Mutant Animals

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Mutant Animals

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I just finally received my copy of After the Bomb intending to write up more mutant animal characters. My dilemma is that the way mutant animals are treated is not how I would envision them. And what if I want to create Eugenically created animals? The rule system does not seem to measure up.
My question is, do any of you have any alternative house rules or systems of creating mutant animals that is different from the BIO-E system presented in ATB and the mutant animal section of HU2?
I have thought of taking animal templates from the Paladium Fantasy sourcebook Monsters and Animals and rolling powers accordingly or building with a Eugenics budget.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
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Unread post by dragon_blaze_99 »

SG do what right for your game, personally I would cut Eugenics budget for a mutant animal by say 25-30%, make the animal and then add the eugenics stuff after. In ATB under the mutant human it has the costs for superpowers in BIO-E you could give the animals some more Bio-E same 25-30%. ect but the mutant animals are not going to be one the level of your 1 major 3 minor characters they are one of the groups that got left behind in the jump with the PU books. (but I do have a juicer style super soldier hows a beaver Captain Canada)
Last edited by dragon_blaze_99 on Fri May 04, 2007 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by wolfsgrin »

for eugenics i would stay within the first couple of budget possibilities on the chart (unless your throwing this in a HU game then its whatever your game calls for)
for extra BIO-E I add in the base PEx2 and add that to the base BIO-E poits, then size levels
one of the turtle books gives a chart for costs of powers, waaaaay out of date but it could be made to fit.

maybe you could sack a certain amount of SDC. or just start with something in th range of +20 to +50 (1d4x10+10) to the base BIO-E

or scrap all that and just allow these combinations.
1major 1minor
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

There are numerous cases in comics where the leader of a group of animal mutants was a human with the ability to control the creatures but they did not understand humans in general. According to the book, mutant animals understand humans automatically.
Also, there is no accounting for application of bionics to animals, not for demi-god animals which are born by a god's perverse union, as there are numerous references to in mythology.
I just find the whole thing presented by Palladium as quite imited compared to what I can conceive of in my mind.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:There are numerous cases in comics where the leader of a group of animal mutants was a human with the ability to control the creatures but they did not understand humans in general. According to the book, mutant animals understand humans automatically.

Also, there is no accounting for application of bionics to animals, not for demi-god animals which are born by a god's perverse union, as there are numerous references to in mythology.

I just find the whole thing presented by Palladium as quite imited compared to what I can conceive of in my mind.

to address the first part. it is simply obvious that ALL player chars HAVE to think in human standards. otherwise they wont fit in. not really. as i stated once before on a thread .. k'gar was my mutant mountain lion that thought 'cat first' human second .. acted with a cat's instincts first .. then tried to reason it out in human standards. sadly ... not a lot of people could understand that.

in regards to the second part .. I was informed by the intelligent people that go ON the chat to discuss things and answer questions there, that ANY mutant cannot have bionics or cybernetics or else they loose whatever powers they had.
simple enough i guess, but it stopped me from trying to think of interesting things that MIGHT happen

and finally .. these same people want to believe THEY are the authorities on each and every topic. thus anyone that 'asks questions' is a **** tatertot with mush for brains and NOT worth the time of day to talk to.


cool huh? .. not really for me. they pulled that on me numerous times so im not interested in asking there .. so i tried on here .. and guess what? ... some of them exist here as well ... *shrugs* thats life tho .. can't escape the .... little minds i guess ... hope i never fall into that category
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gadrin wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There are numerous cases in comics where the leader of a group of animal mutants was a human with the ability to control the creatures but they did not understand humans in general. According to the book, mutant animals understand humans automatically.
Also, there is no accounting for application of bionics to animals, not for demi-god animals which are born by a god's perverse union, as there are numerous references to in mythology.
I just find the whole thing presented by Palladium as quite imited compared to what I can conceive of in my mind.

bionics/cybernetics is sorta covered in the Megaverse Builder with the bio-mech forms :P yeah, I know that's a cheesy observation :lol:

sounds like you're the guy to come up with a system then. :ok:

<cough>Rifter article</cough>

Ah, the things I have considered doing and all the things that don't get done. But you are right. I probably could write something.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

shiiv-a wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:There are numerous cases in comics where the leader of a group of animal mutants was a human with the ability to control the creatures but they did not understand humans in general. According to the book, mutant animals understand humans automatically.

