HI i like to introduce...

This is a place for G.M.s and GM wannabes to share ideas and their own methods of play. It is not a locked forum so be aware your players may be watching!

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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by St. Evil »

As a first time Palladium GM, w/ a group of players that new nothing of the game. I got to say," Just keep having fun."
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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by cornholioprime »

The Architector wrote:Hi i like to introduce myself my screen name is the Architector :-D
i'm brand new here and i would like to try to become a good participant in this fourm.

I have been introduce to palladium for over 5 years by some friends of mine and i have fell in love with it from
my first exposure and explaination of what the story of rifts are about, my friend explained like a good gm would, embellishing and making up the facts!
However i was hooked about the story and he did a great job giving tabletop rpg a positive light where before i felt negitive about tabletop rpg as nothing more then D&D style.

"my experince was not good with the D&D games form the unexperince DMs i played with!"

My first book was rifter 3 that i borrowed and that introduce me to KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE.
I next purchased a used rifts black hardcover book,rifts Vampire Kingdom,Ninja & Superspies and my latest is Dead Reign.

The games i played with my friends group were fun eye opening and movie like memorable, "well most of the time it was, lol"
Unfortunatly my friend moved and the gaming ended :(
This left me with buying more rifters and books but no one to play with, so it turned to be a quite hobby that i could enjoyed by reading about it but not playing it.
Recently i introduce the game to a new crowd of friends that are showing intrest but i have to kinda hold their hand and make it very easy ignoring the detailed game mechanics to more of a fate roll of the dice game, gradually i'm putting more details game mechanics as they play, i'm getting good feedback from them as a new GM but it is still hard to get them to play even if they say they want to.
I think the game details and charactor creation intimidates them which leaves me to put more effort on me.
Still, i enjoy creating this game world for them and hope they will feel more comfortable the more games we play.
" I guess its good pratice for a gm? "
My game of choice i chose to play with them is Dead Reign, it is easy to understand.
It deals with sdc, no magic so very little ppe to explain or focus on and every one can understand zombies and what to do to survie them "shoot them in the head" "kill the brain" :wink:
The occ is also easy to explain and relate to as people like us!

My joining in this site fourm is half loving the palladium world and part asking questions and giving out my ideas as a learning GM.
I want to give as much as take to become a rounded member of this site.
thank you for reading my intro and i hope to speak to my new fourm members
The Architector.
Look for the Sub-Forum on this site titled "Gamers Looking for Other Gamers."

I'm not at all joking when I say that unless you are in a VERY remote location on the planet, you can probably find more fans of the Palladium Fantasy/Rifts games than you imagined possible (even if you're currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, as a surprising number of our players here are), should you ever need more.

I'm pretty sure that we even have at least one player up in Alaska!
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16 Blessed art Thou above all others, O COALITION STATES, beloved of Kevin;

17 For Thou art allowed to do Evil without Limit, nor do thy Enemies retaliate.

18 Thy Military be run by Fools and Dotards.

19 Yet thy Nation suffers not. Praise be unto Him that protects thee from all harm!!
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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Welcome aboard.
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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by Warwolf »

Welcome to the madhouse... :D
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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Well I'll say it sounds like you've a good head on your shoulders.

Keep introducing as many rules as you see fit slowly til they get used to it (or like where their at). DR is a great game to introduce to the system.

when I started playing I used to love just rolling up charatcers! Once they do have a go it might be different. Ofc I used to spend most of my time rolling up HU charatcers (now villains).

Welcome to the family (we all expect a christmas card now).
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Re: HI i like to introduce...

Unread post by rc_brooks »


GMing some Palladium properties can be challenging to be sure. My players can be blunt (as we are family and friends who have known each other for many years) so it always helped me refine my style into something they enjoyed. We rotate GMing duties between a couple of us as well so we get a variety of styles and themes.

After a while, you may experiment with house rules, particularly if there are player complaints about certain rules. There is no such thing as "a wrong way" to play an RPG other than ignoring your players.

Good luck! :)

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