch going through the back of the the airport. Trying in vain to save as many people as he could. What Jacob didn't know is that i sent another smaller army about 100 yards behind the airport to pick off strays. As Jacob sent therm out the back, a bit later i could see all the mystical energy rising above the corn fields. It was kind of funny.

After the battle and after Jacob fled we (the living) went into the airport to see what we captured. What we didn't figure was that Jacob left a little surprise. He actually took the time to booby trap the helicopter. As we got close to the helicopter is exploded killing almost all of my people. The only ones not killed was myself and the two others I had checking the armory. The two checking the armory died in another explosion. I lay in the middle of the compound staring at the sky wondering if this was the end. I later woke at our compound. It seems the zombies carried me back home. Other than a few minor burns and a slight concussion I fared pretty well.

Looking back I couldn't figure out why Jacob didn't take the helicopter, but it worked as a darn good trap. I went from over 112 people to just 20. Most of the buildings in our area aren't of any use and I need to gather more zombies. I need a rest for now. In a few days I will go out again and see if we can track down Jacob. With him living I know this isn't over.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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King Newt wrote:entry 19

A voice in my head told me the mall wouldn't be a great idea, so I figured I better listen. Also talking to David he agrees. We decided to move the group to a large apartment complex. The church was just way to little room, so we had to move. Personally I hated moving, but the spot we moved to was bigger and plus i got my own room. In the church there was just to little room to move around.

Entry 20

Our numbers have now jumped to over 100 people. David says the number is 112, but there seems to be a lot more. We also got a surprise today as our power came back on today. We didn't realize it, till we saw an empty apartment with lights on. After checking it out we realized that the power was on. Don't know what happened, but we are thankful that it did.

During this week we cleaned out some of the local grocery stores. Brandon one of the new people, knows how to drive semi and a few others do to. So now we have 7 box trucks completely full of food, plus 2 tanker trucks. David secured three area gas stations, so we can have gas when the power goes back out.

Entry 21

During the night someone flew over and fire bombed over 90% of my zombies. I understand that people have a natural fear of these zombies, but these are my zombies. Not to mention they killed 18 of my people. David was badly wounded and might not make it through. If he dies I promise, those responsible will pay dearly.

Entry 22

David passed away today, when the apartment he was in was blown up. The people who attacked previously, did it again. I know it was Jacob, because I have seen the helicopter they have and it's an exact match. So tomorrow night I will send them a nice treat. David was my friend. We also lost another 50 people. Our numbers have decreased greatly. Some of the people fled during the fight and unfortunately were eaten by zombies. I can't protect them if they leave this area.

Entry 23

Last night I sent a large army of zombies at the airport where Jacob and his group lived. I sat from my vantage point and watched as the zombies piled over the walls and just obliterated the camp. Seeing their progress on the airport is quite an accomplishment. Seeing its only been 3 months since the fall and they did this much. I waited till Jacob and his crew left and then I sent in the army. Lucky for us that Jacob and his people left via truck, that meant we got to keep the helicopter.

Suffice it to say, that it was a total slaughter. I didn't have to send in a single person to die. The weird thing I never noticed before was that the zombies tend to slow down or almost stop when the zombies kill someone. Then this almost like, mystical energy comes from the victim. The zombies in the area seem to feed off this energy. This energy heals the zombies damage. It's weird to see this happen. None of the people with me saw this as it happened, so I guess this is just another one of my mighty powers. I am feeling almost Godlike.

Well during the battle we seen Jacob and his bunch going through the back of the the airport. Trying in vain to save as many people as he could. What Jacob didn't know is that i sent another smaller army about 100 yards behind the airport to pick off strays. As Jacob sent therm out the back, a bit later i could see all the mystical energy rising above the corn fields. It was kind of funny.

After the battle and after Jacob fled we (the living) went into the airport to see what we captured. What we didn't figure was that Jacob left a little surprise. He actually took the time to booby trap the helicopter. As we got close to the helicopter is exploded killing almost all of my people. The only ones not killed was myself and the two others I had checking the armory. The two checking the armory died in another explosion. I lay in the middle of the compound staring at the sky wondering if this was the end. I later woke at our compound. It seems the zombies carried me back home. Other than a few minor burns and a slight concussion I fared pretty well.

Looking back I couldn't figure out why Jacob didn't take the helicopter, but it worked as a darn good trap. I went from over 112 people to just 20. Most of the buildings in our area aren't of any use and I need to gather more zombies. I need a rest for now. In a few days I will go out again and see if we can track down Jacob. With him living I know this isn't over.