Also, there is no accounting for application of bionics to animals, not for demi-god animals which are born by a god's perverse union, as there are numerous references to in mythology.

I just find the whole thing presented by Palladium as quite imited compared to what I can conceive of in my mind.

to address the first part. it is simply obvious that ALL player chars HAVE to think in human standards. otherwise they wont fit in. not really. as i stated once before on a thread .. k'gar was my mutant mountain lion that thought 'cat first' human second .. acted with a cat's instincts first .. then tried to reason it out in human standards. sadly ... not a lot of people could understand that.

in regards to the second part .. I was informed by the intelligent people that go ON the chat to discuss things and answer questions there, that ANY mutant cannot have bionics or cybernetics or else they loose whatever powers they had.
simple enough i guess, but it stopped me from trying to think of interesting things that MIGHT happen

and finally .. these same people want to believe THEY are the authorities on each and every topic. thus anyone that 'asks questions' is a **** tatertot with mush for brains and NOT worth the time of day to talk to.


cool huh? .. not really for me. they pulled that on me numerous times so im not interested in asking there .. so i tried on here .. and guess what? ... some of them exist here as well ... *shrugs* thats life tho .. can't escape the .... little minds i guess ... hope i never fall into that category

Well, I guess part of my beef is that there are no rules for augmenting animals per se or allowing for animals with powers which are not really mutants. I think what they envision are people who just happen to be animals and that an animal is not a person unless it has human traits, which simply isn't true.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

As Whiz said it was on my To-do list:
This is the first part
Dimensonal Pocket: Marsupial Animal and Rabbit only. While Marsupials do use their own "pocket", oddly enough rabbit are limited to use this power only with tube hats. Cost: 20 Bio-E
Awe Factor: Prerequisite is the total lack of any natural weapon. The Mutant animal, regardless of human look, is absurdly cute, anyone failing the saving throw will have the conpulsion to hug and pet the character(KYYYOOOOOOOTTE). Something betweeen sad sam and hello kitty Cost: 10 Bio-E
Cellular Rot and Decay: Limited to rat, cockroach, and all animlas that do thrive on corrupted and decayed stuff. Diet: carrion is a prerequisite. This power help flavor food for their own taste so to speak. Is creepy if you think about it. Cost:15 Bio-E
Defensive Will: The mutant animal must be a prey animal, and have the Reptilian Brain-Prey vestigial trait. The power automatically trigger when in panic Cost: 10 Bio-E
EX IQ: Same story as any Ex attribute, plus must beat least of size level 5 Cost: 15 or 5 Bio-E more thant the average mutant animla extra attribute. Whichever is more
Power Stomp: Require non vestigial hooves or size level 10 or greater. Cost: 15 Bio-E
Knockback Attack: Require Natural Weapons: horn. It apply only to headbutt and charge/body block attacks. Bulls and Rams and known to develope this power. Cost: 10 Bio-E
Focused Touch: Require advance sense of touch Mutant animal power. In some case apply onlt to extra limb, like a trunk or prehensile tail or tongue. Cost 10 Bio-E
Scan Powers: Same cost and requirments of Abnormal Energy Sense
Shadow Cloack: Nocturnal Disadvantage(could help overcome it partially) and PP of 12 or better Cost: 10 Bio-E
Linguistic and Vocalization: The power have the same requirments, imitate voice mutant animal power and IQ of 10 or better Cost: 15 Bio-E each
Parabolic Hearing: Same cost as EX Hearing
Sticky Globs: Insects,Spiders(spidergoat too), Mutant Plants and Toad only Cost:20 Bio-E
Transfixing Gaze: Reptilians(include snakes) and Cats only(never challenge them at who blink the eyes first...) Cost: 15 Bio-E
Underwater Propulsion:aquatic animals only with a swimming speed of at least 15 or better Cost: 15 Bio-E

Without Sustenance: Extra PE and size level of 6 or better Cost:20 Bio-E
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well , Is sad but real life took a chew on me. I had to adjust my time table to face the task, and tha tmenas, sadly to, cut some RPG time. :(
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Thank you, Baron. :-P
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Out of about 300 or so characters I've created for my HU 'universe', there are maybe 5 mutant animals.

