DR SB1 Special Printing

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Comment: J.V. Adams
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DR SB1 Special Printing

Unread post by Xar »

Has anyone else's copy of Civilization Gone that they got at the 2009 Open House have extra bad curling and laminate coming off? Mine is, and is the only book under 20 years old I have that is doing that. My BTS 1st Ed is doing it too, but it is beat to hell.

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Re: DR SB1 Special Printing

Unread post by Xar »

Thought so...and it was also very humid at the last OH, so that's why.

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