:ok: nice entries!
Man Jacob sure is a crafty S.O.B., booby trapping the chopper and weapons cache, if they can't have it then nobody can! lol (this is an evil laugh) :demon: :twisted:

Hey was I the voice in his head? If so that was awesome and I'm flattered to be included in the story, if it's coincidence then just ignore my insane ramblings :lol:
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King Newt
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Razzinold wrote:
King Newt wrote:entry 19

A voice in my head told me the mall wouldn't be a great idea, so I figured I better listen. Also talking to David he agrees. We decided to move the group to a large apartment complex. The church was just way to little room, so we had to move. Personally I hated moving, but the spot we moved to was bigger and plus i got my own room. In the church there was just to little room to move around.

:ok: nice entries!
Man Jacob sure is a crafty S.O.B., booby trapping the chopper and weapons cache, if they can't have it then nobody can! lol (this is an evil laugh) :demon: :twisted:

Hey was I the voice in his head? If so that was awesome and I'm flattered to be included in the story, if it's coincidence then just ignore my insane ramblings :lol:

Yes you were the voice in his head. The helicopter idea is from our game we used to play. Jacob is my character and also the main character from my first story. If you didn't notice. The copter and ammo stash were both rigged to blow if there was a chance they would fall in enemy hands. The demo was removed because we were afraid that radios might set it off. This story is from Brother Dales side of the story. I enjoyed the first story so much better, but I am enjoying this too.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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King Newt wrote:
Razzinold wrote:
King Newt wrote:entry 19

A voice in my head told me the mall wouldn't be a great idea, so I figured I better listen. Also talking to David he agrees. We decided to move the group to a large apartment complex. The church was just way to little room, so we had to move. Personally I hated moving, but the spot we moved to was bigger and plus i got my own room. In the church there was just to little room to move around.

:ok: nice entries!
Man Jacob sure is a crafty S.O.B., booby trapping the chopper and weapons cache, if they can't have it then nobody can! lol (this is an evil laugh) :demon: :twisted:

Hey was I the voice in his head? If so that was awesome and I'm flattered to be included in the story, if it's coincidence then just ignore my insane ramblings :lol:

Yes you were the voice in his head. The helicopter idea is from our game we used to play. Jacob is my character and also the main character from my first story. If you didn't notice. The copter and ammo stash were both rigged to blow if there was a chance they would fall in enemy hands. The demo was removed because we were afraid that radios might set it off. This story is from Brother Dales side of the story. I enjoyed the first story so much better, but I am enjoying this too.

I remember the first story (I really liked it), and what happened to Jacob's sister :( . At least I know he survives this story so he can build his cabin in the woods and gimp around on his leg while fishing :D
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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good stuff
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King Newt
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

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Sorry for the delay on my stories, but I have carpel tunnel in both of my wrists and it's hard as heck to type. I am having surgery on the 14th and another in sept. Then sometime in Oct I might be having back surgery. Fun fun fun!!!! This might be my last story for a while.

Entry 24

It's been 2 weeks since I made my last entry to my diary. Jacob hit us again. I thought we might of taken him out, but I guess not. I just barely got away with my life. My followers are almost gone and my zombies I control are fewer. I had to lose most of my zombies in the attack so I could flee. Some of my followers just simply ran away, but most are dead.

Me (long pause) I now know what a bullet wound feels like. Jacob or one of his people sniped me in the shoulder. The bullet ripped straight through my shoulder and came out the other side. Man does that crap hurt.

Right now we have taken up residence in a trailer park outside of town. Though we all could get separate trailers, I decided to keep us a little closer. We set up in 6 trailers toward the back. There are just 14 of us now. I don't see how I am going to get through this. I am just a kid, who yes has great powers, but I am still just a kid. One of the guys gave me morphine for the pain, so I am in and out of consciousnesses half of the time. I am feeling better here lately, but I am far from fine.

In the park we salvaged a few vehicles that will help us get the heck out of here. Our plan is to go to a bigger town and gather up more of a force to combat Jacob and his clan. Jacob started a war that he can't win. I am getting tired, so I will finish up now.

( a door behind can be seen opening and a voice saying "lets get you back to bed" can be heard ). I got to go.
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Re: You think you've got problems - Survivors Journal

Unread post by Razzinold »

King Newt wrote:Sorry for the delay on my stories, but I have carpel tunnel in both of my wrists and it's hard as heck to type. I am having surgery on the 14th and another in sept. Then sometime in Oct I might be having back surgery. Fun fun fun!!!! This might be my last story for a while.

Wow man that sucks, good luck with the surgeries and I hope they help.
You stories are awesome but feeling better comes first!
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