I have an affinity for mutant animals, having drawn a comic book group called Mega-Mammals, some of which had godlike powers having been bestial demi-gods. And then there was Cyberneticat....
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I picked up Mutants in Orbit and it does have a table for mutating animal mutants beyond Bio-E in special environments that I could modify for some of the things I have in mind. I am warming up more to how to utilize ATB the more I use it.
I think the Bionics and Eugenics categories can be modified so as to allow use by animals, but I might want to create some special additions based on items in the bionics category.
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Unread post by Snowtiger »

I'd think that mutant animals would have to pay only for mutations, no BIO-E costs for any of the animals natural capabilities, but if you start mutating the animal(for example changing stance from None to Full Biped) you'd have to pay for the mutations in BIO-E.

This would allow the animals to retain their natural abilities freely, without sacrificing BIO-E, which is needed for mutations anyway. This would also make the whole BIO-E system a more sensible one.

I prefer to use AtB for HU2 mutant animals instead of the HU2 mutant animals section. For an example a Wolf would have the following for free due to them being natural for the animal:

- 1D6+1 Running Claws
- 1d8+2 Canine Teeth(I'd rather call this "Bite Attack" or "Bite" for short)
- Advanced Vision
- Advanced Smell
- Advanced Hearing
- Leaping: Standard
- Predator Burst

As well as the following vestigial traits for free:

- Color Blindness(5 BIO-E buy-off to gain color vision)
- Diet: Carnivore(10 BIO-E buy-off to gain omnivorous digestion)

All the other Powers and Vestigial traits cost as normal, as do Human Features.
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Unread post by Agent_gir »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Update:
I picked up Mutants in Orbit and it does have a table for mutating animal mutants beyond Bio-E in special environments that I could modify for some of the things I have in mind. I am warming up more to how to utilize ATB the more I use it.
I think the Bionics and Eugenics categories can be modified so as to allow use by animals, but I might want to create some special additions based on items in the bionics category.

you might want to look in your copy of Transdimentional TMNT as well, that book deals with temporl energy (TE) that can aid in the mutation of animals out of there time stream
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Agent_gir wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Update:
I picked up Mutants in Orbit and it does have a table for mutating animal mutants beyond Bio-E in special environments that I could modify for some of the things I have in mind. I am warming up more to how to utilize ATB the more I use it.
I think the Bionics and Eugenics categories can be modified so as to allow use by animals, but I might want to create some special additions based on items in the bionics category.

you might want to look in your copy of Transdimentional TMNT as well, that book deals with temporl energy (TE) that can aid in the mutation of animals out of there time stream

That, sir, would be a book I do not have and know no way of obtaining.
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Unread post by NMI »

Baron, awesome tables there. Great idea for mutant animals and PU conversions.
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Unread post by Agent_gir »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Agent_gir wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Update:
I picked up Mutants in Orbit and it does have a table for mutating animal mutants beyond Bio-E in special environments that I could modify for some of the things I have in mind. I am warming up more to how to utilize ATB the more I use it.
I think the Bionics and Eugenics categories can be modified so as to allow use by animals, but I might want to create some special additions based on items in the bionics category.

you might want to look in your copy of Transdimentional TMNT as well, that book deals with temporl energy (TE) that can aid in the mutation of animals out of there time stream

That, sir, would be a book I do not have and know no way of obtaining.

you can buy to online from various places, I was luck and got mine the year it was released.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Agent_gir wrote:
you can buy to online from various places, I was luck and got mine the year it was released.

I shall look into it.
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Re: Mutant Animals

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

I think this is good place to re-post my humble thumb-rules for giving superpowers to mutant animals, revised with additional stuff :) Beware is kinda long.
Mutant animals do have their natural mutant animal powers and disadvantages to choose from, but what if one wanted a mutant animal with superpower? The process works a little differently, but mutant animals do have access to super powers.

STEP ONE: Look at the selection of mutant animal powers that are standard to that animal species.
• If a species has access to Advanced Senses or Extraordinary attributes, it is allowed to access to the superpower version of that ability as well. The cost is only 5 BIO-E more than the base mutant animal version. For example, if my mutant squirrel wanted the Extraordinary Speed minor power instead of its mutant animal power of same name, it would cost 20 BIO-E, while the Extraordinary MA super power would cost 10 BIO-E.
• You can upgrade to Enhanced Leaping only from Leaping: Feline.
• The Super Power equivalent of Righting Reflex is Heightened Sense of Balance
• Characters with wings do not get the complete Flight: Winged power, only its SDC, attribute bonuses, and speed increments with level (not starting speed). The Claws minor power works in a similar fashion. It requires claws of some sort to start with, and the character will get the combat bonus from the super power. Animal claws inflict one additional dice of damage, having become harder and sharper.

STEP TWO: Powers available to all animals. These are powers that are available to all animals provided certain requirements are met. However, any limitations to gaining a power can be bypassed by doubling the BIO-E cost; any animal can gain any power listed here, provided they are willing to pay extra.

Battle Rage develops mostly in predators. It costs 10 BIO-E, but requires Reptilian Brain- Predator. Make them smell the blood and they'll go nuts!

Heightened Sense of Awareness is a power that develops mostly in prey animals. It costs 10 BIO-E, and requires the vestigial disadvantage of Reptilian Brain-Prey.

Lighting Reflex: Requires a P.P. or Spd. attribute bonus in the starting attribute bonus for the mutant animal, and costs 10 BIO-E.

Feral can be bought by all mutant animals at the cost of 15 BIO-E, but they need to have at least one (most often both) of the vestigial disadvantages of reptilian brain and diet restriction. In this case, the mutant animal tends to develop extreme atavistic behavior, like impolitely sniffing others, being downward lazy, spitting furballs, and so on. A one-time penalty of -1D6 applies to the MA score of the animal.

Nightstalking: The animal must have the Nocturnal disadvantage, and it costs 10 BIO-E.

Lunar Strength: Requires the Nocturnal disadvantage as well and costs 10 BIO-E, but no requirements apply to canines and wolves. It does cause the uncontrollable compulsion to howl at the moon; treat this like reptilian brain rolls- failure means the character howls for 1d4 melees.

Horror Factor: Cannot be combined with full human looks or Extraordinary PB; costs 15 BIO-E.

Abnormal Energy Sense: 5 BIO-E for dogs and wolves, but 10 to any other mutant animals.

Warp Sound: Available only to parrots, crow and ravens. Cost: 10 BIO-E.

Whip Attack: Requires the presence of a non vestigial tail or equivalent prehensile appendage (trunk, tentacles, prehensile tail). The power works with the appendage in question only, as it is considered a real whip for power bonus purposes. Cost: 15 BIO-E per appendage.

Venomous Attack: Only available to animals that can already inflict a poisonous attack. Cost: 10 BIO-E, and can be bought multiple times, once for each different poison.

Underwater Abilities: Fish and aquatic animals only. Must be able to breathe air (cannot have an aquatic or amphibious disadvantage). Cost 15 BIO-E

Wave Rider: Sea and aquatic animals only, costs 10 BIO-E

Multiple Limbs (Legs) – Extra pair of legs and feet: available to all quadruped animals, and
make for a centauroid look. Cannot be combined with full human looks, but require that one pay full bipedal anyway, for upright humanoid upper body. Cost: 15 BIO-E, 10 to mutant insects and arachnids.

Multiple Limbs (Arms) – Extra pair of arms and hands or an extra pair of tentacles. Grants fully working additional limbs. Arachnids can get both legs and arms, as they have 8 limbs; insects can choose or one or the other, since they have 6 limbs. Cost to insects/arachnids:10 BIO-E

Adhesion: Only available to spiders, insects, and lizards. Cost: 15 BIO-E

Stench: Requires vestigial musk lands, costs 10 BIO-E for a completely out of control version (always on or under control of emotion and excitement), or 15 for a version under player control. Skunks pay only 5 BIO-E

Sense Life: Requires the domestication vestigial trait; this is the classic “Lassie” ability. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Heavyweight: Not available to animals that start at level size of 4 or less and with starting weight less than 30lbs. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Healing Factor: Available to mutant animals with a starting bonus to PE of 2 or greater. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Sense Death and Destruction: Available only to nocturnal and "unlucky" animals, known to be bringers of bad luck and death, like black ravens, black cats, owls, and so on. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Seismic Power: Avaiable only to animals who possess already digging abilities cost:10 BIO-E for the sensitive power only. +5 for the seismic tremor part of the power

Adrenaline Surge: “A cornered mouse fight like a lion”. We can consider this the other side of Battle Rage. Where the one is a predator frenzy, this one is more of a prey reaction to stress and menace. Commonly found in pack animals with strong sense of protection toward the group, like elephants, buffalo and so on. Requires Reptile Brain: Prey. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Hardened Skin, Increased Durability, Impact or Energy Resistance, and any of the ‘Impervious to…”powers: Requires that the mutant animal already have some sort of natural armor, this upgrade it, becoming harder to damage. Cost 10 BIO-E each, plus the normal cost for the natural body armor.

Power Weapon: Works only with the natural claws or horns of the mutant animal, making those are a requirement. Cost: 15 BIO-E

Energy Expulsion (of any sort): Very unnatural, this power is often a mark of massive mutation. Cost: 15 BIO-E, and requires a size level of 2 plus the number of dice of damage the power does at first level. Also decide where the blast comes from (tip of the tail, mouth, eyes, etc); mutant animals generally do not shoot energy from hands, unlike humans.
Note: For these purposes, Super Wind Blast is considered an Energy Expulsion power.

Flight: Winged (for non winged animals): A clear chimera trait, but a must if you want your flying horse. Cost: 20 BIO-E. There aren’t any requirements, but the ability is stuck at first level, does not grow in speed with experience.

Sliding: Snake, snails and generally only leg-less animals have this. It helps them move fast despite lack of mobile appendages, and also makes it harder to grab/wrestle them. Cost: 10 BIO-E

Beastmaster: Limited only to animals of the same family (canidae, felidae and so on), of the mutant animal. Cost: 15 BIO-E

Animal Brother: This could even be literal for the mutant animal. Again, must be of the same ‘family’. Cost 10 BIO-E

Dimensonal Pocket: Marsupial Animal and Rabbit only. While Marsupials do use their own "pocket", oddly enough rabbit are limited to use this power only with tube hats. Cost: 20 Bio-E

Awe Factor: Prerequisite is the total lack of any natural weapon. The Mutant animal, regardless of human look, is absurdly cute, anyone failing the saving throw will have the conpulsion to hug and pet the character(KYYYOOOOOOOTTE). Something betweeen sad sam and hello kitty Cost: 10 Bio-E

Cellular Rot and Decay: Limited to rat, cockroach, and all animlas that do thrive on corrupted and decayed stuff. Diet: carrion is a prerequisite. This power help flavor food for their own taste so to speak. Is creepy if you think about it. Cost:15 Bio-E

Defensive Will: The mutant animal must be a prey animal, and have the Reptilian Brain-Prey vestigial trait. The power automatically trigger when in panic Cost: 10 Bio-E

EX IQ: Same story as any Ex attribute, plus must beat least of size level 5 Cost: 15 or 5 Bio-E more than the average mutant animal extra attribute. Whichever is more

Power Stomp: Require non vestigial hooves or size level 10 or greater. Cost: 15 Bio-E

Knockback Attack: Require Natural Weapons: horn. It apply only to headbutt and charge/body block attacks. Bulls and Rams and known to develope this power. Cost: 10 Bio-E

Focused Touch: Require advance sense of touch Mutant animal power. In some case apply onlt to extra limb, like a trunk or prehensile tail or tongue. Cost 10 Bio-E
Scan Powers: Same cost and requirments of Abnormal Energy Sense

Shadow Cloack: Nocturnal Disadvantage(could help overcome it partially) and PP of 12 or better Cost: 10 Bio-E

Linguistic and Vocalization: The power have the same requirments, imitate voice mutant animal power and IQ of 10 or better Cost: 15 Bio-E each

Parabolic Hearing: Same cost as EX Hearing

Sticky Globs: Insects,Spiders(spidergoat too), Mutant Plants and Toad only Cost:20 Bio-E

Transfixing Gaze: Reptilians(include snakes) and Cats only(never challenge them at who blink the eyes first...) Cost: 15 Bio-E

Underwater Propulsion:aquatic animals only with a swimming speed of at least 15 or better Cost: 15 Bio-E

Without Sustenance: Extra PE and size level of 6 or better Cost:5 Bio-E per level

STEP THREE: Major powers available to mutant animals. Again, requirements and prerequisites can be overridden by paying twice the listed BIO-E cost.

Mega Wings: Require full functional wings. Cost: 15 BIO-E
Karmic Power: Usually available only to "lucky" animals, like rabbits and cats. No actual prerequisite. Cost: 20 BIO-E.
Supernatural Bite/Jaws: Require a bite attack to start. Cost: 15 BIO-E
Super Consumption: No prerequisite. Cost: 20 BIO-E
Chemical Secretion: Available to some toads and some animals, limited only to skin. Each chemical costs 10 BIO-E
Adapt to Environment: No prerequisite; this power generally means the animal is a chimera, with ‘latent’ DNA that is triggered in response to the environment. Cost: 20 BIO-E
Animal Metamorphosis: Allow the mutant animal to metamorphose into their non mutated animal form only. Cost: 10 BIO-E
Alter Metabolism: Ideal for those animal species that value survival. Cost: 20 BIO-E
Natural Combat Ability: Predators only; an innate combat instinct.
Cost: 20 BIO-E.
Control Insects and Arachnids: Mutant arthropods only! Cost: 15 BIO-E for the control portion only, 20 for the ability to create giant insects too.
Sonic Absorption and Reflection and/or Sonic Power: Requires echolocation or imitate voice mutant animal power. Cost: 20 BIO-E each
Slow Motion Control: Turtles, snails or sloths only! Slooow, rellaaaaaxeed, caaaallmm animals… Cost: 15 BIO-E
Sonic Speed: Available only to animal that can get extra speed mutant animal power, or some sort of increased metabolic rate. Cost: 25 BIO-E
Sonic Flight: Require full working non vestigial wings. Cost: 15 BIO-E
Divine Healing: Special! The healing works through some medium, not touch- milk, saliva, or possibly the mutant animals own flesh and blood! The healing cannot be operated all that often, generally only a number equal to half the mutants PE in healings per day. In the case of using flesh to heal, it causes minimal hit point damage (1-2 points), it does not have to be big chunk of meat. Cost: 25 BIO-E
Ectoplasmic Webbing: avaible to mutant arthropods only, and cost 20 BIO-E
Energy Wings: this is kinda weird, in that the animal natural wings now appear to be made of pure energy(shadow for nocturnal animals). The power is always on, and the energy blast is shot from the wings. Cost 25 BIO-E and the mutant animal will get an Horror/Awe Factor of 10
Illusions: Japanese legends tell this is common powers to many animals, expecially kitsune, useful to pass for human and trickery. Requirements: IQ 10 or better Cost:: 20 BIO-E, 10 to Japanese foxes, tanuki and assorted animals (for some reason their DNA seem to be prone to develope such power)
Inhabitation: A power common to small rodents, mouse, rats, and vermins, like cockroaches. But seem to develope also in extremely territorial animals Cost: 20 BIO-E, 10 if only apply to places the animal “mark” as territory(I don't want to detail HOW!)
Jinx Power: Black Cats, Crows, and similar animals are known to bring an hell of bad luck to opponents Cost: 20 BIO-E, 15 if uncontrolled (bring bad luck to anyone surrounding them, unless couteracted by Karmic Power)
Massive Damage Capacity: Aviable to animal of size level of 10 or bigger. Really big, really tough.
Cost: 30 BIO-E expensive but worth every point
Mega Tail: The only requirement is to possess a non vestigial tail.Not that the tail could still LOOK fluffy and furred, but indeed the fur is strong as kistentite fibers! Cost: 20 BIO-E
Pestilence: Is avaiable to vermins and filthy animals normally associated with carrying and spreading disease Cost: 10 BIO-E per type of disease – plague is favored by rats for some reason
Super-regeneration: Some Mutant Animals seem to be really hard to die. Requirements: PE of 15 or better Cost 25 BIO-E

OPTIONAL: Additional BIO-E Points

• Each roll on the unusual mutant characteristic table grants +5 BIO-E, +10 if just cosmetic or no bonuses are gained
• Different cause of mutation - will add different bonus to starting Bio-E

Random Mutation: one in a thousand chance, perhaps the way of nature to test new species. BIO-E Bonus: PE +4d6, and automatically gets human level of intelligence with a +2 bonus to I.Q, regardless of humanoid appearance

Accidental Encounter: This is generally related to some alien extra dimensional energy, or radiation, or other source. The bonus varies from source to source:

o Chemical: This chemical stuff causes the most powerful mutation. +1d4x10+10 BIO-E. The mutant is +4 to save vs. poison and toxins, but the blood is a mutagen by itself. There is a 1d6x10% chance of triggering mutation into any other life form.
o Radiation: Add only +10 BIO-E, but increase size level by 1d4+1 levels. The character is more resistant to radiation (+ 4 to save vs. and half damage and half duration for radiation sickness); the character also emits low levels of radiation.
o Unnatural Alien Energy: This is a form of unknown energy; the effect is totally unpredictable. The animal gets +5 BIO-E points per minute of exposure, with a maximum of 3d6 minutes- more than this is dangerous and life threatening, with a 60% chance of death for every additional minute
o Magic: The mutant animal automatically gets, or more accurately maintains, the natural Psionic abilities of the average non-mutant animal: See the Invisible, Sense Magic, Sense Evil, Sixth Sense, and Empathy (receives emotions only). Range of all abilities is 600 ft. The animal also gets an additional 1D6x5 BIO-E points, plus an additional 1 BIO-E point for every 10 PPE that went into mutating the animal (or random roll another 1D6x5). Sadly, all this comes with a price: the animal is -6 to save vs. magic, possession, and mind control!

Deliberate Experimentation: This option receives the smallest random bonus because the mutation was much more precise and deliberate: +10 BIO-E per average level of the researcher (or just a random 1D6x5 +10).
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Re: Mutant Animals

Unread post by Glistam »

The TMNT book had rules for how to create your own mutant animal and assign Bio-E. It sounds like there was a "system" for it. Here's what the guidelines were, I haven't checked to see if it was followed across the board with all animals:

TMNT, page 78 wrote:First, you've got to figure out how big the animal is. Most good animal reference books will list average weights. Once you've got that number, use the Growth Level Table to find the animal's Size Level.

Now, figure out how many points you need to change that animal to Size Level 10. If the animal is small, this is a positive number, if the animal is larger, then the number may be negative. That's the basic BIO-E number.

The next step is to figure out what it will take to change the animal to full human features. For example, if the animal has Hands-None, Speech-None, Bipedal-None and Looks-None, then it will need 40 points to get them. Add that number to the basic BIO-E.

Many animals have attribute bonuses. Subtract five (5) BIO-E points for each attribute category (P.P., P.S., Spd., etc.) from the previous BIO-E total. The final BIO-E points are the actual total.

All animal Natural Weapons, Human Features and Powers should have the same values and descriptions as those given in the Animal Section.
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